FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 11, 1999 POINT WEST CAPITAL CORPORATION ------------------------------ ANNOUNCES FORMATION OF POINT WEST SECURITIES -------------------------------------------- SAN FRANCISCO-(January 11, 1999) Point West Capital Corporation (Nasdaq Symbol: PWCC) today announced that it recently formed Point West Securities, LLC, a broker-dealer licensed by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Point West Securities is licensed as a broker dealer in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oregon and Pennsylvania and has applied to be licensed as a broker dealer in approximately 13 other states. Point West Securities will offer investment banking services targeting e-commerce, telecommunications, internet and other technology growth companies as well as provide equity research and brokerage services to institutional investors. The Company reported that Point West Securities hired as a Managing Director Michael Gallo (42), formerly a managing director with Morgan Fuller Capital Group. Mr. Gallo has 18 years of experience in the securities industry with firms including Bear Stearns, Genesis Merchant Group, J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch. Ward Rotter, the Chief Financial Officer of Point West Capital, a financial services firm, stated that Point West Capital viewed the expansion of its financial services into the broker dealer business to be synergistic with its other businesses and that it saw opportunity in light of the recent consolidation of broker dealers, especially in the San Francisco Bay area. KEYWORD CALIFORNIA AND INDUSTRY KEYWORD: SPECIALTY FINANCE). CONTACTS: POINT WEST CAPITAL CORPORATION, SAN FRANCISCO. Alan B. Perper, 415/394-9467