DEVELOPMENT, SUPPLY AND
                             DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT

10, 2000, by and between CEL-SCI Corporation, a Colorado corporation, located at
8229 Boone Boulevard,  Suite 802, Vienna,  Virginia 22182, USA ("CEL-SCI"),  and
Orient Europharma Co., Ltd., a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of Taiwan,  R.O.C.,  located at 7F., No.368,  Sec. 1, Fu Hsing S. Road,  Taipei,
Taiwan, Republic of China ("Orient Europharma").

     WHEREAS,  CEL-SCI and Orient  Europharma are engaged in the development and
distribution, respectively, of pharmaceutical products; and

    WHEREAS, Orient Europharma has broad marketing and distribution capabilities
and regulatory expertise in the Territory (as defined) with respect to
pharmaceutical products; and

    WHEREAS, Orient Europharma wishes to obtain from CEL-SCI exclusive marketing
and distribution rights in the Territory with respect to CEL-SCI's
pharmaceutical Product (as defined) manufactured and developed by CEL-SCI, and
wishes to have CEL-SCI supply it with such Product; and

    WHEREAS, Orient Europharma wishes to fund the clinical trials necessary to
obtain Product registrations in the Territory; and

    WHEREAS, CEL-SCI wishes to grant Orient Europharma exclusive marketing and
distribution rights for cancer indications and to supply Orient Europharma with
such Product for clinical trial use and resale in the Territory;

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual promises contained herein,
the parties agree as follows:

1.    Definitions

    As used in this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:

        a.  "Commencement Date" shall mean, with respect to the Product, the
            date of the first commercial sale of such Product in Taiwan. If the
            Product is not approved for sale in Taiwan, then "Commencement Date"
            will be the date of first commercial sale in any country of the
            Territory, as acknowledged in writing by Orient Europharma and

        b.  "Contract Year" shall mean a calendar year, according to the USA

        c.  "FOB" shall have the meaning ascribed in the Uniform Commercial Code
            in effect in Maryland, USA. "FOB point of origin" shall mean FOB at
            the CEL-SCI manufacturing or packaging site or at its contractor's
            site where such activities are performed, for the Product in the

        d.  "THA" shall mean the Taiwanese Health Authorities, or its

        e.  "IND" shall mean an Investigational New Drug application filed with
            the U.S. or Canadian health authorities or any other national health
            authority recognized by the THA in the Territory covering
            manufacture of the Product dosage form(s) being evaluated in
            clinical trials under such IND.

        f.  "Labeling" shall mean all package inserts, vial labels and carton
            imprints and all other markings on packaging for, or other similar
            materials related to, the Product for commercial sale that are
            defined as labeling under any applicable law or regulation.
            "Labeling" shall also mean such labeling applicable to the use of
            clinical supplies (e.g., Investigational Drug Brochure).

        g.  "Manufacturing Cost" shall mean CEL-SCI's fully-burdened direct and
            indirect manufacturing costs and expenses associated in producing
            the Product, including, but not limited to, cost of materials,
            supplies, utilities, rent, labor (including taxes, benefits,
            overheads), third party contract expenses, administration,
            depreciation for plant and equipment and any other direct expenses.

        h.  "Gross Selling Price" is (1) the national reimbursement price
            approved by THA or the equivalent regulatory agency in the other
            countries of the Territory, or (2) in the event that THA or the
            equivalent regulatory agencies in the other countries do not grant
            the approval to reimburse the payments, Gross Selling Price is the
            contract price between Orient Europharma and the major hospitals in
            Taiwan or other countries in the Territory.

        i.  "Specifications" shall mean, with respect to the Product, the
            specifications set forth in the IND for such Product approved by the
            health authorities in the Territory.

        j.  "Product" shall mean CEL-SCI's Leukocyte Interleukin Injection
            (Multikine(TM)), plus any improvements thereto, which shall comply
            with the Specifications, approved by health authorities in the

        k.  "Purchase Price" is (1) the transfer price of Product for commercial
            sale from CEL-SCI to Orient Europharma as specified in Section 9(b)
            ; or (2) the transfer price of Product for clinical use according to
            Section 9(c).

        l.  "Term" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Section 3(a) hereof.

        m.  "Territory" shall mean Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong.
            CEL-SCI grants to Orient Europharma the right of first negotiation
            with respect to Thailand, China and the Philippines.

    2. Authorization and Acceptance of Distribution

        a.  Subject to the terms and conditions herein contained, CEL-SCI hereby
            appoints Orient Europharma, following regulatory approval for sale,
            as its exclusive distributor to market, distribute and sell the
            Product for human cancer indications in the Territory.

        b.  Orient Europharma will be entitled to appoint sub-distributors for
            the Territory with respect to marketing, distributing and selling
            the Product and to perform any of the obligations undertaken by it
            under this Agreement through any corporation or entity controlling
            or under common control with Orient Europharma. These appointments
            will be subject to CEL-SCI approval which approval will not be
            unreasonably withheld.

    3.  Term

        a.  The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and
            shall terminate on the fifteenth anniversary date of the
            Commencement Date for the Product. The 15-year term may hereinafter
            be referred to as the "Term."

        b.  After the 15-year period has expired, the exclusive Term for the
            Product shall automatically be extended for successive two-year
            periods unless at least six months before the expiration of the then
            current period for such Product, either party gives written notice
            to the other that it does not wish to extend the exclusive Term.

        c.  Following the expiration of the 15-year Term, with or without its
            2-year extension, all rights of Orient Europharma to the Product, as
            well as any discoveries, inventions, or improvements to the Product
            will expire and revert to CEL-SCI. In addition, Orient Europharma
            will sign over to CEL-SCI any rights that Orient Europharma may
            retain in the Product (e.g. product registration in the countries of

            the Territory). Orient Europharma will also return all data and/or
            documents that relate to the Product. Notwithstanding anything
            herein to the contrary, Orient Europharma shall have the right to
            sell Product obtained from CEL-SCI hereunder in its possession after
            termination of this Agreement.

    4.  Regulatory Approvals

        a.  Orient Europharma shall file substantially complete and correct
            applications in all countries of the Territory where clinical trials
            will be conducted.

        b.  Orient Europharma represents and warrants that it has, and will
            maintain during the Term, all approvals necessary to conduct
            clinical trials and to market, sell and distribute the Product in
            the Territory, and that it may lawfully purchase such Product from
            CEL-SCI, for human cancer indications.

        c.  After receiving from CEL-SCI all pertinent documentation required by
            various regulatory authorities, Orient Europharma, at its own
            expense and as promptly as possible, shall file substantially
            complete and correct applications for all approvals necessary to ,
            market, sell and distribute the Product in the Territory. In support
            of such filings, CEL-SCI agrees to provide pertinent information and
            technical assistance to Orient Europharma in seeking these
            approvals. CEL-SCI shall provide to a third party chosen by CEL-SCI,
            all pertinent process technology information necessary for
            registration of the Product to the extent that is permitted by the
            applicable laws and regulations in the Territory. The third party
            will forward such information to the health authorities for the
            purpose of completing the Orient Europharma application(s).

        d.  In addition to the provisions of Sections 4(b) and (c), Orient
            Europharma shall, at its own expense and as promptly as possible,
            use all due diligence to obtain all additional governmental and
            other approvals which may subsequently become necessary for Orient
            Europharma to import and market, sell and distribute such Product
            for human cancer indications throughout the Territory.

        e.  Orient Europharma shall promptly provide to CEL-SCI copies, along
            with English translations, of all of its product registrations and
            other approvals for the marketing, distribution and sale of the
            Product in the Territory. Orient Europharma shall comply with all
            applicable laws in the Territory in conducting clinical studies and
            in marketing, distributing and selling the Product.

        f.  Orient Europharma shall conduct all clinical studies required for
            the registrations with the health departments in the Territory
            defined in Section 1(m) of Product required in connection with the
            approvals and registrations for such Product to be obtained in
            accordance with Section 4(c). Orient Europharma shall bear all the
            costs and expenses in conducting such studies in the Territory,
            including the cost of clinical supplies of the Product from CEL-SCI,
            the cost of the Clinical Research Organization (CRO), plus CEL-SCI's
            expenses associated with regulatory applications. In particular,

            Orient Europharma will assist CEL-SCI to conduct clinical trial(s)
            of the Product in Taiwan and/or other sites within the Territory,
            and shall bear all costs and expenses relating to such trial(s).
            Orient Europharma will also reimburse CEL-SCI for reasonable travel
            and hotel expenses of two trips per year to Taiwan for a team of
            CEL-SCI representatives, business class airfare. Orient Europharma
            agrees to pay for additional trips, if deemed necessary.

        g.  CEL-SCI will design and direct the clinical trials in the Territory
            through an internationally recognized CRO, at Orient Europharma's

        h.  All preclinical and clinical data generated in the Territory shall
            belong to CEL-SCI for CEL-SCI's use in Product registrations outside
            the Territory.

        k.  Orient Europharma shall be subject to meeting certain milestones in
            any country in the Territory:

                (1)   Start clinical trial(s)*      2001
                (2)   Start Phase III trials**      2002
                (3)   Start Phase III trials***     2003

                      * of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity (SCC) and
                      adenocarcinoma of the nasal pharynx (ANP).
                      ** of SCC
                      *** of ANP, if supported by data.

            If Orient Europharma fails to meet any milestone, through no fault
            of CEL-SCI, CEL-SCI will have the right to re-negotiate or terminate
            this Agreement.

    5.  Manufacturing and Packaging of Product

        a.  CEL-SCI will manufacture the Product and deliver as finished Product
            suitable for use in clinical trials and subsequently for sale or in
            bulk where the country allows.

        b.  Orient Europharma will provide label copy to be used on vials and
            patient packs in all cases where English is not acceptable.
        c.  Orient Europharma shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of
            the information and the form of the Labeling for the Product and
            their compliance with applicable laws within the Territory.

        d.  Orient Europharma may market, sell and/or distribute the Product
            under the trademark owned or used by CEL-SCI (e.g., Multikine(TM)).
            Upon Orient Europharma's request, CEL-SCI shall license Orient
            Europharma to use its trademark in the Territory. Orient Europharma
            may market, sell and/or distribute the Product in the Territory
            under any trademark owned or used by it as it may from time to time
            choose. Such trademarks shall become the sole property of CEL-SCI.

      6.    Shipments of Product for Clinical Trials

a.          CEL-SCI will ship, for use in all clinical trials in the Territory,
            clinical supplies (investigational drug) necessary to support
            clinical trials.

        b.  CEL-SCI will invoice Orient Europharma for all clinical supplies, at
            CEL-SCI cost according to Section 9(c), as well as all shipping
            costs including customs, storage, and insurance. Payment will be due
            in 30 days from date of invoice.

    7.  Supply of the Product for Commercial Sale

        a.  No later than six months prior to the first day of each Contract
            Year of the Term, Orient Europharma will provide to CEL-SCI a
            non-binding forecast of Orient Europharma's annual requirements of
            the Product for the succeeding Contract Year. CEL-SCI shall advise
            Orient Europharma within thirty (30) days of its receipt of such
            forecast of CEL-SCI's anticipated ability to supply the forecasted
            amount for the applicable period (such confirmed amount, the
            "Forecasted Amount").

        b.  If at any time during the Term, CEL-SCI is or expects that it will
            be unable to satisfy the Forecasted Amount of Product for any period
            of a Contract Year, in full or in part, CEL-SCI shall so notify
            Orient Europharma promptly, detailing the extent to which it will
            not meet such Forecasted Amount.
        c.  It shall be the responsibility of CEL-SCI to maintain reasonably
            adequate manufacturing capabilities of the Product, using its
            reasonable commercial best efforts to supply the Forecasted Amounts.

        d.  CEL-SCI will be the exclusive and sole supplier of Product to Orient
            Europharma during the Term of this Agreement.

    8.  Shipment of Product for Commercial Sale

        a.  Orient Europharma shall place all orders for Product by delivering
            to CEL-SCI a written purchase order specifying the Product, quantity
            and delivery date (which delivery date shall not be less than 180
            days after the date such purchase order is delivered to CEL-SCI).

        b.  After accepting any written purchase order, CEL-SCI shall use
            reasonable commercial efforts to fill each order by the specified
            delivery date and shall notify Orient Europharma of anticipated
            delays in filling any order.

        c.  With each shipment of Product to Orient Europharma hereunder,
            CEL-SCI shall invoice Orient Europharma for the Product included in
            such shipment at the Purchase Price as set forth in Section 9(b).
            Payment shall be made in U.S. dollars, by Confirmed Irrevocable

            Letter of Credit from an internationally recognized bank to
            CEL-SCI's US bank.

        d.  Product shall be shipped FOB point of origin. Orient Europharma
            shall arrange for the carrier or shipping agent to transport each
            shipment of Product from CEL-SCI's loading dock at the point of
            origin to desired destination. Orient Europharma will ensure that
            adequately monitored freezer (-20(Degree)C +/- 3(Degree)C) space is
            maintained for Product storage prior to its distribution. Orient
            Europharma shall arrange for carrier / shipment of Product to
            maintain frozen condition.

    9.  Purchase Price

        a.  Both parties agree that the selling price for the Product that
            Orient Europharma may market, distribute and sell in the Territory
            shall be calculated in accordance with the formula set forth in
            Paragraph 9(b) unless agreed by both parties to negotiate in good
            faith a mutually acceptable adjustment to the Purchase Price.

        b.  The Purchase Price of Product for commercial sale shall be set at
            35% of Orient Europharma's Gross Selling Price in the Territory.
            However, if this price is ever less than CEL-SCI's Manufacturing
            Cost plus 50%, the parties will then negotiate, in good faith, a
            mutually acceptable Purchase Price.

         c. The Purchase Price of clinical supplies (investigational drug) shall
            be at $400/vial, where each vial contains 2.2 mL of Product at a
            concentration of 400 IU IL-2 equivalent/mL. Starting January 1,
            2002, this price will increase at 5% per year.

        d.  Orient Europharma will purchase 12-month minimum quantities of
            Product from CEL-SCI, unless CEL-SCI is not able to supply these
            quantities, starting with the Commencement Date. Minimum quantities
            cannot include clinical supplies.

                  Year 1      $  700,000
                  Year 2      $ 1,400,000
                  Year 3      $ 2,100,000
                  Year 4      $ 3,000,000
                  Years 5-15   $ 4,000,000

        If Orient Europharma fails to meet these minimums, this Agreement will
        become non-exclusive, at CEL-SCI's option.

    10. CEL-SCI's Warranty and Liability

        a.  CEL-SCI warrants and guarantees that, prior to Orient Europharma
            taking possession, upon delivery FOB point of origin, the Product
            shall meet the Specifications and shall not be adulterated or
            misbranded as required by the health authorities within the
            Territory ("Warranty").

b.          CEL-SCI will provide Orient Europharma with a Certificate of
            Analysis for each shipment of Product, stating test results and the
            Specifications for such shipment of Product.

        c.  Other than as in the specifications provided for in this Agreement,
            CEL-SCI makes no other warranties with respect to the Product.
            CEL-SCI does not make any implied warranties with respect to the
            effectiveness of this Product.

        d.  CEL-SCI shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Orient Europharma
            from all actions, losses, claims, demands, damages, costs, and
            liabilities to which Orient Europharma is or may become liable
            insofar as they arise out of, or in connection with, any breach by
            CEL-SCI of any of its obligations or Warranty under this Agreement.

    11. Regulatory Compliance

        a.  It shall be the responsibility of CEL-SCI to ensure that the Product
            sold by CEL-SCI to Orient Europharma pursuant hereto meets the
            Specifications at the time of delivery to Orient Europharma FOB
            point of origin.

        b.  Orient Europharma shall comply with all applicable laws in the
            Territory with respect to packaging, marketing, distributing,
            selling, promoting and advertising the Product in the Territory.

    12. Representations, Warranties and Covenants

        a.  Orient Europharma and CEL-SCI represent and warrant to each other
            that each party has all requisite corporate power and authority to
            enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions
            contemplated hereby.
        b.  CEL-SCI further represents, warrants and covenants that:

            i)  The Product sold to Orient Europharma hereunder does not
                infringe any patent or third party rights in the United States
                and the Territory related to the manufacture of the Product; and

            ii) CEL-SCI possesses good title to the Product sold to Orient
                Europharma hereunder; and

            iii) CEL-SCI will not market, distribute or sell, to any party other
                than Orient Europharma, the Product in the Territory except as
                provided for by this Agreement; and

            iv) This Agreement shall be binding upon either party's lawful
                successors and assigns without changing any terms and conditions

        c.  Orient Europharma represents, warrants and covenants that the
            distribution and sale of the Product, as supplied under this
            Agreement, shall not violate or infringe any valid trademark, patent
            and/or copyrights held by third parties within the Territory.

        d.  Orient Europharma represents that it does not have an agreement with
            another company for sale or distribution of anticancer cytokine

    13. Protection Rights

          a.   Except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, CEL-SCI shall not
               grant any third party the right to sell,  ship and/or  distribute
               the  Product to any person or entity  outside the  Territory  who
               CEL-SCI knows intends to sell, ship and/or distribute the Product
               (in bulk or dosage form) in or to the  Territory for human cancer
               indications.  In the event CEL-SCI  becomes aware during the time
               that Orient  Europharma  has  exclusive  rights  pursuant to this
               Agreement,  that any third party with whom  CEL-SCI  contracts to
               distribute   Product   outside  the   Territory   is  selling  or
               distributing  Product in the  Territory  directly or  indirectly,
               CEL-SCI shall  promptly  advise such third party to cease selling
               and distributing Product in the Territory. In the event that such
               third  party  continues  to sell  or  distribute  Product  in the
               Territory  following  such notice,  CEL-SCI shall  commence legal
               action against such party to terminate such activity.

        b. During the Term of this Agreement, Orient Europharma shall not
           directly or indirectly manufacture, develop, ship, market, sell or
           distribute any immunotherapeutic product that competes with Product
           in the Territory for the indications of head & neck cancer,
           adenocarcinoma of the nasal pharynx or cervical cancer. In addition,
           Orient Europharma shall not directly or indirectly manufacture,
           develop, ship, market, sell or distribute any product that is a
           cytokine mixture, for any indication.

        c. Orient Europharma shall not directly or indirectly manufacture,
           develop, ship, market, sell or distribute Product outside the

        d. If there are any new discoveries, inventions, patents, or other
           intellectual property as the result of this Agreement, CEL-SCI shall
           own such intellectual property.

    14. Confidentiality

        a.  Any information pertaining to the Product and/or the respective
            operations of the parties that has been or will be communicated by
            CEL-SCI to Orient Europharma or by Orient Europharma to CEL-SCI,
            including, without limitation, trade secrets, business methods, and
            pricing, cost, supplier, manufacturing and customer information,
            shall be treated by CEL-SCI and Orient Europharma respectively, and
            their respective affiliates, employees and agents, as confidential
            information and shall not be used or revealed to third parties
            except as necessary in connection with the performance of their
            respective obligations hereunder; provided, however, that such
            confidential information shall not be subject to the restrictions
            and prohibitions set forth in this section to the extent that such
            confidential information:

            i)  is available in the public literature or otherwise in the public
                domain, or after disclosure by one party to the other becomes
                public knowledge through no fault of the party receiving such
                confidential information;

            ii) was known through legitimate means to the party receiving such
                confidential information prior to the receipt of such
                confidential information by such party from the disclosing
                party, as evidenced by such receiving party's written records,
                whether received before or after the date of this Agreement;

            iii) is obtained in good faith by the party receiving such
                confidential information from a source other than the party
                supplying such confidential information who was not under an
                obligation of confidence or secrecy to either party at the time
                of such disclosure; or

            iv) is required to be disclosed pursuant to:

                (A) any order of a court having jurisdiction and power to order
                    such information to be released or made public (with prior
                    notice to the disclosing party and opportunity to contest by
                    such party to the extent legally possible); or

                (B) any lawful action of a governmental or regulatory agency
                    (with prior notice to the disclosing party and opportunity
                    to contest by such party to the extent legally possible); or

            v)  is required to be disclosed to a prospective, bona fide
                purchaser of the shares or assets of either party hereto,
                provided all such prospective purchasers agree in writing to be
                bound by the standards of confidentiality.

        b.  Each party shall take all such precautions as it normally takes with
            its own confidential information to prevent any improper disclosure
            of such confidential information to any independent third party;
            provided, however, that such confidential information may be

            disclosed within the limits required to obtain any authorization
            from the Taiwanese authorities or any other governmental or
            regulatory agency in the Territory or, with the prior written
            consent of the other party, which shall not be unreasonably
            withheld, as may otherwise be required in connection with the
            purposes of this Agreement.

    15. Force Majeure

            If either Orient Europharma or CEL-SCI shall be delayed, hindered,
        interrupted in or prevented from the performance of any of its
        obligations hereunder (other than the obligation to pay monies) by
        reason of force majeure ("Force Majeure"), including, without
        limitation, fire, earthquake, flood or other acts of God, strike,
        lockouts, war (declared or undeclared), civil disturbances, embargo,
        riots, unavailability of essential materials or transportation
        facilities, orders of any governmental authority (not caused by a
        default or other action of the party invoking such Force Majeure) or
        other similar events beyond the control of such party, such party shall
        not be liable to the other for damages, and the time for performance of
        such obligation shall be extended for a period of time equal to the
        duration of the contingency which occasioned such delay, hindrance,
        interruption or prevention. Orient Europharma understands that the
        Product is difficult to manufacture and test. Therefore, Orient
        Europharma understands that there may be manufacturing problems, due to
        reasons outside of CEL-SCI's control, where CEL-SCI may not be able to
        supply the Product in a timely manner. CEL-SCI will make best efforts to
        minimize any delay or interruption in supply.

    16. Termination

        a.  This Agreement may be terminated in its entirety immediately upon
            written notice of termination given by:

            i)  The non-defaulting party in the event that the other party
                (A) commit a material breach or default under this Agreement,
                    which breach or default shall not be remedied within sixty
                    (60) days after the receipt of written notice thereof by the
                    party in breach or in default; or

                (B) have made a material misrepresentation of any representation
                    or warranty contained herein;

            ii) Either party in the event that any free trade agreements
                affecting the countries, is abrogated, amended or modified so as
                to materially and adversely affect the commercial benefits
                inuring to either party under this Agreement as in effect on the
                date hereof;

           iii) Either party if the other party ceases to function as a going
                concern or if proceedings in bankruptcy or insolvency are
                taken against the other party and not remedied within thirty
                (30) days or if its property or business or its shares be

                confiscated or expropriated by any government or subdivision

            iv) By CEL-SCI if Orient Europharma fails to meet any milestone
                specified in Section 4(k).

        b.  If this Agreement terminates prior to the expiration of the 15-year
            Term, through no fault of either party, then Orient Europharma shall
            be compensated for its documented Multikine clinical trial expenses
            according to the following formula:

                    C = clinical trial expenses x

                    where C is the  amount  to be paid to  Orient  Europharma,
                    and y is the Contract Year.

    17. Indemnification

        a.  CEL-SCI shall indemnify and hold harmless Orient Europharma and its
            affiliates, successors and permitted assigns and their respective
            officers, directors, stockholders, partners and employees from and
            against any claim, action, suit, proceeding, loss liability, damage
            or expense (other than special or consequential damages but
            including reasonable attorneys` fees and expenses) arising from or
            related to (i) any material breach of any representation, warranty
            or covenant made by CEL-SCI hereunder, including without limitation
            any failure to manufacture the Product in conformity with the
            Warranty and (ii) any negligent storage or handling of Product by
            CEL-SCI or its employees prior to Product transfer to Orient
            Europharma (delivery to Orient Europharma FOB point of origin).

        b.  Orient Europharma shall indemnify and hold harmless CEL-SCI and its
            affiliates, successors and permitted assigns and their respective
            officers, directors, stockholders, partners and employees from and
            against any claim, action, suit, proceeding, loss liability, damage
            or expense (other than special, incidental or consequential damages,
            but including reasonable attorneys` fees) arising from or related to
            (i) any material breach of any representation, warranty or covenant
            made by Orient Europharma hereunder, (ii) the storage, handling, use
            or sale of Product following delivery Orient Europharma FOB point of
            origin, or (iii) packaging instructions provided by Orient

    18.     Customer Complaints; Recall

        a.  Pursuant to the United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 21
            Section 314.80 , as the same may be amended from time to time,
            regarding the reporting of adverse drug experiences, Orient
            Europharma shall immediately report to CEL-SCI any information
            concerning adverse drug experiences associated with the use of
            Product, whether or not considered drug-related, and including but
            not necessarily limited to: an adverse event occurring in the course

          of the use of Product in clinical trials, or in professional practice;
          an adverse  event  occurring  from  overdose,  whether  accidental  or
          intentional;  or any significant  failure of expected  pharmacological
          action.  Additionally,  reports of routine  adverse  drug  experiences
          shall  be  summarized  and  exchanged  between  the  parties  once per
          calendar year. Orient Europharma shall report  potentially  serious or
          unexpected  adverse drug  experiences  as defined in Title 21, Section
          314.80,  as amended,  to CEL-SCI as soon as possible,  but in no event
          later than three (3) days after initial  receipt of the information by
          Orient  Europharma and shall maintain a record of each such experience
          as required under Title 21, Section 314.80(c)(iii).  Orient Europharma
          agrees to cooperate with CEL-SCI in arriving at a mutually  acceptable
          course of action regarding the handling of such information;  however,
          nothing  contained  herein shall be construed as restricting the right
          or duty of either party to report the  information to the  appropriate
          regulatory bodies.

        b.  In the event of any recall of Product, as suggested or requested by
            any governmental authority, or any recall to which both parties
            agree in writing, Orient Europharma shall perform the recall, and
            the reasonable documented costs thereof, including CEL-SCI`s and
            Orient Europharma's respective costs of manufacturing and
            distributing the Product recalled, will be borne by CEL-SCI or by
            Orient Europharma if said recall can be attributed to Orient
            Europharma's fault.

    19.  Best Efforts

            Orient Europharma shall use the same diligent efforts to develop,
        register, market, sell and distribute the Product in the Territory as
        with its own products or other licensed products.

    20.  Patent & Trademark Ownership

            CEL-SCI will maintain ownership of its Product patents, trademarks
        and know how and is responsible for maintaining, prosecuting and
        defending these patents and trademarks in the Territory.

    21. Notices

            Any notice or request required or permitted to be given under or in
        connection with this Agreement shall be in writing in the English
        language and shall be deemed to have been duly given on the date of
        delivery if delivered personally, by confirmed facsimile or by courier
        on the party to whom such notice or request is to be given, or, if sent
        by certified or registered mail, or the equivalent, postage prepaid, on
        the tenth (10th) day after the date mailed, to the address set forth for
        such party below or such other address as directed in writing from time
        to time:

                If to CEL-SCI:

                CEL-SCI Corporation
                8229 Boone Boulevard, Suite 802
                Vienna, Virginia 22182
                FAX:(703) 506-9471
                Attention: Mr. Geert Kersten, Chief Executive Officer

                If to Orient Europharma:

                Orient Europharma Co., Ltd.
                7F, NO. 368, Sec.1
                Fu-Hsing S. Road
                Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                FAX: 886-2-7024324
                Attention: Mr. Peter Tsai, President

    22. Governing Law; Arbitration

            The formation, validity, construction and performance of this
        Agreement shall be governed by the laws the Commonwealth of Virginia,
        USA. All disputes arising in connection with this Agreement shall be
        finally settled by binding arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of
        the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators
        appointed in accordance with said Rules. Any such arbitration shall be
        conducted in English. The arbitration shall take place in Virginia, USA.
        The judgment of the arbitration shall be final and binding to both

23.   Miscellaneous

23.1        Entire Agreement

            This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties
            relating to the subject matter hereof, and supercedes all prior
            agreements and understandings, oral or written between the parties
            with the exception of the Confidential Disclosure Agreement executed
            on August 21, 2000. Any change to this Agreement must be in writing
            and signed by an authorized officer of each party, and specifically
            state that it is an amendment to this Agreement.

23.2        Product Improvements

            During the Term of this Agreement, Orient Europharma will have
            rights to improvements to the Product at no additional cost.

23.3        Independent Contractors

            Each party is an independent contractor under this Agreement.
            Neither party is an agent, partner or legal representative of the

23.4        Late Payments

            All amounts due and owing to a party under this Agreement that are
            not paid by the other party when due shall bear interest at the rate
            of 1 1/2% per month, or if lower, the maximum rate allowed by law,
            in either case calculated from the date the amount was first due.

23.5        Withholding Taxes

            Payments to CEL-SCI shall be made without deduction other than such
            amount (if any) as Orient Europharma is required by law to deduct or
            withhold. Orient Europharma shall obtain a receipt from the relevant
            taxing authorities for all withholding taxes paid and forward such
            receipts to CEL-SCI to enable CEL-SCI to claim any tax credits for
            which it may be eligible. Orient Europharma shall use reasonable
            efforts to minimize such withholdings and to assist CEL-SCI to claim
            exemption from withholdings under any double taxation treaty or
            similar agreement.

23.6        Export Law Compliance

            Orient Europharma understands that the Product and other materials
            may be subject to the export regulations of the US Department of
            Commerce or other US regulations related to the export of drugs.
            Orient Europharma represents that it is familiar with and agrees to
            comply with all such regulations. Orient Europharma agrees that it
            will not export or reexport outside of the Territory, directly or
            indirectly, any Product, clinical supplies or clinical data relating
            to the Product without prior written consent of CEL-SCI. Orient
            Europharma agrees to obtain the same agreement from each of its
            subdistributors in the Territory.

23.7        Government Inquiries

            Each party shall promptly advise the other of any governmental
            inquiries about the Product and shall furnish to the other party,
            within five days of receipt, any report or correspondence issued by
            the governmental authority in connection with such inquiry, purged
            only of trade secrets.

23.8        Publicity

            The parties agree that news releases, public announcements (written
            or oral), professional publications or any publicity relating to
            this Agreement, including the initial announcement of the Agreement,
            clinical results, regulatory filings and marketing approvals of the
            Product in the Territory, shall be mutually agreed by the parties,

            such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding this
            Section 23.8, CEL-SCI may disclose, without approval from Orient
            Europharma, any information, including confidential information (1)
            required by law or regulation (including, without exception, in
            connection with filings with the US Securities and Exchange
            Commission); (2) in response to a valid order of a court or other
            governmental body of the US or any country in the Territory or of
            any political subdivision thereof; (3) otherwise required by
            applicable laws; (4) otherwise necessary to file or prosecute patent
            applications, prosecute or defend litigation or otherwise enforce
            obligations under this Agreement; or (5) required by authorities,
            investigators, or Institutional Review Boards in conjunction with
            performing clinical development programs, provided that the
            receiving party shall use reasonable efforts to restrict disclosure
            and to cause such authorities, investigators or IRBs not to disclose
            the information to any third party.

23.9  Records

            With respect to the Gross Selling Price of Product sold in the
            Territory, if Gross Selling Price falls under definition 1 h (2),
            then Orient Europharma will, upon request and subject to
            confidentiality, provide to CEL-SCI copies of the contracts between
            the major hospitals and Orient Europharma showing price provisions.
            If these copies are in Chinese, Orient Europharma will translate the
            price provisions into English, if necessary. CEL-SCI shall have the
            right to these records during the Term of this Agreement and this
            right shall expire six months following termination or expiration of
            this Agreement.

23.10 Surviving Obligations

            Termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not relieve either
            party of its obligations under Sections 4(h), 13(d), 14, 17, 18, 20,
            22 and 23.5, 23.9.

        IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the day and year first above written.

Orient Europharma Co., Ltd.                     CEL-SCI Corporation

By: /s/ Peter Tsai                               By: /s/ Geert Kersten
    -----------------------                          ------------------
    Peter Tsai                                       Geert Kersten
    President                                        Chief Executive Officer