MULTICLASS (RULE 18F-3) PLAN

                                February 11, 2003

     This Plan is adopted by Monarch Funds (the "Trust")  pursuant to Rule 18f-3
under the  Investment  Company Act of 1940 (the "Act") in order to document  the
separate  arrangements  and  expense  allocations  of each  class of  shares  of
beneficial  interest  (the  "Classes")  of  each  of the  series  of  the  Trust
identified in Appendix A  (individually a "Fund" and  collectively  the "Funds")
and the related exchange privileges.


     The types of  Classes  of the Funds  are:  "Preferred  Shares,"  "Universal
Shares,"  "Institutional  Shares," "Investor Shares," and "Service Shares." Each
Class has a different  arrangement for  shareholder  services or distribution or
both, as follows:

     (a) PREFERRED  SHARES.  Are offered with no sales  charges or  distribution
expenses.  The investment minimum is $10,000,000,  subject to reduction by Forum
Financial Services, Inc. ("Forum"), the Trust's manager.

     (b) UNIVERSAL  SHARES.  Are offered with no sales  charges or  distribution
expenses. The investment minimum is $1,000,000, subject to reduction by Forum.

     (c) INSTITUTIONAL SHARES. Are offered solely through banks, trust companies
and certain other financial institutions and their affiliates and correspondents
with no sales  charges or  distribution  expenses  but subject to a  shareholder
services  plan.  The  investment  minimum  for all  purchases  through  a single
financial institution is $100,000, subject to reduction by Forum.

     (d) INVESTOR  SHARES.  Are offered  with no sales  charges but subject to a
shareholder  services plan and a  distribution  plan adopted in accordance  with
Rule 12b-1 under the Act. The investment minimum is $5,000, subject to reduction
by Forum.

     (e)  INSTITUTIONAL  SERVICE  SHARES.  Are offered with no sales  charges or
distribution expenses. The investment minimum is $100,000,  subject to reduction
by Forum.


     Each Class shall have exclusive  voting rights on any matter submitted to a
shareholder  vote that relates solely to the Class'  arrangement for shareholder
services or  distribution  and each Class shall have separate voting rights with
respect to any matter  submitted to a shareholder vote in which the interests of
one Class differ from the interests of another Class.


     (a)  DISTRIBUTION   EXPENSES.   All  expenses   incurred  under  a  Class's
distribution  plan adopted in accordance  with Rule 12b-1 under the Act shall be
allocated to that Class.

     (b) SHAREHOLDER  SERVICE  EXPENSES.  All expenses  incurred under a Class's
shareholder service plan shall be allocated to that Class.

     (c) OTHER CLASS  EXPENSES.  The following  expenses,  which are incurred by
Classes in  different  amounts or reflect  differences  in the amount or kind of
services that  different  Classes  receive  (collectively  with  expenses  under
Sections 3(a) and 3(b) "Class  Expenses"),  shall be allocated to the Class that
incurred the expenses to the extent practicable:

     (i)    Administration and transfer agent fees and expenses;
     (ii)   Litigation, legal and audit fees;
     (iii)  State and foreign securities registration fees;
     (iv)   Shareholder report expenses;
     (v)    Trustee fees and expenses;
     (vi)   Preparation,  printing and  related  fees  and  expenses  for  proxy
            statements and, with respect  to current shareholders,  prospectuses
            and statements of additional information;
     (vii)  Expenses incurred in connection with shareholder meetings; and
     (viii) Subject to approval by the Trustees, such other fees and expenses as
            Forum, pursuant to Rule 18f-3, deems to be  allocable  to  specified

     (d) CLASS EXPENSE ALLOCATIONS. Class Expenses are to be borne solely by the
Class to which they relate. Item (i) of Section 3(c) in its entirety is incurred
by the Funds on a Class by Class basis and, accordingly,  is wholly allocated to
specific  Classes.  All fees of a Fund's  investment  adviser and custodian [and
manager] and all portfolio  based fees of a Fund's fund  accountant are incurred
by a Fund and not the individual Classes of the Fund. All other items in Section
3(c) are allocated to a specific  Class to the extent they are  attributable  to
the Classes in different amounts.


     (a) EXPENSES  APPLICABLE TO MORE THAN ONE FUND.  Expenses (other than Class
Expenses)  incurred by the Trust on behalf of a Fund shall be  allocated to that
Fund and expenses (other than Class Expenses) incurred by the Trust on behalf of
more than one Fund shall be allocated among the Funds that incurred the expenses
based on the net asset values of the Funds in relation to the net asset value of
all Funds to which the expense relates.

     (b) OTHER  ALLOCATIONS.  Income,  realized and unrealized capital gains and
losses  and  expenses  other  than  Class  Expenses  related  to a Fund shall be
allocated  to each class of the Fund  based on the net asset  value of the Class
(excluding the value of  subscriptions  receivable) in relation to the net asset
value of the Fund.


     (c) WAIVERS AND REIMBURSEMENTS.  Nothing in this Plan shall be construed as
limiting  the  ability of any person to waive any fee paid by a Fund or Class to
that person or to reimburse  any or all  expenses of a Fund or Class;  provided,
however,  that no waiver or reimbursement  shall be made such that the waiver or
reimbursement is, in effect, a DE FACTO modification of the fees provided for in
the Fund's various service agreements.


     Shareholders  of a Class may  exchange  their shares for shares of the same
Class of any other Fund and for the shares of the other funds (whether series of
the Trust or otherwise) listed in Appendix A in accordance with Section 11(a) of
the  Act,  the  rules   thereunder  and  the   requirements  of  the  applicable
prospectuses without charge.


     (a) NON-MATERIAL  AMENDMENTS.  Non-material  amendments to this Plan may be
made at any time by Forum.

     (b) MATERIAL AMENDMENTS.  Material amendments to this Plan may only be made
by a majority of the Trustees of the Trust, including a majority of the Trustees
who are not  interested  persons  of the  Trust as  defined  by the Act,  upon a
finding that the amendment is in the best  interests of the Classes  affected by
the amendment and of the Fund and the Trust.  Prior to any material amendment to
this Plan, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") shall request such information as
may be reasonably necessary to evaluate the Plan as proposed to be amended.

     (c) BOARD REVIEW. The Board, including a majority of those trustees who are
not  interested  persons  of the  Trust  as  defined  in the Act,  shall  review
periodically (i) this Plan for its continuing  appropriateness  and (ii) any fee
waivers and expense reimbursements to determine that the Funds are in compliance
with Section 4(c).


                                  MONARCH FUNDS
                          MULTICLASS (RULE 18F-3) PLAN

                                   APPENDIX A:

                             as of February 11, 2003

- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Class                                                  Fund                           Exchange Privileges(b)
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Preferred Shares                      o        Money Funds                    o        Preferred Shares of Other
                                                                                       Money Funds
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Universal Shares                      o        Money Funds                    o        Universal Shares of Other
                                                                                       Money Funds
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Institutional Shares                  o        Money Funds                    o        Institutional Shares of Other
                                                                                       Money Funds
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Institutional Service Shares          o        Money Funds                    o        Institutional Service Shares
                                                                                       of Other Money Funds
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Investor Shares                       o        Daily Assets Government Cash   o        Each series/class of the
                                               Fund                                    Forum Funds (c)
                                                                              o        Each series of Sound Shore
                                                                                       Fund, Inc. (c)
                                                                              o        Each series of The Cutler
                                                                                       Trust (c)
                                                                              o        Investor Shares of Other
                                                                                       Money Funds
                                      --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
                                      o        Other Money Funds              o        Investor   Shares   of   Other
                                                                                       Money Funds
- ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

(a) Money  Funds are (i) Daily  Assets  Treasury  Cash Fund,  (ii) Daily  Assets
Government Cash Fund,  (iii) Daily Assets  Government Fund and (iv) Daily Assets
Cash Fund.

(b)  Shareholders  of a Class of a Money Fund also may exchange their shares for
shares of the same Class of any another Money Fund.

(c)  While  shareholders  of the  funds  that are not  series  of the  Trust may
exchange into the Money Fund indicated, shareholders of the Money Fund indicated
may only  exchange  into  other  funds  that are not  series of the Trust if the
shareholder originally exchanged from that other fund to the Money Fund.
