Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc
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                                                                    NEWS RELEASE



OLNEY, MARYLAND, December 19, 2003 -- Sandy Spring Bancorp, (NASDAQ-SASR) the
parent company of Sandy Spring Bank, today announced a reduction of its full
year 2003 net earnings guidance to a range of $ 2.15 - $ 2.20 per diluted share
as compared to a guidance range issued in mid - October 2003 of $ 2.20 - $ 2.25
per diluted share.

Lower than anticipated levels of mortgage banking revenues resulting from a
sharp decline in loan refinancings in the fourth quarter was the main
contributor for the revised guidance. The Company also expects lower amounts of
investment services revenues together with higher than expected marketing
expenses in the quarter from a recent large-scale advertising campaign.

The Company expects to issue earnings guidance for full year 2004 as part of its
fourth quarter earnings report expected on or about January 15, 2004.

About Sandy Spring Bancorp

With $2.4 billion in assets, SASR is the third largest publicly traded banking
company headquartered in Maryland. Comprehensive information for investors is
available at www.sandyspringbank.com for more information.

For additional information or questions, please contact:
         Hunter R. Hollar, President & Chief Executive Officer or
         James H. Langmead, Executive V.P. & Chief Financial Officer
         Sandy Spring Bancorp
         17801 Georgia Avenue
         Olney, Maryland 20832
         E-mail:  HHollar@sandyspringbank.com
         Web site:  www.sandyspringbank.com

Forward-Looking Statements: Sandy Spring Bancorp makes forward-looking
statements in this News Release that are subject to risks and uncertainties.
These forward-looking statements include: statements of goals, intentions, and
earnings and performance expectations; estimates of risks and of future costs
and benefits; assessments of probable loan and lease losses and market risk; and
statements of the ability to achieve financial and other goals. These
forward-looking statements are subject to significant uncertainties because they
are based upon or are affected by: management's estimates and projections of
future interest rates and other economic conditions; future laws and
regulations; and a variety of other matters which, by their nature, are subject
to significant uncertainties. Because of these uncertainties, Sandy Spring
Bancorp's actual future results may differ materially from those indicated. In
addition, the Sandy Spring Bancorp's past results of operations do not
necessarily indicate its future results.