Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
           of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant Check the appropriate box:

      Preliminary Proxy Statement

      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as
      permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

      Definitive Proxy Statement

      Definitive Additional Materials

      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or

                     Weston Portfolios
- ------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- ------------------------------------------------------------
  (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than
                      the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

      No fee required.
      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

      1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      3)   Per unit  price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
           filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      5) Total fee paid:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

______Fee paid previously with preliminary materials 
______Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act 
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the  filing  for which the  offsetting  fee was 
paid  previously.  Identify  the previous filing by registration  statement  
number,  or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1)   Amount Previously Paid:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      3)   Filing Party:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

      4)   Date Filed:

- -----------------------------------------------------------

September 11, 1998

Dear Fellow Shareholder:

Weston Financial Group, Inc. plans to merge with Weston Advisors,
Inc., an affiliated company, in a transaction that will result in
a change of control of the adviser.

The merger will allow these two firms to capitalize on economies of scale and to
consolidate operations that were required to be segregated under prior State and
Federal laws.  Following the merger, the `new' Weston Financial Group, Inc. will
continue to operate the business of the `old' Weston Financial Group,  Inc. with
the addition of the operations and personnel of the affiliated company.

It is important to remember that the merger  involves the investment  advisor to
the funds, Weston Financial Group, not the Funds themselves.

        The  portfolio  manager of your Fund will not change as a result of the

        The number and value of your Fund shares will not change as a result of
        the merger.

        The advisory fees and expenses  charged to your Fund will not change as
        a result of the merger.

        You  will  continue  to  receive  the  same  high  quality   investment
        management  and  shareholder  services that you have come to expect over
        the years.

Enclosed is a Proxy Statement for a special meeting in lieu of annual meeting of
the Weston Portfolios shareholders that will be held on October 16, 1998. At the
meeting,  shareholders  will  consider  several  matters  which are  traditional
shareholder business,  including election of trustees of the Funds, selection of
independent  public  accountants,  and  approval  of changes to the  fundamental
investment  policies of the Funds. Each of these matters is explained more fully
in the Proxy  Statement.  In  addition,  as  explained  more  fully in the Proxy
Statement,  at the time the merger takes effect,  the Funds' present  investment
advisory  contracts will terminate  automatically,  as a matter of law. Although
Fund shareholders are not being asked to approve the merger, they must vote on a
new investment advisory agreement for the Funds.

We encourage you to read the Proxy Statement.  To help  you to more fully
understand its contents,  we have prepared a brief Questions and Answers ("Q&A")
page regarding these proposals.
The Q&A is attached to this letter.

Fellow Shareholder Letter
Page 2

Your vote is  important,  no matter how many shares you own.  The matters we are
submitting for your  consideration  are significant to the Funds and to you as a
fund shareholder.  Therefore,  please take the time to read the Proxy Statement,
cast your vote on the  enclosed  proxy  card(s),  and return the  card(s) in the
enclosed pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope.

We thank you for your prompt response to the Proxy Statement.

Finally,  the  Board of  Trustees,  at the  recommendation  of Fund  management,
approved changing the name of the Fund from "Weston  Portfolios" to "New Century
Portfolios."  Management  believes that this will reduce investor confusion that
currently  exists  concerning  the  Fund's  use of the  name  "Weston"  and  its
Portfolios'  use of the name "New  Century."  In  addition,  the Board  approved
changing  the name of the New  Century  I  Portfolio  to "New  Century  Balanced
Portfolio,"  in order to give  some  indication  of the  Portfolio's  investment


Wayne M. Grzecki, President
Weston Portfolios
    New Century Capital Portfolio
    New Century I Portfolio

    ABOUT?                                   TO PURCHASE SHARES
                                             WITHOUT ANY SALES LOAD?

A.  Weston Financial Group, Inc., the    A.  Yes, you will be able to
advisor of the Funds, is merging with    continue to purchase shares of
Weston Advisors, Inc., an affiliated     the Funds without any sales
company.  The merger does not involve    load.
the Funds themselves.  The same
Weston professionals will continue to
provide you with investment
management and shareholder services
as employees of the combined, larger

    THESE PROPOSALS?                         BEING ASKED TO VOTE ON?

A.  The federal law that governs         A.  You are also being you are
mutual funds generally requires          being asked to vote on regular
shareholders to approve a new            Fund business, including
investment advisory agreement            election of trustees of the
whenever there is a change in control    Funds, selection of
of the investment adviser to the         independent public
Funds.  As a result, you are being       accountants, and approval of
asked to approve a new investment        changes to the fundamental
advisory agreement for each Fund you     investment policies of the
own.                                     Funds.

    FUND SHAREHOLDER?                        SUGGEST THAT I VOTE?

A.  You will still own the same shares   A.  After  careful consideration,
in the same Fund following the merger.   the Directors have recommended  that 
Portfolio  management will not change    you vote "FOR" all proposals on the
as a result of the merger.               enclosed proxy card.
The primary  difference is that the
ownership of Weston Financial Group, 
Inc.will change. This transaction will 
not result in changes to your Fund's 
advisory services or in the high 
quality of shareholder services that 
you have come to expect over the years.

    FUNDS CHANGE?                            INFORMATION?

A.  No, the fees charged to your Fund    A.  If you have any questions
will not change as a result of the       regarding the Proxy Statement
merger.                                  or its contents, please call
                                         Weston Financial Group at
                                         1-888-639-0102, ext. 145
                                         between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00
                                         p.m., Eastern time, Monday
                                         through Friday.  They will be
                                         happy to answer any questions
                                         you may have.

                                WESTON PORTFOLIOS
                          New Century Capital Portfolio
                             New Century I Portfolio
                          20 William Street, Suite 330
                               Wellesley, MA 02481

                                WESTON PORTFOLIOS

                           To be held October 16, 1998

To the Shareholders of NEW CENTURY CAPITAL PORTFOLIO and

                NEW CENTURY I PORTFOLIO:

ANNUAL MEETING (the "Meeting") of Weston  Portfolios (the "Fund"),  will be held
on October 16,  1998 at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern  Time,  at the offices of the Fund's
investment adviser,  Weston Financial Group, Inc., 20 William Street, Suite 330,
Wellesley,  Massachusetts,  for the purpose of  considering  and acting upon the
following matters:

           1.   To elect a board of five trustees;

           2.   To ratify the selection of Briggs Bunting and Dougherty,  LLP as
                independent  public  accountants of the Fund for the fiscal year
                ending October 31, 1998;

           3.   To approve or disapprove  changes to the fundamental  investment
                policies  of the  New  Century  Capital  Portfolio  and  the New
                Century I Portfolio as set forth herein;

           4.   To approve or  disapprove a new  Investment  Advisory  Agreement
                between the Fund, on behalf of the New Century Capital Portfolio
                and the New Century I  Portfolio,  and Weston  Financial  Group,
                Inc.; and

           5.   To transact such other  business as may properly come before the
                Meeting, or any adjournment thereof.

      The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of business on August 14, 1998
as the record date for the determination of those shareholders  entitled to vote
at the Meeting,  and only holders of record at the close of business on that day
will be entitled to vote.

      The Fund's Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal year ended October
31, 1997, and the Fund's  Semi-Annual  Report to  shareholders,  dated April 30,
1998 were previously mailed to shareholders. Copies of the reports are available
upon request,  without charge, by contacting the Fund at the address above or by
calling 1-888-639-0102.


      To save the Fund the expense of additional proxy solicitation, please mark
your  instructions  on the enclosed  Proxy card,  date and sign it and return it
promptly in the enclosed  envelope  (which  requires no postage if mailed in the
United  States).  The enclosed Proxy card is solicited on behalf of the Board of
Trustees,  is revocable  and will not affect your right to vote in person in the
event that you attend the meeting.
                                     By Order of the Board of Trustees

                                     Douglas A. Biggar

September 11, 1998

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

      This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies  by or on  behalf  of the  Board of  Trustees  (the  "Board")  of Weston
Portfolios  (the "Fund"),  for use at the Meeting of  Shareholders to be held on
October 16, 1998, at 10:00 a.m.  Eastern Time at 20 William  Street,  Suite 330,
Wellesley,  Massachusetts  02481,  and at any  adjournment  thereof.  This Proxy
Statement and the  accompanying  form of proxy were first mailed to shareholders
on or about September 11, 1998.

      Shareholders  of record of the Fund at the close of business on August 14,
1998 (the  "Record  Date")  are  entitled  to  notice  of,  and to vote on,  the
proposals  described herein at the Meeting and any adjournment  thereof.  At the
close of  business  on the  Record  Date,  the Fund had  10,563,430  outstanding
shares,  of  which  there  were  6,309,424  shares  of the New  Century  Capital
Portfolio and 4,254,006 shares of the New Century I Portfolio outstanding.

      The Fund is an open-end,  management investment company, as defined in the
Investment  Company Act of 1940,  as amended (the "Act"),  and is organized as a
Massachusetts  business  trust.  The Fund is  authorized  to issue an  unlimited
number of shares of  beneficial  interest  (par value $0.01 per share) in one or
more  portfolios as determined by the Board.  The Fund has designated two series
of shares,  the New Century  Capital  Portfolio  and the New Century I Portfolio
(each a "Portfolio").

        Shareholders  of the Portfolios  vote together to elect the Trustees and
on other matters  affecting  the entire Fund,  such as the  ratification  of the
selection  of the  Fund's  accountant.  The  shares  of  the  Fund  do not  have
cumulative  voting  rights,  and  therefore a  plurality  of all votes cast at a
meeting at which a quorum is present  shall be  sufficient  for the  election of
Trustees  (  No. 1),  which means that the five  persons  receiving  the
greatest number of votes will be elected.  An affirmative  vote of a majority of
the aggregate  outstanding shares of the Fund, present in person or by proxy and
voting,  is  necessary  to  ratify  the  selection  of  independent  accountants
(Proposal No. 2).

      The  Shareholders  of each  Portfolio  will  vote  separately  on  matters
affecting the Portfolios individually. An affirmative vote of a majority of each
Portfolio's  outstanding  shares (defined in the Investment  Company Act of 1940
(the "Act") as the lesser of (i) 67% of the shares of the  Portfolio  present at
the Meeting,  if holders of more than 50% of the outstanding  shares are present
in person or by proxy,  or (ii) more than 50% of the  outstanding  shares of the
Portfolio)  is  necessary  to approve the  proposed  changes to the  Portfolio's
fundamental  investment  policies (Proposal No. 3), and to approve a Portfolio's
Investment Advisory Agreement (Proposal No. 4).

      The Board of Trustees  knows of no business  other than that  specifically
mentioned in the Notice of the Meeting which will be presented for consideration
at the Meeting. If any other matter is properly  presented,  it is the intention
of the persons named in the enclosed proxy to vote in accordance with their best
judgment.  Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will be counted  for  purposes of
determining whether a quorum is present at the Meeting,  but will not be counted
for purposes of determining whether matters to be voted upon at the Meeting have
been approved.

      In the event that a  sufficient  number of shares  are not  present at the
Meeting in person or by proxy so as to constitute a quorum or to approve any one
or more proposals set forth in the Notice of Special Meeting,  the persons named
as proxies may propose to adjourn the Meeting to a later date to permit  further
solicitation  of proxies with respect to the proposals.  In such case, the named
proxies may vote in favor of such adjournment  those proxies  authorizing a vote
in favor of any proposal to be considered at such adjourned  meeting.  They will
vote against such  adjournment  those  proxies  required to be voted against any
proposal to be considered at such adjourned meeting.

      As of the Record Date, the following person owned  beneficially  more than
5% of the outstanding voting shares of the New Century Capital Portfolio:

Name & Address of Beneficial Owner      of Shares         Percentage

Dean K. Webster Ltd. Partnership         340,218              5%
218 Madrid Boulevard
Punta Gorda, FL 33950

      As of the record date,  no person owned  beneficially  more than 5% of the
voting  shares  of  New  Century  I  Portfolio.  No  Trustee  of the  Fund  owns
beneficially,  and the  Trustees  and  officers of the Fund  together do not own
beneficially,  more  than 1% of the  outstanding  voting  shares  of the Fund or
either Portfolio of the Fund.

      Shareholders  who execute  proxies  retain the right to revoke them at any
time before they are voted by notifying the Fund or by voting at the Meeting.  A
proxy, when executed and not revoked,  will be voted as directed. In the absence
of such direction, proxies will be voted in favor of the proposal.

      The Fund will bear a portion of the expense of the Meeting, including this
solicitation. Incremental expenses relating to the consideration of the advisory
agreement will be borne by the Advisor.  Initial  solicitation  will be by mail.
Further  solicitation  may be made by mail or telephone by regular  employees of
Weston  Financial  Group,  Inc.  who  will  receive  no  compensation  for  such

                                 PROPOSAL NO. 1

                     Election of Five Trustees of the Fund

      Certain  information  concerning  the  nominees  for  trustee is set forth
below.  Each of the nominees  has agreed to serve if elected,  and if any of the
nominees is  unavailable  to serve for any reason,  the persons named as proxies
will vote for a substitute nominee selected by the Fund's Board of Trustees. The
Fund currently  knows of no reason why any of the nominees listed below would be
unable or  unwilling  to serve if elected.  All of the  nominees  are  currently
Trustees of the Fund.

      Certain information regarding the nominees and the Fund's current Trustees
and Executive Officers is set forth below:

Nominees for Trustee

Name and         Principal         Age   Fund Shares      Percent
Position with    Occupation for          Owned            Owned
the Fund         Past 5 Years            Beneficially     Beneficially
                                         August 14, 1998  August 14, 1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Douglas A.       Executive Vice     51    14,674              **
Biggar*          President and
Trustee          Clerk, Weston
                 Financial Group,
                 Inc.; Clerk and
                 Treasurer of
                 Weston Securities

Stanley H.       Principal, Law     50     8,698              **
Cooper           Office of Stanley
Trustee          Cooper; Formerly
                 Partner, Kahalas
                 and Cooper (law

Michael A.       Partner, Diorio    52     None               ---
Diorio           Hudson & Pavento,
Trustee          P.C.

Roger Eastman,   Executive Vice     67     None               ---
C.P.A.           President,
Trustee          Danvers Savings
                 Bank; Formerly,
                 Partner, Arthur
                 Andersen & Co.

Joseph Robbat,   Chief Executive    47    30,799              **
Jr.*             Officer
Trustee          And Treasurer,
                 Weston Financial
                 Group, Inc.

*  An "interested  person" of the Fund as defined in Section  2(a)(19) under the
   1940 Act.

** Less  than  1% of the  outstanding  voting  shares  of the  Fund  and of each
   Portfolio of the Fund.

Current Trustees and Officers of the Fund

Name            Position    Age  Position Principal     Shares
                                 Since    Occupation    Owned
                                          or Employment Beneficially
                                                        August 14,

Douglas A.      Trustee     51     1982   See           14,674
Biggar*                                   "Nominees
                                          for Trustee"

Stanley H.      Trustee     50     1988   See           8,698
Cooper                                    "Nominees
                                          for Trustee"

Michael A.      Trustee     52     1988   See           0
Diorio                                    "Nominees
                                          for Trustee"

Roger Eastman,  Trustee     67     1989   See           0
CPA                                       "Nominees
                                          for Trustee"

Joseph Robbat,  Trustee     47     1983   See           30,799
Jr.*                                      "Nominees
                                          for Trustee"

Wayne M.        President   46     1986   Senior        4,012
Grzecki*                                  Counselor,
                                          Group, Inc.,

Ronald A.       Vice        45     1984   Senior        8,562
Sugameli*       President                 Counselor,
                                          Group, Inc.;

Ellen M. Bruno* Treasurer   33     1998   Vice          0
                and                       President,
                Secretary                 Weston
                                          Group, Inc.;
                                          United Asset

Karl            Assistant   33     1991   Assistant     0
Steinbrecher*   Treasurer                 Portfolio
                                          Group, Inc.

*  Interested Person of the Fund as defined in Section 2(a)(19)
of the 1940 Act.

      During the Fund's fiscal year ended  October 31, 1997,  four regular Board
meetings  were held and no  special  meetings  were held.  Each of the  Trustees
attended at least 75% of the total number of Board meetings.

      See Proposal No. 4 for additional information concerning the
anticipated change of control of the Adviser and how such change
will affect certain nominees' affiliations with the Adviser.

      During the fiscal year ended  October 31, 1997, the Trustees who are not
"interested  persons"  (as defined in the Act) received compensation from the
Fund, as follows:

                               Compensation Table

- --------------------------------------------------------------------

     (1)           (2)           (3)          (4)          (5)
                             Pension or                Compensation
                             Retirement                    From
                Aggregate     Benefits     Estimated    Registrant
Name of Person Compensation    Accrued       Annual      and Fund
   Position       From       As Part of     Benefits     Complex
                Registrant      Fund          Upon       Paid to
                              Expenses     Retirement    Trustee

Stanley H.        $3,000        N/A           N/A        $3,000

Michael Diorio    $3,000        N/A           N/A        $3,000

Roger Eastman     $3,000        N/A           N/A        $3,000


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 2

      At its  meeting  on  January 8,  1998,  upon  recommendation  of the Audit
Committee,  the  Board,  including  a  majority  of those  trustees  who are not
"interested  persons" of the Fund (as defined in the Act),  selected the firm of
Briggs Bunting and Dougherty,  LLP ("Briggs Bunting") as independent  accountant
of the Fund for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1998.  Shareholders are asked
to ratify the Trustees'  selection of Briggs Bunting as independent  accountant.
Services  to be  performed  by the  independent  accountants  include:  (i)  the
examination of the annual  financial  statements of the Fund;  (ii) all services
necessary to render a formal  opinion on the Fund's  financial  statements;  and
(iii) provision of assistance and consultation  with respect to filings with the
SEC. Briggs Bunting does not have any direct or indirect  financial  interest in
the Fund.  Representatives  of Briggs  Bunting are not expected to be present at
the Meeting,  but will be  available  should any matter  arise  requiring  their

      The firm of Tait,  Weller  and  Baker  served  as the  Fund's  independent
accountant from the inception of the Fund until September,  1997. There have not
been any disputes or  disagreements  with Tait,  Weller & Baker on any matter of
accounting  principles or practices,  financial statement disclosure or auditing
scope or  procedures.  Tait,  Weller & Baker  resigned as the Fund's  accountant
because several  partners left that firm to form Briggs  Bunting,  including the
partners who provided accounting  services to the Fund in the past.  Appointment
of Briggs Bunting will provide for a continuity of the Fund's  relationship with
these persons.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 3

      Shareholders are being asked to approve  modifications to each Portfolio's
fundamental  investment  policies  which are  intended to clarify and update the
Portfolios'  investment  objectives  and  policies.  The effects of the proposed
modifications will be that (a) each Portfolio's investment objective (as revised
herein)  will  become  a  fundamental   policy,  (b)  each  Portfolio's  primary
investment   strategies  and   techniques   (as  revised   herein)  will  become
nonfundamental  policies,  and (c) certain fundamental  investment  restrictions
that are no longer  required  by state  securities  laws will be  eliminated.  A
Portfolio's  fundamental policies may not be changed without the approval of its
shareholders;  changes to  nonfundamental  policies require only the approval of
the Fund's Board of Trustees:

(a)   Revised Investment Objectives:

                New Century Capital     New Century I
                Portfolio               Portfolio
Current         The New Century         The New Century I
Statement       Capital Portfolio's     Portfolio's objective
of Investment   objective is capital    is income, with the
Objective       growth, with the        secondary objective
                secondary objective     being growth while
                being income while      managing risk.
                managing risk.

Proposed        The New Century         The New Century I
Statement       Capital Portfolio's     Portfolio's
of Investment   investment objective    investment objective
Objective       is to provide capital   is to provide income,
                growth, with a          with a secondary
                secondary objective to  objective to provide
                provide income, while   capital growth, while
                managing risk.  Such    managing risk.  Such
                objectives cannot be    objectives cannot be
                changed without         changed without
                approval by the         approval by the
                holders of a majority   holders of a majority
                (as defined in the      (as defined in the
                Act) of the             Act) of the
                Portfolio's             Portfolio's
                outstanding voting      outstanding voting
                shares.                 shares.

(b)   Revised Investment Strategies and Techniques:

             New Century Capital         New Century I Portfolio

Current      o  The New Century Capital  o  The New Century I
Investment      Portfolio seeks to          Portfolio seeks to
Strategies      achieve this objective      achieve this objective
and             by concentrating            by concentrating
Techniques      (investing more than        (investing more than
                25% of the value of its     25% of the value of
                assets) in shares of        its assets) in shares
                other registered            of registered
                investment companies        investment companies
                which emphasize             that emphasize
                investments in growth       investments in fixed
                stocks.  To generate        income securities,
                its return, the             preferred stocks and
                Portfolio will use a        high dividend paying
                variety of investment       stocks.  To generate
                techniques designed to      its return, the
                generate net realized       Portfolio will use a
                and unrealized              variety of investment
                appreciation and            techniques designed to
                secondarily interest        generate primarily
                and dividends.              interest, dividends
                                            and other income and
             o  To achieve its              secondarily net
                investment objective,       realized and
                the Adviser will            unrealized
                attempt to determine        appreciation in the
                the prevailing trend in     value of the
                the equity market:          Portfolio's portfolio
                                            of investment
                o  When it is               companies (including
                   determined that          money market mutual
                   there is a               funds), cash
                   prevailing upward        equivalents (such as
                   trend in the equity      repurchase agreements
                   market, more of the      or certificates of
                   Portfolio will be        deposit) and cash.
                   positioned in the
                   securities pool.  In  o  To achieve its
                   general, this would      investment objective,
                   consist of moving        the Adviser will
                   into those               attempt to determine
                   registered               the prevailing trend
                   investment companies     in fixed income and
                   that have a high         equities markets:
                   proportion of their
                   assets in growth         o  When it is
                   stocks.                     determined that
                                               there is a
                o  When the Adviser            prevailing upward
                   anticipates a               trend in either
                   generally declining         market, the
                   trend in the equity         Portfolio will be
                   market, the Adviser         positioned in the
                   will begin to move          securities pool.
                   funds into the cash         This strategy will
                   pool purely as a            consist of moving
                   temporary defensive         into investment
                   position.  This is          companies
                   accomplished by             emphasizing high
                   moving from                 interest and
                   investment companies        dividend paying
                   with a high growth          securities such as
                   stock concentration         bonds, convertible
                   to money market             bonds and preferred
                   funds, cash and cash        stocks.  The
                   equivalents.                remainder would be
                                               in investment

Current      o  The Adviser will            o  When the Adviser
Investment      attempt to monitor and         anticipates a
Strategies      respond to changing            generally declining
and             economic and market            trend in securities
Techniques      conditions and then, if        markets, the
(cont'd)        necessary, reposition          Adviser will begin
                the Portfolio's assets,        to move more funds
                depending on the trend         into the cash pool
                analysis.  Trends are          by moving from
                analyzed by using a            investment
                variety of technical           companies with high
                and fundamental                equity and bond
                indicators.                    concentrations to
                                               money market funds,
                                               cash and cash

                                         o  The Adviser will
                                            attempt to monitor and
                                            respond to changing
                                            economic and market
                                            conditions and then,
                                            if necessary,
                                            reposition the
                                            Portfolio's assets,
                                            depending on the trend
                                            analysis.  Trends are
                                            analyzed by using a
                                            variety of technical
                                            and fundamental

Proposed     o  The Portfolio seeks to   o  The Portfolio seeks to
Investment      achieve these               achieve these
Strategies      objectives by investing     objectives by
and             primarily in shares of      investing primarily in
Techniques      other registered            shares of other
                investment companies        registered investment
                that emphasize              companies that
                investments in equities     emphasize investments
                (domestic and foreign).     in equities (domestic
                                            and foreign), and
             o  The Adviser may invest      fixed income
                a portion of the            securities (domestic
                Portfolio assets in         and foreign).
                those investment
                companies that use       o  The Adviser may invest
                different versions of       a portion of the
                so-called defensive         Portfolio assets in
                strategies to minimize      those investment
                risk.  These defensive      companies that use
                strategies may include      different versions of
                the purchase of low         so-called defensive
                beta stocks, a              strategies to minimize
                combination of stocks       risk.  These defensive
                and bonds or                strategies may include
                convertible bonds,          the purchase of low
                money market funds,         beta stocks, a
                cash and cash               combination of stocks
                equivalents, as well as     and bonds or
                high dividend paying        convertible bonds,
                stocks.                     money market funds,
                                            cash and cash equivalents, 
             o  In addition, the            as well as high dividend
                Portfolio may commit a      paying stocks.  For example,
                portion of its assets       a fund may be chosen because it
                to certain investment       primarily invests in intermediate
                companies whose assets      or short-term bonds, which are
                do not necessarily move     less volatile than funds
                in accordance with the      emphasizing longer-term bonds.
                United States stock         

Proposed        These would include      o  The Adviser will       
Investment      investment companies        monitor and respond to 
Strategies      that invest in foreign      changing economic and  
and             stocks and bonds, real      market conditions and   
Techniques      estate and other            then, if necessary,    
(cont'd)        tangible assets, as         reposition the assets  
                well as investment          of the Portfolio.  The  
                companies that              Adviser uses a number  
                concentrate their           of techniques to make   
                assets in one segment       investment decisions,  
                of the equities market.     one of which is trend  
                                            analysis.  Trends are  
             o  The Adviser will            analyzed by using a    
                monitor and respond to      variety of technical   
                changing economic and       and fundamental        
                market conditions and       indicators.            
                then, if necessary,         
                reposition the assets    
                of the Portfolio.  The   
                Adviser uses a number    
                of techniques to make    
                investment decisions,    
                one of which is trend    
                analysis.  Trends are    
                analyzed by using a      
                variety of technical     
                and fundamental          

      The above  summary of  current  and  proposed  investment  strategies  and
techniques of the New Century Capital  Portfolio and the New Century I Portfolio
is  qualified  in its entirety by the  complete  statements  of the  Portfolios'
investment policies set forth in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively.

      The investment strategies and techniques proposed in the table above would
be nonfundamental policies in order to provide the Fund's Board of Trustees with
the flexibility to make changes to such policies without  obtaining  shareholder
approval each time that a policy change is desired. This flexibility would spare
the Fund the  expenses  associated  with  proxy  solicitations  and  shareholder
meetings and would make it easier for the Fund's  portfolio  managers to respond
more rapidly to changing market and regulatory  conditions.  Shareholders would,
of course,  receive  advanced notice of any investment  policy changes that have
been approved by the Board of Trustees.

      The  proposed  investment  policies  restate each  Portfolio's  investment
strategies  and techniques  more clearly and  accurately.  The proposed  changes
place greater emphasis on the Adviser's use of momentum and trend analysis among
equity and fixed income performance sectors. Under both the current and proposed
investment  policies,  each  Portfolio  would  invest  primarily  in  registered
investment  companies and reserve the right to invest in other  securities under
certain  circumstances.  Although the  Portfolios  will no longer be required to
remain substantially invested in registered investment company shares, it is not
anticipated  that the  proposed  changes  will have any  material  impact on the
investments  in the  Portfolios  or the way that the  Portfolios  are  currently
managed. However, the proposed changes would broaden each Portfolio's ability to
invest in individual  stocks and other  investments to react to changing  market

(c)   Elimination of Certain Fundamental Investment Restrictions:

      The Portfolios' fundamental investment  restrictions,  as set forth in the
Prospectus   and  Statement  of  Additional   Information,   currently   contain
restrictions against making certain types of investments based upon prohibitions
in the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as well as the various state  securities
laws. On October 11, 1996, the National  Securities  Markets  Improvement Act of
1996 created a national  system of regulating  mutual funds by preempting  state
blue  sky  laws  that  required  the   registration  or  qualification  of  such
securities. As a result of this legislation,  investment companies are no longer
governed  by  state   securities  laws   restricting  an  investment   company's
investments.  Management of the Funds desires to eliminate all such restrictions
with respect to the Portfolios.  Accordingly,  it is proposed that the following
fundamental  restrictions on both Portfolios' investment activities,  previously
imposed by the state securities laws, be eliminated:

           o investing in the  securities of any company if, to the knowledge of
the  Portfolio,  any officer or director of Weston or the Adviser owns more than
 .5% of the  outstanding  securities  of  such  company  and  such  officers  and
directors  (who own more  than  .5%) in the  aggregate  own more  than 5% of the
outstanding securities of such company.

           o purchasing  oil,  gas or other  mineral  leases,  rights or royalty
contracts or exploration or development programs, except that the Portfolios may
invest in the securities of companies which invest in or sponsor such programs;

           o  selling securities short.

      At the present time,  neither Portfolio intends to engage in the foregoing
investment  activities.  None of the foregoing restrictions that are proposed to
be  deleted  are  expected  to have any  material  impact  upon the  Portfolios'
continued operations.


                                 PROPOSAL NO. 4

      Shareholders  are  being  asked  to  approve  a  new  investment  advisory
agreement for each Portfolio (the "New Agreements") with Weston Financial Group,
Inc.  (the  "Adviser")  to  replace  the  Fund's  current  investment   advisory
agreements  with the Adviser.  The reason that  shareholders  are being asked to
approve  the New  Agreements  is that the  Adviser  plans to merge  with  Weston
Advisors, Inc., an affiliated company, in a transaction (the "Merger") that will
result in a change of  control  of the  Adviser.  The  change of  control of the
Adviser  might be deemed  under the Act to cause  automatic  termination  of the
Fund's investment advisory agreements. The New Agreements contain the same terms
and  conditions  as the  current  investment  advisory  agreements,  except  for
effective dates and termination dates.

      The following summary provides  information about the Adviser, the current
investment advisory agreements, the Merger and the New Agreements.

Information Concerning the Fund's Investment Adviser

      The Adviser is a  Massachusetts  corporation  organized on March 30, 1981.
The  Adviser  supervises  the  investment  of the  assets of the  Portfolios  in
accordance with their  respective  objectives,  policies and  restrictions.  The
Adviser's current Directors and Officers are I. Richard Horowitz,  President and
Director,  Joseph Robbat,  Jr.,  Treasurer and Director,  and Douglas A. Biggar,
Clerk and Director,  each of whom currently owns 33 1/3% of the Adviser's voting
shares.  Additional  shares of the  Adviser's  non-voting  Common and  Preferred
stock, representing  approximately 5% of the Adviser's total stockholders equity
on a fully diluted basis, are held by various  employees and outside  investors.
The principal occupations of Mr. Robbat and Mr. Biggar are described above under
Proposal No. 1. Mr. Horowitz' principal  occupations are serving as Director and
President of the Adviser and as President of Weston Securities Corp.

Information Concerning the Current Investment Advisory Agreements

      Subject to the supervision of the Board,  the Adviser  provides  portfolio
management, research and analysis, advice and recommendation with respect to the
purchase  and sale of  securities  for each  Portfolio  pursuant  to  investment
advisory  agreements  between  the Fund,  on behalf of each  Portfolio,  and the
Adviser dated  February 28, 1990 (the "Advisory  Agreements").  The Adviser also
keeps certain books and records in connection with its services to the Fund.

      The Advisory Agreements provide that the Adviser will pay the salaries and
expenses of all its  personnel  and all expenses  incurred by it in the ordinary
course of performing  its duties under such  Agreements.  All costs and expenses
not expressly  assumed by the Adviser under the Agreements  shall be paid by the
Fund or its Administrator  including,  but not limited to, the expenses incurred
in: the  maintenance  of its corporate  existence;  the  maintenance  of its own
books, records and procedures; dealing with its own shareholders; the payment of
dividends;  transfer of stock, including issuance,  redemption and repurchase of
shares; preparation of share certificates;  reports and notices to shareholders;
calling and holding of shareholders'  meetings;  miscellaneous  office expenses;
brokerage  commissions;  custodian fees; legal and accounting fees; the fees and
expenses of the Fund's non-interested Trustees; and taxes. However,  incremental
expenses relating to the consideration of the advisory agreements,  as described
in this Proxy Statement, will be borne by the Adviser.

      Pursuant to the Advisory Agreements,  the Adviser is entitled to an annual
fee, payable monthly,  of 1.00% of each Portfolio's average daily net assets for
the first $100 million in assets and 0.75% of the assets  exceeding that amount.
For the fiscal year ended October 31, 1997,  the New Century  Capital  Portfolio
paid  investment  advisory fees of $703,591 and the New Century I Portfolio paid
investment advisory fees of $455,053. The Advisory Agreements were last approved
by the  Trustees of the Fund on January 8, 1998 and by the  shareholders  of the
respective Portfolios on March 14, 1990.

      The  Adviser  also  serves  as  the  Portfolios'  Administrator  under  an
agreement with each Portfolio  which provides that the Adviser will furnish each
Portfolio with office facilities, and with any ordinary clerical and bookkeeping
services not  furnished by the  custodian,  transfer  agent or  distributor.  As
compensation  for its  services as an  administrator,  the  Adviser  receives an
amount  equal to the  salaries  and  expenses of the  personnel  who perform the
administrative  duties.  For the fiscal year ended October 31, 1997, the Adviser
received $58,965 from the New Century Capital Portfolio and $27,593 from the New
Century I Portfolio for administrative services.

      The Fund's  Distributor,  Weston  Securities Corp., is an affiliate of the
Adviser  and  receives   payments  from  the   Portfolios  to  pay  expenses  of
distributing Portfolio shares pursuant to Distribution Plans adopted pursuant to
Rule 12b-1 under the Act. For the fiscal year ended  October 31,  1997,  the New
Century  Capital  Portfolio paid Rule 12b-1 fees to Weston  Securities  Corp. of
$98,615, and the New Century I Portfolio paid Rule 12b-1 fees of $82,481.

      The  Adviser  shall not be liable for any error of  judgment or mistake of
law for any loss suffered by the Fund in rendering  services  under the Advisory
Agreements  except a loss resulting from a breach of fiduciary duty with respect
to the receipt of  compensation  for services or a loss  resulting  from willful
misfeasance,  bad faith or gross negligence on its part in the performance of it
duties or from reckless  disregard by it of its obligations and duties under the
Advisory Agreement.

      The Advisory Agreements remain in effect from year to year if specifically
approved at least  annually by vote of "a  majority  of the  outstanding  voting
securities"  of the Fund,  as defined under the Act, or by the Board of Trustees
and,  in either  event,  by the vote of a majority of the  Trustees  who are not
parties to the Advisory Agreements or interested persons of any such party, cast
in person at a meeting called for such purpose.

      The Advisory  Agreements may be terminated  without penalty at any time on
not more than sixty (60) days' nor less than thirty (30) days' written notice by
the Fund, by vote of the holders of a majority of the Fund's  outstanding voting
securities  or by Weston  Financial  Group,  Inc. The Advisory  Agreements  will
terminate  automatically  in the event of their  assignment  (as  defined in the

      The Merger,  which will cause a change of control of the  Adviser,  may be
deemed to be an "assignment" (as defined in the Act) of the Advisory Agreements.
Such an assignment  triggers  automatic  termination of the Advisory  Agreements
pursuant to their terms as required  under the Act.  Thus, in order for the Fund
to continue to receive the investment  management  services it now receives from
the Adviser, it will be necessary for the Fund, on behalf of each Portfolio,  to
enter  into new  investment  advisory  agreements  with the  Adviser  to  become
effective  at the  time  of the  consummation  of the  Merger.  Except  for  the
effective date and termination  date, the New Agreements  contain the same terms
as  the  current  Advisory  Agreements  (See  "Information  Concerning  the  New
Investment Advisory Agreements," below).

      If  the  New  Agreements  are  not  approved  by the  shareholders  of the
Portfolios,  the  Trustees  of the Fund  will  consider  what  other  action  is
appropriate based upon the best interests of the shareholders.

Information Concerning the New Investment Advisory Agreements

      The New Agreements are identical to the Advisory Agreements,  except for a
change in the effective date and termination  date. A form of the New Agreements
is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit C.

      It is  anticipated  that  the  New  Agreements  will  be  dated  as of the
effective  date of the Merger,  which is expected to occur on October 31,  1998,
and will  continue in effect for an initial term of two years,  and may continue
thereafter from year to year if specifically  approved at least annually by vote
of "a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities"  of the Fund, as defined
under the Act, or by the Board of Trustees and, in either event,  by the vote of
a  majority  of the  Trustees  who are not  parties  to the  New  Agreements  or
interested  persons of any such  party,  cast in person at a meeting  called for
such purpose.

Evaluation of the New Agreements by the Board

      The  Board  met on  January  8,  1998  to  consider  the  Merger  and  its
anticipated  effects  upon the  investment  management  and other  services  the
Adviser currently  provides to the Fund. The Board,  including a majority of the
Trustees who are not parties to the investment advisory agreements or interested
persons of any such party,  unanimously  voted to approve the New Agreements and
to recommend the New Agreements to shareholders for their approval.

      In considering the New Agreements,  the Trustees considered that the terms
of the New  Agreements do not  contemplate  any change in (i) the  management or
operations of the Adviser relating to the Fund; (ii) the personnel  managing the
Fund or (iii) the shareholder services or other business activities of the Fund.
The Adviser has informed  the Board of Trustees  that the Merger is not expected
to result in any changes to the foregoing and that at present they have no plans
or  proposals  to make any  changes in the  business  or  composition  of senior
management  or  personnel  of the  Adviser or in the manner in which the Adviser
currently  renders  services  to the Fund.  Following  the  consummation  of the
Merger, the Adviser is expected to continue to operate in substantially the same
manner as it  presently  operates.  There can be no  assurances,  however,  that
changes may not occur. If, after the consummation of the Merger,  changes in the
Adviser are proposed that might materially  affect its services to the Fund, the
Board of Trustees will consider the effect of those changes and take such action
as it deems advisable under the circumstances.

Information Concerning Weston Advisers, Inc. and the Proposed

      Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger, Weston Advisers, Inc. will be
merged  with  and  into  the  Adviser,  and the  Adviser  will be the  surviving
corporation.  Upon effectiveness of the Merger (i) the Board of Directors of the
Adviser  will be  increased  from three to six members  and Ronald A.  Sugameli,
Wayne M.  Grzecki  and  Robert I.  Stock  will be added to the  Fund's  Board of
Directors and (ii) the Adviser will issue an additional 233,333 shares of voting
Common Stock to each of these new Directors,  which is the same number of voting
shares held by each current Director.  As a result,  the voting interests of the
current  Directors will be diluted,  and each Director after the Merger will own
16.667% of the total outstanding  voting shares of the Adviser.  Thus, the three
Directors,  who are  presently  deemed to  control  the  Adviser  through  their
beneficial  ownership of more than 25% of the Adviser's voting shares, will lose
their  status  as  controlling  stockholders,  and no  person  will be deemed to
control the Adviser after the Merger.

      The Adviser and the  investment  philosophy  and procedures of the Adviser
will not change after the Merger, nor will the current investment personnel. The
Adviser,  and therefore the Fund,  may benefit from the Merger because they will
have access to the personnel and resources of Weston Advisors, Inc. Although the
Merger  results in a change of control of the Adviser,  it is expected  that the
Adviser will continue to operate in the same manner.

Brokerage Allocation

      The Adviser, in effecting the purchases and sales of portfolio  securities
for the account of the Fund,  currently  seeks  execution  of trades at the most
favorable and competitive  rate of commission  charged by any broker,  dealer or
member of an exchange. However, the Adviser reserves the right to seek execution
of trades at a higher rate of  commission  charges if  reasonable in relation to
brokerage  and  research  services  provided  to the Fund or the Adviser by such
member,  broker, or dealer.  Such services may include,  but are not limited to,
the following:  information as to the availability of securities for purchase or
sale  and  statistical  or  factual   information  or  opinions   pertaining  to
investments. The Adviser may use research and services provided to it by brokers
and dealers in servicing all its clients, however, not all such services will be
used by the Adviser in connection  with the Fund. Fund orders may be placed with
an  affiliated  broker-dealer,  and in such case,  the  affiliated  broker  will
receive  brokerage  commissions.  However,  portfolio orders will be placed with
affiliates  only where the price being charged and the services  being  provided
compare   favorably   with  those   which  would  be  charged  to  the  Fund  by
non-affiliated broker-dealers,  and with those charged by the affiliate to other
unaffiliated customers, on transactions of a like size and nature. Brokerage may
also be allocated to dealers in consideration of distribution of Fund shares but
only when  execution and price are  comparable to that offered by other brokers.
Weston Securities Corp. is an affiliated broker-dealer of the Fund.

                          AGREEMENT FOR THE PORTFOLIO.


      This Meeting of the  shareholders of the Fund is a special meeting in lieu
of annual  meeting,  and will generally  conduct only those matters set forth in
the Notice of the Meeting.  The Board of Trustees  knows of no other business to
be brought  before the Meeting.  However,  if any other  matters  properly  come
before the  Meeting,  it is the  intention of the Board that proxies that do not
contain  specific  instructions to the contrary will be voted on such matters in
accordance with the judgment of the persons designated therein as proxies.

                             * * * * *

Other Information

      Weston Securities Corp. is the Distributor of the Fund's
shares.  The address of the Distributor is 20 William Street,
Suite 330, Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481.  First Data Investor
Services Inc., P.O. Box 61503, 3200 Horizon Drive, King of
Prussia, PA 19406-0903 is the Fund's Transfer Agent.  As
discussed above, the Adviser serves as the Fund's administrator
under administration agreements with the Fund.

      At the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on March 26, 1998, management
of the Fund  recommended to the Board that the Fund change its name from "Weston
Portfolios"  to "New Century  Portfolios."  Management  believes  that this will
reduce investor confusion that currently exists concerning the Fund's use of the
name "Weston" and its  Portfolios'  use of the name "New  Century." In addition,
management  recommended that the New Century I Portfolio change its name to "New
Century Balanced Portfolio," in order to give some indication of the Portfolio's
investment  objective.  Management  also  indicated  to  the  Board  that  it is
considering  entering  into a program with a money  market fund.  Such a program
would allow  shareholders  of the Weston  Portfolios to exchange shares into and
out of a money market fund, to have checkwriting  privileges and to obtain other
services  commonly  provided by a money market  fund.  After  considering  these
recommendations,  the Board  approved the change of the Fund's name from "Weston
Portfolios"  to  "New  Century  Portfolios"  and the  change  of New  Century  I
Portfolio's  name to "New Century  Balanced  Portfolio."  The Board directed and
authorized the officers of the Fund to take appropriate  actions to effect these
name changes.  The Board also directed  management to keep it informed about the
possible establishment of a program with a money market fund.

Shareholder Reports

      The Fund's most recent Annual Report for the fiscal year ended October 31,
1997 and the Fund's  Semi-Annual  Report,  dated April 30, 1998 were  previously
mailed to  shareholders.  Additional  copies of the reports are  available at no
cost to  shareholders  of the Fund upon  request  by  contacting  the Fund at 20
William  Street,  Suite  330,  Wellesley,  Massachusetts  02481  or  by  calling

Shareholder Proposals

      Any shareholder who desires to submit a shareholder  proposal may do so by
submitting  such  proposal  in  writing,  addressed  to the Fund,  at 20 William
Street,  Suite 330, Wellesley,  Massachusetts  02481. The Fund is organized as a
Massachusetts  business trust, and ordinarily does not hold annual  shareholders
meetings.  Any proposal received a reasonable time in advance of the preparation
of material  relating to a future  shareholder  meeting will be included in such

                               BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

                               Douglas A. Biggar
September 11, 1998

                                   APPENDIX A
                          New Century Capital Portfolio

Current  Investment  Policies  The  Portfolio's  investment  objective,  and the
policies describing its key investment strategies, currently read as follows:

      The New Century Capital Portfolio's  objective is capital growth, with the
      secondary  objective being income while managing risk. It seeks to achieve
      this objective by  concentrating  (investing more than 25% of the value of
      its  assets)  in shares of other  registered  investment  companies  which
      emphasize  investments  in growth  stocks and by making other  investments
      selected in accordance with the Portfolio's  investment  restrictions  and
      policies.  To generate  its return,  the  Portfolio  will use a variety of
      investment  techniques  designed to generate net  realized and  unrealized
      appreciation and secondarily interest and dividends.

      To achieve its investment objective, the Adviser will attempt to determine
      the  prevailing  trend in the equity  market.  When it is determined  that
      there is a  prevailing  upward  trend in the  equity  market,  more of the
      Portfolio  will be positioned in the securities  pool.  This strategy will
      consist of moving into those  investments  which would most  benefit  from
      such a trend.  In  general,  this  would  consist  of  moving  into  those
      registered  investment  companies  which have a high  proportion  of their
      assets in growth stocks. If the Adviser  anticipates that the upward trend
      should  continue for some time, then the Portfolio may commit most, if not
      all,  of its funds to the  securities  pool.  In  choosing  from among the
      available  investment  companies the Adviser will, in its  decision-making
      process,  consider  among  other  things  the  prior  performance  of  the
      underlying  investment  company,  its  performance  in  both  up and  down
      markets,  the current make-up of its portfolio and the current  investment
      philosophy of the underlying investment company manager.

      In an  attempt to  minimize  to some  extent the risk with the  securities
      pool, the Portfolio may invest a portion of its assets in those investment
      companies  that  utilize   different   versions  of  so-called   defensive
      strategies. These defensive strategies may consist of, among other things,
      the  purchase of low beta  stocks,  a  combination  of stocks and bonds or
      convertible  bonds and the purchase of high  dividend  paying  stocks.  In
      addition,  in its  securities  pool, the Portfolio may commit a portion of
      its assets to certain investment companies whose assets do not necessarily
      move in  accordance  with the United  States  stock  market.  These  would
      include investment  companies which invest in foreign stocks and bonds and
      gold and silver  mining  companies.  To  enhance  the  performance  of the
      securities  pool, the Adviser may invest in so-called  sector funds which,
      in  general,  concentrate  their  assets in one  segment  of the  equities

      When the Adviser  anticipates  a generally  declining  trend in the equity
      market,  the Adviser will begin to move funds into the cash pool purely as
      a  temporary  defensive  position.  This is  accomplished  by moving  from
      investment  companies  with a high  growth  stock  concentration  to money
      market  funds,  cash and cash  equivalents.  If the Adviser  anticipates a
      prolonged or  significant  decline,  then the Portfolio may place most, if
      not all, of its funds in the cash pool.

      The Adviser will  attempt to monitor and respond to changing  economic and
      market  conditions  and then, if  necessary,  reposition  the  Portfolio's
      assets,  depending on the trend  analysis.  Trends are analyzed by using a
      variety of technical and fundamental indicators. The trends are determined
      by the  Advisor's  judgment in light of current and past general  economic
      and  market  conditions.  Among  the  factors  which are  included  in the
      analysis,  but not limited to, are the direction of interest rates, fiscal
      and monetary policy, economic growth, inflation rates, industry trends and
      various  moving  averages.  When a general  rising trend in the securities
      market is  identified,  the New Century  Capital  Portfolio will invest in
      registered  investment  companies  that  concentrate  primarily  in growth

Proposed  Investment  Policies  The  Portfolio's  proposed  investment  policies
describing its key investment strategies would read as follows:

(Investment Objective)

      The New Century  Capital  Portfolio's  investment  objective is to provide
      capital  growth,  with a  secondary  objective  to provide  income,  while
      managing risk. Such objectives  cannot be changed without  approval by the
      holders  of a  majority  (as  defined  in  the  Act)  of  the  Portfolio's
      outstanding voting shares.

(Investment Policies and Strategies)

      The Portfolio seeks to achieve these objectives by investing  primarily in
      shares of other registered investment companies that emphasize investments
      in equities  (domestic and  foreign).  The Adviser will  diversify  equity
      investments  by  investing  the  assets  of  the  Portfolio  primarily  in
      investment  companies that concentrate in different segments of the equity
      markets.  For  example,  the  Portfolio  may  be  invested  in  investment
      companies that emphasize growth,  growth and income,  equity income, small
      company, aggressive, and foreign equities.

      The  Adviser  may  invest  a  portion  of the  Portfolio  assets  in those
      investment  companies that use different  versions of so-called  defensive
      strategies to minimize risk.  These  defensive  strategies may include the
      purchase  of low  beta  stocks,  a  combination  of  stocks  and  bonds or
      convertible bonds, money market funds, cash and cash equivalents,  as well
      as high dividend paying stocks.

      In addition,  the  Portfolio may commit a portion of its assets to certain
      investment  companies whose assets do not  necessarily  move in accordance
      with the United  States  stock  market.  These  would  include  investment
      companies that invest in foreign  stocks and bonds,  real estate and other
      tangible assets,  as well as investment  companies that concentrate  their
      assets in one segment of the equities market.

      The Adviser  will  monitor and  respond to  changing  economic  and market
      conditions and then, if necessary, reposition the assets of the Portfolio.
      The Adviser uses a number of techniques to make investment decisions,  one
      of which is trend  analysis.  Trends  are  analyzed  by using a variety of
      technical and fundamental indicators.

                                   APPENDIX B
                             New Century I Portfolio

Current  Investment  Policies  The  Portfolio's  investment  objective,  and the
policies describing its key investment strategies, currently read as follows:

      The New Century I  Portfolio's  objective  is income,  with the  secondary
      objective  being  growth  while  managing  risk.  It seeks to achieve this
      objective by  concentrating  (investing  more than 25% of the value of its
      assets)  in shares of  registered  investment  companies  which  emphasize
      investments in fixed income securities, preferred stocks and high dividend
      paying stocks and by making other investments  selected in accordance with
      the  Portfolio's  investment  restrictions  and policies.  To generate its
      return, the Portfolio will use a variety of investment techniques designed
      to generate primarily interest, dividends and other income and secondarily
      net realized and unrealized  appreciation  in the value of the Portfolio's
      portfolio of investment  companies  (including money market mutual funds),
      cash  equivalents  (such  as  repurchase  agreements  or  certificates  of
      deposit) and cash.

      To achieve its investment objective, the Adviser will attempt to determine
      the  prevailing  trend in fixed  income and equities  markets.  When it is
      determined that there is a prevailing  upward trend in either market,  the
      Portfolio  will be positioned in the securities  pool.  This strategy will
      consist of moving into those  investments  which would most  benefit  from
      such a trend.  In  general,  but not  necessarily,  this would  consist of
      moving into a number of different  investments.  The majority  would be in
      investment  companies   emphasizing  high  interest  and  dividend  paying
      securities  such as bonds,  convertible  bonds and preferred  stocks.  The
      remainder would be in investment companies  emphasizing  equities.  If the
      Adviser  anticipates  that the upward trend should continue for some time,
      then the  Portfolio  may  commit  most,  if not all,  of its  funds to the
      securities pool. In choosing from among the available investment companies
      the Adviser will, in its  decision-making  process,  consider  among other
      things the prior  performance of the underlying  investment  company,  its
      performance  in both up and  down  markets,  the  current  make-up  of its
      portfolio  and  the  current  investment   philosophy  of  the  underlying
      investment company's manager.

      In an  attempt to  minimize  to some  extent the risk with the  securities
      pool, the Portfolio may invest in certain bond funds which differ in their
      strategy as to the types of bonds they may hold.  For example,  a fund may
      be chosen because it primarily invests in intermediate or short-term bonds
      which are less  volatile  than funds  emphasizing  longer-term  bonds.  To
      minimize the risk in the securities pool, the investment  manager does not
      normally intend to invest in equity funds which would be  characterized as
      aggressive growth funds.

      When the Adviser  anticipates  a generally  declining  trend in securities
      markets,  the Adviser  will begin to move more funds into the cash pool by
      moving from investment  companies with high equity and bond concentrations
      to  money  market  funds,  cash  and  cash  equivalents.  If  the  Adviser
      anticipates  a prolonged or  significant  decline,  then the Portfolio may
      place most, if not all, of its funds in the cash pool.

      The Adviser will  attempt to monitor and respond to changing  economic and
      market  conditions  and then, if  necessary,  reposition  the  Portfolio's
      assets,  depending on the trend  analysis.  Trends are analyzed by using a
      variety of technical and fundamental indicators.

      The trends are  determined  by  Weston's  Advisor's  judgment  in light of
      current and past general economic and market conditions. Among the factors
      which are included in the analysis,  but not limited to, are the direction
      of interest rates, trends in yields, fiscal and monetary policy,  economic
      growth,  inflation rates,  industry trends and various moving averages. In
      the New  Century I  Portfolio,  when a general  rising  trend in the fixed
      income  market  is  identified,  the  Portfolio  will  position  itself in
      registered investment companies, concentrating in fixed income securities.
      If a general  rising trend is  identified  in both the fixed income market
      and the equity market,  the Portfolio  will position  itself in registered
      investment  companies that concentrate in fixed income  securities as well
      as  registered   investment  companies  which  emphasize   investments  in
      preferred stock, and high dividend paying stocks.

Proposed  Investment  Policies  The  Portfolio's  proposed  investment  policies
describing its key investment strategies would read as follows:

(Investment Objective)

      The New Century I Portfolio's  investment  objective is to provide income,
      with a secondary objective to provide capital growth, while managing risk.
      Such  objectives  cannot be changed  without  approval by the holders of a
      majority  (as defined in the Act) of the  Portfolio's  outstanding  voting

(Investment Policies and Strategies)

      The Portfolio seeks to achieve these objectives by investing  primarily in
      shares of other registered investment companies that emphasize investments
      in equities (domestic and foreign),  and fixed income securities (domestic
      and foreign).  To produce its return,  the Portfolio will use a variety of
      investment  techniques designed to generate primarily interest,  dividends
      and other  income.  The Adviser  will  diversify  equity and fixed  income
      investments  by  investing  the  assets  of  the  Portfolio  primarily  in
      investment  companies that concentrate in different segments of the equity
      markets and investment companies that concentrate in different segments of
      the fixed income markets.  For example,  the portion of the Portfolio that
      is invested in equities  may be  invested  in  investment  companies  that
      emphasize  growth,  growth and income,  equity  income,  small company and
      foreign  equities.  The portion of the Portfolio that is invested in fixed
      income  securities may be invested in investment  companies that emphasize
      domestic, high yield and foreign fixed income securities.

      The  Adviser  may  invest  a  portion  of the  Portfolio  assets  in those
      investment  companies that use different  versions of so-called  defensive
      strategies to minimize risk.  These  defensive  strategies may include the
      purchase  of low  beta  stocks,  a  combination  of  stocks  and  bonds or
      convertible bonds, money market funds, cash and cash equivalents,  as well
      as high dividend paying stocks.  For example, a fund may be chosen because
      it primarily invests in intermediate or short-term  bonds,  which are less
      volatile than funds emphasizing longer-term bonds.

      In addition,  the  Portfolio may commit a portion of its assets to certain
      investment  companies whose assets do not  necessarily  move in accordance
      with the United  States  stock  market.  These  would  include  investment
      companies that invest in foreign  stocks and bonds,  real estate and other
      tangible assets,  as well as investment  companies that concentrate  their
      assets in one segment of the equities market.

      The Adviser  will  monitor and  respond to  changing  economic  and market
      conditions and then, if necessary, reposition the assets of the Portfolio.
      The Adviser uses a number of techniques to make investment decisions,  one
      of which is trend  analysis.  Trends  are  analyzed  by using a variety of
      technical and fundamental indicators.