Q2 2020 speech
Good morning. I'm Dan O'Brien, CEO of Flexible Solutions.

Safe Harbor provision:

The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe Harbor"
for  forward-looking  statements.  Certain of the statements  contained  herein,
which are not historical  facts, are forward looking  statements with respect to
events,  the  occurrence  of  which  involve  risks  and  uncertainties.   These
forward-looking  statements may be impacted, either positively or negatively, by
various factors.  Information concerning potential factors that could affect the
company is detailed  from time to time in the  company's  reports filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

Welcome to the FSI conference call for Q2 2020.

Prior to  addressing  our  financials,  I'd  like to talk  about  our  corporate
condition and product lines along with what, in our opinion might occur over the
next two quarters.

Covid virus:  The NanoChem  Subsidiary,  the ENP  Subsidiary and the Florida LLC
investment are all engaged in producing for the agriculture  and/or the cleaning
products sectors. Therefore, we are considered essential services and are likely
to remain so if restrictions are reinstated. Production and sales are continuing
to meet customer  orders.  We continued to shrink our inventory and increase our
cash position in Q2 by ordering less inventory than we consumed. This tactic has
been  successful  and we feel that we now have the right level of  inventory  to
suit the risks of covid while still having the ability to service our customers.

Our NanoChem division:  NCS represents more than 1/2 of the revenue of FSI. This
division makes thermal poly-aspartic acid, called TPA for short, a biodegradable
polymer with many valuable  uses.  NCS also  manufactures  SUN 27(TM) and N Savr
30(TM) which are used to reduce nitrogen fertilizer loss from soil.

TPA is used in agriculture to  significantly  increase crop yield. The method of
action is by slowing  crystal growth between  fertilizer  ions and other ions in
the soil resulting in the fertilizer  remaining  available longer for the plants
to use.

TPA is also a biodegradable way of treating oilfield water to prevent pipes from
plugging with mineral scale. Our sales into this market are well established and
normally grow steadily but slowly. A simple  explanation of TPA's effect is that
it prevents the scaling out of minerals  that are part of the water  fraction of
oil as it exits the rock  formation.  Scale  must be  prevented  to keep the oil
recovery pipes from clogging.

SUN 27(TM) and N Savr 30(TM) are our nitrogen conservation products. Nitrogen is
a critical  fertilizer  but it is subject to loss through  bacterial  breakdown,
evaporation and soil runoff.

SUN 27(TM) is used to conserve nitrogen from attack by soil bacterial enzymes
while N Savr 30(TM) is directed toward reducing nitrogen loss through leaching
and evaporation.

ENP, the October 2018 acquisition:  ENP is focused on sales into the greenhouse,
turf and golf markets,  while, our NCS sales are into row crop agriculture - two
very distinct  markets.  The strong quarters for ENP are 2 and 3 to match the US
spring and summer.  Q1 2020 was  stronger  than the year  earlier  period and Q2
repeated the feat. ENP expects  moderate growth in the second half 2020 with the
caution that Q4 early buy orders could be affected if the virus causes customers
to keep inventory very low.

Effect of the LLC  investment  announced in January 2019:  This  investment  was
profitable,  as usual.  The  company we invested in sold more in Q2 2020 than it
did in Q2 2019.  The  Company is focused on  international  sales into  multiple
countries  all of which are facing  different  covid  issues and  responding  in
varied ways.  The large number of variables  prevents any useful  prediction for
second half 2020 other than results similar to 2019.

Q3 2020 and the rest of the year

TPA, SUN 27(TM) and N Savr 30(TM) for agricultural use had peak uptake in Q1 and
Q2 with Q2 showing  quite  strongly.  Early buy orders in Q4 could be reduced if
our customers decide to use just in time strategies.

Oil, gas and  industrial  sales of TPA are expected to be flat or mildly down in
Q3 compared to the previous year while predictions regarding Q4 are not possible
under the  circumstances.  Like agriculture,  our sales to cleaning products and
water treatment are considered  essential  leaving only O&G as a market vertical
at significant risk. The risk in O&G is not permanent loss of business,  rather,
it is the  possibility  of some wells  shutting down for  maintenance  while oil
prices are low.

Tariffs:  Since Sept 30th 2018,  many of our raw  materials  imported from China
have  included a 10%  additional  tariff which rose to 25% in 2019. US customers
received  price  increases  from  us  as  this  inventory  entered   production.
International  customers are not charged the tariffs because we are applying for
the  export  rebates  available  to  recover  the  tariffs.  As  a  result,  the
accumulating  tariff payments to the Government are affecting our cost of goods,
our cash flow and our profits negatively until the rebates are received. Rebates
are very complicated to apply for and can take many months to arrive.  The total
dollar amount due back to us has become  significant  and continues to increase.
The rebates will increase  profitability  and cash flow while decreasing cost of
goods for the future  quarters  in which the rebates  are  received.  In my last
speech I expressed  comfort that we would begin to see rebates in Q2 or early in
Q3. I based  this on the fact that we filed our  template  and  request  for our
first  rebate in  mid-May.  As of Aug 14,  there has been no  response  from the
government  except an excuse that  "employees  are not in the  office".  Because
there is a 30 day payment delay even after approval, we no longer expect rebates
in Q3.

Highlights of the financial results:

Sales for the  quarter  increased  14% to $7.71  million,  compared  with  $6.77
million for Q2 2019. The result is a gain of 1.13 MM or 9 cents per share in the
2020 period, compared to a loss of 28 thousand or 0 cents per share, in 2019. We
attribute the improvement to A] increased sales, B] reduced expenses,  C] better
product  mix and D] no repeat  of the bad debt  recognized  in Q2 2019.  Working
capital is adequate  for all our purposes  and is  increasing  during 2020 as we
book retained profit from sales.  Effort will be made to minimize  inventory and
accounts  receivable while increasing cash until the effects of the virus become
more predictable. We also have a line of credit with BMO Harris Bank of Chicago.
We are confident  that we can execute our plans with our existing  capital.  The
purchase  of ENP in 2018 was funded by a term loan from  Harris bank and a $1 MM
convertible  debenture taken by the seller. One half the debenture was converted
to 200,000 FSI shares in 2019 while the  remaining  500,000 was retired for cash
in Q2.  The term loan is  approaching  half  repayment.  The LLC  investment  in
January 2019 was made with cash on hand provided by FSL, our Canadian  operating

The text of this  speech will be  available  as an 8K filing on  www.sec.gov  by
Monday,  August 17th.  Email or fax copies can be requested  from Jason Bloom at
Thank you, the floor is open for questions.