EXHIBIT 23 CHARTERED 1000 - 1190 HORNBY STREET ACCOUNTANTS Vancouver, BC V6Z 2W2 MACKAY LLP Tel: 604-687-4511 MACKAY.CA Fax: 604-687-5617 Toll Free: 1-800-351-0426 www.MacKayLLP.ca VIA EMAIL: csdc@rcigroup.com August 19, 2002 Our file No. 80400779 --------------------- Mr. Ian Stuart Mr. Riz Alikhan New Millennium Development Group Inc. (formerly Whatsupmusic.com Inc.) 1200 - 1090 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6E 2N7 Dear Sirs: RE: INTERIM QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR NEW MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GROUP INC. (FORMERLY WHATSUPMUSIC.COM) We have performed a limited review of the interim financial statements of the Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2002. Our limited review was solely to conform to the US Securities Exchange Commission Item 310(b) of Regulation S-B and should not be used or referred to for any other purpose. We have not issued a report for the limited review. If, in any filing with the SEC, the company states that the interim financial statements have been reviewed by an independent public accountant, a report must be filed with the interim financial statements. Pursuant to our discussions with Mr. Cyrus Driver, we understand this satisfies your requirements, if you require further clarification or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Yours truly, MACKAY LLP "Sean Gilbert" Sean Gilbert, CA Partner cc. Cyrus Driver - Driver Anderson