Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                      Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Filed by the Registrant                      [ X ]

     Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [   ]

     Check the appropriate box:

     [   ]     Preliminary Proxy Statement

     [   ]     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as
               permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

     [ X ]     Definitive Proxy Statement

     [   ]     Definitive Additional Materials

     [   ]     Soliciting Material Pursuant to  240.14a-11(c) or 

                              DATARAM CORP.            

              (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)


     Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

     [ X ]     No fee required.

     [   ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 
               14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11

               1)  Title of each class of securities to which
                   transaction applies:


               2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction



               3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
                   computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth   
                   the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and     
                   state how it was determined):


               4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


               5)  Total fee paid:


          [   ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

          [   ]    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided
                   by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing
                   for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
                   Identify the previous filing by registration statement
                   number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

               1)  Amount Previously Paid:


               2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


               3)  Filing Party:


               4)  Date Filed:



                       DATARAM CORPORATION
                     A New Jersey Corporation

                 to be held on September 9, 1998


      The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of DATARAM 
CORPORATION (the "Company") will be held at the Company's 
corporate headquarters at 186 Princeton-Hightstown Road, Windsor 
Business Park, West Windsor, New Jersey, on Wednesday, September 
9, 1998 at 2:00 p.m., for the following purposes:

     (1)  To elect five (5) directors of the Company to serve
          until the next succeeding Annual Meeting of
          Shareholders and until their successors have been
          elected and have been qualified. 

     (2)  To ratify the selection of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as the
          independent certified public accountants of the Company
          for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1999. 

     (3)  To transact such other business as may properly come
          before the meeting or any adjournments.  

     Only shareholders of record at the close of business on the 
24th day of July 1998 are entitled to notice of and to vote at 
this meeting.

                               By order of the Board of Directors
                                       Thomas J. Bitar, Secretary

August 3, 1998

The Company's 1998 Annual Report is Enclosed.



                       DATARAM CORPORATION

                         PROXY STATEMENT
                       SEPTEMBER 9, 1998

     This Proxy Statement is furnished by DATARAM CORPORATION 
(the "Company"), which has a mailing address for its principal 
executive offices at P.O. Box 7528, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-
7528, in connection with the solicitation by the Board of 
Directors of proxies to be voted at the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders of the Company to be held at the Company's corporate 
headquarters at 186 Princeton-Hightstown Road, Windsor Business 
Park, West Windsor, New Jersey on Wednesday, September 9, 1998 at 
2:00 p.m.  The close of business on July 24, 1998 has been fixed 
as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled 
to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting and any 
adjournments thereof.  This Proxy Statement was mailed to 
shareholders on or about August 3, 1998.

                          VOTING RIGHTS

     On July 24, 1998, there were outstanding and entitled to 
vote 2,781,405 shares of the Company's common stock, par value 
$1.00 per share (the "Common Stock").  Holders of the Common 
Stock are entitled to one vote, exercisable in person or by 
proxy, for each share of Common Stock owned on the record date.  
Shareholders may revoke executed proxies at any time before they 
are voted by filing a written notice of revocation with the 
secretary of the Company.  Where a choice has been specified in 
the proxy, the shares will be voted as directed.

     With respect to each matter to be voted upon, a vote of a 
majority of the number of shares voting is required for approval 
or election.  Abstentions will be counted as votes cast, but 
proxies submitted by brokers with a "not voted" direction will 
not be counted as votes cast with respect to each matter to be 
voted upon where such instruction is given.


     The following table sets forth information concerning each 
of the Company's executive officers:

Name                    Age     Positions with the Company
____                    ___     __________________________

Robert V. Tarantino      55     President, Chief Executive
                                Officer and Director

Jeffrey H. Duncan        48     Vice President - Manufacturing
                                and Engineering

Mark E. Maddocks         46     Vice President - Finance and
                                Chief Financial Officer

Hugh F. Tucker           45     Vice President - Sales

     Robert V. Tarantino has been employed by the Company since 
1970.  He has served as President and Chief Executive Officer 
since 1986.

<PAGE 2>

     Jeffrey H. Duncan has been employed by the Company since 
1974.  In 1990, he became Vice President-Engineering.  Since 
1995, he served as Vice President - Manufacturing and 

     Mark E. Maddocks has been employed by the Company since 
1978.  He began as a staff accountant.  In 1982, he was promoted 
to the position of Data Processing Supervisor.  In 1986 he became 
Controller.  Since 1996 he has served as Vice President - Finance 
and Chief Financial Officer.

     Hugh F. Tucker has been employed by the Company since 1983, 
initially as Western Regional Sales Manager.  In 1995 he became 
Director of Sales and Marketing.  Since 1996 he has served as 
Vice President - Sales.

                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Five (5) directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders by the vote of a plurality of the shares of Common 
Stock represented at such meeting.  Unless otherwise indicated by 
the shareholder, the accompanying proxy will be voted for the 
election of the five (5) persons named under the heading 
"Nominees for Directors."  Although the Company knows of no 
reason why any nominee could not serve as a director, if any 
nominee shall be unable to serve, the accompanying proxy will be 
voted for a substitute nominee.

                     NOMINEES FOR DIRECTORS

     The term of office for each director will expire at the next 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders and when the director's successor 
shall have been elected and duly qualified.  Each nominee is a 
member of the present Board of Directors and has been elected by 
shareholders at prior meetings.

          Name of Nominee               Age
          _______________               ___

          Robert V. Tarantino           55

          Richard Holzman               64
          Thomas A. Majewski            46

          Bernard L. Riley              68

          Roger C. Cady                 60

     Mr. Tarantino is an executive officer of the Company.  Mr. 
Tarantino has been a director since 1981.

     Richard Holzman has been retired since August of 1995.  From 
January of 1994 until August of 1995, he had been Vice-President 
of Optika Imaging Systems.  Prior to that, and for more than five 
years, he had served as President of Teamworks Technologies, 
Inc., a software development company.  Mr. Holzman has been a 
Director since 1978. 

     Thomas A. Majewski has been a principal in Walden, Inc., a 
computer consulting and technologies venture capital firm, since 
1990.  Prior to 1990, he had been Chief Financial Officer of 
Custom Living Homes & Communities, Inc., a developer of 
residential housing.  Mr. Majewski has been a Director since 

     Bernard L. Riley retired as Executive Vice President and 
Chief Financial Officer in December of 1995 but continued as an 
employee of the Company handling special projects into the last 
fiscal year.  He had been employed by the Company since 1992.  
His business career included thirty years with International 
Paper with senior responsibilities in both finance and general 
management before taking early retirement in 1985.  At that time, 
he was Vice President - Logistics.  Thereafter, he served for 
four years as Vice President, Finance and as a director of Emcore 
Corporation, a semiconductor equipment manufacturer.  During the 
two years immediately prior to joining Dataram, he was a 
management consultant.   Mr. Riley has been a Director since 

<PAGE 3>

Roger C. Cady is a founder and principal of Arcadia 
Associates, a strategic consulting and mergers and acquisitions 
advisory firm.  Prior to that he was employed as Vice President 
of Business Development for Dynatech Corporation, a diversified 
communications equipment manufacturer.  Before joining Dynatech 
he was a strategic management consultant for eight years.  His 
business career has included 16 years in various engineering, 
marketing and management responsibilities as a Vice President of 
Digital Equipment Corporation, and President of two early stage 
startup companies.  Mr. Cady has been a Director since 1996.


     The following table sets forth the number of shares of 
Common Stock beneficially owned by certain owners known by the 
Company to beneficially own in excess of 5% of the Common Stock, 
each director of the Company, and all directors and executive 
officers collectively, as of July 24, 1998.  Unless otherwise 
indicated, stock ownership includes sole voting power and sole 
investment power.  No other person or group is known to 
beneficially own in excess of five percent (5%) of the Common 

       Name of Director       Amount and             Percent
       or Number of           Nature of                of
       Persons in Group       Beneficial Ownership   Class(1)
       ___________________    ____________________   ________

       Robert V. Tarantino    364,128(2)               12.6%

       Richard Holzman         21,160(3)                 *

       Thomas A. Majewski      10,500(3)                 *

       Bernard L. Riley        15,000(3)                 *

       Roger C. Cady           15,000(4)                 *

       Directors and          573,527(5)               18.8%
       executive officers
       as a group (8 persons)

       James R. Levitas       176,900                   6.4% 

(1) On July 24, 1998, 2,781,405 shares were outstanding.

(2) Of this amount, 5,700 shares are held by Mr. Tarantino's wife 
and 100,000 shares may be acquired by the exercise of options 
held.  Mr. Tarantino's address is 186 Princeton Hightstown Road, 
Windsor Business Park, West Windsor, New Jersey 08550.

(3) Of this amount, 7,500 shares may be acquired by the exercise 
of options held.

(4) Of this amount, 15,000 shares may be acquired by the exercise 
of options held.

(5) Of this amount, 232,000 shares may be acquired by the 
exercise of options held by executive officers under the 
Company's incentive and  non-statutory stock option plan, and 
37,500 shares may be acquired by exercise of options held by 
outside directors.

(6) As reported in a filing with the Securities and Exchange 
Commission  on Schedule 13D on February 20, 1997 Mr. Levitas  
owns 3,000 shares  and has investment discretion over 173,900 
shares held by LEVCO, Partners, and L.P. and in managed accounts 
over which Mr. Levitas has investment discretion.  Mr. Levitas 
reports his address as being  Levitas & Company, 230 Park Avenue, 
Suite 1549, New York, New York  10169

*    Less than 1%.


                                  EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The following table sets forth the compensation paid for the fiscal years ended April 30, 
1996, 1997 and 1998 to the Company's Chief Executive Officer and the three executive officers.

                                                Summary Compensation Table

                                       Annual Compensation        Long Term Compensation
                                   ___________________________    ______________________

Name and                                                Annual     Stock      Other
Principal                   Fiscal                      Compen-    Options    Compen-
Position(1)                 Year     Salary     Bonus   sation     Awarded    sation(2)
___________                 _____   _______    ______   ______     _______    _________
Robert V. Tarantino         1998    261,050    91,033     --       100,000     15,105
President, Chief Executive  1997    249,050   180,000     --         --        14,400
Officer, Director           1996    238,050    32,445     --         --        11,423

Jeffrey H. Duncan           1998    164,925    53,938     --        50,000      9,340
Vice President - Manu-      1997    154,050    58,000     --        25,000      8,700
facturing and Engineering   1996    144,550    19,467     --         --         9,275

Mark E. Maddocks            1998    159,550    52,423     --        10,000       --  
Vice President - Finance,   1997    149,050    56,000     --        25,000      4,846
Chief Financial Officer     1996    121,323    14,093     --        40,000      6,707

Hugh F. Tucker              1998    182,300    56,835     --          --       10,385
Vice President - Sales      1997    174,050    82,000     --        45,000      7,425
                            1996    175,550        --     --        30,000      9,633


(1)  No other executive officer had annual compensation in excess of $100,000 in fiscal 1998.

(2)  Payments by the Company to a plan trustee under the Company's Savings and Investment 
Retirement Plan, a 401(k) plan.  The Company does not have a pension plan.

<PAGE 5>

The following table provides information concerning options 
granted to named executive officers in the fiscal year ended 
April 30, 1998:

	Option Grants in Fiscal 1998

                               Percent   Exercise  Expiration 
Name                  Number   of Total  Price($)    Date      5%(1)    10%(1) 

Robert V. Tarantino  100,000     43%      8.44      11/19/07 432,452 1,106,056

Mark E. Maddocks      10,000      4%      8.44      11/19/07  43,645   110,606

Jeffrey H. Duncan     50,000     22%      8.44      11/19/07 216,222   553,028 

Hugh F. Tucker          --       --        --          --       --      --
(1) Potential realizable value at assumed annual rates of stock price 
appreciation for option term.

The following table provides information concerning option 
exercises by named executive officers during the fiscal year 
ended April 30, 1998 and the number and value of the named 
executive officers' unexercised options at fiscal year ended 
April 30, 1998:

          Option Exercises and Values at April 30, 1998
                                                                                 Value of
                                                              Number of         In-the-Money
                                                             Options at         Options at
                                                            April 30, 1998     April 30, 1998
                                                            ______________     ______________ 

                        Shares acquired   Value             Exercisable/       Exercisable/
        Name              on exercise     Received          Unexercisable     Unexercisable ($)
        ____              ___________     _________         _____________     _________________

   Robert V. Tarantino         --            --               100,000          481,250
                                                              100,000          350,000

   Mark E. Maddocks            --            --                39,000          202,625           
                                                               46,000          238,000 

   Jeffrey H. Duncan           --            --                21,000          265,625  
                                                               70,000          275,000

   Hugh F. Tucker              --            --                21,000          126,500        
                                                               54,000          302,625           

<PAGE 6>

                        PERFORMANCE GRAPH


[The chart is a three-line graph of dollars versus dates having 
the following data points:

                         4/93   4/94   4/95   4/96   4/97   4/98
                         ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____

        Dataram           100    55     54     65     96     131

        Peer Group**      100   167    170    278    391     537

        S&P 500           100   105    124    161    202     284]

* $100 invested on 4/30/93 in stock or index including 
reinvestment of dividends, fiscal year ending April 30.

Standard Industrial Code Peer Group includes the following 
companies: Access Solutions Intl., Inc.; Andataco, Inc.; ATL 
Products, Inc.; Cerion Technologies, Inc.; Dataram Corp.; Disc, 
Inc.; Drexler Technology Corp.; EMC Corp.; Exabyte Corp.; HMT 
Technology Corp.; Intevac, Inc.; Iomega Corp.; MTI Technology 
Corp.; Overland Data, Inc.; Pinnacle Micro Inc.; Procom 
Technology, Inc.; Quantum Corp.; Sandisk Corp.; Seagate 
Technology; Smart Modular Corporation; Storage Technology Corp.; 
and Western Digital Corp.

<PAGE 7>

Employment Agreement.  As of May 1, 1997, Robert V. Tarantino 
entered into an Employment Agreement with the Company.  The 
Employment Agreement is scheduled to expire on April 30, 2002.  
If not terminated at that time it continues on a year to year 
basis until terminated by one of the parties.  It provides for a 
current base compensation of $265,000 subject to annual review by 
the Board of Directors.  In addition Mr. Tarantino will receive a 
bonus based upon a formula which shall be reviewed and approved 
annually by the Board of Directors (See "Report of the 
Compensation and Stock Option Committee of the Board of Directors 
on Executive Compensation-Bonuses).  The Employment Agreement may 
be terminated by the Company for cause and expires upon the 
death, or six months after the onset of the disability, of the 
executive.  In the event of termination within a year of a change 
of control, Mr. Tarantino is entitled to damages for the breach 
of the Employment Agreement or, if greater, one year's base 
salary plus three months additional salary at the then current 
rate for each year of the Agreement in which the pre-tax 
operating profits shall have exceeded 110% of the greater of the 
prior year's actual pre-tax operating profit or a minimum base 
pre-tax operating profit.  The Employment Agreement contains 
terms concerning confidentiality, assignment and disclosure of 
inventions and post-employment restrictions on competition.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation.  The 
Securities and Exchange Commission rules regarding disclosure of 
executive compensation require proxy statement disclosure of 
specified information regarding certain relationships of members 
of the Company's Board of Directors with the Company or certain 
other entities.  None of the members of the Corporation's Board 
of Directors has a relationship requiring such disclosure.


     The Company's compensation policies applicable to its 
executive officers are administered by the Compensation and Stock 
Option Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of Directors.  
All members of the Committee are non-employee directors.  These 
policies are designed to enhance the overall strength and 
financial performance of the Company by aligning the financial 
interests of the Company's executive officers with those of its 
     The three primary components of executive compensation are 
base salaries, bonuses and stock option grants.  The Committee 
determines the base salary, bonus amount and stock option grants 
for the President and Chief Executive Officer.  The Committee 
reviews and gives final approval to the President and Chief 
Executive Officer's recommendations for base salaries, bonus and 
stock option grants for all other executives.

Base Salary

     The Committee considered the financial performance of the 
Company, reviewed a survey of executive salaries for computer and 
computer products companies (compiled by the American Electronics 
Association) and determined the base salary for the President and 
Chief Executive Officer, Robert V. Tarantino.    

     Base salaries for other executive officers for the fiscal 
year ended April 30, 1998 were determined by the President and 
Chief Executive Officer.


     The Committee reviewed and gave final approval for a bonus 
plan for the President and Chief Executive Officer and for other 
executive officers.  This bonus plan, similar to plans adopted in 
prior years, is based on a distribution of a percentage 
(approximately 6% this year) of pre-tax operating profits based 
on meeting or exceeding stated objectives.

Stock Option Plan

     The value to each executive officer of stock option grants 
is tied directly to stock price performance.  The Committee 
grants options under the stockholder approved option plan at an 
exercise price equal to the market price of the Common Stock at 
the date of grant.  If there is no appreciation in the market 
price for the Company's Common Stock, the options are valueless.

<PAGE 8>

     Grants are made to executive officers based on salary, 
responsibility and performance of the individual officer.  The 
Committee believes that options are important to better align the 
financial interests of executive officers with those of 
shareholders in general.  Each option granted was a ten-year 
option with a deferred vesting provision of five years. 

             Compensation and Stock Option Committee

                 Richard Holzman
                 Thomas A. Majewski
                 Roger C. Cady
                 Bernard L. Riley


     The Board of Directors has selected KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as 
the independent certified public accountants to the Company for 
the fiscal year ending April 30, 1999.  The holders of Common 
Stock are asked to ratify this selection.  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP 
has served the Company in this capacity since the Company's 
incorporation.  If the shareholders fail to ratify the Board's 
selection of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, the Board will reconsider its 
action in light of the shareholder vote.

     The Company has been informed that neither KPMG Peat Marwick 
LLP, nor any of its partners, has any direct financial interest 
or any material indirect financial interest in the Company or any 
of its subsidiaries, nor has any of its partners acted in the 
capacity of promoter, underwriter, voting trustee, director, 
officer or employee of the Company.

     The Company has been advised by KPMG Peat Marwick LLP that 
representatives of that firm are expected to be present at the 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  These representatives will have 
the opportunity to make a statement, if they so desire, and will 
also be available to respond to appropriate questions from 

                          OTHER MATTERS

     Should any other matter or business be brought before the 
meeting, a vote may be cast pursuant to the accompanying proxy in 
accordance with the judgment of the proxy holder.  The Company 
does not know of any such other matter or business.


     Any shareholder wishing to present a proposal which is 
intended to be presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of 
Shareholders should submit such proposal to the Company at its 
principal executive offices no later than April 2, 1999.  It is 
suggested that any proposals be sent by certified mail, return 
receipt requested.

                        BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     The Board of Directors of the Company met five times during 
the last fiscal year.  The Board of Directors has a standing 
Audit Committee whose members are Richard Holzman, Thomas A. 
Majewski, Bernard L. Riley and Roger C. Cady.  This Committee met 
once during the last fiscal year.  The principal functions of the 
Audit Committee are evaluation of work of the auditors, review of 
the accounting principles used in preparing the annual financial 
statements and review of internal control procedures.   The Board 
of Directors has a standing Compensation and Stock Option 
Committee whose members are Richard Holzman, Thomas A. Majewski, 
Roger C. Cady and Bernard L. Riley.  This Committee met twice 
during the past fiscal year.  The principal functions of the 
Compensation and Stock Option Committee are to recommend to the 
Board of Directors the compensation of directors and the Chief 
Executive Officer and to establish and administer various 
compensation plans, including stock option plans.  The Board of 
Directors has a standing Nominating Committee whose members are 
Richard Holzman, Thomas A. Majewski, Roger C. Cady and Bernard L. 
Riley.  This Committee met once during the past 

<PAGE 9>

fiscal year.  The principal function of this Committee is the 
recommendation to the Board of Directors of new members of the 
Board of Directors.  This Committee will consider nominees for 
the Board of Directors recommended by shareholders.  Shareholders 
desiring to make such recommendations should write directly to 
the Committee at the Company's executive offices at P.O. 
Box 7528, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-7528.

     Directors who are not employees of the Company receive a 
quarterly payment of $5,000. Mr. Riley was employed as an 
assistant to the President in connection with which during the 
past fiscal year he was paid $21,040 and a director's fee of 
$10,000.   During fiscal 1998 Mr. Holzman, Mr. Riley and Mr. 
Majewski each received five year options to purchase 30,000 
shares of the Common Stock of the Company at $8.44, the fair 
market value of the Common Stock at the date of grant.  Upon his 
election to the Board in 1996, Mr. Cady received options to 
purchase 30,000 shares of the common stock of the Company at 
$6.94 per share, the fair market price at the date of grant.    
Of all of these options, 25% were first exercisable on the date 
of grant and 25% more are first exercisable on each succeeding 
anniversary date until the option is fully exercisable.  

                    SECTION 16(a) COMPLIANCE

     The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that the 
Company report to shareholders the compliance of directors, 
executive officers and 10% beneficial owners with Section 16(a) 
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  This 
provision requires that such persons report on a monthly basis 
most acquisitions or dispositions of the Company's securities.  
Based upon information submitted to the Company, all directors, 
executive officers and 10% beneficial owners have fully complied 
with such requirements during the past fiscal year except that 
Mr. Cady was two months late in filing a report on Form 5 to 
disclose a previously granted stock option.


     The accompanying proxy is being solicited on behalf of the 
Board of Directors of the Company.  The expense of preparing, 
printing and mailing the form of proxy, including broker 
solicitation fees and accountants' and attorneys' fees in 
connection therewith, will be borne by the Company.  The amount 
is expected to be the amount normally expended for a solicitation 
for an election of directors in the absence of a contest and 
costs represented by salaries and wages of regular employees and 
officers.  Solicitation of proxies will be made by mail, but 
regular employees may solicit proxies by telephone or otherwise.

     Please date, sign and return the accompanying proxy at your 
earliest convenience.  No postage is required for mailing in the 
United States.

     Financial information concerning the Company is set forth in 
the Company's 1998 Annual Report to Security Holders, which is 

     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                 THOMAS J. BITAR,

                   ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

     Upon the written request of a shareholder, the Company will 
provide, without charge, a copy of its Annual Report on Form 10-K 
for the year ended April 30, 1998, including the financial 
statements and schedules but without exhibits, as filed with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission.  The Company will furnish any 
exhibit to the Annual Report on Form 10-K to any shareholder upon 
request and upon payment of a fee equal to the Company's 
reasonable expenses in furnishing such exhibit.  All requests for 
the Annual Report on Form 10-K or its exhibits should be 
addressed to Vice President - Finance, Dataram Corporation, P.O. 
Box 7528, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-7528.

                      DATARAM CORPORATION
         P.O. Box 7528, Princeton, New Jersey  08543-7528


The undersigned hereby appoints and constitutes Robert V. 
Tarantino and Thomas J. Bitar, and each of them, attorneys and 
proxies for the undersigned, with full power of substitution to 
vote as if the undersigned were personally present at the Annual 
Meeting of the Shareholders of Dataram Corporation (the 
"Company") to be held at the Company's corporate headquarters at 
186 Princeton-Hightstown Road, Windsor Business Park, West 
Windsor, New Jersey, on Wednesday, September 9, 1998 at 2 o'clock 
in the afternoon and at all adjournments thereof, the shares of 
stock of said Company registered in the name of the undersigned. 
 The undersigned instructs all such proxies to vote such shares 
as follows upon the following matters, which are described more 
fully in the accompanying proxy statement:
I authorize and instruct my Proxy to:

1.  ____  VOTE FOR all nominees for the Company's Board of 
Directors listed below;  except that I WITHHOLD AUTHORITY for the 
following nominees (if any)

            Richard Holzman      Robert V. Tarantino 
      Thomas A. Majewski    Bernard L. Riley     Roger C. Cady

       VOTE WITHHELD from all nominees.

2.  ____  VOTE FOR   ____  AGAINST   ____  ABSTAIN    approval of 
KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP to be the independent auditors of the 
Company for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1999.

                 (Continued, and to be signed, on the other side)

(See other side)

3.  In their discretion, to vote upon such other business as may 
properly come before the meeting and all adjournments thereof.  
This proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner 
directed herein by the undersigned stockholder.  If no direction 
is made, this proxy will be voted for Proposals 1 and 2.

Please sign exactly as name appears below.  When shares are held 
by joint tenants, both should sign.  When signing as attorney, as 
executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full 
title as such.  If a corporation, please sign in full corporate 
name by
                          President or other authorized officer. 
                          If a partnership, please sign in
                          partnership name by authorized person.


                          Signature if held jointly

                          Dated                         1998

                          PLEASE MARK, SIGN, DATE AND RETURN THE