1.   Parties

     The parties to this agreement are:

1.1       American Stock Transfer and Trust Company
          a New York corporation
          (Escrow agent)

1.2       First South Africa Corp., Ltd
          a Bermuda company

1.3       First South African Holdings (Pty) Limited
          a South African company

1.4       Heinz Andreas

     (hereinafter referred to as the parties).

2.   Recital

2.1       The authorised share capital of FSAH comprises 30
          000 000 A class ordinary shares of R0,0001 each
          and 10 000 000 B class ordinary shares of
          R0,0001 each (FSAH B class shares).

2.2       All of the issued A class ordinary shares in FSAH
          are owned by the Parent.

2.3       The rights and obligations attached to the FSAH B
          class shares are recorded in the quotation from
          the articles of association of FSAH recorded on
          Schedule 1 hereto.

2.4       The Parent has an authorised share capital
          comprising of Common Stock, registered with the
          Securities and Exchange Commission and listed for
          trading on NASDAQ in compliance with all
          applicable laws, and Class B Common Stock (Parent
          class B stock) which is not so registered and

2.5       FSAH has agreed to allot and issue and the
          Subscriber has agreed to subscribe for 149 210
          FSAH B class shares (subscription shares) and
          the Parent has agreed to simultaneously allot and
          issue to the Escrow agent which has agreed to
          subscribe for 149 210 Parent B class stock
          (Escrow stock).

2.6       Insofar as prevailing circumstances and laws allow
          and subject to the restrictions recorded herein
          the Parent and FSAH wish, by the conclusion and
          implementation of this agreement, to enable the
          Subscriber to trade in the subscription shares for
          value and in circumstances which are pari passu
          with the trading of the Parent class B stock.

2.7       In consideration of the mutual covenants and
          promises herein contained and other good and
          valuable consideration the adequacy of which is
          hereby acknowledged, the parties have reached the
          agreement recorded herein.

3.   Appointment of Escrow agent

3.1       The Parent hereby appoints the Escrow agent to
          receive, hold and dispose of the Escrow stock in
          accordance with the provisions of this agreement.

3.2       The Escrow agent by its execution and delivery of
          this agreement accepts its appointment as Escrow
          agent upon and subject to the terms and conditions
          of this agreement.

3.3       The appointment of the Escrow agent will become
          effective against delivery of the Escrow stock to
          the Escrow agent and will continue in effect until
          the Escrow stock, all dividends or other benefits
          accruing thereto and all proceeds derived from the
          sale or other disposition thereof has been
          distributed in accordance with this agreement
          (Escrow period).

4.   Issue of shares and stock

4.1       Against the allotment and issue to the Subscriber
          of the subscription shares the Parent will allot
          and issue the Escrow stock to the Escrow agent for
          a consideration of US$.01 per share payable to the
          parent on behalf of the Escrow agent by Michael
          Levy who will thereby acquire no claim against the
          Escrow agent.

4.2       Against receipt of the Escrow stock the Escrow
          agent will confirm in writing delivered to the
          Subscriber that the Escrow stock has been
          delivered to it unconditionally, in negotiable
          form subject only to the restrictions contemplated
          by this agreement.

4.3       For the duration of the Escrow period the Escrow
          agent will retain possession of and control over
          the Escrow shares and will at the request of the
          Subscriber inform the remaining parties of the
          physical location of all documents and records
          evidencing the Escrow stock and requisite to
          trading therein.

4.4       Insofar as circumstances and the law allow the
          Escrow agent will retain the Escrow stock in
          negotiable and freely tradeable form throughout
          the Escrow period, subject only to the
          restrictions recorded in this agreement.

5.   Escrow property

     During the Escrow period the Escrow agent will receive
     all money, securities, rights or property distributed
     in respect of the Escrow stock including any such
     property distributed as dividends or pursuant to any
     stock split, merger, recapitalisation, dissolution,
     total or partial liquidation of the Parent (excluding
     only dividends paid to the Escrow agent by the Parent
     to the extent that the Subscriber has in relation to the
     same period been paid dividends on the Subscription
     shares):  all such property to be held and distributed
     as herein provided and hereinafter referred to
     collectively as "Escrow property".  Reference herein to
     Escrow stock will be deemed to include the Escrow
     property deposited in escrow pursuant thereto.

6.   Escrow stock - rights, obligations and restrictions

6.1       Except for transfers to permitted transferees (as
          defined in Section 1(p) of the bye-laws of the
          Parent) if any of the Escrow stock is sold by the
          Escrow agent pursuant to this agreement it will
          automatically convert into a share of common stock
          in the parent.
6.2       None of the Escrow stock may be sold in
          contravention of the restrictions set out in
          clause 12 of the sale of shares agreement entered
          into among John Welch, Heinz Andreas, Michael
          Morgan, Parent and FSAH, (the sale agreement) on
          11 March 1996.

6.3       Subject to 6.2, the Escrow stock may only be sold
          and transferred in compliance with this agreement
          and the Securities Act of 1933 as amended and the
          rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

6.4       For the duration of the Escrow period Michael Levy
          will have the sole power to vote the Escrow stock
          and any securities held in escrow as part of the
          Escrow property to which end the Escrow agent
          hereby irrevocably appoints Michael Levy as its
          proxy to vote the Escrow stock on its behalf at
          any meeting of the shareholders of the Parent and
          at any adjournment thereof which shall take place
          during the Escrow period.  The Escrow agent
          undertakes that it will execute and deliver to
          Levy a separate voting proxy in the aforegoing
          terms referring specifically to the Escrow stock
          and any securities comprising the Escrow property
          against demand by Levy following delivery of the
          Escrow stock or other securities as the case may

6.5       Each certificate evidencing the Escrow stock will
          bear the following legends in addition to any
          others required by law:

               The sale, transfer, hypothecation,
               negotiation, pledge, assignment, encumbrance
               or other disposition of the shares evidenced
               by this certificate are restricted by and are
               subject to all of the terms, conditions and
               provisions of an escrow agreement entered
               into amongst First South Africa Corp., Ltd,
               First South African Holdings (Proprietary)
               Limited, American Stock Transfer & Trust
               Company and Heinz Andreas, a copy of which
               may be obtained from the secretary of First
               South Africa Corp., Ltd.  No transfer, sale
               or other disposition of these shares may be
               made unless the specific conditions of such
               agreement are satisfied.

               The shares evidenced by this certificate
               have not been registered under the Securities
               Act of 1933, as amended.  No transfer, sale
               or other disposition of these shares may be
               made unless a registration statement with
               respect to these shares has become effective
               under the said Act or First South Africa
               Corp., Ltd is furnished with an opinion of
               Counsel satisfactory in form and substance to
               it that such registration is not required.

7.   Put option and related transactions

7.1       At any time during the Escrow period and provided
          that the Escrow stock is capable of being sold in
          accordance with the provisions of this agreement
          and the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
          the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder,
          the Subscriber will be entitled, on delivery to
          the Escrow agent or its agent in the Republic of
          South Africa, Webber Wentzel Bowens or its
          principal successor-in-practice, of written notice
          accompanied by the original share certificate/s
          evidencing the put shares together with securities
          transfer form/s relating thereto signed and
          completed in negotiable form according to law
          (put notice) to require and oblige the Escrow
          agent to purchase the subscription shares or any
          part thereof but no fewer than 100 subscription
          shares (or such lesser number as constitutes all
          of the remaining subscription shares held by the
          Subscriber) in relation to any single put notice,
          for the consideration and upon the terms and
          conditions hereinafter recorded.

7.2       Against delivery of the put notice the Escrow
          agent will, in compliance with applicable
          securities laws, use every reasonable effort to
          sell as expeditiously as possible, at the best
          possible price and on the best available terms so
          much of the Escrow stock as is equal to the
          subscription shares put to the Escrow agent in
          terms of the put notice and to implement and
          enforce its rights and obligations arising from
          such sale.

7.3       The put notice will be unconditional and
          unqualified save only that the Subscriber will be
          entitled to stipulate a minimum price (prescribed
          price) expressed in US dollars per share at which
          he is willing to sell the relevant subscription
          shares put to the Escrow agent in terms of the put
          notice (put shares).  If the put notice contains
          a prescribed price:

7.3.1          the Escrow agent will not be entitled to sell
               the equivalent number of Escrow stock
               pursuant to 7.2 above for a price less than
               the prescribed price;

7.3.2          if the Escrow agent is unable to sell the
               equivalent number of Escrow stock for a price
               at least equal to the prescribed price within
               thirty days from delivery of the relevant put
               notice then the put notice will automatically
               lapse and be of no further force or effect;

7.3.3          the Escrow agent will, notwithstanding the
               prescribed price, seek to achieve the best
               possible price for the Escrow stock as
               expeditiously as possible pursuant to 7.2

7.3.4          if the Escrow agent cannot achieve the sale
of the relevant Escrow        stock for a price equal to or
more than the prescribed price it will inform          the
Subscriber of its inability and of the best price at which
it is able to       sell the relevant Escrow stock.

7.4       Against the sale by the Escrow agent of the
          relevant number of Escrow stock the Escrow agent
          will be deemed to have purchased the subscription
          shares recorded in the relevant put notice (put
          shares) upon and subject to the following terms
          and conditions:

7.4.1          the price payable for the put shares will be
               equal to the price payable for the equivalent
               Escrow stock sold less any applicable
               brokerage fees, securities tax, duty or
               charge properly incurred;

7.4.2          the price for the put shares will be payable
               by the Escrow agent to the Subscriber against
               receipt by the Escrow agent of the price
               payable for the relevant Escrow stock sold;

7.4.3          as security for the payment of the price for
               the put shares the Escrow agent will be
               deemed to have ceded, assigned and made over
               unto and in favour of the Subscriber all of
               the Escrow agent's right, title and interest
               in and to its claims for payment of the price
               payable for the relevant Escrow stock sold.

7.5       The Subscriber will not be entitled to deliver
          more than four put  notices.

7.6       Payment of any amount due to the Subscriber upon
          the sale of    subscription shares pursuant hereto
          will be made to the      subscriber at the
          domicilium chosen in terms of paragraph 12   below
          provided that such place will be in the Republic
          of South Africa unless the Subscriber is entitled,
          according to South African law, to receive such
          payment outside the Republic of South Africa.

7.7       The Subscriber will not sell or otherwise transfer
          or dispose of the subscription shares during the
          Escrow period except by the delivery of put
          notices in accordance with the provisions of this

7.8       Unless a put notice has been delivered the Escrow
          agent will not be entitled to sell, offer to sell
          or otherwise dispose of the Escrow stock or any
          part thereof.

7.9       The Escrow agent will not be entitled to encumber
          the Escrow stock nor expose it to any risk of
          attachment, forced sale, realisation or other
          threat, direct or indirect in relation to the
          obligations of the Escrow agent or any other
          person or by virtue of any judicial, quasi
          judicial, bankruptcy or similar legal process.

8.   rights and obligations of Escrow agent

8.1       The Escrow agent is not and will not be deemed to
          be a trustee for any party for any purpose and is
          merely acting hereunder with the limited duties
          herein prescribed.

8.2       The Escrow agent does not have and will not be
          deemed to have any responsibility in respect of
          any instruction, certificate or notice delivered
          to it or in respect of the Escrow stock or any
          Escrow property other than faithfully to carry out
          the obligations undertaken in this agreement and
          to follow the directions or instructions recorded
          in any notice delivered pursuant to this

8.3       The Escrow agent is not and will not be deemed to
          be liable for any action taken or omitted by it in
          good faith and may rely upon and act in accordance
          with the advice of its counsel without liability
          on its part for any action taken or omitted in
          accordance with such advice.  In any event the
          Escrow agent's liability hereunder will be limited
          to liability for gross negligence, wilful
          misconduct or bad faith on its part,

8.4       The Escrow agent may conclusively rely upon and
          act in accordance with any certificate,
          instruction, notice, letter, telegram, cablegram
          or other written instrument believed by it to be
          genuine and to have been signed by the proper
          party or parties.

8.5       The Parent agrees:

8.5.1          to pay the Escrow agents reasonable fees and
               to reimburse it for its reasonable expenses
               including attorneys fees incurred in
               connection with its duties hereunder
               expeditiously so as not to impair or delay
               the timeous implementation of this agreement
               and put notice delivered pursuant hereto;

8.5.2          to save harmless, indemnify and defend the
Escrow agent for, from and         against any loss, damage,
liability, judgment, cost and expense        whatsoever,
including reasonable counsel fees, suffered or incurred by
          it by reason of or on account of any
misrepresentation made to it or its          status or
actions as Escrow agent under this agreement except for any
          loss, damage, liability, judgment, cost or expense
resulting from gross          negligence, wilful misconduct
or bad faith on the part of the Escrow       agent.  The
obligation of the Escrow agent to sell or deliver the Escrow
          stock pursuant to this agreement will be subject
to the prior satisfaction          upon written demand from
the Escrow agent of the Parents obligations           to
save harmless, indemnify and defend the Escrow agent and to
          reimburse the Escrow agent or otherwise pay its
reasonable fees and           expenses hereunder.

8.6       The Escrow agent will not be required to defend
          any legal proceedings which may be instituted
          against it in respect of the subject matter of
          this agreement unless requested to do so by the
          Subscriber, the Parent or FSAH and indemnified to
          the Escrow agents satisfaction against the cost
          and expense of such defence by the party
          requesting such defence.  If any such legal
          proceeding is instituted against it the Escrow
          agent agrees promptly to give notice of such
          proceedings to the remaining parties.  The Escrow
          agent will not be obliged to institute legal
          proceedings of any kind.

8.7       The Escrow agent will not by act, delay, omission
          or otherwise be deemed to have waived any right or
          remedy it may have under this agreement or
          generally, unless such waiver be in writing, and
          no waiver will be valid unless it is in writing,
          signed by the Escrow agent and only to the extent
          expressly therein set forth.  A waiver by the
          Escrow agent under the terms of this agreement
          will not be construed as a bar to or waiver of the
          same or any other right or remedy which it would
          otherwise have on other occasions.

8.8       The Escrow agent may resign as such hereunder by
          giving thirty days written notice thereof to the
          remaining parties.  Within twenty days after
          receipt of such notice the remaining parties will
          deliver to the Escrow agent written instructions
          for the release of the Escrow stock and any Escrow
          property to a substitute Escrow agent which
          whether designated by written instructions from
          the remaining parties or in the absence thereof by
          instructions from a court of competent
          jurisdiction to the Escrow agent, will be a bank
          or trust company organised and doing business
          under the laws of the United States or any state
          thereof.  Such substitute Escrow agent will
          thereafter hold any Escrow stock and any Escrow
          property received by it pursuant to the terms of
          this agreement and otherwise act hereunder as if
          it were the Escrow agent originally named herein. 
          The Escrow agent's duties and responsibilities
          hereunder will terminate upon the release of all
          Escrow stock and Escrow property then held in
          escrow according to such written instruction or
          upon such delivery as herein provided.  This
          agreement will not otherwise be assignable by the
          Escrow agent without the prior written consent of
          the remaining parties.

9.   Non-waiver

          No relaxation or indulgence which any of the
     parties may afford to the     other/s shall in any way
     prejudice or be deemed to be a waiver of the      rights
     of the indulgent party and shall not preclude or stop
     the indulgent  party from exercising all or any of its
     rights hereunder and in particular      but without
     limiting or derogating from the aforegoing, any
     cancellation   hereof or accrued right of cancellation

10.  Non-variation

10.1      No variation or amendment of this agreement will
          be of any force or effect unless reduced to
          writing and signed by all the parties hereto.

10.2      No consensual termination of this agreement will
          be of any force or effect unless reduced to
          writing and signed by all the parties hereto.

10.3      No waiver or abandonment of any partys rights
          arising from this agreement, accrued or otherwise,
          will be of any force or effect as against such
          party unless such such waiver or abandonment is
          reduced to writing and signed by the party waiving
          and abandoning such rights.

10.4      No oral statements and no conduct by a party
          relating to any purported variation, amendment,
          cancellation, waiver or abandonment will estop a
          party from relying upon the formalities prescribed
          in the preceding sub-paragraphs of this paragraph.

11.  Whole agreement

11.1      This agreement constitutes the whole agreement
          between the parties with regard to the subject
          matter hereof and no representations, or
          warranties, by commission or omission which are
          not recorded herein shall be of any force or

11.2      The parties acknowledge that they have not been
          induced or coerced to enter into this contract by
          virtue of any representations, statements,
          understandings, omissions or warranties made by
          the other party hereto or any persons acting on
          their behalf which are not included herein.

12.  Miscellaneous matters

12.1     address

12.1.1         Any written notice in connection with this
               agreement may be addressed :       Escrow agent : 
                  address   : c/o American Stock Transfer
                              & Trust Company
                  40 Wall Street
                  New York NY 10005

               and shall be marked for the attention of Mr
               Herb Lemmer.       Parent/FSAH :

               address  :  2665 South Bayshore
                        Suite 606
                        Coconut Grove
                        Florida 33133

               telefax no  :  091 305 856 4057;

            and shall be marked for the attention of Clive

            copy to:    Parker Chapin Flattau & Klimpl,
                        1211 Avenue of the Americas
                        New York, NY 10036-8735

                  Attention: Henry L Rothman.       Subscriber :   
               address  :  

               and shall be marked for the attention of
               the Subscriber

12.2     Any notice or payment sent to a partys
         domicilium citandi et executandi as selected
         above by prepaid registered post shall be
         presumed, subject to proof to the contrary, to
         have been received by such party on the 7th
         (seventh) day after the posting of same, or if
         delivered by hand, on the day of such delivery by
         hand, or it transmitted by telex or telefax, on
         the day of such delivery by hand, or if
         transmitted by telex or telefax, on the day of
         transmitting same unless it is not a business day
         in which event such telex or telefax shall be
         deemed to have been received on the following
         business day.

12.3     Any party shall be entitled to alter his
         domicilium citandi et executandi in terms hereof
         by furnishing to the others of them written
         notice of such alteration provided that such
         alteration shall only be effective 7 (seven) days
         after receipt by the other party of such notice.

13.  Governing law
     This agreement will be governed by and construed in
     accordance with the laws of New York and will be
     binding upon and enure to the benefit of all the
     parties hereto and their respective
     successors-in-interest and assigns.

14.  Signature in counterpart

     This agreement may be executed in several
     counterparts which taken together will constitute a
     single instrument.

Signed at                                 on             

As witness:             for American Stock Transfer and
                        Trust Company

Signed at                                on              

As witness:             for First South Africa Corp., Ltd


Signed at                                on              
As witness:             for First South African Holdings


Signed at                                on              

As witness:             for First South African Holdings

                              Heinz Andreas