
                  THIS OPTION AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 7th
day of July, 1995, by and among Keymarket of South Carolina, Inc,
("South Carolina"), Kerby E, Confer ("Confer") and River City
Broadcasting, L.P. ("River City"),

                                R E C I T A L S:

                  1. South  Carolina is the  licensee  of, and owns and operates
radio  stations  WFBC-AM and WFBC-FM,  Greenville,  South  Carolina and WORD-AM,
Spartanburg,  South  Carolina  (the  "Owned  Stations")  and is a party  to that
certain  Time  Brokerage  Agreement  dated as of August 30,  1994 by and between
South Carolina and Spartan  Radiocasting  Company (the "LMA  Agreement")  and an
option  Agreement  dated as of August 30, 1994 by and between South Carolina and
Spartanburg  Radiocasting  Company (the "LMA Option Agreement") each relating to
Radio  Stations  WSPA-AM  and  WSPA-FM  Spartanburg,  South  Carolina  (the "LMA

                  2.       Concurrent with the execution hereof, River City
is making a loan to South Carolina pursuant to the terms of that
certain Loan Agreement between River City and South Carolina
dated of even date herewith,

                  3. South Carolina  desires to grant to River City an option to
purchase  the assets of South  Carolina  on the terms and  conditions  set forth
herein and Confer  desires to grant to River City an option to  purchase  all of
the issued and  outstanding  stock of South Carolina on the terms and conditions
set forth herein.

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the loan to
be made by River City pursuant to the Loan  Agreement and the mutual  covenants,
warranties,  and  agreements  contained  herein,  and  other  good and  valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the
parties hereby agree that:

                  1. Option. (a) South Carolina hereby gives, grants,  transfers
and conveys  unto River  City,  and its  successors  and  assigns,  the sole and
exclusive right,  privilege and option to purchase (the "Asset Option"),  on the
terms and conditions  hereinafter set forth,  all of the tangible and intangible
personal property,  licenses,  authorizations and certain leases,  contracts and
agreements  relating to the operation of the Owned Stations  including,  without
limitation, all rights under the LMA Agreement and the LMA Option Agreement (the
"Asset  Option  Property"),  and  including  without  limitation,  that property
described below:

                                      - 2 -

                  (i) All of the licenses and other authorizations issued by the
                  Federal   communications   Commission   (the  "FCC")  for  the
                  operation of the Owned Stations;

                  (ii) All of the  tangible  personal  property  now existing or
                  hereafter  acquired and used or useful in the operation of the
                  Owned Stations;

                  (iii) All of the intangible  personal property now existing or
                  hereafter acquired,  including cash and accounts receivable of
                  South Carolina;

                  (iv) The fee simple and  leasehold  interests in real property
                  of South Carolina used or useful in the operation of the Owned
                  Stations as specified in the Asset  Purchase  Agreement or the
                  Stock Purchase Agreement;

                  (v) The  contracts,  agreements  and  other  leases  of  South
                  Carolina  specified in the Asset  Purchase  Agreement or Stock
                  Purchase  Agreement  (as  defined  below) or which  River City
                  elects  to  assume,  including  without  limitation,  the  LMA
                  Agreement and the Option Agreement; and

                  (vi) Any assets of any nature owned by South Carolina and used
                  or useful in connection with the LMA Stations.

                  Should River City exercise the Asset Option,  the Asset option
Property shall be assigned,  transferred and conveyed by South Carolina to River
City (or its successors or assigns),  by good and sufficient bill of sale and/or
other  documents of transfer,  all in form and substance  satisfactory  to River
City, free and clear of all liens, charges, encumbrances, debts, liabilities and
obligations whatsoever, other than those solely in favor of River City.

                           (b)      Confer hereby gives, grants, transfers and
conveys unto River City, and its successors and assigns,  the sole and exclusive
right,  privilege and option to purchase (the "Stock option"), all of the issued
and  outstanding  capital  stock of South  Carolina all of which is described on
Exhibit A hereto (the "Stock option  Property").  Should River City exercise the
Stock  Option,  the Stock Option  Property  shall be assigned,  transferred  and
conveyed by Confer to River City (or its  successors  or  assigns),  by good and
sufficient instruments of transfer, including stock powers executed in blank, in
form and  substance  satisfactory  to River  City,  free and clear of all liens,
charges, encumbrances, debts, liabilities and obligations whatsoever, other than
those solely in favor of River City.

                                      - 3 -

                           (c) The  consideration  payable for the Asset  Option
Property shall be equal to the sum of One Million Dollars  ($1,000,000) plus the
cancellation  of the  outstanding  principal  amount of the loans  made to South
Carolina  pursuant to the loan  Agreement  and any  accrued and unpaid  interest
thereon. The consideration  payable for the Stock Option property shall be equal
to the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).

                  2.  Period of Option.  The Asset  Option and the Stock  Option
shall be  exercisable  at any time  during  the  period  from and after the date
hereof, but on or prior to the date thirty (30) days after the date on which the
Federal  Communications  Commission  ("FCC")  grant of the 1995 license  renewal
application  for each of the Owned  Stations  for the full license term and such
grant has become a Final Order (as  hereinafter  defined);  provided  that in no
event may the Asset  Option or Stock  Option be  exercised  more than five years
after the date hereof.  Final order means an action or order by the FCC (a) that
has not been reversed,  stayed,  enjoined, set aside, annulled or suspended, and
(b) with respect to which (i) no requests have been filed for  administrative or
judicial review, reconsideration, appeal or stay and the FCC has not initiated a
review of such  action or order on its own motion and the  periods  provided  by
statute or FCC  regulations  for filing any such requests and for the FCC to set
aside the action on its own motion have expired, or (ii) in the event of review,
reconsideration or appeal, the period provided by statute or FCC regulations for
further review,  reconsideration or appeal has expired. The parties hereto agree
that Buyer shall have no obligation  to exercise  either the Asset option or the
Stock Option,  or any liability for failing to exercise  either the Asset Option
or the Stock Option.

                  3.  Exercise of Option.  The parties  hereto agree that within
three (3) business days after the exercise of the Asset Option,  South  Carolina
and River City (or its successor or assigns)  shall enter into an Asset Purchase
Agreement,  such  document to be  substantially  in the form  annexed  hereto as
Exhibit B (the "Asset Purchase  Agreement")  (subject to (i) changes relating to
the name,  organization  and other similar matters  relating to the buyer in the
event of  assignment  by River City;  (ii),  updates to the exhibits  reflecting
changes since the date hereof;  (iii) changes  necessary to reflect inclusion of
any  assets  acquired  as a result of the  exercise,  if any,  of the LMA Option
Agreement;  and (iv) such other changes as may be reasonably  requested by River
City. In the event that River City  exercises  the Stock Option,  River City and
Confer  agree that they (or River  City's  successors  or assigns)  shall within
three (3)  business  days after the exercise of the Stock  Option,  enter into a
Stock Purchase Agreement,  such document to be substantially in the form annexed
hereto as Exhibit C (the "Stock Purchase Agreement"),  and subject to additional
changes of the type

                                      - 4 -

referred to in clauses (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of the preceding sentence,

                   4.   Representations,   Covenants  and  Warranties  of  South
Carolina.  South Carolina represents,  warrants,  and covenants to River City as

                  (a)  That  South  Carolina  is  now,  and  for so long as this
Agreement  shall be in effect,  will be a corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing, and in good standing under the laws of South Carolina.

                  (b)  That  South  Carolina  is  now,  and  for so long as this
Agreement shall be in effect,  will be the holder of the broadcast  licenses and
other  authorizations  issued by the FCC and  necessary for the operation of the
Owned Stations;

                  (c)  That  South  Carolina  does  not  know  of,  or have  any
reasonable grounds to know of any:

                           (i)  Litigation or  proceeding  pending or threatened
                  against or relating to the Owned Stations, the LMA Stations or
                  their respective properties or business;

                           (ii)   Basis   for   any   current   or   prospective
                  governmental  investigation  or action  relative  to the Owned
                  Stations,  the LMA Stations or their respective  properties or

                  (d) That should  River City  exercise  the Asset Option or the
Stock  Option,  South  Carolina does not know of any facts which would cause the
Commission to deny its consent to the  assignment  of the Station's  licenses to
River city (subject to receipt of the waiver described in Section 5 of the Asset
Purchase  Agreement  and  Section  5  of  the  Stock  Purchase   Agreement,   as
applicable); and

                  (e) That execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
has been  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  on the part of South
Carolina and does not violate, conflict with or cause a breach or default under,
any law,  rule,  regulation,  license,  agreement  or  contract  to which  South
Carolina is subject,  bound or a party and this Agreement constitutes the legal,
valid and binding  obligation of South Carolina,  enforceable in accordance with
its terms; and

                  (f) That South Carolina shall not issue any additional capital
stock to any person or entity or grant any options, warrants, or other rights of
any nature to acquire capital stock.

                                      - 5 -

                  5.  Representations,  Warranties  and Covenants of River City.
River City represents, warrants, and covenants to South Carolina and Confer:

                      That execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
has been  authorized  by all necessary  partnership  action on the part of River
City and this Agreement and constitutes the legal,  valid and binding obligation
of River City, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  6. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Confer. Confer
represents, warrants and covenants to River City:

                  (a) That to his knowledge,  the representations and warranties
of South Carolina made herein are true and correct;

                  (b) The authorized,  issued and  outstanding  capital stock of
South Carolina is as set forth on Exhibit A hereto. Confer is the beneficial and
record  owner  of all of the  issued  and  outstanding  capital  stock  of South
Carolina.  There are no outstanding  options,  warrants,  or other rights of any
nature to relate in any  manner  to the  right to  acquire,  purchase  or redeem
capital stock of South Carolina; and

                  (c)  That  Confer  has  all  necessary  power,  authority  and
capacity to execute,  deliver and perform this  Agreement,  that such execution,
delivery and  performance  does not violate,  conflict with or cause a breach or
default under any law, rule, regulation, license, agreement or contract to which
Confer is subject,  bound or a party and this Agreement  constitutes  the legal,
valid and binding  obligation  of Confer,  enforceable  in  accordance  with its

                  7. Consummation of Agreement. Subject to the express terms and
conditions of this Agreement,  and without  expanding such terms and conditions,
South Carolina, Confer and Buyer shall cooperate fully with each other and their
respective  counsel and  accountants in connection with any steps required to be
taken as part of their respective obligations under this Agreement and will each
use their respective  commercially  reasonable efforts to perform or fulfill all
conditions  and  obligations  to be  performed  or  fulfilled by them under this
Agreement so that the transactions contemplated hereby shall be consummated.

                  8.  Memorandum.  South  Carolina and River City shall  execute
contemporaneously  herewith a memorandum briefly outlining the existence of this
Agreement, an original copy of which shall be delivered to River City for filing
in such place of records as River City shall determine.

                  9. Specific Performance. South Carolina and Confer acknowledge
and agree that, due to the unique nature of the

                                      - 6 -

subject  matter or this  Agreement,  River City (and its  assigns)  would suffer
irreparable  damages in the event of a breach of this  Agreement,  which damages
could not  adequately  be  compensated  except by specific  performance  of this
Agreement.  Accordingly, without limiting any other remedy that may be available
to River city (or its successor and assigns) at law or equity, in the event of a
breach by South  Carolina or Confer of this  Agreement,  it is agreed that River
City (or its successor and assigns) shall be entitled to temporary and permanent
injunctive relief,  including,  but not limited to, specific performance hereof,
without any  showing of actual  damage or  inadequacy  of legal  remedy,  in any
proceeding  before a court of law with proper  jurisdiction  to hear the matter,
which may be brought to enforce this Agreement. South Carolina and Confer hereby
waive any  defense  that there is an  adequate  remedy at law for such breach of
this Agreement.

                  10.  Confidentiality.  South  Carolina,  Confer and River City
agree to keep  confidential  and to cause their respective  employees,  counsel,
accountants  and  other  representatives  to keep  confidential,  the  term  and
provisions of this Agreement as well as all documents and other  information and
data,  whether  written or oral,  relating to any of the other  parties  hereto,
furnished  by any other party hereto or such  party's  representatives.  Nothing
contained  herein  shall  prevent  any  party  from  disclosing  the  terms  and
provisions of this Agreement or delivering any  documents,  or disclosing  other
information or data relating to any other party (a) in connection with any legal
proceedings  to which it is a party (or  otherwise  pursuant to a  subpoena)  or
pursuant to the request of a court or governmental authority or otherwise to the
extent  required by law, (b) to such  party's  consultants,  advisors,  counsel,
accountants,  lenders  and  potential  lenders,  and  investors  or  partners or
potential investors or partners,  (c) by River City to any assignee or potential
assignee  and such  assignee  or  potential  assignee's  consultants,  advisors,
counsel, accountants,  lenders and Potential lenders and investors and potential
investors or partners;  and (d) in  connection  with any filings with the FCC or
pursuant to Section 8 hereof.

                  11. Other Agreements, (a) So long as the Asset Option or Stock
Option may be  exercised  hereunder,  South  Carolina  and Confer shall not, and
shall not permit any of their  respective  affiliates to, directly or indirectly
(i) solicit or  encourage  inquiries  or offers  from,  or initiate or engage in
negotiations  or substantive  discussions  with, any person or entity other than
River City (or its  successor or assigns)  with  respect to the sale,  exchange,
transfer or  dispositions of the respective  assets (or any portion  thereof) of
South  Carolina or the stock (or any portion  thereof) of South  Carolina;  (ii)
enter into any agreement with any person or entity other than River City (or its
successor or assigns) with respect to the sale, exchange, transfer or other

                                      - 7 -

disposition of the respective  assets (or any portion thereof) of South Carolina
or the stock (or any portion thereof) of South Carolina;  or (iii) afford access
to the books,  records or properties of South Carolina or Confer relating to the
respective  assets (or any portion  thereof) of South  Carolina or the stock (or
any portion  thereof) of South Carolina to any person or entity other than River
City (or its  successor  or  assigns)  that may be  considering  any  commercial
arrangement  involving the sale, exchange,  transfer or other disposition of the
assets (or any portion  thereof) of South  Carolina or the stock (or any portion
thereof) of South Carolina.

                  (b) South Carolina and Confer shall from and after the date of
this  Agreement  until the earlier of the  expiration of the Asset Option or the
Stock  Option,  as the case may be, or the  consummation  of the Asset  Purchase
Agreement  or the  Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  as the  case may be,  cause  the
business of South  Carolina to be conducted  in the  ordinary and usual  course,
consistent  with  past  practice  and  in  accordance  with  the  covenants  and
agreements  set forth in Articles V and VI of the Loan  Agreement  and shall not
take any other  action  that would  hinder or impair the  exercise  of the Asset
Option or Stock  Option or the  purchase of the assets of South  Carolina or the
purchase of the stock of South Carolina.

                  (c) If requested by River City,  subject to and in  accordance
with the terms of the LMA Option  Agreement,  South  Carolina shall exercise its
rights under the LMA Option Agreement.

                  12.  Expenses.  Whether or not the  transactions  contemplated
hereby are consummated, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all costs
and expenses  incurred in connection  with this  Agreement and the  transactions
contemplated hereby will be paid by the party incurring such costs and expenses,

                  13. Further Assurances. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement,  each of the parties hereto will use all commercially reasonable
efforts to take,  or cause to be taken,  all actions,  and to do, or cause to be
done,  all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  under  applicable  laws and
regulations to consummate and make effective the  transactions  contemplated  by
this Agreement,

                  14. Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended,
modified or supplemented only by written agreement of South Carolina, Confer and

                                      - 8 -

                  15.  Waiver  of  Compliance:  Consents.  Except  as  otherwise
provided in this Agreement, any failure of any of the parties to comply with any
obligation,  representation,  warranty,  covenant, agreement or condition herein
may be waived by the party  entitled to the  benefits  thereof only by a written
instrument signed by the party granting such waiver,  but such waiver or failure
to insist upon strict compliance with such obligation, representation, warranty,
covenant,  agreement or condition  shall not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel
with  respect to, any  subsequent  or other  failure.  Whenever  this  Agreement
requires or permits  consent by or on behalf of any party  hereto,  such consent
shall be given in writing in a manner  consistent  with the  requirements  for a
waiver of compliance as set forth in this Section 15.

                  16. Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when  delivered  personally  or by
Federal  Express  or other  comparable  nationally  recognized  courier  service
(receipt  requested)  or  by  facsimile  transmission,   telexed  or  mailed  by
registered or certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid, to the
parties at the  following  addresses  (or at such other  address  for a party as
shall be specified by like notice;  provided that notices of a change of address
shall be effective only upon receipt thereof):

                  To South Carolina and Confer:

                  Keymarket Communications, Inc,
                  2743 Perimeter Parkway
                  Building 100, Suite 250
                  Augusta, Georgia 30909
                  Attention:  Mr, Donald J, Alt
                  Telephone:  (706) 855-0555
                  Telecopy:  (706) 855-1955

                  Copies to:

                  Joel B. Piassick, Esq,
                  Kilpatrick & Cody
                  1100 Peachtree Street
                  Suite 2800
                  Atlanta, Georgia 30309
                  Telephone:  (404) 815-6527
                  Telecopy:  (404) 815 6555

                  Robert F, Wright, Jr,, Esq.
                  2743 Perimeter Parkway
                  Building 100, Suite 250
                  Augusta, Georgia 30909
                  Telephone: (706) 860-1095
                  Telecopy:  (706) 855-1955

                                      - 9 -

                  Mr. Richard A. Churchill
                  MC Partners
                  75 State Street
                  Suite 2500
                  Boston, Massachusetts 02109
                  Telephone: (617) 345-7200
                  Telecopy:  (617) 345-7201

                  Bruce E. Rogoff, Esq.
                  Mintz, Levint, Cohn, Ferris,
                  Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                  One Financial Center
                  Boston, Massachusetts 02111
                  Telephone:  (617) 542-6000
                  Telecopy:   (617) 542-2241

                  To Buyer:

                  c/o River City Broadcasting, L.P.,
                  1215 Cole Street
                  St. Louis, Missouri 63106
                  Attention:  Mr. Larry D. Marcus
                  Telephone:  (314) 259-5700
                  Telecopy:   (314) 259-5709

                  Copies to:

                  John T. Byrnes, Esq.
                  Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
                  1255 23rd Street, N.W.
                  Suite 500
                  Washington, D.C. 20037
                  Telephone:  (202) 857-2518
                  Telecopy:   (202) 857-2900

                  17.  Assignment.  This  Agreement  and  all of the  provisions
hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and
their respective  successors and permitted assigns,  but, except as provided for
herein,  neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,  interests or obligations
hereunder  shall be  assigned  by South  Carolina  or Confer  without  the prior
written consent of Buyer.

                  The parties agree as follows:

                           (a) Without the consent of South  Carolina or Confer,
Buyer may assign its rights and  obligations  under this  Agreement to any other
party  or  parties.  To the  extent  this  Agreement  is  assigned  by  Buyer in
accordance with the terms of this Section 17 to a party that is not an Affiliate
of Buyer,  upon such assignment  Buyer shall have no further  obligations  under
this Agreement and South Carolina's and Confer's only

                                     - 10 -

recourse under this Agreement shall be against such assignee of Buyer.

                           (b)  Except  as  expressly   provided  herein,   this
Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other person except
the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

                  18.  Governing  Law. THIS  AGREEMENT  SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE

                  19.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in one or
more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  20. Headings.  The article and section  headings  contained in
this  Agreement  are solely for the  purpose of  reference,  are not part of the
agreement  of the  parties  and  shall  not in any way  affect  the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

                  21. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement,  including the Exhibits
hereto and the documents,  delivered  pursuant to the Agreement or other written
agreements referring specifically to this Agreement, embody the entire agreement
and  understanding  of  the  parties  hereto  in  respect  of  the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement. The Exhibits hereto are an integral part of this
Agreement and are incorporated by reference  herein.  This Agreement  supersedes
all prior negotiations,  agreements and understandings  between the parties with
respect to the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement and all letters of
intent and other  writings  executed  prior to the date hereof  relating to such
negotiations, agreements and understandings.

                  22.  Severability,  If any provision of this  Agreement or the
application   thereof  to  any  person  or  circumstance  shall  be  invalid  or
unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application
of such  provision  to other  persons  or  circumstances  shall not be  affected
thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law so long as
the economic or legal substance of the transactions  contemplated  hereby is not
affected in any manner materially  adverse to any party. Upon such determination
that any term or other provision is invalid or unenforceable, the parties hereto
shall  negotiate  in good  faith to modify  this  Agreement  so as to effect the
original intent of the parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to
the end that the transactions  contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the greatest
extent possible.

                                     - 11 -

                  23.  Press  Releases.   No  press  releases  or  other  public
announcements concerning this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby
shall be made by any party hereto without the prior written consent of the other
party unless the first such party is legally compelled to do so.

                  24. Publicity.  Neither South Carolina, Confer nor Buyer shall
make or issue or cause to be made or issued, any announcement  (written or oral)
concerning  this  Agreement  or  the   transactions   contemplated   hereby  for
dissemination  to the  general  public  without  the prior  consent of the other
party, This provision shall not apply,  however,  to any announcement or written
statement  required to be made by law or the regulations of any federal or state
governmental  agency or any stock  exchange,  except that the party  required to
make such  announcement  shall  provide a draft copy  thereof to the other party
hereto,  and consult with such other party  concerning the timing and content of
such announcement, before such announcement is made.

                  IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,   the  undersigned  have  executed  this
Agreement as of the day and year first written above.

                                            RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.

                                            By: BETTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,
                                                General Partner

                                            By: /s/ LarryD. Marcus
                                                Name:   LARRY D. MARCUS
                                                Title:  VICE PRESIDENT

                                            KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.

                                            By: /s/Kerby E. Confer

                                            /s/ Kerby E. Confer
                                                     Kerby E. Confer

                                     - 12 -

                                    EXHIBIT A

                         CAPITAL STOCK OF SOUTH CAROLINA

                  The authorized  capital stock of Keymarket of South  Carolina,
Inc,  consists  of 100,000  shares of Common  Stock,  par value $1,00 per share,
1,000 shares of which are issued and  outstanding  and none of which are held as
treasury stock.

                                     - 13 -

                          EXHIBIT B TO OPTION AGREEMENT

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                  BY AND AMONG

                          RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.
                        KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.

                          ---------------------, ------


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 1.     Assets to Be Conveyed...........................................1
Section 2.     Purchase Price..................................................3
Section 3.     Assumption of Liabilities.......................................3
Section 4.     Representations, Covenants and Warranties
               of Seller.......................................................3
Section 5.     Representations, Warranties and Covenants
               of Buyer........................................................5
Section 6.     Adjustments.....................................................5
Section 7.     Expenses........................................................5
Section 8.     Obligations of the Parties Before Closing.......................6
Section 9.     Contingency of Obligations of Buyer.............................6
Section 10.    Contingency of Obligations of Seller............................7
Section 11.    Further Closing Documents.......................................8
Section 12.    Application to Commission.......................................9
Section 13.    Commission Approval............................................10
Section 14.    Remedies of Parties Upon Default...............................10
Section 15.    Damage to Seller's Properties..................................10
Section 16.    Closing........................................................11
Section 17.    Notices........................................................11
Section 18.    Survival.......................................................12
Section 19.    Commissions....................................................13
Section 20.    Further Assurances.............................................13
Section 21.    Amendment and Modification.....................................13
Section 22.    Waiver Of Compliance; Consents.................................13
Section 23.    Assignment.....................................................14


Section 24.    Governing Law..................................................14
Section 25.    Counterparts...................................................14
Section 26.    Headings.......................................................14
Section 27.    Entire Agreement...............................................14
Section 28.    Severability...................................................15
Section 29.    Press Releases.................................................15
Section 30.    Publicity......................................................15
Section 31.    Employee Matters...............................................15
Section 32.    Control of the Stations........................................17


                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                  THIS  AGREEMENT,  made  and  entered  into  this  ____  day of
___________________,  _______, by and between KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.,
a South Carolina corporation  ("Seller"),  and RIVER CITY BROADCASTING,  L.P., a
Delaware limited partnership ("Buyer").


                  WHEREAS,  Seller is the  licensee  of,  and owns and  operates
radio  stations  WFBC-AM and WFBC-FM,  Greenville,  South  Carolina and WORD-AM,
Spartanburg,,  South  Carolina  (the  "Owned  Stations")  and is a party to that
certain  Time  Brokerage  Agreement  dated as of August 30,  1994 by and between
South Carolina and Spartanburg Radiocasting Company (the "LMA Agreement") and an
Option  Agreement  dated as of August 30, 1994 by and between South Carolina and
Spartanburg  Radiocasting  Company (the "LMA Option Agreement") each relating to
Radio  Stations  WSPA-AM  and  WSPA-FM  Spartanburg,  South  Carolina  (the "LMA
Stations"). The Owned Stations and the LMA Stations are individually referred to
herein as a "Station" and collectively as the "Stations."

                  WHEREAS,   Seller  desires  to  sell,  and  Buyer  desires  to
purchase,  all of the  tangible  and  intangible  personal  property  of Seller,
subject only to certain specified exceptions; and

                  WHEREAS,  Buyer  desires to  obtain,  and Seller is willing to
allow  Buyer to  obtain,  the  assignment  of the  authorizations  issued by the
Federal Communications  Commission ("Commission") for the operation of the Owned
Stations  and any  other  licenses,  permits  or  authorizations  issued  by any
governmental or regulatory  agency in connection with the operation of the owned
Stations; and

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing and the
mutual  covenants,  warranties  and  agreements  between the  parties  contained
herein, the parties hereby agree that:

                  Section 1. Assets to Be Conveyed.  On the "Closing  Date",  as
defined in Section 16 hereof,  Seller will assign,  transfer,  sell,  convey and
deliver to Buyer the licenses and authorizations relating to the Owned Stations,
and all of the tangible and intangible personal property, leasehold interests in
real property, and agreements and contracts of Seller, as described below:

                           (a)      Subject to Commission approval, all legally
assignable  licenses,   permits,   authorizations,   consents,   franchises  and
certificates of compliance issued by the Commission,  and any other governmental
or regulatory agency that

                                      - 2 -

are required in connection with the operation of the Owned Stations (hereinafter
referred to as the "Licenses");

                           (b) All of the tangible  personal property of Seller,
including, without limitation, all equipment,  machinery,  fixtures,  furniture,
leasehold  improvements,   vehicles,  transmitters,   receivers,   transformers,
antennas, tower, equipment, records and tapes so used;

                           (c)  All  of  the  intangible  personal  property  of
Seller, and specifically including any cash, accounts receivable,  prepaid items
and general ledgers, of Seller;

                           (d) The real  property  interests  held in fee simple
and  leasehold  interests  in real  property  of  Seller  used or  useful in the
operation  of the  Owned  Stations  that  are set  forth in  Section  4.6 of the
Disclosure Schedule to the Loan Agreement dated as of _________________, 1995 by
and between Seller and Buyer (the "Loan Agreement") and real property fee simple
interests  acquired or  leasehold  interests  entered into after the date of the
Loan Agreement as permitted in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement;

                           (e) The contracts and agreements of Seller, including
the LMA Agreement and the Option Agreement, that are either set forth in Section
4.8 of the  Disclosure  Schedule to the Loan Agreement or are not required to be
set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule under the provisions of Section 4.8 of the
Loan Agreement and those contracts and agreements entered into after the date of
the Loan  Agreement  as  permitted  in  accordance  with  the  terms of the Loan

                           (f) The call letters and all trademarks,  tradenames,
service marks, copyrights,  jingles, slogans, permits,  franchises, and property
rights and interests required in the operation of the Owned Stations; and

                           (g)     All business and governmental records (except
corporate  records and tax returns of Seller) and  Commission  files relating to
the operation of the Owned Stations, including without limitation,  purchase and
sale order files, mailing lists, advertisers lists, sales materials and records,
personnel files,  and medium  materials,  provided,  that Buyer and Seller shall
each have full access  after the Closing to such records held by the other party
relating  to the  operation  of  the  Station  by  Seller  for  the  purpose  of
bookkeeping, tax preparation,  accounting procedures and for such other purposes
as may be reasonably necessary or proper.

                  The foregoing licenses authorizations, tangible and intangible
personal property,  fee simple real property  interests,  leasehold interests in
real property, contracts and agreements

                                      - 3 -

("Station  Assets") are to be assigned,  transferred  and conveyed to Buyer,  by
good and sufficient  bill of sale and/or other  documents of transfer,  free and
clear of all liens, charges,  encumbrances,  debts,  liabilities and obligations
whatsoever,  except for liens in favor of Buyer created under the Loan Agreement
and related documents.

                  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  there shall be excluded from
the assets  transferred by Seller to Buyer hereunder  corporate  records and tax
returns of Seller.

                  Section 2. Purchase Price. Subject to any adjustments pursuant
to Section 6, the  purchase  price to be paid by Seller to Buyer for the Station
Assets,  on  the  Closing  Date,  shall  be  the  sum  of  One  Million  Dollars
($1,000,000)  and the  cancellation of the outstanding  principal  amount of the
loans made to Seller pursuant to the Loan Agreement.

                  Section  3.  Assumption  of  Liabilities.  Upon  the  sale and
purchase  of  the  Station  Assets,  Buyer  shall  assume  Seller's  obligations
associated with the Owned Stations to be performed after 12:01 AN on the Closing
Date (but not  obligations  to have been performed by Seller prior to such time)
under,  and as set forth in, the contracts,  leases and agreements  described in
Section 1(d) and (e) hereof. Buyer is not agreeing to, and shall not, assume any
other liability, obligation,  undertaking, expense or agreement of Seller of any
kind, absolute or contingent, known or unknown, and the execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  shall  not  render  Buyer  liable  for any such
liability, obligation, undertaking, expense or agreement.

                  Section  4.  Representations,   Covenants  and  Warranties  of
Seller. Seller represents, warrants, and covenants:

                           (a)      That  Seller  is now  and as of the  Closing
Date  will  be a  corporation  duly  organized,,  validly  existing  and in good
standing under the laws of South Carolina.

                           (b)      That Seller, now and as of the Closing Date,
is and will be the  valid  holder in good  standing  of the  Licenses  and other
authorizations issued by the Commission.

                           (c)  That  the  Owned   Stations   and  to   Seller's
knowledge,  the LMA Stations,  are in material  compliance  with all  applicable
rules of the Commission and for the Licenses.

                           (d)  That  Seller  does  not  know  of,  or have  any
reasonable grounds to know of any:

                                      - 4 -

                                    (i)  Litigation  or  proceeding  pending  or
                           threatened against or relating to the Owned Stations,
                           the LMA Stations or their  respective  properties  or

                                    (ii) Basis for any  current  or  prospective
                           governmental  investigation or action relative to the
                           Owned   Station(s),   the  LMA   Stations   or  their
                           respective properties or business;

                           (e)      That Seller does not know of any facts which
would cause the Commission to deny its consent to the assignment of the Licenses
to Buyer,  except that Seller makes no  representation  regarding  any necessary
waiver of the Commission's one-to-a-market rule, 47 C.F.R. ss.73.3555(b).

                           (f)      That Seller is entitled  and  authorized  to
own and operate the Owned  Stations  and to carry on its  business in the manner
and in the place where the Owned  Station is owned and operated and the business
is now conducted.

                           (g)  That  Seller  has the  power  and  authority  to
execute  and  deliver  this  Agreement,   to  consummate  the   transactions  it
contemplates  and to take all  other  actions  required  to be  taken by  Seller
pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement,  and neither the execution of this
Agreement  nor the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by it will
violate or  constitute  a default on the part of Seller  under any  contract  or
agreement  to which  Seller is a party or by which  Seller is bound or under any
law,  statute,  rule,  regulation,  decree or order of any court or governmental
agency or  authority.  That this  Agreement  constitutes  the  legal,  valid and
binding obligation of Seller, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                           (h) That no consent or approval  of any other  person
or entity which has not been  obtained by Seller is required  before  Seller may
execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement,  with the
exception of the  Commission  and the other party to the LMA  Agreement  and the
Option  Agreement  and  under  such  other  contracts  or  agreements  of Seller
requiring consent to assignment and Seller shall use all commercially reasonable
efforts to obtain such consents.

                           (i)  That  Seller  has  not  caused  or  allowed  any
chemical,  toxic, radioactive or other hazardous waste or material to be brought
or  stored  upon any of the  leasehold  property  or other  assets  of the Owned
Stations or the LMA Stations.

                           (j)      That Seller has good, valid and, in the case
of any real  property  in fee  simple,  marketable,  title to all of the Station
Assets, free and clear of all liens, charges,  encumbrances,  debts, liabilities
and obligations of any nature

                                      - 5 -

whatsoever,  except for liens in favor of Buyer created under the Loan Agreement
and related  documents and that the Station  Assets are in good order and repair
and are  used in  material  compliance  with  all  state  and  federal  laws and
regulations relating to safety of the work place.

                           (k) That the Station Assets are adequately covered by
insurance against fire, theft and other casualty.

                           (l)      That Seller has filed all returns and other
reports of taxes due or  information  required for all federal,  state and local
income,  franchise,  business,  sales and use taxes, and all returns or reports,
when filed,  were  accurate and  complete,  and all taxes which should have been
paid have been paid.

                  Section 5. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Buyer.
Buyer represents, warrants and covenants:

                           (a)      That  Buyer  is and as of the  Closing  Date
will be a limited  partnership  duly  organized,  validly  existing  and in good
standing under the laws of its State of organization.

                           (b)      That  this  Agreement constitutes the legal,
valid and binding obligation of Buyer, enforceable in accordance
with its terms.

                           (c)      That except for the necessity of a waiver of
the Commission's  one-to-a-market rule, 47 C.F.R. ss.73.3555(b) because of Buyer
ownership of WLOS(TV) and WAXA(TV), Buyer does not know of any facts which would
disqualify it under the Communications Act of 1934,, as amended,  from owning or
operating the Station or which would cause the Commission to deny its consent to
the assignment of the Station to Buyer.

                           (d)      That  Buyer  will  reasonably cooperate with
Seller in securing  assignment of the  leasehold  interests in real estate to be
transferred  from  Seller  to  Buyer  hereunder,   and  in  securing   completed
assignments,  and consents thereto where applicable,  of the remaining contracts
and  commitments of Seller to be assumed by Buyer  hereunder,  including  timely
completing any applications required by third parties such as credit reports and
financial statements, etc.

                  Section 6. Adjustments.  To the extent applicable,  a downward
adjustment in an amount equal to the amount calculated under Section  2.1(b)(ii)
of the Loan Agreement.

                  Section 7. Expenses.  The expenses involved in the preparation
and consummation of this Agreement shall be borne by the party incurring same.

                                      - 6 -

                  Section 8. Obligations of the Parties Before Closing. From and
after the date of this Agreement and until the Closing Date:

                           (a)      Seller  shall  conduct  the  business of the
Owned Stations in the normal course and as has been heretofore
conducted by Seller;

                           (b)      Seller shall not purchase,  sell,  lease, or
dispose  of,  or enter  into  any  contract  for the  purchase,  sale,  lease or
disposition  of any  property  or assets  having a cost in excess of $5,000 or a
contractual  period  extending beyond the Closing Date without the prior written
approval of Buyer;

                           (c)      Seller shall  operate the Owned  Stations in
all  material  respects  in  accordance  with all laws,  rules  and  regulations
applicable to it, including the regulations of the Commission;

                           (d)      Seller shall provide to Buyer, promptly upon
receipt  thereof by Seller,  a copy of (i) any notice from the Commission or any
other governmental authority of the revocation, suspension, or limitation of the
rights under, or of any proceeding for the revocation, suspension, or limitation
of the rights or that such authority may in the future (as the result of failure
to comply with laws or regulations or for any other reason) revoke,  suspend, or
limit the rights  under any  License,  or any other  license  or permit  held by
Seller  respecting  the  owned  Station,   and  (ii)  copies  of  all  protests,
complaints,  challenges or other  documents  filed with the  Commission by third
parties concerning either of the Station, and promptly upon the filing or making
thereof, copies of Seller's responses to such filings; and

                           (e)      Seller   shall   notify   Buyer  in  writing
immediately  upon learning of the  institution or threat of any material  action
against Seller in any court,  or any action against Seller before the Commission
or any other  governmental  agency,  and notify Buyer in writing  promptly  upon
receipt of any  administrative  or court order relating to the Station Assets or
the business of Seller.

                  Section  9.   Contingency  of   Obligations   of  Buyer.   All
obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment,  prior
to or at the Closing  Date, of each of the  following  conditions,  any of which
Buyer may waive in writing:

                           (a)      The representations and warranties of Seller
contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be true at and as of the  Closing  Date as
though such  representations  and warranties  were made at and as of the Closing

                                      - 7 -

                           (b)      Seller  shall  have materially performed and
complied with all  agreements  and  conditions  required by this Agreement to be
performed or complied with by Seller prior to or at the Closing.

                           (c)      The   Commission   shall  have  granted  its
approval of the assignment of the Owned Stations' licenses and authorizations to
Buyer and such  approval  has become a Final Order (as  defined  herein) and any
necessary  waiver  required under the terms of C.F.R.  ss.73.3555(b)  shall have
been  obtained  without any adverse  conditions to Buyer and shall have become a
Final Order.

                           (d)      Seller  shall  have  delivered  to  Buyer an
opinion from its counsel, dated as of the Closing Date to the following effect:

                                    (i) Seller is a corporation validly existing
                           and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of

                                    (ii)   Seller   is   entitled   to  own  its
                           properties  and carry on its  business as, and in the
                           places where,  the  properties are owned and operated
                           and the business is now conducted;

                                    (iii) All  actions  to be taken by or on the
                           part of  Seller  to  authorize  it to  carry  out and
                           perform  the  Agreement  and  the   transactions   it
                           contemplated have been duly and properly taken;

                                    (iv)   There  are  no   actions,   suits  or
                           proceedings before any Court or administrative agency
                           pending or threatened  against or affecting Seller or
                           the Station Assets; and

                                    (v) This  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,
                           valid and binding  obligation of Seller,  enforceable
                           against Seller in accordance with its terms,  subject
                           to customary  bankruptcy and similar  limitations and
                           limitations   on  the   availability   of   equitable

                                    (e) Buyer shall not have exercised its right
                           to terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to Section 15

                  Section  10.   Contingency  of  Obligations  of  Seller.   All
obligations of Seller under this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment, prior
to or at the Closing, of each of the following  conditions,  any of which Seller
may waive in writing:

                                     - 8 -

                           (a)      The  representations and warranties of Buyer
contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be true at and as of the  Closing  Date as
though such  representations  and warranties  were made at and as of the Closing

                           (b)      Buyer  shall  have  materially performed and
complied with all  agreements  and  conditions  required by this Agreement to be
performed or complied with by Buyer prior to or at the Closing Date.

                           (c)      The   Commission   shall   have  granted its
approval of the assignment of the Owned Stations' Licenses to

                           (d)      The  payment  to  Seller  by  Buyer  of  the
Purchase Price.

                           (e)      The  assumption  by Buyer of all  contracts,
leases and agreements of Seller to be assumed by Buyer hereunder.

                           (f)      Buyer  shall  have  delivered  to  Seller an
opinion from its counsel, dated as of the Closing Date to the following effect:

                                    (i) Buyer is a limited  partnership  validly
                           existing  and in good  standing  under  its  State of

                                    (ii) All partnership  actions to be taken by
                           or on the part of Buyer to  authorize it to carry out
                           and perform the  Agreement  and the  transactions  it
                           contemplated have been duly and properly taken; and

                                    (iii) This Agreement  constitutes the legal,
                           valid and  binding  obligation  of Buyer  enforceable
                           against Buyer in accordance  with its terms,  subject
                           to customary  bankruptcy and similar  limitations and
                           limitations   on  the   availability   of   equitable

                  Section 11. Further Closing Documents. On the Closing Date and
as a further  contingency of the obligation of Buyer (in the case of (a) and (b)
below) or Seller (in the case of (b) below),  as  applicable,  as  provided  for
below to close hereunder:

                           (a)      Seller shall deliver to Buyer:

                                    (i)  One or more bills of sale conveying to
                           Buyer all of the tangible and intangible personal

                                      - 9 -

                           property  included  in  the  assets to be acquired by
                           Buyer hereunder;

                                    (ii) one or more general warranty deeds, for
                           all real property owned in fee simple and one or more
                           assignments  of  the  leasehold   interests  in  real
                           property   transferring   to  Buyer  such   leasehold
                           interests; and

                                    (iii)  one or  more  assignments,  with  all
                           necessary  consents,  assigning  to Buyer  all of the
                           contracts,  agreements,  accounts receivable and cash
                           to be assigned to Buyer hereunder,

                           (b)      Seller  and Buyer  shall also  execute  such
other  documents,  as may  reasonably  be necessary for the  implementation  and
consummation of this Agreement.

                  Unless otherwise  provided in this Agreement,  all instruments
and documents  delivered shall be dated the Closing Date and shall be reasonably
satisfactory as to form and content to each party and its respective counsel.

                  Section 12. Application to Commission.  Seller and Buyer shall
cooperate in the prompt  preparation and filing,  within seven (7) days from the
date of this  Agreement,  of an application  with the Commission  requesting its
consent to the  assignment of the Licenses for the Owned Stations from Seller to
Buyer  (or to such  other  entity as  designed  by  Buyer).  The  parties  shall
thereafter prosecute the Commission application(s) with all reasonable diligence
and otherwise use their commercially  reasonable efforts to obtain the grants of
such  applications) as expeditiously as practicable (but no party shall have any
obligation to take any unreasonable steps to satisfy complainants, if any, which
steps  would  substantially  impair or  diminish  rights  under  the  Commission
Licenses  or  otherwise  impose  an  unreasonable  burden  on a  party).  If the
Commission  consent imposes any condition on any party hereto,  such party shall
use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts to comply with such condition  unless
compliance  would be unduly  burdensome or would have a material  adverse effect
upon Buyer, or materially adversely affects its constituent  partners, or any of
its subsidiaries, as appropriate. If reconsideration,  review or judicial review
is sought with respect to the Commission consent,  Buyer and Seller shall oppose
such efforts for reconsideration,  review or judicial review vigorously.  If the
Closing  shall not have  occurred for any reason  within the original  effective
period of the  Commission  consent,  and if none of the  parties  hereto  are in
breach or default of its obligations, representations,  warranties and covenants
or duties  hereunder,  the parties  shall  jointly  request an  extension of the
effective  period  of  the  Commission  consent.   Notwithstanding  any  of  the
foregoing, if the Commission consent

                                     - 10 -

imposes  any  condition  that would  adversely  change  (other  than a change in
reporting requirements that is not unduly burdensome) or limit the operations of
any of the owned  Stations  or of  WLOS(TV)  or  WAXA(TV)  after the  Closing or
require a divestiture of either WLOS(TV) or WAXA(TV) by Buyer after the Closing,
Buyer may, at its option,  terminate  this  Agreement  without any  liability or
obligation to Seller.

                  Section 13. Commission Approval.  If the Commission has failed
to grant its approval of the  assignment  of the Owned  Stations'  Licenses from
Seller to Buyer  within a period of sixty (60) months from the date of filing of
the  applications  described  herein,  either  Seller  or Buyer  may  thereafter
terminate  this  Agreement  by giving  written  notice to the  other;  provided,
however,  that the party  desiring  to  terminate  shall not then be in material
breach of this  Agreement  and have been then  notified  in writing by the other
party thereof.

                  Section  14.  Remedies  of  Parties  Upon  Default.  If Seller
defaults in the performance of its obligations  under this Agreement to complete
the sale to the Buyer as herein set forth,  and Buyer  shall not be in  material
breach,  Buyer may terminate this Agreement upon notice in writing to Seller and
shall be  entitled to bring an action for  damages or  specific  performance  or
both.  If Buyer  defaults  in the  performance  of its  obligations  under  this
Agreement to complete the purchase from Seller as herein set forth,  as and when
herein  set  forth,  and  Seller  shall not be in  material  breach,  Seller may
terminate this  Agreement  upon notice in writing to Buyer,  and Seller shall be
entitled to bring an action for damages or specific  performance or both. In the
event that both Buyer and Seller have defaulted  hereunder,  and neither party's
default  was caused by the  inability  of such party to perform due to the other
party's  default,  then either party may terminate  this  Agreement upon written
notice to the other without any further liability to each other.  Neither Buyer,
on the one hand,  nor Seller,  on the other hand, may rely on the failure of any
condition  precedent set forth herein to be satisfied if such failure was caused
by such party's (or  parties')  failure to act in good faith,  or a breach of or
failure  to  perform  its  representations,   warranties,   covenants  or  other
obligations in accordance with the terms hereof.

                  Section 15. Damage to Seller's Properties. In the event of any
material  damage to the Stations or any of the assets to be acquired by Buyer by
reason of fire or other casualty or incident  occurring between the date hereof,
and the Closing  Date,  Seller  shall give Buyer  notice of such event.  In such
notice,  Seller  shall  indicate  its  best  estimate  of  the  damages,  and if
repairable,  the length of time required for restoration.  Seller shall take all
reasonable  steps to  repair,  replace  and  restore  such  property  as soon as
possible  after  the loss,  and in  addition,  if  repairable,  shall  apply any
insurance proceeds

                                     - 11 -

received because of such loss to such restoration.  In the event of such damage,
which is not fully required or restored  prior to closing,  or if is interrupted
such that the regular  broadcast signal of any Station  (including its effective
radiated  power  is  diminished  in any  material  respect  for a  period  of 72
continuous  hours  or more at any time  prior to the  Closing  Date,  Buyer  may
terminate  this Agreement or postpone the Closing Date for a period of up to 180

                  Section 16. Closing. The Closing Date, as used throughout this
Agreement,  shall  take  place  (subject  to the  provisions  of this  Agreement
deferring or permitting the  postponement  of the Closing)  within ten (10) days
after  the later of (i)  consent  of the  Commission  to the  assignment  of the
Commission Licenses shall have been granted and shall have become a Final Order,
and  (ii)  grant by the  Commission  of any  necessary  waiver  under 47  C.F.R.
ss.73.3555(b)  shall have been obtained and such grant shall have become a Final
Order,  such date and the place  thereof to be selected by Buyer.  "Final Order"
means  an  action  or order by the  Commission  (a) that has not been  reversed,
stayed,  enjoined,  set aside,  annulled or  suspended,  and (b) with respect to
which (i) no requests  have been filed for  administrative  or judicial  review,
reconsideration, appeal or stay and the Commission has not initiated a review of
such  action or order on its own action and the  periods  provided by statute or
Commission  regulations  for filing any such requests and for the  Commission to
set aside the action on its own  notion  have  expired,  or (ii) in the event of
review,  reconsideration or appeal, the period provided by statute or Commission
regulations for further review, reconsideration or appeal has expired.

                  Section 17.  Notices.  All  notices  and other  communications
hereunder  shall  be in  writing  and  shall  be  deemed  given  when  delivered
personally  or by Federal  Express  or other  comparable  nationally  recognized
courier service  (receipt  requested) or by facsimile  transmission,  telexed or
mailed by  registered  or certified  mail (return  receipt  requested),  postage
prepaid, to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for
a party as shall be specified by like notice;  provided that notices of a change
of address shall be effective only upon receipt thereof):

                  To South Carolina:

                  Keymarket Communications, Inc.
                  2743 Perimeter Parkway
                  Building 100, Suite 250
                  Augusta, Georgia 30909
                  Attention:  Mr. Donald J. Alt
                  Telephone:                (706) 855-0555
                  Telecopy:                 (706) 855-1955

                                     - 12 -

                  Copies to:

                  Joel B. Piassick, Esq.
                  Kilpatrick & Cody
                  1100 Peachtree Street
                  Suite 2800
                  Atlanta, Georgia 30309
                  Telephone:                (404) 815-6527
                  Telecopy:                 (404) 815 6555

                  Mr. Richard A. Churchill
                  MC Partners
                  75 State Street
                  Suite 2500
                  Boston, Massachusetts 02109
                  Telephone:                (617) 345-7200
                  Telecopy:                 (617) 345-7201

                  Bruce E. Rogoff, Esq.
                  Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
                    Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                  One Financial Center
                  Boston, Massachusetts 02111
                  Telephone:                (617) 542-6000
                  Telecopy:                 (617) 542-2241

                  To Buyer:

                  c/o River City Broadcasting, L.P.
                  1215 Cole Street
                  St. Louis, Missouri 63106
                  Attention:  Mr. Larry D. Marcus
                  Telephone:                (314) 259-5700
                  Telecopy:                 (314) 259-5709

                  Copies to:

                  John T. Byrnes, Esq.
                  Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
                  1255 23rd Street, N.W.
                  Suite 500
                  Washington, D.C. 20037
                  Telephone:                (202) 857-2518
                  Telecopy:                 (202) 857-2900

                  Section 18. Survival.  Notwithstanding  any investigation made
by either  Buyer or  Seller,  all  covenants,  agreements,  representations  and
warranties  contained in this Agreement,  and in any other instruments which may
be delivered pursuant hereto or in connection with the transactions contemplated
hereby,  shall be deemed to be material and to have been relied upon by Buyer or
Seller, as applicable, but the

                                     - 13 -

representations  and warranties of the parties made herein shall not survive the
Closing and the condition of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement;
provided  that nothing  herein shall  affect  Buyer's  rights under that certain
Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of March    , 1995, by and among Buyer, Seller
and certain affiliated entities of Seller (the "Purchase Agreement").

                  Section  19.  Commissions.  Except for any fee payable to Star
Media Group,  Inc.  pursuant to a Letter  Agreement among Sellers and Star Media
Group,  Inc. dated June 1, 1994,  which fees shall be paid by Seller,  Buyer and
Seller represent and warrant that neither it or its affiliates nor any person or
entity  acting on its behalf has  incurred  any  liability  for any  finders' or
brokers' fees or commissions in connection with the transaction  contemplated by
this  Agreement,  Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Seller against any
fee, commission, loss or expense arising out of any claim by any other broker or
finder employed or alleged to have been employed by Buyer,  and Seller agrees to
indemnify and hold harmless Buyer against any fee,  commission,  loss or expense
arising  out of any claim by any other  broker or finder  employed or alleged to
have been employed by any Seller.

                  Section  20.  Further  Assurances.  Subject  to the  terms and
conditions  of  this  Agreement,  each  of  the  parties  hereto  will  use  all
commercially  reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and
to do, or cause to be done,  all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  under
applicable  laws and  regulations  to  consummate  and make  effective  the sale
contemplated  by this  Agreement.  From  time to time  after the  Closing  Date,
without further  consideration,  Seller will, at Seller's  expense,  execute and
deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such documents to Buyer as Buyer
may reasonably  request in order to more effectively vest in Buyer good title to
the Station Assets and to evidence the representations and warranties of Seller.
From time to time after the Closing Date, without further  consideration,  Buyer
will, at Buyer's expense, execute and deliver such documents to Seller as Seller
may reasonably  request in order to more effectively  consummate the sale of the
Station Assets pursuant to this Agreement.

                  Section 21. Amendment and Modification.  This Agreement may be
amended, modified or supplemented only by written agreement of Seller and Buyer.

                  Section  22.  Waiver  Of  Compliance;   Consents.   Except  as
otherwise  provided  in this  Agreement,  any  failure of any of the  parties to
comply with any obligation,  representation,  warranty,  covenant,  agreement or
condition  herein may be waived by the party  entitled to the  benefits  thereof
only by a written  instrument signed by the party granting such waiver, but such
waiver or failure to insist upon strict compliance with such

                                     - 14 -

obligation, representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or condition shall not
operate as a waiver of, or estoppel  with  respect to, any  subsequent  or other
failure.  Whenever this Agreement requires or permits consent by or on behalf of
any party hereto,  such consent shall be given in writing in a manner consistent
with the  requirements  for a waiver of  compliance as set forth in this Section

                  Section  23.  Assignment.   This  Agreement  and  all  of  the
provisions  hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their  respective  successors and permitted  assigns,  but, except as
provided for herein, neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,  interests or
obligations  hereunder  shall be  assigned  by either  Buyer or  Sellers  hereto
without the prior written consent of the other party.

                  The parties agree as follows:

                           (a) Without  the consent of Seller,  Buyer may assign
all or any of the  rights and  obligations  under  this  Agreement  to any other
party.  Furthermore,  to the  extent  this  Agreement  is  assigned  by Buyer in
accordance with the terms of this Section 23 to a party that is not an affiliate
of Buyer,  upon such assignment  Buyer shall have no further  obligations  under
this Agreement and Seller's only recourse under this Agreement  shall be against
such assignee of Buyer.

                           (b)  Except  as  expressly   provided  herein,   this
Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other person except
the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

                  Section 24. Governing Law. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY

                  Section 25.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in
one or more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of
which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  Section  26.  Headings.   The  article  and  section  headings
contained in this  Agreement  are solely for the purpose of  reference,  are not
part of the agreement of the parties and shall not in any way affect the meaning
or interpretation of this Agreement.

                  Section 27. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the documents
delivered pursuant to the Agreement, the Loan Agreement and the Option Agreement
dated as of                  ,

                                     - 15 -

between  Buyer  and  Seller,  and the  Purchase  Agreement,  embody  the  entire
agreement and understanding of the parties hereto in respect of the transactions
contemplated   by  this   Agreement.   This   Agreement   supersedes  all  prior
negotiations,  agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to
the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement and all letters of intent and
other writings executed prior to the date hereof relating to such  negotiations,
agreements  and  understandings;  provided that nothing  herein shall affect the
provisions  of  the  Loan  Agreement,  the  Option  Agreement  or  the  Purchase

                  Section 28.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement
or the  application  thereof to any person or  circumstance  shall be invalid or
unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application
of such  provision  to other  persons  or  circumstances  shall not be  affected
thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law so long as
the economic or legal substance of the transactions  contemplated  hereby is not
affected in any manner materially  adverse to any party. Upon such determination
that any term or other provision is invalid or unenforceable, the parties hereto
shall  negotiate  in good  faith to modify  this  Agreement  so as to effect the
original intent of the parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to
the end that the transactions  contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the greatest
extent possible.

                  Section 29. Press Releases.  No press releases or other public
announcements concerning this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby
shall be made by any party hereto without the prior written consent of the other
party unless the first such party is legally compelled to do so.

                  Section 30. Publicity.  Neither Seller nor Buyer shall make or
issue  or  cause  to be made or  issued,  any  announcement  (written  or  oral)
concerning  this  Agreement  or  the   transactions   contemplated   hereby  for
dissemination  to the  general  public  without  the prior  consent of the other
party. This provision shall not apply,  however,  to any announcement or written
statement  required to be made by law or the regulations of any federal or state
governmental  agency or any stock  exchange,  except that the party  required to
make such  announcement  shall  provide a draft copy  thereof to the other party
hereto,  and consult with such other party  concerning the timing and content of
such announcement, before such announcement is made.

                  Section 31.  Employee  Matters.  (a) At  Closing,  Buyer shall
offer  employment to all of Seller's  employees who are actively  employed as of
the Closing Date (such employees who accept employment with Buyer,  "Transferred
Employees") on terms and conditions substantially identical to the terms and

                                     - 16 -

conditions  offered  to other  employees  employed  by Buyer  in  Buyer's  radio
division,  including any changes to such terms and conditions, as may be made by
Buyer  after the  Closing  Date;  provided,  however,  that  Buyer,  in its sole
discretion,  shall  have the option to  provide  to such  Transferred  Employees
health care  coverage  on  substantially  the terms of the health care  coverage
provided by the Seller  prior to the Closing  Date.  To the extent  permitted by
applicable law, each Transferred Employee's years of service with Seller, to the
extent credited under Seller's  employee  benefits  plans,  shall be credited as
years of service towards  eligibility and vesting in Buyer's comparable employee
benefit plans,  including any qualified retirement,  pension,  profit sharing or
401(k)  plans.  With  respect  to the health  care plan of Buyer  that  provides
coverage to  Transferred  Employees  after the Closing in  accordance  with this
Section 31,  Buyer shall  offer  coverage  thereto  without the  application  of
pre-existing  conditions  restrictions  for any  pre-existing  conditions of the
Transferred  Employees  covered  under the terms of  Seller's  health  care plan
immediately  prior  to  the  Closing  Date.  In  addition,  to  the  extent  any
Transferred  Employee has paid medical  expenses which have been applied against
such employee's  deductible under Seller's health insurance plan with respect to
the  plan,  that  amount  shall be  credited  by Buyer  towards  satisfying  any
deductible  under Buyer's health  insurance plan.  Seller agrees to use its best
efforts to assist Buyer in the  assumption  of any insurance  contracts  used to
provide  health care coverage to Seller's  employees in the event Buyer notifies
Seller of its intent to assume such contracts.

                           (b) Seller shall be responsible for and shall pay all
amounts owed to (i) any employees who have not become Transferred  Employees and
(ii) any  Transferred  Employees  for services  performed  prior to the Closing,
except in  respect  of  Transferred  Employees  for  accrued  sick leave and for
accrued  vacation pay.  Seller shall  indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from any
liabilities  relating to employees  (whether or not  Transferred  Employees) not
expressly assumed by Buyer hereunder.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  however,
after the Closing, Buyer shall be solely responsible for wages, benefits and any
employment  related claims brought by any Transferred  Employee against Buyer or
Seller by reason of Buyer's acts or omissions in connection with such employment
or the  termination  thereof,  to the  extent  any such  liability  or claims is
attributable  to  a  period  commencing  after  the-Closing  Date.  Buyer  shall
indemnify  and hold  Seller  harmless  from and  against any and all such claims
(including  reasonable  attorneys fees and other expenses  associated  with such
claims) referred to in the preceding sentence.

                           (c) It is understood  and agreed that all  provisions
contained in this Section 31 are included for the sole

                                     - 17 -

benefit of the  parties  hereto and do not and shall not create any right in any
other person, including any employees.

                  Section 32.  Control of the  Stations.  Prior to the  Closing,
Buyer shall not,  directly  or  indirectly,  control,  supervise  or direct,  or
attempt to control,  supervise or direct,  the operation of the Owned  Stations;
such operation,  including complete control and supervision of all of each Owned
Station's programs,  employees and policies, shall be the sole responsibility of

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  executed  this
Agreement as of the date first above written.

                                            KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.


                                            RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.

                                            By:Better Communications, Inc.,
                                               General Partner


                                     - 18 -

                         EXHIBIT C TO OPTION AGREEMENT

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                  BY AND AMONG

                         RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.


                                KERBY E. CONFER

                      --------------------------, ---------

                                     - 19 -

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section 1.     Shares to Be Sold......................................................................4

Section 2.     Purchase Price.........................................................................4

Section 3.     Liabilities............................................................................4

Section 4.     Representations, Covenants and Warranties of

Section 5.     Representations, Warranties and Covenants
               of Buyer...............................................................................7

Section 6.     Adjustments............................................................................7

Section 7.     Expenses...............................................................................7

Section 8.     Obligations of the Parties Before Closing..............................................7

Section 9.     Contingency of Obligations of Buyer....................................................8

Section 10.    Contingency of Obligations of Seller...................................................9

Section 11.    Further Closing Documents.............................................................10

Section 12.    Application to Commission.............................................................10

Section 13.    Commission Approval...................................................................11

Section 14.    Remedies of Parties upon Default......................................................11

Section 15.    Damage to Company's Properties........................................................11

Section 16.    Closing...............................................................................11

Section 17.    Notices...............................................................................12

Section 18.    Survival..............................................................................13

Section 19.    Commissions...........................................................................13

Section 20.    Further Assurances....................................................................13

Section 21.    Amendment and Modification............................................................14

Section 22.    Waiver of Compliance; Consents........................................................14

Section 23.    Assignment............................................................................14

Section 24.    Governing Law.........................................................................14

Section 25.    Counterparts..........................................................................15

                                     - 20 -

Section 26.    Headings..............................................................................15

Section 27.    Entire Agreement......................................................................15

Section 28.    Severability..........................................................................15

Section 29.    Press Releases........................................................................15

Section 30.    Publicity.............................................................................15

Section 31.    Control of the Stations...............................................................16

                                      - 1 -

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                  THIS  AGREEMENT,  made and  entered  into  this  _____  day of
_______________, _____, by and between Kerby E, Confer ("Seller") and RIVER CITY
BROADCASTING, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Buyer").


                  WHEREAS,  Seller owns all of the issued and outstanding shares
(the  "Shares") of capital stock of Keymarket of South  Carolina,  Inc,, a South
Carolina corporation (the "Company"), Seller desires to sell to Buyer, and Buyer
desires to purchase from Seller,  the Shares on the terms and conditions  herein
set forth.

                  WHEREAS,  Company is the  licensee  of, and owns and  operates
radio  stations  WFBC-AM and WFBC-FM,  Greenville,  South  Carolina and WORD-AM,
Spartanburg,  South  Carolina  (the  "Owned  Stations")  and is a party  to that
certain  Time  Brokerage  Agreement  dated as of August 30,  1994 by and between
South Carolina and Spartanburg Radiocasting Company (the "LMA Agreement") and an
Option  Agreement  dated as of August 30, 1994 by and between South Carolina and
Spartanburg  Radiocasting  Company (the "LMA Option Agreement") each relating to
Radio  Stations  WSPA-AM  and  WSPA-FM  Spartanburg,  South  Carolina  (the "LMA
Stations"). The Owned Stations and the LMA Stations are individually referred to
herein as a "Station" and collectively as the "Stations."

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing and the
mutual  covenants,  warranties  and  agreements  between the  parties  contained
herein, the parties hereby agree that:

                  Section  1.  Shares  to Be Sold.  On the  "Closing  Date,"  as
defined in Section 16 hereof,  Seller will sell,  assign,  transfer,  convey and
deliver to Buyer ___ shares of common stock of the Company (the "Shares")  which
Shares  constitute  all of the  issued  and  outstanding  capital  stock  of the
Company. At Closing,  Seller shall deliver the stock certificates evidencing the
Shares,  together  with  stock  powers  duly  endorsed  in blank and such  other
instruments  of transfer as Buyer may  reasonably  request.  The Shares shall be
free and clear of all liens, charges, encumbrances, debts, liabilities and other
obligations  whatsoever,  except for liens in favor of Buyer  created under that
certain Loan  Agreement  dated as of 1995  between  Buyer and Company (the "Loan
Agreement") and related documents.

                  Section  2.  Purchase  Price.  Subject to any  adjustments  as
provided for in Section 6, the purchase price to

                                      - 2 -

be paid by Seller to Buyer for the Shares, on the Closing Date, shall be the sum
of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).

                  Section 3. Liabilities.  At the Closing Date, Seller covenants
and agrees that the Company  shall have no liability,  obligation,  undertaking,
expense or  agreement  of any kind,  absolute or  contingent,  known or unknown,
except for: (a) obligations to Buyer under the Loan  Agreement;  (b) obligations
from and after the  Closing  Date under the  contracts,  leases  and  agreements
described in Section 4(m) and (n) below; and (c) other  obligations  incurred in
the ordinary course of business of the company consistent with past practice and
which have been adjusted in Buyer's favor in accordance  with the  provisions of
Section 6 hereof.

                  Section  4.  Representations,   Covenants  and  Warranties  of
Seller. Seller represents, warrants, and covenants:

                            (a) That  Company is now and as of the Closing  Date
will be a  corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under the laws of South Carolina.

                            (b) That Company, now and as of the Closing Date, is
and will be the valid  holder in good  standing of the  licenses,  permits,  and
other authorizations (the "Licenses") issued by the commission.

                            (c)  That  the  Owned   Stations   and  to  Seller's
knowledge,  the LMA Stations,  are in material  compliance  with all  applicable
rules of the Commission and for the Licenses.

                            (d)  That  Seller  does  not  know  of,  or have any
reasonable grounds to know of any:

                                    (i)  Litigation  or  proceeding  pending  or
                           threatened  against or relating to the  Company,  the
                           owned Stations,  the LMA Stations or their respective
                           properties or business

                                    (ii) Basis for any  current  or  prospective
                           governmental  investigation or action relative to the
                           Company,  the Owned  Station(s),  the LMA Stations or
                           their respective properties or business;

                           (e) That  Seller  does not  know of any  facts  which
would cause the Commission to deny its consent to the transfer of control of the
Licenses to Buyer,  except that Seller  makes no  representation  regarding  any
necessary   waiver  of  the   Commission's   one-to-a-market   rule,  47  C.F.R.

                                      - 3 -

                           (f) That  Company is entitled and  authorized  to own
and operate the Owned Stations and to carry on its business in the manner and in
the place where the Owned  Station is owned and operated and the business is now

                           (g)  That  Seller  has the  power  and  authority  to
execute  and  deliver  this   Agreement,   to  consulate  the   transactions  it
contemplates  and to take all  other  actions  required  to be  taken by  Seller
pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement,  and neither the execution of this
Agreement  nor the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by it will
violate  or  constitute  a default  on the part of Seller or  Company  under any
contract or  agreement  to which Seller or Company is a party or by which Seller
or Company is bound or under any law, statute,  rule, regulation decree or order
of  any  court  or  governmental  agency  or  authority.   That  this  Agreement
constitutes the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of Seller,  enforceable in
accordance with its terms.

                           (h) That no consent or approval  of any other  person
or entity which has not been  obtained by Seller is required  before  Seller may
execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this  Agreement,  with the
exception of the  Commission  and under such other  contracts or  agreements  of
Company requiring consent to the stock transfer  contemplated  hereby and Seller
shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to obtain such consents.

                           (i)  That  Seller  has  not  caused  or  allowed  any
chemical,  toxic, radioactive or other hazardous waste or material to be brought
or  stored  upon any of the  leasehold  property  or other  assets  of the Owned
Stations or the LMA Stations.

                           (j) That Company has good,  valid and, in the case of
any real property in fee simple,  marketable,  title to all of the Assets of the
Company, free and clear of all liens, charges,  encumbrances debts,  liabilities
and  obligations  of any nature  whatsoever,  except for liens in favor of Buyer
created under the Loan  Agreement  and related  documents and that the Assets of
the  company  are in good order and repair and are used in  material  compliance
with all state and federal laws and  regulations  relating to safety of the work

                           (k) That the  Assets of the  Company  are  adequately
covered by insurance against fire, theft and other casualty.

                           (1) That  Company has filed all returns and all other
reports of taxes due or  information  required for all federal,  state and local
income,  franchise,  business,  sales and use taxes, and all returns or reports,
when filed,  were  accurate and  complete,  and all taxes which should have been
paid have been paid.

                                      - 4 -

                           (m) That the only real property interests held in fee
simple and leasehold interests in real property of Company used or useful in the
operation  of the Owned  Stations  are those  set  forth in  Section  4.6 of the
Disclosure Schedule to the Loan Agreement and real property fee simple interests
acquired  or  leasehold  interests  entered  into  after  the  date of the  Loan
Agreement as permitted in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement.

                           (n) That the only contracts and agreements of Company
are either  set forth in  Section  4.8 of the  Disclosure  Schedule  to the Loan
Agreement or are not required to be set forth in the  Disclosure  Schedule under
the  provisions  of Section 4.8 of the Loan  Agreement  and those  contracts and
agreements  entered  into after the date of the Loan  Agreement  as permitted in
accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement.

                           (o)  The  Shares  constitute  all of the  issued  and
outstanding Capital Stock of the Company, The Shares are duly issued, fully paid
and  non-assessable.  The Shares are owned beneficially and of record by Seller,
the  Seller  has good and valid  title to the shares and the shares are free and
clear of all liens, charges,  encumbrances,  debts,  liabilities and obligations
whatsoever, except for liens in favor of Buyer created under the Loan Agreement.
There are no options,  warrants,  or other  rights of any nature  whatsoever  to
acquire capital stock of the Company.

                  Section 5. Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Buyer.
Buyer represents, warrants and covenants:

                           (a) That Buyer is and as of the Closing  Date will be
a limited  partnership  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under the laws of its State of organization.

                           (b) That this Agreement  constitutes the legal, valid
and binding obligation of Buyer, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                           (c) That except for the  necessity of a waiver of the
Commission's  one-to-a-market  rule,  47 C.F.R.  ss.73.3555(b)  because of Buyer
ownership of WLOS(TV) and WAXA(TV), Buyer does not know of any facts which would
disqualify it under the Communications  Act of 1934, as amended,  from owning or
operating the Station or which would cause the Commission to deny its consent to
the assignment of the Station to Buyer.

                           (d) That Buyer will reasonably  cooperate with Seller
in  securing  consents  where  applicable,   of  the  remaining   contracts  and
commitments of Company, including timely completing any applications required by
third parties such as credit reports and financial statements, etc.

                                      - 5 -

                  Section 6. Adjustments.  To the extent applicable,  a downward
adjustment in an amount equal to the amount calculated under Section  2.1(b)(ii)
of the Loan Agreement.

                  Section 7. Expenses.  The expenses involved in the preparation
and consummation of this Agreement shall be borne by the party incurring same.

                  Section 8. Obligations of the Parties Before Closing. From and
after the date of this Agreement and until the Closing Date:

                           (a)  Seller  shall  cause   Company  to  conduct  the
business of the Owned  Stations in the normal course and as has been  heretofore
conducted by Seller;

                           (b) Seller shall cause Company not to purchase, sell,
lease, or dispose of, or enter into any contract for the purchase,  sale,  lease
or  disposition of any property or assets having a cost in excess of $5,000 or a
contractual  period  extending beyond the Closing Date without the prior written
approval of Buyer;

                           (c) Seller  shall cause  Company to operate the Owned
Stations  in all  material  respects  in  accordance  with all  laws,  rules and
regulations-applicable to it, including the regulations of the Commission;

                           (d)  Seller  shall  provide to Buyer,  promptly  upon
receipt  thereof by Seller,  a copy of (i) any notice from the commission or any
other governmental authority of the revocation, suspension, or limitation of the
rights under, or of any proceeding for the revocation, suspension, or limitation
of the rights or that such authority may in the future (as the result of failure
to comply with laws or regulations or for any other reason) revoke,  suspend, or
limit the rights  under any  License,  or any other  license  or permit  held by
Seller  respecting  the  Owned  Station,   and  (ii)  copies  of  all  protests,
complaints,  challenges or other  documents  filed with the  Commission by third
parties concerning either of the Station, and promptly upon the filing or making
thereof, copies of Seller's responses to such filings; and

                           (e) Seller shall notify Buyer in writing  immediately
upon learning of the institution or threat of any material action against Seller
or Company in any court,  or any  action  against  Seller or Company  before the
Commission  or any  other  governmental  agency,  and  notify  Buyer in  writing
promptly upon receipt of any  administrative or court order relating to business
of the Company.

                                      - 6 -

                  Section  9.   Contingency  of   Obligations   of  Buyer.   All
obligations of Buyer under this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment,  prior
to or at the Closing  Date, of each of the  following  conditions,  any of which
Buyer may waive in writing:

                           (a) The  representations  and  warranties  of  Seller
contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be true at and as of the  Closing  Date as
though such  representations  and warranties  were made at and as of the Closing

                           (b)  Seller  shall  have  materially   performed  and
complied with all  agreements  and  conditions  required by this Agreement to be
performed or complied with by Seller prior to or at the Closing.

                           (c) The Commission shall have granted its approval of
the transfer of control of the Company's  licenses and  authorizations  to Buyer
and such approval has become a Final order (as defined herein) and any necessary
waiver required under the terms of C.F.R. ss.73.3555(b) shall have been obtained
without any adverse conditions to Buyer and shall have become a Final Order.

                           (d) Seller  shall have  delivered to Buyer an opinion
from its counsel, dated as of the Closing Date to the following effect:

                                    (i)   Company  is  a   corporation   validly
                           existing and in good  standing  under the laws of the
                           State of Louisiana;

                                    (ii)   Company  is   entitled   to  own  its
                           properties  and carry on its  business as, and in the
                           places where,  the  properties are owned and operated
                           and the business is now conducted;

                                    (iii) All  actions  to be taken by or on the
                           part of Seller or Company to authorize  then to carry
                           out and perform the Agreement and the transactions it
                           contemplated have been duly and properly taken;

                                    (iv)   There  are  no   actions,   suits  or
                           proceedings before any Court or administrative agency
                           pending or threatened  against or affecting Seller or
                           the Company;

                                    (v) This  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,
                           valid and binding  obligation of Seller,  enforceable
                           against Seller in accordance with its terms,  subject
                           to customary bankruptcy and similar

                                                       - 7 -

                           limitations  and  limitations on the  availability of
                           equitable remedies.

                                    (e) Buyer shall not have exercised its right
                           to terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to Section 15

                  Section  10.   Contingency  of  Obligations  of  Seller.   All
obligations of Seller under this Agreement are subject to the fulfillment, prior
to or at the Closing, of each of the following  conditions,  any of which Seller
may waive in writing:

                           (a)  The  representations  and  warranties  of  Buyer
contained  in this  Agreement  shall  be true at and as of the  Closing  Date as
though such  representations  and warranties  were made at and as of the Closing

                           (b)  Buyer  shall  have   materially   performed  and
complied with all  agreements  and  conditions  required by this Agreement to be
performed or complied with by Buyer prior to or at the Closing Date.

                           (c) The Commission shall have granted its approval of
the transfer of control of the Company's Licenses to Buyer.

                           (d) The  payment  to Seller by Buyer of the  Purchase

                           (e) Buyer shall have  delivered  to Seller an opinion
from its counsel, dated as of the Closing Date to the following effect:

                                    (i) Buyer is a limited  partnership  validly
                           existing  and in good  standing  under  its  State of

                                    (ii) All partnership  actions to be taken by
                           or on the part of Buyer to  authorize it to carry out
                           and perform the  Agreement  and the  transactions  it
                           contemplated have been duly and properly taken; and

                                    (iii) This Agreement  constitutes the legal,
                           valid and  binding  obligation  of Buyer  enforceable
                           against Buyer in accordance  with its terms,  subject
                           to customary  bankruptcy and similar  limitations and
                           limitations   on  the   availability   of   equitable

                  Section 11. Further Closing Documents. On the Closing Date and
as a further  contingency of the obligation of Buyer (in the case of (a) and (b)
below) or Seller (in the case

                                      - 8 -

of (b) below), as applicable, as provided for below, to close hereunder:

                           (a)      Seller shall deliver to Buyer:

                                    (i) The stock  certificates  evidencing  the
                           shares and stock powers executed in blank.

                                    (ii)  All  necessary   consents   under  any
                           agreements  of the  Seller  for the  transfer  of the
                           stock contemplated hereunder.

                           (b) Seller and Buyer  shall also  execute  such other
documents,   as  may  reasonably  be  necessary  for  the   implementation   and
consummation of this Agreement.

                  Unless otherwise  provided in this Agreement,  all instruments
and documents  delivered shall be dated the Closing Date and shall be reasonably
satisfactory as to form and content to each party and its respective counsel.

                  Section 12. Application to Commission.  Seller and Buyer shall
cooperate in the prompt  preparation and filing,  within seven (7) days from the
date of this  Agreement,  of an application  with the commission  requesting its
consent to the transfer of control of the Licenses for the Owned  Stations  from
Seller to Buyer (or to such other  entity as  designed  by Buyer).  The  parties
shall  thereafter  prosecute the  Commission  applications)  with all reasonable
diligence and otherwise use their commercially  reasonable efforts to obtain the
grants of such applications) as expeditiously as practicable (but no party shall
have any obligation to take any unreasonable steps to satisfy  complainants,  if
any,  which  steps  would  substantially  impair or  diminish  rights  under the
Commission  Licenses or otherwise impose an unreasonable  burden on a party). If
the  Commission  consent  imposes any condition on any party hereto,  such party
shall use its  commercially  reasonable  efforts to comply  with such  condition
unless  compliance  would be unduly  burdensome or would have a material adverse
effect upon Buyer, or materially adversely affects its constituent  partners, or
any of its subsidiaries, as appropriate, If reconsideration,  review or judicial
review is sought with respect to the Commission consent,  Buyer and Seller shall
oppose such efforts for  reconsideration,  review or judicial review vigorously.
If the  Closing  shall not have  occurred  for any reason  within  the  original
effective  period of the Commission  consent,  and if none of the parties hereto
are in breach or default of its  obligations,  representations,  warranties  and
covenants or duties hereunder, the parties shall jointly request an extension of
the  effective  period of the  commission  consent.  Notwithstanding  any of the
foregoing,  if the Commission consent imposes any condition that would adversely
change (other than a change in reporting requirements that is not

                                      - 9 -

unduly  burdensome)  or limit the  operations of any of the Owned Stations or of
WLOS(TV)  or  WAXA(TV)  after the  Closing  or require a  divestiture  of either
WLOS(TV)  or  WAXA(TV)  by Buyer  after the  Closing,  Buyer may, at its option,
terminate this Agreement without any liability or obligation to Seller.

                  Section 13. Commission Approval.  If the Commission has failed
to grant its  approval of the  Licenses  from Seller to Buyer within a period of
sixty (60) months from the date of filing of the applications  described herein,
either Seller or Buyer may thereafter terminate this Agreement by giving written
notice to the other;  provided,  however,  that the party  desiring to terminate
shall  not then be in  material  breach  of this  Agreement  and have  been then
notified in writing by the other party thereof.

                  Section  14.  Remedies  of  Parties  upon  Default.  If Seller
defaults in the performance of its obligations  under this Agreement to complete
the sale to the Buyer as herein set forth,  and Buyer  shall not be in  material
breach,  Buyer may terminate this Agreement upon notice in writing to Seller and
shall be  entitled to bring an action for  damages or  specific  performance  or
both.  If Buyer  defaults  in the  performance  of its  obligations  under  this
Agreement to complete the purchase from Seller as herein set forth,  as and when
herein  set  forth,  and  Seller  shall not be in  material  breach,  Seller may
terminate this  Agreement  upon notice in writing to Buyer,  and Seller shall be
entitled to bring an action for damages or specific  performance or both. In the
event that both Buyer and Seller have defaulted  hereunder,  and neither party's
default  was caused by the  inability  of such party to perform due to the other
party's  default,  then either party may terminate  this  Agreement upon written
notice to the other without any further liability to each other.  Neither Buyer,
on the one hand,  nor Seller,  on the other hand, may rely on the failure of any
condition  precedent set forth herein to be satisfied if such failure was caused
by such party's (or  parties')  failure to act in good faith,  or a breach of or
failure  to  perform  its  representations,   warranties,   covenants  or  other
obligations in accordance with the terms hereof.

                  Section 15.  Damage to Company's  Properties.  In the event of
any  material  damage to the Owned  Stations or any of the  Company's  assets by
reason of fire or other casualty or incident  occurring between the date hereof,
and the Closing  Date,  Seller  shall give Buyer  notice of such event.  In such
notice,  Seller  shall  indicate  its  best  estimate  of  the  damages,  and if
repairable,  the length of time  required  for  restoration.  Seller shall cause
Company  to take all  reasonable  steps to  repair,  replace  and  restore  such
property as soon as possible  after the loss,  and in addition,  if  repairable,
shall  apply  any  insurance  proceeds  received  because  of such  loss to such
restoration.  In the  event of such  damage,  which  is not  fully  required  or

                                     - 10 -

prior to Closing, or if is interrupted such that the regular broadcast signal of
such Owned Station  (including its effective radiated power is diminished in any
material  respect for a period of 72 continuous  hours or more at any time prior
to the Closing Date,  Buyer may terminate this Agreement or postpone the Closing
Date for a period of up to 180 days.

                  Section 16. Closing. The Closing Date, as used throughout this
Agreement,  shall  take  place  (subject  to the  provisions  of this  Agreement
deferring or permitting the  postponement  of the Closing)  within ten (10) days
after  the later of (i)  consent  of the  Commission  to the  assignment  of the
Commission Licenses shall have been granted and shall have become a Final Order,
and  (ii)  grant by the  Commission  of any  necessary  waiver  under 47  C.F.R.
ss.73.3555(b)  shall have been obtained and such grant shall have become a Final
Order,  such date and the place  thereof to be selected by Buyer.  "Final Order"
means  an  action  or order by the  Commission  (a) that has not been  reversed,
stayed,  enjoined,  not aside,  annulled or suspended,,  and (b) with respect to
which (i) no requests  have been filed for  administrative  or judicial  review,
reconsideration, appeal or stay and the Commission has not initiated a review of
such  action or order on its own notion and the  periods  provided by statute or
commission  regulations  for filing any such requests and for the  commission to
set aside the action on its own  motion  have  expired,  or (ii) in the event of
review,  reconsideration or appeal, the period provided by statute or commission
regulations for further review, reconsideration or appeal has expired.

                  Section 17.  Notices.  All  notices  and other  communications
hereunder  shall  be in  writing  and  shall  be  deemed  given  when  delivered
personally  or by Federal  Express  or other  comparable  nationally  recognized
courier service  (receipt  requested) or by facsimile  transmission,  telexed or
mailed by  registered  or certified  mail (return  receipt  requested),  postage
prepaid, to the parties at the following addresses (or at such other address for
a party as shall be specified by like notice;  provided that notices of a change
of address shall be effective only upon receipt thereof):

                           To South Carolina:
                           Keymarket Communications, Inc.
                           2743 Perimeter Parkway
                           Building 100, Suite 250
                           Augusta, Georgia 30909
                           Attention:  Mr. Donald J. Alt
                           Telephone:      (706) 855-0555
                           Telecopy:       (706) 855-1955

                           copies to:

                                     - 11 -

                           Joel B. Piassick, Esq.
                           Kilpatrick & Cody
                           1100 Peachtree Street
                           Suite 2800
                           Atlanta, Georgia 30309
                           Telephone:       (404) 815-6527
                           Telecopy:        (404) 815 6555

                           Mr. Richard A. Churchill
                           MC Partners
                           75 State Street
                           Suite 2500
                           Boston, Massachusetts  02109
                           Telephone:       (617) 345-7200
                           Telecopy:        (617) 345-7201

                           Bruce E. Rogoff, Esq.
                           Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris,
                           Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                           One Financial Center
                           Boston, Massachusetts 02111
                           Telephone:       (617) 542-6000
                           Telecopy:        (617) 542-2241

                           To Buyer:

                           c/o River City Broadcasting, L.P.
                           1215 Cole Street
                           St. Louis, Missouri 63106
                           Attention:       Mr. Larry D. Marcus
                           Telephone:       (314) 259-5700
                           Telecopy:        (314) 259-5709

                           Copies to:

                           John T. Byrnes, Esq.
                           Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
                           1255 23rd Street, N.W.
                           Suite 500
                           Washington, D.C. 20037
                           Telephone:       (202) 857-2518
                           Telecopy:        (202) 857-2900

                  Section 18. Survival.  Notwithstanding  any investigation made
by either  Buyer or  Seller,  all  covenants,  agreements,  representations  and
warranties  contained in this Agreement,  and in any other instruments which may
be delivered pursuant hereto or in connection with the transactions contemplated
hereby,  shall be deemed to be material and to have been relied upon by Buyer or
Seller,  as applicable,  but the  representations  and warranties of the parties
made  herein  shall  not  survive  the  Closing  and  the  consummation  of  the

                                     - 12 -

contemplated  by this  Agreement;  provided  that  nothing  herein  shall affect
Buyer's rights under that certain Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of March __,
1995, by and among Buyer,  Seller and certain affiliated entities of Seller (the
"Purchase Agreement").

                  Section  19.  Commissions.  Except for any fee payable to Star
Media Group,  Inc.  pursuant to a Letter  Agreement among Sellers and Star Media
Group,  Inc.  dated  June 1,  1994,  which  fees  shall be paid by Seller or his
affiliates,  Buyer and  Seller  represent  and  warrant  that  neither it or its
affiliates  nor any  person or entity  acting on its  behalf  has  incurred  any
liability for any finders,  or brokers' fees or commissions  in connection  with
the transaction  contemplated  by this Agreement.  Buyer agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless Seller against any fee, commission, loss or expense arising out of
any  claim by any  other  broker  or finder  employed  or  alleged  to have been
employed  by Buyer,  and Seller  agrees to  indemnify  and hold  harmless  Buyer
against  any fee,  commission,  loss or expense  arising out of any claim by any
other broker or finder employed or alleged to have been employed by any Seller.

                  Section  20.  Further  Assurances.  Subject  to the  terms and
conditions  of  this  Agreement,  each  of  the  parties  hereto  will  use  all
commercially  reasonable efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and
to do, or cause to be done,  all things  necessary,  proper or  advisable  under
applicable  laws  and  regulations  to  consulate  and make  effective  the sale
contemplated  by this  Agreement.  From  time to time  after the  Closing  Date,
without further  consideration,  Seller will, at Seller's  expense,  execute and
deliver, or cause to be executed and delivered, such documents to Buyer as Buyer
may reasonably  request in order to more effectively vest in Buyer good title to
the shares and to evidence the  representations  and warranties of Seller.  From
time to time after the Closing Date, without further consideration,  Buyer will,
at Buyer's  expense,  execute and deliver such documents to Seller as Seller may
reasonably  request  in order  to more  effectively  consummate  the sale of the
shares pursuant to this Agreement.

                  Section 21. Amendment and Modification.  This Agreement may be
amended, modified or supplemented only by written agreement of Seller and Buyer.

                  Section  22.  Waiver  of  Compliance;   Consents.   Except  as
otherwise  provided  in this  Agreement,  any  failure of any of the  parties to
comply with any obligation,  representation,  warranty,  covenant,  agreement or
condition  herein may be waived by the party  entitled to the  benefits  thereof
only by a written  instrument signed by the party granting such waiver, but such
waiver or  failure  to  insist  upon  strict  compliance  with such  obligation,
representation, warranty, covenant, agreement or

                                     - 13 -

condition  shall not  operate as a waiver of, or estoppel  with  respect to, any
subsequent or other failure. Whenever this Agreement requires or permits consent
by or on behalf of any party hereto, such consent shall be given in writing in a
manner  consistent with the requirements for a waiver of compliance as set forth
in this Section 22.

                  Section  23.  Assignment.   This  Agreement  and  all  of  the
provisions  hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their  respective  successors and permitted  assigns,  but, except as
provided for herein, neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,  interests or
obligations  hereunder  shall be  assigned  by either  Buyer or  Sellers  hereto
without the prior written consent of the other party.

                  The parties agree as follows:

                           (a) Without  the consent of Seller,  Buyer may assign
all or any of the  rights and  obligations  under  this  Agreement  to any other
party.  Furthermore,  to the  extent  this  Agreement  is  assigned  by Buyer in
accordance with the terms of this Section 23 to a party that is not an affiliate
of Buyer,  upon such assignment  Buyer shall have no further  obligations  under
this Agreement and Seller's only recourse under this Agreement  shall be against
such assignee of Buyer.

                           (b)  Except  as  expressly   provided  herein,   this
Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other person except
the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

                  Section 24. Governing Law. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY

                  Section 25.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in
one or more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of
which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                  Section  26.  Headings.   The  article  and  section  headings
contained in this  Agreement  are solely for the purpose of  reference,  are not
part of the agreement of the parties and shall not in any way affect the meaning
or interpretation of this Agreement.

                  Section 27. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the documents
delivered pursuant to the Agreement, the Loan Agreement and the Option Agreement
dated as of between  Buyer and Seller,  and the Purchase  Agreement,  embody the
entire agreement

                                     - 14 -

and  understanding  of  the  parties  hereto  in  respect  of  the  transactions
contemplated   by  this   Agreement.   This   Agreement   supersedes  all  prior
negotiations,  agreements and understandings between the parties with respect to
the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement and all letters of intent and
other writings executed prior to the date hereof relating to such  negotiations,
agreements  and  understandings;  provided that nothing  herein shall affect the
provisions  of  the  Loan  Agreement,  the  Option  Agreement  or  the  Purchase

                  Section 28.  Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement
or the  application  thereof to any person or  circumstance  shall be invalid or
unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application
of such  provision  to other  persons  or  circumstances  shall not be  affected
thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law so long as
the economic or legal substance of the transactions  contemplated  hereby is not
affected in any manner materially  adverse to any party. Upon such determination
that any term or other provision is invalid or unenforceable, the parties hereto
shall  negotiate  in good  faith to modify  this  Agreement  so as to effect the
original intent of the parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to
the end that the transactions  contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the greatest
extent possible.

                  Section 29. Press Releases.  No press releases or other public
announcements concerning this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby
shall be made by any party hereto without the prior written consent of the other
party unless the first such party is legally compelled to do so.

                  Section 30. Publicity.  Neither Seller nor Buyer shall make or
issue  or  cause  to be made or  issued,  any  announcement  (written  or  oral)
concerning  this  Agreement  or  the   transactions   contemplated   hereby  for
dissemination  to the  general  public  without  the prior  consent of the other
party. This provision shall not apply,  however,  to any announcement or written
statement  required to be made by law or the regulations of any federal or state
governmental  agency or any stock  exchange,  except that the party  required to
make such  announcement  shall  provide a draft copy  thereof to the other party
hereto,  and consult with such other party  concerning the timing and content of
such announcement, before such announcement is made.

                  Section 31.  Control of the  Stations.  Prior to the  Closing,
Buyer shall not,  directly  or  indirectly,  control,  supervise  or direct,  or
attempt to control,  supervise or direct,  the operation of the Owned  Stations;
such operation,  including complete control and supervision of all of each Owned

                                     - 15 -

programs,  employees and policies,,  shall be the sole  responsibility of Seller
and the Company.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  executed  this
Agreement as of the date first above written.

                                            KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.


                                            RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.

                                            By: Better Communications, Inc.
                                                General Partner
