(Rule 14a-101)
                     Information Required in Proxy Statement

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement                      [ ]  Confidential, For Use of the Commission
                                                           Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting  Material Under Rule 14a-12

                           FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]    No fee required.

[ ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

       (1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
       (2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
       (3)      Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
                pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set  forth the  amount on
                which  the  filing  fee  is  calculated  and  state  how  it was
       (4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
       (5)      Total fee paid:

[ ]    Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[ ]    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
       Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
       paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
       number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

       (1)      Amount previously paid:
       (2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
       (3)      Filing Party:
       (4)      Date Filed:

                           FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                              112 West King Street
                            Strasburg, Virginia 22657

Dear Stockholders:

         You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of First National Corporation ("First National"), which will be held on Tuesday,
April 3,  2001,  at  11:00  a.m.,  at the  Travelodge,  160  Front  Royal  Pike,
Winchester, Virginia.

         At the  Meeting,  you will be asked to approve a proposed  amendment to
First  National's  Articles of  Incorporation  to create a  classified  Board of
Directors with  staggered  three year terms.  In addition,  you will be asked to
elect 11 directors to the Board of Directors.

         Whether or not you plan to attend in person,  it is important that your
shares be represented at the meeting.  Please  complete,  sign,  date and return
promptly  the form of proxy that is  enclosed in the  envelope  provided in this
mailing. If you later decide to attend the Meeting and vote in person, or if you
wish to revoke your proxy for any reason prior to the vote at the  Meeting,  you
may do so and your proxy will have no further effect.

         The Board of Directors and management of First National appreciate your
continued support and look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting.

                                             Sincerely yours,

                                             /s/ HARRY S. SMITH

                                             HARRY S. SMITH
                                             President and
                                             Chief Executive Officer

Strasburg, Virginia
March 2, 2001

                           FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION
                              112 West King Street
                            Strasburg, Virginia 22657

                           To Be Held on April 3, 2001

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of First
National  Corporation  ("First  National") will be held at the  Travelodge,  160
Front Royal Pike, Winchester, Virginia, on April 3, 2001, at 11:00 a.m., for the
following purposes:

         (1)      To approve a proposed  amendment to First National's  Articles
                  of  Incorporation  to create a  classified  Board of Directors
                  with staggered three year terms;

         (2)      To elect 11 directors to the Board of Directors; and

         (3)      To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the  Annual  Meeting.  Management  is not  aware of any  other
                  business,  other  than  procedural  matters  incident  to  the
                  conduct of the Annual Meeting.

         If  stockholders  approve the proposed  amendment  to First  National's
Articles  of  Incorporation  to  create a  classified  Board of  Directors  with
staggered  three year terms,  the directors that the  stockholders  elect to the
Board of Directors  will serve for  staggered  terms,  as disclosed in the Proxy
Statement. If stockholders do not approve the proposed amendment,  the directors
that the  stockholders  elect to the Board of Directors will serve for a term of
one year, or until their respective successors are elected and qualified.

         The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on February 20,
2001,  as the record  date for the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting.

                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                         /s/ Douglas C. Arthur

                                         Douglas C. Arthur

Strasburg, Virginia
March 2, 2001

                           FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                  April 3, 2001

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

         This Proxy Statement is furnished to holders of common stock, $5.00 par
value  per  share  ("Common  Stock"),  of  First  National  Corporation  ("First
National")  in  connection  with the  solicitation  of  proxies  by the Board of
Directors  (the "Board") of First  National to be used at the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  to be held on April 3, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. at the  Travelodge,  160
Front Royal Pike, Winchester, Virginia, and any adjournment thereof (the "Annual

         The principal  executive  offices of First  National are located at 112
West King Street, Strasburg,  Virginia. The approximate date on which this Proxy
Statement,  the accompanying proxy card and Annual Report to Stockholders (which
is not part of First National's  soliciting materials) are being mailed to First
National's stockholders is March 2, 2001. The cost of soliciting proxies will be
borne by First National.

         The proxy  solicited  hereby,  if properly signed and returned to First
National and not revoked prior to its use, will be voted in accordance  with the
instructions  contained  thereon.  If no contrary  instructions are given,  each
proxy  received  will  be  voted  "for"  the  proposals  described  herein.  Any
stockholder  giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at any time  before it is
exercised  by (i) filing  written  notice  thereof  with the  Secretary of First
National (Douglas C. Arthur,  Secretary,  First National  Corporation,  112 West
King Street,  Strasburg,  Virginia 22657); (ii) submitting a duly executed proxy
bearing  a later  date;  or (iii)  appearing  at the  Annual  Meeting  or at any
adjournment  thereof and giving the Secretary  notice of his or her intention to
vote in person.  Proxies  solicited  hereby may be exercised  only at the Annual
Meeting and any adjournment thereof and will not be used for any other meeting.

         Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on February  20,
2001 (the "Record Date") will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  On the
Record Date,  there were 790,031  shares of Common Stock issued and  outstanding
and approximately 720 record holders.  Each share of Common Stock is entitled to
one vote at the Annual  Meeting.  First  National  had no other  class of equity
securities outstanding at the Record Date.

         Unless  authority  is withheld in the proxy,  each proxy  executed  and
returned by a  stockholder  will be voted for the  proposed  amendment  to First
National's  Articles of Incorporation and the election of the nominees described
in this Proxy Statement. The proxy also confers discretionary authority upon the
persons named therein,  or their  substitutes,  with respect to any other matter
that may properly come before the Annual Meeting.

                                  PROPOSAL ONE


General Information on the Amendment

         The  Board  has   unanimously   approved  and   recommended   that  the
stockholders of First National approve an amendment to First National's Articles
of Incorporation.  The proposed amendment provides for the classification of the
Board into three  classes  of  directors  with  staggered  terms of office  (the
"Amendment").  A copy of the  Amendment  is attached to this Proxy  Statement as
Exhibit A.

         Virginia  law permits  First  National  to include a  provision  in its
Articles of Incorporation that provides for a classified board of directors with
staggered three year terms. Absent such a provision,  Virginia law provides that
all directors serve a one year term and until their  successors are duly elected
and  qualified.  The proposed  classified  board  amendment to First  National's
Articles of  Incorporation  would provide that directors will be classified into
three classes,  as nearly equal in number as possible.  The initial terms of one
class will expire at First National's 2002 annual meeting,  the initial terms of
the second class will expire at First  National's 2003 annual  meeting,  and the
initial  terms of the third  class will expire at First  National's  2004 annual
meeting.  At each Annual  Meeting  following  this  initial  classification  and
election,  the  successors to the class of directors  whose terms expire at that
meeting would be elected for a term of office to expire at the third  succeeding
Annual Meeting after their election,  and until their  successors have been duly
elected and qualified. Under Virginia law, directors chosen to fill vacancies on
the classified  board would hold office until the next  stockholders  meeting at
which  directors  were elected,  even if a new director was filling an unexpired
term in a class with more than one year remaining in its term.

         If the  classified  board proposal is adopted,  the election  procedure
described  above would be  applicable  to every  election of  directors.  If the
proposed  amendment to create a classified board is not adopted by stockholders,
11  directors  will be elected to serve a one-year  term until First  National's
2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  First National's Articles of Incorporation
do not authorize  cumulative voting for directors,  and the proposed  amendments
would not change the requirement that any directors standing for reelection must
be elected by a plurality of votes cast.

         The  proposal  is  not  intended  as a  takeover-resistive  measure  in
response to a specific  threat,  but rather is being  recommended to assure fair
treatment of First National's stockholders in takeover situations.  Although the
Board may review other possible anti-takeover programs, the Board has no present
intention of proposing  additional  amendments to the Articles of  Incorporation
that  would  affect  the  ability  of a third  party to change  control of First

Advantages of the Amendment

         The Board has observed that certain tactics, including the accumulation
of  substantial  stock  positions  as a  prelude  to an  attempted  takeover  or
significant corporate restructuring,  have become relatively common in corporate
takeover  practice.  The Board is of the opinion that such tactics can be highly
disruptive  to a company and can result in  dissimilar  treatment of a company's
stockholders. The Amendment will, by making it more time consuming and difficult
for a  substantial  stockholder  or  stockholders  to gain  control of the Board
without its consent,  ensure some  continuity in the  management of the business
and affairs of First  National  and provide  the Board with  sufficient  time to
review both takeover  proposals  and  appropriate  alternatives.  The Board also
believes  that the  Amendment  will serve to encourage  any person  intending to
attempt a takeover to negotiate  in advance with the Board,  which in turn would
allow  the  Board  to  protect   better  the   interests  of  First   National's

Disadvantages of the Amendment

         Stockholders  should be aware that the proposed  classified  board will
extend  the time  required  to effect a change in  control  of the Board and may
discourage hostile takeover bids for First National, even if such a bid might


be deemed by stockholders to be in their best interests. If stockholders approve
the  Amendment,  it will take at least two annual  meetings  for a  majority  of
stockholders  to  effectuate  a change in  control of the  Board.  Currently,  a
majority of  stockholders  could  effectuate a change in control of the Board at
one  stockholder  meeting.  Because of the  additional  time  required to change
control of the Board,  and the  limitation  on the  removal  of  directors,  the
Amendment will tend to perpetuate  present  management.  The Board also believes
that the Amendment (i) will  significantly  reduce the possibility  that a third
party could affect a sudden or surprise change in majority  control of the Board
without  the  support of the  incumbent  Board,  and (ii) will have  significant
effects  on the  ability of First  National's  stockholders  to cause  immediate
changes in the  composition  of the Board and otherwise to exercise their voting
power to affect the composition of the Board.

         In   addition,   since  the   Amendment   is  designed  to   discourage
accumulations  of large blocks of Common Stock by purchasers  whose objective is
to have such stock  repurchased by First National at a premium,  adoption of the
Amendment could tend to reduce any temporary fluctuations in the market price of
the  Common   Stock  that  are  caused  by  such   accumulations.   Accordingly,
stockholders could be deprived of certain opportunities to sell their stock at a
temporarily higher market price.  Because the Amendment will increase the amount
of time  required  for a takeover  bidder to obtain  control  of First  National
without  the  cooperation  of the Board,  even if the  takeover  bidder  were to
acquire a majority of First National's outstanding stock, a classified board may
tend to discourage certain tender offers that would otherwise allow stockholders
the  opportunity to realize a premium over the market price of their stock.  The
Amendment will also make it more difficult for First National's  stockholders to
change the  composition  of the Board even if the  stockholders  believe  such a
change  would be  desirable  based on the  performance  of  directors  and First

Vote Required to Approve Amendments

         Under Virginia law, any amendment to the Articles of Incorporation must
be  approved  by more than  two-thirds  of the votes  entitled to be cast on the
amendment.  As a result,  the affirmative  vote of two-thirds of the outstanding
shares of Common  Stock is required to approve the  Amendment.  Abstentions  and
broker  non-votes  will not be  considered  a vote  for,  or a vote  against,  a


                                  PROPOSAL TWO

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Election of Directors

         There are currently 11 directors serving on the Board, and 11 directors
are to be  elected  at the  Annual  Meeting  to serve  until  the  election  and
qualification of their respective successors.  If the Amendment is approved, the
Board of Directors  will be divided into three  classes,  as such  directors are
elected at the Annual  Meeting.  The  initial  terms of one class will expire at
First National's 2002 annual meeting, the initial terms of the second class will
expire at First  National's  2003 annual  meeting,  and the initial terms of the
third class will expire at First National's 2004 annual meeting. Commencing with
the 2002 annual meeting, directors will be elected to serve for three year terms
and until their  successors are duly elected and qualified.  The following table
sets forth the  composition of the board of directors  following the approval of
the Amendment.


        Class I                     Class II                    Class III
(Term Expiring in 2002)      (Term Expiring in 2003)     (Term Expiring in 2004)

    Noel M. Borden              Douglas C. Arthur            Byron A. Brill
 Elizabeth H. Cottrell       Charles E. Maddox, Jr.       Christopher E. French
    James A. Davis              Henry L. Shirkey            W. Allen Nicholls
                               Alson H. Smith, Jr.           Harry S. Smith

          If the  Amendment  is  not  approved,  all 11  nominees  to  serve  as
directors will be nominated and elected to serve for a one year term.

         Proxies  distributed  in  conjunction  herewith  may not be  voted  for
persons other than the nominees  named  thereon.  If any person named as nominee
should be unable or  unwilling  to stand for  election at the time of the Annual
Meeting,  the proxy holders will nominate and vote for a replacement  nominee or
nominees  recommended by the Board.  At this time, the Board knows no reason why
any of the  nominees  listed  below  may not be able to serve as a  director  if
elected.  In the election of directors,  those  receiving the greatest number of
votes will be elected  even if they do not receive a majority.  Abstentions  and
broker  non-votes  will not be  considered  a vote  for,  or a vote  against,  a


         There is set forth  hereafter  the name of each nominee and, as to each
of the nominees,  certain information  including age and principal occupation as
of  February  1, 2001.  The date shown for first  election  as a director in the
information  below  represents  the  year in which  the  nominee  or  continuing
director was first  elected to the Board of First  National or previously to the
Board of First Bank (the  "Bank").  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the  business
experience  and  principal  occupations  shown for each  nominee  or  continuing
director has extended five or more years.

Douglas C. Arthur, 58, has been a director since 1972.
         Mr.  Arthur  is Vice  Chairman  and  Secretary  of the  Board  of First
         National and Vice  Chairman and  Secretary of the Board of the Bank. He
         is the senior and business  partner in Arthur and  Allamong,  a general
         practice  law  firm  with  locations  in  Strasburg  and  Front  Royal,
         Virginia.  Mr.  Arthur has been  engaged in the  practice  of law since
         1970. He is a director of Shenandoah  Telecommunications  Company.  Mr.
         Arthur also serves on the Shenandoah County School Board.

Noel M. Borden, 64, has been a director since 1962.
         Mr.  Borden has served as the  Chairman of the Board of First  National
         and  Chairman  of the  Board of the Bank  since  1986.  Mr.  Borden  is
         currently  retired  and was  President  of H.L.  Borden  Lumber  Co., a
         building  supply company located in Strasburg,  Virginia,  from 1960 to
         2000.  He  also  is  a  director  and  Vice   President  of  Shenandoah
         Telecommunications Company.

Byron A. Brill, 53, has been a director since 1980.
         Dr. Brill is a periodontist who has been in practice since 1975.

Elizabeth H. Cottrell, 50, has been a director since 1992.
         Mrs. Cottrell is owner of Riverwood  Technologies,  a technical writing
         and desktop publishing concern, and has held that position since 1992.

James A. Davis, 55, has been a director since 1998.
         Dr. Davis is President of Shenandoah  University located in Winchester,
         Virginia, a position that he has held since 1982. Dr. Davis is a member
         of the Board of Directors of the Winchester Medical Center, Chairman of
         the Board of Directors of  Westminster  Canterbury and former member of
         the Virginia House of Delegates.


Christopher E. French, 42, has been a director since 1996.
         Mr.  French has served as  President of  Shenandoah  Telecommunications
         Company,  a  telecommunications   company  headquartered  in  Edinburg,
         Virginia, since 1988. He is also a director of that company.

Charles E. Maddox, Jr., 54, has been a director since 1996.
         Mr.  Maddox is Principal  Engineer of G. W.  Clifford & Associates  for
         western Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland operations.  Mr. Maddox is
         on the Board of Trustees of  Shenandoah  University  and also serves as
         the Chairman of the Shenandoah County Economic Development Partnership.

W. Allen Nicholls, 54, has been a director since 1987.
         Mr.  Nicholls is  President  of  Nicholls  Construction,  Inc.,  a home
         builder located in Front Royal,  Virginia,  a position that he has held
         for 30 years.

Henry L. Shirkey, 58, has been a director since 1994.
         Mr.  Shirkey is a customer  service  representative  with  Holtzman Oil
         Corp.,  an oil  jobber,  a position  that he has held since  1993.  Mr.
         Shirkey was previously a banker in Shenandoah County with Farmers Bank,
         Dominion  Bank and First  Union Bank and was  involved in all phases of
         community bank management for 33 years until his retirement.

Alson H. Smith, Jr., 73, has been a director since 1998.
         Mr. Smith is Chairman of the Board of Shenandoah Foods,  Inc.,  located
         in Winchester,  Virginia.  Mr. Smith retired from the Virginia House of
         Delegates  after 20  years of  service.  Mr.  Smith is a member  of the
         Boards of Directors of Shenandoah University, the Durell Foundation and
         the Virginia Environmental Endowment.

Harry S. Smith, 47, has been a director since 2000.
         Mr.  Smith has been  President  and CEO of First  National and the Bank
         since June 3, 1998.  Prior to that date,  Mr. Smith was Vice  President
         and Secretary of First National and Executive Vice President, Secretary
         and Cashier of the Bank since 1985.



                          AND CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS

Security Ownership of Management

         The  following  table sets forth  information  as of  February 1, 2001,
regarding  the  number  of  shares of  Common  Stock  beneficially  owned by all
directors  and  nominees,   by  the  executive  officer  named  in  the  Summary
Compensation  Table  herein and by all  directors  and  executive  officers as a
group.  Beneficial  ownership  includes shares,  if any, held in the name of the
spouse,  minor children or other relatives of the director or executive  officer
living in such  person's  home,  as well as shares,  if any, held in the name of
another  person under an arrangement  whereby the director or executive  officer
can vest title in himself at once or at some  future  time,  plus shares held in
certain trust  relationships which may be deemed to be beneficially owned by the
nominees  under  the  rules  and  regulations  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  (the  "SEC");  however,  the  inclusion  of  such  shares  does  not
constitute an admission of beneficial ownership.

          Name                               Beneficially Owned (1)      Percent of Class
          ----                               ----------------------      ----------------
         Douglas C. Arthur                            4,225                      *
         Noel M. Borden                              13,902 (2)                1.76%
         Byron A. Brill                              13,528                    1.71%
         Elizabeth H. Cottrell                        1,548 (2)                  *
         James A. Davis                                 594                      *
         Christopher E. French                        4,601                      *
         Charles E. Maddox, Jr.                       1,913                      *
         W. Allen Nicholls                              567                      *
         Henry L. Shirkey                               325                      *
         Alson H. Smith, Jr.                            275                      *
         Harry S. Smith                               1,586 (2)                  *

         All executive officers and
           directors as a group (15 persons)         41,250                    5.22%

          *  Indicates  that  holdings  amount to less than 1% of the issued and
outstanding Common Stock.

         (1)  For  purposes  of  this  table,   beneficial  ownership  has  been
              determined in accordance  with the provisions of Rule 13d-3 of the
              Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"),
              under which,  in general,  a person is deemed to be the beneficial
              owner  of a  security  if he has or  shares  the  power to vote or
              direct  the voting of the  security  or the power to dispose of or
              direct the disposition of the security,  or if he has the right to
              acquire beneficial ownership of the security within 60 days.
         (2)  Amounts presented include 1,000 shares of Common Stock held in the
              First National Corporation Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust
              (the "ESOP").  Ms. Cottrell and Messrs.  Borden and Smith serve as
              trustees  of the ESOP  and have  certain  voting  and  dispositive
              powers with respect to such shares.


Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners

         The following table sets forth certain  information as to those persons
believed  by  management  to be  beneficial  owners  of  more  than  5%  of  the
outstanding shares of Common Stock as of February 1, 2001.

         Name and Address             Amount and Nature of
         of Beneficial Owner          Beneficial Ownership      Percent of Class
         -------------------          --------------------      ----------------

         James L. Bowman                     72,634                   9.15%
         P.O. Box 6
         Stephens City, Virginia


         (1)  For  purposes  of  this  table,   beneficial  ownership  has  been
              determined in accordance  with the provisions of Rule 13d-3 of the
              Exchange Act,  under which,  in general,  a person is deemed to be
              the  beneficial  owner of a security if he has or shares the power
              to vote or  direct  the  voting  of the  security  or the power to
              dispose of or direct the disposition of the security, or if he has
              the right to acquire  beneficial  ownership of the security within
              60 days.

The Board of Directors and its Committees

         Meetings of the Board are held twice each  month,  and there is also an
organizational  meeting  following  the  conclusion  of each  Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders.  The Board held 24 meetings in the year ended  December  31, 2000.
For the  year  ended  December  31,  2000,  none of First  National's  directors
attended  fewer than 75% of the aggregate  number of Board meetings and meetings
of committees of which the respective directors are members during their term.

         The  Board  has  an  Audit  Committee  and  a  Personnel  and  Benefits
Committee. There is no Nominating Committee.

         The Audit  Committee  consists  of Messrs.  Arthur,  French,  Davis and
Shirkey and Mrs.  Cottrell.  The  responsibilities  of the Audit  Committee  are
discussed  below under "Audit  Information."  The Audit Committee met five times
during the year ended December 31, 2000.

         The Personnel and Benefits Committee,  which reviews and recommends the
levels and types of compensation of officers and employees,  is composed of Mrs.
Cottrell  and Messrs.  Arthur,  Borden,  Davis and  French.  The  Personnel  and
Benefits Committee met 11 times during the year ended December 31, 2000.

          The Bank has a loan policy committee,  which makes all  determinations
with  respect to the loan  policies  of the Bank.  Loans that  require  approval
authority above the management level of the Bank,  however,  are approved by the
Board as a whole.

Executive Officers Who Are Not Directors

          Dennis A.  Dysart  (age 29) has  served as Senior  Vice  President  of
Administration  since 1999 and had  previously  served as the Vice  President of
Operations since 1996. He has been employed by the Bank since 1993.

          J. Andrew  Hershey (age 47) has served as Senior Vice President - Loan
Administrator  since April 2000 and had previously  served as Vice President and
Business  Development  Officer since 1998.  Mr.  Hershey was been in the banking
industry for over 23 years,  most  recently  with  Jefferson  National  Bank and
Wachovia Bank.


          John  Norton (age 53) has served as Vice  President - Human  Resources
and Marketing  since April 2000 and had  previously  served as Director of Human
Resources and Marketing since 1998.  Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Norton was a
management  consultant in private practice for six years and an army officer for
23 years.

          Stephen  C.  Pettit  (age  58) has  served  as  Controller  and  Chief
Financial  Officer of First National and Senior Vice President and Controller of
the Bank since 1999. Mr. Pettit was in practice as a Certified Public Accountant
from 1993  until  1999.  Prior to 1993,  he had served as a Vice  President  and
Manager of Accounting with a regional bank for ten years.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires First  National's  directors
and executive officers, and any persons who own more than 10% of the outstanding
shares of Common Stock, to file with the SEC reports of ownership and changes in
ownership  of  Common  Stock.   Officers  and  directors  are  required  by  SEC
regulations  to furnish  First  National  with copies of all Section 16(a) forms
that they file.  Based solely on review of the copies of such reports  furnished
to First National or written representation that no other reports were required,
First National believes that,  during fiscal year 2000, all filing  requirements
applicable to its officers and directors were satisfied.


Summary of Cash and Certain Other Compensation

         The  following  table shows,  for the fiscal  years ended  December 31,
2000, 1999 and 1998, the cash  compensation paid by the Bank, as well as certain
other  compensation  paid or accrued  for those  years,  to the named  Executive
Officer in all capacities in which he served.  The named Executive  Officer does
not receive any compensation from First National.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                          Annual Compensation                      Long Term Compensation
                                          -------------------                      ----------------------
      Name and                                              Other Annual       Underlying           All Other
 Principal Position       Year   Salary ($)    Bonus ($)  Compensation ($)     Options (#)     Compensation ($)(a)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harry S. Smith            2000     120,000        -0-         12,000 (c)           -0-               3,960
President and CEO (b)     1999     110,000        -0-         12,000 (c)           -0-               3,660
                          1998      95,000       2,500            *                -0-               3,047

*       The value of perquisites and other personal  benefits did not exceed the
        lesser of $50,000 or 10% of total annual salary and bonus.
(a)     "All Other  Compensation"  represents  matching  contributions  by First
        National in its 401(k) Plan.
(b)     Mr. Smith  became  President  and CEO of First  National and the Bank on
        June 3,  1998.  Prior to that date,  Mr.  Smith was Vice  President  and
        Secretary of First National and Executive Vice President,  Secretary and
        Cashier of the Bank
(c)     Amounts  presented  represent an allowance  for  automobile  and related


Stock Options

         First  National does not have a stock option plan, and no stock options
were granted to, or exercised by, the named Executive  Officer during the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2000. There are no stock options currently outstanding.

Directors' Fees

         Directors  received  monthly  fees of $500 and $350 for each meeting of
the Board attended during 2000. The Chairman of the Board received  monthly fees
of $650 and $350 for each meeting of the Board  attended,  and the Vice Chairman
of the Board  received  monthly  fees of $550 and $350 for each  meeting  of the
Board attended.  Harry S. Smith,  President and CEO of First National,  does not
receive monthly fees for his service on the Board.

Indebtedness of Management

         No loans to directors or officers involve more than the normal risks of
collectibility  or present  other  unfavorable  features.  None of the loans was
non-accrual,  past-due, restricted or potential problem loans, as of January 31,
2001. All such loans were originated on substantially the same terms,  including
interest rates, as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with
other persons.

                                AUDIT INFORMATION

         The Board of  Directors  has  adopted a written  charter  for the Audit
Committee  that is set forth in  Exhibit  B to this  Proxy  Statement.  The five
members of the Audit  Committee are  independent  as that term is defined in the
listing standards of the National Association of Securities Dealers.

                     Fees of Independent Public Accountants

Audit Fees

         The aggregate amount of fees billed by Yount, Hyde & Barbour,  P.C. for
professional  services  rendered  for  the  audit  of  First  National's  annual
financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, and the review
of the financial  statements  included in First National's  Quarterly Reports on
Form 10-Q for that fiscal year was $35,987.

Financial Information System Design and Implementation Fees

         There  were  no  fees  billed  by  Yount,  Hyde  &  Barbour,  P.C.  for
professional  services  rendered  to First  National  for the fiscal  year ended
December 31, 2000, for the design and  implementation  of financial  information

All Other Fees

         The aggregate amount of fees billed by Yount, Hyde & Barbour,  P.C. for
all other  non-audit  services  rendered to First  National  for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2000 was $50,273.

                                Leased Employees

         Yount,  Hyde & Barbour,  P.C. has informed  First National that none of
the  hours  expended  on its  engagement  to audit  First  National's  financial
statements  for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2000, was attributed to work
performed by persons other than full time, permanent employees.


                             Audit Committee Report

         Management  is  responsible  for First  National's  internal  controls,
financial reporting process and compliance with laws and regulations and ethical
business  standards.  The  independent  auditor is responsible for performing an
independent  audit of First  National's  consolidated  financial  statements  in
accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards  and issuing a report
thereon.  The Audit  Committee's  responsibility is to monitor and oversee these
processes on behalf of the Board of Directors.

         In this context,  the Audit  Committee has reviewed and discussed  with
management and the independent  auditors the audited financial  statements.  The
Audit Committee has discussed with the independent auditors the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing  Standards No. 61  (Communication  with
Audit  Committees).  In addition,  the Audit  Committee  has  received  from the
independent auditors the written disclosures required by Independence  Standards
Board No. 1 (Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees) and discussed with
them their  independence from First National and its management.  Moreover,  the
Audit Committee has considered  whether the independent  auditor's  provision of
other non-audit  services to First National is compatible  with  maintaining the
auditor's independence.

         In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  audited  financial
statements  be included in First  National's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2000, for filing with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. By recommending to the Board of Directors that the audited financial
statements be so included,  the Audit  Committee is not opining on the accuracy,
completeness  or  presentation  of the  information  contained  in  the  audited
financial statements.

                                           Audit Committee
                                                Douglas C. Arthur, Chairman
                                                Elizabeth H. Cottrell
                                                James A. Davis
                                                Christopher E. French
                                                Henry L. Shirkey

Strasburg, Virginia
February 7, 2001

                  Appointment of Independent Public Accountants

         The Board of Directors has  appointed  Yount,  Hyde & Barbour,  P.C. to
perform the audit of First National's  financial  statements for the year ending
December 31, 2001. Yount, Hyde & Barbour, P.C. has acted as First National's and
the  Bank's  auditors  for the  past 14  years  and has  reported  on  financial
statements during that period.  Representatives from Yount, Hyde & Barbour, P.C.
are expected to be present at the Annual  Meeting,  will have the opportunity to
make a statement  if they desire to do so, and are  expected to be  available to
respond to appropriate questions from stockholders.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         Any proposal  that a stockholder  wishes to have  presented at the next
annual meeting of stockholders  must be received no later than November 2, 2001.
If such  proposal  complies  with all of the  requirements  of Rule 14a-8 of the
Exchange  Act, it will be included in the Proxy  Statement  and set forth in the
form of proxy issued for the next Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  It is urged
that any such proposals be sent by certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested.
First  National's  receipt  of  notice  of a  stockholder's  intent  to submit a
proposal at the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders  outside the requirements of
Rule 14a-8 after January 16, 2002 will be considered untimely.



         A copy of First  National's  Annual Report to Stockholders for the year
ended December 31, 2000 accompanies this Proxy Statement.  Additional copies may
be obtained by written request to the Secretary of First National at the address
indicated  below.  The  Annual  Report  is not  part of the  proxy  solicitation


                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The  Board of  Directors  of First  National  is not aware of any other
matters  that may come before the Annual  Meeting.  However,  the proxies may be
voted with  discretionary  authority  with respect to any other matters that may
properly come before the Annual Meeting.


                                                                       Exhibit A

                              PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

         RESOLVED,  that the  Articles  of  Incorporation  shall be  amended  by
deleting  section  5 of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  in its  entirety  and
substituting therefor the following:

                  Commencing with the 2001 annual meeting of  shareholders,  the
         directors  shall be  divided,  with  respect to the time for which they
         severally hold office, into three classes, as nearly equal in number as
         possible,  with the term of  office  of the  first  class,  which  will
         consist of Noel M. Borden, Elizabeth H. Cottrell and James A. Davis, to
         expire at the 2002 annual meeting of  shareholders,  the term of office
         of the second class,  which will consist of Douglas C. Arthur,  Charles
         E. Maddox,  Jr., Henry L. Shirkey and Alson H. Smith, Jr., to expire at
         the 2003 annual meeting of shareholders,  and the term of office of the
         third  class,  which will  consist of Byron A.  Brill,  Christopher  E.
         French,  W. Allen  Nicholls  and Harry S. Smith,  to expire at the 2004
         annual meeting of shareholders, with each director to hold office until
         his  successor  shall have been duly  elected  and  qualified.  At each
         annual meeting of shareholders  commencing with the 2002 annual meeting
         of  shareholders,  directors  elected to succeed those  directors whose
         terms then  expire  shall be elected  for a term of office to expire at
         the  third  succeeding  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  after  their
         election,  with each director to hold office until his successor  shall
         have been duly elected and qualified.


                                                                       Exhibit B

                           FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

The Board of Directors of First National  Corporation,  hereby  constitutes  and
establishes an Audit  Committee  with  authority,  responsibility,  and specific
duties as described below.


The First National Corporation Audit Committee serves as the audit committee for
the corporation and subsidiaries. The Audit Committee shall be comprised of five
(5) Directors who are independent of management and operating executives. One of
the members shall be appointed Committee Chairman by the Audit Committee.


The Audit  Committee is granted the authority to investigate any activity of the
Company,  and all employees are directed to cooperate as requested by members of
the  Committee.  The  Committee is empowered to retain  persons  having  special
competence   as  necessary   to  assist  the   Committee   in   fulfilling   its


The  Audit  Committee  is to serve as a focal  point for  communication  between
noncommittee directors, the independent  accountants,  internal audit, and First
National  Corporation,  Inc.'s  management,  as their duties relate to financial
accounting,  reporting, and controls. The Audit Committee is to assist the Board
of Directors in  fulfilling  its  fiduciary  responsibilities  as to  accounting
policies  and  reporting  practices  of  First  National   Corporation  and  all
subsidiaries and the sufficiency of auditing relative  thereto.  It is to be the
Board's  principal  agent in  assuring  the  independence  of the  Corporation's
outside  accountants,   the  integrity  of  management,   and  the  adequacy  of
disclosures to stockholders.  The opportunity for the independent accountants to
meet with the entire Board as needed is not to be restricted.


The Audit  Committee is to meet at least twice  annually and as many  additional
times as  necessary  as  determined  by the  committee  Chairman and Senior Vice


Members of the Audit  Committee are expected to be present at all  meetings.  As
necessary or desirable, the Chairman may request that members of management, the
Senior  Vice  President/Controller,   and  representatives  of  the  independent
accountants be present at meeting of the Committee.

                                Agenda & Minutes

Advance  agenda  material  and minutes of each meeting are to be prepared by the
Senior Vice President/Controller and sent to Committee members. The Secretary to
First  National  Corporation  shall  serve as  Secretary  of the  Committee  and
maintain  minutes and agenda  material  for  permanent  filing.  The Senior Vice
President/Controller  will provide to the Committee  copies of audit reports and
corresponding  replies  for  all  audits  completed  since  the  previous  Audit
Committee meeting.  Reports of Audit Committee meetings will also be provided to
the Committee.


                                 Specific Duties

The Audit Committee is to:

1.       Inform the independent  accountants and management that the accountants
         and the Committee  may  communicate  directly with each other;  and the
         Committee Chairman may call a meeting whenever he deems it necessary.

2.       Review with the  Company's  management,  independent  accountants,  and
         Senior Vice  President/Controller,  the Company's  general policies and
         procedures to reasonably assure the adequacy of internal accounting and
         financial reporting controls.

3.       Have familiarity,  through the individual efforts of its members,  with
         the  accounting and reporting  principles and practices  applied by the
         Company in preparing its financial  statements.  Further, the Committee
         is to make, or cause to be made, all necessary  inquiries of management
         and the independent  accountants  concerning  established  standards of
         corporate conduct and performance, and deviations therefrom.

4.       Review,  prior to the annual audit, the scope and general extent of the
         independent accountants' audit examination,  including their engagement
         letter.  The  auditor's  fee  is to be  arranged  with  management  and
         annually summarized for Committee review. The Committee's review should
         entail an understanding from the independent  accountant of the factors
         considered by the accountant in determining the audit scope, including:

               o   Industry and business risk characteristics of the Company.

               o   External reporting requirements.

               o   Materiality   of  the  various   segments  of  the  Company's

               o   Quality of internal accounting controls.

               o   Extent  of   involvement  of  Internal  Audit  in  the  audit

               o   Other areas to be covered during the audit engagement.

5.       Review the extent of  nonaudit  services  provided  by the  independent
         accountants in relation to the objectivity needed in the audit.

6.       Review with management and the independent accountants, upon completion
         of their audit,  financial  results for the year prior to their release
         to the public. This review is to encompass:

               o   The Company's  Annual Report to  Shareholders  and Form 10-K,
                   including  the   financial   statements,   and   supplemental
                   disclosures   required  by  generally   accepted   accounting
                   principles and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

               o   Significant  transactions  which are not a normal part of the
                   Company's operations.

               o   Changes, if any, during the year in the Company's  accounting
                   principles or their application.

               o   Significant   adjustments   proposed   by   the   independent

7.       Evaluate the cooperation received by the independent accountants during
         their  audit  examination,  including  their  access  to all  requested
         records, data, and information. Also, elicit the comments of


         management regarding the responsiveness of the independent  accountants
         to the Company's needs. Inquire of the independent  accountants whether
         there  have  been  any  disagreements  with  management  which  if  not
         satisfactorily  resolved  would have caused them to issue a nonstandard
         report on the Company's financial statements.

8.       Discuss with the  independent  accountants the quality of the company's
         financial and accounting  personnel,  and any relevant  recommendations
         (including  those in their  "letter of comments and  recommendations").
         Topics  to be  considered  during  this  discussion  include  improving
         internal financial  controls,  the selection of accounting  principles,
         and  management   reporting   systems.   Review  written  responses  of
         management  to  "letter  of  comments  and  recommendations"  from  the
         independent accountants.

9.       Discuss  with  Company  management  the scope and  quality of  internal
         accounting and financial reporting controls in effect.

10.      Apprise   the  Board  of   Directors,   through   minutes  and  special
         presentations as necessary,  of significant  developments in the course
         of performing the above duties.

11.      Recommend  to the Board of  Directors  any  appropriate  extensions  or
         changes in the duties of the Committee.

12.      Recommend to the Board of Directors  the retention or  nonretention  of
         the independent accountants, and provide a written summary of the basis
         for the recommendations.

13.      Annually, in conjunction with management, review and approve the budget
         of the internal audit function.

14.      Annually  approve the internal audit function as the internal  auditors
         for all  subsidiaries of the Company in order to comply with regulatory


|X|      PLEASE MARK VOTES                                              REVOCABLE PROXY
         AS IN THIS EXAMPLE                                   FIRST NATIONAL CORPORATION FXNC-BB

                            April 3, 2001

     The  undersigned  hereby  appoints the official proxy  committee,
consisting  of  Douglas  C.  Arthur,  Byron  A.  Brill  and  W.  Allen
Nicholls,  with full powers of  substitution,  to act as attorneys and
proxies  for the  undersigned  to vote all  shares of Common  Stock of
First National Corporation that the undersigned is entitled to vote at
the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting"),  to be held
at the Travelodge,  160 Front Royal Pike,  Winchester,  VA on April 3,
2001 at 11:00 A.M. The official proxy  committee is authorized to cast
all votes to which the undersigned is entitled as follows:

1.  The approval of a proposed  amendment to the  Articles of  Incorporation  to
    create a classified Board of Directors with staggered three year terms.

    [  ] FOR                [  ] AGAINST                [  ] ABSTAIN

2.  The election as directors  of all nominees  listed  (except as marked to the
    contrary below):


    Douglas C. Arthur                  Charles E. Maddox, Jr.
    Noel M. Borden                     W. Allen Nicholls
    Byron A. Brill                     Henry L. Shirkey
    Elizabeth H. Cottrell              Alson H. Smith, Jr.
    James A. Davis                     Harry S. Smith
    Christopher E. French

    [  ] FOR                [  ] WITHHOLD               [  ] FOR ALL EXCEPT

    INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark
    "For All Except" and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.





Please be sure to sign and date             Date
this Proxy in the box below.
- ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

- -------- Shareholder sign above --------- Co-holder (if any) sign above --------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.