WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                   FORM 8-K/A

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                       PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      Date of report (Date of earliest event reported):  DECEMBER 31, 2003

                              EMERITUS CORPORATION
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                      WASHINGTON     1-14012     91-1605464
    (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation)     (Commission File Number)
                        (IRS Employer Identification No.)

                              Raymond R. Brandstrom
        Vice President of Finance, Chief Financial Officer, and Secretary
                              Emeritus Corporation
                         3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 500
                            Seattle, Washington 98121
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (206) 298-2909
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


This  Form  8-K/A amends the interim report on Form 8-K dated December 31, 2003,
(filed  January 14, 2004) to include Item 7 (a) Financial Statements, and Item 7
(b)  Pro  Forma  Financial  Information.


(a)     Financial statements of business acquired

The  combined balance sheet of the Horizon Bay Properties, eight assisted living
facilities  managed by Emeritus Corporation, acquired by Emeritus Corporation as
of December 31, 2003, and the combined statements of operations, cash flows, and
changes  in  members'  deficit  for  the  year then ended, and notes thereto and
report  of  Independent  Auditors  relating  to the December 31, 2003, financial

(b)     Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information:

i.   Emeritus Corporation Pro Forma Consolidated Balance Sheet as of September
     30, 2003;
ii.  Emeritus Corporation Pro Forma Consolidated Statements of Operations for
     the nine months ended September 30, 2003, and the year ended December 31,
iii. Notes to the Pro Forma Consolidated Financial Statements;

(c)     Exhibits:

23.1     Consent of KPMG LLP


                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             HORIZON BAY PROPERTIES

Independent Auditors' Report                                              1
Financial Statements:
Combined Balance Sheet at December 31, 2003                               2
Combined Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2003     3
Combined Statement of Changes in Members' Deficit
  for the year ended December 31, 2003                                    4
Combined Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2003     5
Notes to Combined Financial Statements                                    6

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Board of Directors
Emeritus Corporation

We  have  audited  the combined balance sheet of the Horizon Bay Properties (the
"Properties")  as  of  December 31, 2003, and the related combined statements of
operations, changes in members' deficit, and cash flows for the year then ended.
These  combined  financial  statements  are  the responsibility of the Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion on these combined
financial  statements  based  on  our  audits.

We  conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in  the  United  States  of  America.  Those  standards require that we plan and
perform  the  audit  to  obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.  We  believe  that  our  audit  provides  a
reasonable  basis  for  our  opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the  combined  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Properties as of
December  31, 2003, and the results of their operations and their cash flows the
year  then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
the  United  States  of  America.


Seattle,  Washington
March 12, 2004

                             HORIZON BAY PROPERTIES
                             COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)


                                          DECEMBER 31,
Current Assets:
 Cash                                        $   217
 Trade accounts receivable, net                   44
 Other receivables                                70
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets       509
 Total current assets                            840
Property and equipment, net                    6,485
Lease acquisition costs, net                     325
Other assets, net                                203
 Total assets                                $ 7,853


Current Liabilities:
 Current portion of long-term debt           $ 6,208
 Trade accounts payable                          175
 Accrued employee compensation and benefits      423
 Accrued interest                                 51
 Accrued real estate taxes                       399
 Other accrued expenses                          196
 Deferred revenue                                426
 Current portion of deferred rent                250
 Other current liabilities                       403
 Total current liabilities                     8,531

Deferred rent, net of current portion          1,857
Other long-term liabilities                       12
 Total liabilities                            10,400

Members' deficit                              (2,547)
 Total liabilities and members' deficit      $ 7,853

            See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                              HORIZON BAY PROPERTIES
                                  (IN THOUSANDS)

                                        YEAR ENDED
                                     DECEMBER 31, 2003
  Community revenue                 $           15,769
  Other service fees                               708
          Total operating revenues              16,477

  Community operations                          10,906
  General and administrative                       787
  Depreciation and amortization                    453
  Facility lease expense                         4,357
          Total operating expenses              16,503
          Loss from operations                     (26)

Other income (expense):
  Interest income                                    3
  Interest expense                                (622)
  Other, net                                         1
          Net other expense                       (618)

          Net loss                  $             (644)

            See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                              HORIZON BAY PROPERTIES
                                  (IN THOUSANDS)

                                YEAR ENDED
                             DECEMBER 31, 2003
Balance, December 31, 2002  $           (3,440)
   Contributions                         1,537
   Net loss                               (644)
Balance, December 31, 2003  $           (2,547)

            See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                             HORIZON BAY PROPERTIES
                        COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                         YEAR ENDED
                                                      DECEMBER 31, 2003
Cash flows from operating activities:
          Net loss                                                ($644)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to
          net cash used in operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                                   453
    Amortization of deferred rent                                  (251)
    Provision for doubtful accounts                                  (4)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
    Trade accounts receivable                                        17
    Other receivables                                               (65)
    Prepaid expenses and other current assets                      (425)
    Other assets                                                   (138)
    Trade accounts payable                                         (471)
    Accrued employee compensation and benefits                       26
    Accrued interest                                                  8
    Accrued real estate taxes                                        (4)
    Other accrued expenses                                           55
    Deferred revenue                                                168
    Other current liabilities                                      (144)
    Other long-term liabilities                                     (26)
          Net cash used in operating activities                  (1,445)

Cash used in investing activities:
  Acquisition of property and equipment                            (214)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Contributions                                                   1,537
  Repayment of long-term borrowings                                 (91)
          Net cash provided by financing activities               1,446
          Net decrease in cash                                     (213)
Cash at the beginning of the year                                   430
Cash at the end of the year                          $              217

Supplemental disclosure:
          Cash paid for interest                                  ($615)

             See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                             HORIZON BAY PROPERTIES
                     Notes to Combined Financial Statements
                                December 31, 2003


Description of Business

The Horizon Bay Properties (the "Properties") are limited liability entities and
include  the  operations  of  eight  assisted  living  communities comprising an
aggregate  of  approximately  617 units. The Properties are located in Louisiana
and  Texas and provide a residential housing alternative for senior citizens who
need  help  with  the  activities  of daily living, with an emphasis on assisted
living  and  personal  care  services  including memory loss services. Until May
2002,  the  Properties  had  been  previously operated by Horizon Bay Management
L.L.C.  ("Horizon  Bay").  In  April  2002, Emeritus Corporation (the "Company")
entered  into  agreements to acquire the ownership interest of one community and
the  leasehold  interest of seven communities for the assumption of the mortgage
debt  relating  to the owned community and the lease obligations relating to the
leased  communities.  In  May  2002, the Company assigned its rights under these
agreements  to  entities  wholly  owned  by  Mr.  Baty (the "Baty entities") and
entered  into  five-year management agreements expiring April 30, 2007, with the
Baty  entities, providing for a management fee of 5% of gross revenue. As a part
of  these  agreements,  the  Company  had  the  right  but not the obligation to
reacquire  the  one  community and seven leased communities at any time prior to
April  30,  2007, by assuming the mortgage debt and lease obligations and paying
the  Baty entities the amount of any cash investment in the communities, plus 9%
per  annum.  In  the  original agreements of acquisition with the Baty entities,
Horizon  Bay agreed to fund operating losses of the communities to the extent of
approximately $2.5 million in the first twelve months and $870,000 in the second
twelve  months  following  the closing. Under the management agreements with the
Baty  entities, the Company had agreed to fund any operating losses in excess of
these limits over the five-year management term. In late 2002, the Baty entities
and Horizon Bay altered their agreement relating to operating losses whereby (i)
Horizon  Bay  paid  the  Baty  entities  $2.4 million and (ii) the Baty entities
waived  any  further  funding  by  Horizon  Bay  of  operating  losses  of  the
communities.  Such  payments were recorded as deferred rent. This alteration did
not change the Company's funding commitment, however, the Company has not funded
any  operating  losses. Effective December 31, 2003, the Company has assumed the
existing  leases  relating to the seven leased communities. In lieu of acquiring
the  remaining  community  that  was  subject to mortgage financing, the Company
entered into an agreement to lease the community from the applicable Baty entity
effective  December  31,  2003.

Basis of Presentation and Principles of Combination

The  combined  financial statements include the accounts of the Properties as of
December  31, 2003.  All significant inter-company balances and transactions are
eliminated  in  combination.  The combined financial statements are presented as
if  the  Properties  had  operated  as  an  independent  stand-alone entity.  In
addition, costs related liabilities for general liability and casualty insurance
and  workers'  compensation  have  been  charged  to  the  Properties  based  on
agreements  in  effect  between  the  Company  and  the  Properties  based on an
allocation  of  actual  costs.

Use  of  Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted  in the United States of America requires management to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities,  disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial  statements  and  the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
the  reporting  period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.

Revenue  Recognition

Operating  revenue  consists  of  resident  fee  revenue  and  other service fee
revenue.  Resident  units  are  rented  on  a  month-to-month  basis and rent is
recognized  in  the  month the unit is occupied.  Service fees paid by residents
for  assisted  living  and  other  related services are recognized in the period
services  are  rendered.

Nonrefundable  move-in  fees are deferred and recognized over the average period
of  occupancy, approximately 16 months.  The Properties have not deferred any of
the  costs  related  to  move-ins.

Property and Equipment

Property  and  equipment  are stated at cost.  Depreciation and amortization are
computed  using  the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the
assets  as  follows:  buildings  and  improvements,  25  to 40 years; furniture,
equipment  and  vehicles,  five to seven years; leasehold improvements, over the
lease  term.

The  Properties  account  for  impairment  of  long-lived  assets, which include
property  and  equipment,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions of Statement of
Financial  Accounting Standard No. 144 Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal
of  Long-Lived  Assets.  Such changes include changes in the Properties business
strategies  and  plans  and  deteriorating  operating  performance of individual
communities.  The  Properties  use a variety of factors to assess the impairment
of  assets  depending  on  their nature and use.  Such assessments are primarily
based  upon  the  sum  of  expected  future undiscounted net cash flows over the
expected  period  the  asset  will  be  utilized,  as  well as market values and
conditions.  The  computation of expected future undiscounted net cash flows can
be  complex  and  involves  a  number of subjective assumptions.  Any changes in
these  factors or assumptions could impact the assessment of an asset and result
in  an impairment charge equal to the amount by which its carrying value exceeds
its  actual  or  estimated  fair  value.

Deferred  Rent

Deferred  rent  represents  payments  made  by  Horizon Bay to the Properties in
reimbursement  for  operating losses.  Such amounts are being amortized over the
term  of  the  lease.

Community Operations

Community  operations  expenses  represent  direct costs incurred to operate the
communities  and  include  costs  such  as  resident  activities,  marketing,
housekeeping,  food  service,  payroll  and  benefits,  facility  maintenance,
utilities,  taxes,  and  licenses.

Income  Taxes

No  provision  for  federal income taxes is included in the financial statements
since  such  taxes,  if  any,  are  payable  or  recoverable  by  the  members.


Property  and  equipment consist of the following at December 31 (In thousands):

                                                           DECEMBER 31,
 Land and improvements                                 $             1,050
 Building and improvements                                           4,373
 Furniture and equipment                                             1,121
 Leasehold improvements                                                445
 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                        504
                                                       $             6,485


Long-term  debt  consists  of a mortgage on one facility which is secured by the
facility.  The  entire  amount  of  long-term debt is current as of December 31,
2003,  as  the  loan matures on June 30, 2004.  Interest is payable monthly at a
rate  of  8%.  Management  believes  that this amount will be refinanced and the
debt  was  not  assumed  by  Emeritus  in  its  December  31, 2003, acquisition.

(4)     LEASES

At  December  31,  2003, the Properties leased 7 assisted living communities and
certain vehicles and equipment for community operations.  Minimum lease payments
under  noncancelable  operating  leases at December 31, 2003, are as follows (In

2004                                      $       4,499
2005                                              4,499
2006                                              4,499
2007                                              4,499
2008                                              4,499
Thereafter                                       13,632
Total                                     $      36,127

Facility  lease  expense  under noncancelable operating leases was approximately
$4.6  million  for  2003.


The Properties are involved in legal proceedings, claims, and litigation arising
in  the  ordinary course of business.  In the opinion of management, the outcome
of  these  matters  will  not have a material effect on the Properties' combined
results  of  operation,  financial  position,  or  cash  flows.




On  September  30,  2003,  Emeritus Corporation, (the "Company") entered into an
agreement to lease eight communities (the "Properties") in two states comprising
an  aggregate  of  approximately  617  units  that  we  formerly managed.  As of
December  31,  2003, we assumed the leases on seven of the leased facilities and
entered  into  a  lease  agreement  for  the eighth facility.  The seven assumed
leases  are with third-party real estate investment trusts.  The eighth lease is
with  our  Chairman and CEO, Dan Baty.  The terms of the eight leases are from 8
to  10  years,  effective  as  of  December  31,  2003.

The  following  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  balance  sheet  of Emeritus
Corporation  at  September  30,  2003,  gives effect to the acquisition as if it
occurred  as  of  that  date.  The  following  unaudited  pro forma consolidated
statements  of  operations  of  Emeritus  Corporation  for the nine months ended
September  30,  2003,  and the year ended December 31, 2002, gives effect to the
acquisition  as  if  it  occurred  as  of  January 1, 2003, and January 1, 2002,

The  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  financial statements have been derived
from,  and  should  be  read  in  conjunction  with, the historical consolidated
financial  statements,  including  the  notes  thereto,  of  the Company and the
Properties.  For  the  Company,  those  financial  statements  are  included  in
Emeritus  Corporation's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31,  2002,  and  Emeritus  Corporation's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the
quarter  ended  September  30,  2003.  For  the  Properties,  those  financial
statements  are  filed herewith.  The unaudited pro forma consolidated financial
statements are presented for informational purposes only and are not necessarily
indicative  of  the  financial  position or results of operations of the Company
that  would  have  occurred had the acquisition been consummated as of the dates
indicated.  In  addition,  the  unaudited  pro  forma  consolidated  financial
statements  are  not necessarily indicative of the future financial condition or
operating  results  of  the  Company.

                                                 EMERITUS CORPORATION
                                                  SEPTEMBER 30, 2003
                                                    (IN THOUSANDS)


                                                                                     PROFORMA                EMERITUS
                                                      EMERITUS    THE PROPERTIES    ADJUSTMENTS              COMBINED
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
Current Assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                           $  10,791   $           525   $       (931)      (a,b)  $  10,385
 Trade accounts receivable, net                          2,276                58            (58)        (a)      2,276
 Other receivables                                       2,341                66            (66)        (a)      2,341
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets               8,829               441           (441)        (a)      8,829
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
 Total current assets                                   24,237             1,090         (1,496)                23,831
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
Property and equipment, net                             94,491             6,545         (6,545)        (a)     94,491
Property held for development                            1,254                 -              -                  1,254
Notes receivable from and investments in affiliates      2,469                 -              -                  2,469
Restricted deposits                                      5,613                 -              -                  5,613
Lease acquisition costs, net                            19,054               343             63       (a,b)     19,460
Other assets, net                                        5,221               218           (218)        (a)      5,221
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
 Total assets                                        $ 152,339   $         8,196   $     (8,196)              $152,339
                                                     ==========  ================  =============             =========

                                            LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' DEFICIT

Current Liabilities:
 Current portion of long-term debt                   $   3,161   $         6,234   $     (6,234)        (a)  $   3,161
 Trade accounts payable                                  3,404               382           (382)        (a)      3,404
 Accrued employee compensation and benefits              6,133               304           (304)        (a)      6,133
 Accrued interest                                        1,430                42            (42)        (a)      1,430
 Accrued real estate taxes                               3,793               444           (444)        (a)      3,793
 Accrued dividends on preferred stock                    7,578                 -              -                  7,578
 Other accrued expenses                                  7,279               169           (169)        (a)      7,279
 Deferred revenue                                        5,750               426           (426)        (a)      5,750
 Other current liabilities                               5,590               713           (713)        (a)      5,590
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
 Total current liabilities                              44,118             8,714         (8,714)                44,118
Long-term debt, less current portion                   114,648                 -              -                114,648
Convertible debentures                                  32,000                 -              -                 32,000
Deferred gain on sale of communities                    38,069                 -              -                 38,069
Deferred rent                                              282             1,920         (1,920)        (a)        282
Other long-term liabilities                                530                12            (12)        (a)        530
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
 Total liabilities                                     229,647            10,646        (10,646)               229,647
Minority interests                                           -                 -              -                      -
Redeemable preferred stock                                   -                 -              -                      -
Commitments and contingencies
Shareholders' Deficit:
Preferred stock                                              -                 -              -                      -
Common stock                                                 1                 -              -                      1
Additional paid-in capital                              71,326            (2,450)         2,450         (a)     71,326
Accumulated other comprehensive gain                         -                 -              -                      -
Accumulated deficit                                   (148,635)                -              -              (148,635)
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
 Total shareholders' deficit                           (77,308)           (2,450)         2,450               (77,308)
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ---------
 Total liabilities and shareholders' deficit         $ 152,339   $         8,196   $     (8,196)              $152,339
                                                     ==========  ================  =============             =========


                                                  EMERITUS CORPORATION
                                          NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2003
                                          (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                                     PROFORMA                 EMERITUS
                                                      EMERITUS    THE PROPERTIES    ADJUSTMENTS               COMBINED
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
  Community revenue                                  $ 134,949   $        11,666   $          -                $146,615
  Other service fees                                     3,165               577              -                   3,742
  Management fees                                        8,671                 -           (569)        (d)       8,102
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Total operating revenues                     146,785            12,243           (569)                158,459
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------

  Community operations                                  90,486             8,336              -                  98,822
  General and administrative                            17,366               569           (569)        (d)      17,366
  Depreciation and amortization                          5,486               340           (311)      (c,e)       5,515
  Facility lease expense                                27,697             3,201            187         (f)      31,085
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Total operating expenses                     141,035            12,446           (693)                152,788
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Income (loss) from operations                  5,750              (203)           124                   5,671

Other income (expense):
  Interest income                                          500                 2             (2)        (g)         500
  Interest expense                                      (9,813)             (467)           467         (h)     (9,813)
  Other, net                                             1,537                 -              -                   1,537
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Net other income (expense)                    (7,776)             (465)           465                 (7,776)
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------

          Net income (loss) before income taxes         (2,026)             (668)           589                 (2,105)
          Provision for income taxes                      (576)                -              -                   (576)
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Net income (loss)                             (2,602)             (668)           589                 (2,681)
Preferred stock dividends                               (5,240)                -              -                 (5,240)
Gain on repurchase of Series A preferred stock          14,465                 -              -                  14,465
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Net income (loss) to common shareholders   $   6,623   $          (668)  $        589              $    6,544
                                                     ==========  ================  =============              =========

Income (loss) per common share:
    Basic                                            $    0.65   $             -   $          -              $     0.64
                                                     ==========  ================  =============             ==========

    Diluted                                          $    0.59   $             -   $          -              $     0.58
                                                     ==========  ================  =============             ==========

Weighted average common shares outstanding:
    Basic                                               10,249                 -              -                  10,249
                                                     ==========  ================  =============             ==========

    Diluted                                             11,311                 -              -                  11,311
                                                     ==========  ================  =============             ==========


                                                  EMERITUS CORPORATION
                                              YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002
                                          (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                                     PROFORMA                 EMERITUS
                                                      EMERITUS    THE PROPERTIES    ADJUSTMENTS               COMBINED
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
  Community revenue                                  $ 137,662   $        15,128   $          -                $152,790
  Other service fees                                     4,575               661              -                   5,236
  Management fees                                       10,892                 -           (755)        (d)      10,137
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------              ---------
          Total operating revenues                     153,129            15,789           (755)                168,163
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------              ---------

  Community operations                                  93,822            11,958              -                 105,780
  General and administrative                            21,112               755           (755)        (d)      21,112
  Depreciation and amortization                          7,223               386           (347)      (c,e)       7,262
  Facility lease expense                                29,975             4,395             42         (f)      34,412
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Total operating expenses                     152,132            17,494         (1,060)                168,566
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Income (loss) from operations                    997            (1,705)           305                   (403)

Other income (expense):
  Interest income                                          403                 -              -                     403
  Interest expense                                     (11,728)             (338)           338         (h)    (11,728)
  Other, net                                             4,105              (158)             -                   3,947
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Net other expense                             (7,220)             (496)           338                 (7,378)
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------

          Net loss before income taxes                  (6,223)           (2,201)           643                 (7,781)
          Provision for income taxes                         -                 -              -                      -
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Net income (loss)                             (6,223)           (2,201)           643                 (7,781)

Preferred stock dividends                               (7,343)                -              -                 (7,343)
Gain on repurchase of Series A preferred stock               -                 -              -                      -
                                                     ----------  ----------------  -------------             ----------
          Net income (loss) to common shareholders   $ (13,566)  $        (2,201)  $        643               $(15,124)
                                                     ==========  ================  =============              =========

Income (loss) per common share:
    Basic                                            $   (1.33)  $             -   $          -              $   (1.48)
                                                     ==========  ================  =============              =========

    Diluted                                          $   (1.33)  $             -   $          -              $   (1.48)
                                                     ==========  ================  =============              =========

Weighted average common shares outstanding:
    Basic                                               10,207                 -              -                  10,207
                                                     ==========  ================  =============              =========

    Diluted                                             10,207                 -              -                  10,207
                                                     ==========  ================  =============              =========


                              EMERITUS CORPORATION



In  April  2002,  the  Company  entered into agreements to acquire the ownership
interest  of  one  community and the leasehold interest of seven communities for
the  assumption  of  the  mortgage  debt relating to the owned community and the
lease  obligations  relating  to the leased communities.  The eight communities,
comprising  617  units  in  Louisiana and Texas, had been previously operated by
Horizon  Bay  Management  L.L.C.  ("Horizon  Bay").  In  May  2002,  the Company
assigned  its rights under these agreements to entities wholly owned by Mr. Baty
(the  "Baty entities") and entered into five-year management agreements expiring
April  30, 2007, with the Baty entities, providing for a management fee of 5% of
gross revenue.  As a part of these agreements, the Company had the right but not
the  obligation  to  reacquire the one community and seven leased communities at
any  time  prior  to  April  30,  2007,  by assuming the mortgage debt and lease
obligations  and  paying  the Baty entities the amount of any cash investment in
the  communities,  plus 9% per annum.  In the original agreements of acquisition
with  the  Baty  entities,  Horizon  Bay  agreed to fund operating losses of the
communities  to  the  extent  of  approximately $2.5 million in the first twelve
months  and  $870,000  in the second twelve months following the closing.  Under
the management agreements with the Baty entities, the Company had agreed to fund
any  operating  losses  in  excess of these limits over the five-year management
term.  In  late  2002, the Baty entities and Horizon Bay altered their agreement
relating to operating losses whereby (i) Horizon Bay paid the Baty entities $2.4
million  and (ii) the Baty entities waived any further funding by Horizon Bay of
operating  losses  of  the  communities.  This  alteration  did  not  change the
Company's funding commitment.  During 2002, the Company received management fees
of  $661,000, including $120,000 of mobilization fees from management agreements
with  the  Baty entities.  For nine months ended September 30, 2003, the Company
received  management  fees  of  $569,000  from  the  same  agreements.

On  September  30,  2003,  the  Company entered into an agreement to lease eight
communities  that  it  formerly  managed.  As  of December 31, 2003, the Company
assumed  the  leases  on seven of the leased facilities and entered into a lease
agreement  for  the  eighth  facility.  The  seven  assumed  leases  are  with
third-party  real  estate  investment  trusts.  The  eighth  lease  is  with the
Company's  Chairman and CEO, Dan Baty.  The terms of the eight leases are from 8
to  10  years,  effective  as  of  December  31,  2003.

The Properties' financial statements are presented for the purposes of complying
with  the  Securities  and Exchange Commission's rules and regulations regarding
acquired  businesses.


The combined financial statements of the Properties as of and for the nine-month
period  ended  September  30,  2003  and  the  year ended December 31, 2002, are
unaudited  but,  in  the  opinion  of management, have been prepared on the same
basis  as  the  audited  financial  statements  and  reflect  all  adjustments,
consisting of normal recurring accruals necessary for a fair presentation of the
information  set  forth  therein.  The  Properties  were  acquired  by  the Baty
entities  effective May 1, 2002.  The combined financial statements for the year
ended  December  31,  2002,  include  both the eight-months of operations of the
Properties subsequent to the acquisition and the four months of operations under
the  previous  owner.  The results of operations for the nine-month period ended
September  30,  2003, are not necessarily indicative of the operating results to
be  expected  for  the  full  year or any other period. These combined financial
statements  should be read in conjunction with the combined financial statements
and notes included in the audited financial statements of the Properties for the
year  ended  December  31,  2003,  filed  herewith.

                              EMERITUS CORPORATION

(2)     Pro Forma Adjustments

a)     To remove all assets, liabilities and net accumulated deficit of the
Horizon Bay Properties (the "Properties") as Emeritus acquired the Properties
through operating lease agreements.

b)     To record lease acquisition costs of approximately $406,000 incurred in
the acquisition.

c)     To amortize nine months of lease acquisition cost of approximately
$29,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2003, and $39,000 for the year
ended December 31, 2002.

d)     To eliminate management fees charged to the Properties of approximately
$569,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2003, and $755,000 for the year
ended December 31, 2002, since Emeritus is not hiring any additional
administrative staff to operate the Properties and will no longer receive
management fees.

e)     To eliminate depreciation and amortization on the Properties as Emeritus
acquired the buildings through operating lease agreements.

f)     To eliminate amortization of deferred rent as no deferred rent payments
were made to Emeritus.

g)     To eliminate interest income on cash that was not assumed by Emeritus.

h)     To eliminate interest expense on debt that was not assumed by Emeritus.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
the  registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned,  hereunto  duly  authorized.

                                              EMERITUS CORPORATION

                                              By:    /s/ Raymond R. Brandstrom
                                                     Raymond R. Brandstrom
                                                     Vice President of Finance,
                                                     Chief Financial Officer,
                                                     and Secretary

                                              Dated:  March 15, 2004