September 22, 2017

Via Email to dbissmeyer@providence-energy.com

Providence Energy Operators, LLC
Attn: David Bissmeyer, Chief Operating Officer
16400 North Dallas Parkway, Suite 400
Dallas, TX 75248

Re:   Consent to Incur Additional Indebtedness

Dear David:

     Reference  is made to  that  certain  Revolving  Line  of  Credit  Facility
Agreement dated May 15, 2015 ("Original Line of Credit Agreement"),  as same may
be amended from time to time, by and between  PetroShare  Corp.  ("Company") and
Providence  Energy Operators,  LLC ("PEO");  the Promissory Note between Company
and PEO of even date and related  thereto,  as same may be amended  from time to
time  (the  "PEO  Note");  and  any  Deed  of  Trust,  Mortgage,  Assignment  of
Production,  Security  Agreement and Financing  Statement from Company to PEO of
even date related thereto, as same may be amended from time to time ("Mortgage";
and,  collectively  with the Original Line of Credit Agreement and the PEO Note,
the "PEO Credit Documents").

     The Company has prepared a confidential  offering memorandum ("COM") for an
offering (the "Offering") of up to $7.5 million (including an over-allotment) of
unsecured  convertible  promissory  notes (the  "Series B Notes").  The Series B
Notes  will  bear  interest  at 15% per  year,  require  that  interest  be paid
quarterly  beginning  December  31,  2017,  and that all  accrued  interest  and
principal be paid on or before  December 31, 2018.  The principal  amount of the
Series B Notes is  convertible  into  common  stock of the  Company at $1.50 per
share.  The forms of the COM and Series B Notes  (collectively,  the "New Credit
Documents")  are  attached  hereto as  Exhibits A and B,  respectively.  If this
consent  agreement is executed,  it is agreed that the Company shall execute and
enter into the Documents with no changes from the forms attached hereto.

     The Company shall only use the funds raised by and from the Offering to pay
accrued  drilling  costs for wells that  underlie and  securitize,  and that are
otherwise subject to and secured by, the PEO Credit Documents and to pay capital
and operating  expenses for the improvement and maintenance of the wells and oil


and gas leases that underlie and securitize,  and that are otherwise  subject to
and secured by, the PEO Credit Documents (the "Purposes"). The Company shall not
provide any security in connection with the Offering or the Series B Notes.  For
the sake of clarity,  no Offering  proceeds shall be used to repay or prepay any
Company  debt  obligations;  provided  that  Company  shall  be able to use such
proceeds to repay or prepay amounts owed under the PEO Credit Documents.

     In order to allow the Company to pursue the Offering and issue the Series B
Notes as contemplated in the COM, and in  consideration  of the covenants of the
Company in the immediately  succeeding sentence,  please confirm by execution of
this letter that (i) PEO  consents to the Company  conducting  the  Offering and
issuing the Series B Notes,  including the  incurrence of debt relating  thereto
(the "Series B Debt"); provided that any such additional debt shall not have any
priority position over or equal to any debt subject to the PEO Credit Documents,
whether  currently  outstanding  or later incurred (the "PEO Debt") and provided
further for the avoidance of doubt,  the Series B Debt shall in all instances be
secondary to, paid later than, and have lesser  priority than, the PEO Debt; and
provided further, that the foregoing shall not preclude the payments of interest
on a  quarterly  basis to  holders of the Series B Notes so long as the Series B
Debt is outstanding and, (ii) solely with respect to the Company  conducting the
Offering  and  issuing  the  Series  B Notes in  accordance  with  this  consent
agreement, but not as to any other matter, and subject to the Company only using
the Offering for the Purposes and the debt priority set forth in item (i) above,
PEO waives such actions as an event of default  under the PEO Credit  Documents.
In exchange for PEO's  covenants in this consent  agreement,  and other valuable
consideration, the Company hereby agrees (i) within 10 business days of the date
hereof to issue to PEO an  additional  250,000  shares of the  Company's  common
stock,  which PEO  understands  will be issued pursuant to an exemption from the
registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities
Act"), and applicable state securities law, and which shares will be "restricted
securities"  within the  meaning of Rule 144 under the  Securities  Act and will
bear a  restrictive  legend,  (ii) the  interest  rate on the PEO Note  shall be
increased  from 8% per year to 10% per year effective  September 1, 2017,  (iii)
the Company will begin making interest payments on the PEO Note beginning in the
fourth quarter of 2017; and (iv) the Company, through appropriate officers, will
meet in person or by phone with  representatives of PEO not less frequently than
semi-monthly  beginning  November  1,  2017 to  discuss  the  Company's  working

     No waiver by PEO under this consent  agreement shall operate as a waiver of
any  prior,  other  or  subsequent  default,  whether  of a like or a  different
character,  under any of the PEO  Credit  Documents.  Notwithstanding  any other
provision in this consent,  and except as expressly set forth herein under items
(i) and (ii) in the  paragraph  above,  PEO does not by  executing  this consent
agreement agree or consent to, or provide any waiver with respect to, the Credit
Documents or any provisions  contained therein,  and in no event does PEO hereby
provide  any  opinion  as to  whether  the  Credit  Documents  or  the  Offering
contemplated thereby comply with applicable laws.

     In the event that the Company uses the Offering,  and/or the funds that are
raised in connection therewith,  for any use or purpose other than the Purposes,
it shall be a material  breach of and an event of default  under the each of the
PEO  Credit  Documents.  Further,  except as set forth  herein,  if the  Company
attempts  to or does in any way cause or allow  the new debt to have a  priority
position or  preference  over or ahead or equal to that of any of the PEO Credit
Documents,  it shall be deemed to be a  material  breach of and event of default
under each of the PEO Credit Documents.


     The Company  hereby  represents  and warrants  that it is not  currently in
default  under  any of the  PEO  Credit  Documents  and  that  the  transactions
contemplated by the Offering and the Series B Notes, and the Company's execution
of and  performance  under the  Documents  will not put Company  into default or
otherwise conflict with any of the PEO Credit Documents,  subject to the limited
waiver set forth herein.  The Company  further  represents and warrants that the
issuance of the 250,000 shares of stock to PEO is not and shall not be deemed or
considered to be "interest" or violate any state or federal  securities or other

     The Company  hereby agrees to all of  provisions  contained in this consent
agreement. The undersigned hereby confirms that he is duly authorized by Company
to provide this consent  agreement  and  understands  that PEO is relying on the
Company's representations and covenants in this consent agreement when providing
the consent requested herein.

     We  appreciate  your  attention to this matter and the support that PEO has
provided the Company. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


                                PETROSHARE CORP.

                                By: /s/ Stephen J. Foley
                                    Stephen J. Foley, Chief Executive Officer

Agreed and accepted this 23rd day of September 2017.


By: /s/ Mark L. Nastri
    Mark L. Nastri, Exec. VP and General Counsel