ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                             1624 Washington Street
                                Denver, CO 80203
William T. Hart, P.C.              ________           Email:  harttrinen@aol.com
Donald T. Trinen                                      Facsimile:  (303) 839-5414
                                (303) 839-0061
Will Hart
                                December 7, 2012

Brandon Hill
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commissions
100 F Street Northeast
Washington D.C.  20549

      Re:   EFL Overseas, Inc.

     This office represents EFL Overseas, Inc. (the "Company").  Amendment No. 2
to the Company's proxy statement has been filed with the Commission. This letter
provides the  Company's  responses to the  comments  received  from the staff by
letter dated November 8, 2012. The paragraph  numbers in this letter  correspond
with the numbered paragraphs in the staff's comment letter. The number under the
"page number"  column  indicates the page number in the amended proxy  statement
where the response to the comment can be found.

                                                                    Page Number

     1. Comment complied with.                                             6

     2.  Comment  complied  with.  However,  the  Company  is only  able to make
reasonably  accurate  estimates  for a three-year  period.  Please note that the
capital  requirements  for the KGP are  estimates and are based upon a number of
factors, including; 6

     o the number of wells the Company  elects to drill and the
time the Company elects to drill these  wells.  The Company is under
no  obligation  to drill any wells on the KGP.

     o  With  respect  to  the  Company's  indemnification  obligations,
these obligations will arise when the KGP plant is closed.  However,
it is not likely that the plant will be closed as long as the Company is
able to process gas at a profit. At the time the plant is closed, the
Company, should it own the plant at that time,  will be  required  to
plug all wells,  dismantle  and dispose of the plant and its related
equipment,  and remediate any environmental problems where the plant
was located. Since the plant will likely stay in operation until it is
no longer profitable,  the date when the environmental obligations
arise may not be in our lifetimes.


     o The Company's capital requirements may be reduced if the
Company finds an industry  partner is willing to drill wells on
the KGP on a farm-out  basis.  In that case, the industry partner
will pay the drilling and/or completion costs in return for a working
interest in the project.

     o If the Company at some point  elects to sell its interest in
the KGP, any environmental obligations associated with closing the plant
will be borne by the purchaser of the Company's working interest.

     In the  third  sentence  of  this  comment,  we  note  your
statement  "if shareholders did not approve an increase in your
authorized common and preferred stock." The  Company's  officers  and
directors,  and the  Company's  principal shareholders,  which  are
controlled  by  two  of the  Company's  officers  and directors,
plan  to  approve  the   increase  in  the   Company's   authorized
capitalization.  These shareholders own enough shares to approve the
increase in the Company's  authorized  capitalization even if every other
shareholder of the Company votes against the  proposal.  Accordingly,
the proposal to increase the Company's  authorized  capitalization
will be approved by the requisite vote of the Company's shareholders.

     3. As disclosed in the  Company's  8-K report dated  October 17,
2012,  the Company has completed the  acquisition  of its working
interest in the KGP. The acquisition is not contingent on any future
events. The Company's acquisition is complete  even if the Company
never  raises  another  dime from the sale of its securities.  Since
the acquisition is complete,  none of the Company's common or preferred
stock  will  be  used  in  connection  with  any of the  transactions
described in Item 14(a) of Schedule 14A.

     We did not find any statement in the Company's  preliminary
proxy statement to the effect that shares of the Company's  common
stock are needed to "fund the Nahanni  acquisition."  Although  the
Company  may need  capital  to drill  and complete wells, the Nahanni
 acquisition is complete.

                                    Very Truly Yours,

                                    HART & TRINEN, L.L.P.

                                    By /s/ William T. Hart

                                    William T.  Hart