EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of
the 5th day of January, 2004 ("Commencement Date"), by and between EagleBank, a
Maryland corporation ("Eagle"), and Thomas D. Murphy ("Murphy").


     Eagle desires to retain Murphy as the Executive Vice President and Chief
Operating Officer of Eagle and Murphy desires to accept such employment, all
upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recital, the mutual covenants
and agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties to this
Agreement, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

         1. Certain Definitions. As used in this Agreement, the following terms
have the meanings set forth below:

                  1.1 "Commencement Date" means the date first written above.

                  1.2 "Bank Regulatory Agency" means any governmental authority,
                  regulatory agency, ministry, department, statutory
                  corporation, central bank or other body of the United States
                  or of any other country or of any state or other political
                  subdivision of any of them having jurisdiction over Eagle or
                  any transaction contemplated, undertaken or proposed to be
                  undertaken by Eagle, including, but not necessarily limited

                  (a) the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other
                  federal or state depository insurance organization or fund;

                  (b) the Federal Reserve System, the Comptroller of the
                  Currency, the Maryland Division of Financial Institutions, or
                  any other federal or state bank regulatory or commissioner's

                  (c) any Person established, organized, owned (in whole or in
                  part) or controlled by any of the foregoing; and

                  (d) any predecessor, successor or assignee of any of the

                  1.3 "Board" means the Board of Directors of Eagle.

                  1.4 "Bylaws" means the Bylaws of Eagle as in effect from time
                  to time.

                  1.5 "EBI" means Eagle Bancorp, Inc., a Maryland corporation

                  1.6 "Person" means any individual, firm, association,
                      partnership, corporation, limited liability company,
                      group, governmental agency or other authority, or other
                      organization or entity.

                  1.7 "President" means the President and Chief Executive
                  Officer of Eagle.

         2.       Employment; Term.

                  2.1 Position. Eagle hereby employs Murphy to serve as the
                  Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Eagle.
                  Murphy shall also be a member of the Board, subject to
                  election by EBI in accordance with the Bylaws of EBI and

                  2.2 Term. The term of this Agreement and Murphy's employment
                  hereunder shall commence with the Commencement Date and
                  continue until December 31, 2006 (the "Term"), unless sooner
                  terminated in accordance with the provisions of this


         3.       Duties of Murphy.

                  3.1 Nature and Substance. Murphy shall report directly to the
                  President and shall be under the direction of the President.
                  The specific powers and duties of Murphy shall be established,
                  determined and modified by and within the discretion of the
                  Board, including (but not necessarily be limited to):

                  (a) the opening, closing, oversight and administration of all
                  branch functions;

                  (b) the provision of such reports, updates and other data and
                  information as may be reasonably required by Eagle and Bank
                  Regulatory Agencies;

                  (c) subject to guidelines and/or criteria established by
                  Eagle, the hiring, promotion, supervision, retention and
                  discharge of all employees, except for executive officers of
                  Eagle at or above the level of Executive Vice President;

                  (d) the formulation and implementation of employee personnel
                  policies and benefits, subject to approval by the Board;

                  (e) the promotion of the reputation and business of Eagle
                  within the community;

                  (f) the advancement of the business purposes of Eagle,
                  including, but not limited to, business development and
                  customer, depositor and public relations;

                  (g) participation in and service upon such committees and
                  subcommittees as may be directed by the Board, without
                  additional compensation to that set forth herein below;

                  (h) such other duties of the Executive Vice President and
                  Chief Operating Officer as may be enumerated in the Bylaws;

                  (i) such other duties and responsibilities as are normally
                  incident to the position of Executive Vice President and Chief
                  Operating Officer, including assisting, directing and/or
                  supervising the operations and other employees of Eagle upon
                  such terms, conditions, rules, policies and regulations as may
                  be established by the Board from time to time.

                  3.2 Performance of Services. Murphy agrees to devote his full
                  business time and attention to the performance of his duties
                  and responsibilities under this Agreement, and shall use his
                  best efforts and discharge his duties to the best of his
                  ability for and on behalf of Eagle and toward its successful
                  operation. Murphy shall comply with all laws, statutes,
                  ordinances, rules and regulations relating to his employment
                  and duties. During the Term of this Agreement, Murphy shall
                  not at any time or place directly or indirectly engage or
                  agree to engage in any business or practice related to the
                  banking business with or for any other Person to any extent
                  whatsoever, other than to the extent required by the terms and
                  conditions of this Agreement. Murphy agrees that while
                  employed by Eagle he will not, without the prior written
                  consent of the Board, engage, or obtain a financial or
                  ownership interest, in any other business, employment,
                  consulting or similar arrangement, or other undertaking (an
                  "Outside Arrangement") if such Outside Arrangement would
                  interfere with the satisfactory performance of Murphy's duties
                  to Eagle, present a conflict of interest with Eagle and/or
                  EBI, breach Murphy's duty of loyalty or fiduciary duties to
                  Eagle and/or EBI, or otherwise conflict with the provisions of
                  this Agreement; provided, however, that Murphy shall not be
                  prevented from investing Murphy's assets in such form or
                  manner as would not require any services on the part of Murphy
                  in the operation or the affairs of the entities in which such
                  investments are made and provided such investments do not
                  present a conflict of interest with Eagle and/or EBI. Murphy
                  shall promptly notify the Board of any Outside Arrangement and
                  provide Eagle with any written agreement in connection

         4.       Compensation and Benefits. As full compensation for all
                  services rendered pursuant to this Agreement and the covenants
                  contained herein, Eagle shall pay to Murphy the following:

                  4.1 Salary. Beginning on the Commencement Date, Murphy shall
                  be paid a salary ("Salary") One Hundred Eighty Two Thousand
                  Five Hundred Dollars ($182,500.00) on an annualized basis.
                  Effective January 1,


                  2004, Murphy's Salary shall be One Hundred Ninety Six Thousand
                  Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($196,250.00) on an annualized
                  basis. Eagle shall pay Murphy's Salary in equal installments
                  in accordance with Eagle's regular payroll periods as may be
                  set by Eagle from time to time. Murphy's Salary shall be
                  further increased from time to time at the discretion of the

                  4.2 Bonus. During the Term, Murphy may be paid a bonus ("COO
                  Bonus") as approved by the Benefits Committee and the Board.

                  4.3 Withholding. Payments of Salary and COO Bonus shall be
                  subject to the customary withholding of income and other
                  employment taxes as is required with respect to compensation
                  paid by an employer to an employee.

                  4.4 Vacation and Leave. Murphy shall be entitled to such
                  vacation and leave as may be provided for under the current
                  and future leave and vacation policies of Eagle for executive

                  4.5 Office Space. Eagle will provide customary office space
                  and office support to Murphy beginning on the Commencement

                  4.6 Car Allowance. Eagle will pay Murphy a monthly car
                  allowance of Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00).

                  4.7 Non-Life Insurance. Eagle will provide Murphy with group
                  health, disability and other insurance as Eagle may determine
                  appropriate for all employees of Eagle.

                  4.8 Life Insurance.

                  4.8.1 Eagle will obtain, and maintain at all times while this
                  Agreement is in effect, a term life insurance policy (the
                  "Policy") on Murphy in the amount of Six Hundred Thousand
                  ($600,000.00), the particular product and carrier to be chosen
                  by Eagle in its discretion. Murphy shall have the right to
                  designate the beneficiary of the Policy. Eagle will pay the
                  premium for the Policy. In the event Murphy is rated and the
                  premium exceeds the standard rate, the Policy amount shall be
                  lowered to the maximum amount that can be purchased at the
                  standard rate for a Six Hundred Thousand ($600,000.00) policy.
                  For example, if Murphy is rated and the standard rate for a
                  Six Hundred Thousand ($600,000.00) policy would acquire a Five
                  Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) policy, Eagle would only be
                  required to purchase the Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00)

                  4.8.2 Eagle may, at its cost, obtain and maintain "key-man"
                  life insurance and/or Bank-owned life insurance on Murphy in
                  such amount as determined by the Board from time to time.
                  Murphy agrees to cooperate fully and to take all actions
                  reasonably required by Eagle in connection with such

                  4.9 Expenses. Eagle shall promptly upon presentation of proper
                  expense reports therefor reimburse Murphy, in accordance with
                  the policies and procedures established from time to time by
                  Eagle for its senior executive officers, for all reasonable
                  and customary travel (other than local use of an automobile
                  for which Murphy is being provided the car allowance) and
                  other out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Murphy in the
                  performance of his duties and responsibilities under this
                  Agreement and promoting the business of Eagle, including
                  appropriate membership fees, dues and the cost of attending
                  meetings and conventions.

                  4.10 Retirement Plans. Murphy shall be entitled to participate
                  in any and all qualified pension or other retirement plans of
                  Eagle which may be applicable to executive personnel of Eagle.

                  4.11 Warrants. Murphy shall be issued warrants or options to
                  acquire shares of EBI stock from time to time at the
                  discretion of the Board of Directors of EBI following a
                  recommendation by the Board. In that regard, it is
                  acknowledged that concurrent with the execution of this
                  Agreement Murphy will be granted stock options for five
                  thousand (5,000) shares in accordance with the EBI 1998 Stock
                  Option Plan under a vesting schedule as determined by EBI.
                  Additional options may be granted during the term of this


                  4.12 Other Benefits. While this Agreement is in effect, Murphy
                  shall be entitled to all other benefits that Eagle provides
                  from time to time to its senior executive officers, including,
                  but not limited to, any stock option plan and other incentive

                  4.13 Eligibility. Participation in any health, life, accident,
                  disability, medical expense or similar insurance plan or any
                  qualified pension or other retirement plan shall be subject to
                  the terms and conditions contained in such plan. All matters
                  of eligibility for benefits under any insurance plans shall be
                  determined in accordance with the provisions of the applicable
                  insurance policy issued by the applicable insurance company.

         5. Conditions Subsequent to Continued Operation and Effect of

                  5.1 Continued Approval by Bank Regulatory Agencies. This
                  Agreement and all of its terms and conditions, and the
                  continued operation and effect of this Agreement and Eagle's
                  continuing obligations hereunder, shall at all times be
                  subject to the continuing approval of any and all Bank
                  Regulatory Agencies whose approval is a necessary prerequisite
                  to the continued operation of Eagle. Should any term or
                  condition of this Agreement, upon review by any Bank
                  Regulatory Agency, be found to violate or not be in compliance
                  with any then-applicable statute or any rule, regulation,
                  order or understanding promulgated by any Bank Regulatory
                  Agency, or should any term or condition required to be
                  included herein by any such Bank Regulatory Agency be absent,
                  this Agreement may be rescinded and terminated by Eagle if the
                  parties hereto cannot in good faith agree upon such additions,
                  deletions, or modifications as may be deemed necessary or
                  appropriate to bring this Agreement into compliance.

         6.       Termination of Agreement. This Agreement may be terminated
                  prior to expiration of the Term as provided below.

                   6.1     Definition of Cause. For purposes of this Agreement,
                   "Cause" means:

                           (a) any act of theft, fraud, intentional
                           misrepresentation or similar conduct by Murphy in
                           connection with or associated with the services
                           rendered by Murphy to Eagle under this Agreement;

                           (b) any failure of this Agreement to comply with any
                           Bank Regulatory Agency requirement which is not cured
                           in accordance with Section 5.1 within a reasonable
                           period of time after written notice thereof;

                           (c) any Bank Regulatory Agency action or proceeding
                           against Murphy as a result of his negligence, fraud,
                           malfeasance or misconduct;

                           (d) material failure of Eagle to achieve budget
                           requirements, performance standards or targets
                           established annually by the Board, where such failure
                           is not the result of economic conditions or lack of
                           appropriate effort and/or due diligence by Murphy; or

                           (e) any of the following conduct on the part of
                           Murphy that Murphy has not been corrected or cured
                           within thirty (30) days after having received written
                           notice from Eagle detailing and describing such

                                     (i)  the use of drugs, alcohol or other
                                          substances by Murphy to an extent
                                          which materially interferes with or
                                          prevents Murphy from performing
                                          Murphy's duties under this Agreement;

                                     (ii) failure by or the inability of Murphy
                                          to devote full time, attention and
                                          energy to the performance of Murphy's
                                          duties pursuant to this Agreement
                                          (other than by reason of his death or

                                     (iii)intentional material failure by Murphy
                                          to carry out the explicit lawful and
                                          reasonable directions, instructions,
                                          policies, rules, regulations or
                                          decisions of the Board which are
                                          consistent with his position as
                                          Executive Vice President and Chief
                                          Operating Officer; or


                                     (iv) willful or intentional misconduct on
                                          the part of Murphy that results in
                                          substantial injury to Eagle or any of
                                          its parent, subsidiaries or

                  6.2 Termination by Eagle.

                           6.2.1 For Cause. Eagle shall have the right to cancel
                           and terminate this Agreement and Murphy's employment
                           for Cause immediately on written notice, with
                           Murphy's compensation and benefits ceasing as of
                           Murphy's last day of employment, provided, however,
                           that Murphy shall be entitled to benefits through the
                           last day of employment and accrued compensation to
                           that date.

                           6.2.2 Without Cause. Eagle shall have the right to
                           cancel and terminate this Agreement and Murphy's
                           employment at any time on written notice without
                           Cause for any or no reason, with Murphy's
                           compensation and benefits ceasing as of Murphy's last
                           day of employment, subject to the provisions of
                           Section 6.4. and Article 8.

                  6.3 Termination by Murphy. Murphy shall have the right to
                  cancel and terminate this Agreement and his employment at any
                  time on sixty (60) days prior written notice to the Board,
                  with Murphy's compensation and benefits ceasing as of Murphy's
                  last day of employment, provided, however, that Murphy shall
                  be entitled to benefits through the last day of employment and
                  accrued compensation to that date.

                  6.4 Severance. Except as set forth below, if Murphy's
                  employment with Eagle is terminated by Eagle or its successors
                  during the Term without Cause, Eagle shall, for the balance of
                  the Term, continue to pay Murphy, in the manner set forth
                  below, Murphy's Salary at the rate being paid as of the date
                  of termination plus the unpaid portion of any COO Bonus
                  previously approved as provided in Section 4.2; provided,
                  however, that Murphy not be entitled to any such payments of
                  Salary if (i) his employment is terminated due to his death or
                  long-term disability, or (ii) this Agreement is rendered null
                  and void pursuant to Section 5.1, or (iii) there is a Change
                  in Control Termination (as defined in Section 8.2). Any Salary
                  and COO Bonus due Murphy pursuant to this Section 6.4 shall be
                  paid to Murphy in installments on the same schedule as Murphy
                  was paid immediately prior to the date of termination, each
                  installment to be the same amount Murphy would have been paid
                  under this Agreement if he had not been terminated. In the
                  event Murphy breaches any provision of Article 7 of this
                  Agreement, Murphy's entitlement to any Salary or COO Bonus
                  payable pursuant to this Section 6.4, if and to the extent not
                  yet paid, shall thereupon immediately cease and terminate.

         7.       Confidentiality; Non-Competition; Non-Interference.

                  7.1 Confidential Information. Murphy, during employment by
                  Eagle, will have access to and become familiar with various
                  confidential and proprietary information of Eagle, its parent,
                  subsidiaries and/or affiliates and/or relating to the business
                  of Eagle, its parent, subsidiaries and/or affiliates
                  ("Confidential Information"), including, but not limited to:
                  business plans; operating results; financial statements and
                  financial information; contracts; mailing lists; purchasing
                  information; customer data (including lists, names and
                  requirements); feasibility studies; personnel related
                  information (including compensation, compensation plans, and
                  staffing plans); internal working documents and
                  communications; and other materials related to the businesses
                  or activities of Eagle, its parent, subsidiaries and/or
                  affiliates which is made available only to employees with a
                  need to know or which is not generally made available to the
                  public. Failure to mark any Confidential Information as
                  confidential, proprietary or protected information shall not
                  affect its status as part of the Confidential Information
                  subject to the terms of this Agreement.

                  7.2 Nondisclosure. Murphy hereby covenants and agrees that
                  Murphy shall not at any time, directly or indirectly,
                  disclose, divulge, reveal, report, publish, or transfer any
                  Confidential Information to any Person, or use Confidential
                  Information in any way or for any purpose, except as required
                  in the course of Murphy's employment by Eagle. The covenant
                  set forth in this Section 7.2 shall not apply to information
                  now known by the public or which becomes known generally to
                  the public (other than as a result of a breach of this Article
                  7 by Murphy) or information that is customarily shown or
                  disclosed. Murphy further covenants and agrees that Murphy
                  shall not at any time, directly or indirectly, disclose to any
                  Person, including but not limited to any other employee of EBI
                  or Eagle, any of the terms of this Agreement.


                  7.3 Documents. All files, papers, records, documents,
                  compilations, summaries, lists, reports, notes, databases,
                  tapes, sketches, drawings, memoranda, and similar items
                  (collectively, "Documents"), whether prepared by Murphy, or
                  otherwise provided to or coming into the possession of Murphy,
                  that contain any proprietary information about or pertaining
                  or relating to Eagle, its parent, subsidiaries and/or
                  affiliates and/or their businesses ("Eagle Information") shall
                  at all times remain their exclusive property. Promptly after a
                  request by Eagle or the termination of Murphy's employment,
                  Murphy shall take reasonable efforts to (i) return to Eagle
                  all Documents in any tangible form (whether originals, copies
                  or reproductions) and all computer disks containing or
                  embodying any Document or Eagle Information and (ii) purge and
                  destroy all Documents and Eagle Information in any intangible
                  form (including computerized, digital or other electronic
                  format) as may be requested in writing by the Chairman of the
                  Board of Eagle, and Murphy shall not retain in any tangible
                  form any such Document or any summary, compilation, synopsis
                  or abstract of any Document or Eagle Information.

                  7.4      Non-Competition.

                           7.4.1 Murphy hereby acknowledges and agrees that,
                           during the course of employment by Eagle, Murphy will
                           become familiar with and involved in all aspects of
                           the business and operations of Eagle. Murphy hereby
                           covenants and agrees that from the Commencement Date
                           until the earlier to occur of (a) the date one
                           hundred eighty (180) days after Murphy's last day of
                           employment with Eagle or (b) December 31, 2006,
                           Murphy will not at any time (except for Eagle),
                           directly or indirectly, in any capacity (whether as a
                           proprietor, owner, agent, officer, director,
                           shareholder, partner, principal, member, employee,
                           contractor, consultant or otherwise) render any
                           services to a bank or savings and loan or a holding
                           company of a bank or savings and loan (in any case, a
                           "Bank") with respect to any Bank office, branch or
                           other facility (in any case, a "Branch") that is
                           located within a thirty-five (35) mile radius of the
                           location of Eagle's headquarters on the date hereof
                           (including, without limitation, being involved in any
                           manner in the operations of or having any
                           responsibilities with respect to any Branch).

                           7.4.2 This Section 7.4 shall not apply if prior to
                           December 31, 2006, there is a (i) merger or
                           consolidation of Eagle with a third party in which
                           Eagle is not the survivor, (ii) sale of a controlling
                           interest in Eagle to a third party or (iii) a sale of
                           all or substantially all of the business or assets of
                           Eagle to a third party, and this Agreement is not
                           assigned to such third party or Murphy's employment
                           hereunder is otherwise terminated by such third party
                           in connection with such merger, consolidation or
                           sale. Further, mere ownership of less than two
                           percent (2%) of the securities of any publicly held
                           corporation shall not constitute a violation of this

                  7.5 Non-Interference. Murphy hereby covenants and agrees that
                  during his employment, and for a period of twelve (12) months
                  after Murphy's last date of employment with Eagle, Murphy will
                  not, directly or indirectly, for himself or any other Person
                  (whether as a proprietor, owner, agent, officer, director,
                  shareholder, partner, principal, member, employee, contractor,
                  consultant or any other capacity), induce or attempt to induce
                  any customers, suppliers, officers, employees, contractors,
                  consultants, agents or representatives of, or any other person
                  that has a business relationship with, Eagle or any of its
                  parent, subsidiaries and affiliates to discontinue, terminate
                  or reduce the extent of their relationship with Eagle and/or
                  any such parent, subsidiary or affiliate or to take any action
                  that would disrupt or otherwise be disadvantageous to any such
                  relationship, nor will Murphy otherwise solicit any customer
                  or employee of Eagle on behalf of himself or any other Person
                  or entity.

                  7.6 Injunction. In the event of any breach or threatened or
                  attempted breach of any such provision by Murphy, Eagle shall,
                  in addition to and not to the exclusion of any other rights
                  and remedies at law or in equity, be entitled to seek and
                  receive from any court of competent jurisdiction (i) full
                  temporary and permanent injunctive relief enjoining and
                  restraining Murphy and each and every other Person concerned
                  therein from the continuation of such volatile acts and (ii) a
                  decree for specific performance of the applicable provisions
                  of this Agreement, without being required to furnish any bond
                  or other security.

                  7.7 Reasonableness.

                           7.7.1 Murphy has carefully read and considered the
                           provisions of this Article 7 and, having done so,
                           agrees that the restrictions and agreements set forth
                           in this Article 7 are fair and reasonable and are
                           reasonably required for the protection of the
                           interests of Eagle and its business, shareholders,


                           directors, officers and employees. Murphy further
                           agrees that the restrictions set forth in this
                           Agreement will not impair or unreasonably restrain
                           Murphy's ability to earn a livelihood.

                           7.7.2 If any court of competent jurisdiction should
                           determine that the duration, geographical area or
                           scope of any provision or restriction' set forth in
                           this Article 7 exceeds the maximum duration,
                           geographic area or scope that is reasonable and
                           enforceable under applicable law, the parties agree
                           that said provision shall automatically be modified
                           and shall be deemed to extend only over the maximum
                           duration, geographical area and/or scope as to which
                           such provision or restriction said court determines
                           to be valid and enforceable under applicable law,
                           which determination the parties direct the court to
                           make, and the parties agree to be bound by such
                           modified provision or restriction.

         8.       Change in Control.

                  8.1      Definition.  "Change in Control" means and shall be
                  deemed to have occurred if:

                  (a) there shall be consummated any consolidation or merger of
                  EBI in which EBI is not the continuing or surviving
                  corporation or pursuant to which shares of EBI's capital stock
                  are converted into cash, securities or other property other
                  than a consolidation or merger of EBI in which the holders of
                  EBI's voting stock immediately before the consolidation or
                  merger shall, upon consummation of the consolidation or
                  merger, own at least 50% of the voting stock of the surviving
                  corporation, or any sale of all or substantially all of the
                  assets of EBI;

                  (b) any person (within the meaning of Sections 13(d) and
                  14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended
                  (the "Exchange Act")) shall after the Commencement Date become
                  the beneficial owner (within the meaning of Rules 13d-3 and
                  13d-5 under the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly, of
                  securities of EBI representing fifty-one percent (51%) or more
                  of the voting power of then all outstanding securities of EBI
                  entitled to vote generally in the election of directors of EBI
                  (including, without limitation, any securities of EBI that any
                  such person has the right to acquire pursuant to any
                  agreement, or upon exercise of conversion rights, warrants or
                  options, or otherwise, which shall be deemed beneficially
                  owned by such person); or

                  (c) individuals who at the Commencement Date constitute the
                  entire Board of Directors of EBI and any new directors whose
                  election by the Board of Directors of EBI, or whose nomination
                  for election by EBI's stockholders, shall have been approved
                  by a vote of at least a majority of the directors then in
                  office who either were directors at the Commencement Date or
                  whose election or nomination for election shall have been so
                  approved, shall cease for any reason to constitute at least a
                  majority of the Board of Directors of EBI.

                  8.2 Change in Control Termination. For purposes of this
                  Agreement, a "Change in Control Termination" means that while
                  this Agreement is in effect:

                  (a) Murphy's employment with Eagle is terminated without Cause
                  within one hundred twenty (120) days immediately (i) prior to
                  and in conjunction with a Change in Control or (ii) following
                  consummation of a Change in Control; or

                  (b) Murphy is notified within one hundred twenty (120) days
                  immediately prior to or immediately following consummation of
                  a Change in Control that, as a result of the Change in
                  Control, he will not be continued in a comparable position
                  (with comparable compensation and benefits) with Eagle to the
                  position Murphy holds at the time such notice is given if the
                  notice is given prior to the Change in Control or, if the
                  notice is given after a Change in Control, to the position
                  Murphy held immediately prior to the Change in Control, and
                  within fifteen (15) days after receiving such notification
                  Murphy notifies Eagle that he is terminating his employment
                  due to such change in his employment, with his last day of
                  employment to be mutually agreed to by Eagle and Murphy but
                  which shall be not more than sixty (60) days after such notice
                  is given by Murphy; or

                  (c) If at the expiration of the one hundred twenty (120) day
                  period immediately following consummation of a Change in
                  Control (the "Action Period") none of the events described in
                  Sections 8.2(a) and 8.2(b) above have occurred, Murphy, within
                  the thirty (30) day period immediately following the last day
                  of the


                  Action Period, notifies Eagle that he is terminating his
                  employment due to the Change in Control, with his last day of
                  employment to be mutually agreed to by Eagle and Murphy but
                  which shall be not more than sixty (60) days after such notice
                  is given by Murphy.

                  8.3 Change in Control Payment. If there is a Change in Control
                  Termination, Murphy shall be paid a lump-sum cash payment (the
                  "Change Payment") equal to 2.99 times Murphy's Salary at the
                  highest rate in effect during the twelve (12) month period
                  immediately preceding his last day of employment, such Change
                  Payment to be made to Murphy within forty-five (45) days after
                  his last day of employment.

                  8.4      Adjustment.

                  (a) Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the
                  contrary, if the Determining Firm (as defined in Section
                  8.4(b)) determines that any portion of the Change Payment
                  and/or the portions, if any, of other payments or
                  distributions in the nature of compensation by Eagle to or for
                  the benefit of Murphy (including, but not limited to, the
                  value of the acceleration in vesting of restricted stock,
                  options or any other stock-based compensation) whether or not
                  paid or payable or distributed or distributable pursuant to
                  the terms of this Agreement (collectively with the Change
                  Payment, the "Aggregate Payment"), would cause any portion of
                  the Aggregate Payment to be subject to the excise tax imposed
                  by Code Section 4999 or would be nondeductible by Eagle
                  pursuant to Code Section 280G (such portion subject to the
                  excise tax or being nondeductible, the "Parachute Payment"),
                  the Aggregate Payment will be reduced, beginning with the
                  Change Payment, to an amount which will not cause any portion
                  of the Aggregate Payment to constitute a Parachute Payment.

                  (b) All determinations required to be made under this Section
                  8.4, will be made by a reputable law or accounting firm (the
                  "Determining Firm") selected by Eagle. All fees and expenses
                  of the Determining Firm will be obligations solely of Eagle.
                  The determination of the Determining Firm will be binding upon
                  Eagle and Murphy.

         9. Assignability. Murphy shall have no right to assign this Agreement
         or any of Murphy's rights or obligations hereunder to another party or

         10. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
         accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland applicable to
         contracts executed and to be performed therein, without giving to the
         choice of law rules thereof.

         11. Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications
         required to be given or permitted to be given under this Agreement
         shall be in writing and shall be conclusively deemed to have been given
         (1) when hand delivered to the other party, or (2) when received when
         by facsimile at the address a number set forth below provided however,
         that notices given by facsimile shall no be effective unless either a
         duplicate copy of such facsimile notice is promptly given by depositing
         same in a States post office first-class postage prepaid and addressed
         to the parties as set forth below, or the receiving party delivers a
         written confirmation of receipt for such notice either by facsimile or
         any other method permitted under this sub additionally, any notice
         given by facsimile shall be deemed received on the next business day if
         such notice is received after 5:00 p.m. (recipient's time) or on a
         non-business day); or (3) three (3) business days after the same have
         been deposited in a United States post office with first-class
         certified mail, return receipt, postage prepaid and addressed to the
         parties as set forth below; or (4) the next business day after same
         have been deposited with a national overnight delivery service
         reasonably approved by the parties (Federal Express and DHL WorldWide
         Express being deemed approved by the parties), postage prepaid,
         addressed to the parties as set forth below with next-business-day
         delivery guaranteed, provided that the sending party received a
         confirmation of delivery from the delivery service provider. The
         address of a party set forth below may be changed by that party by
         written notice to the other from time to time pursuant to this Article.

                  To:      Thomas D. Murphy
                           13205 Betty Lane
                           Silver Spring, MD 20904

                  To:      EagleBank
                           C/O Ronald D. Paul
                           7815 Woodmont Ave.
                           Bethesda, MD 20814


                  cc:      Fred S. Sommer, Esquire
                           Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A.
                           11921 Rockville Pike, Third Floor
                           Rockville, MD  20852

         12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements and
         understandings between the parties hereto with respect to the
         employment of Murphy by Eagle, and supersedes all prior agreements,
         arrangements and understandings related to the subject matter hereof.
         No oral agreements or written correspondence shall be held to affect
         the provisions hereof. No representation, promise, inducement or
         statement of intention has been made by either party that is not set
         forth in this Agreement, and neither party shall be bound by or liable
         for any alleged representation, promise, inducement or statement of
         intention not so set forth.

         13. Headings. The Article and Section headings contained in this
         Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way
         affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

         14. Severability. Should any part of this Agreement for any reason be
         declared or held illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such determination
         shall not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of any
         remaining portion or provision of this Agreement, which remaining
         portions and provisions shall remain in force and effect as if this
         Agreement has been executed with the illegal, invalid or unenforceable
         portion thereof eliminated.

         15. Amendment: Waiver. Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof
         may be amended, modified, changed, waived, discharged or terminated
         except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against which
         enforcement of the amendment, modification, change, waiver, discharge
         or termination is sought. The failure of either party at any time or
         times to require performance of any provision hereof shall not in any
         manner affect the right at a later time to enforce the same. No waiver
         by either party of the breach of any term, provision or covenant
         contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in any
         one or more instances, shall be deemed to be, or construed as, a
         further or continuing waiver of any such breach, or a waiver of the
         breach of any other term, provision or covenant contained in this

         16. Gender and Tense. As used in this Agreement, the masculine,
         feminine and neuter gender, and the singular or plural number, shall
         each be deemed to include the other or others whenever the context so

         17. Binding Effect. This Agreement is and shall be binding upon, and
         inures to the benefit of, Eagle, its successors and assigns, and Murphy
         and his heirs, executors, administrators, and personal and legal

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
         date first written above.


         By:   ______________________

              Title: ______________________


         Thomas D. Murphy

