THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference the 12th day of March, 2005


                  Chiqueritos,  Mining Inc.a company duly incorporated  pursuant
                  to the laws of the  State of  Wyoming,  and  having a  mailing
                  address of 612 110th Ave North, Naples, Florida 34108.

                  (hereinafter referred to as "CMI")

                                                    OF THE FIRST PART


                  Minera Holmex S.A. de C.V., a company duly incorporated
                  pursuant to the laws of the State of
                  Sinaloa, Republic of Mexico, and having office at Ave. Hidalgo
                   373 Oriente #4-1, Colonia
                  Central, Culiacan, Sinoloa, CP 8000, Mexico.

                  (hereinafter referred to as "Minera Holmex")


                  International  American Resources Inc., a company incorporated
                  in  Colorado  having  its  address  at  6373 S.  Yates  Court,
                  Littleton, Colorado 80123.

                                                        OF THE SECOND PART


(A)      The Optionees hold a valid  agreement to acquire a one hundred  percent
         (100%)  undivided  interest in the Chiqueritos gold project situated in
         the Tamazula  District  near the village of  Chiqueritos,  Mexico.  The
         Optionees'  respective  legal  description and location of these mining
         claims   (hereinafter   referred  to  as  the   "Property")   are  more
         particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and,

(The  Optionees  have agreed to grant to CMI an exclusive  option to acquire all
      of the  Optionees'  right,  title  and  interest  in and to the  Property,
      subject to the terms and conditions hereafter set out;

 NOW THEREFORE,  THIS AGREEMENT  WITNESSES that for and in consideration of such
 good and valuable  consideration now paid by CMI to the Optionees,  the receipt
 and sufficiency  whereof is hereby  acknowledged by the Optionees,  the parties
 agree as follows:

                           ARTICLE 1 - INTERPRETATION

1.1      Interpretation

In this Agreement, unless otherwise provided:

(a)      "Business Day" means a day, other than a Saturday or a Sunday, on which
         the  main  branch  of the US Bank in  Denver,  Colorado  is open to the
         public for the transaction of business;

(b)       "Option" means the option to acquire all right, title and interest of
 the Optionees in and to the
          Property as provided in ARTICLE 3; and,

(c)      "Property" means the mining claims described in Exhibit "A" hereto, and
         shall  include any renewal  thereof and any other form of  successor or
         substitute title therefor and shall also include all data,  reports and
         geological information in the possession of the Optionees; and,

(d)       "Royalty Interest" means payments to be made to Sr. Modesto Rivas
 Beltran as described in ARTICLE 3 and
          Exhibit B attached hereto

1.2      Currency

All dollar  amounts  expressed  herein shall be currency of the United States of

1.3      Schedules

         Exhibit           Description
              A  Description  of  Property  (plus claim  location  map) B 3% Net
              Smelter Returns Royalty.


2.1      Mutual Representations and Warranties

Each of CMI and Optionees  represents  and warrants to one another and the other
parties hereto that:

(a)      it is a body corporate duly incorporated or continued, organized and
validly subsisting under the laws
         of its incorporating or continued jurisdiction; and,

(b)      it has full power and authority to carry on its business and to enter
 into this Agreement and any
         agreement or instrument referred to or contemplated by this Agreement;

(c)       all corporate authorizations have been obtained for the execution of
this Agreement and for the
          performance of its obligations hereunder; and,

         (d)       no proceedings are pending for and it is unaware of any basis
 for the institution of any
         proceedings leading to its dissolution or winding-up.

2.2      Optionees' Representations and Warranties

The Optionees represent and warrant to CMI that:

(a)       to the best of the Optionees'  knowledge,  information  and belief the
          mining  claims  comprising  the Property are  accurately  described in
          Exhibit A, have been properly and legally staked, recorded and tagged,
          are presently in good standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction  in
          which they are located,  and are free and clear of all liens,  charges
          and  encumbrances  except the mineral  property taxes in arrears since

(b)       the Optionee has the exclusive right to enter into this Agreement and
to dispose of an interest in the
          Property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

(c)      the Optionees are the legal and beneficial Optionees of the Property
 described in Exhibit A;

(d)       there is no adverse claim or challenge  against or to the ownership of
          or title to any of the mining claims  comprising the Property,  nor to
          the knowledge of the Optionees is there any basis therefor or interest
          therein, and there are no outstanding agreements or options to acquire
          or purchase the Property or any portion  thereof,  and no person other
          than CMI, pursuant to the provisions  hereof, has any royalty or other
          interest  whatsoever  in  production  from  any of the  mining  claims
          comprising the Property;

(e)       no  proceedings  are pending for and the  Optionees are unaware of any
          basis for the institution of any proceedings leading to the placing of
          the Optionees  into  bankruptcy or subject to any other laws governing
          the affairs of insolvent persons;

(f)      to the best of the Optionees' knowledge,  the Property and its existing
         and prior uses  comply  and have at all times  complied  with,  and the
         Optionees are not in violation of, and has not violated,  in connection
         with the Optioneeship,  use,  maintenance or operation of the Property,
         any   applicable   federal,   provincial,   municipal  or  local  laws,
         regulations,  orders or  approvals  relating to its  operations  on the
         Property and environmental or similar matters;

 (g)     there are no orders or directions  relating to environmental or similar
         matters   requiring  any  work,   repairs,   construction   or  capital
         expenditures  with  respect  to the  Property  and the  conduct  of the
         business related thereto, nor have the Optionees received any notice of

(h)      no hazardous or toxic materials, substances,  pollutants,  contaminants
         or wastes  have  been  released  into the  environment,  or  deposited,
         discharged,  placed or  disposed  of at, on or near the  Property  as a
         result of the Optionees'  operations carried out on the Property,  nor,
         to the best of the Optionees' knowledge, have any of the above occurred
         nor has the Property been used at any time by any person as a person as
         a landfill or waste disposal site;

(i)      to the best of the Optionees' knowledge

         (i)      no notices of any violation or apparent violation of any of
 the matters referred  to in
        subparagraphs (g) and (h) relating to the Property or its use have been
       received by the Optionees; and,

         (ii)     there  are  no  writs,   injunctions,   orders  or   judgments
                  outstanding,    no   law   suits,    claims   proceedings   or
                  investigations  pending or  threatened,  relating  to the use,
                  maintenance or operation of the Property,  whether  related to
                  environmental  or similar matters,  or otherwise,  nor, to the
                  knowledge  of the  Optionees,  is there any basis for such law
                  suits, claims,  proceedings or investigations being instituted
                  or filed.

2.3        Survival of Representations and Warranties

The representations  and warranties  contained in this ARTICLE are conditions on
which the parties have relied in entering into this  Agreement and shall survive
the execution  hereof and the acquisition of any interest in the Property by CMI
hereunder  and each party will  indemnify  and save the other  harmless from all
loss, damage,  costs, actions and suits arising out of or in connection with any
breach of any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or condition made by
them  and  contained  in  this  Agreement.   A  party  may  waive  any  of  such
representations,  warranties, covenants, agreements or conditions in whole or in
part at any time  without  prejudice of its right in respect of any other breach
of the  same or any  other  representation,  warranty,  covenant,  agreement  or


3.1      Grant of Option

Subject as hereinafter provided,  the Optionees hereby grant to CMI the sole and
exclusive  right and  option to  acquire  an  undivided  100%  right,  title and
interest in and to the Property free and clear of all charges,  encumbrances and
claims, save for the NSR royalty interest (more fully described in Exhibit B).

3.2      Initial Payment

At the signing of acceptance of this Agreement,  in consideration of the Option,
CMI shall pay to the Optionee, via certified check, bank draft or wire transfer,
the sum of one  thousand  dollars  (US$10,000),  followed by another  payment of
$5,000  within 30 days to  International  American  Resources Inc (" the initial

Upon receipt of the Initial  Payment,  Minera Holmex shall deliver to CMI a copy
of all  geologic  reports,  technical  data and maps  specific  to the  Property
(collectively, the "Data") in the possession of the Optionees.

Failure  to make  the  Initial  Payment  or  provide  a copy of the  Data  shall
constitute an  irrevocable  breach of this  Agreement and render the  provisions
thereof  null  and  void;  except  that CMI  shall  be bound by any  outstanding
obligations provided for herein.

3.3       Remaining Property Payments

In order to keep the Option in good standing and complete its purchase of a 100%
undivided   interest  in  the   Property,   CMI  shall  make  cash  payments  to
International  American  Resources or Minera  Holmex  according to the following

                  Payment Due Date               Cash
                  November 1, 2005                       US$25,000
                  February 10, 2006              US$25,000
                  August 10, 2006                      US$30,000
                  February 10, 2007                   US$30,000
                  August 10, 2007                      US$40,000
                  February 10, 2008          US$40,000
                  August 10, 2008                      US$50,000
                  February 10, 2009                   US$50,000
                  August 10, 2009                      US$60,000
                  February 10, 2010                   US$60,000
                  Auguat 10, 2010                      US$65,000
                        The total would be                   US$500,000
A final payment of three hundred five thousand  dollars  ($305,000) shall be due
and payable on the 10th of February,  2011, to be paid in cash. There is a grace
period of 5 working days after which this agreement is automatically terminated.

CMI shall have the right,  but not the  obligation  to  accelerate  the  payment
schedule outlined herein.

3.4       Interest in Property & Royalty Interest

So long as CMI makes the payments as described in ARTICLE 3,  Sections 3.2, 3.3,
and keeps the Property in good standing as provided in Section 3.7, and fulfills
all other  obligations  provided  for by this  Agreement;  CMI shall have a 100%
right,  title and interest in and to the  Property  (subject to the 3% NSR) free
and clear of all charges, encumbrances and claims.

Upon  completion  of the  payments as detailed  in Section  3.3,  CMI shall have
earned a 100%  undivided  interest in the Property  (subject to the 3% NSR),  at
which point,  the Optionees shall  immediately  arrange for transfer of title to
the  Property  into the name of CMI (or its  designee /  assignee)  pursuant  to
Section 3.6 herein.

3.5       Right of Entry During the Option

Throughout the term of the Agreement,  the Directors and Officers of CMI and its
agents and  contractors,  shall have the sole and exclusive  right in respect of
the Property to:

(a)       enter thereon;

(b)       have exclusive and quiet possession thereof;

(c)      do such prospecting,  exploration,  development,  drilling and/or other
         mining work thereon and  thereunder as CMI in its sole  discretion  may
         determine  advisable and including,  without  limitation the removal of
         ores, minerals and metals from the Property but only for the purpose of
         testing;  and with a minimum  expenditure  of $70,000 per year starting
         one month after signing this agreement;

(d)      bring upon and erect upon the Property buildings,  plant, machinery and
         equipment as CMI may deem advisable,  so long as such  improvements are
         in compliance with applicable County, State, and Federal regulations.

3.6       Transfer of Property

Upon CMI fulfilling all of its obligations  under this Agreement,  the Optionees
Representative  shall deliver to CMI (or its  associated  Mexican  company) duly
executed  transfers  of the  Property  in  favor of  CMI's  Mexican  Associates'
Company, which CMI may record at its cost with the appropriate government office
to effect legal transfer of the Property into the name of its associated Mexican
company, it being understood that the transfer of legal title is contingent upon
and subject to CMI fulfilling all of its obligations under this Agreement.

Additionally, subsequent to signing, the parties understand that CMI will assign
its rights, interests, duties,  responsibilities and obligations (related to the
Property and this Agreement) to a Mexican subsidiary which is in the formation /
registration stages. All parties to this Agreement pledge to execute any and all
such  documentation  as may be  necessary  to  facilitate  the  transfer of this
Agreement to CMI's Mexican subsidiary.

3.7       Obligations of InterAmerican Resources and Minera Holmex During the
Option Period

During the term of this Option Agreement, the Optionees shall:

(a)      maintain in good standing the mining  claims  comprised in the Property
         by the payment of annual  assessment fees,  taxes and rentals,  and the
         performance  of all other actions which may be necessary in that regard
         and in order to keep such mining claims free and clear of all liens and
         other charges arising from CMI's  activities  thereon,  save and except
         for liens in respect  of taxes not yet due,  other  inchoate  liens and
         liens  contested  in good faith by  International  American  and Minera
         Holmex  and on behalf  of and for cost of CMI  stake at 1 Km  perimeter
         area  around  the  Gavilanes  claim,  near the  hamlet  of  Chiqueritos
         immediately after signing this agreement;

(b)      permit the directors, officers, employees and designated consultants of
         the  Optionees,  at their  own  risk,  access  to the  Property  at all
         reasonable  times,  provided  that the  Optionees  shall  indemnify CMI
         against and save it harmless from all costs,  claims,  liabilities  and
         expenses  that  CMI may  incur or  suffer  as a  result  of any  injury
         (including injury causing death) to any director,  officer, employee or
         designated  consultant of the Optionees while on the Property  provided
         however  that CMI will not be  indemnified  nor held  harmless  for any
         costs, claims, liabilities or expenses resulting from CMI's negligence,
         gross negligence or misconduct;

(c)      deliver to the Optionees,  on a regular basis,  copies of all technical
         work carried out on the  property  (limited to factual  matters  only),
         including,  but not limited to,  up-to-date  geological,  sampling  and
         drill hole location maps, drill logs, assays,  copies of all permitting
         documents and other factual  technical  data  describing the results of
         work done by CMI on the Property in the last completed option year;

(d)      do all work on the  Property,  including  any  reclamation  work,  in a
         careful and  miner-like  manner and in compliance  with all  applicable
         laws,  rules,  regulations,  orders and ordinances of any  governmental
         authority   and  will   promptly   carry  out,  at  its  own   expense,
         environmental clean-up required by any state or federal regulatory body
         as a consequence of its exploration or mining activities carried out on
         the Property; and,

(e)      Indemnify  and hold the Optionees  harmless  from any claims,  demands,
         liabilities  or  laborer's,  mechanic's  or other liens  arising out of
         CMI's activities on the Property.

3.8       The Operator

During the term of the Option,  CMI or its  permitted  assigns  shall act as the
operator of operations  on the  Property,  and will conduct its operation on the
Property at its sole discretion.

3.9       Termination of Option

Notwithstanding  any other provisions  contained in this Agreement,  the parties
hereto  acknowledge  that  this  Agreement  is an  option  only and that CMI may
terminate  this Agreement at any time, so long as it is not in default of any of
its obligations under this Agreement,  by giving thirty (30) days notice to that
effect to the Optionees,  and,  thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice by
the Optionees,  this Agreement  shall be of no further force or effect,  and CMI
shall have no interest  in the  Property  and shall have no further  obligations
hereunder, save and except that it shall:

 (a)     deliver to the Optionees  within sixty (60) days of termination of this
         Agreement, a comprehensive report on all work carried out by CMI on the
         Property  (limited to factual  matters  only)  together  with all drill
         core,  assay pulps,  copies of all maps,  drilling logs, assay results,
         copies of all  permitting  documents and other factual  technical  data
         compiled by CMI with respect to the  Property and not before  furnished
         to the Optionees;

(b)      with CMI's obligations fulfilled under this Agreement,  have the right,
         within a period of one hundred (100) days following  such  termination,
         to remove from the Property all temporary structures, plant, equipment,
         machinery, tools, appliances and supplies erected, installed or brought
         upon the  Property by or on behalf of CMI,  and any such  property  not
         removed within such 100-day period shall thereafter become the property
         of the Optionees; and,

(d)      deliver to the Optionees within thirty (30) days of termination of this
         Agreement, an acknowledgment of abandonment and release of any interest
         in any  additional  mining claims  acquired or staked by CMI within the
         Area of Influence (as defined hereing), together with a quitclaim, bill
         of sale or other such legal instrument  whereby a 100% right, title and
         interest in and to such mining claims is  transferred  to the Optionees
         or their  nominee or  nominees,  free and clear of all liens or charges
         arising from CMI's activities on said claims.,


4.1      Right to Purchase Royalty Interest

The Royalty Interest may not be purchased from Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran by CMI,
unless negotiated at a later date.

4.2       Assignment Of Agreement In The Event Of Adverse Judgments Against CMI

Notwithstanding  any other provisions  contained in this Agreement,  the parties
hereto  acknowledge and agree that, as a publicly-traded  corporation,  that CMI
could  potentially  be subject to adverse  legal,  regulatory and / or financial
judgments or actions,  including, but limited to: Chapter 13, 11 or 7 bankruptcy
filings,  cease-trade  orders,  liens placed against the assets of CMI,  adverse
civil  judgments  related to  activities  of the prior  management of the public
company,  and that the  occurrence of any one (or more) of these events would be
considered a "Qualifying  Event",  the occurrence of which would have a negative
and lasting impact development of the Project's development and CMI's ability to
fulfill the terms of this Agreement.

                             ARTICLE 5 - ASSIGNMENT

5.1       Assignment

(a)       The Optionees  will not,  except in accordance  with the provisions of
          Section 4.1 of this Agreement,  and provided that such assignees agree
          to be bound by the terms hereof, assign this Agreement during the term
          of the Option;

(b)       CMI may:

          (i)     assign this  Agreement  or any portion of its  interest in the
                  Property to an  Associated  Company or a third party  provided
                  that such Associated  Company or third party first assumes and
                  agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement;

          (ii)    with  the  Optionees'  prior  approval,  which  shall  not  be
                  withheld without factual data demonstrating the assignee to be
                  unqualified to fulfill CMI's  obligations under this Agreement
                  or under  felony  indictment,  assign  this  Agreement  or any
                  portion of its  interest in the Property to a party other than
                  an  Associated  Company  or third  party,  provided  that such
                  assignee  first assumes and agrees to be bound by the terms of
                  this Agreement;

whereupon the  Optionees  agree that CMI shall be released and  discharged  from
their  obligations and liabilities  under this Agreement,  provided that CMI has
fulfilled all such obligations and liabilities which have arisen during and as a
result  of  their  activities  under  this  Agreement;   prior  to  making  such
assignment,  CMI shall first fulfill all obligations and commitments pursuant to
Section 3.9.

                            ARTICLE 6 - FORCE MAJEURE

6.1      Events

No party will be liable for its failure to perform any of its obligations  under
this Agreement due to a cause beyond its control (except those caused by its own
lack of  funds)  including,  but not  limited  to:  acts  of God,  fire,  flood,
explosion,  strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances;  laws, rules and
regulations or orders of any duly constituted  court or governmental  authority;
or  non-availability  of  materials  or  transportation  (each  an  "Intervening


7.1        Confidential Information

Except as specifically  otherwise provided for herein, all information  obtained
hereunder  shall be the exclusive  property of CMI and when  delivered by CMI to
the Optionees  shall not be publicly  disclosed or used by the  Optionees  other
than for the  activities  contemplated  hereunder,  as required by law or by the
rules and regulations of any regulatory authority having  jurisdiction,  or with
the written consent of CMI, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

7.2      Consent  to  Disclosure

Consent to  disclosure  of  information  pursuant  to  Section  7.1 shall not be
unreasonably  withheld where the Optionees wish to disclose any such information
to a third  party for the  purpose  of selling  its  interest  in the  Property,
provided  that such third party gives its  written  undertaking  to CMI that any
such information not theretofore  publicly  disclosed shall be kept confidential
and not disclosed to others.

7.3      Fraudulent or Negligent Disclosure

The  Optionees  shall  not be  liable  to CMI for the  fraudulent  or  negligent
disclosure of information by any of its employees,  servants or agents, provided
that the Optionees have taken reasonable steps to ensure the preservation of the
confidential nature of such information.

7.4        Information in Public Domain

The provisions of this ARTICLE 7 do not apply to information  that is or becomes
part of the public domain other than through a breach of the terms hereof.

7.5      Request to Disclose

Where a request is made for  permission  to  disclose  confidential  information
hereunder,  CMI shall reply thereto within three (3) Business Days after receipt
of such  request,  failing  which CMI shall be deemed to have  consented to such
disclosure in the limited circumstances specified in such request.


8.1      Choice of Law

All matters  arising out of this Agreement shall be determined and decided under
the laws,  regulations  and rules of the United States of Mexico in the State of

8.2      Single Arbitrator

Any matter  required or permitted to be referred to arbitration  hereunder or in
Exhibit B will be  determined  by a single  arbitrator  to be  appointed  by the
parties hereto.

8.3      Prior Notice

Any party may refer any such  matter to  arbitration  by  written  notice to the
other party and, within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice,  the parties
will agree on the  appointment of an arbitrator.  No person will be appointed as
an arbitrator hereunder unless such person agrees in writing to act.

8.4      No Agreement on the Arbitration

If the parties  cannot agree on a single  arbitrator as provided in Section 8.2,
or if the person  appointed  is  unwilling  or unable to act,  either  party may
submit the matter to arbitration  before a single  arbitrator in accordance with
the laws  governing  arbitration  within the State of Sinaloa,  United States of
Mexico, more specifically,  the rules and regulations of the Mexican Arbitration

8.5       Conduct of Arbitration

Except as  specifically  provided in this  ARTICLE 8, an  arbitration  hereunder
shall be conducted in accordance  with the rules and  regulations of the Mexican
Arbitration Association.

The arbitrator  shall fix a time and place within the  jurisdiction in which the
Property is located for the purpose of hearing the evidence and  representations
of the parties and he shall  preside  over the  arbitration  and  determine  all
questions of procedure not provided for under such Act or this ARTICLE 8.

After hearing any evidence and representations  that the parties may submit, the
arbitrator  shall make an award and reduce the same to writing  and  deliver one
copy thereof to each of the parties. The decision of the arbitrator will be made
within  forty-five  (45) days after his  appointment,  subject to any reasonable
delay due to unforeseen  circumstances.  The expense of the arbitration shall be
paid as specified in the award.

The award of the single  arbitrator  shall be final and binding upon each of the

                       ARTICLE 9 - DEFAULT AND TERMINATION

9.1      Default

If at any time  during  the term of the  Agreement,  CMI  fails to  perform  any
obligation  required  to be  performed  hereunder  or is in breach of a warranty
given herein, the Optionees may terminate this Agreement, but only if:

(a)        the  Optionees  shall  have  first  given to CMI a notice of  default
           containing particulars of the obligation which CMI has not performed,
           or the warranty breached; and,

(b)         CMI has not,  within  thirty  (30) days  following  delivery of such
            notice of default,  cured such  default or, if it is not  reasonably
            possible to cure the default within such thirty (30) days, commenced
            proceedings  to  cure  such  default  by   appropriate   payment  or
            performance  (CMI hereby agreeing that should it so commence to cure
            any default it will  prosecute the same to completion  without undue

Should CMI fail to comply with the  provisions  of  sub-Section  (b) above,  the
Optionees may thereafter terminate this Agreement,  and the Optionees shall hold
CMI liable for any obligations  remaining as a result of this Agreement pursuant
to Section 3.9.

                          ARTICLE 10 - AREA OF INTEREST

10.1     Interest in Surrounding Lands

The parties hereto will have an interest in any property or minerals acquired by
the other parties in the area of a radius of two (2) km surrounding the external
boundaries of the Property,  and such  properties will be deemed to form part of
the Property and will be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
If such  property or minerals  are acquired by the  Optionees,  then CMI will be
entitled to acquire the same for the out-of-pocket  costs paid for such property
or minerals and for no additional consideration.

                              ARTICLE 11 - GENERAL

11.1     Time of the Essence

Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.

11.2     Further Acts

Subject  to the  other  Sections  of  this  Agreement,  each  party  shall  make
reasonable  efforts in good faith, at the request of any other party, and at the
expense of the requesting  party,  to execute and deliver any further  documents
and do all acts and  things as that  party may  reasonably  require  in order to
carry out the true intent and meaning of this Agreement.

11.3     No Partnership

Nothing in this Agreement or in the  relationship of the parties hereto shall be
construed as in any sense creating a partnership  among the parties or as giving
to any party any of the rights or  subjecting  any party to any of the creditors
of the other parties.

11.4     Parties of Interest

This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and
their respective personal representatives, administrators, heirs, successors and
permitted assigns.

11.5     Governing Law

This Agreement  shall be construed and governed  exclusively by the  regulations
and  rules of the  United  States of  Mexico  in the  jurisdiction  in which the
Property is located,  except where matters are expressed herein to be subject to
arbitration, the laws of the United States of Mexico applicable therein, and the
Federal courts of the United States of Mexico shall have exclusive  jurisdiction
to hear and determine all disputes arising hereunder.

Each of the parties hereto  irrevocably  attorneys to the  jurisdiction  of said
courts and consents to the  commencement  of  proceedings  in such courts.  This
Section  shall not be  construed  to affect  the  rights of a party to enforce a
judgement or award outside the United  States of Mexico,  including the right to
record  and  enforce  a  judgement  or award in any  other  jurisdiction  or the
jurisdiction in which the Property is situated.

11.6     Survival

Each  party  hereby  agrees  that  all  representations,  warranties  and  other
provisions  contained in this Agreement  shall forever survive the execution and
delivery of this Agreement.

11.7     Severability

The invalidity or  unenforceability of any provision in this Agreement shall not
affect the  validity or  enforceability  of any other  provision or part of this
Agreement,  and the parties hereby  undertake to  re-negotiate in good faith any
such invalid or  unenforceable  provision,  with a view to concluding  valid and
enforceable  arrangements  as nearly as possible the same as those  contained in
this Agreement.

11.8     Entire Agreement

The  provisions  contained in this  Agreement  constitute  the entire  agreement
between the parties with respect to the subject  matter and  supersede all prior
communications,  proposals,  representations  and  agreements,  whether  oral or
written, with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.

11.9     Notices

All notices,  demands and payments  under this  Agreement must be in writing and
sent  by  certified  mail,  or  may  be  delivered  personally  or by  facsimile
transmission to the addresses as first written above, or such other addresses as
may from time to time be  notified  in writing by the  parties  followed  by the
mailing of such notice by certified mail.

11.10    Independent Legal Advice

The other parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that CMI and its legal
counsel have given them the opportunity to seek, and have  recommended that such
parties obtain,  independent  legal advice with respect to the subject matter of
this Agreement and that CMI's legal counsel is not protecting the other parties'
interests and,  further,  each of the other parties hereby represent and warrant
to CMI and CMI's  legal  counsel  that such other  party has sought  independent
legal advice or waives such advice.

11.11    Waiver

Failure  by  any  party  hereto  to  insist  in any  instance  upon  the  strict
performance of any one of the covenants  contained herein shall not be construed
as a waiver or relinquishment of such covenant. No waiver by any party hereto of
any such covenant shall be deemed to have been made unless  expressed in writing
and signed by the waiving party.

11.12    Amendments

No term or provision  hereof may be amended  except by an  instrument in writing
signed by all of the parties to this Agreement.

11.13    Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts  (including by fax), each
of which when so executed  shall be deemed to be an original  and shall have the
same  force and  effect as an  original  and such  counterparts  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF  the  corporate  seals of the  Optionees  and CMI have been
hereunto affixed in the presence of its duly authorized officers in that behalf;

Chiqueritos Mining Inc

/s/ Daniel J. Enright
Daniel J. Enright
Authorized Officer

                                    )  ss.
COUNTY OF ___________      )

         On this ___ day of March, 2005, personally appeared before me, a notary
public,  Daniel J.  Enright,  who  acknowledged  that he had  executed the above

                                            Notary Public in and for said state

         ( S E A L )

Agreed to and accepted by the undersigned on this ____ day of March, 2005:

Minera Holmex S.A. de C.V.

/s/ Fred W. Warnaars
Fred W. Warnaars

                                    )  ss.
COUNTY OF ___________      )

         On this ___ day of March, 2005, personally appeared before me, a notary
public,  Fred W.  Warnaars,  who  acknowledged  that she had  executed the above

                                            Notary Public in and for said state

         ( S E A L )

Agreed to and accepted by the undersigned on this ____ day of March, 2005:

International American Resources, Inc.

- --------------------------------
Fred W. Warnaars

                                    )  ss.
COUNTY OF ___________      )

         On this ___ day of March, 2005, personally appeared before me, a notary
public,  Fred W.  Warnaars,  who  acknowledged  that she had  executed the above

                                            Notary Public in and for said state

         ( S E A L )

                                    EXHIBIT A

                             Toan  Agreement  dated the 12th day of March,  2005
                               between Capital Hill Gold Company,  Minera Holmex
                               S.A. de C.V.
                   and International American Resources, Inc.

                             DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY

The  100-hectare  Los  Gavilanes  mining  concession,  located  in the  Tamazula
District,  Durango,  is held by Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran of Culiacan,  Sinaloa,

Title was issued on December 14, 1989.

A copy of the surveyed land position is attached to this Agreement.

Title number 185397, expediente 321.1/24569.  Granted by the Direcion General de
Minas and  inscribed  with number  577, on page 145 of Volume  number 251 of the
General Book of Mining  Concessions of the Public Mines Register in Mexico City,

                                    EXHIBIT B

                             Toan  Agreement  dated the ____ day of March,  2005
                               between Capital Hill Gold Company,  Minera Holmex
                               S.A. de C.V.
                   and International American Resources, Inc.

                        NET SMELTER RETURNS (NSR) ROYALTY

1.       Interpretation

Where used herein:

(a)         "Agreement" shall mean the above-referenced agreement, including any
 amendments thereto or renewals or
            extensions thereof;

(b)         "Property" shall mean the Property as defined in the Agreement;

(c)         "Fiscal  Period"  shall mean each  calendar  year or other period of
            twelve consecutive months adopted for tax purposes by CMI during the
            term of the Agreement;

  "Royalty Interest" shall mean two percent (3%) of Net Smelter Returns; and

(e)         All other defined terms used in this Exhibit B which are not defined
            herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Agreement.

2.       Net Smelter Returns

"Net Smelter  Returns"  shall mean the actual  proceeds  received from any mint,
smelter,  refinery or other  purchaser for the sale of ores,  metals  (including
bullion) or concentrates produced from the Property (collectively "Product") and
sold or  proceeds  received  from an insurer in respect of such ores,  metals or
concentrates,  after  deducting from such proceeds the following  charges to the
extent that they were not deducted by the purchaser in computing payments:

(a)        smelting and refining charges;

(b)        penalties, smelter assay costs and umpire assay costs;

(c)        cost of freight and handling of ores, metals or concentrates from
the Property to any mint, smelter,
            refinery, or other purchaser;

     (d)    marketing costs;

(e)        costs of insurance on all such ores, metals or concentrates; and,

(f)         customs  duties,  severance  tax,  royalties,  ad valorem or mineral
            taxes or the like and export and import taxes or tariffs  payable in
            respect of said ores, metals or concentrates.

3.       Payment

The Royalty Interest shall be:

(a)      calculated and paid to Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran on a quarterly basis
 within forty-five (45) days after
         the end of each fiscal quarter in respect of the actual proceeds
 received in such fiscal quarter; and,

(b)      each  payment  to  Sr.  Modesto  Rivas  Beltran   hereunder   shall  be
         accompanied by an unaudited statement indicating the calculation of the
         Royalty Interest hereunder and Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran shall receive,
         within  three (3) months of the end of each  Fiscal  Period,  a summary
         unaudited  statement of the calculation of the Royalty Interest for the
         last completed Fiscal Period.

         Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran shall have forty-five (45) days from the time
         of receipt of the summary statement to question the accuracy thereof in
         writing and,  failing such  objection,  the summary  statement shall be
         deemed to be  correct  and  unimpeachable  thereafter.  If the  summary
         statement is questioned by Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran. Sr. Modesto Rivas
         Beltran  will have  twelve  (12) months from the time of receipt of the
         summary  statement to have such  audited.  The audited  results will be
         final and  determinative of the calculation of the Royalty Interest for
         the audited  period and will be binding on CMI, and Sr.  Modesto  Rivas
         Beltran shall be entitled to examine,  on reasonable  notice and during
         normal  business  hours,  such  books  and  records  as are  reasonably
         necessary to verify the payment of the Royalty Interest to it from time
         to time.

4.         Purchase of Royalty Interest

The Royalty  Interest may not be purchased from Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran byCMI,
unless negotiated at a later date.

5.       Segregation of Property

The determination of the Royalty Interest hereunder is based on the premise that
production  will be developed  solely on the Property.  If other  properties are
incorporated  in a  single  mining  project  and  metals,  ores or  concentrates
pertaining to each are not readily segregated on a practical or equitable basis,
the allocation of actual  proceeds  received and deductions  therefrom  shall be
negotiated  between  the  parties  and,  if the  parties  fail to  agree on such
allocation,  shall be  referred  to  arbitration  pursuant  to  ARTICLE 8 of the

The arbitrator  shall have reference  first to the Agreement and this Exhibit B,
and then, if necessary,  to practices  used in mining  operations  that are of a
similar  nature.  The  arbitrator  shall be entitled to retain such  independent
mining  consultants  as he considers  necessary.  The decision of the arbitrator
shall be final and binding on the parties hereto.

6.       Non-Arm's Length Sale of Product

For the purposes of calculating  the amount of Royalty  Interest  payable to Sr.
Modesto  Rivas  Beltran  hereunder,  if,  after  the  date  of  commencement  of
Commercial Production, CMI sells any Product to a subsidiary or affiliate and if
the sale price of such product is not  negotiated on an arm's length basis,  CMI
shall, for the purposes of calculating the Royalty Interest and  notwithstanding
the actual amount of such sale price,  add to the proceeds from the sale of such
Product an amount,  if any,  which would be  sufficient  to make such sale price
represent a reasonable net sale price for such Product as if negotiated at arm's
length and after taking into  account all  pertinent  circumstances  (including,
without  limitation,  the  then  current  market  conditions  relating  to  ore,
concentrates or other materials or products  similar to the Product).  CMI shall
notify Sr.  Modesto  Rivas  Beltran of the quantum of such  reasonable  net sale
price and if Sr. Modesto Rivas Beltran does not object thereto within sixty (60)
days after  receipt of such notice,  such quantum shall be final and binding for
the purposes of this  Exhibit.  If Sr.  Modesto  Rivas  Beltran  objects to such
stated  reasonable  net sale price,  the matter will be referred to  arbitration
pursuant to ARTICLE 8 of the Agreement.