Exhibit 10.9


                                OPTION AGREEMENT


                                    as Seller


                          THE INDIVIDUALS NAMED HEREIN,
                      ON BEHALF OF AN ENTITY TO BE FORMED,
                                    as Buyer

                                   DATED AS OF

                                  MAY 24, 1994

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                                                              Page No


GRANT OF OPTION; GENERAL TERMS OF SALE............................................................................2
         1.1      Option Grant; Assets Covered....................................................................2
                  (a)      FCC Authorizations.....................................................................3
                  (b)      Tangible Personal Property.............................................................3
                  (c)      Real Property..........................................................................3
                  (d)      Agreements for Sale of Time............................................................3
                  (e)      Program Contracts......................................................................3
                  (f)      Other Contracts........................................................................3
                  (g)      Trade-marks, etc.......................................................................3
                  (h)      Programming Copyrights.................................................................3
                  (i)      FCC Records............................................................................4
                  (j)      Files and Records......................................................................4
                  (k)      Goodwill...............................................................................4
                  (l)      Prepaid items..........................................................................4
                  (m)      Cash...................................................................................4
                  (n)      Receivables and Other Claims...........................................................4
         1.2      Excluded Assets.................................................................................4
                  (a)      Excluded Personal Property.............................................................4
                  (b)      Insurance..............................................................................4
                  (c)      Name...................................................................................5
                  (d)      Certain Contracts......................................................................5
                  (e)      Corporate Books and Records............................................................5
                  (f)      Other Books and Records................................................................5
                  (g)      Transaction Documents..................................................................5
                  (h)      Pension Assets, Etc....................................................................5
         1.3      Option Exercise.................................................................................5
         1.4      Liabilities.....................................................................................5
                  (a)      Release of Certain Liens...............................................................6
                  (b)      Assumption of Liabilities Generally....................................................6
                  (c)      Certain Advances.......................................................................6


         2.1      Exercise Price..................................................................................7
                  (a)      Payment................................................................................7
                  (b)      Allocation of Cash Purchase Price......................................................7
         2.2      The Closing.....................................................................................7


         2.3      Deliveries at Closing...........................................................................7
                  (a)      Deliveries by Sellers..................................................................8
                  (b)      Deliveries by Buyer....................................................................8



REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BUYER...........................................................................9
         4.1      Incorporation...................................................................................9
         4.2      Corporate Action................................................................................9
         4.3      No Defaults.....................................................................................9
         4.4      Brokers........................................................................................10


COVENANTS OF SELLER..............................................................................................10
         5.1      Covenants of Seller Generally..................................................................10
                  (a)      Operation in Ordinary Course..........................................................10
                  (b)      Restrictions..........................................................................10
                  (c)      Organization/Goodwill.................................................................11
                  (d)      Access to Facilities, Files, and Records.  Buyers' Access Generally...................11
                  (e)      Notice of Proceedings.................................................................11
                  (f)      Notice of Certain Developments........................................................11
                  (g)      No Premature Assumption of Control....................................................12
         5.2      Covenants of Seller during Exercise Period.....................................................12
                  (a)      Application for Commission Consent....................................................12
                  (b)      Consents..............................................................................12
                  (c)      Consummation of Sale..................................................................12
                  (d)      Hart-Scott-Rodino.....................................................................13

COVENANTS OF BUYER...............................................................................................13
         6.1      Covenants of Buyer Generally...................................................................13
         6.2      Covenants of Buyer during Exercise Period......................................................13


CONDITIONS TO SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS ON THE CLOSING DATE...........................................................13
         7.1      Representations, Warranties, Covenants.........................................................14
         7.2      Proceedings....................................................................................14
         7.3      FCC Authorization..............................................................................14


         7.4      Hart-Scott-Rodino..............................................................................14
         7.5      Other Instruments..............................................................................14
         7.6      Existing Station Indebtedness..................................................................15


         8.1      Bulk Sales Indemnity...........................................................................15
         8.2      Limitation of Recourse.........................................................................15
         8.3      Acknowledgment by Buyer........................................................................15


POST-CLOSING MATTERS.............................................................................................16
         9.1      Corporate Name.................................................................................16
         9.2      Post-Sale Employee Matters.....................................................................16
                  (a)      Post-Closing Employment Generally.....................................................16
                  (b)      Notice to Continuing Employees........................................................16
                  (c)      Responsibility for Termination Costs..................................................16


         10.1     Termination of Agreement Prior to the Closing Date.............................................16
                  (a)      By Seller.............................................................................17
                  (b)      By Buyer..............................................................................17
         10.2     Liabilities Upon Termination...................................................................17
         10.3     Expenses.......................................................................................17
         10.4     Assignments....................................................................................17
         10.5     Further Assurances.............................................................................18
         10.6     Notices........................................................................................18
         10.7     Captions.......................................................................................19
         10.8     Law Governing..................................................................................19
         10.9     Consent to Jurisdiction, Etc...................................................................19
         10.10    Waiver of Provisions...........................................................................20
         10.11    Counterparts...................................................................................20
         10.12    Entire Agreement/Amendments....................................................................20
         10.13    Access to Books and Record.....................................................................20
         10.14    Public Announcements...........................................................................21
         10.15    [RESERVED].....................................................................................21
         10.16    Definitional Provisions........................................................................21
                  (a)      Terms Defined in Appendix.............................................................21
                  (b)      Gender and Number.....................................................................21


         10.17    Arbitration....................................................................................21
                  (a)      Generally.............................................................................21
                  (b)      Notice of Arbitration.................................................................22
                  (c)      Selection of Arbitrator...............................................................22
                  (d)      Conduct of Arbitration................................................................22
                  (e)      Enforcement...........................................................................22
                  (f)      Expenses..............................................................................22
         10.18    Confidential Information: Seller...............................................................23
         10.19    Confidential Information: Buyer................................................................23
         10.20    Commencement of Certain Pre-Closing Activities.................................................24


                                OPTION AGREEMENT

                  THIS  OPTION  AGREEMENT  is dated as of May 24,  1994,  and is
entered into between Kansas City TV 62 Limited  Partnership,  a Delaware limited
partnership ("Seller"),  and David D. Smith, J. Duncan Smith, Frederick G. Smith
and  Robert  E.  Smith,  each,  on  behalf  of an  entity  to be  formed by them
("Buyer").  Other  capitalized  terms  are  defined  in  the  Appendix  to  this


                  A.  WHEREAS,  Seller is the licensee of  broadcast  television
station KSMO- TV, Kansas City, Missouri (the "Station").

                  B.  WHEREAS,  Seller  desires  to grant to Buyer an  option to
acquire the Station Assets  described in more detail below, and Buyer desires to
be granted such option, all or the terms described below.

                  NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF the foregoing and of other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged,  the individuals which are parties hereto, on behalf of Buyer, and
Seller agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                                GRANT OF OPTION;
                              GENERAL TERMS OF SALE

                  1.1 Option  Grant;  Assets  Covered.  Seller  hereby grants to
Buyer,  and Buyer hereby accepts  Seller's grant of, an option (the "Option") to
acquire  the  Station  Assets  upon the terms and  conditions  set forth in this
AGREEMENT.  Upon  and  subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  stated  in  this
AGREEMENT,  or the Closing Date,  Seller,  as its  interests  may appear,  shall
convey, transfer, and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer shall acquire from Seller, all
of Seller's  rights in, to and under the assets and  properties of Seller,  real
and personal,  tangible and intangible,  of every kind and description which are
owned and used by Seller in connection  with the business and  operations of the
Station,  as a  going  concern,  including,  without  limitation,  rights  under
contracts  and  leases,  real  and  personal  property,   plant  and  equipment,
inventories,  intangibles,  licenses and goodwill, but excluding all such assets
and properties which constitute Excluded Assets. The rights,  assets,  property,
and  business of the Seller with  respect to the  Station to be  transferred  to
Buyer pursuant to this Section 1.1 in connection with the exercise of the Option
are  referred  to as the  "Station  Assets,"  and the  purchase  and sale of the
Station Assets pursuant to this AGREEMENT in connection with the exercise of the
option is referred to as the "Sale,"  Subject to Section 1.2, the Station Assets
include, without limitation,  Seller's rights in, to and under the following, in
each case if and to the extent in existence and held by Seller immediately prior
to the Closing:

                             (a)   FCC   Authorizations.    All   licenses   and
         authorizations  issued by the FCC to Seller with respect to the Station
         (the "FCC  Authorizations"),  and all applications  therefor,  together
         with any  renewals,  extensions,  modifications  thereof and  additions

                             (b)  Tangible  Personal  Property.  All  equipment,
         vehicles,  furniture,  pictures,   transmitting  towers,  transmitters,
         office materials and supplies,  spare parts and other tangible personal
         property  of every kind and  description  used in  connection  with the
         business and operations of the Station.

                             (c) Real Property. All real property interests held
         by Seller  and all  buildings,  structures,  towers,  and  improvements
         thereon  used in the business and  operations  of the Station,  and all
         other rights under any Contracts relating to real property (the "Realty
         Contracts"); provided that, in the event of destruction of or damage to
         any such real property interest or any improvement thereon which is not
         repaired or restored  prior to the  Closing  Date,  then at the Closing
         Seller shall assign to Buyer all of Seller's  interest,  if any, in the
         proceeds  (the  "Proceeds")  of any  insurance  covering such damage or

                             (d)  Agreements  for  Sale  of  Time.  All  orders,
         agreements  and  other  Contracts  for  the  sale of  advertising  time
         (including  Trades)  on the  Station  (collectively,  the  "Time  Sales
         Contracts"), to the extent unperformed as of the Closing Date.

                             (e) Program  Contracts.  All program  licenses  and
         other  Contracts  under which Seller is  authorized  to broadcast  film
         product  or  programs  on  the  Station  (collectively,   the  "Program

                             (f) Other Contracts.  All Contracts relating to the
         Station to which Seller is a party with  respect to the Station  (other
         than any Contract described in Section 1.1(c), 1.1(d) or 1.1(e) hereof)
         (collectively,  the "Other Assumed  Contracts"),  including the Program
         Consulting  AGREEMENT  dated as of the date hereof among Seller and the
         individuals  which  are  parties  hereto,  on behalf of an entity to be
         formed by them.

                             (g)  Trade-marks,  etc.  All  trademarks,   service
         marks,  trade  names,  jingles,   slogans,   logotypes,   the  goodwill
         associated with the foregoing, and patents, owned and used by Seller in
         connection with the business and operations of the station,  including,
         without  limitation,  all  Seller's  rights  to use  the  call  letters
         "KSMO-TV"  and any  related  names and phrases in  connection  with the

                             (h)   Programming   Copyrights.   All  program  and
         programming  materials and elements of whatever form or nature owned by
         Seller and used solely in connection  with the business and  operations
         of the  Station,  whether  recorded on tape or any other  substance  or
         intended for live performance, and whether completed or in


         production,  and all related common law and statutory  copyrights owned
         by or licensed to Seller and used in  connection  with the business and
         operations of the Station.

                             (i) FCC Records.  Subject to Section 10.13, all FCC
         logs  and  other  compliance  records  of  Seller  that  relate  to the
         operations of the Station.

                             (j) Files and  Records.  Subject to Section  10.13,
         all files and other records of Seller  relating  solely to the business
         and  operations of the Station  prior to the Closing  Date,  including,
         without  limitation,  all books,  records,  accounts,  checks,  payment
         records,   tax  records  (including,   without   limitation,   payroll,
         unemployment,  real  estate,  and other tax  records),  and other  such
         similar  books and  records  of  Seller,  for three  (3)  fiscal  years
         immediately  preceding  the Closing Date  (collectively,  the "Seller's
         Recent Station Records").

                             (k)  Goodwill.  All of  Seller's  goodwill  in, and
         going concern value of, the Station.

                             (l) Prepaid items. All prepaid expenses relating to
         the Station.

                             (m) Cash.  All  cash,  cash  equivalents,  and cash
         items of any kind  whatsoever,  certificates  of deposit,  money market
         instruments,  bank  balances,  and  rights  in  and to  bank  accounts,
         marketable and other securities held by Seller.

                             (n)  Receivables  and Other  Claims.  All notes and
         accounts  receivable  and other  receivables  of Seller  relating to or
         arising out of the operation of the Station  prior to the Closing,  all
         security,  insurance,  and similar  deposits,  and all other  claims of
         Seller with respect to transactions or other conduct of the business of
         the Station prior to the Closing, including, without limitation, claims
         for tax refunds and claims of Seller under all  Contracts  with respect
         to events or the period prior to the Closing.

As used in this AGREEMENT, the terms "Realty Contracts," "Time Sales Contracts,"
"Program  Contracts," and "Other Assumed  Contracts" do not include Contracts of
any type described above which are Excluded Contracts.

                  1.2 Excluded Assets.  There shall be excluded from the Station
Assets and, to the extent in existence on the Closing Date,  retained by Seller,
the following assets (the "Excluded Assets"):

                             (a)  Excluded  Personal   Property.   All  personal
                  property located at the Boston,  Massachusetts headquarters of
                  ABRY Communications and all proceeds thereof, and all tangible
                  personal  property  retired,  disposed  of or  consumed in the


                  ordinary  course  of  the  business  of  the  Station,  or  as
                  otherwise  permitted  by this  AGREEMENT,  between the date of
                  this AGREEMENT and the Closing Date.

                             (b)  Insurance.  Subject  to  section  1.1(c),  all
         contracts of insurance and all insurance  plans and the assets thereof,
         together with all rights and claims thereunder.

                             (c) Name.  All of  Seller' s rights to use the name
         "ABRY," any variation thereof, or any related logo, name or phrase.

                             (d) Certain Contracts.  All Realty Contracts,  Time
         Sales Contracts,  Program  Contracts and Other Assumed  Contracts which
         expire and are not renewed, or which otherwise terminate,  prior to the
         Closing Date (collectively, the "Excluded Contracts."

                             (e) Corporate Books and Records. Subject to section
         10.13,  all account  books of original  entry and other than  duplicate
         copies of those files and records,  if any, that are  maintained at any
         executive office of Seller or the off ices of Seller' s parent entities
         or direct or indirect equity owners,  and all materials of Seller which
         constitute  attorney  work  product  or  contain  information  which is
         protected by attorney-client  privilege,  wherever located, relating to
         matters at or prior to the Closing;  provided  that Seller will provide
         Buyer  access to such work  product or  privileged  information  to the
         extent necessary for Buyer to defend any claim brought against Buyer by
         a  Person  which  is not,  or is not an  Affiliate  of, a party to this

                             (f) Other  Books and  Records.  Subject  to Section
         10.13,  Seller's  account  books of original  entry with respect to the
         station, and all books, records, accounts, checks, payment records, tax
         records (including,  without limitation,  payroll,  unemployment,  real
         estate, and other tax records),  and other similar books,  records, and
         information of Seller  relating to the operation of the business of the
         Station prior to the Closing Date, excluding the Seller' Recent Station

                             (g) Transaction Documents. All rights of Seller, or
         any successor to Seller, pursuant to any Transaction Document.

                             (h) Pension Assets,  Etc. Pension,  profit sharing,
         retirement,  bonus,  stock  purchase,  savings plan and trusts,  401(k)
         plans,  health insurance  plans, and the assets thereof,  and all other
         plans,  agreements,  or  understandings  to provide  employee  welfare,
         pension or other  benefits of any kind for any employees (or dependents
         or related persons of any employees) of Seller.

                  1.3 Option  Exercise.  In order to exercise the Option,  Buyer
must  deliver  to Seller  written  notice  (an  "Exercise  Notice")  of  Buyer's
intention to do so. Buyer may withdraw 
respect to


any  Exercise  Notice  prior to the Closing by written  notice to that effect to
Seller. Upon the withdrawal of any Exercise Notice, Buyer shall reimburse Seller
for all reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Seller in connection with
its compliance with Section 5.2 with such Exercise Notice.  Nothing contained in
this Section 1.3 is intended to prohibit Buyer from subsequently  exercising the
Option after any such withdrawal.

                  1.4        Liabilities.

                             (a) Release of Certain Liens.  At the Closing,  the
         Station  Assets  shall be sold and  conveyed to Buyer free and clear of
         all Liens  securing  the  repayment  of Existing  Station  Indebtedness
         (except to the extent it is Assumed Indebtedness).

                             (b)  Assumption  of  Liabilities   Generally.   The
         "Assumed  Liabilities"  are the Assumed  Indebtedness  (if any) and all
         other  liabilities  and obligations of Seller relating to the operation
         of the Station or the ownership or operation of the Station Assets,  in
         each case as of the Closing Date, whether contingent or absolute, known
         or unknown, accrued or not accrued, or matured or unmatured,  including
         all liabilities and obligations  pursuant to any Realty Contract,  Time
         Sales   Contract,   Program   Contract   or  Other   Assumed   Contract
         (collectively,  the "Assumed Contracts") in effect on the Closing Date,
         in each case  whether or not any  Consent of any Person is  required in
         order to permit the  assignment of Seller's  rights  arising under such
         Contract to Buyer or the assumption of any such liability by Buyer.  On
         the Closing Date, Buyer will assume and agree to pay, satisfy,  perform
         and  discharge  all Assumed  Liabilities.  From and after the  Closing,
         Buyer will  discharge and reimburse and hold harmless  Seller  against,
         and Seller will not be responsible or otherwise liable for, any Assumed
         Liability.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, except as otherwise provided
         in this Agreement,  the "Assumed  Liabilities" will not include, and on
         the Closing  Date Buyer shall not assume or  thereafter  be liable for,
         any liability or obligation of Seller relating to any Existing  Station
         Indebtedness  which is not Assumed  Indebtedness  (it being  understood
         that  all   Existing   Station   Indebtedness   which  is  not  Assumed
         Indebtedness will be satisfied prior to, or contemporaneously with, the
         Closing), or any duty,  obligation,  or liability of Seller relating to
         any pension,  401(k) or other similar plan,  agreement,  or arrangement
         provided  by  Seller  to   employees   of  Seller.   Existing   Station
         Indebtedness  is  "Assumed  Indebtedness"  to  the  extent  that  Buyer
         notifies Seller in writing that Buyer will assume such Existing Station
         Indebtedness  in  connection  with the  Closing  and Buyer  actually so
         assumes such Existing Station Indebtedness.  The revenues, expenses and
         liabilities  of Seller or  attributable  to the Station and the Station
         Assets will not be prorated between Buyer and Seller in connection with
         the Closing.

                             (c) Certain Advances. Buyer acknowledges that, from
         time to  time,  ABRY  Communications  III,  L.P.,  a  Delaware  limited
         partnership  ("ABRY  III"),  may advance funds from time to time (up to
         $1,700,000 in the aggregate) to fund rights payments by Seller pursuant
         to Seller's Kansas City Royals baseball  broadcasting rights 


         agreement,  and that interest  will accrue on the  principal  amount of
         such advances  (from the time the proceeds of such advances are used to
         fund such rights  payments)  at the rate of 8.5% per annum,  compounded
         annually.  Upon the Closing,  Buyer shall assume Seller's obligation to
         repay such advances, together with any accrued and unpaid interest, and
         will  repay  such  advances  (together  with such  accrued  and  unpaid
         interest) in full in cash.

                                   ARTICLE II


                  2.1        Exercise Price.

                             (a)   Payment.   In   consideration   of   Seller's
         performance  of this  Agreement  and the  transfer  and delivery of the
         Station Assets to Buyer at the Closing, Buyer will (I) pay to Seller an
         amount (the "Cash Purchase  Price") which is equal to the lesser of (A)
         the outstanding  principal amount of the Existing Station Indebtedness,
         plus  the  amount  of all  unpaid  accrued  interest  thereon  and  all
         penalties,  indemnities,  reimbursements,  premiums  and other  amounts
         payable in respect thereof,  in each case as of the Closing Date and in
         each case to the  extent  the same is not  Assumed  Indebtedness,  plus
         $1.00, and (B) $9,000,000, and (ii) assume the Assumed Liabilities. The
         Cash  Purchase  Price  shall be paid by Buyer to Seller on the  Closing
         Date by wire  transfer  of  immediately  available  funds to such  bank
         account(s) as Seller may designate on or prior to the Closing Date.

                             (b)  Allocation of Cash Purchase  Price.  Buyer and
         Seller agree that they will allocate the Cash Purchase  Price among the
         Station  Assets  based on an appraisal  which is hereafter  approved by
         Buyer  and  Seller  and which is set  forth in a report  rendered  by a
         nationally-recognized  appraisal firm selected by Buyer and approved by
         Seller (which approval Seller may not unreasonably  withhold or delay),
         whose fee shall be paid by Buyer.  Buyer and Seller will use reasonable
         efforts to ensure that such report is completed  and delivered to Buyer
         and Seller  prior to the Closing  Date.  Buyer and Seller agree to file
         (at such  times and in such  manner as may be  required  by  applicable
         Legal  Requirements)  all  relevant  returns  and  reports  (including,
         without limitation,  Forms 8594, Asset Acquisition Statements,  and all
         income and other tax returns) on the basis of such allocations.

                  2.2 The Closing.  Subject to Section 10.1,  the closing of the
Sale and the assumption of the Assumed Liabilities (the  "Assumption"),  and the
consummation of all related transactions to be consummated and contemporaneously
therewith  pursuant to this Agreement  (collectively,  the "Closing"),  shall be
held  after  the  satisfaction  or  Seller's  waiver in  writing  of each of the
conditions  set forth in Article VII, at the offices of Kirkland & Ellis located
in New 

York, New York, and at the time and on the date specified by Buyer in writing to
Seller  delivered not less than fifteen  business days prior to such date, or at
such other place and/or at such other time and day as Seller and Buyer may agree
in  writing.  In  connection  with the  Closing,  the  Seller  will  enter  into
non-competition   arrangements   with   respect  to  the  Kansas   City  ADI  in
substantially the form of the Non-Competition Agreements entered into by certain
investors in ABRY Communications on the date hereof.

                  2.3 Deliveries at Closing. All actions at the Closing shall be
deemed to occur  simultaneously,  and no document or payment to be  delivered or
made at the  Closing  shall be deemed  to be  delivered  or made  until all such
documents and payments are delivered or made to the reasonable  satisfaction  of
Buyer, Seller and their respective counsel.

                             (a) Deliveries by Sellers.  At the Closing,  Seller
         shall  deliver  to Buyer  such  instruments  of  conveyance  and  other
         customary  documentation  as shall in form and  substance be reasonably
         satisfactory  to Buyer and its  counsel  in order to  effect  the Sale,
         including, without limitation, the following:

                  (1)        one or more  bills of sale  conveying  the  Station

                  (2)        any  releases of Liens that are  necessary in order
                             to transfer the Station Assets as  contemplated  by
                             Section 1.4(a);

                  (3)        a certified copy of the  resolutions or proceedings
                             of  Seller  (or  a  Person  which  is a  direct  or
                             indirect  general  partner of  Seller)  authorizing
                             Seller's consummation of the Sale;

                  (4)        a certificate as to the existence and good standing
                             of Seller  issued by the Secretary of State of each
                             of the States of  Delaware  and  Missouri,  in each
                             case dated on or after the fifth Business Day prior
                             to  the  Closing   Date,   certifying   as  to  the
                             qualification of Seller in each such jurisdiction;

                  (5)        a receipt for the Cash Purchase Price;

                  (6)        one or more opinions of Seller's counsel or special
                             counsel,  each dated the Closing Date, each in form
                             and substance reasonably acceptable to Buyer;

                  (7)        all Consents received by Seller through the Closing

                  (8)        the non-competition  agreement described in Section
                             2.2; and

                  (9)        such  other   documents  as  Buyer  may  reasonably



                             (b)  Deliveries  by Buyer.  At the  Closing,  Buyer
         shall deliver to Seller the Cash Purchase  Price as provided in Section
         2.1,  repay the advance,  together  with the unpaid  accrued  interest,
         described in Section 1.4(c), and deliver such instruments of assumption
         and other  customary  documentation  as shall in form and  substance be
         reasonably  satisfactory  to Seller and its  counsel in order to effect
         the  Sale  and  the  Assumption,  including,  without  limitation,  the

                  (1)        a  certificate  of Buyer dated the Closing  Date to
                             the  effect  that,  except  as  specified  in  such
                             certificate,  the  conditions  set forth in Article
                             VII have been fulfilled;

                  (2)        a certified copy of the  resolutions or proceedings
                             of Buyer  authorizing the  consummation of the Sale
                             and the Assumption;

                  (3)        a  certificate  issued by the Secretary of State of
                             each of the States of  Missouri  and  Maryland,  in
                             each case dated on or after the fifth  Business Day
                             prior to the  Closing  Date,  certifying  as to the
                             incorporation and/or qualification of Buyer in each
                             such jurisdiction;

                  (4)        one or more opinions of Buyer's  counsel or special
                             counsel,  each dated the Closing Date, each in form
                             and substance reasonably acceptable to Seller; and

                  (5)        such  other  documents  as  Seller  may  reasonably

                                   ARTICLE III


                                   ARTICLE IV


                  Buyer represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

                  4.1  Incorporation.  On the  Closing  Date,  Buyer  will  be a
corporation  or other  entity  duly  organized,  validly  existing,  and in good
standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction of its purported  organization  and
will be in good standing under the laws of the State of Missouri. On the Closing
Date,  Buyer will have the  corporate or other power and authority to ratify the


entry into this  Agreement by the  individuals  which are parties  hereto and to
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  4.2  Corporate  Action.  On  the  Closing  Date,  all  actions
necessary  to be  taken  by or on the  part of  Buyer  in  connection  with  the
consummation of transactions contemplated hereby to be consummated and necessary
to make the same effective will have been duly and validly taken. This Agreement
has been duly and validly authorized, executed, and delivered on behalf of Buyer
and  constitutes  a  valid  and  binding  agreement,   enforceable  against  the
individuals  which are parties hereto on behalf of Buyer, in accordance with and
subject  to  its  terms,  subject  to  the  effect  of  applicable   bankruptcy,
insolvency,  reorganization,  fraudulent conveyance,  arrangement, moratorium or
similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally and the availability of
equitable remedies.

                  4.3 No Defaults.  On the Closing Date (after  giving effect to
all approvals and consents which have been obtained),  neither the execution and
delivery of this Agreement on behalf of Buyer,  nor the consummation by Buyer of
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement to be consummated on or prior to
the Closing Date, will constitute,  or, with the giving of notice or the passage
of time or both, would constitute,  a material violation of or would conflict in
any material  respect  with or result in any material  breach of or any material
default  under,  any  of the  terms,  conditions,  or  provisions  of any  Legal
Requirement   to  which  Buyer  is  subject,   or  of  Buyer's   certificate  of
incorporation or by-laws or similar organizational documents, or of any material
contract,  agreement,  or instrument to which Buyer is a party of by which Buyer
is bound.

                  4.4 Brokers.  There is no broker or finder or other Person who
would have any valid claim  against  Seller for a commission or brokerage fee in
connection  with this  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby as a
result of any  agreement  or  understanding  of or action  taken by Buyer or any
Affiliate of Buyer (including any individual which is a party hereto).

                                    ARTICLE V

                               COVENANTS OF SELLER

                  5.1 Covenants of Seller Generally. Seller covenants and agrees
that, from the date of this Agreement until the Closing, except as (I) Buyer may
otherwise  consent (which consent Buyer will not unreasonably  withhold or delay
upon Seller's request) or (ii) Seller may otherwise be requested by Buyer to act
or refrain from acting:

                             (a)  Operation  in  Ordinary  Course.  From time to
         time,  Seller will use reasonable  efforts to carry on its business and
         operations  and keep its books of  account,  records,  and files in the
         ordinary and usual course,  in a manner which is not inconsistent  with
         its  past   practices,   except  as  may  be  reasonable  in  light  of
         circumstances which are then prevailing. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
         during  the term of this  Agreement  no amount of the  $250,000  annual
         management fee heretofore  paid by Seller to ABRY  Communications  will
         become payable and Seller will compensate ABRY  Communications for time
         spent in the operation of the Station by ABRY Communications  personnel
         on a per-diem basis. Seller will promptly execute any


         necessary applications for renewal of FCC Authorizations  necessary for
         the operation of the Station as presently conducted.

                             (b)  Restrictions.  Seller  will not (to the extent
         the  following  restrictions  are  permitted  by the FCC and all  other
         applicable Legal Requirements):

                  (1)        other  than in the  ordinary  course  of  business,
                             sell,  lease  (as  lessor),  transfer,  or agree to
                             sell,  lease (as lessor),  or transfer any material
                             Station  Assets (other than in the ordinary  course
                             of its business) without  replacement  thereof with
                             functionally    equivalent   or   superior   assets
                             (provided  that nothing set forth in this Agreement
                             shall be deemed to prohibit  Seller from paying any
                             amount  in   respect   of  any   Existing   Station
                             Indebtedness,   including  any  interest,  penalty,
                             indemnification,  reimbursement,  premium  or other
                             amount relating thereto);

                  (2)        enter  into  any  Trades  which  will  involve  the
                             furnishing   of   advertising   in   exchange   for
                             merchandise  (provided  that Seller may perform its
                             obligations and exercise its rights under Trades in
                             effect on the date of this Agreement); or

                  (3)        apply to the FCC for any  construction  permit that
                             would  materially  restrict the  Station's  present
                             operations or make any material  adverse  change in
                             the  buildings or leasehold  improvements  owned by

                             (c)   Organization/Goodwill.   Seller   shall   use
         reasonable efforts to preserve the business organization of the Station
         and preserve the goodwill of the Station's  suppliers,  customers,  and
         others having business relations with it.

                             (d)  Access  to  Facilities,  Files,  and  Records.
         Buyers' Access  Generally.  From time to time, at the request of Buyer,
         Seller  shall  give or cause to be  given to the  officers,  employees,
         accountants, counsel, and representatives of Buyer

                  (1)        access  (in  the  presence  of  any  representative
                             designated  by Seller,  at Seller's  option),  upon
                             reasonable  prior notice,  during  normal  business
                             hours,  to  all  facilities,   property,  accounts,
                             books,  deeds,  title papers,  insurance  policies,
                             licenses,   agreements,   contracts,   commitments,
                             records, equipment, machinery, fixtures, furniture,
                             vehicles,  accounts  


                             payable and  receivable,  and inventories of Seller
                             related to the Station, and

                  (2)        all such other  information in Seller's  possession
                             concerning  the affairs of the Station as Buyer may
                             reasonably request,

         provided  that the  foregoing  does not disrupt or  interfere  with the
         business and operations of Seller or the Station.

                             (e) Notice of  Proceedings.  Seller  will  promptly
         notify Buyer in writing upon  becoming  aware of any order or decree or
         any complaint  praying for an order or decree  restraining or enjoining
         the  consummation of the Sale or the Assumption,  or upon receiving any
         notice from any governmental  department,  court, agency, or commission
         of its intention to institute an investigation into or institute a suit
         or proceeding to restrain or enjoin the consummation of the Sale or the
         Assumption,  or to nullify or render  ineffective this Agreement or the
         Sale or the Assumption if consummated.

                             (f) Notice of Certain  Developments.  Seller  shall
         give prompt  written  notice to Buyer (1) if the Station  Assets  shall
         have suffered damage on account of fire,  explosion,  or other cause of
         any nature which is sufficient  to prevent  operation of the Station in
         any material  respect for more than ten (10)  consecutive  days, (2) if
         the  regular  broadcast  transmission  of the Station in the normal and
         usual manner in which it heretofore  has been  operating is interrupted
         in a  material  manner  for a period of more than ten (10)  consecutive
         days or (3) if Seller  receives a National Labor  Relations Board union
         election petition relating to employees of the Station.

                             (g) No  Premature  Assumption  of Control.  Nothing
         contained in this Section 5.1 shall give Buyer any right to control the
         programming,  operations,  or any other matter  relating to the Station
         prior to the Closing Date,  and Seller shall have  complete  control of
         the  programming,  operations,  and all other  matters  relating to the
         Station up to the time of the Closing.

                  5.2  Covenants  of  Seller  during  Exercise  Period.   Seller
covenants  and agrees that,  after its receipt of any Exercise  Notice and until
either the Closing  occurs or such Exercise  Notice is withdrawn or deemed to be
withdrawn pursuant to Section 1.3, in each case at Buyer's expense:

                             (a) Application for Commission Consent. As promptly
         as practicable,  Seller will complete  Seller's portion of applications
         to the FCC  requesting  the Required FCC Consents,  and upon receipt of
         Buyer's  portion  of  such   applications,   will  promptly  file  such
         applications  with the FCC jointly with Buyer.  Seller will  diligently
         take or  cooperate  in the  taking  of all  reasonable  steps  that are
         necessary,  proper,  or 


         desirable to expedite the  preparation of such  applications  and their
         prosecution to a final grant. Seller will promptly provide Buyer with a
         copy of any  pleading,  order,  or  other  document  served  on  Seller
         relating to such applications.

                             (b) Consents.  Seller will use  reasonable  efforts
         (without being required to make any payment not  specifically  required
         by the terms of any licenses, leases, and other contracts) jointly with
         Buyer to (1) obtain or cause to be obtained prior
         to the Closing Date all Consents or, in the absence of any Consent, one
         or more replacement  agreements which would be effective on or prior to
         the Closing and would grant Buyer (after the Closing) substantially the
         same benefits with respect to the Station as Seller enjoys with respect
         to the  Station  immediately  prior to the Closing  under the  replaced
         Contract(s),  and (2) cause each  Consent or  replacement  agreement to
         become  effective  as of the  Closing  Date  (whether  it is granted or
         entered into prior to or after the Closing).

                             (c) Consummation of Sale. Subject to the provisions
         of Article VII and Section 11.1, Seller shall use reasonable efforts to
         fulfill and perform all  conditions  and  obligations on its part to be
         fulfilled  and  performed   under  this  Agreement  and  to  cause  the
         conditions  set forth in Article VII to be fulfilled and cause the Sale
         and the Assumption to be consummated.

                             (d) Hart-Scott-Rodino.  As promptly as practicable,
         Seller  shall  prepare and file all  documents  with the Federal  Trade
         Commission  and the United  States  Department  of Justice which may be
         required to comply with the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Act in connection  with
         the Sale and the Assumption,  and shall promptly  furnish all materials
         thereafter   requested  by  any  of  the  regulatory   agencies  having
         jurisdiction  over such filings,  in  connection  with the Sale and the
         Assumption.  Seller will take all reasonable actions, and will file and
         use  reasonable  efforts to have  declared  effective  or approved  all
         documents and notifications with any governmental or regulatory bodies,
         as may be  necessary  or may  reasonably  be  requested  under  federal
         antitrust laws for the consummation of the Sale and the Assumption.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                               COVENANTS OF BUYER

                  6.1 Covenants of Buyer  Generally.  Buyer covenants and agrees
that Buyer will promptly  notify  Seller in writing upon  becoming  aware of any
order or decree or any complaint  praying for an order or decree  restraining or
enjoining the consummation of the Sale or the Assumption,  or upon receiving any
notice from any governmental  department,  court,  agency,  or commission or its
intention to institute an  investigation  into or institute a suit or 


proceeding to restrain or enjoin the consummation of the Sale or the Assumption,
or to nullify or render ineffective this Agreement or the Sale or the Assumption
if consummated.

                  6.2 Covenants of Buyer during Exercise Period. Buyer covenants
and agrees that,  after it gives any  Exercise  Notice and unless and until such
Exercise Notice is withdrawn or deemed to be withdrawn  pursuant to Section 1.3,
Buyer will use  reasonable  efforts  (both prior to and after the Closing  Date)
jointly with Seller to obtain or cause to be obtained  prior to the Closing Date
all Consents and to execute such  assumption  instruments  as may be required or
requested in  connection  with  obtaining  any Consent (or, in the  alternative,
enter into one or more  replacement  agreements  which would be  effective on or
prior to the Closing and would grant Buyer  substantially the same benefits with
respect to the Station as Seller  enjoys with  respect to the Station  under the
replaced  Contract(s)  immediately  prior  to the  Closing),  so  long  as  such
assumption  instruments  and/or  agreements do not alter the original  terms and
conditions of the Contracts in question in any material respect to the detriment
of Buyer (it being  understood that Buyer will not seek any  modification of any
Contract or any  agreement  or other  arrangement  between  Buyer (or any of its
Affiliates) and any other party to a Contract (or any of its Affiliates) so long
as any Consent of such other party has not been obtained).

                                   ARTICLE VII

                               ON THE CLOSING DATE

                  The obligation of Seller to consummate the Sale on the Closing
Date is,  at  Seller's  option,  subject  to the  fulfillment  of the  following
conditions at or prior to the time of the Closing:

                  7.1        Representations, Warranties, Covenants.

                             (a) Each of the  representations  and warranties of
         Buyer  contained  in this  Agreement  shall be true and accurate in all
         material  respects  (except  to the extent  changes  are  permitted  or
         contemplated  pursuant  to this  Agreement)  both  on the  date of this
         Agreement and as if made on and as of the Closing Date; and

                             (b) Buyer shall have  performed and complied in all
         material  respects with each and every covenant and agreement  required
         by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by it prior to or at
         the Closing (including the delivery of the Cash Purchase Price).

                  7.2        Proceedings.


                             (a)  No  action  or  proceeding   shall  have  been
         instituted  and be  pending  before any court or  governmental  body to
         restrain  or  prohibit,  or to obtain a  material  amount of damages in
         respect of, the consummation of the Sale or the Assumption that, in the
         reasonable opinion of Seller, may reasonably be expected to result in a
         preliminary or permanent  injunction  against such  consummation or, if
         the Sale or the  Assumption  were  consummated,  an order to nullify or
         render  ineffective this Agreement or the Sale or the Assumption or for
         the recovery against Seller of a material amount of damages; and
                             (b)  none  of  the   parties   to  this   Agreement
         (including   Buyer)  shall  have  received   written  notice  from  any
         governmental  body  of  (I)  such  governmental   body's  intention  to
         institute  any action or  proceeding  to  restrain or enjoin or nullify
         this  Agreement  or the  Sale or the  Assumption,  or to  commence  any
         investigation  (other  than a  routine  letter of  inquiry,  including,
         without  limitation,  a routine  Civil  Investigative  Demand) into the
         consummation  of the  Sale  or  the  Assumption,  or  (ii)  the  actual
         commencement of such an  investigation  which has not been disclosed to
         Seller prior to the date of this Agreement.

                  7.3  FCC  Authorization.  The FCC  Approval  Date  shall  have
occurred and all Required FCC Consents shall be in full force and effect.

                  7.4 Hart-Scott-Rodino. Any applicable waiting period under the
Hart-Scott- Rodino Act shall have expired or been terminated.

                  7.5 Other  Instruments.  Buyer shall have delivered,  or shall
stand ready to deliver, to Seller such instruments,  documents, and certificates
as are contemplated by Section 2.3(b).

                  7.6  Existing  Station  Indebtedness.   The  aggregate  amount
necessary  to satisfy in full the  Existing  Station  Indebtedness  which is not
Assumed Indebtedness will not exceed the amount of the Cash Purchase Price.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


                  8.1 Bulk  Sales  Indemnity.  Buyer  and  Seller  have  jointly
determined that there will be no attempt to comply with the notice provisions of
any bulk  sales  law which may  apply to the  purchase  and sale of the  Station
Assets pursuant to this Agreement. Buyer will indemnify and hold Seller harmless
from  and  against  any  and  all  damages,  claims,  losses,  expenses,  costs,
obligations, and liabilities,  including, without limiting the generality 


of the  foregoing,  liabilities  for  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and expenses,
suffered  directly  or  indirectly  by  Buyer by  reason  of or  arising  out of
non-compliance with any such bulk sales law.

                  8.2 Limitation of Recourse.  In no event will Buyer, after the
Closing,  be entitled  to claim or seek any damages by reason of, or  rescission
of, or any other remedy in respect of, the Sale or the  Assumption or any of the
other transactions  consummated pursuant to the Transaction Documents, any right
of rescission or rights to damages or other remedies which Buyer might otherwise
have being hereby  expressly  waived and any claims or judgments  being  limited
                  8.3  Acknowledgment by Buyer. Buyer has conducted and prior to
the Closing  will  continue  to conduct,  to its  satisfaction,  an  independent
investigation   and  verification  of  the  financial   condition,   results  of
operations,  assets,  liabilities,  properties  and projected  operations of the
Station and the Station Assets.  In determining to proceed with the transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  Buyer  has  relied,  and  will  rely,  on the
covenants  of Seller  and the  results  of such  independent  investigation  and
that as of the date  hereof  Seller is in  default  in respect of certain of the
Existing Station Indebtedness and that, after the date of this Agreement, any or
all of the direct or indirect  ownership  interests in Seller may be transferred
to Persons which may have little or no net worth,  and that,  after the Closing,
at such time as the  ultimate  owners of Seller  may elect,  Seller and  certain
entities related to Seller will be liquidated and dissolved.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                              POST-CLOSING MATTERS

                  9.1 Corporate  Name.  Promptly after the Closing Date,  Seller
shall take such action as is  necessary  to change its  partnership  name in its
certificate  of limited  partnership  filed with the  Secretary  of State of the
State of  Delaware  and all other  qualifications  to do  business  in all other
jurisdictions  to a name which does not  include,  and which is not  confusingly
similar  to,  the name  "KSMO"  or "TV  62."  Notwithstanding  anything  in this
Agreement  to the  contrary,  Seller  shall be  entitled  to continue to use its
present partnership name until such time as such name change is effective and to
the extent necessary to accomplish such name change,  and may endorse checks and
other instruments and execute agreements,  reports,  and other documents in such

                  9.2        Post-Sale Employee Matters.

                             (a) Post-Closing Employment Generally. Buyer agrees
         to offer on the Closing  Date  employment  for at least 90 days to each
         individual  who is an employee of Seller with respect to the Station as
         of the Closing  Date (the  "Continuing  Employees"),  which  employment
         shall be at an annual  salary which is not less than the annual  salary
         for such  employee  immediately  prior to the  Closing  Date,  and such
         employment  shall  include  benefits  and other  terms and  conditions,
         including, without limitation,  health, medical, life insurance, vision
         and disability benefits (effective without any waiting


         periods and without  exclusion for  pre-existing  conditions)  on terms
         which  shall  be,  for  at  least  90  days  after  the  Closing  Date,
         substantially  equivalent  to those  which are being  provided  to such
         employee immediately prior to the Closing Date by Seller.

                                       (b) Notice to Continuing Employees. Buyer
         agrees that Seller may inform Seller's  employees that Buyer has agreed
         to offer  all  Continuing  Employees  employment  as  provided  in this
         Section 9.2.

                                       (c) Responsibility for Termination Costs.
         Buyer will  assume and  indemnify  Seller  from and against any and all
         severance or other liabilities  arising out of Seller's  termination of
         the  employment  of  any  Continuing  Employment  (including,   without
         limitation, any liabilities under the WARN Act).

                                    ARTICLE X


                  10.1  Termination of Agreement Prior to the Closing Date. This
Agreement may be terminated at any time on or prior to the Closing as follows:

                             (a) By  Seller.  By Seller,  by  written  notice (a
         "Seller  Termination  Notice") to Buyer at any time after the fifteenth
         anniversary  of the date of this  Agreement  if (I) the Closing has not
         occurred on or prior to the date upon which such  Seller's  Termination
         Notice  is  given,  and  (II) the  absence  of  satisfaction  of any of
         Seller's  conditions  to closing set forth in Article VII which has not
         been  either  satisfied  or waived by Seller is not caused  solely by a
         breach by Seller of its obligations under this Agreement.

                             (b) By  Buyer.  By  Buyer,  by  written  notice  to
         Seller, at any time.  Neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any liability
         to the other for costs, expenses, damages (consequential or otherwise),
         loss of anticipated  profits, or otherwise as a result of a termination
         pursuant to this Section 10.1. The parties hereto agree that time is of
         the essence with respect to the  provisions of this Section 10.1.  This
         Article X will survive the  termination of this  Agreement  pursuant to
         this Section 10.1.

                  10.2 Liabilities Upon Termination.  Buyer's sole and exclusive
remedy for any failure of  performance or compliance by Seller with any covenant
or  agreement  contained  in this  Agreement  prior to the Closing  shall be (I)
Buyer's right,  if any, under  applicable law or equitable  principles,  to seek
damages in respect of Buyer's direct  out-of-pocket  losses or expenses (but not
any  damages  in  respect of lost  profits  or other  similar  or  consequential
damages) occasioned by and as a consequence of Seller's breach; and (ii) Buyer's
right, if any, under  applicable law or equitable  principles,  to seek specific
enforcement or this Agreement


against Seller subject to FCC approval and other  required  approvals;  provided
that Buyer shall not be entitled to  specific  performance  with  respect to the
consummation  of the Sale  unless (A) each  condition  to  closing  set forth in
Article VII has been satisfied or waived in writing by Seller or (B) the absence
of  satisfaction  of each such condition to closing which has not been satisfied
or waived  in  writing  by Seller is caused  solely by a breach by Seller or its
obligations under this Agreement.

                  10.3 Expenses.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
Agreement,  each of Seller and Buyer shall bear all of its expenses  incurred in
connection  with the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  including,
without  limitation,  accounting and legal fees incurred in connection  herewith
(it being understood that Seller may pay such expenses out of the Station Assets
and, to the extent not paid prior to the Closing,  Seller's  obligations  to pay
such expenses will be Assumed Liabilities).

                  10.4  Assignments.  This  Agreement  shall not be  assigned by
Seller  without  the prior  written  consent of Buyer;  provided  that after the
Closing,  Seller may assign its rights  pursuant to this  Agreement to any other
Person  in  connection  with  the  dissolution,  liquidation  or  winding  up or
administration  of the affairs of such Seller.  Upon the formation of Buyer, the
rights under this Agreement of the  individuals  which are parties hereto may be
assigned to Buyer, so long as Buyer assumes the obligations of such  individuals
under this Agreement by executing an instrument which is reasonably satisfactory
in form and substance to Seller.  Until written  evidence of such assignment and
assumption is given to Seller,  Seller may rely on any act of any one or more of
the  individuals  which are  parties  hereto as being the act of Buyer and Buyer
will be bound by all such acts so relied upon by Seller.  After such  assignment
to, and  assumption  by,  Buyer,  Buyer's  rights  under this  Agreement  may be
assigned by Buyer only with the prior  written  consent of Seller,  said consent
not to be  unreasonably  withheld,  except  that Buyer may assign its rights and
interests   hereunder   absolutely   to  one  or  more  directly  or  indirectly
wholly-owned subsidiaries of Sinclair;  provided, in each case, that Buyer gives
Seller prior written notice of such assignment and provided further that no such
assignment  shall  relieve the  assigning  Person of any of its  obligations  or
liabilities hereunder.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties hereto hereby
agree that:  (I) the rights of Buyer under this  Agreement  may be  collaterally
assigned to The Chase  Manhattan  Bank,  N.A., as agent for certain  lenders (in
such capacity,  the "Agent") to secure  obligations  owing by Buyer to the Agent
and such  lenders and (ii) the Agent may  transfer  such rights  pursuant to its
exercise  of  remedies  with  respect to such  collateral  security to any other
person or entity with the prior written consent of Seller, which consent may not
be unreasonably withheld (it being understood and agreed that the Agent shall be
a third party  beneficiary of the agreement  constituted by this sentence).  Any
attempt to assign this  Agreement  without first  obtaining any consent which is
required by this Section  10.4 shall be void.  This  Agreement  shall be binding
upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
successors and permitted assigns.

                  10.5 Further  Assurances.  From time to time prior to, at, and
after the Closing Date, each party hereto will execute all such  instruments and
take all such actions as another party hereto,  being advised by counsel,  shall
reasonably request in connection with carrying out


and effectuating the intent and purpose hereof,  and all transactions and things
contemplated by this Agreement, including, without limitation, the execution and
delivery of any and all confirmatory and other instruments, in addition to those
to be delivered on the Closing Date, as the case may be, and any and all actions
which may  reasonably  be necessary to complete  the  transactions  contemplated

                  10.6 Notices.  All notices,  demands, and other communications
which may or are required to be given  hereunder or with respect hereto shall be
in writing,  shall be  delivered  personally  or sent by  nationally  recognized
overnight delivery service, charges prepaid, or by registered or certified mail,
return-receipt  requested,  and shall be deemed to have been  given or made when
personally  delivered,  the next business day after  delivery to such  overnight
delivery service, five (5) days after deposited in the mail, first class postage
prepaid, as the case may be, addressed as follows:

                  (a)        If to Seller:

                             c/o ABRY Communications
                             18 Newbury Street
                             Boston, Massachusetts  02216
                             Attn:    Mr. Andrew Banks
                                      Mr. Royce Yudkoff

                             with a copy (which will not constitute
                             notice to Seller) to:

                             John L. Kuehn
                             Kirkland & Ellis
                             200 East Randolph Drive
                             Chicago, Illinois  60601

or to such other  address  and/or with such other copies as Seller may from time
to time designate by notice to Buyer (or, prior to the assignment and assumption
contemplated by the second  sentence of Section 10.4, the individuals  which are
parties hereto) given in accordance with this Section 10.6.

                  (b)        If to Buyer (or to such individuals):

                             c/o Sinclair Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                             2000 W. 41st Street
                             Baltimore, Maryland  21211
                             Attn:    Mr. David D. Smith

                             with a copy (which will not constitute
                             notice to Buyer or such individuals) to:


                             Steven A. Thomas, Esquire
                             Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
                             The USF&G Tower
                             100 Light Street, Suite 1100
                             Baltimore, Maryland  21202

or to such other address and/or with such other copies as Buyer may from time to
time designate by notice to Seller given in accordance with this Section 10.6.

                  10.7  Captions.  The captions of Articles and Sections of this
Agreement are for convenience  only, and shall not control or affect the meaning
or construction of any of the provisions of this Agreement.

                  10.8 Law  Governing.  THIS  AGREEMENT  SHALL BE  GOVERNED  BY,

                  10.9 Consent to  Jurisdiction,  Etc. SUBJECT TO SECTION 10.17,

                  10.10   Waiver   of   Provisions.    The   terms,   covenants,
representations, warranties, and conditions of this Agreement may be waived only
by a written instrument executed by the Person waiving  compliance.  The failure
of Buyer or Seller at any time or times to require  performance of any provision
of this Agreement shall in no manner affect the right at a later date to enforce
the same.  No  waiver  Buyer or Seller  of any  condition  or the  breach of any
provision,  term,  covenant,  representation,  or  warranty  contained  in  this
Agreement,  whether by conduct or otherwise, in any one or more instances, shall
be  deemed to be or  construed  as a further  or  continuing  waiver of any such
condition   or  of  the  breach  of  any  other   provision,   term,   covenant,
representation, or warranty of this Agreement.


                  10.11 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in two (2)
or more counterparts,  and all counterparts so executed shall constitute one (1)
agreement  binding on all of the parties  hereto,  notwithstanding  that all the
parties hereto are not signatory to the same counterpart.

                  10.12 Entire  Agreement/Amendments.  This Agreement (including
the Schedules hereto),  the other Transaction  Documents and the Confidentiality
Agreement  dated  October  15,  1992  between  Buyer  and  ABRY  Communications,
constitute  the entire  agreement  among the parties  hereto  pertaining  to the
subject  matter  hereof  and  supersede  any and all prior  and  contemporaneous
agreements  understandings,  negotiations,  and  discussions,  whether  oral  or
written,  between them relating to the subject  matter  hereof.  No amendment or
waiver of any provision of this Agreement  shall be binding  unless  executed in
writing by the party to be found thereby.

                  10.13      Access to Books and Records.

                             (a) Buyer shall preserve for not less than five (5)
         years  after the  Closing  Date all books and  records  included in the
         Station Assets. After such five-year period, Buyer will not destroy any
         books or records  relating  to the  conduct of  business of the Station
         prior to the Closing  unless Buyer first offers to transfer  such books
         and records to Seller at no cost to Seller,  and if Buyer is  requested
         to do so, Buyer will transfer such books or records to Seller.

                             (b) After the Closing,  Seller will not destroy any
         books or records  relating  to the  conduct of  business of the Station
         prior to the Closing Date unless  Seller first offers to transfer  such
         books  and  records  to Buyer at no cost to  Buyer,  and if  Seller  is
         requested  to do so,  Seller  will  transfer  such  books or records to

                             (c) At the  request  of any  other  party  to  this
         Agreement,  Buyer and Seller  will permit  each other  (including  such
         other  party's  officers,  employees,  accountants,  and  counsel)  any
         access,  upon  reasonable  prior written notice during normal  business
         hours, to all of its property,  accounts,  books,  contracts,  records,
         accounts  payable and  receivable,  records of employees,  FCC logs and
         other information concerning the affairs or operation of the Station as
         such other  party to this  Agreement  may  reasonably  request  for any
         reasonable  purpose,  and to make extracts or copies from the foregoing
         at the requesting party's expense.

                  10.14  Public  Announcements.  Prior to the  Closing,  neither
Buyer  (including  any  individual  which is a party  hereto) nor Seller  shall,
except by mutual  agreement  with the other of them  (including  agreement as to
content, text and method or distribution or release),  make any press release or
other public announcement or disclosure concerning the transactions contemplated
by  this  Agreement,  except  as  may  be  required  by  any  Legal  Requirement
(including,  without limitation, filings and reports required to be made with or
pursuant to the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission;  provided that,
prior to  making  any such  announcement  or  disclosure  required  by any Legal
Requirement, to the extent practicable, the


disclosing  Person  gives to Buyer (in the case of a  disclosure  by  Seller) or
Seller  (in the case of a  disclosure  by Buyer  or any such  individual)  prior
written notice of the context, text and content of the method of distribution or
release of, and all other material facts concerning, such disclosure.

                  10.15      [RESERVED]

                  10.16      Definitional Provisions.

                             (a) Terms  Defined in  Appendix.  Each  capitalized
term which is used and not otherwise  defined in this  Agreement has the meaning
which is  specified  for such term in the  Appendix  which is  attached  to this

                             (b)   Gender  and   Number.   Words  used  in  this
Agreement, regardless of the gender and number specifically used, will be deemed
and construed to include any other gender,  masculine,  feminine or neuter,  and
any other number, singular or plural, as the context requires.

                  10.17      Arbitration.

                             (a)  Generally.  Buyer and  Seller  agree  that the
arbitration  procedures  described  in this  Section  10.17 will be the sole and
exclusive  method of resolving and remedying  any claim for  indemnification  or
other remedy arising under this Agreement (collectively,  "Disputes");  provided
that  nothing  in this  Section  10.17 will  prohibit  a party from  instituting
litigation to enforce any Final Arbitration  Award. Buyer and Seller agree that,
except as otherwise provided in the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American
Arbitration  Association  as in effect from time to time (the "AAA Rules"),  the
arbitration procedures described in this Section 10.17 and any Final Arbitration
Award will be  governed  by, and will be  enforceable  pursuant  to, the Uniform
Arbitration  Act as in  effect in the State of  Maryland  from time to time.  No
Person  will be  entitled  to  claim or  recover  punitive  damages  in any such

                             (b)  Notice  of  Arbitration.  If Buyer  or  Seller
asserts that there exists a Dispute,  then such Person (the "Disputing  Person")
will give the other of them a written  notice  setting  forth the  nature of the
asserted  Dispute.  If Buyer and Seller do not resolve any such asserted Dispute
prior to the tenth  Business Day after such notice is given,  then the Disputing
Person may commence  arbitration  pursuant to this  Section  10.17 by giving the
other of them a written notice to that effect (an "Arbitration Notice"), setting
forth any matters which are required to be set forth therein in accordance  with
the AAA Rules.

                             (c) Selection of Arbitrator.  Buyer and Seller will
attempt to select a single arbitrator by mutual agreement. If no such arbitrator
is selected  prior to the twentieth  Business Day after the related  Arbitration
Notice is given, then an arbitrator which is


experienced  in matters of the type which are the subject  matter of the Dispute
will be selected in accordance with the AAA Rules.

                             (d) Conduct of Arbitration. The arbitration will be
conducted  under the AAA Rules,  as modified by any  written  agreement  between
Buyer and Seller.  The  arbitrator  will conduct the  arbitration in a manner so
that the final result,  determination,  finding, judgment or award determined by
the arbitrator  (the "Final  Arbitration  Award") is made or rendered as soon as
practicable,  and the  parties  will  use  reasonable  efforts  to cause a Final
Arbitration  Award to occur not later than the sixtieth day after the arbitrator
is selected.  Any Final  Arbitration  Award will be final and binding upon Buyer
and  Seller,,  and there will be no appeal  from or  reexamination  of any Final
Arbitration Award, except in the case of fraud, perjury or evident partiality or
misconduct  by the  arbitrator  prejudicing  the rights of Buyer or Seller or to
correct manifest clerical errors.

                             (e)  Enforcement.  Buyer and  Seller  agree  that a
Final  Arbitration  Award may be enforced in any state or federal  court  having
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the related Dispute.

                             (f) Expenses. A prevailing party in any arbitration
proceeding in connection  with this Agreement  shall be entitled to recover from
the  non-prevailing  party its reasonable  attorneys' fees and  disbursements in
addition to any damages or other remedies awarded to such prevailing  party, and
the  non-prevailing  party  also will be  required  to pay all  other  costs and
expenses associated with the arbitration;  provided that (1) if an arbitrator is
unable to determine that a party is a prevailing  party in any such  arbitration
proceeding,  then such costs and expenses  will be  equitably  allocated by such
arbitrator upon the basis of the outcome of such arbitration proceeding, and (2)
if such arbitrator is unable to allocate such costs and expenses and expenses in
such a manner,  then the costs and  expenses  of such  arbitration  will be paid
one-half  by  Buyer  and  one-half  by  Seller,  and  each of them  will pay the
out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred by it or on its  behalf.  As part of any Final
Arbitration  Award,  the  arbitrator  may  designate  the  prevailing  party for
purposes of this Section 10.17.  Except as provided in the preceding  sentences,
each party to this  Agreement  will bear its own costs and  expenses  (including
legal  fees  and  disbursements)  in  connection  with any  such  proceeding  or

                             10.18 Confidential  Information:  Seller. Until the
Closing Date,  Seller shall not use or disclose to any person  (except as may be
required by Legal  Requirement) any confidential  information  received from any
ABRY  Buyer or its  agents in the  course  of  investigating,  negotiating,  and
completing  the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement or any other ABRY
Agreement.  For purposes of this Section  10.18,  nothing  shall be deemed to be
confidential  information  that:  (a) is known to any ABRY Seller at the time of
its initial  disclosure to any ABRY Seller or any representative or Affiliate of
any ABRY Seller;  (b) becomes  publicly  known or  available  other than through
disclosure  by any ABRY Seller;  (c) is  rightfully  received by Seller from any
Person  unrelated to any ABRY Seller (other than any Person  engaged by any ABRY
Seller in connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  by any ABRY Purchase
Agreement); or (d) is independently developed by any ABRY Seller. For


purposes of this Agreement,  any  information  which Seller or any of its agents
obtains or has obtained  from any other ABRY Seller or its agents and which such
ABRY Seller or agent obtained from any ABRY Buyer or its agent will be deemed to
have been obtained by such Seller from an ABRY Buyer.

                  10.19 Confidential Information: Buyer. Until the Closing Date,
Buyer  (including each individual which is a party hereto) shall not use for its
or any other Persons  benefit and shall not disclose to any other Person (except
as  may  be  required  by  Legal   Requirement)  any  confidential   information
(including, without limitation,  financial information and information regarding
program  contracts  and revenue)  received  from any ABRY Seller or its agent or
pertaining   to  any  ABRY  Seller  or  any  Group  Station  in  the  course  of
investigating, negotiating, and performing the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement  or any other ABRY  Agreement.  For  purposes of this  Section  10.19,
nothing shall be deemed to be confidential  information that: (a) is known to an
ABRY  Buyer  at the time of its  initial  disclosure  to any  ABRY  Buyer or any
representative  or Affiliate of any ABRY Buyer;  (b) becomes  publicly  known or
available  other  than  through  disclosure  by any  ABRY  Buyer  or any  Person
described in Section  5.1(d)(2);  (c) is  rightfully  received by any ABRY Buyer
from an unrelated  Person (other than any other ABRY Buyer or any Person engaged
by any ABRY Buyer in connection with the  transactions  contemplated by any ABRY
Purchase Agreement);  or (d) is independently developed by any ABRY Buyer. Buyer
and  each  individual  which  is a  party  hereto  agrees  to be  bound  by  the
obligations of Sinclair pursuant to, and no provision of this Section 10.19 will
be deemed to supersede or in any way limit any  obligation or right of Sinclair,
Buyer or any such individual under, the Confidentiality  Agreement dated October
15,  1992  between  Sinclair  and  ABRY  Communications  which   Confidentiality
Agreement  will survive the execution and  termination  of this  Agreement.  For
purposes of this Agreement,  any information  which Buyer or any such individual
or any agent of any of them obtains or has obtained from any other ABRY Buyer or
its agents and which  such  other  ABRY  Buyer or agent  obtained  from any ABRY
Seller or its agent will be deemed to have been  obtained by Sinclair,  Buyer or
such individual from an ABRY Seller.

                  10.20 Commencement of Certain Pre-Closing Activities. No party
shall be  required  to  comply  with or  otherwise  perform  its  covenants  and
agreements  set forth in Sections 5.2 or 6.2 with respect to any exercise of the
Option so long as such party reasonably concludes that it is not likely that the
condition  set  forth in  Section  7.6 will be  satisfied  unless  and until the
holders of the Existing Station  Indebtedness have entered into agreements which
will permit the condition set forth in Section 7.6 to be satisfied.


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed  by their duly  authorized  officers,  all as of the day and year first
above written.

                                           KANSAS CITY TV 62 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                           By:  ABRY communications II, L.P.
                                           Its: General Partner

                                              By:  BVC Communications III, Inc.
                                              Its: Managing General Partner



                                            David D. Smith

                                            J. Duncan Smith

                                            Frederick G. Smith

                                            Robert E. Smith



         Cross-References.  The  following  is a list of the  capitalized  terms
which are used in this Agreement and the  corresponding  provision in which each
such term is defined:

Term                                                      Provision
- ----                                                      ---------
AAA Rules                                                 Section 10.17(a)
ABRY                                                      Appendix
ABRY Buyer                                                Appendix
ABRY Seller                                               Appendix
Affiliate                                                 Appendix
Arbitration                                               Section 10.17(b)
Assumed Contract                                          Section 1.4(b)
Assumed Indebtedness                                      Section 1.4(b)
Assumed Liabilities                                       Section 1.4(b)
Assumption                                                Section 2.2
BBM                                                       Appendix
Business Day                                              Appendix
Buyer                                                     Preamble
Cash Purchase Price                                       Section 2.1(a)
Chesapeake                                                Appendix
Closing                                                   Section 2.2
Closing Date                                              Appendix
Communications Act                                        Appendix
Consent                                                   Appendix
Continuing Employees                                      Section 9.2
Contract                                                  Appendix
Copley                                                    Appendix
Disputes                                                  Section 10.17(a)
Disputing Person                                          Section 10.17(b)
Exercise Notice                                           Section 1.3
Excluded Assets                                           Section 1.2
Excluded Contracts                                        Section 1.2(e)
Existing Station Indebtedness                             Appendix
FCC                                                       Appendix
FCC Approval Date                                         Appendix
FCC Authorizations                                        Section 1.1(a)
Final Arbitration Award                                   Section 10.17(d)
Group Stations                                            Appendix
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act                                     Appendix
Legal Requirements                                        Appendix
Lien                                                      Appendix
New WCGV                                                  Appendix
New WTTO                                                  Appendix


Option                                                    Section 1.1
Other Assumed Contracts                                   Section 1.1(f)
Person                                                    Appendix
Proceeds                                                  1.1(c)
Program Contracts                                         Section 1.1(e)
Realty Contracts                                          Section 1.1(c)
Required FCC Consent                                      Appendix
Sale                                                      Section 1.1
Seller                                                    Preamble
Seller's Termination Notice                               Section 10.1(a)
Seller's Recent Station Records                           Section 1.1(j)
Sinclair                                                  Appendix
Station Assets                                            Section 1.1
Station                                                   Recital A
Super 18                                                  Appendix
Time Sales Contracts                                      Section 1.1(d)
Trades                                                    Appendix
Transaction Documents                                     Appendix
WARN Act                                                  Appendix
WCGV                                                      Appendix
WNUV                                                      Appendix
WSTR                                                      Appendix
WSTR Purchase Agreement                                   Appendix
WTTO                                                      Appendix

         Additional Defined Terms. In addition,  the following capitalized terms
have  the  following  meaning  when  used in this  Agreement  and the  Schedules
attached to this Agreement:

         "ABRY" means ABRY Communications, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.

         "ABRY Buyer" means Sinclair,  Buyer (including each individual which is
a party  hereto),  Chesapeake,  New WCGV,  New WTTO,  or any direct or  indirect
assignee  of any of the  rights  of any  of  them  pursuant  to any  Transaction
Document, or any Affiliate of any of them.

         "ABRY  Agreements"  means this Agreement and any other  agreement which
has been or may hereafter be entered into by Seller or its  Affiliates and Buyer
or its  Affiliates  with  respect to the  transfer  or  operation  of any assets
relating to any Group Station.

         "ABRY Seller" means ABRY,  BBM, BVC,  Copley,  Seller,  Super 18, WCGV,
WNUV  (prior to the date hereof  only),  WSTR,  WTTO,  or any direct or indirect
assignee  of any of the  rights  of any  of  them  pursuant  to any  Transaction
Document, or any Affiliate of any of them.

         "BBM" means BBM Partners, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership.


         A "Business  Day" means any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or other
day upon which banks in New York, New York are not open for business.

         "Chesapeake" means Chesapeake Television, Inc., a Maryland corporation.

         "Closing Date" means the date upon which the Closing occurs.

         "Communications Act" means the Communications Act of 1934, as in effect
from time to time.

         With respect to any Contract, a "Consent" means any consent or approval
of any Person other than any party to this Agreement  which,  in accordance with
the terms of such  Contract,  is  required to be obtained in order to permit the
consummation of the Sale or the Assumption.

         "Contract"  means any agreement,  lease,  arrangement,  commitment,  or
understanding to which Seller with respect to the Station is a party.

         "Copley"  means Copley Place Capital  Group,  a  Massachusetts  general

         "Existing  Station  Indebtedness" at any time means the indebtedness of
Seller  which is described  in Schedule  1.4  attached  hereto,  plus all unpaid
accrued  interest  thereon  and  all  penalties,  indemnities,   reimbursements,
premiums and other amounts payable in respect thereof, as of such time.

         "FCC"  means the Federal  Communications  Commission  or any  successor

         "FCC  Approval  Date" means the first day upon which each  Required FCC
Consent is effective.

         "Group  Stations"  means  the  Station,  broadcast  television  station
WTTO-TV,  Birmingham,  Alabama, broadcast television station WCGV-TV, Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, broadcast television station WVTV-TV, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, broadcast
television  station  WNUV-TV,  Baltimore,  Maryland,  and  broadcast  television
station WSTR-TV, Cincinnati, Ohio.

         "Hart-Scott-Rodino   Act"   means   the   Hart-Scott-Rodino   Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as in effect from time to time.

         "Legal   Requirements"   means  the  Communications   Act,  the  rules,
regulations and policies of the FCC, and all other federal state and local laws,
rules, regulations, ordinances, judgments, orders and decrees.

         "Lien" means any mortgage,  pledge,  hypothecation,  encumbrance,  lien
(statutory or otherwise),  preference,  priority or other security  agreement of
any kind or nature  whatsoever  (including any  conditional  sale or other title
retention agreement and any lease having


substantially  the same effect as any of the  foregoing  and any  assignment  or
deposit arrangement in the nature of a security device).

         "New WCGV" means WCGV Inc., a Maryland corporation.

         "New WTTO" means WTTO, Inc., a Maryland corporation.

         A  "Person"   means  any   individual,   partnership,   joint  venture,
corporation,  trust,  unincorporated  association  or  government  or department

         A "Required FCC Consent"  means any action or order by the FCC granting
its consent to the assignment to Buyer (or its permitted  assignee)  pursuant to
this  Agreement  of any FCC  Authorization  without any  condition  which in the
reasonable  judgment  of Buyer or Seller is adverse  to Buyer or Seller,  as the
case may be, in any material respect.

         "Sinclair"  means  Sinclair   Broadcasting   Group,  Inc.,  a  Maryland

         "Super 18" means Super 18 Television  Limited  Partnership,  a Delaware
limited partnership.

         "Trades" means all trade, barer or similar arrangements for the sale of
advertising  time other  than for cash  (other  than any firm or  program  barer
arrangements and radio barter arrangements) on the Station.

         "Transaction Documents" means this Agreement, the other ABRY Agreements
and all other documents executed and delivered in connection therewith,  in each
case as in effect from time to time.

         "WARN  Act"  means  the  federal   Worker   Adjustment  and  Retraining
Notification  Act  or  any  applicable  state  law or  other  Legal  Requirement
regarding  termination  of  employees,  in each case,  as in effect from time to


                                  Schedule 1.4

                                Outstanding Debt
                              as of March 31, 1994

Kansas City (KSMO)

Philips Credit Corporation                   $ 9,611.007    +   $492,708
                                                                accrued interest
KZKC Television Inc.                         $ 8,000,000  +     $1,747,728
                                                                accrued interest

  Fries                   $      129,645
  Disney                         547,822
  Columbia                     1,494,327
  MCA                          1,141,459
  MGM                          1,013,764
  Paramount                      890,942
  Fox                            571,217
  Warner                       3,020,821
  C.  Burnett                    338,246
  Worldvision                    154,989
  Misc.                          444,496

Total Debt                   $19,851,443


                                    EXHIBIT B

                             LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES

         Pledge and  encumbrance of KSMO Option in favor of The Chase  Manhattan
Bank  (National  Association)  pursuant  to that  certain  Pledge  and  Security
Agreement  dated  December 12, 1994 by and between David D. Smith,  Frederick G.
Smith, J. Duncan Smith and Robert E. Smith (each individually, as "Obligor" and,
collectively,   the   "Obligors");   and  The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank  (National
