WESTON PORTFOLIOS



      INVESTMENT ADVISORY AGREEMENT made this _____ day of ___________,  1998 by
and between Weston Portfolios,  a Massachusetts business trust (the "Trust") for
the Portfolio (the "Fund") and Weston  Financial  Group,  Inc., a  Massachusetts
corporation (the "Advisor").


      The Fund, a series of the Trust,  is organized and operated as an open-end
diversified  management  investment  company,  registered  under the  Investment
Company Act of 1940 as amended (the "1940 Act"). The Trust desires to retain the
Advisor to render  investment  advisory services to the Fund, and the Advisor is
willing to render such  services  on the terms and  conditions  hereinafter  set

      NOW, THEREFORE,  the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby
agree as follows:

      1. The Trust hereby  appoints the Advisor to act as investment  advisor to
the Fund for the  period  and on the  terms  set  forth in this  Agreement.  The
Advisor  accepts  such  appointment  and  agrees to render the  services  herein
described, for the compensation herein provided.

      2. Subject to the  supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Trust,  the
Advisor shall manage the investment  operations of the Fund and the  composition
of the Fund's  portfolio,  including  the purchase,  retention  and  disposition
thereof,  in  accordance  with the Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies and
restrictions as stated in and limited by the statements contained in the various
documents  filed  with  the  U.S.   Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  (the
"Commission")  as such documents may from time to time be amended and subject to
the following understandings:

           (a) The Advisor shall provide  supervision of the Fund's  investments
and  determine  from  time to time what  investments  or  securities,  including
futures contracts, will be purchased,  retained, sold or loaned by the Fund, and
what portion of the assets will be invested, hedged, or held uninvested as cash.

           (b) The Advisor shall use its best judgment in the performance of its
duties under this Agreement.

           (c) The Advisor,  in the  performance  of its duties and  obligations
under this Agreement,  shall act in conformity  with the Trust's  Declaration of
Trust and Bylaws,  and the Prospectus of the Fund and with the  instructions and
directions of the Board of Trustees of the Trust, and will conform to and comply
with the requirements of the 1940 Act and all other applicable federal and state
laws and regulations.

           (d) The Advisor  shall  determine  the  securities to be purchased or
sold by the Fund and will place  orders  pursuant to its  determination  with or
through  such  persons,  brokers or dealers in  conformity  with the policy with
respect to  brokerage  as set forth in the Trust's  Registration  Statement  and
Prospectus of the Fund or as the Board of Trustees may direct from time to time.
In providing the Fund with  investment  supervision,  it is recognized  that the
Advisor will give primary  consideration  to securing most  favorable  price and
efficient  execution.  Consistent with this policy, the Advisor may consider the
financial responsibility, research and investment information and other services
provided  by  brokers  or  dealers  who may  effect  or be a party  to any  such
transaction or other transactions to which other clients of the Advisor may be a
party.  It is  understood  that  neither  the Fund nor the Advisor has adopted a
formula for allocation of the Fund's investment transaction business. It is also
understood  that it is  desirable  for the Fund that the Advisor  have access to
supplemental  investment and market research and security and economic  analysis
provided by brokers who may execute  brokerage  transactions at a higher cost to
the Fund than may result when allocating brokerage to other brokers on the basis
of seeking the most  favorable  price and efficient  execution.  Therefore,  the
Advisor is  authorized  to place orders for the purchase and sale of  securities
for the Fund with such  brokers,  subject  to  review  by the  Trust's  Board of
Trustees from time to time with respect to the extent and  continuation  of this
practice.  It is  understood  that the services  provided by such brokers may be
useful to the Advisor in connection with its services to other clients.

      On occasions  when the Advisor deems the purchase or sale of a security to
be in the best interest of the Fund as well as other  clients,  the Advisor,  to
the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, may, but shall be under
no obligation  to,  aggregate the securities to be so sold or purchased in order
to obtain the most favorable price or lower brokerage  commissions and efficient
execution.  In such event, allocation of the securities so purchased or sold, as
well as the expenses incurred in the transaction, will be made by the Advisor in
the  manner  it  considers  to be the most  equitable  and  consistent  with its
fiduciary obligations to the Fund and to such other clients.

           (e) The Advisor shall  maintain all books and records with respect to
the Fund's securities  transactions  required by subparagraphs  (b)(5),  (6) and
(11) and  paragraph (f) of Rule 31a-1 under the 1940 Act and shall render to the
Trust's  Board of Trustees  such  periodic and special  reports as the Board may
reasonably request.

           (f) The Advisor  shall  provide the Fund's  custodian and the Fund on
each business day with information  relating to all transactions  concerning the
Fund's assets.

           (g)  The  investment  management  services  provided  by the  Advisor
hereunder  are not to be  deemed  exclusive,  and the  Advisor  shall be free to
render  similar  services  to  others.  While  information  and  recommendations
supplied to the Fund shall, in the Advisor's judgment,  be appropriate under the
circumstances  and in light of investment  objectives  and policies of the Fund,
they may be different from the information and recommendations supplied to other
investment  companies  and  customers.  The Fund shall be entitled to  equitable
treatment under the circumstances in receiving information,  recommendations and
any other services,  but the Fund shall not be entitled to receive  preferential
treatment as compared with the treatment given to any other  investment  company
or customer.

           (h) The Advisor shall perform such other  services as are  reasonably
incidental to the foregoing duties.

      3. The Fund has  delivered to the Advisor  copies of each of the following
documents and will deliver to it all future amendments and supplements, if any:

           (a)  Declaration of Trust of the Trust,  and any  amendments  thereto
filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (herein called the
"Declaration of Trust");

           (b) Bylaws of the Fund (such Bylaws,  as in effect on the date hereof
and as amended from time to time, are herein called the "Bylaws");

           (c)  Certified  resolutions  of the  Board of  Trustees  of the Trust
authorizing  the  appointment  of the  Advisor  and  approving  the form of this

           (d) Registration  Statement under the 1940 Act and the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended, on Form N-1A (the "Registration Statement"),  as filed with
the  Commission  relating to the Fund and shares of  beneficial  interest in the
Fund and all amendments thereto;

           (e)  Notification  of Registration of the Trust under the 1940 Act on
Form N-8A as filed with the Commission and all amendments thereto; and

           (f) Prospectus of the Fund (such  Prospectus,  as currently in effect
and as  amended  or  supplemented  from time to time,  being  herein  called the

           (g) Any other documents filed with the Commission.  The Advisor shall
have no  responsibility  or liability  for the accuracy or  completeness  of the
Trust's Registration  Statement under the 1940 Act or the Securities Act of 1933
except for information  supplied by the Advisor for inclusion therein. On behalf
of the Fund the  Trust  agrees  to  indemnify  the  Advisor  to the full  extent
permitted by the Trust's governing instruments.

      4. The Advisor shall  authorize and permit any of its directors,  officers
and  employees  who may be elected as trustees or officers of the Trust to serve
in the  capacities  in which they are  elected.  Services to be furnished by the
Advisor under this Agreement may be furnished  through the medium of any of such
directors, officers or employees.

      5. The Advisor  agrees that no officer or director of the  Advisor,  or of
any  affiliate  of the  Advisor,  will  deal for or on  behalf  of the Fund with
himself as principal or agent,  or with any  corporation,  partnership  or other
person in which he may have a  financial  interest,  except  that this shall not

           (a) Officers and  directors of the Advisor or of any affiliate of the
Advisor,  from having a financial interest in the Fund, in the Advisor or in any
affiliate of the Advisor.

           (b) Officers and directors of the Advisor, or of any affiliate of the
Advisor,  from providing  services to the Fund of a type usually and customarily
provided to an investment  company,  pursuant to a written agreement approved by
the Board of  Trustees of the Fund,  including  a majority of the  disinterested
trustees of the Fund (as defined in the 1940 Act).

           (c)  The  purchase  of  securities  for  the  Fund,  or the  sale  of
securities owned by the Fund,  through a security broker or dealer,  one or more
of whose  partners,  officers  or  directors  is an officer or a director of the
Advisor,  provided such  transactions are handled in the capacity of broker only
and provided  commissions  charged do not exceed customary brokerage charges for
such services.

      6. If any  occasion  should  arise  in  which  the  Advisor  or any of its
officers or directors  advises  persons  concerning  the shares of the Fund, the
Advisor or such  officer  or  director  will act  solely on its,  her or his own
behalf and not in any way on behalf of the Fund.

      7. The Advisor agrees that, except as herein otherwise expressly provided,
neither it nor any of its  officers  or  directors  shall at any time during the
period of this Agreement make,  accept or receive,  directly or indirectly,  any
fees,  profits or emoluments of any character in connection with the purchase or
sale of securities  (except securities issued by the Fund) or other assets by or
for the Fund.

      8. The  Advisor  shall keep the Fund's  books and  records  required to be
maintained  by it pursuant to  paragraph 2 hereof.  The Advisor  agrees that all
records which it maintains for the Fund are the property of the Fund and it will
surrender promptly to the Fund any of such records upon the Fund's request.  The
Advisor  further agrees to preserve for the periods  prescribed by Rule 31a-2 of
the  Commission  under  the 1940  Act any such  records  as are  required  to be
maintained by the Advisor pursuant to paragraph 2 hereof.

      9.  During  the  term of this  Agreement,  the  Advisor  will  pay (i) the
salaries and expenses of all its personnel, and (ii) all expenses incurred by it
in the ordinary  course of  performing  its duties  hereunder,  but not expenses
assumed  by  the  Administrator  of  the  Fund  or  the  Fund  pursuant  to  the
Administration  Agreement.  All costs and expenses not expressly  assumed by the
Advisor under this  Agreement  shall be paid by the  Administrator  or the Fund,
including but not limited to: (i) interest and taxes,  including but not limited
to all issue or transfer  taxes  chargeable to the Fund in  connection  with its
securities transactions;  (ii) brokerage commissions;  (iii) insurance premiums;
(iv)  compensation  and expenses of the Board of Trustees of the Fund; (v) legal
and  audit  expenses;  (vi)  fees  and  expenses  of the  Fund's  Administrator,
custodian,  distributor,  transfer agent and accounting  services agents;  (vii)
expenses incident to the issuance of shares,  including  issuance on the payment
of, or  reinvestment  of,  dividends;  (viii) fees and expenses  incident to the
registration  under Federal or state  securities laws of the Fund or its shares;
(ix) expenses of preparing,  printing and mailing  reports and notices and proxy
material to  shareholders  of the Fund;  (x) all other  expenses  incidental  to
holding  meetings of the Trust's  trustees and the Fund's  shareholders  and all
allocable  communications  expenses  with  respect to investor  services  and to
preparing, printing, and mailing prospectuses and reports to shareholders in the
amount necessary for distribution to the shareholders;  (xi) dues or assessments
of or  contributions  to any  trade  association  of which the Fund is a member;
(xii) such nonrecurring  expenses as may arise,  including  litigation affecting
the Fund and the legal  obligations  which the Trust may have to  indemnify  its
officers and trustees with respect thereto;  (xiii) all expenses which the Trust
agrees to bear in any distribution agreement or in any plan adopted by the Trust
on behalf  of the Fund  pursuant  to Rule  12b-1  under  the Act;  and (xiv) all
corporate  fees  payable  by the Fund to  federal,  state or other  governmental

      10. For the services  provided and the expenses  assumed  pursuant to this
Agreement,  the Fund will pay to the Advisor as full compensation therefor a fee
at an annualized rate of 1% of the Fund's average daily net assets for the first
$100 million in assets and .75% of the assets  exceeding  that amount.  This fee
will be  computed  daily  as of the  close of  business  and will be paid to the
Advisor  monthly  within ten (10) business days after the last day of each month
and such  advisory  fee  shall be  adjusted,  if  necessary,  at the time of the
payment due in the last month in the fiscal year of the Fund.  The  Advisory Fee
shall be prorated for any fraction of a month at the commencement or termination
of this Agreement.

      11. In the event the  expenses of the Fund for any fiscal year  (including
the fees  payable to the Advisor  and the Fund's  administrator,  but  excluding
interest,  taxes,  brokerage  commissions,  distribution  fees,  amortization of
organization  expenses and  litigation  and  indemnification  expenses and other
extraordinary  expenses  not  incurred  in the  ordinary  course  of the  Fund's
business)  exceed the limit set by  applicable  regulation  of state  securities
commissions,  if any,  the  compensation  due to the Advisor  hereunder  will be
reduced by twenty  percent (20%) of the amount of such excess.  If for any month
such expenses exceed such limitation  after giving effect to the above reduction
of the fees payable to the Advisor and the Fund's administrator,  the payment to
the Advisor for that month will be reduced or  postponed so that at no time will
there be any accrued but unpaid  liability  under this expense  limitation.  Any
such reductions or payments are subject to readjustment during the year, and the
Advisor's  obligation hereunder will be limited to the amount of its fee paid or
accrued with respect to such fiscal year.

      12. The Advisor  shall give the Fund the benefit of its best  judgment and
effort in rendering service  hereunder,  but the Advisor shall not be liable for
any  loss  sustained  by  reason  of the  purchase,  sale  or  retention  of any
securities  or  hedging  instrument,  whether  or not  such  purchase,  sale  or
retention shall have been based upon its own investigation or upon investigation
and research  made by any other  individual,  firm or  corporation.  The Advisor
shall not be liable  for any error of  judgment  or  mistake of law for any loss
suffered  by the Fund in  connection  with the  matters to which this  Agreement
relates, except a loss resulting from a breach of fiduciary duty with respect to
the receipt of  compensation  for  services  (in which case any award of damages
shall be limited to the period and the amount set forth in Section  36(b)(3)  of
the 1940 Act) or a loss resulting from willful  misfeasance,  bad faith or gross
negligence  on its  part in the  performance  of its  duties  or  from  reckless
disregard by it of its obligations  and duties under this Agreement.  Any person
employed  by the  Advisor,  who may be or become an  employee of and paid by any
other entity affiliated with the Fund, such as the  administrator,  distributor,
or custodian to the Fund,  shall be deemed,  when acting within the scope of his
employment  by such other  affiliated  entity,  to be acting in such  employment
solely for such other  affiliated  entity and not as the  Advisor's  employee or

      13. This Agreement  shall continue in effect for a period of more than two
(2) years from the date hereof only so long as such  continuance is specifically
approved at least annually in conformity with the  requirements of the 1940 Act;
provided,  however,  that this  Agreement  may be  terminated by the Fund at any
time,  without the payment of any penalty,  by the Board of Trustees of the Fund
or by vote of a majority of the outstanding voting securities (as defined in the
1940 Act) of the Fund, or by the Advisor at any time, without the payment of any
penalty,  on not more than  sixty  (60)  days' nor less than  thirty  (30) days,
written notice to the other party. This Agreement shall terminate  automatically
in the event of its assignment (as defined in the 1940 Act).
      14. Nothing in this Agreement  shall limit or restrict the right of any of
the  Advisor's  directors,  officers,  or  employees  who may also be a trustee,
officer or employee of the Fund to engage in any other business or to devote his
time and  attention in part to the  management or other aspects of any business,
whether of a similar or a dissimilar nature, nor limit or restrict the Advisor's
right to engage in any other  business or to render  services of any kind to any
other corporation,  firm,  individual or association.  Nothing in this Agreement
shall prevent the Advisor or any affiliated  person (as defined in the 1940 Act)
of the Advisor from acting as investment  advisor and/or  principal  underwriter
for any  other  person,  firm or  corporation  and shall not in any way limit or
restrict  the Advisor or any such  affiliated  person from buying,  selling,  or
trading any securities or hedging  instruments  for its or their own accounts or
for the account of others for whom it or they may be acting, provided,  however,
that the Advisor  expressly  represents  that it will  undertake  no  activities
which, in its judgment,  will adversely affect the performance of it obligations
to the Fund under the Agreement.

      15. Neither this Agreement nor any transaction  made pursuant hereto shall
be  invalidated  or in any way  affected  by the fact that  trustees,  officers,
agents and/or  shareholders of the Fund are or may be interested in the Advisor,
or any successor or assignee thereof,  as directors,  officers,  shareholders or
otherwise; that directors,  officers,  shareholders or agents of the Advisor are
or  may be  interested  in the  Fund  as  trustees,  officers,  shareholders  or
otherwise;  or that the  Advisor  or any  successor  or  assignee,  is or may be
interested in the Fund as shareholders  or otherwise;  provided,  however,  that
neither  the  Advisor nor any officer or director of the Advisor or of the Trust
shall  sell to or buy from  the  Fund any  property  or  security  other  than a
security issued by the Fund,  except in accordance  with an applicable  order or
exemptive rule of the Commission.

      16.  Except as otherwise  provided  herein or  authorized  by the Board of
Trustees  of the Trust from time to time,  the  Advisor  shall for all  purposes
herein  be deemed  to be an  independent  contractor  and,  except as  expressly
provided or authorized in this Agreement,  shall have no authority to act for or
represent  the Fund in any way or otherwise be deemed an agent of the Fund.  The
Fund and the Advisor  are not  partners  or joint  ventures  with each other and
nothing  herein  shall be  construed  so as to make them such  partners or joint
ventures or impose any liability as such on either of them.

      17.  During the term of this  Agreement,  the Trust  agrees to furnish the
Advisor at its principal office with all prospectuses, proxy statements, reports
to stockholders,  sales literature,  or other material prepared for distribution
to  stockholders  of the Fund or the  public,  which refer to the Advisor in any
way, prior to use thereof and not to use such material if the Advisor reasonably
objects in writing  within five (5) business  days (or such other time as may be
mutually  agreed) after receipt  thereof.  In the event of  termination  of this
Agreement,  the Trust will  continue to furnish to the Advisor  copies of any of
the above-mentioned  materials which refer in any way to the Advisor.  The Trust
shall furnish or otherwise make available to the Advisor such other  information
relating to the  business  affairs of the Trust or of the Fund as the Advisor at
any time,  or from time to time,  reasonably  requests in order to discharge its
obligations  hereunder.  The Trust  agrees  that,  in the event that the Advisor
ceases to be the Fund's investment advisor for any reason, the Fund will (unless
the Advisor  otherwise  agrees in writing)  promptly take all necessary steps to
propose to the  shareholders at the next regular meeting that the Fund change to
a name not including the word  "Weston." The Trust agrees that the word "Weston"
in its name is derived  from the name of the Advisor and is the  property of the
Advisor for copyright and all other purposes and that therefore such word may be
freely used by the Advisor as to other investment activities or other investment

      18. This  Agreement may be amended by mutual  consent,  but the consent of
the Fund must be obtained in conformity with the requirements of the 1940 Act.

      19. This Agreement  shall be subject to all applicable  provisions of law,
including, without limitation, the applicable provisions of the 1940 Act.

      20. This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with
the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

      21. Compensation to be paid to the Advisor hereunder shall be separate and
distinct from organizational expenses, if any, to be reimbursed to the Advisor.

      22.  Limitation of Liability.  The  Declaration of Trust dated February 1,
1990,  as amended  from time to time,  establishing  the Trust,  which is hereby
referred  to  and a  copy  of  which  is on  file  with  the  Secretary  of  The
Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,  provides that the name Weston  Portfolios means
the Trustees  from time to time serving (as Trustees but not  personally)  under
Declaration  of  Trust.  It  is  expressly  acknowledged  and  agreed  that  the
obligations  of the  Trust  hereunder  shall  not  be  binding  upon  any of the
shareholders,  Trustees, officers, employees or agents of the Trust, personally,
but  shall  bind  only the trust  property  of the  Trust,  as  provided  in its
Declaration  of Trust.  The execution and delivery of this  Agreement  have been
authorized  by the  Trustees  of the Trust and  signed by the  President  of the
Trust,  acting as such, and neither such authorization by such Trustees nor such
execution  and delivery by such officer shall be deemed to have been made by any
of them  individually or to impose any liability on any of them personally,  but
shall bind only the trust  property of the Trust as provided in its  Declaration
of Trust.

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to
be  executed  by their  officers  designated  below as of the day and year first
above written.

                                    WESTON PORTFOLIOS


 [Corporate Seal]    Attest:_________________________________________________

                                    WESTON FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.


[Corporate Seal]     Attest:_________________________________________________