(as amended through July 9, 1996)

     FIRST: Name. The name of the Corporation is:

                                          SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.

     SECOND:  Purpose.  The purpose for which the  Corporation is formed and the
business or object to be carried on and promoted by it are as follows:

     (a) to own, operate,  acquire,  sell, and transfer  television stations and
television programming;

     (b) to do  anything  permitted  by Section  2-103 of the  Corporations  and
Associations Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland,  as amended from time to
time; and

     (c) to engage in any other lawful purpose and business.

     THIRD:  Capital  Structure.  The total  number of shares of all  classes of
stock which the  Corporation  has  authority to issue is one hundred  forty-five
million  (145,000,000) shares, having an aggregate par value of one million four
hundred fifty thousand dollars  ($1,450,000),  consisting of one hundred million
(100,000,000) shares of Class A Common Stock with a par value of one cent ($.01)
per share (the "Class A Common Stock"),  thirty-five million (35,000,000) shares
of Class B Common  Stock  with a par value of one cent  ($.01)  per  share  (the
"Class B Common Stock"),  and ten million (10,000,000) shares of Preferred Stock
with a par value of one cent ($.01) per share (the "Preferred  Stock").  Class A
Common Stock and Class B Common Stock are hereinafter  collectively  referred to
as "Common Shares."

     FOURTH:  Voting Rights. (a) Holders of Class A Common Stock are entitled to
one (1) vote per share of such stock held and, except as provided below, holders
of Class B Common  Stock are  entitled to ten (10) votes per share of such stock
held with  respect  to  matters  properly  submitted  for the vote of holders of
Common Shares at any duly constituted  meeting of  stockholders.  The holders of
Common  Shares  will vote  together as a single  class on all  matters  properly
presented to the stockholders  for their vote unless otherwise  required by law.
The  holders of the Common  Shares are not  entitled  to  cumulate  votes in the
election of any directors.

                                      - 1 -

     (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, holders of Class B Common Stock shall be
entitled to one (1) vote per share with respect to: (i) any proposed "Rule 13e-3
transaction,"  as that  term is  defined  in Rule  13e-3  promulgated  under the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  between the  Corporation  and any
person who held stock in the Corporation as of January 1, 1995 (the "Controlling
Stockholders"), any Affiliate (as such term is defined below) of the Controlling
Stockholders,  or any group which the Controlling  Stockholders are an Affiliate
or which the Controlling  Stockholders are a member; (ii) any disposition of all
or substantially all of the Corporation's  assets; (iii) any sale or transfer or
other disposition of assets which would cause a fundamental change in the nature
of the  Corporation's  business;  and (iv) a merger  or a  consolidation  of the
Corporation  subsequent  to which the holders of the Common Shares will own less
than 50% of the common stock of the Corporation following such transaction.

     For the purpose of paragraph (b) above,  an  "Affiliate" is defined as: (i)
any individual or entity that, directly or indirectly,  controls,  is controlled
by, or is under the common  control of the  Controlling  Stockholders;  (ii) any
corporation  or  organization  (other than the  Corporation  or a majority owned
subsidiary of the  Corporation) of which any of the Controlling  Stockholders is
an owner or partner or is, directly or indirectly,  the beneficial  owner of ten
percent  (10%) or more of any class of voting  securities or in which any of the
Controlling  Stockholders has a substantial beneficial interest;  (iii) a voting
trust  or  similar  arrangement   pursuant  to  which  any  of  the  Controlling
Stockholders serves as a trustee or in a similar fiduciary capacity;  or (v) any
relative  or spouse of the  Controlling  Stockholders  or any  relative  of such
spouse   provided  such  spouse  has  the  same  residence  as  the  Controlling

     FIFTH: Conversion of Class B Common Stock.

     (a) In the event  that the  number of  shares of the  Corporation's  Common
Shares held in the  aggregate  by  Controlling  Stockholders  falls to below ten
percent  (10%) of the total number of Common Shares  outstanding,  each share of
Class B Common  Stock shall at that time be  automatically  converted to one (1)
fully paid and non-assessable share of Class A Common Stock.

     (b) Upon the sale or other  transfer by a holder of Class B Common Stock to
a person or entity  other than a Permitted  Transferee  (as such term is defined
below),  such shares of Class B Common  Stock shall be  automatically  converted
into an equal number of shares of Class A Common Stock.  Promptly upon such sale
or other transfer, the holder of Class B Common Stock therefor, duly endorsed in
blank or  accompanied by proper  instruments  of transfer,  at the office of the
Corporation  or of any transfer  agent for the Class A Common  Stock,  and shall
give written  notice to the  Corporation  at such  office:  (i) stating that the
shares are being  converted  pursuant to this  paragraph,  (ii)  identifying the
number of shares of Class B Common Stock being converted,  and (iii) 
                                      - 2 -

setting out the name or names (with  addresses) and  denominations  in which the
certificate or  certificates  for Class A Common Stock shall be issued and shall
include instructions for delivery thereof. Delivery of such notice together with
the  certificates  representing  the Class B Common  Stock  shall  obligate  the
Corporation or its transfer agent to issue and deliver at such stated address to
such stated  transferee a certificate or certificates  for the number of Class A
Common Stock to which such  transferee  is entitled,  registered  in the name of
such  transferee.  In the event of a sale or other  transfer of less than all of
the  Class  B  Common  Stock  evidenced  by a  certificate  surrendered  to  the
Corporation in the accordance with the above  procedures,  the Corporation shall
execute  and  deliver  to the  transferor,  without  charge,  a new  certificate
evidencing  the number of shares of Class B Common  Stock not sold or  otherwise

     For the purpose of paragraph (b) above, a "Permitted Transferee" is defined

     (i) (A)  any  Controlling  Stockholder;  (B) the  estate  of a  Controlling
Stockholder;  (C) the spouse or former spouse of a Controlling Stockholder;  (D)
any lineal  descendent of a Controlling  Stockholder,  any spouse of such lineal
descendent, a Controlling Stockholder's  grandparent,  parent, brother or sister
or a Controlling  Stockholder's  spouse's brother or sister; (E) any guardian or
custodian  (including a custodian for purposes of the Uniform Gift to Minors Act
or Uniform  Transfers  to Minors  Act) for,  or any  conservator  or other legal
representative  of,  one or more  Permitted  Transferees;  or (F) any  trust  or
savings or retirement  account,  including an individual  retirement account for
purposes  of  federal  income  tax  laws,  whether  or not  involving  a  trust,
principally for the benefit of one or more Permitted Transferees,  including any
trust in  respect of which a  Permitted  Transferee  has any  general or special
testamentary power of appointment or general or special  non-testamentary  power
of appointment which is limited to any other Permitted Transferee;

     (ii) the Corporation;

     (iii)  any  employee  benefit  plan or trust  thereunder  sponsored  by the
Corporation or any of its subsidiaries;

     (iv)  any  trust  principally  for  the  benefit  of  one  or  more  of the
individuals,  persons,  firms or entities ("Persons") referred to in (i) through
(iii) above;

     (v) any corporation,  partnership, or other entity if all of the beneficial
ownership is held by one or more of the Persons  referred to in (i) through (iv)

     (vi)  any  voting  trust  for the  benefit  of one or  more of the  Persons
referred to in (i) through (iv) above; and

                                      - 3 -

     (vii) any  broker or dealer in  securities,  clearing  house,  bank,  trust
company, savings and loan association or other financial institution which holds
the  Class B Common  Stock  for the  benefit  of a  Controlling  Stockholder  or
Permitted Transferee thereof.

     (c)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth herein, any holder
of Class B Common  Stock may  pledge  his  shares  of Class B Common  Stock to a
pledgee pursuant to a bona fide pledge of such shares as collateral security for
indebtedness due to the pledgee without causing an automatic  conversion of such
shares  into  Class  A  Common  Stock,  provided  that  such  shares  may not be
transferred to or registered in the name of the pledgee unless such pledgee is a
Permitted  Transferee.  In the event of foreclosure or other similar action by a
pledgee who is not a Permitted Transferee, such pledged shares of Class B Common
Stock shall be converted  automatically,  without any act or deed on the part of
the  Corporation  or any other  person,  into shares of Class A Common  Stock as
provided above.

     (d) Each share of Class B Common Stock shall be convertible,  at the option
of its holder,  into one fully paid and  non-assessable  share of Class A Common
Stock at any time. In the event of such voluntary conversion, the procedures set
forth in paragraph (a) above shall be followed.

     (e) Shares of Class B Common Stock that are converted  into shares of Class
A Common Stock due to a sale,  transfer,  or voluntary conversion shall continue
to be authorized shares of Class B Common Stock and available for reissue by the
Corporation as determined by the Board of Directors.

     (f) The Corporation hereby reserves and shall at all times reserve and keep
available,  out of its  authorized  and unissued  Class A Common Stock,  for the
purpose of effecting the conversions provided for herein, a sufficient number of
shares of Class A Common  stock to effect the  conversion  of all Class B Common
Stock.  All of the  Common  Stock so  issuable  shall,  when  issued be duly and
validly issued,  fully paid and non-assessable,  and free from liens and charges
with  respect  to the issue.  The  Corporation  will take such  action as may be
necessary  to  ensure  that all  such  Common  Stock  may be so  issued  without
violation of any  applicable law or regulation,  or of any  requirements  of any
stock exchange or market on which any of the Common Shares are listed or quoted.

     (g)  In  any   merger,   consolidation,   or  business   combination,   the
consideration  to be received  per share by the holders of Class A Common  Stock
and Class B Common Stock must be identical for each class of stock,  except that
in any such  transaction in which shares of common stock are to be  distributed,
such  shares may differ as to voting  rights to the extent  that  voting  rights
differ among Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock as provided herein.

                                      - 4 -

     SIXTH:  Preferred  Stock.  The Board of Directors  shall have  authority to
classify and reclassify any of the unissued  shares of Preferred Stock from time
to time by setting or changing in any one or more  respects the  liquidation  or
dividend preferences,  conversion or other rights, voting powers,  restrictions,
limitations as to dividends, qualifications or terms or conditions of redemption
of the Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the Board of Directors shall not
classify or reclassify any such shares into Common Shares,  or into any class or
series of stock which has the same or lower  liquidation  priority as the Common
Shares;  provided  further,  that  nothing  herein  shall  prevent  the Board of
Directors from classifying or  reclassifying  any such shares as Preferred Stock
convertible  into Common  Shares that have already been  authorized  pursuant to
Article Third hereof. Any and all shares issued and for which full consideration
has been paid or  delivered  shall be deemed  fully paid  stock,  and the holder
thereof  shall not be liable for any further  payment  thereon.  Notwithstanding
anything in these Articles to the contrary,  as long as any of the Common Shares
shall be listed and quoted on the NASDAQ  National  Market System,  no Preferred
Stock may be issued pursuant to the provisions of this ARTICLE SIXTH which would
violate  the  applicable  Voting  Rights  Policy of the NASDAQ  National  Market
System, as the same may be amended from time to time.

     SEVENTH: Other Stock Rights.

     (a) Except as provided  hereinabove,  each of the Common  Shares issued and
outstanding  shall be identical in all respects,  and no dividends shall be paid
on any of the  common  Shares  unless  the same  dividend  is paid on all of the
Common  Shares at the time of such  payment.  Except  for and  subject  to those
special  voting rights  expressly  granted  herein to the holders of the Class B
Common Stock,  the holders of the Common Stock shall have  exclusively all other
rights of stockholders  including,  but not limited to, (i) the right to receive
dividends, when and as declared by the Board of Directors out of assets lawfully
available  therefor,  and (ii) in the event of any  distribution  of assets upon
liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the  Corporation  or otherwise,  the
right  to  receive  ratably  all of the  assets  and  funds  of the  Corporation
remaining after the payment to the creditors of the Corporation.

     (b) Stock Splits and  Combinations.  If the Corporation shall in any manner
subdivide (by stock split, reclassification,  stock dividend,  recapitalization,
or otherwise) or combine (by reverse stock split or otherwise)  the  outstanding
shares of Class A Common  Stock or Class B Common  Stock,  then the  outstanding
shares of each other class of Common Shares shall be subdivided or combined,  as
the case may be, to the same extent, share and share alike.

     (c) As long as any of the Common  Shares  shall be listed and quoted on the
NASDAQ National Market,  the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall ensure,
and shall have all powers necessary to ensure,  that the membership of the Board
of Directors 

                                                       - 5 -

shall at all times include such number of "Independent  Directors" (as such term
is  defined  in Part III,  Section  6(c) of  Schedule  D to the  By-Laws  of the
National  Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. ("NASD"),  as the same may be
amended  from time to time as shall be  required  by the By-Laws of the NASD for
the  Common  Shares to be  eligible  for  listing  and  quotation  of the NASDAQ
National  Market.  In the event that the Common  Shares shall cease to be listed
and quoted on the NASDAQ National Market, and subsequently are listed and quoted
on an  exchange  or  other  trading  system,  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
Corporation  shall ensure,  and shall have all powers necessary to ensure,  that
the membership of the Board of Directors  shall at all times be consistent  with
the  applicable  rules and  regulations,  if any,  for the  Common  Shares to be
eligible for listing and quotation on such exchange or other trading system.

     (d) No holder of Common  Shares or  Preferred  Shares  shall be entitled to
preemptive or subscription rights.

     EIGHTH: Principal Office & Registered Agent. The post office address of the
principal  office  of the  Corporation  in this  State is 2000 W.  41st  Street,
Baltimore,  Maryland  21211.  The name and post office  address of the  resident
agent of the  Corporation in this State is Steven A. Thomas,  Esquire,  Thomas &
Libowitz, P.A., 100 Light Street, Suite 1100 Baltimore, Maryland 21202.

     NINTH: Participation of Non-Citizens. The following provisions are included
for the  purpose of ensuring  that  control and  management  of the  Corporation
remains with citizens of the United States and/or  corporations formed under the
laws of the United States or any of the states of the United States, as required
by the Communications Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time:

     (a) The  Corporation  shall not issue to (i) a person who is a citizen of a
country other than the United States;  (ii) any entity  organized under the laws
of a government  other than the  government  of the United  States or any state,
territory, or possession of the United States; (iii) a government other than the
government of the United States or of any state, territory, or possession of the
United States; (iii) a government other than the government of the United States
or of any  state,  territory,  or  possession  of the United  States;  or (iv) a
representative  of,  or an  individual  or  entity  controlled  by,  any  of the
foregoing  (individually,  an  "Alien";  collectively,  "Aliens")  any shares of
capital  stock of the  Corporation  if such  issuance  would result in the total
number of shares of such capital stock held or voted by Aliens  exceeding 25% of
(i) the total number of all shares of such capital stock outstanding at any time
and from time to time,  or (ii) the  total  voting  power of all  shares of such
capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote at any time and from time to time
and shall not permit the transfer on the books of the Corporation of any capital
stock to any Alien  that  would  result  in the  total  number of shares of such
capital stock held or voted by Aliens  exceeding  such 25% limits

                                      - 6 -

as such limits greater or lesser than 25% may subsequently be imposed by statute
or regulation.

     (b) No Alien or Aliens, individually or collectively,  shall be entitled to
vote or direct or control  the vote of more than 25% of (i) the total  number of
all shares of capital stock of the Corporation  outstanding at any time and from
time to time,  or (ii) the total voting power of all shares of capital  stock of
the  Corporation  outstanding  and entitled to vote at any time and from time to
time as such limits  greater or lesser than 25% may  subsequently  be imposed by
statute or regulation.

     (c) No Alien shall be qualified to act as an officer of the Corporation and
no more than  one-fourth of the total number of directors of the  Corporation at
any time may be Aliens except as may be permitted by law or regulation.

     (d) The Board of Directors shall have all powers necessary to implement the
provisions  of this  ARTICLE  NINTH  and to  ensure  compliance  with the  alien
ownership   restrictions   (the   "Alien   Ownership   Restrictions")   of   the
Communications  Act  of  1934,  as  amended,   and  the  rules  and  regulations
promulgated  thereunder,   as  the  same  may  be  amended  from  time  to  time
(collectively,  the "Communications Act"),  including,  without limitation,  the
power to prohibit the transfer of any shares of capital stock of the Corporation
to any  Alien  and to  take  or  cause  to be  taken  such  action  as it  deems
appropriate to implement such prohibition.

     (e) Without  limiting the  generality of the foregoing and  notwithstanding
any other provision of these Amended and Restated  Articles of  Incorporation to
the contrary,  any shares of capital stock of the Corporation  determined by the
Board of Directors to be owned  beneficially  by an Alien or Aliens shall always
be subject to redemption by the Corporation by action of the Board of Directors,
pursuant to Section 2-310 of the Maryland General  Corporation Law, or any other
applicable  provision  of law, to the extent  necessary  in the  judgment of the
Board of Directors to comply with the Alien  Ownership  Restrictions.  The terms
and conditions of such redemption shall be as follows:

          (i) the redemption price of the shares to be redeemed pursuant to this
ARTICLE  NINTH  shall  be equal to the fair  market  value of the  shares  to be
redeemed,  as determined by reference to the closing price of such shares on the
last  business day before the date of  redemption  if the shares are traded on a
national  exchange or as  determined  by the Board of Directors in good faith if
the shares are not then being traded on a national exchange;

          (ii)  the  redemption  price  of such  shares  may be  paid  in  cash,
securities or any combination thereof;

                                      - 7 -

          (iii) if less than all the shares  held by Aliens are to be  redeemed,
the shares to be  redeemed  shall be selected  in any manner  determined  by the
Board of Directors to be fair and equitable;

          (iv) at least 10 days' written notice of the redemption  date shall be
given to the record holders of the shares selected to be redeemed (unless waived
in writing by any such  holder),  provided that the  redemption  date may be the
date on which  written  notice  shall be given to record  holders if the cash or
securities necessary to effect the redemption shall have been deposited in trust
for the benefit of such record  holders and subject to immediate  withdrawal  by
them upon surrender of the stock certificates for their shares to be redeemed;

          (v) from and after the  redemption  date,  the  shares to be  redeemed
shall cease to be regarded as outstanding  and any and all rights of the holders
in respect of the shares to be redeemed or  attaching to such shares of whatever
nature  (including,  without  limitation,  any rights to vote or  participate in
dividends  declared on stock of the same class or series as such  shares)  shall
cease and terminate,  and the holders thereof thenceforth shall be entitled only
to receive the cash or securities payable upon redemption; and

          (vi) such other terms and  conditions as the Board of Directors  shall

     For  purposes  of this  ARTICLE  NINTH,  the  determination  of  beneficial
ownership of shares of capital stock of the  Corporation  shall be made pursuant
to Rule  13d-3,  17  C.F.R.  ss.  240.13d-3,  as  amended  from  time  to  time,
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     TENTH: Directors.

          (a) The number of directors of the Corporation  which shall constitute
the  whole  Board  shall be not less  than  three  (3) nor  more  than  nine (9)
directors. The exact number of directors shall be fixed from time to time by the
Board of Directors  pursuant to a Resolution adopted by a majority of the entire
Board of  Directors.  Directors  shall hold office for a term of one (1) year or
until the first annual meeting of stockholders  following  their election.  Each
director  elected  shall hold office  until his  successor  shall be elected and
shall qualify.

          (b) Newly  created  directorships  resulting  from any increase in the
authorized  number of  directors  or any  vacancies  in the  Board of  Directors
resulting from death, resignation,  retirement,  disqualification,  removal from
office,  or other  cause  shall be filled by a  majority  vote of the  remaining
directors,  though less than a quorum, 

                                      - 8 -

and the  directors  so chosen shall hold office  for a term expiring at the next
annual meeting of  stockholders  at  which the  successors shall  be elected and
shall qualify.

          (c) At any meeting of the  stockholders  called for the  purpose,  any
director may, by a majority vote of all of the shares of stock  outstanding  and
entitled to vote, be removed from office, but only for cause.

          (d)  Notwithstanding  anything contained in these Amended and Restated
Articles of Incorporation to the contrary,  the affirmative vote of stockholders
holding a majority of the votes  entitled to be cast for  election of  directors
shall be required to amend or repeal or adopt any  provision  inconsistent  with

     ELEVENTH:   Indemnification.   The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  (a)  its
directors and officers,  whether  serving the  Corporation  or at the request of
another entity, and advance expenses to a director or officer of the Corporation
to the fullest extent  permitted by and in accordance  with Section 2-418 of the
Corporations  and  Associations  Article of the Annotated  Code of Maryland,  as
amended,  and (b) its other  employees  and  agents  to such  extent as shall be
authorized  by the Board of Directors  and permitted by law. No amendment of the
Charter of the Corporation shall limit or eliminate the right to indemnification
provided  hereunder  with respect to acts or omissions  occurring  prior to such
amendment or repeal.

     TWELFTH: Duration. The duration of the Corporation shall be perpetual.

                                      - 9 -

                         SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.

                             ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY


         Sinclair  Broadcast  Group,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation,  having its
principal  office  in  Baltimore  City,  Maryland  (the  "Corporation"),  hereby
certifies to the Maryland  State  Department  of  Assessments  and Taxation (the
"SDAT") as follows:

         FIRST: Pursuant to authority expressly vested in the Board of Directors
of the  Corporation  by Article  Sixth of the  Charter of the  Corporation  (the
"Charter"),  the Board of Directors  has duly divided and  classified  1,500,000
shares  of the  Preferred  Stock of the  Corporation  into a  series  designated
"Series A  Exchangeable  Preferred  Stock" and has  provided for the issuance of
such series.

         SECOND:  The terms of the Series A Exchangeable  Preferred  Stock,  par
value of $.01 per share, as set by the Board of Directors are as follows:

                  1. Designation and Amount.  The shares of such series shall be
designated  as Series A  Exchangeable  Preferred  Stock (the "Series A Preferred
Stock") and the number of shares  constituting  such series  shall  initially be
1,500,000,  subject to increase by action of the Board of Directors  effectuated
by further  Articles  Supplementary  in order to  provide  for the  issuance  of
Dividend Shares (as defined herein).

                  2. Conversion. Each share of the Series A Preferred Stock will
automatically  be  exchanged  for and  converted  into  one  share  of  Series B
Convertible  Preferred Stock (the "Series B Preferred  Stock")  effective at the
time of filing  with the SDAT of an  amendment  to the Charter  authorizing  the
issuance of Series B Preferred  Stock,  which shall be filed promptly  following
approval of the  amendment  by the  stockholders.  The Series B Preferred  Stock
shall have the terms,  conditions and  preferences set forth in Annex A attached
to these Articles Supplementary; provided, however, that such Series B Preferred
Stock  shall be  effective  and may be issued  only upon and after the filing of
such amendment with the SDAT. Upon the filing of the amendment with the SDAT and
surrender of a certificate  representing shares of Series A Preferred Stock, the
Corporation  will issue a certificate  representing the same number of shares of
Series B Preferred Stock.

                                     - 10 -

                  3.  Trigger Event.

                      (i) Upon the date that is 180 days after the occurrence of
a Trigger Event (as defined below),  subject to paragraph 8 hereof,  the holders
of shares of Series A Preferred Stock, in preference to the holders of any other
class of capital stock,  shall be entitled to receive,  when, as and if declared
by the  Board of  Directors  out of funds  legally  available  for the  purpose,
cumulative quarterly dividends payable in cash or, at the Corporation's  option,
additional  shares of Series A Preferred Stock  ("Dividend  Shares") on the last
day of March,  June,  September  and December in each year (each such date being
referred to herein as a "Quarterly  Dividend  Payment Date"),  commencing on the
first Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date after the date that is 180 days after the
occurrence of the Trigger Event,  in an amount per share (rounded to the nearest
cent) equal to (a) with  respect to the first four  Quarterly  Dividend  Payment
Dates,  Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($3.75) and (b) with respect to the
fifth and each succeeding Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, Five Dollars ($5.00).
In the event a  quarterly  dividend  is paid (in  whole or in part) in  Dividend
Shares,  the number of Dividend  Shares to be issued in respect of such dividend
payment for each share of Series A Preferred Stock then outstanding  shall equal
(x) that portion of the quarterly dividend paid in Dividend Shares (expressed in
Dollars) divided by (y) 100.

                      (ii)  Whether or not  declared,  dividends  shall begin to
accrue and be cumulative on initially  outstanding  shares of Series A Preferred
Stock from the 180th day following the Trigger  Event.  Whether or not declared,
dividends  shall begin to accrue and be cumulative  on Dividend  Shares from the
date of the applicable  Quarterly  Dividend  Payment Date.  All dividends  shall
accrue on each share on a daily  basis,  whether  or not there are  unrestricted
funds  legally  available  for the payment of such  dividends and whether or not
declared,  from and after the date such  dividends are payable and be rounded to
the nearest cent.  Any dividends  that become  payable for any partial  dividend
period shall be computed on the basis of the actual days elapsed in such period.
Dividends paid on the shares of Series A Preferred  Stock in an amount less than
the total  amount of such  dividends  at the time  accrued  and  payable on such
shares shall be allocated equally among all such shares at the time outstanding.
If a portion  of a dividend  is paid in cash and a portion  is paid in  Dividend
Shares,  then the proportion  paid in cash and the  proportion  paid in Dividend
Shares shall be the same for each share. The Board of Directors may fix a record
date for the  determination  of  holders of shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock
entitled to receive  payment of a dividend  or  distribution  declared  thereon,
which record date shall be not more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for the
payment thereof.

                      (iii) At any time after the occurrence of a Trigger Event,
the  Corporation  shall have the right to purchase all of the shares of Series A
Preferred Stock then held by a holder at a purchase price per share equal to (a)
One  Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00)  plus (b) the amount of any  accrued and unpaid
dividends and distributions on such share, whether or not declared,  to the date
of such payment.  If the Corporation  elects to exercise its right to repurchase
pursuant to this paragraph,  the  Corporation  shall fix the date for redemption
and shall give notice of such  redemption not less than 30 nor more than 60 days
prior to the date fixed for redemption;  provided,  however, that the redemption
date shall not be sooner than 180 days after the Trigger Event  Notice,  and the

                                     - 11 -

Corporation  may give notice of a  redemption  to occur on such 180th day at any
time after the Trigger Event Notice and before the 30th day preceding such 180th
day. The notice given under this  Section  3(iii)  should state (i) the time and
place at which the redemption will occur;  (ii) the redemption  price; and (iii)
the procedure for giving a Retention  Notice and the Conversion Price applicable
to the Series B Stock into which a holder's  shares of Series A Preferred  Stock
will be exchanged if such holder gives a Retention Notice.

                      (iv)  At  any  time  following  issuance  of a  notice  of
redemption and prior to the date of redemption set forth therein,  any holder of
Series A  Preferred  Stock may  deliver a notice (a  "Retention  Notice") of its
intent to retain the shares of Series A Preferred Stock held by such holder, and
such holder's shares shall not be redeemed but, as of the redemption  date, will
have  only such  rights  as such  holder  would  have if its  shares of Series A
Preferred  Stock were  exchanged for Series B Preferred  Stock on the redemption
date and converted on such date into shares of Class A Common Stock.  Each share
of Series A Preferred  Stock held by a holder who gives a Retention  Notice will
automatically  be  exchanged  for and  converted  into  one  share  of  Series B
Preferred Stock effective at the time of filing with the SDAT of an amendment to
the Charter authorizing the issuance of Series B Preferred Stock and such shares
of Series B Preferred Stock shall on such date  automatically  be converted into
Class A  Common  Stock on the  terms  set  forth  in  Annex A hereto  as if such
conversion had occurred on the redemption date.

                      (v) A  "Trigger  Event"  means  the  termination  of Barry
Baker's  employment with the Corporation  prior to the expiration of the initial
five-year  Agreement Term under the Employment  Agreement  dated as of April 10,
1996 between Barry Baker and the Corporation (the "Employment Agreement") (x) by
the  Corporation  for any reason other than "for cause"  under  Section 9 of the
Employment  Agreement,  or  (y) by  Barry  Baker  under  Section  10.3.1  of the
Employment Agreement.

                      (vi) The  Corporation  shall give each  holder of Series A
Preferred  Stock notice of the occurrence of a Trigger Event (the "Trigger Event
Notice")  within 30 days  following  the  occurrence of the Trigger  Event.  The
Trigger Event Notice shall advise the holders of Series A Preferred Stock of the
type of Trigger Event that has occurred and the date on which such Trigger Event

                  4.  Dividends.  Subject to paragraph 8 hereof,  so long as any
shares of Series A Preferred Stock remain outstanding, the Corporation shall not
declare  or pay  dividends  on,  make any other  distributions  on, or redeem or
purchase or otherwise  acquire for  consideration  (whether cash,  securities or
property)  any shares of capital  stock except as permitted  with respect to the
Series A Preferred Stock under Paragraph 3 of this Article Second.

                                     - 12 -

5.       Preference Upon Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up.

                      (i) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 8 hereof,  upon
any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the  Corporation,  the holders of
Series A Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive from assets  available for
distribution to stockholders,  in priority over any other class of capital stock
of the Corporation, an amount in cash (and, to the extent sufficient cash is not
available for such payment, property at its fair market value), per share, equal
to the  Liquidation  Price  of the  Series A  Preferred  Stock as of the date of
payment or  distribution.  In  addition,  after the  payment of the  Liquidation
Price,  holders of Series A Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled to receive  from
assets  available for  distribution to  stockholders,  on a pari passu basis and
concurrent with payments or distributions made upon liquidation,  dissolution or
winding-up to the holders of the  Corporation's  Common Stock (as defined in the
Charter),  an amount per share  equal to the  excess,  if any, of (i) the amount
that would have been payable with respect to such share if it had been exchanged
for Series B Preferred  Stock and  converted  into Common Stock on the terms set
forth in Annex A immediately prior to such payment or distribution (assuming for
such  purposes  that the  Liquidation  Price in  respect  of  shares of Series A
Preferred  Stock had not been previously  paid) over (ii) the Liquidation  Price
paid with respect to such share.

                      (ii) The  "Liquidation  Price"  of any  share of  Series A
Preferred  Stock will be the sum of (i) the Agreed Value of such share plus (ii)
all  accrued  and unpaid  dividends  on such share  through  and  including  the
determination  date.  The Agreed Value of any share of Series A Preferred  Stock
will be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).

                      (iii) A merger  or  consolidation  of the  Corporation  in
which the  holders of shares of  capital  stock of the  Corporation  immediately
prior to the merger or consolidation  hold less than 50% of the votes of capital
stock  immediately  after  the  merger  or  consolidation,  or a sale  of all or
substantially  all  of  the  Corporation's  assets,  shall  be  deemed  to  be a
"liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation" for purposes of this
paragraph 5.

                  6. Voting Rights.  (i) The holders of Series A Preferred Stock
shall  be  entitled  to  vote  on  all  matters  as  to  which  holders  of  the
Corporation's  Class A Common  Stock (as defined in the Charter) are entitled to
vote, with each share of Series A Preferred Stock being entitled to one vote and
with the holders of Series A Preferred Stock voting together with the holders of
Class A  Common  Stock as a single  class.  In  addition,  holders  of  Series A
Preferred  Stock will be entitled to notice of, and to attend,  all  meetings of
stockholders  of the  Corporation and to vote as a separate class on all matters
submitted to the  Corporation's  stockholders  with respect to which  holders of
stock are required to vote as a separate class under Maryland law.

                      (ii)  Without  the consent of the holders of a majority of
the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock,  voting  separately  as a  single  class,  the
Corporation will not:

                            (a)  increase,  decrease  or  effect a  subdivision,
combination  or  consolidation  of the  authorized  amount of Series A Preferred
Stock or issue or authorize the issuance

                                     - 13 -

of  authorized  but unissued  shares of Series A Preferred  Stock (in each case,
other than for the payment of Dividend Shares pursuant to Section 3(i) hereof);

                            (b)  amend,  alter or repeal  any  provision  of its
Charter or bylaws so as to effect any change in the rights,  privileges,  powers
or  preferences  of the holders of the Series A Preferred  Stock  (provided that
such  separate  class voting right shall not apply with respect to an amendment,
alteration or repeal of any provision  that solely effects a change in the terms
of the  Corporation's  Class A Common Stock, as to which the holders of Series A
Preferred Stock will vote together with the holders of Common Stock); or

                            (c)  amend,  alter or repeal any  resolution  of the
Corporation's  Board of  Directors  or any  other  instrument  establishing  and
designating  the  Series A  Preferred  Stock or any other  capital  stock of the
Corporation,  and determining the relative rights and preferences thereof, so as
to effect any change in the rights,  privileges,  powers or  preferences  of the
holders of the Series A  Preferred  Stock  (provided  that such  separate  class
voting right shall not apply with respect to an amendment,  alteration or repeal
of any provision that solely effects a change in the terms of the  Corporation's
Class A Common Stock,  as to which the holders of Series A Preferred  Stock will
vote together with the holders of Common Stock).

                  7.   Preemptive Rights.  None.

                  8.   Priority   and  Ranking  of  New   Securities   Offering.
Notwithstanding  any other  provision of these Articles  Supplementary,  (i) the
Corporation shall have the right to issue additional equity securities (the "New
Securities")  in order to raise up to  $400,000,000  and (ii) the New Securities
may bear dividends payable in cash or other  consideration,  be exchangeable for
or convertible into other  securities of the Corporation,  and will be senior to
and have priority over the Series A Preferred  Stock in all respects  (including
without limitation with respect to dividends and distributions upon liquidation,
dissolution and winding up of the  Corporation),  except that upon and after the
occurrence of a Trigger Event,  the New Securities will rank pari passu with the
Series  A  Preferred   Stock  in  respect  of  dividends,   distributions   upon
liquidation,  dissolution and winding up of the Corporation;  provided, however,
that the New Securities  shall not be issued prior to the Closing Date under the
Asset Purchase  Agreement by and between River City  Broadcasting,  L.P. and the
Corporation  dated as of April  10,  1996  without  the  consent  of the  Seller

                  9.   Miscellaneous

                  (a) All notices from the  Corporation  to the holders shall be
given by one of the methods specified in paragraph 9(b).

                  (b) All notices and other  communications  hereunder  shall be
deemed  given (i) on the first  business day  following  the date  received,  if
delivered personally,  (ii) on the business day following timely deposit with an
overnight  courier  service,  if sent by overnight  courier  specifying next day
delivery and (iii) on the first business day that is five days following deposit
in the mails, 

                                     - 14 -

if sent by first class mail to (x) a holder at its last address as it appears on
the  transfer  records  oregistry  for the Series A Preferred  Stock and (y) the
Corporation  at  the  following  address  (or  at  such  other  address  as  the
Corporation shall specify in a notice pursuant to this paragraph 9(b)): Sinclair
Broadcast  Group,  Inc.,  2000  West 41st  Street,  Baltimore,  Maryland  21211;
Attention: Corporate Secretary.

                  (c) The  Corporation  shall establish and maintain a register,
or cause a transfer agent to establish and maintain a register,  identifying the
holders of shares of Series A Preferred  Stock and shall,  upon  presentation of
certificates  endorsed for transfer or  accompanied  by duly executed  powers of
transfer,  register the transfer of shares as evidenced by such  certificates or
powers of transfer.

                  (d) Any  shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock  which have been
converted,  redeemed,  exchanged or otherwise acquired by the Corporation shall,
after such conversion,  redemption, exchange or acquisition, as the case may be,
be retired and promptly  canceled and the Corporation shall take all appropriate
action to cause  such  shares to obtain the status of  authorized  but  unissued
shares of Preferred  Stock without  designation as to series,  until such shares
are  once  more  designated  as part of a  particular  series  by the  Board  of
Directors.  The Corporation  may cause a certificate  setting forth a resolution
adopted by the Board of Directors that none of the authorized shares of Series A
Preferred Stock are  outstanding to be filed with the Maryland State  Department
of  Assessments  and Taxation.  When such  certificate  becomes  effective,  all
references to Series A Preferred  Stock shall be eliminated from the Charter and
the shares of  Preferred  Stock  designated  hereby as Series A Preferred  Stock
shall have the status of authorized and unissued  shares of Preferred  Stock and
may be  reissued as part of any new series of  Preferred  Stock to be created by
resolution or resolutions of the Board of Directors.

                  (e)  The  Corporation  shall  be  entitled  to  recognize  the
exclusive right of a holder registered  according to the Corporation's  register
as the holder of shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock,  and such  record  holder
shall be deemed the holder of such shares for all purposes.

                  (f) Any  registered  holder  of Series A  Preferred  Stock may
proceed to protect and enforce its rights by any available  remedy by proceeding
at law or in equity to protect  and  enforce  any such  rights,  whether for the
specific enforcement of any provision in these Articles  Supplementary or in aid
of the  exercise of any power  granted  herein,  or to enforce any other  proper

                                     - 15 -

                                                                 ANNEX A TO
                                                          ARTICLES SUPPLEMENTARY

                        Terms of Series B Preferred Stock

                  1.  Designation  and Amount.  The series  shall be  designated
Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock (the  "Series B Preferred  Stock").  The
number of  authorized  shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock shall  initially  be
1,500,000 subject to increase by action of the Board of Directors effectuated by
further Articles  Supplementary in order to provide for the issuance of Dividend
Shares (as defined herein).

                  2.  Par Value.   The Series B Preferred Stock shall have a par
value of $.01 per share.

                  3. Conversion. (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this
paragraph 3, each holder of Series B Preferred  Stock (a  "Convertible  Holder")
shall  have the right (a  "Conversion  Right"),  at its  option at any time,  to
convert any or all shares of Series B Preferred  Stock held by such  Convertible
Holder into such number of fully paid and nonassessable shares of Class A Common
Stock,  par value $.01 per  share,  of the  Corporation  as is  obtained  by (i)
multiplying  the number of shares of Series B Preferred Stock to be converted by
$100.00 per share and (ii) dividing the result by the conversion price of $27.50
or,  in case an  adjustment  of such  price  has  taken  place  pursuant  to the
provisions of paragraph 4, then by the conversion  price as last adjusted and in
effect  at the date  any  share or  shares  of  Series  B  Preferred  Stock  are
surrendered for conversion (such prices,  or such price as last adjusted,  being
referred  to  individually  as a  "Conversion  Price"  and  collectively  as the
"Conversion  Prices").  After  the  occurrence  of a Trigger  Event (as  defined
herein),  each Convertible Holder shall be required to convert all shares if the
Holder elects to convert any shares.  Such Conversion  Rights shall be exercised
by a Convertible  Holder by giving written notice that such  Convertible  Holder
elects to  convert  its shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock into Class A Common
Stock and by surrender of a certificate or certificates  for the shares so to be
converted to the  Corporation  at its principal  office (or such other office or
agency of the  Corporation as the Corporation may designate by notice in writing
to the  Convertible  Holders) at any time during its usual business hours on the
date set forth in such  notice,  together  with a statement of the name or names
(with address) in which the  certificate or  certificates  for shares of Class A
Common Stock shall be issued.

                     (b)  All  shares  of  Series  B   Preferred   Stock   shall
automatically convert into shares of Class A Common Stock on May 31, 2001 at the
Conversion Price then in effect.

                     (c) Notwithstanding  anything herein to the contrary,  with
respect to (i) shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock  which the  Corporation  has
called for redemption  pursuant to 
                                      - 1 -

paragraph 5 and  redeemed,  Conversion  Rights  shall  terminate at the close of
business  on the  redemption  date,  (ii)  a  liquidation  of  the  Corporation,
Conversion  Rights shall  terminate at the close of business on the business day
fixed for payment of the amount  distributable  on the Series B Preferred  Stock
and (iii) Dividend  Shares (as  hereinafter  defined),  no conversion to Class A
Common Stock shall be permitted and any such Dividend  Shares shall be deemed to
have  been  surrendered  for  cancellation  as of  the  effective  time  of  the
conversion of the other shares of Series B Preferred Stock held by the holder of
such Dividend Shares.

                      (d)  Promptly  after   surrender  of  the  certificate  or
certificates  for the  share  or  shares  of  Series  B  Preferred  Stock  to be
converted,  the Corporation  shall issue and deliver,  or cause to be issued and
delivered,  to the holder,  registered  in such name or names as such holder may
direct,  a  certificate  or  certificates  for the number of whole shares of the
applicable  class of Class A Common Stock  issuable upon the  conversion of such
share or shares of Series B Preferred  Stock.  No  fractional  shares of Class A
Common  Stock will be  issued,  and a cash  payment  will be made in lieu of any
fractional  share in an  amount  equal to the same  fraction  of the  Conversion
Price. To the extent  permitted by law, such conversion  shall be deemed to have
been  effected  as of the  close  of  business  on the  date  a  certificate  or
certificates  are  delivered  pursuant to paragraph  (a) above or on the date of
automatic  conversion  pursuant  to  paragraph  (b) above  (whether  or not such
certificate or certificates for such share or shares shall have been surrendered
on such date) and at such time the rights of the Convertible Holder shall cease,
and the person or persons in whose name or names any certificate or certificates
for shares of Class A Common Stock shall be issuable upon such conversion  shall
be  deemed  to have  become  the  holder or  holders  of  record  of the  shares
represented  thereby.  If any certificate or certificates for Series B Preferred
Shares shall have been lost,  stolen or destroyed,  the holder shall, in lieu of
delivering such certificate or  certificates,  deliver to the Corporation or its
transfer agent or agents therefor an affidavit of lost  certificate or any other
document reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation.

                      (e) If any  Convertible  Holder shall  deliver  shares for
conversion after the Corporation gives a Redemption Notice pursuant to paragraph
5(iii),  below,  and the Corporation  fails to redeem all shares subject to such
Redemption  Notice  and not  converted,  then  the  Corporation  shall  give all
converting  shareholders  notice of its  failure to redeem  and each  converting
Convertible  Holder may, for a period of 30 days after such notice of failure to
redeem,  withdraw its  conversion  and receive back shares of Series B Preferred
Stock  together  with any dividends  paid on Series B Preferred  Stock (or which
would  have  been paid on Series B  Preferred  Stock)  during  the  period  such
Convertible  Holder  held  shares of Class A Common  Stock  (less any  dividends
received with respect to such shares of Class A Common Stock).

                  4.  Adjustment to Conversion Price.    The Conversion Price is
subject to adjustment after April 10, 1996 from time to time as follows:

                  (a)  Adjustment  to  Conversion  Price  for Stock  Splits  and
Combinations and Dividends and Distributions of Common Stock. If the Corporation
(i) pays a dividend or makes a distribution,  without  consideration,  on Common
Stock in shares of Common Stock or in any right 

                                      - 2 -

to acquire Common Stock,  (ii) subdivides (by stock split,  reclassification  or
otherwise)  its  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  into a greater  number of
shares or (iii) combines (by reverse stock split, reclassification or otherwise)
its  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock into a smaller  number of shares,  the
Conversion Price in effect  immediately prior to such action will be adjusted so
that the holder of any  Series B  Preferred  Stock  thereafter  surrendered  for
conversion  will be  entitled  to receive  the number of shares of Common  Stock
which such holder would have been entitled to receive immediately following such
action had the  holder's  Series B Preferred  Stock been  converted  immediately
prior  thereto.  An  adjustment  made  pursuant to this Section 4(a) will become
effective  immediately  after  the  record  date in the  case of a  dividend  or
distribution and will become effective  immediately  after the effective date in
the case of a subdivision or combination.

                  (b)  Adjustments  to  Conversion  Price for  Certain  Diluting

                       (i) No  Adjustment  of  Conversion  Price.  Any provision
herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  no adjustment in the Conversion  Price
will be made in respect of the issuance of additional shares of Common Stock (A)
unless the issue price for the  additional  shares of Common Stock issued by the
Corporation  is less than the  Conversion  Price in  effect on the date of,  and
immediately  prior to,  such  issue;  (B) if the  issuance  of shares of Class A
Common Stock is upon conversion of Series B Preferred Stock; (C) if the issuance
of Class A  Common  Stock is upon the  conversion  of Class B Common  Stock  (as
defined in the  Charter);  or (D) if the issuance is of shares of Class A Common
Stock that have been  reserved  for  issuance to  employees  of the  Corporation
pursuant to stock  options that have been  granted or which are  available to be
granted under the Corporation's existing stock option plans and stock options to
be granted pursuant to the terms of the Employment Agreement.

                       (ii)  Adjustment  of  Conversion  Price Upon  Issuance of
Additional  Shares  of Common  Stock.  In case the  Corporation  issues or sells
additional shares of Common Stock, including but not limited to deemed issuances
as provided in paragraph 4(b)(iii),  for a consideration per share less than the
then applicable  Conversion Price of the Series B Preferred Stock,  then, and in
each such case,  the  Conversion  Price of the Series B Preferred  Stock will be
adjusted so that the adjusted Conversion Price is equal to:

                                  C*O + N*P + A
                                      O + N


         C   =    the then current Conversion Price;

         O   =    the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding on the record
                  date  for the  issuance  (including  all  shares  issuable  on
                  conversion  of the  Series B  Preferred  Stock

                                      - 3 -

                  and  all  other  shares   issuable   pursuant  to  options  or
                  convertible  securities  outstanding  immediately prior to the

         N   =    the total number of  additional  shares of Common Stock issued
                  in the  issuance,  or issuable upon the exercise or conversion
                  of options or convertible securities;

         P   =    the offering  price per share of shares of Common Stock issued
                  in the issuance or the price per share of Common Stock payable
                  upon the  exercise  or  conversion  of options or  convertible
                  securities,  in each case  minus the  amount  per share of any
                  expenses  payable by the Corporation  and any  underwriting or
                  similar  commissions,  compensations  or  concessions  paid or
                  allowed by the  Corporation  in connection  with the issuance;

         A   =    the aggregate  consideration,  if any, paid to the Corporation
                  upon the issuance  for the issuance of options or  convertible
                  securities  minus the  amount of any  expenses  payable by the
                  Corporation  and  any  underwriting  or  similar  commissions,
                  compensations   or   concessions   paid  or   allowed  by  the
                  Corporation in connection  with the issuance. 

                      (iii) Options and Convertible Securities Deemed Additional
Shares  of Common  Stock.  If the  Corporation  at any time or from time to time
after April 10, 1996 shall issue any options or  convertible  securities  (other
than in a  transaction  resulting in an  adjustment  under  paragraph  4(a) or a
transaction described in paragraph 4(b)(i)),  then, subject to clause (E) below,
the maximum  number of shares (as set forth in the instrument  relating  thereto
without regard to any provisions  contained  therein designed to protect against
dilution) of Common Stock issuable upon the exercise of such options, or, in the
case of convertible  securities and options therefor, the conversion or exchange
of such  convertible  securities  and  options  therefor,  shall be deemed to be
additional  shares  of  Common  Stock  issued  as of the time  such  options  or
convertible  securities  are  issued  or, in case a record  date shall have been
fixed for the  determination of holders of any class of securities then entitled
to  receive  any such  options  or  convertible  securities,  as of the close of
business on such record date, provided that in any such case in which additional
shares of Common Stock are deemed to be issued:

                            (A) no further  adjustments in the Conversion  Price
shall be made upon the subsequent  issue of convertible  securities or shares of
Common Stock upon the exercise of such options or conversion or exchange of such
convertible securities;

                            (B) if such  options or  convertible  securities  by
their terms provide, with the passage of time or otherwise,  for any increase or
decrease  in the  consideration  payable  to the  Corporation,  or  decrease  or
increase in the number of shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon the  exercise,
conversion or exchange thereof,  the Conversion Price computed upon the original
issue thereof (or upon the  occurrence  of a record date with respect  thereto),
and any subsequent  adjustments based thereon,  shall, upon any such increase or
decrease becoming effective,  

                                      - 4 -

be recomputed  to reflect such  increase or decrease  insofar as it affects such
options  or  the  rights  of  conversion  or  exchange  under  such  convertible
securities  (provided,  however, that no such adjustment of the Conversion Price
shall affect  Common Stock  previously  issued upon  conversion  of the Series B
Preferred Stock);

                            (C) upon the  expiration  of any such options or any
rights of conversion or exchange under such  convertible  securities which shall
not have been exercised,  the Conversion  Price computed upon the original issue
thereof (or upon the occurrence of a record date with respect thereto),  and any
subsequent adjustments based thereon, shall, upon such expiration, be recomputed
as if:

                                     (i) in the case of  convertible  securities
                                or options for Common Stock, the only additional
                                shares of Common Stock issued were the shares of
                                Common Stock,  if any,  actually issued upon the
                                exercise of such  options or the  conversion  or
                                exchange of such convertible  securities and the
                                consideration    received   therefor   was   the
                                consideration    actually    received   by   the
                                Corporation  (x)  for  the  issue  of  all  such
                                options,  whether  or not  exercised,  plus  the
                                consideration    actually    received   by   the
                                Corporation  upon such exercise,  or (y) for the
                                issue of all such  convertible  securities which
                                were actually  converted or exchanged,  plus the
                                additional   consideration,   if  any,  actually
                                received by the Corporation upon such conversion
                                or exchange; and

                                     (ii) in the case of options for convertible
                                securities,  only the convertible securities, if
                                any,  actually issued upon the exercise  thereof
                                were  issued  at  the  time  of  issue  of  such
                                options,  and the consideration  received by the
                                Corporation for the additional  shares of Common
                                Stock  deemed to have been then  issued  was the
                                consideration    actually    received   by   the
                                Corporation  for the issue of all such  options,
                                whether or not exercised, plus the consideration
                                deemed to have been received by the  Corporation
                                upon  the  issue of the  convertible  securities
                                with respect to which such options were actually

                            (D) no  readjustment  pursuant  to clause (B) or (C)
above  shall have the effect of  increasing  the  Conversion  Price to an amount
which exceeds the lower of (i) the Conversion Price in effect  immediately prior
to the  original  adjustment,  or (ii) the  Conversion  Price  that  would  have
resulted  from any issuance of  additional  shares of Common  Stock  between the
original  adjustment date and such readjustment date if the original  adjustment
had not been made;

                            (E) in the case of any options which expire by their
terms not more than 30 days after the date of issue  thereof,  no  adjustment of
the Conversion  Price shall be made 

                                      - 5 -

until the expiration or exercise of all such
options,  whereupon such adjustment shall be made in the same manner provided in
clause (C) above.

For purposes of this paragraph  4(b)(iii),  options means  options,  warrants or
other rights to subscribe  for,  purchase or otherwise  acquire shares of Common
Stock or  convertiblesecurities,  and convertible securities means any evidences
of  indebtedness,  shares (other than the Series A Exchangeable  Preferred Stock
and the  Series B  Preferred  Stock)  or other  securities  convertible  into or
exchangeable for shares of Common Stock.

                      (iv)  Value  of   Consideration.   For  purposes  of  this
paragraph 4(b), the value of the  consideration  received by the Corporation for
the  issuance  of any  additional  shares of Common  Stock will be  computed  as

                            (A) insofar as it  consists of cash,  be computed at
the aggregate amount of cash received by the Corporation, excluding amounts paid
or payable for accrued interest or accrued dividends;

                            (B)  insofar  as  it  consists  of  publicly  traded
securities,  be computed based upon the average closing price of such securities
for the 10 consecutive  trading days immediately  preceding the day on which the
Corporation receives such consideration; and

                            (C) insofar as it  consists  of property  other than
cash or publicly traded securities, be computed at the fair value thereof at the
time of such issue, as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors.

In the event that  additional  shares of Common Stock are issued  together  with
other shares or securities or other assets of the Corporation for  consideration
which covers both, the value of such consideration so received that is allocable
to such  additional  shares of Common Stock will be  determined in good faith by
the Board.

         (c) Minimum  Adjustment.  No adjustment in the Conversion Price will be
required  unless such  adjustment  (plus any  adjustments not previously made by
reason of this paragraph 4) would require an increase or decrease of at least 1%
in the Conversion Price; provided,  that any adjustments which by reason of this
paragraph 4 are not  required to be made will be carried  forward and taken into
account in any subsequent  adjustment.  All calculations  under this paragraph 4
will be made to the nearest cent.

         (d)  Certificate of Adjustment.  Upon the occurrence of each adjustment
or readjustment of the Conversion Price of the Series B Preferred Stock pursuant
to this paragraph 4, the  Corporation  will promptly  compute such adjustment or
readjustment in accordance with the terms hereof and prepare and furnish to each
holder of such Series B Preferred Stock a certificate, signed by the Chairman of
the Board, the Chief Executive Officer, the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer or
                                      - 6 -

other  officer of the  Corporation  of equivalent  seniority  setting forth such
adjustment  or  readjustment  and  showing  in detail  the facts upon which such
adjustments or readjustment is based.

          (e) Dividends and  Distributions  Payable in Securities of the Company
other than Shares of Common Stock. In case the Corporation  makes or issues,  or
fixes a record date for the determination of holders of Common Stock entitled to
receive, a dividend or other  distribution  payable in securities of the Company
(other than shares of Common Stock or rights to acquire Common Stock),  then and
in each  such  event  provision  will be made so that the  holders  of  Series B
Preferred Stock will receive upon  conversion  thereof in addition to the number
of shares of Common Stock receivable thereupon,  the amount of securities of the
Company which they would have  received had their Series B Preferred  Stock been
converted into Common Stock on the date of, and immediately  prior to such event
and  had  they   thereafter   retained  such   securities   (together  with  any
distributions paid thereon) until the conversion date.

         (f)  Consolidation,  Merger or Sale of Assets.  Except as  provided  in
paragraph 7, if any transaction  occurs,  including  without  limitation (i) any
recapitalization  or  reclassification  of shares of Common  Stock (other than a
change in par value,  or from par value to no par value, or from no par value to
par value,  or as a result of a subdivision or combination of the Common Stock),
(ii) any  consolidation or merger of the Corporation with or into another person
or any merger of another  person  into the  Corporation  (other than a merger in
which the Corporation is the surviving corporation and that does not result in a
reclassification,  conversion,  exchange or cancellation of Common Stock), (iii)
any sale,  lease or  transfer of all or  substantially  all of the assets of the
Corporation,  or (iv) any compulsory  share  exchange,  pursuant to any of which
holders of Common Stock will be entitled to receive  other  securities,  cash or
other property,  then  appropriate  provision will be made so that the holder of
each  share of Series B  Preferred  Stock then  outstanding  will have the right
thereafter  to  convert  such  share  only  into  the  kind  and  amount  of the
securities,  cash or other  property that would have been  receivable  upon such
recapitalization,   reclassification,   consolidation,   merger,   sale,  lease,
transfer, or share exchanges by a holder of the number of shares or Common Stock
issuable upon conversion of such share of Series B Preferred  Stock  immediately
prior to such recapitalization,  reclassification,  consolidation, merger, sale,
lease,  transfer or share exchange,  and the Corporation will not enter into any
such merger,  consolidation,  sale, lease, transfer or share exchange unless the
company  formed by such  consolidation  or  resulting  from such  merger or that
acquires such assets or that acquires the Corporation's  shares, as the case may
be, makes appropriate provisions to establish such right.

                  5.   Trigger Event.

                      (i) Upon the date that is 180 days after the occurrence of
a Trigger Event (as defined below),  subject to paragraph 10 hereof, the holders
of shares of Series B Preferred Stock, in preference to the holders of any other
class of capital stock,  shall be entitled to receive,  when, as and if declared
by the  Board of  Directors  out of funds  legally  available  for the  purpose,
quarterly dividends payable in cash or, at the Corporation's option,  additional
shares of Series B Preferred Stock ("Dividend Shares") on the last day of March,
June,  September  and  December  in each year 

                                      - 7 -

(each  such date  being  referred  to herein as a  "Quarterly  Dividend  Payment
Date"),  commencing on the first Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date after the date
that is 180 days after the  occurrence  of the Trigger  Event,  in an amount per
share  (rounded to the nearest cent) equal to (a) with respect to the first four
Quarterly  Dividend Payment Dates,  Three Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($3.75)
and (b) with respect to the fifth and each succeeding Quarterly Dividend Payment
Date, Five Dollars ($5.00).  In the event a quarterly dividend is paid (in whole
or in part) in Dividend  Shares,  the number of Dividend  Shares to be issued in
respect of such dividend payment for each share of Series B Preferred Stock then
outstanding  shall  equal (x) that  portion of the  quarterly  dividend  paid in
Dividend Shares (expressed in Dollars) divided by (y) 100.

                      (ii)  Whether or not  declared,  dividends  shall begin to
accrue and be cumulative on initially  outstanding  shares of Series B Preferred
Stock from the 180th day following the Trigger  Event.  Whether or not declared,
dividends  shall begin to accrue and be cumulative  on Dividend  Shares from the
date of the applicable  Quarterly  Dividend  Payment Date.  All dividends  shall
accrue on each share on a daily  basis,  whether  or not there are  unrestricted
funds  legally  available  for the payment of such  dividends and whether or not
declared,  from and after the date such  dividends are payable and be rounded to
the nearest cent.  Any dividends  that become  payable for any partial  dividend
period shall be computed on the basis of the actual days elapsed in such period.
Dividends paid on the shares of Series B Preferred  Stock in an amount less than
the total  amount of such  dividends  at the time  accrued  and  payable on such
shares shall be allocated equally among all such shares at the time outstanding.
If a portion  of a dividend  is paid in cash and a portion  is paid in  Dividend
Shares, then the proportion of the dividend paid in cash and the proportion paid
in Dividend Shares shall be the same for each share.  The Board of Directors may
fix a record  date for the  determination  of  holders  of  shares  of  Series B
Preferred  Stock  entitled  to receive  payment of a  dividend  or  distribution
declared thereon,  which record date shall be not more than 60 days prior to the
date fixed for the payment thereof.

                      (iii) At any time after the occurrence of a Trigger Event,
the  Corporation  shall have the right to purchase all of the shares of Series B
Preferred Stock then held by a holder at a purchase price per share equal to (a)
One  Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00)  plus (b) the amount of any  accrued and unpaid
dividends and distributions on such share, whether or not declared,  to the date
of such payment.  If the Corporation  elects to exercise its right to repurchase
pursuant to this paragraph,  the  Corporation  shall fix the date for redemption
and shall give notice of such redemption (the "Redemption Notice") not less than
30 nor more  than 60 days  prior to the date  fixed  for  redemption;  provided,
however,  that the  redemption  date shall not be sooner than 180 days after the
Trigger Event  Notice,  and the  Corporation  may give notice of a redemption to
occur on such 180th day at any time after the  Trigger  Event  Notice and before
the 30th day preceding such 180th day. The  Redemption  Notice shall specify (i)
the time and date on which the redemption will occur; (ii) the redemption price;
(iii) that the holders of shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock have the right to
convert  such  shares  into  shares  of  Common  Stock at any time  prior to the
redemption  date;  and (iv) the  Conversion  Price on the date of the Redemption

                                      - 8 -

                      (iv) A  "Trigger  Event"  means the  termination  of Barry
Baker's  employment with the Corporation  prior to the expiration of the initial
five-year Agreement Term set forth in the Employment Agreement dated as of April
10, 1996 between Barry Baker and the Corporation  (the  "Employment  Agreement")
(x) by the  Corporation for any reason other than "for cause" under Section 9 of
the  Employment  Agreement,  or (y) by Barry Baker under  Section  10.3.1 of the
Employment Agreement.

                      (v) The  Corporation  shall give each  Convertible  Holder
notice of the occurrence of a Trigger Event (the "Trigger Event Notice")  within
30 days following the occurrence of the Trigger Event.  The Trigger Event Notice
shall  advise the  Convertible  Holders  of the type of  Trigger  Event that has
occurred and the date on which such Trigger Event occurred.

                  6.  Dividends.  Prior to the date  that is 180 days  after the
occurrence  of a  Trigger  Event,  the  Series B  Preferred  Stock  shall not be
entitled to receive any  preference  with respect to dividends.  Notwithstanding
the preceding sentence,  prior to the date that is 180 days after the occurrence
of a Trigger Event, the holders of Series B Preferred Stock shall be entitled to
share  ratably  (with each share of Series B Preferred  Stock  equivalent to the
number of shares of Class A Common  Stock into which such share can be converted
pursuant to  paragraphs  3 and 4 hereof),  in the  payments of any  dividends or
other  distributions made with respect to Common Stock,  including  dividends or
distributions  made in the form of (i) cash, (ii)  securities  other than Common
Stock,  (iii)  other  assets,  or (iv)  warrants  or  rights  to  subscribe  for
securities other than Common Stock or for other assets.

                  7.  Liquidation  Dissolution  or Winding  Up. (i) Prior to the
occurrence of a Trigger Event, subject to the provisions of paragraph 10 hereof,
upon any liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, the holders
of Series B Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to receive from assets  available
for distribution to stockholders,  in priority over the Class A Common Stock and
the Class B Common Stock and after  distributions  to any other class of capital
stock of the Corporation,  an amount in cash (and, to the extent sufficient cash
is not  available  for such  payment,  property at its fair market  value),  per
share,  equal to the Liquidation Price of the Series B Preferred Stock as of the
date  of  payment  or  distribution.  In  addition,  after  the  payment  of the
Liquidation  Price,  holders of Series B  Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled to
receive from assets available for distribution to stockholders,  on a pari passu
basis and  concurrent  with  payments or  distributions  made upon  liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding-up to the holders of the  Corporation's  Class A Common
Stock and Class B Common Stock, an amount per share equal to the excess, if any,
of (i) the amount that would have been  payable with respect to such share if it
had been  converted  into  shares of Common  Stock  pursuant  to the  conversion
provisions  in  Paragraph  3 and  Paragraph 4 hereof  immediately  prior to such
payment or distribution  (assuming for such purposes that the Liquidation  Price
in respect of shares of Series B Preferred Stock had not been  previously  paid)
over (ii) the Liquidation Price paid with respect to such share.

                  (ii) After the occurrence of a Trigger  Event,  subject to the
provisions of paragraph 10 hereof, upon any liquidation,  dissolution or winding
up of the Corporation, the holders of Series 

                                      - 9 -

B  Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled  to receive  from  assets  available  for
distribution to stockholders,  in priority over any other class of capital stock
of the Corporation, an amount in cash (and, to the extent sufficient cash is not
available for such payment, property at its fair market value), per share, equal
to the  Liquidation  Price (as defined below) of the Series B Preferred Stock as
of the date of payment or distribution.

                  (iii) The Liquidation Price of any share of Series B Preferred
Stock  will be the sum of (i) the  Agreed  Value  of such  share  plus  (ii) all
accrued  and  unpaid   dividends  on  such  share   through  and  including  the
determination  date.  The Agreed Value of any share of Series B Preferred  Stock
will be One Hundred Dollars ($100.00).

                  (iv) A merger or consolidation of the Corporation in which the
holders of shares of capital stock of the Corporation  immediately  prior to the
merger  or  consolidation  hold  less  than 50% of the  votes of  capital  stock
immediately after the merger or consolidation, or a sale of all or substantially
all  of  the  Corporation's  assets,  shall  be  deemed  to  be a  "liquidation,
dissolution or winding-up of the Corporation" for purposes of this paragraph 7.

                  8. Voting Rights.  (a) The holders of Series B Preferred Stock
shall  be  entitled  to  vote  on  all  matters  as  to  which  holders  of  the
Corporation's  Class A Common  Stock are  entitled  to vote,  with each share of
Series B Preferred Stock being entitled to a number of votes equal to the number
of shares of Class A Common  Stock  into  which  the  share  could be  converted
pursuant  to  paragraphs  3 and 4  hereof,  and with  the  holders  of  Series B
Preferred  Stock voting  together  with the holders of Class A Common Stock as a
single class. In addition,  holders of Series B Preferred Stock will be entitled
to notice of, and to attend, all meetings of stockholders of the Corporation and
to vote as a  separate  class  on all  matters  submitted  to the  Corporation's
stockholders  with  respect to which  holders of stock are required to vote as a
separate class under Maryland law.

                      (b)  Without  the  consent of the holders of a majority of
the  Series  B  Preferred  Stock,  voting  separately  as a  single  class,  the
Corporation will not:

                           (i)  increase,  decrease  or  effect  a  subdivision,
combination  or  consolidation  of the  authorized  amount of Series B Preferred
Stock or issue or authorize  the issuance of authorized  but unissued  shares of
Series B Preferred  Stock (in each case,  other than for the payment of Dividend
Shares pursuant to Section 5(i) hereof);

                           (ii)  amend,  alter or repeal  any  provision  of its
Charter or bylaws so as to effect any change in the rights,  privileges,  powers
or  preferences  of the holders of the Series B Preferred  Stock  (provided that
such  separate  class voting right shall not apply with respect to an amendment,
alteration or repeal of any provision  that solely effects a change in the terms
of the  Corporation's  Class A Common Stock, as to which the holders of Series B
Preferred Stock will vote together with the holders of Common Stock); or

                                     - 10 -

                           (iii) amend,  alter or repeal any  resolution  of the
Corporation's  Board of  Directors  or any  other  instrument  establishing  and
designating  the  Series B  Preferred  Stock or any other  capital  stock of the
Corporation,  and determining the relative rights and preferences thereof, so as
to effect any change in the rights,  privileges,  powers or  preferences  of the
holders of the Series B  Preferred  Stock  (provided  that much  separate  class
voting right shall not apply with respect to an amendment,  alteration or repeal
of any provision that solely effects a change in the terms of the  Corporation's
Class A Common Stock,  as to which the holders of Series B Preferred  Stock will
vote together with the holders of Common Stock).

                  9.   Preemptive Rights.  None.

                  10.  Priority  and  Ranking  of   New   Securities   Offering.
Notwithstanding  any other provisions of these Articles  Supplementary,  (i) the
Corporation shall have the right to issue additional equity securities (the "New
Securities")  in order to raise up to  $400,000,000  and (ii) the New Securities
may bear dividends payable in cash or other  consideration,  be exchangeable for
or convertible into other  securities of the Corporation,  and will be senior to
and have priority over the Series B Preferred  Stock in all respects  (including
without limitation with respect to dividends and distributions upon liquidation,
dissolution and winding up of the  Corporation),  except that upon and after the
occurrence of a Trigger Event,  the New Securities will rank pari passu with the
Series  B  Preferred   Stock  in  respect  of  dividends,   distributions   upon
liquidation,  dissolution and winding up of the Corporation;  provided, however,
that the New Securities  shall not be issued prior to the Closing Date under the
Asset Purchase  Agreement by and between River City  Broadcasting,  L.P. and the
Corporation  dated as of April  10,  1996  without  the  consent  of the  Seller

                  11.  Miscellaneous.

                  (a) The  Corporation  shall  at all  times  reserve  and  keep
available,  free from  preemptive  rights,  out of its  authorized  but unissued
stock,  for the purpose of effecting  the  conversion  of the shares of Series B
Preferred  Stock,  such number of its duly  authorized  shares of Class A Common
Stock as shall from time to time be sufficient  to effect the  conversion of all
outstanding shares of Series B Preferred Stock into such Class A Common Stock at
any time  (assuming  that,  at the time of the  computation  of such  number  of
shares,  all such  Class A  Common  Stock  would  be held by a  single  holder);
provided,  however, that nothing contained herein shall preclude the Corporation
from  satisfying  its  obligations in respect of the conversion of the shares by
delivery  of  purchased  shares  of  Class A Common  Stock  that are held in the
treasury of the  Corporation.  All shares of Class A Common Stock which shall be
deliverable  upon  conversion of the shares of Series B Preferred Stock shall be
duly and validly  issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable.  For  purposes of this
paragraph  11(a),  any  shares of Class A Common  Stock at any time  outstanding
shall not include shares held in the treasury of the Corporation.

                  (b) The Corporation shall pay any and all issue or other taxes
that may be payable in  respect  of any issue or  delivery  of shares of Class A
Common Stock on conversion  (or pursuant to redemption or exchange) of shares of
Series B Preferred Stock pursuant hereto. The Corporation 

                                     - 11 -

shall not,  however,  be  required to pay any tax which is payable in respect of
any transfer involved in the issue or delivery of Class A Common Stock in a name
other than that in which the  shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock so  converted
were  registered,  and no such issue or delivery  shall be made unless and until
the  Convertible  Holder  requesting  such issue has paid to the Corporation the
amount of such tax, or has established,  to the satisfaction of the Corporation,
that such tax has been paid.

                  (c) All notices from the  Corporation  to the holders shall be
given by one of the methods specified in paragraph 11(d).

                  (d) All notices and other  communications  hereunder  shall be
deemed  given (i) on the first  business day  following  the date  received,  if
delivered personally,  (ii) on the business day following timely deposit with an
overnight  courier  service,  if sent by overnight  courier  specifying next day
delivery and (iii) on the first business day that is five days following deposit
in the mails, if sent by first class mail to (x) a holder at its last address as
it appears on the transfer  records or registry for the Series B Preferred Stock
and (y) the  Corporation  at the following  address (or at such other address as
the  Corporation  shall specify in a notice  pursuant to this paragraph  11(d)):
Sinclair  Broadcast  Group,  Inc.,  2000 West 41st Street,  Baltimore,  Maryland
21211; Attention: Corporate Secretary.

                  (e) The  Corporation  shall establish and maintain a register,
or cause a transfer agent to establish and maintain a register,  identifying the
holders of shares of Series B Preferred  Stock and shall,  upon  presentation of
certificates  endorsed for transfer or  accompanied  by a duly executed power of
transfer,  register the transfer of shares as endorsed by such  certificates  or
powers of transfer.

                  (f) Any  shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock  which have been
converted,  redeemed,  exchanged or otherwise acquired by the Corporation shall,
after such conversion,  redemption, exchange or acquisition, as the case may be,
be retired and promptly  canceled and the Corporation shall take all appropriate
action to cause  such  shares to obtain the status of  authorized  but  unissued
shares of Preferred  Stock without  designation as to series,  until such shares
are  once  more  designated  as part of a  particular  series  by the  Board  of
Directors;  provided,  however,  that the Corporation shall retain as authorized
but  unissued  shares of Series B Preferred  Stock a  sufficient  number of such
shares  to allow  exchange  of  shares  of Class A Common  Stock  into  Series B
Preferred  Stock  pursuant to paragraph  3(e) hereof or upon the occurrence of a
Trigger  Event to the extent  holders of Class A Common  Stock have the right to
exchange their Common Stock for Series B Preferred  Stock.  The  Corporation may
cause a certificate setting forth a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors
that none of the authorized  shares of Series B Preferred  Stock are outstanding
to be filed  with the  Secretary  of State of the State of  Maryland.  When such
certificate becomes effective,  all references to Series B Preferred Stock shall
be  eliminated  from the Charter and the shares of  Preferred  Stock  designated
hereby as Series B  Preferred  Stock  shall  have the status of  authorized  and
unissued shares of Preferred Stock and may be reissued as part of any new series
of Preferred  Stock to be created by resolution or  resolutions  of the Board of

                                     - 12 -

                  (g)  The  Corporation  shall  be  entitled  to  recognize  the
exclusive   right  of  a  Convertible   Holder   registered   according  to  the
Corporation's  register as the holder of shares of Series B Preferred Stock, and
such record holder shall be deemed the holder of such shares for all purposes.

                  (h) Any  registered  holder  of Series B  Preferred  Stock may
proceed to protect and enforce its rights by any available  remedy by proceeding
at law or in equity to protect  and  enforce  any such  rights,  whether for the
specific enforcement of any provision in these Articles  Supplementary or in aid
of the  exercise of any power  granted  herein,  or to enforce any other  proper

                                     - 13 -