Exhibit 10.17

                        TENANCY AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT is made 1st day of October 1996, between R.S.
ROADSTAR  ELECTRONICS  (M)SDN.BHD.,(Company  No.    )  a  company
incorporated in Malaysia and having its registered office at  No.
37,  10400 Anson Road, Penang (hereinafter called "the Landlord")
of  the  one  part  and M.C.M.S. SDN.BHD., (Company  No.399136-M)
(formerly  known as Courageous Expedition Sdn. Bhd.,)  a  company
incorporated in Malaysia and having its registered office at  4th
Floor, Room 4-01), Wisma Penang Garden, Jalan Sultan Ahmad  Shah,
10050 Penang (hereinafter called "the Tenant") of the other part.

      WHEREAS  the Landlord is the registered proprietor  of  all
that piece of land and hereditament held under Plots 12 & 13 Free
Trade  Zone,  Phase  4,  Bayan Lepas, Penang  together  with  the
factory  building erected thereon (hereinafter called  "the  said

      AND  WHEREAS  the Landlord is desirous of letting  and  the
Tenant is desirous of taking the whole of the said premises  upon
the  rental  and  subject to the terms and conditions   contained

     NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows :

1.    In  consideration  of  the rent, covenants  and  conditions
hereinafter reserved and contained and on the part of the  Tenant
to  be  paid,  observed and performed, the Landlord  hereby  lets
unto  the  Tenant the said premises, TO HOLD the  same  unto  the
Tenant  for  a term of one {1) year commencing from  1st  day  of
October  1996  to 30th day of September 1997 (hereinafter  called
"the   term  herein  created")  subject  to  the  covenants   and
conditions hereinafter contained and the Tenant paying  unto  the

   i)   the  monthly rent of Ringgit Malaysia Thirty Six Thousand
        (RM36,000/-)  per month for the term herein created (i.e.
        from 1st October 1996 to 30th September 1997).

   ii)  the monthly  rentals shall be paid monthly in advance. The
        first rental shall be paid on the 1st October 1996 and all
        subsequent monthly rentals shall be paid on or  before the
        1st day of each and every succeeding calendar month.

     Notwithstanding,  for  all purposes  under  this  Agreement,
   rentals   paid  within  seven  (7)  of  being  due  shall   be
   considered to be paid in a timely manner.

   iii)      on  or  before  the execution of this Agreement  the
        Tenant  shall pay the Landlord a deposit in the  calm  of
        R;naait Malavsia Thirty Six Thousand (RM36,000.00)  being
        equlvalen-c   to   able  rental   for   one   (1)   month
        (hereinafter called "said Deposit") as security  for  the
        due   performance  and  observations  of  the  terms  and
        conditions herein by the Tenant. This said deposit  shall
        be  increased upon any subsequent increase of rental  and
        shall  be  applied in the manner as stated  in  Clause  2

2.   The said Deposit shall be applied as follows :

     (a)   If  at any time during the term herein created or  any
        extension or renewal thereof, any of the reserved rent or
        any other obligations shall be  overdue, the Landlord may
        in  its  absolute  discretion appropriate  and  apply any
        portion  of  the  said Deposit to the payment of any such
        overdue rent reserved or other sums due to the Landlord.

     (b)Subject  to  paragraph-2 (a) above, in the event  of  the
        failure of the Tenant to perform any other conditions  of
        this  Agreement, the Landlord may appropriate so much  of
        the  said  deposit as may be necessary to compensate  the
        Landlord due to a breach on part of the Tenant. Any  such
        apportionment by the Landlord of the deposit or any  part
        thereof  hereunder  shall not be  deemed  and  shall  not
        operate to waive the Tenant's breach or default.


     (b)  Should the Deposit or any portion thereof be appropriated by
        the Landlord as aforesaid then the Tenant shall upon demand by
        the Landlord within seven (7) days from the date thereof pay to
        the Landlord the amount of the sum so appropriated and it is
        hereby agreed that the said Deposit shall not without the prior
        consent in writing of the Landlord be deemed to be treated as
        payment of rent and on the expiration or sooner termination of
        the term hereby created and upon the Tenant vacating the said
        premises the Landlord shall return the said Deposit to the Tenant
        forthwith free of interest cost or compensation less such sum or
        sums as may then be owing to the Landlord or in respect of any
        such sums for payment of water and electricity, telephone and the
        likes to the Appropriate Authority.

3.   The Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlord as follows:

     (a) To pay the said rents at the times and in the manner aforesaid;

     (b)  To pay the said Deposit in accordance with Clause 1 (iii);

     (c)  To pay the deposits and all charges for: the supply of water
        and electricity, telephone, trade refuse and other utilities in
        respect of the said premises during the term herein created and
        to keep the Landlord indemnified for any loss expenses or damage
        arising from any defaults or breach thereof, or non-payment;

     (d)  Not to assign underlet or part with the possession Of the
        said premises or any part thereof during the term herein created
        without the prior written consent of the Landlord whose consent
        shall not be unreasonably withheld;

     (e)  Not to carry out any alterations, renovations or to carry
        out any extension to the said premises except as approved by the
        Landlord and subject to any necessary planning permission being
        granted by the relevant Authorities;

     (f)   The  Tenant's fixtures and fittings (if any) shall  be
        specified in the Schedule to be annexed hereto and shall be
        removed by the Tenant at its expense and costs and the Tenant
        shall restore the said premises to its original state and
        condition less ordinary wear and tear as at the commencement of
        the term herein created upon the expiration or other sooner
        termination of this Agreement, PROVIDED however, that the
        Landlord shall deal with the fixtures and fittings as the
        Landlord shall deem fit without being liable to the Tenant in the
        event the Tenant does not remove the Tenant's fixtures and
        fittings within thirty (30) days from the date of termination of
        this Agreement;

     (g)  To maintain and keep the said premises including but not
        limited to the walls, floors, toilets, sanitary pipes, electrical
        wiring and other installations in tenantable repair and condition
        throughout the term herein created;

     (h)  Not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything whereby
        the said premises may be damaged, and any damage done or caused
        by the Tenant, its agent, employee, or licensee shall be made
        good by the Tenant at the expense of the Tenant;

     (i)  Not to store or bring upon the said premises any articles of
        a combustible or dangerous nature;

     (j)  Not to use the said premises for any unlawful or immoral

     (k)  To apply for all the necessary approvals and licences from
        all the relevant authorities and in all respects to comply with
        all the legal provisions, either Federal or local, in regard to
        the tenancy of the said premises and the carrying of the trade or
        business for the time being carried out upon the said premises;


     (l)  Not to do or permit to be done anything which will or may
        infringe any laws by-laws or regulations made by the Government
        or any other competent authority in respect of or affecting the
        said premises and the business being carried out by the Tenant
        upon the said premises and to indemnify the Landlord against all
        claims, actions and demands in respect thereof;

     (m)  To permit the Landlord and its authorized agents at all
        reasonable times in the day but with three (3) days prior notice
        to enter upon and examine the condition of the said premises;

     (n)  To use the said premises for the purpose of the Tenant's
        electronics business or and for purposes ancillary thereto and
        not to use the said premises or suffer or permit the same to be
        used for any other purpose whatsoever except with previous
        written consent of the Landlord which consent shall not be
        unreasonably withheld;

     (o)  Upon the expiration or sooner termination of the term herein
        created to deliver up peaceably the possession of the said
        premises to the Landlord or its authorized agent or to any person
        lawfully herein contained;

     (p)  Not to use the said premises or suffer or permit the same to
        be used for any offensive noisy or dangerous trade business
        performance or occupation or for any purpose or in any manner
        which may be a nuisance to the Landlord or the owners of of
        occupiers of neighbouring or adjacent premises. On written notice
        being served on the said premises by the Landlord or by its
        surveyor requiring the Tenant to abate any nuisance caused by
        vibration noise or offensive smell or by any undue emission of
        smoke vapour or dust, with all reasonable despatch after the
        service of such notice, to abate such nuisance accordingly;

     (q)  To take such measures as may be necessary to ensure that any
        effluent discharged into the drains or sewers which belongs to or
        are used for the said premises will not be corrosive or in anyway
        harmful or cause any destruction or deposit therein and to comply
        with all the regulations of the Department of Environment;

     (r)  Not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything whereof
        the Policy of Insurance on the said premises or any adjoining or
        neighbouring premises against damage by fire or tempest may
        become void or voidable or whereof the rates of premium thereon
        may be increased and to repay to the Landlord all sums paid by
        way of increased premiums and all expenses incurred by them in or
        about the renewal of such policy or policies rendered necesssary
        by a breach of this contract and all such payments shall be made
        immediately on demand.

4.   The Landlord hereby covenants with the Tenant as follows:

     (a)  To pay the quit rent and assessment payable to the local
        authority in respect of the said premises;

     (b)  To permit the Tenant if it punctually pays the rent hereby
        reserved and observes the stipulations and covenants on its part
        herein  contained to enjoy the said premises without  any
        disturbances by the Landlord or any person lawfully claiming
        under or in trust for the Landlord.

     (c)  To insure the said Premises (but not the contents thereof)
        against loss or Damage oy rlre or cempesc and to cause all money
        received by virtue of such insurance to be laid out forthwith in
        rebuilding and reinstating the said premises and to make up any
        deficiency out of their own way provided that the Landlord's
        obligations under this covenant still cease if the insurance
        shall be rendered void by reason of any act or default of the
        Tenant. In case the said premises or any part thereof shall at
        any time be unfit for substantial occupation or use and the
        policy or policies effect-cd by the Landlord shall not have been
        invalidated or payment of policy moneys refused in consequence of


        some act or default of the tenant, the rents hereby reserved or a
        just and fair proportion thereof according to the nature and
        extent of the actual damage done (and as reasonably certified by
        the Landlord's surveyor) shall be suspended as from the happening
        of the said fire or tempest until the said premises shall be
        again rendered fit for occupation and use but the tenancy shall
        in no way be invalidated.


     (a)  If the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall be in
        arrears and unpaid for (7) days after becoming due and payable
        (whether formally demanded or not) or if any of the covenants
        stipulations or agreement on the part of the Tenant herein
        contained shall not be observed or performed and the Tenant has
        failed to cure such non-observance or non-performance within
        fifteen (15) days after receiving notice thereof or if the Tenant
        or  its successors shall permit or suffer any distress of
        attachment of execution to be levied on the said premises then
        and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for the Landlord
        at any time thereafter to re-enter upon the said premises or any
        part thereof and thereupon this tenancy  shall absolutely
        determine but without prejudice to  the  Landlord's  right of
        action in  respect of any antecedent breach of the Tenant's
        covenants herein contained.

     (b)  Except as otherwise provided herein the Tenant agrees to
        occupy use and keep the said premises at the risk of the Tenant
        and hereby releases to the full extent permitted by law the
        Landlord and its servants and agents from all claims summonses
        actions proceedings and demands which may be brought levied
        or made against it and from all liability which may arise in
        respect of any person of whatsoever nature or kind in or near
        the said premises,  in all cases arising out of the Tenant's
        wrongful acts or breach of this Agreement.

     (c)  The Landlord will at the written request of the Tenant made
        two calendar months before the expiration of the term herein
        created and if there shall not at the time of such request be any
        existing breach or non observance of any of the covenants on the
        part of the Tenant to be performed and herein contained, at the
        expense of the Tenant, to grant to him a tenancy of the said
        premises for a further term of one (1) year from the expiration
        of the term herein created containing the like covenants and
        provisions as are herein contained (except this covenant for
        renewal) and at a rent to be mutually agreed (but which rental
        rate shall in no case exceed a 5% increase over the rental under
        this Agreement).

     (d)   Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be  in
        writing and shall be sufficiently served on the Tenant by sending
        the same by registered post addressed to the Tenant at the said
        premises and for the Landlord by sending the same by registered
        post addressed to the Landlord at its address stated herein and
        shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee in the
        ordinary course of post.

     (e)  The parties shall bear equally the Solicitor's fees with
        regard to this Agreement but the Stamp duty shall be borne by the

     (f)  This Tenancy Agreement shall be binding upon the successors
        in title and all assigns of the parties hereto respectively.

     (g)  Time  wherever mentioned shall be the essence of this Agreement.

6.   In this Agreement where the context so admits;

     (a)  the expression "the Landlord" and "the Tenant" include the
        respective successors and assigns of the Landlord and the Tenant
        and where two or more persons are included in either expression
        this Agreement shall bind such persons jointly and/or severally.

     (b)   words importing and masculine gender only include  the
        feminine and neuter gender.


     (c)  words importing the singular number only include the plural
        number and vice versa.

     (d)  words applicable to natural persons include any company or

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF the parties hereto  have  hereunto  set
     their hands on the day and year first above written.

     Signed by                     )
     for and on behalf of          )
     R. S. ROADSTAR ELECTRONICS    )    /s/   Leong Kiu Kwong
     (M) SDN. BHD., (Co. No.  )    )
     in the presence of :          )

     /s/ Lim Kah Cheng

     Signed by                     )
     for and on behalf of          )    /s/   Michael Ng Kweng Chong
     M.C.M.S SDN. BHD.,(Co. No.  ) )
     in the presence of :          )

     /s/ Molly Gunn


              Micron Custom Manufacturlng Services
                   M.C.M.S. SDN BHD (399136-M)
         (formerly known as Courages Expedition Sdn Bhd)

                                   July 31, 1997

R.S. Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd.
No. 37, 104000 Anson Road
Penang, Malaysia

Attn:     Mr. KK Leong

Re:  Tenancy Agreement, dated October 1, 1996, between R.S.
     Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd. and M.C.M.S. Sdn. Bhd. (the
     "Tenancy Agreement")

Dear Mr. Leong:

     I write this letter on behalf of M.C.M.S. Sdn. Bhd. (the
"Company") to exercise the Company's option set forth in Section
5(c) of the Tenancy Agreement to extend the term of the Company's
tenancy for an additional one year term. Such additional one year
term shall be governed by the covenants and provisions set forth
in the Tenancy Agreement (other than Section 5(c)); provided,
however, that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the
Tenancy Agreement, the Company shall have the right to terminate
its tenancy at any time during such additional one year term for
convenience and without penalty upon providing (90) days prior
written notice to R.S. Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd.

     Please acknowledge your receipt and acceptance of this
letter by signing below on the space provided.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                   /s/ Ron Gines
                                   Managing Director

Acknowledged and agreed to by:

R.S. Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd.

Name:     /s/  Leong Kiu KwongTitle
       Plot 12 & 13 Phase 4, FIZ Bayan Lepas 11900 Penang.
             Tel # 604-644-9642  Fax # 604-644-9640


              Micron Custom Manufacturlng Services
                   M.C.M.S. SDN BHD (399136-M)
         (formerly known as Courages Expedition Sdn Bhd)

                                   September 7,  1998

R.S. Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd.
No. 37, 104000 Anson Road
Penang, Malaysia

Attn: Mr. KK Leong

Re:  Tenancy Agreement dated October 1, 1996, between R.S.
     Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd. and M.C.M.S. Sdn. Bhd. (as
     amended by letter agreement dated July 31, 1997, the
     "Tenancy Agreement")

Dear Mr. Leong:

     I write this letter on behalf of M.C.M.S. Sdn. Bhd. (the
"Company") to request to extend the term of the Company's tenancy
under the Tenancy Agreement for an additional one year term.
Such additional one year term shall be governed by the covenants
and provisions set forth in the Tenancy Agreement (rather than
Section 5(c)):  provided, however, that, notwithstanding anything
to the contrary in the Tenancy Agreement, the Company shall have
the right to terminate its tenancy at any time during such
additional one year term for covenience and without penalty upon
providing ninety (90) days prior written notice to R.S. Roadstar
Electronics Sdn. Bhd.  The monthly rent during the additional one
year term, to commence October 1, 1998, shall be RM34,000
(Ringgit thirty four thousand only).

     Please acknowledge your receipt and acceptance of this
letter by signing below on the space provided.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                   /s/ Ron Gines
                                   Managing Director

Acknowledged and agreed to by"
R.S. Roadstar Electronics Sdn. Bhd.

Name:  /s/ Leong Kiu Kwong

       Plot 12 & 13 Phase 4, FIZ Bayan Lepas 11900 Penang.
             Tel # 604-644-9642  Fax # 604-644-9640
