ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                             1624 Washington Street
                                Denver, CO 80203
William T. Hart, P.C.              ________                   harttrinen@aol.com
Will Hart                      (303) 839-0061                Fax: (303) 839-5414

                                  June 14, 2017

John Stickel
Mail Stop 3561
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.  20549

      RE:   The Diamond Cartel, Inc.
            Registration Statement on Form S-1 Amend. #1
            File No. 333-215884

     This office represents The Diamond Cartel, Inc. (the "Company").  Amendment
No.  2  to  the  Company's  Registration  Statement  has  been  filed  with  the
Commission.  This  letter  provides  the  Company's  responses  to the  comments
received from the staff by letter dated May 10, 2017.  The paragraph  numbers in
this letter  correspond  with the  numbered  paragraphs  in the staff's  comment
letter.  The  numbers  under the  "Page  No."  column  refer to the pages in the
Company's  Registration Statement where the Company's response to the particular
comment can be found.

                                                                        Page No.

     1. Below is a listing of four companies that filed registration
statements with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and
which  indicated  in their registration statements that they were
"blank check" companies.

            Name                          Registration Number
            ----                          -------------------

            M.I. Acquisition, Inc.          333-212675
            KLR Energy Acquisition Corp.    333-209041
            Stellar Acquisition III. Inc.   333-212377
            Forum Merger Corporation        333-216842

     At the time the registration statements of these issuers were
filed, and at the time these registration  statements became
effective,  none of these issuers had net tangible assets above
$5,000,000.  As a result,  and in accordance with Rule  3a51-1 of
the  Commission,  the  shares  which  were  registered  by these
companies  were penny stocks.  However,  the Commission has adopted
the position that an issuer will not be deemed to issue penny stock
if it has a minimum of $5 million of net tangible assets
immediately following its IPO.

     We believe the same  principle  should  apply to the  Company.
The Company plans to acquire  another entity solely with shares of
its common stock.  In its offering,  the Company is not  raising
any capital and none of the Company's shareholders are selling
their shares. At some point in time, after


the effective date of the Company's registration statement, the
Company will identify a business it wants to acquire and will
begin to negotiate the terms of the potential acquisition. Once the
terms have been agreed upon, the Company will sign an agreement with
the shareholders of the target entity reflecting the terms of
the acquisition.

     Once the Company enters into an agreement to acquire the
target entity, the Company will file an 8-K report under Item
1.01 of Form 8-K,  which will contain all the information required
by Rule 144(i)(2),  as well as the number of shares the Company
proposes to issue in connection with the acquisition and the method
the Company used to determine the value of the target  entity.  The
Company will also file a post-effective  amendment to its
registration statement disclosing the same information in the
8-K report,  plus any other information  required by the
instructions to Form S-1 and Regulation S-X.

     The agreement with the shareholders of the target entity
will provide, among other things, that the Company's offer to
exchange  shares of its common stock for shares of the target
entity is subject to:

     o    The shareholder's receipt of the post-effective

     o    The  shareholders of the target entity owning a
          certain  percentage of the outstanding  shares
          of the target entity affirming the exchange of
          their  shares  for the  shares  of the  Company's
          common stock. The percentage  required for
          affirmation  will be negotiated  between the
          Company and the target entity.

     The agreement with the  shareholders of the target entity will be with each
shareholder. No merger will be involved and it is not expected the target entity
will  not  call a  meeting  of its  shareholders  to  approve  the  terms of the

     Once the  Company  completes  the  acquisition  of the
target entity, the Company will file an 8-K report under Item
2.01 of Form 8-K.

     The Company will not issue any of its securities  until
the shareholders of the target entity, owning the minimum number
of shares required by the Company's agreement with the target
entity, have accepted the Company's offer with respect to the
exchange of their shares with the Company.

     For the  following  reasons,  we are of the  opinion  that
 Rule 419 is not applicable to the Company's offering,

     o    when the  Company  enters  into  negotiations  with
          the target  entity Section  (a)(2)(i)  will not
          apply since the Company no longer has the
          intention of acquiring an unidentified company;

     o    Section  2(b)(2)  requires the deposit of proceeds
          received  from the shareholders  which have purchased
          securities offered by means of the registration
          statement.  In the case of the Company's offering,
          there will be no deposit of funds  since the Company
          is not raising any cash by means of its offering;


     o    Section  (e)(2)  requires  that the fair value of any
          business  to be  acquired  must  be at  least  80% of the
          maximum  offering  proceeds.  However, the Company is
          not raising any cash by means of its offering;

     o    Section  (b)(3)  requires  the  deposit  into  an
          escrow  account  of securities  issued in  connection
          with the offering.  Section  (e)(3) provides  for
          conditions  for the  release of these  securities, one
          condition  of  which is the  approval  of the  terms
          of the  offering (Section  (e)(2))  by  persons  who
          had  previously  invested  in the offering.  However,
          in the case of the  Company's  offering an escrow
          account serves no purpose since:

          o    The  only  "investors"  will be the  shareholders
               of the  target entity who have  affirmed  their
               agreement  to proceed  with the share exchange;

          o    No  securities  will be  issued  until  the
               requisite  number of shareholders  of the
               target  entity have  accepted the  Company's
               offer with  respect to the exchange of their
               shares for shares of the Company's common stock;

     o    Rule 419 was designed to allow  investors,  who
          purchased shares of an issuer without knowing the
          ultimate  business of the issuer, to elect,
          once  the  business  of  the  issuer  was  determined,
          to  remain  as  shareholders of the issuer or to have
          their  investment  returned.  In the case of the
          Company's  offering,  no one will become a shareholder
          of the Company until the business of the Company is

     The staff has asked what rule  permits the Company to
conduct the  offering which the Company  proposes to make. We
believe the better question is what rule prevents the Company
from  conducting  its proposed  offering since Section 5 of
the  Securities  Act of 1933 requires the Company to register
the securities the Company plans to offer. We see no reason why
the Company cannot proceed with its offering as structured.           N/A

     2. The  Registration  Statement  has been amended to
provide an analysis of the transaction  the Company is
registering.  The Company does not know when it will identify
a suitable acquisition candidate.                                     14, 15


     3. Comment complied with.                                        9

     4. The Company was incorporated on August 17, 2005.
The Company,  through a network  of  independent
distributors,  planned  to offer to the public a broad
selection of high quality  loose  diamonds and fine  jewelry,
including  rings, wedding bands, earrings,  pendants,
necklaces and bracelets. The Company planned to  market
its  jewelry  through  a  network  marketing  program
comprised  of independent  distributors  that would sell
jewelry  directly to their customers. Each  independent
distributor  would  have  his or her own  replicated Company
website which would  showcase all the Company's  jewelry
available for sale. To fund the development of its business,
the Company, in 2016 raised approximately $400,000  from the
sale of its common  stock to private  investors.  The Company
abandoned its business plan relating to the jewelry business
in 2008.

     In  Footnote  172 to SEC  Release  33-8869  the
Commission  stated  that a "startup  company" was not a shell
company.  When the Company was in the startup stage, it
sold approximately 250,000 shares of its common stock.                N/A

     5. Comment complied with.                                        19

     6. Comment complied with.                                        F-10

     7. Comment complied with.                                        Exhibit 23

     If you should have any questions  concerning the  foregoing,  please do not
hesitate to contact the undersigned.

                                          Very Truly Yours,

                                          HART & HART, LLC

                                          /s/ William T. Hart

                                          William T. Hart