Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998     Commission File Number  1-14174

                               AGL RESOURCES INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                Georgia                                      58-2210952
     (State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)                    Identification No.)

303 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia
                 30308                                      404-584-9470
       (Address and zip code of                       (Registrant's telephone
      principal executive offices)                        number, including
                                                             area code)

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

         Title of Class                     Name of Exchange on which registered
         --------------                     ------------------------------------
    Common Stock, $5 Par Value                     New York Stock Exchange
    Preferred Share Purchase Rights                New York Stock Exchange

Indicate  by check  mark  whether  the  registrant:  (1) has filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934 during the  preceding  12 months,  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes x No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [x]

Aggregate  market  value  of common  stock  held by  non-affiliates  of the
registrant,  computed  by  reference  to the  closing  price of such stock as of
December 1, 1998: $1,250,607,052.

The number of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  as of December 1, 1998 was


Portions of the 1998 Annual Report to  Shareholders  for AGL Resources  Inc. for
the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998 (Annual Report) are incorporated herein
by reference in Parts I and II and  portions  of the Proxy  Statement  for the
1999  Annual  Meeting of Shareholders (Proxy Statement) are incorporated herein
by reference in Part III.

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

    Item 1.        Business.........................................................................................    1
    Item 2.        Properties.......................................................................................   15
    Item 3.        Legal Proceedings................................................................................   15
    Item 4.        Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders..............................................   15
    Item 4.(A).    Executive Officers of the Registrant.............................................................   16

    Item 5.        Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder
                     Matters........................................................................................   17
    Item 6.        Selected Financial Data..........................................................................   17
    Item 7.        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and
                     Financial Condition............................................................................   17
    Item 7.(A).    Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk........................................   17
    Item 8.        Financial Statements and Supplementary Data......................................................   18
    Item 9.        Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
                     Financial Disclosure...........................................................................   18

    Item 10.       Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant...............................................   19
    Item 11.       Executive Compensation...........................................................................   19
    Item 12.       Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management...................................   19
    Item 13.       Certain Relationships and Related Transactions...................................................   19

     Item 14.      Exhibits,  Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K................................   20

Signatures        ..................................................................................................   30

                                     PART I

ITEM 1.         BUSINESS

Forward-Looking Statements

       Portions of the  information  contained in this Form 10-K contain forward
looking  statements  within the meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities Act of
1933 and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, and AGL Resources
Inc. intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbors
created thereby.  Although AGL Resources Inc. believes that its expectations are
based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that such expectations
will be achieved.

       Important  factors that could cause actual  results to differ  materially
from those in the forward-looking  statements  include,  but are not limited to,
the following:

       -    changes in price and demand for natural gas and related products;
       -    the impact of changes in state and federal  legislation  and
            regulation on both  the  gas  and  electric  industries;
       -    the  effects  of  competition, particularly in markets where prices
            and providers  historically have been regulated;
       -    uncertainties about environmental issues;
       -    changes in accounting policies  and  practices;
       -    interest  rate  fluctuations;  and
       -    changes  in financial market conditions.

Business Overview

       General.   Following  shareholder  and regulatory  approval on
March 6, 1996, AGL Resources Inc.  became the holding company for:

       -    Atlanta Gas Light Company (AGLC) and its wholly owned subsidiary,
            Chattanooga Gas Company (Chattanooga), which are local natural gas
            distribution utilities; and

       -    several nonutility subsidiaries.

       We collectively refer to AGL Resources Inc. and its subsidiaries as
 "AGL Resources."

       AGL Resources'  consolidated  operating  revenues  during the fiscal year
ended  September  30,  1998,   were  $1.34  billion,   of  which  $1.28  billion
(approximately 96%) was derived from the operations of AGLC and Chattanooga. See
Gas Sales and Statistics below.

       Utility Business. AGLC conducts our primary business: the distribution of
natural gas in Georgia,  including  the  Atlanta,  Athens,  Augusta,  Brunswick,
Macon,  Rome,  Savannah,  and Valdosta  areas and in  Tennessee,  including  the
Chattanooga and Cleveland  areas. The Georgia Public Service  Commission  (GPSC)
regulates  AGLC,  and  the  Tennessee   Regulatory   Authority  (TRA)  regulates
Chattanooga.   AGLC  comprises  substantially  all  of  AGL  Resources'  assets,
revenues,  and earnings.  When we discuss the  operations and activities of AGLC
and Chattanooga, we refer to them, collectively, as the utility.

       The utility  supplied  natural gas service to an average of approximately
1.46  million   customers  in  fiscal  1998.  This  represents  an  increase  of
approximately  35,000,  or 2.5%, in the average number of customers  served over
the prior  year.  Substantially  all of this growth was in the  residential  and
small commercial service categories.


       The utility holds  franchises,  permits,  certificates and rights without
any substantial  restrictions  which management  believes are sufficient for the
operation  of  its  properties  and  adequate  for  the  operation  of  its  gas
distribution business.

       Under  Georgia's  Natural Gas  Competition  and  Deregulation  Act,  AGLC
elected to unbundle, or separate,  the various components of its services to its
customers.  As a result,  numerous  changes  have  occurred  with respect to the
services  being  offered  by AGLC and with  respect  to the manner in which AGLC
prices and accounts for those services. Consequently, AGLC's future expenses and
revenues will not follow the same pattern as they have historically.

       Pursuant to  Georgia's  Natural Gas  Competition  and  Deregulation  Act,
regulated rates ended on October 6, 1998 for natural gas commodity sales to AGLC
customers.  Consequently,  AGLC will no  longer  defer  any  over-recoveries  or
under-recoveries  of gas costs and will refund to  customers  the  over-recovery
that  existed  when  the  purchased  gas  adjustment   (PGA)   provisions   were

       Going  forward,  AGLC  intends to design its prices for  deregulated  gas
sales in a manner  that,  at a minimum,  will allow it to recover its annual gas
costs. Accordingly, substantial changes to future quarterly statements of income
are expected from this new regulatory approach.  AGLC intends to recover all its
gas costs through the prices it will  establish  such that on an annual basis it
recovers,  at a minimum,  the actual costs of  acquiring  gas supplies for sales

       As part of the GPSC's rate case ruling,  AGLC began billing  customers on
July  1,  1998,  under  a rate  structure  that  recovers  nongas  costs  evenly
throughout the year consistent  with the way the costs are incurred.  The effect
of the new rate structure will be to levelize on a quarter-to-quarter  basis the
revenues  collected by AGLC for gas delivery  services  rendered by the utility.
Prior to July 1, rates to provide distribution service were based principally on
the amount of gas  customers  used.  Therefore,  total  distribution  rates were
typically  lower in the summer when  customers  used less gas, and higher in the
winter when customers used more gas. Going forward, AGLC will collect such rates
evenly   throughout  the  year  regardless  of  volumetric   summer  and  winter
differences in gas usage.

       In addition,  there are other AGLC revenues that reflect costs associated
with  services  deemed  ancillary  to  distribution  service that will change as
customers select a marketer for sales service.  For example, as customers choose
a marketer,  the  associated  revenues to AGLC for billing,  billing  inquiries,
payment collection, payment processing, and possibly meter reading will decrease
if those  services  are  provided by the  marketer.  The  regulatory  provisions
provide for a reduction in the revenues  associated  with those services as AGLC
has the opportunity to avoid such future costs.  Consequently,  those provisions
will reduce some of the regulated revenue and associated expenses for AGLC.


       Nonutility Business.    AGL Resources also operates the following wholly
owned nonutility subsidiaries:

       -    AGL Energy Services, Inc., a gas supply services company that has
            one wholly owned nonutility subsidiary, Georgia Gas Company;

       -    AGL  Interstate  Pipeline  Company  which owns a 50%  interest in
            Cumberland  Pipeline  Company;   Cumberland  Pipeline  Company  is
            expected to provide  interstate  pipeline services to customers in
            Georgia and Tennessee beginning November 1, 2000;

       -    AGL  Investments,  Inc.,  which was  established  to develop  and
            manage certain nonutility businesses including:

            *    AGL Gas Marketing,  Inc.,  which owns a 35% interest in Sonat
                 Marketing,  L.P.; Sonat  Marketing,  L.P. engages in wholesale
                 and retail natural gas trading;

            *    AGL Power Services,  Inc., which owns a 35% interest in Sonat
                 Power Marketing,  L.P.; Sonat Power Marketing, L.P. engages in
                 wholesale power trading;

            *    AGL Propane, Inc., which engages in the sale of propane and
                 related products and services;

            *    Trustees  Investments,  Inc., which owns Trustees Gardens,  a
                 residential  and  retail  development   located  in  Savannah,
                 Georgia; and

            *    Utilipro, Inc., which engages in the sale of integrated
                 customer care solutions to energy marketers; and

       -    AGL Peaking  Services,  Inc., which owns a 50% interest in Etowah
             LNG Company  LLC;  Etowah LNG Company LLC is a joint  venture with
             Southern  Natural  Gas  Company  and was formed for the purpose of
             constructing,  owning,  and  operating  a  liquefied  natural  gas
             peaking facility.

       -    Atlanta  Gas Light  Services,  Inc.,  a retail  energy  marketing
            company which owns an interest in SouthStar Energy Services,  LLC;
            SouthStar  Energy  Services,  LLC was  established to sell natural
            gas, propane, fuel oil,  electricity,  and related services in the

       Information  pertaining to the investments in joint ventures and recent
acquisitions  by AGL Resources'  nonutility  businesses is contained in Note 14,
"Joint  Ventures  and  Nonutility   Acquisitions,"  included  in  the  Notes  to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  in the Annual  Report  and is  incorporated
herein by reference.


Gas Sales and Statistics
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    For the years ended September 30,

                                                  1998        1997        1996        1995        1994        1993    

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues (Millions of Dollars)
   Sales of natural gas
      Residential                               $ 775.9     $ 728.5     $ 708.8     $ 610.6     $ 700.7     $ 658.2   
      Commercial                                  294.1       290.9       288.8       243.2       285.8       268.1   
      Industrial                                  152.6       148.0       178.8       169.4       172.1       154.2   
   Transportation revenues                         34.8        28.5        21.5        23.9        22.6        33.8   
   Miscellaneous revenues                          21.4        20.2        19.7        15.9        18.7        16.0   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Total utility operating revenues             1,278.8     1,216.1     1,217.6     1,063.0     1,199.9     1,130.3   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Other operating revenues                        59.8        71.5        11.0         5.5

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Total operating revenues            $ 1,338.6   $ 1,287.6   $ 1,228.6   $ 1,068.5   $ 1,199.9   $ 1,130.3   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Utility Throughput
   Therms sold (Millions)
      Residential                               1,084.9       986.1     1,165.4       916.8     1,003.1     1,001.4   
      Commercial                                  467.8       455.5       538.2       454.0       478.9       478.5   
      Industrial                                  438.1       344.9       449.6       526.0       424.8       388.7   
   Therms transported                           1,310.6     1,014.5       738.7       722.8       697.4       795.6   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Total utility throughput              3,301.4     2,801.0     2,891.9     2,619.6     2,604.2     2,664.2   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Average Utility Customers (Thousands)
      Residential                               1,351.5     1,319.0     1,289.4     1,250.4     1,215.2     1,182.7   
      Commercial                                  107.4       104.5       102.5       100.0        98.0        95.7   
      Industrial                                    2.6         2.7         2.6         2.6         2.5         2.5   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Total                                 1,461.5     1,426.2     1,394.5     1,353.0     1,315.7     1,280.9   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sales, Per Average Residential
  Utility Customer
   Gas sold (Therms)                              803         748         904         733         825         847     
   Revenue                                       $574.10     $552.00     $550.00     $488.32     $576.61     $556.52  
   Revenue per therm (cents)                       71.5        73.9        60.8        66.6        69.9        65.7   
Degree Days - Atlanta Area
   30-year normal                               2,991       2,991       2,991       2,991       2,991       3,021     
   Actual                                       3,078       2,402       3,191       2,121       2,565       2,852     
   Percentage of actual to 30-year normal         102.9        80.3       106.7        70.9        85.8        94.4   
Gas Account (Millions of Therms)
   Natural gas purchased                        1,459.1     1,323.4     1,632.9     1,406.9     1,453.6     1,629.9   
   Natural gas withdrawn from storage             604.7       472.4       596.0       520.7       500.3       276.4   
   Natural gas transported                      1,310.8     1,014.5       738.7       722.8       697.4       795.6   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Total send-out                        3,374.6     2,810.3     2,967.6     2,650.4     2,651.3     2,701.9   
      Unaccounted for                              66.2         1.3        60.4        20.4        37.2        29.0   
      Company use                                   7.0         8.0        15.3        10.4         9.9         8.7   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Sold and transported
             to utility customers               3,301.4     2,801.0     2,891.9     2,619.6     2,604.2     2,664.2   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cost of Gas (Millions of Dollars)
   Natural gas purchased                        $ 558.8     $ 532.5     $ 547.1     $ 389.4     $ 550.1     $ 595.7   
   Natural gas withdrawn from storage             203.7       175.7       171.6       182.4       186.7       105.3   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Cost of gas - utility operations               762.5       708.2       718.7       571.8       736.8       701.0   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Cost of gas - other                             33.5        58.3         6.8         2.3

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Total cost of gas                     $ 796.0     $ 766.5     $ 725.5     $ 574.1     $ 736.8     $ 701.0   

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Utility Plant - End of Year
 (Millions of Dollars)
      Gross plant                             $ 2,133.5   $ 2,069.1   $ 1,969.0   $ 1,919.9   $ 1,833.2   $ 1,740.6   
      Net plant                               $ 1,452.6   $ 1,420.3   $ 1,361.2   $ 1,336.6   $ 1,279.6   $ 1,217.9   
      Gross plant investment per utility
         customer (Thousands of Dollars)          $ 1.5       $ 1.5       $ 1.4       $ 1.4       $ 1.4       $ 1.4   
Capital Expenditures (Millions of Dollars)      $ 118.2     $ 147.7     $ 132.5     $ 121.7     $ 122.5     $ 122.2   
Gas Mains - Miles of 3" Equivalent             30,753      30,261      29,045      28,520      27,972      27,390     
Employees - Average                             3,024       2,986       2,942       3,249       3,764       3,764     
Average Btu Content of Natural Gas              1,028       1,024       1,024       1,027       1,032       1,027     

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Gas Supply Services

       General.   In 1992, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
issued Order 636,  which  increased  gas users'  ability to choose  various  gas
purchasing, transportation, brokering, and storage options. Consequently, we now
buy all gas that we resell directly from various suppliers (rather than pipeline
companies)and arrange separately for transportation and storage.  We offer gas
for sale to our residential customers on a firm basis, and to our commercial and
industrial customers on a firm or interruptible basis. Alternatively, we can
transport gas for our customers.  We also participate in the interstate
markets, by releasing pipeline capacity or bundling pipeline capacity with gas
for off-system sales.

       During  fiscal year 1998,  AGLC  bought and sold  natural gas under a gas
supply plan that was  regulated by the GPSC.  Pursuant to Georgia's  Natural Gas
Competition and Deregulation  Act,  regulated rates ended on October 6, 1998 for
natural gas commodity  sales to AGLC  customers.  During the  transition  period
contemplated by Georgia's  Natural Gas Competition  and  Deregulation  Act, AGLC
will continue to sell natural gas to its customers until those customers migrate
to certified natural gas marketers.  Consequently,  the supply of natural gas by
AGLC was a significant  part of AGLC's business during fiscal year 1998 and will
continue to have a material impact on their business during fiscal year 1999.

       AGLC is served directly by four interstate  pipelines:  Southern  Natural
Gas Company  (Southern),  South  Georgia  Natural Gas Company  (South  Georgia),
Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line Company (Transco) and East Tennessee Natural Gas
Company (East  Tennessee) in combination with its upstream  pipeline,  Tennessee
Gas Pipeline Company (Tennessee).

       As a result of the FERC's Order 636 deregulation initiative,  AGLC, along
with the nation's other local distribution  companies,  bear  responsibility for
gas supply strategy  decisions  which are ultimately  subject to review by state
regulatory commissions.

       Gas Supply Plan Filing.  Prior to the implementation of Georgia's Natural
Gas Competition and  Deregulation  Act, AGLC had been required by Georgia law to
submit  annually  for GPSC  approval a proposed  gas supply  plan,  as well as a
proposed cost recovery factor for the following year.

       In September  1997, the GPSC approved AGLC's fiscal 1998 Gas Supply Plan,
which included limited gas supply hedging activities.  Under that plan, AGLC was
allowed  to  hedge up to  one-half  of its  estimated  monthly  winter  wellhead
purchases.  Furthermore, to help avoid price fluctuation, AGLC was able to set a
price for those  purchases  at an amount  other than the  beginning-of-the-month
index price. Because AGLC then passed on those costs directly to residential and
small  commercial  customers,  its hedging  program  did not affect  fiscal 1998

       On July 31,  1998,  AGLC filed  with the GPSC its fiscal  1999 Gas Supply
Plan (the 1999 Plan), which consisted of gas supply, transportation, and storage
options.  The 1999  Plan  was  designed  to  provide  reliable  gas  service  to
residential  and  small  commercial  customers  at the  best  cost  (least  cost
consistent  with  desired  levels  of  reliability  and  flexibility).  The GPSC
approved the 1999 Plan with some modifications on September 14, 1998.

       Under Georgia's  Natural Gas Competition and  Deregulation  Act, the 1999
Plan, as approved,  became AGLC's first  Capacity  Supply Plan  (Capacity  Plan)
when,  on  October  6,  1998,  the  GPSC  approved  more  than  five  marketers'
applications  to begin selling  natural gas services at market prices to Georgia
consumers.  Capacity  plans,  which must be  approved  by the GPSC at least once
every three years,  describe the array of interstate capacity assets selected by
AGLC to make gas  available to end-use  customers  on its system.  Rights to use
capacity  assets  as set  forth in the  Capacity  Plan are  assigned  by AGLC to
marketers as the marketers acquire firm customers. Marketers are responsible for
paying fixed charges associated with the assigned capacity assets.
       Firm Pipeline  Transportation and Underground  Storage.  The table on the
following page shows the amount of firm  transportation  and describes the types
and amounts of underground  storage that both AGLC and Chattanooga  have elected
or been  assigned  under Order 636. The table also shows  services that were not
affected by the implementation of Order 636.


                                 Production Area   Supplemental
                    Maximum      Underground       Underground
                      Firm        Storage Maximum  Storage Maximum
                  Transportation  Withdrawal       Withdrawal     Expiration
                    DT/Day        DT/Day (1)       DT/Day (2)      Date
                  ------------   ---------------    --------------  ---------

Firm Transportation        617,559                               August 31, 2002
Firm Transportation         46,223                               August 31, 2003
Firm Transportation        111,192                               April 30, 2007
Firm Transportation          1,021                               June 30, 2007
CSS                                     390,113                  August 31, 2002
CSS                                      24,640                  August 31, 2003
ANR - 50                                              113,000    March 31, 2003
ANR - 100                                              55,500    March 31, 2003

Firm Transportation        111,366                               March 31, 2010
Firm Transportation         15,525                               July 1, 2005
Firm Transportation          6,440                               March 17, 2008
Firm Transportation          4,658                               October 31, 2009
Firm Transportation         85,000                               November 1, 2013
WSS                                      73,059                  March 31, 2010
ESS                                      31,357                  October 31, 2013
GSS                                                    59,012    June 30, 2001 (3)
GSS                                                    70,296    March 31, 2013 (3)
LSS                                                    18,040    March 31, 1994 (4)
SS-1                                                   20,918    March 31, 2008
LGA                                                    42,975    October 31, 2002
Cove Point LNG                                         69,000    April 15, 2001
Supplemental Peaking                                   15,000    March 31, 2001

Tennessee/East Tennessee
Firm Transportation (ETN)   61,160                               November 1, 2000
FS Storage                               30,572                  November 1, 2000
CNG                                       3,421                  March 31, 2001

South Georgia
Firm Transportation (SGNG)  12,115                               April 30, 2007
ANR - 100                                                 708    March 31, 2003
CSS                                       6,906                  February 28, 1999
                       ------------  -----------   -----------

Total                    1,072,259      560,068       464,449
                       ============  ===========   ===========

Firm Transportation          4,747                               August 31, 2003
Firm Transportation         14,346                               August 31, 2003
Firm Transportation          3,369                               April 30, 2007
Firm Transportation          5,105                               November 1, 2006
CSS                                      14,346                  August 31, 2003

Tennessee/East Tennessee
Firm Transportation (TN)    39,792                               November 1, 2000
Firm Transportation (ETN)   46,350                               November 1, 2000
FS Storage                               21,400                  November 1, 2000
CNG                                        2471                  March 31, 2001
                       ------------  -----------

Total                       73,917       38,217
                       ============  ===========
(1)   Production  area  storage  requires  a  complementary  amount  of the firm
      transportation capacity identified in the first column to move storage gas
      withdrawals to the Company's service area.

(2)   Supplemental  underground  storage  withdrawals  include  delivery  to the
      Company's  service area and do not require any of the firm  transportation
      capacity  identified in the first  column.  Injections  into  supplemental
      underground  storage require  incremental  transportation,  primarily from
      transportation identified in Column 1.

(3)   Expiration dates are shown for this contract  although it has not yet been
      executed.  AGLC is  operating  under  Natural  Gas Act  (NGA)  certificate
      authority while negotiating this contract.

(4)   The Company is operating under Natural Gas Act (NGA)  certificate
      authority while negotiating a contract.

      "DT" is an abbreviation for dekatherms.


     Wellhead  Supply.  AGLC and  Chattanooga  have entered into firm wellhead
supply   contracts   for  346,940   dekatherms   (DT)/day  and  24,931   DT/day,
respectively,  to supply  their  firm  transportation  and  underground  storage
capacity.   AGLC  and  Chattanooga  are  finalizing  contract  negotiations  for
additional  firm wellhead  supply  contracts of 110,000  DT/day and 9,765 DT/day
respectively.  Those  contracts  will be completed  during the first  quarter of
fiscal 1999. AGLC also purchases spot market gas as needed during the year.

       Liquefied  Natural Gas. To meet the demand for natural gas on the coldest
days of the  winter  months,  AGLC must also  maintain  sufficient  supplemental
quantities of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in its supply portfolio.  AGLC's three
strategically  located Georgia-based LNG plants - north and south of Atlanta and
near  Macon - provide a  combined  maximum  daily  supplement  of  approximately
815,000  thousands of cubic feet (Mcf) and a combined usable storage capacity of
72  million  gallons,  equivalent  to  5,952,000  Mcf.  Chattanooga's  LNG plant
provides a maximum daily supplement of approximately 90,000 Mcf and has a usable
storage capacity of 13 million gallons, equivalent to 1,076,000 Mcf.

       Risk Management.  AGLC's Gas Supply Plan for fiscal 1998 included limited
gas supply hedging activities.  AGLC was authorized to begin an expanded program
to hedge up to one-half its estimated  monthly winter wellhead  purchases and to
establish   a  price  for  those   purchases   at  an  amount   other  than  the
beginning-of-the-month index price. Such a program creates an additional element
of  diversification  and price stability.  The financial  results of all hedging
activities  were passed through to residential  and small  commercial  customers
under the PGA provisions of AGLC's rate schedules.
Accordingly, the hedging program did not affect our earnings.

       Consistent with fiscal 1998,  AGLC's Gas Supply Plan for fiscal 1999 will
include limited gas supply hedging activities. In conjunction with deregulation,
the fiscal 1999 hedging  results will not pass through to residential  and small
commercial customers through a regulated PGA mechanism.  Accordingly,  in fiscal
1999, the hedging program may affect earnings.

       Beginning in November 1998,  AGLC began to make public the price at which
it sells gas. AGLC also began a fixed-price  option program to minimize the risk
of loss incurred as a result of gas volume and price  volatility after the price
has been  published.  Each month before  publishing  the sales price,  AGLC will
determine  whether  to  enter  into  a  fixed-price  option  agreement  for  the
respective month. In the event AGLC enters into such an agreement, it will pay a
monthly  option  premium based on the potential  need for  incremental  wellhead
purchases.   Such  premium  will  fix  AGLC's  maximum  gas  purchase  cost  for
incremental wellhead purchases at the agreement's fixed price.  Accordingly,  in
the event actual gas prices on any day during the month  exceed the  agreement's
fixed price for the month,  the option  reimburses AGLC the difference in excess
of the fixed price.  If the actual gas price on any day during the month is less
than the fixed price,  AGLC pays the lesser price.  The  anticipated  results of
fixed-price  option  agreements  will  be to  limit  the  effect  of  gas  price
volatility on earnings.

State Regulatory Matters

       Unbundling and AGLC Rate Filing.  Georgia's  Natural Gas  Competition and
Deregulation Act became law on April 14, 1997. It provides a legal framework for
comprehensive  deregulation  of many  aspects of the  natural  gas  business  in

       On November 26, 1997, AGLC filed the following items with the GPSC:

       -    a notice of AGLC's  election to be subject to Georgia's  Natural Gas
            Competition  and  Deregulation  Act; and
       -    an  application to unbundle (offer  separately  and  establish
            separate  rates for) the various components of AGLC's services to
            its customers and to regulate  distribution rates, charges,
            classifications,  and  services  under a  performance-based
            regulation plan.

       After hearings were held in that proceeding,  the GPSC set the rates AGLC
will  charge  end-use  customers  (during the  transition  to  competition)  and
marketers  (during  and after the  transition  to  competition)  for natural gas
delivery and  ancillary  services.  Those  decisions are reflected in the GPSC's
initial order of June 30, 1998. On July 10, 1998,  AGLC and other parties to the
proceeding  petitioned the GPSC to reconsider  some issues in its initial order.
The GPSC subsequently  issued partial orders on reconsidered issues on September
18, October 16, and October 22, 1998.

       Key decisions adopted by the GPSC are as follows:

       -    a $12.75 million  annual rate decrease  based on a fully  forecasted
            future test year for the 12 months ending May 31, 1999;
       -    an 11% rate of return on common equity;
       -    the end of regulated rates for natural gas commodity sales effective
            October 6, 1998;
       -    separate,  distinct  ancillary  service  rates  for  meter  reading,
            billing,   billing  inquiries,   payment   processing,  and  payment
            collection based on AGLC's fully allocated costs;
       -    balancing services,  storage services, and peaking services provided
            on  a  separate  basis;
       -    denial  of  AGLC's  proposed  comprehensive performance-based rate
            regulation plan;
       -    any customer may, during the transition period, return to the
            natural gas commodity sales service offered by AGLC;
       -    advance payment by marketers to AGLC for fixed charges for services
            to be provided;
       -    90% of  revenues  from  interruptible  service  by AGLC will go to a
            universal service fund (see explanation below), and the remaining
            10% will be revenue for AGLC;
       -    AGLC must conduct its business so that it does not give preference
            to any marketer; and
       -    AGLC must implement a fully  operational  electronic  bulletin board
            (EBB); the EBB provides  marketers  with equal and timely  access to
            information  about  the  availability  of  distribution  service  to
            residential and small commercial customers.

       As part of the GPSC's rate case ruling,  AGLC began billing  customers on
July  1,  1998,  under  a rate  structure  that  recovers  nongas  costs  evenly
throughout the year consistent with the way the costs are incurred. The new rate

       -    provides for a level monthly charge for gas delivery service;
       -    provides the opportunity to grow margins at a rate more
            commensurate with AGLC's above average customer growth rate;
       -    eliminates the need for weather normalization; and
       -    eliminates the adverse effects of declining use per customer,  which
            AGLC has experienced for the past several years.

       Georgia's  Natural Gas  Competition and  Deregulation  Act provides for a
transition period before competition is fully in effect. AGLC will unbundle,  or
separate, all services to its natural gas customers;  allocate delivery capacity
to  approved  marketers  who sell the gas  commodity  to  residential  and small
commercial  users;  and  create a  secondary  market  for large  commercial  and
industrial transportation capacity.

       Approved marketers,  including our marketing  affiliate,  will compete to
sell natural gas to all end-use  customers  at  market-based  prices.  AGLC will
continue to deliver gas to all end-use  customers  through its existing pipeline
system,   subject  to  the  GPSC's  continued   regulation.   The  GPSC's  order
acknowledges  that under Georgia's Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act,
the PGA mechanism will be deregulated when at least five nonaffiliated marketers
are authorized to serve an area of Georgia.  The GPSC issued more than five such
authorizations on October 6, 1998.  Consequently,  AGLC will no longer defer any
over-recoveries or  under-recoveries  of gas costs, and will refund to customers
the over-recovery that existed when the PGA mechanism was deregulated on October
6, 1998.


       Going  forward,  AGLC  intends to design its prices for  deregulated  gas
sales in a manner  that,  at a minimum,  will allow it to recover its annual gas
costs.  Even though the recovery of gas costs is not currently  subject to price
regulation,  the GPSC continues to regulate  delivery rates,  safety,  access to
AGLC's system, and quality of service for all aspects of delivery service.

       Generally,  under Georgia's Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act,
the  transition  to full-scale  competition  occurs when  residential  and small
commercial  customers who represent one-third of the peak day requirements for a
particular  delivery group have voluntarily  selected a marketer.  When the GPSC
determines  such market  conditions  exist,  there will be a 120-day  process to
notify and assign  customers  who have not  selected a marketer.  Following  the
120-day  period,  residential  and small  commercial  customers who have not yet
selected a marketer will be randomly  assigned a marketer under the rules issued
by the GPSC.

       Georgia's Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act provides marketing
standards and rules of business practice to ensure the benefits of a competitive
natural gas market are available to all  customers on our system.  It imposes on
marketers an  obligation  to serve  end-use  customers,  and creates a universal
service fund. The universal  service fund provides a method to fund the recovery
of  marketers'  uncollectible  accounts,  and it  enables  AGLC  to  expand  its
facilities to serve the public interest.

       Retail  marketing  companies,  including our marketing  affiliate,  filed
separate  applications  with the GPSC to sell natural gas to AGLC's  residential
and small  commercial  customers.  On  October  6, 1998,  the GPSC  approved  19
marketers'  applications  to begin selling natural gas services at market prices
to Georgia customers on November 1, 1998.

       Chattanooga Gas Company - Rate Filing. On May 1, 1997,  Chattanooga filed
a rate case with the TRA seeking an annual increase in revenues of $4.4 million.
Chattanooga sought the additional revenue in order to:
       -    improve and expand Chattanooga's natural gas distribution system;
       -    recover increased  operation,  maintenance and tax expenses;  and
       -    provide a reasonable return to investors.

       Hearings were held in February  1998. On July 21, 1998,  the TRA voted to
direct  Chattanooga to decrease rates by $1.2 million,  primarily as a result of
the TRA's rejection of the proposed overhead  allocation method and rejection of
proposed recovery of a previously incurred  acquisition  premium.  Following the
TRA's October 7, 1998,  written order,  Chattanooga filed tariffs reflecting the
reduction in revenue for service beginning November 1, 1998.

       AGLC Pipeline Safety.  On January 8, 1998, the GPSC issued procedures and
set a schedule for hearings about alleged  pipeline safety  violations.  On July
21, 1998, the GPSC approved a settlement between AGLC and the Adversary Staff of
the GPSC that  details a 10-year  replacement  program for  approximately  2,300
miles of cast iron and bare steel pipelines. Over that 10-year period, AGLC will
recover from  customers the costs related to the program net of any cost savings
resulting from the replacement program.

       Weather  Normalization.  The  GPSC  authorized  a  weather  normalization
adjustment rider (WNAR) which was in effect during fiscal 1996, fiscal 1997, and
the first nine months of fiscal  1998.  In  addition,  the TRA has  authorized a
WNAR.  WNARs are designed to offset the impact of unusually cold or warm weather
on customer billings and operating margin.
Consequently, weather normalization affected net income in the following manner:

       -    net income decreased by $1.2 million in fiscal 1998;
       -    net income increased  by  $16.2  million  in  fiscal  1997; and
       -    net  income decreased by $4.4 million in fiscal 1996.

       On June 30,  1998,  the WNAR for AGLC was  discontinued,  since  the rate
structure  mandated by Georgia's  Natural Gas Competition and  Deregulation  Act
eliminates  the effect of  weather-related  volumetric  variances on nongas cost
revenue collections. The WNAR for Chattanooga remains in effect.

       Environmental.  Before  natural gas was available in the Southeast in the
early  1930s,  AGLC  manufactured  gas from  coal  and  other  materials.  Those
manufacturing  operations  were known as  manufactured  gas  plants.  Because of
recent  environmental   concerns,   we  are  required  to  investigate  possible
contamination  at those  plants and,  if  necessary,  clean them up.  Additional
information  relating to  environmental  matters and disclosures is contained in
Note 12, "Environmental Matters" included in the Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements in the Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

       We have two ways of recovering  investigation  and cleanup costs.  First,
the GPSC has approved an "Environmental Response Cost Recovery Rider." It allows
us to recover our costs of  investigation,  testing,  cleanup,  and  litigation.
Because  of that  rider,  we have  recorded  an asset in the same  amount as our
investigation and cleanup liability.  The GPSC,  however, is conducting hearings
about  three  aspects  of the  rider.  Depending  on how  the  GPSC  rules,  our
recoveries  under  the  rider  could  be  affected.  If the  GPSC  were to limit
significantly  our recovery under the rider, the results could be material.  The
second way we could recover  costs is by exercising  the legal rights we believe
we have to  recover  a share  of our  costs  from  other  corporations  and from
insurance companies.


Federal Regulatory Matters

       FERC Order 636:  Transition  Costs  Settlement  Agreements.  The  utility
purchases  natural gas  transportation  and  storage  services  from  interstate
pipeline  companies,   and  the  Federal  Energy  Regulatory  Commission  (FERC)
regulates those services and the rates the interstate  pipeline companies charge
the utility.  During the past decade, the FERC has dramatically  transformed the
natural gas industry through a series of generic orders promoting competition in
the industry.  As part of that  transformation,  the  interstate  pipelines that
serve the utility have been required to:

       -    unbundle, or separate, their transportation and gas supply services;
       -    provide   a    separate    transportation    service   -   on   a
            nondiscriminatory basis - for the gas that is supplied by numerous
            gas producers or other third parties.

       The FERC is  considering  further  revisions to its rules,  including the

       -    its policies governing secondary market transactions for use of
            pipeline capacity; and
       -    revisions  that would  permit  pipelines  and their  customers to
            establish individually  negotiated terms and conditions of service
            that depart from generally applicable pipeline tariff rules.

       The utility cannot  predict  whether those changes will be adopted or how
they potentially might affect it.

       The FERC has required the utility,  as well as other interstate  pipeline
customers,  to pay  transition  costs  associated  with  the  separation  of the
suppliers'  transportation  and  gas  supply  services.  Based  on its  pipeline
suppliers' filings with the FERC, the utility estimates the total portion of its
transition costs from all its pipeline  suppliers will be  approximately  $106.2
million.  As of September 30, 1998,  approximately  $97.8 million of those costs
had been incurred and were being  recovered from the utility's  customers  under
the purchased gas provisions of its rate  schedules.  Going  forward,  AGLC will
recover  the  majority of the  remaining  costs  through its gas sales.  A small
portion of the costs will be recovered  from  certificated  marketers as part of
the assignment process under its unbundling plan.

       The largest portion of the transition costs the utility must pay consists
of gas supply realignment costs that Southern Natural Gas Company (Southern) and
Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company  (Tennessee)  bill the utility.  The utility and
other parties have entered restructuring settlements with Southern and Tennessee
that resolve all transition cost issues for those pipelines.

       Under  the  Southern  settlement,   the  utility's  share  of  Southern's
transition  costs is  approximately  $88 million,  of which the utility incurred
$84.5 million as of September  30, 1998.  Under the  Tennessee  settlement,  the
utility's share of Tennessee's  transition costs is approximately $14.7 million,
of which the utility  incurred  approximately  $10 million as of  September  30,

       AGLC requested and was granted  clarification  and  assignment  waiver of
certain FERC policies concerning  interstate pipeline capacity.  The request was
necessary to ensure that it would be able to make certain  pipeline  services it
receives available to certificated marketers as part of its unbundling plan.


     FERC Rate  Proceedings.  The  utility is  participating  in various  rate
proceedings  before the FERC that  involve its pipeline  suppliers'  filings for
rate  changes.  The  proceedings  typically  involve  numerous  issues about the
pipeline's cost of providing service, allocation of costs to different services,
and  rate  design.  A  variety  of cost  allocation  and rate  design  proposals
typically  are advanced by the  pipeline's  customers,  making it  impossible to
forecast precisely how any given rate change will affect our operations.

       During fiscal 1998,  the utility was  authorized to recover costs paid to
its pipeline  suppliers from its customers  through the purchased gas provisions
of its rate schedules.  However,  pursuant to Georgia's  Natural Gas Competition
and Deregulation  Act,  regulated rates ended on October 6, 1998 for natural gas
commodity sales to AGLC  customers.  Therefore,  going forward,  AGLC intends to
recover costs related to pipeline  suppliers  through its prices for deregulated
gas sales such that on an annual  basis it  recovers,  at a minimum,  the actual
costs paid to pipeline suppliers. Chattanooga will continue to recover the costs
paid to its pipeline  suppliers  from its  customers  through the  purchased gas
provisions of its rate schedules.

       To the extent that the following  cases have not been settled,  the rates
filed in these proceedings have been accepted.  However, they are subject to the
outcome of the FERC proceedings and could result in refunds.

       Tennessee. The utility is involved in two ongoing Tennessee rate

          -   The FERC has approved a  comprehensive  settlement  that provides
              for a  reduction  of  approximately  $83  million  in the  cost of
              service  underlying  Tennessee's  rates  that  have been in effect
              since July 1, 1995.  The FERC's orders  approving  the  settlement
              were  appealed  to the  United  States  Court of  Appeals  for the
              District of Columbia  Circuit  (D.C.  Circuit).  On July 31, 1998,
              that  court  sent  the case  back to the FERC for it to  determine
              whether Tennessee's rate design unlawfully hinders the development
              of market centers.  The utility's  estimated  annual  reduction in
              cost because of the  settlement  is $2.6  million;  however,  that
              amount  may  change as a result of  further  action by the FERC on
              remand from the D.C. Circuit.

          -   The FERC's orders,  in a prior Tennessee rate case involving rate
              design changes to be effective  prospectively,  have been appealed
              to the D.C. Circuit.

       Transco. AGLC is involved in three ongoing Transco rate proceedings:

          -   The  FERC has  approved  a  partial  settlement  providing  for a
              reduction  of  approximately  $58  million  in the cost of service
              underlying  Transco's rates that were in effect between  September
              1, 1995 and April 30, 1997.  AGLC's  estimated annual reduction in
              cost  because  of the  settlement  is $2.4  million.  The  partial
              settlement  also  reserves  some issues for  litigation,  which is
              ongoing.  The FERC's  orders  approving the  settlement  have been
              appealed to the D.C. Circuit.

          -   On June 12,  1998,  the FERC issued an order  approving a partial
              settlement in Transco's  current rate case,  which  provides for a
              reduction of  approximately  $103.3 million in the cost of service
              underlying  Transco's  rates that have been in effect since May 1,
              1997.  AGLC's  estimated  annual  reduction in cost because of the
              settlement is $5.5 million.  The partial  settlement also reserves
              certain issues for litigation,  which is ongoing. The FERC's order
              approving that settlement is final.

          -   The FERC's orders in a prior Transco rate proceeding have been
              appealed to the D.C. Circuit.

         ANR Pipeline.  On February 13, 1998, the FERC issued an order approving
a settlement  that resolved ANR's rate case. The settlement  authorizes  AGLC to
receive  reimbursement refunds for past overpayments and provides for reductions
of approximately  $3.9 million in rates on a prospective basis. The FERC's order
approving the settlement is final.

         Arcadian.  On May 14, 1998,  the United States Court of Appeals for the
Eleventh  Circuit  rejected  AGLC's appeal to the FERC,  whose earlier order had
approved a  settlement  between  Southern and  Arcadian  Corporation  (Arcadian)
allowing  Southern to bypass  AGLC's  system and  provide  direct gas service to
Arcadian's  fertilizer  plant in Augusta,  Georgia.  The Eleventh Circuit agreed
with AGLC that the FERC  should  vacate  specific  prior  orders  that  required
Southern to provide  direct gas  service to  Arcadian,  on the grounds  that the
prior  orders  became moot as a result of the  settlement  between  Southern and


         Waiver Request.  On May 1, 1998, AGLC filed a request for clarification
and waiver of specific  FERC  policies  that govern the  transfer of  interstate
pipeline capacity from the holders of the capacity to third parties.  AGLC filed
that  request  so it  could  make the  necessary  interstate  pipeline  services
available  to  marketers as part of the  requirements  of Georgia's  Natural Gas
Competition  and  Deregulation  Act. On July 31, 1998,  the FERC issued an order
that  authorized  AGLC  to  make  interstate   pipeline  capacity  available  to
marketers. The order granted AGLC a limited jurisdiction blanket certificate for
one year, which became  effective when it unbundled its  distribution  system as
required by Georgia's Natural Gas Competition and Deregulation Act.

         The FERC's  authorization  is subject to a further  filing,  which AGLC
submitted on August 31,  1998.  A party to the  proceeding  has  protested  that
filing.  Another  party  opposing  our  request for waiver has filed a rehearing
request with FERC challenging the FERC's order.

         Etowah LNG. On April 20, 1998, Etowah LNG applied with the FERC seeking
authority to construct a new LNG storage facility in Polk County,  Georgia,  and
to provide a liquefied natural gas peaking service. AGLC has entered a precedent
agreement to subscribe to the new liquefied natural gas peaking service upon the
FERC's authorization. Etowah LNG's application is pending before the FERC.

         The utility cannot predict the outcome of those federal proceedings nor
determine the ultimate effect, if any, the proceedings may have on the utility.


       Utility.  The utility  competes to supply natural gas to large commercial
and  industrial  customers.  Those  customers can switch to  alternative  fuels,
including  propane,  fuel  and  waste  oils,  electricity  and,  in some  cases,
combustible wood  by-products.  The utility also competes to supply gas to large
commercial and industrial customers who seek to bypass our distribution system.

       Before the GPSC's rate case order of June 30,  1998,  AGLC was  providing
service  under 56  negotiated  contracts  with  customers who had the ability to
bypass its  distribution  system and receive  service  directly from  interstate
pipelines. In addition, AGLC was providing service under seven special long-term
contracts that involve competing with alternative fuels where physical bypass is
not the relevant competition. Under the regulatory structure then in place, AGLC
was allowed to recover from other  customers  most of the  discounts  associated
with such contracts.

       The change in the regulatory  structure  associated  with  unbundling and
restatement  of rates  removed  the need to  recover  discounts  going  forward.
Nevertheless,  the GPSC  specifically  authorized AGLC to continue to enter into
future  contracts if the initial term of a contract  does not exceed three years
and if all such future contracts include market-out provisions.  The GPSC issued
a written order setting forth its decision on May 21, 1998.

       Subsequent to July 1, 1998, AGLC can price distribution services to large
commercial and industrial customers in one of three ways:

       -    GPSC - approved rates in AGLC's tariff;
       -    discounted rates - if an existing rate is not priced competitively
            with a customer's  competitive  alternative fuel; or
       -    special contracts approved by the GPSC.

       Additionally,  interruptible  customers  have the  option  of  purchasing
delivery service directly from marketers,  who are authorized to use capacity on
AGLC's  distribution  system that is allocated to the marketers for  residential
and firm small business customers,  whenever such capacity is not being used for
firm customers.


       On November 27,  1996,  the TRA approved an  experimental  rule  allowing
Chattanooga  to  negotiate   contracts  with  large  commercial  and  industrial
customers  who  have  long-term  competitive  options,   including  bypass.  The
experimental  rule requires that before a large Tennessee  customer is allowed a
discounted  rate,  both the customer and  Chattanooga  must request that the TRA
approve the rates requested in the contract.

       On October 7, 1997,  the TRA denied  requests from  Chattanooga  and four
large  customers for discounted  rates - after deciding that customer bypass was
not imminent. On January 14, 1998, however, the FERC issued an order authorizing
Southern  Natural Gas Company to bypass  Chattanooga to serve a large industrial
customer.  Chattanooga  later  reached a settlement  with that customer to avoid

       Nonutility. We engage in several competitive,  energy-related businesses,
including gas supply services, wholesale and retail propane sales, wholesale gas
and power marketing,  retail energy marketing,  customer care services,  and the
sale of energy-related  products and services for residential,  commercial,  and
industrial customers throughout the Southeast.

       Unlike the utility,  our nonutility  businesses  are not  regulated.  Our
nonutility  businesses  typically face  competition  from other companies in the
same or similar businesses.  Currently,  our nonutility businesses do not have a
material effect on our consolidated financial statements.

Significant Customers

       In fiscal  1998,  we  provided  services  to  approximately  1.5  million
customers,  substantially  all of which are customers of the utility.  No one of
our  customers  accounted  for more than 10% of our total  revenues or operating
income in any of our three most recent fiscal years.

Year 2000

       Information  relating to our year 2000 plan and  disclosures is contained
under the caption "Year 2000  Readiness  Disclosure"  included in  "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Results of Operations and Financial Condition" in the
Annual Report and is incorporated herein by reference.

Environmental Matters

       Information   relating  to  environmental   matters  and  disclosures  is
contained  in  Note  12,  "Environmental  Matters"  included  in  the  Notes  to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  in the Annual  Report  and is  incorporated
herein by reference.


       On September  30, 1998,  AGL  Resources  and its  subsidiaries  had 2,791
employees.  Of  that  total,  approximately  700  employees  are  covered  under
collective bargaining agreements.  Those agreements provided for a $500 lump sum
payment to each bargaining  unit employee in 1998.  Based on current pay levels,
it is  anticipated  that the  majority of  bargaining  unit  employees  will not
receive any base pay increases  until October 1999, at which time base rates are
scheduled to increase by 3.5%. The collective  bargaining  agreements  expire in
2000 and 2001.



       AGL  Resources  considers  its  properties  and  the  properties  of  its
subsidiaries to be well maintained, in good operating condition and suitable for
their intended purposes.

       The utility's  properties  consist primarily of distribution  systems and
related facilities and local offices serving 231 cities and surrounding areas in
the  State of  Georgia  and 12  cities  and  surrounding  areas in the  State of
Tennessee.  As of  September  30,  1998,  AGLC had  26,907  miles  of mains  and
5,952,000 Mcf of LNG storage  capacity in three LNG plants to supplement the gas
supply  in  very  cold  weather  or  emergencies.  As  of  September  30,  1998,
Chattanooga  had 1,395 miles of mains and 1,076,000 Mcf of LNG storage  capacity
in its LNG plant.  At September  30, 1998,  the  utility's  gross  utility plant
amounted to approximately $2.1 billion.

       At September 30, 1998, AGL Resources' gross nonutility  property amounted
to approximately $106 million.


       The  nature  of  the  business  of AGL  Resources  and  its  subsidiaries
ordinarily results in periodic  regulatory  proceedings before various state and
federal   authorities  and/or  litigation   incidental  to  the  business.   For
information regarding regulatory proceedings, see the preceding sections in Part
I, Item 1, "Business - State Regulatory Matters", "Business - Federal Regulatory
Matters" and "Business - Environmental Matters"

       With regard to other legal proceedings, AGL Resources is a party, as both
plaintiff and defendant, to a number of other suits, claims and counterclaims on
an ongoing  basis.  Management  believes  that the outcome of all  litigation in
which it is involved will not have a material adverse effect on the consolidated
financial statements of AGL Resources.


       No matters were submitted to a vote of security holders during the fourth
quarter of the fiscal year covered by this report.



       Set forth below, in accordance with General Instruction G(3) of Form 10-K
and  Instruction  3 of Item 401(b) of  Regulation  S-K,  is certain  information
regarding the executive officers of AGL Resources.  Unless otherwise  indicated,
the information set forth is as of September 30, 1998.

Walter  M.  Higgins,  age 54,  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of AGL
Resources and AGLC since January  1998; Director of AGL Resources since February
1998;  Chairman of the Board,  President and Chief  Executive  Officer of Sierra
Pacific  Resources from January 1994 until January 1998; and President and Chief
Executive officer of Sierra Pacific Power Company,  a wholly owned subsidiary of
Sierra Pacific Resources, from February 1994 until January 1998.

Charles W. Bass,  age 51,  President of AGL  Investments,  Inc.  since May 1998;
Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Operating  Officer of AGL  Resources  from
August  1996  until  May 1998;  Executive  Vice  President  Market  Service  and
Development of AGLC from 1994 until 1996; and Senior Vice President Governmental
and Regulatory Affairs of AGLC from 1988 until 1994.

J. Michael Riley,  age 47, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer of
AGL  Resources  and AGLC  since May 1998;  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial
Officer of AGL Resources from August 1996 until May 1998; Vice President and
Chief  Financial  Officer  of AGLC from  November  1996  until  May  1998;  Vice
President  Finance  and  Accounting  of AGLC  from  1994  until  1996;  and Vice
President and Controller of AGLC from 1991 until 1994.

Paula G. Rosput,  age 41,  President and Chief  Operating  Officer of AGLC since
September 1998.  Prior to joining AGLC, Ms. Rosput served as President and Chief
Executive  Officer of Duke Energy Power  Services,  a subsidiary of Duke Energy.
Ms. Rosput was president of PanEnergy Power Services,  Inc. prior to PanEnergy's
merger with Duke Power.

Paul R.  Shlanta,  age 41,  Senior Vice  President  and  General  Counsel of AGL
Resources and AGLC since September 1998. From January 1, 1994 through August 31,
1998, Mr. Shlanta was a Principal  with Rowe,  Foltz & Martin,  P.C., an Atlanta
law  firm.  Mr.  Shlanta  was the  partner  in charge  of the  firm's  corporate

Richard  H.  Woodward,   age  51,  Senior  Vice  President   Public  Policy  and
Communications  of AGL Resources since May 1998; Vice President of AGL Resources
and President of AGL Investments,  Inc. from August 1996 until May 1998;  Senior
Vice  President  Business  Development  of AGLC from 1994 until 1996; and Senior
Vice President Corporate Services of AGLC from 1988 until 1994.

There are no family relationships among the executive officers.


                                   PART II


       The  information  required  by this item is set forth  under the  caption
"Shareholder  Information"  on page 67 in the Annual Report and is  incorporated
herein by reference.


       The  information  required  by this item is set forth  under the  caption
"Selected  Financial  Data" on page 64 in the Annual Report and is  incorporated
herein by reference.


       The  information  required  by this item is set forth  under the  caption
"Management's  Discussion  and Analysis of Results of  Operations  and Financial
Condition"  on pages 18  through 37 in the  Annual  Report  and is  incorporated
herein by reference.


       All financial  instruments and positions held by AGL Resources  described
below are held for purposes other than trading.

       The fair value of AGL Resources'  long-term  debt and capital  securities
are  affected  by  changes  in  interest  rates. The carying value of AGL
Resources' long-term debt and capital securities has been the same for the past
two years. The  following   presents  the sensitivity  of the fair  value of AGL
Resources'  long-term  debt and  capital securities to a hypothetical  10%
decrease in interest rates as of September 30, 1998:

                                                    Carrying                                     Increase in
                                                      Value                Fair Value (b)        Fair Value (a)
                                                    --------               --------------        -------------  
                                                                       (Millions of Dollars)

Long-term debt including current portion              $660.0                   $714.6                $28.7
Capital Securities                                    $ 74.3                   $ 81.5                $ 3.7
- --------------------
(a) Calculated  based on the change in discounted cash flow.
(b) Based on quoted market prices for these or similar issues.



       The  information   required  by  this  item  with  respect  to  financial
statements  is set  forth on pages 38  through  63 in the  Annual  Report.  Such
information is incorporated herein by reference and includes:

    -   Statements  of  Consolidated  Income for the years ended  September  30,
        1998, 1997 and 1996.

    -   Statements of Consolidated  Cash Flows for the years ended September 30,
        1998, 1997 and 1996.

    -   Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1998 and 1997.

    -   Statements  of  Consolidated  Common  Stock  Equity for the years  ended
        September 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

    -   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

    -   Independent Auditors' Report.

       The following supplemental data is submitted herewith:

    -   Financial  Statement  Schedule  -  Valuation  and  Qualifying  Account -
        Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts.

    -   Independent Auditors' Report.

       Schedules  other than those  referred  to above are  omitted  and are not
       applicable or not required,  or the required  information is shown in the
       financial statements or notes thereto.


       Not applicable.


                                   PART III


       The  information  required by this item with  respect to directors is set
forth under the caption  "Election of Directors"  in the Proxy  Statement and is
incorporated  herein by reference.  The  information  required by this item with
respect to the executive  officers is,  pursuant to Instruction 3 of Item 401(b)
of Regulation S-K and General  Instruction  G(3) of Form 10-K, set forth at Part
I, Item  4(A) of this  report  under  the  caption  "Executive  Officers  of the


       The  information  required  by this item is set forth  under the  caption
"Executive  Compensation"  in the Proxy Statement and is incorporated  herein by


       The  information  required  by this item is set forth  under the  caption
"Security  Ownership of Management" in the Proxy  Statement and is  incorporated
herein by reference.


       The  information  required  by this item is set forth  under the  caption
"Other  Matters  Involving  Directors  and  Executive  Officers"  in  the  Proxy
Statement and is incorporated herein by reference.


                                      PART IV


(a)   Documents Filed as Part of This Report:

       1.       Financial Statements

       Included under Item 8 are the following financial statements:

                Statements of Consolidated  Income for the Years Ended September
                30, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

                Statements  of  Consolidated  Cash  Flows  for the  Years  Ended
                September 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

                Consolidated Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1998 and 1997.

                Statements  of  Consolidated  Common  Stock Equity for the Years
                Ended September 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996.

                Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                Independent Auditors' Report.

       2.       Supplemental Consolidated Financial Schedules for Each of the
                Three Years in the Period Ended September 30, 1998

                Independent Auditors' Report.
                II.  Valuation and Qualifying Account--Allowance for
                     Uncollectible Accounts.

                Schedules other than those referred to above are omitted and are
                not applicable or not required,  or the required  information is
                shown in the financial statements or notes thereto.

       3.       Exhibits

                Where an exhibit is filed by  incorporation  by  reference  to a
                previously  filed   registration   statement  or  report,   such
                registration statement or report is identified in parentheses.
3.1             Amended  and  Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  filed
                January  5,  1996,  with the Secretary of State of the State of
                Georgia  (Exhibit B, Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus filed  as
                a part  of  Amendment  No.  1 to  Registration  Statement
                on  Form  S-4,  No. 33-99826).

3.2             Bylaws,  as amended and restated on August 7, 1998 (Exhibit 3,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998).


4.1             Specimen  form of Common Stock  certificate  (Exhibit 4.1, Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

4.2             Specimen form of Right certificate (Exhibit 1, 8-K filed
                March 6, 1996).

4.3             Indenture,  dated as of December 1, 1989,  between Atlanta Gas
                Light Company and Bankers Trust Company,  as Trustee  (Exhibit
                4(a), Atlanta Gas Light Company Registration Statement on Form
                S-3, No. 33-32274).

4.4             First  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of March 16, 1992,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company  and  NationsBank  of
                Georgia,  National  Association,   as  Successor  Trustee
                (Exhibit  4(a),  Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Registration
                Statement  on Form S-3,  No. 33-46419).

10.1            Executive Compensation Plans and Arrangements.

10.1.a          Executive  Severance Pay Plan of AGL Resources  Inc.  (Exhibit
                10.1.a,  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.1.b          AGL Resources Inc. 1998 Voluntary  Early  Retirement  Plan for
                Officers,  together  with form of Early  Retirement  Agreement
                (Exhibit 10.1.a, AGL Resources Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
                June 30, 1998).

10.1.c          AGL Resources Inc. 1998 Severance Plan for Officers,  together
                with  form  of  Separation   Agreement  (Exhibit  10.1.b,  AGL
                Resources Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30 , 1998).

10.1.d          AGL Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock  Incentive  Plan of 1990
                (Exhibit  10(ii),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1991).

10.1.e          First  Amendment to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990  (Exhibit B to the  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                held February 5, 1993).

10.1.f          Second  Amendment to the AGL Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit  10.1.d,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.g          Third  Amendment to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit C to the Proxy  Statement and
                Prospectus  filed as a part of Amendment No. 1 to Registration
                Statement on Form S-4, No. 33-99826).

10.1.h          Fourth  Amendment to the AGL Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit  10.1.f,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.i          Fifth  Amendment to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit  10.1.g,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).


10.1.j          Sixth  Amendment  to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit 10.1.a, AGL Resources Form 10-Q
                for the quarter ended March 31, 1998).

10.1.k          AGL Resources Inc.  Nonqualified  Savings Plan (Exhibit 10(a),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.1.l          First Amendment to the AGL Resources Inc. Nonqualified Savings
                Plan (Exhibit  10.1.i,  AGL Resources Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.m          Second  Amendment  to  the  AGL  Resources  Inc.  Nonqualified
                Savings Plan (Exhibit 10.1.j,  AGL Resources Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.n          Third Amendment to the AGL Resources Inc. Nonqualified Savings
                Plan (Exhibit 10.1.a,  AGL Resources Form 10-Q for the quarter
                ended December 31, 1997).

10.1.o          AGL Resources Inc.  Non-Employee  Directors Equity  Compensation
                Plan (Exhibit B, Proxy Statement and Prospectus  filed as a part
                of Amendment No. 1 to  Registration  Statement on Form S-4,
                No. 33-99826).

10.1.p          AGL  Resources  Inc.  1998 Common  Stock  Equivalent  Plan for
                Non-Employee  Directors  (Exhibit  10.1.b,  AGL Resources Form
                10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1997).

10.2            Service  Agreement  under Rate  Schedule GSS dated April 13,
                1972,  between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and Transcontinental
                Gas  Pipe  Line   Corporation   (Exhibit  5(c),
                Registration No. 2-48297).

10.3            Service Agreement under Rate Schedule LG-A, effective August 16,
                1974,  between Atlanta Gas  light  Company  and
                Transcontinental  Gas Pipe  Line  Corporation  (Exhibit  5(d),
                Registration No. 2-58971).

10.4            Storage Transportation Agreement,  dated June 1, 1979, between
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Southern  Natural Gas Company,
                (Exhibit 5(n), Registration No. 2-65487).

10.5            Letter of Intent  dated  September  18,  1987,  between  Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company and Jupiter  Industries,  Inc.  relating to
                the purchase by Atlanta Gas Light Company of the assets of the
                Chattanooga Gas Company  Division of Jupiter  Industries,  Inc.
                (Exhibit 10(p),  Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended  September  30, 1987).

10.6            Agreement  for the  Purchase of Assets  dated April 5, 1988,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company and Jupiter  Industries,
                Inc.,  (Exhibit 10(q),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1988).


10.7            100 Day  Storage  Service  Agreement,  dated June 1,  1979,
                between  Atlanta  Gas Light Company  and South  Georgia  Natural
                Gas  Company,  (Exhibit  10(r),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1989).

10.8            Service  Agreement  under Rate Schedule LSS, dated October 31,
                1984,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line Corporation,  (Exhibit 10(s),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.9            Storage  Transportation  Agreement,  dated  June 1,  1979,
                between  Atlanta  Gas  Light Company  and South Georgia Natural
                Gas  Company,  (Exhibit  10(v),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1990).

10.10           Firm Seasonal Transportation  Agreement,  dated June 29, 1990,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Transcontinental  Gas
                Pipe Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(bb),  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.11           Service Agreement under Rate Schedule WSS, dated June 1, 1990,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Transcontinental  Gas
                Pipe Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(cc),  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.12           Limited-Term  Transportation  Agreement  Contract  # A970 dated
                April 1, 1988,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and CNG
                Transmission  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(bb),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991).

10.13           Service  Agreement  System Contract #.2271 under Rate Schedule
                FT, dated August 1, 1991,  between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company
                and  Transcontinental  Gas  Pipe  Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit
                10(dd),  Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended September 30, 1991).

10.14           Service Agreement System Contract #.4984 dated August 1, 1991,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Transcontinental  Gas
                Pipe Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(ee),  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.15           Service  Agreement  Contract  #830810  under  Rate  Schedule FT,
                dated  March 1, 1992, between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  and
                South  Georgia  Natural  Gas  Company  (Exhibit 10(aa),  Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1992).

10.16           Firm Gas Transportation Contract #3699 under Rate Schedule FT,
                dated February 1, 1992,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and
                Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line  Corporation  (Exhibit 10(dd),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1992).


10.17           Firm Gas Transportation  Agreement  under  Rate  Schedule  FT-1,
                dated  July 1,  1992, between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  and
                East  Tennessee  Natural  Gas Company  (Exhibit 10(ff),  Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1992).

10.18           Service  Agreement  Applicable  to the Storage of Natural Gas
                under Rate  Schedule  GSS, dated  October  25,  1993,  between
                Atlanta  Gas  Light  Company  and CNG  Transmission Corporation
                (Exhibit  10(y),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1993).

10.19           Service  Agreement  Applicable  to the Storage of Natural Gas
                under Rate  Schedule  GSS, dated   September,   1993,   between
                Chattanooga  Gas  Company  and  CNG  Transmission Corporation
                (Exhibit  10(z),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1993).

10.20           Firm  Seasonal  Transportation  Agreement,  dated  February 1,
                1992,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line Corporation amending Exhibit 10(bb), Atlanta Gas
                Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  September
                30, 1990 (Exhibit 10(cc),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993).

10.21           Service  Agreement  under Rate Schedule  SS-1,  dated April 1,
                1988,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line  Corporation  (Exhibit 10(z),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.22           Firm Gas  Transportation  Agreement  #5049 under Rate Schedule
                FT-A,  dated November 1, 1993,  between  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company and Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit 10(aa),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September  30, 1994).

10.23           Firm Gas  Transportation  Agreement  #5051 under Rate Schedule
                FT-A,  dated November 1, 1993,  between  Chattanooga  Gas
                Company and  Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit
                10(bb),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended  September  30, 1994).

10.24           Gas Storage  Contract  #3998 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company  (Exhibit  10(cc),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.25           Gas Storage  Contract  #3999 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Chattanooga  Gas Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit  10(dd),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.26           Gas Storage  Contract  #3923 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company  (Exhibit  10(ee),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).


10.27           Gas Storage  Contract  #3947 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Chattanooga  Gas Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit  10(ff),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.28           Service  Agreement  #902470  under Rate  Schedule FT, dated
                September 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(hh),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.29           Service  Agreement  #904460  under Rate  Schedule  FT, dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(ii),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.30           Service  Agreement  #904480  under Rate  Schedule  FT, dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(jj),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.31           Service  Agreement  #904461 under Rate Schedule FT-NN,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(kk),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.32           Service  Agreement  #904481 under Rate Schedule FT-NN,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(ll),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.33           Service  Agreement  #S20140  under Rate Schedule CSS,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(mm),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.34           Service  Agreement  #S20150  under Rate Schedule CSS,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(nn),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.35           Service  Agreement  #904470  under Rate  Schedule  FT, dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Chattanooga Gas Company and Southern
                Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(oo),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994).

10.36           Service  Agreement  #904471 under Rate Schedule FT-NN,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Chattanooga Gas Company and Southern
                Natural Gas Company (Exhibit  10(pp),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994).


10.37           Service  Agreement  #S20130  under Rate Schedule CSS,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Chattanooga Gas Company and Southern
                Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(qq),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994).

10.38           Firm Storage (FS) Agreement,  dated November 1, 1994,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and ANR Storage Company
                (Exhibit 10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended March 31, 1996).

10.39           Firm Storage (FS) Agreement,  dated November 1, 1994,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and ANR Storage  Company
                (Exhibit 10(b),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended March 31, 1996).

10.40           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated March 1, 1996, between
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company and  Southern  Natural Gas Company
                amending Exhibits 10(jj), 10(ll) and 10(mm), Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994
                (Exhibit  10(c),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended March 31, 1996).

10.41           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated March 1, 1996, between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and Southern Natural Gas Company
                amending  Exhibits 10(hh),  10(ii),  10(kk) and 10(nn),
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal  year
                ended  September  30,  1994 (Exhibit  10(d),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31, 1996).

10.42           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated March 1, 1996, between
                Chattanooga  Gas  Company  and  Southern  Natural  Gas Company
                amending Exhibits 10(oo), 10(pp) and 10(qq), Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994
                (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended June 30, 1996).

10.43           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated June 1, 1996,  between
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company and  Southern  Natural Gas Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ii),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(tt),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.44           Firm Storage  Agreement,  effective  December 1, 1994,  between
                Chattanooga Gas Company and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ff),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended  September  30, 1994  (Exhibit
                10(uu),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended September 30, 1995).

10.45           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Chattanooga  Gas Company and  Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ff),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(vv),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).


10.46           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Chattanooga  Gas Company and  Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(dd),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(ww),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.47           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated  September  26,  1994,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company and South  Georgia  Natural
                Gas Company amending Exhibit 10(s),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1994
                (Exhibit  10(xx),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1995).

10.48           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ee),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(yy),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.49           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(cc),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(zz),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.50           Firm Storage  Agreement,  effective  January 1, 1996,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
                amending Exhibit 10(z) and replacing  Exhibit 10(u), Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal  year  ended
                September  30,  1995 (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1995).

10.51           Firm Storage Agreement,  effective January 1, 1996, between
                Chattanooga Gas Company and Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(aa) and replacing  Exhibit 10(dd), Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal  year  ended
                September  30,  1995 (Exhibit  10(b),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1995).

10.52           Gas Sales  Agreement  between  Seller  and  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company,  as Buyer (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1995).

10.53           FPS-1 Service  Agreement,  dated July 9, 1996, between Atlanta
                Gas  Light  Company  and Cove  Point LNG  Limited  Partnership
                (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended June 30, 1996).

10.54           Amendment to FS Agreement,  dated September 13, 1994,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line
                Corporation  (Exhibit  10.54,  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).


10.55           Amendment to Letter  Agreement,  dated July 13, 1994, among and
                between Southern Natural Gas Company,  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                and  Chattanooga  Gas Company  (Exhibit  10.55, Atlanta Gas
                Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1996).

10.56           Three-party  agreement  between  ANR  Storage  Company, Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company and Southern  Natural Gas Company, effective
                November 1, 1994 (Exhibit 10.56,  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.57           Displacement  Service  Agreement, effective  December 15, 1996,
                between Washington Gas Light Company and Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  (Exhibit  10.57,  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.58           Amendment to Firm Storage Agreement,  effective July 26, 1996,
                between  Chattanooga  Gas  Company  and  Southern  Natural Gas
                Company  amending  Exhibit  10(jj) , Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1995
                (Exhibit  10.58,  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.59           Amendatory  Agreement,  effective August 23, 1996,  between
                Southern Natural Gas Company and Atlanta Gas Light  Company
                amending  Exhibits  10(ee),  10(ff),  10(hh) and 10(kk),
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year
                ended  September  30,  1995 (Exhibit  10.59,  Atlanta  Gas
                Light  Company  Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended
                September 30, 1996).

10.60           Service  Agreement  and  Amendments  under Rate  Schedule FS
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line  Corporation  (Exhibit 10.60, AGL Resources
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.61           Gas  Transportation  Agreement  under Rate  Schedules FT-A and
                FT-GS,  dated  October  16,  1997,  between  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company and East Tennessee Natural Gas Company (Exhibit 10.61,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  September
                30, 1997).

10.62           Gas  Transportation  Agreement  under Rate  Schedules FT-A and
                FT-GS, dated October 16, 1997, between Chattanooga Gas Company
                and East Tennessee  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10.62,  AGL
                Resources  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  September  30,

10.63           Extension of Service  Agreements  #904480  under Rate Schedule
                FT; #904481 under Rate Schedule FT-NN;  and #S20140 under Rate
                Schedule CSS, all dated November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas
                Light Company and Southern  Natural Gas Company (Exhibit 10.2,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended  December 31,

10.64           Amendment to Service  Agreement between  Transcontinental Gas
                Pipe Line Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light Company  dated
                December 15, 1997 (Exhibit  10.2,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998).


10.65           Service  Agreement  between  Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line
                Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light  Company dated
                January 14, 1998  (Exhibit  10.3,  AGL Resources  Form 10-Q
                for the quarter ended March 31, 1998).

10.66           Precedent  Agreement  dated April 16, 1998 between  Etowah LNG
                Company,  LLC and Atlanta Gas Light Company  (Exhibit  10.2,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998).

10.67           Service Agreement dated November 1, 1998 between
                Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light
                Company under Part 284(G) which supercedes Rate Schedule X-289.

10.68           Service Agreement dated November 1, 1998 between
                Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light
                Company under Rate Schedule WSS-Open Access.

13              Portions of the AGL Resources Inc. 1998 Annual Report to

21              Subsidiaries of AGL Resources Inc.

23              Independent Auditors' Consent.

24              Powers of Attorney (included with Signature Page hereto).

27              Financial Data Schedule.

(b)    Reports on Form 8-K

           On July 15, 1998,  AGL Resources  filed a Current  Report on Form 8-K
     dated July 15,  1998,  containing:  "Item 5 Other  Events" and Exhibit 99 -
     Form of Press Release, dated July 15, 1998.

           On August 7, 1998,  AGL Resources  filed a Current Report on Form 8-K
     dated August 7, 1998,  containing:  "Item 5 Other  Events" and Exhibit 99 -
     Form of Press Release, dated August 7, 1998.

           On September 10, 1998,  AGL Resources  filed a Current Report on Form
     8-K dated  September  10,  1998,  containing:  "Item 5 - Other  Events" and
     Exhibit 99 - Form of Press Release, dated September 10, 1998.



         Pursuant to the  requirements  of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, on December 17, 1998.

                                               AGL RESOURCES INC.

                                            By: /s/ Walter M. Higgins
                                                Walter M. Higgins
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

                             POWERS OF ATTORNEY

         KNOW  ALL MEN BY THESE  PRESENTS,  that  each  person  whose  signature
appears below constitutes and appoints Walter M. Higgins,  Albert G. Norman, Jr.
and  J.  Michael  Riley,   and  each  of  them,  his  or  her  true  and  lawful
attorneys-in-fact   and   agents,   with   full   power  of   substitution   and
resubstitution,  for him or her and in his or her name,  place and stead, in any
and all  capacities,  to sign the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended  September 30, 1998 and any and all amendments to such Annual Report,  and
to file the same,  with all exhibits  thereto and other  documents in connection
therewith,  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission,  granting  unto said
attorneys-in-fact  and agents,  and each of them, full power and authority to do
and perform each and every act and thing  requisite or necessary to be done,  as
fully to all  intents  and  purposes  as he or she might or could do in  person,
hereby  ratifying and confirming all that said  attorneys-in-fact  and agents or
any of them, or their or his substitute or substitutes, may lawfully do or cause
to be done by virtue hereof.

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
this  report has been  signed  below by the  following  persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities indicated as of December 17, 1998.

Signatures                     Title

/s/ Walter M. Higgins          President and Chief Executive Officer
Walter M. Higgins              (Principal Executive Officer) and Director

/s/ J. Michael Riley           Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
J. Michael Riley               (Principal Accounting and Financial Officer)


/s/ Frank Barron, Jr.                                     Director
Frank Barron, Jr.

/s/ W. Waldo Bradley                                      Director
W. Waldo Bradley

/s/ Otis A. Brumby, Jr.                                   Director
Otis A. Brumby, Jr.

/s/ David R. Jones                                        Director
David R. Jones

Wyck A. Knox, Jr.

/s/ Albert G. Norman, Jr.                                 Director
Albert G. Norman, Jr.

/s/ D. Raymond Riddle                                     Director
D. Raymond Riddle

/s/ Betty L. Siegel                                       Director
Betty L. Siegel

/s/ Ben J. Tarbutton, Jr.                                 Director
Ben J. Tarbutton, Jr.

/s/ Felker W. Ward, Jr.                                   Director
Felker W. Ward, Jr.



To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of AGL Resources Inc.:

We have  audited the  consolidated  balance  sheets of AGL  Resources  Inc.  and
subsidiaries  of  September  30,  1998 and 1997 and the  related  statements  of
consolidated  income,  common stock equity, and cash flows for each of the three
years in the period ended September 30, 1998, and have issued our report thereon
dated  November 2, 1998;  such  financial  statements and report are included in
your  1998  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  and  are  incorporated  herein  by
reference.  Our audits also  included the  financial  statement  schedule of AGL
Resources Inc. and  subsidiaries,  listed in Item 14. This  financial  statement
schedule  is  the  responsibility  of  AGL  Resources  Inc.'s  management.   Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion  based on our audits.  In our  opinion,
such  financial  statement  schedule,  when  considered in relation to the basic
financial statements taken as a whole,  presents fairly in all material respects
the information set forth therein.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP


Atlanta, Georgia
November 2, 1998


Schedule II

                                           AGL RESOURCES INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                            VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNT
                                          ALLOWANCE FOR UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS
                                  FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, 1997 AND 1996
                                                      (IN MILLIONS)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           1998                 1997                 1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, beginning of year                                                $ 2.6                $ 2.8                $ 4.4
Provisions charged to income                                                8.1                  9.8                  4.7
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                                                      10.7                 12.6                  9.1

Accounts written off as uncollectible, net                                  6.6                 10.0                  6.3
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, end of year                                                      $ 4.1                $ 2.6                $ 2.8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               INDEX TO EXHIBITS
Number                                Description

                Where an exhibit is filed by  incorporation  by  reference  to a
                previously  filed   registration   statement  or  report,   such
                registration statement or report is identified in parentheses.
3.1             Amended  and  Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  filed
                January  5,  1996,  with the Secretary of State of the State of
                Georgia  (Exhibit B, Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus filed  as
                a part  of  Amendment  No.  1 to  Registration  Statement
                on  Form  S-4,  No. 33-99826).

3.2             Bylaws,  as amended and restated on August 7, 1998 (Exhibit 3,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998).

4.1             Specimen  form of Common Stock  certificate  (Exhibit 4.1, Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

4.2             Specimen form of Right certificate (Exhibit 1, 8-K filed
                March 6, 1996).

4.3             Indenture,  dated as of December 1, 1989,  between Atlanta Gas
                Light Company and Bankers Trust Company,  as Trustee  (Exhibit
                4(a), Atlanta Gas Light Company Registration Statement on Form
                S-3, No. 33-32274).

4.4             First  Supplemental  Indenture,  dated as of March 16, 1992,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company  and  NationsBank  of
                Georgia,  National  Association,   as  Successor  Trustee
                (Exhibit  4(a),  Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Registration
                Statement  on Form S-3,  No. 33-46419).

10.1            Executive Compensation Plans and Arrangements.

10.1.a          Executive  Severance Pay Plan of AGL Resources  Inc.  (Exhibit
                10.1.a,  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.1.b          AGL Resources Inc. 1998 Voluntary  Early  Retirement  Plan for
                Officers,  together  with form of Early  Retirement  Agreement
                (Exhibit 10.1.a, AGL Resources Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
                June 30, 1998).

10.1.c          AGL Resources Inc. 1998 Severance Plan for Officers,  together
                with  form  of  Separation   Agreement  (Exhibit  10.1.b,  AGL
                Resources Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30 , 1998).

10.1.d          AGL Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock  Incentive  Plan of 1990
                (Exhibit  10(ii),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1991).

10.1.e          First  Amendment to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990  (Exhibit B to the  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company Proxy Statement for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                held February 5, 1993).

10.1.f          Second  Amendment to the AGL Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit  10.1.d,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.g          Third  Amendment to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit C to the Proxy  Statement and
                Prospectus  filed as a part of Amendment No. 1 to Registration
                Statement on Form S-4, No. 33-99826).

10.1.h          Fourth  Amendment to the AGL Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit  10.1.f,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.i          Fifth  Amendment to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit  10.1.g,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.j          Sixth  Amendment  to the AGL  Resources  Inc.  Long-Term  Stock
                Incentive  Plan of 1990 (Exhibit 10.1.a, AGL Resources Form 10-Q
                for the quarter ended March 31, 1998).

10.1.k          AGL Resources Inc.  Nonqualified  Savings Plan (Exhibit 10(a),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.1.l          First Amendment to the AGL Resources Inc. Nonqualified Savings
                Plan (Exhibit  10.1.i,  AGL Resources Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.m          Second  Amendment  to  the  AGL  Resources  Inc.  Nonqualified
                Savings Plan (Exhibit 10.1.j,  AGL Resources Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.1.n          Third Amendment to the AGL Resources Inc. Nonqualified Savings
                Plan (Exhibit 10.1.a,  AGL Resources Form 10-Q for the quarter
                ended December 31, 1997).

10.1.o          AGL Resources Inc.  Non-Employee  Directors Equity  Compensation
                Plan (Exhibit B, Proxy Statement and Prospectus  filed as a part
                of Amendment No. 1 to  Registration  Statement on Form S-4,
                No. 33-99826).

10.1.p          AGL  Resources  Inc.  1998 Common  Stock  Equivalent  Plan for
                Non-Employee  Directors  (Exhibit  10.1.b,  AGL Resources Form
                10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1997).

10.2            Service  Agreement  under Rate  Schedule GSS dated April 13,
                1972,  between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and Transcontinental
                Gas  Pipe  Line   Corporation   (Exhibit  5(c),
                Registration No. 2-48297).

10.3            Service Agreement under Rate Schedule LG-A, effective August 16,
                1974,  between Atlanta Gas  light  Company  and
                Transcontinental  Gas Pipe  Line  Corporation  (Exhibit  5(d),
                Registration No. 2-58971).

10.4            Storage Transportation Agreement,  dated June 1, 1979, between
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Southern  Natural Gas Company,
                (Exhibit 5(n), Registration No. 2-65487).

10.5            Letter of Intent  dated  September  18,  1987,  between  Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company and Jupiter  Industries,  Inc.  relating to
                the purchase by Atlanta Gas Light Company of the assets of the
                Chattanooga Gas Company  Division of Jupiter  Industries,  Inc.
                (Exhibit 10(p),  Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended  September  30, 1987).

10.6            Agreement  for the  Purchase of Assets  dated April 5, 1988,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company and Jupiter  Industries,
                Inc.,  (Exhibit 10(q),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1988).

10.7            100 Day  Storage  Service  Agreement,  dated June 1,  1979,
                between  Atlanta  Gas Light Company  and South  Georgia  Natural
                Gas  Company,  (Exhibit  10(r),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1989).

10.8            Service  Agreement  under Rate Schedule LSS, dated October 31,
                1984,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line Corporation,  (Exhibit 10(s),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.9            Storage  Transportation  Agreement,  dated  June 1,  1979,
                between  Atlanta  Gas  Light Company  and South Georgia Natural
                Gas  Company,  (Exhibit  10(v),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1990).

10.10           Firm Seasonal Transportation  Agreement,  dated June 29, 1990,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Transcontinental  Gas
                Pipe Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(bb),  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.11           Service Agreement under Rate Schedule WSS, dated June 1, 1990,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Transcontinental  Gas
                Pipe Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(cc),  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.12           Limited-Term  Transportation  Agreement  Contract  # A970 dated
                April 1, 1988,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and CNG
                Transmission  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(bb),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1991).

10.13           Service  Agreement  System Contract #.2271 under Rate Schedule
                FT, dated August 1, 1991,  between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company
                and  Transcontinental  Gas  Pipe  Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit
                10(dd),  Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended September 30, 1991).

10.14           Service Agreement System Contract #.4984 dated August 1, 1991,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company and  Transcontinental  Gas
                Pipe Line  Corporation,  (Exhibit  10(ee),  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.15           Service  Agreement  Contract  #830810  under  Rate  Schedule FT,
                dated  March 1, 1992, between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  and
                South  Georgia  Natural  Gas  Company  (Exhibit 10(aa),  Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1992).

10.16           Firm Gas Transportation Contract #3699 under Rate Schedule FT,
                dated February 1, 1992,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and
                Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line  Corporation  (Exhibit 10(dd),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1992).

10.17           Firm Gas Transportation  Agreement  under  Rate  Schedule  FT-1,
                dated  July 1,  1992, between  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  and
                East  Tennessee  Natural  Gas Company  (Exhibit 10(ff),  Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1992).

10.18           Service  Agreement  Applicable  to the Storage of Natural Gas
                under Rate  Schedule  GSS, dated  October  25,  1993,  between
                Atlanta  Gas  Light  Company  and CNG  Transmission Corporation
                (Exhibit  10(y),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1993).

10.19           Service  Agreement  Applicable  to the Storage of Natural Gas
                under Rate  Schedule  GSS, dated   September,   1993,   between
                Chattanooga  Gas  Company  and  CNG  Transmission Corporation
                (Exhibit  10(z),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1993).

10.20           Firm  Seasonal  Transportation  Agreement,  dated  February 1,
                1992,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line Corporation amending Exhibit 10(bb), Atlanta Gas
                Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  September
                30, 1990 (Exhibit 10(cc),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1993).

10.21           Service  Agreement  under Rate Schedule  SS-1,  dated April 1,
                1988,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line  Corporation  (Exhibit 10(z),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended  September  30,

10.22           Firm Gas  Transportation  Agreement  #5049 under Rate Schedule
                FT-A,  dated November 1, 1993,  between  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company and Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit 10(aa),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September  30, 1994).

10.23           Firm Gas  Transportation  Agreement  #5051 under Rate Schedule
                FT-A,  dated November 1, 1993,  between  Chattanooga  Gas
                Company and  Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit
                10(bb),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended  September  30, 1994).

10.24           Gas Storage  Contract  #3998 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company  (Exhibit  10(cc),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.25           Gas Storage  Contract  #3999 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Chattanooga  Gas Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit  10(dd),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.26           Gas Storage  Contract  #3923 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Atlanta Gas Light Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company  (Exhibit  10(ee),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.27           Gas Storage  Contract  #3947 under Rate  Schedule  FS, dated
                November 1, 1993,  between Chattanooga  Gas Company and
                Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company  (Exhibit  10(ff),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.28           Service  Agreement  #902470  under Rate  Schedule FT, dated
                September 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(hh),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.29           Service  Agreement  #904460  under Rate  Schedule  FT, dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(ii),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.30           Service  Agreement  #904480  under Rate  Schedule  FT, dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(jj),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.31           Service  Agreement  #904461 under Rate Schedule FT-NN,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(kk),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.32           Service  Agreement  #904481 under Rate Schedule FT-NN,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(ll),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.33           Service  Agreement  #S20140  under Rate Schedule CSS,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(mm),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.34           Service  Agreement  #S20150  under Rate Schedule CSS,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas Light  Company and
                Southern  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(nn),  Atlanta
                Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1994).

10.35           Service  Agreement  #904470  under Rate  Schedule  FT, dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Chattanooga Gas Company and Southern
                Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(oo),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994).

10.36           Service  Agreement  #904471 under Rate Schedule FT-NN,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Chattanooga Gas Company and Southern
                Natural Gas Company (Exhibit  10(pp),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994).

10.37           Service  Agreement  #S20130  under Rate Schedule CSS,  dated
                November 1, 1994,  between Chattanooga Gas Company and Southern
                Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10(qq),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994).

10.38           Firm Storage (FS) Agreement,  dated November 1, 1994,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and ANR Storage Company
                (Exhibit 10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended March 31, 1996).

10.39           Firm Storage (FS) Agreement,  dated November 1, 1994,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and ANR Storage  Company
                (Exhibit 10(b),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended March 31, 1996).

10.40           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated March 1, 1996, between
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company and  Southern  Natural Gas Company
                amending Exhibits 10(jj), 10(ll) and 10(mm), Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994
                (Exhibit  10(c),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended March 31, 1996).

10.41           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated March 1, 1996, between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and Southern Natural Gas Company
                amending  Exhibits 10(hh),  10(ii),  10(kk) and 10(nn),
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal  year
                ended  September  30,  1994 (Exhibit  10(d),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March 31, 1996).

10.42           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated March 1, 1996, between
                Chattanooga  Gas  Company  and  Southern  Natural  Gas Company
                amending Exhibits 10(oo), 10(pp) and 10(qq), Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994
                (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended June 30, 1996).

10.43           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated June 1, 1996,  between
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company and  Southern  Natural Gas Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ii),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(tt),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.44           Firm Storage  Agreement,  effective  December 1, 1994,  between
                Chattanooga Gas Company and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ff),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended  September  30, 1994  (Exhibit
                10(uu),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal
                year ended September 30, 1995).

10.45           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Chattanooga  Gas Company and  Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ff),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(vv),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.46           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Chattanooga  Gas Company and  Tennessee  Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(dd),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(ww),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.47           Firm  Transportation  Agreement,  dated  September  26,  1994,
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company and South  Georgia  Natural
                Gas Company amending Exhibit 10(s),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1994
                (Exhibit  10(xx),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1995).

10.48           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(ee),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(yy),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.49           Firm  Storage  Agreement,  effective  July  1,  1996,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(cc),  Atlanta Gas Light Company Form 10-K
                for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1994 (Exhibit  10(zz),
                Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1995).

10.50           Firm Storage  Agreement,  effective  January 1, 1996,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company
                amending Exhibit 10(z) and replacing  Exhibit 10(u), Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal  year  ended
                September  30,  1995 (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1995).

10.51           Firm Storage Agreement,  effective January 1, 1996, between
                Chattanooga Gas Company and Tennessee Gas Pipeline  Company
                amending  Exhibit 10(aa) and replacing  Exhibit 10(dd), Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal  year  ended
                September  30,  1995 (Exhibit  10(b),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-Q for the quarter ended December 31, 1995).

10.52           Gas Sales  Agreement  between  Seller  and  Atlanta  Gas Light
                Company,  as Buyer (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1995).

10.53           FPS-1 Service  Agreement,  dated July 9, 1996, between Atlanta
                Gas  Light  Company  and Cove  Point LNG  Limited  Partnership
                (Exhibit  10(a),  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-Q for the
                quarter ended June 30, 1996).

10.54           Amendment to FS Agreement,  dated September 13, 1994,  between
                Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line
                Corporation  (Exhibit  10.54,  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form
                10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.55           Amendment to Letter  Agreement,  dated July 13, 1994, among and
                between Southern Natural Gas Company,  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                and  Chattanooga  Gas Company  (Exhibit  10.55, Atlanta Gas
                Light Company Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended
                September 30, 1996).

10.56           Three-party  agreement  between  ANR  Storage  Company, Atlanta
                Gas Light  Company and Southern  Natural Gas Company, effective
                November 1, 1994 (Exhibit 10.56,  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.57           Displacement  Service  Agreement, effective  December 15, 1996,
                between Washington Gas Light Company and Atlanta Gas Light
                Company  (Exhibit  10.57,  Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.58           Amendment to Firm Storage Agreement,  effective July 26, 1996,
                between  Chattanooga  Gas  Company  and  Southern  Natural Gas
                Company  amending  Exhibit  10(jj) , Atlanta Gas Light Company
                Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  1995
                (Exhibit  10.58,  Atlanta Gas Light  Company Form 10-K for the
                fiscal year ended September 30, 1996).

10.59           Amendatory  Agreement,  effective August 23, 1996,  between
                Southern Natural Gas Company and Atlanta Gas Light  Company
                amending  Exhibits  10(ee),  10(ff),  10(hh) and 10(kk),
                Atlanta  Gas Light  Company  Form 10-K for the fiscal year
                ended  September  30,  1995 (Exhibit  10.59,  Atlanta  Gas
                Light  Company  Form  10-K  for the  fiscal  year  ended
                September 30, 1996).

10.60           Service  Agreement  and  Amendments  under Rate  Schedule FS
                between  Atlanta Gas Light Company and  Transcontinental
                Gas Pipe Line  Corporation  (Exhibit 10.60, AGL Resources
                Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997).

10.61           Gas  Transportation  Agreement  under Rate  Schedules FT-A and
                FT-GS,  dated  October  16,  1997,  between  Atlanta Gas Light
                Company and East Tennessee Natural Gas Company (Exhibit 10.61,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  September
                30, 1997).

10.62           Gas  Transportation  Agreement  under Rate  Schedules FT-A and
                FT-GS, dated October 16, 1997, between Chattanooga Gas Company
                and East Tennessee  Natural Gas Company  (Exhibit  10.62,  AGL
                Resources  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended  September  30,

10.63           Extension of Service  Agreements  #904480  under Rate Schedule
                FT; #904481 under Rate Schedule FT-NN;  and #S20140 under Rate
                Schedule CSS, all dated November 1, 1994,  between Atlanta Gas
                Light Company and Southern  Natural Gas Company (Exhibit 10.2,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended  December 31,

10.64           Amendment to Service  Agreement between  Transcontinental Gas
                Pipe Line Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light Company  dated
                December 15, 1997 (Exhibit  10.2,  AGL Resources  Form
                10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 1998).

10.65           Service  Agreement  between  Transcontinental  Gas Pipe Line
                Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light  Company dated
                January 14, 1998  (Exhibit  10.3,  AGL Resources  Form 10-Q
                for the quarter ended March 31, 1998).

10.66           Precedent  Agreement  dated April 16, 1998 between  Etowah LNG
                Company,  LLC and Atlanta Gas Light Company  (Exhibit  10.2,
                AGL  Resources  Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998).

10.67           Service Agreement dated November 1, 1998 between
                Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light
                Company under Part 284(G) which supercedes Rate Schedule X-289.

10.68           Service Agreement dated November 1, 1998 between
                Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation and Atlanta Gas Light
                Company under Rate Schedule WSS-Open Access.

13              Portions of the AGL Resources Inc. 1998 Annual Report to

21              Subsidiaries of AGL Resources Inc.

23              Independent Auditors' Consent.

24              Powers of Attorney (included with Signature Page hereto).

27              Financial Data Schedule.