(SOURCE CODE)

This  Technology  License  Agreement  (the  "Agreement")  is made by and between
Oracle Corporation  ("Oracle"),  a Delaware corporation,  and Versatility,  Inc.
("Versatility"),  a  ___________________  corporation  with offices at 11781 Lee
Jackson Memorial Highway, 7th Floor, Fairfax, VA 22033, as of the Effective Date
set forth below. The parties hereby agree as follows:


1.1      Distributor
"Distributor" shall mean a third party, including any Oracle subsidiary, that is
appointed  by Oracle or its  Distributor  to market and  sublicense  Versatility
Technology  under  the terms of this  Agreement.  The term  "Distributor"  shall
include,  but not be limited to, resellers,  original  equipment  manufacturers,
value added relicensors, dealers, agents and subdistributors.

1.2      Documentation
"Documentation"  shall mean the installation guides, user guides and manuals for
use of the Versatility Technology in printed and machine-readable form.

1.3      Intellectual Property Rights
"Intellectual Property Rights" shall mean all patent,  copyright,  trade secret,
trademark and other  proprietary and  intellectual  property  rights,  including
moral rights.

1.4      Natural Successors
"Natural  Successors"  shall  mean any  product  that  substantially  replaces a
particular product or substantially replaces such product in a particular market

1.5      Object Materials
"Object Materials" shall mean materials,  in machine-readable form, necessary to
run  the  Versatility  Technology,  including  all  computer  programming  code,
substantially  or entirely in binary  form,  which is directly  executable  by a
computer  after  suitable  processing  but  without  the  intervening  steps  of
compilation or assembly and all help, message, and overlay files.

1.6      Quarters
 "Quarters"  shall be deemed to  commence  on the first day of June,  September,
December and March of each year of this Agreement.

1.7      Subsidiary
"Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation, partnership, firm, entity or any person
in which Oracle, directly or indirectly, holds any ownership interest.

1.8      Source Materials
"Source  Materials"  shall  mean the  complete  source  code from  which  Object
Materials are compiled. Source Materials shall include, without limitation,  the
fully  commented  source  code  and  internal  system   documentation   for  the
Versatility Technology, as well as all other materials, in both machine readable
and  hard-copy  form,  which  are  used  to  develop  or  test  the  Versatility
Technology.  "Fully  commented source code" shall mean source code that includes
all comments  made by or for  Versatility.  Source  Materials  shall include all
electronically  readable source  documentation,  design documents,  data models,
help materials,  tutorial programs,  and appropriate debug code, including those
developed by or for Versatility during the term of this Agreement.

1.9      Sublicense/Sublicensee
"Sublicense"  shall mean any license granted by Oracle or its  Distributors  for
use of Versatility  Technology.  "Sublicensee" shall be a party who is granted a
Sublicense, either directly by Oracle or indirectly by a Distributor.

1.10     Updates
"Updates"  shall mean any releases  (including  any  preproduction  releases) of
Versatility  Technology  created on or after the Effective  Date,  including bug
fixes,  improvements,  enhancements,  new versions or releases and other changes

1.11     Versatility Technology
"Versatility Technology" shall mean the computer software specified in Exhibit A
hereto owned or distributed by Versatility,  any Updates, Natural Successors and
translations or  localizations of the Versatility  Technology.  Unless otherwise
specified,  "Versatility  Technology"  shall include  Source  Materials,  Object
Materials and Documentation.


2.1      Delivery of Versatility Technology

         2.1.A    Delivery.
         Versatility shall deliver a complete set of the Versatility  Technology
         to Oracle on the Effective Date of this Agreement and shall deliver all
         Updates of the Versatility  Technology until December 31, 1999 promptly
         upon  completion  and in no event  later  than  when such  Updates  are
         delivered to any other licensee.

2.2      Development and Technical Support License
Versatility  grants to Oracle a  worldwide,  paid-up,  royalty-free,  perpetual,
non-exclusive,  right  and  license  to use,  copy and  modify  the  Versatility
Technology,  including  using the  Versatility  Technology  for any  development
purposes and for technical support of Sublicensees.  Oracle and its Subsidiaries
shall have the right to allow their third party consultants  ("Agent(s)") to use
the Versatility Technology on behalf of Oracle or the Subsidiary under the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.

2.3      Sublicensing License

         2.3.A    Scope of License.
         Versatility  hereby grants to Oracle a worldwide,  perpetual (except as
         otherwise  provided on Article V),  non-exclusive  right and license to
         market, reproduce,  distribute and grant Sublicenses of the Versatility
         Technology  (excluding  Source  Materials)  for  use on  all  operating
         environments.  Oracle  shall  use the  same  or  equivalent  terms  for
         sublicensing  the  Versatility  Technology  as it  does  for  licensing
         Oracle's software products.

         Versatility  also grants to Oracle the right and license to  sublicense
         Source  Materials to third parties  solely to the extent  necessary and
         for the purpose of allowing  such third parties to port or localize the
         Source  Materials,  so long as any such  third  party is subject to the
         same terms and conditions  which Oracle normally  imposes in connection
         with any grant of  rights  to its own  source  code.  Versatility  also
         grants to Oracle the right to sublicense  the  Versatility  Technology,
         including  the  Source  Materials,  to  any  Subsidiary  to  allow  the
         Subsidiary to use the  Versatility  Technology  in accordance  with the
         terms and conditions of this Agreement as they apply to Oracle, so long
         as any such  Subsidiary  is subject  to the same  terms and  conditions
         which Oracle normally imposes in connection with any grant of rights in
         its own source code. Versatility also grants to Oracle the right (i) to
         deposit Source  Materials in escrow and (ii) release and deliver Source
         Materials to Oracle's Sublicensees and Distributors,  provided that the
         Source  Materials are released only in  conjunction  with Oracle source
         materials and are subject to  substantially  equivalent  conditions and
         protections  used for the  release of its own source  materials.  It is
         expressly understood that,  notwithstanding any other provision of this
         Agreement,  Oracle shall have no right to sublicense  Source Materials,
         except as stated in this paragraph.

2.3.B    Distributors.
         Versatility  grants  Oracle  the  right  to  license,   sublicense  and
         authorize  Distributors  to market and sublicense the Object  Materials
         and Documentation of the Versatility Technology under the terms of this
         Agreement,  including  the right to license,  sublicense  and authorize
         other distributors to exercise the same rights.

         2.3.C    Trial Sublicenses.
         Versatility  grants  to Oracle a  worldwide,  royalty-free  license  to
         grant,  at no charge,  trial  sublicenses  of the Object  Materials and
         Documentation of the Versatility  Technology,  consistent with Oracle's
         policies for granting trial licenses for its own programs.

         2.3.D    Trademarks.
         Oracle  and  its  Distributors  are  entitled  to  market,   reproduce,
         distribute and sublicense the Object Materials and Documentation of the
         Versatility  Technology under Oracle trademarks.  Versatility shall not
         have the right to use such Oracle trademarks  without the prior written
         approval of Oracle.

2.4      Internal Use License
Versatility hereby grants to Oracle and its Subsidiaries a worldwide,  perpetual
(except as otherwise provided in Article V), paid-up, royalty-free non-exclusive
right and  internal-use  license to reproduce,  install and use the  Versatility
Technology,  including Updates, to operate its business at no additional charge.
This internal use license does not apply to any service  bureau,  outsourcing or
equivalent  business of Oracle;  any such service bureau business licenses would
be subject to per user license fees.

2.5      Intellectual Property Rights
Versatility further grants to Oracle and its Distributors a perpetual (except as
otherwise provided in Article V), worldwide,  nonexclusive,  nontransferable and
paid-up license to all Intellectual  Property Rights which  Versatility now owns
or hereafter  acquires  which are  necessary to use the  Versatility  Technology
under this  Agreement;  such  Intellectual  Property  Rights are included in the
licenses granted to Oracle under this Agreement.  Other than as licensed herein,
Versatility  shall  retain  all right,  title and  interest  to the  Versatility
Technology,  including the Intellectual Property Rights. Oracle shall retain all
right,   title  and  interest  to  the  Intellectual   Property  Rights  in  any
modifications, extensions or derivative works of the Versatility Technology that
Oracle develops or has developed on its behalf.

Versatility  shall  take all action  necessary  to  maintain  the  validity  and
enforceability of Versatility's  Intellectual Property Rights in the Versatility
Technology  and shall  promptly  enforce its rights and remedies  against  third
parties who infringe such Intellectual Property Rights.

2.6      Third Party Royalties
Versatility  shall have sole  responsibility  for payment of all  royalties  and
other charges with respect to third party materials  included in the Versatility
Technology,  if any.  Oracle shall have no obligation to pay or account for such
royalties or other charges.

2.7      Marketing
Except as expressly specified in this Agreement, Oracle shall have no obligation
to distribute or market the  Versatility  Technology or any products  containing
the  Versatility  Technology.  Oracle shall have full freedom and flexibility in
the design and implementation of its marketing efforts,  and may discontinue any
marketing efforts at any time.


3.1      License  Fees

         3.1.A    Prepaid Sublicense Fees.
         Oracle agrees to pay  Versatility the sum of  $2,000,000.00  in prepaid
         sublicense fees ("Prepaid  Sublicense  Fees") which shall be payable in
         three equal monthly  installments on each of September 1, October 1 and
         November 1. Upon  termination  or  expiration of this  Agreement  under
         Section 4.3.A or Section 5.2 below,  Versatility shall refund to Oracle
         the full amount of the Prepaid Sublicense Fees.

         3.1.B    Sublicense  Fees.
         In consideration  for the rights granted by Versatility to Oracle under
         this  Agreement,  Oracle will pay to  Versatility a fee equal to 30% of
         the  Net  Fees  Oracle  receives  for  Sublicenses  of the  Versatility
         Technology  ("Sublicense Fees") until the earlier of (i) six years from
         the Effective Date of this Agreement or (ii) the payment by Oracle of a
         total of Twelve  Million  Dollars  ($12,000,000)  in  Sublicense  Fees.
         Thereafter,   the  licenses   granted  to  Oracle  to  the  Versatility

         Technology  under this Agreement shall be deemed to be royalty-free and
         fully paid-up.  In determining  the Sublicense Fees due to Versatility,
         Oracle  shall have the right to apply the  Prepaid  Sublicense  Fees to
         reduce the  Sublicense  Fee due to  Versatility  until such time as the
         Prepaid Sublicense Fee has been exhausted.

         "Net Fees" shall mean license fees received by Oracle or any Subsidiary
         from  its  Sublicensees  and  from its  istributors  net of any  return
         adjustments, third party commissions,  shipping costs, or sales, use or
         other  taxes  paid.  In the  event  that  Oracle  or  its  Distributors
         sublicense the  Versatility  Technology  with other Oracle  products or
         services for a single price,  Net Fees from such Sublicense shall equal
         the  total  Net  Fees  from the  Sublicense  multiplied  by a  fraction
         A/(A+B),  where A equals the list price of the  Versatility  Technology
         sublicensed  separately  and B  equals  the  list  price  of the  other
         products or services. If the Versatility  Technology is (i) licensed in
         a site license or package deal and fees for the Versatility  Technology
         are not  distinguishable  from fees for other Oracle  products that are
         part of the  site  license  or  package  deal or (ii)  bundled  with or
         incorporated  into another  Oracle  product  such that the  Versatility
         Technology  does not have a separate  list price,  the Net Fees for the
         Versatility  Technology shall be based on the fee allocation  agreed to
         by Oracle and the  Sublicensee  for the products  specified in the site
         license  or  package  deal or on the fee  allocation  made by  Oracle's
         internal procedures,  provided such allocation  reasonably reflects the
         relative  value  of the  Versatility  Technology  to the  other  Oracle

         Oracle and its  Distributors  are free to  determine  unilaterally  the
         pricing of Versatility Technology Sublicenses to their Sublicensees and

         No  Sublicense  Fee or other  charge shall be payable by Oracle for any
         use of the Versatility  Technology (i) for Oracle's  internal use; (ii)
         for development, technical support or maintenance activities; (iii) for
         marketing,   updates,   trial  Sublicenses,   porting,   documentation,
         demonstrations,  training,  educational  uses, or any other products or
         services;  or (iv) as back-up copies. The foregoing rights and licenses
         shall be deemed to be paid-up.

3.2      Payment Terms
Within  forty-five  (45) days of the end of each  Quarter,  Oracle  shall pay to
Versatility  all  Sublicense  Fees accruing to Versatility  for that  particular
Quarter less any unused Prepaid Sublicense Fees. Sublicense Fees shall be deemed
to accrue in the Quarter in which Oracle recognizes the revenue.

3.3      Reporting
Within  forty-five (45) days of the last day of each Quarter,  Oracle shall send
Versatility a report listing,  for that Quarter, the revenues due to Versatility
under this Agreement as a result of Oracle's and its Distributors'  Sublicensing
activities  under  this  Agreement  and the  deduction  by Oracle of any  unused
Prepaid Sublicense Fees from those revenues.


4.1      Oracle Technical Responsibilities
Oracle  and its  Distributors  shall  provide  all  technical  support  to their
Sublicensees and  Distributors,  including  installation  assistance,  training,
maintenance and consulting.

4.2      Versatility Technical Support Responsibilities

         4.2.A    Ongoing Support Services.
         Versatility  will provide Oracle with the following  technical  support
services ("Technical Support") until December 31,1999:

         (i)      Telephone  consultation,  assistance and advice at the highest
                  level of support  generally  provided to any other end user or
                  Distributor of Versatility;

         (ii)     Reasonable  efforts to make  corrections to errors reported in
                  the Versatility  Technology as such corrections are first made
                  available to any other  Versatility  distributor  or licensee;

         (iii)    Updates no later than when they are first  made  available  to
                  any other Versatility distributor or licensee.

4.3      Versatility Development Commitments

         4.3.A    Versatility Commitments.
         Versatility   shall  develop  and  deliver  the  modifications  to  the
         Versatility  Technology  specified  on  Exhibit B (the  "Deliverables")
         within the timeframes  specified on Exhibit B. If Versatility  fails to
         commence  promptly  the  definition,  design  and  development  of  the
         Deliverables  on Exhibit B, Oracle  shall have the option to  terminate
         this Agreement by providing written notice to Versatility.  Within five
         days of such  notice,  Versatility  shall  refund to Oracle all Prepaid
         Sublicense Fees.

         4.3.B    Acceptance Procedure.
         Upon completion of any Deliverable,  Versatility shall promptly provide
         a complete  copy thereof to Oracle.  At Oracle's  request,  Versatility
         will  demonstrate to Oracle the  functionality  of the  Deliverable and
         shall  provide  Oracle with  assistance  in any  additional  review and
         testing  of  such   Deliverable  in  accordance   with  any  applicable
         acceptance  criteria and test suites.  Upon  accepting any  Deliverable
         submitted by Versatility, Oracle shall provide to Versatility a written
         acceptance  of  such   Deliverable.   If  Oracle,   in  its  reasonable
         discretion, determines that any submitted Deliverable does not meet the
         acceptance  criteria  mutually agreed upon by the parties in Exhibit B,
         Oracle  shall  have  thirty  (30)  business  days  after  Versatility's
         submission  of the  Deliverable  ("Acceptance  Period") to give written
         notice thereof to Versatility  specifying the  deficiencies  in detail.
         Versatility shall submit a revised Deliverable to Oracle within 10 days
         of receiving such notice from Oracle.  After  completing any such cure,
         Versatility  shall resubmit the  Deliverable  for review and testing as
         set forth above.  This  resubmission  and retesting  procedure  will be
         repeated until Oracle accepts the applicable Deliverables or terminates
         this Agreement, in Oracle's sole discretion.

         4.3.C    License to Deliverables.
         All software  (including  modifications and documentation but excluding
         the Deliverables),  products, inventions, documents, writings and other
         materials  prepared or produced by Versatility  in performing  Services
         for Oracle under this  Agreement,  (collectively,  the  "Developments")
         shall  be the  sole  and  exclusive  property  of  Oracle,  subject  to
         Versatility's   underlying  rights  in  the  pre-existing   Versatility
         Technology and subject to the Deliverables being the sole and exclusive
         property of Versatility. Versatility agrees that the Developments shall
         be works made for hire to the extent  permitted by applicable  law, and
         that  Oracle  shall  retain  all  Intellectual  Property  Rights in the
         Developments.  In the event that any of the Developments do not qualify
         as works  made for hire,  Versatility  hereby  assigns  to Oracle at no
         additional   consideration  all  right,  title  and  interest  and  all
         Intellectual  Property Rights in such  Developments  and all extensions
         and  renewals  thereof.   Versatility   agrees  to  execute  a  written
         assignment of such rights in the  Developments  to Oracle and any other
         documents  necessary  for  Oracle to  establish,  preserve,  perfect or
         enforce its  Intellectual  Property  Rights in the  Developments  if so
         requested  by Oracle.  Versatility  hereby  agrees not to assert at any
         time, and otherwise  waives,  any "moral rights" that  Versatility  may
         have in the Developments,  and Versatility hereby assigns to Oracle all
         moral rights therein.

V.       TERM

5.1      Initial Term
This Agreement  shall become  effective on the Effective  Date, and unless it is
terminated as set forth herein shall remain in effect perpetually.

5.2      Termination of the Agreement

         5.2.A    Breach of Merger Agreement.
         If Oracle  breaches the Agreement and Plan of Merger between Oracle and
         Versatility (the "Merger  Agreement") in any material respect and fails
         to cure such breach  within  twenty (20)  business  days after  written
         notice of such breach from  Versatility  to Oracle or Oracle  fails for
         any reason to pay the sublicense fees set forth in Section 3.1.A,  then
         Versatility  shall have the option of  terminating  this  Agreement  by
         providing Oracle with written notice of such termination  within twenty
         (20) business days after the date of the written  notice of breach from
         Versatility to Oracle,  which termination shall not be effective unless
         and  until  Versatility   refunds  all  but  $360,000  of  the  Prepaid
         Sublicense  Fees to Oracle  within  one  hundred  eighty  (180) days of
         providing Oracle notice of termination.

         5.2.B    Acceptance of Superior Offer
         If (i) the  Merger  Agreement  is  being  or has  been  terminated  and
         Versatility is obligated to pay Oracle a Termination Fee (as defined in
         the Merger  Agreement)  under the Merger  Agreement,  (ii)  Versatility
         refunds to Oracle all but $360,000 of the Prepaid Sublicense Fees prior
         to or  simultaneously  with the payment of such  Termination  Fee,  and
         (iii) the  Termination  Fee is paid in accordance with the terms of the
         Merger Agreement, then this Agreement shall terminate upon repayment by
         Versatility  of  such  Prepaid  Sublicense  Fees  and  payment  of  the
         Termination Fee.

5.3      Use of Source Materials
If any of the following events occur: (i) any assignment of substantially all of
Versatility's  assets  for the  benefit of  creditors  or the  appointment  of a
receiver to take possession of substantially all of Versatility's  assets;  (ii)
any  dissolution of or substantial  attachment or execution of judgment  against
Versatility's  assets; (iii) the filing of any voluntary or involuntary petition
in  bankruptcy,  or any  similar  law,  by or against  Versatility  which is not
dismissed within  forty-five (45) days of filing;  or (iv)  Versatility  rejects
this  Agreement at any time while in bankruptcy,  then Oracle shall  immediately
receive and have a worldwide,  perpetual,  irrevocable license to use all Source
Materials,  Object  Materials,  Documentation and other materials related to the
Versatility  Technology then in Oracle's  possession to (i) continue to exercise
the license  rights  granted under this  Agreement;  and (ii) provide  technical
support to Sublicensees,  including making all necessary changes, modifications,
additions and enhancements to the Source Materials.

5.4      Continued Rights
In the  event of  termination  of this  Agreement,  in  whole  or in  part,  any
Sublicense  granted by Oracle or its  Distributors  prior to such  expiration or
under the terms of this Article VI, shall survive and continue. Without limiting
the  generality of the  foregoing,  (i) Oracle may Sublicense and distribute any
inventory of the Versatility  Technology,  including work in process, on hand at
the time of such termination or expiration; (ii) Oracle may continue to exercise
the rights and licenses  granted  hereunder  for a period of up to eighteen (18)
months  after  termination  or  expiration,  so long as such  use is to  support
existing  customers  using  Versatility  Technology or to satisfy  then-existing
contractual  commitments;  and (iii)  Oracle may continue to exercise the rights
and licenses granted hereunder as necessary to provide maintenance and technical
support for Sublicensees.

5.5      Survival
In addition to the provisions of Sections 5.3 and 5.4 above, the parties' rights
and  obligations  under Sections 2.4 (Internal Use License),  2.5  (Intellectual
Property  Rights),  7.1   (Nondisclosure),   7.4  (Assignment)  and  Article  VI
(Representations and Warranties) shall survive expiration or termination of this


6.1      No Conflict
Versatility   represents  and  warrants  that  it  is  under  no  obligation  or
restriction, nor will it assume any such obligation or restriction, that does or
would in any way  interfere or conflict  with,  or that does or would  present a
conflict of interest  concerning,  the performance to be rendered by Versatility
or the rights and licenses granted to Oracle herein.

6.2      Intellectual Property Warranty and Infringement Indemnity
Versatility  represents  and  warrants  that  (a)  Versatility  is the  sole and
exclusive  owner of the  Versatility  Technology,;  (b) Versatility has full and
sufficient  right,  title and  authority  to assign or grant the  rights  and/or
licenses granted to Oracle under this Agreement;  (c) the Versatility Technology
has  not  been  published  under  circumstances  which  have  caused  a loss  of
Intellectual  Property Rights therein;  (d) except as set forth on Schedule 5.2,
the Versatility  Technology does not contain any materials  developed by a third
party;  (e) the  Versatility  Technology  does  not  infringe  any  Intellectual
Property  Rights,  privacy,  publicity or similar rights of any third party, nor
has any claim  (whether or not  embodied in an action,  past or present) of such
infringement  been threatened or asserted,  and no such claim is pending against
Versatility  or, to best of  Versatility's  knowledge,  against  any entity from
which  Versatility  has  obtained  such  rights;  and  (f)  the  certificate  of
authorship, attached hereto as Exhibit C, is complete and accurate.

Versatility shall, at Versatility's expense,  indemnify,  defend and hold Oracle
and its directors,  officers,  employees,  agents, Distributors and Sublicensees
harmless from and against any and all liabilities,  losses,  damages,  costs and
expenses (including  reasonable attorneys fees) incurred by Oracle in connection

with any claim that the  Versatility  Technology  licensed  and used  within the
scope of this Agreement  infringes an  Intellectual  Property Right of any third
party, provided that: (a) Oracle promptly notifies Versatility in writing of the
claim; and (b) at Versatility's request and expense, Oracle provides Versatility
with all  reasonable  assistance,  information  and  authority  to  perform  the
foregoing.  Versatility  will not  enter  into a  settlement  agreement  without
Oracle's written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.

Versatility  shall  have no  liability  for any  claim of  infringement  if such
infringement  is caused  by  modifications  made by  Oracle  to the  Versatility
Technology and the unmodified Versatility Technology does not infringe the third
party's Intellectual Property Rights.

In the event the Versatility Technology is held or is believed by Versatility to
infringe the Intellectual  Property Rights of a third party,  Versatility  shall
have the option, at its expense to: (a) modify the Versatility  Technology to be
non-infringing while retaining full functionality and equivalent performance; or
(b) obtain for Oracle,  at no additional  cost to Oracle,  a license to continue
using the Versatility Technology.

Failure to comply  with the  obligations  described  in this  Section  6.2 shall
constitute a material breach of this Agreement.

6.3      Product Warranty
Versatility warrants that the Versatility Technology will perform the functions,
and comply in all material  respects with the  specifications,  described in the
specifications  identified in the Documentation when operated on the appropriate
hardware/operating  system  environment.  Versatility  also  warrants  that  the
Versatility Technology, including, without limitation, any time-and-date-related
codes, data entry features and internal  subroutines thereof, is designed (a) to
automatically  accommodate  the  change in the date from  December  31,  1999 to
January  1, 2000  without  negatively  affecting  the  Versatility  Technology's
performance;  and (b) to accurately accept, reflect and calculate all dates that
are relevant to the Versatility Technology's  performance.  THESE WARRANTIES ARE

6.4      Limitation of Liability

The  provisions  of this  Article VI  allocate  the risks  under this  Agreement
between  Versatility and Oracle and are an intrinsic part of the bargain between
the parties.  The fees provided for in this Agreement reflect this allocation of
risks and the limitation of liability specified herein.


7.1      Nondisclosure
It is expected that the parties may disclose to each other  certain  information
which may be considered confidential and trade secret information ("Confidential
Information"). Confidential Information shall include: (a) the Source Materials;
(b) Confidential Information disclosed by either party in writing that is marked
as  confidential  at the time of  disclosure;  or (c)  Confidential  Information
disclosed by either party in any other manner and is identified as  confidential
at the time of disclosure and is also  summarized and designated as confidential
in a written memorandum delivered to the receiving party within thirty (30) days
of the disclosure.

Confidential  Information shall not include information which: (a) is or becomes
public  knowledge  through no fault of the  recipient;  (b) was in the receiving
party's  possession  before receipt from the party  providing such  Confidential
Information;  (c) is  rightfully  received by the  receiving  party from a third
party without any duty of confidentiality;  (d) is disclosed to a third party by
the  party   providing   the   Confidential   Information   without  a  duty  of

confidentiality on the third party; (e) is independently  developed by the other
party;  (f) is disclosed  under  operation of law; or (g) is disclosed  with the
prior written approval of the party providing such Confidential Information.

Except as otherwise  specified  herein,  the  disclosing  party shall retain all
Intellectual  Property Rights in any Confidential  Information  disclosed to the
other party. The parties agree, both during the term of this Agreement and for a
period of five (5) years after  termination  or expiration of this  Agreement to
hold each other's  Confidential  Information  in  confidence  and to protect the
disclosed  Confidential  Information by using the same degree of care to prevent
the  unauthorized   use,   dissemination  or  publication  of  the  Confidential
Information as they use to protect their own confidential  information of a like
nature.  The parties  agree not to make each  other's  Confidential  Information
available  in any form to any  third  party  except  as  otherwise  required  to
exercise  the  licenses  granted  in  this  Agreement  or to  use  each  other's
Confidential  Information for any purpose other than the  implementation of this
Agreement.  Each  party  agrees  to  restrict  disclosure  of  the  Confidential
Information  to those of its employees who have a "need to know" and to take all
reasonable  steps to ensure that  Confidential  Information  is not disclosed or
distributed by its employees in violation of the  provisions of this  Agreement,
including   requiring   that  its   employees   sign   general   agreements   of
confidentiality  that  apply  to  third-party  technology  as well as to its own

In addition,  notwithstanding  the above,  each party may use the residuals from
the other party's Confidential Information. The term "residuals" as used in this
paragraph shall mean the Confidential Information in nontangible form (i.e., not
in written  or other  documentary  form,  including  tape or disk)  which may be
retained by those  employees of Versatility or Oracle who have had access to the
other's  Confidential  Information  including  ideas,  concepts,   know-how,  or
techniques  contained therein.  Neither party shall have any obligation to limit
or restrict the  assignment  of such  employees or to pay royalties for any work
resulting from the use of residuals.

7.2      Independent Development/Freedom of Action
Each party  acknowledges  that the other  party is in the  software  development
business.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to preclude either party
from developing,  using, marketing,  licensing, and/or selling any independently
developed  software which has the same or similar  functionality  as Versatility
Technology or any other  products,  so long as such activities do not breach any
of the other provisions of this Agreement or infringe the Intellectual  Property
Rights of the other party.

Additionally,  nothing in this  Agreement  shall be construed to limit  Oracle's
right to obtain  services or software  programs from other sources,  to prohibit
either party from  acquiring and marketing  competitive  materials,  to restrict
Oracle from making, having made, using, marketing,  leasing, licensing,  selling
or  otherwise  disposing of any  products or services  whatsoever,  nor to limit
Oracle's  right to deal  with  any  other  vendors,  suppliers,  contractors  or

7.3      Governing Law and Jurisdiction
This  Agreement,  and all matters  arising out of or relating to this Agreement,
shall be governed by the laws of the State of California  and shall be deemed to
be executed in Redwood City, California.

7.4      Assignment
Except for an  assignment  by Oracle to any parent  corporation,  Subsidiary  or
successor  in interest to Oracle,  which shall not relieve  Oracle of its rights
and  obligations  under  this  Agreement  and shall  only be  effective  if such
permitted  assignee  shall  agree to be bound by all of the  provisions  of this
Agreement,   neither  party  may  assign  any  rights,  duties,  obligations  or
privileges  under this Agreement  without the prior written consent of the other
party, which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld. A change in control or
ownership shall be deemed to be an assignment under this Section.

7.5      Notice
All  notices  required  to be given  hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be
deemed to have been  given upon  deposit in first  class  mail,  sent  through a
nationally   recognized   courier   service,   or   transmission   by  confirmed
telefacsimile as follows:

         For Versatility: Versatility, Inc.
                          11781 Lee Jackson Memorial Highway
                          Seventh Floor
                          Fairfax, CA 22033
                          Attn: Paul Zoukis

         With copy to:    Tucker, Flyer & Lewis
                          1615 L Street, NW
                          Suite 400
                          Washington D.C., 20036
                          Attn:  Jack L. Lewis

         For Oracle:      Oracle Corporation              
                          500 Oracle Parkway              
                          Redwood City, CA 94065          
                          Attn:  General Counsel          

                          Oracle Corporation                                    
                          500 Oracle Parkway                                    
                          Redwood City, CA  94065                               
                          Attn:  Executive Vice President, Corporate Development

7.6      Relationship Between the Parties
In all matters relating to this Agreement,  Oracle and Versatility  shall act as
independent contractors.  Neither party will represent that it has any authority
to assume or create any obligation, expressed or implied, on behalf of the other
party,  or to  represent  the  other  party as agent,  employee  or in any other
capacity. Neither party shall have any obligation,  expressed or implied, except
as expressly set forth herein.

7.7      Publicity
Neither party shall  disclose to any third party any details of this  Agreement,
or even the fact of its without the specific prior written approval of the other
party, which approval shall not be unreasonably  withheld, or as required by law
in order to enforce its rights under this  Agreement.  Nothing in this Agreement
confers upon  Versatility any right to use Oracle's  trademarks,  trade names or
service marks in connection with any product, service, promotion or publication.

7.8      Force Majeure
Neither  party  shall  be  liable  to the  other  for  failure  or  delay in the
performance of a required obligation if such failure or delay is caused by riot,
fire,  flood,  explosion,  earthquake  or  other  natural  disaster,  government
regulation,  or other similar cause beyond such party's  control,  provided that
such party  gives  prompt  written  notice of such  condition  and  resumes  its
performance as soon as possible,  and provided  further that the other party may
terminate this Agreement if such condition continues for a period of one hundred
eighty (180) days.

7.9      Entire Agreement
This Agreement and the Merger Agreement set forth the entire  agreement  between
the parties and  supersedes  prior  proposals,  agreements  and  representations
between them, whether written or oral,  relating to the subject matter contained
herein. This Agreement may be changed only if agreed to in writing and signed by
an authorized signatory of each party.

7.10     Export
The parties agree to comply fully with all laws and  regulations  to assure that
the  Versatility  Technology  or any direct  product  thereof,  is not exported,
directly or indirectly, in violation of law. Upon Oracle's request,  Versatility
shall advise Oracle of all relevant  export  classifications  of the Versatility
Technology and shall promptly  advise Oracle of any changes with respect to such

7.11     Severability
If any provision or provisions  of this  Agreement  shall be held to be invalid,
illegal or  unenforceable,  the  validity,  legality and  enforceability  of the
remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

7.12     Counterparts
This Agreement may be executed in several  counterparts,  each of which shall be
deemed an original,  but all of which together shall constitute one and the same

7.13     No Waiver
The failure of any party to enforce any of the  provisions  hereof  shall not be
construed to be a waiver of the right of such party  thereafter  to enforce such

The Effective  Date of this Agreement  shall be August 20, 1998.  This Agreement
shall not be effective until both parties have signed.


By:  /s/ David J. Roux                      By:  /s/ Paul J. Zoukis

Name:  David J. Roux                        Name:  Paul J. Zoukis

Title:  Exec. Vice President                Title:  President and 
                                                    Chief Executive Officer