UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT
                                EASTERN DIVISION

In re                                 In Proceedings Under Chapter 11

BRIDGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS,           Case No. 01-41593-293

                  Debtor.             Honorable David P. McDonald
                                      United States Bankruptcy Judge
- --------------------------------------


         AT&T Corp.  ("AT&T"),  Bridge  Information  Systems,  Inc., its related
debtor   entities   ("Bridge"),    and   Savvis    Communications    Corporation
("Savvis")(collectively  "Bridge/Savvis")("AT&T",   "Bridge"  and  "Savvis"  are
collectively  referred to as the  "Parties"),  by and through  their  respective
counsel  of record,  and  having  been fully  advised  and  informed,  do hereby
stipulate and agree as follows:

         A.  Bridge  and  21  related  entities  filed  a  voluntary  bankruptcy
petitions under Chapter 11 of the United States  Bankruptcy Code on February 15,
2001 (the "Petition Date").

         B. Bridge has  continued  to operate its business and manage its assets
as  a  debtor-in-possession  pursuant  to  Sections  1107(a)  and  1108  of  the
Bankruptcy  Code.  Savvis is an affiliate of Bridge,  has not filed a bankruptcy
petition, and is not a debtor or debtor-in-possession.

         C. AT&T  provides  certain  telecommunications  and related  service to
Bridge and Savvis under applicable  tariffs and certain  agreements  between the
Parties.  AT&T has  undertaken  to estimate the cost of the services  desired by
Bridge and Savvis, and has concluded, with the consent of Bridge/Savvis, that in
the aggregate,  regular  recurring charges for such services are expected to run
approximately $450,000 per week.

         D. Since the filing of the Bridge  bankruptcy cases, AT&T has continued
to provide "local service" and "long distance service" (together, "Services") to
Bridge and Savvis. In addition, Upon motion of the Debtors, the Court entered an
ex parte order on February 16, 2001 (the "Utility  Order")  compelling AT&T, and
other utilities, to continue to render such Services during the pendency of this
Chapter 11 case to both Bridge and to Savvis - relative to Services  provided by
AT&T, and other  utilities,  directly to Bridge and Services  provided to Savvis
and then passed through to Bridge (the "Bridge Pass-Through").

         E.  Thereafter,  pursuant  to the  provisions  set forth in the Utility
Order, AT&T sent a demand for additional adequate assurances to the Debtor.

         F.  Thereafter,  AT&T  filed a Motion  for an Order  (A)  Vacating  the
Utility Order (1) Restraining Utilities from Discontinuing, Altering or Refusing
Service  Pursuant to 11 U.S.C.  ss. 366,  and (2)  Establishing  Procedures  for
Determining  Adequate Assurances and (B) Declaring that AT&T Corp. is Authorized
to Terminate Services to Savvis Communications  Corporation (the "Motion").  The
hearing relative to AT&T's Motion was scheduled for April 4, 2001.


         G. The Parties have met and conferred in an effort to resolve  disputes
concerning  the  terms  under  which  AT&T will  withdraw  the  Motion,  without
prejudice, and will continue to render their Services to Bridge/Savvis.

         H. The Parties agree that the total undisputed amount in arrears due to
AT&T by Bridge and Savvis  through March 31, 2001,  excluding  costs  associated
with pre-petition  AT&T Services provided directly to Bridge,  totals $5,235,000
(the "Undisputed Arrears").

         I. This  stipulation  and  proposed  order is  intended  to resolve the
controversies  described  above,  and set forth the terms and  conditions  under
which AT&T will  provide  Services  to Bridge and Savvis  during the  Chapter 11


         NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the foregoing,  the Parties hereby
stipulate and agree:

         1. Adequate Assurance  Payments/Catch-up  Payments. To provide adequate
assurance of payment to AT&T for Bridge's and Savvis's  continued  access to and
use of AT&T's Services, Bridge/Savvis shall make the following payments:

            a. On  or  before  4:00  p.m.  (Central  Time)  on  April  5,  2001,
               Bridge/Savvis  shall  pay AT&T a total of  $3,000,000,  which sum
               represents  (i) a $2,350,000  partial  payment of the  Undisputed
               Arrears, (ii) a $200,000 partial refundable security deposit; and
               (iii)  a  $450,000  payment  for  Services  provided  by  AT&T to
               Bridge/Savvis  for the week  beginning  April 2,  2001.


            b. On or  before  4:00  p.m.  (Central  Time)  on  April  11,  2001,
               Bridge/Savvis  shall pay AT&T an additional  $250,000  refundable
               security deposit.

            c. On  or  before  4:00  p.m.   (Central   Time)  on  May  1,  2001,
               Bridge/Savvis  shall  pay AT&T a total  amount of  $1,442,500  as
               partial payment of the Undisputed Arrears.

            d. On  or  before  4:00  p.m.   (Central  Time)  on  May  15,  2001,
               Bridge/Savvis  shall  pay AT&T a total  amount of  $1,442,500  as
               final payment of the Undisputed Arrears (with the payments of the
               Undisputed  Arrears  on  April  5,  2001  and  May 1,  2001,  the
               "Undisputed Arrears Payments").

            e. On or  before  4:00 p.m.  (Central  Time) on April 9,  2001,  and
               continuing on each Monday  thereafter  (each, a "Payment  Date"),
               Bridge/Savvis  shall  pay AT&T a total of  $450,000  each week as
               weekly  prepayments  for AT&T Services for the week following the
               date of each such  payment  (each,  a  "Weekly  Pre-payment(s)").
               Additionally,  the Weekly  Pre-payments  shall be  adjusted  on a
               retrospective basis to reflect actual usage as set forth below.

            f. All  payments to AT&T shall be made via wire  transfer,  shall be
               directed in the manner prescribed in written  instructions  which
               AT&T has provided to Bridge/Savvis, and shall be accompanied by a


               written notice,  by 5:00 p.m.  (Eastern Time) on the date due (by
               facsimile or electronic  mail),  that each wire transfer has been
               made.  The  written  notice  shall be sent to AT&T's  counsel  as

                          Vincent A. D'Agostino, Esq.,
                             Lowenstein Sandler PC
                              65 Livingston Avenue
                           Roseland, New Jersey 07068
                        facsimile number (973) 597-2595
                       email: vdagostino@lowenstein.com.

         2. Reconciliation/Adjustments.  AT&T and Bridge agree that from time to
time,  but in any event not later  than the  fifteenth  (15th) day of each month
beginning on May 15, 2001,  that the Parties  shall confer in order to reconcile
and adjust the amounts payable pursuant to this Stipulation, as follows:

         a. Should the Weekly  Pre-payments be insufficient or should there be a
material  increase or decrease in the  post-petition  charges due AT&T,  AT&T or
Bridge/Savvis,  should  either  party  so  request  ("Adjustment  Request"),  is
entitled  to an  immediate  increase  or  decrease  in the  amount of the Weekly
Pre-payments  set forth in  paragraph  1.e  herein,  commencing  with the Weekly
Pre-payment following such Adjustment Request, and such amount shall be equal to
the total weekly  charges that accrued  during the week prior to any  Adjustment
Request;  provided however, in the event Bridge/Savvis or AT&T reasonably and in
good faith  dispute any  Adjustment  Request,  and  Bridge,  Savvis and AT&T are
unable to resolve any such dispute,  Bridge/Savvis  shall not be deemed to be in
violation or default under this  Stipulation and Order so long as  Bridge/Savvis
petitions the  Bankruptcy  Court within five (5) business days of the Adjustment
Request for  resolution of the Adjustment  Request,  and agrees to abide by such
relief as the Bankruptcy Court may order.


         b. To the extent  that in any given  month the  charges due AT&T exceed
the  Weekly   Pre-payments   made  to  AT&T  by  Bridge/Savvis  in  such  month,
Bridge/Savvis  shall,  within three (3) business days of notification by AT&T (a
"Deficiency  Request"),  pay to AT&T  sufficient  funds to cure the  deficiency,
provided  however,  in the  event  Bridge/Savvis  reasonably  and in good  faith
dispute  the  Deficiency  Request,  and the  Parties  are unable to resolve  the
dispute, Bridge/Savvis shall not be deemed to be in violation or default of this
Stipulation  and Order so long as  Bridge/Savvis  petition the Bankruptcy  Court
within five (5) business days of the  Deficiency  Request for  resolution of the
Deficiency  Request,  and agree to abide by such relief as the Bankruptcy  Court
may  order.

         c.  To  the  extent   Bridge/Savvis   or  AT&T   asserts  any  disputes
("Disputes")  with  respect to any  Adjustment  Request or  Deficiency  Request,
Bridge/Savvis or AT&T, as the case may be, shall within two (2) business days of
an Adjustment Request or Deficiency Request present a detailed written statement
to the other parties which  identifies and describes the dispute(s) in question.
All written disputes  submitted by Bridge/Savvis or AT&T shall be accompanied by
supporting documentation to the extent possible. In addition, to the extent that
Bridge/Savvis or AT&T assert any Disputes with respect to the Adjustment Request
or  Deficiency  Request,  Bridge/Savvis  shall  pay AT&T the  undisputed  amount
pursuant  to the terms set  forth in this  Stipulation  and  Order,  subject  to
disgorgement  as a result  of Court  Order  pursuant  to  paragraph  2.a and 2.b


         d. To the extent  that in any given  month the  charges due to AT&T are
less than the Weekly  Pre-payments  made by  Bridge/Savvis  in such month,  AT&T
shall be permitted to apply such funds to any outstanding  post-petition balance
due AT&T.  To the extent there is no  outstanding  post-petition  balance due to
AT&T,  then  such  amounts  shall be  credited  against  the  subsequent  Weekly
Pre-payments  which would be due from  Bridge/Savvis  to AT&T.

         3.  Default.   If  Bridge/Savvis   fail  to  make  any  of  the  Weekly
Pre-payments  on a Payment  Date,  AT&T is  authorized  to suspend all  Services
rendered by AT&T to  Bridge/Savvis  unless,  within 48 hours after AT&T provides
written notice of such default to Bridge/Savvis, Bridge/Savvis cure such default
(the  "Weekly  Pre-payment  Cure  Period").  If  Bridge/Savvis  fail to make any
payments,  other than the Weekly Pre-payments,  provided for in this Stipulation
and Order,  or if  Bridge/Savvis  otherwise  fail to comply  with any other term
contained  herein,  or in any agreement  between Bridge,  Savvis and AT&T or the
tariffs  filed by AT&T with the FCC or other  regulatory  bodies with respect to
Bridge/Savvis's   post-petition   obligations  as  set  forth  herein,  AT&T  is
authorized   to  suspend  or  terminate   all  Services   rendered  by  AT&T  to
Bridge/Savvis unless, within 24 hours after AT&T provides written notice of such
default to Bridge/Savvis,  Bridge/Savvis cures such default (the "Cure Period").
Any payments by Bridge/Savvis  within the Weekly  Pre-payment Cure Period and/or
the Cure Period shall be made in compliance with paragraph 1.f above. Any notice
of default given by AT&T to Bridge/Savvis  shall be directed to Bridge's counsel
and Savvis's counsel as follows:


                  AS TO BRIDGE:
                  Thomas Moloney, Esq.
                  Seth Stuhl, Esq.
                  Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
                  One Liberty Plaza
                  New York, New York  10006-1470
                  212-225-2136 (telephone); 212-225-3999 (facsimile)

                  -with a copy to-

                  Sanker Krishnan
                  Bridge Information Systems, Inc.
                  3 World Financial Center
                  27th Floor
                  New York, New York  10281
                  212-372-7100 (telephone); 212-372-7190 (facsimile)

                  AS TO SAVVIS:
                  Robert H. Brownlee, Esq.
                  Thompson Coburn LLP
                  One Firstar Plaza
                  St. Louis, Missouri  63101
                  314-552-6000 (telephone); 314-552-7000 (facsimile)

                  -with a copy to-

                  Steven M. Gallant, Esq.
                  Vice President and General Counsel
                  Savvis Communications Corporation
                  717 Office Parkway
                  St. Louis, Missouri  63141
                  314-468-7517 (telephone); 314-468-7550 (facsimile)

Notice is hereby deemed  received  when faxed by AT&T (and actually  received by
Bridge/Savvis based upon a facsimile  confirmation sheet).  Should Bridge/Savvis
fail to cure their  default  within the Monthly  Pre-Payment  Cure Period or the
Cure  Period  after  receipt of such  notice,  the  automatic  stay of 11 U.S.C.
ss.362(a)  shall  terminate and the Utility  Order shall be vacated  (solely and
exclusively with respect to AT&T),  without further notice or hearing, to permit
AT&T to  immediately  suspend or terminate all Services  rendered to both Bridge
and Savvis and to offset


against  any  deposit  or  Weekly  Pre-payment  held by  AT&T  with  respect  to
outstanding  Bridge/Savvis  obligations  owed  to AT&T  (excluding  pre-petition
Bridge direct accounts).  In addition,  in the event that  Bridge/Savvis fail to
make any of the payments set forth herein,  including  the Weekly  Pre-payments,
within the Weekly Pre-payment Cure Period or Cure Period,  AT&T reserves any and
all rights to pursue  outstanding  amounts owed to AT&T by Bridge and Savvis.

         4.  Reconciliation  of Disputed  Amounts Not Included in the Undisputed
Arrears. The Parties agree to continue their efforts in reconciling any disputed
amounts that are not included in the Undisputed  Arrears.  Once the Parties have
completed  and agreed  upon  their  reconciliation,  Bridge/Savvis  will pay the
agreed upon amount  within ten (10)  business  days of receiving an invoice from

         5. Term. The term of this  Stipulation and Order with respect to Bridge
only shall expire  automatically  on the  following:  (i) the effective  date of
Bridge's  confirmed Plan of Reorganization  (on the condition that the effective
date is after all obligations  contained in paragraphs 1.a through 1.d above are
paid),  or (ii) the  closing  date of a sale of all of the assets of Bridge,  or
(iii) the  closing  date of a final  sale,  in a series of sales,  of all of the
assets of Bridge,  or (iv)  conversion  of Bridge's  Chapter 11  proceeding to a
Chapter 7  proceeding.  Upon the  happening of an event listed in sub-parts  (i)
through (iv) of this paragraph, AT&T may apply any security deposit or remaining
weekly  pre-payment  to any  outstanding  amounts  due  and  owing  to  AT&T  by
Bridge/Savvis  (excluding pre-petition Bridge direct accounts), and shall refund
to Bridge any remaining  portion of any weekly  pre-payment or security  deposit
paid by Bridge.  In the event that AT&T  continues to provide  local and/or


long   distance   services   to   Bridge   post-sale,    post-confirmation    or
post-conversion,   AT&T  reserves  its  right  to  request  additional  adequate
assurances from Bridge.  The term of this  Stipulation and Order with respect to
Savvis only shall expire automatically on the following:  (i) the effective date
of  Bridge's  confirmed  Plan of  Reorganization  (on  the  condition  that  the
effective date is after all obligations  contained in paragraphs 1.a through 1.d
above are paid),  or (ii)  conversion  of Bridge's  Chapter 11  proceeding  to a
Chapter 7 proceeding. Upon the happening of an event listed in sub-parts (i) and
(ii) of this paragraph,  AT&T may apply any security deposit or remaining weekly
pre-payment to any  outstanding  amounts due and owing to AT&T by  Bridge/Savvis
(excluding  pre-petition  Bridge  direct  accounts).  In  the  event  that  AT&T
continues   to  provide   local   and/or  long   distance   services  to  Savvis
post-confirmation  or  post-conversion,   Savvis  shall  provide  AT&T  with  an
additional  security deposit in the amount of $3,600,000 within five (5) days of
the   happening  of  an  event  set  forth  in  sub-parts  (i)  or  (ii)  above.
Bridge/Savvis's  obligations  to make  the  Undisputed  Arrears  Payments  shall
survive such termination of this Stipulation and Order.

         6.  Reservation  of Rights,  Assignment.  Except as expressly  provided
herein, AT&T reserves and preserves all rights under applicable agreements,  the
Bankruptcy  Code and applicable law,  including  tariffs.  This  Stipulation and
Order  shall be  binding  upon  Bridge,  Savvis and AT&T,  and their  respective
successors and assigns,  including, but not limited to, any trustee appointed or
elected pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code or any subsequent  bankruptcy proceeding
commenced  by Savvis;  provided  however,  that  Bridge and Savvis  shall not be
permitted to assign,  subcontract,  or transfer  any part of the  benefits  they
receive  under and  contract  or


agreement with AT&T,  the tariffs,  or this  Stipulation  and Order to any third
party without the express  written  consent of AT&T, or through  compliance with
the  assumption  and cure  provisions of 11 U.S.C.  ss.365 and  applicable  law,
including tariffs filed by AT&T, and satisfaction of AT&T's claims;  and further
provided  however,  this  Stipulation  and Order  shall not be binding  upon any
assignee of any agreements or contracts  between AT&T and Bridge pursuant to the
assumption  provisions of 11 U.S.C.  ss. 365. AT&T reserves the right to request
security  deposits  and/or  pre-payments  from any assignee of the benefits they
receive  under and  contract  or  agreement  with  AT&T,  the  tariffs,  or this
Stipulation and Order

         7. AT&T  reserves  any and all  rights  with  respect  to New  Services
requested  by Bridge and Savvis  that were not in  existence  at the time of the
Petition Date including,  but not limited to,  requests for additional  security
deposits  relative to the New Services and/or denial of Bridge's and/or Savvis's
request for New Services.

         8. Regardless of the identity of the payor of the amounts paid pursuant
to the terms of this  Stipulation and Order,  all payments made pursuant to this
Stipulation  and Order are hereby  authorized by this Court  pursuant to Section
105 and 363 of the  Bankruptcy  Code and shall not be  subject to  avoidance  in
these proceedings or in any subsequent proceedings filed by or against Bridge or

         9. This  Stipulation  and Order is subject to and shall become  binding
upon the  approval of the  Bankruptcy  Court.  In the event that the  Bankruptcy
Court does not approve this Stipulation and Order, the Parties shall be returned
to their respective positions,  except that any monies received by AT&T pursuant
to the terms of this Stipulation and Order shall only be subject to disgorgement
upon further Order of the Bankruptcy Court.


         10. The Bankruptcy Court shall retain  jurisdiction to hear any and all
disputes arising from this Stipulation and Order.

         11.  This  Stipulation  and  Order  may be  executed  in any  number of
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same document.  Facsimile signatures shall
be deemed


original  signatures for purposes of this  Stipulation and Order,  with original
signatures to follow at a later date.

Dated:  April 9, 2001                       LOWENSTEIN SANDLER
                                            65 Livingston Avenue
                                            Roseland, New Jersey
                                            (973) 597-2594

                                            By:      /s/ Vincent A. D'Agostino
                                                        Vincent A. D'Agostino
                                                      Attorneys for AT&T Corp.

Dated:  April 9, 2001                       CLEARY, GOTTLIEB, STEEN &
                                            One Liberty Plaza
                                            New York, New York  10006
                                            (212) 225-2000

                                            By:      /s/ Thomas J. Moloney
                                                        Thomas J. Moloney
                                                      Attorneys for Debtors

Dated:  April 9, 2001                       THOMPSON COBURN LLP
                                            One Firstar Plaza
                                            St. Louis, Missouri  63101
                                            (314) 552-6000

                                            By:      /s/ Robert Brownlee
                                                        Robert Brownlee
                                             Attorneys for Savvis Communications

         IT IS SO ORDERED.

DATED:     /s/ David P. McDonald
