WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  FORM 10-QSB

                                   (Mark One)

ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended February 28, 1998



                         Commission file number 0-24506

                          Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.
(Exact name of small business issuer as specified in its Charter)

            Colorado                               84-1100774
     (State of Incorporation)    (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)

         119 Ida Road, Broussard, Louisiana        70518
        (Address of principal executive offices)  (Zip Code)

                                 (318) 837-3011
          (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

     Check whether the issuer (1) filed all reports required to be filed by
Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act during the past 12 months
(or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such
reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90
days.   Yes...X...   No........

     State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common equity as of the latest practicable date:...14,306,644 shares of common
stock as of April 10, 1998

                 This document is comprised of  11 pages

                           Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.
                           Index to Quarterly Report

                                  Part I
                            Financial Statements

Item 1.     Financial Statements                                Page

            Consolidated Balance Sheet as of 
               February 28, 1998.. . .  . . . . . . . . . .       2
            Consolidated Statements of Operations, 
               three and six months 
               ended February 28, 1998 and 1997.. . . . . .       3 

            Statements of Cash Flows, six months ended
               February 28, 1998 and 1997. . .. . . . . . .       4

            Notes to consolidated financial 
               statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       5 

Item 2.     Management's discussion and analysis 
               of financial condition
               and results of operations. . . . . . . . . .       5

                                  Part II
Other Information

Item 1.     Legal Proceedings. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .       9

Item 2.     Changes in Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . .       9

Item 3.     Defaults Upon Senior Securities. . . . .  . . .       9

Item 4.   Submission Of Matters To A Vote 
               Of Security Holders . . . . . . .. . . . . .       9

Item 5.     Other Information. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .       9

Item 6.     Exhibits And Reports on Form 8-K . . . . . . . .      10

Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      10

Part I.  Item 1.   Financial Statements

                     Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.
                     Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                              February 28,
Current Assets
   Accounts and notes receivable      
     Trade, net of allowance for losses                          81,195
     Other                                                        4,118
     Inventories                                                219,803
     Prepaid expenses                                             7,916
       Total current assets                                     313,032

Property and equipment, net of 
  accumulated depreciation                                      440,861
Intangible assets, net of 
  accumulated amortization                                      137,333
Other assets                                                     10,658
       Total assets                                            $901,884 

Current Liabilities
   Accounts payable                                            250,137
   Bank overdraft                                               16,039
   Current maturities of long-term debt and leases              18,510
   Note Payable-due to James V. Janes, III                      30,000
   Other current and accrued liabilities                        21,606
       Total current liabilities                               336,292

Long-term debt and leases, net of 
   current maturities                                           32,136

Shareholders' equity:
   Convertible, 7 percent cumulative, 
     non-participating preferred stock, $.001 
     par value, shares authorized, 40,000,000; 
     issued and outstanding 1,590,700 series B, 
     2,471,667 series C                                          4,012
   Common stock, $.001 par value, shares authorized,
     100,000,000; issued and outstanding 13,230,235             13,320
   Additional paid-in capital                               10,582,994
   Retained deficit                                        (10,066,870)
      Total shareholders' equity                               533,456   
      Total liabilities and shareholders' equity              $901,884   

          See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.
                     Consolidated Statements of Operations

                           Three Months Ended              Six Months Ended
                           February 28,                         February 28,
                          1998         1997                1998       1997
                         ______      ______               _____       ____
Net sales 
and gross revenues

 Net product sales     $262,807    $ 303,475           $584,836     $599,085

Cost of sales 
and revenues            193,943      222,442            407,843      443,902
                      __________   ___________          _________  _________
   Gross profit          68,864       81,033            176,993      155,183

Cost and expenses
 Selling, general 
 and administrative     248,823      266,794            564,793      547,275
 Research and 
 development            126,903       79,005            222,120       97,311
                     __________   ____________          ________    ________

Operating Loss         (306,862)    (264,766)          (609,920)    (489,403)
Other income, net         1,785        8,590              4,203       16,681

Interest expense         (1,363)      (1,367)            (3,991)      (3,079)
                     ___________   ___________          ________   _________

Net loss 
available to 
shareholders          $(306,440)   $(257,543)         $(609,708)   $(475,801)
                     =========== ============        ===========  ===========

Weighted average 
shares outstanding   13,295,231   12,755,320         13,262,733   12,743,597  
                     =========== ============        ===========  ===========

Net loss per 
common share             $(.02)       $(.02)             $(.04)        $(.04)  
                     ========== ============         =========== ============

        See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                       Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.
                    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                Six Months Ended
                                                     February 28, 

                                             1998                   1997
                                            _________             _______
Net cash used in 
 operating activities                      $(366,207)            $(491,943)

Cash flows from 
 investing activities:
  Property acquisitions                      (15,651)              (49,235)
  Patent costs                                (2,894)              (15,427)
  Proceeds from sale  of 
  property and equipment                           0                   800   
                                          ____________          ___________
Net cash flows used 
 in investing activities                     (18,545)              (63,862)

Cash flows from 
 financing activities:
  Proceeds from borrowing                     30,000                25,836  
  Principal payments on 
  bank notes payable                          (3,854)               (4,200)
  Capital lease financing 
  and other notes                             (4,007)              (12,031)
                                          ______________       _____________  

Net cash flows provided by (used in)
 financing activities                         22,139                 9,605   

Net increase (decrease) in 
 cash and equivalents                       (362,613)             (546,200)

Cash and equivalents, 
 beginning of period                         346,574             1,536,152  

Cash and equivalents, 
 end of period                              $(16,039)             $989,952  
                                        ================    ================

       See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                          Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.
                      Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                February 28, 1998

Note A: Basis of presentation

   The financial statements presented herein include the accounts of Delta-
Omega Technologies, Inc. and Delta-Omega Technologies, Ltd.  Intercompany
balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

   The financial statements presented herein have been prepared by the Company
in accordance with the accounting policies in its annual 10-KSB report for the
year ended August 31, 1997 and should be read in conjunction with the notes
thereto.  Results of operations for the interim periods are not necessarily
indicative of results of operations which will be realized for the fiscal year
ending August 31, 1998.

   In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting only of normal
recurring adjustments) which are necessary for a fair presentation of
operating results for the interim periods presented have been made.

Interim financial data presented herein are unaudited.

Note B: Shareholders'equity

   In January 1998, the Company's board of directors authorized lowering the
exercise price of the outstanding Class "E" Warrants from $1.50 per share to
$.75 per share and called the warrants.  The holders of the Class "E" Warrants
had 30 days to exercise their warrants, otherwise the warrants would expire at
the end of the 30 day period.  At the end of the 30 day period, none of the
holders of the 1,062,917 outstanding Class "E" Warrants converted and all of
the warrants expired on February 14, 1998.

   The Company's board of directors also authorized selling up to 2 million
shares of treasury common stock at the best negotiated price.  In March 1998,
the Company completed a special private placement and raised approximately
$740,000.  The Company sold 986,413 shares of common stock solely to
accredited and sophisticated investors at an offering price of $.75 per share.

   During the first quarter of fiscal 1998, Baer & Company, L.L.C. was issued
39,996 shares of $.001 par value common stock for expenses incurred from July
1996 through November 1997 while raising funds on behalf of the Company. 
27,370 shares were issued at a price of $.43775 per share.  The remaining
12,626 shares were issued at a price of $.6661 per share.  The prices per
share are based on the average of the bid and last trade value of the
Company's stock during the period in which the fund raising expenses were

Item 2.  Management's discussion and analysis of financial condition and 
         results of operations

   This Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB includes certain statements that may
be deemed to be "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A
of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  All statements, other than statements of
historical facts, included in this Form 10-QSB that address activities, events
or developments that the Company expects, believes or anticipates will or may
occur in the future, including such matters as future capital, research and
development expenditures (including the amount and nature thereof), repayment
of debt, business strategies, expansion and growth to the Company's operations
and other such matters are forward-looking statements.  These statements are
based on certain assumptions and analyses made, by the Company in light of its
experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions,
expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in
the circumstances.  Such statements are subject to a number of assumptions,
risks and uncertainties, including general economic and business opportunities
(or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by the Company, changes
in laws or regulations and other factors, many of which are beyond the control
of the Company.  Readers are cautioned that any such statements are not
guarantees of future performance and that actual results or developments may
differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements.


   Net sales for the second quarter of Fiscal 1998 decreased by $40,600 or
13.3% as compared to the second quarter of Fiscal 1997.  During this period,
the Company's aircraft cleaning compound sales to the U.S. Air Force decreased
as operating units of the U.S. Air Force ordered less product of the Military
Specification (Mil-Spec.) type to which the Company's product is qualified. 
The balance of the decrease in revenues was due primarily to a loss of tank
and equipment cleaning business from the Company's largest contract blending
customer.  The Company's customer was purchased by a corporation that
manufactures similar products, and management believes that some of these
products were integrated into their operation.

   Net sales for the six month period were less than the comparable period of
Fiscal 1997 by $14,200 or 2.4%.  During this period, sales in the emergency
response division increased $90,000 or 40% subsequent to the attainment of
three (3) additional Underwriters Laboratories listings.  This increase
somewhat offset the decreases in sales to the U.S. Air Force and tank and
equipment cleaning companies.

   Cost of sales for the second quarter of Fiscal 1998 decreased $28,500 or
12.8% compared to the same period of Fiscal 1997.  As a percentage of sales,
cost of sales remained relatively constant.

   The decrease in cost of sales was attributable to decreased sales volume. 
Due to decreased sales in the second quarter of Fiscal 1998, the Company
lacked full plant capacity.  Management believes that as the Company expands
its Industrial and Institutional sales effort, sales will increase; therefore
cost of sales as a percentage of sales will decrease as capacity is added.

   On a year-to-date basis, cost of sales decreased $36,000 or 8.1%.  As a
percentage of sales, cost of sales remained relatively constant. 

   Selling, general and administrative expenses for the three and six months
ended February 28, 1998 totaled $248,823 and $564,793 respectively as compared
to $303,475 and $599,085 for the same periods in 1997.  The decrease in
selling, general and administrative during the second quarter of Fiscal 1998
was due to a reduction in sales personnel.

   Research and Development expenses for the second quarter of Fiscal 1998
increased $47,898 or 37.7% compared to the same period in Fiscal 1997 from
$79,005 to $126,903.  For the six month period, research and development
expenses increased $124,809 or 56% from $97,311 to $222,120.  

   The increase in research and development expenses was due primarily to
expenses incurred relative to the demonstration of the Company's Base Fluid
Destruction (BFD) process that utilizes proprietary surfactant formulations.

   The balance of the increase in research and development expenses is due to
the expenses incurred in association with the three (3) Underwriters
Laboratories (U.L.) listings received on the Company's firefighting foam
concentrate line of products. 

   Increased research and development expenses and lack of sufficient sales
resulted in a net loss available to common shareholders of $306,862 for the
current period in Fiscal 1998 compared to the net loss of $264,766 for the
same period in fiscal 1997.

   Other income consisting primarily of interest income for the three and six
months ended February 28, 1998 was $1,785 and $4,203 respectively, a decrease
of $6,805 and $12,478 respectively when compared with the same periods in the
prior year.  This resulted from a decrease in investment cash.

   Interest expense was $1,363 and $3,991 respectively for the three and six
months ended February 28, 1998 compared to $1,367 and $3,079 for the same
periods in the prior fiscal year.  The increase in interest expense is due to
short term debt incurred with the financing of  international insurance
coverage required to work abroad.


   The Company considers cash and cash equivalents as its principal measure of
liquidity.  These items total ($16,039) at February 28, 1998.  Net cash used
by operating activities in the current period was $366,207.  The Company's
primary cash requirements are for operating expenses, particularly Research
and Development expenses, raw material purchases and capital expenditures. 
Since the Company commenced operations, it has incurred recurring losses and
negative cash flows from operations.  The Company does not have sufficient
working capital available to maintain operations at their current levels. 
These factors raise substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue
as a going concern.  The Company's ability to continue as a going concern is
dependent upon obtaining additional capital investments or generation of
adequate sales revenue and profitability from operations.

   To enhance its liquidity, the Company completed a special private offering
to accredited and sophisticated investors in March 1998.  The Company sold
986,413 shares of treasury common stock and raised approximately $740,000. 
The Company has paid overdue trade accounts payable and intends to use the
remaining proceeds to fund operations until sufficient sales are generated. 
If operations do not generate sufficient sales, management has the option to
sell the remaining treasury common stock, approximately 1 million shares,
authorized by the board of directors, or restructure the organization's
personnel and associated expenses to minimize negative cash flow.   

   For immediate capital requirements, the Company negotiated a loan from a
member of the board of directors.  The note payable is reflected in the
current liability section in the consolidated balance sheet.  Proceeds from
the March 1998 special private offering will be used to repay the loan.

   The Company has successfully field tested a unique technology for
recovering barite and oil from spent drilling muds.  This process technology
utilizes a proprietary cleaning mixture which separates the oil from the
barite within an aqueous medium.  The process recovers more than 95% of the
barite at high purity levels.  This material can be reused as a constituent in
the production of water or oil based drilling muds.  The synthetic oil
recovered in this process can be sold or reused in mud applications.  The mud
recycling process (MRP) offers significant cost savings over current
management practices involving spent drilling muds.  The market value of the
recovered barite and oils is expected to more than offset processing costs. 
The Company, working on location in Colombia with M-I Drilling Fluids, L.L.C.,
received final approval and the associated work order to demonstrate the
process.  No estimates of revenues is possible in this early stage of
development because the results of this technology have to be commercially
   The Company entered into a exclusive worldwide license agreement with
Gradient Technology, Inc., for a leading edge portfolio of patent pending
demil  "conversion" technologies to address the U.S. Government's drive toward
"resource recovery and reuse" in demilitarization operations. 
Demilitarization or "demil" is a term used to describe the removal of
conventional munitions, including bombs, rockets, torpedos and shells from the
inventory of stored ammunition.  The blending of these licensed technologies
with the Company's highly advanced chemical process and separation know-how
should position the Company to offer cost efficient explosive conversion
and/or recovery services to the U.S. Government.
   The Company has also completed a worldwide strategic alliance with 
Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals, L.L.C.  This strategic alliance is designed to
strengthen both the Company's product lines and research capabilities in the
expanding oil exploration market.
   The Company continues to expand its industrial and institutional cleaning
market.  Specifically, the Company has entered the fleet maintenance market
and the concrete cleaning and restoration markets.  The Company's materials
offer safe, effective alternatives to the caustic and acid based materials
currently being utilized in the marketplace.  These markets have experience
minimal competitive pressure over the last decade and are primed and ready to
accept a new source for its product stream.

   Management believes, although no assurances can be made, that sales will
increase and cash flows from operations will improve in fiscal year 1998.  

   The Company has no unused credit facilities at this time.

                                       Part II
                                   Other Information

Part II.  Item 1.   Legal Proceedings

                    not applicable

          Item 2.   Changes in Securities

                    not applicable

          Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities

                    not applicable

          Item 4.   Submission Of Matters To Vote Of Security Holders
                    not applicable

          Item 5.   Other information

                    not applicable

          Item 6.   Exhibits And Reports On Form 8-K

                    a)  Exhibits

                        not applicable

                    b)  Reports On Form 8-K

                        not applicable  


The financial information furnished herein has not been audited by an
independent accountant; however, in the opinion of management, all adjustments
(only consisting of normal recurring accruals) necessary for a fair
presentation of the results of operations for the three months ended November
30, 1997 have been included.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    Delta-Omega Technologies, Inc.

                                     /s/ James V. Janes, III
                                     James V. Janes III
                                     (Principal Officer)

                                     /s/ Marian A. Bourque
                                     Marian A. Bourque
                                     Chief Accounting Officer

Date:  April 13, 1998