Mr. Paul Laird
September 26, 2013

                              GUSTAVSON ASSOCIATES
                Geologists - engineers - economists - appraisers

September 26, 2013

Mr. Paul Laird
Natural Resources Group, Inc.
1789 West Littleton Boulevard
Littleton, CO  80120

Subject: Reserve  Estimate  and  Financial  Forecast  as to Natural  Resources
         Group's  Net Interests in the Garcia Field, Las Animas County, Colorado
          as of October 31, 2012

Dear Paul:

As you requested,  Gustavson  Associates  has conducted an  independent  reserve
evaluation and estimated the future revenue attributable as to Natural Resources
Group's net  interest in future gas and  natural  gas liquids  (NGL)  production
associated  with the leases in the Garcia Field,  Las Animas  County,  Colorado.
Reserves  have  been  estimated  based on a  probabilistic  analysis  of the gas
reserves  based on a  volumetric  calculation,  combined  with  analysis  of the
production  data from the  producing  wells.  Uncertainties  were  considered in
productive field area, net pay, porosity, water saturation, and recovery factor.
Estimates and projections  have been made as of October 31, 2012.  Reserves have
been  estimated in  accordance  with the United States  Securities  and Exchange
Commission (SEC) definitions and guidelines.

Although  at the  effective  date four  wells  were  producing,  with NGLs being
stripped and the gas reinjected, the forecast of this production stream into the
future  cannot be  considered  as Proved  Developed  Producing  reserves  (PDP),
because our analysis indicates that the operations were not economic.  After the
planned  installation  of a different gas plant with the ability to extract more
NGLs from the gas, and a gas  pipeline to allow sales of the residue gas,  these
wells are expected to be economic.  Therefore,  the reserves associated with the
currently producing wells are considered to be Proved Undeveloped (PUD). We note
that  these  four  wells  have  produced  for over two years  with no decline in
production  rate and no decline in the BTU content of the produced gas. A 5% per
year  decline was assumed for the  forecast in this  report.  In  addition,  PUD
reserves have been assigned to the current  injection well, and to 25 additional
locations planned to be drilled by Natural Resources Group,  offset to currently
producing  wells or twinning or adjacent to older  abandoned wells with reported
well test data  supporting  commercial  rates under current  market  conditions.
Probable and Possible  reserves have been  assigned to the  currently  producing
wells,  to the PUD  well  locations,  and to  additional  locations,  based on a
probabilistic  volumetric calculation.  The Proved plus Probable (2P) and Proved
plus  Probable plus Possible (3P)  scenarios  also include  production  from the
current gas injection well after the construction of the gas pipeline. Producing
and past producing well locations as well as undeveloped  locations are shown on
Figure 1.


The estimated net reserves  volumes and  associated  net cash flow estimates are
summarized below.

Summary of Net Reserves and Projected Before Tax Cash Flow


                  Number    of        Net Gas   Net NGL      Net Present Value,
                  of Total  Wells    Reserves,  Reserves,     thousands of US$
Reserves Category   Wells   Drilled    MMCF        Mgal         Discounted at

                                                              0%     10%     15%

Flat Pricing

Proved                 30      25         560       5,724     1,201    -76    -441

Probable                1       1         610       5,833     5,578  2,880   2,171

Proved + Probable      31      26       1,170      11,558     6,779  2,804   1,730

Possible                7       7         767       7,259     6,481  2,597   1,754

Proved          +
Probable        +      38      33       1,938      18,816    13,260  5,400   3,484

Forecast Pricing

Proved                 30      25         560       5,724     7,206  3,605   2,530

Probable                1       1         610       5,833    14,169  6,930   5,097

Proved + Probable      31      26       1,170      11,558    21,374 10,535   7,627

Possible                7       7         774       7,325    18,868  7,325   4,912

Proved          +
Probable        +      38      33       1,945      18,883    40,243 17,860  12,539

Drilling was assumed to begin with one well each in August and  September  2013,
with  expected  drilling  and  completion  costs of $87M per  well.  A  ten-well
drilling program is planned for January 2014. A hiatus of five months is assumed
before  beginning  a  continuous  drilling  program  for  the  remainder  of the
locations.  It is expected to require only three days to drill and complete each
well to a depth of about  1,500  feet.  The  development  scenario  was based on
discussions  with NRG.  Operating  costs (well operating costs and gas plant and
compression  rental costs) and capital costs (well drilling and completion costs
and pipeline construction and hookup costs) were also provided by NRG and appear
to be reasonable. Other assumptions are detailed in Table 1 below.


Table 1  Economic Assumptions

As of date                                  10/31/2012

WI                                             100.00%

Royalty Burden on 8/8ths                        18.75%

NRI                                             81.25%

Production tax rate                              4.00%

Per Well Drilling & Compl Costs, M$               87.1

Liquid Storage Tank, M$                            0.0

Pipeline Cost, M$                              1,300.0

Number of Wells producing before pipeline           30

Gas Sales Start                                 Aug-14

Lease for Plant and Compressors, M$/mo             6.0 Oct-12
                                                   8.0 Dec-12 & thereafter

Four-well Operating Costs, $/mo                  1,100

Additional Operating Costs, $/well/mo               80

BTU Content Sales Gas, MMBTU/MCF                 1.176

NGL Yield, gals/MCF                               1.45 Oct-12
                                                  5.00 Dec-12 & thereafter

NGL transportation & handling fee, $/gal         0.284

NGL processing fee, %                             1.5%

Percent    Produced    Gas   Sold    (after      53.5%

Cost Escalation                                   2.5%

Two pricing cases were  evaluated.  For the flat pricing case,  prices are to be
based on the  average of the prices  from the first day of each of the 12 months
previous to the  effective  date.  However,  because only NGLs have been sold to
date from the Garcia Field and the sales have not occurred in each month,  these
average prices must be estimated.  The flat NGL prices were based on the average
NGL prices actually received over the past year of revenue  statements,  divided
by the  average  Henry  Hub spot  price  for the  same  months  with NGL  sales,
multiplied  by the average of the Henry Hub prices from the first day of each of
the previous 12 months. Flat natural gas prices were based on the average of the
Henry Hub prices from the first day of each of the previous 12 months,  adjusted
by an estimated average  differential between Henry Hub and Colorado gas pricing
of -0.20 $/MMBTU, adjusted for the estimated BTU content of the residue gas. For
the forecast pricing case, a forecast for wellhead gas was prepared based on the
NYMEX  futures  strips for two weeks prior to the  effective  date for Henry Hub
less the  futures  strip for the  Colorado  Interstate  Gas (CIG)  differential,
adjusted  for the  expected  BTU content of the residue gas. NGL pricing for the
forecast case was based on the ratio of historical  NGL prices to Henry Hub spot
prices  applied to the Henry Hub forecast.  Prices were held constant  after the
end of the futures strip data.

We have reviewed  geologic maps and  cross-sections  provided by NRG, older well
initial  potential  data,  and published  reports about the field in forming our
opinion of reserves. A summary cash flow for each category is included in Tables
2 through 7.


Limiting Conditions and Disclaimers

The  accuracy of any  reserve  report or  resource  evaluation  is a function of
available  data and of  engineering  and geologic  interpretation  and judgment.
While the evaluation presented herein is believed to be reasonable, it should be
viewed with the understanding that subsequent  reservoir  performance or changes
in pricing  structure,  market demand, or other economic  parameters may justify
its revision.

Gustavson Associates,  LLC, holds neither direct nor indirect financial interest
in the subject property,  the company  operating the subject acreage,  or in any
other affiliated companies.

All data and work files utilized in the preparation of this report are available
for examination in our offices. Please contact us if we can be of assistance. We
appreciate the  opportunity to be of service and look forward to further serving
Natural Resources Group.



/s/ Letha C. Lencioni
Letha C. Lencioni, P.E.
Vice-President, Petroleum Engineering
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Colorado, # 29506