Exhibit 10.12

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF ASSETS ("this Agreement") is dated as of
January 16, 1996, and is by and between  Bloomington  Comco, Inc. duly organized
under the laws of the State of Illinois  (referred  to herein as "Seller" ), and
WYZZ, Inc., a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Maryland


         WHEREAS,  Seller  owns  certain  assets and is the  licensee of certain
broadcast licenses issued by the Federal Communications  Commission ("FCC") (the
"Station  Assets") as described in more detail in Article I hereof and which are
used in connection with the business and operation of broadcast  station WYZZ-TV
Channel 43, Peoria/Bloomington, Illinois, (the "Station").

         WHEREAS,  Seller  desires to sell to Buyer the  Station and the Station
Assets  described in more detail below, and Buyer desires to acquire the Station
Assets all on the terms described herein.

         WHEREAS,  at the Closing (as defined in Section 2.2 herein) Seller will
transfer to Buyer all of the Station  Assets  described  in this  Agreement  and
existing on the Closing Date.

         NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF the foregoing and of other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                               TRANSFER OF ASSETS

         1.1  Transfer of Assets.  Upon and subject to the terms and  conditions
stated in this Agreement,  on the Closing Date,  Seller shall convey,  transfer,
deliver,  and, in the case of the FCC Authorizations (as defined below) , assign
to the Buyer,  and the Buyer shall  acquire,  by assignment  or otherwise,  from
Seller,  all of Seller's  rights in, to and under the Station  Assets  described

                  (a) FCC  Authorizations.  All  FCC  Authorizations  issued  to
Seller with respect to the Station, including,  without limitation,  those shown
on Schedule 1.1(a) to this Agreement,  and all applications  therefor,  together
with any renewals, extensions, or modifications thereof and additions thereto.


                  (b)  Tangible  Personal  Property.  The  equipment,  vehicles,
furniture,  fixtures,  transmitting towers,  transmitters,  office materials and
supplies,  spare parts and other  tangible  personal  property of every kind and
description  owned  as of  the  date  of  this  Agreement  by  Seller  and  used
in-connection  with  the  business  and  operations  of  the  Station,  as  more
particularly  described on Schedule  1.1(b),  and any  additions,  improvements,
replacements,  and  alterations  thereto made between the date of this Agreement
and the Closing Date,  but  excluding:  (I) all such property which is consumed,
retired,  or  disposed  of by Seller in the  ordinary  course of their  business
between the date of this  Agreement  and the Closing  Date; or (ii) as otherwise
permitted by this Agreement.

                  (c) Real  Property.  The real property  owned by Seller listed
and  designated as such on Schedule  1.1(c) (the  "Realty"),  and all buildings,
structures,  towers,  and improvements  thereon listed and designated as such on
Schedule 1.1(c) (the "Real Property  Improvements")  owned as of the date hereof
by Seller and used in the business and  operations  of the Station and all other
leaseholds and other interests in real property listed and designated as such on
Schedule 1.1(c) (the "Leasehold Interests").

                  (d) Agreements for Sale of Time. All orders and agreements now
existing or entered into in the Station's  ordinary  course of business  between
the date hereof and the  Closing  Date for the sale of  advertising  time on the
Station to the extent unperformed as of the Closing Date.

                  (e) Program  Contracts.  All program  licenses  and  contracts
listed on Schedule  1.1(e) under which Seller is  authorized  to broadcast  film
product or  programs  on the  Station,  other than the  Excluded  Contracts  (as
defined in Section  1.2(g)),  together  with all program  licenses and contracts
that will have been  entered  into in the  ordinary  course of  business  of the
Station and which have been  reviewed with and accented by the Buyer between the
date of this Agreement and the Closing Date and the making of which by Seller is
permitted  by this  Agreement,  to the extent  existing as of the  Closing  Date
(collectively, the "Program Contracts").

                  (f) Other  Contracts.  Any contracts  (including all operating
lease  arrangements,  equipment  operating  leases,  and other operating leases)
relating to the Station  Assets,  to which Seller and/or  Station is a party (in
addition to any not included in those set forth in Sections  1.1(c),  1.1(d) and
1.1(e) hereof)  (collectively,  "Other  Contracts")  listed on Schedule  1.1(f),
together with all such  contracts in any way related to the Station  Assets that
will have been entered  into in the  ordinary  course of business of the Station
between the date of this  Agreement and the Closing Date and the making of which
by Seller is  permitted  by this  Agreement,  to the extent  existing  as of the
Closing Date. As used in this Agreement,  "Contract" means any agreement, lease,
arrangement,  commitment,  or  understanding,  written  or  oral,  expressed  or
implied,  to which the Station or Seller with respect to the Station are a party
or are bound.

                  (g) Trademarks,  etc. The trademarks,  service marks, patents,
trade names,  jingles,  slogans,  and logotypes  including,  without limitation,
Seller's right to use the call letters


"WYZZ" owned and used by Seller in connection with the business and operation of
the Station  Assets by the  Station  and Seller as of the date hereof  listed on
Schedule  1.1(g) to this  Agreement  ("Trademarks,  etc.") as well as any others
acquired by Seller in connection  with the business and operation of the Station
Assets by the Station and Seller between the date hereof and the Closing Date.

                  (h)  Programming  Copyrights.   All  program  and  programming
materials  and  elements  of  whatever  form or nature  owned by Seller and used
solely in connection  with the business and  operations of the Station as of the
date  hereof,  whether  recorded on tape or any other  substance or intended for
live performance, and whether completed or in production, and all related common
law and  statutory  copyrights  owned  by or  licensed  to  Seller  and  used in
connection  with the business and  operations of the Station,  together with all
such programs,  materials,  elements,  and copyrights  acquired between the date
hereof and the Closing  date as set forth on Schedule  1.1(h) to this  Agreement
(collectively, the "Programming Copyrights").

                  (I) Files and Records.  All files and other  records of Seller
relating solely to the business and operations of the Station other than account
books of  original  entry  and other  than  duplicate  copies of such  files and
records,  if any,  that are  maintained  at the  corporate  offices of Seller or
Seller's parent corporation, if any, for tax accounting purposes.

                  (j)  Goodwill.  All of Seller's  goodwill in and going concern
value of the Station.

                  (k) Other Assets.  All other assets of Seller  relating to the
business and  operation of Station  Assets by the Station  and/or the Seller not
expressly excluded in Section 1.2 hereof.

                  (l) Prepaid Items. All deposits and prepaid expenses.

                  (m) Financial Statements,  Books,, and Records.  Copies of all
financial  statements  (whether internal,  compilation,  reviewed,  or audited),
including all books,  records,  accounts,  checks,  payment records, tax records
(including payroll, unemployment, real estate, and other tax records), and other
such  similar  books and records of Seller with respect to the station for three
(3) fiscal years  immediately  preceding the date hereof and all interim periods
following the date hereof through and including the Closing.

                  (n)  Network  Affiliation  Agreements.  Any  and  all  of  the
Station's network affiliation agreements,  including but not limited to Seller's
affiliation   agreement   with  the  Fox   Broadcasting   Company  or  Fox  Inc.
(collectively "Fox") listed on Schedule 1.1(n) to this Agreement.

         1. 2. Excluded Assets.  There shall be excluded from the Station Assets
and  retained by Seller,  to the extent in existence  on the Closing  Date,  the
following assets (the "Excluded Assets") :


                  (a) Cash. All cash,  cash  equivalents,  and cash items of any
kind  whatsoever,  certificates  of  deposit,  money  market  instruments,  bank
balances, and rights in and to bank accounts, marketable and other securities of
either Seller.

                  (b)  Personal  Property  Disposed  Of. All  tangible  personal
property  disposed of or consumed in the ordinary  course of the business of the
Station between the date of this Agreement and the Closing.

                  (c)  Insurance.  All  contracts of insurance and all insurance
plans and the assets thereof.

                  (d)  Claims.  Any and all  claims of Seller  with  respect  to
transactions occurring prior to the Closing Date, including, without limitation,
claims for tax  refunds and claims of Seller  under  contracts  with  respect to
events occurring prior to the Closing Date.

                  (e) Name. Any right to use the name "Bloomington Comco, Inc.,"
or any logo or variation thereof.

                  (f) Pension Assets, Etc. Pension, profit sharing,  retirement,
bonus, stock purchase,  savings plans and trusts, 401(k) plans, health insurance
plans,   and  the  assets  thereof,   and  all  other  plans,   agreements,   or
understandings to provide employee benefits of any kind for employees of Seller.

                  (g)  Certain  Contracts.  The  agreements  listed on  Schedule
1.2(g) hereof (the "Excluded  Contracts")  and any contract which is not capable
of being  transferred  or assigned  without the approval or consent of any party
thereto or any third party if such  approval  or consent has not been  obtained,
subject, however, to Sections 1.3 and 8.5 hereof.

                  (h)  Certain  Books and  Records.  Seller's  account  books of
original entry with respect to the Station,  and all books,  records,  accounts,
checks,  payment records,  tax records (including  payroll,  unemployment,  real
estate,  and  other  tax  records),   and  other  similar  books,  records,  and
information  of Seller  relating to Seller's  operation  of the  business of the
Station  prior to  Closing,  with the  proviso  that  Buyer  shall be allowed to
maintain copies of all such records and/or upon a written request for same shall
be allowed further access to all excluded records at all reasonable times.

                  (I) Receivables.  All notes and accounts  receivable and other
receivables of seller relating to or arising out of the operation of the Station
prior to the Closing.

         1.3.  Liabilities.  The  Station  Assets,  including  those  subject to
capital  lease  arrangements,  shall.  be sold and conveyed to Buyer,  as of the
Closing Date, free and clear of all liens, security interests,  and encumbrances
except (a) those disclosed on Schedule 1.3 hereto as "continuing" and the leases
listed on Schedule 1.1(c); (b) encumbrances on the real property


included in the Station  Assets that do not  materially  affect the value or the
current use and enjoyment  thereof in the operation of the Station;  and (c) the
Assumed  Liabilities  (as  hereinafter  defined) and the other  obligations  and
liabilities  of Buyer  assumed  hereunder  (all of the  foregoing  are sometimes
referred to herein collectively as "Permitted Encumbrances").  Buyer agrees that
on the Closing Date Buyer shall assume,  undertake,  and agree to pay,  satisfy,
perform,  and discharge only those  liabilities  and obligations of Seller which
have not yet  accrued  but which  arise on or after the  Closing  Date under the
contracts  assigned  pursuant to Sections  1.1(d) and (e) and any contracts that
are entered into after the date hereof as permitted  by this  Agreement  (all of
the foregoing are referred to herein collectively as the "Assumed Liabilities").

         If any required  approval of or consent to the transfer and  assignment
of any  contract  included in the Station  Assets is not  obtained,  Buyer shall
assume and shall pay, satisfy,  perform,  and discharge Seller's liabilities and
obligations  which arise thereunder on and after the Closing Date unless Buyer's
enjoyment  of the rights  and  benefits  under any such  contract  is  expressly
terminated  by the other  party  thereto by  affirmative  action  within six (6)
months  after the Closing  Date  because of such  failure to obtain  approval or
consent and not because of any other default or  nonperformance by Buyer or of a
failure of Buyer.  The  liabilities  and  obligations  assumed  pursuant  to the
immediately  preceding sentence shall also constitute "Assumed  Liabilities" for
purposes of this Agreement.

         Buyer shall not assume or be liable for (a) any liability or obligation
arising out of the business or operations  of the Station or the Station  Assets
prior  to the  Closing  Date  (except  for the  Assumed  Liabilities  and  other
obligations and liabilities  specifically  assumed by Buyer hereunder) ; (b) any
liability or obligation  under any contracts not  specifically  assumed by Buyer
hereunder;  (c) any liability or obligation of Seller for any federal, state, or
local  income or other  taxes  (subject,  in the case of real  estate or payroll
taxes,  if any, to proration at Closing);  (d) any liability or obligation  with
respect to the  Excluded  Contracts;  (e) any  liability  or  obligation  to any
employee or former employee of Seller or the Station  attributable to any period
of time prior to the Closing Date  including any liability for accrued  vacation
and other benefits; (f) any liability or obligation of Seller arising out of any
litigation,  proceeding,  or claim  by any  person  or  entity  relating  to the
business  or  operations  of the Station by Seller  prior to the  Closing  Date,
whether or not such litigation,  proceeding, or claim is pending, threatened, or
asserted  before,  on, or after the Closing  Date;  (g) any  severance  or other
liability  arising out of the  termination  of any  employee's  employment  with
Seller;  or (h) any duty,  obligation,  or  liability  relating to any  pension,
401(k) or other similar plan,  agreement,  or arrangement  provided by Seller to
employees  of  Seller,  and none of such plans  shall be  assumed by Buyer.  The
foregoing paragraph shall act exclusively for the benefit of the parties to this
Agreement and not for the benefit of any other person or entity.

         Seller  shall  not be held  liable  for by Buyer (a) any  liability  or
obligation  arising out of the business or operations  or the Station  Assets by
the Buyer on or after the Closing  Date;  (b) any Assumed  Liabilities  or other
liabilities and obligations  assumed by the Buyer under this Agreement;  (c) any
liability  or  obligation  of Buyer for any federal,  state,  or local income or
other taxes;  (d) any liability or obligation  incurred or assumed by Buyer with
respect to any of the


Station  Assets;  (e) any  liability  or  obligation  to any  employee or former
employee  of Buyer or the Station  attributable  to any period of time after the
Closing  Date;  (f) any  liability  or  obligation  of Buyer  arising out of any
litigation,  proceeding,  or claim  by any  person  or  entity  relating  to the
business or operation of the Station or the Station  Assets by Buyer on or after
the Closing  Date;  or (g) any duty,  obligation,  or liability  relating to any
pension,  401(k) or other similar plan,  agreement,  or arrangement  provided by
Buyer to employees of Buyer.

                                    ARTICLE 2

                              PAYMENTS AND CLOSING

         2.1.     Purchase Price.

                  (a) Payment of Purchase  Price. In  consideration  of Seller's
performance of this Agreement,  the transfer and delivery of the Station Assets,
and the assignment of the FCC  Authorizations,  on the Closing Date,  Buyer will
pay to Seller an amount equal to ten (10) times the broadcast  cash flow ("BCF")
of the  Station  as  stated  on or as  calculated  from  the  audited  financial
statements  (see  Section 5.9 below) of Seller for the twelve (12) month  period
beginning  October 1, 1994 and ending  September 30, 1995 minus the total of (I)
One  Million  Dollars  ($1,000,000.00)  , which  has been  paid  into  escrow in
accordance  with  Section  11.2 hereof and which is to be released to Sellers at
Closing and less an amount of $50,000.00 (the "Covenant Payment"), which will be
allocated  to the  Covenant  Not to Compete (see Section 8.7 below) . As part of
the  Purchase  Price  Buyer  will  assume  the  Assumed  Liabilities  and  other
obligations  and  liabilities  to be assumed by Buyer  hereunder  on the Closing
Date.  The  Purchase  Price shall never exceed an amount equal to ten (10) times
the BCF of the Station in the  aggregate  in order for the Buyer to be obligated
to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and shall never be
less than Twenty Three  Million  Dollars and No Cents  ($23,000,000.00),  in the
aggregate,   in  order  for  the  Seller  to  be  obligated  to  consummate  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The Purchase Price shall be paid by
Buyer to Seller by wire  transfer of  immediately  available  funds to such bank
account(s) as Seller may designate on or prior to the Closing Date. For purposes
of  calculating  the Purchase  Price,  BCF shall be defined in  accordance  with
Generally Accepted Accounting  Principals ("GAAP") applied on a consistent basis
without  duplication  as net income before Federal Income Tax and, to the extent
applicable  to income,  any Illinois  Business Tax, plus (on an accrual basis to
the  extent  used  in  determining   net  income  before  taxes)  (I)  interest,
depreciation  and  amortization   (including  program   amortization)  and  (ii)
corporate overhead  allocations and management fees, and plus or minus any other
non-cash  transactions  (such as barter and trade),  minus programming  payments
made,  or scheduled  to be made in  accordance  with the original  terms of each
program contract for such period. Additional adjustments to BCF shall be made in
accordance  with  Schedule 2.1 hereto.  The Buyer and Seller shall within ninety
days of this date review and reach a final  agreement as to the  adjustments  on
Schedule 2.1.


                  (b)  Allocation of Purchase  Price.  Buyer and Seller agree to
allocate  the  Purchase  Price among the Covenant Not to Compete and the Station
Assets based on the appraisal to be performed by a mutually acceptable appraisal
service used  generally in the  television  industry  for such  appraisals.  The
parties shall  undertake  all  reasonable  efforts to complete  this  allocation
within  sixty (60) days from this same date.  Buyer and Seller agree to file all
relevant  returns and reports and (including,  without  limitation,  Forms 8594,
Asset Acquisition Statements, and all income and other tax returns) on the basis
of such allocations.

         2.2.  Closing.  The  closing of the  purchase  and sale of the  Station
Assets (the "Closing") shall be held in the offices of Thomas & Libowitz,  P.A.,
USF&G Tower at 10:00 a.m..,  local time, on a regular business day, as should be
mutually agreed upon by the parties, which, accept as otherwise provided herein,
is not later than December 31, 1996 (the "Closing Expiration Date"). However, if
FCC approvals and consents to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall have
become a "Final Grant" on a date prior to the Closing  Expiration Date,  Closing
shall occur in thirty (30) business days following  "Final  Grant",  provided if
the FCC approvals  and consents to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall
become  a "Final  Grant"  less  than  thirty  (30)  days  prior  to the  closing
Expiration  Date, the Closing  Expiration Date shall be extended and the Closing
shall  occur on the  thirtieth  business  day  after  "Final  Grant"  which is a
business day. The term "Final  Grant" is defined for purposes of this  Agreement
to mean  action  by the FCC as to which no  further  steps  (including  those of
appeal or certiorari) can be taken with respect to any action or proceeding,  to
review, modify, or set the determination aside, whether under Section 402 or 405
of the Communications Act of 1934 (the "Communications Act"), or otherwise.  For
purposes  of this  Agreement  the term  "Closing  Date"  shall  mean the day the
closing occurs.

         2.3. Deliveries at Closing.  All actions at the Closing shall be deemed
to occur  simultaneously,  and no  document  or  payment  shall be  deemed to be
delivered or made until all  documents and payments are delivered or made to the
reasonable satisfaction of Buyer, Seller, and their respective counsel.

                  (a) Deliveries by Seller. At the closing, Seller shall deliver
to Buyer such  instruments of conveyance and other  customary  documentation  as
shall in form and substance be reasonably satisfactory to Buyer and its counsel,
including, without limitation, the following:

                           (i) one or more bills of sale and affidavits of title
conveying the personal property and all leases,  contracts, and other intangible
assets included in the Station Assets,  and, with the consent of the FCC, one or
more assignments of the FCC Authorizations;

                           (ii) any  mortgage  discharges  or  releases of liens
that are necessary in order to transfer the Station  Assets as  contemplated  by
Section 1.3;

                           (iii)  certificates  of Seller as required by Section
8.1(c) hereof;


                           (iv)  a  certified   copy  of  the   resolutions   or
proceedings of Seller  authorizing the  transactions  contemplated at Closing by
this Agreement;

                           (v)  a  certificate  as to  the  existence  and  good
standing of Seller,  each issued by the Illinois  Secretary dated shortly before
the Closing Date;

                           (vi) a receipt for the Purchase Price;

                           (vii) the opinions of counsel required by Section 8,3

                           (viii) all  consents  received by Seller  through the
Closing to the assignment to or assumption by Buyer of licenses,  contracts, and
leases included in the Station Assets;

                           (ix)  assignments of all Leasehold  Interests and all
necessary consents thereto;

                           (x) special  warranty  deed(s) or other  documents of
conveyance  acceptable to Buyer evidencing the Transfer of the Real Property and
Real Property Improvements;

                           (xi)  a  list  of  cable   systems  which  carry  the
station's  signal as of a date which is not prior to the seventh (7th) day prior
to the Closing  Date,  which list shall be certified by an officer of the Seller
as not being materially inaccurate to the best of Seller's knowledge;

                           (xii) the  Covenant  Not to Compete  contemplated  by
Section 8.7 hereof; and

                           (xiii) such other documents as Buyer shall reasonably

                  (b) Deliveries by Buyer.  At the Closing,  Buyer shall deliver
to Seller  the  Purchase  Price and such  instruments  of  assumption  and other
customary   documentation   as  shall  in  form  and   substance  be  reasonably
satisfactory  to Seller and its  counsel,  including,  without  limitation,  the

                           (i) the Purchase  Price,  which shall be delivered in
the manner set forth in Section 2.1 hereof;

                           (ii) an assumption of  liabilities  pursuant to which
Buyer will assume the Assumed Liabilities;

                           (iii) a  certificate  of Buyer as required by Section
7.1(c) hereof;


                           (iv)  a  certified   copy  of  the   resolutions   or
proceedings  or  Buyer   authorizing  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this

                           (v)  a  certificate  as to  the  existence  and  good
standing  of Buyer  issued by the  Department  of  Assessments  and  Taxation of
Maryland  shortly  before the Closing  Date and a  Certificate  of the  Illinois
Secretary  of State as to Buyer's  qualification  to do business in the State of

                           (vi) the  opinion of counsel  required by Section 7.3

                           (vii) the  Covenant  Not to Compete  contemplated  by
Section 8.7 hereof; and

                           (viii)   such  other   documents   as  Seller   shall
reasonably request.

         2.4.     Adjustments.

                  (a)  Operation of the  Station's  Assets by the Seller and the
income, expenses, and liabilities attributable thereto through 11:59 p.m. on the
day preceding the Closing Date (the "Adjustment  Date") shall be for the account
for the Seller  and,  thereafter,  for the  account  of the Buyer,  and shall be
prorated  accordingly.  Items  including,  but not  limited to power and utility
charges, ad valorem, property taxes upon the basis of the most recent assessment
available,  commissions,  wages,  payroll  taxes,  and accrued  vacation  pay of
employees of Seller who enter into  employment  of Buyer (all such  vacation pay
accrued prior to the Closing Date is the  responsibility of Seller),  rents, and
similar  prepaid and deferred items shall be prorated  between Seller and Buyer,
the proration to be made as of the Adjustment Date. There shall be no prorations
and/or adjustments with respect to any sick leave,  personal leave days, accrued
on or prior to the  Closing  Date by any  employee of Seller,  and Seller  shall
assume and be responsible  for all Liabilities in respect  thereto.  All special
assessments and similar  charges or liens imposed against the Realty,  Leasehold
Interest,  and Real  Property  Improvements  in  respect  of any  period of time
through the Adjustment Date, whether payable in installments or otherwise, shall
be the  responsibility  of the Seller,  and amounts payable with respect to such
special assessments, charges, or liens, with respect to any period of time after
the  Adjustment  Date  shall be the  responsibility  of the  Buyer  and shall be
adjusted as required hereunder.

         In the event the Buyer  performs or causes to be performed a Phase 1 or
Phase 2  Environmental  Audit (the  "Environmental  Audits")  prior to or within
thirty (30) days after the  Closing  Date,  Seller  agrees to  contribute  up to
Thirty Thousand Dollars  ($30,000.00) (the "Remediation Fee") to the cost of any
remediation advised by such Environmental  Audits. Such Remediation Fee shall be
part of the adjustments contemplated by this Section 2.4.

         Except for "Related Party Trades"  addressed  later in this  paragraph,
all trade, barter,  similar arrangements for the sale of advertising time, other
than for cash (with the exception of Film or Program Barter Agreements and Radio
Barter Agreements) ("Trades") shall be prorated


as of the Adjustment  Date. If, on the Closing Date, the aggregate  value of the
Stations  performance  obligations  on or after the Closing  Date under all such
Trades,  less the aggregate value of the goods,  services,  or other items to be
received  thereunder,  on or after the  Closing  Date,  exceeds  Fifty  Thousand
Dollars  ($50,000.00) then the Buyer shall receive a credit against the Purchase
Price for the amount of such excess and, if upon the Closing Date the  aggregate
value of goods,  services,  or other  items to be  received  under  all  Trades,
exceeds the  Stations  performance  obligations  on or after the Closing Date by
more than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) , then the Purchase Price shall be
increased by an amount of such excess. Trades shall be valued in accordance with
the evaluation  method  currently used by Buyer,  which method shall be declared
and approved by the Seller, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. There
shall be no other  proration or  adjustment  with  respect to Trades,  and there
shall be no prorations or adjustment  with respect to any film or program barter
agreements,  radio barter agreements,  or program  contracts,  Any related party
transactions  involving  Trades  ("Related  Party  Trades")  which  result  in a
liability on Seller's  balance sheets as of the Adjustment  Date shall be solely
Seller's  responsibility,  shall not be an assumed  Liability,  and shall not be
included in any proration of Trades hereunder.

                  (b) As of the  Closing  Date,  to the  extent  practical,  the
adjustments  provided  in Section 2.4 (a) shall be made on the basis of the then
most  recently  available  financial  statements  and other  information  of the
Station (the "Preliminary  Adjustments").  Within forty-five (45) days after the
Closing  Date,  the Buyer shall  prepare a closing  balance  sheet (the "Closing
Balance  Sheet") as of the closing of business on the Adjustment Date and submit
it to the Seller for  review.  Within  seventy-five  (75) days after the Closing
Date,  final  adjustment  pursuant to Section 2.4 shall be  determined,  and any
required  refund or payment  shall be made on the basis of the  Closing  Balance
Sheet. if any dispute arises over the amount to be refunded or paid, such refund
or  payment  shall  nonetheless  be made to the  extent  such  amount  is not in

         If any  such  dispute  can not be  resolved  by the  parties  or  their
respective independent public accountants within ninety (90) days after Closing,
it shall be referred to a mutually satisfactory  independent  accounting firm of
national stature which has not been employed by any party hereto for the two (2)
years of the date of such referral.  Any such referral shall be to an accounting
firm  selected  by  the  Seller's  and  Buyer's  respective  independent  public
accountants,  The  determination of such firm shall be conclusive and bonding on
each party hereto. one half of the fees of such firm shall be paid by the Seller
and the other half shall be paid by the Buyer.

                  (c) To the extent that Buyer receives  distributions  from the
Fox  Children's  Network ("FCN  Profits")  after the Closing  Date,  Buyer shall
distribute and pay to the Seller, in an amount not to exceed $82,000 FCN Profits
received by it for calendar  years 1993,  1994, and 1995, to the extent such FCN
Profits  are  distributed  to the  Station  in  calendar  years  1996 and  1997;
provided,  however, that the collection from Fox of any of the FCN Profits shall
be the sole  responsibility of Seller and Buyer shall not be responsible for the
collection on Seller's behalf of any such profits.


                                    ARTICLE 3


         Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows:

         3.1.  Organization.  Seller is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing,  and in good standing under the laws of the State of Illinois.  Seller
has the  requisite  power and  authority to carry on the business of the Station
now being  conducted  by it, to own and  operate the  Station  Assets  owned and
operated by it, and to enter into and consummate the  transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement.

         3.2.   Approval/Authority.   All  requisite   actions  and  proceedings
necessary to be taken by Seller in connection with the execution and delivery of
this Agreement and the  consummation  of  transactions  contemplated  hereby and
necessary to make the same  effective  have been, or with respect to the Closing
will be,  duly and  validly  taken.  This  Agreement  has been duly and  validly
authorized,  executed,  and  delivered by Seller and  constitutes  its valid and
binding  agreement,  enforceable  in  accordance  with and subject to its terms,
except as limited by laws  affecting the  enforcement  of  creditors'  rights or
contractual obligations generally.

         3.3. No Defaults.  Except as set forth on Schedule  3.3, as of the date
of this Agreement  (after giving effect to all approvals and consents which have
been obtained),  neither the execution and delivery by Seller of this Agreement,
nor  the  consummation  by  Seller  of the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement to be consummated  on, prior,  or subsequent to the Closing Date, will
constitute,  or, with the giving of notice or the passage of time or both, would
constitute,  a material  violation of or would conflict in any material  respect
with or result in any material breach of or any material  default under,  any of
the terms,  conditions,  or  provisions  of the  Communications  Act, the rules,
regulations and public policies of the FCC or any other federal, state and local
laws, rules, regulations,  ordinances, judgments, orders and/or decrees to which
either Seller is subject,  or of Seller's  Articles of Incorporation or By-laws,
or any material contract, agreement, or instrument to which Seller is a party or
by which Seller is bound.

         3.4.  Brokers.  There is no broker or finder or other  person or entity
who would have any valid claim against Buyer for a commission or broker's fee in
connection with this Agreement where the transactions  contemplated  hereby as a
result of any  agreement  or  understanding  of or action taken by Seller or any
affiliate of Seller.

         3.5.  Condition of Assets.  All material  tangible  assets  included in
Station  Assets,  including,  without  limitation,  the  Realty,  the  Leasehold
Interests,  and  the  Real  Property  Improvements,   are  being  maintained  in
accordance with general industry  practices and/or good operating  condition and
repair, ordinary ware and tear excepted.


         3.6.     Title.

                  (a) Seller has good and marketable  title to the Real Property
listed on Schedule 1.1(c), free and clear of all mortgages,  security interests,
liens,  charges,  and  encumbrances of any nature  whatsoever,  except:  (I) for
liens, for Real Property, taxes not yet due and payable and (ii) as disclosed in
Schedule  1.3 of  this  Agreement,  and  (iii)  for  encumbrances  which  do not
materially  detract  from  the  value  of the  Real  Property  or  which  do not
materially  affect the current use and enjoyment thereof in the operation of the
Station. Seller is not in material default under any of the Leasehold Interests.
Except as set forth in this Section 3.6 or disclosed on a Certificate  of Zoning
Classification  and  Legality of Use from the cities of Peoria and  Bloomington,
Illinois, or the counties of McLean,  Tazewell,  Woodford,  or Peoria,  Illinois
(copies  of which  have been  provided  to the  Buyer),  the  Realty,  Leasehold
Interests,  and the Real  Property  Improvements  listed on Schedule  1.1(c) and
their  present uses comply in all material  respect with all  applicable  zoning
laws and ordinances; and to the Sellers knowledge, there exists no notice of any
violations of housing,  building,  safety, fire ordinances,  with respect to the
Realty,  Leasehold Interests,  and Real Property Improvements listed on Schedule
1.1(c) . The  zoning  classifications  for the Realty  and  Leasehold  Interests
listed on Schedule 1.1(c) are set forth on Schedule 1.1(c).  The Realty and real
property which is subject to the Leasehold  Interests is currently serviced by a
community sewage system.

         Seller has not received any notice and has no knowledge of any pending,
threatened,  or contemplated  condemnation proceedings affecting the Realty, the
Leasehold Interests, or the Real Property Improvements listed on Schedule 1.1(c)
or any part thereof or any sale or disposition of the real property which is the
subject  of  the  Leasehold   Interests  or  any  portion  thereof  in  lieu  of

         The  Seller  is not in  material  default  under  any of its  Leasehold

                  (b)  Seller  has good  and  marketable  title to the  tangible
assets and personal  property included in the Station Assets and all such assets
and personal property will on the Closing Date be free and clear of all security
interests,  mortgages,  pledges, liens, encumbrances,  or charges of any mature,
except for Permitted Encumbrances.

         Seller  has  good  and  marketable  title to the  tangible  assets  and
personal  property  included  in the  Station  Assets,  and all such  assets and
personal property of free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.

         3.7. Insurance.  The Station and the Station Assets are, as of the date
of this  Agreement,  adequately  insured for their  replacement  costs by Seller
against  loss or  damage by fire and other  hazards  and risks of the  character
usually insured against by persons operating  similar  properties and businesses
under policies issued by insurers of recognized  responsibility and Seller agree
to keep the Station and Station Assets adequately  insured for their replacement
costs naming the Buyer as a named insured as its interest appears from this same
date forward, through and including the Closing Date.


         3.8.  Contracts.  Schedules  1.1(d),  1.1(e).  1.1(f),  1.(g),  1.1(h),
1,1(n), and 3.10 to this Agreement contain a list of the following,  as to which
the Station or Seller with respect to the Station is a party;

                  (a) any television network affiliation agreements;

                  (b)  contracts   evidencing   time  sales  to  advertisers  or
advertising  agencies which are "trade" or "barter"  transactions  which require
the  furnishing  of  advertising  time on the  Station  after  the  date of this

                  (c) sales agency or advertising representation contracts which
are not terminable by Seller without  penalty upon notice of thirty (30) days or

                  (d) employment contracts;

                  (e)  licenses  or  agreements  under  which  either  Seller is
authorized to broadcast on the Station filmed or taped  programming  supplied by

                  (f) leases of personal  property which have a term,  including
renewal  options  exercisable by any other party  thereto,  ending more than one
year after the date of this Agreement  and/or which involve  annual  payments of
more than $10,000.00;

                  (g)  contracts  not made in the  ordinary  and usual course of
business; and

                  (h) any other contracts which are material to the business and
operation of the Station and the Station Assets.

         3.9. Program Contracts.  All information regarding the contracts listed
on Schedule 1.1(e) is correct and accurate,  including,  without limitation, the
contract  price,  number of  exhibitions  licensed or  available,  the number of
exhibitions  aired and remaining,  the amount of license fees paid and amount of
unpaid license fees, any information  concerning  additional  episodes  licensed
thereunder  and  the  fees  therefore,   or  any  other  information  concerning
additional  episodes  licensed  thereunder and the fees therefore,  or any other
information regarding such contracts set forth in Schedule 1.1(e).

         3.10. Employees.  Schedule 3.10 lists all employees of the Seller as of
the date of this Agreement and their  respective  salaries and dates of hire and
includes information on the benefits provided to employees  (including,  without
limitation,  pension,  retirement,  hospitalization,  life,  accident or medical
insurance, vacation, and other employee benefit plans, agreements, arrangements,
or understandings).  Except as described on Schedule 3.10, Seller has no written
or oral  contracts  of  employment  with any  employee.  Except as  disclosed on
Schedule  3.10,  neither  Seller  is a party  to or  subject  to any  collective
bargaining  agreements with respect to the Station,  nor does either Seller have
any  other  contracts  with any labor  union or other  labor  organization  with
respect to the Station.  Seller is not a party to any pending or, to the best of


knowledge  and belief (after  inquiry of the Station's  management) , threatened
labor dispute affecting the Station.

         3.11.  Litigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule  3.11  hereto:  (I)
Seller, with respect to the Station,  has not been operating under or subject to
or in default  with  respect to any order,  writ,  injunction,  or decree of any
court  or  federal,  state,   municipal,   or  other  governmental   department,
commission,  board, agency, or instrumentality which has had or could reasonably
be expected to have a material  adverse effect on the operations of the Station;
(ii) there is no  litigation  pending by or against,  or to the best of Seller's
knowledge and belief  (after  inquiry of the  Station's  management)  threatened
against,  Seller  related  to or  affecting  any of  the  Station  Assets  which
materially  interferes or could  reasonably be expected to materially  interfere
with the  operations  of the Station or with  Seller's  ability to transfer  the
Station Assets to Buyer.  There are no attachments,  executions,  or assignments
for the  benefit  of  creditors  or  voluntary  or  involuntary  proceedings  in
bankruptcy  pending against or contemplated by Seller,  and no such actions have
been threatened against Seller. There is no litigation or proceeding pending or,
to the best of Sellers  knowledge  and belief,  threatened  against or affecting
Seller  that  would  affect  Seller's  ability  to  carry  out the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

         3.12.  Compliance with Laws. Seller, with respect to the Station, is to
the best of its knowledge and belief in compliance in all material respects with
all applicable laws, regulations,  and orders, and the present uses by Seller of
the Station  Assets does not,  to the best of  Seller's  knowledge  and belief I
violate any such laws, regulations, or orders in any material respect.

         3.13.  Business since December 31, 1995. From December 31, 1995, to the
date of  this  Agreement  there  has  been no  material  adverse  change  in the
Station's  financial  condition [as represented in the unaudited  balance sheets
and related statements of income,  operations and cash flows for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1995 (the "1995 Financial  Statements")  previously delivered
by the Seller to the Buyer], business, or assets taken as a whole (provided that
the foregoing  shall exclude any material  adverse change  attributable to facts
effecting  the  television  industry  generally  or to  the  general  economical
conditions or governmental or legislative  laws,  rules,  regulations),  and the
business of the  Station,  in all material  respects  has been  conducted in the
ordinary course of business and in the same manner as it was before December 31,

         3.14.  Environmental.  To the best of Seller's knowledge and belief and
except as stated in  Schedule  3.14.  neither  Seller  nor the  Station  are the
subject of any (I) "Superfund" evaluation;  (ii) any investigation or proceeding
of  any  governmental  authority  evaluating  whether  any  remedial  action  is
necessary  to respond to release  of  "Hazardous  Substances"  as defined by the
Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and Liability Act of 1980
("CHURCHLY"),  "Hazardous  Waste" as defined by the  Resource  Conservation  and
Recovery  Act  of  1976  ("RCRA"),  or any  substance  regulated  by  the  Toxic
Substances  Control Act ("TSCA");  or (iii) any  requirement to remove  asbestos
material or polychlorinated  bipheryls.  Seller has complied with all applicable
federal,  state and local  environmental laws and regulations,  except where the
failure to do so would not have a Material Adverse Effect. For


purposes  of this  Section,  "Material  Adverse  Effect"  means any change in or
effect  on the  business  currently  conducted  by  the  Station  that  is or is
reasonably likely to be materially  adverse to the Station.  Except as stated in
Schedule 3.14., to Seller's knowledge after due inquiry within its organization,
but without any independent  environmental  assessment,  as of the Closing Date,
neither the Realty,  Leasehold Interests, or Real Property Improvements contains
any  condition or substance  which under the  aforesaid  environmental  laws and
regulations  thereunder,  as  interpreted  as  of  this  date  by  judicial  and
regulatory  authorities,  will  result in  recovery by any person of remedial or
removal costs,  expenses or damages,  or  expenditures by Buyer for abatement or
remedial  actions.  Seller  has no  reason as of the date of this  Agreement  to
believe that an independent environmental assessment would lead to the discovery
of any such condition or substance,  Absent any previous knowledge or beliefs by
Seller,  Seller shall not be deemed in breach of this Article III, Section 3.14.
Environmental  should any Phase I or Phase II  environmental  audit performed or
caused to be performed by Buyer reveal any such condition or substance.

                                    ARTICLE 4


         4.1.  Incorporation.  Buyer is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly
existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Maryland,  and, as
of the Closing date, will be qualified to transact business in Illinois, and has
the corporate power and authority to enter into and consummate the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

         4.2. Corporate Action. All corporate actions and proceedings  necessary
to be taken by or on the part of Buyer  in  connection  with the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and the  consummation  of  transactions  contemplated
hereby  and  necessary  to make the same  effective  have been duly and  validly
taken.  This  Agreement  has been duly and  validly  authorized,  executed,  and
delivered by Buyer, and constitutes its valid and binding agreement, enforceable
in accordance with and subject to its terms, except as limited by laws affecting
the enforcement of creditors' rights or contractual obligations generally.

         4.3.  No  Defaults.  As of this  Agreement  or the  Closing  Date,  the
execution and delivery by Buyer of this Agreement,  or the consummation by Buyer
of the transactions  contemplated hereby, do not or will not constitute or, with
the giving of notice or the  passage  of time or both,  would not  constitute  a
violation of or would  conflict with or result in any breach of or default under
any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of any judgment, law, or regulation,
or Buyer's  certificate of incorporation or bylaws, or any contract,  agreement,
or instrument to which Buyer is a party or by which it is or will be bound.

         4.4.  Brokers.  To  Buyer's  knowledge  there is no broker or finder or
other person who would have any valid claim  against  Seller for a commission or
brokerage in connection  with this  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated
hereby as a result  of any  agreement  or  understanding  of or action  taken by


         4.5. Litigation.  There is no litigation,  proceeding, or investigation
of any nature pending or, to the best of Buyer's  knowledge,  threatened against
or  affecting  it that  would  affect  Buyer's  ability  fully to carry  out the
transactions   contemplated  by  this  Agreement.   There  are  no  attachments,
executions,  or  assignments  for the  benefit  of  creditors  or  voluntary  or
involuntary  proceedings in bankruptcy pending against or contemplated by Buyer,
and no such actions have been threatened against Buyer.

                                    ARTICLE 5


         5.1.  Maintenance of Business  until  Closing.  Until the Closing Date,
Seller  shall,  with  respect to the  Station  Assets,  continue to carry on its
business  and  operations  and keep its  books of  account,  records,  and files
complete in the ordinary course of business. Seller shall operate the Station in
all material  respects in accordance  with the terms of and in compliance in all
material respects with all applicable laws and FCC rules and regulations.

         Seller will maintain in full force and effect  through the Closing Date
adequate property damage (at replacement cost),  liability,  and other insurance
with respect to the Station Assets.

         Prior to the Closing Date,  Seller will not,  without the prior written
consent of Buyer (to the extent the following  restrictions are permitted by the
FCC and all applicable law):

                  (a)  sell,  lease,  transfer,  or  agree to  sell,  lease,  or
transfer any Station  Assets which are material to the operation of the station,
considered as a whole or which have  individually or in the aggregate a value in
excess of $10,000.00 without replacement thereof with a substantially equivalent
asset of substantially equivalent kind, condition, and value;

                  (b)  enter  into any  contract  of  employment  or  collective
bargaining agreement which will be binding on Buyer, permit any increases in the
compensation of any of the Station's employees;  provided,  however, that Seller
may pay bonuses to any of its employees;

                  (c) apply to the FCC for any  construction  permit  that would
materially restrict the Station's present operations or make any material change
in  the  Station's  Real  Property,  Real  Property  Improvements  or  Leasehold

         Seller  shall be entitled  to renew or extend the term of any  contract
listed on Schedules  1.1(c),  1.1(d),  1.1(e),  and 1.1(f) which,  by its terms,
expires or will expire  prior to December  31,  1996;  provided,  however,  such
renewal or extension  does not increase the amounts  payable  thereunder  during
such renewal or extension  term unless said increase is in  accordance  with the
Station's  usual  practices and which  increase has been approved in advanced by


         5.2.   Goodwill/Compliance  with  Agreements.   Seller  shall  use  all
reasonable  efforts to preserve  the  business  organization  of the Station and
preserve the goodwill of the Station's suppliers,  customers,  and others having
business relations with it in accord with the provisions of this Agreement.

         5.3. Reports;  Access to Facilities,  Files, and Records.  From time to
time from the date hereof  through the  closing  Date,  at the request of Buyer,
Seller shall give or cause to be given to the officers,  employees,  agents, and
representatives  of Buyer:  (a) access (in the  presence  of any  representative
designated  by Seller) upon  reasonable  prior notice,  during  normal  business
hours, to all facilities,  properties,  accounts,  books,  deeds,  title papers,
insurance  policies,  licenses,  agreements,  contracts  commitments,   records,
equipment,  machinery,  fixtures,  furniture,  vehicles,  accounts  payable  and
receivable,  and inventories of Seller relating to the Station, and (b) all such
other information in Seller's  possession  concerning the affairs of the Station
as Buyer may reasonably request; provided,  however, that the foregoing does not
unreasonably  disrupt or interfere with the business and operations of Seller or
the Station.

         5.4.  Notice of  Proceedings.  Seller  will  promptly  notify  Buyer in
writing upon becoming aware of any order or decree or any complaint  praying for
an order or decree  restraining or enjoining the  consummation of this Agreement
or the transactions  contemplated  hereunder,  or upon receiving any notice from
any governmental  department,  court,  agency, or commission of its intention to
institute an investigation into or institute a suit or proceeding to restrain or
enjoin the consummation of this Agreement or such transactions, or to nullify or
render ineffective this Agreement or such transactions if consummated.

         5.5. Confidential Information.  Seller shall not use or disclose to any
person or entity  (except as may be required by law or in  conducting  the Audit
(as  defined  in  Section  5.9),  and  then  only  with  notice  to  Buyer)  any
confidential  information  received  from  Buyer or its  agents in the course of
investigating, negotiating, and completing the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement.  Nothing shall be deemed confidential information that: (a) is or was
known to either Seller at the time of its initial disclosure to either Seller or
any representative of either Seller; (b) has become or becomes publicly known or
available  other  than  through  disclosure  by  either  Seller;  (c)  is or was
rightfully  received  by Seller  from any person or entity  unrelated  to either
Seller; or (d) is or was independently developed by either Seller.

         5.6.  Consummation of Closing.  Seller shall use reasonable  efforts to
fulfill and perform all conditions and obligations on their part to be fulfilled
and performed  under this  Agreement and to cause all terms and  conditions  set
forth herein to be fulfilled  and cause the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement in connection with the Closing to be fully carried out.

         5.7 Notice of Certain  Developments.  Seller shall give prompt  written
notice to Buyer if prior to the  Closing  Date:  (a) Station  Assets  shall have
suffered damage on account of fire, explosion, or other cause of any nature; (b)
the regular broadcast transmission of the Station in the normal and usual manner
in which it heretofore has been operating is interrupted in any


material  manner  for a period of more than ten (10)  consecutive  days;  or (c)
carrying the Station's signal of such market cable system's  intention to delete
the Station  from  carriage or chan  Station's  channel  position on such market
cable system.

         5.8. Covenants of Sellers Prior to Closing. Seller covenants and agrees
that until the Closing occurs:

                  (a)  Consents.  Seller will use  reasonable  efforts  (without
being required to make any payment not specifically required by the terms of any
licenses,  leases,  and other contracts) to obtain or cause to be obtained prior
to the Closing Date consents to the  assignment to or assumption by Buyer of all
material  licenses,  leases,  and other contracts included in the Station Assets
that  require  the  consent  of any third  party by  reason of the  transactions
provided for in this Agreement. If any material necessary consent or approval is
not obtained prior to the Closing Date, then Seller will cooperate with Buyer in
any reasonable  arrangement deemed necessary or desirable by Buyer to provide to
Buyer,  after the Closing Date,  the benefits  under such  contracts,  including
enforcement  for the  benefit of Buyer of any and all  rights of Seller  against
third parties.

                  (b)  Consummation  of  Agreement.  Seller shall use their best
efforts to fulfill and perform all conditions  and  obligations on their part to
be fulfilled and performed  under this  Agreement and to cause the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement to be fully carried out.

                  (c ) Updated Information. Seller agrees to provide to Buyer on
or  shortly  prior  to the  Closing  Date a list  of any  additional  leases  or
contracts  which  would  have been  required  to be listed on  Schedule  1.1(d),
1.1(e), 1.1(f), or 3.10.

                  (d) Hart-Scott-Rodino. As promptly as practicable Seller shall
prepare and file all documents with the Federal Trade  Commission and the United
States   Department   of   Justice,   as  is   required   to  comply   with  the
Hart-Scott-Rodino  Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 ("Hart-Scott-Rodino Act"),
and shall  promptly  furnish all  materials  thereafter  requested by any of the
regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over such filings.

                  (e) Environmental  Audit. Upon notification and request by the
Buyer, Seller agrees, as soon as practicable after said notification and request
by Buyer,  to grant to Buyer and its  Agents  access  to the  Realty,  Leasehold
interests,  and Real Property  Improvements,  for the purpose of conducting,  at
Buyer's Expense,  the Environmental  Audits. Any such Environmental Audits shall
be  conducted  by a  reputable  environmental  investigatory  firm of the Buyers
                  (f)  Application  for  Commission   Consent.  As  promptly  as
practicable  after the date of this  Agreement  and no event later than  fifteen
(15) days  after the date  hereof,  Seller  will  complete  Seller's  portion of
applications  to the FCC requesting its written consent to the assignment of the
FCC  Authorizations  for the  Station  to Buyer,  and upon  receipt  of  Buyer's
applications  pursuant  to  Article  Six,  Section  6.4  (c) ,  Application  for
Commission  Consent,  will promptly file such  applications with the FCC jointly
with Buyer. Seller will diligently take or


cooperate in the taking of all steps that are necessary, proper, or desirable to
expedite the  preparation of such  applications  and its prosecution to a "Final
Grant", as that term is defined in Article II, Section 2.2 Closing.  Seller will
promptly  provide Buyer with a copy of any pleading,  order,  or other  document
served on it  relating  to such  applications.  The  Seller  shall  make  timely
application  for any renewals or  extensions  of the FCC  Licenses  which may be
required by any applicable FCC rules, regulations or procedures.

         5.9. Audit of Station. Immediately following the date hereof and within
ninety (90) days thereafter,  the Buyer shall conduct an audit (the "Audit") the
financial  operations of the Station for the twelve (12) month period  beginning
October 1, 1994 and ending  September 30, 1995. This Audit will be the basis for
determining the BCF and the Purchase Price.  The Seller and the Seller's agents,
servants,  and employees will  cooperate with the Buyer and the Buyer"s  agents,
servants and employees in conducting and completing the Audit within ninety (90)
days from the date hereof. It is anticipated that the Audit will be completed on
or prior to ninety (90) days from the date hereof,  and copies of the Audit will
be delivered to the Seller as soon as practical after completion. The Audit will
be conducted by Arthur Andersen L.L.P., the Buyer's independent certified public
accounting  firm, and the results thereof,  along with the  determination of BCF
and the Purchase Price, will be conclusive and binding on both parties hereto.

                                    ARTICLE 6


         6.1. Confidential Information. Buyer shall not use for its or any third
party's  benefit  and shall not  disclose  to third  parties  (except  as may be
required by law or which is necessary in completing the Audit) any  confidential
information   (including,   without   limitation,   financial   information  and
information  regarding  program  contracts and revenue)  received from Seller or
their agents in the course of  investigating,  negotiating,  and  performing the
transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Nothing  shall be  deemed to be
confidential  information  that:  (a) is  known  to  Buyer  at the  time  of its
disclosure  to it; (b) becomes  publicly  known or available  other than through
disclosure by Buyer; (c) is rightfully  received by Buyer from a third party; or
(d) is independently developed by Buyer.

         6.2.  Consummation  of Agreement.  Subject to the provisions of Section
11.1 of this Agreement,  Buyer shall use its best efforts to fulfill and perform
all conditions and  obligations on its part to be fulfilled and performed  under
this Agreement and to cause the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement to
be fully carried out. Buyer agrees to cooperate  with Seller in connection  with
obtaining  consents to the  assignment  to or  assumption  by Buyer of licenses,
leases,  and other contracts included in the Station Assets, and to execute such
assumption  instruments  as may be required in connection  with  obtaining  such

         6. 3.  Notice of  Proceeding.  Buyer  will  promptly  notify  seller in
writing upon becoming aware of any order or decree or any complaint  praying for
an order or decree


restraining or enjoining the  consummation of this Agreement or the transactions
contemplated  hereunder,  or upon  receiving  any notice  from any  governmental
department,  court,  agency,  or  commission  of its  intention  to institute an
investigation  into or institute a suit or  proceeding to restrain or enjoin the
consummation  of this  Agreement or such  transactions,  or to nullify or render
ineffective this Agreement or such transactions if consummated.

         6.4.  Covenants of Buyer Prior to Closing.  Buyer  covenants and agrees
that until the closing occurs:

                  (a) Consents for Closing.  Buyer will use  reasonable  efforts
jointly with Seller to obtain or cause to be obtained  prior to the Closing Date
all  necessary  consents  relating to the Station  Assets for the Closing and to
execute  such  assumption  instruments  as may be  required in  connection  with
obtaining any necessary consent,  so long as such assumption  instruments and/or
agreements  do not alter the original  terms and  conditions of the contracts in
question in any material respect to the detriment of Buyer.

                  (b) Hart-Scott-Rodino.  As promptly as practicable Buyer shall
prepare and file all documents with the Federal Trade  Commission and the United
States   Department   of   Justice,   as  is   required   to  comply   with  the
Hart-Scott-Rodino, and shall promptly furnish all materials thereafter requested
by any of the regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over such filings.

                  (c)  Application  for  Commission   Consent.  As  promptly  as
practicable  after the date of this Agreement and in no event later than fifteen
(15) days from the date hereof,  Buyer will  complete and give to Seller a fully
executed copy of Buyer's  portion of the  application  to the FCC requesting its
written consent to the assignment of the FCC Authorizations for the station (and
any  extension  or renewals  thereof) to Buyer.  Buyer will  diligently  take or
cooperate in the taking of all steps that are necessary, proper, or desirable to
expedite the  preparation  of such  application  and its  prosecution to a Final
Grant as that term is  defined in Article 2,  Section  2.2  Closing.  Buyer will
promptly  provide Seller with a copy of any pleading,  order, or other documents
served on it relating to such application.

         6.5. Audit of Station.  As soon as practical,  but not later than forty
five (45) days after the date hereof , Buyer covenants to cause its accountants,
Arthur Andersen L.L.P., to conduct and complete the Audit at Buyer's expense for
the purposes of preparing  audited  financial  statements  of the Seller and the
Station for the  purposes of  establishing  the  Station's  BCF and the Purchase
                                    ARTICLE 7


         The obligations of Seller to consummate the  transactions  contemplated
by this  Agreement  are,  at their  option,  subject to the  fulfillment  of the
following conditions prior to or at the Closing Date:


         7.1.     Representations Warranties, Covenants.

                  (a)  each  of the  representations  and  warranties  of  Buyer
contained  in this  Agreement  shall have been true and accurate in all material
respects as of the date when made and shall be deemed to be made again on and as
of the Closing Date and shall then be true and accurate in all material respects
except to the extent  changes are  permitted  or  contemplated  pursuant to this

                  (b) Buyer shall have  performed  and  complied in all material
respects with each and every  covenant and agreement  required by this Agreement
to be performed or complied with by it prior to or at the Closing Date; and

                  (c) Buyer shall have  delivered to Seller a certificate  of an
officer of Buyer dated as of the Closing Date  certifying to the  fulfillment of
the conditions set forth in Sections 7.1(a) and 7.1(b).

         7.2.     Proceedings.

                  (a) As of the Closing Date, no action or proceeding shall have
been instituted and be pending before any court or governmental body to restrain
or prohibit, or to obtain substantial damages in respect of, the consummation of
this  Agreement  that, in the  reasonable  opinion of Seller,  may reasonably be
expected  to  result in a  preliminary  or  permanent  injunction  against  such
consummation or, if the transactions  contemplated  hereby were consummated,  an
order to nullify or render  ineffective  this Agreement or such  transactions or
the recovery against Seller of substantial damages; and

                  (b) As of the  Closing  Date,  none  of the  parties  to  this
Agreement shall have received written notice from any  governmental  body of (I)
its  intention to institute  any action or  proceeding  to restrain or enjoin or
nullify this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  hereby, or to commence
any investigation  (other than a routine letter of inquiry,  including a routine
civil investigative demand) into the consummation of this Agreement,  or (ii)the
actual commencement of such an investigation.

         7.3 Opinion of Counsel.  Seller shall have received opinions of Buyer's
counsel and Buyer's  special FCC counsel,  each dated as of the Closing Date, in
the forms attached to this Agreement as Schedule 7.3.

         7.4. Hart-Scott-Rodino.  The waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Act shall have expired,  and there shall not be outstanding any order of a court
restraining the transactions contemplated hereby.

         7.5.  Other  Instruments.  Buyer  shall have  delivered  to Seller such
instruments,  documents,  and certificates as are contemplated by Section 2.3(b)
to be delivered on the Closing Date.


         7.6. The Audit.  Buyer shall have delivered the Audit to the Seller and
the determination of Seller's BCF for fiscal year ended September 30, 1995 on or
before ninety (90) days from the date hereof.

         7.7.  Allocations.  Buyer shall have  entered  into an  agreement  with
Seller as to the allocation of the Purchase Price.

         7.8.  BCF.  The BCF of the  Station  for the twelve  (12) month  period
beginning  October 1, 1995 and ending September 3, 1995, as calculated  pursuant
to  Section  2.1(b)  hereof,  shall be no less than Two  Million  Three  Hundred
Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($2,300,000.00).

         7.9.  Covenants  Not to Compete.  The Seller  shall have  received  the
Covenant Not to Compete from Buyer in the form  attached as Schedule 8.7 to this
Agreement along with the Covenant Payments.

                                    ARTICLE 8


         The  obligations  of Buyer  under this  Agreement  are,  at its option,
subject to the  fulfillment  of the  following  conditions  prior to the Closing

         8.1.     Representations, Warranties, Covenants.

                  (a)  Each of the  representations  and  warranties  of  Seller
contained  in this  Agreement  shall have been true and accurate in all material
respects as of the date when made and shall be deemed to be made again on and as
of the Closing Date and shall then be true and accurate in all material respects
except to the extent  changes are  permitted  or  contemplated  pursuant to this
                  (b) Seller shall have  performed  and complied in all material
respects with each and every  covenant and agreement  required by this Agreement
to be  performed  or  complied  with  by it  prior  to or at the  Closing  Date,
including the delivery to Buyer of the instruments  conveying the Station Assets
to Buyer.

                  (c) Seller shall have  delivered to Buyer a certificate  of an
officer of Seller dated the Closing Date  certifying to the  fulfillment  of the
conditions set forth in Sections 8.1(a) and 8.1(b).

         8.2.     Proceedings.

         As of the Closing  Date,  (a) no action or  proceeding  shall have been
instituted and be pending before any court or governmental body to restrain,  or
prohibit or to obtain substantial


damages  in  respect  of,  the  consummation  of  this  Agreement  that,  in the
reasonable  opinion  of  Buyer,  may  reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in a
preliminary  or  permanent  injunction  against  such  consummation  or,  if the
transactions contemplated hereby were consummated, an order to nullify or render
ineffective  this Agreement or such  transactions or the recovery against Seller
of substantial damages; and (b) none of the parties to this Agreement shall have
received  written  notice from any  governmental  body of (I) its  intention  to
institute  any  action or  proceeding  to  restrain  or enjoin or  nullify  this
Agreement  or  the  transactions   contemplated   hereby,  or  to  commence  any
investigation (other than a routine letter of inquiry, including a routine civil
investigative  demand)  into the  consummation  of this  Agreement,  or (ii) the
actual commencement of such an investigation.

         8.3  Opinion  of  Counsel.  Buyer  shall  have  received  an opinion of
Seller's  counsel  dated as of the  Closing  Date in the form  attached  to this
Agreement  as Schedule  8.3(I),  and an opinion of Seller's  special FCC counsel
dated,  as of the  Closing  Date in  substantially  the  form  attached  to this
Agreement as Schedule 8.3(ii).

         8.4. Hart-Scott-Rodino.  The waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Act shall have expired,  and there shall not be outstanding any order of a court
restraining the transactions contemplated hereby.

         8.5.  Consents.  Sellers shall have obtained  prior to the Closing Date
any  necessary  consents  from third  parties with respect to Station's  network
affiliation in agreements and to the contracts included in the Station Assets as
are listed as "material" on Schedule 8.5 to this Agreement.

         8.6.  Leases/Subleases.  The Buyer shall have received from the Seller,
certain  leases (the  "Leases"  or the  "Subleases")  for the Realty,  Leasehold
Interests and/or Real Property Improvements,  fully executed by the Seller which
will enable the Buyer to continue to operate the Station Assets consistent with:
previous   operating   expenses  and  practices,   (ii)  Stations   current  FCC
Authorizations,  and  (iii)  all FCC  Rules,  Regulations  and  Procedures,  The
Leases/Subleases  to be delivered  hereunder and which are  contemplated  hereby
shall be  reasonably  acceptable  to the Buyer and  shall be  consistent  in all
material terms with the material terms of the existing  Leases/Subleases for the
Leasehold Interests and Real Property Improvements.

         8.7. Covenant Not to Compete.  Buyer shall have received a Covenant Not
to Compete from Seller in the form of Schedule 8.7 to this Agreement.

         8.8.  Other  Instruments.  Seller  shall have  delivered  to Buyer such
instruments,  documents,  and certificates as are contemplated by Section 2.3(a)
and Section 11.14 hereof.

         8. 9. Allocations. The Seller shall have entered into an agreement with
the Buyer as to the allocation of the Purchase Price.


                                    ARTICLE 9


         9.1. Survival.  All statements of any party contained in this Agreement
(including the Schedules hereto) or in any certificate  delivered by it pursuant
to this Agreement  shall be deemed to be  representations  and  warranties  made
pursuant to this Agreement.  The  representations,  warranties,  covenants,  and
agreements of Seller and Buyer  contained in or made pursuant to this  Agreement
shall be deemed to have been made as of the date of this  Agreement  and, to the
extent  applicable,  on the Closing Date,  shall  survive the Closing Date,  and
shall remain operative and in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year
after the Closing Date  regardless of any  investigation  or statement as to the
results thereof made by or on behalf of any party; provided,  however, that: (I)
Buyer's obligation to pay, perform,  and discharge the Assumed Liabilities shall
survive until such Assumed Liabilities have been paid, performed,  or discharged
in  full;  (ii)  Seller's  obligations  with  respect  to  all  obligations  and
liabilities  not assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement shall survive until
such  obligations and liabilities  have been paid,  performed,  or discharged in
full;  (iii) the  covenants  and  agreements  contained  in this Article 9 shall
continue   in  full  force  and  effect   until  fully   discharged;   (iv)  the
representations and warranties contained in Sections 3.4 and 4.4 (Brokers) shall
continue  in full  force and  effect in  perpetuity;  and (v) any  covenants  or
agreements  contained herein or made pursuant hereto which by their terms are to
be  performed  after  the  Closing  shall  survive  until  fully  performed  and
discharged in full.

         9.2.  Indemnification of Buyer.  Seller agrees that, after the Closing,
it shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from and against any and all damages,
claims, losses, expenses, costs, obligations, and liabilities including, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing,  liabilities for reasonable attorneys'
fees and expenses ("Loss and Expense")  suffered directly or indirectly by Buyer
by reason of or arising out of (I) any material  breach of a  representation  or
warranty made by Seller pursuant to this Agreement; (ii) any material failure by
Seller to perform or fulfill any of its  covenants  or  agreements  set forth in
this Agreement;  (iii) any failure by Seller to pay,  perform,  or discharge any
liabilities or obligations  not  specifically  assumed by Buyer pursuant to this
Agreement;  or (iv) any  litigation,  proceeding,  or claim by any  third  party
arising  from the business or  operations  of the Station by Seller prior to the
Closing Date, except to the extent arising from obligations or liabilities of or
assumed by Buyer pursuant to this Agreement.

         9.3.  Indemnification of Seller.  Buyer agrees that, after the closing,
it shall  indemnify  and hold Seller  harmless from and against any and all Loss
and Expense  suffered  directly or  indirectly by Seller by reason of or arising
out of (I) any  material  breach of  representation  or  warranty  made by Buyer
pursuant to this  Agreement;  (ii) any  material  failure by Buyer to perform or
fulfill any of its covenants or agreements  set forth in this  Agreement;  (iii)
any failure by Buyer to pay,  perform,  or discharge any Assumed  Liabilities or
any  other  obligations  or  liabilities  of or  assumed  by  Buyer  under  this
Agreement; or (iv) any litigation, proceeding, or


claim by any third party  arising from the business or operations of the Station
on or after the Closing Date.

         9.4. Limitation of Liability.  Notwithstanding Sections 9.1, 9.2 and 9.
3 hereof , after the Closing,  Seller shall not indemnify or otherwise be liable
to Buyer,  and Buyer shall not indemnify or otherwise be liable to Seller unless
the aggregate  amount of Buyer's or Seller's,  as  applicable,  Loss and Expense
exceeds Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00),  in which event the indemnified party
shall be entitled to recover its  aggregate  Loss and Expense  inclusive of such
Ten  Thousand  Dollars  ($10,000.00)  threshold;  provided,  however,  that  the
foregoing  limitation  shall not be applicable to the obligation of Buyer to pay
and discharge any Assumed Liabilities or any other obligations or liabilities of
Buyer under this  Agreement  or the  obligation  of Seller to pay and  discharge
liabilities to third parties not assumed by Buyer hereunder.

         9.5.  Bulk Sales  Indemnity.  Buyer hereby waives  compliance  with the
provisions of any applicable bulk transfer laws, and Seller covenants to pay and
discharge when due all debts, obligations, and liabilities incurred prior to the
Closing  Date  relating to the  Station  and/or the  Station  Assets  except the
Assumed Liabilities and other obligations assumed by Buyer under this Agreement.
Seller  further  agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer  harmless from and indemnify
Buyer against any and all Loss and Expense,  including,  without limitation, any
claims made by creditors,  with respect to non-compliance with any bulk transfer
law,  except to the extent that such claims result from the Assumed  Liabilities
and  other  obligations  or  liabilities  to be paid or  discharged  by Buyer as
provided in this Agreement and/or Buyer's failure to pay the same when due.

         9.6. Notice of Claims.  If Buyer or Seller believe that it has suffered
or incurred any Loss and Expense,  such party shall notify the other promptly in
writing  and,  in any event,  within the  applicable  time period  specified  in
Section 9.1, describing such Loss and Expense, the amount thereof, if known, and
the  method  of  computation  of such  Loss and  Expense,  all  with  reasonable
particularity  and containing a reference to the provisions of this Agreement in
respect of which such Loss and Expense shall have occurred. If any action at law
or suit in equity is  instituted  by a third party with  respect to which any of
the parties 'intends to claim any liability or expense as Loss and Expense under
this Article 9, such party shall promptly notify the indemnifying  party of such
action or suit.

         9.7. Defense of Third Party Claims.  The indemnifying  party under this
Article 9 shall have the right to conduct and control through counsel of its own
choosing any third party claim,  action, or suit, but the indemnified party may,
at its election,  participate in the defense of any such claim,  action, or suit
at its sole cost and expense provided that, if the indemnifying party shall fail
to defend any such claim, action, or suit, then the indemnified party may defend
through counsel of its own choosing such claim, action, or suit, and (so long as
it gives the indemnifying  party at least fifteen (15) days' notice of the terms
of the proposed  settlement  thereof and permits the indemnifying  party to then
undertake  the  defense  thereof)  settle such claim,  action,  or suit,  and to
recover  from the  indemnifying  party the amount of such  settlement  or of any
judgment  and the costs and expenses of such  defense.  The  indemnifying  party


not  compromise  or settle any third party  claim,  action,  or suit without the
prior  written  consent of the  indemnified  party,  which  consent  will not be
unreasonably withheld or delayed.

                                   ARTICLE 10

                              POST-CLOSING MATTERS

         10.1 Employee Matters. Buyer shall have no obligation to hire or retain
any employees of Seller  subsequent to the Closing Date. Buyer does not agree to
pay and/or  reimburse Seller for and/or to indemnify Seller from and against any
severance,  sick leave,  personal days,  accrued vacation,  or other liabilities
arising out of Seller's termination of the employment of any of its employees in
connection with the sale of the Station to Buyer (including, without limitation,
any  liabilities  under the  so-called  WARN Act or any  applicable  state  laws
regarding termination of employees), This Section 10.1 shall operate exclusively
for the benefit of the parties to this  Agreement and not for the benefit of any
other person or entity.

         10.2.  Corporate  Name.  Promptly after the Closing Date,  Seller shall
take such  action as is  necessary  to change or abandon  the use of the name of
WYZZ-TV   except  as  may  be  required  by   applicable   law  or   regulation.
Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement  to the  contrary,  Seller shall be
entitled to continue to use the name WYZZ-TV in connection  with the  collection
of any disputed receivables not collected by Buyer as provided herein.

         10.3.  Receivables.  For a period of ninety (90) days after the Closing
Date, Buyer, as agent for Seller, agrees to use reasonable efforts in accordance
with normal  business  practices  (but not including  resorting to litigation or
threat  thereof) to collect on behalf of Seller all accounts  receivable  of the
Station  accrued  through the Closing Date.  All payments  received from account
debtors shall be applied on a "first in, first out" basis, except to the extent:
(a) any account debtor may have specified otherwise,  in which case, the account
debtor's instructions shall govern; or (b) an account is disputed by the account
debtor as properly d


from account  debtors shall be applied on a "first in, first out" basis,  except
to the extent:  (a) any account  debtor may have specified  otherwise,  in which
case,  the account  debtor's  instructions  shall  govern;  or (b) an account is
disputed by the account  debtor as properly  due, and the account  debtor has so
notified Buyer in writing, in which case, all payments received shall be applied
as provided  above,  except to the extent of such  dispute.  Buyer will promptly
give Seller  written  notice of any such dispute with respect to which Buyer has
received  notice  from the  account  debtor.  The  full  amount of all  payments
collected by Buyer monthly shall be remitted to Seller within  fifteen (15) days
after the end of each  calendar  month during such ninety  (90) day period.   So
long as Buyer is in compliance  with this Section 10.3 neither  Seller,  nor its
agents, shall make any direct solicitation of the account debtors for collection
purposes or other direct  attempts to collect from account  debtors  during such
ninety (90) period  except as may be agreed to by Buyer,  except with respect to
those  accounts  which may be or become more than ninety (90) days past due, and
except those accounts from which Buyer has received  written notice of a dispute
from the  account  debtor.  Immediately  following  such ninety (90) day period,
Buyer  shall  furnish  Seller  with  all  files   concerning   any   uncollected
receivables,  and Buyer shall have no further responsibilities  hereunder except
to remit promptly to Seller any amounts  subsequently  received by it on account
of such receivables.

                                   ARTICLE 11



     11.11.    Termination of Agreement Prior to the closing Date. This Agrement
may be terminated at any time on or prior to the closing Date as follows:

          (a)     By Seller:                          
                  (1) if any of the conditions provided in Article 7 hereof have
not been met by the time  required  and have not been waived  provided  that the
failure to meet such  conditions is not due to Seller's breach of the Agreement;
                  (ii) if Buyer  fails to deliver  any  payment as  required  by
Sections 2. 1 (a) by or at the time such payment is due hereunder.
          (b)     By Buyer:
                  (1) if any of the conditions or deliveries provided in Article
8 and  required by Section 11. 14 hereof have not been met or  delivered  by the
time  required and have not been waived  provided  that the failure to meet such
conditions is not due to Buyer's breach o the Agreement; or
          (c)     By Either Buyer or Seller as Follows:

          (I)     by mutual consent of all parties; or
          (ii)    if the Closing shall not have been  completed by the dates set
forth in Article II, Section 2.2.
     The parties  hereto  agree that 'time is of the essence with respect to the
provisions of this Section 11.1.
     11.2. Liabilities upon Termination.
          (a)  Simultaneous  with the execution and delivery of this  Agreement,
Buyer and Seller are entering into an escrow agreement (the "Escrow  Agreement")
with First Mariner Bank, a Maryland  banking  corporation,  as escrow agent (the
"Escrow Agent"),  substantially  in the form of Schedule 11.2(a) hereto;  and in
connection  therewith,  Buyer is depositing  with Escrow Agent the amount of One
Million  Dollars  $1,000,000.00  (the  "Escrow  Deposit")  by  check  or by wire
transfer of immediately  available  funds, and any interest thereon will be held
for the account of Buyer in  accordance  with the Escrow  Agreement.  Seller and
Buyer each agree to give notice to the Escrow Agent only in accordance  with the
Escrow Agreement and this Section 11.2.

          (b) The full amount of the Escrow  Deposit  shall be payable to Seller
if the Agreement is terminated  by Seller  pursuant to Article 11,  Section 11.1
Termination of Agreement, Subsection (a) By Seller.

          (c) The full  amount of the Escrow  Deposit  shall be payable to Buyer
if: (i) the  Agreement is terminated  by Buyer  pursuant to Article 11,  Section
11.1 Termination of Agreement, Subsection (b) By Buyer; or (ii) the Agreement is
terminated by either party pursuant to Article 11,  Section 11.1  Termination of
Agreement, Subsection (c) By Either Buyer or Seller as Follows.

          (d) Seller's sole and  exclusive  remedy for any  termination  of this
Agreement or any failure of performance or compliance by Buyer with any covenant
or agreement contained in this Agreement prior to the Closing shall be its right
to receive the Escrow Deposit as provided in this Section 11.2. Buyer's sole and
exclusive  remedies for any wrongful  failure of  performance  or  compliance by
Seller with any covenant,  warranty,  or agreement  contained in this  Agreement
shall be (i) its right to the return of the Escrow  Deposit as  provided in this
Agreement,  and (ii) its right to seek specific  enforcement  of this  Agreement
against Seller subject to FCC approval and other required  approvals;  provided,
however,  Buyer shall not be entitled  to specific  performance  unless it shall
have  complied  with and shall not be in breach of the terms and  conditions  of
this Agreement.



     11.3.  Expenses.  Each party hereto shall bear all of its expenses incurred
in connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  including,
without  limitation,  accounting and legal fees incurred in connection  herewith
provided  that Seller and Buyer each shall pay  one-half (1/2) of the FCC filing
fees,  the  Hart-Scott-Rodino  Act filing fee,  and any sales or transfer  taxes
arising from transfer of the Station Assets.

     11.4. Assignments. This Agreement shall not be assigned by any party hereto
without  the prior  written  consent of the other  party  except  that Buyer may
assign its rights and interests hereunder to any third party provided that Buyer
gives seller written  notice thereof and that such assignment  shall not relieve
Buyer  of any of its  obligations  or  liabilities  hereunder  without  Seller's
consent. Any attempt to assign this Agreement without the required consent shall
be void.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

     11.5.  Further  Assurances.  From time to time  prior to, at, and after the
Closing Date,  each party hereto will execute all such  instruments and take all
such actions as another party being advised by counsel shall reasonably  request
in connection with carrying out and  effectuating the intent and purpose hereof,
and all  transactions  and things  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  including,
without  limitation,  the execution and delivery of any and all confirmatory and
other instruments, in addition to those to be delivered on the Closing Date, and
any  and  all  actions  which  may  reasonably  be  necessary  to  complete  the
transactions contemplated hereby.

     11.6. Notices. All notices,  demands, and other communications which nay or
are required to be given  hereunder or with respect  hereto shall be in writing,
shall  be  delivered  personally  or sent  by  nationally  recognized  overnight
delivery  service,   charges  prepaid,  or  by  registered  or  certified  mail,
retum-receipt  requested,  and shall be  deemed to have been  given or made when
personally  delivered,  the next business day after  delivery to such  overnight
delivery service, five (5) days after deposited in the mail, first class postage
prepaid, addressed as follows:

          (a)       If to Seller:

                    Bloomington Comco, Inc.
                    2250 Seymour Avenue
                    Cincinnati, Ohio 45212
                    Attn: Gerald J. Robinson

                    With Copy to:

or to such other address as Seller may from time to time designate.


 (        b)        If to Buyer:

                    Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.
                    2000 W. 41st Street
                    Baltimore, Maryland 21211
                    Attn: Mr. David D. Smith

                    With Copy to:

                    Steven A. Thomas, Esquire
                    Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
                    The USF&G Tower
                    100 Light Street
                    Suite 1100
                    Baltimore, Maryland 21202-1053

or to such other address as Buyer may from time to time designate.

     11.7. Captions. The captions of Articles and Sections of this Agreement are
for  convenience   only,  and  shall  not  control  or  affect  the  meaning  or
construction of any of the provisions of this Agreement.


     11.9.  Consent  to  Jurisdiction,  Etc.  IN  THE  EVENT  OF ANY  ACTION  OR




     11.10.  Waiver  of  Provisions.  The  terms,  covenants,   representations,
warranties,  and  conditions  of this  Agreement may be waived only by a written
instrument executed by the party waiving compliance. The failure of any party at
any time or times to require  performance  of any  provision  of this  Agreement
shall in no manner  affect  the right at a later date to  enforce  the same.  No
waiver by any party of any  condition  or the  breach  of any  provision,  term,
covenant,  representation,  or warranty contained in this Agreement,  whether by
conduct  or  otherwise,  in any one or more  instances  shall be deemed to be or
construed  as a further or  continuing  waiver of any such  condition  or of the
breach of any other provision,  term, covenant,  representation,  or warranty of
this Agreement.

     11.11.  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed in two (2) or more
counterparts,  and  all  counterparts  so  executed  shall  constitute  one  (1)
agreement  binding on all of the parties  hereto,  notwithstanding  that all the
parties are not signatory to the same counterpart.

     11.12. Entire Agreement/Amendments. This Agreement (including the Schedules
hereto),  constitute the entire  Agreement  among the parties  pertaining to the
subject  matter  hereof  and  supersede  any and all prior  and  contemporaneous
agreements,  understandings,  negotiations,  and  discussions,  whether  oral or
written,  between them relating to the subject  matter  hereof.  No amendment or
waiver of any provision of this Agreement  shall be binding  unless  executed in
writing by the party to be bound thereby.

     11.13. Access to Books and Records. Buyer shall preserve for at least three
(3) years after the Closing  Date all books and records  included in the Station
Assets. At the request of Seller,  Buyer agrees from time to time to give to the
officers, employees,  accountants, and counsel of Seller access, upon reasonable
prior notice during normal  business hours,  to the property,  accounts,  books,
contracts,  records,  accounts  payable and receivable,  records of employees of
Seller and other  information  concerning  the affairs of the Station and to the
employees of Buyer as Seller may reasonably request in connection with any audit
by State of Federal  Agencies of the Seller or the Station for any period  prior
to the Closing Date and Seller's  preparation of tax returns and reports. At the
request  of  Buyer,  Seller  agrees  from  time to time  to give  the  officers,
employees,  accountants,  and counsel of Buyer  access,  upon  reasonably  prior
notice during normal business hours, to the books,  records,  and files retained
by Seller with respect to the business and operation of the Station by Seller as
Buyer may reasonable  request in connection  with an audit of the Station.  Both
the Buyer and Seller shall be  permitted  at their own expense to make  extracts
from or copies of the foregoing books, records, and files of the other party.

     11.14.  Delivery of  Schedules:  This  Agreement  has been  executed by the
parties  hereto  prior to the  attachment  of the  Schedules  to be  supplied by
Seller.  The Seller has agreed  that all  Schedules  shall be  completed  within
forty-five (45) days from this same date and shall be


supplied by Seller to Buyer within  Sixty (60) days of this same date,  at which
time all Schedules shall be attached  hereto and shall be a part hereof.  If the
Schedules have not been completed and delivered in accordance  with this Section
11,14, the Seller shall have breached its obligations hereunder.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be duly
executed  by their duly  authorized  officers,  all as of the day and year first
above written.

WITNESS/ATTEST:                              SELLER
                                             BLOOMINGTON COMCO, INC.

- ----------------------------------           By:_________________________(SEAL)

                                             WYZZ, INC.


- ----------------------------------           By:_________________________(SEAL)
