Exhibit 99.1

[GRAPHIC OMITTED][GRAPHIC OMITTED]                          1901 Chouteau Ave.
                                                            St. Louis, MO 63103


Media                         Analysts                     Investors
Susan Gallagher               Bruce Steinke                Investor Services
(314) 554-2175                (314) 554-2574               (800) 255-2237
sgallagher@ameren.com         bsteinke@ameren.com          invest@ameren.com
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For Immediate Release
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ST. LOUIS, MO. Jan. 14,  2004---Ameren  Corporation  (NYSE: AEE) announced today
that the Missouri  Public  Service  Commission  on Jan. 13 approved a settlement
authorizing  new  natural  gas  delivery  rates  that will  increase  AmerenUE's
operating revenues by approximately $13 million annually.

     The new rates  will  mean a typical  residential  customer  who heats  with
natural gas will see an average monthly increase of about $6.55 or 10.2 percent.
This is only the third  delivery rate increase for AmerenUE gas customers  since
1987; the company last implemented a natural gas delivery rate increase in 2000.

     AmerenUE  in  December  entered  into a  settlement  with the  Staff of the
Missouri Public Service Commission (MoPSC), the Office of Public Counsel and the
Missouri  Department of Natural  Resources  (MoDNR) to implement new natural gas
delivery rates.  The full commission  approved the terms of that settlement Jan.

     The  provisions  of the  approved  agreement  do offer some  stability  for
customers during the 2003-2004  winter heating season by deferring  inclusion of
increases  in  wholesale   costs  and  insure   investment   in   infrastructure
improvements and in weatherization and energy efficient equipment programs.

     Gas  delivery  rates  reflect  the  costs of  constructing,  operating  and
maintaining the company's  natural gas system and account for about a third of a
typical residential  customer's total gas bill. This amount does not include any
changes that may occur in the Purchased Gas Adjustment  (PGA),  which  primarily
reflects the commodity  cost of gas  purchased  from  suppliers.  Changes in the
commodity  cost of gas are set by the market based upon the supply and demand of
natural gas in the U.S. and are not regulated by the MoPSC.

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     These gas commodity costs are passed through the PGA  dollar-for-dollar and
contain no "mark-up" by AmerenUE.

     Under the agreement and as approved in the final order,  AmerenUE committed
to the following provisions:

     >>   To offer rate  stability  for customers  during the  2003-2004  winter
          heating season, the increase will not take effect until Feb. 15, 2004,
          and AmerenUE will not request a PGA increase prior to April 1, 2004.
     >>   Absent the  occurrence of a  significant,  unusual  event,  AmerenUE's
          Missouri gas delivery rates will not change prior to July 1, 2006.
     >>   AmerenUE's investments in gas infrastructure improvements between July
          1, 2003, and Dec. 31, 2006, will total at least $15 million.
     >>   The company also will contribute $155,000 per year to continue funding
          a weatherization  program  developed in  collaboration  with the MoPSC
          Staff,  the  Office of  Public  Counsel  and the  MoDNR.  The  program
          provides  weatherization  services  and energy  audits for  low-income
     >>   AmerenUE  will also  provide  $100,000  in annual  funding for a pilot
          program offering weatherization services and rate relief to low-income
          customers in the Missouri counties of Stoddard and Scott.
     >>   The company will provide $55,000 per year to fund an energy  efficient
          equipment program, based on the recommendation of the MoDNR.

     In  its  initial  filing  with  the  MoPSC,   AmerenUE  cited   significant
investments in energy  infrastructure  for its gas business and rising operating
expenses as primary reasons for its proposed rate increase.

     Since the company last  implemented an increase in its natural gas delivery
rates approximately three years ago, AmerenUE has invested more than $50 million
to make the  natural  gas system  even more  reliable.  Since May 1,  2000,  the
company has  replaced  about 55 miles of old cast iron pipes and more than 3,000
service lines with modern,  more durable  polyethylene  pipe,  largely to comply
with state regulations.  In addition,  AmerenUE has added about 142 miles of new
gas mains and more than 7,000 service connections to accommodate new growth.

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     For more information on this agreement and for conservation tips, customers
can visit www.ameren.com.  There customers can also sign up for a Budget Billing
Plan  that  will  help  them  avoid  seasonal  peaks in their  monthly  bills by
spreading  the cost of natural gas over an entire year.  Customers  can also get
information on these and other programs by dialing toll- free 1-800-552-7583.

     Ameren  Corporation  serves 1.7  million  electric  customers  and  500,000
natural gas  customers in a  49,000-square-mile  area of Illinois and  Missouri.
AmerenUE serves more than 111,000 natural gas customers in Missouri.
