For more information contact:            For more information contact:

ALLTEL                                   360 Communications Company

Shawne S. Leach  (501) 905-8991          Linda Wait (773) 399-2284
Vice President-Investor Relations        Director-Investor Relations

George S. Smith  (501) 905-8117          Sal Cinquegrani (773) 399-2783
Vice President-Media Services            Vice President-Corporate Communications

                                         Margaret Kirch Cohen (773) 399-2385
                                         Director-Corporate Communications

Release date:                               March 16, 1998

                             ALLTEL, 360 WILL MERGE
                       IN MORE THAN $6 BILLION TRANSACTION


         NEW YORK - ALLTEL  Corporation  and 360  Communications  Company  today
announced they will merge in a transaction  valued at more than $6 billion.  The
combined companies will create a dominant,  full-service communications provider
primarily  located in the  Southeast  and Midwest and will be one of the largest
wireless carriers in the nation.
         "The  merger of ALLTEL  and 360  creates a new,  formidable  competitor
ideally  positioned as one of the leading growth companies in the communications
industry," said Joe T. Ford, ALLTEL chairman and chief executive officer.
         "The companies share a unique vision of the communications industry and
what it will  take to  succeed  in the  future,"  he  said.  "The  names of both
companies are synonymous with quality,  convenience,  innovation and value.  Our
combination of people, products,  networks,  technology and geographic footprint
provides the perfect foundation for the communications company of the future."
         "ALLTEL  and  360  share  a  strategic   objective  to  offer   bundled
communications  services throughout tightly focused geographic  markets," Dennis
E. Foster,  360 president and chief executive  officer,  said. "This merger is a
natural extension of that strategy. Both

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companies have focused their efforts on developing strong distribution  channels
and local presence in their operating areas.
         "In  addition,  both  companies  primarily  serve  mid-size  cities and
smaller  communities.  The combined  company will have more than 3,000 points of
distribution  including 250 retail stores, 450 kiosks and 2,500 sales personnel,
in addition to a strong agent and dealer network."
         Ford said, "The geographic fit and  complementary  strategies of ALLTEL
and 360 will  allow the  combined  company to  realize  significant  competitive
benefits  and  operational   synergy.  By  leveraging   economies  of  scale  in
purchasing, network operations,  information technology and administration,  the
new company  expects to achieve annual cost savings in excess of $100 million by
the Year 2000."
         "For example,"  Foster said,  "ALLTEL is completing  construction  on a
6,800-mile  fiber optic  network  connecting  its service  areas.  That  network
provides a  cost-effective  backbone for  delivering  additional  communications
services,  as well as carrying  voice and data  traffic and it will take only an
additional 1,800 miles to tie 360's contiguous  markets into this network.  When
the network is complete,  transport costs will be reduced  dramatically  and the
traffic volume can increase substantially, with minimal additional investment."
         Ford  said,  "With  the  convergence  of  information   technology  and
communications,  ALLTEL's  information  technology  businesses  are an important
asset to the new company and will  increase  our  competitive  advantage  in the
         ALLTEL provides wireless, wireline, long-distance and Internet services
to 3 million customers in 14 states,  and information  services to financial and
communications companies in 47 countries.
         360 provides  wireless  communications to 2.6 million customers in more
than 100 markets in 15 states.  360 also offers  residential  long-distance  and
paging services.
         From the standpoint of size, the merged company will have:
         -- $4.5 billion in annual revenues;
         -- $8.6 billion in assets;

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         -- $12 billion in market capitalization;
         -- More than 5.6 million communications customers in 22 states; 
         -- More than 1,100 information  services clients in 47 countries;  
         -- More than 20,000  people  employed  worldwide;  
         -- An  overlap  of  wireless  and wireline properties that increases 
            from 27 to 43 percent, and has the potential to increase to 
            62 percent over time;
         -- More  than  50  million  POPS   (population);   
         -- More  than  700 company-operated retail outlets; 
         -- More than 2,500 sales personnel; 
         -- Expanded  opportunities to offer  competitive local exchange service
            in select geographically clustered markets.
         Under terms of the agreement,  each 360 share will be exchanged for .74
ALLTEL  shares  when  the  transaction  is  complete.  The  transaction  will be
accounted for as a pooling of interests.
         The merger is subject to approval by shareholders of both companies, as
well as regulatory and other approvals. Pending receipt of timely approvals, the
merger should be completed by mid-summer.
         Following a  transition  period,  the merged  company will operate from
ALLTEL's  headquarters in Little Rock,  Ark., and will market its products under
the ALLTEL brand.


*360 Communications, NYSE: X0

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