[LOGO] FORUM FINANCIAL GROUP May 5, 2003 VIA EDGAR Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 Re: Forum Funds Remove 497 EDGAR Filing Filed on May 5, 2003 File No. 002-67052 Dear Sir or Madam: Please remove the Forum Funds 497 filing filed on May 5, 2003 with accession number 0001004402-03-000304. It was submitted with the incorrect submission header (497) and was refiled with the correct submission header (497j) on May 5, 2003. Very truly yours, /s/ L. Greg Curtis L. Greg Curtis Forum Administrative Services, Inc. TWO PORTLAND SQUARE PORTLAND, MAINE 04101 TEL: 207-879-1900FAX: 207-879-6050 WWW.FORUM-FINANCIAL.COM =================================================== PORTLAND WARSAW BERMUDA MALTA