OMB APPROVAL OMB Number 0704-0187 Expires:Dec. 31, 1993 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate of any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Washington Headquarter Services, Directorate for information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4802 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0187), Washington, DC 20503. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO EITHER OF THESE ADDRESSES. SEND YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE PROCUREMENT OFFICIAL IDENTIFIED IN ITEM 6. 1. Contract/Purchase Order No.: SP0450-96-D-4103 2. Delivery Order No.: Z001 3. Date of Order: June 10, 1996 4. Requisition/P.R. No.: YPG95352000630 5. Certified for National Defense Under DMS Reg. 1: 6. Issued By: Code: DEFENSE GENERAL SUPPLY CENTER SP0400 ATTN: DGSC PROCUREMENT 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY RICHMOND, VA 23297-5803 A/C (804) 279-9220 FAX (804) 279-6008 7. Administered By:(if other than 6) Code: DEFENSE GEN SUPPLY CENTER SP0400 DGSC-JDPD (P36) PH: 804-279-3220 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23297-5804 SURV CRIT DES: CD: C 8. Delivery FOB: X Dest Other (See Schedule if Other) 9. Contractor/Quotes Code: Facility Code: OL7A9 SEE SCHEDULE Name and Address: DELTA-OMEGA TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 7608 HIGHWAY 90 WEST NEW IBERIA, LA 70560 10. Deliver to for Point By: See Schedule 11. Check if Business is: X Small Small/Disadv. Women Owned 12. Discount Terms: Net 30 13. Mail Invoices to: See Block #15 14. Ship to: Code: See Schedule 15. Payment will be made by: Code: MARK ALL PACKAGES & DFAS - Columbus Center S44073 PAPERS WITH Attn: DFAS-CO-SEG CONTRACT OR P.O. Box 182317 ORDER NUMBER Columbus, Ohio 43218-6231 16. Type of Order: X Delivery Purchase This delivery order is issued on another Government agency or in accordance with and subject to terms and conditions of above- numbered contract. Reference your written quote of and furnish the following on terms specified herein ACCEPTANCE: The contractor hereby accepts the offer represented by the numbered purchase order as it may previously have been or is now modified, subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth, and agrees to perform the same. Name of Typed Name Contractor Signature and Title Date Signed [ ] If this box is marked, supplier must sign Acceptance and return the following number of copies. 17. Accounting and Appropriation Data/Local Use X GG: 97x4930 5CG0 01 0C26 S33-150 AA: 97x4930 5CG1 01 0C25 S33-150 19. Remarks: If Block 16 is marked "Delivery", the terms and conditions of the Basic Agreement are applicable. If DGSC Administered (See Block 7 above), the Transportation Office Phone No. is 804-279-4589/4693. * If quantity accepted by the Government is same as quantity ordered, indicate by an X. If different, enter actual quantity accepted below quantity ordered and encircle. 24. United States of America: By: Signature illegible Contracting/Ordering Officer 25. Total: $27,500.00 26. Quantity on Attached Has Been: [ ] Inspected [ ] Received [ ] Accepted and Conforms to the Contract Except as Noted Date: Signature of Authorized Govt. Representative 27. Ship No.: [ ] Partial [ ] Final 28. D.O. Voucher No. 29. Differences: 30. Initials: 31. Payment [ ] Complete [ ] Partial [ ] Final 32. Paid By: 33. Amount Verified Correct for: 34. Check Number: 35. Bill of Lading Number: 36. I certify this account is correct and proper for payment: Date: Signature and Title of Cert. Officer 37. Received At: 38. Received By: 39. Date Received: 40. Total Containers: 41. S/R Account Number: 42. S/R Voucher Number: CONTINUATION SHEET Reference Number of Document Being Continued: SP0450-96-D-4103-Z001 Page of 02 04 Pages SHIPPING POINT/PLACE INSPECTION (SUPPLIES & PACKAGING): SAME AS BLOCK 9, PAGE 1 INSPECTION OFFICE (SUPPLIES & PACKAGING): DCMAO SAN ANTONIO 615 EAST HOUSTON STREET P.O. BOX 1040 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78294-1040 CONTINUATION SHEET Reference Number of Document Being Continued: SP0450-96-D-4103-Z001 Page of 03 04 Pages Name of Offeror or Contractor: SECTION B Item Supplies/ Unit Number Services Quantity Unit Price Amount PR YPC95352000630 NSN 6850-01-339-5228 ITEM DESCRIPTION: CLEANING COMPOUND, AEROSPACE EQUIPMENT QPL APPLIES UNIT DRUM CONTAINS 55 GALLONS NET. I/A/W SPEC NR MIL SPEC MIL-C-87937B BASIC DTD 94 JAN 27 AMEND NR DTD TYPE NUMBER: TYPE II 0001 PR YPG95352000630 100 DR $275.00 $27500.00 PRLI 0002 QTY VARIANCE: PLUS 5% MINUS 5% INSPECTION POINT: ORIGIN ACCEPTANCE POINT: ORIGIN PREP FOR DELIVERY PKGING DATA - MIL-STD-2073-1B&MIL-STD-2073-2C, 21 JUN 1991 QUP+001: PRES MTHD=10: CLNG/DRY=1: PRESV MAT=XX: WRAP MAT=XX: CUSH/DUN MAT=XX: CUSH/DUNN THKNESS=X: UNIT CONT=ZZ: LEVEL PRESV=A: INTRMDTE CONT-YY: INTRMDTE CONT QTY=YYY: PACK CODE=U: PACKING LEVEL=C: MARKING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MIL-STD-129M SPECIAL MARKING CODE: ZZ-SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS DRUM SHALL CONFORM TO D.O.T. SPECIFI- CATION FOR 1A1, 18/18 GAUGE. COLOR# 34084 OF FED-STD 595 OR BLACK. INTERIOR COMPATIBLE W/CONTENTS. STENCIL MARKINGS. BLOCK/BRACE ON TRANSPORT VEHICLE. (Note: IAW Basic Contract) DOD LOGMARS BAR CODE MARKING REQUIRED IAW MIL-STD 129M, DATED 15 JUNE 93 AND MIL-STD-1189B, DATED 10 AUG 89 DELIVERY FOB: DESTINATION BY: 96 JUNE 01 PARCEL POST ADDRESS: CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE CONTINUATION SHEET Reference Number of Document Being Continued: SP0450-96-D-4103-Z001 Page of 04 04 Pages PR YPG95352000630 PRL1 0002 CONT'D SW0400 DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT RICHMOND 8000 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY RICHMOND, VA 23297-5900 FREIGHT SHIPPING ADDRESS: SW0400 DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT RICHMOND CHIPPENHAM PARKWAY RTE 150 ENTRANCE GATE 13 RICHMOND, VA 23297-5900 NON-MILSTRIP RDD 06/01/96 PROJ W1X REMIT PAYMENT TO: DELTA-OMEGA TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 7608 WEST HIGHWAY 90 NEW IBERIA, LA 70560