FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 20, 1998 FOURTEEN HILL CAPITAL, L.P. --------------------------- ANNOUNCES FIRST QUARTER FINANCINGS ---------------------------------- SAN FRANCISCO-(May 20, 1998) Fourteen Hill Capital, L.P., a majority owned affiliate of Point West Capital Corporation (which trades on NASDAQ under the symbol PWCC) today announced that, during the first quarter of 1998, it closed four financings in the aggregate amount of $3,445,000. Fourteen Hill provided a $795,000 working capital loan for the benefit of KIWI International Holdings, Inc. KIWI International Holdings is the holding company for KIWI International Air Lines, which operates primarily on the east coast of the United States. Fourteen Hill received a redemption notice for warrants it owned in First Priority Group, Inc., and exercised such warrants by pruchasing an additional $1,000,000 of the common stock of First Priority Group. First Priority Group is engaged in automotive fleet management and administration of automotive repairs for businesses, insurance companies and members of affinity groups. First Priority Group trades on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol FPGP. Fourteen Hill purchaed $750,000 of 5% convertible preferred stock of AMNEX, Inc. AMNEX, Inc. is a fully integrated pay phone and operator services telecommunications company. AMNEX trades on NASDAQ under the symbol AMXI. Fourteen Hill purchased $900,000 of 7% convertible preferred stock of WorldPort Communications, Inc. WorldPort is an international facilities-based carrier seeking to become a leading worldwide provider of international telecommunications services. WorldPort trades on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol WRDP. Fourteen Hill is licensed by the Small Business Administration as a small business investment company. Fourteen Hill provides capital to small businesses (generally businesses whose tangible net worth does not exceed $18 million and whose average net income during the preceding two years did not exceed $6 million) whose primary businesses are located in the United States. Commenting on the financings, Alan Perper, President of Fourteen Hill Capital , said, "We are very pleased with these transactions, and are continuing to seek financing opportunities in telecom, e-commerce, and related businesses." (KEYWORD CALIFORNIA AND INDUSTRY KEYWORD: Venture Capital). CONTACTS: FOURTEEN HILL CAPITAL, SAN FRANCISCO. CHRIS RODSKOG, 415/394-9467