Q2 2019 speech
Good morning. I'm Dan O'Brien, CEO of Flexible Solutions.

Safe Harbor provision:

The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe Harbor"
for  forward-looking  statements.  Certain of the statements  contained  herein,
which are not historical  facts, are forward looking  statements with respect to
events,  the  occurrence  of  which  involve  risks  and  uncertainties.   These
forward-looking  statements may be impacted, either positively or negatively, by
various factors.  Information concerning potential factors that could affect the
company is detailed  from time to time in the  company's  reports filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

Welcome to the FSI conference call for Q2 2019.

Before I speak about our  financials,  I'd like to talk about our product  lines
and what we think might occur over the next several quarters.

Insurance  compensation  from  the  fire has  been  received  in  full,  but the
accounting  and tax  effects  of the  payments  will  continue  to  distort  and
complicate our financials  until year over year  comparisons that do not contain
compensation or tax adjustments are available. The first quarter this will occur
is Q1 2020.

Our NanoChem division:  NCS represents more than 1/2 of the revenue of FSI. This
division makes thermal poly-aspartic acid, called TPA for short, a biodegradable
polymer with many valuable  uses.  NCS also  manufactures  SUN 27(TM) and N Savr
30(TM) which are used to reduce nitrogen fertilizer loss from soil.

TPA is used in agriculture to  significantly  increase crop yield. The method of
action is by slowing  crystal growth between  fertilizer  ions and other ions in
the soil resulting in the fertilizer  remaining  available longer for the plants
to use. The attraction  between the TPA and the fertilizer ions also retains the
nutrients  closer to the plant roots.  Keeping  fertilizer more easily available
for crops to use, results in better yield with the same level of  fertilization.
TPA in agriculture has a strong economic value for all links in the sales to end
user chain.  There are good profits from  manufacturer  through the distribution
system to the grower,  yet the grower  still earns a great profit from the extra
crops produced using the same land but no extra fertilizer.

TPA is also a biodegradable way of treating oilfield water to prevent pipes from
plugging with mineral scale. Our sales into this market are well established and
normally grow steadily but slowly. A simple  explanation of TPA's effect is that
it prevents the scaling out of minerals  that are part of the water  fraction of
oil as it exits the rock  formation.  Scale  must be  prevented  to keep the oil
recovery pipes from clogging.

SUN 27(TM) and N Savr 30(TM) are our nitrogen conservation products. Nitrogen is
a critical  fertilizer  but it is subject to loss through  bacterial  breakdown,
evaporation  and soil  runoff.  Both our nitrogen  products  are  becoming  well


respected  and sales  continue to grow.  They utilize much more  environmentally
friendly solvents than some of the competing products.

SUN 27(TM) is used to conserve  nitrogen from attack by soil  bacterial  enzymes
while N Savr  30(TM) is directed  toward  nitrogen  loss  through  leaching  and
evaporation.  Each of our nitrogen  products  are equal to, or better than,  the
competing products.

ENP,  the October  2018  acquisition:  ENP is focused on sales into the turf and
golf  markets  whereas  our NCS sales are into row crop  agriculture  - two very
distinct  markets.  We account for ENP as a subsidiary and expect it to generate
consolidated revenue of greater than $8 million in full year 2019. Historic data
suggest that FSI should expect annual pretax  profits of greater than $1 MM from
this division with moderate annual growth. The strong quarters for ENP are 2 and
3 to match the US spring and summer along with Q4 when large customers engage in
early  buying  for the year  ahead.  Unfortunately,  second  quarter  this  year
coincided with very poor spring weather in most of ENP's territory  resulting in
fewer  sales.  The onset of summer in Q3 will  allow  sales to  recover  but the
business not done in Q2 won't be available again until next year.

Effect of the LLC investment  announced in January:  This  investment  generated
quarterly cash flow and profits  starting in Q1 2019 as shown in the financials.
The company we invested in will also order substantially more product from us in
each quarter of 2019 than it did in 2018.  We expect this growth to continue for
many quarters to come which will further increase revenue and profitability. The
LLC has recently started  representing more of our product line  internationally
with small sales already booked. We expect this to grow over several seasons and
benefit our NCS division while  increasing our share of profits from the LLC. It
is worth noting that the seasonality of the LLC's sales is opposite to our North
American  sales most years which will tend to smooth out our  quarterly  revenue
numbers in a positive manner.  Unfortunately,  this year the tariff and currency
strife delayed some  international  business in Q2. This business is expected to
be realized in Q3 and Q4 instead.

Watersavr(TM): News regarding Watersavr(TM) trials and sales will be released if
and when it occurs.

Delivered  wholesale  water  costs  now  exceed  $1200  per  acre  foot  in many
California   cities   while  the  total  cost  of  saving  an  acre  foot  using
WaterSavr(TM)  is less than $200.  WaterSavr(TM)  can reduce  annual losses from
reservoirs  by up to 2 feet per treated acre. A  municipality  that pays $1200 -
$2400  per  acre  foot for  water  and does  not use  WaterSavr(TM)  is  wasting
significant  tax  revenue - about $12  million a year for San Diego.  We find it
extraordinary that with a decade and more of successful Watersavr(TM) trials, no
government  water providers in areas with high water costs have  implemented our

Q3 2019 and the rest of 2019

TPA, SUN 27(TM) and N Savr 30(TM) for agricultural use  traditionally  have peak
uptake in Q1 and Q2. Q2 2019  results  were  damaged by the poor  weather in the
mid-west.   We  are  finding   success   selling   agricultural   products  into
international  markets with opposite  seasons which leads us to predict that our
historic slow quarter, Q3, will increase substantially;  perhaps becoming nearly


as strong as Q1 and Q2. The effect of international sales is expected to be felt
in Q4 as well.  This,  along  with Q4 sales  for US early  buy and  winter  crop
programs is expected  move Q4 revenue  upward  toward the same level we reported
for Q1 2019.

Oil, gas and  industrial  sales of TPA increased  compared to the previous year.
Increased  sales into this market  vertical  is expected to continue  throughout
2019. Full year 2019 revenue will increase very strongly compared to 2018 driven
by; historic operations,  the ENP acquisition and the January LLC investment. We
expect that profits and cash flow will  increase very  significantly  along with
the increases in top line revenue.  Our regular  warning applies - that we can't
control customer behavior,  shipping dates,  weather, crop pricing and the other
variables  of our  business,  so  quarterly  results  will be unlikely to form a
straight line on a graph.  However, we do expect the slope of the graph to be up
sharply for all of 2019.

Tariffs:  Since Sept 30th 2018,  all our raw materials  imported from China have
included a 10% additional  tariff.  US customers  have received price  increases
from us now that  this  inventory  is being  used.  US  customers  will  receive
additional  price increases when we begin using inventory that is subject to the
25%. International  customers are not charged the tariff because we are applying
for the export  rebates  available to recover the tariffs.  To hedge against the
chance of even higher tariffs,  and to service the increased production expected
in  2019,  we  have  increased  inventory   substantially.   As  a  result,  the
accumulating  tariff payments to the Government are affecting our cost of goods,
our cash flow and our profits negatively until the rebates are received. Rebates
can take many  months  and the total  dollar  amount  due back to us has  become
significant and continues to increase.  The rebates will increase  profitability
and cash flow while  decreasing  cost of goods for the future  quarters in which
the rebates are received.

Bad debt: Historically our group has had nearly zero bad debt. This year we made
a poor choice in  extending  credit to an  agriculture  customer who has not yet
paid their bills.  We intend to recover this debt but wish to account for it now
to ensure that our financials are fully transparent.

Highlights of the financial results:

Sales for the  quarter  increased  63% to $6.77  million,  compared  with  $4.14
million for Q2 2018. The result is a loss of 27 thousand or 0 cents per share in
the 2019 period,  compared to a gain of $2.14 million or 18 cents per share,  in

We  attribute  the lack of  earnings  to the bad debt  mentioned  above  and the
tariffs paid on raw materials  that will be converted and sold  internationally.
We expect to recover these funds but do not control the timing.

Working  capital is adequate  for all our  purposes  and is expected to increase
during the year as our  revenue  grows.  We also have a line of credit  with BMO
Harris Bank of Chicago.  We are confident that we can execute our plans with our
existing  capital.  The ENP  acquisition  was funded with a loan from BMO Harris
plus a convertible note to the seller and did not reduce our cash position.  The
LLC investment in January was made with cash on hand.

The text of this speech will be available on our website by Friday, August 16th.
Email   or   fax   copies    can   be    requested    from   Jason    Bloom   at

Thank you, the floor is open for questions.