Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number 811-21829

Name of Fund:  BBH TRUST

		BBH U.S. Treasury Money Fund
		BBH Money Market Fund
                BBH Tax Exempt Money Fund

Fund Address:  140 Broadway
               	New York, NY  10005

Name and address of agent for service:
	Mark Nixon
	BBH Trust, 140 Broadway, New York, NY, 10005
  	Mailing address:  140 Broadway, New York, NY, 10005

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (800) 625-5759

Date of fiscal year end: 06/30/08

Date of reporting period: 07/01/07-12/31/07

ITEM 1 - Attach shareholder report

                                       BROWN [LOGO]

                               Semi-Annual Report
                                DECEMBER 31, 2007

                          BBH U.S. Treasury Money Fund

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)


                                                                      Percent of
                                                       U.S. $ Value   Net Assets
                                                       ------------   ----------
U.S. Treasury Bills................................    $63,727,206       91.8%
U.S. Treasury Note.................................      1,115,290        1.6
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities..............      4,586,233        6.6
                                                       -----------      -----
Net Assets.........................................    $69,428,729      100.0%
                                                       ===========      =====

All data as of December  31,  2007.  The Fund's  breakdown  by security  type is
expressed as a percentage of net assets and may vary over time.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

   Amount                                                               Value
- ------------                                                         -----------

               U.S. TREASURY BILLS (a) (91.8%)
$ 14,705,000   due 01/03/08, 4.246%.............................     $14,701,587
  12,395,000   due 01/10/08, 4.171%.............................      12,382,282
   8,655,000   due 02/07/08, 2.519%.............................       8,632,672
   4,610,000   due 03/06/08, 2.972%.............................       4,585,445
  10,000,000   due 04/10/08, 2.753%.............................       9,924,167
  11,625,000   due 05/22/08, 3.197%.............................      11,480,430
   2,050,000   due 06/12/08, 3.216%.............................       2,020,623
               Total U.S. Treasury Bills........................      63,727,206

               U.S. TREASURY NOTE (1.6%)
   1,125,000   due 05/15/08, 2.625%.............................       1,115,290
TOTAL INVESTMENTS, AT AMORTIZED COST..................    93.4%      $64,842,496
OTHER ASSETS IN EXCESS OF LIABILITIES.................     6.6         4,586,233
                                                         -----       -----------
NET ASSETS............................................   100.0%      $69,428,729
                                                         =====       ===========

- ----------
(a) Rates shown are yields to maturity at time of purchase.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

   Investments, at amortized cost...............................     $64,842,496
   Cash ........................................................       4,707,289
   Interest receivable and other assets.........................           3,733
      Total Assets..............................................      69,553,518

   Payables for:
      Professional fees.........................................          30,649
      Shareholder servicing fees................................          28,215
      Investment advisory fees..................................          18,809
      Administrative fees.......................................          13,206
      Dividends declared........................................           4,396
      Custody and accounting fees...............................           3,018
      Board of Trustees' fees...................................           1,000
   Accrued expenses and other liabilities.......................          25,496
      Total Liabilities.........................................         124,789
NET ASSETS, for 69,428,862 fund shares outstanding..............     $69,428,729
Net Assets Consist of:
   Paid in capital..............................................     $69,428,729
Net Assets                                                           $69,428,729

NET ASSET VALUE AND OFFERING PRICE PER SHARE....................           $1.00

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the six months ended December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

      Investment income...........................................   $1,393,988
      Shareholder servicing fees..................................       74,527
      Investment advisory fees....................................       49,685
      Administrative fees.........................................       33,123
      Professional fees...........................................       14,850
      State Registration fees.....................................       14,033
      Custody and accounting fees.................................       12,077
      Board of Trustees' fees.....................................        4,909
      Miscellaneous expenses......................................       39,380
        Total Expenses............................................      242,584
        Expense offset arrangement................................       (3,135)
        Net Expenses..............................................      239,449
   Net Investment Income..........................................   $1,154,539

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          5

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                             For the six
                                                                                            months ended                 For the
                                                                                          December 31, 2007            year ended
                                                                                             (unaudited)              June 30, 2007
                                                                                          -----------------           -------------
   From Operations:
      Net investment income ....................................................            $   1,154,539             $   3,842,702
   Dividends declared from net investment income ...............................               (1,154,539)               (3,842,702)
                                                                                            -------------             -------------
   From Fund Share (Principal) Transactions at
      Net Asset Value of $1.00 per share:
        Fund shares sold .......................................................              102,585,482               169,360,686
        Fund shares issued in reinvestment of dividends ........................                  443,600                 1,684,859
        Fund shares repurchased ................................................             (108,840,117)             (207,159,757)
                                                                                            -------------             -------------
           Net decrease in net assets resulting
           from fund share transactions ........................................               (5,811,035)              (36,114,212)
                                                                                            -------------             -------------
   Beginning of year ...........................................................               75,239,764               111,353,976
                                                                                            -------------             -------------
   End of period ...............................................................            $  69,428,729             $  75,239,764
                                                                                            =============             =============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected  per share  data and  ratios for a share  outstanding  throughout  each

                                          For the six
                                          months ended
                                          December 31,            For the years ended June 30,
                                              2007      ------------------------------------------------
                                          (unaudited)    2007       2006      2005      2004       2003
                                            ------      ------     ------    ------    ------     ------
Net asset value,
   beginning of year..................      $ 1.00      $ 1.00     $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00     $ 1.00
Income from investment
   Net investment
      income..........................        0.02        0.04       0.03      0.01      0.001      0.01
Dividends to shareholders
   from net investment
   income.............................       (0.02)      (0.04)     (0.03)    (0.01)    (0.00)(1)  (0.01)
                                            ------      ------     ------    ------    ------     ------
Net asset value,
   end of period......................      $ 1.00      $ 1.00     $ 1.00    $ 1.00    $ 1.00     $ 1.00
                                            ======      ======     ======    ======    ======     ======
Total return..........................        1.76%       4.45%      3.35%     1.41%     0.40%      0.91%
Ratios/Supplemental data:
   Net assets, end of period
      (in millions)...................         $69         $75       $111      $141      $117       $137
   Ratio of expenses to
      average net assets
      Net expenses paid
        by Fund.......................        0.72%(2)    0.62%      0.59%     0.56%     0.59%      0.57%
      Expense offset
        arrangement...................        0.01%(2)    0.01%      0.00%(3)  0.01%     0.00%(3)   0.00%(3)
                                            ------      ------     ------    ------    ------     ------
      Total expenses..................        0.73%(2)    0.63%      0.59%     0.57%     0.59%      0.57%
                                            ======      ======     ======    ======    ======     ======
   Ratio of net investment
      income to average
      net assets......................        3.49%(2)    4.36%      3.25%     1.49%     0.39%      0.92%

- ----------
(1) Less than $0.01 per share.

(2) Annualized.

(3) Less than 0.01%.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          7

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

1.    Organization and Significant  Accounting Policies. BBH U.S. Treasury Money
      Fund (the  "Fund")  is a  separate,  diversified  series of BBH Trust (the
      "Trust"), which is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
      amended. The Trust is an open-end management  investment company organized
      as a  Massachusetts  business trust on June 7, 1983 and  re-organized as a
      Delaware  statutory trust on June 12, 2007. The Fund commenced  operations
      on March 12, 1991. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to create
      an unlimited number of series, each of which may issue a separate class of
      shares.  The Trustees have authorized the issuance of an unlimited  number
      of shares of the Fund without a par value.  At December  31,  2007,  there
      were seven series of the Trust.

      The Fund's financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting
      principles  generally  accepted  in the United  States of  America,  which
      require  management to make certain  estimates and assumptions at the date
      of the  financial  statements  and are based,  in part,  on the  following
      accounting policies. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

      A.    Valuation  of  Investments.  The  Fund  values  its  investments  at
            amortized cost, which approximates  market value. The amortized cost
            method  values a security  at its cost at the time of  purchase  and
            thereafter  assumes  a  constant  amortization  to  maturity  of any
            discount  or  premium.  The  Fund's  use  of  amortized  cost  is in
            compliance with Rule 2a-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

      B.    Investment  Transactions  and Income.  Investment  transactions  are
            accounted for on the trade date.  Realized gains and losses, if any,
            from  investment   transactions  are  determined  on  the  basis  of
            identified  cost.  Interest income consists of interest  accrued and
            discount earned  (including both original issue and market discount)
            and premium  amortization  on the  investments of the Fund,  accrued
            ratably to the date of maturity.

      C.    Federal  Income  Taxes.  Each  series of the Trust is  treated  as a
            separate  entity for federal  income tax purposes.  It is the Fund's
            policy to comply with the  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue Code
            applicable  to  regulated  investment  companies  and to  distribute
            substantially  all  of  its  taxable  income  to  its  shareholders.
            Accordingly,  no  federal  income  tax  provision  is  required.  At
            December 31, 2007,  the cost of  investments  for federal income tax
            purposes  was  equal  to  the  amortized  cost  of  investments  for
            financial statement purposes.

      D.    Dividends and  Distributions  to  Shareholders.  Dividends  from net
            investment   income  are   declared   daily  and  paid   monthly  to
            shareholders.   The  Fund  declared   dividends  in  the  amount  of
            $1,154,539  during the six months ended  December 31, 2007. The Fund
            declared  dividends in the amounts of $3,842,702  and $3,683,261 for
            the years ended June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006,  respectively.  The
            tax character of the dividends  declared in the six months and years
            ended was 100% ordinary income.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

      E.    Accounting  Developments.  During the current year, the Fund adopted
            FASB  Interpretation  No. 48 "Accounting  for  Uncertainty in Income
            Taxes" ("FIN 48").  FIN 48 provides  guidance for how  uncertain tax
            positions should be recognized, measured, presented and disclosed in
            the  financial  statements.  FIN 48 requires the  evaluation  of tax
            positions  taken or expected to be taken in the course of  preparing
            the Fund's tax returns to determine  whether the tax  positions  are
            "more-likely-than-not"  of being  sustained  by the  applicable  tax
            authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not
            threshold  would be  recorded  as a tax  benefit  or  expense in the
            current year. The adoption of FIN 48 had no impact on the operations
            of the Fund for the period ended December 31, 2007.

            In September 2006,  Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No.
            157, Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157), was issued and is effective
            for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. SFAS 157 defines
            fair value,  establishes a framework  for  measuring  fair value and
            expands  disclosures  about fair value  measurements.  Management is
            currently  evaluating the  implication of SFAS 157. At this time its
            impact  on  the  Fund's  financial   statements  has  not  yet  been

2.    Transactions with Affiliates.

      Investment  Advisory and  Administrative  Fees.  Effective  June 12, 2007,
      under a combined Investment Advisory and Administrative Services Agreement
      ("Agreement")  with the  Trust,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.  ("BBH")
      provides  investment  advice,   portfolio  management  and  administrative
      services  to the  Fund.  BBH  receives  a  combined  fee from the Fund for
      investment advisory and administrative  services calculated daily and paid
      monthly at an annual  rate  equivalent  to 0.25% of the  Fund's  daily net
      assets.  Prior to June 12, 2007,  under a separate  agreement that covered
      only investment advisory fees, BBH received a fee from the Fund calculated
      daily and paid  monthly at an annual  rate of 0.15% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets and Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company,  LLC ("BBHTC")
      the Fund's  administrator,  under a separate  agreement  that covered only
      administrative services, received a fee from the Fund calculated daily and
      paid monthly at an annual rate  equivalent to 0.10% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets.  BBH has a  sub-administration  services  agreement with
      Federated  Services  Company  ("FSC") for which FSC receives  compensation
      paid by BBH. For the six months ended December 31, 2007, the Fund incurred
      $82,808 for investment advisory and administration services.

      Shareholder   Servicing  Fees.  The  Trust  has  a  shareholder  servicing
      agreement  with BBH for which BBH receives a fee from the Fund  calculated
      daily and paid  monthly at an annual rate of 0.225% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets.  For the six months ended  December  31, 2007,  the Fund
      incurred $74,527 for shareholder servicing services.

      Custody  and  Accounting  Fees.  BBH acts as a  custodian  and  receives a
      custody  and  accounting  fee  from  the Fund  calculated  daily  and paid
      monthly. The custody fee is a transaction based fee with an annual minimum
      of $20,000, and the accounting fee is calculated at 0.01% per annum on the

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

      $1 billion  of net  assets and 0.005% per annum on all net assets  over $1
      billion.  For the six months ended  December 31, 2007,  the Fund  incurred
      $12,077 for custody and  accounting  services.  These fees were reduced by
      $3,135  as a result  of an  expense  offset  arrangement  with the  Fund's
      custodian.  In the event  that the Fund is  overdrawn,  under the  custody
      agreement  with BBH,  BBH will make  overnight  loans to the Fund to cover
      overdrafts.  Pursuant to their agreement the Fund will be charged interest
      based  on LIBOR  on the day of  overdraft  plus  one  percent.  The  total
      interest  paid by the Fund for the six months ended  December 31, 2007 was

      Board of Trustees'  Fees.  Each Trustee  receives an annual fee as well as
      reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses from the Fund. For the
      six months ended December 31, 2007, the Fund incurred $4,909 for Trustees'

3.    Federal  Income Tax Status.  At June 30, 2007,  the Fund had a net capital
      loss  carryover,  which is available to offset future capital gains to the
      extent provided by regulations as follows:

                             Expiration date Amount
                       ---------------          -------
                        June 30, 2015           $12,199

      To the  extent  that this net  capital  loss  carryover  is used to offset
      future  capital  gains,  it is  probable  the gains so offset  will not be
      distributed to shareholders since any such distributions may be taxable to
      shareholders as ordinary income.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)


As a shareholder of BBH U.S. Treasury Money Fund (the "Fund"), you may incur two
types  of  costs:  (1)  transaction  costs  on  purchase  payments,   reinvested
dividends,  or other  distributions;  and exchange  fees; and (2) ongoing costs,
including management fees; and other Fund expenses.  This Example is intended to
help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and
to compare  these  costs with the ongoing  costs of  investing  in other  mutual

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the
period and held for the entire period (July 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007).


The first line of the table below  provides  information  about  actual  account
values and actual expenses.  You may use information in this line, together with
the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.
Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value
divided by $1,000 = 8.6),  then  multiply  the result by the number in the first
line under the heading  entitled  "Expenses  Paid During the Period" to estimate
the expenses you paid on your account during the period.


The second  line of the table  below  provides  information  about  hypothetical
account  values and  hypothetical  expenses  based on the Fund's actual  expense
ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not
the Fund's actual return.  The hypothetical  account values and expenses may not
be used to estimate  the actual  ending  account  balance or  expenses  you paid
during the period.  You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of
investing in the Fund and other funds.  To do so,  compare this 5%  hypothetical
example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports
of other funds.

Please note that the  expenses  shown in the table are meant to  highlight  your
ongoing  costs  only  and  do not  reflect  any  transactional  costs,  such  as
redemption  fees or exchange  fees.  Therefore,  the second line of the table is
useful in comparing  ongoing  costs only,  and will not help you  determine  the
relative  total  costs  of  owning  different  funds.  In  addition,   if  these
transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

                                                                            Expenses Paid
                                      Beginning           Ending             During Period
                                    Account Value      Account Value        July 1, 2007 to
                                    July 1, 2007     December 31, 2007   December 31, 2007(1)
                                    -------------    -----------------   --------------------
Actual......................           $1,000            $1,017.60               $3.65
Hypothetical(2).............           $1,000            $1,021.52               $3.66

- ----------
(1)   Expenses  are  equal to the  Fund's  annualized  expense  ratio of  0.72%,
      multiplied  by the average  account  value over the period,  multiplied by
      184/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

(2)   Assumes  a  return  of  5%  before  expenses.   For  the  purpose  of  the
      calculation,  the applicable  annualized  expense ratio is subtracted from
      the assumed return before expenses.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         11

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Approval of Investment Advisory/Administrative Services Agreement

At a meeting held on December 11, 2006,  the Board of Trustees  (the "Board") of
the Trust unanimously approved a new Combined Investment Advisory/Administrative
Services Agreement ("Combined  Agreement").  The Board determined that the terms
of the  Combined  Agreement  will be  substantially  identical  to  those of the
current  advisory and  administration  agreements of the Funds,  noting that the
most significant  difference in the Combined  Agreement is a single fee for both
advisory and administrative  services. The following is a summary of the factors
the Board took into consideration in making its determination to approve the new
Combined Agreement.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services Provided by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

The Board noted that, under the Combined Agreement in respect of each Fund, BBH,
subject to the  supervision of the Board,  will be  responsible  for providing a
continuous  investment  program  and  making  purchases  and sales of  portfolio
securities  consistent with the Funds' investment objective and policies.  Under
the Combined Agreement, BBH also provides administrative services to each Fund.

The Board  considered  the scope and  quality of  services to be provided by BBH
under the Combined  Agreement and noted that the scope of services  provided had
expanded over time, primarily, as a result of regulatory developments. The Board
noted that, for example,  BBH is responsible  for maintaining and monitoring its
own and, to varying degrees, the Funds' compliance program, and these compliance
programs  have  recently  been refined and  enhanced in light of new  regulatory
requirements.  The Board  considered the quality of the investment  research and
administrative  capabilities  of BBH and the other resources it has dedicated to
performing services for the Funds. The Board concluded that, overall,  they were
satisfied  with the  nature,  extent and  quality  of  services  expected  to be
provided to each of the Funds under the Combined Agreement.

Costs of Services Provided and Profitability to BBH

At  the  request  of  the  Board,  BBH  provided   information   concerning  the
profitability of BBH's current  investment  company advisory and other fees. The
Board also reviewed BBH's  profitability data for each Fund, which also included
the effect of revenue  generated by the shareholder  servicing,  administration,
custody and other fees paid by the Fund.  The Board  discussed the difficulty of
making  comparisons  of  profitability  because  comparative  information is not
generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors,  including the
structure  of  the  service  provider,   the  types  of  funds  it  manages  and
administers,  its business mix, numerous assumptions  regarding  allocations and
the entity's capital structure and cost of capital. In considering profitability
information,  the Board  considered  the effect of  fall-out  benefits  on BBH's
expenses,  as well as the "revenue  sharing"  arrangements  BBH has entered into
with certain


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

entities that distribute shares of the Funds. The Board focused on profitability
of BBH's  relationships  with the Funds before taxes and distribution  expenses.
The Board concluded that it was satisfied that BBH's level of profitability from
its relationship with each Fund was not excessive.

Fall-Out Benefits

The  Board   considered  that  BBH  does  not  allocate  the  Funds'   portfolio
transactions for third party research,  although it did benefit from proprietary
research  received  from brokers that execute the Funds'  purchases and sales of
securities.  The Board  recognized  that the  aggregate  amount  of  commissions
generated by Fund  transactions  was  unlikely to result in the Funds  receiving
from full service broker dealers substantial  discounts on commission rates. The
Board received and reviewed  information  concerning BBH's policies with respect
to allocating portfolio brokerage.

The Board also  considered  that BBH receives  shareholder  servicing  fees from
certain funds, and is the Funds' administrator, custodian and securities lending
agent.  The Board  noted that BBH  retained no portion of the 12b-1 fees paid by
any Fund that operated with a Rule 12b-1 plan. The Board  recognized  that BBH's
profitability would be somewhat lower if it did not receive proprietary research
for commissions or, if it did not receive the other benefits described above.

The Board recognized that most Fund shareholders were also BBH clients, and that
substantial  assets  are  invested  in  the  Funds  as a  result  of an  overall
investment  management  program  for the  shareholder.  The Board noted that the
Funds also derive  reputational  and other benefits from their  association with
BBH and their use of the BBH name,  which is licensed to the Funds by BBH. Thus,
the Board did not believe that BBH revenues  associated  with its clients should
be fairly regarded as "fallout" benefit from the Funds.

Economies of Scale

The Board  noted  that the Funds'  combined  fee  schedules,  other than the fee
schedule for BBH Money Market Fund, do not contain breakpoints.  As a result, if
assets  increase,  the fee rates  would not be  reduced  for these  Funds on the
incremental  assets.  With respect to the BBH Money Market Fund,  the breakpoint
will be reviewed every three (3) years by the Board, and may be adjusted upwards
to take into  account  the  effects of  inflation  or such other basis as may be
appropriate,  subject to the approval of  shareholders to the extent required by
the 1940 Act.

There may be other  economies of scale  because many  expenses did not rise (and
fall) proportionally to increases (and decreases) in total net assets. The Board
noted that BBH had priced its  services in  recognition  of the fact that it was
largely its own clients who were shareholders and, accordingly, sought to assure
that the cost of these  services and total  expenses for each Fund were fair and
reasonable. In

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         13

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

addition,  the Board noted that over the years BBH had  supported  certain Funds
through fee waivers and expense  reimbursements.  Based on information  they had
been  provided  over many  years,  the Board  observed  that in the mutual  fund
industry as a whole, as well as among funds similar to the Funds, there appeared
to be no uniformity or pattern in the fees and asset levels at which breakpoints
(if any) apply. In light of the Funds' current size and expense  structure,  the
Board  concluded that it was  unnecessary  at this time to consider  breakpoints
with respect to the Funds, other than for the BBH Money Market Fund.

Investment Results

The Board considered the investment  results of each of the Funds as compared to
investment  companies  with its peers and with one or more  selected  securities
indices.  In addition to the  information  received by the Board for the meeting
held on December 11, 2006, the Board received detailed  performance  information
for each Fund at each regular Board meeting during the year. At the meeting held
on December 11, 2006, the Board reviewed information showing performance of each
Fund  compared  to its peers  over the prior 1-,  3-,  and 5- year  periods  and
compared the  performance  information  to one or more  securities  indices over
comparable periods.

Combined Fee Rate

The  Board  considered  the fee rate to be paid by each  Fund to BBH.  The Board
recognized that it is difficult to make  comparisons of these fee rates, and the
combined advisory and  administration  fees, because there are variations in the
services that are included in the fees paid by other funds.

The Board considered the depth and range of services provided under the Combined
Agreement.  For example,  in addition to a continuous  investment  program,  BBH
provides,  among other things,  officers  (including the Funds' Chief Compliance
Officer and  officers to provide  required  certifications)  and  administrative
services,  such as  shareholder  communications,  and tax  compliance,  with the
attendant costs and exposure to liability. BBH also coordinates the provision of
services to the Funds by nonaffiliated service providers.

The following  factors specific to BBH U.S.  Treasury Money Fund also were noted
and considered by the Board in deciding to approve the Combined Agreement:

The Board  considered the 1-, 3- and 5-year  annualized total returns of the BBH
U.S. Treasury Money Fund versus the iMoneyNet (Treasury Retail). The Board noted
that the Fund  outperformed  or  performed  in line with that  average  over all
relevant  periods.  Moreover,  the Board  noted  that it  believes  to have been
appropriately  advised by BBH about its duration and average  weighted  maturity
decisions  during the  relevant  periods  and were  satisfied  overall  with the
competitiveness  of the  performance.  The Board  also  noted  that the BBH U.S.
Treasury Money Fund had successfully  maintained a stable net asset value of one
dollar at


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

all  times.  Taking  into  account  these  comparisons  and  the  other  factors
considered,  the  Trustees  concluded  that the BBH U.S.  Treasury  Money Fund's
investment results over time and its total expense ratio had been satisfactory.

Conflicts of Interest

As a general matter,  certain conflicts of interest may arise in connection with
a portfolio manager's  management of a Fund's investments,  on the one hand, and
the   investments  of  other  accounts  for  which  the  portfolio   manager  is
responsible, on the other. For example, it is possible that the various accounts
managed  could  have  different  investment  strategies  that,  at times,  might
conflict with one another to the possible detriment of the Fund.  Alternatively,
to the extent that the same investment opportunities might be desirable for more
than one account,  possible conflicts could arise in determining how to allocate
them.  Other  potential  conflicts might include  conflicts  created by specific
portfolio manager compensation arrangements, and conflicts relating to selection
of brokers or dealers to execute Fund portfolio  trades and/or  specific uses of
commissions  from  Fund  portfolio  trades  (for  example,  research,  or  "soft

BBH has adopted and implemented policies and procedures, including brokerage and
trade  allocation  policies  and  procedures,  which  it  believes  address  the
conflicts  associated with managing multiple  accounts for multiple clients.  In
addition,  BBH monitors a variety of areas,  including  compliance  with account
investment guidelines, the inclusion only of securities approved for purchase by
the BBH's Fixed Income Credit  Committee,  and compliance with the BBH's Code of
Ethics.  Finally,  BBH has structured the portfolio managers'  compensation in a
manner, and the Funds have adopted policies and procedures,  reasonably designed
to  safeguard  a Fund from  being  negatively  affected  as a result of any such
potential conflicts.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         15

NEW YORK, NY 10005

PITTSBURGH, PA 15237-7000

NEW YORK, NY 10005
(800) 625-5759

To obtain information or make shareholder inquiries:

By telephone:                             Call 1-800-575-1265
By E-mail send your request to:           bbhfunds@bbh.com
On the internet:                          www.bbhfunds.com

This report is submitted for the general  information of shareholders and is not
authorized  for  distribution  to  prospective   investors  unless  preceded  or
accompanied  by an  effective  prospectus.  Nothing  herein  contained  is to be
considered an offer of sale or a  solicitation  of an offer to buy shares of the
Fund. Such offering is made only by the prospectus, which includes details as to
offering price and other material information.

The Fund files with the SEC a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings, as of
the close of the first and third  quarters  of its fiscal  year,  on "Form N-Q."
Information on Form N-Q is available  without charge and upon request by calling
the Funds at the  toll-free  number  listed  above.  A text only  version can be
viewed online or downloaded  from the SEC's website at  http://www.sec.gov;  and
may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington,  DC
(call  1-800-SEC-0330  for information on the operation of the Public  Reference
Room).  You may also access this  information from the BBH website at BBH.com by
clicking  on  "BBH  Mutual  Funds"  and  selecting  "Online   Documents/Holdings

A copy of the Fund's  Proxy Voting  Policy is available  upon request by calling
the  toll-free  number listed  above.  A text-only  version of the policy can be
viewed online or downloaded from the SEC at www.sec.gov.

                                         BROWN [LOGO]

                                         BROWN [LOGO]

                                    Semi-Annual Report
                                    DECEMBER 31, 2007

                                  BBH MONEY MARKET FUND

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

                                                                      Percent of
                                                     U.S. $ Value     Net Assets
                                                    --------------    ----------
Certificates of Deposit............................ $  468,618,638       19.0%
Commercial Paper...................................  1,134,742,974       46.1
Corporate Bonds....................................    308,257,589       12.5
Municipal Bonds....................................     96,354,700        3.9
Mutual Fund........................................     34,513,000        1.4
U.S. Government Agency Obligations.................     87,211,576        3.6
Repurchase Agreements..............................    325,000,000       13.2
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities..............      7,196,245        0.3
                                                    --------------      -----
Net Assets......................................... $2,461,894,722      100.0%
                                                    ==============      =====

All data as of December  31,  2007.  The Fund's  breakdown  by security  type is
expressed as a percentage of net assets and may vary over time.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                                     Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                                        Date        Rate              Value
- -----------                                                                    --------    --------        ------------
                CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (19.0%)
$15,400,000     Abbey National Treasury Services ..........................     01/07/08     5.150%     $   15,400,000
 10,000,000     Abbey National Treasury Services ..........................     01/22/08     5.080          10,000,796
 25,000,000     Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria ...........................     01/04/08     5.240          25,000,021
 15,000,000     Bank of Montreal(1) .......................................     10/31/08     5.050          15,000,642
 25,400,000     Bank of Nova Scotia .......................................     02/27/08     4.960          25,400,397
 27,875,000     Bank of Scotland, Plc .....................................     03/17/08     5.060          27,878,446
 25,000,000     Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ ..............................     06/04/08     5.340          25,000,510
 25,000,000     Barclays Bank, Plc ........................................     01/23/08     5.070          25,001,056
 12,500,000     Barclays Bank, Plc ........................................     02/29/08     5.250          12,504,776
 25,000,000     Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ........................     01/31/08     4.760          25,000,206
 25,000,000     Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce(1) .....................     03/17/08     5.118          24,998,433
 15,000,000     Citibank NA ...............................................     01/23/08     4.810          15,000,091
 10,000,000     Credit Suisse, New York ...................................     05/21/08     5.300          10,000,372
  9,000,000     Credit Suisse, New York ...................................     06/13/08     4.900           9,000,400
 25,000,000     Depfa Bank, Plc ...........................................     01/18/08     5.180          25,000,000
 16,750,000     HBOS Treasury Services ....................................     05/29/08     5.335          16,741,578
 20,750,000     Lloyds TSB Bank, Plc ......................................     01/25/08     4.855          20,750,137
 21,000,000     M&I Marshall & Ilsley Bank ................................     02/11/08     4.800          21,000,000
 25,000,000     Royal Bank of Scotland, Plc ...............................     01/29/08     4.800          25,000,000
  9,700,000     Royal Bank of Scotland, Plc.(1) ...........................     03/26/08     4.810           9,695,749
  5,000,000     Suntrust Bank(1) ..........................................     04/21/08     5.180           5,000,376
 25,000,000     Toronto Dominion Bank .....................................     01/07/08     4.710          25,000,041
  5,250,000     Unicredito Italiano, New York(1) ..........................     05/02/08     5.215           5,242,952
 25,000,000     Westpac Banking Corp. .....................................     01/25/08     4.900          25,000,823
 25,000,000     Wilmington Trust Co. ......................................     01/09/08     5.360          25,000,836
                Total Certificates of Deposit .............................                                468,618,638

                COMMERCIAL PAPER (46.1%)
  4,500,000     Abbey National North America LLC ..........................     01/08/08     4.708           4,495,914
  5,499,000     ABN-AMRO NA ...............................................     01/14/08     5.075           5,488,972
 25,000,000     Aegon Funding Corp. .......................................     01/23/08     5.034          24,924,069
 21,000,000     Archer Daniels Midland Co. ................................     01/17/08     4.515          20,958,093
 25,000,000     Archer Daniels Midland Co. ................................     01/29/08     4.556          24,912,111
 25,000,000     Bank of America Corp. .....................................     03/20/08     4.828          24,739,410
 19,600,000     Brown University ..........................................     01/04/08     4.615          19,592,487

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                                     Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                                        Date        Rate              Value
- -----------                                                                    --------    --------        ------------
                COMMERCIAL PAPER (continued)
$ 10,000,000    Calyon North America, Inc. ................................     03/11/08     5.013%     $    9,903,750
  28,100,000    Catholic Health Initiative ................................     02/12/08     4.800          28,100,000
  14,800,000    Catholic Health Initiative ................................     05/05/08     4.960          14,800,000
  25,000,000    CBA (Delaware) Finance ....................................     02/19/08     4.941          24,833,966
  24,000,000    City of Chicago, Illinois .................................     01/14/08     4.766          23,958,833
  22,505,000    City of Chicago, Illinois .................................     06/04/08     4.912          22,040,335
  40,050,000    Columbia University .......................................     01/02/08     4.698          40,044,793
  11,900,000    ConocoPhillips Co. ........................................     01/08/08     4.582          11,889,472
  15,000,000    ConocoPhillips Co. ........................................     01/23/08     4.890          14,955,725
  10,000,000    Cornell University ........................................     01/09/08     4.633           9,989,778
  25,000,000    Cornell University ........................................     01/10/08     4.261          24,973,437
  10,000,000    Cornell University ........................................     02/05/08     4.582           9,955,764
  25,000,000    Danske Corp. ..............................................     01/31/08     4.705          24,903,125
   7,100,000    De Kalb County, Georgia Development
                   Authority Revenue(1)....................................     03/03/08     5.140           7,100,000
  25,000,000    Dover Corp. ...............................................     01/14/08     4.333          24,961,000
  10,650,000    Duke University ...........................................     01/11/08     4.366          10,637,131
  25,000,000    Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. ...................     01/15/08     4.707          24,954,597
  15,000,000    HSBC USA, Inc. ............................................     01/10/08     5.342          14,980,500
  20,000,000    HVB US Finance, Inc. ......................................     01/07/08     5.221          19,982,833
  20,000,000    ING (US) Funding LLC ......................................     01/04/08     4.710          19,992,217
  25,000,000    ING (US) Funding LLC ......................................     01/14/08     5.110          24,954,455
  10,000,000    International Lease Finance Corp. .........................     02/06/08     4.796           9,952,500
   7,000,000    John Deere Credit Ltd. ....................................     01/18/08     4.576           6,984,960
  12,000,000    Johns Hopkins University ..................................     01/14/08     4.700          12,000,000
  25,100,000    Johns Hopkins University ..................................     01/16/08     4.700          25,100,000
  50,000,000    Koch Resources LLC ........................................     01/02/08     4.041          49,994,389
  20,000,000    Leggett & Platt, Inc. .....................................     01/02/08     3.901          19,997,833
  20,000,000    Leggett & Platt, Inc. .....................................     01/22/08     4.617          19,946,683
  25,000,000    Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. ............................     01/02/08     4.251          24,997,048
  25,000,000    Los Angeles Department of Airports.. ......................     01/09/08     4.784          24,973,889
  15,000,000    Michigan State ............................................     10/28/08     4.900          15,000,000
  25,000,000    National Australia Funding
                  (Delaware), Inc. ........................................     01/07/08     4.728          24,980,458
  25,000,000    North Carolina State ......................................     02/06/08     4.950          25,000,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                                     Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                                        Date        Rate              Value
- -----------                                                                    --------    --------        ------------
                COMMERCIAL PAPER (continued)
$  5,500,000    Northwestern University ...................................     01/16/08     4.585%     $    5,489,573
  50,000,000    Rabobank USA Finance Corp. ................................     01/02/08     3.741          49,994,805
  25,000,000    Rabobank USA Finance Corp. ................................     02/20/08     4.854          24,833,507
  10,000,000    Rights of University of California.. ......................     01/09/08     4.702           9,989,778
   7,000,000    Rutgers State University ..................................     02/01/08     5.050           7,000,000
   6,500,000    Rutgers State University ..................................     02/01/08     5.100           6,500,000
  25,000,000    San Paolo IMI US Financial Co. ............................     01/31/08     4.908          24,898,750
  25,000,000    Societe Generale ..........................................     02/01/08     4.846          24,896,990
  17,000,000    Southern Company Funding Corp. ............................     01/14/08     4.574          16,972,068
   7,000,000    Southern Company Funding Corp. ............................     01/16/08     4.679           6,986,438
  23,277,000    Southern Company Funding Corp. ............................     01/17/08     4.594          23,229,722
  13,588,000    Tennessee State School Bond ...............................     01/17/08     4.550          13,588,000
  30,000,000    UBS Finance Delaware LLC ..................................     01/02/08     4.232          29,996,475
  25,000,000    UBS Finance Delaware LLC ..................................     03/19/08     4.910          24,738,375
  10,000,000    Unicredito Italiano Bank ..................................     06/02/08     5.447           9,780,275
   5,000,000    University of Texas System
                   Board of Regents .......................................     01/07/08     4.700           5,000,000
  25,000,000    Walnut Energy Center Authority ............................     02/07/08     4.735          24,879,236
  15,000,000    Walt Disney Co. ...........................................     02/15/08     4.541          14,915,625
  14,200,000    Walt Disney Co. ...........................................     02/21/08     4.580          14,108,872
   5,000,000    Yale University ...........................................     01/11/08     4.366           4,993,958
                Total Commercial Paper ....................................                              1,134,742,974

                CORPORATE BONDS (12.5%)
  10,000,000    Associates Corp. of North America .........................     11/01/08     6.250          10,103,370
  12,000,000    BNP Paribas(1) ............................................     07/03/08     5.165          11,997,601
   5,000,000    Credit Suisse USA, Inc.(1) ................................     06/02/08     5.234           5,002,906
   3,230,000    Dell, Inc. ................................................     04/15/08     6.550           3,241,936
  15,550,000    General Electric Capital Corp.(1) .........................     01/03/08     5.290          15,550,204
  25,000,000    General Electric Capital Corp.(1) .........................     05/19/08     5.025          24,998,289
   2,500,000    General Electric Capital Corp.(1) .........................     08/22/08     4.966           2,498,415
   1,747,000    General Electric Capital Corp. ............................     10/15/08     3.600           1,732,927
   3,750,000    General Electric Capital Corp.(1) .........................     10/24/08     5.065           3,749,279
   4,900,000    Hewlett-Packard Co. .......................................     03/15/08     3.625           4,883,500
  10,000,000    HSBC Finance Corp. ........................................     03/11/08     4.125           9,977,186

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          5

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                                     Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                                        Date        Rate              Value
- -----------                                                                    --------    --------        ------------
                CORPORATE BONDS (continued)
$  4,420,000    HSBC Finance Corp. ........................................     06/17/08     6.400%     $    4,444,894
  15,850,000    International Lease Finance Corp. .........................     06/02/08     4.625          15,803,897
   7,500,000    John Deere Capital Corp. ..................................     01/15/08     3.900           7,495,934
   6,850,000    John Deere Capital Corp.(1) ...............................     09/25/08     5.038           6,850,000
   5,000,000    JP Morgan Chase & Co. .....................................     10/15/08     5.750           5,040,200
  20,000,000    JP Morgan Chase & Co.(1) ..................................     12/22/08     4.934          19,962,652
  10,000,000    Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. ............................     08/07/08     3.500           9,890,044
  20,000,000    Morgan Stanley(1) .........................................     01/11/08     4.618          19,995,375
   4,062,000    Morgan Stanley ............................................     04/01/08     3.625           4,045,702
  15,250,000    National Rural Utilities Cooperative
                   Finance Corp. ..........................................     02/15/08     3.875          15,227,099
  20,000,000    NGSP, Inc.(1) .............................................     06/01/46     5.100          20,000,000
  25,000,000    PNC Bank NA(1) ............................................     01/02/08     5.170          24,999,983
  19,920,000    PNC Funding Corp. .........................................     03/10/08     4.200          19,878,888
  25,000,000    Wachovia Bank NA(1) .......................................     10/03/08     4.320          24,919,032
  16,000,000    Wells Fargo & Co. .........................................     03/10/08     4.125          15,968,276
                Total Corporate Bonds .....................................                                308,257,589

                MUNICIPAL BONDS (3.9%)
   5,500,000    Broward County, Florida, Airport
                   Facility Revenue(1) ....................................     01/02/08     5.100           5,500,000
   5,470,000    Cleveland, Ohio Airport System
                   Revenue ................................................     01/01/17     7.000           5,524,700
  33,600,000    New York City Transitional Finance
                   Authority(1) ...........................................     01/02/08     4.950          33,600,000
  10,745,000    Portland, Maine(1) ........................................     01/02/08     4.850          10,745,000
   1,935,000    Private Colleges & Universities
                   Authority(1) ...........................................     01/02/08     4.850           1,935,000
  36,000,000    Texas State(1) ............................................     01/02/08     5.080          36,000,000
   3,050,000    Texas State(1) ............................................     01/03/08     5.000           3,050,000
                Total Municipal Bonds .....................................                                 96,354,700

                MUTUAL FUND (1.4%)
 34,513,000     Reserve U.S. Government Fund 12 ...........................     12/01/49     5.053          34,513,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                                     Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                                        Date        Rate              Value
- -----------                                                                    --------    --------        ------------
                U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCY
                OBLIGATIONS (3.6%)
$ 25,000,000    Federal Home Loan Bank ....................................     01/16/08     4.354%     $   24,954,792
  25,000,000    Federal National Mortgage Assoc ...........................     01/24/08     4.328          24,931,160
  12,490,000    Federal National Mortgage Assoc ...........................     03/20/08     4.292          12,373,513
  25,000,000    Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. ..........................     01/17/08     4.324          24,952,111
                Total U.S. Government Agency
                Obligations ...............................................                                 87,211,576

                REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS (13.2%)
 75,000,000     BNP Paribas (Agreement dated 12/31/07
                collateralized by FNMA 6.000%,
                due 12/01/37, value $76,500,001) .........................      01/02/08     4.500          75,000,000
100,000,000     Deutsche Bank (Agreement dated 12/31/07
                collateralized by FMAC 4.500%-6.500%,
                due 09/01/20-11/01/36, value
                $77,600,436; and FNMA 5.367%,
                due 04/01/37, value $24,399,564).........................      01/02/08     4.750         100,000,000
 75,000,000     Royal Bank of Canada (Agreement dated 12/31/07
                collateralized by FMAC 4.500%-7.000%,
                due 01/01/22-11/01/37, value $25,921,536;
                FNMA 3.843%-6.500%, due 07/01/19-09/01/47,
                value $38,764,685, and GNMA 5.000%-7.000%,
                due 09/15/33-09/20/37, value $11,813,780) ................      01/02/08     4.750          75,000,000
 75,000,000     Societe Generale (Agreement dated
                12/31/07 collateralized by FNMA
                4.500%-7.220%, due 10/01/33-08/01/45,
                value $76,500,000) .......................................      01/02/08     4.600          75,000,000
                Total Repurchase Agreements ..............................                                 325,000,000

TOTAL INVESTMENTS AT AMORTIZED COST ......................................                    99.7%     $2,454,698,477
OTHER ASSETS IN EXCESS OF LIABILITIES ....................................                     0.3           7,196,245
                                                                                             -----      --------------
NET ASSETS ...............................................................                   100.0%     $2,461,894,722
                                                                                             =====      ==============

- ----------
(1)   Variable rate instrument. Interest rates change on specific dates (such as
      coupon or interest payment date). The yield shown represents the December
      31, 2007 coupon or interest rate.

FMAC - Financial Markets Association of Canada
FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association
GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          7

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

   Investments, at amortized cost ...........................     $2,129,698,477
   Repurchase agreements ....................................        325,000,000
   Interest and other receivables ...........................          9,366,714
       Total Assets .........................................      2,464,065,191

   Due to Brown Brothers Harriman ...........................            140,770
   Payables for:
     Administrative fees ....................................            893,896
     Dividends declared .....................................            561,627
     Shareholder servicing fees .............................            269,606
     Custody and accounting fees ............................             64,000
     Professional fees ......................................             61,820
     Board of Trustees' fees ................................              4,505
   Accrued expenses and other liabilities ...................            174,245
       Total Liabilities ....................................          2,170,469

NET ASSETS ..................................................     $2,461,894,722
Net Assets Consist of:
   Paid in capital ..........................................     $2,461,894,722
Net Assets ..................................................     $2,461,894,722

   ($1,390,629,255 / 1,390,628,772 shares outstanding) ......              $1.00
   ($1,071,265,467 / 1,071,265,950 shares outstanding) ......              $1.00

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the six months ended December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

     Investment income .........................................     $61,460,952
     Investment advisory and administrative fees ...............       2,553,346
     Shareholder servicing fees ................................       1,630,569
     Custody and accounting fees ...............................         167,585
     Board of Trustees' fees ...................................          90,877
     Professional fees .........................................          68,481
     Miscellaneous expenses ....................................         240,977
       Total Expenses ..........................................       4,751,835
   Net Investment Income .......................................     $56,709,117

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  For the six
                                                                  months ended            For the
                                                                December 31, 2007        year ended
                                                                   (unaudited)         June 30, 2007
                                                                -----------------      -------------
   From Operations:
     Net investment income .................................     $    56,709,117      $    86,186,394
                                                                 ---------------      ---------------
   Dividends and distributions declared:
     From net investment income:
       Regular Shares ......................................         (30,163,666)         (67,612,111)
       Institutional Shares ................................         (26,545,451)         (18,574,283)
                                                                 ---------------      ---------------
         Total dividends and distributions declared. .......         (56,709,117)         (86,186,394)
                                                                 ---------------      ---------------
   From Fund Share (Principal) Transactions at
     Net Asset Value of $1.00 per share:
       Fund shares sold ....................................       1,609,701,109        3,932,442,373
       Fund shares issued in reinvestment of dividends .....          20,265,298           39,649,577
       Fund shares repurchased .............................      (1,479,885,719)      (3,165,839,507)
                                                                 ---------------      ---------------
         Net increase in net assets resulting
           from fund share transactions ....................         150,080,688          806,252,443
                                                                 ---------------      ---------------
   Beginning of year .......................................       2,311,814,034        1,505,561,591
                                                                 ---------------      ---------------
   End of period ...........................................     $ 2,461,894,722      $ 2,311,814,034
                                                                 ===============      ===============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected per share data and ratios for a Regular share outstanding throughout
each period

                                     For the six
                                     months ended
                                     December 31,                        For the years ended June 30,
                                        2007          -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                     (unaudited)       2007           2006           2005           2004           2003
                                     ------------     ------         ------         ------         ------         ------
Net asset value,
   beginning of year .............     $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $1.00
Income from investment
   Net investment
     income ......................       0.02           0.05           0.04           0.01           0.01           0.01
Dividends to shareholders from
   net investment income .........      (0.02)         (0.05)         (0.04)         (0.01)         (0.01)         (0.01)
                                       ------         ------         ------         ------         ------        ------
Net asset value,
   end of period .................     $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $ 1.00         $ 1.00        $ 1.00
                                       ======         ======         ======         ======         ======        ======
Total return .....................       2.36%          4.97%          3.76%          1.72%          0.59%         1.06%
Ratios/ Supplemental data:
   Net assets, end of period
     (in millions) ...............     $1,391         $1,172         $1,506         $1,258         $1,375        $1,459
   Ratio of expenses to
     average net assets ..........       0.51%(1)       0.51%(2)       0.53%(2)       0.52%(2)       0.52%(2)      0.52%(2)
   Ratio of net investment
     income to average
     net assets ..................       4.63%(1)       4.79%(2)       3.75%(2)       1.70%(2)       0.59%(2)      1.05%(2)

- ----------
(1)   Annualized.

(2)   Ratios include the Fund's share income, expenses paid by, and the expense
      offset arrangement of, the BBH US Money Market Portfolio, which the Fund
      invested in through June 12, 2007, as appropriate.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         11

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected per share data and ratios for an Institutional share outstanding
throughout the period

                                                                                       For the period from
                                                                   For the six           January 26, 2007
                                                                   months ended          (commencement of
                                                                December 31, 2007      operations) through
                                                                    (unaudited)           June 30, 2007
                                                                -----------------      -------------------
Net asset value, beginning of period .......................          $ 1.00                 $ 1.00
Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income ...................................            0.02                   0.02
Dividends to shareholders from net investment income .......           (0.02)                 (0.02)
                                                                      ------                 ------
Net asset value, end of period .............................          $ 1.00                 $ 1.00
                                                                      ======                 ======
Total return ...............................................            2.48%                  2.21%(1)
Ratios/ Supplemental data:
   Net assets, end of period (in millions) .................          $1,071                 $1,140

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets..................            0.26%(2)               0.26%(2),(3)
   Ratio of net investment income to average net assets ....            4.87%(2)               5.07%(2),(3)

- ----------
(1)   Inception to date return.

(2)   Annualized.

(3)   Ratios include the Fund's share of income, expenses paid by, and the
      expense offset arrangement of, the BBH US Money Market Portfolio, which
      the Fund invested in through June 12, 2007, as appropriate.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

1.    Organization and Significant  Accounting  Policies.  BBH Money Market Fund
      (the "Fund") is a separate, diversified series of BBH Trust (the "Trust"),
      which is registered under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended.
      The Trust is an open-end  management  investment  company  organized  as a
      Massachusetts  business  trust  on  June 7,  1983  and  re-organized  as a
      Delaware  statutory trust on June 12, 2007. The Fund commenced  operations
      on December 12, 1983.  The  Declaration  of Trust  permits the Trustees to
      create an unlimited  number of series,  each of which may issue a separate
      class of shares.  The Fund established a new class of shares designated as
      "Institutional  Shares".  Institutional Shares opened on December 19, 2006
      and  commenced   operations  on  January  26,  2007.  Regular  Shares  and
      Institutional  Shares have different operating  expenses.  At December 31,
      2007, there were seven series of the Trust.

      Prior to June 12, 2007 the Fund invested all of its  investable  assets in
      the BBH U.S.  Money Market  Portfolio  (the  "Portfolio"),  a diversified,
      open-end   management   investment  company  having  the  same  investment
      objectives  as the Fund.  Effective  June 12, 2007,  the Fund redeemed its
      shares of the Portfolio and began  investing  its assets  directly.  There
      were no changes to the Fund's investment  policies and  restrictions.  The
      Fund recorded its share of the Portfolios' income and expenses daily until
      the date of the redemption.

      The Fund's financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting
      principles  generally  accepted  in the United  States of  America,  which
      require  management to make certain  estimates and assumptions at the date
      of the  financial  statements  and are based,  in part,  on the  following
      accounting policies. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

      A.    Valuation  of  Investments.  The  Fund  values  its  investments  at
            amortized cost, which approximates  market value. The amortized cost
            method  values a security  at its cost at the time of  purchase  and
            thereafter  assumes  a  constant  amortization  to  maturity  of any
            discount  or  premium.  The  Fund's  use  of  amortized  cost  is in
            compliance with Rule 2a-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

      B.    Investment  Transactions  and Income.  Investment  transactions  are
            accounted for on the trade date.  Realized gains and losses, if any,
            from  investment   transactions  are  determined  on  the  basis  of
            identified  cost.  Interest income consists of interest  accrued and
            discount earned  (including both original issue and market discount)
            and premium  amortization  on the  investments of the Fund,  accrued
            ratably to the date of maturity.

      C.    Repurchase Agreements. The Fund may enter into repurchase agreements
            with primary dealers of U.S. Government Obligations as designated by
            the Federal  Reserve  Bank of New York.  Repurchase  agreements  are
            transactions in which the Fund buys a security from a dealer or bank
            and agrees to sell the security back at a mutually  agreed upon time
            and price. The repurchase  price exceeds the sale price,  reflecting
            the Fund's return on the  transaction  or  effectively  the interest
            rate paid by the

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         13

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

            dealer to the Fund. This return is unrelated to the interest rate on
            the  underlying  security.  The  Fund  will  enter  into  repurchase
            agreements   only  with   banks  and  other   recognized   financial
            institutions, such as securities dealers, deemed creditworthy by the
            Investment Adviser.  The Fund's custodian or sub-custodian will take
            possession of the securities subject to repurchase  agreements.  The
            Investment  Adviser or  sub-custodian  will monitor the value of the
            underlying  security  each  day to  ensure  that  the  value  of the
            security always equals or exceeds the repurchase  price.  Repurchase
            agreements  are  subject  to  credit  risks.  Information  regarding
            repurchase agreements is included in the Portfolio of Investments.

      D.    Federal  Income  Taxes.  Each  series of the Trust is  treated  as a
            separate  entity for federal  income tax purposes.  It is the Fund's
            policy to comply with the  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue Code
            applicable  to  regulated  investment  companies  and to  distribute
            substantially  all  of  its  taxable  income  to  its  shareholders.
            Accordingly,  no  federal  income  tax  provision  is  required.  At
            December 31, 2007,  the cost of  investments  for federal income tax
            purposes  was  equal  to  the  amortized  cost  of  investments  for
            financial statement purposes.

      E.    Dividends and  Distributions  to  Shareholders.  Dividends  from net
            investment   income  are   declared   daily  and  paid   monthly  to
            shareholders.   The  Fund  declared  dividends  in  the  amounts  of
            $30,163,666   and   $26,545,451   to   Regular   and   Institutional
            shareholders, respectively, during the six months ended December 31,
            2007. The Fund declared  dividends in the amount of $67,612,111  and
            $18,574,283  to Regular and  Institutional  shareholders  during the
            year  ended  June  30,  2007.  The tax  character  of the  dividends
            declared in the six months and year ended was 100% ordinary income.

      F.    Accounting  Developments.  During the current year, the Fund adopted
            FASB  Interpretation  No. 48 "Accounting  for  Uncertainty in Income
            Taxes" ("FIN 48").  FIN 48 provides  guidance for how  uncertain tax
            positions should be recognized, measured, presented and disclosed in
            the  financial  statements.  FIN 48 requires the  evaluation  of tax
            positions  taken or expected to be taken in the course of  preparing
            the Fund's tax returns to determine  whether the tax  positions  are
            "more-likely-than-not"  of being  sustained  by the  applicable  tax
            authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not
            threshold  would be  recorded  as a tax  benefit  or  expense in the
            current year. The adoption of FIN 48 had no impact on the operations
            of the Fund for the period ended December 31, 2007.

            In September 2006,  Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No.
            157, Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157), was issued and is effective
            for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. SFAS 157 defines
            fair value,  establishes a framework  for  measuring  fair value and
            expands  disclosures  about fair value  measurements.  Management is
            currently  evaluating the  implication of SFAS 157. At this time its
            impact  on  the  Fund's  financial   statements  has  not  yet  been


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

2.    Transactions with Affiliates.

      Investment  Advisory and  Administrative  Fees.  Effective  June 12, 2007,
      under a combined Investment Advisory and Administrative Services Agreement
      ("Agreement")  with the  Trust,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.  ("BBH")
      provides  investment  advice,   portfolio  management  and  administrative
      services  to the  Fund.  BBH  receives  a  combined  fee from the Fund for
      investment advisory and administrative  services calculated daily and paid
      monthly at an annual rate equivalent to 0.25% on the first  $1,000,000,000
      of the Fund's  average  daily net  assets and 0.20% of the Fund's  average
      daily net  assets in excess  of  $1,000,000,000.  Prior to June 12,  2007,
      under a separate agreement that covered only investment advisory fees, BBH
      received a fee from the Fund calculated  daily and paid monthly.  This fee
      was  allocated to the Fund from the  Portfolio in which the Fund  invested
      and was calculated at an annual rate of 0.15% of the  Portfolio's  average
      daily net assets. Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company, LLC ("BBHTC") the
      Fund's  administrator,  under  a  separate  agreement  that  covered  only
      administrative services, received a fee from the Fund calculated daily and
      paid monthly at an annual rate  equivalent to 0.10% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets.  BBH has a  sub-administration  services  agreement with
      Federated  Services  Company  ("FSC") for which FSC receives  compensation
      paid by BBH. For the six months ended December 31, 2007, the Fund incurred
      $2,553,346 for investment advisory and administrative services.

      Shareholder   Servicing  Fees.  The  Trust  has  a  shareholder  servicing
      agreement  with Brown Brothers  Harriman  ("BBH") for which BBH receives a
      fee from the Fund  calculated  daily and paid monthly at an annual rate of
      0.25% of the Regular shares' average daily net assets.  For the six months
      ended  December 31, 2007,  the Fund incurred  $1,630,569  for  shareholder
      servicing services.

      Custody  and  Accounting  Fees.  BBH acts as a  custodian  and  receives a
      custody  and  accounting  fee  from  the Fund  calculated  daily  and paid
      monthly. The custody fee is a transaction based fee with an annual minimum
      of $20,000, and the accounting fee is calculated at 0.01% per annum on the
      first $1 billion of net assets and 0.005% per annum on all net assets over
      $1 billion.  For the six months ended December 31, 2007, the Fund incurred
      $167,585 for custody and accounting  services.  In the event that the Fund
      is  overdrawn,  under  the  custody  agreement  with  BBH,  BBH will  make
      overnight  loans  to the  Fund to  cover  overdrafts.  Pursuant  to  their
      agreement the Fund will be charged  interest  based on LIBOR on the day of
      the overdraft  plus one percent.  The total  interest paid by the Fund for
      the six months ended December 31, 2007 was $12,577.

      Board of Trustees'  Fees.  Each Trustee  receives an annual fee as well as
      reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses from the Fund. For the
      six  months  ended  December  31,  2007,  the Fund  incurred  $90,877  for
      Trustees' fees.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         15

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

3.    Capital  Stock.  The Trust is permitted  to issue an  unlimited  number of
      Regular Shares and Institutional Shares of capital stock, at no par value.
      Transactions in shares of capital stock were as follows:

                                                      For the six
                                                     months ended             For the
                                                   December 31, 2007        year ended
                                                      (unaudited)          June 30, 2007
                                                   -----------------     ------------------
Regular Shares
Capital stock sold .............................      874,416,155          2,210,338,409
Capital stock issued in connection with
   reinvestment of dividends ...................       11,054,171             31,844,261
Capital stock redeemed .........................     (666,967,931)        (2,575,617,884)
                                                     ------------         --------------
Net increase (decrease) ........................      218,502,395           (333,435,214)
                                                     ============         ==============

                                                                        For the period from
                                                      For the six        January 26, 2007
                                                     months ended        (commencement of
                                                   December 31, 2007      operations) to
                                                      (unaudited)          June 30, 2007
                                                   -----------------    -------------------
Institutional Shares
Capital stock sold .............................      735,284,954          1,722,103,964
Capital stock issued in connection with
   reinvestment of dividends ...................        9,211,127              7,805,316
Capital stock redeemed .........................     (812,917,788)          (590,221,623)
                                                     ------------           ------------
Net increase (decrease) ........................      (68,421,707)         1,139,687,657
                                                     ============           ============


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)


As a shareholder of BBH Money Market Fund (the "Fund"),  you may incur two types
of costs: (1) transaction costs on purchase payments,  reinvested dividends,  or
other  distributions;  and  exchange  fees;  and (2)  ongoing  costs,  including
management  fees; and other Fund expenses.  This Example is intended to help you
understand  your  ongoing  costs (in  dollars) of  investing  in the Fund and to
compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the
period and held for the entire period (July 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007).


The first line of the table below  provides  information  about  actual  account
values and actual expenses.  You may use information in this line, together with
the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.
Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value
divided by $1,000 = 8.6),  then  multiply  the result by the number in the first
line under the heading  entitled  "Expenses  Paid During the Period" to estimate
the expenses you paid on your account during the period.


The second  line of the table  below  provides  information  about  hypothetical
account  values and  hypothetical  expenses  based on the Fund's actual  expense
ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not
the Fund's actual return.  The hypothetical  account values and expenses may not
be used to estimate  the actual  ending  account  balance or  expenses  you paid
during the period.  You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of
investing in the Fund and other funds.  To do so,  compare this 5%  hypothetical
example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports
of other funds.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         17

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Please note that the  expenses  shown in the table are meant to  highlight  your
ongoing  costs  only  and  do not  reflect  any  transactional  costs,  such  as
redemption  fees or exchange  fees.  Therefore,  the second line of the table is
useful in comparing  ongoing  costs only,  and will not help you  determine  the
relative  total  costs  of  owning  different  funds.  In  addition,   if  these
transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.

                                                                              Expenses Paid
                                 Beginning              Ending                During Period
                               Account Value        Account Value              July 1, 2007
                               July 1, 2007       December 31, 2007      to December 31, 2007(1)
                               -------------      -----------------      -----------------------
Regular Shares
Actual ..................         $1,000              $1,023.60                   $2.59
Hypothetical(2) .........         $1,000              $1,022.57                   $2.59

                                                                              Expenses Paid
                                 Beginning              Ending                During Period
                               Account Value        Account Value              July 1, 2007
                               July 1, 2007       December 31, 2007      to December 31, 2007(1)
                               -------------      -----------------      -----------------------
Institutional Shares
Actual ..................         $1,000              $1,024.80                   $1.32
Hypothetical(2) .........         $1,000              $1,023.83                   $1.32

- ----------
(1)   Expenses are equal to the Fund's annualized expense ratio of 0.51% and
      0.26% for Regular and Institutional shares, respectively multiplied by
      184/366 (to reflect the one half-year period).

(2)   Assumes a return of 5% before expenses. For the purpose of the
      calculation, the applicable annualized expense ratio for each class of
      shares is subtracted from the assumed return before expenses.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Approval of Investment Advisory/Administrative Services Agreement

At a meeting held on December 11, 2006,  the Board of Trustees  (the "Board") of
the Trust unanimously approved a new Combined Investment Advisory/Administrative
Services Agreement ("Combined  Agreement").  The Board determined that the terms
of the  Combined  Agreement  will be  substantially  identical  to  those of the
current  advisory and  administration  agreements of the Funds,  noting that the
most significant  difference in the Combined  Agreement is a single fee for both
advisory and administrative  services. The following is a summary of the factors
the Board took into consideration in making its determination to approve the new
Combined Agreement.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services Provided by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

The Board noted that, under the Combined Agreement in respect of each Fund, BBH,
subject to the  supervision of the Board,  will be  responsible  for providing a
continuous  investment  program  and  making  purchases  and sales of  portfolio
securities  consistent with the Funds' investment objective and policies.  Under
the Combined Agreement, BBH also provides administrative services to each Fund.

The Board  considered  the scope and  quality of  services to be provided by BBH
under the Combined  Agreement and noted that the scope of services  provided had
expanded over time, primarily, as a result of regulatory developments. The Board
noted that, for example,  BBH is responsible  for maintaining and monitoring its
own and, to varying degrees, the Funds' compliance program, and these compliance
programs  have  recently  been refined and  enhanced in light of new  regulatory
requirements.  The Board  considered the quality of the investment  research and
administrative  capabilities  of BBH and the other resources it has dedicated to
performing services for the Funds. The Board concluded that, overall,  they were
satisfied  with the  nature,  extent and  quality  of  services  expected  to be
provided to each of the Funds under the Combined Agreement.

Costs of Services Provided and Profitability to BBH

At  the  request  of  the  Board,  BBH  provided   information   concerning  the
profitability of BBH's current  investment  company advisory and other fees. The
Board also reviewed BBH's  profitability data for each Fund, which also included
the effect of revenue  generated by the shareholder  servicing,  administration,
custody and other fees paid by the Fund.  The Board  discussed the difficulty of
making  comparisons  of  profitability  because  comparative  information is not
generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors,  including the
structure  of  the  service  provider,   the  types  of  funds  it  manages  and
administers,  its business mix, numerous assumptions  regarding  allocations and
the entity's capital structure and cost of capital. In considering profitability
information,  the Board  considered  the effect of  fall-out  benefits  on BBH's
expenses,  as well as the "revenue  sharing"  arrangements  BBH has entered into
with certain entities that distribute  shares of the Funds. The Board focused on
profitability   of  BBH's   relationships   with  the  Funds  before  taxes  and
distribution  expenses.  The Board  concluded  that it was satisfied  that BBH's
level of profitability from its relationship with each Fund was not excessive.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         19

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Fall-Out Benefits

The  Board   considered  that  BBH  does  not  allocate  the  Funds'   portfolio
transactions for third party research,  although it did benefit from proprietary
research  received  from brokers that execute the Funds'  purchases and sales of
securities.  The Board  recognized  that the  aggregate  amount  of  commissions
generated by Fund  transactions  was  unlikely to result in the Funds  receiving
from full service broker dealers substantial  discounts on commission rates. The
Board received and reviewed  information  concerning BBH's policies with respect
to allocating portfolio brokerage.

The Board also  considered  that BBH receives  shareholder  servicing  fees from
certain funds, and is the Funds' administrator, custodian and securities lending
agent.  The Board  noted that BBH  retained no portion of the 12b-1 fees paid by
any Fund that operated with a Rule 12b-1 plan. The Board  recognized  that BBH's
profitability would be somewhat lower if it did not receive proprietary research
for commissions or, if it did not receive the other benefits described above.

The Board recognized that most Fund shareholders were also BBH clients, and that
substantial  assets  are  invested  in  the  Funds  as a  result  of an  overall
investment  management  program  for the  shareholder.  The Board noted that the
Funds also derive  reputational  and other benefits from their  association with
BBH and their use of the BBH name,  which is licensed to the Funds by BBH. Thus,
the Board did not believe that BBH revenues  associated  with its clients should
be fairly regarded as "fallout" benefit from the Funds.

Economies of Scale

The Board  noted  that the Funds'  combined  fee  schedules,  other than the fee
schedule for BBH Money Market Fund, do not contain breakpoints.  As a result, if
assets  increase,  the fee rates  would not be  reduced  for these  Funds on the
incremental  assets.  With respect to the BBH Money Market Fund,  the breakpoint
will be reviewed every three (3) years by the Board, and may be adjusted upwards
to take into  account  the  effects of  inflation  or such other basis as may be
appropriate,  subject to the approval of  shareholders to the extent required by
the 1940 Act.

There may be other  economies of scale  because many  expenses did not rise (and
fall) proportionally to increases (and decreases) in total net assets. The Board
noted that BBH had priced its  services in  recognition  of the fact that it was
largely its own clients who were shareholders and, accordingly, sought to assure
that the cost of these  services and total  expenses for each Fund were fair and
reasonable.  In addition,  the Board noted that over the years BBH had supported
certain  Funds  through  fee  waivers  and  expense  reimbursements.   Based  on
information  they had been provided over many years,  the Board observed that in
the mutual  fund  industry  as a whole,  as well as among  funds  similar to the
Funds,  there  appeared  to be no  uniformity  or  pattern in the fees and asset
levels at which  breakpoints (if any) apply. In light of the Funds' current size
and expense structure,  the Board concluded that it was unnecessary at this time
to consider  breakpoints with respect to the Funds, other than for the BBH Money
Market Fund.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Investment Results

The Board considered the investment  results of each of the Funds as compared to
investment  companies  with its peers and with one or more  selected  securities
indices.  In addition to the  information  received by the Board for the meeting
held on December 11, 2006, the Board received detailed  performance  information
for each Fund at each regular Board meeting during the year. At the meeting held
on December 11, 2006, the Board reviewed information showing performance of each
Fund  compared  to its peers  over the prior 1-,  3-,  and 5- year  periods  and
compared the  performance  information  to one or more  securities  indices over
comparable periods.

Combined Fee Rate

The  Board  considered  the fee rate to be paid by each  Fund to BBH.  The Board
recognized that it is difficult to make  comparisons of these fee rates, and the
combined advisory and  administration  fees, because there are variations in the
services that are included in the fees paid by other funds.

The Board considered the depth and range of services provided under the Combined
Agreement.  For example,  in addition to a continuous  investment  program,  BBH
provides,  among other things,  officers  (including the Funds' Chief Compliance
Officer and  officers to provide  required  certifications)  and  administrative
services,  such as  shareholder  communications,  and tax  compliance,  with the
attendant costs and exposure to liability. BBH also coordinates the provision of
services to the Funds by nonaffiliated service providers.

The  following  factors  specific  to BBH Money  Market Fund also were noted and
considered by the Board in deciding to approve the Combined Agreement:

The Board reviewed  information showing performance of the BBH Money Market Fund
compared  to other  funds in the  iMoneyNet  (1st  Tier  Retail)  and (1st  Tier
Institutional).  The  comparative  information  showed that the BBH Money Market
Fund had  outperformed  or performed in line with the averages over all relevant
periods.  The Board also  viewed  with favor  that the total  expense  ratio was
substantially lower than the averages in these categories.  The Board also noted
that the BBH Money  Market Fund had  maintained  a stable net asset value of one
dollar at all times. Taking into account these comparisons and the other factors
considered,  the Board  concluded  that the BBH Money Market  Fund's  investment
results over time and expense ratios had been satisfactory.

Conflicts of Interest

As a general matter,  certain conflicts of interest may arise in connection with
a portfolio manager's  management of a Fund's investments,  on the one hand, and
the   investments  of  other  accounts  for  which  the  portfolio   manager  is
responsible, on the other. For example, it is possible that the various accounts
managed  could  have  different  investment  strategies  that,  at times,  might
conflict with one another to the possible detriment of the Fund.  Alternatively,
to the extent that the same investment opportunities might be

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         21

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

desirable  for  more  than  one  account,  possible  conflicts  could  arise  in
determining  how to allocate  them.  Other  potential  conflicts  might  include
conflicts created by specific portfolio manager compensation  arrangements,  and
conflicts  relating to selection of brokers or dealers to execute Fund portfolio
trades  and/or  specific uses of  commissions  from Fund  portfolio  trades (for
example, research, or "soft dollars").

BBH has adopted and implemented policies and procedures, including brokerage and
trade  allocation  policies  and  procedures,  which  it  believes  address  the
conflicts  associated with managing multiple  accounts for multiple clients.  In
addition,  BBH monitors a variety of areas,  including  compliance  with account
investment guidelines, the inclusion only of securities approved for purchase by
the BBH's Fixed Income Credit  Committee,  and compliance with the BBH's Code of
Ethics.  Finally,  BBH has structured the portfolio managers'  compensation in a
manner, and the Funds have adopted policies and procedures,  reasonably designed
to  safeguard  a Fund from  being  negatively  affected  as a result of any such
potential conflicts.


NEW YORK, NY 10005

PITTSBURGH, PA 15237-7000

NEW YORK, NY 10005
(800) 625-5759

To obtain information or make shareholder inquiries:
By telephone:                       Call 1-800-575-1265
By E-mail send your request to:     bbhfunds@bbh.com
On the internet:                    www.bbhfunds.com

This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders and is not
authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or
accompanied by an effective prospectus. Nothing herein contained is to be
considered an offer of sale or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the
Fund. Such offering is made only by the prospectus, which includes details as to
offering price and other material information.

The BBH U.S. Money Market Portfolio files with the SEC a complete schedule of
its portfolio holdings, as of the close of the first and third quarters of its
fiscal year, on "Form N-Q." Information on Form N-Q is available without charge
and upon request by calling the Funds at the toll-free number listed above. A
text only version can be viewed online or downloaded from the SEC's website at
http://www.sec.gov; and may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference
Room in Washington, DC (call 1-800-SEC-0330 for information on the operation of
the Public Reference Room). You may also access this information from the BBH
website at BBH.com by clicking on "BBH Mutual Funds" and selecting "Online
Documents/Holdings Information."

A copy of the Fund's Proxy Voting Policy is available upon request by calling
the toll-free number listed above. A text-only version of the policy can be
viewed online or downloaded from the SEC at www.sec.gov.

                                    BROWN [LOGO]

                                    BROWN [LOGO]

                               Semi-Annual Report
                                DECEMBER 31, 2007

                            BBH TAX-EXEMPT MONEY FUND

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

                                                                      Percent of
                                                      U.S. $ Value    Net Assets
                                                      ------------    ----------
Certificate of Participation.......................   $  2,100,000        0.6%
Education..........................................     89,872,000       23.7
General Obligations................................    105,924,197       27.9
Health Care........................................     36,870,000        9.7
Industrial.........................................     19,480,000        5.1
Miscellaneous......................................     25,617,205        6.7
Special Tax........................................      2,505,000        0.7
Transportation.....................................     28,590,258        7.5
Utilities..........................................     13,505,011        3.6
Water/Sewer........................................     14,151,151        3.7
Commercial Paper...................................     36,900,000        9.7
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities..............      4,276,113        1.1
                                                      ------------      -----
Net Assets.........................................   $379,790,935      100.0%
                                                      ============      =====

                                                                      Percent of
                                                      U.S. $ Value    Net Assets
                                                      ------------    ----------
Pennsylvania.......................................   $ 37,375,000        9.8%
New York...........................................     33,902,017        8.9
North Carolina.....................................     33,609,936        8.9
Maryland...........................................     31,497,501        8.3
Texas  ............................................     17,667,160        4.7
Other States.......................................    221,463,208       58.3
Other Assets in Excess of Liabilities..............      4,276,113        1.1
                                                      ------------      -----
Net Assets.........................................   $379,790,935      100.0%
                                                      ============      =====

All data as of December 31, 2007. The Fund's breakdown by bond type and top five
holdings by state are  expressed as a percentage of net assets and may vary over

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (89.2%)
$  2,100,000    Denver, Colorado, City & County(1) ...........     01/02/08     3.400%     $  2,100,000

                EDUCATION(1) (23.7%)
  1,017,000     Chicago Board of Education ...................     01/02/08     3.750         1,017,000
  6,175,000     Colorado Springs, Colorado ...................     01/02/08     3.700         6,175,000
  2,000,000     Connecticut State Health &
                  Educational Facilities Authority............     01/02/08     3.300         2,000,000
    900,000     Connecticut State Health &
                  Educational Facilities Authority............     01/02/08     3.550           900,000
  1,400,000     Curators University of Missouri ..............     01/02/08     3.750         1,400,000
 14,650,000     Indiana Health & Educational
                  Facilities Financing Authority .............     01/02/08     3.440        14,650,000
  1,275,000     Indiana University ...........................     01/02/08     3.400         1,275,000
  7,215,000     Maryland State Health & Higher
                  Education Facilities Authority .............     01/03/08     3.380         7,215,000
  3,205,000     Missouri State Health & Educational
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.500         3,205,000
  1,300,000     Missouri State Health & Educational
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.750         1,300,000
  3,050,000     Missouri State Health & Educational
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.750         3,050,000
  1,500,000     New Hampshire Health & Education
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.380         1,500,000
  5,300,000     New Hampshire Health & Education
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.380         5,300,000
  4,650,000     New Hampshire Health & Education
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.750         4,650,000
  5,325,000     New Hampshire Health & Education
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/02/08     3.750         5,325,000
  1,300,000     Ohio State Higher Educational
                  Facilities Revenue .........................     01/02/08     3.380         1,300,000
  3,260,000     Ohio State University ........................     01/03/08     3.210         3,260,000
  1,000,000     Ohio State University ........................     01/04/08     3.150         1,000,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                EDUCATION (continued)
$ 3,000,000     Pennsylvania State Higher Educational
                  Facilities Authority .......................     01/03/08     3.420%     $  3,000,000
  1,400,000     Pennsylvania State University ................     01/03/08     3.390         1,400,000
  1,990,000     University of Michigan .......................     01/02/08     3.750         1,990,000
  2,600,000     University of Missouri .......................     01/02/08     3.750         2,600,000
  1,000,000     University of Pittsburgh .....................     01/02/08     3.300         1,000,000
  1,250,000     University of Pittsburgh .....................     01/02/08     3.300         1,250,000
  6,350,000     University of Pittsburgh .....................     01/02/08     3.300         6,350,000
    555,000     University of Pittsburgh .....................     01/02/08     3.400           555,000
  4,655,000     University of Pittsburgh .....................     01/03/08     3.380         4,655,000
    400,000     University of Pittsburgh .....................     01/03/08     3.400           400,000
  1,050,000     University of Virginia .......................     01/02/08     3.400         1,050,000
  1,000,000     Utah State Board of Regents ..................     01/02/08     3.750         1,000,000
    100,000     Virginia Commonwealth University .............     01/02/08     3.800           100,000
                Total Education ...........................................                  89,872,000

                GENERAL OBLIGATIONS (27.9%)
  1,000,000     Boston, Massachusetts ........................     01/01/08     4.000         1,000,000
  1,850,000     Charlotte, North Carolina ....................     07/01/08     4.250         1,861,760
  3,000,000     Dallas, Texas, Independent
                  School District ............................     02/15/08     5.000         3,005,609
    725,000     Delaware State ...............................     04/01/08     5.250           729,147
  1,800,000     Delaware State ...............................     07/01/08     5.000         1,811,836
    605,000     Denton, Texas, Independent
                  School District(1) .........................     01/03/08     3.430           605,000
  2,385,000     District of Columbia(1) ......................     01/02/08     3.450         2,385,000
  1,000,000     Fairfax County, Virginia .....................     06/01/08     4.250         1,002,006
  6,000,000     Fairfax County, Virginia .....................     06/01/08     5.000         6,052,607
    606,000     Georgia State(1) .............................     01/03/08     3.320           606,000
  4,000,000     Georgia State ................................     03/01/08     5.000         4,008,912
  2,000,000     Houston, Texas ...............................     03/01/08     5.000         2,006,551
  1,050,000     Las Vegas Valley, Nevada,
                  Water District .............................     06/01/08     5.000         1,055,487

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                GENERAL OBLIGATIONS (continued)
$ 5,000,000     Maryland State ...............................     02/01/08     5.000%     $  5,005,530
  2,560,000     Maryland State ...............................     08/01/08     5.000         2,579,548
  2,500,000     Massachusetts State(1) .......................     01/02/08     3.460         2,500,000
    600,000     Mecklenburg County, North Carolina(1) ........     01/02/08     3.470           600,000
    630,000     Mecklenburg County, North Carolina(1) ........     01/02/08     3.470           630,000
  3,140,000     Mecklenburg County, North Carolina(1) ........     01/03/08     3.480         3,140,000
  1,000,000     Metropolitan Council, Minneapolis ............     03/01/08     5.000         1,002,212
    620,000     Minneapolis, Minnesota(1) ....................     01/03/08     3.270           620,000
  2,000,000     Minneapolis, Minnesota(1) ....................     01/03/08     3.270         2,000,000
  8,900,000     Minneapolis, Minnesota(1) ....................     01/03/08     3.270         8,900,000
  1,300,000     Minneapolis, Minnesota .......................     03/01/08     5.000         1,302,674
  4,850,000     Montgomery County, Maryland(1) ...............     01/02/08     3.700         4,850,000
  2,975,000     Montgomery County, Maryland ..................     05/01/08     5.000         2,989,244
  1,835,000     Montgomery County, Maryland ..................     07/01/08     5.000         1,849,426
  1,260,000     Nevada State .................................     05/15/10     5.250         1,270,297
    700,000     New York, New York(1) ........................     01/02/08     3.370           700,000
    400,000     New York, New York(1) ........................     01/02/08     3.570           400,000
  1,150,000     North Carolina State .........................     03/01/08     5.000         1,152,365
  3,000,000     North Carolina State .........................     03/01/08     5.000         3,009,316
    800,000     North Carolina State .........................     04/01/08     4.000           800,630
  2,500,000     North Carolina State .........................     06/01/08     5.000         2,513,605
  2,000,000     Oregon State(1) ..............................     01/02/08     3.700         2,000,000
  2,800,000     Oregon State(1) ..............................     01/02/08     3.700         2,800,000
  1,000,000     Richardson, Texas, Independent
                  School District(1) .........................     01/03/08     3.420         1,000,000
  1,050,000     South Carolina State .........................     08/01/08     5.000         1,060,028
  4,500,000     Utah State ...................................     07/01/08     4.000         4,510,759
  5,000,000     Utah State ...................................     07/01/08     4.000         5,006,025
    950,000     Vermont State ................................     03/01/08     5.000           952,122
  4,385,000     Virginia Beach, Virginia .....................     03/01/08     5.250         4,397,933
  2,690,000     Wake County, North Carolina(1) ...............     01/03/08     3.420         2,690,000
    500,000     Wake County, North Carolina ..................     02/01/08     5.000           500,592
  3,000,000     Wake County, North Carolina ..................     04/01/08     5.000         3,011,668

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          5

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                GENERAL OBLIGATIONS (continued)
$ 4,030,000     Washington Suburban Sanitation
                  District ...................................     06/01/08     5.000%     $  4,050,308
                Total General Obligations .................................                 105,924,197

                HEALTH CARE(1) (9.7%)
  2,000,000     New York State Dormitory Authority
                  Revenue ....................................     01/03/08     3.400         2,000,000
  8,000,000     New York State Dormitory Authority
                  Revenue ....................................     01/03/08     3.420         8,000,000
  2,530,000     Oklahoma State Industries Authority,
                  Hospital Revenue ...........................     01/02/08     3.750         2,530,000
  2,600,000     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hospitals &
                  Higher Education Facilities Authority ......     01/02/08     3.750         2,600,000
  1,800,000     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Hospitals &
                  Higher Education Facilities Authority ......     01/02/08     3.750         1,800,000
  4,180,000     Royal Oak, Michigan, Hospital
                  Finance Authority ..........................     01/02/08     3.730         4,180,000
  7,760,000     Royal Oak, Michigan, Hospital
                  Finance Authority ..........................     01/02/08     3.750         7,760,000
  8,000,000     University of North Carolina
                  Hospital Revenue ...........................     01/02/08     3.740         8,000,000
                Total Health Care .........................................                  36,870,000

                INDUSTRIAL(1) (5.1%)
  1,000,000     California Pollution Control
                  Financing Authority ........................     01/02/08     3.420         1,000,000
  2,000,000     Columbia, Alabama, Pollution Control
                  Revenue ....................................     01/02/08     3.750         2,000,000
    600,000     Delaware County, Pennsylvania,
                  Industrial Development Authority............     01/02/08     3.450           600,000
  3,580,000     Delaware County, Pennsylvania,
                  Industrial Development Authority............     01/02/08     3.750         3,580,000
  2,500,000     Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority,
                  Texas ......................................     01/02/08     3.570         2,500,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                INDUSTRIAL (continued)
$ 2,000,000     Harris County, Texas, Industrial
                  Development Corporation Solid
                  Waste Disposal Revenue .....................     01/02/08     3.720%     $  2,000,000
  2,000,000     Jackson County, Mississippi,
                  Port Facility Revenue ......................     01/02/08     3.740         2,000,000
  2,000,000     Kemmerer, Wyoming, Pollution Control
                  Revenue ....................................     01/02/08     3.570         2,000,000
  2,000,000     Lincoln County, Wyoming, Pollution
                  Control Revenue ............................     01/02/08     3.570         2,000,000
  1,800,000     Sweetwater County, Wyoming,
                  Pollution Control Revenue ..................     01/02/08     3.750         1,800,000
                Total Industrial ..........................................                  19,480,000

                MISCELLANEOUS (6.7%)
  3,125,000     Alaska State Housing Finance Corp.
                  Revenue(1) .................................     04/04/08     3.490         3,125,000
  1,300,000     Colorado Housing & Finance Authority(1).......     01/02/08     3.550         1,300,000
  1,405,000     Indiana State Finance Authority
                  Revenue ....................................     02/01/08     5.000         1,406,560
  2,605,000     Monmouth County, New Jersey,
                  Improvement Authority Revenue ..............     10/01/08     4.500         2,624,938
  1,000,000     New York, New York, City Transitional
                  Finance Authority(1) .......................     01/02/08     3.400         1,000,000
  1,200,000     New York, New York, City Transitional
                  Finance Authority(1) .......................     01/02/08     3.400         1,200,000
  2,470,000     New York, New York, City Transitional
                  Finance Authority(1) .......................     01/02/08     3.400         2,470,000
  1,000,000     New York, New York, City Transitional
                  Finance Authority ..........................     11/01/08     5.000         1,015,596
  1,000,000     New York, New York, City Transitional
                  Finance Authority ..........................     11/01/08     5.000         1,016,421
  4,500,000     New York State Local Government
                  Assistance Corp.(1) ........................     01/02/08     3.330         4,500,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          7

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                MISCELLANEOUS (continued)
$   900,000     New York State Local Government
                  Assistance Corp.(1) ........................     01/02/08     3.350%     $    900,000
  1,200,000     Oklahoma State Capitol Improvement
                  Authority(1) ...............................     01/02/08     3.750         1,200,000
  3,040,000     Palm Beach County, Florida, Public
                  Improvement Revenue ........................     11/01/08     4.000         3,058,690
    800,000     Will County, Illinois, Exempt
                   Facilities Revenue(1) .....................     01/02/08     3.850           800,000
                Total Miscellaneous .......................................                  25,617,205

                SPECIAL TAX (0.7%)
  1,300,000     Connecticut State Special Tax
                  Obligation Revenue(1) ......................     01/02/08     3.430         1,300,000
  1,205,000     Connecticut State Special Tax
                  Obligation Revenue(1) ......................     01/02/08     3.550         1,205,000
                Total Special Tax .........................................                   2,505,000

                TRANSPORTATION (7.5%)
  5,000,000     Alabama State Federal Highway
                  Finance Authority ..........................     03/01/08     5.000         5,011,242
  2,000,000     Georgia State Road & Tollway
                  Authority Revenue ..........................     03/01/08     5.000         2,005,263
  2,000,000     Joliet, Illinois, Regional Port District(1)...     01/02/08     3.570         2,000,000
  2,000,000     Maryland State Department of
                  Transportation .............................     05/01/08     5.000         2,008,753
  3,200,000     Metropolitan Transportation Authority,
                  New York, Revenue(1) .......................     01/03/08     3.350         3,200,000
  2,365,000     Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission(1)...........     01/02/08     3.670         2,365,000
 12,000,000     Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission(1)...........     01/03/08     3.390        12,000,000
                Total Transportation ......................................                  28,590,258

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                UTILITIES (3.6%)
$ 2,250,000     Houston, Texas, Utility System
                  Revenue(1) .................................     01/02/08     3.690%     $  2,250,000
  1,760,000     Jacksonville, Florida, Electric
                  Authority Revenue(1) .......................     01/02/08     3.450         1,760,011
  1,500,000     Long Island Power Authority New York,
                  Electric System(1) .........................     01/02/08     3.400         1,500,000
  3,600,000     Municipal Electric Authority of
                  Georgia(1) .................................     01/02/08     3.400         3,600,000
  2,000,000     New York State Energy Research &
                  Development Authority(1) ...................     01/02/08     3.390         2,000,000
  1,095,000     Tacoma, Washington, Electric System
                  Revenue ....................................     01/01/08     4.000         1,095,000
  1,300,000     Washington State Public Power
                  Supply System(1) ...........................     01/02/08     3.400         1,300,000
                Total Utilities ...........................................                  13,505,011

                WATER/SEWER (3.7%)
  1,300,000     Boston, Massachusetts, Water &
                  Sewer Commission(1) ........................     01/03/08     3.400         1,300,000
  1,800,000     California State Department of
                  Water Resources(1) .........................     01/02/08     3.560         1,800,000
  1,000,000     Charlotte, North Carolina, Water &
                  Sewer Revenue(1) ...........................     01/03/08     3.480         1,000,000
  1,000,000     Cobb County, Georgia, Water &
                  Sewer Revenue ..............................     07/01/08     5.000         1,010,339
  3,200,000     Durham, North Carolina, Water &
                  Sewer Revenue(1) ...........................     01/02/08     3.450         3,200,000
  1,000,000     Fairfax County, Virginia, Water
                  Authority Revenue ..........................     04/01/08     4.000         1,000,812
    900,000     Massachusetts State Water
                  Resources Authority(1) .....................     01/02/08     3.380           900,000
  1,390,000     Massachusetts State Water
                  Resources Authority(1) .....................     01/02/08     3.450         1,390,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                          9

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

 Principal                                                         Maturity    Interest
   Amount                                                            Date        Rate         Value
- -----------                                                        --------    --------    ------------
                MUNICIPAL BONDS (continued)
                WATER/SEWER (continued)
$ 1,550,000     Massachusetts State Water
                  Resources Authority(1) .....................     01/02/08     3.450%     $  1,550,000
  1,000,000     Ohio State Solid Waste Revenue(1) ............     01/02/08     3.850         1,000,000
                Total Water/Sewer .........................................                  14,151,151
                Total Municipal Bonds .....................................                 338,614,822

                COMMERCIAL PAPER (9.7%)
  1,500,000     Board of Government, University of
                  North Carolina .............................     02/06/08     3.280         1,500,000
  1,800,000     Board of Regents of the Texas A&M
                  University .................................     02/07/08     3.400         1,800,000
 10,000,000     City & County of Honolulu, Hawaii ............     01/03/08     3.330        10,000,000
  1,800,000     King County, Washington ......................     02/07/08     3.200         1,800,000
  5,000,000     Maryland State Health & Higher
                  Education Facilities Authority .............     01/08/08     3.300         5,000,000
  3,000,000     Massachusetts State Health &
                  Educational Facilities Authority............     01/07/08     2.930         3,000,000
  2,000,000     Massachusetts State Health &
                  Educational Facilities Authority............     02/05/08     3.330         2,000,000
  3,300,000     Massachusetts Water Resources
                  Authority ..................................     01/17/08     3.350         3,300,000
  4,000,000     New York City Municipal Water
                  Finance Authority ..........................     02/15/08     3.400         4,000,000
  2,000,000     Private College & University Authority .......     02/06/08     3.280         2,000,000
  2,500,000     Texas Public Finance Authority ...............     02/07/08     3.520         2,500,000
                Total Commercial Paper ....................................                  36,900,000

TOTAL INVESTMENTS, AT AMORTIZED COST.......................................      98.9%     $375,514,822
OTHER ASSETS IN EXCESS OF LIABILITIES......................................       1.1         4,276,113
                                                                                -----      ------------
NET ASSETS.................................................................     100.0%     $379,790,935
                                                                                =====      ============

- ----------
(1)   Variable rate instrument. Interest rates change on specific dates (such as
      coupon or interest payment date). The yield shown represents the December
      31, 2007 coupon or interest rate.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

  Investments, at amortized cost ...............................    $375,514,822
   Cash ........................................................       2,636,889
   Interest receivable and other assets ........................       2,117,978
     Total Assets ..............................................     380,269,689

   Payables for:
     Shareholder servicing fees ................................         161,473
     Investment advisory fees ..................................          98,366
     Administrative fees .......................................          65,577
     Professional fees .........................................          48,679
     Dividends declared ........................................          26,253
     Custody and accounting fees ...............................           3,374
     Board of Trustees' fees ...................................           1,000
   Accrued expenses and other liabilities ......................          74,032
     Total Liabilities .........................................         478,754

NET ASSETS, for 379,784,906 fund shares outstanding ............    $379,790,935
Net Assets Consist of:
   Paid in capital .............................................    $379,790,935
Net Assets .....................................................    $379,790,935

NET ASSET VALUE AND OFFERING PRICE PER SHARE ...................           $1.00

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         11

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the six months ended December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

     Investment income ...........................................    $6,921,913
     Shareholder servicing fees ..................................       489,137
     Investment advisory fees ....................................       293,482
     Administrative fees .........................................       195,655
     State registration fees .....................................       104,539
     Custody and accounting fees .................................        37,645
     Professional fees ...........................................        28,823
     Board of Trustees' fees .....................................        18,539
     Miscellaneous expenses ......................................        22,665
       Total Expenses ............................................     1,190,485
       Expense offset arrangement ................................     (14,300)
       Net Expenses ..............................................     1,176,185
Net Investment Income ............................................    $5,745,728

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                      For the six
                                                                      months ended             For the
                                                                    December 31, 2007         year ended
                                                                      (unaudited)           June 30, 2007
                                                                    -----------------       -------------
   From Operations:
     Net investment income ......................................     $   5,745,728         $  12,564,686
   Dividends declared from net investment income ................        (5,742,827)          (12,562,787)
                                                                      -------------         -------------
     Net increase in net assets from operations .................             2,901                 1,899
                                                                      -------------         -------------
   From Fund Share (Principal) Transactions at
     Net Asset Value of $1.00 per share:
       Fund shares sold .........................................       271,751,426           353,300,401
       Fund shares issued in reinvestment of dividends ..........         3,214,038             6,378,787
       Fund shares repurchased ..................................      (223,413,768)         (524,604,107)
                                                                      -------------         -------------
         Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting
           from fund share transactions .........................        51,551,696          (164,924,919)
                                                                      -------------         -------------
         Total increase (decrease) in net assets ................        51,554,597          (164,923,020)

   Beginning of year ............................................       328,236,338           493,159,358
                                                                      -------------         -------------
   End of period ................................................     $ 379,790,935         $ 328,236,338
                                                                      =============         =============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         13

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Selected per share data and ratios for a share outstanding throughout each

                                    For the six
                                    months ended
                                    December 31,                      For the years ended June 30,
                                        2007         -----------------------------------------------------------
                                    (unaudited)       2007        2006         2005          2004          2003
                                   -------------     ------      ------       ------        ------        ------
Net asset value,
   beginning of year...............    $1.00         $1.00       $1.00        $1.00         $1.00         $1.00
Income from investment
   Net investment income...........     0.01          0.03       0.02          0.01          0.00(1)       0.01
Dividends to shareholders from
   net investment income...........    (0.01)        (0.03)     (0.02)        (0.01)        (0.00)(1)     (0.01)
                                       -----         -----      -----         -----         -----         -----
Net asset value, end of period ....    $1.00         $1.00      $1.00         $1.00         $1.00         $1.00
                                       -----         -----      -----         -----         -----         -----
Total return.......................     1.49%         3.03%      2.31%         1.15%         0.42%         0.72%
                                       =====         =====      =====         =====         =====         =====
Ratios/Supplemental data:
   Net assets, end of period
     (in millions).................     $380          $328       $493          $438          $453          $465
   Net expenses paid by Fund ......     0.60%(2)      0.58%      0.56%         0.56%         0.55%         0.56%
   Expense offset arrangement .....     0.01%(2)      0.01%      0.00%(3)      0.00%(3)      0.00%(3)      0.01%
                                       -----         -----      -----         -----         -----         -----
     Total expenses................     0.61%(2)      0.59%      0.56%         0.56%         0.55%         0.57%
                                       =====         =====      =====         =====         =====         =====
   Ratio of net investment
     income to average net
     assets........................     2.94%(2)      2.98%      2.31%         1.15%         0.42%         0.72%

- ----------
(1)   Less than $0.01 per share.

(2)   Annualized.

(3)   Less than 0.01%.

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

1.    Organization  and Significant  Accounting  Policies.  BBH Tax Exempt Money
      Fund (the  "Fund")  is a  separate,  diversified  series of BBH Trust (the
      "Trust"), which is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
      amended. The Trust is an open-end management  investment company organized
      as a  Massachusetts  business trust on June 7, 1983 and  re-organized as a
      Delaware  statutory trust on June 12, 2007. The Fund commenced  operations
      on February 22, 1999.  The  Declaration  of Trust  permits the Trustees to
      create an unlimited  number of series,  each of which may issue a separate
      class of shares. The Trustees have authorized the issuance of an unlimited
      number of shares of the Fund  without a par value.  At December  31, 2007,
      there were seven series of the Trust.

      The Fund's financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting
      principles  generally  accepted  in the United  States of  America,  which
      require  management to make certain  estimates and assumptions at the date
      of the  financial  statements  and are based,  in part,  on the  following
      accounting policies. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

      A.    Valuation  of  Investments.  The  Fund  values  its  investments  at
            amortized cost, which approximates  market value. The amortized cost
            method  values a security  at its cost at the time of  purchase  and
            thereafter  assumes  a  constant  amortization  to  maturity  of any
            discount  or  premium.  The  Fund's  use  of  amortized  cost  is in
            compliance with Rule 2a-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

      B.    Investment  Transactions  and Income.  Investment  transactions  are
            accounted for on the trade date.  Realized gains and losses, if any,
            from  investment   transactions  are  determined  on  the  basis  of
            identified cost. The Fund invest primarily in debt securities issued
            by municipalities. The ability of the issuers of the debt securities
            to meet their obligation may be affected by economic developments in
            a  specific  state or  municipality.  Interest  income  consists  of
            interest accrued and discount earned  (including both original issue
            and market discount) and premium  amortization on the investments of
            the Fund, accrued ratably to the date of maturity.

      C.    Federal  Income  Taxes.  Each  series of the Trust is  treated  as a
            separate  entity for federal  income tax purposes.  It is the Fund's
            policy to comply with the  provisions  of the Internal  Revenue Code
            applicable  to  regulated  investment  companies  and to  distribute
            substantially  all  of  its  taxable  income  to  its  shareholders.
            Accordingly,  no  federal  income  tax  provision  is  required.  At
            December 31, 2007,  the cost of  investments  for federal income tax
            purposes  was  equal  to  the  amortized  cost  of  investments  for
            financial statement purposes.

      D.    Dividends and  Distributions  to  Shareholders.  Dividends  from net
            investment   income  are   declared   daily  and  paid   monthly  to
            shareholders.   The  Fund  declared   dividends  in  the  amount  of
            $5,742,827  during the six months ended  December 31, 2007. The Fund
            declared dividends in the amounts of $12,562,787 and $11,095,940 for
            the years ended June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2006,  respectively.  The
            tax character of the dividends  declared in the six months and years
            ended was 100% tax exempt income.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         15

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

      E.    Accounting  Developments.  During the current year, the Fund adopted
            FASB  Interpretation  No. 48 "Accounting  for  Uncertainty in Income
            Taxes" ("FIN 48").  FIN 48 provides  guidance for how  uncertain tax
            positions should be recognized, measured, presented and disclosed in
            the  financial  statements.  FIN 48 requires the  evaluation  of tax
            positions  taken or expected to be taken in the course of  preparing
            the Fund's tax returns to determine  whether the tax  positions  are
            "more-likely-than-not"  of being  sustained  by the  applicable  tax
            authority. Tax positions not deemed to meet the more-likely-than-not
            threshold  would be  recorded  as a tax  benefit  or  expense in the
            current year. The adoption of FIN 48 had no impact on the operations
            of the Fund for the period ended December 31, 2007.

            In September 2006,  Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No.
            157, Fair Value Measurements (SFAS 157), was issued and is effective
            for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. SFAS 157 defines
            fair value,  establishes a framework  for  measuring  fair value and
            expands  disclosures  about fair value  measurements.  Management is
            currently  evaluating the  implication of SFAS 157. At this time its
            impact  on  the  Fund's  financial   statements  has  not  yet  been

2.    Transactions with Affiliates.

      Investment  Advisory and  Administrative  Fees.  Effective  June 12, 2007,
      under a combined Investment Advisory and Administrative Services Agreement
      ("Agreement")  with the  Trust,  Brown  Brothers  Harriman  & Co.  ("BBH")
      provides  investment  advice,   portfolio  management  and  administrative
      services  to the  Fund.  BBH  receives  a  combined  fee from the Fund for
      investment advisory and administrative  services calculated daily and paid
      monthly at an annual  rate  equivalent  to 0.25% of the  Fund's  daily net
      assets.  Prior to June 12, 2007,  under a separate  agreement that covered
      only investment advisory fees, BBH received a fee from the Fund calculated
      daily and paid  monthly at an annual  rate of 0.15% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets and Brown Brothers Harriman Trust Company,  LLC ("BBHTC")
      the Fund's  administrator,  under a separate  agreement  that covered only
      administrative services, received a fee from the Fund calculated daily and
      paid monthly at an annual rate  equivalent to 0.10% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets.  BBH has a  sub-administration  services  agreement with
      Federated  Services  Company  ("FSC") for which FSC receives  compensation
      paid by BBH. For the six months ended December 31, 2007, the Fund incurred
      $489,137 for investment advisory and administrative services.

      Shareholder   Servicing  Fees.  The  Trust  has  a  shareholder  servicing
      agreement  with BBH for which BBH receives a fee from the Fund  calculated
      daily and paid  monthly at an annual  rate of 0.25% of the Fund's  average
      daily net assets.  For the six months ended  December  31, 2007,  the Fund
      incurred $489,137 for shareholder servicing services.

      Custody  and  Accounting  Fees.  BBH acts as a  custodian  and  receives a
      custody  and  accounting  fee  from  the Fund  calculated  daily  and paid
      monthly. The custody fee is a transaction based fee with an annual minimum
      of $20,000, and the accounting fee is calculated at 0.01% per annum on the


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

      $1 billion  of net  assets and 0.005% per annum on all net assets  over $1
      billion.  For the six months ended  December 31, 2007,  the Fund  incurred
      $37,645 for custody and  accounting  services.  These fees were reduced by
      $14,300  as a result of an  expense  offset  arrangement  with the  Fund's
      custodian.  In the event  that the Fund is  overdrawn,  under the  custody
      agreement  with BBH,  BBH will make  overnight  loans to the Fund to cover
      overdrafts.  Pursuant to their agreement the Fund will be charged interest
      based  on LIBOR  on the day of  overdraft  plus  one  percent.  The  total
      interest  paid by the Fund for the six months ended  December 31, 2007 was

      Board of Trustees'  Fees.  Each Trustee  receives an annual fee as well as
      reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses from the Fund. For the
      six  months  ended  December  31,  2007,  the Fund  incurred  $18,539  for
      Trustees' fees.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         17

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)


As a shareholder  of BBH Tax Exempt Money Fund (the  "Fund"),  you may incur two
types  of  costs:  (1)  transaction  costs  on  purchase  payments,   reinvested
dividends,  or other  distributions;  and exchange  fees; and (2) ongoing costs,
including management fees; and other Fund expenses.  This Example is intended to
help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Fund and
to compare  these  costs with the ongoing  costs of  investing  in other  mutual

The Example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the
period and held for the entire period (July 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007).


The first line of the table below  provides  information  about  actual  account
values and actual expenses.  You may use information in this line, together with
the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.
Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value
divided by $1,000 = 8.6),  then  multiply  the result by the number in the first
line under the heading  entitled  "Expenses  Paid During the Period" to estimate
the expenses you paid on your account during the period.


The second  line of the table  below  provides  information  about  hypothetical
account  values and  hypothetical  expenses  based on the Fund's actual  expense
ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not
the Fund's actual return.  The hypothetical  account values and expenses may not
be used to estimate  the actual  ending  account  balance or  expenses  you paid
during the period.  You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of
investing in the Fund and other funds.  To do so,  compare this 5%  hypothetical
example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports
of other funds.

Please note that the  expenses  shown in the table are meant to  highlight  your
ongoing  costs  only  and  do not  reflect  any  transactional  costs,  such  as
redemption  fees or exchange  fees.  Therefore,  the second line of the table is
useful in comparing  ongoing  costs only,  and will not help you  determine  the
relative  total  costs  of  owning  different  funds.  In  addition,   if  these
transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

                                                                         Expenses Paid
                               Beginning              Ending             During Period
                             Account Value        Account Value         July 1, 2007 to
                              July 1, 2007      December 31, 2007     December 31, 2007(1)
                             -------------      -----------------     --------------------
Actual..................         $1,000             $1,014.90                 $3.04
Hypothetical(2).........         $1,000             $1,022.12                 $3.05

- ----------
(1)   Expenses  are  equal to the  Fund's  annualized  expense  ratio of  0.60%,
      multiplied  by the average  account  value over the period,  multiplied by
      184/366 (to reflect the one-half year period).

(2)   Assumes  a  return  of  5%  before  expenses.   For  the  purpose  of  the
      calculation,  the applicable  annualized  expense ratio is subtracted from
      the assumed return before expenses.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         19

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Approval of Investment Advisory/Administrative Services Agreement

At a meeting held on December 11, 2006,  the Board of Trustees  (the "Board") of
the Trust unanimously approved a new Combined Investment Advisory/Administrative
Services Agreement ("Combined  Agreement").  The Board determined that the terms
of the  Combined  Agreement  will be  substantially  identical  to  those of the
current  advisory and  administration  agreements of the Funds,  noting that the
most significant  difference in the Combined  Agreement is a single fee for both
advisory and administrative  services. The following is a summary of the factors
the Board took into consideration in making its determination to approve the new
Combined Agreement.

Nature, Extent and Quality of Services Provided by Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

The Board noted that, under the Combined Agreement in respect of each Fund, BBH,
subject to the  supervision of the Board,  will be  responsible  for providing a
continuous  investment  program  and  making  purchases  and sales of  portfolio
securities  consistent with the Funds' investment objective and policies.  Under
the Combined Agreement, BBH also provides administrative services to each Fund.

The Board  considered  the scope and  quality of  services to be provided by BBH
under the Combined  Agreement and noted that the scope of services  provided had
expanded over time, primarily, as a result of regulatory developments. The Board
noted that, for example,  BBH is responsible  for maintaining and monitoring its
own and, to varying degrees, the Funds' compliance program, and these compliance
programs  have  recently  been refined and  enhanced in light of new  regulatory
requirements.  The Board  considered the quality of the investment  research and
administrative  capabilities  of BBH and the other resources it has dedicated to
performing services for the Funds. The Board concluded that, overall,  they were
satisfied  with the  nature,  extent and  quality  of  services  expected  to be
provided to each of the Funds under the Combined Agreement.

Costs of Services Provided and Profitability to BBH

At  the  request  of  the  Board,  BBH  provided   information   concerning  the
profitability of BBH's current  investment  company advisory and other fees. The
Board also reviewed BBH's  profitability data for each Fund, which also included
the effect of revenue  generated by the shareholder  servicing,  administration,
custody and other fees paid by the Fund.  The Board  discussed the difficulty of
making  comparisons  of  profitability  because  comparative  information is not
generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors,  including the
structure  of  the  service  provider,   the  types  of  funds  it  manages  and
administers,  its business mix, numerous assumptions  regarding  allocations and
the entity's capital structure and cost of capital. In considering profitability
information,  the Board  considered  the effect of  fall-out  benefits  on BBH's
expenses,  as well as the "revenue  sharing"  arrangements  BBH has entered into
with certain entities that distribute  shares of the Funds. The Board focused on
profitability   of  BBH's   relationships   with  the  Funds  before  taxes  and
distribution  expenses.  The Board  concluded  that it was satisfied  that BBH's
level of profitability from its relationship with each Fund was not excessive.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Fall-Out Benefits

The  Board   considered  that  BBH  does  not  allocate  the  Funds'   portfolio
transactions for third party research,  although it did benefit from proprietary
research  received  from brokers that execute the Funds'  purchases and sales of
securities.  The Board  recognized  that the  aggregate  amount  of  commissions
generated by Fund  transactions  was  unlikely to result in the Funds  receiving
from full service broker dealers substantial  discounts on commission rates. The
Board received and reviewed  information  concerning BBH's policies with respect
to allocating portfolio brokerage.

The Board also  considered  that BBH receives  shareholder  servicing  fees from
certain funds, and is the Funds' administrator, custodian and securities lending
agent.  The Board  noted that BBH  retained no portion of the 12b-1 fees paid by
any Fund that operated with a Rule 12b-1 plan. The Board  recognized  that BBH's
profitability would be somewhat lower if it did not receive proprietary research
for commissions or, if it did not receive the other benefits described above.

The Board recognized that most Fund shareholders were also BBH clients, and that
substantial  assets  are  invested  in  the  Funds  as a  result  of an  overall
investment  management  program  for the  shareholder.  The Board noted that the
Funds also derive  reputational  and other benefits from their  association with
BBH and their use of the BBH name,  which is licensed to the Funds by BBH. Thus,
the Board did not believe that BBH revenues  associated  with its clients should
be fairly regarded as "fallout" benefit from the Funds.

Economies of Scale

The Board  noted  that the Funds'  combined  fee  schedules,  other than the fee
schedule for BBH Money Market Fund, do not contain breakpoints.  As a result, if
assets  increase,  the fee rates  would not be  reduced  for these  Funds on the
incremental  assets.  With respect to the BBH Money Market Fund,  the breakpoint
will be reviewed every three (3) years by the Board, and may be adjusted upwards
to take into  account  the  effects of  inflation  or such other basis as may be
appropriate,  subject to the approval of  shareholders to the extent required by
the 1940 Act.

There may be other  economies of scale  because many  expenses did not rise (and
fall) proportionally to increases (and decreases) in total net assets. The Board
noted that BBH had priced its  services in  recognition  of the fact that it was
largely its own clients who were shareholders and, accordingly, sought to assure
that the cost of these  services and total  expenses for each Fund were fair and
reasonable.  In addition,  the Board noted that over the years BBH had supported
certain  Funds  through  fee  waivers  and  expense  reimbursements.   Based  on
information  they had been provided over many years,  the Board observed that in
the mutual  fund  industry  as a whole,  as well as among  funds  similar to the
Funds, there

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                                         21

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

appeared to be no  uniformity  or pattern in the fees and asset  levels at which
breakpoints  (if any)  apply.  In light of the Funds'  current  size and expense
structure,  the Board concluded that it was unnecessary at this time to consider
breakpoints with respect to the Funds, other than for the BBH Money Market Fund.

Investment Results

The Board considered the investment  results of each of the Funds as compared to
investment  companies  with its peers and with one or more  selected  securities
indices.  In addition to the  information  received by the Board for the meeting
held on December 11, 2006, the Board received detailed  performance  information
for each Fund at each regular Board meeting during the year. At the meeting held
on December 11, 2006, the Board reviewed information showing performance of each
Fund  compared  to its peers  over the prior 1-,  3-,  and 5- year  periods  and
compared the  performance  information  to one or more  securities  indices over
comparable periods.

Combined Fee Rate

The  Board  considered  the fee rate to be paid by each  Fund to BBH.  The Board
recognized that it is difficult to make  comparisons of these fee rates, and the
combined advisory and  administration  fees, because there are variations in the
services that are included in the fees paid by other funds.

The Board considered the depth and range of services provided under the Combined
Agreement.  For example,  in addition to a continuous  investment  program,  BBH
provides,  among other things,  officers  (including the Funds' Chief Compliance
Officer and  officers to provide  required  certifications)  and  administrative
services,  such as  shareholder  communications,  and tax  compliance,  with the
attendant costs and exposure to liability. BBH also coordinates the provision of
services to the Funds by nonaffiliated service providers.

The following  factors specific to BBH Tax Exempt Money Fund also were noted and
considered by the Board in deciding to approve the Combined Agreement:

The Board reviewed  information  showing performance of the BBH Tax Exempt Money
Fund compared to iMoneyNet (Tax Free Retail). The Fund outperformed or performed
in line with the average over all relevant  periods.  The Board also viewed with
favor that the BBH Tax Exempt  Money  Fund's  portfolio  of  investments  had an
overall high quality  while the BBH Tax Exempt Money Fund's total  expense ratio
was lower  that the  iMoneyNet  Average.  The Board  also noted that the BBH Tax
Exempt  Money Fund had  successfully  maintained a stable net asset value of one
dollar at all times. Taking into account these comparisons and the other factors
considered,  the Board concluded that the BBH Tax Exempt Money Fund's investment
results over time and its total expense ratio had been satisfactory.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 2007 (unaudited)

Conflicts of Interest

As a general matter,  certain conflicts of interest may arise in connection with
a portfolio manager's  management of a Fund's investments,  on the one hand, and
the   investments  of  other  accounts  for  which  the  portfolio   manager  is
responsible, on the other. For example, it is possible that the various accounts
managed  could  have  different  investment  strategies  that,  at times,  might
conflict with one another to the possible detriment of the Fund.  Alternatively,
to the extent that the same investment opportunities might be desirable for more
than one account,  possible conflicts could arise in determining how to allocate
them.  Other  potential  conflicts might include  conflicts  created by specific
portfolio manager compensation arrangements, and conflicts relating to selection
of brokers or dealers to execute Fund portfolio  trades and/or  specific uses of
commissions  from  Fund  portfolio  trades  (for  example,  research,  or  "soft

BBH has adopted and implemented policies and procedures, including brokerage and
trade  allocation  policies  and  procedures,  which  it  believes  address  the
conflicts  associated with managing multiple  accounts for multiple clients.  In
addition,  BBH monitors a variety of areas,  including  compliance  with account
investment guidelines, the inclusion only of securities approved for purchase by
the BBH's Fixed Income Credit  Committee,  and compliance with the BBH's Code of
Ethics.  Finally,  BBH has structured the portfolio managers'  compensation in a
manner, and the Funds have adopted policies and procedures,  reasonably designed
to  safeguard  a Fund from  being  negatively  affected  as a result of any such
potential conflicts.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2007                   23

NEW YORK, NY 10005

PITTSBURGH, PA 15237-7000

NEW YORK, NY 10005
(800) 625-5759

To obtain information or make shareholder inquiries:
By telephone:                       Call 1-800-575-1265
By E-mail send your request to:     bbhfunds@bbh.com
On the internet:                    www.bbhfunds.com

This report is submitted for the general information of shareholders and is not
authorized for distribution to prospective investors unless preceded or
accompanied by an effective prospectus. Nothing herein contained is to be
considered an offer of sale or a solicitation of an offer to buy shares of the
Fund. Such offering is made only by the prospectus, which includes details as to
offering price and other material information.

The Fund files with the SEC a complete schedule of its portfolio holdings, as of
the close of the first and third quarters of its fiscal year, on "Form N-Q."
Information on Form N-Q is available without charge and upon request by calling
the Funds at the toll-free number listed above. A text only version can be
viewed online or downloaded from the SEC's website at http://www.sec.gov; and
may be reviewed and copied at the SEC's Public Reference Room in Washington, DC
(call 1-800-SEC-0330 for information on the operation of the Public Reference
Room). You may also access this information from the BBH website at BBH.com by
clicking on "BBH Mutual Funds" and selecting "Online Documents/Holdings

A copy of the Fund's Proxy Voting Policy is available upon request by calling
the toll-free number listed above. A text-only version of the policy can be
viewed online or downloaded from the SEC at www.sec.gov.

                                    BROWN [LOGO]


(a)     The Registrant has adopted a code of ethics that
        applies to the Registrant's principal executive officer,
        principal financial officer, principal accounting officer
        or controller or persons performing similar functions.

(b)	No answer required.
(c)	Not applicable.
(d)	Not applicable.
(e)	Not applicable.
       (1) A copy of the code of ethics referenced in Item 2(a)
           of this Form N-CSR is available and can be mailed,
           free of charge, to anyone by calling (800) 575-1265.
       (2) Not applicable.
       (3) Not applicable.


(a)(1) The Registrant's Board of Trustees has designated
       two members of the audit committee as financial experts.
   (2) The following Trustees have been designated as
       audit committee financial experts by the
       Board of Trustees who are "independent" for purposes
       of this Item 3 of Form N-CSR: audit committee
       members Arthur D. Miltenberger and David P. Feldman
       are the designated audit committee financial experts.
   (3) Not applicable.
(b) No answer required.
(c) No answer required.
(d) No answer required.




(a) Not applicable.

(b) Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.

(a)  Based upon their evaluation of the Registrant's disclosure controls and
     procedures as conducted within 90 days of the filing date of this Form
     N-CSR, the Registrant's principal financial officer and principal executive
     officer have concluded that those disclosure controls and procedures
     provide reasonable assurance that the material information required to be
     disclosed by the Registrant on this report is recorded, processed,
     summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities
     and Exchange Commission's rules and forms.

(b)  There were no significant changes in the Registrant's internal controls or
     in other factors that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the
      period covered by this report that has materially affected or is
      reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant's internal control
      over financial reporting.


File the exhibits listed below as part of this Form. Letter or number the
exhibits in the sequence indicated.

     (a) Any code of ethics, or amendment thereto, that is the subject of the
     disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the Registrant intends to
     satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit:  A copy of
     the code of ethics is available and can be mailed, free of charge, to
     anyone by calling (800) 575-1265.

     (b) A separate certification for each principal executive officer and
     principal financial officer of the Registrant as required by Rule 30a-2(a)
     under the Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2): Attached hereto.

     [If the report is filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act,
     provide the certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Act (17 CFR
     270.30a-2(b)) and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United
     States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) as an exhibit. A certification furnished
     pursuant to this paragraph will not be deemed "filed" for the purposes of
     Section 18 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78r), or otherwise subject to the
     liability of that section. Such certification will not be deemed to be
     incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933
     or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the Registrant specifically
     incorporates it by reference: Attached hereto.][The submission of Section
     906 certifications has been proposed by the SEC, but has not yet been
     finalized. The SEC has encouraged issuers to submit Section 906
     certifications as an exhibit to Form N-CSR until the final rule has been
     adopted. Please see Proposed Rule: Certification of Disclosure in Certain
     Exchange Act Reports, Release No. 33-8212 (March 21, 2003)].

EXHIBIT 12(a) (2)

I, John A. Nielsen, certify that:

1.    I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of
      BBH Trust on behalf of: BBH U.S. Treasury Money Fund,
BBH Money Market Fund and BBH Tax Exempt Money
      Fund ("Registrant");

2.    Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue
      statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
      fact necessary to make the statements made, in light
      of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not
      misleading with respect to the period covered by
      this report;

3.    Based on my knowledge, the financial statements and other financial
      information included in this report, fairly present in all material
      respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes
      in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required
      to include a statement of  cash flows)of the Registrant as of, and
      for, the periods presented in this report;

4.    The Registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for
      establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures
      as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act
      of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined
      in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for
                 the Registrant and have:

        a.) designed such disclosure controls and procedures,
    	    or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be
    	    designed under our supervision, to ensure that
            material information relating to the Registrant, including
            its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others
            within those entities, particularly during the period in which this
            report is being prepared;

        b.) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or
            caused such internal control over financial reporting to be
            designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance
            regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the
            preparation of financial statements for external purposes in
            accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

        c.) evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant's disclosure controls
            and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions
            about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures,
            as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date
            of this report based on such evaluation; and

        d.) disclosed in this report any change in the Registrant's
            internal control over financial reporting that occurred during
            the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report
            that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to
            materially affect, the Registrant's internal control over
            financial reporting; and

5.  The Registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the
    Registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the Registrant's
    board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

         a.) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design
             or operation of internal control over financial
             reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the
             Registrant's ability to record, process, summarize, and report
             financial information; and

         b.) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management
     	     or other employees who have a significant role in the
             Registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

DATE: 03/07/08

/s/ John A. Nielsen
John A. Nielsen
President - Principal Executive Officer

EXHIBIT 12(a) (2)

I, Charles H. Schreiber, certify that:
1.    I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of BBH Trust on
      behalf of: BBH U.S. Treasury Money Fund, BBH Money Market
      Fund and BBH Tax Exempt Money Fund ("Registrant");

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of
   a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the
   statements made, in light of the circumstances under which
   such statements were made, not misleading with respect
   to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements and other financial
   information included in this report, fairly present in all
   material respects the financial condition, results
   of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial
   statements are required to include a statement of  cash flows)
   of the Registrant as of, and for, the periods presented
   in this report;

4. The Registrant's other certifying officer and I are responsible for
   establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and
   procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act
   of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in
   Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the Registrant
   and have:

        a.) designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such
            disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under
            our supervision, to ensure that material information relating
            to the Registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made
            known to us by others within those entities, particularly during
            the period in which this report is being prepared;

       b.) designed such internal control over financial reporting, or
           caused such internal control over financial reporting to be
           designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance
           regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation
           of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with
           generally accepted accounting principles;

       c.) evaluated the effectiveness of the Registrant's disclosure
    	     controls and procedures and presented in this report our
           conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure
           controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior
           to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

       d.) disclosed in this report any change in the Registrant's internal
           control over financial reporting that occurred during the second
           fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has
           materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect,
           the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The Registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed
   to the Registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the Registrant's
   board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

        a.) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design
            or operation of internal control over financial reporting
            which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Registrant's
            ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial
            information; and

        b.) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or
            other employees who have a significant role in the Registrant's
            internal control over financial reporting.

Date: 03/07/08

/s/ Charles S. Schreiber
Charles H. Schreiber

Treasurer - Principal Financial Officer

                    SECTION 906 CERTIFICATION

This certification is provided pursuant to Section 906 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. (section) 1350, and
accompanies the report on Form N-CSR for the period ended
December 31, 2007 of the BBH Trust (the "Registrant").

Pursuant to 18 U.S.C.ss. 1350, the undersigned officers of
the Registrant, hereby certify, to the best of our
knowledge, that the Registrant's Report on Form N-CSR for the
period ended December 31, 2007 (the "Report") fully complies with
the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d), as applicable, of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and that the information
contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material
respects, the financial condition and results of operations of
the Registrant.


/s/ John A. Nielsen
John A. Nielsen
Title: President, Principal Executive Officer


/s/ Charles H. Schreiber
Charles H. Schreiber
Treasurer - Principal Financial Officer

This certification is being furnished solely pursuant to 18 U.S.C.ss. 1350 and
is not being filed as part of the Report or as a separate disclosure document.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant) 		BBH TRUST

By (Signature and Title)*     /s/ John A. Nielsen
                           John A. Nielsen, President
                           (Principal Executive Officer)

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title)     /s/ Charles H. Schreiber
                          Charles H. Schreiber, Treasurer
                          (Principal Financial Officer)

Print name and title of each signing officer under his or her signature.