Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                               (Amendment No. __)

Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:
|X|     Preliminary Proxy Statement
|_|     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 
|_|     Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|     Definitive Additional Materials
|_|     Soliciting Material Pursuant to |_| ss.240.14a-11(c)
        or |_| ss.240.14a-12

                            DIGITAL POWER CORPORATION
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|  No fee required
|_|  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

        1)     Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
        2)     Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
        3)     Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is  calculated  and state how it was  determined):
        4)     Proposed maximum  aggregate value of transaction:  _____________
        5)     Total fee paid: ___________________

|_|     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by Exchange  Act
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
        paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
        number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

        1)     Amount Previously Paid: ________________________________
        2)     Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: ______________
        3)     Filing Party: __________________________________________
        4)     Date Filed: ___________________________________________

                            DIGITAL POWER CORPORATION
                              41920 Christy Street
                                Fremont, CA 94538
                                 (510) 657-2635

To the Shareholders of Digital Power Corporation:

        You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting (the  "Meeting")
of the Shareholders of Digital Power Corporation  ("Digital") which will be held
on  Wednesday,  July 14,  1999,  at 10:00  a.m.  (Pacific  Time),  at  Digital's
corporate offices located at 41920 Christy Street, Fremont, California 94538.

        The  accompanying  Notice of the Annual Meeting of the  Shareholders and
Proxy  Statement  contain the matters to be considered  and acted upon,  and you
should read such material carefully.

        The  Proxy  Statement  contains  important  information  concerning  the
election of the Board of Directors of Digital. The Proxy Statement also contains
important  information  concerning  amendments  to  the  Digital's  Articles  of
Incorporation  to require the approval of 662/3% of  Digital's  voting stock for
certain business  combinations,  to eliminate cumulative voting and to eliminate
shareholder  action by written  consent.  I urge you to give these  matters your
close  attention,  as  they  are  of  great  significance  to  Digital  and  its
shareholders.  The Board of Directors strongly recommends your approval of these
proposals.  In addition,  shareholders  may transact such other  business as may
properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

        We hope you will be able to attend the  Meeting,  but,  if you cannot do
so, it is important that your shares be represented. Accordingly, we urge you to
mark,  sign,  date, and return the enclosed proxy promptly.  You may, of course,
revoke your proxy if you attend the meeting and choose to vote in person.


                                                   Robert O. Smith

May 27, 1999

                            DIGITAL POWER CORPORATION
                              41920 Christy Street
                            Fremont, California 94538
                                 (510) 657-2635

                     To Be Held On Wednesday, July 14, 1999

        NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of the  Shareholders  of
Digital  Power  Corporation,   a  California   corporation   ("Digital"  or  the
"Company"),  will be held on Wednesday,  July 14, 1999,  at 10:00 a.m.  (Pacific
Time), at Digital's offices located at 41920 Christy Street, Fremont, California
94538 for the following purposes,  all of which are more completely discussed in
the accompanying Proxy Statement:

        1.     To  amend the Articles of Incorporation of Digital to adopt a new
               Article VI to eliminate cumulative voting;

        2.     To amend the Articles of  Incorporation of Digital to adopt a new
               Article VII to eliminate shareholder action by written consent;

        3.     To amend the Articles of  Incorporation of the Digital to adopt a
               new Article VIII which establishes higher voting  requirements by
               shareholders  in certain  circumstances  (a) to  approve  certain
               business combinations  involving Digital and/or its subsidiaries,
               and (b) to amend Article VIII;

        4.     If either Proposal Nos. 1 or 2 is approved, to amend the Articles
               of  Incorporation of Digital to adopt a new Article IX to require
               a higher voting requirement to amend Articles VI or VII;

        5.     The  election of five  directors  to hold  office  until the next
               Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  or until their  successors  are
               elected and qualified; and

        6.     To transact  such other  business as may properly come before the
               meeting or any adjournments thereof.

        All of the  above-matters  are more fully described in the  accompanying
Proxy Statement. Only shareholders of record at the close of business on May 24,
1999,  are  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  of the

                                            BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                            PHILIP G. SWANY, Secretary

Fremont, California
May 27, 1999



                               PROXY STATEMENT OF
                            DIGITAL POWER CORPORATION
                              41920 Christy Street
                                Fremont, CA 94538
                                 (510) 657-2635


        This Proxy  Statement is furnished to the  shareholders of Digital Power
Corporation  ("Digital" or the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of
proxies on behalf of Digital's  Board of Directors  for use at Digital's  Annual
Meeting of the  Shareholders  (the "Meeting") to be held on Wednesday,  July 14,
1999,  at 10:00 a.m.  (Pacific  Time),  at  Digital's  offices  located at 41920
Christy  Street,  Fremont,  California  94538,  and at any and all  adjournments
thereof. Only shareholders of record on May 24, 1999, will be entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Meeting.

        The proxy solicited  hereby,  if properly signed and returned to Digital
and not revoked  prior to its use,  will be voted at the  Meeting in  accordance
with the instructions  contained therein. If no contrary instructions are given,
each proxy received will be voted "FOR" the approval of proposals 1, 2, 3 and 4,
and  "FOR"  the five  nominees  for the  Board of  Directors,  and at the  proxy
holders'  discretion,  on such other matters,  if any, which may come before the
Meeting (including any proposal to adjourn the Meeting).  Any shareholder giving
a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time  before it is  exercised  by: (i)
filing with  Digital  written  notice of its  revocation  addressed to Philip G.
Swany,  Corporate  Secretary,  Digital Power Corporation,  41920 Christy Street,
Fremont, California 94538; (ii) submitting a duly executed proxy bearing a later
date;  or (iii)  appearing  at the  Meeting and giving the  Corporate  Secretary
notice of his or her intention to vote in person.

        This  solicitation  of  proxies  is  being  made by  Digital's  Board of
Directors. Digital will bear the entire cost of preparing, assembling, printing,
and mailing proxy materials furnished by the Board of Directors to shareholders.
In  addition  to the  solicitation  of proxies  by use of the mail,  some of the
officers,  directors,  employees,  and agents of Digital may, without additional
compensation,  solicit proxies by telephone or personal  interview,  the cost of
which Digital will also bear.  Digital will reimburse banks,  brokerage  houses,
and other custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries for their reasonable expenses in
forwarding these proxy materials to shareholders  whose stock in Digital is held
of record  by such  entities.  In  addition,  Digital  may use the  services  of
individuals  or companies it does not regularly  employ in connection  with this
solicitation of proxies if management determines it to be advisable.

        A copy of  Digital's  Annual  Report on Form  10-KSB  for the year ended
December 31, 1998, accompanies this Proxy Statement.

        This Proxy Statement and form of proxy were first mailed to shareholders
on or about May 27, 1999.

                          RECORD DATE AND VOTING RIGHTS

        Digital is authorized to issue up to 10,000,000  shares of Common Stock,
no par value. As of May 24,  1999,  2,771,435 shares of Common Stock were issued
and  outstanding.  No shares of preferred stock are  outstanding.  Each share of
Common  Stock  shall  be  entitled  to one  vote on all  matters  submitted  for
shareholder approval. The record date for determination of shareholders entitled
to notice of and to vote at the Meeting is May 24, 1999.


         All properly executed proxies  delivered  pursuant to this solicitation
and not  revoked  will be voted at the  Annual  Meeting in  accordance  with the
directions  given. A majority of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock must be
represented  at the  Meeting  to  constitute  a quorum  for the  transaction  of
business.  The  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  Digital's  Common  Stock
outstanding is necessary to approve  proposals 1 and 2. The affirmative  vote of
662/3% of Digital's Common Stock outstanding is necessary to approve proposals 3
and 4.  Regarding the election of directors,  shareholders  may vote in favor of
all  nominees,  or withhold  their votes as to all nominees,  or withhold  their
votes as to specific  nominees,  by following the  instructions  on the enclosed
proxy card. If no specific  instructions are given with respect to any matter to
be voted  on,  the  shares  represented  by a  signed  proxy  will be voted  FOR
proposals 1, 2, 3 and 4, and FOR the election of the Board's nominees. Directors
will be elected from nominees  receiving the highest number of affirmative votes
cast by the holders of Digital's  Common Stock,  voting in person or by proxy at
the  Annual  Meeting.  Thus  abstentions,   because  they  will  be  counted  in
determining  whether a quorum is present for the vote on all matters,  will have
no effect on the  election of  directors,  but will have the effect of a NO vote
for  proposals  1, 2, 3 and 4.  Similarly,  broker  non-votes  are also  counted
towards a quorum but are not counted for any  purpose in  determining  whether a
matter has been approved, and will have the same effect as an abstention.

        On any matter submitted to the vote of the  shareholders  other than the
election of directors, each holder of Common Stock will be entitled to one vote,
in  person  or by  proxy,  for each  share of  Common  Stock  held of  record on
Digital's  books as of the record  date.  In  connection  with the  election  of
directors,  shares may be voted  cumulatively,  but only for persons whose names
have been placed in nomination prior to the voting for election of directors and
only if the  shareholder  holding  such  shares  has given  notice at the Annual
Meeting,  prior to such voting,  of his or her  intention to vote  cumulatively.
(Notice of intention to vote cumulatively may not be given by simply marking and
returning  a proxy.) If any  Company  shareholder  gives such  notice,  then all
shareholders eligible to vote will be entitled to cumulate their votes in voting
for election of directors.  Cumulative  voting  allows a  shareholder  to cast a
number of votes  equal to the number of shares held in his or her name as of the
record date,  multiplied by the number of directors to be elected.  All of these
votes may be cast for any one nominee,  or they may be distributed among as many
nominees as the shareholder sees fit. The nominees  receiving the highest number
of  affirmative  votes,  up to the number of directors  to be elected,  shall be

        If one of  Digital's  shareholders  gives  notice of  intention  to vote
cumulatively,  the  persons  holding  the  proxies  solicited  by the  Board  of
Directors will exercise their cumulative voting rights, at their discretion,  to
vote the shares they hold in such a way as to ensure the  election of as many of
the Board's nominees as they deem possible. This discretion and authority of the
proxy  holders  may be  withheld  by  checking  the box on the proxy card marked
"withhold from all nominees." Such an instruction,  however,  will also deny the
proxyholders  the  authority to vote for any or all of the nominees of the Board
of Directors, even if cumulative voting is not called for at the Annual Meeting,
although it will not prevent the proxyholders  from voting, at their discretion,
for any other  person  whose name may be properly  placed in  nomination  at the
Annual Meeting.  If Proposal 1 is adopted,  shareholders will not have the right
to cumulative votes for the election of directors in the future.

        A shareholder may choose to withhold from the proxyholders the authority
to vote for any of the  individual  candidates  for the  Board of  Directors  by
marking the  appropriate box on the proxy card and striking out the names of the
disfavored  candidates  as they  appear on the proxy card.  In that  event,  the
proxyholders will not cast any of the  shareholder's  votes for candidates whose
names have been crossed out,  whether or not cumulative  voting is called for at
the  Annual  Meeting,  but  they  will  retain  the  authority  to vote  for the
candidates  nominated by the Board of Directors whose names have not been struck


out, and for any other  candidates  who may be properly  nominated at the Annual
Meeting. If a shareholder wishes to specify the manner in which his or her votes
are allocated in the event of cumulative  voting, he or she must appear and vote
in person at the Annual Meeting. Ballots will be available at the Annual Meeting
for persons desiring to vote in person.

                        PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO DIGITAL'S
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


        Digital's  Board of Directors  (the  "Board") met on April 23, 1999,  at
which meeting a quorum was present.  At that time,  the Board  approved  several
amendments (the  "Amendments") to Digital's  Articles of Incorporation and voted
to  recommend  that  Digital's  shareholders  consider  and approve  each of the


        The Amendments,  which in various forms have been adopted by a number of
other  companies,  are intended to make Digital a less attractive  candidate for
acquisition  by a person or company  who does not have the support of the Board,
and to enhance the stability of the management of Digital.  Although Digital has
received no current  indications  of  interest  for its  potential  acquisition,
Digital  believes that in light of its low trading price,  another entity may be
interested in acquiring Digital.  The Board believes that Digital's Common Stock
is undervalued and in the event someone may be interested in acquiring  Digital,
the  Board  believes  that  it can  negotiate  better  on  behalf  of  Digital's
shareholders if any potential  acquirer is required,  unless certain  conditions
are met, to negotiate through Digital's Board.

        The  Amendments,  which are discussed  below and are intended to achieve
the above goals,  may not deter an  acquisition  of Digital.  However,  they may
discourage attempts by other persons,  companies or groups to acquire control of
Digital,  without  negotiation  with  Digital,  through  the  acquisition  of  a
substantial  number of shares of Digital's Common Stock,  possibly followed by a
forced merger or other business combinations in which the remaining shareholders
of Digital may not receive a fair price for their  shares.  Such a merger may or
may not be in the interests of Digital or its  shareholders.  The Board believes
shareholders  other  than the person  seeking  control  may  suffer  substantial
inequities  and may not  receive a fair price for their  stock if Digital  falls
under the control of another person or company which then proceeds to accomplish
a  Business  Combination  (as  hereinafter  defined)  of the  two by  merger  or
otherwise  without first negotiating with management to obtain the fairest terms
for all shareholders.


        Shareholders  should be aware that the  Amendments,  which,  among other
things, require approval of certain matters (including Business Combinations, as
defined)  by vote of the  holders of at least  662/3% of  Digital's  outstanding
voting  stock,  voting  separately  as a class  (hereinafter  referred to as the
"Supermajority Vote"), may have the effect of discouraging tender offers because
they might give the  directors and  management of Digital,  who control 7.52% of
Digital's  outstanding voting stock, the ability,  with the aid of a minority of
Digital's  shareholders,  to ensure that the  Supermajority  Votes  necessary to
approve  certain  transactions  could not be obtained  without  their  approval.
Therefore, it should be noted that should the Amendments be approved,  Digital's
directors,  officers and a minority of the shareholders voting together might be
able to prevent a  transaction  favored  by or  favorable  to a majority  of the


        One of the amendments provides for the elimination of cumulative voting.
Cumulative voting entitles a shareholder  voting at any election of directors to
cumulate  his or her votes to give one  candidate a number of votes equal to the
number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of votes to which his
or her shares are entitled. The shareholder may also distribute his votes on the
same  principle  among as many  candidates  as he thinks fit.  Thus,  a minority
shareholder   who  owns  a  substantial   number  of  shares  may  obtain  board
representation through cumulative voting. Under the proposed Amendments, Digital
would eliminate this ability.

        An  additional  amendment  provides  for the  elimination  of  action by
written  consent.  The adoption of this amendment will preclude any action to be
taken by the shareholders of Digital except at a meeting of shareholders.

        The  Amendments  contain  provisions  that  might  have  the  effect  of
discouraging replacement of the directors of Digital who had been elected before
a Related  Person (as defined in proposal 3) acquired  10% or more of  Digital's
voting  stock.  Such  directors  (and  others so  designated  by the  Continuing
Directors before election) are generally defined as "Continuing  Directors." The
amendment  might,  therefore,  have the  effect of  making  the  replacement  of
incumbent management less likely, since officers are chosen by the Board.

        Provisions  that may discourage  tender offers could be considered to be
anti-takeover   devices  that  could  deter  a  takeover  attempt  and  entrench
management even if the terms of the proposed  takeover could have been desirable
or beneficial to shareholders.

        The Supermajority  Vote requirement might  independently have the effect
of  discouraging  takeover  attempts by persons who did not first negotiate with
the Board.  This  provision is enhanced by the proposed  amendments to eliminate
cumulative voting and shareholder action by written consent since elimination of
cumulative  voting will prevent an Related  Person from  obtaining a position on
the board and force such Related Person, if it wishes to acquire Digital,  to go
through Digital's board, and requires any shareholder  action to occur through a
shareholders' meeting.

        The Board believes,  however, after having considered the above factors,
that  the  benefits  of  the  Amendments  outweigh  any  possible  disadvantages
resulting from Digital's being a less attractive acquisition target.


        Under California General  Corporation laws, the Amendments which require
a Supermajority Vote shall cease to be effective 2 years after the filing of the
most recent  amendment or certificate of  determination to adopt or re-adopt the
Supermajority  Vote  provisions  unless such  Supermajority  Vote privisions are
renewed, within 1 year before the applicable expiration date, for another 2 year
period.  If a Supermajority  Vote provision is not renewed within the applicable
expiration date, then that particular  Supermajority Vote provision shall not be
in force  after the  expiration  date and shall only  require the vote of only a

        The Amendments are permitted  under the California  General  Corporation
laws and are allowed by the rules of the American Stock Exchange ("AMEX"),  upon
which  Digital's  Common Stock is listed and traded.  The  Amendments are not in
response to efforts of which the Board is aware to accumulate Digital's stock or
to obtain control of Digital. Currently, Digital's Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws do not presently contain any provisions  intended by Digital to have, or,
to the  knowledge of the Board, having any anti-takeover  effect.  However,  the


Articles of  Incorporation  do provide  that  Preferred  Stock of Digital may be
issued in one or more series,  and expressly vests in the Board the authority to
determine  designations,  preferences  and certain  rights of each such  series.
Although the Board presently has no intention of doing so, these shares could be
issued to a holder  that  could vote  against a merger,  sale of assets or other
extraordinary corporate transaction.

        In addition  to the  Amendments,  Digital  will also amend its Bylaws to
require a 70-day notice period in the event a person wishes to nominate  someone
to  Digital's  Board.  Such  amendment  to its  Bylaws in  conjunction  with the
Amendments may deem to be deemed to have an anti-takeover  effect. While Digital
may from time to time consider  proposals which may under certain  circumstances
be deemed to have  anti-takeover  implications,  the  Board  does not  presently
contemplate  recommending the adoption of any further amendments to the Articles
of Incorporation or the adoption of any amendments to the Bylaws of Digital.


        Proposed  New  Article  VI. The  provisions  of this new  Article  would
eliminate cumulative voting in connection with the election of directors.

        Proposed  New Article  VII.  The  provisions  of this new Article  would
eliminate the ability to take shareholder action by written consent.

        Proposed New Article  VIII.  The  provisions  of this new Article  would
establish a requirement  that the approval by a  Supermajority  Vote be obtained
for certain  business  transactions  between Digital and/or its subsidiaries and
persons owning 10% or more of its voting stock except where the  transaction has
been approved by a (i) majority of the Board and 80% of the Continuing Directors
or (ii) majority of the Board and if certain minimum price and other  conditions
are met.

        Proposed  New  Article IX. The  provisions  of this new Article IX would
require a Supermajority Vote to amend Article VI and VII, if approved.

        Adoption of the Amendments may have  significant  effects on the ability
of shareholders  of Digital to benefit from certain kinds of transactions  which
may be opposed by the incumbent Board of Directors.  Accordingly,  before voting
on the  Amendments,  shareholders  are  urged to read  carefully  the  following
sections of this Proxy Statement, which discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of adopting the  Amendments  and describe more fully the specific  provisions of
each  Amendment.  Exhibit  A,  attached  hereto,  set forth the full text of the
Amendments,  and the  descriptions  of such  Amendments  are  qualified in their
entirety by reference to such Exhibit.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE

        New Article VI would  eliminate the right of  shareholders to cumulative
voting in connection with the election of directors.  Cumulative voting entitles
a  shareholder  to give one  candidate  a number of votes equal to the number of
directors  to be elected  multiplied  by the number of votes to which his or her
shares are entitled.  If this new Article VI is adopted, a minority  shareholder
in Digital  may be unable to obtain  board  representation  otherwise  available
through  cumulative  voting.  However,  the  Board  believes  adoption  of  this
amendment is  consistent  with the other  Amendments  to promote  continuity  of
current management and, require to the extent possible,  that negotiations occur
through Digital's Board.


                                  PROPOSAL TWO

        Currently,  Digital  is  authorized  to take any  shareholder  action by
written consent. The Board is proposing new Article VII to eliminate shareholder
action to be taken by written  consent.  The Board  believes  that any  proposed
shareholder  action  should be taken at either a special or annual  meeting.  In
this manner, all shareholders will have an opportunity to attend and voice their
opinions which would not be available by written consent.

        The affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority  aggregate  number of
shares of Digital's Common Stock outstanding is required for the adoption of the
foregoing proposal 1 and 2.

                                 PROPOSAL THREE

        The proposed  addition of Article VIII to the Articles of  Incorporation
would  govern any  proposed  "Business  Combination"  (as  hereinafter  defined)
between Digital and/or its  subsidiaries  and a "Related Person" (as hereinafter
defined).  Under  this  amendment,  a Business  Combination  which does not fall
within the exceptions  contained in the provisions  would require approval by an
affirmative   vote  of  662/3%  of  the  outstanding   shares  of  voting  stock
("Supermajority Vote").

        The proposed  Article VIII may be amended by (1) the affirmative vote of
a majority of the  Directors  and the  affirmation  vote of 662/3% of the voting
stock,  or (2) the  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the Board and 80% of the
Continuing Directors and an affirmative vote of a majority of the voting stock.

        The Board has noted that uninvited or unsolicited tender offers or other
attempts to acquire control of companies, if successful,  are sometimes followed
by a merger or similar  transaction  that involves the  elimination  of minority
shareholders  or a change in their interests as  shareholders.  Such a two-step,
non-negotiated  (or  Board   disapproved)   transaction  often  results  in  the
elimination of minority shareholders who did not tender their stock in the first
step, or who, as a result of proration,  did not have all their  tendered  stock
purchased.  In connection with the second step, minority  shareholders are often
forced to accept less valuable or desirable  consideration (for example,  equity
or debt  securities of the  purchaser  instead of cash) for their stock than was
available or offered in the first step.

        The Board believes that substantial  inequities can befall the remaining
shareholders after a publicly held company has come under the control of another
person or company and the latter then proceeds to combine a company owned by the
person or the  acquiring  company  itself with the  publicly  held  company by a
merger or otherwise. The terms of such a Business Combination may not reflect an
arm's-length bargaining, and thus may not assure fair treatment of the remaining
shareholders, because the same party controls both sides of the negotiations. In
connection with such a Business Combination, significant changes in the policies
or management of the acquired company may also be affected.

        California  General  Corporation  Law permits a California  corporation,
such as Digital, to be merged with or into another corporation upon the approval
of a  majority  of its  shareholders.  Hence,  in  general,  a party who held or
controlled  a  majority  of  Digital's   voting  stock  could  force  a  merger,
consolidation,  sale of substantially all Digital's or a subsidiary's  assets or
other  transaction  on  terms  it  dictated.   While  minority  shareholders  of
non-publicly  traded  corporations  have certain  statutory  rights of appraisal


under California law,  pursuant to which they may enforce their right to receive
the "fair value" of their shares, the common  shareholders of Digital may not be
able to take  advantage of this  statutory  right of appraisal  since  Digital's
Common Stock is quoted on the AMEX. Digital's shareholders could rely on certain
common law rights based on the fiduciary  duty of a controlling  shareholder  to
deal  fairly  with  minority  shareholders  and  upon  federal  securities  laws
governing  disclosures in the event of a Business  Combination pursuant to which
shareholder  action is required,  but efforts to pursue these rights may involve
protracted and expensive  litigation.  A minority  shareholder  may not have the
financial resources to wait out such litigation and, faced with the inability to
liquidate  his  investment at a value equal to that paid under the tender offer,
may be coerced by economic  considerations  into accepting the inequitable terms
of a Business Combination.

        In order to provide Digital's shareholders with additional protection in
the event of an attempted two-step Business Combination or any transaction which
would involve an effort to acquire  control of Digital to their  detriment,  new
Article VIII would, as permitted under  California law,  require a Supermajority
Vote to approve certain Business Combinations with Related Persons.

        This amendment  would not restrict  another company which merely desired
to  exercise  control  over  Digital  and did not intend to effect a  subsequent
Business Combination. However, if another company obtaining control over Digital
were not willing to meet the price and other conditions of the Article VIII, the
holders  of just  over  331/3%  of the  voting  stock  could  block  a  Business
Combination  supported by the  remaining  shareholders.  This ability to block a
Business  Combination  may  therefore  have the  effect of  discouraging  tender
offers.  As already noted, the directors and management of Digital control 7.52%
of the Common Stock and thus might be able to block such a combination  with the
aid of a minority of Digital's shareholders.

        The  adoption  of  Article  VIII  might  discourage  a tender  offer for
Digital's  Common  Stock which might be at a price above the  prevailing  market
price  because  of the  resulting  need  either to  observe  the  minimum  price
requirements  of  Article  VIII  or  to  obtain  a  Supermajority   Vote,  as  a
precondition to any subsequent  Business  Combination.  This might also have the
effect of preventing  temporary  fluctuations  in the market price of the Common
Stock of Digital,  which often result from actual or rumored takeover  attempts,
thereby  depriving  shareholders  of the opportunity of selling their stock at a
temporarily  higher  price.  The  board  believes  that  the  advantages  of the
amendment to all of the shareholders of Digital, namely, assuring them a minimum
price for their shares in a merger or similar transaction constituting the final
step in a takeover,  outweigh  any  possible  disadvantages  resulting  from the
decrease in the likelihood of Digital becoming a target of a takeover bid, which
might be desired or favored by a majority of Digital's shareholders.

        A  "Business  Combination"  is  defined  to  include  mergers,   leases,
consolidations, sales and exchanges of assets and similar transactions involving
Digital  or a  subsidiary  including  any  securities  issued  by  Digital  or a
subsidiary in exchange for cash,  securities or other property (or  combinations
thereof)  having an aggregate  fair market value of $1,000,000 or more,  between
Digital (or a  subsidiary  of Digital) and a Related  Person or certain  defined
parties related to a Related Person.  The definition also includes certain other
transactions (including reclassifications and recapitalizations) with the effect
of, directly or indirectly,  increasing the Related Person's proportionate share
of stock in Digital,  and complete or partial liquidation,  spinoffs,  splitoffs
and splitups.

        A "Related  Person" is  defined  to include  another  entity or group of
entities  that has acquired 10% of the voting  stock of Digital.  Both  Business
Combination  and Related  Person are defined  broadly in Article VIII to prevent
circumvention  of  the  purpose  of  the  Article  through   complicated   legal


        A  Business   Combination  with  a  Related  Person  would  require  the
satisfaction of one of the three following tests:

        (a) such Business Combination is approved by a majority of the Board and
a Supermajority Vote of the shareholders, after the distribution to shareholders
of a proxy statement  containing the information  described in paragraph (c)(iv)

        (b)  such  Business  Combination  is  approved  by an  80%  vote  of the
Continuing Directors, the majority of the Board, and shareholders representing a
majority of voting stock; or

        (c) such Business Combination is approved by a majority of the Board and
a majority of the shareholders  representing a majority of voting stock provided
that the following conditions are met:

          (i)  the  minimum  price  received by common stock shareholders in the
               Business Combination would have to be equal to the highest of (1)
               not  less  than  the  highest per share price paid by the Related
               Person  during  the 2 years prior to the public   announcement of
               the  proposed   Business   Combination  ("Announcement  Date") or
               the transaction  which it became a Related Person ("Determination
               Date"),  whichever is higher; (2) the fair market value per share
               on the Announcement Date or on the Determination Date,  whichever
               is higher;  or  (3) a  price  per  share equal to the fair market
               value per share determined  under clause (2) above  multiplied by
               the ratio calculated by dividing the highest price per share paid
               by  the Related  Person  during a 2-year period immediately prior
               to the Announcement Date to the fair market  value  of the shares
               on the first day in such  2-year  period upon  which  the Related
               Person acquired any shares;

          (ii) the minimum  price  received by  shareholders  for shares of such
               class or series  of  voting  stock,  other  than  common  shares,
               in  the  Business Combination  would  have  to  be  equal  to the
               highest of (1) not less than the highest per share  price paid by
               the  Related  Person for any share of such class or series during
               the  2  years  prior  to the  Announcement  Date or Determination
               Date,  whichever  is higher; (2) the fair market  value per share
               of such class of  series  on  the  Announcement  Date  or on  the
               Determination  Date,  whichever  is  higher;  or (3)  the highest
               preferential  amount  per share  which  holders of shares of such
               class or series  would  be  entitled, if any, in the event of any
               voluntary  or involuntary  liquidation, dissolution or winding up
               of the Digital;

          (iii)the   consideration   to  be  received  by  shareholders  in  the
               Business Combination shall be cash or in such form as the holders
               of the  voting stock may approve as a class; and

          (iv) a proxy  statement  must have been delivered to  shareholders  in
               connection with the Business Combination.


                                  PROPOSAL FOUR

        The  provisions  of new  Article IX is to the  effect  that if either of
proposals  1 and 2 is  approved,  such  Article  may not be  amended  except  by
approval  by  holders  of  Digital's  Common  Stock  representing  662/3% of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock.

        This new Article is necessary to prevent  circumvention  of the approved
proposals other than by a supermajority vote.

        The affirmative vote of the holders of 662/3% of the aggregate number of
shares of Digital's Common Stock outstanding is required for the adoption of the
foregoing proposal 3 and 4.

                                  PROPOSAL FIVE
                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

        Five (5) directors are to be elected at the Meeting, each to serve until
the next Annual  Meeting and until his successor  shall be elected and qualified
or until his earlier death,  resignation,  or removal.  None of the nominees for
director was selected  pursuant to any arrangement or  understanding  other than
with the  directors and officers of Digital  acting  within their  capacities as
such.  There  are no  family  relationships  between  any of the  directors  and
executive  officers  of  Digital.  The  following  table sets forth the  persons
nominated  by the Board of  Directors  for  election  as  director  and  certain
information with respect to those persons.

                                      Principal Occupation and Background For the Past Five
Name                          Age     Years
- ----                          ---     ------------------------------------------------------

Robert O. Smith               54      Chief Executive Officer and Director since 1989 and President since
                                      May 1996.  From 1980 to 1989 variously served as Vice
                                      President/Group Controller of Power Conversion Group, General
                                      Manager of Compower Division, and President of Boschert
                                      subsidiary, of Computer Products, Inc., manufacturer of power
                                      conversion products and industrial automation systems.  Received
                                      B.S. in Business Administration from Ohio University and
                                      completed course work in M.B.A. program at Kent State University.

Chris Schofield               42      Managing Director of Digital Power Limited since January 1998.
                                      Director and General Manager of Gresham Power Group from 1995
                                      to 1998.  From 1988 to 1995, Director of United Kingdom
                                      Operations of the Oxford Instruments Group.

Thomas W. O'Neil, Jr.         69      Director since 1991.  Certified Public Accountant and Partner since
                                      1991 of Schultze, Wallace and O'Neil, CPAs. Retired as Partner,
                                      from 1955 to 1991, of KPMG Peat Marwick. Director of California
                                      Exposition and State Fair; Director of Regional Credit Association;
                                      Director of Alternative Technology Resources, Inc.  Graduate of St.
                                      Mary's College and member of the St. Mary's College Board of


                                      Principal Occupation and Background For the Past Five
Name                          Age     Years
- ----                          ---     ------------------------------------------------------


Scott C. McDonald             45      Director since May 1998.  Director of Castelle Incorporated since
                                      April 1999.  Director of Octant Technologies, Inc. since April 1998.
                                      From November 1996 to May 1998, Director of CIDCO
                                      Incorporated, a communications and information delivery company.
                                      From October 1993 to January 1997, Executive Vice President,
                                      Chief Operating and Financial Officer of CIDCO.  From March
                                      1993 to September 1993, President, Chief Operating and Financial
                                      Officer of PSI Integration, Inc.  From February 1989 to February
                                      1993, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Finance of
                                      Administration of Integrated System, Inc.  Received B.S. in
                                      Accounting from The University of Akron and M.B.A. from Golden
                                      Gate University.

Robert J. Boschert            62      Business consultant for small high-growth technology companies.
                                      Director since 1990 of Hytek Microsystems, Inc.  From June 1986
                                      until June 1998, served as consultant to Union Technology.  Founder
                                      of Boschert, Inc.  Retired as a member of the board of directors in
                                      1984.  Received B.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of

Committees of the Board; Meetings and Attendance

        The Board has an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee. The Audit
Committee currently consists of Messrs.  Boschert,  McDonald and O'Neil, and the
Compensation  Committee consists of Messrs.  Boschert,  McDonald and O'Neil. The
Board does not have a Nominating  Committee.  The primary functions of the Audit
Committee  are to  review  the  scope and  results  of  audits by the  Company's
independent auditors,  the Company's internal accounting controls, the non-audit
services  performed by the independent  accountants,  and the cost of accounting
services. The Compensation Committee administers the Company's 1996 Stock Option
Plan and the  Company's  1998 Stock  Option Plan upon its  adoption and approves
compensation,   remuneration,   and  incentive  arrangements  for  officers  and
employees of the Company.

        The Board met nine times during 1998,  and the Audit  Committee  and the
Compensation  Committee each met one time during 1998. Each director attended at
least  seventy-five  percent of the meetings of the Board and of the  committees
upon which he served.

Compensation of Directors

        Non-employee  directors  receive  $10,000 per annum paid  quarterly  and
options to purchase 10,000 shares of Common Stock.

Vote Required for the Election of Directors

        Directors will be elected from the nominees receiving the highest number
of  affirmative  votes of the shares of Common  Stock  present and voting at the
Meeting. Each share of Common Stock which is represented, in person or by proxy,


at the Meeting will be accorded one vote on each  nominee for  director,  unless
one or  more  shareholders  express  an  intention  to  exercise  the  right  of
cumulative  voting,  in which case all shares  will be accorded  the  cumulative
voting  rights  described  under the caption  "Record  Date and Voting  Rights,"



        Section 16(a) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires Digital's
directors,  executive  officers,  and persons who own more than 10% of Digital's
outstanding  Common Stock to file reports of ownership  and changes in ownership
with the SEC. Directors, executive officers, and shareholders of more the 10% of
Digital's  Common Stock are required by SEC  regulations to furnish Digital with
copies of the Section 16(a) forms they file.

        Based  solely  on a review  of the  copies of such  forms  furnished  to
Digital, or written representations that such filings were not required, Digital
believes  that,  during  the  calendar  year  1998,  all  Section  16(a)  filing
requirements  applicable  to  its  directors  and officers  were  complied  with
the exception that  Mr.  Schofield  inadvertently  failed  to  timely  file  one

Executive Officers

        The name, age and  description of the executive  officers of Digital and
its subsidiaries are listed below.

       Name                                Age       Office and Background
       ----                                ---       ---------------------   

Robert O. Smith,          54       See "Election of Directors"
President and Chief 
Executive Officer

Chris Schofield,          42       See "Election of Directors"
Managing Director,
Digital Power Limited


       Name                Age       Office and Background
       ----                ---       ---------------------   

Philip G. Swany,           49     Mr. Swany joined the Company as its Controller
Chief Financial Officer           in 1981. In February 1992, he left the Company
                                  to  serve   as   the  Controller  for  Crystal
                                  Graphics,   Inc.,   a  3-D  graphics  software
                                  development  company.  In  September 1995, Mr.
                                  Swany  returned  to  the  Company where he was
                                  made  Vice President-Finance.  In May 1996, he
                                  was   named   Chief   Financial   Officer  and
                                  Secretary of the Company.  Mr.  Swany received
                                  a  B.S.  degree  in  Business Administration -
                                  Accounting  from  Menlo  College, and attended
                                  graduate courses in business administration at
                                  the University of Colorado.

Executive Compensation.

        Executive officers are appointed by, and serve at the discretion of, the
Board of  Directors.  Except for Robert O. Smith,  the  Company's  President and
Chief Executive  Officer,  the Company has no employment  agreements with any of
its executive  officers.  The following table sets forth the compensation of the
Company's  President and Chief Executive Officer during the past three years. No
other officer received annual compensation in excess of $100,000 during the 1998
fiscal year.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                           Long Term Compensation

                                      Annual Compensation                          Awards                       Payouts
                              ----------------------------------      --------------------------------      --------------
                                                                         Restricted      Securities              LTIP     All Other
Name and Principal                              Other Annual                Stock        Underlying             Payouts   Compensa-
Position               Year       Salary      Compensation ($)          Award(s) ($)     Options (#)              ($)        tion
- ----------------------------------------------------------------      --------------------------------      ----------------------
Robert O. Smith        1998      $141,912(1)         $0                      $0           100,000(2)              $0          $0
President and CEO      1997      $150,000            $0                      $0           100,000(3)              $0          $0
                       1996      $110,000            $0                      $0            61,500(4)              $0          $0
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)     Pursuant  to Mr.  Smith's  contract,  Mr.  Smith is  entitled to receive
        $175,000 per annum.  However,  due to the  financial  conditions  of the
        Company, Mr. Smith only received $141,912. Mr. Smith may, in the future,
        re-seek this difference.

(2)     Pursuant to his employment contract, in January 1998, Mr. Smith received
        options to acquire  100,000  shares of Common  Stock at $6.69 per share.
        These options expire in January 2008. On November 5, 1998, these options
        were repriced to an exercise price of $2.31 per share.

(3)     Pursuant to his employment contract, in January 1997, Mr. Smith received
        options to acquire  100,000 shares of Common Stock at $5.4375 per share.
        These options expire in January 2007. On November 5, 1998, these options
        were repriced to an exercise price of $2.31 per share

(4)     In  August 1996,  Mr. Smith received options to acquire 61,500 shares of
        Common  Stock at $1.80 per share pursuant to the 1996 Stock Option Plan.
        The options are subject to a two-year vesting period.


        Effective  October 1, 1996,  the Company and Mr.  Smith  entered into an
employment  contract which  terminates on December 31, 1999.  Under the terms of
Mr. Smith's  employment  contract,  Mr. Smith shall serve as President and Chief
Executive  Officer of the  Company and his salary  shall be  $175,000  per annum
effective on January 1, 1998, and increasing to $200,000 per annum by January 1,
1999.  Mr. Smith's  salary for 1997 was $150,000.  In addition,  pursuant to Mr.
Smith's  contract,  he shall have the right to receive on the first business day
of each  January  during the term of his  contract  options  to acquire  100,000
shares  of  Common  Stock at the  lower of  market  value as of such date or the
average  closing  price for the first six  months of each year of his  contract.
Finally,  pursuant to Mr. Smith's employment  contract,  in the event there is a
change  in  control  of the  Company,  Mr.  Smith  shall be  granted a five year
consulting  contract at $200,000  per year.  Due to the  financial  condition of
Digital,  Mr.  Smith did not  receive his  contract  amount in 1998 and will not
receive his  contract  amount in 1999.  Mr.  Smith may,  in the future,  re-seek
payment of the difference.

        The following  table sets forth the options  granted to Mr. Smith during
the past fiscal year.

                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                           Individual Grants
                                                   % of Total Options
                         Number of Securities          Granted to           Exercise or
                          Underlying Options       Employees in Fiscal      Base Price       Expiration
        Name                  Granted (#)                 Year                ($/Sh)            Date
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert O. Smith                 100,000                  18.22%              $6.69(1)       January 2008

(1)     On November 5, 1998, these shares were repriced to $2.31 per share.

        The  following  table  sets  forth Mr.  Smith's  fiscal  year end option
values. No options were exercised by Mr. Smith during 1998.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                            Number of Unexercised    Value of Unexercised
                                                            Options at FY-End (#)    In-the-Money Options
                                                                                      at FY-End ($)(1)

                  Shares Acquired on                             Exercisable/           Exercisable/
      Name           Exercise (#)      Value Realized ($)       Unexercisable           Unexercisable
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert O. Smith          None               None             398,400 Exercisable/         $147,730/
                                                                0 Unexercisable              $0

(1)    Market price at December 31, 1998, for a share of common stock was $1.75.

Stock Plans

        Employee  Stock Purchase Plan. The Company has adopted an Employee Stock
Ownership Plan ("ESOP") in conformity  with ERISA  requirements.  As of December
31, 1998,  the ESOP owns,  in the  aggregate,  169,164  shares of the  Company's
Common  Stock. In June 1996, the ESOP entered into a $500,000 loan with San Jose


National bank to finance the purchase of shares.  The Company has guaranteed the
repayment of the loan, and it is intended that Company contributions to the ESOP
will be used to pay off the loan.  All employees of the Company  participate  in
the  ESOP  on the  basis  of  level  of  compensation  and  length  of  service.
Participation  in the ESOP is  subject to vesting  over a six-year  period.  The
shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  owned by the ESOP are voted by the ESOP
trustees.  Mr. Smith,  President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company,  is
one of two trustees of the ESOP.

        1996 Stock Option Plan. The Company has  established a 1996 Stock Option
Plan (the  "1996  Plan").  The  purpose of the 1996 Plan is to  encourage  stock
ownership by  employees,  officers,  and directors of the Company to give them a
greater personal interest in the success of the business and to provide an added
incentive  to  continue  to  advance  in their  employment  by or service to the
Company.  A total of 513,000 options are authorized to be issued under the Plan,
of which 434,100 options have been issued.  The 1996 Plan provides for the grant
of either  incentive or non-statutory  stock options.  The exercise price of any
incentive  stock option granted under the 1996 Plan may not be less than 100% of
the fair market  value of the Common  Stock of the Company on the date of grant.
The fair  market  value for which an  optionee  may be granted  incentive  stock
options in any calendar year may not exceed $100,000.  Shares subject to options
under the 1996 Plan may be purchased for cash. Unless otherwise  provided by the
Board, an option granted under the 1996 Plan is exercisable  for ten years.  The
1996 Plan is administered by the Compensation  Committee which has discretion to
determine  optionees,  the number of shares to be covered  by each  option,  the
exercise schedule, and other terms of the options. The 1996 Plan may be amended,
suspended, or terminated by the Board but no such action may impair rights under
a previously granted option. Each incentive stock option is exercisable,  during
the lifetime of the optionee,  only so long as the optionee  remains employed by
the Company.  No option is  transferrable  by the optionee other than by will or
the laws of descent and distribution.

Other Stock Options

        The Company, as of December 31, 1998, has outstanding options to acquire
167,000  shares of Common Stock at $1.80 per share and options to acquire 86,900
shares  of  Common  Stock at $.50 per  share.  These  options  were  granted  to
employees in May 1993 and are now fully vested.

401(k) Plan

        The Company has adopted a tax-qualified  employee savings and retirement
plan (the "401(k) Plan"),  which generally covers all of the Company's full-time
employees.   Pursuant  to  the  401(k)  Plan,   employees  may  make   voluntary
contributions  to the  401(k)  Plan up to a maximum of six  percent of  eligible
compensation.  These  deferred  amounts are  contributed to the 401(k) Plan. The
401(k) Plan  permits,  but does not  require,  additional  matching  and Company
contributions on behalf of Plan participants.  The Company matches contributions
at the  rate of $.25 for each  $1.00  contributed.  The  Company  can also  make
discretionary  contributions.  The 401(k)  Plan is  intended  to  qualify  under
Sections  401(k) and 401(a) of the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended.
Contributions  to such a qualified  plan are deductible to the Company when made
and neither the  contributions  nor the income earned on those  contributions is
taxable to Plan participants until withdrawn.  All 401(k) Plan contributions are
credited to separate accounts maintained in trust.

        During calendar year 1998, the Board of Directors  repriced the exercise
price for stock  options  to  acquire  598,940  shares of Common  Stock  held by
officers and employees of the  Company.  The  following table sets forth the ten


year option  repricing  information for the executive named in the  compensation
table and directors.

                           TEN YEAR OPTION REPRICINGS

                                                                                                         Length of
                                           Number of                       Exercise                       Original
                                           Securities     Market Price     Price at                    Optional Term
                                           Underlying     of Stock at       Time of         New         Remaining at
                       Effective Date       Options         Time of        Repricing      Exercise        Date of
Name                     of Reprice       Repriced (#)   Repricing ($)        ($)        Price ($)       Repricing
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Robert O. Smith       November 5, 1998      100,000          $2.31           $5.44         $2.31       8 yrs., 2 mo.
                      November 5, 1998      100,000          $2.31           $6.69         $2.31       9 yrs., 2 mo.

Report on Repricing of Stock Options

        During 1998 there was a substantial  decrease in the market price of the
Company's Common Stock. As a result,  the Compensation  Committee repriced stock
options for  officers  and  employees  of the  Company on  November 5, 1998.  No
repricing  occurred  for  stock  options  held by  non-employee  directors.  The
repricing  was done in an effort to retain the Company's  quality  employees and
officers who had lost a significant  portion of their financial  interest in the
Company  because their stock options were "out of the money." In November  1998,
the Company  completed the Company's stock option repricing program for officers
and employees of the Company  pursuant to which stock options for 598,940 shares
of Common Stock,  originally  issued with exercise  prices ranging from $4.00 to
$6.69 per share, were reissued with an exercise price of $2.31 per share,  which
exercise price approximated the fair market value of the Company's shares on the
date of repricing.

        Stock  options  are  intended  to provide  incentives  to the  Company's
officers and employees.  The  Compensation  Committee  believes that such equity
incentives are a significant factor in the Company's ability to attract, retain,
and motivate officers and employees who are critical to the Company's  long-term
success.  This is  especially  true to attract and retain  quality  employees in
Silicon Valley.  Further,  many of the Company's officers and employees have had
salary  reduced  during the current and prior calendar year due to the financial
condition of the Company. The Compensation Committee believes that the repricing
of the options is a form of  incentive  to the  officers  and  employees  of the
Company to remain with the Company during its period of financial restructuring,
and believes that such repricing is in the best interests of the Company and its

Compensation Committee

        Robert Boschert
        Scott McDonald
        Thomas O'Neil

                             PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDERS

        The following table sets forth, as of May 1999, certain information with
respect to the  beneficial  ownership  of shares of Digital  Common Stock by all
shareholders  known by  Digital  to be the  beneficial  owners of more than five
percent  of  the  outstanding  shares  of  such  Common Stock, all directors and


executive officers of Digital individually,  and all directors and all executive
officers of Digital as a group. As of May 24, 1999, there were 2,771,435  shares
of Common Stock outstanding.

                                                          No. of Shares
                      Name                                Common Stock(1)                   Percent
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rhodora Finance Corporation Limited                            183,464                        6.62%
80 Broad Street
Monrovia, Liberia

Digital Power - ESOP                                           173,333                        6.25%
41920 Christy Street
Fremont, CA  94538

Thomas W. O'Neil, Jr.,                                          75,600(2)                     2.66%

Robert O. Smith,                                               587,564(3)                    18.42%
Director and Chief Executive Officer

Chris Schofield,                                                      -0-                       -0-
Managing Director, Digital Power Limited

Philip G. Swany,                                                44,250(4)                     1.57%
Chief Financial Officer

Scott C. McDonald,                                              17,500(5)                         *

Robert J. Boschert,                                             10,000(5)                         *

All directors and executive officers as a group (6             737,414(6)                    21.23%

*       Less than one percent.

(1)     Except as indicated in the footnotes to this table, the persons named in
        the table have sole  voting  and  investment  power with  respect to all
        shares of Common Stock shown as beneficially  owned by them,  subject to
        community property laws where applicable.

(2)     Includes  50,000  shares  subject   to  options and warrants exercisable
        within 60 days.

(3)     Includes  318,400  shares  subject  to  options and warrants exercisable
        within 60 days. Also includes 169,164 owned by the Digital Power ESOP of
        which Mr. Smith is a trustee.

(4)     Represents 44,250 shares subject to options exercisable within 60 days.

(5)     Includes  10,000  shares  subject  to  options  and warrants exercisable
        within 60 days.

(6)     Includes  532,650 shares subject to options and warrants and exercisable
        within 60 days. Also includes  169,164 shares owned by the Digital Power
        ESOP of which  Mr.  Smith is a trustee  and may be  deemed a  beneficial



        The Board of Directors  retained the firm of Hein +  Associates,  LLP as
independent  auditor  for  Digital  and its  subsidiaries  for the year 1999.  A
representative  of Hein +  Associates,  LLP will be at the Meeting to respond to
appropriate questions.


        The Board of Directors of Digital  knows of no other matters that may or
are likely to be presented at the Meeting.  However,  in such event, the persons
named in the  enclosed  form of proxy  will vote such proxy in  accordance  with
their best judgement in such matters pursuant to discretionary authority granted
in the proxy.

        Shareholders  should direct any requests for  additional  information to
Digital Power Corporation, 41920 Christy Street, Fremont, California 94538.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

        Shareholder  proposals to be included in Digital's  Proxy  Statement and
Proxy for its 2000  Annual  Meeting  must meet the  requirements  of Rule  14a-8
promulgated  by the SEC and must be received  by Digital no later than  _______,
December ___, 1999.


                       BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                   PHILIP G. SWANY,
                                                   Corporate Secretary
May 27, 1999


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                   Article VI

        No   shareholders   shall  be  entitled  to   cumulative   voting  at  a
shareholders' meeting at which directors are to be elected.

                                   Article VII

        Any action required or permitted to be taken by the shareholders of this
corporation  must be effected at a duly called annual or special meeting of such
holders and may not be effected by any consent in writing by such  shareholders;
provided,  however,  that the foregoing shall not derogate from the authority of
all of the  shareholders of the Corporation  eligible to vote, to remove without
cause any or all directors by written consent  pursuant to Section 303(3) of the
Corporation  Code. At any annual meeting or special  meeting of  shareholders of
this  corporation,  only such  business  shall be  conducted  as shall have been
brought  before  such  meeting  in the  manner  provided  by the  bylaws of this

                                  Article VIII

        The affirmative vote of the holders of at least sixty-six and two-thirds
percent (66 2/3%) of the outstanding  shares of Voting Stock (as herein defined)
shall be required for the adoption or authorization of any Business  Combination
(as herein  defined),  provided that such sixty-six and  two-thirds  percent (66
2/3%)  voting  requirement  shall  not be  applicable  if all of the  conditions
specified in paragraph 8.02 of this Article VIII are met.

        8.01 Definitions.  The following definitions shall apply for purposes of
this Article VIII:

               (a) "Person"  shall mean any  individual,  firm,  corporation  or
other entity.

               (b)    "Affiliate"  or  "Associate"  shall  have  the  respective
                      meanings  ascribed  to such  terms  in Rule  12b-2  of the
                      General  Rules  and   Regulations   under  the  Securities
                      Exchange  Act of 1934  provided,  however,  that  the term
                      "registrant"  as used in such  definition  of  "Associate"
                      shall mean the corporation.

               (c)    "Subsidiary"   shall  mean  any  corporation  of  which  a
                      majority  of  any  class  of  equity  security  is  owned,
                      directly  or  indirectly,  by the  corporation,  provided,
                      however,  that  for  the  purposes  of the  definition  of
                      "Related  Person" set forth below,  the term  "Subsidiary"
                      shall mean only a corporation  of which a majority of each
                      class of equity security is owned, directly or indirectly,
                      by the corporation.

               (d)    "Voting Stock" shall mean capital stock of the corporation
                      entitled to vote generally in the election of directors.

               (e)    "Beneficial  Owner"  shall have the  meaning  set forth in
                      Regulation 13D under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
                      and includes  any other person with which such  Beneficial
                      Owner has any agreement or  understanding  for the purpose
                      of acquiring,  holding,  voting or disposing of any shares
                      of Voting Stock.


               (f)    "Related  Person"  shall mean,  in respect of any Business
                      Combination,  any person (other than the corporation,  any
                      Subsidiary,   any  pension,  savings,  or  other  employee
                      benefit  plan  of  employees  of  the  corporation  or any
                      Subsidiary,  or any  one  or a  group  of  more  than  one
                      Continuing Director) who or which:

                      (i)    is the Beneficial Owner, directly or indirectly, of
                             ten  percent  (10%) or more of the voting  power of
                             the outstanding Voting Stock; or

                      (ii)   is an Affiliate of the  corporation and at any time
                             within the two-year period immediately prior to the
                             date in question was the Beneficial Owner, directly
                             or indirectly,  of ten percent (10%) or more of the
                             voting power of the then outstanding  Voting Stock;

                      (iii)  is an assignee of or has otherwise succeeded to any
                             shares  of  Voting  Stock  which  were at any  time
                             within the two-year period immediately prior to the
                             date in question  beneficially  owned by an Related
                             Person, if such assignment or succession shall have
                             occurred in the course of a  transaction  or series
                             of  transactions  not  involving a public  offering
                             within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 or
                             any successor securities law.

               (g)  "Business  Combination"  shall  mean  any one or more of the
following transactions:

                      (i)    Any merger or  consolidation  of the corporation or
                             any  Subsidiary  with  any  Related  Person  or any
                             Person  (whether  or not itself an Related  Person)
                             which is,  or after  such  merger or  consolidation
                             would be, an Affiliate of an Related Person.

                      (ii)   Any  sale,  lease,  exchange,   mortgage,   pledge,
                             transfer or other  disposition  (in one transaction
                             or a series of transactions) to or with any Related
                             Person,  or any Affiliate of any Related  Person or
                             any Person of  substantially  all the assets of the
                             corporation or any Subsidiary.

                      (iii)  The issuance or transfer by the  corporation or any
                             Subsidiary  (in  one  transaction  or a  series  of
                             transactions)  of any securities of the corporation
                             or any  Subsidiary  to any  Related  Person  or any
                             Affiliate  of any  Related  Person or any Person in
                             exchange for cash, securities or other property (or
                             combination   thereof)  having  an  aggregate  Fair
                             Market Value of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or

                      (iv)   Any  reclassification  of securities (including any
                             reverse  stock  split),  or recapitalization of the
                             corporation,  or any merger or consolidation of the
                             corporation  with  any  of  its Subsidiaries or any
                             other  transaction  (whether or not with or into or
                             otherwise  involving  an  Related Person) which has
                             the  effect,  directly or indirectly, of increasing
                             the  proportionate  share of the outstanding shares
                             of any class of equity or convertible securities of
                             the corporation or any Subsidiary which is directly
                             or  indirectly  beneficially  owned  by any Related
                             Person or any Affiliate of any Related Person.


               (h)    "Continuing Director" shall  mean  any member of the Board
                      of Directors of the corporation who: (i) is not an Related
                      Person  nor  an  Affiliate of the Related Person and was a
                      member  of  the  Board of Directors prior to the time that
                      such Related Person became an Related Person; or (ii) is a
                      successor of a Continuing Director who is not an Affiliate
                      of  the Related Person and who is recommended to succeed a
                      Continuing  Director  prior  to  his  initial  election or
                      appointment  to  the corporation's Board of Directors by a
                      two-thirds  vote  of  the Continuing Directors then on the
                      Board of Directors.

               (i) "Fair Market Value" shall mean:

                      (i)    in  the  case  of  stock,  the highest closing sale
                             price  of  a  share of such stock during the thirty
                             (30)  day period immediately preceding the date for
                             which such Fair Market Value is being determined on
                             the  principal  United  States  securities exchange
                             registered  under  the  Securities  Exchange Act of
                             1934  or  successor  law  on  which  such  stock is
                             listed,  or if such stock is not listed on any such
                             exchange,  the  highest  closing bid quotation with
                             respect  to a share of such stock during the thirty
                             (30)  day  period preceding the date for which such
                             Fair  Market  Value  is  being  determined  on  the
                             National  Association  of  Securities Dealers, Inc.
                             Automated  Quotation  System  or any system then in
                             use,  or  if  no such quotations are available, the
                             Fair  Market  Value  of such stock as determined in
                             good faith by the Board of Directors; and

                      (ii)   in the case of  property  other than cash or stock,
                             the Fair Market Value of such  property  determined
                             by the  Board of  Directors  in good  faith for the
                             date on  which  such  Fair  Market  Value  is being

        8.02 Exception to 66 2/3% Vote Requirement.  The sixty-six and two-third
percent (66 2/3%) vote  required by this  Article  VIII for  approval of certain
Business  Combinations  shall not be applicable to a Business  Combination,  and
such Business  Combination  shall require only such affirmative vote as required
by law and any other provision of this Articles of Incorporation, if:

               (a)    Such  Business  Combination  shall have been approved by a
                      eighty percent (80%) vote of the Continuing Directors, and
                      a majority of the Board of Directors; or

               (b)    All of the following  conditions  shall have been met with
                      respect to such Business Combination:

                      (i)    The  Business  Combination  has  been approved by a
                             majority of the Board of Directors; and

                      (ii)   The  aggregate  amount of cash and the Fair  Market
                             Value  as of the  date of the  consummation  of the
                             Business  Combination of  consideration  other than
                             cash to be received  per share by holders of Common
                             Stock  in such  Business  Combination  shall  be at
                             least  equal  to  the  highest  of  the  following,
                             adjusted to reflect subdivisions of stock and stock


                             A.     The  highest  per  share  price   (including
                                    brokerage  commissions,  transfer  taxes and
                                    soliciting   dealer's   fees)  paid  by  the
                                    Related Person for the corporation's  Common
                                    Stock acquired by it (1) within the two-year
                                    period immediately prior to the first public
                                    announcement of the proposal of the Business
                                    Combination (the  "Announcement  Date"),  or
                                    (2) in the transaction in which it became an
                                    Related Person, whichever is higher;

                             B.     The  Fair  Market  Value  per  share  of the
                                    corporation's   Common   Stock  (1)  on  the
                                    Announcement  Date,  or (2) on the  date  on
                                    which the Related  Person  became an Related
                                    Person (the "Determination Date"), whichever
                                    is higher; or

                             C.     The  Fair  Market  Value  per  share  of the
                                    corporation's   Common    Stock   determined
                                    pursuant   to   the   immediately  preceding
                                    subparagraph  B,  multiplied by the ratio of
                                    (1)  the  highest per share price (including
                                    any  brokerage  commissions,  transfer taxes
                                    and  soliciting  dealer's  fees) paid by the
                                    Related  Person  for  any  shares  of Common
                                    Stock  acquired  by  it  within the two-year
                                    period immediately prior to the Announcement
                                    Date,  to  the (2) the Fair Market Value per
                                    share  of such Common Stock on the first day
                                    in  such  two-year  period  upon  which  the
                                    Related  Person  acquired any shares of such
                                    Common Stock.

                      (ii)   The  consideration  to be  received by holders of a
                             particular class of outstanding  Voting Stock shall
                             be in cash or in such  form as the  holders  of the
                             Voting Stock may approve as a class.

                      (iii)  The  aggregate  amount  of the  cash  and the  Fair
                             Market Value as of the date of the  consummation of
                             the Business  Combination  of  consideration  other
                             than cash to be  received  per share by  holders of
                             shares of any class or series of outstanding Voting
                             Stock,  other than Common Stock,  shall be at least
                             equal  to  the  highest  amount   determined  under
                             clauses A, B or C below.

                             A.     The highest per share price  (including  any
                                    brokerage  commissions,  transfer taxes, and
                                    soliciting  dealers'  fees)  paid  by  or on
                                    behalf of the  Related  Person for any share
                                    of  such  class  or  series  of   beneficial
                                    ownership  of shares of such class or series
                                    of Voting  Stock  (1)  within  the  two-year
                                    period immediately prior to the Announcement
                                    Date or (2) in the  transaction  in which it
                                    became  an  Related  Person,   whichever  is

                             B.     The  Fair  Market  Value  per  share of such
                                    class  or  series  of  Voting  Stock  on the
                                    Announcement  Date  or  on the Determination
                                    Date, whichever is higher; or

                             C.     The highest preferential amount per share to
                                    which the holders of shares of such class or
                                    series of Voting Stock would be entitled, if


                                    any,  in  the  event  of  any  voluntary  or
                                    involuntary   liquidation,   dissolution  or
                                    winding up of the corporation, regardless of
                                    whether  the  Business   Combination  to  be
                                    consummated constitutes such an event.

                      (iv)   After  such  Related  Person  has become an Related
                             Person  and  prior  to  the  consummation  of  such
                             Business  Combination: (a) there shall have been no
                             reduction  in  the annual rate of dividends paid on
                             the  Common  Stock  (except as necessary to reflect
                             any  subdivision  or  split  of  the Common Stock),
                             except  as  approved by a eighty percent (80%) vote
                             of  the  Continuing Directors; and (b) such Related
                             Person  shall  not have become the Beneficial Owner
                             of  any  newly issued shares of Voting Stock except
                             as  part  of  the transaction which results in such
                             Related  Person  becoming  an  Related  Person, and
                             except  as  necessary to reflect any subdivision or
                             split of the Common Stock.

                      (v)    After  such  Related  Person  has become an Related
                             Person, such Related Person shall not have received
                             the  benefit,   directly  or   indirectly   (except
                             proportionately  as a  shareholder),  of any loans,
                             advances,  guarantees,  pledges or other  financial
                             assistance   or  any  tax   credits  or  other  tax
                             advantages provided by the corporation,  whether in
                             anticipation  of or in  connection  with a Business
                             Combination or otherwise.

                      (vi)   A  proxy  or  information  statement describing the
                             proposed  Business  Combination  and complying with
                             the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
                             1934  and  the rules and regulations thereunder (or
                             any  subsequent  provisions  replacing  such Act or
                             Rules)  shall  be  mailed  to  shareholders  of the
                             corporation  at least thirty (30) days prior to the
                             consummation  of such Business Combination (whether
                             or  not  such  proxy  or  information  statement is
                             required  to  be  mailed  pursuant  to  such Act or
                             subsequent provisions).

        8.03  Certain  Determinations.  The  Continuing  Directors,  acting as a
committee,  shall have the power and duty to determine  for the purposes of this
Article  VIII,  on the  basis  of  information  known to them  after  reasonable
inquiry, (i) whether a person is an Related Person, (ii) the number of shares of
Voting  Stock  beneficially  owned by any person,  (iii)  whether a person is an
Affiliate  or  Associate  of another,  and (iv) whether the assets which are the
subject of any Business Combination  constitute  substantially all the assets of
the Corporation or any Subsidiary,  or the  consideration to be received for the
issuance or transfer of securities by the  corporation  or any Subsidiary in any
Business  Combination has, an aggregate Fair Market Value of one million dollars
($1,000,000) or more.

        8.04 Fiduciary Obligations of Related Persons. Nothing contained in this
Article VIII shall be construed to relieve any Related Person from any fiduciary
obligation imposed by law.

        8.05 Amendment and Repeal.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
Article of Incorporation  or the bylaws of the corporation (and  notwithstanding
the fact that a lesser  percentage  may be  specified  by law,  this  Article of
Incorporation  or the bylaws of the  corporation),  the affirmative  vote of the
majority  of  Directors  and the  affirmative  vote of the  holders  of at least
sixty-six and two-third percent (662/3%) of the outstanding shares of the Voting


Stock shall be required to amend,  modify or repeal,  or to adopt any provisions
inconsistent with this Article VIII of this Article of Incorporation;  provided,
however,  that this Article VIII may be amended,  modified or repealed,  and any
such new provision may be added, upon the affirmative vote of the holders of not
less than a majority of the total voting power of all outstanding  shares of the
Voting Stock of the  corporation,  if such  amendment,  modification,  repeal or
addition shall first have been approved and recommended by a resolution  adopted
by a eighty percent (80%) vote of the Continuing Directors and a majority of the

                                   Article IX

        Notwithstanding anything contained in these Articles of Incorporation to
the  contrary,  Article  VI and VII  hereof  shall not be  altered,  amended  or
repealed and no provision  inconsistent  therewith  shall be adopted without the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least sixty-six and two-third  percent (66
2/3%) of the voting power of all the stock of the  Corporation  entitled to vote
generally  in the  election of  directors,  voting  together as a single  class.
Notwithstanding  anything  contained in these Articles of  Incorporation  to the
contrary,  the  affirmative  vote  of the  holders  of at  least  sixty-six  and
two-third  percent  (66  2/3%)  of the  voting  power  of all the  stock  of the
Corporation  entitled to vote  generally  in the election of  directors,  voting
together as a single  class,  shall be required  to alter,  amend or,  adopt any
provisions inconsistent with or repeal this Article IX.

                            DIGITAL POWER CORPORATION
                     41920 Christy Street, Fremont, CA 94538


        The undersigned hereby appoints Robert O. Smith and Philip G. Swany, and
each of them, as proxies with the power to appoint his or their  successor,  and
hereby  authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated  below,  all the
shares of Common Stock of DIGITAL POWER CORPORATION ("Digital"),  held of record
by the  undersigned on May 24, 1999,  at  the  Annual Meeting of Shareholders to
be held on July 14, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. (Pacific  Time),  at Digital's corporate
offices  located  at 41920 Christy Street, Fremont, California 94538, and at any
and all adjournments thereof.

1.      To amend the Articles of Incorporation of Digital to adopt a new Article
        VI to eliminate cumulative voting;

        FOR ______           AGAINST ______        ABSTAIN ______

2.      To amend the Articles of Incorporation of Digital to adopt a new Article
        VII to eliminate shareholder action by written consent;

        FOR ______           AGAINST ______        ABSTAIN ______

3.      To amend the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Digital to adopt a new
        Article  VIII  which   establishes   higher  voting   requirements   for
        shareholders in certain  circumstances  (a) to approve certain  business
        combinations involving Digital and/or its subsidiaries, and (b) to amend
        Article VIII;

        FOR ______           AGAINST ______        ABSTAIN ______

4.      If either  Proposal  Nos. 1 or 2 is  approved,  to amend the Articles of
        Incorporation  of Digital to adopt a new  Article IX to require a higher
        voting requirement to amend Articles VI or VII;

        FOR ______           AGAINST ______        ABSTAIN ______

5.      Election of Directors.

        FOR all nominees  listed below _____ WITHOUT  AUTHORITY  ____ (except as
        marked to the contrary below) (to vote for all Nominees below)

        (INSTRUCTIONS:   To  withhold  authority  to  vote  for  any  individual
        nominee,  strike  a  line through the nominee's name in the list below.)

        Robert O. Smith      Chris Schofield       Thomas W. O'Neil, Jr.
        Scott C. McDonald    Robert J. Boschert

6.      In their discretion,  the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
        business as may properly come before the Meeting.

        This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted FOR the five above-listed director nominees.

        Please  sign  exactly as name  appears on the share  certificates.  When
shares are held by joint  tenants,  both should sign.  When signing as attorney,
executor,  administrator,  trustee, or guardian, please give full title as such.
If a  corporation,  please sign in full  corporate  name by  president  or other
authorized  officer.  If a  partnership,  please  sign  in  partnership  name by
authorized person.

                      ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                      Name (Print)                 Name (Print)(if held jointly)

Dated: ____________   ____________________________ ___________________________
                      Signature                    Signature (if held jointly)

                      ============================ ============================
                      (Address)                    (Address)

I will ___ will not ___ attend the Meeting. Number of persons to attend: _____.