"Deed of Trust") is made as of the 19th day of  February,  2001,  by and between
SAVVIS COMMUNICATIONS  CORPORATION, a Missouri corporation (whether one or more,
collectively  called  "Grantor") having a mailing address of 795 Office Parkway,
St. Louis, Missouri 63141 and Steven D. Korenblat, as trustee ("Trustee") having
a mailing  address  of Bryan  Cave LLP,  One  Metropolitan  Square,  St.  Louis,
Missouri  63102,  and WELSH,  CARSON,  ANDERSON & STOWE  VII,  L.P.,  a Delaware
limited partnership,  as beneficiary ("Beneficiary") having a mailing address of
320 Park Avenue, Suite 2500, New York, NY 10022.


         WHEREAS,  Savvis  Communications  Corporation,  a Delaware  Corporation
("Borrower") is justly  indebted to  Beneficiary,  as evidenced by those certain
notes  dated   February  19,  2001  in  the   aggregate   principal   amount  of
$20,000,000.00  (the "Convertible  Senior Secured Notes") and issued by Borrower
pursuant to a Securities  Purchase Agreement dated as of February 16, 2001 among
Borrower,  Beneficiary and WCAS Management Corporation ("WCAS"), as amended from
time to time ("Securities Purchase Agreement");

         WHEREAS,  Beneficiary  and WCAS  will  not  enter  into the  Securities
Purchase Agreement and will not provide to Borrower the funds contemplated to be
provided  under the  Securities  Purchase  Agreement  unless  and until  Grantor
delivers to  Beneficiary  and  Beneficiary  receives  from  Grantor this Deed of
Trust; and

         WHEREAS,  Grantor is a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  Borrower  and has
determined  that it is in the best  interest of Grantor for  Borrower to receive
the funds contemplated under the Securities  Purchase Agreement and acknowledges
that Grantor is effecting the grant of this Deed of Trust in consideration  for,
and has  received  value for the grant  hereunder  as a result  of,  the loan by
Beneficiary  and WCAS to Borrower  contemplated  under the  Securities  Purchase
Agreement; and

         WHEREAS,   to  induce   Beneficiary  and  WCAS  to  provide  the  funds
contemplated to be delivered under the Securities Purchase Agreement, Grantor is
willing to deliver this Deed of Trust to Beneficiary; and

         WHEREAS,  the parties  intend  that this  conveyance  shall  secure the
performance and payment of the covenants,  sums, and obligations of the Borrower
under the provisions of the Convertible Senior Secured Notes and all extensions,
renewals or  modifications  of all or part of said  Convertible  Senior  Secured
Notes and any  additional  notes that may be issued  according  to the terms set
forth in the Securities Purchase Agreement  (hereinafter said Convertible Senior
Secured  Notes,  any such  additional  notes  and any  renewals,  extensions  or
modifications  thereof are referred to as the "Notes"),  and all  obligations of
Grantor now or hereafter owing to Beneficiary  including any additional  amounts
which  Beneficiary  may be permitted to advance now or hereafter to preserve and
protect the lien and  encumbrance  hereof or according to the terms of this Deed
of Trust (collectively, the "Indebtedness"). THIS DEED OF TRUST IS A MORTGAGE OF


         NOW THEREFORE,  as security for the Indebtedness,  and in consideration
thereof,  and the sum of Ten Dollars  ($10.00) in hand paid,  and for other good
and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby
acknowledged,  Grantor by these  presents does hereby  REMISE,  RELEASE AND QUIT
CLAIM,  unto  Trustee,  his  successors  and  assigns,  IN TRUST,  forever,  the
Grantor's  interest,  if any, in (1) all buildings,  improvements and structures
present as of the date of this Deed of Trust on that  certain  land  situated in
the County of St.  Louis,  State of Missouri as more  particularly  described in
Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Land")
and  constructed  by or on behalf of Grantor  pursuant  to or  substantially  in
accordance  with  the  plans  and  specifications  dated  September  9, 1999 and
prepared by Rivkin/Weisman, P.C. and ACI Boland, Inc. for the project located at
Phantom  Drive  and J.  S.  McDonnel  Boulevard,  Hazelwood,  Missouri  and  all
buildings, improvements and structures hereafter, erected, situated or placed at
any time by or on behalf of Grantor on the Land  (collectively,  "Buildings" and
individually "Building");  and (2) the fee simple title to all or any portion of
the Land (collectively, the "Mortgaged Property").

         Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Mortgaged Property shall not include
any or all of the following:

         (a) furniture,  fixtures,  equipment and personal  property,  including
without  limitation,  replacements and  substitutions  therefor,  and all leases
thereof  and all rents,  revenues,  income,  profits,  royalties,  deposits  and
proceeds  therefrom,  now  or  hereafter  owned  or  leased  (i)  by GE  Capital
Corporation  or by  any  one or  more  third  party  lessors,  their  respective
successors  and  assigns,  and leased to Grantor or Bridge  Information  Systems
America,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  as lesee,  whether  under an operating
lease, a capital lease or a synthetic lease, and/or (ii) by Grantor,  any person
or entity  occupying  or  using any part of the  Building by or through  Grantor
(or its lessees,  successors or assigns)  and/or any person or entity holding an
ownership or security interest in any Excluded Property;

         (b) any subleases of any properties  described in (a) of this paragraph
to Grantor, its successors and assigns, as sublessee;

         (c) all furniture, fixtures, equipment and personal property, including
without  limitation,  replacements and  substitutions  therefor,  and all leases
thereof  and all rents,  revenues,  income,  profits,  royalties,  deposits  and
proceeds  therefrom  subject to a security  interest  granted by, or that either
Grantor or  Borrower  is  obligated  to grant,  in either  case,  pursuant  to a
security agreement or an other agreement effective prior to or as of the date of
this Deed of Trust;

         (d) all real,  personal,  tangible and intangible  property of any kind
that  is in any way  pledged  pursuant  to any of the  agreements  described  on
Exhibit  B  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  into this Deed of Trust by this
reference; and

         (e) all real,  personal,  tangible and intangible  property of any kind
that is in any way encumbered by that certain first deed of trust by Bridge Data
Company, a Delaware corporation ("Bridge")  in favor of Harris Trust and Savings
Bank  dated  July  28,  2000  (the  "First  Deed of  Trust")  and any  renewals,
modifications, replacements, and extensions of such First Deed of Trust

all of the foregoing being the ("Excluded  Property").  The Excluded Property is
not a part of the  Mortgaged  Property for any purpose under this Deed of Trust.
Upon the from time to time request of


Grantor,   Beneficiary   will  execute  and  deliver  to  Grantor  such  written
confirmations of the foregoing to the extent Grantor  reasonably deems necessary
and appropriate.

         TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Mortgaged  Property and every part thereof unto
Trustee, his successors and assigns, forever, IN TRUST,  nevertheless, to secure
the payment of the Indebtedness and the performance and observance by Grantor of
every covenant and condition herein contained.

COVENANTS.  Grantor  hereby  expressly  covenants  and agrees  with  Trustee and
Beneficiary that:

         (1)  PERFORMANCE OF  OBLIGATIONS.  Grantor will duly perform all of its
              obligations  under this Deed of Trust in accordance with the terms

         (2)  DUE ON SALE OR  ENCUMBRANCE.  Grantor will not,  without the prior
              written consent of Beneficiary, transfer, convey or otherwise part
              with  title  to any  of the  Mortgaged  Property,  or any  portion
              thereof  or  ownership  interest  therein,  or create or permit or
              allow to exist  or to be  created  any  mortgage,  deed of  trust,
              pledge  or  other  lien  or  encumbrance  on any of the  Mortgaged
              Property,  other  than this Deed of Trust,  and  Grantor  will not
              suffer or permit any mechanic's or materialmen's lien or any other
              lien of any nature  whatsoever  to attach to any of the  Mortgaged
              Property  or to remain  outstanding  against  the same or any part
              thereof.  Beneficiary  hereby  consents  to  arrangements  between
              Grantor and a third party  providing for (i) the  installation  in
              the Building of communications  and/or computer equipment owned or
              leased by third parties (including  communications and/or computer
              equipment  leased by  Grantor  to such  third  parties)  to enable
              Grantor to provide such third parties with broadband  connectivity
              to the  internet,  IP VPN  services,  and/or  all other  internet,
              intranet and extranet  facilities  and equipment  and/or  services
              then  currently   being   provided  by  Grantor;   (ii)  the  use,
              maintenance,  repair, and operation of such communications  and/or
              computer  equipment by such third parties  and/or by Grantor;  and
              (iii) a grant by  Grantor  to such  third  parties of the right to
              have actual  and/or  virtual  access to the  Building  and to such
              communications and/or computer equipment (each such third party is
              a  "Co-location   Party";  the  equipment  of,  owned,  leased  or
              otherwise  belonging to the Co-location  Party is the "Co-location
              Equipment" and the arrangements  between Grantor and a Co-location
              Party   consistent  with  (i)-(iii)  above  being  the  "Permitted
              Co-location   Arrangements").   Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,
              Permitted Co-location  Arrangements may be effected whether or not
              Grantor  provides  managed  hosting  services  to the  Co-location

         3.   INSURANCE.   Until  this  Deed  of  Trust  has  been  released  in
              accordance  with  Paragraph 17 below,  Grantor shall  maintain the
              following  insurance and otherwise  comply with the  provisions of
              this Section (3):

                    (i) Grantor shall provide and  maintain,  at Grantor's  sole
              cost and expense  throughout  the  duration of this Deed of Trust,
              commercial   general   liability   insurance,   including  blanket
              contractual  liability  coverage (or its equivalent)  specifically
              endorsed  to  provide  coverage  for the  obligations  assumed  by
              Grantor  pursuant  to  this  Deed of  Trust,  against  claims  and
              liability for personal injury,  bodily injury,  death, or property
              damage  occurring  on, in, or about the Mortgaged  Property,  with
              limits  of  liability  of  not  less  than  Five  Million  Dollars
              ($5,000,000.00) for liability arising out of any one occurrence.

                    (ii) insurance  insuring  Grantor  against loss or damage to
              the  Mortgaged  Property  by  fire,  lightning,  windstorm,  hail,
              explosion, aircraft, smoke, vandalism, malicious mischief, vehicle
              damage  and  other  risks  from time to time  included  under a so
              called  "Special  Form Causes of Loss" policy (or its  equivalent)
              together with earthquake and, if the Mortgaged Property is located
              in a  HUD-identified flood hazard area,  flood  insurance and such
              other similar policies as


              Beneficiary  may  reasonably  require  to  protect  the  Mortgaged
              Property.  Such  insurance  shall  provide coverage  in an  amount
              sufficient to prevent  Grantor from being a co-insurer of any loss
              under the  policy or  policies,  but in no event less than 100% of
              the full replacement cost of the improvements;

                    (iii) At all times during the duration of this Deed of Trust
              when  fuel  tanks  are  located  at or on any  land on  which  any
              Building is  constructed,  Grantor shall maintain so called "Above
              Ground Storage Tank Third Party  Liability and Cleanup"  insurance
              or its  equivalent.  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary in
              this Deed of Trust, such insurance shall be on a claims made basis
              with a per  occurrence  limit  of at  least  One  Million  Dollars
              ($1,000,000) and a general aggregate limit of at least One Million
              Dollars ($1,000,000)  with  reasonable  deductibles and reasonable
              coverage for defense costs.

              All of the  foregoing  insurance  will be issued  by an  insurance
              company of  recognized  financial  standing  having at least an A+
              rating by Best Insurance  Reports.  Said policies shall be in form
              as are reasonably  acceptable to and approved by Beneficiary.  All
              such insurance policies are assigned to and are to be held by and,
              to the extent of its  interest,  for the benefit of and payable in
              case of loss to the  Beneficiary,  and  Grantor  will  deliver  to
              Beneficiary  such  policies,  marked  "Paid",  and new policies as
              replacement  for any expiring  policies at least fifteen (15) days
              before the date of such expiration. All such policies of insurance
              shall have attached the standard  non-contributory first mortgagee
              clause  or  its   equivalent   in  favor  of   Beneficiary,   with
              cancellation  only upon at least  fifteen (15) days' prior written
              notice to Beneficiary.  Grantor shall obtain written certification
              from the appropriate  governmental  authority as to whether or not
              the All amounts  recoverable  under any such  policies or to which
              Grantor  is  otherwise  entitled  from  third  parties  are hereby
              assigned  to  Beneficiary  and,  in  the  event  of a  loss,  each
              insurance company or other third party concerned is authorized and
              directed  to make  payment for such loss  directly to  Beneficiary
              alone and Beneficiary is hereby authorized to adjust,  compromise,
              receive,   collect  and  sue  for  the  same  and  Grantor  hereby
              authorizes   and  directs  that  such  sum  or  sums  be  paid  to
              Beneficiary  upon  presentation  of a duly  certified copy hereof.
              Beneficiary is further  authorized to endorse  Grantor's name upon
              any  check in  payment  of loss.  All loss  proceeds  received  by
              Beneficiary  shall be applied as follows:  (i) first,  to fund the
              replacement,   repair  and  restoration  to  and/or  the Mortgaged
              Property  taken or  injured  if  Grantor  elects  to  effect  such
              replacement,  repair and/or restoration,  (ii) next, any remaining
              funds to be applied against the Indebtedness secured hereby to the
              extent  then  due  and  unpaid  without  the  application  of  any
              prepayment  penalty  and  applied to  principal  and  interest  as
              provided in the Notes,  and (iii) next, any remaining  funds to be
              paid to Grantor. All of the policies of insurance shall be held by
              Beneficiary as additional  security and, in the event of a sale of
              the Mortgaged  Property  upon  foreclosure,  all right,  title and
              interest  of Grantor in and to such  policies of  insurance  shall
              pass  to the  purchaser  at  such  sale  and  Grantor  irrevocably
              appoints  Beneficiary as attorney-in-fact of Grantor to assign any
              policies or proceeds thereof to such purchaser.

              The  following  notice is provided  pursuant  to Section  427.120,
              R.S.Mo.  As used  herein,  "you"  means  Grantor  and  "we"  means


              YOUR OWN.

         (4)  INDEMNITY.  Grantor  will  protect,  indemnify,  defend  and  hold
              harmless  Trustee  and  Beneficiary  from and  against any and all
              claims, causes of action,  suits,  liabilities,  damages,  losses,
              costs  and  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees),  of  whatever
              nature,  which may arise or  result,  directly  or  indirectly  by
              reason of the use or occupation  of the Mortgaged  Property or any
              part  thereof  or any  failure  by  Grantor  to  comply  with  the
              covenants contained herein.

         (5)  REPAIRS.  Grantor  will  at  all  times  keep and   maintain  the
              Mortgaged  Property and every part  thereof in good order,  repair
              and condition,  without any liability of Trustee or Beneficiary to
              any  person  for  damage  for  failure  to repair or for any other
              cause,  and  Grantor  will  promptly  make all  needed  and proper
              repairs, restorations,  renewals and replacements thereof, so that
              at all times the value of the  Mortgaged  Property  and every part
              thereof shall be fully preserved and maintained,  and Grantor will
              not cause or permit any waste on or of the  Mortgaged  Property or
              otherwise allow the Mortgaged  Property,  or any part thereof,  to
              depreciate in value by any act or neglect.

         (6)  COMPLIANCE.  Grantor  will not use or  suffer or permit to be used
              the  Mortgaged   Property  or  any  part  thereof  in  any  manner
              inconsistent with the rights of Trustee or Beneficiary  hereunder,
              or in violation of the  provisions of any insurance  policy or any
              rules or  regulations  of insurance  underwriters, and will comply
              with, and maintain, use and cause the Mortgaged Property to at all
              times  be  in  compliance  with  all  laws,   ordinances,   rules,
              regulations, orders and directions of any legislative,  executive,
              administrative or judicial body, officer or department  applicable
              to the Mortgaged Property or to the uses or purposes thereof.

         (7)  CONDEMNATION. In  the  event  the  Mortgaged Property, or any part
              thereof, be taken through condemnation proceedings or by virtue of
              the  exercise  of the  right of  eminent  domain  or  pursuant  to
              governmental  action,  any and all  amounts  awarded  in any  such
              condemnation  proceeding for the taking of the Mortgaged Property,
              or any part thereof,  are hereby  assigned to and shall be paid to
              Beneficiary, and when received by Beneficiary, shall be applied as
              follows:   (i)  first,  to  fund  the   repalcement,   repair  and
              restoration  to and/or of the Mortgaged  Property taken or injured
              if  Grantor  elects  to effect  such  replacement,  repair  and/or
              restoration,  (ii) next, any remaining funds to be applied against
              the Indebtedness  secured hereby to the extent then due and unpaid
              without the  application of any prepayment  penalty and applied to
              principal  and interest as provided in the Notes,  and (iii) next,
              any remaining funds to be paid to Grantor.

         (8)  SEVERABILITY.  To the  extent  that any grant  under  this Deed of
              Trust  violates the terms of any other  agreement to which Grantor
              is a party as of the date of this Deed of Trust,  such Grant shall
              be deemed  severed  from this Deed of Trust and shall be deemed to
              be null and void and of no force or  effect as of the date of this
              Deed of Trust and the remainder of this Deed of Trust shall remain
              in full force and effect to extent  permitted by law and this Deed
              of Trust shall be deemed  amended as appropriate to give effect to
              such severance.

         (9)  TAXES.  Grantor  hereby  covenants  and  agrees to pay any and all
              taxes, assessements, liens and other charges that may be levied or
              assessed  against the  Mortgaged  Property,  or any part  thereof,
              prior to the time the same shall  become  delinquent,  and Grantor
              shall promptly provide Beneficiary with proof of payment thereof.

         (10) CHANGE IN TAXATION  LAWS. In the event of the enactment  after the
              date  hereof of any law of the  State of  Missouri  or the  United
              States of America imposing a specific tax on notes, bonds, or


              other  evidences  of  indebtedness  or  obligations  secured  by a
              mortgage or deed of trust on real estate, or in the event the laws
              now in force  relating  to taxes on notes,  mortgages,  bonds,  or
              other evidences of indebtedness or obligations secured by mortgage
              or deed of trust shall be in any manner changed, or in case such a
              tax shall be  assessed  under any  existing  law, as the result of
              which  Trustee  or  Beneficiary  may  become  chargeable  with the
              payment of any such  taxes,  then and in any such  event,  Grantor
              covenants  and  agrees to pay to Trustee  or  Beneficiary,  within
              thirty (30) days after written notice  thereof,  the amount of any
              such  tax;  provided  that if  Trustee  or  Beneficiary  shall  be
              required by law to pay any such tax, all moneys so expended  shall
              be due on demand,  bear  interest at the highest rate set forth in
              the Notes (or if no rate is specified, at the maximum lawful rate)
              and shall be secured  hereby.  In the event  Grantor shall fail to
              pay or cause to be paid or to reimburse Trustee or Beneficiary for
              advances as aforesaid to pay any such tax or taxes,  or if by such
              law it should be illegal for Grantor to pay any such tax or taxes,
              then all of the  Indebtedness  secured hereby shall, at the option
              of Beneficiary, become immediately due and payable without further
              notice, anything herein or in the evidences of any indebtedness or
              other  obligations  secured by this Deed of Trust to the  contrary
              notwithstanding;  provided,  however,  that  Grantor  shall not be
              required to pay any such tax in excess of an amount which when
              added to the interest  paid by Grantor on the  Indebtedness  would
              exceed the maximum lawful rate allowed in the State of Missouri.

         (11) CURE PAYMENTS.  If Grantor shall fail to pay any tax,  assessment,
              lien or other  charge  levied or assessed  against  the  Mortgaged
              Property,  or any part thereof,  or shall fail to keep and perform
              any of the covenants and conditions herein  contained,  Trustee or
              Beneficiary,  shall be privileged,  but shall not be obligated, to
              pay any such  tax,  assessment,  lien,  rent or other  charge,  to
              redeem such  property  from any sale or  foreclosure  for taxes or
              assessments  or liens,  to effect and pay for  insurance  required
              hereunder,  to  perform or pay for any other  obligations,  and to
              make such other disbursements as are necessary or advisable in the
              opinion of Trustee or  Benefificary to cure any default of Grantor
              hereunder  or  protect  the  lien or the  rights  of  Trustee  and
              Beneficiary hereunder; any and all such sums of money advanced for
              such purposes by Trustee or Beneficiary shall be deemed additional
              Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust and shall be payable on
              demand  with  interest  accruing  from the time so advanced at the
              highest rate per annum set forth under the Notes (or if no rate is
              specified, at the maximum lawful rate), and failure on the part of
              Grantor  to  repay  the  amounts  so  advanced  on  demand   shall
              constitute  an  event of  default  hereunder;  provided,  however,
              nothing herein  contained shall be construed as requiring  Trustee
              or  Beneficiary  to effect such  insurance or to advance or expend
              money or take any action for any of the purposes aforesaid.

         (12) FINANCIAL   INFORMATION.   Grantor  shall  furnish  the  financial
              statements as and when required to be provided by Grantor pursuant
              to and in accordance with the Securities Purchase Agreement.

         (13) SECURITY  AGREEMENT.  This instrument is intended to be a security
              agreement  pursuant to the Uniform  Commercial Code for any of the
              items  specified as part of the Mortgaged  Property  which,  under
              applicable law, may be subject to a security  interest pursuant to
              the Uniform Commercial Code, and Grantor hereby grants Beneficiary
              a security interest in said items,  whether now owned or hereafter
              acquired.   Grantor   agrees  that   Beneficiary   may  file  this
              instrument,  or a reproduction thereof, in the real estate records
              or other  appropriate  index, as a financing  statement for any of
              the  items  specified  as  part  of the  Mortgaged  Property.  Any
              reproduction of this instrument or of any other security agreement
              or  financing   statement  shall  be  sufficient  as  a  financing
              statement.  In addition,  Grantor agrees to execute and deliver to
              Beneficiary, upon Beneficiary's request, any financing statements,
              as  well as  extensions,  renewals  and  amendments  thereof,  and
              reproductions of this instrument,  in such form as Beneficiary may
              require to perfect a security interest with respect to said items.
              Grantor shall pay


              all costs of filing such financing  statements and any extensions,
              renewals  and  amendments  thereof,  and shall pay all  reasonable
              costs and expenses of any record searches for financing statements
              Beneficiary  may  reasonably  require.  Without the prior  written
              consent of  Beneficiary,  Grantor shall not create or suffer to be
              created pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code any other security
              interest  in said  items,  including  replacements  and  additions
              thereto. Upon the occurrence of an event of default as hereinafter
              provided,  Beneficiary  shall have the remedies of a secured party
              under the Uniform  Commercial Code and, at  Beneficiary's  option,
              may  also  invoke  the  remedies  as  otherwise  provided  in this
              instrument.  In exercising  any of said  remedies,  Beneficary may
              proceed  against  the  items  of real  property  and any  items of
              personal  property  specified  as part of the  Mortgaged  Property
              separately or together and in any order whatsoever, without in any
              way affecting the availability of Beneficiary's remedie, under the
              Uniform  Commercial Code or of the remedies  otherwise provided in
              this instrument.

         (14) EXCLUDED PROPERTY.  Beneficiary hereby acknowledges that it has no
              security  interest in any of the Excluded Property nor is Tenant's
              interest of any third party in any Excluded  Property  subordinate
              or subject to this Deed of Trust or any security interest in favor
              of Beneficiary for Grantor.  Beneficiary  will execute and deliver
              to Grantor such reasonable instruments as Grantor may from time to
              time request  confirming the provisions  this Paragraph 14 in such
              reasonable form as Grantor may request.

         (15) GROUND  LEASE.  Grantor  shall have the right,  without  the prior
              written consent of Beneficiary,  to enter into a ground lease with
              the fee  owner  of the  Land on such  terms  as  determined  to be
              necessary and  appropriate by Grantor.  Grantor shall further have
              the  right to  record a  memorandum  of such  ground  lease in the
              records of the County of St.  Louis,  State of  Missouri.  In such
              event,  such ground lease shall be superior to this Deed of Trust;
              provided,  however,  Grantor  shall,  upon obtaining all necessary
              third party consents,  grant a leasehold deed of trust  respecting
              Grantor's  leasehold  interest  to  Beneficiary  on such terms and
              conditions as are mutually  acceptable to Grantor and  Beneficiary
              and consistent with the terms of this Deed of Trust.

         (16) SUBORDINATE  TO FIRST DEED OF TRUST.  Notwithstanding  anything to
              the contrary in this Deed of Trust,  the rights granted by Grantor
              to Beneficiary under this Deed of Trust respecting all portions of
              the Mortgaged Property are at all times subject and subordinate to
              the rights and interests of holder of fee simple title to the Land
              and to the First  Deed of Trust and any  renewals,  modifications,
              replacements,  and  extensions of such First Deed of Trust thereof
              to the extent  that any of the  Mortgaged  Property  is subject to
              such First Deed of Trust.  Grantor  shall not be in default  under
              this   Deed  of  Trust  or  be  deemed   to  have   breached   any
              representations  under  this Deed of Trust in the event and to the
              extent that  Beneficiary's  rights under this Deed of Trust are so
              subordinate. Further, Beneficiary agrees that it will execute such
              reasonable  agreements  and  instruments  as  may be  required  by
              Grantor and/or its lenders to further evidence such subordination.

         (17) RELEASE.  If all of Grantor's  covenants and agreements under this
              Deed of  Trust  are  performed  in full  and  either  (i) the debt
              described in the Convertible Senior Secured Notes is paid when due
              or (ii) the then  outstanding  principal amount of the Convertible
              Senior  Secured Notes plus all accrued  interest on such principal
              amount is converted into common shares of Borrower pursuant to the
              Securities Purchase  Agreement,  then these presents shall be void
              and this Deed of Trust shall be released with all recording  costs
              associated  with  recording  any  necessary  release to be paid by


         (18) NO THIRD PARTY  RIGHTS OR  INTERESTS  AFFECTED.  Grantor,  by this
              instrument,  does not and does not  intend  to  mortgage,  pledge,
              alter or interfere in any way  whatsoever,  with the rights of any
              party(ies)   not  a  party   hereto.   Specifically   and  without
              limitation,  Grantor by this  instrument does not and shall not be
              deemed to have taken any action against any property of the estate
              of Bridge Information Systems,  Inc., a Missouri  corporation,  or
              any  of  its  affiliates   which  are   debtors-in-possession   in
              bankruptcy  cases  presently   proceeding  in  the  United  States
              Bankruptcy  Court for the Eastern  District of  Missouri,  Eastern
              Division,   Cases  No.  01-0141593-293   through   01-0141614-293,
              inclusive  (collectively,  herein  the  "Debtor"),  or to  act  or
              attempt to act to (i) take or transfer any interest in property of
              Debtor's estate, (ii) create, perfect, or enforce any lien against
              property of Debtor's estate, (iii) create,  perfect or enforce any
              pre-petition  lien  against  property  of  Debtor's  estate,  (iv)
              collect or recover any  pre-petition  claim against  Debtor or its
              estate, or (v) to set off the interests herein granted against any
              pre-petition  claim against the Debtor.  This instrument conveys a
              quitclaim  security  interest against the property rights, if any,
              in the Mortgaged Property and against these rights, if any, only.

         (19) DELIVERY  OF  NON-DISTURBANCE   AGREEMENT.  Upon  the  request  of
              Grantor,  Beneficiary  will execute and deliver a  non-disturbance
              and  attornment  agreement  in favor of all users,  occupants  and
              subtenants of the Mortgaged Property  confirming that in the event
              of a  foreclosure  of this Deed of  Trust,  the  purchaser  of the
              Mortgaged  Property at the foreclosure sale will recognize and not
              disaffirm or disturb either the agreements between Grantor and any
              such users,  occupants and  subtenants or the use and occupancy of
              the Mortgaged Property by such users,  occupants and subtenants in
              accordance  with such  agreements all of which such agreements and
              such users shall  continue in full force and effect in  accordance
              with their terms.

          (20) COUNTERPARTS.  This  Deed of Trust  may be  executed  in  several
               counterparts, with signature to one such counterpart being deemed
               signature to all such counterparts, each of which shall be deemed
               an original and all of which taken together shall  constitute one
               and the same instrument.

          (21) FURTHER ADVANCES. This Deed of Trust is to be governed by Section
               443.055 of the revised Statues of Missouri,  In the event Grantee
               shall receive a notice pursuant to Section 443.055 of the Revised
               Statues of  Missouri  terminating  this Deed of Trust as security
               for future advances for future obligations made or incurred after
               the  date of such  notice,  then  upon  receipt  of such  notice,
               Grantee  shall  have  no  further  obligation  under  Notes,  any
               document  evidencing,  securing  or related  to the  indebtedness
               secured  by this Deed of Trust  notwithstanding  anything  to the
               contrary in any such document.

          (22) EVENTS  OF  DEFAULT;   REMEDIES.   If  an  event  of  default  as
               specifically  set forth herein  shall occur,  or in the event any
               one or more of the  following  events  shall  occur (an "event of
               default"):  (a) If default shall be made in the payment of any of
               the Indebtedness  secured hereby, or any interest thereon, as and
               when the same shall become due and payable,  whether by reason of
               demand,  acceleration or otherwise;  (b) If default shall be made
               by Grantor in the due  performance or observance of any covenant,
               agreement  or  condition  herein  contained  or  required  to  be
               performed or observed by Grantor and such default shall  continue
               for a period of ten (10) days after the date of the  mailing of a
               written  notice  addressed to Grantor at the address  hereinabove
               set forth,  or to such  other  address  as may be  designated  by
               Grantor  in  written  notice  delivered  to  Beneficiary;  (c) If
               Grantor  should  become   insolvent   either  in  the  equity  or
               bankruptcy   definition  of  the  term,  or  if  a  voluntary  or
               involuntary  petition in bankruptcy or  reorganization of Grantor
               is filed,  or if Grantor makes an  assignment  for the benefit of
               creditors or an arrangement with its creditors,  or if a receiver
               or trustee is appointed by Grantor's business or property,  or if
               Grantor's  interest  in the  Mortgaged  Property  shall  pass  by
               operation of law as the result of any creditor's action,  suit or
               proceeding or if any of the foregoing shall occur with respect to
               any guarantor of the


               Indebtedness secured hereby; (d) If the Mortgaged Property or any
               portion   thereof  or   ownership   interest   therein  is  sold,
               transferred, assigned or in any manner conveyed without the prior
               written  consent  of  Beneficiary;  (e) If a default  or event of
               default shall occur under or within the meaning of any other deed
               of trust or mortgage covering any of the Mortgaged Property;  (f)
               If a default or event of default  shall occur under or within the
               meaning of any loan  agreement  executed in  connection  with the
               Indebtedness  or under  any  agreement,  document  or  instrument
               (including  any  guaranty)  evidencing  or  securing  any  of the
               indebtedness secured hereby; (g) If a default or event of default
               shall  occur  under any other  present  or future  obligation  to
               Beneficiary,  including, without limitation, any other loan, line
               of credit, revolving credit, guaranty or reimbursement obligation
               relating to any letter of credit  issued by  Beneficiary  for the
               account of Grantor,  or any other agreement  purporting to convey
               to Beneficiary a lien or encumbrance upon, or a security interest
               in, any of the property or assets of Grantor;  or (h) If pursuant
               to  ss.443.055   R.S.Mo.,   as  amended,   Grantor  shall  notify
               Beneficiary  of Grantor's  election to terminate the operation of
               this Deed of Trust as  security  for  future  advances  or future

THEN,  AND IN EACH  AND  EVERY  SUCH  EVENT:  (1) All of the  Indebtedness  then
outstanding and unpaid and all accrued and unpaid interest thereon shall, at the
option of Beneficiary,  become and be due and payable  immediately,  anything in
the Notes  evidencing  any of the  Indebtedness  or in this Deed of Trust to the
contrary  notwithstanding;  (2) Upon demand of Trustee or  Beneficiary,  Grantor
shall  forthwith  surrender to Beneficiary  the actual  possession of all of the
Mortgaged  Property  and it shall  be  lawful  (whether  or not  Grantor  has so
surrendered  possession)  for  Beneficiary,  either  personally  or by agents or
attorneys, forthwith to enter into or upon the Mortgaged Property and to exclude
Grantor,  the agents and  servants of  Grantor,  and all  parties  claiming  by,
through or under Grantor,  wholly therefrom,  and Beneficiary shall thereupon be
solely and  exclusively  entitled to possession of said  Mortgaged  Property and
every part thereof,  and to use,  operate,  manage and control the same,  either
personally or by managers,  agents, servants or attorneys, to the fullest extent
authorized by law; and upon every such entry,  the Beneficiary may, from time to
time,  at the  expense of Grantor,  make all  necessary  and proper  repairs and
replacements  to the Mortgaged  Property as Beneficiary  in its discretion  sees
fit, and any amounts so expended  shall be due on demand,  bear  interest at the
post-maturity  rate set  forth in the Notes and  shall be  secured  hereby;  (3)
Trustee, at the request of Beneficiary, shall proceed to sell, either by himself
or by agent or attorney, the Mortgaged Property or any part(s) thereof at public
vendue or outcry at the  customary  place to the  highest  bidder for cash after
first  giving  notice as required by the  statutes of the State of Missouri  and
upon such sale Trustee shall receive the proceeds of such sale and shall execute
and deliver deed or deeds or other  instruments  of  conveyance,  assignment and
transfer to the property sold, to the purchaser or purchasers  thereof;  and (4)
Trustee and/or  Beneficiary  may proceed by suit or suits at law or in equity to
enforce the  Indebtedness  secured hereby and/or to foreclose this Deed of Trust
and in such event Trustee shall be entitled to a reasonable fee for his services
and  Trustee and  Beneficiary  shall be  entitled  to a  reasonable  fee for the
services of their attorneys and agents, and for all expenses, costs and outlays.
Upon or at any time after the filing of any suit to  foreclose  the lien hereof,
Beneficiary  shall be  entitled  as a matter  of right to the  appointment  of a
receiver of the Mortgaged Property,  either before or after sale, without notice
and without  regard to the solvency or  insolvency of Grantor at the time of the
application for such receiver,  and without regard to the solvency or insolvency
of Grantor at the time of the application for such receiver,  and without regard
to the then value of the Mortgaged Property, and Trustee, or Beneficiary, may be
appointed as such  receiver.  Such receiver  shall have all powers  necessary or
incidental for the protection,  possession, control, management and operation of
the Mortgaged Property.

         In any sale or sales made by Trustee under the power herein granted, or
upon any sale or sales under or by virtue of any judicial  proceedings:  (i) the
whole of the Mortgaged  Property,  real,  personal and mixed, may be sold in one
parcel as an entirety, or the Mortgaged Property may be sold in separate parcels
as may be determined by Trustee in his discretion;  (ii) all recitals  contained
in any deed or other


instrument of  conveyance,  assignment or transfer made and delivered by Trustee
in pursuance of the powers  granted and conferred  herein,  shall be prima facie
evidence of the facts therein set forth;  (iii) such sale or sales shall operate
to divest Grantor of all right, title, interest, claim and demand, either at law
or in equity,  under statute or otherwise,  in and to the Mortgaged Property and
every part thereof so sold and shall be a perpetual  bar, both in law or equity,
against  Grantor and any and all persons  claiming or to claim from,  through or
under  Grantor;  and (iv)  Beneficiary  may bid for and purchase  the  Mortgaged
Property or any part  thereof and may make  payment  therefor by  presenting  to
Trustee the Notes  secured  hereby or the other  evidences  of the  Indebtedness
secured  hereby so that there may be endorsed as paid thereon the amount of such
bid which is to be applied to the payment of the Indebtedness  secured hereby as
herein provided.  Each time it shall become necessary to insert an advertisement
of  foreclosure,  and sale is not had,  Trustee shall be entitled to receive the
sum of One  Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00)  for  services  and  the  amount  of all
advertising charges from Grantor,  all of which shall be further secured hereby.
Upon the foreclosure and/or sale of the Mortgaged Property, or any part thereof,
the  proceeds of such sale or sales shall be applied as follows:  First,  to the
cost and expense of executing this trust,  including reasonable  compensation of
Trustee and reasonable  attorneys'  fees and expenses,  outlays for  documentary
stamps,  cost of procuring title insurance  commitments,  continuing  abstracts,
title  searches or  examinations  reasonably  necessary or proper;  next, to the
payment of any and all advances  made by Trustee or  Beneficiary,  with interest
thereon  as hereinabove  provided;  next,  to the payment of  the balance of the
Indebtedness secured hereby, with interest thereon as therein provided;  and any
surplus  thereafter shall be paid to Grantor or any other party legally entitled
thereto; provided that in the event the net proceeds of such sale or sales shall
not be sufficient to pay in full the Indebtedness secured hereby, Grantor hereby
promises and agrees to pay any deficiency thereon on demand with interest.

         Grantor  shall  not  apply  for or avail  itself  of any  appraisement,
valuation,  redemption,  stay,  extension or exemption  laws,  or any  so-called
"moratorium  laws",  now existing or hereafter  enacted,  in order to prevent or
hinder the  enforcement or foreclosure of this Deed of Trust,  and hereby waives
the benefit of such laws.  Grantor,  for itself,  its  successors  and  assigns,
hereby  wholly  waives  the  period of  redemption  and any right of  redemption
provided  under any existing or future law in the event of a foreclosure of this
Deed of Trust.  Grantor,  for itself and all who may claim  through or under it,
hereby waives any and all right to have the property and estates  comprising the
Mortgaged Property marshalled upon any foreclosure of the lien hereof and hereby
agrees that any court having  jurisdiction  to foreclose such lien may order the
Mortgaged  Property  sold as an  entirety.  Grantor  hereby  waives any order or
decree of foreclosure,  pursuant to the rights herein granted,  on behalf of the
Grantor,  and each and every  person  acquiring  any interest in or title to the
Mortgaged Property,  subsequent to the date of this Deed of Trust, and on behalf
of all other persons to the extent permitted by applicable law.

     The  Trustee  may resign at any time by written  instrument  to that effect
delivered to Beneficiary.  Beneficiary  shall be entitled to remove, at any time
and  from  time to  time,  including  any  time  before,  during  or  after  the
commencement or completion of any foreclosure  proceeding,  the Trustee. In case
of the death, removal, resignation,  refusal to act or otherwise being unable to
act of the  Trustee,  Beneficiary  shall be  entitled  to select  and  appoint a
successor  Trustee  hereunder by an instrument duly executed,  acknowledged  and
recorded in the manner and form for  conveyances  of real estate in the State of
Missouri,  which recording may occur before, during or after the commencement or
completion of any foreclosure  proceeding,  and any such successor Trustee shall
thereupon  succeed to Trustee as  Trustee  hereunder  and to all of the  rights,
powers, duties,  obligations and estate of said Trustee as if specifically named
herein, provided no defect or irregularity in the resignation or removal of said
Trustee or in the  appointment  of a successor  Trustee or in the  execution and
recording of such  instrument  shall  affect the  validity of said  resignation,
removal  or  appointment  or any act or  thing  done by such  successor  Trustee
pursuant thereto.  Additionally,  whether the recording of the successor Trustee
instrument takes place before, during or after the commencement or completion of
any  foreclosure  proceeding  shall  have no effect  upon the  validity  of said
proceeding.  Trustee shall not be disqualified  from acting as Trustee


hereunder or from  performing any of the duties of Trustee,  or from  exercising
the  rights,  powers and  remedies  herein  granted,  by reason of the fact that
Trustee is an officer, employee or stockholder of Beneficiary, or is interested,
directly or indirectly, as the holder of the Convertible Senior Secured Notes or
other  Indebtedness  secured  hereby,  Grantor  hereby  expressly  consenting to
Trustee  acting  as  Trustee  irrespective  of the fact  that  Trustee  might be
otherwise  disqualified for any of the foregoing reasons,  and that any interest
which  Trustee or any  successor  shall have or may acquire in the  Indebtedness
secured  hereby,  or the Mortgaged  Property,  shall neither  interfere with nor
prevent his acting as Trustee or from  purchasing  said property at said sale or
sales,  and all parties waive any  objection to Trustee  having or acquiring any
such interest in the Indebtedness or Mortgaged Property and continuing to act as
Trustee.  Trustee  covenants  faithfully to perform and fulfill the trust herein
created,  but shall be liable,  however,  only for gross  negligence  or willful
misconduct as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

     No remedy herein  conferred  upon or reserved to Trustee or  Beneficiary is
intended to be exclusive of any other remedy,  but every remedy herein  provided
shall be  cumulative,  and shall be in  addition  to every  other  remedy  given
hereunder or now or hereafter  existing at law or in equity, or by statute;  and
every power and remedy  given by this Deed of Trust to Trustee or to Beneficiary
may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed  expedient.  No
delay or omission by Trustee or by  Beneficiary  to exercise  any right or power
arising  from any  default  shall  impair  any  such  right or power or shall be
construed  to be a waiver of any  default or an  acquiescence  therein.  In case
Trustee  shall have  proceeded  to enforce any right under this Deed of Trust by
foreclosure,   entry  or  otherwise,   and  such  proceedings  shall  have  been
discontinued  or abandoned  because of waiver or for any other reason,  or shall
have been determined  adversely,  then, and in such and every such case, Grantor
and Trustee  shall  severally  and  respectively  be  restored  to their  former
positions  and rights  hereunder in respect of the Mortgaged  Property,  and all
rights,  remedies  and  powers  of  Trustee  shall  continue  as  though no such
proceedings  had been taken.  If any additional sum or sums shall become due and
owing,  by  Grantor to  Beneficiary,  pursuant  to the  provisions  hereof,  the
affidavit  of  Beneficiary  shall be  sufficient  evidence of the fact that such
additional sums are secured hereby in the amount set forth in such affidavit.

(23) GENERAL  PROVISIONS.  This Deed of Trust and all  provisions  hereof  shall
     extend to and be binding upon Grantor and all parties  claiming by, through
     or under  Grantor.  All covenants and agreements of Grantor herein shall be
     joint and several.  Grantor  acknowledges  and agrees that all expenses and
     amounts  expended  by  Trustee  and/or  Beneficiary  or owed to  Trustee or
     Beneficiary under any indemnity in this Deed of Trust,  shall be due as and
     when  incurred,  bear  interest at the  highest  rate set forth in the Debt
     Instruments  (or if no rate is specified,  at the maximum  lawful rate) and
     shall constitute Indebtedness secured hereby, and all indemnities contained
     in this Deed of Trust shall apply  notwithstanding any negligent conduct or
     omission  of  Beneficiary  or  Trustee  (except  to  the  extent  of  gross
     negligence or willful  misconduct on the part of  Beneficiary  or Trustee),
     are in addition to any legal liability or responsibility  Grantor otherwise
     has,  and  shall  survive  the  foreclosure  of this  Deed of Trust and the
     payment of the  obligations  secured  hereunder.  The  unenforceability  or
     invalidity  of any  provision or provisions of this Deed of Trust shall not
     render any other provision or provisions herein contained  unenforceable or
     invalid.  The term  "Beneficiary"  shall be deemed to mean and  include the
     endorsee(s),  transferee(s)  or the holder(s) at the time being of the Debt
     Instruments  and/or any of the other  Indebtedness  secured hereby, and the
     successors  and assigns of  Beneficiary,  and the term  "Trustee"  shall be
     deemed to mean and  include  any  successors  of the  Trustee  in the trust
     hereby  created;  and the covenants and agreements  shall bind and inure to
     the benefit of the heirs, executors,  personal  representatives,  succesors
     and assigns of Grantor and the  successors  in trust of the Trustee and the
     endorsee(s),  transferee(s),  successors and assigns of Beneficiary. All of
     the grants, covenants, terms, agreements,  provisions and conditions herein
     contained  shall run with the land. Time is of the essence of all Grantor's
     obligations  hereunder.  The  captions or headings  used herein are for the
     convenience of the parties and are not a part of this Deed of Trust. To the
     extent that proeeeds of


         the  Indebtedness  secured  hereby or advances under this Deed of Trust
         are used to pay any  outstanding  lien,  charge  or  prior  encumbrance
         against the Mortgaged Property, Beneficiary is hereby subrogated to any
         and  all  rights  and  liens  held  by any  owner  or  holder  of  such
         outstanding  liens,  charges and prior  encumbrances,  irrespective  of
         whether  said liens,  charges or  encumbrances  are  released.  Trustee
         hereby lets the  Mortgaged  Property to Grantor and assigns  until this
         Deed of Trust be released and satisfied, or until default be made under
         the covenants and agreements hereof,  upon the following terms, to wit:
         Grantor and all persons claiming or possessing said Mortgaged  Property
         or any part thereof,  shall pay rent  therefor  during said term at one
         cent per  month,  payable  on  demand,  and  shall  and will  surrender
         peaceful  possession  of said  premises,  and every  part  thereof,  to
         Trustee  immediately  upon such default,  and without  notice or demand
         therefor,  provided  that  nothing  in this  Deed  of  Trust  shall  be
         construed to prevent the Beneficiary from having and taking every legal
         means to enforce payment of the  Indebtedness  secured hereby,  without
         having first  enforced  this Deed of Trust;  provided,  further that if
         Grantor shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to Beneficiary the
         Indebtedness  secured  hereby as and when the same shall become due and
         payable and this Deed of Trust is no longer  intended to secure  future
         advances and future  obligations   under   Section  443.055 R.S.Mo., as
         amended,  then this  trust  shall  cease and be void and the  Mortgaged
         Property  hereinbefore  conveyed  shall  be  released  at the  cost  of
         Grantor,  otherwise  to remain in full force and effect.  To the extent
         that  Beneficiary  receives any payment on account of the  Indebtedness
         and  any  such   payment(s)   or  any  part  thereof  is   subsequently
         invalidated,  declared to be  fraudulent  or  preferential,  set aside,
         subordinated and/or required to be repaid to a trustee, receiver or any
         other party under any bankruptcy  act, state or federal law, common law
         or equitable  cause,  then, to the extent of such payment(s)  received,
         the  Indebtedness or part thereof  intended to be satisfied and any and
         all liens, security interests, mortgages and/or other encumbrances upon
         or pertaining to any assets of Grantor and  theretofore  created and/or
         existing in favor of  Beneficiary  as security  for the payment of such
         Indebtedness shall be revived and continue in full force and effect, as
         if such  payment(s) had not been received by Beneficiary and applied on
         account of the Indebtedness. The Recitals above stated are incorporated
         herein by this reference.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Grantor has executed this Missouri Future Advance
Deed of Trust and Security Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


                                   SAVVIS COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION

                                   By: /s/  Steven M. Gallant
                                       Printed Name: Steven M. Gallant
                                       Title: Vice President and General Counsel


                                    EXHIBIT A

Lot 1 of Mallinckrodt HQ Campus  according to the plat thereof  recorded in Plat
Book 347 page 548 of the St. Louis County Records.


                                    EXHIBIT B

o    Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement,  dated as of September 5, 2000, by
     and among the Registrant, as guarantor,  SAVVIS Communications Corporation,
     a  Missouri  corporation,   as  borrower,  and  Nortel  Networks  Inc.,  as
     administrative agent, and the lenders named therein.

o    Pledge  Agreement,  dated as of  September  5,  2000,  by and  between  the
     Registrant  and  Nortel  Networks  Inc.,  as  administrative  agent for the

o    Amended and Restated Pledge and Security  Agreement,  dated as of September
     5, 2000,  by and  between  SAVVIS  Communications  Corporation,  a Missouri
     Corporation  and Nortel  Networks  Inc.,  as  administrative  agent for the

o    Pledge and  Security  Agreement,  dated as of  September  5,  2000,  by and
     between  Global  Network   Assets,   LLC  and  Nortel   Networks  Inc.,  as
     administrative agent for the lenders.

o    Amended and  Restated  Guaranty  Agreement,  dated as of September 5, 2000,
     delivered by the  Registrant  to and in favor of Nortel  Networks  Inc., as
     administrative agent for itself and the other lenders.

o    Amended and  Restated  Guaranty  Agreement  dated as of  September 5, 2000,
     delivered by Global Network Assets,  LLC to and in favor of Nortel Networks
     Inc., as administrative agent for itself and the other lenders.
