Exhibit 3.3


                             ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY
                            (An Illinois Corporation)

                           As Amended October 8, 2004

                                    ARTICLE I


     Section 1. The  annual  meeting  of the  shareholders  shall be held on the
fourth Tuesday in April of each year (or if such a day shall be a legal holiday,
then upon the next  succeeding  day not a legal  holiday) or upon such other day
determined by resolution  of the Board of  Directors.  Each such regular  annual
meeting shall be held at such time and at such  location,  within or without the
State of  Illinois,  as the  Board of  Directors  shall  order.  At such  annual
meeting,  a board of directors shall be elected and such other business shall be
transacted as may properly come before such meeting.

     Section 2. Special  meetings of the  shareholders  may be held upon call of
the Chairman,  the  President,  or of the Board of Directors or of  shareholders
holding  not less  than  one-fifth  of the  shares of the  capital  stock of the
Corporation  issued and  outstanding,  at such time and at such place within the
State of Illinois as may be stated in the call and notice.  In the event of war,
rebellion  or  other  catastrophe,  if the  surviving  members  of the  Board of
Directors  shall be reduced to less than a majority of the number fixed by these
Bylaws,  then any  surviving  member  of the  Board of  Directors  may so call a
special meeting of shareholders, at such time and at such place as may be stated
in the call and notice.

     Section 3. Notice stating the place,  date and hour of every meeting of the
shareholders,  and in the case of a special  meeting further stating the purpose
for which  such  meeting is call,  shall be mailed at least ten days  before the
meeting to each shareholder of record who shall be entitled to vote thereat,  at
the last known post office  address of each such  shareholder as it appears upon
the  books  of the  Corporation.  Such  further  notice  shall be given by mail,
publication  or  otherwise,  as may be required by law.  Any meeting may be held
without  notice  if all of the  shareholders  entitled  to vote are  present  or
represented at the meeting, or all of the shareholders entitled to notice of the
meeting sign a waiver thereof in writing.

     Section 4. The holders of record of a majority of the shares of the capital
stock of the  Corporation  issued and  outstanding,  entitled  to vote  thereat,
present in person or  represented  by proxy,  shall  constitute  a quorum at all
meetings of the shareholders, and the vote of a majority of such quorum shall be
necessary for the transaction of any business, unless otherwise provided by law,
by the Restated


Articles of Incorporation or by the Bylaws.  If at any meeting there shall be no
quorum, the holders of record, entitled to vote, of a majority of such shares of
stock so present or  represented  may  adjourn  the  meeting  from time to time,
without notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum shall have
been  obtained,  when any  business  may be  transacted  which  might  have been
transacted at the meeting as first convened had there been a quorum.

     Section  5.  Meeting  of the  shareholders  shall be  presided  over by the
Chairman, or, if he is not present, the President,  or a Vice President, in that
order,  or, if no such  officer is  present,  by a chairman  to be chosen at the
meeting.  The  Secretary  of  the  Corporation,  or,  if he is not  present,  an
Assistant  Secretary of the  Corporation,  or, if neither the  Secretary  nor an
Assistant  Secretary is present, a secretary to be chosen at the meeting,  shall
act as secretary of the meeting.

     Section 6. At all  meetings of the  shareholders  every holder of record of
the shares of the capital  stock of the  Corporation,  entitled to vote thereat,
may vote thereat either in person or by proxy,  provided that no shareholder may
appoint more than three persons as proxies at any time,  and that no proxy shall
be valid after eleven  months from the date of its  execution,  except where the
stock is pledged as security for a debt to the person holding the Proxy.

     Section 7. At all  elections  of  Directors  the voting shall be by written
ballot and shareholders may cumulate their votes.

     Section  8.  The  stock  transfer  books  of  the  Corporation  may,  if so
determined  by the Board of  Directors,  be closed  before  any  meeting  of the
shareholders,  and for any other purpose, including the payment of any dividend,
for such length of time as the Board may from time to time determine.

                                   ARTICLE II


     The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  shall  consist of not less than
three (3) or more than eight (8) Directors. The number of Directors may be fixed
or changed from time to time within the  aforesaid  range,  by resolution of the
Board of  Directors  or  shareholders.  The  Directors  shall be  elected at the
regular annual meeting of the shareholders;  but if the election of Directors is
not  held on the day of the  annual  meeting,  the  Directors  shall  cause  the
election to be held as soon  thereafter  as  conveniently  may be. Unless sooner
terminated  by any  other  provision  hereof,  the  term of any  Director  shall
automatically  expire at the first annual meeting of the shareholders  following
his or her  attainment  of the age of 72.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision
hereof,  the term of any Director who is an officer or other full-time  employee
of the  Corporation  shall  automatically  expire  immediately  upon  his or her
retirement or other termination of employment by the Corporation.  A majority of


members of the Board shall  constitute a quorum for the transaction of business,
but if at any meeting of the Board there shall be less than a quorum present,  a
majority of the  Directors  present  may adjourn the meeting  from time to time,
without notice other than announcement at the meeting, until a quorum shall have
been  obtained,  when any  business  may be  transacted  which  might  have been
transacted at the meeting as first convened had there been a quorum. The acts of
a majority  of the  Directors  present at any meeting at which there is a quorum
shall,  except  as  otherwise  provided  by law,  by the  Restated  Articles  of
Incorporation or by the Bylaws, be the acts of the Board.

     Section  2.  Vacancies  in  the  Board  of  Directors,   caused  by  death,
resignation or otherwise, may be filled at any meeting of the Board of Directors
and the directors so elected shall hold office until the next annual  meeting of
the shareholders and until their successors are elected and qualified.

     Section 3.  Meetings of the Board of Directors  shall be held at such place
within or  without  the State of  Illinois  as may from time to time be fixed by
resolution  of the  Board or as may be  specified  in the  call of any  meeting.
Regular  meetings  of the  Board  shall be held at such time as may from time to
time be fixed by resolution  of the Board,  and notice of such meetings need not
be given. Special meetings of the Board may be held at any time upon call of the
President or a Vice  President,  by oral,  telegraphic or written  notice,  duly
served on or sent or mailed to each  director  not less than two days before any
such  meeting.  A meeting of the Board may be held  without  notice  immediately
after the  annual  meeting of the  shareholders  at the same place at which such
meeting is held.  Any meeting may be held without notice if all of the Directors
are present at the meeting,  or if all of the Directors sign a waiver thereof in

     Section 4. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be presided over by the
Chairman or, if he is not present, the President,  or a Vice President,  in that
order,  or, if no such  officer is  present,  by a chairman  to be chosen at the
meeting. The Secretary of the Corporation or, if he is not present, an Assistant
Secretary  of the  Corporation  or, if neither the  Secretary  nor an  Assistant
Secretary  is  present,  a secretary  to be chosen at the  meeting  shall act as
secretary of the meeting.

     Section 5. The Board of Directors, by the affirmative vote of a majority of
the whole Board may appoint an Executive  Committee and a Finance Committee,  in
each case to include three or more Directors, as the Board may from time to time
determine.  Each such  Committee  shall have and may exercise such powers as may
from time to time be specified in the  resolution or resolutions of the Board of
Directors creating such Committee,  respectively. The Board shall have the power
at any time to fill  vacancies  in, to change the  membership of or to dissolve,
either  such  Committee.  Each  Committee  may make rules for the conduct of its
business,  and may appoint such  committees and assistants as it shall from time
to time deem  necessary.  A  majority  of the  members of each  Committee  shall
constitute a quorum and the action of a majority  thereof shall be the action of
such  Committee.  All


actions  taken by such  Committee  shall be reported to the Board at its meeting
next succeeding such action.

     Section  6. The  Board of  Directors  may also  appoint  one or more  other
committees to consist of such number of the Directors and to have such powers as
the Board may from time to time determine. The Board shall have the power at any
time to fill vacancies in, to change the membership of, or to dissolve, any such
committee.  A majority of the members of any such committee  shall  constitute a
quorum and may  determine  its action and fix the time and place of its meetings
unless the Board shall otherwise provide. All action taken by any such committee
shall be reported to the Board at its meeting next succeeding such action.

     Section  7. Each  member of the Board of  Directors  who is not a  salaried
officer or employee of the Corporation  shall be compensated for his services as
director of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of such

     Section 8. (a) (1)  Nominations  of persons  for  election  to the Board of
Directors of the  Corporation  and the proposal of business to be  considered by
the  shareholders  may be made at an annual meeting of shareholders (a) pursuant
to the Corporation's  notice of meeting, (b) by or at the direction of the Board
of Directors or (c) by any  shareholder of the Corporation who was a shareholder
of record at the time of giving of notice  provided  for in this  Bylaw,  who is
entitled to vote at the meeting and who complies with the notice  procedures set
forth in this Bylaw.

               (2) For  nominations  or other  business to be  properly  brought
before an annual  meeting by a  shareholder  pursuant to clause (c) of paragraph
(a) (1) of this Bylaw,  the shareholder must have given timely notice thereof in
writing  to the  Secretary  of the  Corporation  and such  other  business  must
otherwise  be  a  proper  matter  for  shareholder   action.  To  be  timely,  a
shareholder's  notice  shall be  delivered  to the  Secretary  at the  principal
executive offices of the Corporation not later than the close of business on the
60th day nor  earlier  than the close of  business  on the 90th day prior to the
first  anniversary of the preceding  year's annual meeting;  provided,  however,
that in the  event  that the date of the  annual  meeting  is more  than 30 days
before  or  more  than  60 days  after  such  anniversary  date,  notice  by the
shareholder  to be timely must be so  delivered  not  earlier  than the close of
business  on the 90th day prior to such  annual  meeting  and not later than the
close of business  on the later of the 60th day prior to such annual  meeting or
the 10th day following the day on which public  announcement of the date of such
meeting  is  first  made  by the  Corporation.  In no  event  shall  the  public
announcement  of an adjournment of an annual meeting  commence a new time period
for the giving of a shareholder's  notice as described above. Such shareholder's
notice  shall set forth (a) as to each person whom the  shareholder  proposes to
nominate for election or re-election as a Director,  all information relating to
such person that is required to be  disclosed  in  solicitations  of proxies for
election of Directors in an election contest, or is otherwise required,  in each
case pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as


amended (the "Exchange Act") and Rule 14a-11 thereunder (including such person's
written  consent  to being  named in the proxy  statement  as a  nominee  and to
serving  as a  Director  if  elected);  (b) as to any  other  business  that the
shareholder  proposes to bring before the meeting,  a brief  description  of the
business  desired to be brought  before the meeting,  the reasons for conducting
such business at the meeting and any material  interest in such business of such
shareholder  and the beneficial  owner,  if any, on whose behalf the proposal is
made; and (c) as to the shareholder  giving the notice and the beneficial owner,
if any,  on whose  behalf the  nomination  or  proposal is made (i) the name and
address of such shareholder,  as they appear on the Corporation's  books, and of
such beneficial owner and (ii) the class and number of shares of the Corporation
which  are  owned  beneficially  and of  record  by such  shareholder  and  such
beneficial owner.

               (3) Notwithstanding  anything in the second sentence of paragraph
(a) (2) of this Bylaw to the contrary, in the event that the number of Directors
to be elected to the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation  is  increased  and
there is no public  announcement by the  Corporation  naming all of the nominees
for Director or specifying the size of the increased Board of Directors at least
70 days prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year's annual meeting, a
shareholder's notice required by this Bylaw shall also be considered timely, but
only with respect to nominees for any new positions created by such increase, if
it shall be delivered to the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the
Corporation  not later than the close of business on the 10th day  following the
day on which such public announcement is first made by the Corporation.

          (b) Only such  business  shall be  conducted  at a special  meeting of
shareholders  as shall have been  brought  before the  meeting  pursuant  to the
Corporation's  notice of meeting.  Nominations  of persons  for  election to the
Board of Directors  may be made at a special  meeting of  shareholders  at which
Directors are to be elected pursuant to the Corporation's  notice of meeting (1)
by or at the  direction of the Board of Directors or (2) provided that the Board
of Directors has determined that Directors shall be elected at such meeting,  by
any shareholder of the Corporation who is a shareholder of record at the time of
giving of notice  provided  for in this Bylaw,  who shall be entitled to vote at
the meeting and who complies with the notice procedures set forth in this Bylaw.
In the event the Corporation  calls a special  meeting of  shareholders  for the
purpose of electing one or more  Directors to the Board of  Directors,  any such
shareholder  may nominate a person or persons (as the case may be), for election
to such position(s) as specified in the Corporation's  notice of meeting, if the
shareholder's  notice  required  by  paragraph  (a) (2) of this  Bylaw  shall be
delivered to the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Corporation
not earlier  than the close of  business  on the 90th day prior to such  special
meeting  and not later than the close of  business  on the later of the 60th day
prior to such special  meeting or the 10th day following the day on which public
announcement  is  first  made of the  date  of the  special  meeting  and of the
nominees proposed by the Board of Directors to be elected at such meeting. In no
event shall


the public  announcement of an adjournment of a special  meeting  commence a new
time period for the giving of a shareholder's notice as described above.

          (c) (1) Only such  persons who are  nominated in  accordance  with the
procedures  set forth in this Bylaw shall be eligible to serve as Directors  and
only such business shall be conducted at a meeting of shareholders as shall have
been brought  before the meeting in accordance  with the procedures set forth in
this By-Law.  Except as otherwise provided by law, the Articles of Incorporation
or these  Bylaws,  the chairman of the meeting  shall have the power and duty to
determine whether a nomination or any business proposed to be brought before the
meeting  was  made or  proposed,  as the  case may be,  in  accordance  with the
procedures  set forth in this Bylaw and, if any proposed  nomination or business
is not in compliance with this Bylaw, to declare that such defective proposal or
nomination shall be disregarded.

               (2) For purposes of this Bylaw, "public  announcement" shall mean
disclosure in a press release reported by the Dow Jones News Service, Associated
Press or comparable national news service or in a document publicly filed by the
Corporation with the Securities and Exchange  Commission pursuant to Section 13,
14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act.

               (3)  Notwithstanding  the foregoing  provisions of this Bylaw,  a
shareholder  shall also comply with all applicable  requirements of the Exchange
Act and the rules and  regulations  thereunder  with  respect to the matters set
forth in this Bylaw.  Nothing in this Bylaw shall be deemed to affect any rights
(a) of shareholders to request inclusion of proposals in the Corporation's proxy
statement pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act or (b) of the holders of
any series of Preferred Stock to elect Directors under specified circumstances.

                                   ARTICLE III


     Section  1. As soon as may be after the  election  held in each  year,  the
Board of Directors  shall elect a President  (who shall be a  director),  one or
more Vice  Presidents,  one or more of whom may be designated as Executive  Vice
President  or Senior  Vice  President,  and a Secretary  and a  Treasurer  and a
Controller,  and may elect a  Chairman  (who  shall be a  director)  and a Chief
Operating  Officer.  The Board of  Directors  may  appoint or remove  such other
officers  and agents of the Company as it may deem proper or may  delegate  such
authority to the Chief Executive  Officer.  The Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company  shall be the  President or Chairman of the Board,  as designated by the
Board of  Directors.  In the  event  that a  Chairman  of the Board has not been
elected, the President shall be the Chief Executive Officer. The same person may
be elected or appointed to more than one office.


     Section  2. The term of office of all  officers  shall be one year or until
their  respective  successors  are  elected,  but any  officer  or agent  may be
removed,  with  or  without  cause,  at any  time by the  affirmative  vote of a
majority of the members of the Board then in office.

     Section 3. The officers of the Corporation  shall each have such powers and
duties as may be  prescribed  from time to time by the Board of Directors or, in
the absence of such  prescription,  the officers of the  Corporation  shall each
have such powers and duties as generally  pertain to their  respective  offices.
The Treasurer,  the Assistant  Treasurers and any other officers or employees of
the Corporation may be required to give bond for the faithful discharge of their
duties,  in such sum and of such  character  as the  Board may from time to time

     Section 4. The salaries of all officers and agents of the Corporation shall
be fixed by the Board of Directors,  or pursuant to such  authority as the Board
may from time to time prescribe.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                              Certificates of Stock

     Section 1. The interest of each  shareholder  in the  Corporation  shall be
evidenced  by  a  certificate  or  certificates  for  shares  of  stock  of  the
Corporation,  in such  form as the  Board of  Directors  may  from  time to time
prescribe.  The  certificates  for shares of stock of the  Corporation  shall be
signed by the  President or a Vice  President  and the Secretary or an Assistant
Secretary,  sealed  with  the  seal  of the  Corporation  (which  seal  may be a
facsimile), and shall be countersigned and registered in such manner, if any, as
the Board may by resolution prescribe.

     Section 2. The shares of stock of the Corporation  shall be transferable on
the  books of the  Corporation  by the  holders  thereof  in  person  or by duly
authorized attorney,  upon surrender for cancellation of certificates for a like
number of shares of the same class of stock,  with duly executed  assignment and
power of transfer  endorsed  thereon or  attached  thereto and such proof of the
authenticity  of the signatures as the  Corporation or its agents may reasonably

     Section 3. No certificate for shares of stock of the  Corporation  shall be
issued  in place  of any  certificate  alleged  to have  been  lost,  stolen  or
destroyed,  except  upon  production  of such  evidence of the loss,  theft,  or
destruction,  and upon indemnification of the Corporation and its agents to such
extent  and in such  manner  as the  Board of  Directors  may from  time to time


                                    ARTICLE V

                               Checks, Notes, etc.

     All checks and drafts on the  Corporation's  bank accounts and all bills of
exchange  and  promissory  notes,  and all  acceptances,  obligations  and other
instruments  for the  payment  of  money,  shall be signed  by such  officer  or
officers or agent or agents as shall be thereunto  authorized  from time to time
by the Board of Directors;  provided that checks drawn on the Corporation's bank
accounts  may bear  facsimile  signature  or  signatures,  affixed  thereto by a
mechanical  device,  of such  officer or officers  and/or agent or agents as the
Board of Directors shall authorize.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                                   Fiscal Year

     The fiscal year of the Corporation  shall begin on the first day of January
in each year and shall end on the thirty-first day of December following.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                                 Corporate Seal

     The corporate seal shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Corporation
and the works "Corporate Seal 1923 Illinois."

                                  ARTICLE VIII


     Section 1.  Indemnification  of  Directors,  Officers  and  Employees.  The
Corporation  shall,  to the fullest  extent to which it is empowered to do so by
the Business  Corporation Act of 1983 or any other  applicable laws, as may from
time to time be in  effect,  indemnify  any  person  who was or is a party or is
threatened to be made a party to any  threatened,  pending or completed  action,
suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by
reason of the fact that he is or was a director,  officer, employee, trustee, or
fiduciary   of   the   Corporation,    or   of   a   Corporation-sponsored    or
Corporation-administered  trust or  benefit  plan,  or is or was  serving at the
request of the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation  as a director,  officer,
employee,  trustee,  or fiduciary  of another  corporation,  partnership,  joint
venture,  trust,  benefit  plan,  or  other  enterprise,  against  all  expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees),  judgments,  fines and amounts paid in settlement
actually and reasonably  incurred by him in connection with such action, suit or


     Section 2. Contract with the  Corporation.  The  provisions of this Article
VIII shall be deemed to be a contract  between the Corporation and each director
or officer who serves in any such  capacity at any time while this Article is in
effect,  and any repeal or  modification  of this  Article  shall not affect any
rights or  obligations  hereunder  with  respect  to any state of facts  then or
theretofore existing or any action, suit or proceeding theretofore or thereafter
brought or threatened based in whole or in part upon any such state of facts.

     Section 3. Other Rights of Indemnification. The indemnification provided or
permitted by this Article  shall not be deemed  exclusive of any other rights to
which those indemnified may be entitled by law or otherwise,  and shall continue
as to a person who has ceased to be a director,  officer,  employee or agent and
shall inure to the benefit of the heirs,  executors and  administrators  of such

     Section 4.  Retroactivity.  The  provisions of this Article are to be given
retroactive effect.

                                   ARTICLE IX


     These Bylaws, or any part thereof,  may be altered,  amended or repealed at
any meeting of the Board of  Directors,  provided  that  notice of such  meeting
shall set forth the substance of such proposed change.