[Execution Counterpart]


                         SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                              SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS



                            Dated as of May 31, 1996


                            THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK

                             (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),

                                    as Agent




                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                  This Table of Contents is not part of the  Agreement  to which
it is attached but is inserted for convenience only.


Section 1.  Definitions and Accounting Matters............................... 3
         1.01  Certain Defined Terms......................................... 3
         1.02  Accounting Terms and Determinations...........................42
         1.03  Classes and Types of Loans....................................44
         1.04  References to Date............................................44

Section 2.  Commitments......................................................44
         2.01  Loans.........................................................44
         2.02  Borrowings....................................................46
         2.03  Changes of Commitments........................................46
         2.04  Commitment Fees...............................................48
         2.05  Lending Offices...............................................49
         2.06  Several Obligations; Remedies Independent.....................49
         2.07  Notes.........................................................49
         2.08  Optional Prepayments and Conversions or

                           Continuations of Loans............................51
         2.09  Mandatory Prepayments and Reductions of
         2.10  Issuance of Letters of Credit.................................56

Section 3.  Payments of Principal and Interest...............................61
         3.01  Repayment of Loans............................................61
         3.02  Interest......................................................64

Section 4.  Payments; Pro Rata Treatment;

         4.01  Payments......................................................65
         4.02  Pro Rata Treatment............................................66
         4.03  Computations..................................................67
         4.04  Minimum Amounts, Etc..........................................67
         4.05  Certain Notices...............................................67
         4.06  Non-Receipt of Funds by the Agent.............................68
         4.07  Sharing of Payments, Etc......................................69

Section 5.  Yield Protection, Etc............................................71
         5.01  Additional Costs..............................................71
         5.02  Limitation on Types of Loans..................................74
         5.03  Illegality....................................................74
         5.04  Treatment of Affected Loans...................................75
         5.05  Compensation..................................................75
         5.06  Additional Costs in Respect of

                           Letters of Credit.................................76
         5.07  U.S. Taxes....................................................77
         5.08  Replacement of Lenders........................................79



Section 6.  Guarantee........................................................80
         6.01  Guarantee.....................................................80
         6.02  Obligations Unconditional.....................................80
         6.03  Reinstatement.................................................81
         6.04  Subrogation...................................................82
         6.05  Remedies......................................................82
         6.06  Continuing Guarantee..........................................82
         6.07  Rights of Contribution........................................82
         6.08  Limitation on Guarantee Obligations...........................83

Section 7.  Conditions Precedent.............................................84
         7.01  Effectiveness of this Agreement...............................84
         7.02  Initial and Subsequent Loans..................................94

Section 8.  Representations and Warranties...................................95
         8.01  Corporate Existence...........................................95
         8.02  Financial Condition...........................................95
         8.03  Litigation....................................................96
         8.04  No Breach.....................................................96
         8.05  Action........................................................96
         8.06  Approvals.....................................................97
         8.07  Use of Loans..................................................97
         8.08  ERISA.........................................................97
         8.09  Taxes.........................................................97
         8.10  Investment Company Act........................................98
         8.11  Public Utility Holding Company Act............................98
         8.12  Indebtedness and Interest Rate Protection

         8.13  Hazardous Materials...........................................98
         8.14  Subsidiaries, Etc............................................100
         8.15  Broadcast Licenses...........................................101
         8.16  Property.....................................................102
         8.17  Ancillary Documents..........................................102
         8.18  Film Obligations.............................................103
         8.19  Capitalization...............................................103
         8.20  True and Complete Disclosure.................................103
         8.21      Tax Identification Numbers...............................104
         8.22      Program Services Agreements..............................104
         8.23      Options..................................................104
         8.24      Asset Use and Operating Agreements.......................104

Section 9.  Covenants of the Obligors.......................................104
         9.01  Financial Statements.........................................105
         9.02  Litigation...................................................109
         9.03  Existence, Etc...............................................109
         9.04  Insurance....................................................110
         9.05  Prohibition of Fundamental Changes...........................111
         9.06  Limitation on Liens..........................................118
         9.07  Indebtedness.................................................119
         9.08  Investments..................................................121
         9.09  Dividend Payments............................................122



         9.10  Interest Coverage Ratio......................................123
         9.11  Fixed Charges Ratio..........................................123
         9.12  Capital Expenditures.........................................123
         9.13  Senior Indebtedness Ratio....................................123
         9.14  Total Indebtedness Ratio.....................................124
         9.15  Film Cash Payments and
                           Sports Rights Payments...........................125
         9.16  Corporate Expense............................................126
         9.17  Interest Rate Protection Agreements..........................126
         9.18  Subordinated Indebtedness....................................127
         9.19  Lines of Business............................................127
         9.20  Transactions with Affiliates.................................128
         9.21  Use of Proceeds..............................................128
         9.22  Certain Obligations Respecting
         9.23  Additional Subsidiary Guarantors.............................129
         9.24  Modifications of Certain Documents...........................129
         9.25  License Subsidiaries.........................................130
         9.26  Equity Issuance..............................................131
         9.27  CRESAP.......................................................132
         9.28  Real Property................................................133
         9.29  Program Services Agreements..................................136
         9.30  FCC Filings..................................................137
         9.31  Exercise of River City Options...............................137
         9.32  Limitation on Cure Rights....................................137

Section 10.  Events of Default..............................................138
         10.01  Events of Default; Remedies.................................138
         10.02  Collateral Account..........................................143

Section 11.  The Agent......................................................144
         11.01  Appointment, Powers and Immunities..........................144
         11.02  Reliance by Agent...........................................145
         11.03  Defaults....................................................146
         11.04  Rights as a Lender..........................................146
         11.05  Indemnification.............................................147
         11.06  Non-Reliance on Agent and

                           Other Lenders....................................147
         11.07  Failure to Act..............................................148
         11.08  Resignation or Removal of Agent.............................148
         11.09  Consents under Certain Documents............................148
         11.10  Collateral Sub-Agents.......................................149
         11.11  Managing Agents.............................................149
         11.12  Conditions Precedent........................................149

Section 12.  Miscellaneous..................................................150
         12.01  Waiver......................................................150
         12.02  Notices.....................................................150
         12.03  Expenses, Etc...............................................150
         12.04  Amendments, Etc.............................................152
         12.05  Successors and Assigns......................................155



         12.06  Assignments and Participations...............................155
         12.07  Survival.....................................................158
         12.08  Captions.....................................................158
         12.09  Counterparts.................................................159
         12.10  Governing Law; Submission
                           to Jurisdiction...................................159
         12.11  Waiver of Jury Trial.........................................159
         12.12  Treatment of Certain Information.............................159
         12.13  Cure of Defaults by Agent or Lenders.........................159

Schedule I     - Indebtedness and Interest Rate Protection
Schedule II    - Hazardous  Materials  
Schedule III   - Subsidiaries  and Investments
Schedule IV    - Broadcast Licenses 
Schedule V     - Film Obligations  
Schedule VI    - Real  Property  
Schedule VII   - Tax  Identification  Numbers 
Schedule VIII  - Program Services  Agreements  
Schedule IX    - Option Agreements  
Schedule X     - Asset Use and Operating  Agreements  
Schedule XI    - Revolving Credit  Commitments
Schedule XII   - Tranche A Term Loan  Commitments  
Schedule  XIII - Tranche B Term Loan Commitments

Exhibit A-1    - Form of Revolving Credit Note
Exhibit A-2    - Form of Tranche A Term Loan Note
Exhibit A-3    - Form of Tranche B Term Loan Note
Exhibit A-4    - Form of Tranche C Term Loan Note
Exhibit B      - Form of Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice
Exhibit C      - Form of Security Agreement
Exhibit D      - Form of Affiliate  Guaranty and Security  Agreement  
Exhibit E      - Form  of GDC  Security  Agreement  
Exhibit F      - Form of Founders Subordination  Agreement  
Exhibit G      - Form of  Asset  Use and  Operating Agreement 
Exhibit H      - Form of Consent and Agreement 
Exhibit I      - Form of Assignment and Acceptance


                                      - 1 -

                  SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED  CREDIT  AGREEMENT dated as of May
31, 1996, between:

                  SINCLAIR  BROADCAST GROUP,  INC., a corporation duly organized
         and  validly  existing  under  the laws of the State of  Maryland  (the

                  each of the  Persons  (as  defined  in  Section  1.01  hereof)
         identified under the caption  "SUBSIDIARY  GUARANTORS" on the signature
         pages hereof or which,  pursuant to Section 9.23 hereof, shall become a
         "Subsidiary   Guarantor"   hereunder   (individually,   a   "Subsidiary
         Guarantor" and, collectively, the "Subsidiary Guarantors"; the Borrower
         and the Subsidiary  Guarantors being collectively referred to herein as
         the "Obligors");

                  each of the Persons  identified under the caption "LENDERS" on
         the  signature  pages  hereof or which,  pursuant  to Section  12.06(b)
         hereof,  shall become a "Lender"  hereunder  (individually,  a "Lender"
         and, collectively, the "Lenders"); and

                  THE CHASE  MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION),  a national
         banking  association,  as agent  for the  Lenders  (in  such  capacity,
         together with its successors in such capacity, the "Agent").

                  WHEREAS, the Borrower,  certain of the Subsidiary  Guarantors,
certain of the Lenders (the  "Existing  Lenders")  and the Agent are party to an
Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated as of May 24, 1994 (as heretofore
modified and  supplemented and in effect on the date hereof  immediately  before
giving  effect  to  the  amendment  and  restatement  contemplated  hereby,  the
"Existing Credit  Agreement").  Pursuant to the Existing Credit  Agreement,  (a)
certain of the Existing  Lenders  committed to make Facility A Revolving  Credit
Loans (as defined in the  Existing  Credit  Agreement  and referred to herein as
"Existing  Facility A Revolving Credit Loans") and Term Loans (as defined in the
Existing  Credit  Agreement and referred to herein as "Existing  Term Loans") to
the  Borrower  in  an  original   aggregate   principal   amount  not  exceeding
$225,000,000   at  any  one  time   outstanding   (the   "Existing   Facility  A
Commitments"),  with a  portion  of  such  commitments  made  available  for the
issuance  of  letters  of credit  in an  aggregate  face  amount  not  exceeding
$15,000,000  at any one time  outstanding,  (b) by  operation  of a  Facility  B
Activation  Notice (as defined in the Existing Credit  Agreement),  one Existing
Lender  committed to make  Facility B Revolving  Credit Loans (as defined in the
Existing Credit Agreement and referred

                                Credit Agreement

                                      - 2 -

to herein as "Existing Facility B Revolving Credit Loans") to the Borrower in an
aggregate principal amount not exceeding $75,000,000 at any one time outstanding
(the "Existing  Facility B Commitment")  and (c) certain of the Existing Lenders
committed to make Facility C Loans (as defined in the Existing Credit  Agreement
and  referred to herein as  "Existing  Facility C Loans") to the  Borrower in an
original  aggregate  principal amount not exceeding  $125,000,000 (the "Existing
Facility C Commitments");

                  WHEREAS,   on  the  date  hereof  (a)   Existing   Facility  A
Commitments  have been  terminated and no Existing  Facility A Revolving  Credit
Loans,   Existing  Term  Loans  or  Letters  of  Credit  (and  no  reimbursement
obligations)  are  outstanding  under  the  Existing  Credit  Agreement,  (b) an
Existing Facility B Commitment in the amount of $75,000,000  remains outstanding
under the Existing  Credit  Agreement and Existing  Facility B Revolving  Credit
Loans in an aggregate  principal  amount equal to  $36,000,000  are  outstanding
under the Existing Credit Agreement and (c) the Existing  Facility C Commitments
have been terminated and no Existing  Facility C Loans are outstanding under the
Existing Credit Agreement; and

                  WHEREAS,  the Borrower has requested that the Existing Lenders
(which include all of the Persons that on the date hereof are Lenders under, and
as defined in, the Existing  Credit  Agreement) and the Agent agree to amend and
restate the Existing Credit  Agreement,  and the Existing  Lenders and the Agent
are willing to amend and restate the  Existing  Credit  Agreement,  in order to,
among other things,  (a) reinstate the Existing  Facility A Commitments  and set
the initial aggregate amount thereof to be $250,000,000, change the name thereof
to  "Revolving  Credit  Commitments"  and set the amount  thereof  available for
Letters of Credit to be $50,000,000, (b) increase the aggregate principal amount
of the Existing  Facility B Revolving Credit Loans to $550,000,000,  convert the
Existing  Facility B Revolving  Credit Loans into term loans and change the name
thereof to  "Tranche A Term  Loans" and (c) provide for (i) Tranche B Term Loans
(as  defined  herein)  to be made  by  certain  Lenders  to the  Borrower  in an
aggregate  principal amount not exceeding  $200,000,000 and (ii) if agreed to by
the Borrower and one or more Lenders after the date hereof, Tranche C Term Loans
(as  defined  herein)  to be made  by  certain  Lenders  to the  Borrower  in an
aggregate principal amount not exceeding $200,000,000;

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  the  parties  hereto  hereby  agree that the
Existing  Credit  Agreement  shall be amended and restated as of the date hereof
(but subject to Section 7.01 hereof) to read in its entirety as follows:

                                Credit Agreement

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                  Section 1.  Definitions and Accounting Matters.
                  1.01 Certain  Defined  Terms.  As used herein,  the  following
terms shall have the following  meanings (all terms defined in this Section 1.01
or in  other  provisions  of this  Agreement  in the  singular  to have the same
meanings when used in the plural and vice versa):

                  "Acquisitions"   shall   mean  the  River   City   Non-License
Acquisition, the River City License Acquisitions,  the Approved Acquisitions and
the Other Acquisitions.

                  "Additional Corporate Expense" shall have the meaning assigned
to such term in Section 9.16 hereof.

                  "Additional Senior  Subordinated Notes" shall have the meaning
assigned to such term in Section 9.07(c) hereof.

                  "Affiliate" shall mean any Person which directly or indirectly
controls,  or is under common  control with,  or is controlled  by, the Borrower
and,  if such  Person  is an  individual,  any  member of the  immediate  family
(including parents,  spouse and children) of such individual and any trust whose
principal  beneficiary  is  such  individual  or one or  more  members  of  such
immediate  family and any Person who is  controlled by any such member or trust.
As used in this definition, "control" (including, with its correlative meanings,
"controlled by" and "under common control with") shall mean possession, directly
or  indirectly,  of power to direct  or cause the  direction  of  management  or
policies  (whether  through  ownership of  securities  or  partnership  or other
ownership interests, by contract or otherwise), provided that, in any event, any
Person which owns  directly or indirectly  5% or more of the  securities  having
ordinary voting power for the election of directors or other governing body of a
corporation or 5% or more of the partnership or other ownership interests of any
other  Person  (other than as a limited  partner of such other  Person)  will be
deemed  to  control  such  corporation  or  other  Person.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  no individual shall be deemed to be an Affiliate solely by reason of
his or her being a director,  officer or employee of the  Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries  and the  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  shall not be deemed to be
Affiliates of each other.

                  "Affiliate  Guarantee  and  Security  Agreement"  shall mean a
second amended and restated  Guarantee and Security  Agreement  substantially in
the form of Exhibit D hereto between Cunningham, GDLP, KIG and the Agent, as the
same shall be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                                Credit Agreement

                                      - 4 -

                  "Aggregate  Consideration"  shall mean, in connection with any
Acquisition, the aggregate consideration,  in whatever form (including,  without
limitation,  cash  payments,  the  principal  amount  of  promissory  notes  and
Indebtedness  assumed,  the  aggregate  amounts  payable to acquire,  extend and
exercise  any  option,  the  aggregate  amount  payable  under   non-competition
agreements  and  management  agreements,  and the  fair  market  value  of other
Property  delivered)  paid,  delivered  or  assumed  by  the  Borrower  and  its
Subsidiaries for such Acquisition.

                  this  "Agreement"  shall mean this Second Amended and Restated
Credit Agreement, as modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "Ancillary  Documents"  shall mean the River City  Acquisition
Documents,  the Asset Use and Operating Agreements,  the Julian Smith Documents,
the  Carolyn  Smith  Documents,  the  Program  Services  Agreements,  the Senior
Subordinated Notes and the Senior Subordinated Note Indentures.

                  "Applicable  Commitment  Fee  Rate"  shall  mean 1/2 of 1% per
annum;  provided that if the Total  Indebtedness Ratio as at the last day of any
fiscal  quarter of the  Borrower  shall fall  within any of the ranges set forth
below then,  subject to the delivery to the Agent of a  certificate  of a senior
financial  officer of the Borrower  demonstrating  such fact prior to the end of
the next succeeding fiscal quarter,  the "Applicable  Commitment Fee Rate" shall
be reduced to the rate set forth  below  opposite  such range  during the period
commencing on the Quarterly Date on or immediately following the date of receipt
of such  certificate  to but not including the next  succeeding  Quarterly  Date
thereafter (except that notwithstanding the foregoing, the Applicable Commitment
Fee Rate shall not as a consequence of this proviso be so reduced for any period
during which an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing):

          Range of
           Total                             Applicable Commitment
          Indebtedness Ratio                    Fee Rate (% p.a.)
          ------------------                    -----------------

         Greater than or
         equal to 5.50 to 1                       1/2 of 1%

         less than 5.50 to 1
         and greater than or
         equal to 4.00 to 1                       3/8 of 1%

         Less than 4.00 to 1                      1/4 of 1%

                                Credit Agreement

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                  "Applicable  Lending  Office" shall mean,  for each Lender and
for each Type of Loan,  the "Lending  Office" of such Lender (or of an affiliate
of such Lender)  designated for such Type of Loan on the signature  pages hereof
or such other  office of such Lender (or of an affiliate of such Lender) as such
Lender may from time to time specify to the Agent and the Borrower as the office
by which its Loans of such Type are to be made and maintained.

                  "Applicable  Margin" shall mean: (a) with respect to Base Rate
Loans, (i) 1-1/4% per annum for Revolving Credit Loans and Tranche A Term Loans,
(ii)  1-3/4% per annum for Tranche B Term Loans and (iii) the rate per annum for
Tranche C Term Loans  agreed to by the Borrower and the Tranche C Lenders in the
Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice; and (b) with respect to Eurodollar Loans,
(i) 2-1/2% per annum for Revolving  Credit Loans and Tranche A Term Loans,  (ii)
2-3/4%  per  annum  for  Tranche  B Term  Loans and (iii) the rate per annum for
Tranche C Term Loans  agreed to by the Borrower and the Tranche C Lenders in the
Tranche C Term Loan Activation  Notice;  provided that if the Total Indebtedness
Ratio as at the last day of any fiscal quarter of the Borrower shall fall within
any of the ranges set forth below then,  subject to the delivery to the Agent of
a certificate of a senior financial officer of the Borrower  demonstrating  such
fact prior to the end of the next  succeeding  fiscal  quarter,  the "Applicable
Margin" for Revolving  Credit Loans and Tranche A Term Loans shall be reduced to
the rate for the  respective  Type of Loan set forth below  opposite  such range
during the period  commencing on the Quarterly Date on or immediately  following
the date of receipt of such certificate to but not including the next succeeding
Quarterly  Date  thereafter  (except that  notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
Applicable  Margin for any such Loan shall not as a consequence  of this proviso
be so  reduced  for any  period  during  which an Event of  Default  shall  have
occurred and be continuing):

           Range of
            Total                                Applicable Margin (% p.a.)
       Indebtedness Ratio                  Base Rate Loans      Eurodollar Loans
       ------------------                  ---------------      ----------------

         Greater than or
         equal to 6.00 to 1                 1-1/4%                   2-1/2%

         less than 6.00 to 1
         and greater than or
         equal to 5.50 to 1                   1%                     2-1/4%

         less than 5.50 to 1 and
         greater than or equal
         to 5.00 to 1                        3/4%                      2%

                                Credit Agreement

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         less than 5.00 to 1 and
         greater than or equal
         to 4.00 to 1                        1/4%                    1-1/2%

         Less than 4.00 to 1                  0%                     1-1/4%

                  "Approved  Acquisitions"  shall  mean (a) the  acquisition  of
assets and assumption of liabilities in accordance  with the terms hereof by the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to the exercise of the KSMO Option,
(b) the  acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities in accordance  with
the terms  hereof by the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  pursuant to the
exercise of the WSTR Option,  (c) the WYZZ Acquisition,  (d) the consummation of
the acquisition of assets by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to
the exercise of any or all of the WPTT Conversion  Option, the Glencairn Options
and the WDBB Options,  (e) the  acquisition of stock or assets and assumption of
liabilities  relating to WFBC-AM and  WFBC-FM,  Greenville,  South  Carolina and
WORD-AM, Spartanburg,  South Carolina in accordance with the terms hereof by the
Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  pursuant to the exercise of either  option
granted to the Borrower or such Subsidiary  under the Option  Agreement dated as
of July 7, 1995,  as amended,  by and among  Keymarket of South  Carolina,  Inc.
("Keymarket  S.C.")  and the  Borrower  (as  assignee  of River  City),  (f) the
acquisition  of assets and  assumption  of  liabilities  relating to WSPA-AM and
WSPA-FM, Spartanburg,  South Carolina in accordance with the terms hereof by the
Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  pursuant  to the  exercise  of the option
granted to the Borrower or such Subsidiary  under the Option  Agreement dated as
of August 30, 1994, as amended, by and among The Spartan  Radiocasting  Company,
Inc. and the Borrower (as assignee of River City, which, in turn, is assignee of
Keymarket  S.C.),  (g) the  acquisition  of assets (or of the capital  stock (or
other  equity  ownership  interest)  of the Person  that owns such  assets)  and
assumption  of   liabilities   relating  to  WPMR-AM  and  WKRF-FM,   Tobyhanna,
Pennsylvania in accordance with the terms hereof,  (h) the acquisition of assets
and assumption of liabilities  relating to WQEQ-FM,  Freeland,  Pennsylvania and
WXPX-AM, West Hazelton,  Pennsylvania in accordance with the terms hereof by the
Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  pursuant  to the  exercise  of the option
granted to the Borrower or such Subsidiary  under the Option  Agreement dated as
of September 13, 1995, as amended, by and among Friendship Communications,  Inc.
and the Borrower (as assignee of River City),  (i) the acquisition of assets (or
of the capital  stock (or other  equity  ownership  interest) of the Person that
owns such  assets) and  assumption  of  liabilities  relating  to  WWWS(AM)  and
WGR(AM),  Buffalo, New York and (j) the acquisition of assets (or of the capital
stock (or other equity ownership  interest) of the Person that owns such assets)
and assumption of

                                Credit Agreement

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liabilities  relating to WXWX-FM,  Easley, South Carolina,  and WXWZ-FM,  Greer,
South Carolina.

                  "Asset  Use  and  Operating  Agreements"  shall  mean  (a) the
agreements  listed in  Schedule  X hereto  and (b) with  respect  to each  Owned
Station hereafter acquired by the Borrower, an Asset Use and Operating Agreement
entered  into after the date  hereof,  as  contemplated  by Section 9.25 hereof,
between the  Subsidiary  of the Borrower  that operates such Owned Station and a
License Subsidiary with respect to such Owned Station  substantially in the form
of Exhibit G hereto,  in each case as the same may be modified and  supplemented
and in effect from time to time.

                  "Baker   Employment   Agreement"  shall  mean  the  Employment
Agreement  dated as of April 10, 1996 between Barry Baker and the  Borrower,  as
the same may be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "Baker  Stock  Option  Agreement"  shall mean the Stock Option
Agreement  dated as of April 10,  1996  between  Barry  Baker and the  Borrower,
providing, among other things, for the right of Barry Baker to acquire 1,382,435
shares of the  Borrower's  Class A Common Stock on the terms and  conditions set
forth therein,  as the same may be modified and  supplemented and in effect from
time to time.

                  "Base  Rate" shall  mean,  for any day,  the higher of (a) the
Federal  Funds  Rate for such day plus 1/2 of 1% per annum or (b) the Prime Rate
for such day.  Each change in any interest  rate  provided for herein based upon
the Base Rate  resulting from a change in the Base Rate shall take effect at the
time of such change in the Base Rate.

                  "Base Rate  Loans"  shall mean Loans  which bear  interest  at
rates based upon the Base Rate.

                  "Basic  Documents" shall mean,  collectively,  this Agreement,
the Notes, the Letter of Credit Documents, the Security Documents,  each Consent
and Agreement and the Founders Subordination Agreement.

                  "Broadcast  Licenses"  shall mean (a) the  licenses,  permits,
authorizations  or  certificates  to  construct,  own,  operate or  promote  the
Stations granted by the FCC, and all extensions,  additions and renewals thereto
or thereof, and (b) the licenses, permits,  authorizations or certificates which
are  necessary or desirable to construct,  own,  operate or promote the Stations
granted by administrative law courts or any state,  county,  city, town, village
or other local government authority, and all extensions,  additions and renewals
thereto or thereof.

                                Credit Agreement

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                  "Business  Day"  shall  mean (a) any day on  which  commercial
banks are not  authorized  or required to close in New York City and (b) if such
day  relates to a  borrowing  of, a payment or  prepayment  of  principal  of or
interest on, or a Conversion of or into, or an Interest Period for, a Eurodollar
Loan or a notice by the Borrower  with respect to any such  borrowing,  payment,
prepayment, Conversion or Interest Period, which is also a day on which dealings
in Dollar deposits are carried out in the London interbank market.

                  "Capital   Expenditures"   shall   mean,   for   any   period,
expenditures  (including  the  aggregate  amount of  Capital  Lease  Obligations
incurred  during such period)  made by the  Borrower or any of its  Consolidated
Subsidiaries  to  acquire  or  construct  fixed  assets,   plant  and  equipment
(including  renewals,  improvements  and  replacements,  but excluding  repairs)
during such period  computed in  accordance  with GAAP,  but  excluding any such
expenditures made as part of any Acquisition.

                  "Capital Lease  Obligations"  shall mean, for any Person,  the
obligations  of such  Person to pay rent or other  amounts  under a lease of (or
other agreement conveying the right to use) real and/or personal Property to the
extent such  obligations  are required to be  classified  and accounted for as a
capital lease on a balance sheet of such Person under GAAP (including  Statement
of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 13 of the Financial Accounting Standards
Board) and, for purposes of this Agreement, the amount of such obligations shall
be the capitalized amount thereof, determined in accordance with GAAP (including
such Statement No. 13).

                  "Capital  Stock"  shall mean,  as to any  Person,  any and all
shares,  interests,  warrants,  participations  or  other  equivalents  (however
designated) of corporate stock of such Person.

                  "Carolyn  Smith  Documents"  shall  mean the Term  Note  dated
September  30, 1990 of the Borrower  payable to Carolyn C. Smith in the original
face amount of $6,700,000  and all  agreements,  documents or other  instruments
providing  for any  Guarantee  of all or any  portion  of such  Term Note by any
Obligor,  in each case as modified and  supplemented  and in effect from time to

                  "Casualty  Event" shall mean,  with respect to any Property of
any Person,  any loss of or damage to, or any  condemnation  or other taking of,
such  Property  for  which  such  Person  or any of  its  Subsidiaries  receives
insurance proceeds, or proceeds of a condemnation award or other compensation.

                                Credit Agreement

                                      - 9 -

                  "Chase"  shall  mean  The  Chase   Manhattan   Bank  (National
Association) and its successors.

                  "Cincinnati  TV  64"  shall  mean  Cincinnati  TV  64  Limited
Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership.

                  "Class"  shall  have  the  meaning  assigned  to such  term in
Section 1.03 hereof.

                  "Code"  shall  mean the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as
amended from time to time.

                  "Collateral  Account" shall have the meaning  assigned to such
term in Section 10.02 hereof.

                  "Columbus  Option  Agreement"  shall mean the Columbus  Option
Agreement  dated as of May 31,  1996 by and  among the River  City  Sellers,  as
Sellers,  and the Borrower,  as Option Holder, as the same shall be modified and
supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "Commitments" shall mean the Revolving Credit Commitments, the
Tranche A Term Loan  Commitments,  the Tranche B Term Loan  Commitments  and the
Tranche C Term Loan Commitments.

                  "Consent  and  Agreement"  shall mean a Consent and  Agreement
substantially in the form of Exhibit H hereto.

                  "Consolidated  Subsidiary"  shall mean,  for any Person,  each
Subsidiary  of such  Person  (whether  now  existing  or  hereafter  created  or
acquired)  the  financial  statements  of which  shall be (or should  have been)
consolidated  with the financial  statements  of such Person in accordance  with

                  "Continue",  "Continuation" and "Continued" shall refer to the
continuation  pursuant  to Section  2.08  hereof of a  Eurodollar  Loan from one
Interest Period to the next Interest Period.

                  "Contract  Station"  shall mean (a) each  television  or radio
station listed in Part B of Schedule IV hereto and (b) each  television or radio
station that is the subject of an  acquisition  referred to in clause (b) of the
definition  of "Other  Acquisition"  in this  Section  1.01  consummated  by the
Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  on or after the date hereof,  in each case
referred to in the  foregoing  clauses  (a) and (b) until such time,  if any, as
such television or radio station becomes an Owned Station.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 10 -

                  "Convert",  "Conversion"  and  "Converted"  shall  refer  to a
conversion  pursuant  to Section  2.08 or 5.04  hereof of Loans of one Type into
Loans of the other Type,  which may be  accompanied  by the transfer by a Lender
(at its  sole  discretion)  of a Loan  from one  Applicable  Lending  Office  to

                  "Converted Senior  Subordinated  Notes" shall have the meaning
assigned to such term in Section 9.07(h) hereof.

                  "Corporate  Expense" shall mean,  for any period,  all general
and  administrative  expenses of the Borrower for such period. In the event that
any  general  or  administrative  expense  of the type  heretofore  borne by the
Borrower is hereafter  borne by any Subsidiary of the Borrower,  such general or
administrative expense borne by such Subsidiary shall be deemed to be "Corporate
Expense" for the purposes hereof.

                  "Corporate  Employee Stock Option  Agreements"  shall mean the
respective  Stock  Option  Agreements  dated as of April 10,  1996  between  the
Borrower and the respective  River City Corporate  Employees,  providing,  among
other things, for the right of the River City Corporate Employees to acquire, in
the aggregate,  not more than 691,218  shares of the  Borrower's  Class A Common
Stock on the terms and conditions  set forth  therein,  in each case as the same
may be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "Credit  Exposure"  of  a  Lender  shall  mean  the  aggregate
outstanding  principal  amount of the Loans held by such Lender,  the  aggregate
unutilized  amounts  of the  outstanding  Commitment(s)  of such  Lender and the
aggregate amount of Letter of Credit Liabilities of such Lender.

                  "Credit  Parties"  shall mean the Obligors,  Cunningham,  KIG,

                  "CRESAP"  shall  mean  CRESAP  Enterprises,  Inc,  a  Maryland

                  "CRESAP Investment" shall mean the Investment permitted by the
proviso to Section 9.27(e) hereof.

                  "Cunningham"  shall mean  Cunningham  Communications,  Inc., a
Maryland corporation.

                  "Debt Service"  shall mean,  for any period,  the sum, for the
Borrower and its Consolidated  Subsidiaries  (determined on a consolidated basis
without duplication in accordance with GAAP), of the following: (a) all payments
of principal of  Indebtedness  (including,  without  limitation,  the  principal
component of any

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 11 -

payments in respect of Capital  Lease  Obligations)  scheduled to be made during
such  period  plus (b) all  Interest  Expense  for such period plus (c) fees and
other  expenses  payable  in  connection  with this  Agreement  for such  period
(excluding such fees and expenses constituting  transaction costs payable on the
Restatement Effective Date, but including agency fees).

                  "Default"  shall mean an Event of  Default  or an event  which
with notice or lapse of time or both would become an Event of Default.

                  "Designated  Employees  Stock  Option  Plan"  shall  mean  the
Incentive Stock Option Plan for Designated  Participants providing for the right
of certain  employees of the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  to acquire,  in the
aggregate, not more than 68,000 shares of the Borrower's Class A Common Stock.

                  "Disposition"  shall mean any sale,  assignment,  transfer  or
other disposition of any Property  (whether now owned or hereafter  acquired) by
the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  to any  Person  excluding  any sale,
assignment, transfer or other disposition of any Property sold or disposed of in
the ordinary course of business and on ordinary business terms.

                  "Dividend Payment" shall mean dividends (in cash,  Property or
obligations)  on, or other  payments  or  distributions  on  account  of, or the
setting  apart of money  for a  sinking  or other  analogous  fund  for,  or the
purchase,  redemption,  retirement  or other  acquisition  of, any shares of any
class of stock of the  Borrower or of any  warrants,  options or other rights to
acquire the same (or to make any payments to any Person, such as "phantom stock"
payments,  where the amount  thereof is  calculated  with  reference to the fair
market  or  equity  value  of the  Borrower  or any  of its  Subsidiaries),  but
excluding dividends payable solely in shares of capital stock of the Borrower.

                  "Dollars" and "$" shall mean lawful money of the United States
of America.

                  "EBITDA" shall mean, for any period, the sum, for the Borrower
and its Consolidated  Subsidiaries  (determined on a consolidated  basis without
duplication in accordance with GAAP), of the following for such period:  (a) net
operating  income  for such  period  plus (b) taxes to the  extent  deducted  in
determining  net  operating  income for such  period plus (c)  depreciation  and
amortization  (including  film  amortization)  for such period plus (d) Interest
Expense for such  period to the extent  deducted in  determining  net  operating
income  for such  period  plus (e) all  other  non-cash  charges  to the  extent
deducted in determining net operating income for such period minus (f) Film Cash

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 12 -

made or scheduled to be made during such period (but,  to the extent  EBITDA for
such period is  determined on a pro forma basis after giving effect to the River
City Non-License Acquisition,  excluding Film Cash Payments scheduled to be made
but not made by River City during the portion of such period  occurring prior to
the Restatement  Effective  Date) minus (g) Corporate  Expense to the extent not
deducted in determining  net operating  income for such period  (excluding up to
$1,028,000  of bonuses to the extent  paid to the Smith  Brothers  in respect of
services  rendered to the  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  in 1995) plus (h) the
Adjustment Amount (as defined below) for such period minus (i) non-cash revenues
to the extent  included  in net  operating  income for such  period plus (j) the
aggregate amount of Additional  Corporate  Expense and Dividend Payments made by
the Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  as  permitted by Sections  9.09(a) and 9.16
hereof to the extent  deducted  in  determining  net  operating  income for such
period or included in determining  Corporate  Expense  pursuant to the preceding
clause (g) for such period plus (k) Permitted  Termination  Payments (as defined
in Section  9.29 hereof) to the extent  deducted in  determining  net  operating
income for such period or included in determining  Corporate Expense pursuant to
the  preceding  clause (g) for such period plus (l) any WSYX  Extension  Payment
made by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries during such period to the extent
deducted in determining  net operating  income for such period.  For purposes of
this definition,  the "Adjustment Amount" for any period shall mean: (a) if such
period ends before September 30, 1996, $7,780,000, (b) if such period ends on or
after September 30, 1996, but before December 31, 1996, $6,000,000,  (c) if such
period ends on or after December 31, 1996, but before June 30, 1997,  $4,000,000
and (d) if such period ends on or after June 30, 1997, $0. In the event that any
Disposition occurs during any period for which EBITDA is to be calculated,  such
EBITDA shall be calculated as if such  Disposition had occurred on the first day
of such  period  using  such  reasonable  estimates  and pro  forma  adjustments
effected in accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles as the
Borrower  shall  propose  and the Agent and at least one  Managing  Agent  shall

                  "EBITDA  Percentage"  shall  mean,  as  of  the  date  of  the
consummation  of any sale or  exchange  of assets  (or  capital  stock (or other
equity ownership  interest))  contemplated by Section  9.05(d)(iv)  hereof,  the
ratio, expressed as a percentage, obtained by dividing (a) the portion of EBITDA
attributable  to such  assets  for the  twelve-month  period  ending on, or most
recently ended prior to such date by (b) EBITDA for such period.

                  "Environmental  Affiliate"  shall mean,  as to any Person (the
"successor"),  any other Person whose liability (contingent or otherwise) for an
Environmental Claim the successor may have

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 13 -

retained,  assumed or otherwise  become or remained liable for  (contingently or
otherwise),  whether by contract,  operation of law or otherwise;  provided that
each Subsidiary of the successor,  and each former Subsidiary or division of the
successor transferred to another Person, shall in any event be an "Environmental
Affiliate" of the successor.

                  "Environmental  Claim" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
any notice,  claim, demand or other  communication  (whether written or oral) by
any other Person alleging or asserting such Person's liability for investigatory
costs, cleanup costs,  governmental response costs, damages to natural resources
or other Property,  personal injuries,  fines or penalties arising out of, based
on or resulting from (a) the presence,  or Release into the environment,  of any
Hazardous Material at any location,  whether or not owned by such Person, or (b)
circumstances forming the basis of any violation,  or alleged violation,  of any
Environmental Law.

                  "Environmental  Laws" shall mean any and all  Federal,  state,
local and foreign statutes,  laws,  regulations,  ordinances,  rules, judgments,
orders, decrees, permits, concessions,  grants, franchises, licenses, agreements
or other governmental  restrictions relating to the environment or to emissions,
discharges,  Releases  or  threatened  Releases  of  pollutants,   contaminants,
chemicals,  or  industrial,  toxic or  hazardous  substances  or wastes into the
environment  including,  without limitation,  ambient air, surface water, ground
water,  or  land,  or  otherwise   relating  to  the  manufacture,   processing,
distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  disposal,  transport,  or handling of
pollutants,   contaminants,   chemicals,  or  industrial,   toxic  or  hazardous
substances or wastes.

                  "Equity  Issuance"  shall mean (a) any issuance or sale by the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries after the Restatement  Effective Date of (i)
any  capital  stock,  (ii) any  warrants  or options  exercisable  in respect of
capital  stock (other than any warrants or options  relating to capital stock of
the Borrower  issued to directors,  officers or employees of the Borrower or any
of its  Subsidiaries  pursuant  to employee  benefit  plans  established  in the
ordinary  course of business and any capital  stock of the Borrower  issued upon
the  exercise  of such  warrants  or  options)  or (iii) any other  security  or
instrument  representing  an equity  interest (or the right to obtain any equity
interest) in the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  or (b) the receipt by the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries after the Restatement  Effective Date of any
capital contribution  (whether or not evidenced by any equity security issued by
the recipient of such  contribution);  provided that Equity  Issuance  shall not
include (x) any such issuance or sale by any Subsidiary

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 14 -

of the Borrower to the Borrower or any Wholly Owned  Subsidiary  of the Borrower
or (y) any capital  contribution by the Borrower or any Wholly Owned  Subsidiary
of the Borrower to any Subsidiary of the Borrower.

                  "Equity Public  Offering"  shall mean a public Equity Issuance
by the Borrower of its common stock pursuant to a registration  statement  filed
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

                  "Equity  Rights" shall mean,  with respect to any Person,  any
subscriptions,  options, warrants, commitments,  preemptive rights or agreements
of any kind (including,  without  limitation,  any stockholders' or voting trust
agreements)  for the issuance,  sale,  registration  or voting of, or securities
convertible  into,  any  additional  shares of capital  stock of any  class,  or
partnership or other ownership interests of any type in, such Person.

                  "ERISA" shall mean the Employee Retirement Income Security Act
of 1974, as amended from time to time.

                  "ERISA  Affiliate"  shall  mean  any  corporation  or trade or
business  which is a member of the same  controlled  group of  corporations  (a)
described in Section 414(b) or (c) of the Code of which the Borrower is a member
and (b) solely for purposes of potential  liability under Section  302(c)(11) of
ERISA and Section  412(c)(11)  of the Code and the lien  created  under  Section
302(f) of ERISA and Section  412(n) of the Code,  described in Section 414(m) or
(o) of the Code of which the Borrower is a member.

                  "Eurodollar  Base  Rate"  shall  mean,  with  respect  to  any
Eurodollar  Loan for any Interest Period  therefor,  the rate per annum (rounded
upwards,  if  necessary,  to the nearest  1/16 of 1%), as quoted by the Agent at
approximately  11:00 a.m.  London time (or as soon thereafter as practicable) on
the date two Business  Days prior to the first day of such  Interest  Period for
the offering by Chase to leading banks in the London  interbank market of Dollar
deposits  having a term  comparable  to such  Interest  Period  and in an amount
comparable to the principal  amount of the  Eurodollar  Loan to be made by Chase
for such Interest Period.  If Chase is not  participating in any Eurodollar Loan
during any Interest Period therefor,  the Eurodollar Base Rate for such Loan for
such Interest  Period shall be determined by reference to the amount of the Loan
which Chase would have made or had outstanding had it been participating in such
Loan during such Interest Period.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 15 -

                  "Eurodollar  Loans"  shall mean Loans  that bear  interest  at
rates based on rates referred to in the definition of "Eurodollar  Base Rate" in
this Section 1.01.

                  "Eurodollar  Rate" shall mean, for any Eurodollar Loan for any
Interest Period therefor,  a rate per annum (rounded upwards,  if necessary,  to
the nearest 1/100 of 1%)  determined by the Agent to be equal to the  Eurodollar
Base Rate for such Loan for such Interest  Period divided by 1 minus the Reserve
Requirement for such Loan for such Interest Period.

                  "Event of  Default"  shall have the  meaning  assigned to such
term in Section 10.01 hereof.

                  "Excess  Cash  Flow"  shall  mean,  for  any  period,  the sum
(without  duplication)  of (a) EBITDA for such period minus (b) the sum (without
duplication)  of (i) all Debt  Service  during such period plus (ii) all Capital
Expenditures  made by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries  during such period plus
(iii) the excess, if any, of the consolidated Working Investment of the Borrower
and  its  Consolidated   Subsidiaries  at  the  end  of  such  period  over  the
consolidated   Working   Investment   of  the  Borrower  and  its   Consolidated
Subsidiaries  at the  beginning of such period (or minus the excess,  if any, of
such  Working  Investment  at the  beginning  of such period  over such  Working
Investment at the end of such period) plus (c) Film Cash  Payments  scheduled to
have been made, but not made,  during such period minus (d) the aggregate amount
of fees paid by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  to CRESAP during such period
minus (e) the  aggregate  amount of Federal and state  income  taxes paid by the
Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries, net of refunds, for such period.

                  "Existing Credit Agreement" shall have the meaning assigned to
such term in the first "WHEREAS" clause of this Agreement.

                  "Existing  Facility B Revolving  Credit  Loans" shall have the
meaning assigned to such term in the first "WHEREAS" clause of this Agreement.

                  "FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission (or any
successor entity).

                  "Federal  Funds Rate" shall  mean,  for any day,  the rate per
annum (rounded upwards,  if necessary,  to the nearest 1/100 of 1%) equal to the
weighted  average of the rates on  overnight  Federal  funds  transactions  with
members of the Federal  Reserve System arranged by Federal funds brokers on such
day, as  published  by the Federal  Reserve Bank of New York on the Business Day
next succeeding such day, provided that (a) if the day for

                                Credit Agreement

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which such rate is to be  determined  is not a Business  Day, the Federal  Funds
Rate for such day shall be such rate on such  transactions on the next preceding
Business  Day as so published on the next  succeeding  Business  Day, and (b) if
such rate is not so published  for any Business  Day, the Federal Funds Rate for
such day shall be the average rate charged to Chase on such Business Day on such
transactions as determined by the Agent.

                  "Film Cash  Payments"  shall  mean,  for any  period,  the sum
(determined on a consolidated basis and without  duplication) of all payments by
the  Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  made or  scheduled  to be made during such
period in respect of Film  Obligations;  provided  that  amounts  applied to the
prepayment of Film  Obligations  owing under Prepayable Film Contracts shall not
be deemed to be Film Cash  Payments.  For the  purposes  of Section  9.15 hereof
only, (a) if the payment  schedule for a Film  Obligation is modified at no cost
(including,  but not limited to,  interest  costs) to the Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries,  then the payments with respect to such Film  Obligation  shall be
deemed to be scheduled to be made pursuant to such modified schedule and (b) any
down payment on a Film  Obligation  shall be equally  allocated over the term of
the  payment  period for such Film  Obligation  in amount per month  during such
payment period equal to the amount of such down payment divided by the number of
months during such payment period.

                  "Film  Obligations"  shall mean  obligations in respect of the
purchase, use, license or acquisition of programs, programming materials, films,
and similar  assets used in connection  with the business and  operations of the
Borrower and its Subsidiaries.

                  "Final  FCC  Order"  shall mean an order of the FCC that is no
longer  subject  to  reconsideration  or  review  by the FCC or by any  court or
administrative body.

                  "Fixed Charges Ratio" shall mean, as at any date, the ratio of
(a) EBITDA for the period of twelve  consecutive  full calendar months ending on
or most recently  ended prior to such date to (b) the sum for such period of (i)
Debt Service plus (ii) Capital  Expenditures  plus (iii) the aggregate amount of
Federal  and  state  income  taxes  paid by the  Borrower  and its  Consolidated
Subsidiaries,  net of refunds, during such period plus (iv) the aggregate amount
of fees paid by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  to CRESAP during such period
plus (v) Dividend  Payments  made as permitted  by Section  9.09(b)  during such
period plus (vi) the  aggregate  amount of WSYX Option  Extension  Payments made
during  such  period,  except to the  extent  that such  WSYX  Option  Extension
Payments  were paid (x) out of 25% of Excess  Cash Flow for each  fiscal year of
the Borrower ending before the date

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of such  payment  (to the  extent  not  otherwise  applied  by the  Borrower  in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement),  (y) with the proceeds of the
Loans or (z) by means of an Equity Issuance made pursuant to the Columbus Option
Agreement  plus  (vii) the WSYX Sale Price  Differential,  if paid  during  such
period,  except to the extent such WSYX Sale Price Differential was paid (x) out
of 25% of Excess Cash Flow for each fiscal year of the  Borrower  ending  before
the date of such payment (to the extent not otherwise applied by the Borrower in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement),  (y) with the proceeds of the
Loans or (z) by means of an Equity Issuance made pursuant to the Columbus Option

                  "Founders  Notes"  shall  mean  Indebtedness  under the Julian
Smith Documents and Indebtedness under the Carolyn Smith


                  "Founders Subordination Agreement" shall mean a second amended
and  restated  Founders  Subordination  Agreement  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit F hereto  between  Carolyn C. Smith and the Agent,  as the same shall be
modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "FSF-TV"  shall mean FSF-TV,  Inc.,  which  operates WRDC- TV,
Channel 28, a television broadcasting station licensed to Raleigh-Durham,  North
Carolina and serving the Raleigh-Durham area.

                  "GAAP" shall mean  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
applied on a basis  consistent  with those which,  in  accordance  with the last
sentence of Section  1.02(a) hereof,  are to be used in making the  calculations
for purposes of determining compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

                  "GDC" shall mean Gerstell Development Corporation,  a Maryland

                  "GDC  Security  Agreement"  shall  mean a second  amended  and
restated  Security  Agreement  substantially  in the  form of  Exhibit  E hereto
between GDC and the Agent, as the same shall be modified and supplemented and in
effect from time to time.

                  "GDLP" shall mean Gerstell Development Limited Partnership,  a
Maryland limited partnership.

                  "Glencairn"   shall   mean   Glencairn,   Ltd.,   a   Maryland

                                Credit Agreement

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                  "Glencairn Options" shall mean options for the purchase of all
of the issued and outstanding non-voting stock of Glencairn.

                  "Governmental  Authority" shall mean any nation or government,
any state or other  political  subdivision  thereof,  and any entity  exercising
executive,  legislative,  judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or
pertaining  to  government,  and  any  corporation  or  other  entity  owned  or
controlled  (through  stock or capital  ownership  or  otherwise)  by any of the

                  "Guarantee"  shall  mean  a  guarantee,   an  endorsement,   a
contingent  agreement  to  purchase  or to  furnish  funds  for the  payment  or
maintenance of, or otherwise to be or become  contingently  liable under or with
respect to, the Indebtedness,  other obligations,  net worth, working capital or
earnings of any  Person,  or a guarantee  of the payment of  dividends  or other
distributions  upon the stock or equity interests of any Person, or an agreement
to purchase, sell or lease (as lessee or lessor) Property, products,  materials,
supplies  or  services  primarily  for the  purpose of enabling a debtor to make
payment of his,  her or its  obligations  or an  agreement  to assure a creditor
against  loss,  and  including,  without  limitation,  causing  a bank or  other
financial  institution  to issue a letter of credit or other similar  instrument
for the benefit of another Person, but excluding  endorsements for collection or
deposit in the ordinary course of business;  provided that in no event shall the
term "Guarantee" include any Program Services Agreement or any obligations under
any Program Services Agreement. The terms "Guarantee" and "Guaranteed" used as a
verb shall have a correlative meaning.

                  "H and P  Communications"  shall mean H and P  Communications,
Inc., a Nevada  corporation,  that on the date hereof owns 90% of the issued and
outstanding stock of WDBB.

                  "Hazardous  Material"  shall  mean,   collectively,   (a)  any
petroleum or petroleum products,  flammable materials,  explosives,  radioactive
materials,  asbestos,  urea  formaldehyde  foam insulation,  and transformers or
other  equipment  that  contain  polychlorinated  biphenyls  ("PCBs"),  (b)  any
chemicals or other  materials  or  substances  that are now or hereafter  become
defined as or included in the definition of "hazardous  substances,"  "hazardous
wastes,"  "hazardous   materials,"  "extremely  hazardous  wastes,"  "restricted
hazardous  wastes,"  "toxic  substances,"  "toxic  pollutants,"  "contaminants,"
"pollutants" or words of similar import under any  Environmental Law and (c) any
other chemical or other material or substance, exposure to which is now

                                Credit Agreement

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or hereafter prohibited, limited or regulated under any Environmental Law.

                  "Immaterial  Broadcast Licenses" shall mean Broadcast Licenses
(other than main transmitter  licenses,  auxiliary  transmitter licenses (to the
extent in  existence on the date  hereof) and studio  transmitter  links (to the
extent  necessary for the  continued  operation of the  Stations),  in each case
granted by the FCC, and extensions and renewals  thereto or thereof) the absence
of which  individually or together with all other such Broadcast  Licenses could
not have a material  adverse  effect on the  consolidated  financial  condition,
operations or prospects of the Borrower and its Consolidated  Subsidiaries taken
as a whole.

                  "Indebtedness"  shall mean, for any Person:  (a)  indebtedness
created,  issued or incurred by such Person for borrowed  money (whether by loan
or the issuance and sale of debt  securities  or the sale of Property to another
Person subject to an  understanding  or agreement,  contingent or otherwise,  to
repurchase  such Property from such Person);  (b)  obligations of such Person to
pay the deferred  purchase or acquisition  price of Property or services,  other
than trade accounts payable (other than for borrowed money) arising, and accrued
expenses  incurred,  in the  ordinary  course of  business so long as such trade
accounts payable are payable within 90 days of the date the respective goods are
delivered or the respective  services are rendered;  (c)  Indebtedness of others
secured by a Lien on the Property of such Person,  whether or not the respective
Indebtedness so secured has been assumed by such Person; (d) obligations of such
Person in respect of letters of credit or similar instruments issued or accepted
by banks and other  financial  institutions  for  account  of such  Person;  (e)
Capital Lease Obligations of such Person;  (f) Indebtedness of others Guaranteed
by such  Person;  (g)  obligations  of such  Person  under  any  non-competition
agreement,  consulting  agreement  or similar  agreement  (other  than the Baker
Employment  Agreement) entered into in connection with any Acquisition;  and (h)
if the Aggregate Consideration payable by such Person to extend and exercise any
option  acquired in connection  with any Other  Acquisition  (an  "Extension and
Exercise  Price")  exceeds  20%  of  the  Aggregate   Consideration  payable  in
connection  with such Other  Acquisition,  such  Extension  and Exercise  Price;
provided  that in no  event  shall  the  term  "Indebtedness"  include  (i) Film
Obligations  of such Person,  (ii)  obligations of such Person under any Program
Services Agreement,  (iii) the Preferred Stock or the In-Kind Preferred Stock or
(iv)  obligations  of such Person to make WSYX Option  Extension  Payments.  For
purposes of  calculations  hereunder  based upon the amount of  principal  of or
interest  on   Indebtedness,   there  shall  be  excluded   the  effect  of  any
double-counting  of obligations owing by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries
to GDLP in

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respect  of  Property  owned  by GDLP  and  used by the  Borrower  or any of its
Subsidiaries and Guarantees issued by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries of
Capital Lease Obligations  related to such Property permitted by Section 9.07(g)

                  "Initial FCC Order" shall mean an order of the FCC that is not
a Final FCC Order.

                  "In-Kind  Preferred  Stock" shall have the meaning assigned to
such term in the definition of "Preferred Stock" in this Section 1.01.

                  "Interest  Coverage  Ratio"  shall mean,  as at any date,  the
ratio of (a) EBITDA for the period of twelve  consecutive  full calendar  months
ending on or most recently ended prior to such date to (b) Interest  Expense for
such period.

                  "Interest  Expense" shall mean,  for any period,  the sum, for
the Borrower and its  Consolidated  Subsidiaries  (determined  on a consolidated
basis without  duplication in accordance with GAAP),  of the following:  (a) all
interest in respect of  Indebtedness  accrued or capitalized  during such period
(whether  or not  actually  paid during  such  period)  plus (b) the net amounts
payable (or minus the net amounts  receivable)  under  Interest Rate  Protection
Agreements  accrued during such period (whether or not actually paid or received
during such period)  minus (c) all cash  interest  income  received  during such
period. Any reference herein to calculating Interest Expense for any period on a
"pro forma" basis shall mean that, for purposes of the preceding clause (a), (i)
the  Indebtedness on the basis of which Interest  Expense is so calculated shall
mean  Indebtedness  outstanding  as of the relevant  date of  calculation  after
giving effect to any repayments and any incurrence of  Indebtedness on such date
and  (ii)  such  calculation  shall be made  applying  the  respective  rates of
interest in effect for such Indebtedness on such date.  Subject to the preceding
sentence,  any reference herein to calculating Interest Expense for any period a
portion of which falls before the Restatement  Effective Date shall be deemed to
mean Interest Expense for the portion of such period consisting of full calendar
months falling after the Restatement Effective Date multiplied by a fraction the
numerator of which is twelve and the  denominator of which is the number of such
full calendar months included in such period.  In the event that any Disposition
occurs  during any period for which  Interest  Expense is to be  calculated  and
Loans are prepaid or  Commitments  are  reduced in  connection  therewith,  such
Interest  Expense shall be calculated as if such  prepayments and reductions had
occurred on the first day of such period using such reasonable estimates and pro
forma adjustments effected in accordance with generally

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accepted  accounting  principles as the Borrower shall propose and the Agent and
at least one Managing Agent shall approve.

                  "Interest  Period" shall mean,  with respect to any Eurodollar
Loan,  each  period  commencing  on the  date  such  Eurodollar  Loan is made or
Converted from a Base Rate Loan or (in the event of a Continuation) the last day
of  the  next  preceding  Interest  Period  for  such  Loan  and  ending  on the
numerically  corresponding  day in the  first,  second,  third,  sixth  or ninth
calendar  month  thereafter,  as the  Borrower may select as provided in Section
4.05  hereof,  except that each  Interest  Period  which  commences  on the last
Business  Day  of a  calendar  month  (or on  any  day  for  which  there  is no
numerically  corresponding  day in the  appropriate  subsequent  calendar month)
shall end on the last Business Day of the appropriate subsequent calendar month.

Notwithstanding the foregoing:

                  (a) if any Interest Period for any Revolving Credit Loan would
         otherwise end after the Revolving Credit  Commitment  Termination Date,
         such  Interest  Period  shall end on the  Revolving  Credit  Commitment
         Termination Date;

                  (b) no  Interest  Period  for any  Revolving  Credit  Loan may
         commence before and end after any Revolving Credit Commitment Reduction
         Date unless,  after giving  effect  thereto,  the  aggregate  principal
         amount of the Revolving  Credit Loans having Interest Periods which end
         after  such  Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Reduction  Date  plus  such
         Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment  Percentage of outstanding Letters
         of Credit that expire after such Revolving Credit Commitment  Reduction
         Date,  shall be  equal to or less  than  the  aggregate  amount  of the
         Revolving Credit  Commitments  scheduled to be outstanding after giving
         effect to the  reductions  thereof  to occur on such  Revolving  Credit
         Commitment Reduction Date;

                  (c) no  Interest  Period  for  any  Tranche  A Term  Loan  may
         commence  before and end after any  Tranche A  Principal  Payment  Date
         unless,  after giving effect thereto, the aggregate principal amount of
         the Tranche A Term Loans having  Interest  Periods which end after such
         Tranche A  Principal  Payment  Date  shall be equal to or less than the
         aggregate  principal  amount of  Tranche A Term Loans  scheduled  to be
         outstanding  after giving effect to the payments of principal  required
         to be made on such Tranche A Principal Payment Date;

                  (d) no  Interest  Period  for  any  Tranche  B Term  Loan  may
         commence  before and end after any  Tranche B  Principal  Payment  Date
         unless, after giving effect thereto, the

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         aggregate  principal amount of the Tranche B Term Loans having Interest
         Periods which end after such Tranche B Principal  Payment Date shall be
         equal to or less than the aggregate  principal amount of Tranche B Term
         Loans  scheduled to be outstanding  after giving effect to the payments
         of principal  required to be made on such  Tranche B Principal  Payment

                  (e) no  Interest  Period  for  any  Tranche  C Term  Loan  may
         commence  before and end after any  Tranche C  Principal  Payment  Date
         unless,  after giving effect thereto, the aggregate principal amount of
         the Tranche C Term Loans having  Interest  Periods which end after such
         Tranche C  Principal  Payment  Date  shall be equal to or less than the
         aggregate  principal  amount of  Tranche C Term Loans  scheduled  to be
         outstanding  after giving effect to the payments of principal  required
         to be made on such Tranche C Principal Payment Date;

                  (f) each  Interest  Period which would  otherwise end on a day
         which is not a Business Day shall end on the next  succeeding  Business
         Day  (or,  if such  next  succeeding  Business  Day  falls  in the next
         succeeding calendar month, on the next preceding Business Day); and

                  (g) notwithstanding clauses (a) through (e) above, no Interest
         Period  shall  have a  duration  of less  than one  month  and,  if the
         Interest  Period for any Eurodollar  Loan would  otherwise be a shorter
         period, such Loan shall not be available hereunder for such period.

                  "Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreement"  shall  mean,  for any
Person,  an interest rate swap, cap or collar  agreement or similar  arrangement
between such Person and a financial  institution  providing  for the transfer or
mitigation of interest risks either generally or under specific contingencies.

                  "Investment"  shall mean, for any Person:  (a) the acquisition
(whether for cash,  Property,  services or  securities  or otherwise) of capital
stock,  bonds,  notes,  debentures,  partnership or other ownership interests or
other  securities  of any  other  Person  or any  agreement  to  make  any  such
acquisition (including,  without limitation, any "short sale" or any sale of any
securities at a time when such  securities are not owned by the Person  entering
into such short sale);  (b) the making of any deposit with, or advance,  loan or
other  extension  of credit to, any other  Person  (including  the  purchase  of
Property  from  another  Person  subject  to  an   understanding  or  agreement,
contingent or otherwise,  to resell such Property to such Person,  but excluding
any such advance, loan or extension of credit having a term not

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exceeding 90 days  representing the purchase price of programming,  advertising,
inventory  or supplies  sold in the  ordinary  course of  business);  or (c) the
entering into of any Guarantee of, or other  contingent  obligation with respect
to,   Indebtedness   or  other  liability  of  any  other  Person  and  (without
duplication)  any amount  committed  to be  advanced,  lent or  extended to such

                  "Issuing Bank" shall mean Chase.
                  "Julian  Smith  Documents"  shall mean (a) the Term Note dated
September  30, 1990 of the  Borrower  payable to Julian S. Smith in the original
face amount of $7,515,000  and  heretofore  assigned to Carolyn C. Smith and (b)
all agreements,  documents or other  instruments  providing for any Guarantee of
all or any portion of such Term Note by any Obligor.

                  "Kansas  City TV 62"  shall  mean  Kansas  City TV 62  Limited
Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership.

                  "KIG" shall mean Keyser  Investment  Group,  Inc.,  a Maryland

                  "KRRT-TV"  shall  mean  KRRT-TV,  a  television   broadcasting
station licensed to San Antonio, Texas and serving the San Antonio area.

                  "KSMO Option" shall mean the Option  Agreement dated as of May
24, 1994 between  Kansas City TV 62 and the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries
(as assignee of the Smith Brothers) providing for the grant by Kansas City TV 62
to the  Borrower  or such  Subsidiary  of an option to  acquire  the  Properties
relating to KSMO-TV  referred  to therein as "Station  Assets" and to assume the
liabilities relating to KSMO-TV referred to therein as "Assumed Liabilities", as
the same may be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "KSMO-TV"  shall  mean  KSMO-TV,  a  television   broadcasting
station licensed to Kansas City, Missouri and serving the Kansas City area.

                  "Letter of Credit"  shall have the  meaning  assigned  to such
term in Section 2.10 hereof.

                  "Letter of Credit  Documents"  shall mean,  collectively,  any
application  for a Letter  of  Credit  and any  other  agreements,  instruments,
guarantees or other documents (whether general in application or applicable only
to such  Letter  of  Credit)  governing  or  providing  for (a) the  rights  and
obligations  of the parties  concerned or at risk with respect to such Letter of
Credit or (b) any collateral security for any of such

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obligations,  each as the same may be modified  and  supplemented  and in effect
from time to time.

                  "Letter of Credit  Interest"  shall mean,  for each  Revolving
Credit Lender, such Revolving Credit Lender's participation interest (or, in the
case of the Issuing Bank, the Issuing Bank's  retained  interest) in the Issuing
Bank's  liability  under Letters of Credit and such  Revolving  Credit  Lender's
rights and interests in Reimbursement  Obligations and fees,  interest and other
amounts  payable  in  connection  with  Letters  of  Credit  and   Reimbursement

                  "Letter of Credit Liability" shall mean, without  duplication,
at any time, the sum of (a) the undrawn face amount of all  outstanding  Letters
of Credit plus (b) the aggregate unpaid  principal  amount of all  Reimbursement
Obligations  of the  Borrower  at such time due and  payable  in  respect of all
drawings  made under all Letters of Credit.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  a
Revolving  Credit Lender (other than the Issuing Bank) shall be deemed to hold a
Letter of Credit Liability in an amount equal to its  participation  interest in
all outstanding  Letters of Credit and the aggregate  unpaid principal amount of
all Reimbursement  Obligations  under Section 2.10 hereof,  and the Issuing Bank
shall be deemed to hold a Letter of Credit  Liability  in an amount equal to its
retained interest in all outstanding  Letters of Credit and the aggregate unpaid
principal  amount of all  Reimbursement  Obligations  after giving effect to the
acquisition by the Revolving Credit Lenders other than the Issuing Bank of their
participation interests under said Section 2.10.

                  "License  Subsidiaries"  shall mean,  (a) with respect to each
Station  that is an Owned  Station on the date  hereof,  the  Subsidiary  of the
Borrower  listed on Schedule IV hereto as the holder of the  Broadcast  Licenses
for such  Owned  Station  and (b) with  respect to any Owned  Station  hereafter
acquired  by the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries,  the  Subsidiary  of the
Borrower  formed,  created,  or  acquired  after the date  hereof that holds the
Broadcast Licenses for such Owned Station.

                  "Lien" shall mean, with respect to any Property, any mortgage,
lien, pledge, charge, security interest or encumbrance of any kind in respect of
such Property. For purposes of this Agreement and the other Basic Documents, the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries shall be deemed to own subject to a Lien any
Property  which it has acquired or holds  subject to the interest of a vendor or
lessor  under any  conditional  sale  agreement,  capital  lease or other  title
retention agreement (other than an operating lease) relating to such Property.

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                  "Loans"  shall mean  Revolving  Credit  Loans,  Tranche A Term
Loans, Tranche B Term Loans and Tranche C Term Loans.

                  "Majority Revolving Credit Lenders" shall mean, subject to the
last paragraph of Section 12.04 hereof, Revolving Credit Lenders having at least
51% of the  aggregate  amount of the  Revolving  Credit  Commitments  or, if the
Revolving Credit  Commitments  shall have  terminated,  Revolving Credit Lenders
holding at least 51% of the sum of (a) the aggregate  unpaid principal amount of
the Revolving Credit Loans plus (b) the aggregate amount of all Letter of Credit

                  "Majority  Tranche A Lenders" shall mean,  subject to the last
paragraph of Section 12.04 hereof,  Tranche A Lenders having at least 51% of the
aggregate  amount of the  Tranche A Term Loan  Commitments  or, if the Tranche A
Term Loan Commitments shall have terminated,  Tranche A Lenders holding at least
51% of the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Tranche A Term Loans.

                  "Majority  Tranche B Lenders" shall mean,  subject to the last
paragraph of Section 12.04 hereof,  Tranche B Lenders having at least 51% of the
aggregate  amount of the  Tranche B Term Loan  Commitments  or, if the Tranche B
Term Loan Commitments shall have terminated,  Tranche B Lenders holding at least
51% of the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Tranche B Term Loans.

                  "Majority  Tranche C Lenders" shall mean,  subject to the last
paragraph of Section 12.04 hereof,  Tranche C Lenders having at least 51% of the
aggregate  amount of the  Tranche C Term Loan  Commitments  or, if the Tranche C
Term Loan Commitments shall have terminated,  Tranche C Lenders holding at least
51% of the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Tranche C Term Loans.

                  "Majority  Lenders" shall mean,  subject to the last paragraph
of Section 12.04 hereof, Lenders holding at least 51% of the aggregate amount of
the  Credit  Exposures  of  all of  the  Lenders  outstanding  at  the  time  of
determination.  For  purposes  of the  foregoing  calculations  there  shall  be
excluded any Credit Exposure  directly or indirectly held by the Borrower or any
of its  Subsidiaries  or any of their  Affiliates  following  an  assignment  or
participation as contemplated by Section 12.06 hereof.

                  "Managing  Agents"  shall mean Bankers  Trust  Company,  First
Union National Bank of North Carolina and NationsBank,  N.A., excluding any such
Person that, at the time of determination,  is not a Lender hereunder.  If there
are no Managing Agents at the time of  determination,  each reference  herein to
one or more Managing Agents shall be deemed to refer to the Agent.

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                  "Margin  Stock"  shall mean margin stock within the meaning of
Regulations G, U and X.

                  "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean a material adverse effect
on (a) the Property,  business,  operations,  financial condition,  liabilities,
prospects or  capitalization  of the Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries,  or of the
Stations,  taken as a whole,  (b) the  ability  of any  Person  to  perform  its
obligations  under any of the Transaction  Documents to which it is a party, (c)
the validity or enforceability of any of the Basic Documents, (d) the rights and
remedies of the Lenders  and the Agent under any of the Basic  Documents  or (e)
the  timely  payment  of  the  principal  of or  interest  on the  Loans  or the
Reimbursement Obligations or other amounts payable under any Basic Document.

                  "Material Third-Party Licensee" shall mean (a) each River City
Seller that holds a  Broadcast  License for any  Contract  Station,  (b) each of
Glencairn  and  its  Subsidiaries  if,  and for so long  as,  Glencairn  or such
Subsidiary,  as the case may be,  holds a  Broadcast  License  for any  Contract
Station,  (c) each Person holding a Broadcast License for WPTT-TV,  a television
broadcasting  station  licensed  to  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  and  serving the
Pittsburgh  area,  until such time,  if any,  that such  station  ceases to be a
Contract Station, (d) each Person holding a Broadcast License for KRRT-TV, until
such time, if any, that such station  ceases to be a Contract  Station,  and (e)
each  Person  holding a  Broadcast  License for any  Contract  Station  acquired
pursuant  to an  Other  Acquisition  for an  Aggregate  Consideration  exceeding

                  "Mortgage" shall mean each mortgage,  deed of trust or similar
instrument  executed  and  delivered  to the Agent  prior to the date  hereof or
pursuant to Section 9.28 of this Agreement,  as modified and supplemented and in
effect from time to time, including without limitation (in the case of Mortgages
executed and delivered  pursuant to the Existing Credit  Agreement) by operation
of the Mortgage Amendments.

                  "Mortgage  Amendments" shall mean instruments  satisfactory to
the Agent in form and substance  amending those Mortgages that were executed and
delivered to the Agent prior to the date hereof.

                  "Multiemployer  Plan" shall mean a multiemployer  plan defined
as such in Section 3(37) of ERISA to which  contributions  have been made by the
Borrower or any ERISA Affiliate and which is covered by Title IV of ERISA.

                  "Net Assets" shall mean, with respect to any Subsidiary
Guarantor as at any date, an amount equal to the excess of the

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fair saleable value of the assets of such  Subsidiary  Guarantor as at such date
(without  taking into  account  the rights of such  Subsidiary  Guarantor  under
Section 6.07  hereof),  and  excluding the value of the shares of stock owned by
such  Subsidiary  Guarantor  in any  other  Subsidiary  Guarantor  party to this
Agreement  on such  date  over the  amount  that  would be  required  to pay the
probable  liabilities of such  Subsidiary  Guarantor  determined as at such date
(excluding the obligations of such Subsidiary  Guarantor under Section 6 hereof)
on all of its debts.

                  "Net Available Proceeds" shall mean:
                  (a) in the case of any  Disposition,  an amount (not less than
         zero) equal to the amount of Net Cash Payments received by the Borrower
         and its Subsidiaries in connection with such Disposition;

                  (b) in the case of any Casualty Event, the aggregate amount of
         proceeds  of  insurance,  condemnation  awards  and other  compensation
         received  by the  Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  in  respect  of such
         Casualty Event net of (i) reasonable  expenses incurred by the Borrower
         and its  Subsidiaries  in connection  therewith and (ii)  contractually
         required  repayments of Indebtedness to the extent secured by a Lien on
         the Property to which such  Casualty  Event  relates and any income and
         transfer  taxes  payable by the  Borrower  any of its  Subsidiaries  in
         respect of such Casualty Event;

                  (c) in the case of any Equity  Issuance,  the aggregate amount
         of all cash received by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries in respect of
         such  Equity  Issuance  net  of  reasonable  expenses  incurred  by the
         Borrower and its Subsidiaries in connection therewith; and

                  (d) in the  case  of any  issuance  of any  Additional  Senior
         Subordinated  Notes,  the  aggregate  principal  amount  thereof net of
         reasonable  expenses  incurred by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries in
         connection therewith.

                  "Net  Cash   Payments"   shall  mean,   with  respect  to  any
Disposition,  the  aggregate  amount of all cash  payments  (including,  without
limitation,  all cash payments  received by way of deferred payment of principal
pursuant to a note or installment receivable or otherwise,  but only as and when
received), and the fair market value of any non-cash consideration,  received by
the Borrower or its Subsidiaries  directly or indirectly in connection with such
Disposition;  provided that (a) Net Cash Payments shall be net of (i) the amount
of any legal,  title and recording tax expenses,  commissions and other fees and
expenses paid by the Borrower and

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its Subsidiaries in connection with such Disposition and (ii) any Federal, state
and local income or other taxes  estimated to be payable by the Borrower and its
Subsidiaries as a result of such  Disposition  (but only to the extent that such
estimated  taxes are in fact paid to the  relevant  Governmental  Authority  not
later than three  months (in the case of Federal  taxes) or nine  months (in the
case of  other  taxes)  after  the  date of such  Disposition)  and (b) Net Cash
Payments  shall  be  net  of  any  repayments  by  the  Borrower  or  any of its
Subsidiaries of Indebtedness to the extent that (i) such Indebtedness is secured
by a Lien on the Property that is the subject of such  Disposition  and (ii) the
transferee  of (or  holder  of a Lien  on)  such  Property  requires  that  such
Indebtedness be repaid as a condition to the Disposition of such Property.

                  "Net Cash Revenues" shall mean, for any period, the sum of (a)
gross cash  operating  revenues of the  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  for such
period minus (b) the aggregate amount of sales commissions payable in respect of
advertising  or air time sold during such  period  (whether  payable to national
advertising representatives, to advertising agencies or to third parties).

                  "1995  Senior  Subordinated  Note  Indenture"  shall  mean the
Indenture  dated as of August  28,  1995  among  the  Borrower,  certain  of its
Subsidiaries  and United States Trust  Company of New York,  as trustee,  as the
same shall,  subject to Section 9.24 hereof, be modified and supplemented and in
effect from time to time.

                  "1995  Senior  Subordinated  Notes"  shall mean the 10% Senior
Subordinated  Notes  due 2005  issued  by the  Borrower  under  the 1995  Senior
Subordinated Note Indenture,  as the same shall, subject to Section 9.24 hereof,
be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "1993  Senior  Subordinated  Note  Indenture"  shall  mean the
Indenture  dated as of  December  9, 1993  among the  Borrower,  certain  of its
Subsidiaries and First Union National Bank of North Carolina, as trustee, as the
same shall,  subject to Section 9.24 hereof, be modified and supplemented and in
effect from time to time.

                  "1993  Senior  Subordinated  Notes"  shall mean the 10% Senior
Subordinated  Notes  due 2003  issued  by the  Borrower  under  the 1993  Senior
Subordinated Note Indenture,  as the same shall, subject to Section 9.24 hereof,
be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "Notes" shall mean the Revolving  Credit Notes,  the Tranche A
Term Loan Notes, the Tranche B Term Loan Notes and the

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Tranche C Term Loan Notes.

                  "Other  Acquisition"  shall  mean (a) the  acquisition  by the
Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  in  accordance  with the terms  hereof of
substantially  all of  the  assets  (including,  without  limitation,  Broadcast
Licenses)  of a  television  or radio  station in the United  States in a single
transaction  (i.e., not by means of the acquisition of an option for such assets
and the  subsequent  exercise of such option),  (b) (i) the  acquisition  by the
Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  in accordance with the terms hereof of (x)
substantially  all of the  assets  (other  than  Broadcast  Licenses  and  other
Property required pursuant to the rules and regulations of the FCC to be sold in
connection  with the transfer of such  Broadcast  Licenses)  of a television  or
radio  station in the United  States and (y) an option to acquire the  Broadcast
Licenses and such other assets of such  television or radio station and (ii) the
entering  into  by the  Borrower  or any of  its  Subsidiaries  of an  agreement
contemplated by clause (b) of the definition of "Program Services  Agreement" in
this Section  1.01 with respect to such  station,  (c) the  consummation  of the
acquisition of assets by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries pursuant to the
exercise of an option referred to in the preceding clause (b)(y),  together with
the termination of the related  Program  Services  Agreement  referred to in the
preceding  clause (b)(ii) and (d) the acquisition of assets or capital stock (or
other equity ownership interest) of any Person pursuant to an exchange permitted
by Section  9.05(d)(iv)(y)  hereof;  provided that the term "Other  Acquisition"
shall  not  include  the  River  City  Non-License  Acquisition  or any  Subject
Acquisition.  As used in this  definition,  the  acquisition  of assets shall be
deemed to include  reference to the  acquisition of the voting capital stock (or
other  equity  ownership  interest)  of the  Person  that owns such  assets  and
references to the  acquisition and exercise of an option to acquire assets shall
be deemed to  include  the  acquisition  and  exercise  of the option to acquire
voting  capital  stock (or other equity  ownership  interest) of the Person that
owns such assets.

                  "Owned  Station"  shall  mean  (a)  each  television  or radio
station  listed in Part A of Schedule IV hereto and (b) any  television or radio
station the  Broadcast  Licenses of which become owned by the Borrower or any of
its Subsidiaries on or after the date hereof.

                  "PBGC" shall mean the Pension Benefit Guaranty  Corporation or
any entity succeeding to any or all of its functions under ERISA.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 30 -

                  "Permitted Investments" shall mean, for any Person: (a) direct
obligations  of the  United  States of  America,  or of any agency  thereof,  or
obligations  guaranteed  as to principal  and  interest by the United  States of
America, or of any agency thereof, in either case maturing not more than 90 days
from the date of acquisition thereof by such Person; (b) certificates of deposit
issued  by any bank or trust  company  organized  under  the laws of the  United
States of America or any state thereof and having capital, surplus and undivided
profits of at least  $500,000,000,  maturing not more than 90 days from the date
of acquisition  thereof by such Person;  and (c)  commercial  paper rated A-2 or
better or P-2 or better by Standard & Poor's Ratings Group or Moody's  Investors
Service,  Inc.,  respectively,  maturing  not more than 90 days from the date of
acquisition thereof by such Person.

                  "Person"  shall  mean any  individual,  corporation,  company,
voluntary  association,   partnership,   joint  venture,  trust,  unincorporated
organization  or  government  (or  any  agency,   instrumentality  or  political
subdivision thereof).

                  "Plan"   shall  mean  an   employee   benefit  or  other  plan
established  or maintained  by the Borrower or any ERISA  Affiliate and which is
covered by Title IV of ERISA, other than a Multiemployer Plan.

                  "Post-Default  Interest  Condition" shall mean (a) the failure
by the Borrower to pay when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration, by
mandatory  prepayment or otherwise)  any principal  amount of any Loan,  Note or
Reimbursement  Obligation,  (b) the  failure  by the  Borrower  to pay  when due
(whether  at stated  maturity,  by  acceleration,  by  mandatory  prepayment  or
otherwise) any other amount payable by the Borrower  hereunder or under any Note
for more than three  Business  Days or (c) the  existence  of any other Event of

                  "Post-Default  Rate"  shall mean a rate per annum equal to the
Post-Default Margin (as defined below) plus the Base Rate as in effect from time
to time plus the Applicable Margin,  provided that, as applied to principal of a
Eurodollar Loan, the "Post-Default  Rate" shall be the Post-Default  Margin plus
the  interest  rate for such Loan as provided  in Section  3.02(b)  hereof.  For
purposes of this definition,  the "Post-Default  Margin" shall mean 2% per annum
or, if at the time of  determination  the  Borrower  has  failed to pay when due
(whether  at stated  maturity,  by  acceleration,  by  mandatory  prepayment  or
otherwise)  any amount  payable by the Borrower  hereunder or under any Note and
such failure shall be continuing, 5% per annum.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 31 -

                  "Preferred Stock" shall mean (a) Preferred Stock issued by the
Borrower  after the date  hereof  and on or before  June 30,  1997 (i) having an
aggregate  liquidation  preference  not exceeding  $300,000,000  (excluding  the
aggregate liquidation preference of the In-Kind Preferred Stock), (ii) providing
for a  dividend  for  each  share  thereof  at a rate not  exceeding  15% of the
liquidation  preference  of such share,  (iii)  allowing  the  Borrower,  at its
option,  with respect to dividends  accruing,  accreting or  accumulating  on or
before the fifth  anniversary of the date of initial  issuance of such Preferred
Stock,  to pay  such  dividends  in lieu of cash by  issuing  additional  shares
thereof having an aggregate  liquidation  preference equal to the amount of such
dividends  that are payable at the time of issuance  of such  additional  shares
(such additional shares being referred to herein as "In-Kind  Preferred Stock"),
(iv) which neither the Borrower nor any of its  Subsidiaries  may be required to
repurchase  or redeem or make sinking fund  payments with respect to at any time
or under any circumstances  before June 30, 2008, (v) which are convertible into
Converted  Senior  Subordinated  Notes as provided in Section  9.07(h) hereof or
into the Borrower's Class A Common Stock and (vi) the other terms and conditions
of which are  satisfactory  to the Majority  Lenders and (b) any Preferred Stock
(the  "Replacement  Preferred Stock") issued in exchange for the Preferred Stock
referred to in the preceding clause (a) or the In-Kind Preferred Stock, provided
that such Replacement  Preferred Stock shall have the same aggregate liquidation
preference as the Preferred  Stock for which it is exchanged and satisfy clauses
(ii) through (vi) of the preceding clause (a).

                  "Prepayable Film Contract" shall mean a contract  evidencing a
Film  Obligation  in  which  the  amount  owed  by  the  Borrower  or any of its
Subsidiaries under such contract exceeds the remaining value of such contract to
the Borrower or such Subsidiary, as reasonably determined by the Borrower.

                  "Prime Rate" shall mean the rate of interest from time to time
announced by Chase at its principal office as its prime commercial lending rate.

                  "Program  Services  Agreements"  shall mean (a) the agreements
listed in Schedule VIII hereto and (b) any  agreement  having a term of not less
than ten years  entered into by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  (other
than License  Subsidiaries) in accordance with Section 9.29 hereof as part of an
Other  Acquisition  relating  to a  Contract  Station  or in  connection  with a
disposition of property in accordance with Section 9.05(d)(iii) hereof, pursuant
to which agreement the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  (other than License
Subsidiaries) will obtain the right to program and sell

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 32 -

advertising  on a substantial  portion of such Contract  Station's  inventory of
broadcast time.

                  "Property"  shall mean any right or interest in or to property
of any kind whatsoever,  whether real, personal or mixed and whether tangible or
intangible, and including all Broadcast Licenses.

                  "Quarterly  Dates" shall mean the last  Business Day of March,
June, September and December in each year, the first of which shall be the first
such day after the date of this Agreement.

                  "Registered  Holder"  shall have the meaning  assigned to such
term in Section 5.07(a)(ii) hereof.

                  "Registered Loan" shall have the meaning assigned to such term
in Section 2.07(g) hereof.

                  "Registered Note" shall have the meaning assigned to such term
in Section 2.07(g) hereof.

                  "Regulations  A,  D,  G, U and X"  shall  mean,  respectively,
Regulations  A, D, G, U and X of the Board of Governors  of the Federal  Reserve
System (or any successor),  as the same may be amended or supplemented from time
to time.

                  "Regulatory  Change"  shall mean,  with respect to any Lender,
any change after the date of this Agreement in United States  Federal,  state or
foreign law or regulations (including, without limitation,  Regulation D) or the
adoption or making after such date of any  interpretation,  directive or request
applying to a class of banks including such Lender of or under any United States
Federal, state or foreign law or regulations (whether or not having the force of
law and whether or not failure to comply  therewith  would be  unlawful)  by any
court or governmental or monetary  authority charged with the  interpretation or
administration thereof.

                  "Reimbursement  Obligations"  shall  mean,  at any  time,  the
obligations of the Borrower then  outstanding,  or which may thereafter arise in
respect of Letters of Credit,  to reimburse  amounts paid by the Issuing Bank in
respect of any drawings thereunder.

                  "Release" shall mean any release,  spill,  emission,  leaking,
pumping,  injection,  deposit,  disposal,  discharge,   dispersal,  leaching  or
migration into the indoor or outdoor environment, including, without limitation,
the movement of

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 33 -

Hazardous  Materials  through  ambient air, soil,  surface water,  ground water,
wetlands, land or subsurface strata.

                  "Relevant Corporation" shall have the meaning assigned to such
term in Section 7.01(a)(i) hereof.

                  "Reserve  Requirement" shall mean, for any Interest Period for
any Eurodollar  Loan, the average maximum rate at which reserves  (including any
marginal,  supplemental  or emergency  reserves)  are required to be  maintained
during such  Interest  Period under  Regulation D by member banks of the Federal
Reserve  System in New York City with  deposits  exceeding  one billion  Dollars
against  "Eurocurrency  liabilities"  (as such  term is used in  Regulation  D).
Without  limiting the effect of the  foregoing,  the Reserve  Requirement  shall
include any other  reserves  required to be  maintained  by such member banks by
reason of any Regulatory  Change  against (a) any category of liabilities  which
includes  deposits  by  reference  to which  the  Eurodollar  Base Rate is to be
determined  as  provided in the  definition  of  "Eurodollar  Base Rate" in this
Section 1.01 or (b) any category of  extensions  of credit or other assets which
includes Eurodollar Loans.

                  "Restatement  Effective Date" shall mean the date on which the
Agent notifies the parties hereto that the conditions to effectiveness set forth
in Section 7.01 hereof shall have been satisfied or waived.

                  "Revolving Credit Commitment" shall mean, as to each Revolving
Credit Lender, the obligation of such Lender to make Revolving Credit Loans, and
to issue or participate in Letters of Credit pursuant to Section 2.10 hereof, in
an aggregate  principal or face amount at any one time outstanding up to but not
exceeding  the amount set opposite  such Lender's name on Schedule XI hereto or,
in the case of a Person that becomes a Revolving  Credit  Lender  pursuant to an
assignment  permitted by Section  12.06 hereof,  as specified in the  respective
instrument of assignment  pursuant to which such assignment is effected (in each
case as the same may be  reduced  at any time or from time to time  pursuant  to
Section 2.03 hereof).  The aggregate amount of Revolving  Credit  Commitments on
the date hereof is $250,000,000.

                  "Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Percentage"  shall mean,  with
respect  to any  Revolving  Credit  Lender,  the ratio of (a) the  amount of the
Revolving Credit Commitment of such Revolving Credit Lender to (b) the aggregate
amount  of the  Revolving  Credit  Commitments  of all of the  Revolving  Credit
Lenders.  If, at the time of determination  of the Revolving  Credit  Commitment
Percentage  of any  Revolving  Credit Lender or Revolving  Credit  Lenders,  the
Revolving Credit Commitments have terminated,  such determination  shall be made
upon the basis of the Revolving

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 34 -

Credit Commitments as in effect immediately prior to such termination.

                  "Revolving Credit  Commitment  Reduction Dates" shall mean (a)
the nineteen consecutive Quarterly Dates beginning on the Quarterly Date falling
on or nearest to March 31, 1999 and ending on the  Quarterly  Date falling on or
nearest  to  September  30,  2003  and  (b)  the  Revolving  Credit   Commitment
Termination Date.

                  "Revolving Credit Commitment  Termination Date" shall mean the
last Business Day of November, 2003.

                  "Revolving  Credit Lenders" shall mean (a) on the date hereof,
the Lenders having  Revolving  Credit  Commitments on the signature pages hereof
and (b)  thereafter,  the Lenders  from time to time  holding  Revolving  Credit
Commitments,  Revolving Credit Loans and/or Letter of Credit  Liabilities  after
giving effect to any assignments thereof permitted by Section 12.06 hereof.

                  "Revolving  Credit Loans" shall mean the loans provided for by
Section 2.01(a) hereof, which may be Base Rate Loans and/or Eurodollar Loans.

                  "Revolving  Credit  Notes"  shall  mean the  promissory  notes
provided for by Section  2.07(a)  hereof and all promissory  notes  delivered in
substitution  or exchange  therefor,  in each case as the same shall be modified
and  supplemented  and in effect from time to time. The term  "Revolving  Credit
Notes" shall include any  Registered  Notes  evidencing  Revolving  Credit Loans
executed and delivered pursuant to Section 2.07(g) hereof.

                  "River  City"  shall  mean River City  Broadcasting,  L.P.,  a
Delaware limited partnership.

                  "River City  Acquisition  Documents" shall mean the River City
Asset Purchase Agreement, the River City Option Agreements, the Baker Employment
Agreement, the Baker Stock Option Agreement, the Corporate Employee Stock Option
Agreement,  the Station Employee Stock Option Agreement and all other agreements
and  instruments  (together  with any and all  exhibits,  annexes and  schedules
thereto)  executed and delivered in connection  with the River City  Non-License

                  "River City Asset Purchase  Agreement"  shall mean the Amended
and Restated Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of April 10, 1996, as amended and
restated as of a date prior to the date hereof,  by and between  River City,  as
Seller,  and  the  Borrower,  as  Buyer,  as the  same  shall  be  modified  and
supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 35 -

                  "River  City  Group I  License  Acquisition"  shall  mean  the
acquisition by the Borrower or any of its subsidiaries, upon its exercise of any
option  granted under the River City Group I Option  Agreement,  of the "License
Assets"  referred to in the River City Group I Option Agreement used or held for
use by the River City  Sellers  with  respect to a "Station"  referred to in the
River City Group I Option  Agreement and the  assumption by the Borrower or such
Subsidiary  of the "Assumed  Liabilities"  referred to in the River City Group I
Option Agreement with respect to such "Station".

                  "River City License  Acquisitions"  shall mean each River City
Group I License Acquisition and the WSYX Acquisition.

                  "River City Non-License Acquisition" shall mean the occurrence
on the  Restatement  Effective Date of all of the following (a) (i) the transfer
by River City to Borrower under the River City Asset  Purchase  Agreement of the
"Station  Assets"  referred to therein and (ii) the  assumption  by the Borrower
from River City of the "Assumed Liabilities" referred to in the River City Asset
Purchase Agreement, (b) the execution and delivery by the Borrower and the River
City Sellers of (i) the River City Group I Option  Agreement,  (ii) the Columbus
Option  Agreement and (iii) a Program  Services  Agreement  with respect to each
"Group I Station"  referred to in the River City Group I Option  Agreement,  (c)
the  execution  and  delivery  by the  Borrower  and  Barry  Baker of the  Baker
Employment  Agreement  and (d) the issuance by the Borrower to River City of the
Seller Stock.

                  "River City Group I Option  Agreement"  shall mean the Group I
Option Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996 by and between the River City Sellers,
as Sellers,  and the Borrower,  as Option Holder,  as the same shall be modified
and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "River City Option Agreements" shall mean the River City Group
I Option Agreement and the Columbus Option Agreement.

                  "River  City  Sellers"  shall  mean  River City and River City
License Partnership, a Missouri general partnership.

                  "River City Corporate Employees" shall mean the Persons listed
in Schedule 2.5(d) to the River City Asset Purchase Agreement.

                  "Security  Agreement" shall mean a second amended and restated
Security  Agreement  substantially  in the form of Exhibit C hereto  between the
Obligors and the Agent,  as the same shall be modified and  supplemented  and in
effect from time to time.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 36 -

                  "Security  Documents" shall mean,  collectively,  the Security
Agreement,  the  Affiliate  Guarantee and Security  Agreement,  the GDC Security
Agreement,  the Mortgages,  the Mortgage  Amendments and all Uniform  Commercial
Code financing statements required by any of the foregoing Security Documents to
be filed  with  respect to the  security  interests  in  personal  Property  and
fixtures created pursuant thereto.

                  "Seller  Stock"  shall  mean  (a)  the  Borrower's   Series  A
Exchangeable  Preferred Stock,  par value $.01 per share,  having a value on the
Restatement Effective Date of $115,000,000, issued by the Borrower to River City
in connection with the River City Non-License Acquisition and (b) the Borrower's
Series B Convertible  Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,  having a value
on the Restatement Effective Date of $115,000,000,  to be issued by the Borrower
to River City in exchange for such Series A Exchangeable Preferred Stock.

                  "Senior Indebtedness" shall mean Total Indebtedness other than
Subordinated Indebtedness.

                  "Senior  Indebtedness  Ratio" shall mean, as at any date,  the
ratio of (a) Senior Indebtedness  outstanding on such date to (b) EBITDA for the
period of twelve  consecutive  full  calendar  months ending on or most recently
ended prior to such date.

                  "Senior  Subordinated  Note  Indentures"  shall  mean the 1995
Senior Subordinated Note Indenture,  the 1993 Senior Subordinated Note Indenture
and, after the respective  issuances of the Additional Senior Subordinated Notes
and the Converted  Subordinated Notes, the respective indentures under which the
same are issued.

                  "Senior   Subordinated  Notes"  shall  mean  the  1993  Senior
Subordinated Notes, the 1995 Senior Subordinated Notes and, after the respective
issuances  thereof,  the Additional Senior  Subordinated Notes and the Converted
Subordinated Notes.

                  "Smith  Brothers"  shall mean  Frederick  G.  Smith,  David D.
Smith, J. Duncan Smith and Robert E. Smith.

                  "Sports Rights Payments" shall mean, for any period,  payments
made in cash by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  during such period to sports
networks or sports  franchises  for the rights to  broadcast  multiple  sporting
events over a period of time.

                  "Station  Employee  Stock  Option  Agreements"  shall mean the
respective  Stock  Option  Agreements  dated as of April 10,  1996  between  the
Borrower and certain employees of the Borrower and

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 37 -

its Subsidiaries, providing, among other things, for the right of such employees
to acquire,  in the  aggregate,  not more than 400,000  shares of the Borrower's
Class A Common Stock on the terms and conditions set forth therein, in each case
as the same may be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "Stations"  shall  mean the Owned  Stations  and the  Contract

                  "Subject  Acquisition" shall have the meaning assigned to such
term in Section 9.05(d)(i) hereof.

                  "Subordinated Film  Indebtedness"  shall mean Film Obligations
of the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  which are subordinated to the obligations
of the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  hereunder  on terms and  conditions,  and
(except for Film  Obligations  owing on the date hereof with  respect to KSMO-TV
and  WSTR-TV) the other  provisions  of which are  satisfactory  to the Majority

                  "Subordinated Indebtedness" shall mean (a) Founders Notes, (b)
Indebtedness  under  the  Senior   Subordinated  Notes,  (c)  Subordinated  Film
Indebtedness   and  (d)  guarantees  of  the   Indebtedness   under  the  Senior
Subordinated  Notes  provided  by any  Subsidiary  Guarantor  under  the  Senior
Subordinated Note Indentures.

                  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean,  for any Person,  any  corporation,
partnership  or other entity of which at least a majority of the  securities  or
other ownership  interests  having by the terms thereof ordinary voting power to
elect a majority of the board of directors or other persons  performing  similar
functions of such  corporation,  partnership  or other entity  (irrespective  of
whether or not at the time securities or other ownership  interests of any other
class or classes of such corporation,  partnership or other entity shall have or
might have voting power by reason of the happening of any contingency) is at the
time  directly or  indirectly  owned or controlled by such Person or one or more
Subsidiaries  of such Person or by such Person and one or more  Subsidiaries  of
such  Person.  "Wholly  Owned  Subsidiary"  shall  mean  any  such  corporation,
partnership or other entity of which all of such  securities or other  ownership
interests  (other  than,  in the case of a  corporation,  directors'  qualifying
shares) are so owned or controlled. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to
the contrary,  CRESAP shall be deemed to be a Subsidiary of the Borrower or of a
Subsidiary of the Borrower for all purposes of this Agreement except that CRESAP
shall  not be  required  to be a  Subsidiary  Guarantor  or to grant a  security
interest in any of its Property.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 38 -

                  "Total   Indebtedness"   shall  mean,  as  at  any  date,  all
Indebtedness  on such date of the  Borrower  and its  Consolidated  Subsidiaries
(determined  on a  consolidated  basis without  duplication  in accordance  with

                  "Total  Indebtedness  Ratio" shall mean,  as at any date,  the
ratio of (a) Total  Indebtedness  outstanding on such date to (b) EBITDA for the
period of twelve  consecutive  full  calendar  months ending on or most recently
ended prior to such date.

                  "Tranche A Lenders"  shall  mean (a) on the date  hereof,  the
Lenders having Tranche A Term Loan Commitments on the signature pages hereof and
(b)  thereafter,  the  Lenders  from time to time  holding  Tranche A Term Loans
and/or Tranche A Term Loan  Commitments  after giving effect to any  assignments
thereof permitted by Section 12.06(b) hereof.

                  "Tranche  A  Principal   Payment  Dates"  shall  mean  the  25
consecutive  Quarterly  Dates  beginning  on the  Quarterly  Date  falling on or
nearest to December  31,  1996 and ending on the  Quarterly  Date  falling on or
nearest to December 31, 2002.

                  "Tranche  A Term  Loan  Commitment"  shall  mean,  as to  each
Tranche  A  Lender,  the  obligation  of such  Tranche A Lender to make a single
Tranche A Term Loan in an aggregate principal amount up to but not exceeding the
amount set opposite the name of such Tranche A Lender on Schedule XII hereto (as
the same may be  reduced  from  time to time  pursuant  to  Section  2.03).  The
aggregate  principal  amount of the Tranche A Term Loan  Commitments on the date
hereof is $550,000,000.

                  "Tranche A Term Loan Notes"  shall mean the  promissory  notes
provided for by Section  2.07(b)  hereof and all promissory  notes  delivered in
substitution  or exchange  therefor,  in each case as the same shall be modified
and  supplemented and in effect from time to time. The term "Tranche A Term Loan
Notes"  shall  include  any  Registered  Notes  evidencing  Tranche A Term Loans
executed and delivered pursuant to Section 2.07(g) hereof.

                  "Tranche A Term Loans"  shall mean the loans  provided  for by
Section 2.01(b) hereof, which may be Base Rate Loans and/or Eurodollar Loans.

                  "Tranche B Lenders"  shall  mean (a) on the date  hereof,  the
Lenders  having Tranche B Term Loan  Commitments  on the signature  pages hereof
and/or (b)  thereafter,  the Lenders  from time to time  holding  Tranche B Term
Loans and Tranche B Term Loan Commitments after giving effect to any assignments
thereof permitted by Section 12.06(b) hereof.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 39 -

                  "Tranche  B  Principal  Payment  Dates"  shall mean (a) the 28
consecutive  Quarterly  Dates  beginning  on the  Quarterly  Date  falling on or
nearest to December  31,  1996 and ending on the  Quarterly  Date  falling on or
nearest to September 30, 2003 and (b) the last Business Day of November, 2003.

                  "Tranche  B Term  Loan  Commitment"  shall  mean,  as to  each
Tranche  B  Lender,  the  obligation  of such  Tranche B Lender to make a single
Tranche B Term Loan in an aggregate principal amount up to but not exceeding the
amount set opposite  the name of such  Tranche B Lender on Schedule  XIII hereto
(as the same may be reduced  from time to time  pursuant to Section  2.03).  The
aggregate  principal  amount of the Tranche B Term Loan  Commitments on the date
hereof is $200,000,000.

                  "Tranche B Term Loan Notes"  shall mean the  promissory  notes
provided for by Section  2.07(c)  hereof and all promissory  notes  delivered in
substitution  or exchange  therefor,  in each case as the same shall be modified
and  supplemented and in effect from time to time. The term "Tranche B Term Loan
Notes"  shall  include  any  Registered  Notes  evidencing  Tranche B Term Loans
executed and delivered pursuant to Section 2.07(g) hereof.

                  "Tranche B Term Loans"  shall mean the loans  provided  for by
Section 2.01(c) hereof, which may be Base Rate Loans and/or Eurodollar Loans.

                  "Tranche  C  Lenders"  shall  mean (a) on  Tranche C Term Loan
Activation  Date,  the Lenders  signatory to the Tranche C Term Loan  Activation
Notice and (b) thereafter,  the Lenders from time to time holding Tranche C Term
Loans  and/or  Tranche  C Term  Loan  Commitments  after  giving  effect  to any
assignments thereof permitted by Section 12.06(b) hereof.

                  "Tranche  C  Principal  Payment  Dates"  shall mean (a) the 25
consecutive  Quarterly  Dates  beginning  on the  Quarterly  Date  falling on or
nearest to  September  30, 1997 and ending on the  Quarterly  Date falling on or
nearest to September 30, 2003 and (b) the last Business Day of November, 2003.

                  "Tranche  C Term Loan  Activation  Date"  shall  mean the date
designated as such in the Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice.

                  "Tranche C Term Loan  Activation  Notice"  shall mean a notice
substantially in the form of Exhibit B hereto.

                  "Tranche  C Term  Loan  Commitment"  shall  mean,  as to  each
Tranche C Lender,  on and after the  Tranche C Term Loan  Activation  Date,  the
obligation of such Tranche C Lender to make one or more

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Tranche C Term Loans in an aggregate  principal  amount up to but not  exceeding
the amount set  opposite the name of such Tranche C Lender on the Tranche C Term
Loan Activation Notice under the caption "Tranche C Term Loan Commitment" or, in
the case of a Person that becomes a Tranche C Lender  pursuant to an  assignment
permitted  under  Section  12.06(b)  hereof,  as  specified  in  the  respective
instrument of assignment  pursuant to which such  assignment is effected (as the
same may be reduced from time to time pursuant to Section  2.03).  The aggregate
principal  amount of the Tranche C Term Loan  Commitments  on the date hereof is
zero and shall not exceed $200,000,000.

                  "Tranche C Term Loan Commitment  Termination  Date" shall mean
September 29, 1997.

                  "Tranche C Term Loan Notes"  shall mean the  promissory  notes
provided for by Section  2.07(d)  hereof and all promissory  notes  delivered in
substitution  or exchange  therefor,  in each case as the same shall be modified
and  supplemented and in effect from time to time. The term "Tranche C Term Loan
Notes"  shall  include  any  Registered  Notes  evidencing  Tranche C Term Loans
executed and delivered pursuant to Section 2.07(g) hereof.

                  "Tranche C Term Loans"  shall mean the loans  provided  for by
Section 2.01(d) hereof, which may be Base Rate Loans and/or Eurodollar Loans.

                  "Transaction Documents" shall mean the Ancillary Documents and
the Basic Documents.

                  "Type"  shall have the meaning  assigned  that term in Section
1.03 hereof.

                  "U.S.  Person"  shall mean a citizen or resident of the United
States of  America,  a  corporation,  partnership  or other  entity  created  or
organized  in or under any laws of the  United  States of  America  or any State
thereof,  or any estate or trust that is  subject  to  Federal  income  taxation
regardless of the source of its income.

                  "WDBB" shall mean WDBB-TV, Inc., an Alabama corporation.

                  "WDBB  Options"  shall  mean (a) the  option  granted by Cecil
Heftel to the Borrower to acquire 50% of the issued and  outstanding  stock of H
and P  Communications,  (b) the option granted by Carl Parmer to the Borrower to
acquire 50% of the issued and outstanding stock of H and P  Communications,  and
(c) the option  granted by D&C,  L.L.C.  to the  Borrower  to acquire 10% of the
issued and outstanding stock of WDBB.

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                  "WFBC-TV"  shall  mean  WFBC-TV,  a  television   broadcasting
station  licensed to Greenville and  Spartanburg,  South Carolina and Asheville,
North Carolina and serving the Greenville, Spartanburg and Asheville areas.

                  "Working   Investment"   shall   mean,   as  at  any  date  of
determination  thereof  and for any  Person,  the excess of (a) the unpaid  face
amount of all  accounts  receivable  of such Person as at such date over (b) the
sum  (determined  without  duplication) of (i) the unpaid amount of all accounts
payable  of such  Person at such date plus  (ii) all  accrued  expenses  of such
Person at such date (but excluding from accounts  payable and accrued  expenses,
the current  portion of long-term  debt and of Film  Obligations  as well as all
accrued interest and taxes).

                  "WPTT" shall mean WPTT, Inc., a Maryland corporation.

                  "WPTT Conversion Option" shall mean the Option Agreement dated
as of August 30, 1991 between  WPTT and the Borrower (as  successor by merger to
Commercial Radio Institute,  Inc.), as the same may be modified and supplemented
and in effect from time to time.

                  "WPTT Convertible Debenture" shall mean the WPTT, Inc. 20-Year
Eight and One-Half  Percent (8.5%)  Convertible  Subordinate  Debenture Due 2011
dated August 30, 1991,  payable by WPTT to the Borrower (as  successor by merger
to  Commercial  Radio  Institute,  Inc.) in the  original  principal  amount  of

                  "WSTR  Note"  shall  mean  the  Amended  and   Restated   8.5%
Subordinated  Promissory  Note  originally  issued  as of  November  6, 1989 and
amended and  restated as of June 25, 1992 in the  original  principal  amount of
$6,000,000  payable by  Cincinnati  TV 64 to United Cable  Television  Financing
Corporation,  as the same shall be amended and  supplemented  and in effect from
time to time.

                  "WSTR Option" shall mean the Option  Agreement dated as of May
24, 1994 between  Cincinnati  TV 64 and the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries
(as assignee of the Smith Brothers)  providing for the grant by Cincinnati TV 64
to the  Borrower  or such  Subsidiary  of an option to  acquire  the  Properties
relating to WSTR-TV  referred  to therein as "Station  Assets" and to assume the
liabilities relating to WSTR-TV referred to therein as "Assumed Liabilities", as
the same may be modified and supplemented and in effect from time to time.

                  "WSTR-TV"  shall  mean  WSTR-TV,  a  television   broadcasting
station licensed to Cincinnati, Ohio and serving the Cincinnati area.

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                  "WSYX  Acquisition"  shall mean,  with  respect the  "Columbus
Station"  referred to in the Columbus Option  Agreement,  the acquisition by the
Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries,  upon its  exercise of the option  granted
under the Columbus Option Agreement with respect to the Columbus Station, of the
"Columbus  Station Assets"  referred to in the Columbus Option Agreement used or
held for use by the River City Sellers with respect to the Columbus  Station and
the assumption by the Borrower or such  Subsidiary of the "Assumed  Liabilities"
referred  to in the  Columbus  Option  Agreement  with  respect to the  Columbus
Station,  all in accordance  with terms and  conditions  of the Columbus  Option
Agreement and shall include, if no Default has occurred and is continuing at the
time of the making of the payment  thereof,  (a) the payment by the  Borrower or
such  Subsidiary  of WSYX Option  Extension  Payments and (b) the payment of the
WSYX Sale Price Differential.

                  "WSYX  Option  Extension  Payments"  shall  mean each  "Option
Extension Fee" payable by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries  under Section
2.1(b) of the Columbus Option Agreement.

                  "WSYX Sale Price  Differential"  shall mean the amount payable
by the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  under  Section  11.1.C(b)  of the
Columbus Option Agreement.

                  "WTTE-TV"  shall  mean  WTTE-TV,   Channel  28,  a  television
broadcasting station, licensed to Columbus, Ohio and serving the Columbus area.

                  "WYZZ  Acquisition" shall mean the acquisition by the Borrower
or any of its  Subsidiaries in accordance with the terms hereof of substantially
all of the  assets  (including,  without  limitation,  the  Broadcast  Licenses)
relating   to   WYZZ-TV,   a   television    broadcast   station   licensed   to
Peoria/Bloomington, Illinois and serving the Peoria/Bloomington area.

                  1.02  Accounting Terms and Determinations.

                  (a)  Except  as  otherwise   expressly  provided  herein,  all
accounting terms used herein shall be interpreted,  and all financial statements
and certificates and reports as to financial matters required to be delivered to
the  Lenders  hereunder  shall  (unless  otherwise  disclosed  to the Lenders in
writing at the time of delivery  thereof in the manner  described in  subsection
(b)  below) be  prepared,  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles  applied on a basis  consistent  with that used in the preparation of
the latest financial statements furnished to the Lenders hereunder (which, prior
to the first financial statements delivered under Section 9.01 hereof, shall

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mean  the  financial  statements  referred  to  in  Section  8.02  hereof).  All
calculations  made for the purposes of determining  compliance with the terms of
this Agreement shall (except as otherwise  expressly provided herein) be made by
application  of  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applied on a basis
consistent  with  that  used  in the  preparation  of the  annual  or  quarterly
financial  statements  furnished to the Lenders  pursuant to Section 9.01 hereof
(or,  prior to the first  financial  statements  delivered  under  Section  9.01
hereof,  used in the  preparation  of the  financial  statements  referred to in
Section 8.02 hereof)  unless (i) the Borrower shall have objected to determining
such  compliance  on such  basis  at the  time  of  delivery  of such  financial
statements  or (ii) the Majority  Lenders  shall so object in writing  within 30
days after delivery of such financial statements, in either of which events such
calculations  shall  be  made  on a  basis  consistent  with  those  used in the
preparation of the latest financial  statements as to which such objection shall
not have  been  made  (which,  if  objection  is made in  respect  of the  first
financial  statements  delivered  under  Section  9.01  hereof,  shall  mean the
financial statements referred to in Section 8.02 hereof).

                  (b) The Borrower shall deliver to the Lenders at the same time
as the delivery of any annual or quarterly  financial  statement  under  Section
9.01 hereof a description in reasonable detail of any material variation between
the  application of accounting  principles  employed in the  preparation of such
statement  and  the  application  of  accounting   principles  employed  in  the
preparation of the next preceding annual or quarterly financial statements as to
which no  objection  has been  made in  accordance  with  the last  sentence  of
subsection (a) above,  and reasonable  estimates of the difference  between such
statements arising as a consequence thereof.

                  (c) To  enable  the  ready  and  consistent  determination  of
compliance  with the covenants set forth in Section 9 hereof,  the Borrower will
not change the last day of its fiscal year from December 31 of each year, or the
last days of the first three  fiscal  quarters in each of its fiscal  years from
March 31, June 30 and September 30 of each year, respectively.

                  (d) Except as expressly provided herein, all calculations made
with respect to any period during which an Acquisition  is consummated  shall be
calculated on a pro forma basis as if such  Acquisition had been  consummated on
the first day of such period and as if any  Indebtedness  incurred or assumed in
connection with such Acquisition were outstanding  throughout such period, using
such reasonable  estimates and pro forma adjustments effected in accordance with
generally accepted

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accounting  principles as the Borrower  shall propose and the Agent and at least
one Managing Agent shall approve.

                  1.03  Classes  and  Types  of  Loans.   Loans   hereunder  are
distinguished  by  "Class"  and  by  "Type".  The  "Class"  of a  Loan  (or of a
Commitment to make a Loan) refers to whether such Loan is (a) a Revolving Credit
Loan,  (b) a Tranche A Term  Loan,  (c) a Tranche B Term Loan or (d) a Tranche C
Term Loan,  each of which  constitutes  a Class.  The "Type" of a Loan refers to
whether  such  Loan is a Base  Rate  Loan or a  Eurodollar  Loan,  each of which
constitutes a Type. Loans may be identified by both Class and Type.

                  1.04  References to Date. All  references  herein to "the date
hereof" and "the date of this Agreement", and similar references, shall mean May
31, 1996.

                  Section 2.  Commitments.

                  2.01  Loans.

                  (a)  Revolving  Credit  Loans.  Each  Revolving  Credit Lender
severally agrees,  on the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  to make loans
to the Borrower in Dollars during the period from and including the  Restatement
Effective Date to but excluding the Revolving Credit Commitment Termination Date
in an  aggregate  principal  amount  at any one time  outstanding  up to but not
exceeding the amount of the Revolving Credit Commitment of such Revolving Credit
Lender  as in  effect  from  time to time  minus  the  aggregate  amount of such
Revolving  Credit  Lender's  Letter of Credit  Liabilities;  provided that there
shall remain unused Revolving  Credit  Commitments in an aggregate amount of not
less  than  $15,000,000  until  the date that one (but not both) of KSMO- TV and
WSTR-TV become Owned Stations pursuant to the exercise of the KSMO Option or the
WSTR  Option,  as the case may be, and  thereafter  there  shall  remain  unused
Revolving Credit  Commitments in an aggregate amount of not less than $7,500,000
until the date that both of KSMO-TV  and  WSTR-TV  have  become  Owned  Stations
pursuant to the exercise of the KSMO Option and the WSTR Option.  Subject to the
terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  during such period the  Borrower may
borrow,  repay and reborrow the amount of the Revolving  Credit  Commitments  by
means of Base Rate Loans and Eurodollar  Loans and may Convert  Revolving Credit
Loans of one Type into  Revolving  Credit  Loans of another Type (as provided in
Section 2.08 hereof) or Continue Revolving Credit Loans of one Type as Revolving
Credit Loans of the same Type (as provided in Section 2.08 hereof).

                  (b)      Tranche A Term Loans.

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                  (i) On the  Restatement  Effective  Date,  (x) each  Tranche A
         Lender severally agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
         to  make  a  single  term  loan  to  the  Borrower  in  Dollars  on the
         Restatement Effective Date in a principal amount equal to the amount of
         the Tranche A Term Loan  Commitment  of such Tranche A Lender,  (y) the
         Borrower  shall  borrow  such loans and use the  proceeds  thereof  (A)
         first,  immediately  to  prepay  in full the  principal  amount  of the
         Existing  Facility  B  Revolving  Credit  Loans then  outstanding,  (B)
         second, to pay all accrued and unpaid interest on the Existing Facility
         B  Revolving  Credit  Loans so prepaid and any  amounts  payable  under
         Section 5.05 of the Existing  Credit  Agreement in connection with such
         prepayment  and (C) third,  for other uses  permitted  by Section  9.21

             (ii) After the Restatement Effective Date, subject to the terms and
         conditions of this  Agreement,  the Borrower may Convert Tranche A Term
         Loans  of one Type  into  Tranche  A Term  Loans  of  another  Type (as
         provided in Section  2.08  hereof) or Continue  Tranche A Term Loans of
         one Type as  Tranche  A Term  Loans of the same  Type (as  provided  in
         Section 2.08 hereof).  Tranche A Term Loans that are prepaid may not be

                  (c)  Tranche B Term  Loans.  Each  Tranche B Lender  severally
agrees,  on the terms and  conditions of this  Agreement,  to make a single term
loan to the Borrower in Dollars on the Restatement Effective Date in a principal
amount equal to the amount of the Tranche B Term Loan Commitment of such Tranche
B Lender. Thereafter, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the
Borrower may Convert  Tranche B Term Loans of one Type into Tranche B Term Loans
of another Type (as provided in Section 2.08 hereof) or Continue  Tranche B Term
Loans of one Type as  Tranche  B Term  Loans of the same  Type (as  provided  in
Section  2.08  hereof).  Tranche  B Term  Loans  that  are  prepaid  may  not be

                  (d) Tranche C Term Loans.  The  Borrower and all or certain of
the  Lenders  may,  with the  consent of the Agent,  at any one time  during the
period from and including the  Restatement  Effective  Date to but excluding the
Tranche C Term Loan  Commitment  Termination  Date agree that such Lenders shall
become  Tranche C Lenders by executing  and  delivering to the Agent a Tranche C
Term  Loan  Activation  Notice  specifying  the  respective  Tranche C Term Loan
Commitments of the Tranche C Lenders,  the Tranche C Term Loan Activation  Date,
the rate of  commitment  fee, if any,  payable by the Borrower in respect of the
Tranche C Term Loan Commitments,  the Applicable Margin for Tranche C Term Loans
and otherwise duly completed. Each Tranche C Lender severally

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agrees, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  to make one or more term
loans to the  Borrower  in  Dollars  during the period  from and  including  the
Tranche C Term Loan  Activation  Date to but  excluding  the Tranche C Term Loan
Commitment  Termination  Date in an  aggregate  principal  amount  up to but not
exceeding  the amount of the Tranche C Term Loan  Commitment  of such  Tranche C
Lender  as in  effect  from time to time,  provided  that in no event  shall the
proceeds  of the  Tranche C Term  Loans be used for any  purpose  other  than to
finance the  consummation  of the WSYX  Acquisition and Other  Acquisitions  and
transaction expenses in connection therewith.  Thereafter,  subject to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement,  the Borrower may Convert Tranche C Term Loans
of one Type into  Tranche C Term Loans of another  Type (as  provided in Section
2.08  hereof)  or  Continue  Tranche C Term  Loans of one Type as Tranche C Term
Loans of the same Type (as  provided  in Section  2.08  hereof).  Tranche C Term
Loans that are prepaid may not be  reborrowed.  Nothing in this Section  2.01(d)
shall be  construed  to  obligate  any  Lender to  execute a Tranche C Term Loan
Activation Notice.

                  (e) Limitation on Eurodollar  Loans. No more than ten separate
interest periods in respect of Eurodollar Loans of a Class may be outstanding at
any one time,  provided that prior to June 30, 1996, or such earlier date agreed
to in  writing  by the  Agent,  all  Eurodollar  Loans of any Class must have an
Interest  Period of one month's  duration and be  coterminous  with the Interest
Periods of all other  Eurodollar  Loans of such  Class,  and, to the extent that
prior to such date a  Eurodollar  Loan would not satisfy such  conditions,  such
Loan shall be made as or Converted into a Base Rate Loan.

                  2.02  Borrowings.  The Borrower shall give the Agent notice of
each borrowing hereunder as provided in Section 4.05 hereof. Not later than 1:00
p.m. New York time on the date  specified  for each  borrowing  hereunder,  each
Lender shall make  available the amount of the Loan or Loans to be made by it on
such date to the Agent,  at an account  designated by the Agent,  in immediately
available  funds,  for  account of the  Borrower.  The amount so received by the
Agent shall,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  be made
available to the  Borrower by  depositing  the same,  in  immediately  available
funds,  in an account of the  Borrower  maintained  with Chase at its  principal
office designated by the Borrower.

                  2.03  Changes of Commitments.

                  (a) The aggregate amount of the Revolving  Credit  Commitments
shall be automatically reduced to zero at the close of business on the Revolving
Credit  Commitment  Termination  Date. In addition,  the aggregate amount of the
Revolving Credit

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Commitments  shall be  automatically  reduced at the opening of business on each
Revolving Credit Commitment  Reduction Date set forth in column (A) below to the
amount  (subject  to  reduction  pursuant to  paragraph  (d) below) set forth in
column (B) below opposite such Revolving Credit Commitment Reduction Date:

                   (A)                                         (B)
       Revolving Credit Commitment                 Revolving Credit Commitment
       Reduction Date Falling on or                 Reduced to the Following
               Nearest to:                                Amounts ($):
               -----------                                ------------
           March 31, 1999                                 $243,750,000
           June 30, 1999                                  $237,500,000
           September 30, 1999                             $231,250,000
           December 31, 1999                              $225,000,000
           March 31, 2000                                 $218,750,000
           June 30, 2000                                  $212,500,000
           September 30, 2000                             $206,250,000
           December 31, 2000                              $200,000,000
           March 31, 2001                                 $190,625,000
           June 30, 2001                                  $181,250,000
           September 30, 2001                             $171,875,000
           December 31, 2001                              $162,500,000
           March 31, 2002                                 $153,125,000
           June 30, 2002                                  $143,750,000
           September 30, 2002                             $134,375,000
           December 31, 2002                              $125,000,000
           March 31, 2003                                 $ 93,750,000
           June 30, 2003                                  $ 62,500,000
           September 30, 2003                             $ 31,250,000
           November 30, 2003                              $          0

                  (b) The Borrower shall have the right at any time or from time
to time (i) to terminate or to reduce the aggregate unused amount of the Tranche
A Term Loan  Commitments,  the Tranche B Term Loan  Commitments or the Tranche C
Term Loan  Commitments,  (ii) so long as no Revolving  Credit Loans or Letter of
Credit   Liabilities  are   outstanding,   to  terminate  the  Revolving  Credit
Commitments and (iii) to reduce the aggregate unused amount of

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the Revolving Credit  Commitments (for which purpose use of the Revolving Credit
Commitments shall be deemed to include Letter of Credit  Liabilities);  provided
that (i) the Borrower shall give notice of each such termination or reduction as
provided in Section 4.05 hereof and (ii) each partial  reduction  shall be in an
aggregate  amount at least  equal to  $5,000,000  and in integral  multiples  of
$1,000,000 in excess thereof.

                  (c) The Commitments shall automatically  reduce as provided in
Section 2.09 hereof.

                  (d) Each  reduction in the  aggregate  amount of the Revolving
Credit Commitments  pursuant to paragraph (b) above, or pursuant to Section 2.09
hereof, on any date shall result in an automatic and simultaneous reduction (but
not below zero) in the aggregate amount of the Revolving Credit  Commitments for
each Revolving Credit  Commitment  Reduction Date (as reflected in column (B) at
the end of paragraph (a) above) after such date in an amount equal to the amount
of such reduction.

                  (e)  The   aggregate   amount  of  the  Tranche  A  Term  Loan
Commitments  shall be automatically  reduced to zero at the close of business on
the Restatement Effective Date.

                  (f)  The   aggregate   amount  of  the  Tranche  B  Term  Loan
Commitments  shall be automatically  reduced to zero at the close of business on
the Restatement Effective Date.

                  (g)  The   aggregate   amount  of  the  Tranche  C  Term  Loan
Commitments  shall be automatically  reduced to zero at the close of business on
the Tranche C Term Loan Commitment Termination Date.

                  (h) The  Commitments  once  terminated  or reduced  may not be

                  2.04  Commitment Fees.

                  (a) The  Borrower  shall pay to the Agent for  account of each
Revolving  Credit Lender a commitment  fee on the daily average unused amount of
such Revolving Credit Lender's  Revolving  Credit  Commitment (for which purpose
the aggregate amount of any Letter of Credit Liabilities shall be deemed to be a
pro rata  (based on the  Revolving  Credit  Commitments)  use of each  Revolving
Credit Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment),  for the period from and including
the date of this  Agreement  to but not  including  the earlier of the date such
Revolving Credit  Commitment is terminated and the Revolving  Credit  Commitment
Termination Date, at a rate per annum equal to Applicable Commitment Fee Rate.

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                  (b) The  Borrower  shall pay to the Agent for  account of each
Tranche C Lender a commitment  fee on the daily  average  unused  amount of such
Tranche C  Lender's  Tranche C Term Loan  Commitment,  for the  period  from and
including  the  Tranche C Term Loan  Activation  Date to but not  including  the
earlier of the date such Tranche C Term Loan  Commitment is  terminated  and the
Tranche C Term Loan Commitment  Termination Date, at a rate per annum equal to a
rate agreed to by the  Borrower  and the Tranche C Lenders and  specified in the
Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice.

                  (c) Accrued  commitment fee shall be payable on each Quarterly
Date and on the earlier of the date the relevant  Commitment is  terminated  and
either the Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Termination Date or the Tranche C Term
Loan Commitment Termination Date, as the case may be.

                  2.05  Lending  Offices.  The  Loans of each  Type made by each
Lender shall be made and maintained at such Lender's  Applicable  Lending Office
for Loans of such Type.

                  2.06 Several Obligations; Remedies Independent. The failure of
any  Lender  to make any Loan to be made by it on the  date  specified  therefor
shall not relieve any other  Lender of its  obligation  to make its Loan on such
date,  but (a)  neither any Lender nor the Agent  shall be  responsible  for the
failure of any other  Lender to make a Loan to be made by such other  Lender and
(b) no Lender  shall have an  obligation  to any other  Lender in respect of its
obligation to make any Loan  hereunder.  The amounts  payable by the Borrower to
each Lender at any time  hereunder and under the Note(s)  payable to such Lender
shall be a separate  and  independent  debt and such Lender shall be entitled to
protect and enforce its rights  arising out of this  Agreement and such Note(s),
and it shall not be  necessary  for any other Lender or the Agent to consent to,
or be joined as an additional party in, any proceedings for such purposes.

                  2.07  Notes.

                  (a) The Revolving  Credit Loans (other than Registered  Loans)
made by each Revolving  Credit Lender shall be evidenced by a single  promissory
note of the Borrower  substantially in the form of Exhibit A-1 hereto, dated the
date hereof, payable to such Revolving Credit Lender in a principal amount equal
to the amount of its  Revolving  Credit  Commitment  as originally in effect and
otherwise duly completed.

                  (b) The Tranche A Term Loan (other than Registered Loans) made
by each Tranche A Lender shall be evidenced by a single  promissory  note of the
Borrower substantially in the form

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of Exhibit A-2 hereto,  dated the date hereof,  payable to such Tranche A Lender
in a principal  amount equal to the  original  amount of its Tranche A Term Loan
Commitment and otherwise duly completed.

                  (c) The Tranche B Term Loan (other than Registered Loans) made
by each Tranche B Lender shall be evidenced by a single  promissory  note of the
Borrower substantially in the form of Exhibit A-3 hereto, dated the date hereof,
payable to such  Tranche B Lender in a principal  amount  equal to the  original
amount of its Tranche B Term Loan Commitment and otherwise duly completed.

                  (d) The  Tranche C Term Loans  (other than  Registered  Loans)
made by each Tranche C Lender shall be evidenced by a single  promissory note of
the Borrower  substantially in the form of Exhibit A-4 hereto, dated the Tranche
C Term Loan  Activation  Date,  payable to such  Tranche C Lender in a principal
amount equal to the original  amount of its Tranche C Term Loan  Commitment  and
otherwise duly completed.

                  (e) The date,  amount,  Type,  interest  rate, and duration of
Interest  Period  (if  applicable)  of each  Loan  made by  each  Lender  to the
Borrower,  and each payment made on account of the principal  thereof,  shall be
recorded  by such  Lender on its books and,  prior to any  transfer  of the Note
evidencing such Loan,  endorsed by such Lender on the schedule  attached to such
Note or any  continuation  thereof;  provided that the failure of such Lender to
make any such  recordation  (or any error in  making  any such  recordation)  or
endorsement  shall not affect the  obligations of the Borrower to make a payment
when due of any  amount  owing  hereunder  or under such Note in respect of such

                  (f) No Lender shall be entitled to have its Notes  substituted
or  exchanged  for any reason,  or  subdivided  for  promissory  notes of lesser
denominations,  except in connection  with a permitted  assignment of all or any
portion of such Lender's relevant Commitment(s),  Loan(s) or Note(s) pursuant to
Section  12.06(b)  hereof and except as provided  in clause (g) below  (and,  if
requested by any Lender, the Borrower agrees to so exchange any Note).

                  (g)  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  any Lender that is not a
U.S.  Person and is not a "bank" within the meaning of Section  881(c)(3)(A)  of
the Code may request the Borrower  (through the Agent),  and the Borrower agrees
thereupon,  to record on the Register referred to in Section 12.06(g) hereof any
Loans of any Class held by such Lender under this  Agreement.  Loans recorded on
the Register ("Registered Loans") may not be

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evidenced by promissory  notes other than Registered Notes as defined below and,
upon the  registration of any Loan, any promissory note (other than a Registered
Note)  evidencing  the same shall be null and void and shall be  returned to the
Borrower.  The Borrower agrees,  at the request of any Lender that is the holder
of Registered  Loans, to execute and deliver to such Lender a promissory note in
registered  form to evidence  each such  Registered  Loan (i.e.  containing  the
optional  registered note language as indicated in Exhibits A-1, A-2, A-3 or A-4
hereto,  as the case may be) and  registered  as  provided  in Section  12.06(g)
hereof  (herein,  a  "Registered  Note"),  dated  (i) the  date  hereof  if such
promissory  note evidences Loans of any Class other than Tranche C Term Loans or
(ii) the Tranche C Term Loan  Activation  Date if such promissory note evidences
Tranche C Term Loans,  in each case  payable to such Lender and  otherwise  duly
completed.  A Loan once  recorded on the  Register  may not be removed  from the
Register  so long as it remains  outstanding  and a  Registered  Note may not be
exchanged for a promissory note that is not a Registered Note.

                  2.08 Optional  Prepayments and Conversions or Continuations of
- -----

                  (a) Subject to Section 4.04(a) hereof, the Borrower shall have
the right to prepay Loans, or to Convert Loans of one Type into Loans of another
Type or  Continue  Loans of one Type as Loans of the same  Type,  at any time or
from time to time,  provided  that: (i) the Borrower shall give the Agent notice
of each such prepayment,  Conversion or Continuation as provided in Section 4.05
hereof  (and,  upon the date  specified  in any such notice of  prepayment,  the
amount to be prepaid shall become due and payable  hereunder);  (ii)  Eurodollar
Loans may be prepaid or Converted only on the last day of an Interest Period for
such Loans; and (iii) prepayments of Tranche A Term Loans, Tranche B Terms Loans
or Tranche C Term Loans under this Section  2.08(a)  shall be applied to each of
such  Classes  of Loans  (x) as  between  such  Classes  of  Loans,  pro rata in
accordance with the respective  aggregate  principal amounts thereof outstanding
on the date of  prepayment  and (y) as within  such  Classes  of  Loans,  to the
respective installments thereof in the inverse order of their maturities.

                  (b) Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
and without  limiting  the rights and remedies of the Lenders  under  Section 10
hereof,  in the event  that any Event of  Default  shall  have  occurred  and be
continuing,  the Agent may (and at the request of the  Majority  Lenders  shall)
suspend the right of the Borrower to Convert any Loan into a Eurodollar Loan, or
to Continue  any Loan as a  Eurodollar  Loan,  in which event all Loans shall be
Converted (on the last day(s) of the respective Interest

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Periods therefor) or Continued, as the case may be, as Base Rate Loans.

                  2.09 Mandatory Prepayments and Reductions of Commitments.
                  (a)  Casualty  Events.  Upon  the date 90 days  following  the
receipt by the  Borrower of the  proceeds of  insurance,  condemnation  award or
other  compensation  in respect of any Casualty Event  affecting any Property of
the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  or any Contract  Station (or upon such
earlier  date as the  Borrower or such  Subsidiary  of the  Borrower  shall have
determined  not to repair or replace  the  Property  affected  by such  Casualty
Event),  the Borrower shall prepay the Loans (and/or provide cover for Letter of
Credit  Liabilities as specified in clause (f) below), and the Commitments shall
be subject to automatic reduction, in an aggregate amount, if any, equal to 100%
of the Net Available Proceeds of such Casualty Event not theretofore  applied to
the repair or replacement of such Property,  such prepayment and reduction to be
effected in each case in the manner and to the extent specified in clause (e) of
this Section 2.09.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  in the event that a Casualty
Event  shall  occur with  respect to Property  covered by the  Mortgage(s),  the
Borrower  shall  prepay  the Loans  (and/or  provide  cover for Letter of Credit
Liabilities  as specified  in clause (f) below),  and the  Commitments  shall be
subject to automatic reduction, on the dates, and in the amounts of the required
prepayments,  specified in the  Mortgage(s),  if any. Nothing in this clause (a)
shall  be  deemed  to  limit  any  obligation  of  the  Borrower  or  any of its
Subsidiaries  pursuant to any of the Security Documents to remit to a collateral
or similar  account  maintained  by the Agent  pursuant  to any of the  Security
Documents (including,  without limitation,  the Collateral Account) the proceeds
of insurance,  condemnation award or other  compensation  received in respect of
any Casualty Event.

                  (b)  Issuance of Equity or Debt.
                  (i)  Upon  any  Equity  Issuance  by  the  Borrower  permitted
         hereunder  (other than the  issuance by the  Borrower of the  Preferred
         Stock or the In-Kind  Preferred  Stock, the conversion of the Preferred
         Stock or the In-Kind Preferred Stock into the Borrower's Class A Common
         Stock and any Equity  Issuance  made  pursuant to the  Columbus  Option
         Agreement),  the Borrower shall prepay the Loans (and/or  provide cover
         for Letter of Credit Liabilities as specified in clause (f) below), and
         the  Commitments  shall  be  subject  to  automatic  reduction,  in  an
         aggregate  amount  equal to 80% of such  portion  of the Net  Available
         Proceeds  thereof not applied as permitted by Section  9.26(c)(iii)(x),
         (y) and (z)

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         hereof,  such  prepayment  and reduction to be effected in each case in
         the manner and to the extent  specified  in clause (e) of this  Section

             (ii) Upon the issuance by the Borrower of the Preferred  Stock, the
         Borrower shall prepay the Revolving  Credit Loans (and/or provide cover
         for Letter of Credit Liabilities as specified in clause (f) below) (but
         the  Revolving  Credit  Commitments  shall not be subject to  automatic
         reduction) in an aggregate  amount equal to the Net Available  Proceeds

             (iii)  Upon the  issuance  of any  Additional  Senior  Subordinated
         Notes,  the Borrower  shall prepay the Loans (and/or  provide cover for
         Letter of Credit Liabilities as specified in clause (f) below), and the
         Commitments  shall be subject to automatic  reduction,  in an aggregate
         amount  equal to such  portion  of 100% of the Net  Available  Proceeds
         thereof not applied as permitted by Section  9.07(c)(v)(x)  hereof (the
         "Available  Prepayment  Amount"),  such  prepayment and reduction to be
         effected  in the manner and to the  extent  specified  in clause (e) of
         this Section 2.09.

                  (c) Excess  Cash Flow.  Not later than the date 110 days after
the end of each fiscal year of the Borrower that ends in 1996 or thereafter, the
Borrower  shall  prepay  the Loans  (and/or  provide  cover for Letter of Credit
Liabilities as specified in clause (f) below),  and Commitments shall be subject
to  automatic  reduction,  in an  aggregate  amount  equal to the  excess of (i)
66-2/3% of Excess Cash Flow (as reported upon by  independent  certified  public
accountants  of  recognized  national  standing on or before said date) for such
fiscal  year (or in the case of the  fiscal  year of the  Borrower  that ends in
1996,  for the third and fourth  fiscal  quarters of such fiscal year) over (ii)
the sum of (x) the  aggregate  amount of  prepayments  of Tranche A Term  Loans,
Tranche B Term Loans and  Tranche C Term Loans made  during such fiscal year (or
such fiscal  quarters,  as the case may be) pursuant to Section 2.08 hereof plus
(y) (if the Tranche A Term Loans,  Tranche B Term Loans and Tranche C Term Loans
shall have been paid or prepaid in full during such fiscal  year) the  aggregate
amount of the reductions of the Revolving  Credit  Commitments  made during such
calendar year pursuant to Section 2.03(b) hereof,  such prepayment and reduction
to be effected in each case in the manner and to the extent  specified in clause
(e) of this Section 2.09.

                  (d) Sale of Assets.  Without  limiting the  obligation  of the
Borrower to obtain the consent of the Majority  Lenders pursuant to Section 9.05
hereof to any Disposition not otherwise permitted  hereunder,  in the event that
the Net Available Proceeds

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of any  Disposition  (herein,  the  "Current  Disposition"),  and  of all  prior
Dispositions  as to which a prepayment  has not yet been made under this Section
2.09(d), but in all events excluding Excluded Net Available Proceeds (as defined
below),  shall exceed $1,000,000 then, no later than five Business Days prior to
the  occurrence  of the Current  Disposition,  the Borrower  will deliver to the
Lenders a statement, certified by a senior financial officer of the Borrower, in
form and detail  satisfactory  to the Agent,  of the amount of the Net Available
Proceeds  of the Current  Disposition  and of all such prior  Dispositions  and,
concurrently with the consummation of the Current  Disposition,  will prepay the
Loans  (and/or  provide cover for Letter of Credit  Liabilities  as specified in
clause (f) below), and the Commitments shall be subject to automatic  reduction,
in an  aggregate  amount  equal  to 100% of the Net  Available  Proceeds  of the
Current Disposition and such prior  Dispositions,  such prepayment and reduction
to be effected in each case in the manner and to the extent  specified in clause
(e) of this Section  2.09.  For purposes of this Section  2.09(d)  "Excluded Net
Available  Proceeds" shall mean (without  duplication) (i) the first $250,000 of
Net  Available  Proceeds  from  Dispositions  received by the  Borrower  and its
Subsidiaries  in each of the Borrower's  fiscal years,  (ii) the proceeds of any
Disposition  of the WSTR  Note  and  (iii)  the Net  Available  Proceeds  of any
Disposition  made  pursuant to Section  9.05(d)(iv)(x)  if, within twelve months
following  the receipt by the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  of such Net
Available  Proceeds,  (x) the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  shall have
entered into one or more acquisition agreements providing for the Acquisition by
the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  of one or  more  radio  broadcasting
stations as permitted  hereby and (y) the transfer of control to the Borrower or
any of its  Subsidiaries  of the  Broadcast  Licenses  relating  to  such  radio
broadcasting  stations shall have been approved by Initial FCC Orders;  provided
that  if (A) the  cash  purchase  price  payable  by the  Borrower  or any  such
Subsidiary  in  connection  with all such  Acquisitions  shall be less  than the
amount of such Net Available  Proceeds or (B) any such Acquisition shall fail to
have been  consummated  by reason of (1) the  relevant  Initial FCC Order having
been revoked, rescinded,  cancelled or otherwise ceasing to be in full force and
effect for any reason,  (2) the relevant  acquisition  agreement having expired,
been  terminated  or  cancelled,  or  otherwise  ceasing to be in full force and
effect  for  any  reason  or  (3)  the  failure  of the  Borrower  or any of its
Subsidiaries to consummate any such Acquisition not later than 30 days after the
transfer of control to the Borrower or such Subsidiary of the Broadcast Licenses
relating to the relevant  radio  broadcasting  station having been approved by a
Final FCC Order,  then the Borrower  shall,  promptly  upon the execution of all
such  agreements (in the case of the foregoing  clause (A)) or upon such failure
(in the case of the foregoing  clause (B)),  prepay Loans (and/or  provide cover

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Letter of Credit  Liabilities  as  specified in clause (f) below) and reduce the
Commitments in the manner and to the extent  specified in clause (e) below in an
aggregate  amount equal to the excess of such Net  Available  Proceeds  over the
aggregate  amount of such cash  purchase  prices  (in the case of the  foregoing
clause (A)) or the amount of the cash purchase price for such failed Acquisition
(in the case of the foregoing clause (B)).

                  (e) Application. Any amount (the "Applicable Amount") required
to be applied to prepay Loans or reduce Commitments as provided in the foregoing
clauses of this  Section 2.09 shall be effected  (except as expressly  set forth
above) as follows:

              (i) first,  the  Borrower  shall  prepay the Tranche A Term Loans,
         Tranche B Term Loans and  Tranche C Term Loans in an  aggregate  amount
         equal to the Applicable  Amount,  such  prepayment to be applied (x) as
         between  such  Classes  of  Loans,  pro  rata in  accordance  with  the
         respective  aggregate principal amounts thereof outstanding on the date
         of prepayment (as calculated  after giving effect to all other payments
         and  prepayments  of  principal  of such Loans on such date) and (y) as
         within each such Class of Loans, to the respective installments thereof
         in the inverse order of their maturities;

             (ii)  second,   the  Tranche  C  Term  Loan  Commitments  shall  be
         automatically  reduced  by  an  amount  equal  to  any  excess  of  the
         Applicable Amount over the aggregate  principal amount of Loans prepaid
         pursuant to the foregoing clause (i); and

            (iii) third, the Revolving Credit Commitments shall be automatically
         reduced by an amount equal to any excess of the Applicable  Amount over
         the aggregate principal amount of Loans prepaid and Commitments reduced
         pursuant to the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii), and to the extent that,
         after giving effect to such reduction,  the aggregate  principal amount
         of Revolving  Credit Loans,  together with the aggregate  amount of all
         Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities,  would  exceed  the  Revolving  Credit
         Commitments,  the Borrower shall,  first, prepay Revolving Credit Loans
         and,  second,  provide  cover  for  Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities  as
         specified  in clause (f) below,  in an  aggregate  amount equal to such

                  (f) Cover for Letter of Credit Liabilities.  In the event that
the Borrower shall be required  pursuant to this Section 2.09 or Section 3.01(a)
hereof to provide  cover for Letter of Credit  Liabilities,  the Borrower  shall
effect the same by paying to the Agent immediately  available funds in an amount
equal to the required amount, which funds shall be retained by

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the Agent in the Collateral Account (as provided therein as collateral  security
for the Letter of Credit  Liabilities)  until such time as the Letters of Credit
shall have been terminated and all of the Letter of Credit  Liabilities  paid in

                  2.10  Issuance of Letters of Credit.  Subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement,  the Revolving Credit  Commitments may be utilized
prior to the Revolving Credit  Commitment  Termination Date, upon the request of
the Borrower,  in addition to the Revolving Credit Loans provided for by Section
2.01(a) hereof,  by the issuance by the Issuing Bank of letters of credit (each,
a "Letter of Credit") for account of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries (as
specified by the  Borrower),  provided  that in no event shall (i) the aggregate
amount  of all  Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities,  together  with  the  aggregate
principal amount of the Revolving  Credit Loans,  exceed the aggregate amount of
the  Revolving  Credit  Commitments  as in effect  from  time to time,  (ii) the
outstanding  aggregate  amount  of  all  Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities  exceed
$50,000,000  and (iii) the expiration date of any Letter of Credit extend beyond
the Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Termination  Date.  The following  additional
provisions shall apply to Letters of Credit:

                  (a) The Borrower  shall give the Agent at least five  Business
         Days' irrevocable prior notice (effective upon receipt)  specifying the
         Business  Day  (which  shall be no  later  than 30 days  preceding  the
         Revolving Credit  Commitment  Termination Date) on which each Letter of
         Credit is to be issued and the account  party or parties  therefor  and
         describing  in reasonable  detail the proposed  terms of such Letter of
         Credit  (including  the  beneficiary  thereof)  and the  nature  of the
         transactions or obligations proposed to be supported thereby (including
         whether such Letter of Credit is to be a commercial letter of credit or
         a standby letter of credit). Upon receipt of any such notice, the Agent
         shall advise the Issuing Bank of the contents thereof.

                  (b) On each day during the period commencing with the issuance
         by the  Issuing  Bank of such Letter of Credit and until such Letter of
         Credit  shall have expired or been  terminated,  the  Revolving  Credit
         Commitment  of each  Revolving  Credit  Lender  shall be  deemed  to be
         utilized for all purposes of this  Agreement in an amount equal to such
         Revolving Credit Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment Percentage of the
         then  undrawn  face  amount of such  Letter of Credit.  Each  Revolving
         Credit  Lender  (other than the Issuing  Bank)  agrees  that,  upon the
         issuance  of any  Letter of Credit  hereunder,  it shall  automatically
         acquire a  participation  in the Issuing  Bank's  liability  under such
         Letter of Credit in an amount equal to such Revolving Credit

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         Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment Percentage of such liability,  and
         each  Revolving  Credit  Lender  (other than the Issuing  Bank) thereby
         shall absolutely,  unconditionally  and irrevocably  assume, as primary
         obligor and not as surety,  and shall be  unconditionally  obligated to
         the Issuing Bank to pay and discharge  when due, its  Revolving  Credit
         Commitment Percentage of the Issuing Bank's liability under such Letter
         of Credit.

                  (c) Upon receipt from the  beneficiary of any Letter of Credit
         of any demand for payment under such Letter of Credit, the Issuing Bank
         shall promptly notify the Borrower (through the Agent) of the amount to
         be paid by the Issuing  Bank as a result of such demand and the date on
         which payment is to be made by the Issuing Bank to such  beneficiary in
         respect of such  demand.  Notwithstanding  the  identity of the account
         party of any  Letter of Credit,  the  Borrower  hereby  unconditionally
         agrees to pay and  reimburse  the Agent for account of the Issuing Bank
         for the amount of each demand for  payment  under such Letter of Credit
         at or prior to the date on which  payment is to be made by the  Issuing
         Bank  to  the  beneficiary  thereunder,  without  presentment,  demand,
         protest or other formalities of any kind.

                  (d)  Forthwith  upon its  receipt of a notice  referred  to in
         clause (c) of this Section  2.10,  the Borrower  shall advise the Agent
         whether or not the Borrower  intends to borrow hereunder to finance its
         obligation  to reimburse the Issuing Bank for the amount of the related
         demand for payment and, if it does,  submit a notice of such  borrowing
         as  provided in Section  4.05  hereof.  In the event that the  Borrower
         fails to so advise the Agent, or if the Borrower fails to reimburse the
         Issuing Bank for a payment under a Letter of Credit by the date of such
         payment,  the Agent  shall give each  Revolving  Credit  Lender  prompt
         notice  of the  amount  of the  demand  for  payment,  specifying  such
         Revolving Credit Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment Percentage of the
         amount of the related demand for payment.

                  (e) Each Revolving Credit Lender (other than the Issuing Bank)
         shall pay to the Agent for account of the  Issuing  Bank at the Agent's
         principal  office in Dollars and in immediately  available  funds,  the
         amount of such Revolving Credit Lender's  Revolving  Credit  Commitment
         Percentage  of any payment  under a Letter of Credit upon notice by the
         Issuing  Bank  (through  the  Agent) to such  Revolving  Credit  Lender
         requesting such payment and specifying such amount. Each such Revolving
         Credit  Lender's  obligation  to make  such  payment  to the  Agent for
         account of the Issuing Bank under

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         this clause  (e),  and the  Issuing  Bank's  right to receive the same,
         shall be absolute  and  unconditional  and shall not be affected by any
         circumstance whatsoever,  including, without limitation, the failure of
         any other Revolving Credit Lender to make its payment under this clause
         (e), the  financial  condition  of the  Borrower (or any other  account
         party),  the  existence  of  any  Default  or  the  termination  of the
         Revolving  Credit  Commitments.  Each such  payment to the Issuing Bank
         shall be made without any offset,  abatement,  withholding or reduction
         whatsoever.  If  any  Revolving  Credit  Lender  shall  default  in its
         obligation  to make any such  payment  to the Agent for  account of the
         Issuing Bank,  for so long as such default shall continue the Agent may
         at the request of the Issuing Bank withhold from any payments  received
         by the Agent  under  this  Agreement  or any Note for  account  of such
         Revolving  Credit Lender the amount so in default and, to the extent so
         withheld,  pay the same to the  Issuing  Bank in  satisfaction  of such
         defaulted obligation.

                  (f) Upon the  making of each  payment  by a  Revolving  Credit
         Lender to the Issuing  Bank  pursuant to clause (e) above in respect of
         any Letter of Credit, such Revolving Credit Lender shall, automatically
         and without any  further  action on the part of the Agent,  the Issuing
         Bank or such Revolving Credit Lender, acquire (i) a participation in an
         amount equal to such payment in the  Reimbursement  Obligation owing to
         the  Issuing  Bank by the  Borrower  hereunder  and under the Letter of
         Credit  Documents  relating  to  such  Letter  of  Credit  and  (ii)  a
         participation  in a percentage  equal to such Revolving Credit Lender's
         Revolving Credit Commitment Percentage in any interest or other amounts
         payable  by the  Borrower  hereunder  and under  such  Letter of Credit
         Documents in respect of such  Reimbursement  Obligation (other than the
         commissions,  charges,  costs and expenses  payable to the Issuing Bank
         pursuant  to clause  (g) of this  Section  2.10).  Upon  receipt by the
         Issuing  Bank from or for  account of the  Borrower  of any  payment in
         respect of any  Reimbursement  Obligation or any such interest or other
         amount  (including by way of setoff or  application  of proceeds of any
         collateral  security) the Issuing Bank shall  promptly pay to the Agent
         for account of each  Revolving  Credit Lender  entitled  thereto,  such
         Revolving  Credit Lender's  Revolving Credit  Commitment  Percentage of
         such  payment,  each such payment by the Issuing Bank to be made in the
         same money and funds in which  received  by the  Issuing  Bank.  In the
         event  any  payment  received  by the  Issuing  Bank and so paid to the
         Revolving  Credit  Lenders  hereunder is rescinded or must otherwise be
         returned by the Issuing Bank, each Revolving Credit Lender shall,  upon
         the request of the Issuing Bank (through the Agent), repay to

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         the Issuing Bank (through the Agent) the amount of such payment paid to
         such Revolving  Credit  Lender,  with interest at the rate specified in
         clause (j) of this Section 2.10.

                  (g) The  Borrower  shall pay to the Agent for  account of each
         Revolving  Credit Lender (ratably in accordance  with their  respective
         Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Percentages)  a letter of credit  fee in
         respect  of each  Letter of  Credit at the rate per annum  equal to the
         Applicable  Margin for  Eurodollar  Loans on the daily average  undrawn
         face amount of such Letter of Credit for the period from and  including
         the date of  issuance  of such  Letter of  Credit  (i) in the case of a
         Letter of Credit  that  expires in  accordance  with its terms,  to and
         including  such  expiration  date and  (ii) in the case of a Letter  of
         Credit that is drawn in full or is otherwise  terminated  other than on
         the stated  expiration date of such Letter of Credit,  to but excluding
         the date such Letter of Credit is drawn in full or is terminated  (such
         fee to be non-refundable,  to be paid in arrears on each Quarterly Date
         and on the  Revolving  Credit  Commitment  Termination  Date  and to be
         calculated  for any day after giving  effect to any payments made under
         such Letter of Credit on such day). In addition, the Borrower shall pay
         to the Agent for account of the Issuing  Bank a fronting fee in respect
         of each  Letter of Credit in an amount  equal to 1/4 of 1% per annum of
         the daily average  undrawn face amount of such Letter of Credit for the
         period from and including the date of issuance of such Letter of Credit
         (i) in the case of a Letter of Credit that expires in  accordance  with
         its terms,  to and including such  expiration date and (ii) in the case
         of a Letter of Credit that is drawn in full or is otherwise  terminated
         other than on the stated  expiration date of such Letter of Credit,  to
         but  excluding  the date  such  Letter of Credit is drawn in full or is
         terminated  (such fee to be  non-refundable,  to be paid in  arrears on
         each Quarterly Date and on the Revolving Credit Commitment  Termination
         Date  and to be  calculated  for any day  after  giving  effect  to any
         payments  made  under  such  Letter  of  Credit  on such  day) plus all
         commissions,  charges,  costs and  expenses in the amounts  customarily
         charged  by the  Issuing  Bank from time to time in like  circumstances
         with  respect to the issuance of each Letter of Credit and drawings and
         other transactions relating thereto.

                  (h) Promptly  following the end of each calendar quarter,  the
         Issuing Bank shall deliver (through the Agent) to each Revolving Credit
         Lender and the Borrower a notice describing the aggregate amount of all
         Letters  of Credit  outstanding  at the end of such  quarter.  Upon the
         request of any Revolving Credit Lender from time to time, the Issuing

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         Bank shall deliver any other information  reasonably  requested by such
         Revolving  Credit  Lender  with  respect to each  Letter of Credit then

                  (i) The  issuance by the Issuing Bank of each Letter of Credit
         shall,  in addition to the conditions  precedent set forth in Section 7
         hereof, be subject to the conditions  precedent that (i) such Letter of
         Credit  shall be in such  form,  contain  such terms and  support  such
         transactions  as shall be  satisfactory  to the Issuing Bank consistent
         with its then current  practices and procedures with respect to letters
         of credit of the same type and (ii) the  Borrower  shall have  executed
         and  delivered  such  applications,  agreements  and other  instruments
         relating  to such  Letter of  Credit as the  Issuing  Bank  shall  have
         reasonably  requested  consistent  with its then current  practices and
         procedures with respect to letters of credit of the same type, provided
         that  in the  event  of any  conflict  between  any  such  application,
         agreement or other  instrument  and the provisions of this Agreement or
         any  Security  Document,  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement  and the
         Security Documents shall control.

                  (j) To the extent that any Revolving  Credit Lender shall fail
         to pay any amount  required to be paid pursuant to clause (e) or (f) of
         this  Section  2.10 on the due date  therefor,  such  Revolving  Credit
         Lender shall pay  interest to the Issuing  Bank  (through the Agent) on
         such amount from and including  such due date to but excluding the date
         such  payment is made at a rate per annum  equal to the  Federal  Funds
         Rate,  provided that if such Revolving Credit Lender shall fail to make
         such payment to the Issuing Bank within three Business Days of such due
         date, then, retroactively to the due date, such Revolving Credit Lender
         shall be obligated  to pay interest on such amount at the  Post-Default

                  (k) The  issuance by the Issuing Bank of any  modification  or
         supplement  to any Letter of Credit  hereunder  shall be subject to the
         same conditions  applicable  under this Section 2.10 to the issuance of
         new Letters of Credit,  and no such modification or supplement shall be
         issued  hereunder  unless  either (i) the  respective  Letter of Credit
         affected  thereby  would  have  complied  with such  conditions  had it
         originally been issued hereunder in such modified or supplemented  form
         or (ii) each Revolving Credit Lender shall have consented thereto.

                  (l)  The Borrower hereby indemnifies and holds harmless
         each Revolving Credit Lender and the Agent from and against

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         any and all claims and damages, losses, liabilities,  costs or expenses
         that such  Revolving  Credit Lender or the Agent may incur (or that may
         be claimed  against such  Revolving  Credit  Lender or the Agent by any
         Person whatsoever) by reason of or in connection with the execution and
         delivery  or  transfer  of or payment or refusal to pay by the  Issuing
         Bank under any Letter of Credit;  provided that the Borrower  shall not
         be required to indemnify any  Revolving  Credit Lender or the Agent for
         any  claims,  damages,  losses,  liabilities,  costs or expenses to the
         extent, but only to the extent, caused by (x) the willful misconduct or
         gross  negligence of the Issuing Bank in determining  whether a request
         presented  under any Letter of Credit  complied  with the terms of such
         Letter of Credit or (y) in the case of the  Issuing  Bank,  the Issuing
         Bank's failure to pay under any Letter of Credit after the presentation
         to it of a request strictly  complying with the terms and conditions of
         such Letter of Credit  unless such payment was enjoined by court order.
         Nothing in this Section 2.10 is intended to limit the other obligations
         of the Borrower,  any  Revolving  Credit Lender or the Agent under this

                  Section 3.  Payments of Principal and Interest.

                  3.01  Repayment of Loans.
                  (a) The  Borrower  hereby  promises  to pay to the  Agent  for
account of each Revolving Credit Lender the entire outstanding  principal amount
of such Revolving  Credit Lender's  Revolving  Credit Loans,  and each Revolving
Credit Loan shall mature, on the Revolving Credit  Commitment  Termination Date.
In addition,  if the aggregate  principal  amount of the Revolving Credit Loans,
together with the aggregate amount of all Letter of Credit Liabilities, shall at
any time exceed the Revolving Credit Commitments, the Borrower shall, first, pay
Revolving  Credit  Loans  and,  second,  provide  cover  for  Letter  of  Credit
Liabilities as specified in Section 2.09(f) above, in an aggregate  amount equal
to such excess.

                  (b) The  Borrower  hereby  promises  to pay to the  Agent  for
account  of each  Tranche A Lender  the  principal  of such  Tranche A  Lender's
Tranche  A Term  Loan in  twenty-five  installments  payable  on the  Tranche  A
Principal Payment Dates as follows:

      Tranche A Principal Payment Date
          falling on or nearest to:                 Amount of Installment ($)
          -------------------------                 -------------------------

               December 31, 1996                        $30,000,000
               March 31, 1997                            15,000,000

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                  June 30, 1997                        15,000,000
                  September 30, 1997                   15,000,000
                  December 31, 1997                    15,000,000
                  March 31, 1998                       17,500,000
                  June 30, 1998                        17,500,000
                  September 30, 1998                   17,500,000
                  December 31, 1998                    17,500,000
                  March 31, 1999                       22,500,000
                  June 30, 1999                        22,500,000
                  September 30, 1999                   22,500,000
                  December 31, 1999                    22,500,000
                  March 31, 2000                       25,000,000
                  June 30, 2000                        25,000,000
                  September 30, 2000                   25,000,000
                  December 31, 2000                    25,000,000
                  March 31, 2001                       25,000,000
                  June 30, 2001                        25,000,000
                  September 30, 2001                   25,000,000
                  December 31, 2001                    25,000,000
                  March 31, 2002                       25,000,000
                  June 30, 2002                        25,000,000
                  September 30, 2002                   25,000,000
                  December 31, 2002                    25,000,000

If the  aggregate  principal  amount  of the  Tranche A Term  Loans  made on the
Restatement  Effective Date, is less than  $550,000,000,  the shortfall shall be
applied to reduce the foregoing installments ratably.

                  (c) The  Borrower  hereby  promises  to pay to the  Agent  for
account  of each  Tranche B Lender  the  principal  of such  Tranche B  Lender's
Tranche  B Term  Loan in  twenty-nine  installments  payable  on the  Tranche  B
Principal Payment Dates as follows:

     Tranche B Principal Payment Date
          falling on or nearest to:                  Amount of Installment ($)
          -------------------------                  -------------------------

             December 31, 1996                           $ 1,500,000
             March 31, 1997                                  375,000
             June 30, 1997                                   375,000
             September 30, 1997                              375,000
             December 31, 1997                               375,000
             March 31, 1998                                  375,000
             June 30, 1998                                   375,000
             September 30, 1998                              375,000
             December 31, 1998                               375,000
             March 31, 1999                                  375,000
             June 30, 1999                                   375,000
             September 30, 1999                              375,000

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             December 31, 1999                                375,000
             March 31, 2000                                   375,000
             June 30, 2000                                    375,000
             September 30, 2000                               375,000
             December 31, 2000                                375,000
             March 31, 2001                                   375,000
             June 30, 2001                                    375,000
             September 30, 2001                               375,000
             December 31, 2001                                375,000
             March 31, 2002                                 3,750,000
             June 30, 2002                                  3,750,000
             September 30, 2002                             3,750,000
             December 31, 2002                              3,750,000
             March 31, 2003                                44,000,000
             June 30, 2003                                 44,000,000
             September 30, 2003                            44,000,000
             November 30, 2003                             44,000,000

If the  aggregate  principal  amount  of the  Tranche B Term  Loans  made on the
Restatement  Effective Date, is less than  $200,000,000,  the shortfall shall be
applied to reduce the foregoing installments ratably.

                  (d) The  Borrower  hereby  promises  to pay to the  Agent  for
account  of each  Tranche C Lender  the  principal  of such  Tranche C  Lender's
Tranche  C Term  Loan  in  twenty-six  installments  payable  on the  Tranche  C
Principal Payment Dates as follows:

     Tranche C Principal Payment Date
          falling on or nearest to:                    Amount of Installment ($)
          -------------------------                    -------------------------

             September 30, 1997                            $ 4,000,000
             December 31, 1997                               4,000,000
             March 31, 1998                                  2,500,000
             June 30, 1998                                   2,500,000
             September 30, 1998                              2,500,000
             December 31, 1998                               2,500,000
             March 31, 1999                                  3,000,000
             June 30, 1999                                   3,000,000
             September 30, 1999                              3,000,000
             December 31, 1999                               3,000,000
             March 31, 2000                                  3,500,000
             June 30, 2000                                   3,500,000
             September 30, 2000                              3,500,000
             December 31, 2000                               3,500,000
             March 31, 2001                                  4,000,000
             June 30, 2001                                   4,000,000
             September 30, 2001                              4,000,000
             December 31, 2001                               4,000,000
             March 31, 2002                                  4,500,000

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             June 30, 2002                                   4,500,000
             September 30, 2002                              4,500,000
             December 31, 2002                               4,500,000
             March 31, 2003                                 30,500,000
             June 30, 2003                                  30,500,000
             September 30, 2003                             30,500,000
             November 30, 2003                              30,500,000

If the aggregate principal amount of the Tranche C Term Loans outstanding at the
close of business on the Tranche C Term Loan Commitment Termination Date is less
than  $200,000,000,  the  shortfall  shall be applied  to reduce  the  foregoing
installments ratably.

                  3.02  Interest.  The  Borrower  hereby  promises to pay to the
Agent for account of each Lender interest on the unpaid principal amount of each
Loan made by such Lender for the period from and including the date of such Loan
to but  excluding  the date such Loan  shall be paid in full,  at the  following
rates per annum:

                  (a) during such periods as such Loan is a Base Rate Loan,  the
         Base Rate (as in effect from time to time) plus the  Applicable  Margin

                  (b) during such periods as such Loan is a Eurodollar Loan, for
         each Interest  Period  relating  thereto,  the Eurodollar Rate for such
         Loan for such Interest Period plus the Applicable Margin.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  during any period that a Post- Default Interest
Condition  exists  (whether or not the same is thereafter  cured),  the Borrower
hereby  promises to pay to the Agent for account of each Lender  interest at the
applicable  Post-Default  Rate on any  principal of any Loan made by such Lender
(whether or not then due), on any Reimbursement  Obligation owing to such Lender
and on any other amount then due and payable by the Borrower  hereunder or under
the Note(s) held by such Lender.  Accrued interest on each Loan shall be payable
(i) in the case of a Base Rate Loan,  quarterly on the Quarterly Dates,  (ii) in
the case of a Eurodollar  Loan, on the last day of each Interest Period therefor
and,  if such  Interest  Period is longer  than  three  months,  at  three-month
intervals following the first day of such Interest Period, and (iii) in the case
of any Loan,  upon the payment or prepayment  thereof or the  Conversion of such
Loan to a Loan of  another  Type  (but  only on the  principal  amount  so paid,
prepaid or Converted),  except that interest  payable at the  Post-Default  Rate
shall be payable from time to time on demand.  Promptly after the  determination
of any interest rate provided for herein or any change therein,  the Agent shall

                                Credit Agreement

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notice  thereof  to the  Lenders to which such  interest  is payable  and to the

                  Section 4.  Payments; Pro Rata Treatment; Computations;

                  4.01  Payments.
                  (a)  Except  to the  extent  otherwise  provided  herein,  all
payments of  principal,  interest  and other  amounts to be made by the Borrower
under this Agreement and the Notes, and, except to the extent otherwise provided
therein, all payments to be made by the Borrower under any other Basic Document,
shall be made in Dollars,  in immediately  available funds,  without  deduction,
set-off or counterclaim, to the Agent at an account designated by the Agent, not
later  than 1:00  p.m.  New York time on the date on which  such  payment  shall
become due (each such payment made after such time on such due date to be deemed
to have been made on the next succeeding Business Day).

                  (b) Any Lender  for whose  account  any such  payment is to be
made,  may (but shall not be obligated  to) debit the amount of any such payment
which is not made by such time to any ordinary  deposit  account of the Borrower
with such Lender (with notice to the Borrower).

                  (c) The  Borrower  shall,  at the time of making each  payment
under this  Agreement  or any Note,  specify to the Agent (which shall so notify
the intended recipient(s) thereof) the Loans, Reimbursement Obligations or other
amounts payable by the Borrower hereunder to which such payment is to be applied
(and in the event that it fails to so  specify,  or if an Event of  Default  has
occurred and is continuing, the Agent may distribute such payment to the Lenders
for application in such manner as it or the Majority Lenders, subject to Section
4.02 hereof, may determine to be appropriate).

                  (d)  Except  to the  extent  otherwise  provided  in the  last
sentence of Section  2.10(e)  hereof,  each payment  received by the Agent under
this  Agreement or any Note for account of any Lender shall be paid by the Agent
promptly to such Lender,  in immediately  available  funds,  for account of such
Lender's  Applicable  Lending Office for the Loan or other obligation in respect
of which such payment is made.

                  (e) If the due date of any payment under this Agreement or any
Note would  otherwise  fall on a day which is not a Business Day such date shall
be extended to the next succeeding

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Business Day and interest shall be payable for any principal so extended for the
period of such extension.

                  4.02  Pro  Rata  Treatment.  Except  to the  extent  otherwise
provided herein:

                  (a) each  borrowing  of Loans of a  particular  Class from the
         Lenders  under  Section  2.01  hereof  shall be made from the  relevant
         Lenders,  each payment of  commitment  fee under Section 2.04 hereof in
         respect of Commitments of a particular  Class shall be made for account
         of the  relevant  Lenders,  and each  termination  or  reduction of the
         amount of the  Commitments  of a  particular  Class under  Section 2.03
         hereof shall be applied to the respective  Commitments of such Class of
         the  relevant  Lenders,  pro rata  according  to the  amounts  of their
         respective Commitments of such Class;

                  (b)  except as  otherwise  provided  in Section  5.04  hereof,
         Eurodollar  Loans of any Class having the same Interest Period shall be
         allocated  among the relevant  Lenders pro rata according to amounts of
         their  respective  Commitments of such Class (in the case of the making
         of  Loans)  or their  respective  Loans of such  Class  (in the case of
         Conversions and Continuations of Loans);

                  (c) each payment or prepayment by the Borrower of principal of
         Loans of any Class  shall be made for account of the  relevant  Lenders
         pro rata in accordance with the respective  unpaid principal amounts of
         the Loans of such  Class  held by them,  provided  that if  immediately
         prior to giving  effect to any such  payment in respect of any Loans of
         any Class the outstanding  principal  amount of the Loans of such Class
         shall not be held by the Lenders pro rata  according  to the amounts of
         their  respective  Commitments of such Class in effect at the time such
         Loans  were made (by  reason  of a  failure  of a Lender to make a Loan
         hereunder  in the  circumstances  described  in the last  paragraph  of
         Section 12.04 hereof),  then such payment shall be applied to the Loans
         of such  Class  in  such  manner  as  shall  result,  as  nearly  as is
         practicable,  in the outstanding  principal amount of the Loans of such
         Class  being held by the  relevant  Lenders pro rata  according  to the
         amounts of their respective Commitments of such Class; and

                  (d) each  payment by the  Borrower of interest on Loans of any
         Class  shall be made  for  account  of the  relevant  Lenders  pro rata
         according to the amounts of interest on such Loans then due and payable
         to the respective Lenders.

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                  4.03 Computations. Interest on Eurodollar Loans and commitment
fee and letter of credit  fees shall be  computed  on the basis of a year of 360
days and actual days elapsed  (including the first day but,  except as otherwise
provided in Section  2.10(g)  hereof,  excluding the last day)  occurring in the
period for which  payable  and  interest  on Base Rate  Loans and  Reimbursement
Obligations  shall be computed on the basis of a year of 365 or 366 days, as the
case may be, and actual days elapsed  (including the first day but excluding the
last day)  occurring  in the  period  for  which  payable.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  for each day that the Base Rate is  calculated  by  reference to the
Federal Funds Rate,  interest on Base Rate Loans and  Reimbursement  Obligations
shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days and actual days elapsed.

                  4.04  Minimum Amounts, Etc.

                           (a) Except for mandatory prepayments made pursuant to
         Section 2.09 hereof and  Conversions  or  prepayments  made pursuant to
         Section 5.04 hereof, each borrowing,  Conversion and partial prepayment
         of  principal  of  Loans  shall  be in an  amount  at  least  equal  to
         $1,000,000  and in integral  multiples  of  $100,000 in excess  thereof
         (borrowings,  Conversions  or prepayments of or into Loans of different
         Types or, in the case of Eurodollar  Loans,  having different  Interest
         Periods at the same time  hereunder to be deemed  separate  borrowings,
         Conversions and prepayments for purposes of the foregoing, one for each
         Type or Interest Period).

                           (b)  Anything  in  this  Agreement  to  the  contrary
         notwithstanding,  the aggregate  principal  amount of Eurodollar  Loans
         having the same Interest Period shall be in an amount at least equal to
         $10,000,000  and in integral  multiples  of $500,000 in excess  thereof
         and, if any Eurodollar  Loans would otherwise be in a lesser  principal
         amount for any period,  such Loans shall be Base Rate Loans during such

                  4.05 Certain Notices.  Notices by the Borrower to the Agent of
terminations  or  reductions of the  Commitments,  of  borrowings,  Conversions,
Continuations  and optional  prepayments of Loans,  and of Classes of Loans,  of
Types of Loans and of the duration of Interest  Periods shall be irrevocable and
shall be  effective  only if received by the Agent not later than 10:00 a.m. New
York  time on the  number of  Business  Days  prior to the date of the  relevant
termination, reduction, borrowing, Conversion, Continuation or prepayment or the
first day of such Interest Period specified below:

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                                                           Number of   
                  Notice                                   Days Prior
                  ------                                   ----------

         Termination or reduction
         of the Commitments                                     2

         Borrowing or prepayment of,
         or Conversions into,
         Base Rate Loans                                        1

         Borrowing or prepayment of,
         Conversions into, Continuations
         as, or duration of Interest
         Period for, Eurodollar Loans                           3

Each such notice of termination or reduction  shall specify the amount and Class
of the  Commitments to be terminated or reduced.  Each such notice of borrowing,
Conversion, Continuation or optional prepayment shall specify the Class of Loans
to be  borrowed,  Converted,  Continued  or prepaid  and the amount  (subject to
Section  4.04(a)  hereof)  and  Type of each  Loan  to be  borrowed,  Converted,
Continued  or prepaid and the date of  borrowing,  Conversion,  Continuation  or
optional  prepayment  (which shall be a Business  Day).  Each such notice of the
duration of an Interest  Period shall  specify the Loans to which such  Interest
Period is to relate. The Agent shall promptly notify the Lenders of the contents
of each such notice.  In the event that the Borrower fails to select the Type of
Loan, or the duration of any Interest  Period for any Eurodollar Loan within the
time  period and  otherwise  as  provided in this  Section  4.05,  such Loan (if
outstanding as a Eurodollar  Loan) will be  automatically  Converted into a Base
Rate Loan on the last day of the then current  Interest  Period for such Loan or
(if  outstanding  as a  Base  Rate  Loan)  will  remain  as,  or  (if  not  then
outstanding) will be made as, a Base Rate Loan.

                  4.06 Non-Receipt of Funds by the Agent. Unless the Agent shall
have been notified by a Lender or the Borrower  (the "Payor")  prior to the date
on which the Payor is to make  payment to the Agent of (in the case of a Lender)
the  proceeds  of a Loan  to be  made by it  hereunder  or (in  the  case of the
Borrower)  a  payment  to the Agent for  account  of one or more of the  Lenders
hereunder  (such  payment being herein  called the  "Required  Payment"),  which
notice shall be effective  upon receipt,  that the Payor does not intend to make
the  Required  Payment to the  Agent,  the Agent may  assume  that the  Required
Payment has been made and may, in reliance upon such  assumption  (but shall not
be required to), make the amount thereof available to the intended  recipient(s)
on such date and, if the Payor has not in fact made

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the Required  Payment to the Agent,  the  recipient(s) of such payment shall, on
demand,  repay to the Agent the amount so made available  together with interest
thereon in respect  of each day  during the period  commencing  on the date (the
"Advance  Date") such amount was so made  available  by the Agent until the date
the Agent  recovers  such amount at a rate per annum equal to the Federal  Funds
Rate for such day and,  if such  recipient(s)  shall fail  promptly to make such
payment, the Agent shall be entitled to recover such amount, on demand, from the
Payor,  together  with  interest  as  aforesaid,  provided  that if neither  the
recipient(s) nor the Payor shall return the Required Payment to the Agent within
three  Business Days of the Advance  Date,  then,  retroactively  to the Advance
Date, the Payor and the recipient(s)  shall each be obligated to pay interest on
the Required Payment as follows:

                  (i) if the Required  Payment  shall  represent a payment to be
         made by the Borrower to the Lenders,  the Borrower and the recipient(s)
         shall  each  be  obligated  retroactively  to the  Advance  Date to pay
         interest in respect of the Required  Payment at the  Post-Default  Rate
         (without  duplication  of the  obligation of the Borrower under Section
         3.02 hereof to pay interest on the Required Payment at the Post-Default
         Rate), it being  understood that the return by the  recipient(s) of the
         Required  Payment to the Agent shall not limit such  obligation  of the
         Borrower  under said Section  3.02 to pay interest at the  Post-Default
         Rate in respect of the Required Payment, and

             (ii) if the Required Payment shall represent  proceeds of a Loan to
         be made by the  Lenders  to the  Borrower,  the Payor and the  Borrower
         shall  each  be  obligated  retroactively  to the  Advance  Date to pay
         interest in respect of the  Required  Payment at whichever of the rates
         of interest  specified in Section 3.02 hereof is applicable to the Type
         of such Loan,  it being  understood  that the return by the Borrower of
         the  Required  Payment  to the  Agent  shall  not  limit  any claim the
         Borrower  may have  against  the  Payor  in  respect  of such  Required

                  4.07  Sharing of Payments, Etc.

                  (a) Each  Obligor  agrees  that,  in addition to (and  without
limitation of) any right of set-off,  banker's lien or counterclaim a Lender may
otherwise  have,  each Lender shall be  entitled,  at its option (to the fullest
extent  permitted by law), to set off and apply any deposit (general or special,
time or demand, provisional or final), or other indebtedness,  held by it or any
of its  affiliates  for the  credit or  account  of such  Obligor  at any of its
offices, in Dollars or in any other

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currency,  against any principal of or interest on any of such  Lender's  Loans,
Reimbursement  Obligations or any other amount payable to such Lender hereunder,
that is not  paid  when  due  (regardless  of  whether  such  deposit  or  other
indebtedness  is then  due to such  Obligor),  in which  case it shall  promptly
notify such Obligor and the Agent thereof,  provided that such Lender's  failure
to give such notice shall not affect the validity thereof.

                  (b) If any Lender shall obtain from any Obligor payment of any
principal  of or interest on any Loan of any Class or  Reimbursement  Obligation
owing to it or payment of any other amount under this Agreement or any Note held
by it or any other Basic Document  through the exercise of any right of set-off,
banker's lien or counterclaim or similar right or otherwise (other than from the
Agent as provided herein),  and, as a result of such payment,  such Lender shall
have received a greater  percentage of the principal of or interest on the Loans
of such  Class or  Reimbursement  Obligations  or such  other  amounts  then due
hereunder  or  thereunder  by such  Obligor to such Lender  than the  percentage
received  by any other  Lenders,  it shall  promptly  purchase  from such  other
Lenders  participations  in (or, if and to the extent  specified by such Lender,
direct  interests in) the Loans of such Class or  Reimbursement  Obligations  or
such other  amounts,  respectively,  owing to such other Lenders (or in interest
due  thereon,  as the  case  may  be) in  such  amounts,  and  make  such  other
adjustments  from  time to time as shall be  equitable,  to the end that all the
Lenders  shall  share the benefit of such excess  payment  (net of any  expenses
which may be incurred  by such Lender in  obtaining  or  preserving  such excess
payment) pro rata in accordance with the unpaid  principal of and/or interest on
the Loans of such Class or such other  amounts,  respectively,  owing to each of
the  Lenders,  provided  that if at the  time of such  payment  the  outstanding
principal  amount of the Loans of any Class shall not be held by the Lenders pro
rata in accordance with their respective  relevant  Commitments of such Class in
effect at the time such  Loans  were made (by reason of a failure of a Lender to
make a Loan  hereunder in the  circumstances  described in the last paragraph of
Section  12.04  hereof),  then such  purchases of  participations  and/or direct
interests  shall  be  made in  such  manner  as will  result,  as  nearly  as is
practicable,  in the outstanding principal amount of the Loans being held by the
Lenders pro rata according to the amounts of such  Commitments.  To such end all
the Lenders shall make appropriate  adjustments  among themselves (by the resale
of  participations  sold or  otherwise)  if such  payment is  rescinded  or must
otherwise be restored.

                  (c) The Borrower  agrees that any Lender so purchasing  such a
participation (or direct interest) may exercise all rights

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of set-off,  banker's lien,  counterclaim or similar rights with respect to such
participation  as fully as if such Lender were a direct holder of Loans or other
amounts  (as the  case  may be)  owing  to such  Lender  in the  amount  of such
participation (or direct interest).

                  (d)  Nothing  contained  herein  shall  require  any Lender to
exercise any such right or shall affect the right of any Lender to exercise, and
retain the  benefits  of  exercising,  any such right with  respect to any other
indebtedness or obligation of any Obligor. If, under any applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency or other similar law, any Lender  receives a secured claim in lieu of
a set-off to which this Section 4.07 applies,  such Lender shall,  to the extent
practicable,  exercise its rights in respect of such  secured  claim in a manner
consistent  with the rights of the Lenders  entitled  under this Section 4.07 to
share in the benefits of any recovery on such secured claim.

                  Section 5.  Yield Protection, Etc.
                  5.01  Additional Costs.
                  (a) The  Borrower  shall pay directly to each Lender from time
to time such amounts as such Lender may  determine to be necessary to compensate
it for any costs which such Lender  determines are attributable to its making or
maintaining  of any  Eurodollar  Loans or its  obligation to make any Eurodollar
Loans  hereunder,  or any  reduction  in any amount  receivable  by such  Lender
hereunder in respect of any of such Loans or such obligation  (such increases in
costs and  reductions  in amounts  receivable  being herein  called  "Additional
Costs"), resulting from any Regulatory Change which:

                       (i) shall subject any Lender (or its  Applicable  Lending
         Office  for any of such  Loans)  to any tax,  duty or other  charge  in
         respect of such Loans or its  Note(s) or changes  the basis of taxation
         of any  amounts  payable to such  Lender  under this  Agreement  or its
         Note(s) in respect of any of such Loans (excluding  changes in the rate
         of tax on the overall  net income of such  Lender or of its  Applicable
         Lending Office for any of such Loans by the  jurisdiction in which such
         Lender has its principal office or such Applicable Lending Office); or

                      (ii) imposes or modifies any reserve,  special  deposit or
         similar  requirements (other than the Reserve  Requirement  utilized in
         the determination of the Eurodollar Rate for such Loan) relating to any
         extensions  of credit or other assets of, or any deposits with or other

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         of, such Lender  (including any of such Loans or any deposits  referred
         to in the definition of "Eurodollar Base Rate" in Section 1.01 hereof),
         or any  commitment  of such Lender  (including  the  Commitment of such
         Lender hereunder); or

                     (iii) imposes any other condition  affecting this Agreement
         or its Note(s) (or any of such  extensions of credit or liabilities) or
         its Commitment.

If any  Lender  requests  compensation  from the  Borrower  under  this  Section
5.01(a),  the Borrower may, by notice to such Lender (with a copy to the Agent),
suspend the obligation of such Lender to make or Continue  Eurodollar  Loans, or
to Convert Base Rate Loans into Eurodollar  Loans,  until the Regulatory  Change
giving rise to such request ceases to be in effect (in which case the provisions
of Section 5.04 hereof shall be applicable), provided that such suspension shall
not affect the right of such Lender to receive the compensation so requested.

                  (b) Without limiting the effect of the provisions of paragraph
(a) of this Section 5.01, in the event that, by reason of any Regulatory Change,
any Lender either (i) incurs Additional Costs based on or measured by the excess
above a  specified  level of the  amount  of a  category  of  deposits  or other
liabilities  of such Lender  which  includes  deposits by reference to which the
interest rate on Eurodollar Loans is determined as provided in this Agreement or
a category of extensions of credit or other assets of such Lender which includes
Eurodollar Loans or (ii) becomes subject to restrictions on the amount of such a
category of  liabilities  or assets which it may hold,  then,  if such Lender so
elects by notice to the Borrower  (with a copy to the Agent),  the obligation of
such Lender to make or Continue,  or to Convert Base Rate Loans into, Eurodollar
Loans hereunder shall be suspended until such Regulatory  Change ceases to be in
effect  (in  which  case  the   provisions  of  Section  5.04  hereof  shall  be

                  (c) Without limiting the effect of the foregoing provisions of
this Section 5.01 (but without duplication),  the Borrower shall pay directly to
each  Lender  from time to time on  request  such  amounts  as such  Lender  may
determine to be necessary to compensate  such Lender (or,  without  duplication,
the bank  holding  company of which such Lender is a  subsidiary)  for any costs
which it determines are  attributable  to the maintenance by such Lender (or any
Applicable Lending Office or such bank holding company),  pursuant to any law or
regulation or any  interpretation,  directive or request  (whether or not having
the  force of law and  whether  or not  failure  to  comply  therewith  would be
unlawful) of any court or governmental  or monetary  authority (i) following any
Regulatory Change or (ii) implementing any

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risk-based capital guideline or requirement  (whether or not having the force of
law and  whether  or not the  failure  to comply  therewith  would be  unlawful)
heretofore or hereafter  issued by any government or governmental or supervisory
authority  implementing  at the  national  level  the Basle  Accord  (including,
without  limitation,  the Final  Risk-Based  Capital  Guidelines of the Board of
Governors  of the Federal  Reserve  System (12 CFR Part 208,  Appendix A; 12 CFR
Part 225, Appendix A) and the Final Risk-Based  Capital Guidelines of the Office
of the  Comptroller  of the Currency (12 CFR Part 3, Appendix A)), of capital in
respect of its  Commitment  or Loans  (such  compensation  to  include,  without
limitation,  an amount equal to any reduction of the rate of return on assets or
equity of such Lender (or any  Applicable  Lending  Office or such bank  holding
company)  to a level  below that which such  Lender (or any  Applicable  Lending
Office or such bank  holding  company)  could  have  achieved  but for such law,
regulation, interpretation,  directive or request). For purposes of this Section
5.01(c) and Section 5.06 hereof,  "Basle  Accord"  shall mean the  proposals for
risk-based  capital  framework  described  by the  Basle  Committee  on  Banking
Regulations  and  Supervisory  Practices  in its paper  entitled  "International
Convergence of Capital  Measurement and Capital  Standards"  dated July 1988, as
amended,  modified  and  supplemented  and in  effect  from  time to time or any
replacement thereof.

                  (d)  Each  Lender  shall  notify  the  Borrower  of any  event
occurring  after the date of this  Agreement  that will  entitle  such Lender to
compensation  under  paragraph  (a) or (c) of this  Section  5.01 as promptly as
practicable,  but in any event within 45 days,  after such Lender obtains actual
knowledge thereof;  provided,  that (i) if such Lender fails to give such notice
within 45 days after it obtains actual  knowledge of such an event,  such Lender
shall,  with respect to  compensation  payable  pursuant to this Section 5.01 in
respect of any costs  resulting  from such  event,  only be  entitled to payment
under this Section 5.01 for costs incurred from and after the date 45 days prior
to the date that such  Lender  does give such  notice and (ii) each  Lender will
designate a  different  Applicable  Lending  Office for the Loans of such Lender
affected  by such event if such  designation  will avoid the need for, or reduce
the amount  of,  such  compensation  and will not,  in the sole  opinion of such
Lender, be disadvantageous to such Lender, except that such Lender shall have no
obligation  to  designate an  Applicable  Lending  Office  located in the United
States of  America.  Each  Lender  will  furnish to the  Borrower a  certificate
setting  forth  the  basis  and  amount  of  each  request  by such  Lender  for
compensation under paragraph (a) or (c) of this Section 5.01. Determinations and
allocations by any Lender for purposes of this Section 5.01 of the effect of any
Regulatory  Change  pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this Section 5.01, or of
the effect of

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capital maintained  pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Section 5.01, on its costs
or rate of return of maintaining  Loans or its  obligation to make Loans,  or on
amounts  receivable  by it in respect of Loans,  and of the amounts  required to
compensate  such Lender under this Section 5.01,  shall be conclusive,  provided
that such determinations and allocations are made on a reasonable basis.

                  5.02  Limitation  on Types of  Loans.  Anything  herein to the
contrary notwithstanding, if, on or prior to the determination of any Eurodollar
Base Rate for any Interest Period:

                  (a)  the  Agent  determines,   which  determination  shall  be
         conclusive, that quotations of interest rates for the relevant deposits
         referred to in the definition of "Eurodollar Base Rate" in Section 1.01
         hereof  are not  being  provided  in the  relevant  amounts  or for the
         relevant  maturities for purposes of determining  rates of interest for
         Eurodollar Loans as provided herein; or

                  (b) with respect to Loans of any Class, the Majority Revolving
         Credit Lenders,  the Majority Tranche A Lenders, the Majority Tranche B
         Lenders  or the  Majority  Tranche  C  Lenders,  as the  case  may  be,
         determine,  which  determination  shall be  conclusive,  and notify the
         Agent that the relevant rates of interest referred to in the definition
         of  "Eurodollar  Base Rate" in Section  1.01  hereof  upon the basis of
         which the rate of interest for Eurodollar  Loans of such Class for such
         Interest Period is to be determined are not likely  adequately to cover
         the cost to such Lenders of making or maintaining  Eurodollar Loans for
         such Interest Period;

then the Agent shall give the Borrower and each Lender  prompt  notice  thereof,
and so long as such condition  remains in effect,  the Lenders shall be under no
obligation to make additional  Eurodollar Loans, to Continue Eurodollar Loans or
to Convert Base Rate Loans into Eurodollar  Loans and the Borrower shall, on the
last  day(s)  of  the  then  current  Interest  Period(s)  for  the  outstanding
Eurodollar Loans,  either prepay such Loans or Convert such Loans into Base Rate
Loans in accordance with Section 2.08 hereof.

                  5.03 Illegality.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this
Agreement,  in the  event  that  it  becomes  unlawful  for  any  Lender  or its
Applicable Lending Office to honor its obligation to make or maintain Eurodollar
Loans hereunder  (and, in the sole opinion of such Lender,  the designation of a
different  Applicable Lending Office would either not avoid such unlawfulness or

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be disadvantageous  to such Lender),  then such Lender shall promptly notify the
Borrower thereof (with a copy to the Agent) and such Lender's obligation to make
or Continue,  or to Convert Loans of any other Type into, Eurodollar Loans shall
be  suspended  until  such  time as such  Lender  may  again  make and  maintain
Eurodollar  Loans (in which case the  provisions of Section 5.04 hereof shall be

                  5.04  Treatment of Affected  Loans.  If the  obligation of any
Lender to make  Eurodollar  Loans or to Continue,  or to Convert Base Rate Loans
into,  Eurodollar  Loans shall be  suspended  pursuant  to Section  5.01 or 5.03
hereof,  such Lender's  Eurodollar Loans shall be  automatically  Converted into
Base Rate Loans on the last day(s) of the then current  Interest  Period(s)  for
Eurodollar Loans (or, in the case of a Conversion required by Section 5.01(b) or
5.03  hereof,  on such  earlier  date as such Lender may specify to the Borrower
with a copy to the Agent)  and,  unless and until such  Lender  gives  notice as
provided below that the  circumstances  specified in Section 5.01 or 5.03 hereof
which gave rise to such Conversion no longer exist:

                  (a) to the extent  that such  Lender's  Eurodollar  Loans have
         been so  Converted,  all payments and  prepayments  of principal  which
         would otherwise be applied to such Lender's  Eurodollar  Loans shall be
         applied instead to its Base Rate Loans; and

                  (b) all Loans which would  otherwise  be made or  Continued by
         such Lender as Eurodollar  Loans shall be made or Continued  instead as
         Base Rate  Loans and all Base Rate  Loans of such  Lender  which  would
         otherwise be Converted into Eurodollar  Loans shall remain as Base Rate

If such Lender gives  notice to the  Borrower  with a copy to the Agent that the
circumstances  specified  in Section  5.01 or 5.03 hereof which gave rise to the
Conversion of such Lender's  Eurodollar  Loans  pursuant to this Section 5.04 no
longer exist (which such Lender  agrees to do promptly  upon such  circumstances
ceasing  to exist) at a time when  Eurodollar  Loans of the same  Class  made by
other Lenders are outstanding, such Lender's Base Rate Loans of such Class shall
be automatically  Converted, on the first day(s) of the next succeeding Interest
Period(s) for such  outstanding  Eurodollar  Loans,  to the extent  necessary so
that,  after giving effect thereto,  all Loans of such Class are allocated among
the Lenders pro rata (as to principal  amounts,  Types and Interest  Periods) in
accordance with their respective Commitments.

                  5.05  Compensation.  The  Borrower  shall pay to the Agent for
account of each Lender, upon the request of such Lender

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through  the  Agent,  such  amount or  amounts  as shall be  sufficient  (in the
reasonable  opinion  of such  Lender)  to  compensate  it for any loss,  cost or
expense which such Lender determines is attributable to:

                  (a)  any  payment,   mandatory  or  optional   prepayment   or
         Conversion  of a  Eurodollar  Loan made by such  Lender  for any reason
         (including,  without limitation, the acceleration of the Loans pursuant
         to Section 10 hereof) on a date other than the last day of the Interest
         Period for such Loan; or

                  (b) any  failure by the  Borrower  for any reason  (including,
         without  limitation,  the  failure of any of the  conditions  precedent
         specified in Section 7 hereof to be  satisfied)  to borrow a Eurodollar
         Loan from such Lender on the date for such  borrowing  specified in the
         relevant notice of borrowing given pursuant to Section 2.02 hereof.

Without limiting the effect of the preceding  sentence,  such compensation shall
include an amount  equal to the  excess,  if any,  of (i) the amount of interest
which otherwise would have accrued on the principal  amount so paid,  prepaid or
Converted  or not  borrowed  for the  period  from  the  date  of such  payment,
prepayment,  Conversion or failure to borrow to the last day of the then current
Interest  Period  for such Loan (or,  in the case of a failure  to  borrow,  the
Interest  Period for such Loan which would have  commenced on the date specified
for such  borrowing)  at the  Eurodollar  Rate for such  Loan for such  Interest
Period over (ii) the amount of interest  which  otherwise  would have accrued on
such principal amount at a rate per annum equal to the interest component of the
amount  such  Lender  would have bid in the London  interbank  market for Dollar
deposits of leading  banks in amounts  comparable to such  principal  amount and
with  maturities  comparable  to such period (as  reasonably  determined by such

                  5.06 Additional Costs in Respect of Letters of Credit. Without
limiting the  obligations of the Borrower under Section 5.01 hereof (but without
duplication),  if as a result of any Regulatory Change or any risk-based capital
guideline or other requirement  heretofore or hereafter issued by any government
or governmental or supervisory authority  implementing at the national level the
Basle  Accord  there shall be imposed,  modified or deemed  applicable  any tax,
reserve,  special deposit,  capital adequacy or similar  requirement  against or
with respect to or measured by  reference  to Letters of Credit  issued or to be
issued  hereunder  and the result shall be to increase the cost to any Lender or
Lenders  of  issuing  (or  purchasing  participations  in)  or  maintaining  its
obligation  hereunder  to issue (or  purchase  participations  in) any Letter of
Credit hereunder or reduce any

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amount  receivable  by any Lender  hereunder  in respect of any Letter of Credit
(which  increases in cost,  or  reductions  in amount  receivable,  shall be the
result of such  Lender's or Lenders'  reasonable  allocation of the aggregate of
such increases or reductions  resulting from such event),  then,  upon demand by
such Lender or Lenders  (through the Agent),  the Borrower shall pay immediately
to the  Agent  for  account  of such  Lender  or  Lenders,  from time to time as
specified by such Lender or Lenders (through the Agent), such additional amounts
as shall be sufficient to compensate such Lender or Lenders  (through the Agent)
for such  increased  costs or  reductions  in  amount.  A  statement  as to such
increased  costs or reductions in amount incurred by any such Lender or Lenders,
submitted by such Lender or Lenders to the Borrower  shall be  conclusive in the
absence of manifest error as to the amount thereof.

                  5.07  U.S. Taxes.

                  (a) The  Borrower  agrees to pay to each  Lender that is not a
U.S.  Person  such  additional  amounts as are  necessary  in order that the net
payment of any amount due to such non-U.S.  Person hereunder after deduction for
or  withholding  in respect of any U.S. Tax imposed with respect to such payment
(or in lieu thereof, payment of such U.S. Tax by such non-U.S. Person), will not
be less than the amount stated herein to be then due and payable,  provided that
the foregoing obligation to pay such additional amounts shall not apply:

              (i) to any payment to a Lender hereunder (other than in respect of
         a Registered Loan) unless such Lender is, on the date hereof (or on the
         date it becomes a Lender as provided in Section 12.06(b) hereof) and on
         the date of any change in the Applicable Lending Office of such Lender,
         delivers to the  Borrower and the Agent a duly  completed  and executed
         Form 1001  (relating  to such  Lender  and  entitling  it to a complete
         exemption  from  withholding  on  all  interest  to be  received  by it
         hereunder  in  respect  of the  Loans)  or Form 4224  (relating  to all
         interest  to be received  by such  Lender  hereunder  in respect of the
         Loans), or

                  (ii) to any  payment to any Lender  hereunder  in respect of a
         Registered Loan (a "Registered Holder"),  unless such Registered Holder
         (or,  if such  Registered  Holder is not the  beneficial  owner of such
         Registered Loan, the beneficial owner thereof),  on the date hereof (or
         on the date such  Registered  Holder  becomes a Lender as  provided  in
         Section  12.06(b)  hereof)  and  on  the  date  of  any  change  in the
         Applicable Lending Office of such Lender,  delivers to the Borrower and
         the Agent either (x) a duly  completed and executed Form W-8,  together
         with an annual certificate

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         stating that (A) such  Registered  Holder (or beneficial  owner, as the
         case may be) is not a "bank" within the meaning of Section 881(c)(3)(A)
         of the Code, and (B) such  Registered  Holder (or beneficial  owner, as
         the case may be) shall  promptly  notify the  Borrower  if at any time,
         such  Registered  Holder  (or  beneficial  owner,  as the  case may be)
         determines  that  it  is  no  longer  in a  position  to  provide  such
         certificate to the Borrower (or any other form of certification adopted
         by the relevant taxing  authorities of the United States of America for
         such  purposes),  or (y) if such  Registered  Holder is not entitled to
         deliver a Form W-8, a duly  executed  and  completed  Form 1001 or Form
         4224, or

            (iii) to any U.S.  Tax  imposed  solely by reason of the  failure by
         such  non-U.S.   Person  to  comply  with   applicable   certification,
         information,  documentation or other reporting requirements  concerning
         the  nationality,  residence,  identity or connections  with the United
         States  of  America  of such  non-U.S.  Person  if such  compliance  is
         required by statute or  regulation of the United States of America as a
         precondition to relief or exemption from such U.S. Tax.

For the purposes of this Section  5.07(a),  (w) "Form 1001" shall mean Form 1001
(Ownership,  Exemption,  or Reduced Rate  Certificate)  of the Department of the
Treasury of the United  States of America,  (x) "Form 4224" shall mean Form 4224
(Exemption  from  Withholding  of Tax on Income  Effectively  Connected with the
Conduct of a Trade or Business in the United  States) of the  Department  of the
Treasury  of the United  States of America  (or in  relation to either such Form
such  successor  and  related  forms as may from time to time be  adopted by the
relevant  taxing  authorities of the United States of America to document a such
Form relates), (y) "Form W-8" shall mean Form W-8 (Certificate of Foreign Status
of the  Department  of Treasury of the United  States of America)  and (z) "U.S.
Taxes" shall mean any present or future tax,  assessment or other charge or levy
imposed by or on behalf of the United States of America or any taxing  authority
thereof or therein.

                  (b) Within 30 days after paying any amount to the Agent or any
Lender from which it is required by law to make any  deduction  or  withholding,
and  within 30 days  after it is  required  by law to remit  such  deduction  or
withholding  to any  relevant  taxing or other  authority,  the  Borrower  shall
deliver to the Agent for delivery to such non-U.S.  Person evidence satisfactory
to such Person of such deduction, withholding or payment (as the case may be).

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                  5.08  Replacement  of Lenders.  The Borrower may, at any time,
replace  (a) any  Lender  that has  requested  compensation  from  the  Borrower
pursuant to Section 5.01 or Section  5.07  hereof,  (b) any Lender that fails to
make a Loan or to pay to the  Agent  for the  account  of the  Issuing  Bank the
amount of such Lender's  Revolving Credit  Commitment  Percentage of any payment
under a Letter of Credit under the  circumstances  contemplated by Section 12.04
hereof or (c) any Lender that does not agree to any request by the  Borrower for
a consent,  approval,  amendment or a waiver hereunder that requires the consent
or approval of all of the Lenders,  by giving not less than ten  Business  Days'
prior notice to the Agent (which shall  promptly  notify such  Lender),  that it
intends to replace such Lender (a "Replaced  Lender") with respect to its rights
and obligations (including,  without limitation,  its Loans and Letter of Credit
Interest outstanding and its Commitments) as a "Lender" under this Agreement and
such Replaced Lender's Notes (collectively, the "Transferred Interest") with one
or more banks or other financial  institutions  (including,  but not limited to,
any other  Lender or an  affiliate  of any Lender)  selected by the Borrower and
acceptable  to the Agent and the Issuing Bank (each,  a  "Replacement  Lender").
Upon the  effective  date of any  replacement  under this Section 5.08 (and as a
condi tion thereto), (i) the Borrower shall pay or cause to paid to the Replaced
Lender an  amount  equal to all  principal,  interest,  fees and  other  amounts
(including, without limitation, all amounts payable under Section 5.05 hereof as
if such Lender's Loans were being prepaid in full on such  effective  date) then
owing to such Replaced  Lender  hereunder and such  Replaced  Lender's  Notes in
respect  of the  Transferred  Interest  (all or a portion  of which  amount  may
constitute  consideration  for an assignment by such Replaced Lender of all or a
portion of the Transferred  Interest) and (ii) such Replaced Lender shall assign
to  each  Replacement  Lender  (without  representation,  warranty  or  recourse
whatsoever)  a portion of the  Transferred  Interest  specified by the Borrower,
whereupon (x) each  Replacement  Lender shall become a "Lender" for all purposes
of this Agreement having the Commitments in the amount of such Replaced Lender's
Commitments  assumed  by it and all of the  rights  and  obligations  under this
Agreement of "Lender(s)" holding the Transferred  Interest and (y) such Replaced
Lender  shall  cease to be  responsible  or liable  for,  and shall  cease to be
entitled to the rights and  benefits  of, all or any portion of the  Transferred
Interest  (except that such Replaced  Lender shall  continue to benefit from the
obligations  of the Borrower to such  Replaced  Lender under  Sections  2.10(g),
2.10(l),  5.01,  5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 12.03 and 12.13 hereof and the obligations of
the Subsidiary Guarantors to such Replaced Lender under Section 6.03 hereof, and
the obligations of such Replaced Lender under Section 11.05 hereof shall survive
such replacement, in each case to the extent relating to events or circumstances

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that occurred or existed on or before the date of such replacement).

                  Section 6.  Guarantee.
                  6.01 Guarantee.  The Subsidiary  Guarantors hereby jointly and
severally guarantee to each Lender and the Agent and their respective successors
and assigns the prompt payment in full when due (whether at stated maturity,  by
acceleration or otherwise) of the principal of and interest on the Loans made by
the  Lenders  to, and the  Note(s)  held by each  Lender of, the  Borrower,  all
Reimbursement  Obligations  and all other amounts from time to time owing to the
Lenders or the Agent by the Borrower  under this  Agreement  and under the Notes
and under any Interest Rate Protection  Agreements and by any Credit Party under
any of the other Basic  Documents,  in each case strictly in accordance with the
terms thereof (such obligations being herein collectively called the "Guaranteed
Obligations").  The Subsidiary  Guarantors  hereby further jointly and severally
agree that if the Borrower shall fail to pay in full when due (whether at stated
maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) any of the Guaranteed  Obligations,  the
Subsidiary  Guarantors will promptly pay the same,  without any demand or notice
whatsoever,  and that in the case of any extension of time of payment or renewal
of any of the  Guaranteed  Obligations,  the same will be promptly  paid in full
when due  (whether  at extended  maturity,  by  acceleration  or  otherwise)  in
accordance with the terms of such extension or renewal.

                  6.02  Obligations   Unconditional.   The  obligations  of  the
Subsidiary  Guarantors under Section 6.01 hereof are absolute and unconditional,
joint and several, irrespective of the value, genuineness,  validity, regularity
or enforceability  of the obligations of the Borrower under this Agreement,  the
Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred to herein or therein, or any
substitution,  release or exchange of any other guarantee of or security for any
of  the  Guaranteed  Obligations,  and,  to  the  fullest  extent  permitted  by
applicable law,  irrespective of any other  circumstance  whatsoever which might
otherwise  constitute a legal or  equitable  discharge or defense of a surety or
guarantor,  it being the intent of this Section 6.02 that the obligations of the
Subsidiary  Guarantors hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional,  joint and
several, under any and all circumstances. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing,  it is agreed that the occurrence of any one or more of the following
shall not affect the  liability of the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  hereunder  which
shall remain absolute and unconditional as described above:

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 81 -

              (i) at any  time  or from  time to  time,  without  notice  to the
         Subsidiary  Guarantors,  the time for any  performance of or compliance
         with  any of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be  extended,  or such
         performance or compliance shall be waived;

             (ii) any of the acts  mentioned  in any of the  provisions  of this
         Agreement or the Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred to
         herein or therein shall be done or omitted;

            (iii) the  maturity of any of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be
         accelerated,  or any of the Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be modified,
         supplemented  or  amended  in any  respect,  or any  right  under  this
         Agreement or the Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred to
         herein or therein shall be waived or any other  guarantee of any of the
         Guaranteed  Obligations  or any security  therefor shall be released or
         exchanged in whole or in part or otherwise dealt with;

             (iv) any lien or security  interest granted to, or in favor of, the
         Agent or any Lender or Lenders as  security  for any of the  Guaranteed
         Obligations shall fail to be perfected;

              (v) any of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be determined to be
         void or voidable (including, without limitation, for the benefit of any
         creditor of any Credit Party) or shall be subordinated to the claims of
         any Person (including,  without limitation,  any creditor of any Credit

              (vi) the  Borrower  shall be insolvent on the date hereof or shall
         become insolvent on the date that any Loan is made; and

            (vii) the execution and delivery of a Tranche C Term Loan Activation
         Notice  providing for the activation of Tranche C Term Loan Commitments
         in any amount.

The Subsidiary Guarantors hereby expressly waive diligence,  presentment, demand
of payment,  protest and all notices  whatsoever,  and any requirement  that the
Agent or any Lender  exhaust any right,  power or remedy or proceed  against the
Borrower under this Agreement or the Notes or any other  agreement or instrument
referred  to herein or  therein,  or against  any other  Person  under any other
guarantee of, or security for, any of the Guaranteed Obligations.

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                  6.03   Reinstatement.   The   obligations  of  the  Subsidiary
Guarantors under this Section 6 shall be automatically  reinstated if and to the
extent  that for any  reason  any  payment  by or on behalf of the  Borrower  in
respect of the Guaranteed Obligations is rescinded or must be otherwise restored
by any holder of any of the Guaranteed  Obligations,  whether as a result of any
proceedings  in bankruptcy  or  reorganization  or otherwise and the  Subsidiary
Guarantors  jointly and severally  agree that they will  indemnify the Agent and
each Lender on demand for all reasonable costs and expenses (including,  without
limitation,  fees of counsel) incurred by the Agent or such Lender in connection
with such  rescission  or  restoration,  including  any such costs and  expenses
incurred in defending against any claim alleging that such payment constituted a
preference,  fraudulent  transfer  or  similar  payment  under  any  bankruptcy,
insolvency or similar law.

                  6.04 Subrogation. The Subsidiary Guarantors hereby jointly and
severally  agree  that  until  the  payment  and  satisfaction  in  full  of all
Guaranteed  Obligations and the expiration and termination of the Commitments of
the Lenders  under this  Agreement  they shall not  exercise any right or remedy
arising by reason of any  performance by them of their guarantee in Section 6.01
hereof,  whether by subrogation or otherwise,  against the Borrower or any other
guarantor of any of the  Guaranteed  Obligations  or any security for any of the
Guaranteed Obligations.

                  6.05 Remedies. The Subsidiary Guarantors jointly and severally
agree  that,  as between the  Subsidiary  Guarantors,  on the one hand,  and the
Lenders and the Agent,  on the other hand, the obligations of the Borrower under
this  Agreement and the Notes may be declared to be forthwith due and payable as
provided in Section 10 hereof (and shall be deemed to have become  automatically
due and payable in the  circumstances  provided in said Section 10) for purposes
of Section 6.01 hereof notwithstanding any stay, injunction or other prohibition
preventing such declaration (or such obligations from becoming automatically due
and payable) as against the Borrower and that, in the event of such  declaration
(or such obligations being deemed to have become automatically due and payable),
such  obligations  (whether  or not  due  and  payable  by the  Borrower)  shall
forthwith  become due and payable by the  Subsidiary  Guarantors for purposes of
said Section 6.01.

                  6.06 Continuing Guarantee.  The guarantee in this Section 6 is
a continuing guarantee,  and shall apply to all Guaranteed  Obligations whenever

                  6.07 Rights of Contribution.  The Subsidiary Guarantors hereby
agree, as between themselves, that if any

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Subsidiary  Guarantor  (an  "Excess  Funding  Guarantor")  shall pay  Guaranteed
Obligations  in excess of the  Excess  Funding  Guarantor's  Pro Rata  Share (as
hereinafter  defined)  of such  Guaranteed  Obligations,  the  other  Subsidiary
Guarantors  shall, on demand (but subject to the next sentence  hereof),  pay to
the Excess Funding Guarantor an amount equal to their respective Pro Rata Shares
of such  Excess  Funding  Guarantor's  payment.  The payment  obligation  of any
Subsidiary  Guarantor to any Excess  Funding  Guarantor  under this Section 6.07
shall be  subordinate  and  subject in right of payment to the prior  payment in
full of the obligations of such Subsidiary  Guarantor under the other provisions
of this Section 6 and such Excess Funding Guarantor shall not exercise any right
or remedy with respect to such excess until payment and  satisfaction in full of
all of such obligations.  For the purposes hereof,  "Pro Rata Share" shall mean,
for any  Subsidiary  Guarantor,  a percentage  equal to the  percentage  of such
Subsidiary  Guarantor's  Net Assets as of the Valuation  Date (as defined in the
next sentence) of the aggregate Net Assets of all of the  Subsidiary  Guarantors
as at such date. For purposes of the preceding  sentence,  the "Valuation  Date"
shall mean the date hereof;  provided  that, if the Agent  requests from time to
time  that  the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  ratify  and  confirm  their  respective
obligations  under this  Section 6, they shall  promptly  do so  pursuant  to an
instrument  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Agent and the Valuation  Date shall
mean the date of the latest such  ratification  and confirmation to occur at the
request of the Agent after the date hereof.

                  6.08  Limitation  on Guarantee  Obligations.  In any action or
proceeding   involving  any  State  corporate  law,  or  any  State  or  Federal
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization  or other law  affecting  the rights of
creditors  generally,  if the  obligations  of any  Subsidiary  Guarantor  under
Section  6.01 hereof would  otherwise,  taking into  account the  provisions  of
Section 6.07 hereof, be held or determined to be void, invalid or unenforceable,
or subordinated to the claims of any other  creditors,  on account of the amount
of its  liability  under said  Section  6.01,  then,  notwithstanding  any other
provision hereof to the contrary,  the amount of such liability  shall,  without
any further action by such Subsidiary Guarantor, as the case may be, any Lender,
the Agent or any other  Person,  be  automatically  limited  and  reduced to the
highest amount which is valid and enforceable and not subordinated to the claims
of other creditors as determined in such action or proceeding.

                  6.09  Instrument  for the  Payment of Money.  Each  Subsidiary
Guarantor hereby  acknowledges  that the guarantee in this Section 6 constitutes
an instrument for the payment of money,  and consents and agrees that any Lender
or the Agent, at its sole option, in the event of a dispute by such Subsidiary

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Guarantor  in the payment of any moneys due  hereunder,  shall have the right to
bring motion-action under New York CPLR Section 3213.

                  Section 7.  Conditions Precedent.
                  7.01 Effectiveness of this Agreement. The effectiveness of the
amendment and restatement of the Existing Credit  Agreement  provided for hereby
is subject to (i) the execution and delivery of an execution counterpart of this
Agreement  by each Person  stated to be a party to this  Agreement  and (ii) the
receipt by the Agent of the  following  documents  and  evidence,  each of which
documents  (and,  in the  case  of  certificates  containing  attachments,  such
attachments)  and all of which  evidence  shall,  except as expressly  specified
below,  be  satisfactory  in form and  substance to the Agent and, to the extent
specified  below, to each Lender  (provided  that, if such conditions  precedent
shall not have been  satisfied on or before June 30, 1996,  this  Amendment  and
Restatement shall have no force or effect, regardless of whether such conditions
precedent are thereafter satisfied):

                  (a)  Authority.  The following evidence and documents,
         each of which documents shall be certified as indicated

                       (i) (x) a copy of the charter, as amended, of each Credit
                  Party that is a corporation  and each general  partner of each
                  Credit Party that is a partnership (each such Credit Party and
                  general partner being referred to as a "Relevant Corporation")
                  certified  by the  Secretary of State of its  jurisdiction  of
                  incorporation,  (y) a  certificate  as to the good standing of
                  and charter documents filed by such Relevant  Corporation from
                  such  Secretary of State,  dated as of a recent date and (z) a
                  certificate  as to the good  standing or  qualification  to do
                  business of such Relevant  Corporation from each  jurisdiction
                  in which the nature of the business conducted by such Relevant
                  Corporation  makes  such  qualification  necessary  and  where
                  failure so to qualify would have a Material Adverse Effect;

                      (ii)  a  certificate  of  the  Secretary  or an  Assistant
                  Secretary of each Relevant Corporation,  dated the Restatement
                  Effective Date and  certifying (w) that attached  thereto is a
                  true  and  complete  copy  of the  by-laws  of  such  Relevant
                  Corporation as in effect on the date of such certificate,  (x)
                  that  attached   thereto  is  a  true  and  complete  copy  of
                  resolutions duly adopted

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                  by  the  board  of  directors  of  such  Relevant  Corporation
                  authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of such of
                  the Basic Documents to which such Relevant  Corporation and/or
                  the  partnership  of  which  such  Relevant  Corporation  is a
                  general partner, as the case may be, is or is intended to be a
                  party and the  extensions of credit  hereunder,  and that such
                  resolutions  have not been modified,  rescinded or amended and
                  are in full  force and  effect,  (y) that the  charter of such
                  Relevant  Corporation  has not been amended  since the date of
                  the  certification  thereto  furnished  pursuant to clause (i)
                  above, and (z) as to the incumbency and specimen  signature of
                  each officer of such Relevant  Corporation  executing  such of
                  the Basic Documents to which such Relevant  Corporation and/or
                  the  partnership  of  which  such  Relevant  Corporation  is a
                  general partner, as the case may be, is intended to be a party
                  and each  other  document  to be  delivered  by such  Relevant
                  Corporation  and/or the  partnership  of which  such  Relevant
                  Corporation  is a general  partner,  as the case may be,  from
                  time to time in connection  therewith  (and the Agent and each
                  Lender  may  conclusively  rely on such  certificate  until it
                  receives notice in writing from such Relevant Corporation);

                     (iii) a  certificate  of another  officer of each  Relevant
                  Corporation as to the incumbency and specimen signature of the
                  Secretary or Assistant Secretary,  as the case may be, of such
                  Relevant Corporation; and

                      (iv)  a  certificate  of  the  Secretary  or an  Assistant
                  Secretary of each general partner of each Credit Party that is
                  a partnership, dated the Effective Date, and certifying (x) as
                  to the names of all of the Persons  that are  partners in such
                  partnership  and  (y)  that  attached  thereto  is a true  and
                  complete  copy  of  the  partnership  agreement  forming  such
                  partnership as in effect on the date of such certificate.

                  (b) Officer's  Certificate.  A certificate of a senior officer
         of the  Borrower  to the effect set forth in clauses (a) and (b) of the
         first  sentence  of  Section  7.02  hereof  (excluding   references  to
         representations   and  warranties  under  the  Founders   Subordination
         Agreement)  and  including  calculations  demonstrating  in  reasonable
         detail compliance with Section 1008(a) of the 1995 Senior  Subordinated
         Note Indenture and Section 1008(a) of the 1993 Senior Subordinated Note
         Indenture after giving effect to the

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         borrowings and prepayments hereunder to be made on the
         Restatement Effective Date.

                  (c)      Opinions of Counsel.

                     (i)  Opinion  of  Counsel  to the  Obligors.  An opinion of
         Thomas & Libowitz, P.A., counsel to the Obligors.

                    (ii)  Opinion of Counsel  to Chase.  An opinion of  Milbank,
         Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, special New York counsel to Chase.

                  (d) Notes.  The Notes,  duly  completed  and executed for each
         Lender (except that, in the case of a Registered Holder, Notes shall be
         required  only to the extent  that such  Registered  Holder  shall have
         requested  the  execution  and  delivery of a Note  pursuant to Section
         2.07(g) hereof).

                  (e) Security Agreement. The Security Agreement,  duly executed
         and delivered by each Obligor and the Agent and the stock  certificates
         and  promissory  notes  identified  under the name of such  Obligor  in
         Annexes 1 and 7  thereto,  respectively,  in each case  accompanied  by
         undated  stock powers or bond powers,  as the case may be,  executed in
         blank.  In addition,  each  Obligor  shall have taken such other action
         (including delivering to the Agent, for filing, appropriately completed
         and  duly  executed   copies  of  Uniform   Commercial  Code  financing
         statements)  as the Agent shall have  requested in order to perfect the
         security interests created pursuant to the Security Agreement.

                  (f) Affiliate Guarantee and Security Agreement.  The Affiliate
         Guarantee and Security  Agreement,  duly executed and delivered by KIG,
         Cunningham,  GDLP and the Agent and the stock  certificates  identified
         under the names of KIG, Cunningham and GDLP in Annex 1 thereto, in each
         case  accompanied  by  undated  stock  powers  executed  in  blank.  In
         addition,  KIG,  Cunningham and GDLP shall have taken such other action
         (including delivering to the Agent, for filing, appropriately completed
         and  duly  executed   copies  of  Uniform   Commercial  Code  financing
         statements)  as the Agent shall have  requested in order to perfect the
         security  interests  created  pursuant to the  Affiliate  Guarantee and
         Security Agreement.

                  (g) GDC Security Agreement.  The GDC Security Agreement,  duly
         executed  and  delivered by GDC and the Agent.  In addition,  GDC shall
         have taken such other  action  (including  delivery  to the Agent,  for
         filing,  appropriately  completed and duly  executed  copies of Uniform

                                Credit Agreement

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         Code  financing  statements) as the Agent shall have requested in order
         to perfect the security  interests created pursuant to the GDC Security

                  (h)  Interest,   Fees  and  Expenses  under  Existing   Credit
         Agreement.  Evidence that the Borrower shall have paid to the Agent all
         accrued and unpaid  interest,  fees and expenses  owing by the Borrower
         under the Existing Credit Agreement.

                  (i)   Founders   Subordination    Agreement.    The   Founders
         Subordination  Agreement,  duly  executed  and  delivered by Carolyn C.
         Smith and the Agent.

                  (j) Program  Services  Agreements.  A certificate  of a senior
         financial officer of the Borrower  certifying that (i) attached thereto
         are true and  complete  copies of each  Program  Services  Agreement to
         which  the  Borrower  of any  of its  Subsidiaries  is a  party  on the
         Restatement  Effective  Date after the  consummation  of the River City
         Non-License   Acquisition,   (ii)  there  has  been  no   amendment  or
         modification to any such Program Services Agreement as furnished to the
         Agent  prior to the  Restatement  Effective  Date and  (iii)  each such
         Program Services Agreement is in full force and effect.

                  (k) Network Affiliations.  A certificate of a senior financial
         officer of the Borrower certifying that (i) for each Station that is an
         Owned Station on the Restatement Effective Date, the Borrower or any of
         its Subsidiaries has entered into a network affiliation  agreement with
         Fox  Broadcasting  Company or the United  Paramount  Network  (or other
         network satisfactory to the Agent) for the carriage of programming over
         the  facilities  of such Station,  (ii)  attached  thereto are true and
         complete   copies  of  each   such   network   affiliation   agreement,
         satisfactory  in form and  substance to the Agent and the Lenders,  and
         (iii)  each such  network  affiliation  agreement  is in full force and

                  (l) Asset Use and Operating  Agreements.  A  certificate  of a
         senior  financial  officer  of the  Borrower  certifying  that  (i) the
         Borrower or Subsidiary  operating each Owned Station and the respective
         License  Subsidiary  have  executed  and  delivered  an  Asset  Use and
         Operating  Agreement with respect to such Owned Station,  (ii) attached
         thereto  are  true and  complete  copies  of each  such  Asset  Use and
         Operating   Agreement   (including  any  and  all   modifications   and
         supplements  thereto)  and  (iii)  each such  Asset  Use and  Operating
         Agreement is in full force and effect.

                                Credit Agreement

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                  (m)  River City Non-License Acquisition.  A certificate
         of a senior financial officer of the Borrower certifying that:

                     (i) attached  thereto are true and  complete  copies of the
                  River City Acquisition Documents,  which shall be satisfactory
                  in form and substance to the Agent;

                      (ii)  neither any Obligor  nor (to the  knowledge  of such
                  officer (after due inquiry)) any other party to the River City
                  Acquisition  Documents  shall  be in  breach  of  any  of  its
                  obligations under any of the River City Acquisition Documents;

                     (iii) the representations and warranties  contained in each
                  River City  Acquisition  Document  by any  Obligor and (to the
                  knowledge of such  officer  (after due  inquiry))  each of the
                  other parties  thereto shall be true,  correct and complete in
                  all material  respects on and as of the Restatement  Effective
                  Date as if made on and as of the  Restatement  Effective  Date
                  (or, if any such  representation  and  warranty  is  expressly
                  stated  to have been made as of a  specific  date,  as of such
                  specific date);

                      (iv)  none  of the  provisions  of the  River  City  Asset
                  Purchase   Agreement  or  the  River  City  Option  Agreements
                  heretofore  delivered to the Agent and the Lenders  shall have
                  been amended,  waived or otherwise  modified,  or executed and
                  delivered in a form other than the form  heretofore  delivered
                  to the Agent and the Lenders  (except  with only such  changes
                  thereto as (x) are  effected  pursuant to written  instruments
                  copies of which have been  delivered to the Agent prior to the
                  date of this  Agreement and (y) are stated to be  satisfactory
                  to the  Agent and the  Lenders  in a notice  delivered  by the
                  Agent (on behalf of itself and the Lenders) to the Borrower);

                           (v)  the  conditions  precedent  to the  transactions
                  contemplated by each of the River City  Acquisition  Documents
                  in  connection  with the River  City  Non-License  Acquisition
                  shall (except as expressly provided in clause (iv) above) have
                  been duly  satisfied  in all  respects  and such  transactions
                  shall have been duly consummated on the Restatement  Effective
                  Date in the manner contemplated by such River City Acquisition
                  Documents  (including,  without  limitation,  the repayment by
                  River City of its outstanding indebtedness as

                                Credit Agreement

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                  contemplated by the River City Acquisition Documents);

                      (vi) the aggregate amount of consideration paid in cash on
                  the  Restatement  Effective  Date  by  the  Borrower  and  its
                  Subsidiaries for the River City Non-License Acquisition, which
                  shall not exceed $855,000,000.

                  (n)  Consent and Agreement.
                           (i)  a  Consent  and  Agreement,  duly  executed  and
                  delivered  by the River City  Sellers,  the  Obligors  and the
                  Agent relating to the River City Asset Purchase Agreement, the
                  River City Option Agreements and the Time Brokerage  Agreement
                  dated as of May 31,  1996 by and among the River City  Sellers
                  and the Borrower relating to each of the "Group I Stations" as
                  such  term  is  defined  in the  River  City  Group  I  Option

                      (ii) a Consent and Agreement,  duly executed and delivered
                  by Raleigh (WRDC-TV),  Inc., Raleigh (WRDC-TV) Licensee, Inc.,
                  WLFL,  Inc.  and the Agent  relating to the  Program  Services
                  Agreement   dated  as  of  March  27,  1995  between   Raleigh
                  (WRDC-TV),  Inc., Raleigh (WRDC-TV)  Licensee,  Inc. and WLFL,

                     (iii) a Consent and Agreement,  duly executed and delivered
                  by Birmingham (WABM-TV),  Inc., Birmingham (WABM-TV) Licensee,
                  Inc.,  WTTO,  Inc.  and  the  Agent  relating  to the  Program
                  Services   Agreement   dated  as  of  July  25,  1995  between
                  Birmingham  (WABM-TV),  Inc.,  Birmingham  (WABM-TV) Licensee,
                  Inc. and WTTO, Inc.;

                      (iv) a Consent and Agreement,  duly executed and delivered
                  by Baltimore  (WNUV-TV),  Inc.,  Baltimore (WNUV-TV) Licensee,
                  Inc.,  Chesapeake  Television,  Inc. and the Agent relating to
                  the  Program  Services  Agreement  dated as of July  24,  1995
                  between  Baltimore   (WNUV-TV),   Inc.,   Baltimore  (WNUV-TV)
                  Licensee, Inc. and Chesapeake Television, Inc.;

                      (v) a Consent and  Agreement,  duly executed and delivered
                  by WVTV,  Inc., WVTV Licensee,  Inc., WCGV, Inc. and the Agent
                  relating to the Program  Services  Agreement  dated as of July
                  24, 1995 between WVTV,  Inc.,  WVTV  Licensee,  Inc. and WCGV,
                  Inc.; and

                      (vi) a Consent and Agreement,  duly executed and delivered
                  by WPTT, Inc., WPGH, Inc. and the Agent

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                  relating to the Program Services Agreement dated as of
                  May 5, 1995 between WPTT, Inc. and WPGH, Inc.

                  (o)  KSMO and WSTR Options.  A certificate of a senior
         financial officer of the Borrower certifying that:

                           (i) the  Borrower or any  Subsidiary  of the Borrower
                  party to the KSMO  Option  shall  have  delivered  a notice of
                  exercise of the option  thereunder  and filed with the FCC all
                  applications  in  connection  with such  exercise for material
                  authorizations,  licenses  and permits  issued by the FCC that
                  are required or necessary  for the  operation of KSMO-TV,  and
                  the  conduct  of  the   business  of  the   Borrower  and  its
                  Subsidiaries  with  respect  to  KSMO-TV,  as  proposed  to be
                  conducted; and

                      (ii) the Borrower or any  Subsidiary of the Borrower party
                  to the WSTR Option  shall have  delivered a notice of exercise
                  of  the  option   thereunder   and  filed  with  the  FCC  all
                  applications  in  connection  with such  exercise for material
                  authorizations,  licenses  and permits  issued by the FCC that
                  are required or necessary  for the  operation of WSTR-TV,  and
                  the  conduct  of  the   business  of  the   Borrower  and  its
                  Subsidiaries  with  respect  to  WSTR-TV,  as  proposed  to be

                  (p) Certain  Financial  Conditions.  A certificate of a senior
         financial  officer  of  the  Borrower  certifying  (and  setting  forth
         calculations in reasonable detail and, where appropriate,  assumptions,
         which  assumptions  shall be  acceptable  to the Agent,  demonstrating)

                           (i)  attached  thereto  is a  complete  and  accurate
                  calculation  of EBITDA for (x) the fiscal year of the Borrower
                  ending on December  31, 1995 and (y) the  twelve-month  period
                  ending on March 31, 1996,  the amount of which for such period
                  ending on March 31, 1996 shall be greater than $185,000,000;

                      (ii) the ratio of Total  Indebtedness  on the  Restatement
                  Effective Date  (calculated  after giving effect to borrowings
                  and  prepayments  hereunder  to be  made  on  the  Restatement
                  Effective Date) to EBITDA for the  twelve-month  period ending
                  on March 31, 1996  (calculated  on a pro forma basis as if the
                  River City  Non-License  Acquisition  had been  consummated on
                  April 1, 1995) does not exceed 6.85 to 1; and

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                     (iii) the Borrower will be in compliance on the Restatement
                  Effective Date with Sections 9.10,  9.11,  9.12,  9.13,  9.14,
                  9.15,   9.16  hereof   (calculated   after  giving  effect  to
                  borrowings  and  prepayments  hereunder  to  be  made  on  the
                  Restatement Effective Date and calculated on a pro forma basis
                  as  if  the  River  City  Non-License   Acquisition  had  been
                  consummated on April 1, 1995).

                  (q) Financial Statements.  A certificate of a senior financial
         officer of the  Borrower,  satisfactory  in form and  substance  to the
         Agent and the Lenders,  certifying  that the  Borrower  has  heretofore
         delivered  to the Lenders  financial  statements  that are complete and
         correct and present fairly, in all material respects,  the consolidated
         and  consolidating   financial   condition  of  the  Borrower  and  its
         Consolidated  Subsidiaries as at December 31, 1995 and the consolidated
         and consolidating results of their operations for the fiscal year ended
         on  said  date  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted   accounting
         principles and practices applied on a consistent basis, in each case on
         a pro-forma  basis after  giving  effect to the River City  Non-License
         Acquisition and the borrowings and prepayments  hereunder to be made on
         the Restatement Effective Date.

                  (r) Solvency  Analysis.  A certificate  of a senior  financial
         officer  of  the  Borrower  certifying  that,  as  of  the  Restatement
         Effective  Date and after  giving  effect to the initial  extension  of
         credit hereunder and to the other transactions contemplated hereby, (i)
         the  aggregate  value  of  all  Properties  of  the  Borrower  and  its
         Subsidiaries  at their  present fair saleable  value (i.e.,  the amount
         which may be realized within a reasonable time, considered to be six to
         eighteen  months,  either  through  collection  or sale at the  regular
         market  value,  conceiving  the  latter as the  amount  which  could be
         obtained for the  Property in question  within such period by a capable
         and diligent  businessman  from an  interested  buyer who is willing to
         purchase under ordinary selling conditions),  exceeds the amount of all
         the  debts  and  liabilities   (including   contingent,   subordinated,
         unmatured  and  unliquidated  liabilities)  of  the  Borrower  and  its
         Subsidiaries,  (ii) the  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  will not, on a
         consolidated  basis,  have an unreasonably  small capital with which to
         conduct their business operations as heretofore conducted and (iii) the
         Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  will have,  on a  consolidated  basis,
         sufficient cash flow to enable them to pay their debts as they mature.

                  (s) No Material  Adverse  Change.  A  certificate  of a senior
         financial officer of the Borrower certifying that

                                Credit Agreement

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         since  December 31, 1995 through the  Restatement  Effective Date there
         has been no material  adverse  change in the  condition  (financial  or
         otherwise),  operations,  business,  prospects,  Properties (including,
         without  limitation,  Broadcast  Licenses),  nature  of  Properties  or
         liabilities of any of (x) River City and its  Affiliates  from that set
         forth in the audited financial statements as at said date and furnished
         to the  Agent  prior to the date  hereof  or (y) the  Borrower  and its
         Subsidiaries from that set forth in the audited financial  statement as
         at said date and  furnished to the Agent prior to the date  hereof.  In
         addition since April 10, 1996, there shall not have occurred a material
         adverse change in loan syndication conditions generally.

                  (t)      Insurance.

                           (i)   Certificates   of  insurance   evidencing   the
                  existence of all  insurance  required to be  maintained by the
                  Borrower and its Subsidiaries  pursuant to Section 9.04 hereof
                  and  the  designation  of the  Agent  as the  loss  payee,  or
                  additional insured,  as appropriate,  thereunder to the extent
                  required  by said  Section  9.04 in respect  of all  insurance
                  covering  tangible  Property,  such certificates to be in such
                  form and contain  such  information  as is  specified  in said
                  Section 9.04;

                      (ii) A certificate  of a senior  financial  officer of the
                  Borrower  setting  forth  the  insurance  obtained  by  it  in
                  accordance  with the  requirements of Section 9.04 and stating
                  that such  insurance  is in full force and effect and that all
                  premiums then due and payable thereon have been paid; and

                     (iii) a written report, dated reasonably near the Effective
                  Date,  of  PSA  Financial   Center,   or  any  other  firm  of
                  independent   insurance   brokers  of  nationally   recognized
                  standing,  as to such  insurance  and stating  that,  in their
                  opinion,  such insurance  adequately protects the interests of
                  the  Agent  and  the  Lenders,   is  in  compliance  with  the
                  provisions  of said Section  9.04,  and is  comparable  in all
                  respects  with  insurance  carried by  responsible  owners and
                  operators   of   Properties   similar  to  those   covered  or
                  contemplated to be covered by the Mortgages.

                  (u)   Environmental   Surveys.   Environmental   surveys   and
         assessments prepared by a firm of licensed engineers (familiar with the
         identification  of  toxic  and  hazardous   substances)  covering  such
         Properties as may be reasonably requested by any Lender.

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                  (v) No Judgment  and  Litigation.  A  certificate  of a senior
         financial  officer of the Borrower  certifying that (i) there exists no
         judgment,  order,  injunction or other restraint  issued or filed which
         prohibits  the  making of any Loans,  the  issuance  of any  Letters of
         Credit or the consummation of the River City  Non-License  Acquisition,
         any  River  City  License   Acquisition   or  the  other   transactions
         contemplated hereby and (ii) no action,  suit or litigation  proceeding
         at law or in equity by or before any court or Governmental Authority or
         agency  exists  or  is  threatened  with  respect  to  the  River  City
         Non-License Acquisition or any River City License Acquisition.

                  (w)  Structure,  Etc.  Neither the Agent nor any Lender  shall
         have  objected in writing to (i) the  Borrower's  state and Federal tax
         assumptions,  (ii) the  ownership,  capital,  organizational  and legal
         structure  of the  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries,  including,  without
         limitation,  the  terms  and  conditions  of the  Seller  Stock  of the
         Borrower to be issued to River City in  connection  with the River City
         Non-License  Acquisition,  (iii)  the  quality  and  condition  of  the
         Properties   of  the   Borrower,   River  City  and  their   respective
         Subsidiaries,   (iv)  all  material   contracts   (including,   without
         limitation,  programming  agreements)  of the Borrower,  River City and
         their respective Subsidiaries or (v) any issues relating to the Federal
         Communications  Act of 1934, as amended,  or any  applicable  FCC rule,
         regulation or policy.

                  (x) Indebtedness.  A certificate of a senior financial officer
         of the  Borrower  certifying  that on the  Restatement  Effective  Date
         (after  giving  effect to the  initial  extension  of credit to be made
         hereunder  on such date) there exists no  Indebtedness  of any Obligors
         other than  Indebtedness  permitted  by clauses  (a) and (b) of Section
         9.07 hereof.

                  (y) Estate of Julian S. Smith. A letter addressed to the Agent
         and the  Lenders  from the  attorney  for the Estate of Julian S. Smith
         stating that, and  indicating  the date as of which,  (i) the Estate of
         Julian S. Smith has been closed and (ii) the Term Note dated  September
         30,  1990 of the  Borrower  payable to Julian S. Smith in the  original
         face  amount of  $7,515,000  has been  validly  assigned  to Carolyn C.

                  (z) Other Documents.  Such other documents as the Agent or any
         Lender or special New York counsel to Chase may reasonably request.

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The obligation of any Lender to make its initial  extension of credit  hereunder
is also  subject to the  payment by the  Borrower  of such fees as the  Borrower
shall have  agreed to pay or  deliver  to any Lender or the Agent in  connection
herewith,  including,  without  limitation,  the reasonable fees and expenses of
Milbank,  Tweed, Hadley & McCloy,  special New York counsel to Chase, and Wiley,
Rein  &  Fielding,  special  FCC  counsel  to  Chase,  in  connection  with  the
negotiation, preparation, execution and delivery of this Agreement and the other
Basic  Documents and the making of the Loans hereunder (to the extent that bills
for such fees and expenses have been delivered to the Borrower).

                  7.02  Initial and  Subsequent  Loans.  The  obligation  of the
Lenders to make any Loan to the  Borrower  upon the  occasion of each  borrowing
hereunder  (including the borrowing on the Restatement  Effective Date), and the
obligation  of the  Issuing  Bank to issue any  Letter of Credit  hereunder,  is
subject to the conditions  precedent that, both immediately  prior to the making
of such Loan or issuance of such Letter of Credit and also after  giving  effect

                  (a)  no Default shall have occurred and be continuing;

                  (b) the representations and warranties made by the Borrower in
         Section 8 hereof, and by each Credit Party and Carolyn C. Smith in each
         of the other Basic Documents to which such Person is a party,  shall be
         true and  complete  on and as of the date of the making of such Loan or
         issuance  of such Letter of Credit with the same force and effect as if
         made  on and as of  such  date  (or,  if any  such  representation  and
         warranty is expressly  stated to have been made as of a specific  date,
         as of such specific date); and

                  (c) the  Borrower  shall be in  compliance  with the terms and
         conditions of each Senior Subordinated Note Indenture.

Each  notice of  borrowing  by the  Borrower  or request  for a Letter of Credit
hereunder  shall  constitute a  certification  by the Borrower to the effect set
forth in the preceding  sentence  (both as of the date of such notice or request
and, unless the Borrower  otherwise notifies the Agent prior to the date of such
borrowing or issuance, as of the date of such borrowing or issuance) and, in the
case of any borrowing of any Revolving  Credit Loan or request for any Letter of
Credit, shall include  calculations  demonstrating in reasonable detail, and, if
requested by the Agent, a certificate from (i) the trustee under the 1995 Senior
Subordinated  Note Indenture  confirming  compliance with Section 1008(a) of the
Senior Subordinated Note and (ii) the trustee under the 1993 Senior Subordinated
Note Indenture  confirming  compliance  with Section  1008(a) of the 1993 Senior

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Note Indenture,  in the case of each of the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii) after
giving effect to such borrowing or the issuance of such Letter of Credit. If the
Majority Revolving Credit Lenders,  the Majority Tranche A Lenders, the Majority
Tranche B Lenders or the Majority Tranche C Lenders,  as the case may be, notify
the Agent prior to the proceeds of such  borrowing  being made  available to the
Borrower or prior to the  issuance of such Letter of Credit (as the case may be)
that  there is a  reasonable  basis to doubt the  accuracy  of the  calculations
referred to in the preceding  sentence,  such borrowing or such issuance (as the
case may be) shall not occur.

                  Section  8.  Representations  and  Warranties.   The  Obligors
represent and warrant to the Lenders and the Agent that:

                  8.01  Corporate  Existence.  Each  of  the  Borrower  and  its
Subsidiaries: (a) is a corporation,  partnership or other entity duly organized,
validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
organization;  (b) has all  requisite  corporate  or  other  power,  and has all
material governmental licenses, authorizations, consents and approvals necessary
to own its assets and carry on its  business  as now being or as  proposed to be
conducted;  and (c) is qualified  to do business and is in good  standing in all
jurisdictions  in which the nature of the  business  conducted  by it makes such
qualification  necessary  and where  failure so to qualify would have a Material
Adverse Effect.

                  8.02   Financial   Condition.   The  Borrower  has  heretofore
furnished to each of the Lenders  consolidated and consolidating  balance sheets
of the Borrower and its  Consolidated  Subsidiaries  as at December 31, 1995 and
the  related  consolidated  and  consolidating  statements  of income,  retained
earnings and changes in financial position (or of cash flow, as the case may be)
of the Borrower and its  Consolidated  Subsidiaries for the fiscal year ended on
said date,  with the opinion thereon (in the case of said  consolidated  balance
sheet  and  statements)  of  Arthur  Andersen  &  Company.  All  such  financial
statements  are  complete  and  correct  and  present  fairly,  in all  material
respects, the consolidated and consolidating financial condition of the Borrower
and its  Consolidated  Subsidiaries  as at said  date and the  consolidated  and
consolidating results of their operations for the fiscal year ended on said date
in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  and practices
applied on a consistent basis.  Neither the Borrower nor any of its Subsidiaries
had on said date any material  contingent  liabilities,  liabilities  for taxes,
unusual  forward or long-term  commitments or unrealized or  anticipated  losses
from any unfavorable commitments, except as referred to or reflected or

                                Credit Agreement

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provided for in said  balance  sheet as at said date.  Since  December 31, 1995,
there  has  been  no  material  adverse  change  in the  consolidated  financial
condition,  operations,  business or  prospects  taken of the  Borrower  and its
Consolidated Subsidiaries taken as a whole from that set forth in said financial
statements as at said date.  The  projections  and  assumptions  underlying  the
calculations  contained in the  certificates  referred to in Section 7.01(p) and
the  financial  statements  referred  to  in  Section  7.01(q)  hereof  will  be
reasonable,  and the pro forma adjustments  underlying such calculations will be
based upon  reasonable  estimates  and  properly  effected  in  accordance  with
generally accepted  accounting  principles after giving effect to the River City
Non-License Acquisition.

                  8.03 Litigation. Except as disclosed to the Lenders in writing
on or prior  to the  date of this  Agreement,  there  are no  legal or  arbitral
proceedings,  or any  proceedings  by or before any  governmental  or regulatory
authority or agency, now pending or (to the knowledge of the Borrower (after due
inquiry))  threatened (a) against the Borrower,  any of its  Subsidiaries or any
Material  Third-Party  Licensee or any Person  that owns the  capital  stock (or
other equity ownership interest) of such Material Third-Party Licensee which, if
adversely  determined,  could have a Material  Adverse Effect or (b) relating to
the River City Non-License  Acquisition,  any River City License  Acquisition or
the other transactions contemplated hereby.

                  8.04 No Breach.  None of the  execution  and  delivery of this
Agreement and the Notes and the other Transaction Documents, the consummation of
the transactions  herein and therein  contemplated and compliance with the terms
and  provisions  hereof and thereof will conflict with or result in a breach of,
or require any  consent  (other than the  approvals  of the FCC  provided in the
Security  Documents  and those  referred to in Section 8.06 hereof)  under,  the
charter or by-laws of any Obligor,  or any applicable law or regulation,  or any
order,  writ,  injunction  or decree of any court or  governmental  authority or
agency,  or any  agreement  or  instrument  to which the  Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries is a party or by which any of them is bound or to which any of them
is subject,  or constitute a default under any such agreement or instrument,  or
(except for the Liens created pursuant to the Security  Documents) result in the
creation or  imposition  of any Lien upon any Property of the Borrower or any of
its Subsidiaries pursuant to the terms of any such agreement or instrument.

                  8.05 Action.  Each Obligor has all necessary  corporate  power
and authority to execute,  deliver and perform its obligations under each of the
Transaction  Documents  to which  it is a party;  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance by each

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Obligor of each of the  Transaction  Documents  to which it is a party have been
duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  action  on its part  (including,
without limitation,  any required shareholder approvals); and this Agreement has
been duly and validly  executed and  delivered by each Obligor and  constitutes,
and each of the other  Transaction  Documents  to which such  Obligor is a party
when executed and delivered by such Obligor will  constitute,  its legal,  valid
and binding obligation, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  8.06 Approvals.  No authorizations,  approvals or consents of,
and no filings or registrations  with, any governmental or regulatory  authority
or agency are  necessary  for the  execution,  delivery  or  performance  by any
Obligor of the Transaction Documents to which such Obligor is a party or for the
validity or  enforceability  thereof,  except (a) for filings and  recordings in
respect of the Liens  created  pursuant to the Security  Documents,  (b) filings
under 47 CFR ss.73.3613 and (c) the approvals by the FCC for the  acquisition of
any Broadcast Licenses.

                  8.07  Use  of  Loans.  Neither  the  Borrower  nor  any of its
Subsidiaries is engaged principally,  or as one of its important activities,  in
the business of extending credit for the purpose, whether immediate,  incidental
or ultimate,  of buying or carrying  Margin Stock and no part of the proceeds of
any extension of credit hereunder will be used to buy or carry any Margin Stock.

                  8.08  ERISA.  The  Borrower  and  the  ERISA  Affiliates  have
fulfilled their respective  obligations  under the minimum funding  standards of
ERISA  and the Code  with  respect  to each  Plan and are in  compliance  in all
material  respects  with the  presently  applicable  provisions of ERISA and the
Code,  and  have  not  incurred  any  liability  to  the  PBGC  or any  Plan  or
Multiemployer  Plan (other than to make  contributions in the ordinary course of

                  8.09 Taxes.  United States  Federal  income tax returns of the
Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  have been examined and closed through the fiscal
year of the Borrower ended December 31, 1992. The Borrower and its  Subsidiaries
have filed all United States  Federal  income tax returns and all other material
tax returns  which are  required to be filed by them and have paid all taxes due
pursuant to such returns or pursuant to any assessment  received by the Borrower
or any of its Subsidiaries.  The charges,  accruals and reserves on the books of
the Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  in respect of taxes and other  governmental
charges  are, in the opinion of the  Borrower,  adequate.  The  Borrower has not
given or been requested to give a waiver of the

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statute of limitations  relating to the payment of any Federal,  state, local or
foreign taxes or other impositions. If the Borrower is a member of an affiliated
group of  corporations  filing  consolidated  returns for United States  Federal
income tax purposes, it is the "common parent" of such group.

                  8.10 Investment  Company Act.  Neither the Borrower nor any of
its  Subsidiaries is an "investment  company",  or a company  "controlled" by an
"investment company",  within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940,
as amended.

                  8.11 Public Utility Holding Company Act.  Neither the Borrower
nor any of its  Subsidiaries  is a "holding  company",  or an  "affiliate"  of a
"holding company" or a "subsidiary  company" of a "holding company",  within the
meaning of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended.

                  8.12 Indebtedness and Interest Rate Protection Agreements. (a)
Part A of Schedule I hereto is a complete  and correct  list,  as of the date of
this Agreement, of each credit agreement,  loan agreement,  indenture,  purchase
agreement,  guarantee,  letter of credit or other  arrangement  providing for or
otherwise relating to any Indebtedness or any extension of credit (or commitment
for any  extension  of credit) to, or  guarantee  by, the Borrower or any of its
Subsidiaries,  the aggregate principal or face amount of which equals or exceeds
(or may equal or exceed)  $150,000,  and the aggregate  principal or face amount
outstanding  or which may  become  outstanding  under each such  arrangement  is
correctly described in Part A of Schedule I hereto.

                  (b) Part B of  Schedule  I hereto is a  complete  and  correct
list,  as of the  date  of this  Agreement,  of each  Interest  Rate  Protection
Agreement in respect of a notional  principal amount which equals or exceeds (or
may equal or exceed) $150,000.

                  8.13  Hazardous  Materials.  The  Borrower  and  each  of  its
Subsidiaries have obtained all permits,  licenses and other authorizations which
are required under all Environmental  Laws, except to the extent failure to have
any such  permit,  license  or  authorization  would not  result in a  liability
(individually or in the aggregate) exceeding  $1,000,000.  The Borrower and each
of its  Subsidiaries are in compliance with the terms and conditions of all such
permits, licenses and authorizations,  and are also in compliance with all other
limitations,  restrictions,  conditions, standards, prohibitions,  requirements,
obligations,  schedules and timetables contained in any applicable Environmental
Law or in any regulation,  code,  plan,  order,  decree,  judgment,  injunction,
notice or demand letter issued,  entered,  promulgated  or approved  thereunder,
except to the extent failure to comply would not

                                Credit Agreement

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result in a liability (individually or in the aggregate) exceeding $1,000,000.

                  In addition, except as set forth in Schedule II hereto:

                  (a) No notice, notification,  demand, request for information,
         citation,  summons  or order has been  issued,  no  complaint  has been
         filed, no penalty has been assessed and no  investigation  or review is
         pending or threatened by any  governmental or other entity with respect
         to any alleged  failure by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  to
         have any permit,  license or authorization  required in connection with
         the conduct of the business of the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries
         or with  respect  to any  generation,  treatment,  storage,  recycling,
         transportation,  discharge or disposal, or any Release of any Hazardous
         Materials generated by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries.

                  (b)  Neither  the  Borrower  nor  any of its  Subsidiaries  or
         Environmental Affiliates has operated a treatment,  storage or disposal
         facility  requiring  a  permit  under  the  Resource  Conservation  and
         Recovery  Act of 1976,  as amended,  or under any  comparable  state or
         local statute at any Property now or previously  owned or leased by the
         Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries or Environmental Affiliates; and

                       (i) no substance  containing  PCBs is or has been present
                  at any  Property  now or  previously  owned or  leased  by the
                  Borrower  or  any  of  its   Subsidiaries   or   Environmental

                       (ii) no asbestos is or has been  present at any  Property
                  now or  previously  owned or leased by the  Borrower or any of
                  its Subsidiaries or Environmental Affiliates;

                     (iii)  there are no  underground  storage  tanks  active or
                  abandoned,  at any Property now or previously  owned or leased
                  by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  or  Environmental

                      (iv) no  Hazardous  Materials  have  been  Released,  in a
                  reportable   quantity,   where  such  a   quantity   has  been
                  established by statute,  ordinance, rule, regulation or order,
                  at, on or under any  Property now or  previously  owned by the
                  Borrower  or  any  of  its   Subsidiaries   or   Environmental
                  Affiliates; and

                       (v) no Hazardous  Materials have been otherwise  Released
                  at, on or under any Property now or previously

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 100 -

                  owned or leased by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries to
                  an extent that it has, or may  reasonably be expected to have,
                  a liability exceeding $1,000,000.

                  (c)  Neither  the  Borrower  nor  any of its  Subsidiaries  or
         Environmental   Affiliates   has   transported   or  arranged  for  the
         transportation  of any  Hazardous  Material  to any  location  which is
         listed  on  the  National   Priorities  List  under  the  Comprehensive
         Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Act of 1980, as
         amended  ("CERCLA"),  listed for  possible  inclusion  on the  National
         Priorities List by the Environmental Protection Agency in CERCLIS or on
         any similar  state list or which is the  subject of  Federal,  state or
         local  enforcement  actions or other  investigations  which may lead to
         claims  against the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  for clean-up
         costs,  remedial  work,  damages to natural  resources  or for personal
         injury claims, including, but not limited to, claims under CERCLA.

                  (d) No Hazardous  Material generated by the Borrower or any of
         its  Environmental  Affiliates  has  been  recycled,  treated,  stored,
         disposed  of or Released  by the  Borrower or any of its  Environmental
         Affiliates  at any  location  other than those  listed in  Schedule  II

                  (e)  No  oral  or  written  notification  of  a  Release  of a
         Hazardous  Material  has been filed by or on behalf of the  Borrower or
         any of its  Subsidiaries  and no Property  now or  previously  owned or
         leased by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries is listed or proposed
         for listing on the National  Priorities  list  promulgated  pursuant to
         CERCLA,  on CERCLIS  or on any  similar  state list of sites  requiring
         investigation or clean-up.

                  (f)  No  Liens  have   arisen   under  or   pursuant   to  any
         Environmental  Laws on any of the real Property or Properties  owned or
         leased by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries,  and no  government
         actions  have been taken or are in process  which could  subject any of
         such  Properties  to such Liens and neither the Borrower nor any of its
         Subsidiaries  would be  required  to place any  notice  or  restriction
         relating to the presence of Hazardous  Materials at any Property  owned
         by it in any deed to such Property.

                  (g) There have been no environmental investigations,  studies,
         audits,  tests,  reviews or other analyses conducted by or which are in
         the possession of the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  in relation
         to any  Property or facility now or  previously  owned or leased by the
         Borrower or any of its

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         Subsidiaries which have not been made available to the Lenders.

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                  8.14  Subsidiaries, Etc.

                  (a) Set forth in Part A of  Schedule  III hereto is a complete
and correct  list,  as of the date  hereof,  of all of the  Subsidiaries  of the
Borrower,  together  with, for each such  Subsidiary,  (i) the  jurisdiction  of
organization of such Subsidiary, (ii) each Person holding ownership interests in
such  Subsidiary  and (iii) the nature of the ownership  interests  held by each
such Person and the  percentage of ownership of such  Subsidiary  represented by
such ownership interests.  Except as disclosed in Part A of Schedule III hereto,
(x) each of the  Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  owns,  free and clear of Liens
(other than Liens  created  pursuant  to the  Security  Documents),  and has the
unencumbered right to vote, all outstanding  ownership  interests in each Person
shown to be held by it in Part A of Schedule  III hereto,  (y) all of the issued
and outstanding  capital stock of each such Person organized as a corporation is
validly issued,  fully paid and  nonassessable  and (z) there are no outstanding
Equity Rights with respect to such Person.

                  (b) Set forth in Part B of  Schedule  III hereto is a complete
and correct list, as of the date of this Agreement,  of each  Investment  (other
than  Investments  disclosed in Part A of said Schedule III hereto) in an amount
exceeding  $25,000 held by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries in any Person
and, for each such Investment, (i) the identity of the Person or Persons holding
such Investment and (ii) the nature of such  Investment.  Except as disclosed in
Part B of Schedule III hereto,  each of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries  owns,
free and clear of all Liens (other than Liens  created  pursuant to the Security
Documents), all such Investments.

                  (c) None of the  Subsidiaries  of the Borrower is, on the date
of this  Agreement,  subject to any  indenture,  agreement,  instrument or other
arrangement of the type described in the last sentence of 9.22 hereof.

                  8.15  Broadcast Licenses.

                  (a) Part A of Schedule  IV hereto  accurately  and  completely
lists,  as of the date hereof,  for each Owned Station,  all Broadcast  Licenses
granted or assigned to the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries,  or under which
the Borrower and its Subsidiaries  have the right to operate such Owned Station.
The  Broadcast  Licenses  listed on Part A of Schedule IV hereto with respect to
any Owned  Station  include all  material  authorizations,  licenses and permits
issued by the FCC that are required or necessary for the operation of such Owned
Station,  and the conduct of the business of the  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries
with respect to such Owned Station, as now conducted or proposed to be

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 103 -

conducted.  The  Broadcast  Licenses  listed in Part A of Schedule IV hereto are
issued in the name of the  respective  License  Subsidiary for the Owned Station
being  operated under  authority of such Broadcast  Licenses and are on the date
hereof  validly  issued and in full force and effect,  and the  Borrower and its
Subsidiaries  have fulfilled and performed in all material respects all of their
obligations  with respect  thereto and have full power and  authority to operate

                  (b) Part B of Schedule  IV hereto  accurately  and  completely
lists, as of the date hereof, for each Contract Station,  all Broadcast Licenses
granted or assigned  to the  Material  Third-Party  Licensee  for such  Contract
Station,  or under which the Material  Third-Party  Licensee  for such  Contract
Station has the right to operate such Contract Station.  The Broadcast  Licenses
listed on Part B of  Schedule  IV hereto with  respect to any  Contract  Station
include all material authorizations, licenses and permits issued by the FCC that
are required or necessary for the operation of such  Contract  Station,  and the
conduct of the business of the Material  Third-Party  Licensee for such Contract
Station with respect to such Contract  Station,  as now conducted or proposed to
be conducted.  The Broadcast Licenses listed in Part B of Schedule IV hereto are
issued in the name of the Material Third-Party Licensee for the Contract Station
being  operated under  authority of such Broadcast  Licenses and are on the date
hereof validly issued and in full force and effect, and the Material Third-Party
Licensee for such  Contract  Station has fulfilled and performed in all material
respects  all of its  obligations  with  respect  thereto and has full power and
authority to operate thereunder.

                  8.16 Property.  The Borrower and its Subsidiaries  will own or
hold all  easements,  rights-of-way,  licenses in respect of real  property  and
similar rights as are necessary for the acquisition,  ownership and operation of
the Stations.  Each of the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  has good title to its
properties  and assets free and clear of all Liens,  except for Liens  permitted
under Section 9.06 hereof.  Set forth on Schedule VI attached  hereto is a list,
as of the Restatement Effective Date (after giving effect to the consummation of
the River City Non-License  Acquisition),  of all of the real property interests
held by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries,  indicating in each case whether the
respective  Property is owned or leased, the identity of the owner or lessee and
the location of the respective Property.

                  8.17   Ancillary   Documents.   The  Borrower  has  heretofore
delivered to the Agent a true and complete copy of the Ancillary  Documents,  in
each case as in effect on the date hereof, and each of the same is in full force
and effect and no default of any

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Obligor  party thereto of any of the  provisions  thereof is in existence on the
date hereof.

                  8.18 Film  Obligations.  Set forth in  Schedule  V hereto is a
complete  and  correct  list as at March 31,  1996 (on a pro forma  basis  after
giving effect to the River City Non-License Acquisition), setting forth for each
Station on a program-by-  program basis, the respective Film Cash Payments to be
made in each fiscal year during the period commencing on January 1, 1996 through
and including December 31, 2003.

                  8.19  Capitalization.  The  authorized  capital  stock  of the
Borrower  consists,  on the date hereof,  of 75,000,000 shares consisting of (a)
35,000,000  shares of Class A Common Stock,  par value $.01 per share,  of which
6,273,000  shares are duly and  validly  issued and  outstanding,  each of which
shares is fully paid and nonassessable,  (b) 35,000,000 shares of Class B Common
Stock, par value $.01 per share, of which 28,476,981 shares are duly and validly
issued and  outstanding,  each of which shares is fully paid and  nonassessable,
(c) 5,000,000  shares of Series A Exchangeable  Preferred  Stock, par value $.01
per  share,  of  which  4,181,818   shares  are  duly  and  validly  issued  and
outstanding,  each of which  shares is fully paid and  nonassessable.  As of the
date hereof  0.000797% of such issued and  outstanding  shares of Class A Common
Stock are owned  beneficially  and of record by the Smith  Brothers  and 100% of
such  issued  and  outstanding   shares  of  Class  B  Common  Stock  are  owned
beneficially and of record, directly or indirectly, by the Smith Brothers. As of
the date hereof,  (i) except for (x) the  Designated  Employee Stock Option Plan
and (y) Equity Rights created pursuant to the River City Acquisition  Documents,
there are no  outstanding  Equity  Rights with  respect to the Borrower and (ii)
except for the right of the  holders  of the Seller  Stock (or of any such stock
converted into the  Borrower's  Class A Common Stock) to require the Borrower to
repurchase such Seller Stock (or Class A Common Stock), there are no outstanding
obligations of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries to repurchase, redeem, or
otherwise  acquire any shares of capital stock of the Borrower nor are there any
outstanding  obligations  of the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  to make
payments  to any  Person,  such as "phantom  stock"  payments,  where the amount
thereof is calculated with reference to the fair market value or equity value of
the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries.

                  8.20 True and Complete Disclosure.  The information,  reports,
financial  statements,  exhibits  and  schedules  furnished  in writing by or on
behalf  of the  Obligors  to the  Agent or any  Lender  in  connection  with the
negotiation,  preparation  or  delivery  of this  Agreement  and the other Basic
Documents or included herein or therein or delivered pursuant hereto or

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thereto,  when taken as a whole do not contain any untrue  statement of material
fact or omit to state any material fact necessary to make the statements  herein
or  therein,  in light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not
misleading.  All  written  information  furnished  after the date  hereof by the
Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  to the Agent and the Lenders in connection  with
this Agreement and the other Basic Documents and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby  and  thereby  will be true,  complete  and  accurate  in every  material
respect, or (in the case of projections) based on reasonable  estimates,  on the
date as of which such information is stated or certified. There is no fact known
to the  Borrower  that could have a Material  Adverse  Effect  that has not been
disclosed  herein,  in the  other  Basic  Documents  or in a  report,  financial
statement,  exhibit,  schedule,  disclosure letter or other writing furnished to
the Lenders for use in connection with the transactions  contemplated  hereby or

                  8.21 Tax Identification Numbers. The tax identification number
for each Obligor on the date hereof is correctly set forth  opposite the name of
such Obligor on Schedule VII hereto.

                  8.22 Program  Services  Agreements.  Schedule VIII hereto is a
complete  and  correct  list,  as of the  date of this  Agreement,  of (a)  each
agreement  pursuant  to which the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  has the
right to program and sell advertising on a substantial  portion of the inventory
of  broadcast  time of any  Station  and (b) any  such  agreement  that  will be
assigned  to, or entered into by, the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries,  in
connection with the River City Non-License Acquisition.

                  8.23  Options.  Schedule  IX hereto is a complete  and correct
list, as of the date of this Agreement, of (a) each option agreement pursuant to
which the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries has the right to acquire licenses,
permits,  authorizations  or certificates to construct,  own, operate or promote
any television or radio  broadcasting  station and (b) any such option agreement
that will be  assigned  to,  or  entered  into by,  the  Borrower  or any of its
Subsidiaries, in connection with the River City Non-License Acquisition.

                  8.24 Asset Use and Operating Agreements.  Schedule X hereto is
a complete and correct list, as of the date of this  Agreement,  with respect to
each Owned Station, of the agreement between the Subsidiary of the Borrower that
operates such Owned Station and a License  Subsidiary with respect to such Owned

                                Credit Agreement

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                  Section 9.  Covenants of the Obligors.  The Obligors  covenant
and agree with the Lenders and the Agent that, so long as any  Commitment,  Loan
or Letter of Credit  Liability is  outstanding  and until payment in full of all
amounts payable by the Borrower hereunder:

                  9.01 Financial  Statements.  The Borrower shall deliver to the
Agent (with sufficient copies for each Lender):

                  (a) as soon as available and in any event within 45 days after
         the end of each  quarterly  fiscal  period of each  fiscal  year of the
         Borrower, consolidated and consolidating statements of income, retained
         earnings  and  cash  flow  of  the   Borrower   and  its   Consolidated
         Subsidiaries  for such period and for the period from the  beginning of
         the respective  fiscal year to the end of such period,  and the related
         consolidated  and  consolidating  balance  sheets as at the end of such
         period,   setting   forth  in  each  case  in   comparative   form  the
         corresponding   consolidated   and   consolidating   figures   for  the
         corresponding  period in the preceding  fiscal year,  accompanied  by a
         certificate  of a  senior  financial  officer  of the  Borrower,  which
         certificate shall state that said financial  statements present fairly,
         in all material  respects,  the  consolidated  financial  condition and
         results  of   operations   of  the   Borrower   and  its   Consolidated
         Subsidiaries,  and the respective individual  unconsolidated  financial
         condition  and results of operations of the Borrower and of each of its
         Consolidated  Subsidiaries,  in each case in accordance  with generally
         accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, as at the end of,
         and for, such period (subject to normal year-end audit adjustments);

                  (b) as soon as  available  and in any  event  within  110 days
         after the end of each fiscal  year of the  Borrower,  consolidated  and
         consolidating  statements of income, retained earnings and cash flow of
         the Borrower and its  Consolidated  Subsidiaries  for such year and the
         related consolidated and consolidating  balance sheets as at the end of
         such  year,  setting  forth  in  each  case  in  comparative  form  the
         corresponding  consolidated and consolidating figures for the preceding
         fiscal  year,  and  accompanied  (i) in the  case of said  consolidated
         statements  and balance  sheet,  by an opinion  thereon of  independent
         certified public  accountants of recognized  national  standing,  which
         opinion shall state that said consolidated financial statements present
         fairly, in all material respects,  the consolidated financial condition
         and  results  of  operations  of  the  Borrower  and  its  Consolidated
         Subsidiaries  as at the end of, and for, such fiscal year in accordance
         with generally accepted accounting

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         principles,  and a  certificate  of such  accountants  stating that, in
         making the  examination  necessary for their opinion,  they obtained no
         knowledge,  except as specifically  stated, of any Default, and (ii) in
         the case of said  consolidating  statements  and balance  sheets,  by a
         certificate  of a  senior  financial  officer  of the  Borrower,  which
         certificate shall state that said  consolidating  financial  statements
         fairly  present  the  respective  individual  unconsolidated  financial
         condition  and results of operations of the Borrower and of each of its
         Consolidated  Subsidiaries,  in each case in accordance  with generally
         accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, as at the end of,
         and for, such fiscal year;

                  (c) as soon as available,  and in any event within 30 days (on
         a  Station-by-Station  basis) after the end of each monthly  accounting
         period in each fiscal year of the  Borrower,  a statement of EBITDA for
         such  monthly  accounting  period and for the  beginning of such fiscal
         year to the end of such monthly  accounting  period,  setting forth, in
         each  case  in  comparative  form  the  corresponding  figures  for the
         corresponding  monthly  accounting  period and period in the  preceding
         fiscal year;

                  (d)  promptly  upon their  becoming  available,  copies of all
         registration   statements  and  regular   periodic   reports,   if  any
         (including,  without limitation, reports on Forms 10-Q and 10-K), which
         the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  shall  have  filed with the
         Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  (or  any  governmental   agency
         substituted therefor) or any national securities exchange;

                  (e)  promptly  upon the  furnishing  thereof  generally to the
         holders of any class or issue of  securities of the Borrower (or to any
         of  their  respective  agents  or  trustees)  copies  of all  financial
         statements, reports, proxy statements, notices and other communications
         so furnished;  and promptly  upon the receipt  thereof by the Borrower,
         copies of any notices,  reports or other communications from any holder
         of any  Preferred  Stock,  any  In-Kind  Preferred  Stock or any Senior
         Subordinated Notes (or any agent or trustee therefor);

                  (f) as soon as  possible,  and in any  event  within  ten days
         after  the  Borrower  knows or has  reason to  believe  that any of the
         events  or  conditions  specified  below  with  respect  to any Plan or
         Multiemployer  Plan have  occurred or exist,  a  statement  signed by a
         senior  financial   officer  of  the  Borrower  setting  forth  details
         respecting  such event or condition and the action,  if any,  which the
         Borrower or its

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         ERISA  Affiliate  proposes to take with respect  thereto (and a copy of
         any report or notice  required to be filed with or given to PBGC by the
         Borrower  or  an  ERISA   Affiliate  with  respect  to  such  event  or

                       (i) any reportable  event,  as defined in Section 4043(c)
                  of ERISA and the regulations issued  thereunder,  with respect
                  to a Plan, as to which PBGC has not by  regulation  waived the
                  requirement  of Section  4043(a) of ERISA that it be  notified
                  within 30 days of the occurrence of such event  (provided that
                  a failure to meet the minimum funding  standard of Section 412
                  of the  Code or  Section  302 of ERISA  shall be a  reportable
                  event  regardless of the issuance of any waivers in accordance
                  with Section 412(d) of the Code);

                       (ii) the filing  under  Section 4041 of ERISA of a notice
                  of  intent to  terminate  any Plan or the  termination  of any

                     (iii) the institution by PBGC of proceedings  under Section
                  4042 of ERISA for the  termination of, or the appointment of a
                  trustee  to  administer,  any  Plan,  or  the  receipt  by the
                  Borrower   or  any  ERISA   Affiliate   of  a  notice  from  a
                  Multiemployer  Plan that such  action  has been  taken by PBGC
                  with respect to such Multiemployer Plan;

                      (iv) the complete or partial withdrawal by the Borrower or
                  any ERISA Affiliate under Section 4201 or 4204 of ERISA from a
                  Multiemployer  Plan,  or the  receipt by the  Borrower  or any
                  ERISA Affiliate of notice from a Multiemployer Plan that it is
                  in  reorganization  or insolvency  pursuant to Section 4241 or
                  4245  of  ERISA  or  that  it  intends  to  terminate  or  has
                  terminated under Section 4041A of ERISA;

                       (v) the institution of a proceeding by a fiduciary of any
                  Multiemployer Plan against the Borrower or any ERISA Affiliate
                  to  enforce  Section  515 of ERISA,  which  proceeding  is not
                  dismissed within 30 days; and

                      (vi)  the  adoption  of an  amendment  to any  Plan  that,
                  pursuant to Section  401(a)(29)  of the Code or Section 307 of
                  ERISA,  would result in the loss of  tax-exempt  status of the
                  trust of which such Plan is a part if the Borrower or an ERISA
                  Affiliate  fails to timely  provide  security  to such Plan in
                  accordance with the provisions of said Sections;

                                Credit Agreement

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                  (g) as soon as available and in any event within 45 days after
         the end of each of the quarterly  fiscal periods of each fiscal year of
         the Borrower, a schedule setting forth for each Station, the respective
         Film Cash  Payments  for such  Station for each fiscal year  commencing
         with the then current fiscal year through and including the fiscal year
         ending December 31, 2003;

                  (h) promptly  after any Obligor knows or has reason to believe
         that any Default has occurred,  a notice of such Default describing the
         same in  reasonable  detail and,  together  with such notice or as soon
         thereafter as possible,  a description  of the action that the Borrower
         has taken and proposes to take with respect thereto;

                  (i) promptly  following delivery thereof to or by the Borrower
         or any of its Subsidiaries,  copies of all material  notices,  reports,
         approvals and other  material  communications  that are received by the
         Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  from  the  FCC or  filed  by the
         Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries with the FCC;

                  (j) promptly  following delivery thereof to or by the Borrower
         or any of its Subsidiaries,  copies of all material notices (including,
         without limitation, notices of default), financial statements, reports,
         approvals and other  material  communications  that are received by the
         Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  from or on behalf of any Material
         Third- Party Licensee or Affiliate of any Material Third-Party Licensee
         or furnished by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries to any Material
         Third-Party Licensee or Affiliate of any Material Third-Party Licensee;

                  (k) from time to time such  other  information  regarding  the
         financial condition, operations, business or prospects of the Borrower,
         any of its Subsidiaries, any Station, any Material Third-Party Licensee
         or any Person that owns the capital  stock (or other  equity  ownership
         interest)  of any Material  Third-Party  Licensee  (including,  without
         limitation,  any Plan or  Multiemployer  Plan and any  reports or other
         information  required  to be filed  under  ERISA) as any  Lender or the
         Agent may reasonably request.

The Borrower will furnish to the Agent (with sufficient copies for each Lender),
at the time it furnishes each set of financial  statements pursuant to paragraph
(a) or (b) above,  a certificate of a senior  financial  officer of the Borrower
(i) to the effect that no Default has  occurred  and is  continuing  (or, if any
Default has occurred and is continuing, describing the same in reasonable detail
and describing the action that the Borrower has

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taken and  proposes to take with  respect  thereto)  and (ii)  setting  forth in
reasonable  detail the computations  necessary to determine whether the Borrower
is in compliance with Sections 9.07(e), 9.09, 9.10, 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.15
and 9.16  hereof  as of the end of the  respective  quarterly  fiscal  period or
fiscal  year.  In  addition,  the  Borrower  shall in each of its  fiscal  years
(commencing  with its fiscal year ending 1996) as soon as  available  and in any
event on or before  December 31 of each fiscal year,  deliver to each Lender,  a
budget for the next  following  fiscal year setting  forth  anticipated  income,
expense and capital  expenditure  items for each quarter during such fiscal year
and,  on a date to be  mutually  agreed  upon with the  Agent,  arrange  for its
relevant officers to be present at a meeting with the Lenders for the purpose of
discussing  its  business,   prospects  and  financial  affairs  (including  its
near-term projections) with the Lenders.

                  9.02 Litigation.  The Borrower will promptly give to the Agent
(with  sufficient  copies  for each  Lender)  notice  of all  legal or  arbitral
proceedings,  and of all proceedings by or before any governmental or regulatory
authority or agency,  and any material  development  in respect of such legal or
other proceedings (collectively,  "Proceedings"),  affecting the Borrower or any
of its  Subsidiaries or any of their respective  assets,  franchises or licenses
(including,  without  limitation,  the  Broadcast  Licenses for Owned  Stations)
except   Proceedings   which,  if  adversely   determined,   would  not  (either
individually  or in the aggregate)  have a Material  Adverse Effect or result in
the loss of a franchise or license (including, without limitation, any Broadcast
License for an Owned Station other than an Immaterial  Broadcast  License).  The
Borrower  will  promptly  give to the Agent  (with  sufficient  copies  for each
Lender) notice of all Proceedings  affecting the Material  Third-Party  Licensee
for a Contract  Station or any  Broadcast  Licenses  for such  Contract  Station
except   Proceedings   which,  if  adversely   determined,   would  not  (either
individually  or in the aggregate)  have a Material  Adverse Effect or result in
the loss of any Broadcast License (other than an Immaterial  Broadcast  License)
for such Contract Station.

                  9.03 Existence, Etc. The Borrower will, and will cause each of
its Subsidiaries to:

                  (a) preserve and maintain its legal  existence  and all of its
         material  rights,   privileges  and  franchises   (including,   without
         limitation,  the Broadcast Licenses, but excluding Immaterial Broadcast
         Licenses,  for Owned  Stations)  (provided that nothing in this Section
         9.03 shall prohibit any transaction  expressly  permitted under Section
         9.05 hereof);

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                  (b)  comply  with the  requirements  of all  applicable  laws,
         rules, regulations and orders of governmental or regulatory authorities
         if failure to comply with such requirements would (either  individually
         or in the aggregate) have a Material Adverse Effect;

                  (c) pay and discharge all taxes,  assessments and governmental
         charges  or levies  imposed on it or on its income or profits or on any
         of its Property prior to the date on which  penalties  attach  thereto,
         except  for any such tax,  assessment,  charge or levy the  payment  of
         which is being  contested in good faith and by proper  proceedings  and
         against which adequate reserves are being maintained;

                  (d)  maintain  all of its  Properties  used or  useful  in its
         business in good working  order and  condition,  ordinary wear and tear
         excepted; and

                  (e) permit  representatives of any Lender or the Agent, during
         normal  business  hours,  to examine,  copy and make  extracts from its
         books and  records,  to inspect  its  Properties,  and to  discuss  its
         business and affairs with its  officers,  all to the extent  reasonably
         requested by such Lender or the Agent (as the case may be).

                  9.04 Insurance.  The Borrower will, and will cause each of its
Subsidiaries  to,  maintain  insurance  with  financially  sound  and  reputable
insurance  companies,  and with  respect to  Property  and risks of a  character
usually  maintained  by  corporations  engaged in the same or  similar  business
similarly  situated,  against loss,  damage or liability of the kinds and in the
amounts  customarily  maintained  by such  corporations  and maintain such other
insurance as is usually carried by such corporations, provided that the Borrower
will in any event maintain (with respect to itself, each of its Subsidiaries and
each Owned Station),  and will cause the Material  Third-Party Licensee for each
Contract  Station (or the Person that owns the  capital  stock (or other  equity
ownership  interest) of such Material  Third-Party  Licensee) to maintain  (with
respect to itself and such Contract  Station),  casualty insurance and insurance
against claims and damages with respect to defamation,  libel, slander,  privacy
or other similar injury to person or reputation (including,  without limitation,
misappropriation  of personal  likeness),  in such amounts as are then customary
for Persons  engaged in the same or similar  business  similarly  situated.  The
Borrower  shall  provide to the Agent at the same time it  furnishes  its annual
financial  statements  under Section  9.01(b)  hereof a certificate of insurance
comparable in scope to the certificate furnished under Section 7.01(t)(i) hereof
demonstrating compliance with this Section 9.04.

                                Credit Agreement

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                  9.05  Prohibition of Fundamental Changes.

                  (a) The  Borrower  will  not,  nor will it  permit  any of its
Subsidiaries  to,  enter  into any  transaction  of merger or  consolidation  or
amalgamation,   or  liquidate,  wind  up  or  dissolve  itself  (or  suffer  any
liquidation or dissolution).

                  (b) The  Borrower  will not,  and will not  permit  any of its
Subsidiaries  to, acquire any business or Property from, or capital stock of, or
be a party to any acquisition of, any Person,  or acquire any option to make any
such  acquisition,  except for  purchases of inventory,  programming  rights and
other  Property  to be  sold  or  used  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business,
Investments permitted under Section 9.08 hereof,  Capital Expenditures permitted
under Section 9.12 hereof and the River City Non-License Acquisition.

                  (c) The  Borrower  will not,  and will not  permit  any of its
Subsidiaries  to,  without the prior  written  consent of the Majority  Lenders,
convey,  sell, lease,  transfer or otherwise dispose of, in one transaction or a
series of  transactions,  all or a substantial part of its business or Property,
whether  now  owned  or  hereafter  acquired   including,   without  limitation,
receivables  and leasehold  interests,  but excluding (i) any inventory or other
Property sold or disposed of in the ordinary  course of business and on ordinary
business  terms and (ii)  obsolete or worn-out  Property,  tools or equipment no
longer used or useful in its business so long as the amount  thereof sold in any
single  fiscal year by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  shall not have a fair
market value in excess of $250,000.

                  (d) Notwithstanding  the foregoing  provisions of this Section

                  (i) the Borrower and its Subsidiaries may consummate any River
         City License Acquisition or any Approved  Acquisition (each, a "Subject
         Acquisition") provided that:

                           (w)   both   immediately   prior   to  such   Subject
                  Acquisition and, after giving effect thereto, no Default shall
                  have occurred and be continuing;

                           (x)  each   assignment  or  transfer  of  control  of
                  Broadcast  Licenses to the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries
                  shall have been approved by (A) a Final FCC Order, in the case
                  of the  consummation  of  the  exercise  of  any  of the  WPTT
                  Conversion  Option,  the Glencairn Options or the WDBB Option,
                  or (B) an  Initial  FCC  Order,  in the  case  of any  Subject
                  Acquisition  other than  those  referred  to in the  preceding
                  clause (A) and,

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 113 -

                  if the Agent or the Majority  Lenders shall have so requested,
                  the Agent  shall have  received  an opinion of Fisher  Wayland
                  Cooper   Leader  and  Zaragoza   L.L.P.   (or  other   counsel
                  satisfactory to the Agent or the Majority Lenders, as the case
                  may be, in its (or their)  reasonable  judgment) to the effect
                  that such transfer  shall have been so approved by a Final FCC
                  Order or an Initial  FCC  Order,  as the case may be, and that
                  such  Broadcast  Licenses  have been  validly  assigned to the
                  Borrower or such Subsidiary;

                           (y) (A) (in the case of (1) the WYZZ Acquisition, (2)
                  the  acquisition  of assets (or of the capital stock (or other
                  equity  ownership  interest)  of the  Person  that  owns  such
                  assets) and assumption of liabilities relating to WWWS(AM) and
                  WGR(AM),  Buffalo, New York, (3) the acquisition of assets (or
                  of the capital stock (or other equity  ownership  interest) of
                  the  Person  that  owns  such   assets)  and   assumption   of
                  liabilities relating to of WXWX-FM, Easley, South Carolina and
                  WXWX-FM,  Greer,  South  Carolina and (4) the  acquisition  of
                  assets (or of the  capital  stock (or other  equity  ownership
                  interest) of the Person that owns such assets) and  assumption
                  of  liabilities  relating to WPMR- AM and WKRF-FM,  Tobyhanna,
                  Pennsylvania)  no later than twenty Business Days prior to the
                  consummation  of such  acquisition,  the  Borrower  shall have
                  delivered to the Agent drafts or executed counterparts of such
                  of the respective  agreements or instruments pursuant to which
                  such  acquisition  is to be  consummated  (together  with  any
                  related management,  non-compete,  employment, option or other
                  material   agreements),   any  schedules  or  other   material
                  ancillary  documents to be executed or delivered in connection
                  therewith,  all of which shall be satisfactory to the Agent in
                  form  and  substance  and  (B)  promptly   following   request
                  therefor,  copies  of  such  other  information  or  documents
                  relating to any Subject Acquisition as the Agent or any Lender
                  or  Lenders   (through  the  Agent)   shall  have   reasonably
                  requested; and

                           (z) on the date on which the  Borrower  or any of its
                  Subsidiaries  pays any WSYX  Option  Extension  Payment or the
                  WSYX Sale Price  Differential,  the Borrower  shall furnish to
                  the Lenders a certificate  showing  calculations (after giving
                  effect to such payment) in reasonable  detail that demonstrate
                  that such payment will not result in a Default  under  Section
                  9.11 hereof;

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 114 -

                  (ii)  the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  may make any
         Other Acquisition provided that:

                           (s)  the  Aggregate   Consideration   for  all  Other
                  Acquisitions  (other than the acquisition of assets or capital
                  stock (or  other  equity  ownership  interest)  of any  Person
                  pursuant to an exchange  permitted  by Section  9.05(d)(iv)(y)
                  hereof and the  consummation  of Other  Acquisitions  with the
                  proceeds of  dispositions  pursuant to Section  9.05(d)(iv)(x)
                  hereof)  shall not exceed the sum of (A)  aggregate  amount of
                  Net Available  Proceeds of all Equity  Issuances  permitted by
                  Section 9.26 hereof  received by the  Borrower  after the date
                  hereof  and on or prior to the  date of  consummation  of such
                  Other  Acquisition,  plus (B) 25% of Excess Cash Flow for each
                  fiscal  year  of  the  Borrower  ending  before  the  date  of
                  consummation  of such  Other  Acquisition  (to the  extent not
                  otherwise  applied  by the  Borrower  in  accordance  with the
                  provisions of this  Agreement)  plus (C) the aggregate  unused
                  amount of the Revolving  Credit  Commitments  in effect at the
                  time of such Other  Acquisition  (before  giving effect to any
                  borrowing  thereunder to finance such Other Acquisition) minus
                  (D) $25,000,000;

                           (t) both immediately  prior to such Other Acquisition
                  and,  after  giving  effect  thereto,  no  Default  shall have
                  occurred and be continuing;

                           (u)  each   assignment  or  transfer  of  control  of
                  Broadcast  Licenses to the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries
                  pursuant  to  any  such  Other  Acquisition  shall  have  been
                  approved  by an order of the FCC that is no longer  subject to
                  reconsideration  or  review  by the  FCC or by  any  court  or
                  administrative  body and, if the Agent or the Majority Lenders
                  shall have so  requested,  the Agent  shall have  received  an
                  opinion of Fisher  Wayland  Cooper Leader and Zaragoza  L.L.P.
                  (or other counsel reasonably  satisfactory to the Agent or the
                  Majority Lenders,  as the case may be) to the effect that such
                  transfer  shall have been so  approved by a final order of the
                  FCC  and  that  such  Broadcast  Licenses  have  been  validly
                  assigned to the Borrower or such Subsidiary;

                           (v) the ratio of Total  Indebtedness on the date that
                  such Other Acquisition is consummated (calculated after giving
                  effect to the borrowings and prepayments  hereunder to be made
                  on such date) to EBITDA for the period of four fiscal quarters
                  of the Borrower ending

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 115 -

                  on or most recently ended prior to such date  (calculated on a
                  pro  forma  basis  as  if  such  Other  Acquisition  had  been
                  consummated  on the  first  day of such  period)  will  not be
                  greater than the lesser of (x) 6.50 to 1 and (y) such ratio as
                  shall be required by Section 9.14 hereof on such date;

                           (w)  on the  date  that  such  Other  Acquisition  is
                  consummated,  the  Borrower  shall  furnish  to the  Lenders a
                  certificate  showing  calculations  (after  giving  effect  to
                  borrowings and  prepayments  hereunder to be made on such date
                  and  calculated  on  a  pro  forma  basis  as  if  such  Other
                  Acquisition  had  been  consummated  on the  first  day of the
                  period of four fiscal  quarters of the  Borrower  ending on or
                  most recently  ended prior to such date) in reasonable  detail
                  that  demonstrate  that  such  purchase  will not  result in a
                  Default under any of (A) Sections 9.10,  9.11,  9.12,  9.13 or
                  9.15 hereof and (B) clause (v) of this Section 9.05(d)(ii);

                           (x) (A) no later than twenty  Business  Days prior to
                  the date that  such  Other  Acquisition  is  consummated,  the
                  Borrower  shall have delivered to the Agent drafts or executed
                  counterparts   of  such  of  the   respective   agreements  or
                  instruments (including,  without limitation,  Program Services
                  Agreements)  pursuant to which such Other Acquisition is to be
                  consummated    (together   with   any   related    management,
                  non-compete, employment, option or other material agreements),
                  any  schedules  or other  material  ancillary  documents to be
                  executed or delivered in  connection  therewith,  all of which
                  shall be  satisfactory in form and substance to the Agent (or,
                  if the portion of the Aggregate  Consideration  for such Other
                  Acquisition payable to extend and exercise any option acquired
                  in connection with such Other  Acquisition  exceeds 20% of the
                  Aggregate  Consideration payable in connection with such Other
                  Acquisition,   the  Majority   Lenders)  and   sufficient   to
                  demonstrate  compliance by the Borrower with the  requirements
                  of this Section 9.05(d)(ii) and (B) promptly following request
                  therefor,  copies  of  such  other  information  or  documents
                  relating to such Other  Acquisition as the Agent or any Lender
                  or  Lenders   (through  the  Agent)   shall  have   reasonably

                           (y) in  connection  with each  Other  Acquisition  in
                  which the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  acquires  real
                  estate (other than by means of an office lease),  the Borrower
                  shall  (if and to the  extent  requested  by the  Agent or the
                  Majority Lenders) have undertaken

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 116 -

                  environmental  surveys and  assessments  prepared by a firm of
                  licensed engineers  (familiar with the identification of toxic
                  and hazardous  substances) in form and substance  satisfactory
                  to  the  Agent  and  Majority   Lenders  and  having   results
                  satisfactory to the Agent and Majority Lenders;  provided that
                  neither the Agent nor any Lender shall have any responsibility
                  to the Borrower or any  Subsidiary or any other Person arising
                  out  of  or   relating   to  the  scope  or  results  of  such
                  environmental due diligence; and

                           (z) if requested by the Agent or the Majority Lenders
                  with respect to any  agreement (A) entered into by any Obligor
                  and any other Person in connection with such Other Acquisition
                  or (B) to be  transferred  to any Obligor in  connection  with
                  such Other  Acquisition,  which agreement is determined by the
                  Agent or the  Majority  Lenders,  as the  case  may be,  to be
                  material (a "Material  Agreement"),  the Borrower  shall cause
                  such  Obligor and such other  Person to execute and deliver to
                  the  Agent  a  Consent  and  Agreement  with  respect  to such
                  Material Agreement;

            (iii) the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries may sell to Glencairn
         or a Subsidiary of Glencairn the Broadcast Licenses for any one or more
         of WTTE-TV,  WFBC-TV or KRRT-TV,  and any Property required pursuant to
         the rules and  regulations of the FCC to be sold in connection with the
         transfer of such  Broadcast  Licenses,  provided that (x) any such sale
         shall be for an  amount  not less than 80% of the  appraised  value (as
         determined by an appraiser  satisfactory  to the Agent and the Borrower
         and  experienced in the appraisal of properties  similar to those being
         so sold),  which amount shall be payable in cash, (y) Glencairn or such
         Subsidiary of Glencairn, as the case may be, shall enter into a Program
         Services  Agreement  with a Subsidiary  of the Borrower with respect to
         each  Station  the  Broadcast  Licenses  of  which  are so sold and (z)
         Glencairn or such  Subsidiary of  Glencairn,  as the case may be, shall
         enter into a Consent  and  Agreement  with the Agent  relating  to such
         Program Services Agreement;

             (iv)  the  Borrower  or any  of its  Subsidiaries  may  dispose  of
         substantially all of the assets relating to any Owned Station that is a
         radio  broadcasting  station (or the capital stock of the Subsidiary of
         the Borrower that owns such assets if such  Subsidiary does not own any
         Property  relating  to any other  Owned  Station  that is a  television
         broadcasting station), provided that both immediately prior

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 117 -

         to such disposition and, after giving effect thereto,  no Default shall
         have occurred and be continuing and:

                           (x) such disposition is a sale to any Person for cash
                  in an  amount  not less  than the  fair  market  value of such
                  assets  and (A) the  EBITDA  Percentage  attributable  to such
                  assets together with the EBITDA Percentage attributable to all
                  other  assets sold  pursuant  to this clause (x) or  exchanged
                  pursuant to the  following  clause (y) during the  immediately
                  preceding twelve-month period (or, if shorter, the period from
                  the  Restatement  Effective  Date) shall not exceed 5% and (B)
                  the  EBITDA  Percentage  attributable  to  all  assets  of the
                  Borrower and its Subsidiaries sold pursuant to this clause (x)
                  or exchanged  pursuant to the  following  clause (y) since the
                  Restatement  Effective  Date  shall not  exceed  15%,  (C) the
                  Borrower shall have  furnished to the Lenders,  not later than
                  the tenth Business Day preceding the date of such  disposition
                  a  certificate  in form and detail  satisfactory  to the Agent
                  stating (and setting forth  calculations in reasonable  detail
                  demonstrating)  the  EBITDA  Percentage  attributable  to  the
                  assets so sold and (D) promptly  following  request  therefor,
                  copies of such other information or documents relating to such
                  disposition as the Agent of any Lender or Lenders (through the
                  Agent) shall have reasonably requested; or

                           (y) such disposition is an exchange, with any Person,
                  of such assets for assets owned by such Person (or the capital
                  stock (or other  equity  ownership  interest)  of such Person)
                  comprising  a radio  broadcasting  station of equal or greater
                  value,  as  determined in good faith by the Board of Directors
                  of the  Borrower  or  such  Subsidiary  and,  (A)  the  EBITDA
                  Percentage attributable to such assets of the Borrower or such
                  Subsidiary together with the EBITDA Percentage attributable to
                  all other  assets of the  Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries
                  sold  pursuant  to  the  foregoing  clause  (x)  or  exchanged
                  pursuant  to  the  this  clause  (y)  during  the  immediately
                  preceding twelve-month period (or, if shorter, the period from
                  the  Restatement  Effective  Date) shall not exceed 5% and (B)
                  the  EBITDA  Percentage  attributable  to  all  assets  of the
                  Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  sold pursuant to the foregoing
                  clause (x) or exchanged  pursuant to this clause (y) since the
                  Restatement  Effective  Date  shall not  exceed  15%,  (C) the
                  acquisition  of such  assets of such  Person  pursuant to such
                  exchange shall comply with the provisions of clause (d)(ii) of
                  this Section 9.05 and

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 118 -

                  (D) the Borrower  shall have  furnished  to the  Lenders,  not
                  later than the tenth  Business Day  preceding the date of such
                  disposition a certificate in form and detail  satisfactory  to
                  the  Agent   stating  (and  setting  forth   calculations   in
                  reasonable   detail   demonstrating)   the  EBITDA  Percentage
                  attributable to the assets so sold;

         provided that,  notwithstanding  the foregoing  clauses (x) and (y), no
         more than  one-half of the number of radio  broadcasting  stations that
         may be acquired pursuant to Subject  Acquisitions  shall be disposed of
         pursuant this clause (iv).

              (v)  the  Borrower  or any  of its  Subsidiaries  may  dispose  of
         Properties  for fair market value,  provided  that the  aggregate  fair
         market  value  of  Properties  disposed  of by  the  Borrower  and  its
         Subsidiaries  in  any  fiscal  year  of the  Borrower  may  not  exceed

             (vi)  the  Borrower  or any  of its  Subsidiaries  may  dispose  of
         Properties  acquired  by any of  them  in the  River  City  Non-License
         Acquisition   that  are   substantially   duplicative   of   Properties
         theretofore  owned  by  any  of  them,   provided  that  (x)  any  such
         disposition  shall be for fair market value and (y) the aggregate  fair
         market  value of all such  Properties  disposed of the Borrower and its
         Subsidiaries after the date hereof may not exceed $2,500,000;

            (vii) the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries may sell the WSTR Note
         to any Person (including,  without limitation,  any Affiliate) for cash
         in an amount not less than (x) $4,750,000 plus (y) the aggregate amount
         of unpaid  interest on the WSTR Note accrued after the  acquisition  by
         the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries of the WSTR Note minus (z) the
         aggregate amount of principal of the WSTR Note received by the Borrower
         and its Subsidiaries after such acquisition; and

           (viii) the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries may sell in accordance
         with Section 10.4 of the Baker  Employment  Agreement to Barry Baker or
         to any Person  designated  by Barry Baker under said  Section  10.4 the
         Property  of the  Borrower  or such  Subsidiary  required to be so sold
         pursuant to said Section 10.4, provided that any such sale shall be for
         cash in an amount not less than the fair market  value of the  Property
         so sold.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 119 -

                  9.06  Limitation on Liens.  The Borrower will not, nor will it
permit any of its Subsidiaries to, create,  incur, assume or suffer to exist any
Lien upon any of its Property, whether now owned or hereafter acquired, except:

                  (a)  Liens created pursuant to the Security Documents;

                  (b) Liens  imposed by any  governmental  authority  for taxes,
         assessments or charges not yet due or which are being contested in good
         faith and by appropriate  proceedings if adequate reserves with respect
         thereto  are  maintained  on the  books of the  Borrower  or any of its
         Subsidiaries, as the case may be, in accordance with GAAP;

                  (c)  carriers',  warehousemen's,   mechanics',  materialmen's,
         repairmen's  or other like  Liens  arising  in the  ordinary  course of
         business  which  are not  overdue  for a period of more than 30 days or
         which are being contested in good faith and by appropriate  proceedings
         and Liens  securing  judgments but only to the extent for an amount and
         for a period not  resulting in an Event of Default  under Section 10(h)

                  (d)  pledges  or   deposits   under   worker's   compensation,
         unemployment insurance and other social security legislation;

                  (e)  deposits  to  secure  the  performance  of  bids,   trade
         contracts   (other  than  for  borrowed   money),   leases,   statutory
         obligations,  surety  and  appeal  bonds,  performance  bonds and other
         obligations  of a like  nature  incurred  in  the  ordinary  course  of

                  (f) easements,  rights-of-way,  restrictions and other similar
         encumbrances   incurred  in  the   ordinary   course  of  business  and
         encumbrances  consisting of zoning restrictions,  easements,  licenses,
         restrictions  on the use of  Property or minor  imperfections  in title
         thereto which, in the aggregate,  are not material in amount, and which
         do not in any case  materially  detract  from the value of the Property
         subject thereto or interfere with the ordinary  conduct of the business
         of the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries;

                  (g) rights of tenants,  as tenants only,  under leases of real
         property  acquired  on the  date  hereof  as  part  of the  River  City
         Non-License  Acquisition,  which rights do not materially  detract from
         the value of the real property  subject  thereto or interfere  with the
         ordinary  conduct  of  the  business  of  the  Borrower  or  any of its
         Subsidiaries performed thereon;

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 120 -

                  (h) Liens on the capital  stock of Glencairn  owned by Carolyn
         C. Smith acquired by the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  pursuant
         to the exercise of the Glencairn Options,  to the extent such Liens are
         in existence on the date of such acquisition;

                  (i) additional Liens upon real and/or personal Property (other
         than  the   partnership   interest  of  FSF-TV  in  the  Auburn   Tower
         Partnership,  a North Carolina general  partnership)  created after the
         date hereof,  provided that the aggregate  Indebtedness secured thereby
         and incurred on and after the date hereof  shall not exceed  $1,000,000
         in the aggregate at any one time outstanding; and

                  (j) any  extension,  renewal or  replacement of the foregoing,
         provided,  however,  that the Liens  permitted  hereunder  shall not be
         spread to cover any additional  Indebtedness  or Property (other than a
         substitution of like Property).

                  9.07 Indebtedness.  The Borrower will not, and will not permit
any of its  Subsidiaries  to, create,  incur or suffer to exist any Indebtedness

                  (a)  Indebtedness to the Lenders hereunder;

                  (b) Indebtedness  outstanding on the date hereof and listed in
         Schedule I hereto;

                  (c)   Indebtedness   of  the  Borrower   evidenced  by  senior
         subordinated  notes in an  aggregate  principal  amount  not  exceeding
         $200,000,000 at any one time  outstanding and  subordinated  guarantees
         thereof by Subsidiary  Guarantors  (such  Indebtedness  and  guarantees
         being collectively  referred to as the "Additional Senior  Subordinated
         Notes"),  provided  that (i) such notes are issued at not less than 97%
         of par,  (ii) such notes and  guarantees  shall be  unsecured  and such
         notes  shall bear  interest  at a fixed rate not  greater  than 12% per
         annum  on  the  face  amount  thereof,  (iii)  no  scheduled  payments,
         prepayments, redemptions or sinking fund or like payments on such notes
         shall be required before the tenth  anniversary of the date of issuance
         of such notes, (iv) the terms and conditions of such notes shall not be
         less favorable to the Borrower,  its Subsidiaries,  the Lenders and the
         Agent than the terms and  conditions  of the 1995  Senior  Subordinated
         Note Indenture and the 1995 Senior Subordinated Notes, (v) the proceeds
         of  such  Indebtedness   shall  be  used  solely  (x)  to  finance  the
         consummation  of the  WSYX  Acquisition  and  transaction  expenses  in
         connection therewith and/or (y) to prepay the Loans and reduce the

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 121 -

         Commitments pursuant to Section 2.09(b)(iii) hereof and (vi) no Default
         shall have occurred and be continuing at the time of incurrence of such
         Indebtedness or would result therefrom;

                  (d)  Indebtedness  of  Subsidiaries  of  the  Borrower  to the
         Borrower or to other Subsidiaries of the Borrower;

                  (e)  additional  Indebtedness  of the Borrower in an aggregate
         principal amount not exceeding $50,000,000 at any one time outstanding,
         provided (i) that no Default  shall have  occurred and be continuing at
         the time of incurrence of such  Indebtedness or would result  therefrom
         and (ii) such Indebtedness shall be unsecured;

                  (f)  Subordinated  Film  Indebtedness  of the  Borrower  in an
         aggregate  principal  amount not to exceed  $10,000,000 at any one time
         outstanding,  provided that the terms and  conditions of each agreement
         or  instrument  evidencing  or  governing  such  Indebtedness  shall be
         satisfactory to the Majority Lenders;

                  (g) Guarantees of  Indebtedness of GDLP incurred in connection
         with Property used by the Borrower and its Subsidiaries in an aggregate
         principal amount (including all such Indebtedness, if any, permitted by
         Section  9.07(b)  hereof)  not  exceeding  $2,000,000  at any one  time
         outstanding; and

                  (h)   Indebtedness   of  the  Borrower   evidenced  by  senior
         subordinated  notes and subordinated  guarantees  thereof by Subsidiary
         Guarantors  (such   Indebtedness  and  guarantees  being   collectively
         referred to as the "Converted  Senior  Subordinated  Notes"),  provided
         that (i) such notes and  guarantees  shall be unsecured  and such notes
         shall bear  interest  at a fixed rate not  greater  than 15% per annum,
         (ii) no scheduled payments, prepayments, redemptions or sinking fund or
         like  payments  on such  notes  shall  be  required  before  the  tenth
         anniversary of the date of issuance of the Preferred  Stock,  (iii) the
         terms and  conditions of such notes shall not be less  favorable to the
         Borrower,  its  Subsidiaries,  the Lenders and the Agent than the terms
         and conditions of the 1995 Senior  Subordinated  Note Indenture and the
         1995 Senior  Subordinated  Notes,  (iv) the  Borrower  shall issue such
         notes  pursuant to the conversion of all, but not less than all, of the
         Preferred  Stock and the In-Kind  Preferred Stock into such notes in an
         aggregate  principal  amount not exceeding  the  aggregate  liquidation
         preference of the Preferred  Stock and the In- Kind Preferred  Stock so
         converted, (v) both immediately

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 122 -

         prior  to such  conversion  of the  Preferred  Stock  and the In-  Kind
         Preferred Stock and, after giving effect thereto, no Default shall have
         occurred and be continuing and (vi) such  conversion  shall not be made
         prior to January 1, 1997.

                  9.08  Investments.  The Borrower will not, and will not permit
any of its Subsidiaries to, make or permit to remain outstanding any Investments

                  (a)  operating deposit accounts with banks;

                  (b)  Permitted Investments;

                  (c)  Investments  by the  Borrower  and  its  Subsidiaries  in
         capital stock of Subsidiaries of the Borrower to the extent outstanding
         on the  date  of the  financial  statements  of the  Borrower  and  its
         Consolidated  Subsidiaries  referred  to  in  Section  8.02  hereof  or
         required by Section  9.25 hereof and  advances by the  Borrower and its
         Subsidiaries  to  Subsidiary  Guarantors  in  the  ordinary  course  of
         business permitted to be incurred by Section 9.07(d) hereof;

                  (d) Investments  outstanding on the Restatement Effective Date
         (after giving effect to the consummation of the River City Acquisition)
         and identified in Schedule III hereto;

                  (e) the formation of special purpose Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
         of the Borrower for the  acquisition of capital stock of or partnership
         interests in Persons  resulting in such Persons  becoming  Wholly Owned
         Subsidiaries of the Borrower,  in each case for the purpose of enabling
         the Borrower and its Subsidiaries to consummate  acquisitions permitted
         by Section 9.05 hereof;

                  (f) Guarantees by Subsidiary Guarantors of Indebtedness of the
         Borrower to the extent  such  guarantees  are  expressly  permitted  by
         Section 9.07 hereof;

                  (g)  Guarantees permitted by Section 9.07(g) hereof;

                  (h)  the  conversion  by  the  Borrower  of  the   outstanding
         principal  amount of the WPTT  Convertible  Debenture  into  non-voting
         common stock of WPTT in accordance with the terms thereof;

                  (i)  Investments by the Borrower in Affiliates in an amount up
         to but not exceeding $125,000,000 in the aggregate provided that (x) no
         Default shall have occurred and be continuing at the time of the making
         of such Investment or

                                Credit Agreement

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         would  result  therefrom,  (y)  at  the  time  of the  making  of  such
         Investment,  the Total Indebtedness Ratio shall not be greater than the
         lesser  of (A) 6.40 to 1 and (B) such  ratio  as shall be  required  by
         Section  9.14 hereof at the time of the making of such  Investment  and
         (z) each such  Affiliate  shall be engaged  solely in lines of business
         activity  that  would be  permitted  by  Section  9.19  hereof  if such
         Affiliate were an Obligor hereunder; and

                  (j)  additional  Investments  in  an  amount  up  to  but  not
         exceeding $10,000,000 in the aggregate,  provided that no Default shall
         have  occurred  and be  continuing  at the time of the  making  of such
         Investment or would result therefrom.

                  9.09  Dividend  Payments.  The Borrower will not, and will not
permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to declare or make any Dividend  Payment at any
time,  except  that,  so long as no  Default  exists at the time of making  such
Dividend Payment or would result therefrom:

                  (a) the  Borrower  may pay to any Person  (including,  without
         limitation,  an Affiliate) dividends in cash in any of its fiscal years
         ending after  December 31, 1996 provided that (i) the aggregate  amount
         of such  dividends  plus the aggregate  amount of Additional  Corporate
         Expense  paid in such  fiscal  year does not exceed 25% of Excess  Cash
         Flow for its fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year in which
         such dividends and Additional Corporate Expense are paid (to the extent
         that such 25% of Excess Cash Flow has not otherwise been applied by the
         Borrower in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement), and (ii)
         such  dividend may not be paid earlier than three  Business  Days after
         the  prepayment  of Loans  required by Section  2.09(c)  hereof in such
         fiscal year of payment;

                  (b) the  Borrower may pay  dividends in cash on the  Preferred
         Stock and the In-Kind  Preferred Stock provided that at the time of the
         making of such Dividend Payment, the Total Indebtedness Ratio shall not
         be  greater  than the  lesser of (i) 5.80 to 1 and (ii)  such  ratio as
         shall be required  by Section  9.14 hereof at the time of the making of
         such Dividend Payment;

                  (c)  the  Borrower  may  convert  any  Preferred   Stock  into
         Convertible Senior Notes in accordance with Section 9.07(h) hereof; and

                  (d) the  Borrower  may  make  Equity  Issuances  permitted  by
         Section 9.26 hereof.

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                  9.10 Interest Coverage Ratio. The Borrower will not permit the
Interest  Coverage  Ratio on any date to be less than the ratio set forth  below
opposite the period during which such date falls:

                  Period                                         Ratio
                  ------                                         -----

         From the Restatement Effective
           Date through December 30, 1996                        1.60 to 1

         From December 31, 1996
           through December 30, 1997                             1.80 to 1

         From December 31, 1997
           through December 30, 1998                             2.00 to 1

         From December 31, 1998
           and at all times thereafter                           2.20 to 1

                  9.11 Fixed  Charges  Ratio.  The Borrower  will not permit the
Fixed Charges Ratio to be less than or equal to 1.05 to 1 at any time.

                  9.12 Capital  Expenditures.  The Borrower  will not permit the
aggregate  amount of Capital  Expenditures  to exceed  (a) for its  fiscal  year
ending in 1996, $30,000,000 and (b) for any of its fiscal years thereafter, 1.05
multiplied by the maximum  aggregate amount of Capital  Expenditures  (excluding
Additional Capital Expenditures (as defined below)) permitted under this Section
9.12 for the immediately  preceding  fiscal year of the Borrower;  provided that
the Borrower may permit additional  Capital  Expenditures  ("Additional  Capital
Expenditures")  in an aggregate  amount  (whether in one or more fiscal years of
the Borrower) not exceeding  $75,000,000,  which Additional Capital Expenditures
shall  be used by the  Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  solely  to  finance  the
conversion  from an analog to a digital  format of the  television  broadcasting
facilities and equipment owned by Borrower and its Subsidiaries.

                  9.13 Senior  Indebtedness  Ratio. The Borrower will not permit
the Senior Indebtedness Ratio on any date to be greater than the ratio set forth
below opposite the period during which such date falls:

                  Period                                         Ratio
                  ------                                         -----

         From the Restatement Effective
           Date through September 29, 1996                       5.00 to 1

         From September 30, 1996

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           through December 30, 1996                             4.75 to 1

         From December 31, 1996
           through June 29, 1997                                 4.50 to 1

         From June 30, 1997
           through December 30, 1997                             4.25 to 1

         From December 31, 1997
           through December 30, 1998                             4.00 to 1

         From December 31, 1998
           through December 30, 1999                             3.50 to 1

         From December 31, 1999
           and at all times thereafter                           2.50 to 1

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the Borrower shall have consummated the WSYX
Acquisition on or prior to March 31, 1997, the Senior Indebtedness Ratio for the
period from  December  31, 1996  through  June 29, 1997 may exceed 4.50 to 1 but
shall not exceed 4.75 to 1.

                  9.14 Total  Indebtedness  Ratio.  The Borrower will not permit
the Total  Indebtedness Ratio on any date to be greater than the ratio set forth
below opposite the period during which such date falls:

                  Period                                         Ratio
                  ------                                         -----

         From the Restatement Effective                          
           Date through September 29, 1996                       6.90 to 1

         From September 30, 1996
           through December 30, 1996                             6.60 to 1

         From December 31, 1996
           through June 29, 1997                                 6.25 to 1

         From June 30, 1997
           through December 30, 1997                             5.90 to 1

         From December 31, 1997
           through December 30, 1998                             5.50 to 1

         From December 31, 1998
           through December 30, 1999                             5.00 to 1

         From December 31, 1999
           and at all times thereafter                           4.00 to 1

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Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  if the Borrower shall have consummated the WSYX
Acquisition on or prior to March 31, 1997, the Total  Indebtedness Ratio for the
period from  December  31, 1996  through  June 29, 1997 may exceed 6.25 to 1 but
shall not exceed 6.50 to 1.

                  9.15  Film Cash  Payments  and  Sports  Rights  Payments.  The
Borrower will not permit the  aggregate  amount of the sum of Film Cash Payments
plus Sports Rights Payments to exceed the following  respective amounts (or such
other amounts as the Borrower and the Agent may from time to time agree) for the
following respective periods:

                  Period                                       Amount
                  ------                                       ------

         From the Restatement Effective
           Date through December 31, 1996                      $63,000,000

         From January 1, 1997
           through December 31, 1997                           $69,000,000

         From January 1, 1998
           through December 31, 1998                           $75,000,000

         From January 1, 1999
           through December 31, 1999                           $85,000,000

         From January 1, 2000
           through December 31, 2000                           $85,000,000

         From January 1, 2001
           through December 31, 2001                           $85,000,000

         From January 1, 2002
           through December 31, 2002                           $85,000,000

         From January 1, 2003
           through December 31, 2003                           $85,000,000

The Borrower will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, incur any
Film Obligations if the payment of the related Film Cash Payments, together with
the payment of all other Film Cash  Payments  related to Film  Obligations  then
outstanding,  would  result in a  violation  of the  preceding  sentence of this
Section 9.15 for any period.  Neither the  Borrower nor any of its  Subsidiaries
shall purchase,  redeem, retire or otherwise acquire for value, or set apart any
money for a sinking,  defeasance  or other  analogous  fund for,  the  purchase,
redemption, retirement or other acquisition of, or make any voluntary payment or
prepayment of the principal of or interest

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on, or any other  amount owing in respect of, any Film  Obligations,  except for
(a) regularly  scheduled  payments in respect thereof  required  pursuant to the
instruments  evidencing  such Film  Obligations  and (b) with the consent of the
Agent,  prepayments of Film Obligations not exceeding $15,000,000 after the date

                  9.16 Corporate Expense. The Borrower will not permit Corporate
Expense to exceed  $9,000,000  for its fiscal year ending  December 31, 1996 or,
for any of its subsequent  fiscal years  thereafter,  3% of the Net Cash Revenue
for such subsequent  fiscal year, except that the Borrower may permit additional
Corporate Expense  ("Additional  Corporate Expense") for any of its fiscal years
provided that (a) the aggregate amount of such Additional Corporate Expense plus
the aggregate  amount of Dividend  Payments made pursuant to Section  9.09(a) in
such  fiscal  year does not exceed 25% of Excess  Cash Flow for its fiscal  year
immediately  preceding the fiscal year in which such Corporate  Expense and such
Dividend  Payments are paid (to the extent that such 25% of Excess Cash Flow has
not otherwise been applied by the Borrower in accordance  with the provisions of
this Agreement),  (b) such Additional  Corporate Expense may not be paid earlier
than three  Business  Days after the  prepayment  of Loans  required  by Section
2.09(c)  hereof  in such  fiscal  year  of  payment  and (c) no such  Additional
Corporate  Expense may be paid at any time if a Default  exists or would  result

                  9.17  Interest Rate Protection Agreements.

                  (a) The  Borrower  will obtain and  maintain in full force and
effect from the date not later than the 45th day after the Restatement Effective
Date until no sooner than the second  anniversary of the  Restatement  Effective
Date one or more Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements  with one or more of the
Lenders  (and/or  with a bank or other  financial  institution  having  capital,
surplus  and  undivided  profits of at least  $500,000,000),  which  effectively
enables the  Borrower  (in a manner  satisfactory  to the Agent and at least one
Managing Agent),  as at any date, to protect itself against  three-month  London
interbank  offered rates plus the respective  Applicable  Margins for Eurodollar
Loans in  effect  at the time  such  Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements  are
obtained exceeding (i) 9.5% per annum as to a notional principal amount at least
equal to the 66-2/3% of the sum of (i) the aggregate principal amount of Tranche
A Term Loans and Tranche C Term Loans  scheduled to be outstanding  from time to
time and (ii) 9.75% per annum as to a notional  principal  amount at least equal
to the  66-2/3%  of the  aggregate  principal  amount of  Tranche  B Term  Loans
scheduled to be outstanding from time to time.

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                  (b) The  Borrower  will not,  and will not  permit  any of its
Subsidiaries  to, obtain or enter into any Interest Rate  Protection  Agreements
except as bona fide hedges against fluctuations in interest rates.

                  (c)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  clause (a), the Borrower
shall be permitted to modify the requirements under the Interest Rate Protection
Agreement with the consent of the Agent and at least one Managing Agent.

                  9.18 Subordinated  Indebtedness.  Neither the Borrower nor any
of its  Subsidiaries  shall purchase,  redeem,  retire or otherwise  acquire for
value, or set apart any money for a sinking,  defeasance or other analogous fund
for, the purchase,  redemption,  retirement or other acquisition of, or make any
voluntary payment or prepayment of the principal of or interest on, or any other
amount  owing in  respect  of,  any  Subordinated  Indebtedness,  except for (a)
prepayments on the Carolyn Smith  Documents and the Julian Smith Documents in an
aggregate amount not exceeding $2,000,000 in any fiscal year of the Borrower and
(b) regularly  scheduled  payments of principal and interest in respect  thereof
required pursuant to the instruments evidencing such Subordinated Indebtedness.

                  9.19 Lines of  Business.  The  Borrower  will not, nor will it
permit any of its Subsidiaries to, engage to any substantial  extent in any line
or lines  of  business  activity  other  than (a) the  business  of  owning  and
operating  the  Stations  (and  related  retransmission  facilities),   (b)  the
commercial  utilization  of  frequencies  licensed,  granted  or  leased  to the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries by the FCC, any other governmental authority
or any Person in connection with the television or radio broadcasting businesses
and (c) the production, development, sale, lease or other provision of equipment
and/or services to Persons engaged in the businesses  relating to those referred
to in the preceding clause (b);  provided that the Borrower shall not permit the
portion of EBITDA for any period derived from the business  activity referred to
in the foregoing clause (a) to be less than 85% of EBITDA for such period.  None
of the  License  Subsidiaries  will  engage  in any line or  lines  of  business
activity other than as expressly  contemplated  in its respective  Asset Use and
Operating  Agreement.  The Borrower will cause all Broadcast  Licenses for Owned
Stations  at all  times  to be  held  in the  name  of  the  respective  License
Subsidiary  for  the  Owned  Station  being  operated  under  authority  of such
Broadcast Licenses.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, CRESAP shall be permitted to
engage in the business referred to in Section 9.27(a) hereof.

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                  9.20  Transactions   with  Affiliates.   Except  as  expressly
permitted by this  Agreement,  the Borrower  will not, nor will it permit any of
its  Subsidiaries  to,  directly or  indirectly:  (a) make any  Investment in an
Affiliate;  (b)  transfer,  sell,  lease,  assign or  otherwise  dispose  of any
Property  to an  Affiliate;  (c) merge into or  consolidate  with or purchase or
acquire  Property  from an  Affiliate;  or (d) enter into any other  transaction
directly  or  indirectly  with or for the  benefit of an  Affiliate  (including,
without limitation,  guarantees and assumptions of obligations of an Affiliate);
provided that (i) any  Affiliate  who is an individual  may serve as a director,
officer or  employee  of the  Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries  and receive
reasonable  compensation  for his or her services in such  capacity and (ii) the
Borrower and its Subsidiaries may enter into transactions (other than extensions
of credit by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries to an Affiliate)  providing
for the  leasing of  Property,  the  rendering  or receipt  of  services  or the
purchase  or sale of  inventory  and other  Property in the  ordinary  course of
business (it being understood and agreed that no Acquisition  shall be deemed to
be in the ordinary course of business) if the monetary or business consideration
arising therefrom would be substantially as advantageous to the Borrower and its
Subsidiaries as the monetary or business  consideration  which would obtain in a
comparable transaction with a Person not an Affiliate.

                  9.21 Use of Proceeds.  The  Borrower  will use the proceeds of
the Loans  hereunder (a) to repay loans  outstanding  under the Existing  Credit
Agreement, (b) to finance (i) the River City Non-License  Acquisition,  (ii) the
River City License  Acquisitions,  (iii) the Approved  Acquisitions,  (iv) Other
Acquisitions  and (v) transaction  costs in connection with all of the foregoing
and (c) for its and its Subsidiaries'  general corporate purposes (in compliance
with all applicable  legal and regulatory  requirements);  provided that neither
the Agent nor any Lender shall have any  responsibility  as to the use of any of
such proceeds.

                  9.22 Certain Obligations Respecting Subsidiaries. The Borrower
will, and will cause each of its  Subsidiaries to, take such action from time to
time as shall be necessary to ensure that each of its  Subsidiaries  is a Wholly
Owned Subsidiary.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, none of the
Borrower nor any of its Subsidiaries  shall sell,  transfer or otherwise dispose
of any  shares  of  stock  in any  Subsidiary  owned by  them,  nor  permit  any
Subsidiary  to issue any shares of stock of any class  whatsoever  to any Person
(other than to the Borrower or another Obligor and except as aforesaid).  In the
event that any such additional shares of stock shall be issued by any Subsidiary
(except as aforesaid), the respective Obligor agrees

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forthwith  to  deliver  to the Agent  pursuant  to the  Security  Agreement  the
certificates  evidencing  such  shares of stock,  accompanied  by undated  stock
powers  executed  in blank and shall take such other  action as the Agent  shall
request to  perfect  the  security  interest  created  therein  pursuant  to the
Security  Agreement.  The Borrower  will not permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to
enter  into,  after  the  date  of this  Agreement,  any  indenture,  agreement,
instrument  or other  arrangement  that,  directly or  indirectly,  prohibits or
restrains,  or  has  the  effect  of  prohibiting  or  restraining,  or  imposes
materially  adverse  conditions upon, the incurrence or payment of Indebtedness,
the granting of Liens,  the  declaration or payment of dividends,  the making of
loans,  advances  or  Investments  or the sale,  assignment,  transfer  or other
disposition of Property.

                  9.23 Additional Subsidiary Guarantors.  The Borrower will, and
will cause each of its Subsidiaries  to, take such action,  from time to time as
shall  be  necessary  to  ensure  that  all  Subsidiaries  of the  Borrower  are
Subsidiary  Guarantors (and,  thereby,  "Obligors")  hereunder and to pledge and
grant to the Agent for the benefit of the Lenders a security  interest in all of
its  respective  Property  to  secure  its  respective   obligations  under  its
respective  guarantees pursuant to documentation  substantially to the effect of
the Security Documents,  mutatis mutandis, and otherwise reasonably satisfactory
to the Lenders and the Agent.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
in the event that the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries  shall form or acquire
any new  Subsidiary  after  the date  hereof,  the  Borrower  or the  respective
Subsidiary  will cause such new  Subsidiary to become a  "Subsidiary  Guarantor"
(and, thereby, an "Obligor")  hereunder and to pledge and grant to the Agent for
the benefit of the Lenders a security  interest on all of its Property to secure
its  respective   obligations  under  its  respective   guarantees  pursuant  to
documentation  substantially  to the effect of the Security  Documents,  mutatis
mutandis, and otherwise reasonably satisfactory to the Lenders and the Agent and
to deliver such proof of corporate action,  incumbency of officers,  opinions of
counsel  and other  documents  as is  consistent  with those  delivered  by each
Obligor  pursuant to Section 7.01 hereof upon the Restatement  Effective Date or
as any Lender or the Agent shall have requested.

                  9.24  Modifications  of Certain  Documents.  Without the prior
written  consent of the Majority  Lenders,  the Borrower  will not, and will not
permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to,  consent to any  modification,  supplement,
waiver or termination of any of the provisions of (a) any instrument  evidencing
or governing any of the Film Cash Payments  unless such  instrument is modified,
supplemented or waived at no cost (including, but not limited to interest costs)
to the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, (b)

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the WSTR Note,  (c) the  Ancillary  Documents or (d) the River City  Acquisition
Documents, except that the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries may (i) amend any
of the Asset Use and Operating  Agreements entered into prior to the date hereof
to cause the same to be  substantially  in the form of Exhibit G hereto and (ii)
amend any of the Program  Services  Agreements  to extend the stated  expiration
date thereof. The Borrower will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries
to, designate any Indebtedness as Designated  Senior  Indebtedness or Designated
Guarantor  Senior  Indebtedness,  in each case  under and as  defined  in either
Senior Subordinated Note Indenture.

                  9.25  License Subsidiaries.

                  (a) Whenever the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries  acquires
any Broadcast  License after the Restatement  Effective Date, the Borrower shall
(without  limiting  its  obligations  under  Section  9.23  hereof)  cause  such
acquisition to take place as follows in accordance  with all applicable laws and
regulations,  including, without limitation, pursuant to approvals from the FCC:
(i) each  Broadcast  License so acquired  shall be  transferred to and held by a
separate  Wholly-Owned  Subsidiary of the Borrower that is a License Subsidiary,
provided  that (x) the  Broadcast  Licenses  for one or more radio  broadcasting
stations serving a single "Area of Dominant Influence" as determined by Arbitron
Company may be held by any one or more License Subsidiaries that do not hold any
Broadcast License for any one or more television  broadcasting  stations and (y)
the Broadcast Licenses for WTTV-TV, a television  broadcasting  station licensed
to  Bloomington,  Indiana and serving the Bloomington  area, and for WTTK-TV,  a
television  broadcasting  station  licensed  to Kokomo,  Indiana and serving the
Kokomo  area,  may be held in a single  License  Subsidiary,  (ii)  the  related
operating  assets shall be transferred to and held by an operating  company that
is a Subsidiary of the Borrower (an "Operating Subsidiary"),  (iii) such License
Subsidiary  and such  Operating  Subsidiary  shall  enter  into a Asset  Use and
Operating Agreement, (iv) the Borrower shall deliver or cause to be delivered to
the Agent in pledge  under the  Security  Agreement  all  capital  stock of such
License  Subsidiary  and such  Operating  Subsidiary  and (v) the Borrower shall
furnish to the Agent such evidence as may be  reasonably  requested by the Agent
or any Lender that the foregoing transactions have been so effected.

                  (b)  Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to the  contrary,  the
Borrower shall not permit any License Subsidiary to:

                   (i)   create,   incur,   assume  or  have   outstanding   any
         Indebtedness or other liabilities or obligations except for

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         obligations  under the Basic  Documents  and an Asset Use and Operating

                  (ii) own any  right,  franchise  or  other  asset  except  for
         Broadcast  Licenses  transferred to it by the Borrower of which it is a
         direct,  Wholly Owned Subsidiary and Broadcast Licenses acquired in the
         ordinary  course of business and rights under a Asset Use and Operating

                   (iii) enter into any transaction of merger,  consolidation or
         amalgamation,  or liquidate,  wind up or dissolve itself (or suffer any
         liquidation or dissolution);

                   (iv)  create,  incur or permit to exist any Lien  (other than
         the Lien  created by the  Security  Agreement)  on or in respect of, or
         sell,  lease,  assign,  transfer  or  otherwise  dispose of, any of its
         rights, franchises or other assets;

                   (v) engage in any business  other than  holding  Broadcasting
         Licenses and entering into a Asset Use and Operating Agreement; or

                  (vi)  make or hold any Investment.

                  (c)  Notwithstanding  anything  in  this  Section  9.25 to the
contrary,  the Borrower and the Subsidiary  Guarantors shall not be obligated to
effect any transaction contrary to law or the rules,  regulations or policies of
the FCC, and shall be permitted to unwind the transactions  contemplated by this
Section  9.25 to the  extent  necessary  to  comply  with a  ruling  of the FCC;
provided  that  the  Borrower  shall  and  shall  cause  each of the  Subsidiary
Guarantors  to use its best efforts to carry out the  provisions of this Section
9.25  consistent  with all laws and all rules,  regulations  and policies of the
FCC, including, without limitation,  pursuing any necessary approval or consents
of the FCC.

                  9.26 Equity  Issuance.  The Borrower will not effect an Equity
Issuance;  provided  that the Borrower may (a) (i) issue the Seller Stock on the
Restatement  Effective Date, (ii) issue its Class A Common Stock as contemplated
by the Baker  Stock  Option  Agreement,  the  Corporate  Employee  Stock  Option
Agreement,  the Station  Employee  Stock  Option  Agreement  and the  Designated
Employee  Stock  Option Plan and (iii) make an Equity  Issuance  pursuant to the
Columbus  Option  Agreement;  (b) issue  the  Preferred  Stock  and the  In-Kind
Preferred  Stock (and any of its Class A Common Stock upon the conversion of any
Preferred  Stock or In-Kind  Preferred  Stock),  provided that the Net Available
Proceeds of the Preferred  Stock shall be applied to the prepayment of Revolving
Credit Loans as provided in

                                Credit Agreement

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Section  2.09(b)(ii)  hereof; and (c) make any other Equity Issuance so long as,
in the case of this  clause  (c) only,  (i) such  Equity  Issuance  is an Equity
Public  Offering,  (ii) after  giving  effect  thereto,  no  Default  shall have
occurred and be continuing and (iii) the Net Available Proceeds thereof shall be
applied  either (x) to finance the  purchase by the Borrower of the Seller Stock
and  transaction   expenses  in  connection   therewith,   (y)  to  finance  the
consummation  of  any  Acquisition   (other  than  the  River  City  Non-License
Acquisition) and transaction expenses in connection with such Acquisition or (z)
any combination of the foregoing  clauses (x) and (y),  provided that 80% of any
portion of such Net  Available  Proceeds not so applied  shall be applied to the
prepayment of Loans as provided in Section 2.09(b)(i) hereof.

                  9.27 CRESAP.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the
contrary, prior to the making of the CRESAP


                  (a) The  Borrower  shall  not  permit  CRESAP to engage in any
         business activity other than employing  commercial  airplane pilots and
         contracting the services of such pilots to other Persons;

                  (b)  subject to the  proviso to Section  9.27(e)  hereof,  the
         Borrower shall not, and shall not permit its  Subsidiaries to, transfer
         cash or other Property to CRESAP after the Restatement  Effective Date,
         howsoever such transfer may be characterized or effected; provided that
         the Borrower and its Subsidiaries may pay to CRESAP,  in cash, fees not
         exceeding $695,500 in any calendar year;

                  (c) neither the  Borrower  nor any of its  Subsidiaries  shall
         become obligated to CRESAP in any manner whatsoever except with respect
         to the payment of fees permitted by the preceding paragraph (b);

                  (d) the Borrower shall not permit CRESAP to incur Indebtedness
         in an aggregate  principal amount exceeding  $1,500,000 at any one time
         outstanding; and

                  (e) without  limiting the effect of clause (b) of this Section
         9.27, neither the Borrower nor any of its Subsidiaries shall make, hold
         or  maintain  any  Investment  (including,   without  limitation,   any
         Investment made before the Restatement  Effective Date) in CRESAP other
         than  the  capital  stock  of  CRESAP  held  by  the  Borrower  on  the
         Restatement  Effective  Date;  provided that the Borrower or any one of
         its Subsidiaries  may make a single  Investment in CRESAP not exceeding
         $1,000,000,  the proceeds of which shall be used by CRESAP  immediately
         upon receipt thereof to repay

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 134 -

         in full all Indebtedness of CRESAP  outstanding on the date of the such

                  9.28  Real Property.

                  (a) Not later  than 90 days  after the  Restatement  Effective
Date,  each Credit  Party shall take the  following  actions with respect to its
interests in real  property  (including  real  property  acquired as part of the
River  City  Non-License  Acquisition)  specified  by the Agent or the  Majority
Lenders, acquired after May 24, 1994 and with respect to which such actions have
not heretofore been taken by such Credit Party:

                  (i)  cause  such  interests  to be  mortgaged  to the Agent as
         security for its obligations  under the Basic  Documents  pursuant to a
         mortgage,  deed of trust or similar  instrument  in form and  substance
         satisfactory to the Agent in its reasonable judgment;

                  (ii) in the case of leases  under which such  Credit  Party is
         lessee,  cause  the  respective  landlords  to  execute  such  estoppel
         agreements,  cause such leases to be recorded in the appropriate county
         land  offices  and take such other  action as the Agent may  reasonably
         request to ensure that such leases are "mortgageable", as determined by
         the Agent in its reasonable judgment;

                  (iii) cause to be issued by Chicago  Title  Insurance  Company
         (the "Title Company") and delivered to the Agent mortgagee  policies of
         title  insurance  satisfactory  to the  Agent  in  form  and  substance
         insuring the validity and first-  priority of the Liens  created  under
         each of the  Mortgages  for and in  amounts  satisfactory  to the Agent
         subject only to such  exceptions as are  satisfactory  to the Agent and
         containing such  affirmative  coverage and  endorsements as the Lenders
         may require;

                  (iv) cause to be delivered to the Agent, in respect of each of
         the facilities  covered by the  Mortgages,  as-built  surveys,  or such
         other evidence  demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Agent that the
         improvements represented to the Agent as being located on such facility
         are in fact located thereon; and

                  (v) cause to be executed and delivered to the Agent such other
         documentation  as  the  Agent  may  reasonably  request  in  connection
         therewith,  including,  without  limitation,  Uniform  Commercial  Code
         financing   statements,   certified  corporate  resolutions  and  other
         corporate  documents of the mortgagor and favorable opinions of counsel
         to the mortgagor

                                Credit Agreement

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         (which shall cover, among other things, the legality, validity, binding
         effect  and  enforceability  of such  mortgage,  subject  to  customary
         exceptions satisfactory to the Agent in its reasonable judgment).

                  (b) Not later  than 90 days  after the  Restatement  Effective
Date,  each Credit  Party shall take the  following  actions with respect to its
interests in real property  specified by the Agent or the Majority  Lenders held
by it prior to the River City Non-License Acquisition and subject to a Mortgage:

                  (i)  execute and deliver a Mortgage  Amendment  amending  each
         Mortgage covering such interests;

                  (ii) in the case of leases  under which such  Credit  Party is
         lessee,  cause  the  respective  landlords  to  execute  such  estoppel
         agreements,  cause such leases to be recorded in the appropriate county
         land  offices  and take such other  action as the Agent may  reasonably
         request to ensure that such leases are "mortgageable", as determined by
         the Agent in its reasonable judgment;

                  (iii) cause to be issued by the Title Company and delivered to
         the Agent  endorsements to the existing title insurance policies issued
         by the Title Company  pursuant to the Existing  Credit  Agreement which
         endorsements  shall be  satisfactory to the Agent in form and substance
         insuring the validity and priority of the Liens  created  under each of
         the  Mortgages  (as  amended  by the  Mortgage  Amendments)  for and in
         amounts  satisfactory to the Agent,  subject only to such exceptions as
         are satisfactory to the Agent and containing such affirmative  coverage
         and endorsements as the Lenders may require;

                  (iv) cause to be delivered to the Agent, in respect of each of
         the facilities  covered by the  Mortgages,  as-built  surveys,  or such
         other evidence  demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Agent that the
         improvements represented to the Agent as being located on such facility
         are in fact located thereon; and

                  (v) cause to be executed and delivered to the Agent such other
         documentation  as  the  Agent  may  reasonably  request  in  connection
         therewith,  including,  without  limitation,  Uniform  Commercial  Code
         financing   statements,   certified  corporate  resolutions  and  other
         corporate  documents of the mortgagor and favorable opinions of counsel
         to the mortgagor (which shall cover,  among other things, the legality,
         validity, binding effect and enforceability of such Mortgage

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 136 -

         Amendment, subject to customary exceptions satisfactory to the Agent in
         its reasonable judgment).

                  (c) The  Borrower  shall (i) notify the Agent with  respect to
any  interest  acquired by any Credit  Party in any real  estate  after the date
hereof not less than three  Business  Days after such  acquisition  and (ii) not
later than 60 days after any request by the Majority Lenders:

                  (v) cause such  interest to be  mortgaged  to the Agent by the
         owner thereof (as security for their respective  obligations  under the
         Basic  Documents)  pursuant  to a  mortgage,  deed of trust or  similar
         instrument  in form  and  substance  satisfactory  to the  Agent in its
         reasonable judgment;

                  (w) in the case of leases  under  which  such owner is lessee,
         cause the  respective  landlords to execute such  estoppel  agreements,
         cause such leases to be recorded in the appropriate county land offices
         and take such  other  action as the Agent  may  reasonably  request  to
         ensure that such leases are "mortgageable",  as determined by the Agent
         in its reasonable judgment;

                  (x) cause to be issued by the Title  Company and  delivered to
         the Agent  mortgagee  policies of title  insurance  satisfactory to the
         Agent in form and substance insuring the validity and first-priority of
         the  Liens  created  under  each of the  Mortgages  for and in  amounts
         satisfactory  to the  Agent  subject  only  to such  exceptions  as are
         satisfactory to the Agent and containing such affirmative  coverage and
         endorsements as the Lenders may require;

                  (y) cause to be delivered to the Agent,  in respect of each of
         the facilities covered by the Mortgages on the interests in real estate
         so acquired,  as-built surveys, or such other evidence demonstrating to
         the satisfaction of the Agent that the improvements  represented to the
         Agent as being  located on such  facility are in fact located  thereon;

                  (z) cause to be executed and delivered to the Agent such other
         documentation  as  the  Agent  may  reasonably  request  in  connection
         therewith,  including,  without  limitation,  Uniform  Commercial  Code
         financing  statements,   environmental  assessments,  title  insurance,
         certified  corporate  resolutions and other corporate  documents of the
         mortgagor  and favorable  opinions of counsel to the  mortgagor  (which
         shall cover, among other things, the legality, validity, binding effect
         and enforceability of such mortgage, subject

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 137 -

         to customary exceptions) reasonably satisfactory to the Agent.

                  (d) In connection with the foregoing  clauses (a), (b) and (c)
of this Section 9.28,  the Borrower  shall pay to the Title Company all expenses
and  premiums in  connection  with the  issuance of the title  insurance  and in
addition  shall pay to the Title  Company an amount equal to the  recording  and
stamp taxes  payable in  connection  with  recording  each Mortgage and Mortgage
Amendment in the appropriate county land office.

                  9.29 Program Services  Agreements.  The Borrower will not, and
will not  permit any of its  Subsidiaries  to,  enter  into any local  marketing
agreement,  time brokerage agreement,  program services agreement or any similar
agreement providing for:

                  (a) the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries to program or sell
         advertising  time on all or any  portion of the  broadcast  time of any
         television or radio station; or

                  (b)  any  Person  other  than  the  Borrower  or  any  of  its
         Subsidiaries to program or sell  advertising time on all or any portion
         of the  broadcast  time of any  Station  except for  KBLA(AM),  a radio
         broadcasting  station licensed to Santa Monica,  California and serving
         the Santa Monica area.

Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,  the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries
(other than License  Subsidiaries) may enter into any Program Services Agreement
with any other Person (including, without limitation,  Affiliates) provided that
the  aggregate  amount  payable by the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries  under all
Program Services  Agreements  during any fiscal year of the Borrower  (beginning
with its fiscal year ending in 1996),  excluding Permitted  Termination Payments
(as  defined in the next  sentence),  shall not exceed  the  Maximum  Amount (as
defined  in the next  sentence)  for  such  fiscal  year.  For  purposes  of the
preceding sentence,  (i) a "Permitted  Termination Payment" shall mean a payment
owing  by the  Borrower  or  any of its  Subsidiaries  by  reason  of the  early
termination of a Program  Services  Agreement  relating to any of the television
stations  referred to below  provided  that the amount of such payment shall not
exceed the amount set forth below opposite the name of such television station:

                      Station                   Termination Payment
                      -------                   -------------------

                      WVTV-TV                        $3,000,000
                      WNUV-TV                        $3,000,000
                      WRDC-TV                        $4,000,000
                      WABM-TV                        $5,000,000

                                Credit Agreement

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                      WTTE-TV                        $2,500,000
                      WFBC-TV                        $2,500,000
                      KRRT-TV                        $2,500,000; and

(ii) the "Maximum Amount" for any fiscal year of the Borrower shall mean (x) for
its fiscal year ending in 1996,  $25,000,000 and (y) for any of its fiscal years
thereafter,  an amount equal to the Maximum Amount for its preceding fiscal year
increased (or  decreased,  as the case may be) by the percentage of the increase
(or  decrease,  as the case may be) in the  Consumer  Price  Index for all Urban
Consumers  (as published by the U.S.  Department of Labor) for the  twelve-month
period  ending in  September  of such  preceding  fiscal  year.  As used in this
Section  9.29,  (w) "WABM-  TV" shall mean  WABM-TV,  Channel  68, a  television
broadcasting station licensed to Birmingham,  Alabama and serving the Birmingham
area,  (x)  "WNUV-TV"  shall mean  WNUV-TV,  a television  broadcasting  station
licensed to Baltimore,  Maryland and serving the Baltimore  area,  (y) "WRDC-TV"
shall mean WRDC-TV,  Channel 28, a television  broadcasting  station licensed to
Raleigh-Durham,  North  Carolina and serving the  Raleigh-Durham  area,  and (z)
"WVTV-TV"  shall mean WVTV-TV,  a broadcasting  television  station  licensed to
Milwaukee, Wisconsin and serving the Milwaukee area.

                  9.30 FCC Filings. Not later than 30 days after the Restatement
Effective  Date,  the Borrower will cause to be filed with the FCC in connection
with the  proposed  transfer to the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  of the
"License  Assets" referred to in the River City Group I Option Agreement and the
"Columbus  Station  Assets"  referred  to  in  the  Columbus  Option  Agreement,
applications for all material authorizations, licenses and permits issued by the
FCC that are required or  necessary  for the conduct of business of the Borrower
and its  Subsidiaries  as proposed to be  conducted  with respect to each of the
Stations to which such "License Assets" relate or the "Columbus  Station Assets"
relate, as the case may be.

                  9.31  Exercise of River City  Options.  Not later than 90 days
after the issuance by the FCC of an order  approving the  assignment or transfer
of control to the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries of Broadcast  Licenses for
any  "Station"  referred  to in the River City Group I Option  Agreement  or the
"Columbus  Station" referred to in the Columbus Option Agreement (whether or not
such order is subject to reconsideration or review by the FCC or by any court or
administrative  body),  the Borrower shall  consummate the applicable River City
License Acquisition in accordance with Section 9.05(d)(i) hereof.

                  9.32  Limitation  on Cure Rights.  The Borrower  will not, and
will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, enter into

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 139 -

any  agreement (a "Cure Right  Agreement")  with or for the benefit of any other
Person that limits the ability of the  Borrower or such  Subsidiary  to exercise
any rights or remedies under any agreement (an "Acquisition Agreement") pursuant
to which an Acquisition is to be consummated;  provided that the Borrower or any
of its  Subsidiaries  may enter into or suffer to exist any Cure Right Agreement
for the benefit of the lenders to  Glencairn  or to River City,  as the case may
be, to the extent that such lenders (or an agent on behalf of such  lenders) has
a  security  interest  in the  Acquisition  Agreement  to which  such Cure Right
Agreement relates.

                  Section 10.  Events of Default.

                  10.01  Events  of  Default;  Remedies.  If one or  more of the
following  events  (herein  called  "Events  of  Default")  shall  occur  and be

                  (a) Any Obligor shall default in the payment when due (whether
         at stated  maturity or upon  mandatory or optional  prepayment)  of any
         principal of or interest on any Loan, or any Reimbursement  Obligation,
         any fee or any other amount  payable by it hereunder or under any other
         Basic Document; or

                  (b) Any of the Obligors  shall default in the payment when due
         of any  principal  of or  interest  on any  of its  other  Indebtedness
         aggregating  $5,000,000  or  more,  or in the  payment  when due of any
         amount  under any Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreement  for a notional
         principal  amount exceeding  $5,000,000;  or any event specified in any
         note, agreement,  indenture or other document evidencing or relating to
         any such  Indebtedness  or any event  specified  in any  Interest  Rate
         Protection  Agreement  shall  occur if the  effect of such  event is to
         cause,  or (with the giving of any notice or the lapse of time or both)
         to permit the holder or holders of such  Indebtedness  (or a trustee or
         agent on behalf of such holder or holders) to cause,  such Indebtedness
         to  become  due,  or to be  prepaid  in full  (whether  by  redemption,
         purchase, offer to purchase or otherwise), prior to its stated maturity
         or to  have  the  interest  rate  thereon  reset  to a  level  so  that
         securities  evidencing  such  Indebtedness  trade at level specified in
         relation to the par value  thereof or, in the case of an Interest  Rate
         Protection Agreement,  to permit the payments owing under such Interest
         Rate Protection Agreement to be liquidated; or

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 140 -

                  (c) Any  representation,  warranty  or  certification  made or
         deemed made in any Basic Document (or in any modification or supplement
         thereto) by any of the Credit Parties or any  certificate  furnished to
         any Lender or the Agent pursuant to the provisions thereof, shall prove
         to have been false or  misleading  as of the time made or  furnished in
         any material respect; or

                  (d) Any of the Credit Parties shall default in the performance
         of any of its  obligations  under  (i) any of  Sections  9.01(h),  9.05
         through 9.20, 9.25, 9.29, 9.30, or 9.31 hereof,  (ii) either of Section
         4.02 or 5.02 of the  Security  Agreement,  (iii) either of Section 5.02
         and 7.02 of the Affiliate  Guarantee and Security Agreement or (iv) any
         provision of any of the  Mortgages;  or any of the Credit Parties shall
         default  in the  performance  of any of its other  obligations  in this
         Agreement or any other Basic  Document and such default shall  continue
         unremedied  for a  period  of ten  days  after  notice  thereof  to the
         Borrower by the Agent or any Lender (through the Agent); or

                  (e) Any of the  Obligors  or  Material  Third-Party  Licensees
         shall admit in writing its inability to, or be generally unable to, pay
         its debts as such debts become due; or

                  (f) Any of the  Obligors  or Material  Third-Party  Licensees,
         shall (i) apply for or consent to the  appointment of, or the taking of
         possession by, a receiver,  custodian,  trustee, examiner or liquidator
         of itself or of all or a substantial part of its Property,  (ii) make a
         general  assignment for the benefit of its creditors,  (iii) commence a
         voluntary case under the Bankruptcy  Code, (iv) file a petition seeking
         to take advantage of any other law relating to bankruptcy,  insolvency,
         reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, arrangement or winding-up, or
         composition  or  readjustment  of debts,  (v) fail to  controvert  in a
         timely and appropriate manner, or acquiesce in writing to, any petition
         filed against it in an involuntary  case under the Bankruptcy  Code, or
         (vi) take any corporate  action for the purpose of effecting any of the
         foregoing; or

                  (g) A  proceeding  or case  shall be  commenced,  without  the
         application  or consent of any of the Obligors or Material  Third-Party
         Licensees  in any  court of  competent  jurisdiction,  seeking  (i) its
         liquidation, reorganization, dissolution, arrangement or winding-up, or
         the composition or readjustment of its debts, (ii) the appointment of a
         trustee, receiver, custodian,  examiner, liquidator or the like of such
         Obligor, River City or such Subsidiary, as the

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 141 -

         case may be,  or of all or any  substantial  part of its  Property,  or
         (iii) similar  relief in respect of such Obligor under any law relating
         to bankruptcy, insolvency,  reorganization,  winding-up, or composition
         or adjustment  of debts,  and such  proceeding  or case shall  continue
         undismissed,  or an order, judgment or decree approving or ordering any
         of the foregoing shall be entered and continue  unstayed and in effect,
         for a period of 60 or more days;  or an order for relief  against  such
         Obligor,  River City or such  Subsidiary,  as the case may be, shall be
         entered in an involuntary case under the Bankruptcy Code; or

                  (h) A final  judgment or judgments for the payment of money in
         excess of $5,000,000 in the aggregate  shall be rendered by one or more
         courts,  administrative  tribunals or other bodies having  jurisdiction
         against any of the  Obligors and the same shall not be  discharged  (or
         provision shall not be made for such discharge), or a stay of execution
         thereof  shall not be  procured,  within 30 days from the date of entry
         thereof and the relevant  Obligor  shall not,  within said period of 30
         days, or such longer  period  during which  execution of the same shall
         have been stayed,  appeal therefrom and cause the execution  thereof to
         be stayed during such appeal; or

                  (i) An event or condition  specified in Section 9.01(f) hereof
         shall  occur or exist with  respect to any Plan or  Multiemployer  Plan
         and, as a result of such event or  condition,  together  with all other
         such events or conditions,  the Borrower or any ERISA  Affiliate  shall
         incur or in the opinion of the  Majority  Lenders  shall be  reasonably
         likely to incur a liability to a Plan, a Multiemployer Plan or PBGC (or
         any  combination  of the  foregoing)  which  would  constitute,  in the
         determination of the Majority Lenders, a Material Adverse Effect; or

                  (j)  During  any  period of 25  consecutive  calendar  months,
         individuals who were directors of the Borrower on the first day of such
         period shall no longer  constitute a majority of the board of directors
         of the Borrower; or

                  (k) Except for expiration in accordance with its terms, any of
         the Security Documents shall be terminated or shall cease to be in full
         force and effect, for whatever reason; or

                  (l) Any Broadcast License (other than an Immaterial  Broadcast
         License) shall be terminated,  forfeited or revoked or shall fail to be
         renewed  for any reason  whatsoever,  or shall be  modified in a manner
         materially adverse to the

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 142 -

         Borrower,  or for any other reason (i) any License  Subsidiary shall at
         any time cease to be a licensee under any Broadcast License (other than
         an Immaterial Broadcast License) relating to the Owned Station to which
         such  Broadcast  Licenses  have been granted or the  Subsidiary  of the
         Borrower that owns 100% of the capital stock of such License Subsidiary
         shall otherwise fail to have all required authorizations,  licenses and
         permits to construct,  own,  operate or promote such Owned Station,  or
         (ii) any Material  Third-Party  Licensee for any Contract Station shall
         fail  to  preserve  and  maintain  its  legal  existence  or any of its
         material  rights,  privileges  or franchises  (including  the Broadcast
         Licenses  (other  than  an  Immaterial  Broadcast  Licenses)  for  such
         Contract  Station  (other  than  by  reason  of such  Contract  Station
         becoming an Owned Station)); or

                  (m) With respect to any Owned Station,  the License Subsidiary
         with  respect  to such  Owned  Station  shall at any time cease to be a
         Wholly Owned Subsidiary of the Subsidiary of the Borrower that owns the
         operating  assets  related  to the  Broadcast  Licenses  for such Owned
         Station;  or the  Borrower  shall  cease  at any time to own all of the
         issued shares of the Capital Stock of any such Subsidiary; or

                  (n) Any transfer of any common stock of the Borrower or any of
         its Subsidiaries or any right to receive such common stock or any other
         interest  in  the  Borrower  or  any  of  its  Subsidiaries   shall  be
         transferred  and either (i) such transfer shall fail to comply with any
         applicable  provision  of the Federal  Communications  Act of 1934,  as
         amended from time to time, or any  applicable  FCC rule,  regulation or
         policy,  or (ii)  the  Agent  shall  not  have  received  prior to such
         transfer any opinion reasonably satisfactory to the Majority Lenders of
         counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to the Majority Lenders to the effect
         that such transfer does so comply; or

                  (o) the Smith Brothers shall cease at any time collectively to
         own,  legally  or  beneficially,   shares  of  stock  of  the  Borrower
         representing at least 51% of the voting power and economic value of the
         Borrower (other than, in any case referred to in this paragraph (o), by
         reason of death or disability); or

                  (p) the Borrower shall deliver any Change of Control  Purchase
         Notice under and as defined in any Senior  Subordinated Note Indenture;

                  (q) any Program  Services  Agreement shall be terminated prior
         to its stated expiration date and the Obligor party

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 143 -

         thereto shall not have entered into a substantially identical agreement
         relating  to the  Contract  Station  to  which  such  Program  Services
         Agreement relates or any party to any Program Services  Agreement shall
         default in any of its obligations thereunder; or

                  (r) any party to any of the River City  Acquisition  Documents
         shall default in the performance of any of its obligations  thereunder;

                  (s) any party to a Consent and Agreement  shall default in the
         performance of any of its obligations thereunder; or

                  (t) there shall have been asserted against any Credit Party an
         Environmental  Claim that, in the judgment of the Majority Lenders,  is
         reasonably  likely to be  determined  adversely to the affected  Credit
         Parties,  and  the  amount  thereof  is,  singly  or in the  aggregate,
         reasonably  likely to have a Material  Adverse Effect  (insofar as such
         amount is payable by any of the Credit  Parties by after  deducting any
         portion  thereof  that is  reasonably  expected  to be  paid  by  other
         creditworthy Persons jointly and severally liable thereof;

THEREUPON:  (i) in the case of an Event of Default other than one referred to in
clause (f) or (g) of this Section  10.01 with respect to any Obligor,  the Agent
may, by notice to the Borrower,  terminate the  Commitments  and/or  declare the
principal  amount then  outstanding of, and the accrued  interest on, the Loans,
the  Reimbursement  Obligations  and all other  amounts  payable by the Obligors
hereunder  and under the  Notes  (including,  without  limitation,  any  amounts
payable  under  Section 5.05 or 5.06  hereof) to be  forthwith  due and payable,
whereupon such amounts shall be immediately  due and payable  (provided that (x)
if so requested by the Majority Revolving Credit Lenders, the Majority Tranche A
Lenders,  the Majority Tranche B Lenders and the Majority Tranche C Lenders, the
Agent shall take such action with respect to the Commitment  and/or Loans of any
Class  and other  amounts  in  respect  thereof  (including,  in the case of the
Revolving   Credit   Commitments   and/or  the  Revolving   Credit  Loans,   the
Reimbursement  Obligations) to the extent owed to the relevant  Lenders) without
presentment,  demand, protest or other formalities of any kind, all of which are
hereby expressly waived by each Obligor;  and (ii) in the case of the occurrence
of an Event of Default  referred to in clause (f) or (g) of this  Section  10.01
with respect to any Obligor,  the Commitments shall  automatically be terminated
and the principal  amount then  outstanding of, and the accrued interest on, the
Loans,  the  Reimbursement  Obligations  and all other  amounts  payable  by the
Obligors hereunder and under the Notes (including, without

                                Credit Agreement

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limitation,  any  amounts  payable  under  Section  5.05 or 5.06  hereof)  shall
automatically  become immediately due and payable without  presentment,  demand,
protest or other  formalities  of any kind,  all of which are  hereby  expressly
waived by each Obligor.

Without limiting the rights of the Lenders under the preceding paragraph of this
Section 10.01,  upon the  occurrence and during the  continuance of any Event of
Default,  the  Borrower  agrees that it shall,  if requested by the Agent or the
Majority  Revolving  Credit  Lenders  through the Agent (and, in the case of any
Event of Default  referred  to in clause (f) or (g) of this  Section  10.01 with
respect  to the  Borrower,  forthwith,  without  any demand or the taking of any
other action by the Agent or such Majority  Revolving  Credit  Lenders)  provide
cover for the Letter of Credit  Liabilities  by paying to the Agent  immediately
available funds in an amount equal to the then aggregate  undrawn face amount of
all Letters of Credit,  which funds shall be held by the Agent in the Collateral
Account  as  collateral  security  for the Letter of Credit  Liabilities  and be
subject to withdrawal only as therein provided.

                  10.02  Collateral Account.

                  (a) The Borrower hereby  establishes with the Agent a separate
cash  collateral  account (the  "Collateral  Account") in the name and under the
control of the Agent into which there shall be deposited  from time to time such
amounts as required to be paid to the Agent under  Section  2.09,  3.01 or 10.01

                  (b) As collateral security for the prompt payment in full when
due (whether at stated maturity, upon mandatory or optional prepayment, pursuant
to  requirements  for  cash  collateral  or  otherwise)  of  the   Reimbursement
Obligations,  interest  thereon,  and all  obligations of the Borrower under the
Letter of Credit  Documents  relating  to Letters  of Credit  and under  Section
2.10(g)  hereof  (whether  or not then  outstanding  or due and  payable)  (such
obligations  being  herein  collectively  called the  "Secured  Letter of Credit
Obligations"),  the  Borrower  hereby  pledges and grants to the Agent,  for the
benefit of the  Issuing  Bank,  the  Revolving  Credit  Lenders and the Agent as
provided herein, a security interest in all of its right,  title and interest in
and to the  Collateral  Account  and  the  balances  from  time  to  time in the
Collateral Account (including the investments and reinvestments therein provided
for below).  The balances from time to time in the Collateral  Account shall not
constitute  payment of any Secured Letter of Credit Obligations until applied by
the  Agent as  provided  herein.  Anything  in this  Agreement  to the  contrary
notwithstanding,  funds  held in the  Collateral  Account  shall be  subject  to
withdrawal only as provided in Section 2.09(f) hereof and in this Section 10.02.

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                  (c)  Amounts  on deposit in the  Collateral  Account  shall be
invested  and  reinvested  by the  Agent in such  Permitted  Investments  as the
Borrower  shall  determine  in its sole  discretion,  provided  that (i) failing
receipt by the Agent of instructions from the Borrower, the Agent may invest and
reinvest such amounts as the Agent shall  determine in its sole  discretion  and
(ii) the  approval  of the  Agent  shall be  required  for the  investments  and
reinvestments  to be made during any period  while a Default has occurred and is
continuing. All such investments and reinvestments shall be held in the name and
be under the control of the Agent.

                  (d)  If an  Event  of  Default  shall  have  occurred  and  be
continuing,  the Agent may (and, if instructed by the Majority  Revolving Credit
Lenders,  shall) in its (or their)  discretion at any time and from time to time
elect to  liquidate  any such  investments  and  reinvestments  and  credit  the
proceeds thereof to the Collateral Account and apply or cause to be applied such
proceeds and any other balances in the Collateral  Account to the payment of any
of the Secured Letter of Credit Obligations due and payable.

                  (e) If (i) no Default has occurred and is continuing  and (ii)
all of the  Secured  Letter of Credit  Obligations  have been paid in full,  the
Agent shall,  from time to time, at the request of the Borrower,  deliver to the
Borrower,  against receipt but without any recourse,  warranty or representation
whatsoever,  such of the  balances  in the  Collateral  Account  as  exceed  the
aggregate undrawn face amount of the Letters of Credit.  When all of the Secured
Letter of Credit  Obligations  shall  have been paid in full and all  Letters of
Credit have expired or been terminated,  the Agent shall promptly deliver to the
Borrower,  against receipt but without any recourse,  warranty or representation
whatsoever, the balances remaining in the Collateral Account.

                  (f) The Borrower shall pay to the Agent from time to time such
fees as the Agent normally  charges for similar  services in connection with the
Agent's   administration   of  the  Collateral   Account  and   investments  and
reinvestments of funds therein.

                  Section 11.  The Agent.

                  11.01 Appointment,  Powers and Immunities.  Each Lender hereby
irrevocably  appoints and authorizes the Agent to act as its agent hereunder and
under the other Basic Documents with such powers as are  specifically  delegated
to the Agent by the terms of this  Agreement  and of the other Basic  Documents,
together with such other powers as are reasonably incidental thereto. The

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Agent (which term as used in this  sentence  and in Section  11.05 and the first
sentence of Section 11.06 hereof shall include  reference to its  affiliates and
its own and its affiliates' officers, directors, employees and agents):

                  (a)  shall  have no duties or  responsibilities  except  those
         expressly set forth in this Agreement and in the other Basic Documents,
         and shall not by reason of this  Agreement or any other Basic  Document
         be a trustee for any Lender;

                  (b) shall not be  responsible to the Lenders for any recitals,
         statements,  representations or warranties  contained in this Agreement
         or in any other Basic Document, or in any certificate or other document
         referred to or provided for in, or received by any of them under,  this
         Agreement  or any other  Basic  Document,  or for the value,  validity,
         effectiveness,  genuineness,  enforceability  or  sufficiency  of  this
         Agreement or any other Basic Document or any other document referred to
         or provided for herein or therein or for any failure by the Borrower or
         any  other  Person  to  perform  any of its  obligations  hereunder  or

                  (c) shall not,  except to the extent  expressly  instructed by
         the  Majority  Lenders with respect to  collateral  security  under the
         Security  Documents,  be required to initiate or conduct any litigation
         or collection  proceedings hereunder or under any other Basic Document;

                  (d) shall not be  responsible  for any action taken or omitted
         to be taken by it hereunder or under any other Basic  Document or under
         any other document or instrument  referred to or provided for herein or
         therein or in  connection  herewith  or  therewith,  except for its own
         gross negligence or willful misconduct.

The Agent may employ agents and  attorneys-in-fact  and shall not be responsible
for the  negligence  or  misconduct  of any  such  agents  or  attorneys-in-fact
selected by it in good faith. In that connection,  the administrative  functions
to be performed by the Agent under this  Agreement  may be performed by Chemical
Bank.  The Agent may deem and treat the payee of any Note as the holder  thereof
for all purposes  hereof unless and until a notice of the assignment or transfer
thereof  shall have been filed with the Agent,  together with the consent of the
Borrower to such assignment or transfer.

                  11.02  Reliance by Agent.  The Agent shall be entitled to rely
upon any certification,  notice or other communication (including any thereof by
telephone, telegram or cable) believed

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by it to be genuine  and correct and to have been signed or sent by or on behalf
of the  proper  Person or  Persons,  and upon  advice  and  statements  of legal
counsel,  independent accountants and other experts selected by the Agent. As to
any matters not  expressly  provided  for by this  Agreement  or any other Basic
Document,  the Agent  shall in all cases be fully  protected  in  acting,  or in
refraining from acting,  hereunder or thereunder in accordance with instructions
given by the Majority  Lenders or, if provided  herein,  in accordance  with the
instructions  given by all of the Lenders as is  required in such  circumstance,
and such  instructions  of such  Lenders and any action  taken or failure to act
pursuant thereto shall be binding on all of the Lenders.

                  11.03  Defaults.  The  Agent  shall  not  be  deemed  to  have
knowledge or notice of the occurrence of a Default  (other than the  non-payment
of principal of or interest on Loans or of commitment fees) unless the Agent has
received  notice  from a Lender or the  Borrower  specifying  such  Default  and
stating that such notice is a "Notice of  Default".  In the event that the Agent
receives  such a notice of the  occurrence  of a Default,  the Agent  shall give
prompt  notice  thereof to the Lenders (and shall give each Lender prompt notice
of each such  non-payment).  The Agent shall  (subject to Section  11.07 hereof)
take such  action  with  respect  to such  Default as shall be  directed  by the
Majority Lenders or, if provided herein,  the Majority Revolving Credit Lenders,
the Majority  Tranche A Lenders,  the Majority Tranche B Lenders or the Majority
Tranche C Lenders, provided that, unless and until the Agent shall have received
such directions, the Agent may (but shall not be obligated to) take such action,
or refrain  from taking such  action,  with  respect to such Default as it shall
deem  advisable  in the best  interest of the Lenders  except to the extent that
this Agreement  expressly  requires that such action be taken,  or not be taken,
only with the consent or upon the  authorization  of the Majority  Lenders,  the
Majority Revolving Credit Lenders,  the Majority Tranche A Lenders, the Majority
Tranche B Lenders,  the  Majority  Tranche C Lenders,  all of the  Lenders  with
respect to any Class of Loans or all of the Lenders.

                  11.04 Rights as a Lender.  With  respect to its  Commitment(s)
and the  Loans  made by it,  Chase  (and any  successor  acting as Agent) in its
capacity as a Lender  hereunder shall have the same rights and powers  hereunder
as any other Lender and may  exercise  the same,  and its rights as Issuing Bank
hereunder,  as though it were not acting as the Agent,  and the term "Lender" or
"Lenders" shall,  unless the context otherwise  indicates,  include the Agent in
its  individual  capacity.  Chase  (and any  successor  acting as Agent) and its
affiliates  may  (without  having to  account  therefor  to any  Lender)  accept
deposits from, lend money to and generally engage in any kind of banking,  trust
or other

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business with the Obligors (and any of their  Subsidiaries  or Affiliates) as if
it were not acting as the  Agent,  and Chase  (and any such  successor)  and its
affiliates  may  accept  fees and  other  consideration  from the  Obligors  for
services in  connection  with this  Agreement  or  otherwise  without  having to
account for the same to the Lenders.

                  11.05  Indemnification.  The Lenders  agree to  indemnify  the
Agent (to the extent not  reimbursed  under Section  12.03  hereof,  but without
limiting the obligations of the Borrower under said Section 12.03, and including
in any event any  payments  under any  indemnity  which the Agent is required to
issue to any bank  referred to in Section  4.02 of the  Security  Agreement  and
Section  5.02  of the  Affiliate  Guarantee  and  Security  Agreement  to  which
remittances in respect of Accounts, as defined therein, are to be made), ratably
in  accordance  with  their  respective  Credit  Exposures,   for  any  and  all
liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits,
costs,  expenses or disbursements of any kind and nature whatsoever which may be
imposed on, incurred by or asserted  against the Agent (including by any Lender)
arising out of or by reason of any  investigation  or in any way  relating to or
arising out of this Agreement or any other Basic Document or any other documents
contemplated   by  or  referred  to  herein  or  therein  or  the   transactions
contemplated hereby (including, without limitation, the costs and expenses which
the Borrower is obligated to pay under Section 12.03 hereof,  and including also
any  payments  under any  indemnity  which the Agent is required to issue to any
bank  referred to in Section 4.02 of the Security  Agreement and Section 5.02 of
the Affiliate  Guarantee and Security  Agreement to which remittances in respect
of Accounts, as defined therein, are to be made, but excluding, unless a Default
has  occurred  and is  continuing,  normal  administrative  costs  and  expenses
incident to the  performance of its agency duties  hereunder) or the enforcement
of any of the terms hereof or thereof or of any such other  documents,  provided
that no Lender shall be liable for any of the foregoing to the extent they arise
from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the party to be indemnified.

                  11.06  Non-Reliance  on Agent and Other  Lenders.  Each Lender
agrees that it has, independently and without reliance on the Agent or any other
Lender,   and  based  on  such  documents  and  information  as  it  has  deemed
appropriate,  made its own credit analysis of the Borrower and its  Subsidiaries
and decision to enter into this  Agreement and that it will,  independently  and
without reliance upon the Agent or any other Lender, and based on such documents
and information as it shall deem  appropriate at the time,  continue to make its
own analysis and decisions in taking or not taking  action under this  Agreement
or any of the other Basic Documents. The Agent shall not be required to keep

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itself  informed  as to the  performance  or  observance  by any Obligor of this
Agreement or any of the other Basic Documents or any other document  referred to
or provided for herein or therein or to inspect the  Properties  or books of the
Borrower  or any of its  Subsidiaries.  Except for  notices,  reports  and other
documents and information  expressly  required to be furnished to the Lenders by
the Agent  hereunder or under the Security  Documents,  the Agent shall not have
any duty or  responsibility  to  provide  any  Lender  with any  credit or other
information  concerning  the  affairs,  financial  condition  or business of the
Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries (or any of their  affiliates) which may come
into the possession of the Agent or any of its affiliates.

                  11.07 Failure to Act. Except for action expressly  required of
the Agent hereunder and under the other Basic Documents,  the Agent shall in all
cases be fully  justified in failing or refusing to act hereunder and thereunder
unless it shall receive further  assurances to its satisfaction from the Lenders
of their indemnification  obligations under Section 11.05 hereof against any and
all  liability  and  expense  which may be incurred by it by reason of taking or
continuing to take any such action.

                  11.08  Resignation  or  Removal  of  Agent.   Subject  to  the
appointment and acceptance of a successor Agent as provided below, the Agent may
resign at any time by giving notice thereof to the Lenders and the Borrower, and
the  Agent may be  removed  at any time with or  without  cause by the  Majority
Lenders.  Upon any such resignation or removal,  the Majority Lenders shall have
the right to appoint a successor Agent. If no successor Agent shall have been so
appointed  by the  Majority  Lenders and shall have  accepted  such  appointment
within 30 days after the retiring Agent's giving of notice of resignation or the
Majority Lenders' removal of the retiring Agent, then the retiring Agent may, on
behalf of the Lenders,  appoint a successor  Agent,  which shall be a bank which
has an office in New York,  New York with a combined  capital  and surplus of at
least $500,000,000. Upon the acceptance of any appointment as Agent hereunder by
a successor  Agent,  such successor Agent shall thereupon  succeed to and become
vested with all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the retiring Agent,
and the  retiring  Agent  shall be  discharged  from its duties and  obligations
hereunder. After any retiring Agent's resignation or removal hereunder as Agent,
the  provisions  of this Section 11 shall  continue in effect for its benefit in
respect of any actions taken or omitted to be taken by it while it was acting as
the Agent.

                  11.09  Consents under Certain  Documents.  Except as otherwise
provided in Section 12.04 hereof with respect to this

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Agreement,  the Agent may, with the prior  consent of the Majority  Lenders (but
not otherwise),  consent to any modification,  supplement or waiver under any of
the Basic Documents or under either Senior Subordinated Note Indenture, provided
that,  without the prior consent of each Lender,  the Agent shall not (except as
provided  herein or in the Security  Documents)  release any guarantor  from its
liability  in respect of its  guarantee,  release any  collateral  or  otherwise
terminate any Lien under any Basic Document  providing for collateral  security,
or agree to additional  obligations  being secured by such  collateral  security
(unless the Lien for such additional  obligations shall be junior to the Lien in
favor of the other obligations  secured by such Basic Document),  except that no
such consent shall be required,  and the Agent is hereby authorized,  to release
any Lien covering  Property  which is the subject of a  disposition  of Property
permitted hereunder or to which the Majority Lenders have consented.

                  11.10 Collateral Sub-Agents.  Each Lender by its execution and
delivery  of this  Agreement  agrees,  as  contemplated  by Section  4.03 of the
Security Agreement,  that, in the event it shall hold any Permitted  Investments
referred to therein,  such Permitted  Investments  shall be held in the name and
under the  control of such  Lender,  and such Lender  shall hold such  Permitted
Investments as a collateral sub-agent for the Agent thereunder.  The Borrower by
its execution and delivery of this Agreement hereby consents to the foregoing.

                  11.11 Managing  Agents.  Neither Bankers Trust Company,  First
Union  National  Bank of North  Carolina nor  NationsBank,  N.A.  shall have any
rights (except to the extent expressly provided herein) or obligations hereunder
in their capacities as managing agents.

                  11.12  Conditions  Precedent.  To the extent that any document
referred  to  in  Section  7.01  hereof  is  required  by  such  Section  to  be
satisfactory to the Agent, any Lender or the Majority Lenders,  in no case shall
the Agent be liable for accepting any such document as being satisfactory unless
such acceptance  constituted  gross  negligence or willful  misconduct,  and the
objecting  Lender  attended the closing of the amendment and  restatement of the
Existing Credit Agreement on the Restatement  Effective Date and objected to the
acceptability of such document by notice received by an account officer of Chase
at such closing.

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                  Section 12.  Miscellaneous.

                  12.01  Waiver.  No  failure  on the  part of the  Agent or any
Lender to exercise  and no delay in  exercising,  and no course of dealing  with
respect to, any right, power or privilege under this Agreement or any Note shall
operate as a waiver  thereof,  nor shall any single or partial  exercise  of any
right, power or privilege under this Agreement or any Note preclude any other or
further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
The remedies  provided  herein are  cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies
provided by law.

                  Each  Obligor   irrevocably  waives,  to  the  fullest  extent
permitted by applicable  law, any claim that any action or proceeding  commenced
by the  Agent or any  Lender  relating  in any way to this  Agreement  should be
dismissed  or stayed by reason,  or  pending  the  resolution,  of any action or
proceeding  commenced  by any  Obligor  relating  in any way to  this  Agreement
whether or not commenced earlier.  To the fullest extent permitted by applicable
law,  the  Obligors  shall take all  measures  necessary  for any such action or
proceeding  commenced by the Agent or any Lender to proceed to judgment prior to
the entry of judgment in any such action or proceeding commenced by any Obligor.

                  12.02 Notices. All notices and other  communications  provided
for herein and under the Security Documents (including,  without limitation, any
modifications  of, or waivers or consents under,  this Agreement) shall be given
or made in writing (including,  without  limitation,  telecopy) delivered to the
intended  recipient at the "Address for Notices" specified below its name on the
signature  pages hereof (or below the name of the  Borrower,  in the case of any
Subsidiary  Guarantor);  or, as to any party,  at such other address as shall be
designated  by such party in a notice to each other  party.  Except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, all such communications shall be deemed to have been
duly given when  transmitted  by telecopier  or personally  delivered or, in the
case of a mailed  notice,  upon  receipt,  in each case  given or  addressed  as

                  12.03  Expenses,  Etc. The Borrower agrees to pay or reimburse
each of the Lenders and the Agent for paying:  (a) all reasonable  out-of-pocket
costs and expenses of the Agent (including,  without limitation,  the reasonable
fees and expenses of Milbank,  Tweed, Hadley & McCloy,  special New York counsel
to Chase,  and Wiley,  Rein &  Fielding,  special  FCC  counsel  to  Chase),  in
connection with (i) the negotiation, preparation, execution and delivery of this
Agreement and the other Basic  Documents and the making of the Loans  hereunder,
(ii) the negotiation or preparation of any amendment,  modification or waiver of
any of the terms of this Agreement or any of the other Basic Documents

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(whether or not  consummated),  (iii) the consummation of any Acquisition,  (iv)
compliance by the Borrower with any of Sections 9.23, 9.25 and 9.28 hereof;  (b)
all  reasonable  costs and  expenses  of the  Lenders  and the Agent  (including
reasonable  counsels' fees and expenses) in connection  with (i) any Default and
any  enforcement  or  collection  proceedings  resulting  therefrom,  including,
without limitation, all manner of participation in or other involvement with (x)
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  receivership,  foreclosure,  winding up or liquidation
proceedings,   (y)  judicial  or   regulatory   proceedings   and  (z)  workout,
restructuring or other negotiations or proceedings  (whether or not the workout,
restructuring or transaction  contemplated  thereby is consummated) and (ii) the
enforcement  of this  Section  12.03;  (c)  all  transfer,  stamp,  documentary,
mortgage, mortgage recording,  intangible or other similar taxes, assessments or
charges  levied by any  governmental  or  revenue  authority  in respect of this
Agreement or any of the other Basic Documents or any other document  referred to
herein or therein and all costs, expenses,  taxes, assessments and other charges
incurred in connection with any filing, registration, recording or perfection of
any security interest contemplated by this Agreement or any other Basic Document
or any other document referred to herein or therein; and (d) all costs, expenses
and other  charges in respect of title  insurance  procured  with respect to the
Liens created pursuant to the Mortgages.

                  The Borrower  hereby  agrees to  indemnify  the Agent and each
Lender and their respective directors,  officers,  employees and agents for, and
hold each of them harmless  against,  any and all losses,  liabilities,  claims,
damages or  expenses  incurred  by any of them  (including  any and all  losses,
liabilities,  claims,  damages or expenses  incurred by the Agent to any Lender,
whether or not the Agent or any Lender is a party thereto)  arising out of or by
reason of any  investigation or litigation or other  proceedings  (including any
threatened  investigation  or litigation or other  proceedings)  relating to the
extensions of credit  hereunder or any actual or proposed use by the Borrower or
any of its  Subsidiaries  of the  proceeds  of any of the  extensions  of credit
hereunder,  including, without limitation, the reasonable fees and disbursements
of counsel  incurred in connection with any such  investigation or litigation or
other proceedings (but excluding any such losses,  liabilities,  claims, damages
or expenses incurred by reason of the gross negligence or willful  misconduct of
the Person to be indemnified). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
the  Borrower  will  indemnify  the  Agent for any  payments  which the Agent is
required to make under any  indemnity  issued to any bank referred to in Section
4.02 of the Security  Agreement to which remittances in respect to Accounts,  as
defined  therein,  are to be made and  indemnify the Agent and each Lender from,
and hold the Agent and each Lender harmless  against,  any losses,  liabilities,
claims, damages or

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expenses described in the preceding  sentence  (including any Lien filed against
any Property covered by the Mortgage(s) in favor of any governmental entity, but
excluding,  as provided in the preceding sentence,  any loss, liability,  claim,
damage  or  expense  incurred  by  reason of the  gross  negligence  or  willful
misconduct  of  the  Person  to be  indemnified)  arising  as a  result  of  any
representation,  warranty or certification  made or deemed to be made in Section
8.13 hereof and proved to have been false or  misleading  as of the time made or
arising under any Environmental  Law as a result of the past,  present or future
operations of the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  (or any  predecessor  in
interest to the Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries),  or the past,  present or
future  condition of any site or facility owned,  operated or leased at any time
by the  Borrower  or any  of  its  Subsidiaries  (or  any  such  predecessor  in
interest), or any Release or threatened Release of any Hazardous Materials at or
from any such site or facility, including any such Release or threatened Release
that shall  occur  during any  period  when the Agent or any Lender  shall be in
possession  of any such site or facility  following the exercise by the Agent or
any  Lender of any of its  rights  and  remedies  hereunder  or under any of the
Security Documents.

                  12.04 Amendments,  Etc. Except as otherwise expressly provided
in this  Agreement,  any provision of this  Agreement may be amended or modified
only by an  instrument  in  writing  signed by the  Borrower,  the Agent and the
Majority  Lenders,  or by the  Borrower and the Agent acting with the consent of
the Majority Lenders,  and any provision of this Agreement may be waived only by
an instrument in writing  signed by the Majority  Lenders or by the Agent acting
with the consent of the Majority Lenders; provided that:

                  (a) no amendment,  modification or waiver shall,  unless by an
         instrument signed by all of the Lenders or by the Agent acting with the
         consent of all of the Lenders:

                           (i)  increase or extend the term,  or extend the time
                  or waive any requirement for the reduction or termination,  of
                  any of the Commitments;

                           (ii)  extend  the  date  fixed  for  the  payment  of
                  principal  of or  interest  on  any  Loan,  any  Reimbursement
                  Obligation or any fee hereunder;

                           (iii)  reduce  the  amount  of any  such  payment  of

                           (iv)  reduce  the rate at which  interest  is payable
                  thereon or any fee is payable hereunder;

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                           (v) alter the rights or  obligations  of the Borrower
                  to prepay Loans;

                           (vi)  alter the terms of Section  11.09  hereof or of
                  this Section 12.04;

                           (vii)  amend  the  definition  of the term  "Majority
                  Lenders",   "Majority  Revolving  Credit  Lenders",  "Majority
                  Tranche A Lenders",  "Majority Tranche B Lenders" or "Majority
                  Tranche C Lenders" or modify in any other manner the number or
                  percentage  of the Lenders  (or Class of Lenders)  required to
                  make any  determinations  or waive any rights  hereunder or to
                  modify any provision hereof;

                           (viii)   alter  the  manner  in  which   payments  or
                  prepayments of principal,  interest or other amounts hereunder
                  shall be applied as between the Lenders or Types or Classes of
                  Loans; or

                           (ix) waive any of the conditions  precedent set forth
                  in Section 7.01 hereof;

                  (b) no amendment,  modification or waiver shall,  unless by an
         instrument  signed by all of the  Revolving  Credit  Lenders  or by the
         Agent acting with the consent of all of the  Revolving  Credit  Lenders
         waive any  condition  precedent set forth in Section 7.02 hereof to the
         making of any  Revolving  Credit Loan or the  issuance of any Letter of

                  (c) no amendment,  modification or waiver shall,  unless by an
         instrument  signed  by all of the  Tranche  A  Lenders  or by the Agent
         acting  with the  consent  of all of the  Tranche A  Lenders  waive any
         condition  precedent  set forth in Section 7.02 hereof to the making of
         any Tranche A Term Loan;

                  (d) no amendment,  modification or waiver shall,  unless by an
         instrument  signed  by all of the  Tranche  B  Lenders  or by the Agent
         acting  with the  consent  of all of the  Tranche B  Lenders  waive any
         condition  precedent  set forth in Section 7.02 hereof to the making of
         any Tranche B Term Loan;

                  (e) no amendment,  modification or waiver shall,  unless by an
         instrument  signed  by all of the  Tranche  C  Lenders  or by the Agent
         acting  with the  consent  of all of the  Tranche C  Lenders  waive any
         condition  precedent  set forth in Section 7.02 hereof to the making of
         any Tranche C Term Loan;

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 155 -

                  (f) any  amendment  modifying  Section  11  hereof,  or  which
         affects the rights or obligations of the Agent hereunder, shall require
         the consent of the Agent;

                  (g) any  modification  or  supplement to this  Agreement  that
         affects the rights,  remedies or obligations of the Issuing Bank in its
         capacity as issuer of the Letter of Credit shall require the consent of
         the Issuing Bank; and

                  (h) any  modification  or supplement of Section 6 hereof shall
         require  the  consent  of  each  Subsidiary   Guarantor  and,  if  such
         modification or supplement  expressly releases any Subsidiary Guarantor
         from its liability thereunder, the consent of each Lender.

                  In  furtherance  of  clauses  (b),  (c),  (d)  and (e) of this
Section 12.04,  no amendment to or waiver of any  representation  or warranty or
any covenant contained in this Agreement or any other Basic Document,  or of any
Event of Default,  shall be deemed to be effective  for purposes of  determining
whether the conditions  precedent set forth in Section 7.02 hereof to the making
of any Loan of any Class  have been  satisfied  unless  the  Majority  Revolving
Credit Lenders,  the Majority Tranche A Lenders,  the Majority Tranche B Lenders
or the Majority  Tranche C Lenders (as the case may be) shall have  consented to
such amendment or waiver.

                  Anything in this  Agreement to the  contrary  notwithstanding,

                  (x) at a time  when  the  conditions  precedent  set  forth in
         Section 7 hereof to a Loan of any Class  hereunder  are, in the opinion
         of the  Majority  Revolving  Credit  Lenders,  the  Majority  Tranche A
         Lenders,  the  Majority  Tranche B Lenders  or the  Majority  Tranche C
         Lenders  (as the case may be),  satisfied,  any  Lender  shall  fail to
         fulfill its obligations to make such Loan; or

                  (y) any Revolving Credit Lender shall fail to pay to the Agent
         for the account of the Issuing Bank the amount of such Revolving Credit
         Lender's Revolving Credit Commitment  Percentage of any payment under a
         Letter of Credit pursuant to Section 2.10(e) hereof;

then, for so long as such failure shall continue,  such Lender shall (unless the
Majority Lenders,  the Majority Revolving Credit Lenders, the Majority Tranche A
Lenders,  the Majority  Tranche B Lenders or the Majority  Tranche C Lenders (as
the case may be),  determined  as if such Lender were not a "Lender"  hereunder,
shall otherwise consent in writing) be deemed for all purposes relating

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 156 -

to amendments, modifications, waivers or consents under this Agreement or any of
the other Basic Documents  (including,  without  limitation,  under this Section
12.04  and  under  Section  11.09  hereof)  to have no  Loans,  Letter of Credit
Liabilities or  Commitments,  shall not be treated as a "Lender"  hereunder when
performing  the  computation  of the Majority  Lenders,  the Majority  Revolving
Credit Lenders,  the Majority Tranche A Lenders,  the Majority Tranche B Lenders
or the Majority Tranche C Lenders (as the case may be), and shall have no rights
under the preceding  paragraph of this Section  12.04;  provided that any action
taken by the other Lenders with respect to the matters referred to in clause (a)
of the preceding paragraph shall not be effective as against such Lender.

                  12.05 Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
successors and permitted assigns.

                  12.06  Assignments and Participations.

                  (a) No Obligor may assign its rights or obligations  hereunder
or under the Notes  without  the prior  consent  of all of the  Lenders  and the

                  (b) Each  Lender may assign any of its Loans,  its Notes,  its
Letter of  Credit  Interest  and its  Commitments  without  the  consent  of the
Borrower or the Agent; provided that:

                  (i) any such partial assignment shall be in an amount at least
         equal to $5,000,000 (which, in the case of simultaneous  assignments by
         any of Chase and the Managing  Agents,  shall be the minimum  amount of
         the sum of such assignments);

                  (ii) each such assignment by a Revolving  Credit Lender of its
         Revolving  Credit  Loans,   Revolving  Credit  Note,  Revolving  Credit
         Commitment or Letter of Credit Interest shall be made in such manner so
         that the same portion of its Revolving  Credit Loans,  Revolving Credit
         Note,  Revolving  Credit  Commitment  and Letter of Credit  Interest is
         assigned to the respective assignee and shall require the prior consent
         of the Issuing Bank;

                  (iii)  each  such  assignment  by a  Tranche  C Lender  of its
         Tranche C Term  Loans,  Tranche C Term Loan Note or Tranche C Term Loan
         Commitment shall be made in such manner so that the same portion of its
         Tranche C Term  Loans,  Tranche C Term Loan Note or Tranche C Term Loan
         Commitment is assigned to the respective assignee; and

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 157 -

                  (iv) each such  assignment  shall be  effected  pursuant to an
         Assignment and Acceptance in substantially the form of Exhibit I hereto
         and the assignor and assignee shall deliver to the Borrower,  the Agent
         and (if the assignment is of Revolving Credit Commitments and Letter of
         Credit Interest) the Issuing Bank a fully executed copy thereof.

Upon  execution  and delivery by the assignor and the assignee to the  Borrower,
the Agent and (if applicable) the Issuing Bank of such Assignment and Acceptance
and upon consent thereto by the Issuing Bank to the extent  required above,  the
assignee shall have, to the extent of such assignment (unless otherwise provided
in such  assignment  with  the  consent  of the  Borrower  and the  Agent),  the
obligations,   rights  and   benefits   of  a  Lender   hereunder   holding  the
Commitment(s),  Letter  of Credit  Interest  and  Loans  (or  portions  thereof)
assigned to it (in addition to the Commitment(s),  Letter of Credit Interest and
Loans,  if any,  theretofore  held by such  assignee) and the  assigning  Lender
shall, to the extent of such assignment,  be released from the Commitment(s) (or
portion(s) thereof) so assigned.  Upon each such assignment the assigning Lender
shall pay the Agent an assignment fee of $3,000.

                  (c) A Lender  may  sell or agree to sell to one or more  other
Persons a  participation  in all or any part of any Loans  held by it, or in its
Commitment(s)  or Letter of Credit  Interests in which event each purchaser of a
participation (a "Participant")  shall be entitled to the rights and benefits of
the provisions of Section  9.01(k) hereof with respect to its  participation  in
such Loans, Commitment(s) and Letter of Credit Interests as if (and the Borrower
shall be directly  obligated to such  Participant  under such  provisions as if)
such  Participant  were a "Lender" for purposes of said Section,  but, except as
otherwise provided in Section 4.07(c) hereof, shall not have any other rights or
benefits  under this  Agreement  or any Note or any other  Basic  Document  (the
Participant's  rights against such Lender in respect of such participation to be
those  set  forth in the  agreements  executed  by such  Lender  in favor of the
Participant).  All amounts payable by the Borrower to any Lender under Section 5
hereof in respect of Loans held by it, its  Commitment  and its Letter of Credit
Interests  shall be  determined as if such Lender had not sold or agreed to sell
any participations in such Loans,  Commitment and Letter of Credit Interests and
as if such  Lender  were  funding  each of such Loan,  Commitment  and Letter of
Credit  Interests  in the same way that it is funding  the portion of such Loan,
Commitment and Letter of Credit Interests in which no  participations  have been
sold.  In no event  shall a Lender  that  sells a  participation  agree with the
Participant  to take or refrain  from taking any action  hereunder  or under any
other Basic Document except that such Lender may

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 158 -

agree  with  the  Participant  that it will  not,  without  the  consent  of the
Participant,  agree to (i)  increase  or extend the term,  or extend the time or
waive any requirement for the reduction or termination, of such Lender's related
Commitment,  (ii)  extend the date  fixed for the  payment  of  principal  of or
interest on the related Loan or Loans, Reimbursements Obligations or any portion
of any fee hereunder payable to the Participant,  (iii) reduce the amount of any
such  payment of  principal,  (iv) reduce the rate at which  interest is payable
thereon,  or any fee hereunder payable to the Participant,  to a level below the
rate at which the  Participant  is entitled to receive such interest or fee, (v)
alter the rights or obligations of the Borrower to prepay the related Loans,  or
(vi) consent to any  modification,  supplement or waiver hereof or of any of the
other Basic  Documents to the extent that the same,  under Section 11.10 hereof,
requires the consent of each Lender.

                  (d)  In  addition  to  the  assignments   and   participations
permitted under the foregoing  provisions of this Section 12.06,  any Lender may
(without  notice to the  Borrower,  the Agent or any other  Lender  and  without
payment of any fee) (i)  assign  and pledge all or any  portion of its Loans and
its Note(s) to any  Federal  Reserve  Bank as  collateral  security  pursuant to
Regulation A and any Operating  Circular issued by such Federal Reserve Bank and
(ii) assign all or any portion of its rights under this  Agreement and its Loans
and its Note(s) to an affiliate.  No such assignment shall release the assigning
Lender from its obligations hereunder.

                  (e) A  Lender  may  furnish  any  information  concerning  the
Borrower or any of its  Subsidiaries  in the possession of such Lender from time
to time to assignees  and  participants  (including  prospective  assignees  and

                  (f)   Anything  in  this   Section   12.06  to  the   contrary
notwithstanding, no Lender may assign or participate any interest in any Loan or
Reimbursement  Obligation  held by it  hereunder  to the  Borrower or any of its
Affiliates or Subsidiaries without the prior consent of each Lender.

                  (g) At the request of any Lender that is not a U.S. Person and
is not a "bank"  within the  meaning of Section  881(c)(3)(A)  of the Code,  the
Borrower shall maintain, or cause to be maintained,  a register (the "Register")
that,  at the request of the  Borrower,  shall be kept by the Agent on behalf of
the Borrower at no charge to the Borrower at the address to which notices to the
Agent are to be sent  hereunder,  on which it enters the name of such  Lender as
the registered  owner of each Registered Loan held by such Lender.  A Registered
Loan (and the Registered Note, if any, evidencing the same) may be assigned or

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 159 -

otherwise  transferred  in  whole  or in  part  only  by  registration  of  such
assignment or transfer on the Register (and each Registered Note shall expressly
so  provide).  Any  assignment  or transfer of all or part of such Loan (and the
Registered Note, if any, evidencing the same) may be effected by registration of
such assignment or transfer on the Register,  together with the surrender of the
Registered Note, if any, evidencing the same duly endorsed by (or accompanied by
a written  instrument  of assignment or transfer duly executed by) the holder of
such Registered Note, whereupon, at the request of the designated assignee(s) or
transferee(s),  one or more new Registered Notes in the same aggregate principal
amount shall be issued to the designated assignee(s) or transferee(s).  Prior to
the  registration  of  assignment  or transfer of any  Registered  Loan (and the
Registered  Note, if any,  evidencing  the same),  the Borrower  shall treat the
Person in whose name such Loan (and the Registered Note, if any,  evidencing the
same) is  registered  as the owner  thereof  for the  purpose of  receiving  all
payments  thereon  and for all  other  purposes,  notwithstanding  notice to the

                  (h) The Register  shall be  available  for  inspection  by the
Borrower and any Lender that is a Registered  Holder at any reasonable time upon
reasonable prior notice.

                  12.07 Survival. The obligations of the Borrower under Sections
2.10(g),   2.10(l),  5.01,  5.05,  5.06,  5.07,  12.03  and  12.13  hereof,  the
obligations  of each  Subsidiary  Guarantor  under  Section  6.03 hereof and the
obligations  of the  Lenders  under  Section  11.05  hereof  shall  survive  the
repayment of the Loans and Reimbursement  Obligations and the termination of the
Commitments  and, in the case of any Lender that may assign any  interest in its
Commitments,  Loans or Letter of Credit  Interest  hereunder,  shall survive the
making of such assignment,  notwithstanding that such assigning Lender may cease
to be a "Lender" hereunder.  In addition, each representation and warranty made,
or deemed to be made by a notice of any extension of credit,  herein or pursuant
hereto shall  survive the making of such  representation  and  warranty,  and no
Lender  shall be deemed to have  waived,  by reason of making any  extension  of
credit hereunder,  any Default which may arise by reason of such  representation
or warranty proving to have been false or misleading,  notwithstanding that such
Lender or the Agent may have had notice or  knowledge  or reason to believe that
such  representation  or  warranty  was  false or  misleading  at the time  such
extension of credit was made.

                  12.08 Captions. The table of contents and captions and section
headings  appearing  herein are included solely for convenience of reference and
are  not  intended  to  affect  the  interpretation  of any  provision  of  this

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 160 -

                  12.09  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed in any
number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the
same  instrument  and any of the parties  hereto may execute  this  Agreement by
signing any such counterpart.

                  12.10  Governing  Law;   Submission  to   Jurisdiction.   This
Agreement and the Notes shall be governed by, and construed in accordance  with,
the  law  of  the  State  of  New  York.  Each  Obligor  hereby  submits  to the
nonexclusive  jurisdiction  of the United States District Court for the Southern
District  of New York and of any New York state  court  sitting in New York City
for the  purposes  of all legal  proceedings  arising out of or relating to this
Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Each Obligor  irrevocably
waives,  to the fullest extent  permitted by law, any objection which it may now
or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any such  proceeding  brought in
such a court and any claim that any such proceeding  brought in such a court has
been brought in an inconvenient forum.

                  12.11 Waiver of Jury Trial.  EACH OF THE  OBLIGORS,  THE AGENT

                  12.12   Treatment   of  Certain   Information.   The  Borrower
acknowledges  that (a) services may be offered or provided to it (in  connection
with this Agreement or otherwise) by each Lender or by one or more  subsidiaries
or affiliates of such Lender and (b) information delivered to each Lender by the
Borrower  and its  Subsidiaries  may be  provided  to each such  subsidiary  and

                  12.13 Cure of Defaults  by Agent or  Lenders.  Notwithstanding
anything  contained  herein to the contrary,  the Agent or any Lender may in its
sole  discretion,  but shall not be obligated to, (a) cure any monetary  default
under any Program  Services  Agreement  or (b) cure,  by monetary  payment or by
performance,  any  default  under  any lease or  option  agreement  to which the
Borrower or any Subsidiary is a party. In each case referred to in the foregoing
clauses (a) and (b), the Borrower  shall  reimburse the Agent or such Lender for
any such payment,  and shall  indemnify the Agent or such Lender for any and all
costs and  expenses  (including,  without  limitation,  the fees and expenses of
counsel)  incurred  by the  Agent or such  Lender  in  connection  with any such
performance,  in each case with  interest,  at the Base Rate plus the Applicable
Margin,  payable  from the date of such payment or  performance  by the Agent or
such Lender

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 161 -

to the date of reimbursement by the Borrower. Without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, the Agent or any Lender may in its sole discretion, but shall not
be obligated to, cure,  by monetary  payment or by  performance,  any default as
permitted by any Consent and  Agreement  and the Borrower  shall  reimburse  the
Agent or such Lender for any such payment, and shall indemnify the Agent or such
Lender for any and all costs and expenses  (including,  without limitation,  the
fees and expenses of counsel) incurred by the Agent or such Lender in connection
with any such performance, in each case with interest, at the Base Rate plus the
Applicable  Margin,  payable from the date of such payment or performance by the
Agent or such Lender to the date of reimbursement by the Borrower.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 162 -

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

                         SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.

                         By  /s/ David B. Amy
                            Name: David B. Amy
                            Title: Chief Financial Officer

                         Address for Notices:

                            Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.
                            2000 West 41st Street
                            Baltimore, MD 21211

                            Telecopier No.:  (410) 467-5043
                            Telephone No.:  (410) 467-5005

                            Attention: David D. Smith

                         with a copy to:

                            Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
                            100 Light Street
                            Baltimore, MD 21202
                            Telephone No.:  (410) 752-2468
                            Telecopier No.:  (410) 752-2046
                            Attention: Steven Thomas

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 163 -

                              SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                              CHESAPEAKE TELEVISION, INC.
                              KABB, INC.
                              KDNL, INC.
                              KDSM, INC.
                              KSMO, INC.
                              SCI - INDIANA, INC.
                              SCI - SACRAMENTO, INC.
                              SINCLAIR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF ALBUQUERQUE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF BUFFALO, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF GREENVILLE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF LOS ANGELES, INC
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF MEMPHIS, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF NASHVILLE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF ST. LOUIS, INC.
                              SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS WILKES-BARRE, INC.
                              TUSCALOOSA BROADCASTING, INC.
                              WCGV, INC
                              WDBB, INC.
                              WLFL, INC.
                              WLOS, INC.
                              WPGH, INC.
                              WPGH LICENSEE, INC.
                              WSMH, INC.
                              WSTR, INC.
                              WSTR LICENSEE, INC.
                              WTTE, CHANNEL 28, INC.
                              WTTE, CHANNEL 28 LICENSEE, INC.
                              WTTO, INC.
                              WTVZ, INC.
                              WTVZ LICENSEE, INC.
                              WYZZ, INC.
                              SUPERIOR COMMUNICATIONS OF
                               OKLAHOMA, INC.

                              By   /s/ David B.Amy
                                Name: David B. Amy
                                Title: Secretary/Treasurer

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 164 -

                                Credit Agreement

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 165 -

                              SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                              CHESAPEAKE TELEVISION
                               LICENSEE, INC
                              FSF TV, INC.
                              KABB LICENSEE, INC.
                              KDNL LICENSEE, INC.
                              KDSM LICENSEE, INC.
                              KSMO LICENSEE, INC.
                              SCI - INDIANA LICENSEE, INC.
                              SCI - SACRAMENTO LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF ALBUQUERQUE
                               LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF BUFFALO
                               LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF GREENVILLE
                               LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF LOS ANGELES
                               LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF MEMPHIS
                               LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF NASHVILLE
                                LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF NEW ORLEANS
                                LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF ST. LOUIS
                                LICENSEE, INC.
                              SINCLAIR RADIO OF WILKES-BARRE
                               LICENSEE, INC.
                              SUPERIOR COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC.
                              SUPERIOR COMMUNICATIONS OF
                               KENTUCKY, INC.
                              SUPERIOR KY LICENSE CORP.
                              SUPERIOR OK LICENSE CORP.
                              WCGV LICENSEE, INC.
                              WLFL LICENSEE, INC.
                              WLOS LICENSEE, INC.
                              WSMH LICENSEE, INC.
                              WTTO LICENSEE, INC.
                              WYZZ LICENSEE, INC.

                              By   /s/ J. Duncan Smith

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 166 -

                                Name: J. Duncan Smith
                                Title: Secretary
                                Credit Agreement

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 167 -

                               THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK

                                (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),
                                 as Agent

                               By   /s/ Tracey A. Navin
                                  Name: Tracey A. Navin
                                  Title: Vice President

                               Address-for Notices to
                                Chase as Agent:

                                The Chase Manhattan Bank
                                (National Association)
                                c/o Chemical Bank
                                Agent Bank Services
                                140 East 45th Street, 29th Floor
                                New York, NY 10017

                               Telecopier No.:   (212) 622-0122
                               Telephone No.:   (212) 622-0004

                               THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL

                               By   /s/ Tracey A. Navin
                                 Name:  Tracey A. Navin
                                 Title: Vice President

                               Lending Office for All Loans:

                                The Chase Manhattan Bank
                                (National Association)
                                1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
                                New York, NY 10081

                               Address for Notices:

                                The Chase Manhattan Bank
                                (National Association)
                                1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
                                New York, NY 10081
                                Telecopier No.: (212) 552-0259/4905

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 168 -

                               Telephone No.:  (212) 552-5953
                               Attention:  Tracey A. Navin

                                Credit Agreement

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 169 -

                               LEHMAN COMMERCIAL PAPER INC.

                               By   /s/ Dennis J. Dee
                                 Name:   Dennis J. Dee
                                 Title:  Authorized Signatory

                               Lending office for all Loans:

                                Lehman Commercial Paper Inc.
                                c/o Bankers Trust Company
                                Corporate Trust & Agency Group
                                4 Albany Street, 10th Floor
                                New York, NY  10006
                                Attention:  Chris Pohl

                               with a copy to:

                                Lehman Commercial Paper Inc.
                                101 Hudson Street, 30th Floor
                                Jersey City, NJ 07302

                                Telecopier No.:  (201) 524-5847
                                Telephone No.:  (201) 524-4518
                                Attention: Tom Wilson

                               Address for Notices:

                                Lehman Commercial Paper Inc.
                                c/o Bankers Trust Company
                                Corporate Trust & Agency Group
                                4 Albany Street, 10th Floor
                                New York, NY  10006
                                Attention:  Chris Pohl

                               with a copy to:

                                Lehman Commercial Paper Inc.
                                101 Hudson Street, 30th Floor
                                Jersey City, NJ 07302

                                Telecopier No.:  (201) 524-5847
                                Telephone No.:  (201) 524-4518

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 170 -

                              Attention: Tom Wilson

                              Lehman Commercial Paper Inc.
                              3 World Financial Center, 10th Floor
                              New York, NY 10285

                              Telecopier No.: (212) 528-0819
                              Telephone No.: (212) 526-0330
                              Attention: Michelle Swanson

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 171 -

                               FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK

                               By /s/ Donald C. Young
                                 Name: Donald C. Young
                                 Title: Assistant Vice President

                               Lending Office for all Loans:

                                First Hawaiian Bank
                                1132 Bishop Street
                                19th Floor
                                Honolulu, HI 96813
                                Attention: Donald C. Young

                               Address for Notices:

                                First Hawaiian Bank
                                1132 Bishop Street
                                19th Floor
                                Honolulu, HI 96813

                                Telecopier No.: (808) 525-8973/ 6372
                                Telephone No.: (808) 525-8100
                                Attention: Brenda Deakins

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 172 -

                            SOUTHERN PACIFIC THRIFT & LOAN

                            By   /s/ Charles D. Martorano
                              Name:  Charles D. Martorano
                              Title:  Senior Vice President

                            Lending Office for all Loans:

                             Southern Pacific Thrift &
                             Loan Association
                             12300 Wilshire Boulevard
                             Los Angeles, CA 90025
                             Attention:  Chris Kelleher/Charles Martorana

                            Address for Notices:

                             Southern Pacific Thrift &
                             Loan Association
                             12300 Wilshire Boulevard
                             Los Angeles, CA 90025

                             Telecopier No.:  (310) 207-4067
                             Telephone No.:  (310) 442-3315
                             Attention:  Chris Kelleher/Charles Martorana

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 173 -

                            FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH

                            By   /s/ Jim F. Redman
                              Name: Jim F. Redman
                              Title:  Senior Vice President

                            Lending Office for all Loans:

                             First Union National Bank of
                              North Carolina
                             301 S. College Street, TW-19
                             Charlotte, NC 28288-0735
                             Attention: Hilda Weathers

                            Address for Notices:

                             First Union National Bankof
                              North Carolina
                             301 S. College Street, TW-19
                             Charlotte, NC 28288-0735

                             Telecopier No.:  (704) 374-4092
                             Telephone No.:  (704) 374-4897
                             Attention: Hilda Weathers


                               Credit Agreement

                                     - 174 -

                              CORESTATES BANK, N.A.

                              By   /s/ Edward L. Kittrell
                                Name: Edward L. Kittrell
                                Title: Vice President

                              Lending Office for all Loans:

                               Corestates Bank, N.A.
                               1339 Chestnut Street, FC 1-8-11-28
                               Philadelphia, PA 19101
                               Attention: Diane Quinn

                              Address for Notices:

                               Corestates Bank, N.A.
                               1339 Chestnut Street
                               FC 1-8-11-28
                               Philadelphia, PA 19101

                               Telecopier No.:  (215) 786-7721
                               Telephone No.:  (215) 786-4343
                               Attention: Diane Ouinn

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 175 -

                                BARCLAYS BANK plc

                                By /s/ Craig J. Lewis
                                  Name: Craig J. Lewis
                                  Title: Associate Director

                                Lending Office for all Loans:

                                 Barclays Bank
                                 222 Broadway
                                 12th Floor
                                 New York, NY 10038
                                 Attention: Christina Challenger

                                Address for Notices:

                                 Barclays Bank
                                 222 Broadway
                                 12th Floor
                                 New York, NY 10038

                                 Telecopier No.: (212) 412-1098/1099
                                 Telephone No.: (212) 412-1193
                                 Attention: Christina Challenger

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 176 -

                             THE SAKURA BANK, LTD.-

                             By /s/ Masahiro Nakajo
                               Name: Masahiro Nakajo
                               Title: Senior Vice President & Manager

                             Lending Office for all Loans:

                              The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
                              277 Park Avenue
                              New York, NY 10172
                              Attention: Loan Administration Dept.

                             Address for Notices:

                              The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
                              277 Park Avenue
                              New York, NY 10172

                              Telecopier No.: (212) 644-9565/ 754-6690
                              Telephone No.: (212) 756-6788
                              Attention: Loan Administration Dept.

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 177 -

                           DRESDNER BANK AG NEW YORK &
                            GRAND CAYMAN BRANCHES

                           By /s/ Brian E. Haughney
                             Name: Brian E. Haughney
                             Title: Assistant Treasurer

                           By /s/ William E. Lambert
                             Name: William E. Lambert
                             Title: Assistant Vice President

                           Lending Office for Base Rate Loans:

                            Dresdner Bank AG
                            75 Wall Street
                            New York, NY 10005-2889

                           Lending Office for Eurodollar Loans:

                            Dresdner Bank AG
                            Grand Cayman Branch
                            75 Wall Street
                            New York, NY 10005-2889

                           Address for Notices:

                            Dresdner Bank
                            75 Wall Street
                            New York, NY 10005-2889

                            Telecopier No.: (212) 429-2130
                            Telephone No.: (212) 429-2288
                            Attention: Laura Lam


                               Credit Agreement

                                     - 178 -

                                MELLON BANK, N.A.

                                By   /s/ John T. Kranefuss
                                   Name: John T. Kranefuss
                                   Title:  Assistant Vice President

                                Lending Office for all Loans:

                                 Mellon Bank, N.A.
                                 Room 2306, 3MBC
                                 Pittsburgh, PA 15259

                                Address for Notices:

                                 Mellon Bank, N.A.
                                 Room 2306, 3MBC
                                 Pittsburgh, PA 15259

                                 Telecopier No.: (412) 236-2027/2028
                                 Telephone No.: (412) 236-4749
                                 Attention: Carol Pitrelli


                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 179 -


                       By   /s/ Michael P. King
                         Name:   Michael P. King
                                 Title:  Corporate Banking Officer

                       Lending Office for all Loans:

                        The First National Bank of Chicago
                        1 First National Plaza
                        10th Floor
                        Suite 0634
                        Chicago, IL 60670

                       Address for Notices:

                        The First National Bank of Chicago
                        1 First National Plaza
                        10th Floor
                        Suite 0634 
                        Chicago, IL 60670

                        Telecopier No.:  (312) 732-4840/7091
                        Telephone No.:  (312) 732-4794
                        Attention: Ron Cromey

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 180 -

                            THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARYLAND

                            By   /s/ W. Blake Hampson
                              Name:   W. Blake Hampson
                              Title: Vice President

                            Lending Office for all Loans:
                             The First National Bank of Maryland
                             Communications Banking Division
                             Mail Code 101-511
                             25 South Charles Street
                             Baltimore, MD  21203
                             Attention:  Barbara Bennett
                                         Communications Banking Specialist

                            Address for Notices:

                             The First National Bank of Maryland
                             Communications Banking Division
                             Mail Code 101-511
                             25 South Charles Street
                             Baltimore, MD 21203

                             Telecopier No.:  (410) 244-4746
                             Telephone No.:  (410) 244-4930
                             Attention: Mark L. Cook
                                        Senior Vice President

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 181 -

                            BANQUE NATIONALE DE PARIS

                            By   /s/ Serge Desrayaud
                              Name:   Serge Desrayaud
                              Title:  Vice President/Team Leader

                            By   /s/ Pamela Lucash
                              Name:   Pamela Lucash
                              Title:  Assistant Treasurer

                            Lending Office for all Loans:

                             Banque Nationale de Paris
                             499 Park Avenue
                             New York, NY 10022-1078
                             Attention: Julie Requena

                            Address for Notices:

                             Banque Nationale de Paris
                             499 Park Avenue
                             New York, NY 10022-1078

                             Telecopier No.: 212-418-8269/415-9805
                             Telephone No.:  212-415-9655
                             Attention: Julie Requena


                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 182 -

                               THE SANWA BANK LTD.

                               By   /s/ Christian Kambour
                                 Name: Christian Kambour
                                 Title:  Assistant Vice President

                               Lending Office for all Loans:

                                The Sanwa Bank Ltd.
                                55 East 52nd Street
                                New York, NY 10055
                                Attention: Renko Hara
                                           Loan Administration

                               Credit Contract:

                                Christian Kambour
                                The Sanwa Bank Ltd.
                                55 East 52nd Street
                                New York, NY 10055
                                Phone: (212) 339-6232
                                Fax: (212) 754-1304

                               Administrative Contact:

                                Renko Hara
                                Loan Administration
                                The Sanwa Bank Ltd.
                                55 East 52nd Street
                                New York, NY  10055
                                Phone: (212) 339-6390
                                Fax:     (212) 754-2368

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 183 -

                         PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                         By   /s/ Christopher Chaplin
                           Name: Christopher Chaplin
                           Title: Banking Officer

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                          PNC Bank, N.A.
                          Communications Banking Divisions
                           MS F5-F012-09-1
                          Land Title Building
                          100 South Broad Street
                          Philadelphia, PA 19110
                          Attention: Jeffrey Hauser
                                     Vice President

                         Address for Notices:

                          PNC Bank, N.A.
                          Communications Banking Division/
                           MS F5-F012-09-l
                          Land Title Building
                          100 South Broad Street
                          Philadelphia, PA 19110

                          Telecopier No.:  (215) 585-6680
                          Telephone No.:  (215) 585-6468
                          Attention: Jeffrey Hauser
                                     Vice President

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 184 -

                        COMPAGNIE FINANCIERE DE CIC ET DE
                          L'UNION EUROPEENNE

                        By   /s/ Brian O'Learv
                          Name: Brian O'Leary
                          Title: Vice President

                        By   /s/ Dora DeBlasi-Hyduk
                          Name: Dora DeBlasi-Hyduk
                          Title: Vice President

                        Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Compagnie Financiere de CIC et de
                          l'Union Europeenne
                         520 Madison Avenue
                         37th Floor
                         New York, NY 10022
                         Attention: Louvenia Davis
                        Address for Notices:

                         Compagnie Financiere de CIC et de
                          1'Union Europeenne
                         520 Madison Avenue
                         37th Floor
                         New York, NY 10022

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 715-4535/4477
                         Telephone No.: (212) 715-4681
                         Attention: Louvenia Davis

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 185 -

                          MERCANTILE BANK OF ST. LOUIS,
                           NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                          By   /s/ Gregory D. Knudsen
                            Name:   Gregory D. Knudsen
                            Title: Vice President

                          Lending Office for all Loans:

                           Mercantile Bank of St. Louis,
                            National Association
                           7th and Washington, 12-3
                           St. Louis, MO 63101
                           Attention: Tonja Sadl
                                      Eloise Engman

                          Address for Notices:

                           Mercantile Bank of St. Louis,
                            National Association
                           7th and Washington, 12-3
                           St. Louis, MO 63101

                           Telecopier No.: (314) 425-8292/2162
                           Telephone No.: (314)  425-2014
                           Attention: Tonja Sadl
                                      Eloise Engman

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 186 -

                             MICHIGAN NATIONAL BANK

                             By   /s/ Stephane E. Lubin
                               Name: Stephane E. Lubin
                               Title: Vice President

                            Lending Office for all Loans:

                             Michigan National Bank
                             27777 Inkster Road
                             Farmington Hills, MI 48334

                            Address for Notices:

                             Michigan National Bank
                             27777 Inkster Road
                             Farmington Hills, MI 48334

                             Telecopier No.: (810) 473-4345
                             Telephone No.: (810) 473-4380
                             Attention:  Stephane E. Lubin

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 187 -

                          THE NIPPON CREDIT BANK, LTD.

                          By   /s/ David C. Carrington
                           Name:   David C. Carrington
                           Title:  Vice President and Manager

                          Lending Office for all Loans:

                          The Nippon Credit Bank, Ltd.
                          245 Park Avenue, 30th Floor
                          New York, NY 10167

                          Address for Notices:

                          The Nippon Credit Bank, Ltd.
                          245 Park Avenue, 30th Floor
                          New York, NY 10067

                          Telecopier No.: (212) 697-8034/490-3895
                          Telephone No.: (212) 984-1338
                          Attention:  David Carrington

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 188 -

                       BOERENLEENBANK B.A., "RABOBANK
                       NEDERLAND," NEW YORK BRANCH

                      By /s/ Dana W. Hemenway
                        Name: Dana W. Hemenway
                        Title: Vice President
                      By /s/ W. Jeffrey Vollack
                        Name: W. Jeffrey Vollack
                        Title: Vice President, Manager

                      Lending Office for all Loans:

                        Rabobank Nederland, New York Branch
                        245 Park Avenue
                        New York, NY 10067

                      Address for Notices:

                        Rabobank Nederland, New York Branch
                        245 Park Avenue
                        New York, NY 10067

                        Telecopier No.:  (212) 916-7830
                        Telephone No.:  (212) 916-7845
                        Attention:  Debra Rivers/ Madeline Ricci
                                       Corporate Services  Dept.

                      with a copy to:

                        Rabobank Nederland
                        300 South Wacker Drive
                        Suite 3500
                        Chicago, IL 60606

                        Telecopier No.: (312) 408-8240
                        Telephone No.: (312) 408-8248
                        Attention:  Douglas W. Zylstra

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 189 -

                         THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND plc

                         By /s/ Grant F. Stoddart
                            Name: Grant F. Stoddart
                            Title: Senior Vice President & Manager

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The Royal Bank of  Scotland  plc 
                         Wall Street Plaza 88 Pine Street
                         26th Floor
                         New York, NY 10005
                         Attention: Karen Stefancic

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
                         Wall Street Plaza
                         88 Pine Street
                         26th Floor
                         New York, NY 10005

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 480-0791/269-8929
                         Telephone No.: (212) 269-3390
                         Attention: Helaine Griffin

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 190 -

                         SOCIETY NATIONAL BANK

                         By /s/ Jason R. Weaver
                            Name: Jason R. Weaver
                            Title: Assistant Vice President

                          Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Society National Bank
                         127 Public Square
                         Mail Code OH-01-27-0602
                         Cleveland, OH
                         Attention: Janice Darden

                         Address for Notices:

                         Society National Bank
                         127 Public Square
                         Mail Code OH-01-27-0602
                         Cleveland, OH

                         Telecopier  No.:  (216)  689-4666  
                         Telephone No.: (216)689-4460
                         Attention: Janice Darden

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 191 -

                         BANKERS TRUST COMPANY

                         By /s/ Christopher Kinslow
                           Name: Christopher Kinslow
                           Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Bankers Trust Company
                         130 Liberty Street
                         New York, NY 10006
                         Attention: Robert Telesca

                         Address for Notices:

                         Bankers Trust Company
                         130 Liberty Street
                         New York, NY 10006

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 250-7351/ 6029
                         Telephone No.: (212) 250-7342
                         Attention: Robert Telesca

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 192 -

                         FLEET NATIONAL BANK

                         By /s/ Lynne S. Randall
                            Name: Lynne S. Randall
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Fleet National Bank
                         111 Westminster Street
                         Providence, RI 02903
                         Attention: Denise Berard

                         Address for Notices:

                         Fleet National Bank
                         56 East 42nd Stree
                         New York, NY 10017

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 907-5610
                         Telephone No.: (212) 907-5207
                         Attention: Lynne Randall

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 193 -

                         HIBERNIA NATIONAL BANK
                         By /s/ Troy J. Vil1afarra
                            Name: Troy J. Villafarra
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Hibernia National Bank
                         313 Carondelet Street
                         New Orleans, LA 70130
                         Attention: Troy J. Villafarra

                         Address for Notices:

                         Hibernia National Bank
                         313 Caronde1et Street
                         New Or1eans, LA 70130

                         Telecopier  No.:  (504)  533-5344  
                         Telephone  No.:  (504)  533-2738  
                         Attention:   Troy  J. Villafarra

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 194 -

                         LTCB TRUST COMPANY

                         By /s/ John A. Krob 
                            Name: John A. Krob
                            Title: Senior Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         LTCB Trust Company
                         165 Broadway
                         49th Floor
                         New York, NY 10006
                         Attention: Winston Brown

                         Address for Notices:

                         LTCB Trust Company
                         165 Broadway
                         49th F1oor
                         New York, NY 10006

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 608-3081
                         Telephone No.: (212) 335-4854
                         Attention: Winston Brown

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 195 -

                         THE TORONTO-DOMINION BANK

                         By /s/ Debbie A. Greene
                            Name: Debbie A. Greene
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Toronto Dominion (New York), Inc.
                         909 Fannin Street
                         17th F1oor
                         Houston, TX 77010

                         Telecopier No.: (713) 951-9921
                         Telephone No.: (713) 653-8245
                         Attention: Debbie Greene

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Toronto-Dominion Bank
                         31 West 52nd Street
                         New York, NY 10019-6101

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 262-1928
                         Telephone No.: (212) 468-0716
                         Attention: Paul Stamoulis

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 196 -

                         THE FUJI BANK, LTD., NEW YORK BRANCH

                         By /s/ Teiji Teramoto
                            Name: Teiji Teramoto
                            Title: Vice President & Manager

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The Fuji Bank, Ltd.
                         New York Branch
                         Two World Trade Center
                         79th Floor
                         New York, NY 10048
                         Attention: Kathleen Barsotti

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 912-0516
                         Telephone No.: (212) 898-2065

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Fuji Bank, Ltd.
                         New York Branch
                         Two World Trade Center
                         79th Floor
                         New York, NY 10048

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 912-0516
                         Telephone  No.:  (212)   898-2088   
                         Attention: Joseph D'Virgilio

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 197 -

                         THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON

                         By /s/ Lisa C. Gallagher
                              Name: Lisa C. Gallagher
                              Title: Managing Director

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The First National Bank of Boston
                         100 Federal Street
                         MS 01-08-08
                         Boston, MA 02110
                         Attention: Lisa C. Gallagher

                         Telecopier No.: (617) 434-3401
                         Telephone No.: (617) 434-7156

                         Address for Notices:

                         The First National Bank of Boston
                         100 Federal Street
                         MS 01-08-08
                         Boston, MA 02110

                         Telecopier No.: (617) 434-9820
                         Telephone No.: (617) 434-9725
                         Attention: Angie Karayiannis

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 198 -

                         THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                         By /s/ Benjamin Todres
                           Name: Benjamin Todres
                           Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The Bank of New York
                         One Wall Street
                         New York, NY 10286
                         Attention: Edward F. Ryan, Jr.
                                    Senior Vice President

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Bank of New York
                         One Wall Street
                         New York, NY 10286

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 635-8593/ 8595
                         Telephone No.: (212) 635-8608
                         Attention: Edward F. Ryan, Jr.
                                    Senior Vice President

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 199 -

                         BANK OF IRELAND GRAND CAYMAN

                         By /s/ Roger M. Burns
                            Name: Roger M. Burns
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Bank of Ireland Grand Cayman
                         640 Fifth Avenue
                         New York, NY 10019
                         Attention: Joan Mitchell

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 586-7752
                         Telephone No.: (212) 397-1759

                         Address for Notices:

                         Bank of Ireland Grand Cayman
                         640 Fifth Avenue
                         New York, NY 10019

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 307-5559
                         Telephone No.: (212) 408-9409
                         Attention: Robert Powell

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 200 -

                         UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA, N.A.

                         By /s/ Christine P. Ball
                            Name: Christine P. Ball
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Union Bank of California, N.A.
                         445 South Figueroa Street
                         Los Angeles, CA 90071
                         Attention: Christine Ball                 
                                    Communications/Media Division

                         Address for Notices:

                         Union Bank of California, N.A.
                         445 South Figueroa Street
                         Los Angeles, CA 90071

                         Telecopier No.: (213) 236-5747
                         Telephone No.: (213) 236-6176
                         Attention: Christine Ball
                                    Communications/Media Division

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 201 -

                         BANQUE PARIBAS

                         By /s/ Philippe Vaurchex
                            Name: Philippe Vaurchex
                            Title: Vice President

                         By /s/ Nicole Cawley
                            Name: Nicole Cawley
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Banque Paribas
                         787 Seventh Avenue
                         New York, NY 10019
                         Attention: John Andersen

                         Address for Notices:

                         Banque Paribas
                         787 Seventh Avenue
                         New York, NY 10019

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 841-2217/2146/2147/2148/2149
                         Telephone No.: (212) 841-2229
                         Attention: John Andersen

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 202 -

                         ABN AMRO BANK N.V.

                         By /s/ Ann Schwalbenberg
                            Name: Ann Schwalbenberg
                            Title: Vice President

                         By /s/ John W. Smith
                            Name: John W. Smith
                            Title: Assistant Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:
                         ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
                         500 Park Avenue
                         New York, NY 10022
                         Attention: Ann Schwalbenberg

                         Address for Notices:

                         ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
                         500 Park Avenue
                         New York, NY 10022

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 446-4203
                         Telephone No.: (212) 446-4181
                         Attention: Ann Schwalbenberg

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 203 -

                         BANK OF HAWAII

                         By /s/ Elizabeth O. MacLean
                            Name: Elizabeth O. MacLean
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:
                         Bank of Hawaii
                         130 Merchant Street
                         20th Floor
                         Honolulu, HI 96813

                         Address for Notices:

                         Bank of Hawaii
                         1839 S. Alma School Rd.
                         Suite 150
                         Mesa, AZ 85210

                         Telecopier No.: (602) 752-8007
                         Telephone No.: (212) 752-8019
                         Attention: Elizabeth MacLean

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 204 -


                         By /s/ Frederick K. Kammler
                            Name: Frederick K. Kammler
                            Title: Vice President

                         By /s/ William C. Maier
                            Name: William C. Maier
                            Title: Vice President - Group Manager

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Banque Francaise du Commerce Exterieur
                         645 Fifth Avenue
                         20th Floor
                         New York, NY 10022

                         Address for Notices:

                         Banque Francaise du Commerce Exterieur
                         645 Fifth Avenue
                         20th Floor
                         New York, NY 10022

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 872-5045
                         Telephone No.: (212) 872-5041
                         Attention: Frederick Kammler, Vice President
                                    Bill Maier, Group Manager

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 205 -

                         THE MITSUBISHI TRUST AND BANKING


                         By /s/ Patricia Loret de Mola
                            Name: Patricia Loret de Mola 
                            Title: Senior Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation
                         520 Madison Avenue
                         26th F1oor
                         New York, NY 10022
                         Attention: Susan LeFevre

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation
                         520 Madison Avenue
                         26th F1oor
                         New York, NY 1002

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 644-6825/593-4691
                         Telephone No.: (212) 891-8243
                         Attention: Susan LeFevre

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 206 -

                         THE DAI-ICHI KANGYO BANK, LTD.

                         By /s/ Julie L. Zarenko
                            Name: Julie L. Zarenko
                            Title: Credit Officer

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd.
                         One World Trade Center
                         Suite 4911
                         New York, NY 10048
                         Attention: Julie Zarenko

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd.
                         One World Trade Center
                         Suite 4911
                         New York, NY 10048

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 524-0579/(212) 912-1879
                         Telephone No.: (212) 432-6632
                         Attention: Julie Zarenko

                                Credit Agreement

                                                     - 207 -

                         NATIONSBANK, N.A.

                         By /s/ Jennifer O. Bishop
                            Name: Jennifer O. Bishop
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans: 
                         NationsBank, N.A.
                         901 Main Street, 64
                         Dallas, TX 75202

                         Address for Notices:

                         NationsBank, N.A.
                         101 South Tryon
                         NationsBank Plaza
                         Charlotte, NC 28255

                         Telecopier No.: (704) 386-8694
                         Telephone No.: (704) 386-8201
                         Attention: Judy Dudley

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 208 -

                         CIBC, INC.

                         By /s/ Lorain C. Granberg
                            Name: Lorain C. Granberg
                            Title: Authorized Signatory

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         CIBC, Inc.
                         425 Lexington Avenue
                         New York, NY 10017
                         Address. for Notices:

                         CIBC, Inc.
                         425 Lexington Avenue
                         New York, NY 10017

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 856-3558
                         Telephone No.: (212) 856-3630
                         Attention: Lorain C. Granberg

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 209 -

                         BANK OF AMERICA, ILLINOIS

                         By /s/ Carl F. Salas
                            Name: Carl F. Salas
                            Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Bank of America, Illinois
                         231 South LaSalle Street
                         Chicago, IL 60697

                         Address for Notices:

                         Bank of America, Illinois
                         335 Madison Avenue
                         New York, NY 10017

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 503-7173
                         Telephone No.: (212) 503-8425
                         Attention: Carl Salas

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 210 -

                         INCOME TRUST

                         By /s/ Jeffrev W. Maillet
                            Name: Jeffrey W. Maillet
                            Title: Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Van Kampen American Capital Prime
                         Rate Income Trust
                         One Parkview Plaza
                         Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

                         Address for Notices:

                         Van Kampen American Capital Prime
                         Rate Income Trust
                         One Parkview Plaza
                         Oakbrook Plaza
                         Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

                         Telecopier No.: (708) 684-6740/6741
                         Telephone No.: (708) 684-6479
                         Attention: Brian Murphy

                         with a copy to:

                         State Street Bank & Trust
                         Corporate Trust Department
                         P.O. Box 778
                         Boston, MA 02102

                         Telecopier No.: (617) 664-5366/5367
                         Telephone No.: (617) 664-5481
                         Attention: Laura Magazu

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 211 -

                         NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

                         By /s/ Adam G. Clemens
                              Name: Adam G. Clemens
\                             Title: Investment Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         New York Life Insurance Company
                         51 Madison Avenue
                         New York, NY 10010
                         Attention: John Cibbarelli

                         Address for Notices:

                         New York Life Insurance Company
                         51 Madison Avenue
                         New York, NY 10010

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 447-4122
                         Telephone No.: (212) 576-7016
                         Attention: John Cibbarelli

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 212 -

                         CHL HIGH YIELD LOAN PORTFOLIO

                         (A UNIT OF CHEMICAL BANK)

                         By /s/ Andrew D. Gordon
                              Name: Andrew D. Gordon
                              Title: Managing Director

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         CHL High Yield Loan Portfolio
                         A Unit of Chemical Bank
                         380 Madison Avenue, 12th Floor
                         New York, NY 10017

                         Address for Notices:

                         CHL High Yield Loan Portfolio
                         A Unit of Chemical Bank
                         380 Madison Avenue, 12th Floor
                         New York, NY 10017

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 622-0122
                         Telephone No.: (212) 622-0621
                         Attention: Joe Nerich

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 213 -

                         THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE

                         INSURANCE COMPANY

                         By /s/ John E. Schlifske
                              Name: John E. Schlifske
                              Title: Vice President

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         The Northwestern Mutual Life
                         Insurance Company
                         720 East Wisconsin Avenue
                         Mi1waukee, WI 53202
                         Attention: Jeff Lueken   
                                    Securities Department

                         Address for Notices:

                         The Northwestern Mutual Life
                         Insurance Company
                         720 East Wisconsin Avenue
                         Mi1waukee, WI 53202

                         Telecopier No.: (414) 299-7124
                         Telephone No.: (414) 299-2572
                         Attention: Jeff Lueken  
                                    Securities Department

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 214 -

                         PRIME INCOME TRUST

                         By /s/ Rafael Scolari
                             Name: Rafael Scolari
                             Title: Vice President, Portfolio Manager

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Prime Income Trust
                         2 World Trade Center
                         72nd Floor
                         New York, NY 10048

                         Address for Notices:

                         Prime Income Trust
                         2 World Trade Center
                         72nd F1oor
                         New York, NY 10048

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 392-5345
                         Telephone No.: (212) 392-5686
                         Attention: Rafael Scolari

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 215 -


                         By /s/ Mark K. Okada, CFA
                              Name: Mark K. Okada, CFA 
                              Title: Principal    
                                     Protective Asset Management Co.

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Protective Life Insurance company
                         1150 Two Galleria Tower
                         13455 Noel Road, LB #45
                         Dallas, TX 75240

                         Address for Notices:

                         Protective Life Insurance company
                         1150 Two Galleria Tower
                         13455 Noel Road, LB #45
                         Dallas, TX 75240

                         Telecopier No.: (214) 233-4343
                         Telephone No.: (214) 233-4300
                         Attention: Mark K. Okada

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 216 -

                          MERRILL LYNCH SENIOR FLOATING
                                 RATE FUND, INC.

                         By /s/ John W. Fraser
                              Name: John W. Fraser
                              Title: Authorized Signatory

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Merrill Lynch Asset Management
                         800 Scudders Mill Road, Area 2C
                         Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                         Address for Notices:

                         Merrill Lynch Senior Floating Rate Fund, Inc.
                         800 Scudders Mill Road, Area 2C
                         Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                         Telecopier No.: (609) 282-2550
                         Telephone No.: (609) 282-3102
                         Attention: Jill Montanye

                         with a copy to:

                         MLAM Accounting
                         500 College Road, 4E
                         Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                         Telecopier No.: (609) 282-7612
                         Telephone No.: (609) 282-7705
                         Attention: John Dugan

                         Bank of New York
                         90 Washington Street
                         12th Floor
                         New York, NY 10286

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 495-2935/2936/2937
                         Telephone No.: (212) 495-2929
                         Attention: Nick Ruggiero

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 217 -

                                Credit Agreement

                                     - 218 -

                         SENIOR HIGH INCOME PORTFOLIO, INC.

                         By /s/ John W. Fraser
                              Name: John W. Fraser     
                              Title: Authorized Signatory

                         Lending Office for all Loans:

                         Merrill Lynch Asset Management
                         800 Scudders Mill Road, Area 2C
                         Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                         Address for Notices:

                         Senior High Income
                         Portfolio, Inc.
                         800 Scudders Mill Road, Area 2C
                         Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                         Telecopier No.: (609) 282-2550
                         Telephone No.: (609) 282-3102
                         Attention: Jill Montanye

                         with a copy to:

                         MLAM Accounting
                         500 College Road, 4E
                         Plainsboro, NJ 08536

                         Telecopier No.: (609) 282-7612
                         Telephone No.: (609) 282-7711
                         Attention: David Alu

                         Bank of New York
                         90 Washington Street
                         12th F1oor
                         New York, NY 10286

                         Telecopier No.: (212) 495-2935/2936/2937
                         Telephone No.: (212) 495-3415
                         Attention: Yvette Lee

                                Credit Agreement

                                                                     EXHIBIT A-1

                         [Form of Revolving Credit Note]

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$_______________                                                    May 31, 1996
                                                              New York, New York

corporation (the "Borrower"),  hereby promises to pay to __________________ (the
"Lender") [or registered  assigns]*,  for account of its  respective  Applicable
Lending Offices provided for by the Credit  Agreement  referred to below, at the
principal office of The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association) in New York,
New York, the principal sum of _______________ Dollars (or such lesser amount as
shall equal the aggregate  unpaid principal amount of the Revolving Credit Loans
made by the Lender to the Borrower under the Credit Agreement),  in lawful money
of the United States of America and in immediately available funds, on the dates
and in the  principal  amounts  provided  in the  Credit  Agreement,  and to pay
interest on the unpaid  principal  amount of each such Revolving Credit Loan, at
such office,  in like money and funds, for the period  commencing on the date of
such  Revolving  Credit Loan until such  Revolving  Credit Loan shall be paid in
full, at the rates per annum and on the dates provided in the Credit Agreement.

                  [This Note and the Revolving Credit Loans evidenced hereby may
be transferred in whole or in part only by  registration of such transfer on the
register maintained for such purpose by or on behalf of the Borrower as provided
in Section 12.06(g) of the Credit Agreement.]

                  The date, amount, Type, interest rate and duration of Interest
Period (if  applicable) of each Revolving  Credit Loan made by the Lender to the
Borrower,  and each payment made on account of the principal  thereof,  shall be
recorded  by the Lender on its books and,  prior to any  transfer  of this Note,
endorsed  by the  Lender on the  schedule  attached  hereto or any  continuation
thereof,  provided  that the failure of the Lender to make any such  recordation
(or any error in making any such  recordation)  or endorsement  shall not affect
the  obligations  of the Borrower to make a payment when due of any amount owing
under the Credit Agreement or hereunder in respect of the Revolving Credit Loans
made by the Lender.

                  This Note is one of the Revolving  Credit Notes referred to in
the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as  
*        Bracketed language to be inserted into Registered Notes.

                              Revolving Credit Note

                                      - 2 -

of May 31, 1996 (as modified and  supplemented  and in effect from time to time,
the "Credit  Agreement") between the Borrower,  the Subsidiary  Guarantors party
thereto,  the Lenders  party  thereto  and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank  (National
Association),  as Agent, and evidences Revolving Credit Loans made by the Lender
thereunder.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not  defined  in this  Note  have the
respective meanings assigned to them in the Credit Agreement.

                  The Credit  Agreement  provides  for the  acceleration  of the
maturity of this Note upon the occurrence of certain events and for  prepayments
of Loans upon the terms and conditions specified therein.

                  Payment of this Note is secured  by certain  collateral  under
the Security Documents referred to in the Credit Agreement.

                  Except  as  permitted  by  Section   12.06(b)  of  the  Credit
Agreement, this Note may not be assigned by the Lender to any other Person.

                  This Note shall be governed by, and  construed  in  accordance
with, the law of the State of New York.

                                   SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                              Revolving Credit Note

                                      - 3 -


                  This Note evidences Revolving Credit Loans made,  Continued or
Converted under the  within-described  Credit Agreement to the Borrower,  on the
dates, in the principal amounts, of the Types, bearing interest at the rates and
having  Interest  Periods (if  applicable)  of the  durations  set forth  below,
subject to the payments, Continuations, Conversions and prepayments of principal
set forth below:

  Date     Prin-                               Paid,
  Made,    cipal                  Duration    Prepaid,    Unpaid
Continued  Amount  Type             of       Continued    Prin-
   or        of     of  Interest  Interest      or        cipal    Notation
Converted   Loan   Loan   Rate     Period    Converted    Amount    Made by
- ---------   ----   ----   ----     ------    ---------    ------    -------

                              Revolving Credit Note

                                      - 1 -

                                                                     EXHIBIT A-2

                       [Form of Tranche A Term Loan Note]

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$_______________                                                   May 31, 1996
                                                              New York, New York

corporation (the "Borrower"),  hereby promises to pay to __________________ (the
"Lender") [or registered  assigns]*,  for account of its  respective  Applicable
Lending Offices provided for by the Credit  Agreement  referred to below, at the
principal  office of The Chase Manhattan Bank (National  Association) at 1 Chase
Manhattan Plaza, New York, New York 10081, the principal sum of  _______________
Dollars (or such lesser  amount as shall equal the  aggregate  unpaid  principal
amount of the Tranche A Term Loan made by the Lender to the  Borrower  under the
Credit  Agreement),  in lawful  money of the  United  States of  America  and in
immediately  available funds, on the dates and in the principal amounts provided
in the Credit  Agreement,  and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount of
such  Tranche A Term Loan,  at such  office,  in like  money and funds,  for the
period  commencing  on the date of such Tranche A Term Loan until such Term Loan
shall be paid in full,  at the rates per annum and on the dates  provided in the
Credit Agreement.

                  [This Note and the Tranche A Term Loan evidenced hereby may be
transferred  in whole or in part only by  registration  of such  transfer on the
register maintained for such purpose by or on behalf of the Borrower as provided
in Section 12.06(g) of the Credit Agreement.]

                  The date, amount, Type, interest rate and duration of Interest
Period (if  applicable) of the Tranche A Term Loan, and each portion thereof (if
applicable),  made by the  Lender  to the  Borrower,  and each  payment  made on
account of the principal  thereof,  shall be recorded by the Lender on its books
and, prior to any transfer of this Note,  endorsed by the Lender on the schedule
attached hereto or any  continuation  thereof,  provided that the failure of the
Lender  to  make  any  such  recordation  (or  any  error  in  making  any  such
recordation) or endorsement  shall not affect the obligations of the Borrower to
make a payment  when due of any  amount  owing  under the  Credit  Agreement  or
hereunder in respect of the Tranche A Term Loan made by the Lender.

                  This Note is one of the Tranche A Term Loan Notes  referred to
in the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
*        Bracketed language to be inserted into Registered Notes.

                            Tranche A Term Loan Note

                                      - 2 -

dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and  supplemented  and in effect from time
to time, the "Credit Agreement") between the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantors
party thereto,  the Lenders party thereto and The Chase Manhattan Bank (National
Association), as Agent, and evidences the Tranche A Term Loan made by the Lender
thereunder.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not  defined  in this  Note  have the
respective meanings assigned to them in the Credit Agreement.

                  The Credit  Agreement  provides  for the  acceleration  of the
maturity of this Note upon the occurrence of certain events and for  prepayments
of Tranche A Term Loans upon the terms and conditions specified therein.

                  Payment of this Note is secured  by certain  collateral  under
the Security Documents referred to in the Credit Agreement.

                  Except  as  permitted  by  Section   12.06(b)  of  the  Credit
Agreement, this Note may not be assigned by the Lender to any other Person.

                  This Note shall be governed by, and  construed  in  accordance
with, the law of the State of New York.

                                     SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                            Tranche A Term Loan Note

                                      - 3 -

                        SCHEDULE OF TRANCHE A TERM LOANS

                  This  Note  evidences  Tranche  A Term  Loans  made,  and  the
respective  portions thereof  Continued or Converted under the  within-described
Credit Agreement to the Borrower, on the dates, in the principal amounts, of the
Types, bearing interest at the rates and having Interest Periods (if applicable)
of the  durations  set forth  below,  subject  to the  payments,  Continuations,
Conversions and prepayments of principal set forth below:

  Date     Prin-                                 Paid,
  Made,    cipal                    Duration    Prepaid,    Unpaid
Continued  Amount  Type                of      Continued    Prin-
   or        of     of  Interest    Interest      or        cipal    Notation
Converted   Loan   Loan   Rate       Period    Converted    Amount    Made by
- ---------   ----   ----   ----       ------    ---------    ------    -------

                            Tranche A Term Loan Note

                                      - 1 -

                                                                     EXHIBIT A-3

                       [Form of Tranche B Term Loan Note]

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$_______________                                                   May 31, 1996
                                                              New York, New York

corporation (the "Borrower"),  hereby promises to pay to __________________ (the
"Lender") [or registered  assigns]*,  for account of its  respective  Applicable
Lending Offices provided for by the Credit  Agreement  referred to below, at the
principal office of The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association) in New York,
New York, the principal sum of _______________ Dollars (or such lesser amount as
shall equal the  aggregate  unpaid  principal  amount of the Tranche B Term Loan
made by the Lender to the Borrower under the Credit Agreement),  in lawful money
of the United States of America and in immediately available funds, on the dates
and in the  principal  amounts  provided  in the  Credit  Agreement,  and to pay
interest on the unpaid  principal  amount of such  Tranche B Term Loan,  at such
office,  in like money and funds, for the period  commencing on the date of such
Tranche B Term Loan until such Term Loan shall be paid in full, at the rates per
annum and on the dates provided in the Credit Agreement.

                  [This Note and the Tranche B Term Loan evidenced hereby may be
transferred  in whole or in part only by  registration  of such  transfer on the
register maintained for such purpose by or on behalf of the Borrower as provided
in Section 12.06(g) of the Credit Agreement.]

                  The date, amount, Type, interest rate and duration of Interest
Period (if  applicable) of the Tranche B Term Loan, and each portion thereof (if
applicable),  made by the  Lender  to the  Borrower,  and each  payment  made on
account of the principal  thereof,  shall be recorded by the Lender on its books
and, prior to any transfer of this Note,  endorsed by the Lender on the schedule
attached hereto or any  continuation  thereof,  provided that the failure of the
Lender  to  make  any  such  recordation  (or  any  error  in  making  any  such
recordation) or endorsement  shall not affect the obligations of the Borrower to
make a payment  when due of any  amount  owing  under the  Credit  Agreement  or
hereunder in respect of the Tranche B Term Loan made by the Lender.

                  This Note is one of the Tranche B Term Loan Notes  referred to
in the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
*        Bracketed language to be inserted into Registered Notes.

                            Tranche B Term Loan Note

                                      - 2 -

dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and  supplemented  and in effect from time
to time, the "Credit Agreement") between the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantors
party thereto,  the Lenders party thereto and The Chase Manhattan Bank (National
Association), as Agent, and evidences the Tranche B Term Loan made by the Lender
thereunder.  Capitalized  terms  used  but not  defined  in this  Note  have the
respective meanings assigned to them in the Credit Agreement.

                  The Credit  Agreement  provides  for the  acceleration  of the
maturity of this Note upon the occurrence of certain events and for  prepayments
of Tranche B Term Loans upon the terms and conditions specified therein.

                  Payment of this Note is secured  by certain  collateral  under
the Security Documents referred to in the Credit Agreement.

                  Except  as  permitted  by  Section   12.06(b)  of  the  Credit
Agreement, this Note may not be assigned by the Lender to any other Person.

                  This Note shall be governed by, and  construed  in  accordance
with, the law of the State of New York.

                                     SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                            Tranche B Term Loan Note

                                      - 3 -

                        SCHEDULE OF TRANCHE B TERM LOANS

                  This  Note  evidences  Tranche  B Term  Loans  made,  and  the
respective  portions thereof  Continued or Converted under the  within-described
Credit Agreement to the Borrower, on the dates, in the principal amounts, of the
Types, bearing interest at the rates and having Interest Periods (if applicable)
of the  durations  set forth  below,  subject  to the  payments,  Continuations,
Conversions and prepayments of principal set forth below:

  Date     Prin-                                 Paid,
  Made,    cipal                     Duration    Prepaid,    Unpaid
Continued  Amount  Type                 of      Continued    Prin-
   or        of     of    Interest   Interest      or        cipal    Notation
Converted   Loan   Loan     Rate      Period    Converted    Amount    Made by
- ---------   ----   ----     ----      ------    ---------    ------    -------

                            Tranche B Term Loan Note

                                      - 1 -

                                                                     EXHIBIT A-4

                       [Form of Tranche C Term Loan Note]

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$_______________                                             _____________, 199_

                                                              New York, New York

corporation (the "Borrower"),  hereby promises to pay to __________________ (the
"Lender") [or registered  assigns]*,  for account of its  respective  Applicable
Lending Offices provided for by the Credit  Agreement  referred to below, at the
principal office of The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association) in New York,
New York, the principal sum of _______________ Dollars (or such lesser amount as
shall equal the aggregate  unpaid  principal  amount of the Tranche C Term Loans
made by the Lender to the Borrower under the Credit Agreement),  in lawful money
of the United States of America and in immediately available funds, on the dates
and in the  principal  amounts  provided  in the  Credit  Agreement,  and to pay
interest on the unpaid  principal  amount of each such  Tranche C Term Loan,  at
such office,  in like money and funds, for the period  commencing on the date of
such  Tranche C Term Loan  until  such Term Loan  shall be paid in full,  at the
rates per annum and on the dates provided in the Credit Agreement.

                  [This Note and the Tranche C Term Loans  evidenced  hereby may
be transferred in whole or in part only by  registration of such transfer on the
register maintained for such purpose by or on behalf of the Borrower as provided
in Section 12.06(g) of the Credit Agreement.]

                  The date, amount, Type, interest rate and duration of Interest
Period (if applicable) of each Term Loan made by the Lender to the Borrower, and
each payment made on account of the principal thereof,  shall be recorded by the
Lender on its books and,  prior to any  transfer  of this Note,  endorsed by the
Lender on the schedule  attached hereto or any  continuation  thereof,  provided
that the  failure  of the Lender to make any such  recordation  (or any error in
making any such  recordation) or endorsement shall not affect the obligations of
the  Borrower  to make a payment  when due of any amount  owing under the Credit
Agreement  or  hereunder  in  respect  of the  Tranche C Term  Loans made by the

                  This Note is one of the Tranche C Term Loan Notes  referred to
in the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement
*        Bracketed language to be inserted into Registered Notes.

                            Tranche C Term Loan Note

                                      - 2 -

dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and  supplemented  and in effect from time
to time, the "Credit Agreement") between the Borrower, the Subsidiary Guarantors
party thereto,  the Lenders party thereto and The Chase Manhattan Bank (National
Association),  as Agent, and evidences Revolving Credit Loans made by the Lender
thereunder. Terms used but not defined in this Note have the respective meanings
assigned to them in the Credit Agreement.

                  The Credit  Agreement  provides  for the  acceleration  of the
maturity of this Note upon the occurrence of certain events and for  prepayments
of Tranche C Term Loans upon the terms and conditions specified therein.

                  Payment of this Note is secured  by certain  collateral  under
the Security Documents referred to in the Credit Agreement.

                  Except  as  permitted  by  Section   12.06(b)  of  the  Credit
Agreement, this Note may not be assigned by the Lender to any other Person.

                  This Note shall be governed by, and  construed  in  accordance
with, the law of the State of New York.

                                     SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.




                            Tranche C Term Loan Note

                                      - 3 -

                        SCHEDULE OF TRANCHE C TERM LOANS

                  This Note  evidences  Tranche C Term Loans made,  Continued or
Converted under the  within-described  Credit Agreement to the Borrower,  on the
dates, in the principal amounts, of the Types, bearing interest at the rates and
having  Interest  Periods (if  applicable)  of the  durations  set forth  below,
subject to the payments, Continuations, Conversions and prepayments of principal
set forth below:

  Date     Prin-                                  Paid,
  Made,    cipal                     Duration    Prepaid,    Unpaid
Continued  Amount  Type                 of      Continued    Prin-
   or        of     of    Interest   Interest      or        cipal    Notation
Converted   Loan   Loan     Rate      Period    Converted    Amount    Made by
- ---------   ----   ----     ----      ------    ---------    ------    -------

                            Tranche C Term Loan Note

                                      - 1 -

                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                 [Form of Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice]


To:      The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association)
         as Agent under the Credit Agreement
         referred to below

                  Reference  is hereby made to the Second  Amended and  Restated
Credit  Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and  supplemented and in
effect from time to time, the "Credit  Agreement").  Terms defined in the Credit
Agreement and not defined herein are used herein as defined therein.

                  This  notice  is the  Tranche C Term  Loan  Activation  Notice
referred to in the Credit  Agreement,  and the  Borrower and each of the Lenders
signatory hereto (the "Tranche C Lenders") hereby notify you that:

                  1.       The Tranche C Term Loan Activation Date is


                  2.       The Tranche C Term Loan  Commitment of each Tranche C
                           Lender is set forth  opposite such Tranche C Lender's
                           name on the signature  pages hereof under the caption
                           "Tranche C Term Loan Commitment".

                  Each of the Tranche C Lenders and the Borrower  hereby  agrees
that (a) the rate of  commitment  fee payable by the  Borrower to each Tranche C
Lender under Section 2.04 of the Credit  Agreement on the daily  average  unused
amount  of such  Trance C  Lender's  Tranche  C Term  Loan  Commitment  shall be
______________  and (b) the Applicable  Margin for Tranche C Term Loans shall be

                                         SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                      Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice

                                      - 2 -

Tranche C Term Loan Commitment                    [NAME OF TRANCHE C LENDER]
- ------------------------------



  as Agent


                      Tranche C Term Loan Activation Notice

                                      - 1 -

                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                          [Form of Security Agreement]


31, 1996, between:

                  SINCLAIR  BROADCAST GROUP,  INC., a corporation duly organized
         and  validly  existing  under  the laws of the State of  Maryland  (the

                  each of the Subsidiaries of the Borrower  identified under the
         caption   "SUBSIDIARY   GUARANTORS"  on  the  signature   pages  hereof
         (individually,   a  "Subsidiary  Guarantor"  and,   collectively,   the
         "Subsidiary   Guarantors"   and,   together  with  the  Borrower,   the
         "Obligors"); and

                  THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),  as agent for
         the lenders  party to the  "Credit  Agreement"  defined  below (in such
         capacity, together with its successors in such capacity, the "Agent").

                  WHEREAS,  the Borrower,  certain  Subsidiary  Guarantors  (the
"Existing  Subsidiary  Guarantors"),  certain  of  the  lenders  (the  "Existing
Lenders") and the Agent are parties to an Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement
dated as of May 24, 1994 (as  heretofore  amended,  supplemented  and  otherwise
modified and in effect on the date hereof  before giving effect to the amendment
and restatement thereof contemplated by the Credit Agreement (as defined below),
the "Existing Credit Agreement"),  and in connection therewith the Borrower, the
Existing  Subsidiary  Guarantors  and the Agent have  executed and  delivered an
Amended and Restated Security  Agreement dated as of May 24, 1994 (as heretofore
amended,  supplemented  and otherwise  modified and in effect on the date hereof
before giving effect to the amendment and restatement  contemplated  hereby, the
"Existing Security  Agreement")  pursuant to which the Borrower and the Existing
Subsidiary  Guarantors  granted to the Agent,  for the  benefit of the  Existing
Lenders, a security interest in the Collateral referred to therein.

                  WHEREAS,  concurrently with the execution and delivery of this
Agreement,   the  Borrower,   the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  and  certain  lenders
(collectively,  the  "Lenders") and the Agent are entering into a Second Amended
and  Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated  as of May 31,  1996  (as  modified  and
supplemented and in effect from time to time (including,  without limitation, to
increase  the  amount  of  credit  to  be  extended  thereunder),   the  "Credit
Agreement"),  providing,  subject to the terms and conditions  thereof,  for the
extension and renewal of the Borrower's  indebtedness  under the Existing Credit
Agreement and

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 2 -

for additional extensions of credit to the Borrower.  In addition,  the Borrower
may now or hereafter from time to time be obligated to various of the Lenders in
respect of certain Interest Rate Protection Agreements (as defined in the Credit
Agreement)   (such   obligations   being  herein   referred  to  as  the  "Other

                  To induce  said  Lenders  to amend and  restate  the  Existing
Credit  Agreement  and to extend credit  thereunder  and to extend credit to the
Borrower  which  would  constitute  Other  Indebtedness,  and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the Obligors and the Agent hereby agree that the Existing Security
Agreement shall be hereby amended and restated to read as follows:

                  Section 1. Definitions.  Terms defined in the Credit Agreement
are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as used herein:

                  "Accounts"  shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         3(d) hereof.

                  "Collateral"  shall  have  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in
         Section 3 hereof.

                  "Collateral  Account" shall have the meaning  ascribed thereto
         in Section 4.01 hereof.

                  "Copyright Collateral" shall mean all Copyrights,  whether now
         owned or hereafter  acquired by any Obligor,  including  each Copyright
         identified in Annex 2 hereto.

                  "Copyrights"    shall   mean   all    copyrights,    copyright
         registrations and applications for copyright registrations,  including,
         without limitation,  all renewals and extensions thereof,  the right to
         recover for all past, present and future infringements thereof, and all
         other rights of any kind whatsoever  accruing  thereunder or pertaining

                  "Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         3(j) hereof.

                  "Equipment" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         3(h) hereof.

                  "Instruments"  shall  have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in
         Section 3(e) hereof.

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 3 -

                  "Intellectual  Property" shall mean all Copyright  Collateral,
         all Patent Collateral and all Trademark  Collateral,  together with (a)
         all inventions, processes, production methods, proprietary information,
         know-how  and  trade  secrets;  (b)  all  licenses  or  user  or  other
         agreements granted to any Obligor with respect to any of the foregoing,
         in each case whether now or hereafter owned or used including,  without
         limitation,  the  licenses  or other  agreements  with  respect  to the
         Copyright   Collateral,   the  Patent   Collateral   or  the  Trademark
         Collateral,  listed in Annex 5 hereto;  (c) all  information,  customer
         lists,   identification   of  suppliers,   data,   plans,   blueprints,
         specifications,   designs,  drawings,   recorded  knowledge,   surveys,
         engineering  reports,  test  reports,  manuals,   materials  standards,
         processing standards,  performance  standards,  catalogs,  computer and
         automatic  machinery software and programs;  (d) all field repair data,
         sales  data and  other  information  relating  to sales or  service  of
         products now or hereafter manufactured;  (e) all accounting information
         and all media in which or on which any information or knowledge or data
         or records may be recorded or stored and all computer programs used for
         the compilation or printout of such information,  knowledge, records or
         data; (f) all licenses,  consents, permits,  variances,  certifications
         and  approvals of  governmental  agencies now or hereafter  held by any
         Obligor;  and (g) all causes of action,  claims and  warranties  now or
         hereafter  owned or  acquired  by any  Obligor in respect of any of the
         items listed above.

                  "Inventory" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         3(f) hereof.

                  "Issuers"   shall   mean,    collectively,    the   respective
         corporations  identified  beneath the names of the  Obligors in Annex 1
         hereto under the caption "Issuer".

                  "Makers"  shall mean,  collectively,  the  respective  Persons
         identified  beneath the names of the  Obligors in Annex 7 hereto  under
         the caption "Maker".

                  "Motor Vehicles" shall mean motor vehicles, tractors, trailers
         and other like  property,  whether or not the title thereto is governed
         by a certificate of title or ownership.

                  "Patent Collateral" shall mean all Patents,  whether now owned
         or hereafter acquired by any Obligor,  including each Patent identified
         in Annex 3 hereto.

                  "Patents"  shall mean all  patents  and  patent  applications,
         including,   without   limitation,   the  inventions  and  improvements
         described and claimed therein together with

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 4 -

         the  reissues,  divisions,  continuations,   renewals,  extensions  and
         continuations-in-part  thereof,  all  income,  royalties,  damages  and
         payments now or  hereafter  due and/or  payable  under and with respect
         thereto, including,  without limitation,  damages and payments for past
         or future infringements thereof, the right to sue for past, present and
         future  infringements  thereof,  and all rights  corresponding  thereto
         throughout the world.

                  "Pledged  Notes"  shall  mean  the  notes  listed  in  Annex 7
         attached hereto and all other evidence of indebtedness  owing to any of
         the Obligors by any of the Credit Parties,  the Smith  Brothers,  WPTT,
         Inc.,  a Maryland  corporation,  and Bay  Television,  Inc.,  a Florida

                  "Pledged  Stock"  shall have the meaning  ascribed  thereto in
         Section 3(a) hereof.

                  "Secured  Obligations"  shall  mean,  collectively,   (a)  the
         principal  of and interest on the Loans made by the Lenders to, and the
         Note(s)  held  by each  Lender  of,  the  Borrower,  all  Reimbursement
         Obligations  and  interest  thereon and all other  amounts from time to
         time owing to the Lenders or the Agent by the Credit  Parties under the
         Basic Documents,  (b) all Other Indebtedness and interest thereon,  (c)
         all obligations of the Subsidiary Guarantors under the Credit Agreement
         and the  other  Basic  Documents  (including,  without  limitation,  in
         respect of their  Guarantee  under Section 6 of the Credit  Agreement),
         and (d) all  obligations  of the  Obligors to the Lenders and the Agent

                  "Stock  Collateral" shall mean,  collectively,  the Collateral
         described in clauses (a) through (c) of Section 3 hereof, together with
         all other certificates, shares, securities, properties or moneys as may
         from time to time be pledged  hereunder  pursuant  to said  clauses (a)
         through (c), and the proceeds of and to any such  property  and, to the
         extent  related  to any such  property  or such  proceeds,  all  books,
         correspondence, credit files, records, invoices and other papers.

                  "Trademark Collateral" shall mean all Trademarks,  whether now
         owned or hereafter  acquired by any Obligor,  including  each Trademark
         identified  in  Annex 4  hereto.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
         Trademark Collateral does not and shall not include any Trademark which
         would be rendered invalid,  abandoned,  void or unenforceable by reason
         of its being included as part of the Trademark Collateral.

                  "Trademarks"  shall  mean  all  trade  names,  trademarks  and
         service marks, logos, trademark and service mark

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 5 -

         registrations,   and   applications  for  trademark  and  service  mark
         registrations, including, without limitation, all renewals of trademark
         and  service  mark  registrations,  all  rights  corresponding  thereto
         throughout  the world,  the right to recover for all past,  present and
         future  infringements  thereof, all other rights of any kind whatsoever
         accruing thereunder or pertaining thereto, together, in each case, with
         the product lines and goodwill of the business  connected  with the use
         of, and  symbolized  by,  each such trade name,  trademark  and service

                  "Uniform  Commercial  Code" shall mean the Uniform  Commercial
         Code as in effect from time to time in the State of New York.

                  Section  2.  Representations  and  Warranties.   Each  Obligor
represents and warrants to the Lenders and the Agent that:

                  (a)  such  Obligor  is  the  sole  beneficial   owner  of  the
         Collateral in which it purports to grant a security  interest  pursuant
         to  Section 3 hereof  and no Lien  exists or will  exist  upon any such
         Collateral at any time (and, with respect to the Stock  Collateral,  no
         right or  option  to  acquire  the same  exists  in favor of any  other
         Person),  except for Liens  permitted  under Section 9.06 of the Credit
         Agreement  and except for the pledge and security  interest in favor of
         the Agent for the  benefit  of the  Lenders  created  or  provided  for
         herein,  which  pledge and  security  interest  constitute  a perfected
         pledge and security  interest in and to all of such  Collateral  (other
         than Intellectual  Property  registered or otherwise located outside of
         the United States of America)  subject to no equal or prior Lien except
         for Liens permitted under said Section 9.06;

                  (b) the Pledged Stock evidenced by the certificates identified
         under  the name of such  Obligor  in Annex 1 hereto  is,  and all other
         Pledged  Stock in which such Obligor shall  hereafter  grant a security
         interest pursuant to Section 3 hereof will be, duly authorized, validly
         issued,  fully paid and nonassessable and none of such Pledged Stock is
         or will be subject to any contractual  restriction,  or any restriction
         under the charter or by-laws of the respective  Issuers of such Pledged
         Stock,  upon the  transfer of such Pledged  Stock  (except for any such
         restriction contained herein or in the Credit Agreement);

                  (c) the Pledged Stock evidenced by the certificates identified
         under the name of such Obligor in Annex 1 hereto constitutes all of the
         issued and outstanding shares of

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 6 -

         capital  stock of any class of the Issuers  beneficially  owned by such
         Obligor on the date hereof  (whether or not  registered  in the name of
         such  Obligor)  and said Annex 1 correctly  identifies,  as at the date
         hereof,  the respective  Issuers of such Pledged Stock,  the respective
         class and par value of the shares comprising such Pledged Stock and the
         respective number of shares (and registered owner thereof) evidenced by
         each such certificate;

                  (d) Annexes 2, 3 and 4 hereto,  respectively,  set forth under
         the name of such Obligor a complete and correct list of all Copyrights,
         Patents,  and  Trademarks  owned by such  Obligor  on the date  hereof;
         except pursuant to licenses and other user  agreements  entered into by
         such  Obligor in the ordinary  course of business,  which are listed in
         Annex 5 hereto,  such Obligor owns and  possesses the right to use, and
         has done  nothing to  authorize  or enable any other Person to use, any
         Copyright,  Patent, or Trademark listed in said Annexes 2, 3 and 4, and
         all  registrations  listed in said  Annexes 2, 3 and 4 are valid and in
         full force and effect;  except as may be set forth in said Annex 5, the
         Obligors own and possess the right to use all Copyrights,  Patents, and

                  (e) Annex 5 hereto sets forth a complete  and correct  list of
         all licenses  and other user  agreements  included in the  Intellectual
         Property on the date hereof;

                  (f) to such  Obligor's  knowledge,  (i) except as set forth in
         Annex 5 hereto,  there is no  violation  by others of any right of such
         Obligor with respect to any Copyright,  Patent,  or Trademark listed in
         Annexes 2, 3 and 4 hereto, respectively, under the name of such Obligor
         and  (ii)  such  Obligor  is not  infringing  in any  respect  upon any
         Copyright, Patent, or Trademark of any other Person; and no proceedings
         have been  instituted  or are pending  against such Obligor or, to such
         Obligor's knowledge,  threatened, and no claim against such Obligor has
         been received by such Obligor,  alleging any such violation,  except as
         may be set forth in said Annex 5;

                  (g) such Obligor does not own any Trademarks registered in the
         United States of America to which the last  sentence of the  definition
         of Trademark Collateral applies;

                  (h)  the  Pledged  Notes  identified  under  the  name of such
         Obligor  in  Annex  7  hereto  constitute  all  of  the  Pledged  Notes
         beneficially owned by such Obligor on the date hereof, and said Annex 7
         correctly  identifies,  as at the date hereof, the respective Makers of
         such Pledged Notes and the  respective  outstanding  principal  amounts
         thereof; and

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 7 -

                  (i) on the date hereof, no Pledged Note is overdue or has been
         dishonored or is subject to any defense or adverse claim by any Person.

                  Section 3. Collateral.  Each Obligor hereby pledges and grants
to the Agent, for the benefit of the Lenders as hereinafter provided, a security
interest in all of such  Obligor's  right,  title and interest in the  following
property,  whether now owned by such Obligor or  hereafter  acquired and whether
now existing or hereafter coming into existence, and wherever located (all being
collectively referred to herein as "Collateral"), as collateral security for the
prompt payment in full when due (whether at stated maturity,  by acceleration or
otherwise) of the Secured Obligations owing by such Obligor:

                  (a) the respective shares of stock of the Issuers evidenced by
         the  certificates  identified  in Annex 1 hereto under the name of such
         Obligor and all other shares of capital stock of whatever  class of the
         Issuers, now or hereafter owned by such Obligor,  together with in each
         case the certificates  evidencing the same (collectively,  the "Pledged

                  (b) all shares, securities,  moneys or property representing a
         dividend on any of the Pledged Stock, or representing a distribution or
         return of capital upon or in respect of the Pledged Stock, or resulting
         from a split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the
         Pledged  Stock or  otherwise  received  in exchange  therefor,  and any
         subscription  warrants,  rights or options issued to the holders of, or
         otherwise in respect of, the Pledged Stock;

                  (c) without  affecting the  obligations  of such Obligor under
         any  provision  prohibiting  such action  hereunder or under the Credit
         Agreement,  in the  event of any  consolidation  or merger in which any
         Issuer is not the  surviving  corporation,  all shares of each class of
         the capital stock of the successor  corporation  (unless such successor
         corporation  is such Obligor  itself)  formed by or resulting from such
         consolidation or merger;

                  (d) all accounts and general  intangibles  (each as defined in
         the Uniform Commercial Code) of such Obligor  constituting any right to
         the payment of money, including (but not limited to) (i) all moneys due
         and to  become  due to such  Obligor  (A) in  respect  of any  loans or
         advances,  (B) for Inventory or Equipment or other goods sold or leased
         or for  services  rendered,  (C) in  respect  of  network  affiliation,
         programming, retransmission program supplier

                              Security Agreement

                                      - 8 -

         and  other  similar  contracts  and  agreements  with  licensed  common
         carriers or others  relating  to the  transmission,  retransmission  or
         delivery of programming to others, (D) under any guarantee (including a
         letter of credit) of the purchase  price of Inventory or Equipment sold
         by such  Obligor and (E) in respect of the sale,  barter or exchange by
         any Obligor of advertising or programming time or services and (ii) all
         tax refunds  (such  accounts,  general  intangibles,  moneys due and to
         become  due  and  tax  refunds   being   herein   called   collectively

                  (e) all instruments,  chattel paper or letters of credit (each
         as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code) of such Obligor  evidencing,
         representing,  arising  from or existing in respect  of,  relating  to,
         securing or otherwise  supporting  the payment of, any of the Accounts,
         including  (but not  limited to)  promissory  notes,  drafts,  bills of
         exchange   and   trade   acceptances   (herein    collectively   called

                  (f) all inventory (as defined in the Uniform  Commercial Code)
         of such  Obligor,  all goods  obtained by such  Obligor in exchange for
         such inventory,  and any products made or processed from such inventory
         including all substances, if any, commingled therewith or added thereto
         (herein collectively called "Inventory");

                  (g) all  Intellectual  Property  and  all  other  accounts  or
         general intangibles not constituting Intellectual

         Property or Accounts;

                  (h) all equipment (as defined in the Uniform  Commercial Code)
         of  such  Obligor,   including,   without  limitation,  all  machinery,
         amplifiers, transmitters, converters, cables, antennae, earth stations,
         towers, cameras, connections, office supplies, fixtures, furniture, all
         tangible  personal  property  used in the  operation of any  television
         systems or  franchise,  all studio  transmitter  links and other signal
         transmission  and  reception   equipment  and  Motor  Vehicles  (herein
         collectively called "Equipment");

                  (i) each contract and other agreement of such Obligor relating
         to the sale,  barter or exchange or other disposition of advertising or
         programming  time or of  Inventory  or  Equipment,  in each case to the
         maximum extent assignable;

                  (j)  all  documents  of  title  (as  defined  in  the  Uniform
         Commercial Code) or other receipts of such Obligor covering, evidencing
         or  representing  Inventory or Equipment  (herein  collectively  called

                               Security Agreement

                                      - 9 -

                  (k) all rights,  claims and benefits of such  Obligor  against
         any  Person  arising  out  of,   relating  to  or  in  connection  with
         programming,   Inventory  or  Equipment   purchased  by  such  Obligor,
         including,  without  limitation,  any such  rights,  claims or benefits
         against any Person storing or transporting such programming,  Inventory
         or Equipment;

                  (l) to the maximum extent such rights are  assignable  without
         violating the respective terms thereof, each Obligor's rights under all
         present and future  network  affiliation,  syndicated  film and feature
         agreements,  trade or barter  agreements,  commitments or undertakings,
         advertising  and other  similar  contracts,  agreements or licenses for
         television or radio programming or advertising services;

                  (m) the balance from time to time in the Collateral Account;

                  (n) the Pledged Notes and all moneys or property  representing
         interest thereon;

                  (o) all agreements,  contracts and leases of personal property
         now or hereafter  in effect  between any Obligor and any other party or
         parties  relating to the business or operations of any of the Stations,
         including, without limitation, all agreements,  contracts and leases of
         personal property set forth and described in Annex 8 hereto;

                  (p) all Broadcast  Licenses,  whether now or hereafter granted
         to such Obligor,  including,  without limitation, each of the Broadcast
         Licenses listed in Annex 9 hereto,  to the extent the security interest
         therein  granted or purported to be granted by such Obligor  under this
         Agreement may be validly granted;

                  (q) all other  tangible and intangible  personal  property and
         fixtures of such Obligor, including,  without limitation, all proceeds,
         products,  offspring,  rents, profits,  income,  benefits,  accessions,
         substitutions  and  replacements  of and to any of the property of such
         Obligor  described  in clauses (a) through (p) above in this  Section 3
         (including,  without  limitation,  (i) any  proceeds  of the  Broadcast
         Licenses referred to in paragraph (p) above,  whether or not a security
         interest in such Broadcast  Licenses granted or purported to be granted
         by such Obligor under this  Agreement  may be validly  granted and (ii)
         any proceeds of insurance thereon and all causes of action,  claims and
         warranties  now or hereafter  held by such Obligor in respect of any of
         the items listed above), and, to the

                               Security Agreement

                                     - 10 -

         extent  related  to any  property  described  in said  clauses  or such
         proceeds,  products and accessions, all books,  correspondence,  credit
         files, records, invoices and other papers, including without limitation
         all tapes,  cards,  computer runs and other papers and documents in the
         possession or under the control of such Obligor or any computer  bureau
         or service company from time to time acting for such Obligor.

Notwithstanding  the  foregoing  clauses (a) through (q) of this  Section 3, the
Collateral does not and shall not include (i) the partnership interest of FSF-TV
in the Auburn Tower Partnership,  a North Carolina general  partnership and (ii)
prior to the  termination  of the Stock Pledge  Agreement  dated as of March 27,
1995 between Edwin L.  Edwards,  Sr.,  Carolyn C. Smith and Chase,  as agent for
certain lenders, any stock acquired from Carolyn C. Smith by any of the Obligors
upon the exercise of the Glencairn Options.

                  Section 4.  Cash Proceeds of Collateral.
                  4.01 Collateral Account.  There is hereby established with the
Agent a cash collateral account (the "Collateral Account") in the name and under
the control of the Agent into which there shall be  deposited  from time to time
the cash  proceeds of any of the  Collateral  (including  proceeds of  insurance
thereon)  required to be delivered to the Agent  pursuant  hereto and into which
the Obligors may from time to time deposit any  additional  amounts which any of
them wishes to pledge to the Agent for the benefit of the Lenders as  additional
collateral security  hereunder.  The balance from time to time in the Collateral
Account  shall  constitute  part  of the  Collateral  hereunder  and  shall  not
constitute  payment of the  Secured  Obligations  until  applied as  hereinafter
provided.  Except as expressly  provided in the next  sentence,  the Agent shall
remit the collected balance  outstanding to the credit of the Collateral Account
to or upon the order of the Obligors as the Obligors  through the Borrower shall
from time to time  instruct.  However,  at any time following the occurrence and
during the continuance of an Event of Default, the Agent may (and, if instructed
by the Lenders as specified in Section 11.03 of the Credit Agreement,  shall) in
its (or their)  discretion  apply or cause to be applied (subject to collection)
the  balance  from time to time  outstanding  to the  credit  of the  Collateral
Account to the payment of the Secured  Obligations  in the manner  specified  in
Section 5.09 hereof.  The balance  from time to time in the  Collateral  Account
shall be subject to withdrawal only as provided herein.

                  4.02  Proceeds of Accounts.  At any time after the  occurrence
         and during the continuance of an Event of Default,

                               Security Agreement

                                     - 11 -

each Obligor shall, upon the request of the Agent,  instruct all account debtors
and other  Persons  obligated in respect of all Accounts to make all payments in
respect of the Accounts  either (a) directly to the Agent (by  instructing  that
such  payments  be  remitted to a post office box which shall be in the name and
under the  control  of the  Agent) or (b) to one or more  other  lenders  in the
United  States of America (by  instructing  that such  payments be remitted to a
post  office box which  shall be in the name and under the control of the Agent)
under arrangements,  in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent pursuant to
which such Obligor shall have irrevocably instructed such other lender (and such
other bank shall have agreed) to remit all proceeds of such payments directly to
the Agent for deposit into the  Collateral  Account.  All  payments  made to the
Agent, as provided in the preceding sentence,  shall be immediately deposited in
the Collateral Account. In addition to the foregoing,  each Obligor agrees that,
at any time  after the  occurrence  and during  the  continuance  of an Event of
Default,  if the proceeds of any  Collateral  hereunder  (including the payments
made in respect of Accounts)  shall be received by it, such Obligor shall,  upon
the request of the Agent, as promptly as possible deposit such proceeds into the
Collateral Account. Until so deposited, all such proceeds shall be held in trust
by such Obligor for and as the property of the Agent and shall not be commingled
with any other funds or property of such Obligor.

                  4.03 Investment of Balance in Collateral  Account.  Amounts on
deposit in the  Collateral  Account  shall be invested from time to time in such
Permitted  Investments  as the  Obligors  through the  Borrower  (or,  after the
occurrence and during the continuance of a Default,  the Agent) shall determine,
which Permitted  Investments  shall be held in the name and be under the control
of the Agent,  provided that (a) at any time after the occurrence and during the
continuance  of an Event of Default,  the Agent may (and,  if  instructed by the
Lenders as specified in Section 11.03 of the Credit Agreement, shall) in its (or
their)  discretion at any time and from time to time elect to liquidate any such
Permitted  Investments and to apply or cause to be applied the proceeds  thereof
to the payment of the Secured  Obligations  in the manner  specified  in Section
5.09 hereof and (b) if  requested  by the Obligors  through the  Borrower,  such
Permitted  Investments  may be held in the name and under the  control of one or
more of the Lenders (and in that  connection  each  Lender,  pursuant to Section
11.10 of the Credit Agreement) has agreed that such Permitted  Investments shall
be held by such Lender as a collateral sub-agent for the Agent hereunder).

                  Section 5. Further Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the
         grant of the pledge and security interest

                               Security Agreement

                                     - 12 -

pursuant to Section 3 hereof,  the Obligors  hereby jointly and severally  agree
with each Lender and the Agent as follows:

                  5.01  Delivery and Other Perfection.  Each Obligor shall:
                  (a) if any of the above-described shares,  securities,  moneys
         or property  required to be pledged by such Obligor  under clauses (a),
         (b) and (c) of Section 3 hereof are received by such Obligor, forthwith
         either (i) transfer and deliver to the Agent such shares or  securities
         so received by such Obligor  (together  with the  certificates  for any
         such shares and  securities  duly endorsed in blank or  accompanied  by
         undated  stock powers or bond powers (as the case may be) duly executed
         in blank), all of which thereafter shall be held by the Agent, pursuant
         to the terms of this Agreement,  as part of the Collateral or (ii) take
         such other action as the Agent shall deem  necessary or  appropriate to
         duly record the Lien  created  hereunder  in such  shares,  securities,
         monies or property referred to in said clauses (a), (b) and (c);

                  (b) deliver  and pledge to the Agent any and all  Instruments,
         endorsed  and/or  accompanied  by such  instruments  of assignment  and
         transfer in such form and substance as the Agent may request; provided,
         that so long as no Default shall have occurred and be continuing,  such
         Obligor  may  retain  for   collection  in  the  ordinary   course  any
         Instruments received by such Obligor in the ordinary course of business
         and the Agent shall,  promptly upon request of such Obligor through the
         Borrower,  make  appropriate  arrangements  for making  any  Instrument
         pledged by such  Obligor  available  to such  Obligor  for  purposes of
         presentation,  collection  or  renewal  (any  such  arrangement  to  be
         effected,  to the extent deemed appropriate by the Agent, against trust
         receipt or like document);

                  (c) give, execute,  deliver,  file and/or record any financing
         statement, notice, instrument, document, agreement or other papers that
         may be necessary or desirable (in the judgment of the Agent) to create,
         preserve,  perfect or validate the pledge and security interest granted
         pursuant  hereto or to enable the Agent to  exercise  and  enforce  its
         rights  hereunder  with respect to such pledge and  security  interest,
         including,  without  limitation,  causing  any  or  all  of  the  Stock
         Collateral  to be  transferred  of record into the name of the Agent or
         its  nominee  (and the Agent  agrees  that if any Stock  Collateral  is
         transferred  into its name or the name of its  nominee,  the Agent will
         thereafter  promptly  give  to the  respective  Obligor  copies  of any
         notices and communications received by it with respect to the Stock

                               Security Agreement

                                     - 13 -

         Collateral pledged by such Obligor hereunder), provided that notices to
         account  debtors in respect of any  Accounts  or  Instruments  shall be
         subject to the provisions of clause (i) below;

                  (d) without  limiting the  obligations  of such Obligor  under
         Section 5.04(c) hereof,  upon the acquisition  after the date hereof by
         such  Obligor of any  Equipment  covered by a  certificate  of title or
         ownership,  cause  the Agent to be  listed  as the  lienholder  on such
         certificate  of title and  within 120 days of the  acquisition  thereof
         deliver evidence of the same to the Agent;

                  (e) keep full and accurate  books and records  relating to the
         Collateral,  and stamp or otherwise mark such books and records in such
         manner as the Agent may  reasonably  require  in order to  reflect  the
         security interests granted by this Agreement;

                  (f)  furnish  to the Agent  from time to time  (but,  unless a
         Default shall have occurred and be continuing,  no more frequently than
         quarterly)  statements and schedules further identifying and describing
         the  Copyright  Collateral,  the Patent  Collateral,  and the Trademark
         Collateral, respectively, and such other reports in connection with the
         Copyright  Collateral,   the  Patent  Collateral,   and  the  Trademark
         Collateral,  as the Agent may  reasonably  request,  all in  reasonable

                  (g) promptly upon request of the Agent,  following  receipt by
         the Agent of any  statements,  schedules or reports  pursuant to clause
         (f) above,  modify this  Agreement  by  amending  Annexes 2, 3 and/or 4
         hereto,  as the case may be,  to  include  any  Copyright,  Patent,  or
         Trademark which becomes part of the Collateral under this Agreement;

                  (h)  permit  representatives  of the  Agent,  upon  reasonable
         notice,  at any time during normal  business  hours to inspect and make
         abstracts from its books and records pertaining to the Collateral,  and
         permit  representatives  of the Agent to be present  at such  Obligor's
         place  of  business  to  receive  copies  of  all   communications  and
         remittances  relating  to the  Collateral,  and  forward  copies of any
         notices or communications  received by such Obligor with respect to the
         Collateral, all in such manner as the Agent may require; and

                  (i) upon the  occurrence  and  during the  continuance  of any
         Default,  upon request of the Agent,  promptly notify (and such Obligor
         hereby  authorizes  the  Agent so to  notify)  each  account  debtor in
         respect of any Accounts or Instruments

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         that such Collateral has been assigned to the Agent hereunder, and that
         any payments due or to become due in respect of such  Collateral are to
         be made directly to the Agent.

                  5.02 Other Financing Statements and Liens. Except as otherwise
permitted under Section 9.06 of the Credit Agreement,  without the prior written
consent  of the  Agent,  no  Obligor  shall  file or  suffer  to be on file,  or
authorize  or  permit  to be filed or to be on file,  in any  jurisdiction,  any
financing  statement or like  instrument with respect to the Collateral in which
the Agent is not named as the sole secured party for the benefit of the Lenders.

                  5.03  Preservation of Rights.  The Agent shall not be required
to take steps  necessary to preserve any rights  against prior parties to any of
the Collateral.

                  5.04 Special Provisions Relating to Certain Collateral.

                  (a)  Stock Collateral and Pledged Notes.

                  (i) The Obligors will cause the Stock Collateral to constitute
at all times 100% of the total  number of shares of each class of capital  stock
of each Issuer then outstanding.

             (ii) So long as no Event of  Default  shall  have  occurred  and be
continuing, the Obligors shall have the right to exercise all voting, consensual
and other  powers  of  ownership  pertaining  to the  Stock  Collateral  for all
purposes  not  inconsistent  with  the  terms  of  this  Agreement,  the  Credit
Agreement,  the Note(s) or any other instrument or agreement  referred to herein
or therein, provided that the Obligors jointly and severally agree that (x) they
will not vote the Stock  Collateral in any manner that is inconsistent  with the
terms of this  Agreement,  the Credit  Agreement,  the Note(s) or any such other
instrument or agreement and (y) they will not agree to any amendment, supplement
or other  modification  to any Pledged  Note;  and the Agent  shall  execute and
deliver to the  Obligors or cause to be executed  and  delivered to the Obligors
all such proxies,  powers of attorney,  dividend and other orders,  and all such
instruments,  without recourse,  as the Obligors may reasonably  request for the
purpose of enabling  the  Obligors to exercise  the rights and powers which they
are entitled to exercise pursuant to this Section 5.04(a)(2).

            (iii)  Unless  and until an Event of  Default  has  occurred  and is
continuing,  the Obligors  shall be entitled to receive and retain any dividends
on the Collateral  paid in cash out of earned surplus and any cash principal and
interest on the Pledged Notes.

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             (iv) If any Event of Default shall have  occurred,  then so long as
such Event of Default shall continue, and whether or not the Agent or any Lender
exercises any available right to declare any Secured  Obligation due and payable
or seeks or pursues any other relief or remedy  available to it under applicable
law or under this  Agreement,  the Credit  Agreement,  the  Note(s) or any other
agreement  relating  to  such  Secured  Obligation,   all  dividends  and  other
distributions on the Collateral shall be paid directly to the Agent and retained
by it in the Collateral Account as part of the Collateral,  subject to the terms
of this Agreement,  and, if the Agent shall so request in writing,  the Obligors
jointly and  severally  agree to execute  and  deliver to the Agent  appropriate
additional  dividend,  distribution  and other orders and documents to that end,
provided  that if  such  Event  of  Default  is  cured,  any  such  dividend  or
distribution  theretofore paid to the Agent shall,  upon request of the Obligors
(except  to the  extent  theretofore  applied to the  Secured  Obligations),  be
returned by the Agent to the Obligors.

                  (b)  Intellectual Property.
                  (i) For the purpose of enabling  the Agent to exercise  rights
and  remedies  under  Section  5.05  hereof at such  time as the Agent  shall be
lawfully  entitled  to  exercise  such  rights  and  remedies,  and for no other
purpose,  each Obligor hereby grants to the Agent, to the extent assignable,  an
irrevocable,  non-exclusive  license  (exercisable without payment of royalty or
other compensation to such Obligor) to use, assign, license or sublicense any of
the  Intellectual  Property  now owned or  hereafter  acquired by such  Obligor,
wherever the same may be located, including in such license reasonable access to
all media in which any of the  licensed  items may be  recorded or stored and to
all computer programs used for the compilation or printout thereof.

             (ii) Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, but
subject to the  provisions of Section 9.05 of the Credit  Agreement  which limit
the right of the Obligors to dispose of their  property,  so long as no Event of
Default shall have occurred and be continuing, the Obligors will be permitted to
exploit, use, enjoy, protect, license,  sublicense,  assign, sell, dispose of or
take other  actions  with respect to the  Intellectual  Property in the ordinary
course of the business of the Obligors. In furtherance of the foregoing,  unless
an Event of Default shall have  occurred and be continuing  the Agent shall from
time to time, upon the request of the Obligors through the Borrower, execute and
deliver  any  instruments,  certificates  or  other  documents,  in the  form so
requested,  which the Obligors  through the Borrower  shall have  certified  are
appropriate (in their judgment) to allow them to take any action permitted above
(including relinquishment of the license provided pursuant to

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clause (i) immediately above as to any specific Intellectual Property). Further,
upon the  payment in full of all of the  Secured  Obligations,  cancellation  or
termination  of the  Commitments  and  Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities  and  the
termination  of all  Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements  constituting  Other
Indebtedness,  or  earlier  expiration  of  this  Agreement  or  release  of the
Collateral,  the Agent shall  grant back to the  Obligors  the  license  granted
pursuant to clause (i)  immediately  above.  The exercise of rights and remedies
under  Section  5.05 hereof by the Agent shall not  terminate  the rights of the
holders of any licenses or  sublicenses  theretofore  granted by the Obligors in
accordance with the first sentence of this clause (ii).

                  (c)  Motor Vehicles.
                  (i)  At  any  time  after  the   occurrence   and  during  the
continuance of an Event of Default,  each Obligor shall, upon the request of the
Agent,  deliver to the Agent originals of the certificates of title or ownership
for the Motor  Vehicles owned by it with the Agent listed as lienholder and take
such other  action as the Agent shall deem  appropriate  to perfect the security
interest created hereunder in such Motor Vehicles.

                  (ii) Upon the acquisition after the date hereof by any Obligor
of any Motor Vehicle, such Obligor shall deliver to the Agent, at any time after
the  occurrence  and during the  continuance of an Event of Default and upon the
request of the Agent,  originals of the  certificates  of title or ownership for
such Motor Vehicles,  together with the manufacturer's  statement of origin with
the Agent listed as lienholder;  provided,  however,  if the Motor Vehicle to be
acquired is subject to a purchase  money security  interest,  the Agent shall be
listed as a junior lienholder to the Person holding such purchase money security

                  (iii)  Without  limiting  Section  5.10  hereof,  each Obligor
hereby appoints the Agent as its attorney-in-fact, effective the date hereof and
terminating  upon the  termination  of this  Agreement,  for the  purpose of (x)
executing on behalf of such Obligor title or ownership  applications  for filing
with appropriate  state agencies to enable Motor Vehicles now owned or hereafter
acquired  by such  Obligor to be  retitled  and the Agent  listed as  lienholder
thereon, (y) filing such applications with such state agencies and (z) executing
such other  documents and instruments on behalf of, and taking such other action
in the name of, such  Obligor as the Agent may deem  necessary  or  advisable to
accomplish the purposes hereof (including,  without  limitation,  the purpose of
creating  in favor of the  Agent a  perfected  lien on the  Motor  Vehicles  and
exercising the rights and remedies of the Agent under Section 5.05 hereof). This

                               Security Agreement

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appointment as attorney-in-fact is irrevocable and coupled with an interest.

             (iv) Any certificates of title or ownership  delivered  pursuant to
the terms  hereof shall be  accompanied  by odometer  statements  for each Motor
Vehicle covered thereby.

                  5.05 Events of Default, etc. During the period during which an
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:

                  (a) each Obligor shall, at the request of the Agent,  assemble
         the  Collateral  owned  by it  at  such  place  or  places,  reasonably
         convenient  to both the  Agent  and  such  Obligor,  designated  in its

                  (b) the Agent may make any reasonable compromise or settlement
         deemed  desirable  with respect to any of the Collateral and may extend
         the time of payment,  arrange for payment in  installments,  reduce the
         rate of interest  or,  forgive any amount of  principal of or otherwise
         modify the terms of, any of the Collateral;

                  (c) the Agent shall have all of the rights and  remedies  with
         respect  to  the  Collateral  of a  secured  party  under  the  Uniform
         Commercial  Code  (whether  or  not  said  Code  is in  effect  in  the
         jurisdiction  where the  rights and  remedies  are  asserted)  and such
         additional  rights and  remedies  to which a secured  party is entitled
         under the laws in  effect in any  jurisdiction  where  any  rights  and
         remedies hereunder may be asserted,  including, without limitation, the
         right, to the maximum extent  permitted by law, to exercise all voting,
         consensual  and other powers of ownership  pertaining to the Collateral
         as if the Agent  were the sole and  absolute  owner  thereof  (and each
         Obligor  agrees to take all such action as may be  appropriate  to give
         effect to such right);

                  (d) the  Agent in its  discretion  may,  in its name or in the
         name of the Obligors or otherwise,  demand, sue for, collect or receive
         any money or property at any time payable or  receivable  on account of
         or in  exchange  for any of the  Collateral,  but  shall  be  under  no
         obligation to do so; and

                  (e) the Agent  may,  upon ten  Business  Days'  prior  written
         notice to the  Obligors  of the time and  place,  with  respect  to the
         Collateral or any part thereof which shall then be or shall  thereafter
         come into the possession,  custody or control of the Agent, the Lenders
         or any of their respective  agents,  sell,  lease,  assign or otherwise
         dispose  of all or any  portion  of such  Collateral,  at such place or
         places as the Agent deems best, and for cash or on credit or

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         for future  delivery  (without  thereby  assuming any credit risk),  at
         public or private  sale,  without  demand of  performance  or notice of
         intention  to  effect  any  such  disposition  or of the  time or place
         thereof  (except  such  notice as is  required  above or by  applicable
         statute  and  cannot be  waived)  and the Agent or any Lender or anyone
         else may be the purchaser,  lessee, assignee or recipient of any or all
         of the  Collateral so disposed of at any public sale (or, to the extent
         permitted by law, at any private sale),  and  thereafter  hold the same
         absolutely,  free from any claim or right of whatsoever kind, including
         any right or equity of  redemption  (statutory  or  otherwise),  of the
         Obligors,  any such  demand,  notice and right or equity  being  hereby
         expressly waived and released. In the event of any sale, assignment, or
         other  disposition  of any of the  Trademark  Collateral,  the goodwill
         connected  with and symbolized by the Trademark  Collateral  subject to
         such  disposition  shall be included,  and the Obligors shall supply to
         the Agent or its designee,  for  inclusion in such sale,  assignment or
         other disposition, all Intellectual Property relating to such Trademark
         Collateral.  The Agent may, without notice or publication,  adjourn any
         public or private sale or cause the same to be  adjourned  from time to
         time by announcement at the time and place fixed for the sale, and such
         sale  may be made at any  time or  place  to  which  the same may be so

The proceeds of each collection,  sale or other  disposition  under this Section
5.05, including by virtue of the exercise of the license granted to the Agent in
Section  5.04(b)(i)  hereof,  shall be applied in  accordance  with Section 5.09

                  The Obligors recognize that, by reason of certain prohibitions
contained  in the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  and  applicable  state
securities laws, the Agent may be compelled,  with respect to any sale of all or
any part of the Collateral,  to limit purchasers to those who will agree,  among
other things,  to acquire the Collateral  for their own account,  for investment
and  not  with a view  to the  distribution  or  resale  thereof.  The  Obligors
acknowledge  that any such  private  sales  may be at prices  and on terms  less
favorable to the Agent than those obtainable  through a public sale without such
restrictions,  and,  notwithstanding  such  circumstances,  agree  that any such
private  sale  shall be deemed to have  been made in a  commercially  reasonable
manner and that the Agent shall have no obligation to engage in public sales and
no  obligation  to  delay  the sale of any  Collateral  for the  period  of time
necessary to permit the  respective  Issuer or issuer thereof to register it for
public sale.

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                  5.06 Deficiency.  If the proceeds of sale, collection or other
realization  of or upon the  Collateral  pursuant  to  Section  5.05  hereof are
insufficient to cover the costs and expenses of such realization and the payment
in full of the Secured  Obligations,  the Obligors  shall remain  liable for any

                  5.07  Removals,  etc.  Without at least 30 days' prior written
notice to the Agent,  no Obligor  shall (a) maintain any of its books or records
with respect to the  Collateral  at any office or maintain  its chief  executive
office or its principal  place of business at any place, or permit any Inventory
or Equipment to be located anywhere other than at the address  indicated beneath
the signature of the Borrower to the Credit Agreement or at one of the locations
identified  in Annex 6 hereto  under  its  name or in  transit  from one of such
locations to another or (b) change its  corporate  name, or the name under which
it does business, from the name shown on the signature pages hereto.

                  5.08 Private  Sale.  The Agent and the Lenders  shall incur no
liability as a result of the sale of the Collateral, or any part thereof, at any
private  sale  pursuant  to Section  5.05  hereof  conducted  in a  commercially
reasonable  manner.  Each Obligor  hereby waives any claims against the Agent or
any Lender  arising by reason of the fact that the price at which the Collateral
may have been sold at such a private  sale was less than the price  which  might
have been obtained at a public sale or was less than the aggregate amount of the
Secured Obligations, even if the Agent accepts the first offer received and does
not offer the Collateral to more than one offeree.

                  5.09  Application  of  Proceeds.  Except as  otherwise  herein
expressly  provided  and except as  provided  below in this  Section  5.09,  the
proceeds of any collection,  sale or other realization of all or any part of the
Collateral  pursuant  hereto,  and any other  cash at the time held by the Agent
under Section 4 hereof or this Section 5, shall be applied by the Agent:

                  First,  to the  payment  of the  costs  and  expenses  of such
         collection,   sale   or   other   realization,   including   reasonable
         out-of-pocket costs and expenses of the Agent and the fees and expenses
         of its agents and counsel,  and all expenses incurred and advances made
         by the Agent in connection therewith;

                  Next,  to the  payment  in  full of the  Secured  Obligations,
         equally and ratably in accordance  with the respective  amounts thereof
         then due and owing or as the  Lenders  holding  the same may  otherwise
         agree; and

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                  Finally,  to the  payment to the  respective  Obligor,  or its
         successors  or assigns,  or as a court of  competent  jurisdiction  may
         direct, of any surplus then remaining.

                  As used in this Section 5, "proceeds" of Collateral shall mean
cash, securities and other property realized in respect of, and distributions in
kind of,  Collateral,  including any thereof received under any  reorganization,
liquidation or adjustment of debt of the Obligors or any issuer of or obligor on
any of the Collateral.

                  5.10  Attorney-in-Fact.  Without limiting any rights or powers
granted by this  Agreement  to the Agent while no Event of Default has  occurred
and is continuing,  upon the occurrence and during the  continuance of any Event
of Default the Agent is hereby  appointed the  attorney-in-fact  of each Obligor
for the purpose of carrying out the  provisions of this Section 5 and taking any
action and  executing  any  instruments  which the Agent may deem  necessary  or
advisable   to   accomplish   the  purposes   hereof,   which   appointment   as
attorney-in-fact  is irrevocable and coupled with an interest.  Without limiting
the  generality of the  foregoing,  so long as the Agent shall be entitled under
this Section 5 to make collections in respect of the Collateral, the Agent shall
have the right and power to receive, endorse and collect all checks made payable
to the  order  of any  Obligor  representing  any  dividend,  payment,  or other
distribution  in respect of the  Collateral or any part thereof and to give full
discharge for the same.

                  5.11 Perfection.  Prior to or concurrently  with the execution
and delivery of this  Agreement,  each Obligor shall (a) caused to be filed such
financing  statements  and  other  documents  in such  offices  as the Agent may
request  to  perfect  the  security  interests  granted  by  Section  3 of  this
Agreement,  (b) cause the Agent (to the extent  requested  by any  Lender) to be
listed as the lienholder on all  certificates of title or ownership  relating to
Motor  Vehicles  owned by such  Obligor  and (c)  deliver  to the  Agent (i) all
certificates  identified in Annex 1 hereto,  accompanied by undated stock powers
duly  executed  in blank and (ii) all  promissory  notes  identified  in Annex 7
hereto, accompanied by undated bond powers duly executed in blank.

                  5.12 Termination. When all Secured Obligations shall have been
paid in full,  the  Commitments of the Lenders under the Credit  Agreement,  all
Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities  and the  Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements
constituting  Other  Indebtedness  shall have expired or been  terminated,  this
Agreement shall  terminate,  and the Agent shall forthwith cause to be assigned,
transferred and delivered, against receipt but without any recourse, warranty or
representation  whatsoever,  any  remaining  Collateral  and money  received  in
respect thereof, to or

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on the order of the  respective  Obligors  and to be released  and  canceled all
licenses and rights referred to in Section  5.04(b)(i)  hereof.  The Agent shall
also execute and deliver to the respective  Obligors upon such  termination such
Uniform Commercial Code termination statements, certificates for terminating the
Liens on the Motor Vehicles and such other  documentation as shall be reasonably
requested by the respective  Obligors to effect the  termination  and release of
the Liens on the Collateral.

                  5.13 Further  Assurances.  Each Obligor agrees that, from time
to time upon the written  request of the Agent,  such  Obligor  will execute and
deliver  such further  documents  and do such other acts and things as the Agent
may reasonably request in order fully to effect the purposes of this Agreement.

                  5.14 Release of Motor  Vehicles.  So long as no Default  shall
have  occurred and be  continuing,  upon the request of any  Obligor,  the Agent
shall execute and deliver to such Obligor such instruments as such Obligor shall
reasonably  request to remove the  notation  of the Agent as  lienholder  on any
certificate of title for any Motor Vehicle;  provided that any such  instruments
shall be delivered,  and the release effective only upon receipt by the Agent of
a certificate from such Obligor stating that the Motor Vehicle the lien on which
is to be  released  is to be sold or has  suffered a casualty  loss (with  title
thereto passing to the casualty  insurance company therefor in settlement of the
claim for such loss).

                  Section 6.  Miscellaneous.
                  6.01 No  Waiver.  No  failure  on the part of the Agent or any
Lender to  exercise,  and no course of dealing  with respect to, and no delay in
exercising,  any  right,  power or remedy  hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver
thereof;  nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Agent or any Lender of
any right,  power or remedy  hereunder  preclude  any other or further  exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies herein
are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.

                  6.02  Notices.  All  notices,  requests,  consents and demands
hereunder  shall be in writing  and  telecopied  or  delivered  to the  intended
recipient at its "Address for Notices"  specified  pursuant to Section  12.02 of
the  Credit  Agreement  and  shall be  deemed  to have  been  given at the times
specified in said Section 12.02.

                  6.03  Expenses.  The Obligors  jointly and severally  agree to
reimburse each of the Lenders and the Agent for all

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reasonable costs and expenses of the Lenders and the Agent  (including,  without
limitation,  the  reasonable  fees and expenses of legal  counsel) in connection
with (a) any Default and any  enforcement  or  collection  proceeding  resulting
therefrom,  including,  without  limitation,  all manner of  participation in or
other  involvement  with (i)  performance by the Agent of any obligations of the
Obligors in respect of the  Collateral  that the Obligors have failed or refused
to perform, (ii) bankruptcy, insolvency,  receivership,  foreclosure, winding up
or liquidation  proceedings,  or any actual or attempted  sale, or any exchange,
enforcement,  collection,  compromise  or  settlement  in  respect of any of the
Collateral, and for the care of the Collateral and defending or asserting rights
and  claims  of the  Agent in  respect  thereof,  by  litigation  or  otherwise,
including  expenses of insurance,  (iii) judicial or regulatory  proceedings and
(iv) workout, restructuring or other negotiations or proceedings (whether or not
the workout,  restructuring or transaction  contemplated thereby is consummated)
and (b) the  enforcement  of this Section 6.03,  and all such costs and expenses
shall be Secured Obligations entitled to the benefits of the collateral security
provided pursuant to Section 3 hereof.

                  6.04  Amendments,  Etc.  The  terms of this  Agreement  may be
waived,  altered or amended only by an  instrument  in writing duly  executed by
each  Obligor and the Agent (with the  consent of the  Lenders as  specified  in
Section 11.09 of the Credit  Agreement).  Any such  amendment or waiver shall be
binding  upon the  Agent and each  Lender,  each  holder  of any of the  Secured
Obligations and each Obligor.

                  6.05  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the  respective  successors and assigns of each
Obligor,  the  Agent,  the  Lenders  and  each  holder  of any  of  the  Secured
Obligations  (provided,  however,  that no Obligor  shall assign or transfer its
rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the Agent).

                  6.06  Captions.  The captions and section  headings  appearing
herein are included  solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to
affect the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.

                  6.07  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any
number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the
same  instrument  and any of the parties  hereto may execute  this  Agreement by
signing any such counterpart.

                  6.08 Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction. This Agreement
shall be governed by, and construed in accordance  with, the law of the State of
New York. Each Obligor hereby submits to

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the  nonexclusive  jurisdiction  of the  United  States  District  Court for the
Southern  District  of New York and of any New York state  court  sitting in New
York City for the purposes of all legal  proceedings  arising out of or relating
to  this  Agreement  or  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.  Each  Obligor
irrevocably  waives,  to the fullest  extent  permitted by  applicable  law, any
objection  that it may now or  hereafter  have to the laying of the venue of any
such  proceeding  brought in such a court and any claim that any such proceeding
brought in such a court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.

                  6.09 Waiver of Jury Trial. EACH OF THE OBLIGORS, THE AGENT AND

                  6.10 Certain Regulatory Requirements.  Any provision contained
herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,  no action shall be taken  hereunder by
the Agent or any Lender with respect to any item of Collateral  unless and until
all applicable requirements (if any) of the FCC under the Federal Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, and the respective rules and regulations thereunder and
thereof,  as  well  as any  other  Federal,  state  or  local  laws,  rules  and
regulations of other regulatory or governmental  bodies  applicable to or having
jurisdiction over any Obligor (or any entity under the control of such Obligor),
have been  satisfied  with  respect to such action and there have been  obtained
such consents,  approvals and  authorizations  (if any) as may be required to be
obtained from the FCC and any other  governmental  authority  under the terms of
any license or similar operating right held by such Obligor (or any entity under
the control of such Obligor). It is the intention of the parties hereto that the
Liens in favor of the Agent on the Collateral  shall in all relevant  aspects be
subject to and governed by said statutes, rules and regulations and that nothing
in this  Agreement  shall be construed to diminish the control  exercised by the
Obligors   except  in  accordance   with  the   provisions  of  such   statutory
requirements,  rules and regulations. Each Obligor agrees that upon request from
time to time by the Agent after the occurrence and during the  continuance of an
Event of  Default,  it will use its best  efforts  to obtain  any  governmental,
regulatory or third party consents,  approvals or authorizations  referred to in
this Section 6.10.

                  6.11 Agents and Attorneys-in-Fact. The Agent may employ agents
and  attorneys-in-fact  in connection  herewith and shall not be responsible for
the negligence or misconduct of any such agents or attorneys-in-fact selected by
it in good faith.

                               Security Agreement

                                     - 24 -

                  6.12  Severability.  If any  provision  hereof is invalid  and
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
(a) the other  provisions  hereof  shall remain in full force and effect in such
jurisdiction  and  shall be  liberally  construed  in favor of the Agent and the
Lenders in order to carry out the  intentions of the parties hereto as nearly as
may be possible and (b) the  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any  provision
hereof in any jurisdiction  shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of
such provision in any other jurisdiction.

                               Security Agreement

                                     - 25 -

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Security  Agreement  to be duly  executed  as of the day and  year  first  above

                                     SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                               Security Agreement

                                     - 26 -

                         SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                         CHESAPEAKE TELEVISION, INC.
                         KABB, INC.
                         KDNL, INC. 
                         KDSM, INC.
                         KSMO, INC.
                         SCI - INDIANA, INC.
                         SCI - SACRAMENTO, INC.
                         SINCLAIR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF ALBUQUERQUE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF BUFFALO, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF GREENVILLE, INC.
                         MEMPHIS, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF NASHVILLE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF NEW ORLEANS, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF ST. LOUIS, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF WILKES-BARRE, INC.
                         TUSCALOOSA BROADCASTING, INC.
                         WCGV, INC.
                         WDBB, INC.
                         WLFL, INC.
                         WLOS, INC.
                         WPGH, INC.
                         WPGH LICENSEE, INC.
                         WSMH, INC.
                         WSTR, INC.
                         WSTR LICENSEE, INC.
                         WTTE, CHANNEL 28, INC.
                         WTTE, CHANNEL 28 LICENSEE, INC.
                         WTTO, INC.
                         WTVZ, INC.
                         WTVZ LICENSEE, INC.
                         WYZZ, INC.


                               Security Agreement

                                     - 27 -

                         SUBSIDIARY GUARANTORS

                         CHESAPEAKE TELEVISION 
                           LICENSEE, INC. 
                         FSF TV, INC. 
                         KABB LICENSEE, INC.
                         KDNL LICENSEE, INC.
                         KDSM LICENSEE, INC.
                         KSMO LICENSEE, INC.
                         SCI - INDIANA LICENSEE, INC.
                         SCI - SACRAMENTO LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF ALBUQUERQUE
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF BUFFALO
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF GREENVILLE
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF LOS ANGELES
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF MEMPHIS
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF NASHVILLE
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF NEW ORLEANS
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF ST. LOUIS
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SINCLAIR RADIO OF WILKES-BARRE
                           LICENSEE, INC.
                         SUPERIOR COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC.
                         SUPERIOR COMMUNICATIONS OF
                         KENTUCKY, INC.
                         SUPERIOR KY LICENSE CORP.
                         SUPERIOR OK LICENSE CORP.
                         WCGV LICENSEE, INC.
                         WLFL LICENSEE, INC.
                         WLOS LICENSEE, INC.
                         WSMH LICENSEE, INC.
                         WTTO LICENSEE, INC.
                         WYZZ LICENSEE, INC.


                               Security Agreement

                                     - 28 -

                         THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                           (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),
                           as Agent


                               Security Agreement


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

              [Form of Affiliate Guarantee and Security Agreement]

                           SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED


AGREEMENT dated as of May 31, 1996 between:

                  CUNNINGHAM COMMUNICATIONS,  INC., a corporation duly organized
         and validly existing under the laws of Maryland ("Cunningham");

                  KEYSER  INVESTMENT  GROUP,  INC., a corporation duly organized
         and validly existing under the laws of Maryland ("KIG")

                  GERSTELL   DEVELOPMENT   LIMITED   PARTNERSHIP,    a   limited
         partnership  duly  organized  and  validly  existing  under the laws of
         Maryland  ("GDLP";  each of  Cunningham,  KIG  and  GDLP  being  herein
         referred to as a "Guarantor" and,  collectively,  as the "Guarantors");

                  THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),  as agent for
         the lenders  party to the  "Credit  Agreement"  defined  below (in such
         capacity, together with its successors in such capacity, the "Agent").

                  WHEREAS,  Sinclair  Broadcast  Group,  Inc. (the  "Borrower"),
certain  subsidiaries of the Borrower,  certain lenders (the "Existing Lenders")
and the Agent are parties to an Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement dated as
of May 24, 1994 (as heretofore amended,  supplemented and otherwise modified and
in  effect  on the  date  hereof  before  giving  effect  to the  amendment  and
restatement thereof  contemplated by the Credit Agreement referred to below, the
"Existing Credit Agreement"),  and in connection therewith, (a) Cunningham, KIG,
Keyser  Communications,  Inc.  ("KCI"),  GDLP and the Agent  have  executed  and
delivered an Amended and Restated  Affiliate  Guarantee  and Security  Agreement
dated as of May 24, 1994 (as  heretofore  amended,  supplemented  and  otherwise
modified and in effect on the date hereof  before giving effect to the amendment
and restatement thereof  contemplated  hereby, the "Existing Affiliate Guarantee
and  Security  Agreement")  pursuant  to  which  Cunningham,  KIG,  KCI and GDLP
guaranteed the payment of the Guaranteed  Obligations therein and granted to the
Agent,  for the  benefit of the  Existing  Lenders,  a security  interest in the
Collateral referred to therein);

                  WHEREAS, KCI has merged with and into the Borrower;

                                      - 2 -

                  WHEREAS,  concurrently with the execution and delivery of this
Agreement,  the  Borrower,  certain  subsidiaries  of the  Borrower  and certain
lenders (collectively,  the "Lenders") and the Agent are entering into an Second
Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and
supplemented and in effect from time to time (including,  without limitation, to
increase  to  amount  of  credit  to  be  extended   thereunder),   the  "Credit
Agreement"),  providing,  subject to the terms and conditions  thereof,  for the
extension and renewal of the Borrower's  indebtedness  under the Existing Credit
Agreement and for additional  extensions of credit to the Borrower. In addition,
the Borrower  may now or hereafter  from time to time be obligated to various of
the  Lenders in  respect of certain  Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements  (as
defined in the Credit  Agreement) (such  obligations being herein referred to as
the "Other Indebtedness").

                  To induce  said  Lenders  to amend and  restate  the  Existing
Credit  Agreement  and to extend credit  thereunder  and to extend credit to the
Borrower  which  would  constitute  Other  Indebtedness,  and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, each Guarantor has agreed to hereby amend and restate the Existing
Affiliate  Guarantee and Security  Agreement in its entirety.  Accordingly,  the
parties hereto hereby agree that the Affiliate  Guarantee and Security Agreement
shall be amended and restated to read as follows (it being understood and agreed
that the security interests hereby created, and the rights and remedies afforded
the Agent hereunder, are in all respects subject and subordinate to the Existing
Liens (as defined in Section 1 below):

                  Section 1. Definitions.  Terms defined in the Credit Agreement
are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as used herein:

                  "Accounts"  shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         4(d) hereof.

                  "Collateral"  shall  have  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in
         Section 4 hereof.

                  "Collateral  Account" shall have the meaning  ascribed thereto
         in Section 5.01 hereof.

                  "Copyright Collateral" shall mean all Copyrights,  whether now
         owned or hereafter acquired by any Guarantor,  including each Copyright
         identified in Annex 2 hereto.

                                      - 3 -

                  "Copyrights"    shall   mean   all    copyrights,    copyright
         registrations and applications for copyright registrations,  including,
         without limitation,  all renewals and extensions thereof,  the right to
         recover for all past, present and future infringements thereof, and all
         other rights of any kind whatsoever  accruing  thereunder or pertaining

                  "Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         4(j) hereof.

                  "Equipment" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         4(h) hereof.

                  "Existing  Liens" shall mean the Liens created by the security
         agreements,   mortgages,   indentures,   deeds  of  trust  or   similar
         instruments  covering  the  Properties  of the  Guarantors  on the date
         hereof  and  listed  in Annex 7  hereto,  as the same may be  extended,
         renewed or refinanced  at any time or from time to time,  provided that
         no such  extension,  renewal or refinancing may increase the respective
         amounts  of the  Indebtedness  secured by such Liens or extend any such
         Lien to cover additional property not theretofore covered by such Lien.

                  "Guaranteed  Obligations"  shall  have  the  meaning  ascribed
         thereto in Section 2.01 hereof.

                  "Instruments"  shall  have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in
         Section 4(e) hereof.

                  "Intellectual  Property" shall mean all Copyright  Collateral,
         all Patent Collateral and all Trademark  Collateral,  together with (a)
         all inventions, processes, production methods, proprietary information,
         know-how  and  trade  secrets;  (b)  all  licenses  or  user  or  other
         agreements  granted  to  any  Guarantor  with  respect  to  any  of the
         foregoing,  in  each  case  whether  now or  hereafter  owned  or  used
         including,  without  limitation,  the licenses or other agreements with
         respect  to the  Copyright  Collateral,  the Patent  Collateral  or the
         Trademark  Collateral,  listed in Annex 5 hereto;  (c) all information,
         customer lists,  identification of suppliers,  data, plans, blueprints,
         specifications,   designs,  drawings,   recorded  knowledge,   surveys,
         engineering  reports,  test  reports,  manuals,   materials  standards,
         processing standards,  performance  standards,  catalogs,  computer and
         automatic  machinery software and programs;  (d) all field repair data,
         sales  data and  other  information  relating  to sales or  service  of
         products now or hereafter manufactured;  (e) all accounting information
         and all media in which or on which any information or knowledge or data
         or records may be recorded

                                      - 4 -

         or  stored  and all  computer  programs  used  for the  compilation  or
         printout  of such  information,  knowledge,  records  or data;  (f) all
         licenses, consents, permits, variances, certifications and approvals of
         governmental  agencies now or hereafter held by any Guarantor;  and (g)
         all causes of action,  claims and warranties now or hereafter  owned or
         acquired by any Guarantor in respect of any of the items listed above.

                  "Inventory" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section
         4(f) hereof.

                  "Issuers"   shall   mean,    collectively,    the   respective
         corporations  identified beneath the names of the Guarantors in Annex I
         hereto under the caption "Issuer".

                  "Lien" shall mean, with respect to any Property, any mortgage,
         lien, pledge,  charge,  security interest or encumbrance of any kind in
         respect  of  such  Property.  For  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  each
         Guarantor  shall be deemed to own subject to a Lien any Property  which
         it has acquired or holds  subject to the interest of a vendor or lessor
         under any  conditional  sale  agreement,  capital  lease or other title
         retention  agreement  (other than an operating  lease) relating to such

                  "Motor Vehicles" shall mean motor vehicles, tractors, trailers
         and other like  property,  whether or not the title thereto is governed
         by a certificate of title or ownership.

                  "Net Assets"  shall mean,  with respect to any Guarantor as at
         any date,  for  purposes of any  calculation  pursuant to Section  2.07
         hereof, an amount equal to the excess of the fair saleable value of the
         assets of such  Guarantor as at such date (without  taking into account
         the rights of such Guarantor under Section 2.07 hereof) over the amount
         that  would  be  required  to pay  the  probable  liabilities  of  such
         Guarantor determined as at such date (excluding the obligations of such
         Guarantor under Sections 2.01 and 2.07 hereof) on all of its debts.

                  "Patent Collateral" shall mean all Patents,  whether now owned
         or  hereafter   acquired  by  any  Guarantor,   including  each  Patent
         identified in Annex 3 hereto.

                  "Patents"  shall mean all  patents  and  patent  applications,
         including,   without   limitation,   the  inventions  and  improvements
         described and claimed  therein  together with the reissues,  divisions,
         continuations,  renewals, extensions and continuations-in-part thereof,
         all income, royalties, damages and payments now or hereafter due and/or

                                      - 5 -

         under and with respect thereto, including, without limitation,  damages
         and payments for past or future infringements thereof, the right to sue
         for past,  present  and future  infringements  thereof,  and all rights
         corresponding thereto throughout the world.

                  "Pledged  Stock"  shall have the meaning  ascribed  thereto in
         Section 4(a) hereof.

                  "Property"  shall mean any right or interest in or to property
         of any kind  whatsoever,  whether  real,  personal or mixed and whether
         tangible or intangible.

                  "Secured  Obligations"  shall  mean,  collectively,   (a)  the
         Guaranteed Obligations and (b) all obligations of the Guarantors to the
         Lenders and the Agent hereunder.

                  "Stock  Collateral" shall mean,  collectively,  the Collateral
         described in clauses (a) through (c) of Section 4 hereof, together with
         all other certificates, shares, securities, properties or moneys as may
         from time to time be pledged  hereunder  pursuant  to said  clauses (a)
         through (c), and the proceeds of and to any such  property  and, to the
         extent  related  to any such  property  or such  proceeds,  all  books,
         correspondence, credit files, records, invoices and other papers.

                  "Trademark Collateral" shall mean all Trademarks,  whether now
         owned or hereafter acquired by any Guarantor,  including each Trademark
         identified  in  Annex 4  hereto.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
         Trademark Collateral does not and shall not include any Trademark which
         would be rendered invalid,  abandoned,  void or unenforceable by reason
         of its being included as part of the Trademark Collateral.

                  "Trademarks"  shall  mean  all  trade  names,  trademarks  and
         service marks,  logos,  trademark and service mark  registrations,  and
         applications for trademark and service mark  registrations,  including,
         without  limitation,   all  renewals  of  trademark  and  service  mark
         registrations,  all rights corresponding  thereto throughout the world,
         the right to recover  for all past,  present  and future  infringements
         thereof, all other rights of any kind whatsoever accruing thereunder or
         pertaining thereto,  together, in each case, with the product lines and
         goodwill of the business  connected with the use of, and symbolized by,
         each such trade name, trademark and service mark.

                  "Uniform  Commercial  Code" shall mean the Uniform  Commercial
         Code as in effect from time to time in the State of New York.

                                      - 6 -

                  Section 2.  The Guarantee.

                  2.01  The  Guarantee.   The  Guarantors   hereby  jointly  and
severally guarantee to each Lender and the Agent and their respective successors
and assigns the prompt payment in full when due (whether at stated maturity,  by
acceleration or otherwise) of the principal of and interest on the Loans made by
the  Lenders  to, and the  Note(s)  held by each  Lender of, the  Borrower,  all
Reimbursement  Obligations and interest  thereon and all other amounts from time
to time owing to the Lenders or the Agent by the Credit  Parties under the Basic
Documents and all Other Indebtedness and interest thereon, in each case strictly
in accordance with the terms thereof (such obligations being herein collectively
called the "Guaranteed Obligations").  The Guarantors hereby further jointly and
severally  agree  that if any  Credit  Party  shall fail to pay in full when due
(whether at stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) any of the Guaranteed
Obligations,  the Guarantors  will promptly pay the same,  without any demand or
notice  whatsoever,  and that in the case of any extension of time of payment or
renewal of any of the Guaranteed Obligations,  the same will be promptly paid in
full when due (whether at extended  maturity,  by  acceleration or otherwise) in
accordance with the terms of such extension or renewal.

                  2.02  Obligations   Unconditional.   The  obligations  of  the
Guarantors under Section 2.01 hereof are absolute and  unconditional,  joint and
several,  irrespective  of  the  value,  genuineness,  validity,  regularity  or
enforceability  of the Credit  Agreement,  the Notes or any other  agreement  or
instrument  referred  to herein or  therein,  or any  substitution,  release  or
exchange  of any  other  guarantee  of or  security  for  any of the  Guaranteed
Obligations,   and,  to  the  fullest  extent   permitted  by  applicable   law,
irrespective  of  any  other  circumstance   whatsoever  which  might  otherwise
constitute a legal or equitable  discharge or defense of a surety or  guarantor,
it being the intent of this Section 2.02 that the  obligations of the Guarantors
hereunder shall be absolute and unconditional,  joint and several, under any and
all  circumstances.  Without  limiting the  generality of the  foregoing,  it is
agreed that the occurrence of any one or more of the following  shall not affect
the  liability  of the  Guarantors  hereunder  which shall  remain  absolute and
unconditional as described above:

                  (a) at any time or from  time to time,  without  notice to the
         Guarantors,  the time for any  performance of or compliance with any of
         the Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be extended,  or such performance or
         compliance shall be waived;

                                      - 7 -

                  (b) any of the acts  mentioned in any of the provisions of the
         Credit  Agreement  or the Notes or any other  agreement  or  instrument
         referred to herein or therein shall be done or omitted;

                  (c) the maturity of any of the Guaranteed Obligations shall be
         accelerated,  or any of the Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be modified,
         supplemented  or amended in any respect,  or any right under the Credit
         Agreement or the Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred to
         herein or therein shall be waived or any other  guarantee of any of the
         Guaranteed  Obligations  or any security  therefor shall be released or
         exchanged in whole or in part or otherwise dealt with;

                  (d) any lien or security  interest granted to, or in favor of,
         the  Agent  or  any  Lender  or  Lenders  as  security  for  any of the
         Guaranteed Obligations shall fail to be perfected;

                  (e) any of the Guaranteed  Obligations  shall be determined to
         be void or voidable (including,  without limitation, for the benefit of
         any  creditor  of any  Credit  Party) or shall be  subordinated  to the
         claims of any Person (including,  without  limitation,  any creditor of
         any Credit Party);

                  (f) the  Borrower  shall be  insolvent  on the date  hereof or
         shall become insolvent on the date that any Loan is made; or

                  (g) the  execution  and  delivery  of a  Tranche  C Term  Loan
         Activation  Notice providing for Tranche C Term Loan Commitments in any

The Guarantors hereby expressly waive diligence, presentment, demand of payment,
protest and all notices  whatsoever,  and any  requirement  (including,  without
limitation,  marshalling) that the Agent or any Lender exhaust any right,  power
or remedy or proceed  against the  Borrower  under the Credit  Agreement  or the
Notes or any other  agreement or  instrument  referred to herein or therein,  or
against any other Person under any other  guarantee  of, or security for, any of
the Guaranteed Obligations.

                  2.03  Reinstatement.  The obligations of the Guarantors  under
this Section 2 shall be  automatically  reinstated if and to the extent that for
any  reason  any  payment  by or on behalf of the  Borrower  in  respect  of the
Guaranteed  Obligations is rescinded or must be otherwise restored by any holder
of any of the Guaranteed Obligations,  whether as a result of any proceedings in
bankruptcy or reorganization or otherwise, and the Guarantors jointly and

                                      - 8 -

severally agree that they will indemnify the Agent and each Lender on demand for
all  reasonable  costs and  expenses  (including,  without  limitation,  fees of
counsel) incurred by the Agent or such Lender in connection with such rescission
or  restoration,  including  any such costs and  expenses  incurred in defending
against  any  claim  alleging  that  such  payment   constituted  a  preference,
fraudulent  transfer or similar  payment  under any  bankruptcy,  insolvency  or
similar law.

                  2.04  Subrogation.  Each Guarantor hereby waives all rights of
subrogation  or  contribution,  whether  arising by contract or operation of law
(including,  without  limitation,  any such right arising  under the  Bankruptcy
Code) or otherwise by reason of any payment by it pursuant to the  provisions of
this Section 2.

                  2.05  Remedies.  The  Guarantors  jointly and severally  agree
that, as between the Guarantors and the Lenders, the obligations of the Borrower
under the Credit Agreement and the Notes may be declared to be forthwith due and
payable as provided in Section 10 of the Credit  Agreement  (and shall be deemed
to have become  automatically due and payable in the  circumstances  provided in
said Section 10) for purposes of Section 2.01 hereof  notwithstanding  any stay,
injunction or other prohibition preventing such declaration (or such obligations
from becoming  automatically  due and payable) as against the Borrower and that,
in the  event of such  declaration  (or such  obligations  being  deemed to have
become automatically due and payable),  such obligations (whether or not due and
payable  by  the  Borrower)  shall  forthwith  become  due  and  payable  by the
Guarantors for purposes of said Section 2.01.

                  2.06 Continuing Guarantee.  The guarantee in this Section 2 is
         a continuing guarantee,  and shall apply to all Guaranteed  Obligations
         whenever arising.

                  2.07 Rights of Contribution.  The Guarantors  hereby agree, as
between themselves,  that if any Guarantor (an "Excess Funding Guarantor") shall
pay Guaranteed  Obligations in excess of the Excess Funding Guarantor's Pro Rata
Share  (as  hereinafter  defined)  of such  Guaranteed  Obligations,  the  other
Guarantors  shall, on demand (but subject to the next sentence  hereof),  pay to
the Excess Funding Guarantor an amount equal to their respective Pro Rata Shares
of such  Excess  Funding  Guarantor's  payment.  The payment  obligation  of any
Guarantor  to any Excess  Funding  Guarantor  under this  Section  2.07 shall be
subordinate  and subject in right of payment to the prior payment in full of the
obligations of such Guarantor  under the other  provisions of this Section 2 and
such  Excess  Funding  Guarantor  shall not  exercise  any right or remedy  with
respect to such excess  until  payment and  satisfaction  in full of all of such
obligations. For

                                      - 9 -

the  purposes  hereof,  "Pro  Rata  Share"  shall  mean,  for any  Guarantor,  a
percentage  equal to the  percentage  that  such  Guarantor's  Net  Assets as at
December 31, 1995 is of the aggregate Net Assets of all of the  Guarantors as at
such date.

                  2.08  Limitation  on Guarantee  Obligations.  In any action or
proceeding   involving  any  State  corporate  law,  or  any  state  or  Federal
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization  or other law  affecting  the rights of
creditors  generally,  if the  obligations  of any Guarantor  under Section 2.01
hereof  would  otherwise,  taking into  account the  provisions  of Section 2.07
hereof,  be  held  or  determined  to be  void,  invalid  or  unenforceable,  or
subordinated to the claims of any other  creditors,  on account of the amount of
its liability under said Section 2.01, then, notwithstanding any other provision
hereof to the contrary,  the amount of such liability shall, without any further
action  by such  Guarantor,  any  Lender,  the  Agent or any  other  Person,  be
automatically  limited  and  reduced to the  highest  amount  which is valid and
enforceable and not  subordinated to the claims of other creditors as determined
in such action or proceeding.

                  2.09  Instrument  for the  Payment  of Money.  Each  Guarantor
hereby  acknowledges  that  the  guarantee  in this  Section  2  constitutes  an
instrument for the payment of money,  and consents and agrees that any Lender or
the Agent,  at its sole option,  in the event of a dispute by such  Guarantor in
the  payment  of any  moneys  due  hereunder,  shall  have  the  right  to bring
motion-action under New York CPLR Section 3213.

                  Section 3.  Representations  and  Warranties.  Each  Guarantor
         represents and warrants to the Lenders and the Agent that:

                  3.01  Existence.  Such  Guarantor:  (a) is a corporation  or a
limited partnership duly organized,  validly existing and in good standing under
the  laws  of the  jurisdiction  of its  organization;  (b)  has  all  requisite
corporate or  partnership  power,  and has all material  governmental  licenses,
authorizations,  consents and approvals necessary to own its assets and carry on
its business as now being or as proposed to be  conducted;  and (c) is qualified
to do  business  in all  jurisdictions  in  which  the  nature  of the  business
conducted  by it makes  such  qualification  necessary  and where  failure so to
qualify (either  individually or in the aggregate) would have a material adverse
effect on the  financial  condition,  operations,  business or prospects of such

                  3.02 No Breach.  None of the  execution  and  delivery of this
         Agreement, the consummation of the transactions herein

                                     - 10 -

contemplated  or compliance  with the terms and provisions  hereof will conflict
with or result in a breach of, or require  any  consent  under,  the  charter or
by-laws or the  partnership  agreement  (as the case may be)  constituting  such
Guarantor, of such Guarantor, or any applicable law or regulation, or any order,
writ, injunction or decree of any court or governmental  authority or agency, or
any agreement or instrument to which such Guarantor is a party or by which it is
bound or to  which  it is  subject,  or  constitute  a  default  under  any such
agreement or  instrument,  or result in the creation or  imposition  of any Lien
upon any of the  revenues or assets of such  Guarantor  pursuant to the terms of
any such agreement or instrument.

                  3.03 Action.  Such  Guarantor has all  necessary  corporate or
partnership power and authority to execute,  deliver and perform its obligations
under this Agreement; the execution,  delivery and performance by such Guarantor
of this  Agreement  have been duly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate  or
partnership  action on its part  (including,  without  limitation,  any required
shareholder  approvals);  and this Agreement has been duly and validly  executed
and delivered by such  Guarantor and  constitutes  its legal,  valid and binding
obligation, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  3.04 Approvals.  No authorizations,  approvals or consents of,
and no filings or registrations  with, any governmental or regulatory  authority
or agency are  necessary  for the  execution,  delivery or  performance  by such
Guarantor of this Agreement or for the validity or enforceability hereof, except
for filings and recordings in respect of the Liens created pursuant hereto.

                  3.05  Pledged Collateral.
                  (a)  Such  Guarantor  is  the  sole  beneficial  owner  of the
Collateral in which it purports to grant a security interest pursuant to Section
4 hereof and no Lien exists or will exist upon any such  Collateral  at any time
(and,  with respect to the Stock  Collateral,  no right or option to acquire the
same  exists in favor of any other  Person),  except for Liens  permitted  under
Section 6.03 hereof and except for the pledge and security  interest in favor of
the Agent for the benefit of the Lenders  created or provided for herein,  which
pledge and security interest constitute a perfected pledge and security interest
in and to all of such Collateral (other than Intellectual Property registered or
otherwise  located outside of the United States of America)  subject to no equal
or prior Lien except for the Existing Liens;

                  (b) The Pledged Stock evidenced by the certificates identified
         under the name of such Guarantor in Annex 1 hereto is,

                                     - 11 -

and all other  Pledged Stock in which such  Guarantor  shall  hereafter  grant a
security interest pursuant to Section 4 hereof will be, duly authorized, validly
existing,  fully paid and  non-assessable  and none of such Pledged  Stock is or
will be subject to any contractual  restriction,  or any  restriction  under the
charter or by-laws of the  respective  Issuer of such  Pledged  Stock,  upon the
transfer  of such  Pledged  Stock  (except  for any such  restriction  contained

                  (c) The Pledged Stock evidenced by the certificates identified
under the name of such Guarantor in Annex 1 hereto constitutes all of the issued
and outstanding shares of capital stock of any class of the Issuers beneficially
owned by such  Guarantor on the date hereof  (whether or not  registered  in the
name of such Guarantor),  and said Annex 1 correctly identifies,  as at the date
hereof,  the respective  Issuers of such Pledged Stock, the respective class and
par value of the shares  comprising such Pledged Stock and the respective number
of shares (and registered owners thereof) evidenced by each such certificate.

                  (d) Annexes 2, 3 and 4 hereto,  respectively,  set forth under
the name of such  Guarantor  a  complete  and  correct  list of all  Copyrights,
Patents  and  Trademarks  owned by such  Guarantor  on the date  hereof;  except
pursuant to licenses and other user agreements entered into by such Guarantor in
the  ordinary  course  of  business,  which are  listed in Annex 5 hereto,  such
Guarantor owns and possesses the right to use, and has done nothing to authorize
or enable any other Person to use, any Copyright, Patent, or Trademark listed in
said Annexes 2, 3 and 4, and all registrations listed in said Annexes 2, 3 and 4
are valid and in full force and effect; except as may be set forth in said Annex
5, the Guarantors own and possess the right to use all Copyrights,  Patents, and

                  (e) Annex 5 hereto sets forth a complete  and correct  list of
all licenses and other user agreements included in the Intellectual  Property on
the date hereof;

                  (f) To such Guarantor's knowledge,  (i) except as set forth in
Annex 5 hereto,  there is no violation by others of any right of such  Guarantor
with respect to any Copyright, Patent, or Trademark listed in Annexes 2, 3 and 4
hereto,  respectively,  under the name of such Guarantor and (ii) such Guarantor
is not infringing in any respect upon any Copyright, Patent, or Trademark of any
other Person;  and no proceedings  have been  instituted or are pending  against
such  Guarantor  or, to such  Guarantor's  knowledge,  threatened,  and no claim
against such  Guarantor has been received by such  Guarantor,  alleging any such
violation, except as may be set forth in said Annex 5; and

                                     - 12 -

                  (g) Such Guarantor  does not own any Trademarks  registered in
the United  States of America to which the last  sentence of the  definition  of
Trademark Collateral applies.

                  Section 4.  Collateral.  Subject to the Existing  Liens,  each
Guarantor hereby pledges and grants to the Agent, for the benefit of the Lenders
as hereinafter  provided,  a security interest in all of such Guarantor's right,
title  and  interest  in the  following  property,  whether  now  owned  by such
Guarantor  or hereafter  acquired  and whether now existing or hereafter  coming
into existence (all being  collectively  referred to herein as  "Collateral") as
collateral  security for the prompt  payment in full when due (whether at stated
maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) of the Secured Obligations owing by such

                  (a) the  shares  of  stock  of the  Issuers  evidenced  by the
         certificates  identified  in  Annex 1  hereto  under  the  name of such
         Guarantor  and all other shares of capital  stock of whatever  class of
         the Issuers,  now or hereafter  owned by such  Guarantor,  in each case
         together with the certificates  evidencing the same (collectively,  the
         "Pledged Stock");

                  (b) all shares, securities,  moneys or property representing a
         dividend on any of the Pledged Stock, or representing a distribution or
         return of capital upon or in respect of the Pledged Stock, or resulting
         from a split-up, revision, reclassification or other like change of the
         Pledged  Stock or  otherwise  received  in exchange  therefor,  and any
         subscription  warrants,  rights or options issued to the holders of, or
         otherwise in respect of, the Pledged Stock;

                  (c) without  affecting the obligations of such Guarantor under
         any provision  prohibiting such action  hereunder,  in the event of any
         consolidation  or  merger  in which  any  Issuer  is not the  surviving
         corporation,  all  shares  of each  class of the  capital  stock of the
         successor  corporation  (unless  such  successor  corporation  is  such
         Guarantor  itself)  formed by or resulting from such  consolidation  or

                  (d) all accounts and general  intangibles  (each as defined in
         the Uniform  Commercial Code) of such Guarantor  constituting any right
         to the payment of money,  including (but not limited to) all moneys due
         and to become due to such Guarantor in respect of any loans or advances
         or for  Inventory  or  Equipment  or other  goods sold or leased or for
         services  rendered,  all moneys due and to become due to such Guarantor
         under any  guarantee  (including  a letter of credit)  of the  purchase
         price of Inventory or Equipment sold by such

                                     - 13 -

         Guarantor and all tax refunds (such accounts,  general  intangibles and
         moneys  due  and  to  become  due  being  herein  called   collectively

                  (e) all instruments,  chattel paper or letters of credit (each
         as  defined  in  the  Uniform   Commercial   Code)  of  such  Guarantor
         evidencing,  representing,  arising  from or  existing  in respect  of,
         relating to,  securing or otherwise  supporting  the payment of, any of
         the Accounts,  including (but not limited to) promissory notes, drafts,
         bills of exchange and trade  acceptances  (herein  collectively  called

                  (f) all inventory (as defined in the Uniform  Commercial Code)
         of such Guarantor, all goods obtained by such Guarantor in exchange for
         such inventory,  and any products made or processed from such inventory
         including all substances, if any, commingled therewith or added thereto
         (herein collectively called "Inventory");

                  (g) all  Intellectual  Property  and  all  other  accounts  or
         general intangibles not constituting Intellectual Property or Accounts;

                  (h) all equipment (as defined in the Uniform  Commercial Code)
         of such Guarantor,  including all Motor Vehicles  (herein  collectively
         called "Equipment");

                  (i)  each  contract  and  other  agreement  of such  Guarantor
         relating to the sale or other disposition of Inventory or Equipment;

                  (j)  all  documents  of  title  (as  defined  in  the  Uniform
         Commercial  Code)  or  other  receipts  of  such  Guarantor   covering,
         evidencing or representing  Inventory or Equipment (herein collectively
         called "Documents");

                  (k) all rights,  claims and benefits of such Guarantor against
         any Person arising out of,  relating to or in connection with Inventory
         or  Equipment   purchased  by  such   Guarantor,   including,   without
         limitation,  any such  rights,  claims or  benefits  against any Person
         storing or transporting such Inventory or Equipment;

                  (l) the balance from time to time in the  Collateral  Account;

                  (m) all other  tangible and intangible  personal  property and
         fixtures  of  such  Guarantor,   including,   without  limitation,  all
         proceeds,  products,   offspring,  rents,  profits,  income,  benefits,
         accessions, substitutions and

                                     - 14 -

         replacements of and to any of the property of such Guarantor  described
         in clauses (a) through (l) above in this Section 4 (including,  without
         limitation, any proceeds of insurance thereon and all causes of action,
         claims and warranties now or hereafter held by any Guarantor in respect
         of any of the items listed  above),  and, to the extent  related to any
         property  described  in said  clauses or such  proceeds,  products  and
         accessions, all books, correspondence,  credit files, records, invoices
         and other  papers,  including  without  limitation  all  tapes,  cards,
         computer runs and other papers and documents in the possession or under
         the control of such Guarantor or any computer bureau or service company
         from time to time acting for such Guarantor.

                  Section 5.  Cash Proceeds of Collateral.

                  5.01 Collateral Account.  There is hereby established with the
Agent a cash collateral account (the "Collateral Account") in the name and under
the control of the Agent into which there shall be  deposited  from time to time
the cash  proceeds of any of the  Collateral  (including  proceeds of  insurance
thereon)  required to be delivered to the Agent  pursuant  hereto and into which
the Guarantors may from time to time deposit any additional amounts which any of
them wishes to pledge to the Agent for the benefit of the Lenders as  additional
collateral security  hereunder.  The balance from time to time in the Collateral
Account  shall  constitute  part  of the  Collateral  hereunder  and  shall  not
constitute  payment of the  Secured  Obligations  until  applied as  hereinafter
provided.  Except as expressly  provided in the next  sentence,  the Agent shall
remit the collected balance  outstanding to the credit of the Collateral Account
to or upon the order of the  Guarantors as the  Guarantors  through the Borrower
shall from time to time instruct.  However, at any time following the occurrence
and  during  the  continuance  of an Event of  Default,  the Agent may (and,  if
instructed by the Lenders as specified in Section 11.03 of the Credit Agreement,
shall) in its (or their)  discretion  apply or cause to be applied  (subject  to
collection)  the  balance  from time to time  outstanding  to the  credit of the
Collateral  Account to the  payment  of the  Secured  Obligations  in the manner
specified  in  Section  7.09  hereof.  The  balance  from  time  to  time in the
Collateral Account shall be subject to withdrawal only as provided herein.

                  5.02  Proceeds of Accounts.  At any time after the  occurrence
and during the continuance of an Event of Default,  each Guarantor  shall,  upon
the  request  of the Agent,  instruct  all  account  debtors  and other  Persons
obligated  in respect of all  Accounts  to make all  payments  in respect of the
Accounts either (a) directly to the Agent (by instructing  that such payments be
remitted to a post office box which shall be in the name and

                                     - 15 -

under the  control of the Agent) or (b) to one or more other banks in the United
States of America  (by  instructing  that such  payments  be  remitted to a post
office box which shall be in the name and under the control of the Agent)  under
arrangements,  in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent pursuant to which
such Guarantor shall have irrevocably instructed such other bank (and such other
bank shall have agreed) to remit all proceeds of such  payments  directly to the
Agent for deposit into the Collateral  Account.  All payments made to the Agent,
as provided in the preceding  sentence,  shall be  immediately  deposited in the
Collateral Account. In addition to the foregoing, each Guarantor agrees that, at
any time after the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default,
if the proceeds of any  Collateral  hereunder  (including  the payments  made in
respect of Accounts)  shall be received by it, such  Guarantor  shall,  upon the
request of the Agent,  as promptly as possible  deposit such  proceeds  into the
Collateral Account. Until so deposited, all such proceeds shall be held in trust
by  such  Guarantor  for and as the  property  of the  Agent  and  shall  not be
commingled with any other funds or property of such Guarantor.

                  5.03 Investment of Balance in Collateral  Account.  Amounts on
deposit in the  Collateral  Account  shall be invested from time to time in such
Permitted  Investments  as the  Guarantors  through the Borrower (or,  after the
occurrence and during the continuance of a Default,  the Agent) shall determine,
which Permitted  Investments  shall be held in the name and be under the control
of the Agent,  provided that (a) at any time after the occurrence and during the
continuance  of an Event of Default,  the Agent may (and,  if  instructed by the
Lenders as specified in Section 11.03 of the Credit Agreement, shall) in its (or
their)  discretion at any time and from time to time elect to liquidate any such
Permitted  Investments and to apply or cause to be applied the proceeds  thereof
to the payment of the Secured  Obligations  in the manner  specified  in Section
7.09 hereof and (b) if requested by the  Guarantors  through the Borrower,  such
Permitted  Investments  may be held in the name and under the  control of one or
more of the Lenders (and in that  connection  each  Lender,  pursuant to Section
11.10 of the Credit Agreement) has agreed that such Permitted  Investments shall
be held by such Lender as a collateral sub-agent for the Agent hereunder).

                  Section 6.  Covenants.  The  Guarantors  jointly and severally
agree  that,  until  the  payment  and  satisfaction  in  full  of  the  Secured
Obligations  and the expiration or termination of the Commitments and all Letter
of Credit Liabilities of the Lenders under the Credit Agreement:

                                     - 16 -

                  6.01 Financial  Statements.  Each  Guarantor  shall deliver to
each of the Lenders:

                  (a) as soon as available and in any event within 45 days after
         the end of each of the first  three  quarterly  fiscal  periods of each
         fiscal year of such Guarantor,  statements of income, retained earnings
         and changes in financial position (or of cash flow, as the case may be)
         of such Guarantor for such period and for the period from the beginning
         of the  respective  fiscal  year  to the end of  such  period,  and the
         related  balance sheets as at the end of such period,  setting forth in
         each  case  in  comparative  form  the  corresponding  figures  for the
         corresponding  period in the preceding  fiscal year,  accompanied  by a
         certificate of a senior financial  officer of such Guarantor or (in the
         case of GDLP) of a senior  financial  officer of the general partner of
         such  Guarantor,  which  certificate  shall  state that said  financial
         statements  present  fairly,  in all material  respects,  the financial
         condition  and  results  of  operations,  as the case  may be,  of such
         Guarantor in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles,
         consistently  applied,  as at the end of, and for, such period (subject
         to normal year-end audit adjustments);

                  (b) as soon as  available  and in any  event  within  110 days
         after the end of each  fiscal  year of such  Guarantor,  statements  of
         income, retained earnings and changes in financial position (or of cash
         flow,  as the case  may be) of such  Guarantor  for  such  year and the
         related  balance  sheets as at the end of such year,  setting  forth in
         each  case  in  comparative  form  the  corresponding  figures  for the
         preceding  fiscal  year,  and  accompanied  by an  opinion  thereon  of
         independent   certified  public  accountants  of  recognized   national
         standing,  which  opinion  shall state that said  financial  statements
         present fairly, in all material respects,  the financial  condition and
         results of operations of such  Guarantor in accordance  with  generally
         accepted accounting principles, consistently applied, as at the end of,
         and for,  such  fiscal  year,  and a  certificate  of such  accountants
         stating that, in making the  examination  necessary for their  opinion,
         they  obtained no  knowledge,  except as  specifically  stated,  of any

                  (c) promptly upon the mailing  thereof to the  shareholders of
         such  Guarantor  or (in  the  case  of  GDLP)  to the  partner  of such
         Guarantor generally,  copies of all financial  statements,  reports and
         proxy statements so mailed; and

                                     - 17 -

                  (d) from time to time such  other  information  regarding  the
         business,  affairs or  financial  condition  of such  Guarantor  as any
         Lender or the Agent may reasonably request.

                  6.02  Existence, Etc.  Each Guarantor will:

                  (a) preserve and maintain its corporate or limited partnership
         existence and all of its material rights, privileges and franchises;

                  (b)  comply  with the  requirements  of all  applicable  laws,
         rules, regulations and orders of governmental or regulatory authorities
         if failure to comply  therewith  would (either  individually  or in the
         aggregate)  materially  and adversely  affect the financial  condition,
         operations, business or prospects taken as a whole of such Guarantor;

                  (c) pay and discharge all taxes,  assessments and governmental
         charges  or levies  imposed on it or on its income or profits or on any
         of its property prior to the date on which  penalties  attach  thereto,
         except  for any such tax,  assessment,  charge or levy the  payment  of
         which is being  contested in good faith and by proper  proceedings  and
         against which adequate reserves are being maintained;

                  (d)  maintain  all of its  properties  used or  useful  in its
         business in good working  order and  condition,  ordinary wear and tear

                  (e) permit  representatives of any Lender or the Agent, during
         normal  business  hours,  to examine,  copy and make  extracts from its
         books and  records,  to inspect  its  properties,  and to  discuss  its
         business and affairs with its  officers,  all to the extent  reasonably
         requested by any Lender or the Agent (as the case may be); and

                  (f) maintain  insurance with  financially  sound and reputable
         insurance  companies,  and with  respect  to  Property  and  risks of a
         character  usually  maintained by  corporations  engaged in the same or
         similar business similarly situated,  against loss, damage or liability
         of  the  kinds  and in  the  amounts  customarily  maintained  by  such
         corporations and maintain such other insurance as is usually carried by
         such corporations.

                  6.03  Limitation  on Liens.  Each  Guarantor  will not create,
incur, assume or suffer to exist any Lien upon any of its Property,  whether now
owned or hereafter acquired, except:

                  (a)  Liens created pursuant to the Security Documents;

                                     - 18 -

                  (b) Liens  imposed by any  governmental  authority  for taxes,
         assessments or charges not yet due or which are being contested in good
         faith and by appropriate  proceedings if adequate reserves with respect
         thereto are  maintained on the books of either  Guarantor in accordance
         with generally accepted accounting principles;

                  (c)  carriers',  warehousemen's,   mechanics',  materialmen's,
         repairmen's  or other like  Liens  arising  in the  ordinary  course of
         business  which  are not  overdue  for a period of more than 30 days or
         which are being contested in good faith and by appropriate  proceedings
         and Liens securing judgments;

                  (d)  pledges  or   deposits   under   worker's   compensation,
         unemployment insurance and other social security legislation;

                  (e)  deposits  to  secure  the  performance  of  bids,   trade
         contracts   (other  than  for  borrowed   money),   leases,   statutory
         obligations,  surety  and  appeal  bonds,  performance  bonds and other
         obligations  of a like  nature  incurred  in  the  ordinary  course  of

                  (f) easements,  rights-of-way,  restrictions and other similar
         encumbrances   incurred  in  the   ordinary   course  of  business  and
         encumbrances  consisting of zoning restrictions,  easements,  licenses,
         restrictions  on the use of  Property or minor  imperfections  in title
         thereto which, in the aggregate,  are not material in amount, and which
         do not in any case  materially  detract  from the value of the Property
         subject thereto or interfere with the ordinary  conduct of the business
         of any Guarantor;

                  (g)      the Existing Liens; and

                  (h) any  extension,  renewal or  replacement of the foregoing,
         provided,  however,  that the Liens  permitted  hereunder  shall not be
         spread to cover any additional  Indebtedness  or Property (other than a
         substitution of like Property).

                  6.04 Lines of Business. None of the Guarantors shall engage in
any line of business other than owning,  operating and leasing real property and
improvements thereon, located:

                  (a) in the case of GDLP, at (i) 750 Ivory Avenue,  Pittsburgh,
         Pennsylvania  15214  and  (ii)  Hawkeye  Drive  Extended,  Monroeville,

                                     - 19 -

                  (b) in  the  case  of  KIG,  at (i)  2000-2008  W.  41st  St.,
         Baltimore,  Maryland  21211 and (ii) 2010 W.  41st St.,  Baltimore,  MD
         21211; and

                  (c) in the case of  Cunningham,  at (i) 3500 Parkdale  Avenue,
         Baltimore,  Maryland  21211,  (ii)  3520  Parkdale  Avenue,  Baltimore,
         Maryland 21211, (iii) 3521 Parkdale Avenue, Baltimore,  Maryland 21211,
         (iv) 3523 Parkdale Avenue,  Baltimore Maryland 21211, (v) 3525 Parkdale
         Avenue,  Baltimore,  Maryland  21211,  (vi) 1200  North  Rolling  Road,
         Baltimore,  Maryland  21228 and (vii) 3900  Hooper  Avenue,  Baltimore,
         Maryland 21211.

                  Section 7. Further Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the
grant of the pledge and  security  interest  pursuant  to Section 4 hereof,  the
Guarantors  hereby jointly and severally agree with each Lender and the Agent as

                  7.01  Delivery and Other Perfection.  Each Guarantor shall:
                  (a) if any of the above-described shares,  securities,  moneys
         or property required to be pledged by such Guarantor under clauses (a),
         (b) and  (c) of  Section  4  hereof  are  received  by such  Guarantor,
         forthwith  either (i)  transfer and deliver to the Agent such shares or
         securities   so  received  by  such   Guarantor   (together   with  the
         certificates  for any such shares and securities duly endorsed in blank
         or accompanied by undated stock powers duly executed in blank),  all of
         which thereafter  shall be held by the Agent,  pursuant to the terms of
         this  Agreement,  as part of the  Collateral  or (ii) take  such  other
         action as the Agent shall deem  necessary or appropriate to duly record
         the Lien  created  hereunder  in such  shares,  securities,  moneys  or
         property referred to in said clauses (a), (b) and (c);

                  (b) deliver  and pledge to the Agent any and all  Instruments,
         endorsed  and/or  accompanied  by such  instruments  of assignment  and
         transfer in such form and substance as the Agent may request; provided,
         that so long as no Default shall have occurred and be continuing,  such
         Guarantor  may  retain  for  collection  in  the  ordinary  course  any
         Instruments  received  by such  Guarantor  in the  ordinary  course  of
         business and the Agent shall,  promptly upon request of such  Guarantor
         through the  Borrower,  make  appropriate  arrangements  for making any
         Instrument  pledged by such  Guarantor  available to such Guarantor for
         purposes of  presentation,  collection or renewal (any such arrangement
         to be effected,  to the extent deemed appropriate by the Agent, against
         trust receipt or like document);

                                     - 20 -

                  (c) give, execute,  deliver,  file and/or record any financing
         statement, notice, instrument, document, agreement or other papers that
         may be necessary or desirable (in the judgment of the Agent) to create,
         preserve,  perfect or validate the pledge and security interest granted
         pursuant  hereto or to enable the Agent to  exercise  and  enforce  its
         rights  hereunder  with respect to such pledge and  security  interest,
         including,  without  limitation,  causing  any  or  all  of  the  Stock
         Collateral  to be  transferred  of record into the name of the Agent or
         its  nominee  (and the Agent  agrees  that if any Stock  Collateral  is
         transferred  into its name or the name of its  nominee,  the Agent will
         thereafter  promptly  give to the  respective  Guarantor  copies of any
         notices and  communications  received  by it with  respect to the Stock
         Collateral pledged by such Guarantor hereunder),  provided that notices
         to account  debtors in respect of any Accounts or Instruments  shall be
         subject to the provisions of clause (i) below;

                  (d) without  limiting the  obligations of such Guarantor under
         Section 7.04(c) hereof,  upon the acquisition  after the date hereof by
         such  Guarantor of any Equipment  covered by a certificate  of title or
         ownership,  cause  the Agent to be  listed  as the  lienholder  on such
         certificate  of title and  within 120 days of the  acquisition  thereof
         deliver evidence of the same to the Agent;

                  (e) keep full and accurate  books and records  relating to the
         Collateral,  and stamp or otherwise mark such books and records in such
         manner as the Agent may  reasonably  require  in order to  reflect  the
         security interests granted by this Agreement;

                  (f)  furnish  to the Agent  from time to time  (but,  unless a
         Default shall have occurred and be continuing,  no more frequently than
         quarterly)  statements and schedules further identifying and describing
         the  Copyright  Collateral,  the Patent  Collateral,  and the Trademark
         Collateral, respectively, and such other reports in connection with the
         Copyright  Collateral,   the  Patent  Collateral,   and  the  Trademark
         Collateral,  as the Agent may  reasonably  request,  all in  reasonable

                  (g) promptly upon request of the Agent,  following  receipt by
         the Agent of any  statements,  schedules or reports  pursuant to clause
         (f) above,  modify this  Agreement  by  amending  Annexes 2, 3 and/or 4
         hereto,  as the case may be,  to  include  any  Copyright,  Patent,  or
         Trademark which becomes part of the Collateral under this Agreement;

                                     - 21 -

                  (h)  permit  representatives  of the  Agent,  upon  reasonable
         notice,  at any time during normal  business  hours to inspect and make
         abstracts from its books and records pertaining to the Collateral,  and
         permit  representatives  of the Agent to be present at such Guarantor's
         place  of  business  to  receive  copies  of  all   communications  and
         remittances  relating  to the  Collateral,  and  forward  copies of any
         notices or  communications  received by such  Guarantor with respect to
         the Collateral, all in such manner as the Agent may require; and

                  (i) upon the  occurrence  and  during the  continuance  of any
         Default, upon request of the Agent, promptly notify (and such Guarantor
         hereby  authorizes  the  Agent so to  notify)  each  account  debtor in
         respect of any Accounts or  Instruments  that such  Collateral has been
         assigned to the Agent hereunder, and that any payments due or to become
         due in respect of such Collateral are to be made directly to the Agent.

                  7.02 Other Financing Statements and Liens. Except as otherwise
permitted  under Section 6.03 hereof,  without the prior written  consent of the
Agent,  no Guarantor  shall file or suffer to be on file, or authorize or permit
to be filed or to be on file, in any  jurisdiction,  any financing  statement or
like  instrument  with respect to the Collateral in which the Agent is not named
as the sole secured party for the benefit of the Lenders.

                  7.03  Preservation of Rights.  The Agent shall not be required
to take steps  necessary to preserve any rights  against prior parties to any of
the Collateral.

                  7.04  Special Provisions Relating to Certain Collateral.
                  (a)  Stock Collateral.
                  (i) So long as no Event of Default  shall have occurred and be
continuing,  the  Guarantors  shall  have the  right  to  exercise  all  voting,
consensual and other powers of ownership  pertaining to the Stock Collateral for
all  purposes  not  inconsistent  with the terms of this  Agreement,  the Credit
Agreement,  the Note(s) or any other instrument or agreement  referred to herein
or therein,  provided that the Guarantors  jointly and severally agree that they
will not vote the Stock  Collateral in any manner that is inconsistent  with the
terms of this  Agreement,  the Credit  Agreement,  the Note(s) or any such other
instrument  or  agreement;  and the  Agent  shall  execute  and  deliver  to the
Guarantors  or cause to be executed  and  delivered to the  Guarantors  all such
proxies, powers of attorney, dividend

                                     - 22 -

and other orders, and all such instruments,  without recourse, as the Guarantors
may  reasonably  request for the purpose of enabling the  Guarantors to exercise
the rights and powers  which they are  entitled  to  exercise  pursuant  to this
Section 7.04(a)(i).

             (ii)  Unless  and until an Event of  Default  has  occurred  and is
continuing, the Guarantors shall be entitled to receive and retain any dividends
on the Stock Collateral paid in cash out of earned surplus.

            (iii) If any Event of Default shall have  occurred,  then so long as
such Event of Default shall continue, and whether or not the Agent or any Lender
exercises any available right to declare any Secured  Obligation due and payable
or seeks or pursues any other relief or remedy  available to it under applicable
law or under this  Agreement,  the Credit  Agreement,  the  Note(s) or any other
agreement  relating  to  such  Secured  Obligation,   all  dividends  and  other
distributions  on the Stock  Collateral  shall be paid directly to the Agent and
retained  by it in the  Collateral  Account  as  part of the  Stock  Collateral,
subject to the terms of this  Agreement,  and,  if the Agent shall so request in
writing,  the Guarantors  jointly and severally  agree to execute and deliver to
the Agent  appropriate  additional  dividend,  distribution and other orders and
documents to that end, provided that if such Event of Default is cured, any such
dividend or distribution  theretofore  paid to the Agent shall,  upon request of
the  Guarantors  (except  to the  extent  theretofore  applied  to  the  Secured
Obligations), be returned by the Agent to the Guarantors.

                  (b)  Intellectual Property.
                  (i) For the purpose of enabling  the Agent to exercise  rights
and  remedies  under  Section  7.05  hereof at such  time as the Agent  shall be
lawfully  entitled  to  exercise  such  rights  and  remedies,  and for no other
purpose, each Guarantor hereby grants to the Agent, to the extent assignable, an
irrevocable,  non-exclusive  license  (exercisable without payment of royalty or
other compensation to such Guarantor) to use, assign,  license or sublicense any
of the Intellectual  Property now owned or hereafter acquired by such Guarantor,
wherever the same may be located, including in such license reasonable access to
all media in which any of the  licensed  items may be  recorded or stored and to
all computer programs used for the compilation or printout thereof;

             (ii)  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the contrary,
dispose of their  property,  so long as no Event of Default  shall have occurred
and be continuing,  the  Guarantors  will be permitted to exploit,  use,  enjoy,
protect,  license,  sublicense,  assign,  sell, dispose of or take other actions

                                     - 23 -

respect to the  Intellectual  Property in the ordinary course of the business of
the  Guarantors.  In furtherance  of the  foregoing,  unless an Event of Default
shall have  occurred and be continuing  the Agent shall from time to time,  upon
the  request of the  Guarantors  through the  Borrower,  execute and deliver any
instruments,  certificates or other documents,  in the form so requested,  which
the Guarantors  through the Borrower shall have  certified are  appropriate  (in
their  judgment)  to allow them to take any action  permitted  above  (including
relinquishment  of the license provided pursuant to clause (i) immediately above
as to any specific Intellectual Property).  Further, upon the payment in full of
all  of  the  Secured  Obligations,  the  cancellation  or  termination  of  the
Commitments and Letter of Credit Liabilities and the termination of all Interest
Rate Protection Agreements constituting Other Indebtedness or earlier expiration
of this  Agreement or release of the  Collateral,  the Agent shall grant back to
the Guarantors the license granted pursuant to clause (i) immediately above. The
exercise of rights and remedies under Section 7.05 hereof by the Agent shall not
terminate the rights of the holders of any licenses or  sublicenses  theretofore
granted by the  Guarantors in accordance  with the first sentence of this clause

                  (c)  Motor Vehicles.
                  (i)  At  any  time  after  the   occurrence   and  during  the
continuance of an Event of Default,  each Guarantor  shall,  upon the request of
the  Agent,  deliver  to the Agent  originals  of the  certificates  of title or
ownership for the Motor Vehicles owned by it with the Agent listed as lienholder
and take such other  action as the Agent shall deem  appropriate  to perfect the
security interest created hereunder in such Motor Vehicles.

             (ii) Upon the acquisition after the date hereof by any Guarantor of
any Motor Vehicle,  such Guarantor shall deliver to the Agent, at any time after
the  occurrence  and during the  continuance of an Event of Default and upon the
request of the Agent,  originals of the  certificates  of title or ownership for
such Motor Vehicles,  together with the manufacturer's  statement of origin with
the Agent listed as lienholder;  provided,  however,  if the Motor Vehicle to be
acquired is subject to a purchase  money security  interest,  the Agent shall be
listed as a junior lienholder to the Person holding such purchase money security

            (iii) Without  limiting  Section 7.10 hereof,  each Guarantor hereby
appoints  the  Agent as its  attorney-in-fact,  effective  the date  hereof  and
terminating  upon the  termination  of this  Agreement,  for the  purpose of (x)
executing on behalf of such Guarantor title or ownership applications for filing
with appropriate state agencies to enable Motor Vehicles now owned or

                                     - 24 -

hereafter  acquired by such  Guarantor  to be retitled  and the Agent  listed as
lienholder  thereon,  (y) filing such  applications with such state agencies and
(z) executing such other documents and instruments on behalf of, and taking such
other action in the name of, such  Guarantor as the Agent may deem  necessary or
advisable to accomplish the purposes hereof (including,  without limitation, the
purpose of creating in favor of the Agent a perfected lien on the Motor Vehicles
and  exercising the rights and remedies of the Agent under Section 7.05 hereof).
This  appointment  as  attorney-in-fact  is  irrevocable  and  coupled  with  an

             (iv) Any certificates of title or ownership  delivered  pursuant to
the terms  hereof shall be  accompanied  by odometer  statements  for each Motor
Vehicle covered thereby.

                  7.05 Events of Default, etc. During the period during which an
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:

                  (a)  each  Guarantor  shall,  at the  request  of  the  Agent,
         assemble the Collateral owned by it at such place or places, reasonably
         convenient  to both the Agent  and such  Guarantor,  designated  in its

                  (b) the Agent may make any reasonable compromise or settlement
         deemed  desirable  with respect to any of the Collateral and may extend
         the time of payment, arrange for payment in installments,  or otherwise
         modify the terms of, any of the Collateral;

                  (c) the Agent shall have all of the rights and  remedies  with
         respect  to  the  Collateral  of a  secured  party  under  the  Uniform
         Commercial  Code  (whether  or  not  said  Code  is in  effect  in  the
         jurisdiction  where the  rights and  remedies  are  asserted)  and such
         additional  rights and  remedies  to which a secured  party is entitled
         under the laws in  effect in any  jurisdiction  where  any  rights  and
         remedies hereunder may be asserted,  including, without limitation, the
         right, to the maximum extent  permitted by law, to exercise all voting,
         consensual  and other powers of ownership  pertaining to the Collateral
         as if the Agent  were the sole and  absolute  owner  thereof  (and each
         Guarantor  agrees to take all such action as may be appropriate to give
         effect to such right);

                  (d) the  Agent in its  discretion  may,  in its name or in the
         name of the  Guarantors  or  otherwise,  demand,  sue for,  collect  or
         receive  any money or  property at any time  payable or  receivable  on
         account of or in exchange for any of the Collateral, but shall be under
         no obligation to do so; and

                                     - 25 -

                  (e) the Agent  may,  upon ten  Business  Days'  prior  written
         notice to the  Guarantors  of the time and place,  with  respect to the
         Collateral or any part thereof which shall then be or shall  thereafter
         come into the possession,  custody or control of the Agent, the Lenders
         or any of their respective  agents,  sell,  lease,  assign or otherwise
         dispose  of all or any  portion  of such  Collateral,  at such place or
         places as the Agent deems best, and for cash or on credit or for future
         delivery  (without  thereby  assuming  any credit  risk),  at public or
         private sale,  without  demand of performance or notice of intention to
         effect any such  disposition  or of the time or place  thereof  (except
         such notice as is required above or by applicable statute and cannot be
         waived)  and  the  Agent  or  any  Lender  or  anyone  else  may be the
         purchaser,  lessee,  assignee  or  recipient  of  any  or  all  of  the
         Collateral  so  disposed  of at any  public  sale  (or,  to the  extent
         permitted by law, at any private sale),  and  thereafter  hold the same
         absolutely,  free from any claim or right of whatsoever kind, including
         any right or equity of  redemption  (statutory  or  otherwise),  of the
         Guarantors,  any such  demand,  notice and right or equity being hereby
         expressly waived and released. In the event of any sale, assignment, or
         other  disposition  of any of the  Trademark  Collateral,  the goodwill
         connected  with and symbolized by the Trademark  Collateral  subject to
         such disposition shall be included,  and the Guarantors shall supply to
         the Agent or its designee,  for  inclusion in such sale,  assignment or
         other disposition, all Intellectual Property relating to such Trademark
         Collateral.  The Agent may, without notice or publication,  adjourn any
         public or private sale or cause the same to be  adjourned  from time to
         time by announcement at the time and place fixed for the sale, and such
         sale  may be made at any  time or  place  to  which  the same may be so

The proceeds of each collection,  sale or other  disposition  under this Section
7.05, including by virtue of the exercise of the license granted to the Agent in
Section  7.04(b)(i)  hereof,  shall be applied in  accordance  with Section 7.09

                  The   Guarantors   recognize   that,   by  reason  of  certain
prohibitions contained in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and applicable
state securities  laws, the Agent may be compelled,  with respect to any sale of
all or any part of the Collateral,  to limit purchasers to those who will agree,
among  other  things,  to acquire  the  Collateral  for their own  account,  for
investment  and not  with a view to the  distribution  or  resale  thereof.  The
Guarantors acknowledge that any such private sales may be at prices and on terms
less favorable to the Agent than those obtainable  through a public sale without
such restrictions, and, notwithstanding such circumstances,  agree that any such

                                     - 26 -

sale shall be deemed to have been made in a commercially  reasonable  manner and
that the Agent  shall  have no  obligation  to  engage  in  public  sales and no
obligation to delay the sale of any  Collateral for the period of time necessary
to permit the  respective  Issuer or issuer  thereof to  register  it for public

                  7.06 Deficiency.  If the proceeds of sale, collection or other
realization  of or upon the  Collateral  pursuant  to  Section  7.05  hereof are
insufficient to cover the costs and expenses of such realization and the payment
in full of the Secured  Obligations,  the Guarantors shall remain liable for any

                  7.07  Removals,  etc.  Without at least 30 days' prior written
notice to the Agent, no Guarantor shall (a) maintain any of its books or records
with respect to the  Collateral  at any office or maintain  its chief  executive
office or its principal  place of business at any place, or permit any Inventory
or Equipment to be located anywhere other than at the address  indicated beneath
the  signature of such  Guarantor to this  Agreement or at one of the  locations
identified  in Annex 6 hereto  under  its  name or in  transit  from one of such
locations to another or (b) change its  corporate or  partnership  name,  or the
name under which it does  business,  from the name shown on the signature  pages

                  7.08 Private  Sale.  The Agent and the Lenders  shall incur no
liability as a result of the sale of the Collateral, or any part thereof, at any
private  sale  pursuant  to Section  7.05  hereof  conducted  in a  commercially
reasonable manner.  Each Guarantor hereby waives any claims against the Agent or
any Lender  arising by reason of the fact that the price at which the Collateral
may have been sold at such a private  sale was less than the price  which  might
have been obtained at a public sale or was less than the aggregate amount of the
Secured Obligations, even if the Agent accepts the first offer received and does
not offer the Collateral to more than one offeree.

                  7.09  Application  of  Proceeds.  Except as  otherwise  herein
expressly  provided  and except as  provided  below in this  Section  7.09,  the
proceeds of any collection,  sale or other realization of all or any part of the
Collateral  pursuant  hereto,  and any other  cash at the time held by the Agent
under Section 4 hereof or this Section 7, shall be applied by the Agent:

                  First,  to the  payment  of the  costs  and  expenses  of such
         collection,   sale   or   other   realization,   including   reasonable
         out-of-pocket costs and expenses of the Agent and the fees and expenses
         of its agents and counsel, and all expenses

                                     - 27 -

         incurred and advances made by the Agent in connection

                  Next,  to the  payment  in  full of the  Secured  Obligations,
         equally and ratably in accordance  with the respective  amounts thereof
         then due and owing or as the  Lenders  holding  the same may  otherwise
         agree; and

                  Finally,  to the payment to the respective  Guarantor,  or its
         successors  or assigns,  or as a court of  competent  jurisdiction  may
         direct, of any surplus then remaining.

                  As used in this Section 7, "proceeds" of Collateral shall mean
cash, securities and other property realized in respect of, and distributions in
kind of,  Collateral,  including any thereof received under any  reorganization,
liquidation  or adjustment of debt of the Guarantors or any issuer of or obligor
on any of the Collateral.

                  7.10  Attorney-in-Fact.  Without limiting any rights or powers
granted by this  Agreement  to the Agent while no Event of Default has  occurred
and is continuing,  upon the occurrence and during the  continuance of any Event
of Default the Agent is hereby appointed the  attorney-in-fact of each Guarantor
for the purpose of carrying out the  provisions of this Section 7 and taking any
action and  executing  any  instruments  which the Agent may deem  necessary  or
advisable   to   accomplish   the  purposes   hereof,   which   appointment   as
attorney-in-fact  is irrevocable and coupled with an interest.  Without limiting
the  generality of the  foregoing,  so long as the Agent shall be entitled under
this Section 7 to make collections in respect of the Collateral, the Agent shall
have the right and power to receive, endorse and collect all checks made payable
to the order of any  Guarantor  representing  any  dividend,  payment,  or other
distribution  in respect of the  Collateral or any part thereof and to give full
discharge for the same.

                  7.11 Perfection.  Prior to or concurrently  with the execution
and delivery of this  Agreement,  each  Guarantor  shall (a) file such financing
statements  and other  documents  in such  offices  as the Agent may  request to
perfect the security interests granted by Section 4 of this Agreement, (b) cause
the Agent (to the extent requested by any Lender) to be listed as the lienholder
on all  certificates  of title or ownership  relating to Motor Vehicles owned by
such Guarantor (c) deliver to the Agent all  certificates  identified in Annex 1
hereto, accompanied by undated stock powers duly executed in blank.

                  7.12 Termination. When all Secured Obligations shall have been
paid in full,  the  Commitments of the Lenders under the Credit  Agreement,  all
Letter of Credit Liabilities and the

                                     - 28 -

Interest Rate Protection  Agreements  constituting Other Indebtedness shall have
expired or been terminated,  this Agreement shall terminate, and the Agent shall
forthwith cause to be assigned,  transferred and delivered,  against receipt but
without any  recourse,  warranty or  representation  whatsoever,  any  remaining
Collateral  and money  received  in respect  thereof,  to or on the order of the
respective  Guarantors  and to be released  and canceled all licenses and rights
referred  to in Section  7.04(b)(i)  hereof.  The Agent  shall also  execute and
deliver  to  the  respective  Guarantors  upon  such  termination  such  Uniform
Commercial Code termination  statements,  certificates for terminating the Liens
on the  Motor  Vehicles  and such  other  documentation  as shall be  reasonably
requested by the respective  Guarantors to effect the termination and release of
the Liens on the Collateral.

                  7.13 Further Assurances. Each Guarantor agrees that, from time
to time upon the written  request of the Agent,  such Guarantor will execute and
deliver  such further  documents  and do such other acts and things as the Agent
may reasonably request in order fully to effect the purposes of this Agreement.

                  7.14 Release of Motor  Vehicles.  So long as no Default  shall
have occurred and be continuing,  upon the request of any  Guarantor,  the Agent
shall execute and deliver to such Guarantor  such  instruments as such Guarantor
shall  reasonably  request to remove the notation of the Agent as  lienholder on
any  certificate  of  title  for any  Motor  Vehicle;  provided  that  any  such
instruments  shall be delivered,  and the release effective only upon receipt by
the Agent of a certificate  from such  Guarantor  stating that the Motor Vehicle
the lien on which is to be  released  is to be sold or has  suffered  a casualty
loss (with title thereto passing to the casualty  insurance  company therefor in
settlement of the claim for such loss).

                  Section 8.  Miscellaneous.
                  8.01 No  Waiver.  No  failure  on the part of the Agent or any
Lender to  exercise,  and no course of dealing  with respect to, and no delay in
exercising,  any  right,  power or remedy  hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver
thereof;  nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Agent or any Lender of
any right,  power or remedy  hereunder  preclude  any other or further  exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies herein
are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.

                  8.02  Notices.  All  notices,  requests,  consents and demands
hereunder  shall be in writing  and  telecopied  or  delivered  to the  intended
recipient at the "Address for Notices" specified

                                     - 29 -

beneath its name on the signature pages hereof (or, in the case of the Agent, on
the signature pages of the Credit  Agreement) or, as to any party, at such other
address as shall be  designated  by such party in a notice to each other  party.
Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all such communications shall be
deemed to have been duly given when  transmitted  by  telecopier  or  personally
delivered or, in the case of a mailed notice,  upon receipt,  in each case given
or addressed as aforesaid.

                  8.03 Expenses.  The Guarantors  jointly and severally agree to
reimburse  each of the  Lenders  and the  Agent  for all  reasonable  costs  and
expenses  of the  Lenders  and the Agent  (including,  without  limitation,  the
reasonable  fees and  expenses  of legal  counsel)  in  connection  with (a) any
Default  and any  enforcement  or  collection  proceeding  resulting  therefrom,
including,   without  limitation,  all  manner  of  participation  in  or  other
involvement  with  (i)  performance  by  the  Agent  of any  obligations  of the
Guarantors  in respect of the  Collateral  that the  Guarantors  have  failed or
refused to perform,  (ii)  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  receivership,  foreclosure,
winding up or liquidation  proceedings,  or any actual or attempted sale, or any
exchange, enforcement, collection, compromise or settlement in respect of any of
the  Collateral,  and for the care of the  Collateral and defending or asserting
rights and claims of the Agent in respect  thereof,  by litigation or otherwise,
including  expenses of insurance,  (iii) judicial or regulatory  proceedings and
(iv) workout, restructuring or other negotiations or proceedings (whether or not
the workout,  restructuring or transaction  contemplated thereby is consummated)
and (b) the  enforcement  of this Section 6.03,  and all such costs and expenses
shall be Secured Obligations entitled to the benefits of the collateral security
provided pursuant to Section 3 hereof.

                  8.04  Amendments,  Etc.  The  terms of this  Agreement  may be
waived,  altered or amended only by an  instrument  in writing duly  executed by
each  Guarantor  and the Agent (with the consent of the Lenders as  specified in
Section 11.09 of the Credit  Agreement).  Any such  amendment or waiver shall be
binding  upon the  Agent and each  Lender,  each  holder  of any of the  Secured
Obligations and each Guarantor.

                  8.05  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the  respective  successors and assigns of each
Guarantor,  the  Agent,  the  Lenders  and  each  holder  of any of the  Secured
Obligations  (provided,  however, that no Guarantor shall assign or transfer its
rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the Agent).

                  8.06  Captions.  The captions and section  headings  appearing
herein are included solely for convenience of reference

                                     - 30 -

and are not  intended  to affect the  interpretation  of any  provision  of this

                  8.07  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any
number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the
same  instrument  and any of the parties  hereto may execute  this  Agreement by
signing any such counterpart.

                  8.08 Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction. This Agreement
shall be governed by, and construed in accordance  with, the law of the State of
New York. Each Guarantor hereby submits to the nonexclusive  jurisdiction of the
United States  District  Court for the Southern  District of New York and of any
New York  state  court  sitting in New York City for the  purposes  of all legal
proceedings  arising out of or relating to this  Agreement  or the  transactions
contemplated  hereby.  Each Guarantor  irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent
permitted by applicable  law, any objection that it may now or hereafter have to
the laying of the venue of any such  proceeding  brought in such a court and any
claim that any such  proceeding  brought in such a court has been  brought in an
inconvenient forum.

                  8.09 Waiver of Jury Trial.  EACH OF THE GUARANTORS,  THE AGENT

                  8.10 Agents and Attorneys-in-Fact. The Agent may employ agents
and  attorneys-in-fact  in connection  herewith and shall not be responsible for
the negligence or misconduct of any such agents or attorneys-in-fact selected by
it in good faith.

                  8.11  Severability.  If any  provision  hereof is invalid  and
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
(a) the other  provisions  hereof  shall remain in full force and effect in such
jurisdiction  and  shall be  liberally  construed  in favor of the Agent and the
Lenders in order to carry out the  intentions of the parties hereto as nearly as
may be possible and (b) the  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any  provision
hereof in any jurisdiction  shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of
such provision in any other jurisdiction.

                                     - 31 -

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Affiliate Guarantee and Security Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and
year first above written.

                         CUNNINGHAM COMMUNICATIONS, INC.


                         Address for Notices:

                         Cunningham Communications, Inc.
                         2000 West 41st Street
                         Baltimore, Maryland 21211

                         Telecopy: (410) 467-5043
                         Attention: David Smith

                         KEYSER INVESTMENT GROUP, INC.


                         Address for Notices:

                         Keyser Investment Group, Inc.
                         2000 West 41st Street
                         Baltimore, Maryland 21211

                         Telecopy: (410) 467-5043
                         Attention: David Smith

                                     - 32 -

                         GERSTELL DEVELOPMENT LIMITED


                            its General Partner


                         Address for Notices:

                         Gerstell Development Limited
                         2000 West 41st Street
                         Baltimore, Maryland 21211

                         Telecopy: (410) 467-5043
                         Attention: David Smith

                                     - 33 -

                         THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                           (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),  
                           as Agent


                                                                       EXHIBIT E

                        [Form of GDC Security Agreement]


31, 1996 between:

                  GERSTELL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a corporation duly organized
         and validly existing under the laws of Maryland ("GDC"); and

                  THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),  as agent for
         the lenders  party to the  "Credit  Agreement"  defined  below (in such
         capacity, together with its successors in such capacity, the "Agent").

                  WHEREAS,  Sinclair  Broadcast  Group,  Inc. (the  "Borrower"),
certain  subsidiaries of the Borrower,  certain lenders (the "Existing Lenders")
and the Agent are parties to an Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement dated as
of May 24, 1994 (as heretofore amended,  supplemented and otherwise modified and
in  effect  on the  date  hereof  before  giving  effect  to the  amendment  and
restatement thereof  contemplated by the Credit Agreement referred to below, the
"Existing Credit Agreement"), and in connection therewith GDC and the Agent have
executed and delivered an Amended and Restated  Security  Agreement  dated as of
May 24, 1994 (as heretofore amended,  supplemented and otherwise modified and in
effect on the date hereof before giving effect to the amendment and  restatement
thereof  contemplated hereby, the "Existing GDC Security Agreement") pursuant to
which GDC  granted to the Agent,  for the  benefit of the  Existing  Lenders,  a
security interest in the Collateral referred to therein.

                  WHEREAS,  concurrently with the execution and delivery of this
Agreement,  the  Borrower,  certain  subsidiaries  of the  Borrower  and certain
lenders  (collectively,  the "Lenders") and the Agent are entering into a Second
Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and
supplemented and in effect from time to time (including,  without limitation, to
increase  the  amount  of  credit  to  be  extended  thereunder),   the  "Credit
Agreement"),  providing,  subject to the terms and conditions  thereof,  for the
extension and renewal of the Borrower's  indebtedness  under the Existing Credit
Agreement and for additional  extensions of credit to the Borrower. In addition,
the Borrower  may now or hereafter  from time to time be obligated to various of
the  Lenders in  respect of certain  Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements  (as
defined in the Credit  Agreement) (such  obligations being herein referred to as
the "Other Indebtedness").

                             GDC Security Agreement


                  To induce  said  Lenders  to amend and  restate  the  Existing
Credit  Agreement  and to extend credit  thereunder  and to extend credit to the
Borrower  which  would  constitute  Other  Indebtedness,  and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged,  GDC has agreed to amend and restate  the  Existing  GDC  Security
Agreement in its entirety. Accordingly, the parties hereto hereby agree that the
Existing  GDC  Security  Agreement  shall be  amended  and  restated  to read as

                  Section 1. Definitions.  Terms defined in the Credit Agreement
are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as used herein:

                  "Collateral"  shall  have  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in
         Section 3.01 hereof.

                  "Lien" shall mean, with respect to any Property, any mortgage,
         lien, pledge,  charge,  security interest or encumbrance of any kind in
         respect of such Property. For purposes of this Agreement,  GDC shall be
         deemed to own subject to a Lien any  Property  which it has acquired or
         holds  subject  to  the  interest  of a  vendor  or  lessor  under  any
         conditional  sale  agreement,  capital  lease or other title  retention
         agreement (other than an operating lease) relating to such Property.

                  "Pledged Interests" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
         Section 3.01(a) hereof.

                  "Property"  shall mean any right or interest in or to property
         of any kind  whatsoever,  whether  real,  personal or mixed and whether
         tangible or intangible.

                  "Secured Obligations" shall mean, collectively, (a) the prompt
         payment in full when due (whether at stated  maturity,  by acceleration
         or otherwise) of the principal of and interest on the Loans made by the
         Lenders to, and the Note(s) held by each Lender of, the  Borrower,  all
         Reimbursement  Obligations  and interest  thereon and all other amounts
         from  time to time  owing to the  Lenders  or the  Agent by the  Credit
         Parties  under  the Basic  Documents  and all  Other  Indebtedness  and
         interest  thereon,  in each case strictly in accordance  with the terms
         thereof  and (b) all  obligations  of GDC to the  Lenders and the Agent
         hereunder;  provided  that in any action or  proceeding  involving  any
         state  corporate law, or any state or Federal  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
         reorganization   or  other  law   affecting  the  rights  of  creditors
         generally,  if the obligations of GDC hereunder would otherwise be held
         or determined to be void, invalid or

                             GDC Security Agreement


         unenforceable, or subordinated to the claims of any other creditors, on
         account of the amount of its liability hereunder, then, notwithstanding
         any  other  provision  hereof  to the  contrary,  the  amount  of  such
         liability  shall,  without any further  action by GDC, any Lender,  the
         Agent or any other Person, be automatically  limited and reduced to the
         highest amount which is valid and enforceable  and not  subordinated to
         the  claims  of  other  creditors  as  determined  in  such  action  or

                  "Uniform  Commercial  Code" shall mean the Uniform  Commercial
         Code as in effect from time to time in the State of New York.

                  Section 2. Representations and Warranties.  GDC represents and
warrants to the Lenders and the Agent that:

                  2.01  Existence.  GDC: (a) is a  corporation  duly  organized,
validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
organization;  (b) has all requisite  power,  and has all material  governmental
licenses,  authorizations,  consents and approvals,  necessary to own its assets
and carry on its business as now being or as proposed to be  conducted;  and (c)
is  qualified  to do  business in all  jurisdictions  in which the nature of the
business conducted by it makes such qualification necessary and where failure so
to qualify  would  (either  individually  or in the  aggregate)  have a material
adverse effect on the financial condition,  operations, business or prospects of

                  2.02 No Breach.  None of the  execution  and  delivery of this
Agreement,   the  consummation  of  the  transactions   herein  contemplated  or
compliance with the terms and provisions  hereof will conflict with or result in
a breach of, or require any consent under, the charter or by-laws of GDC, or any
applicable law or regulation,  or any order,  writ,  injunction or decree of any
court or  governmental  authority or agency,  or any  agreement or instrument to
which  GDC is a party or by which  it is  bound  or to which it is  subject,  or
constitute a default under any such  agreement or  instrument,  or result in the
creation  or  imposition  of any Lien upon any of the  revenues or assets of GDC
pursuant to the terms of any such agreement or instrument.

                  2.03  Action.  GDC  has  all  necessary  corporate  power  and
authority to execute,  deliver and perform its obligations under this Agreement;
the execution,  delivery and performance by GDC of this Agreement have been duly
authorized by all necessary corporate action (including, without limitation, any
required  shareholder  approvals);  and this Agreement has been duly and validly
executed and delivered by GDC and constitutes its legal,

                             GDC Security Agreement


valid and binding obligation, enforceable in accordance with its terms.

                  2.04 Approvals.  No authorizations,  approvals or consents of,
and no filings or registrations  with, any governmental or regulatory  authority
or agency are necessary for the  execution,  delivery or  performance  by GDC of
this Agreement or for the validity or enforceability  hereof, except for filings
and recordings in respect of the Liens created pursuant hereto.

                  2.05  Pledged Collateral.
                  (a) GDC is the  sole  beneficial  owner of the  Collateral  in
which it purports to grant a security  interest  pursuant to Section 3.01 hereof
and no Lien  exists or will exist upon any such  Collateral  at any time (and no
right or option to acquire the same exists in favor of any other Person), except
for the pledge and  security  interest  in favor of the Agent for the benefit of
the Lenders created or provided for herein,  which pledge and security  interest
constitutes a first priority  perfected  pledge and security  interest in and to
all of such Collateral;

                  (b) None of the  Collateral  in which  GDC  grants a  security
interest  pursuant  to  Section  3.01  hereof  is or  will  be  subject  to  any
contractual  restriction,  or any restriction  under the  partnership  agreement
constituting  GDLP,  upon the transfer of such  Collateral  (except for any such
restriction contained herein).

                  (c) The  percentage of the total  ownership  interests in GDLP
owned by GDC is 2.00% and the nature of such  ownership  interests  is that of a
general partner.

                  Section 3.  Collateral.
                  3.01 Collateral. As collateral security for the prompt payment
in full when due (whether at stated  maturity,  by acceleration or otherwise) of
the Secured  Obligations,  GDC hereby  pledges and grants to the Agent,  for the
benefit of the Lenders as hereinafter  provided,  a security  interest in all of
GDC's right, title and interest in the following property,  whether now owned by
GDC or hereafter  acquired  and whether now  existing or  hereafter  coming into
existence (all being collectively referred to herein as "Collateral"):

                  (a)  the   partnership   interests   in  GDLP  (the   "Pledged

                  (b) all shares, securities,  moneys or property representing a
         dividend on any of the Pledged Interests, or

                             GDC Security Agreement


         representing a distribution  or return of capital upon or in respect of
         the  Pledged  Interests,  or  resulting  from  a  split-up,   revision,
         reclassification  or other  like  change of the  Pledged  Interests  or
         otherwise received in exchange therefor, and any subscription warrants,
         rights or options issued to the holders of, or otherwise in respect of,
         the Pledged Interests; and

                  (c)  all  proceeds  of  and to  any  of  the  property  of GDC
         described in clauses (a) and (b) above in this Section 3.01 and, to the
         extent  related  to any  property  described  in said  clauses  or such
         proceeds, all books,  correspondence,  credit files, records,  invoices
         and other papers.

                  3.02 Obligations  Unconditional.  The obligations of GDC under
Section 3.01 hereof are absolute and  unconditional,  irrespective of the value,
genuineness, validity, regularity or enforceability of the Credit Agreement, the
Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred to herein or therein, or any
substitution,  release or exchange of any other guarantee of or security for any
of the Secured  Obligations,  and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable
law,  irrespective of any other  circumstance  whatsoever  which might otherwise
constitute  a legal or equitable  discharge  or defense,  it being the intent of
this Section 3.02 that the  obligations  of GDC hereunder  shall be absolute and
unconditional  under any and all circumstances.  Without limiting the generality
of the  foregoing,  it is agreed that the  occurrence  of any one or more of the
following  shall not affect the  liability of GDC  hereunder  which shall remain
absolute and unconditional as described above:

                  (a) at any time or from time to time,  without  notice to GDC,
         the time for any  performance of or compliance  with any of the Secured
         Obligations shall be extended,  or such performance or compliance shall
         be waived;

                  (b) any of the acts  mentioned in any of the provisions of the
         Credit  Agreement  or the Notes or any other  agreement  or  instrument
         referred to herein or therein shall be done or omitted;

                  (c) the  maturity of any of the Secured  Obligations  shall be
         accelerated,  or any of the  Secured  Obligations  shall  be  modified,
         supplemented  or amended in any respect,  or any right under the Credit
         Agreement or the Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred to
         herein or therein shall be waived or any other  guarantee of any of the
         Secured  Obligations  or any  security  therefor  shall be  released or
         exchanged in whole or in part or otherwise dealt with;

                             GDC Security Agreement


                  (d) any lien or security  interest granted to, or in favor of,
         the Agent or any Lender or Lenders as  security  for any of the Secured
         Obligations shall fail to be perfected;

                  (e) any of the Secured  Obligations  shall be determined to be
         void or voidable (including, without limitation, for the benefit of any
         creditor of any Credit Party) or shall be subordinated to the claims of
         any Person (including,  without limitation,  any creditor of any Credit

                  (f) the  Borrower  shall be  insolvent  on the date  hereof or
         shall become insolvent on the date that any Loan is made; or

                  (g) the  execution  and  delivery  of a  Tranche  C Term  Loan
         Activation  Notice providing for Tranche C Term Loan Commitments in any

GDC hereby expressly waives diligence,  presentment,  demand of payment, protest
and all notices whatsoever, and any requirement (including,  without limitation,
marshalling) that the Agent or any Lender exhaust any right,  power or remedy or
proceed  against the  Borrower  under the Credit  Agreement  or the Notes or any
other  agreement  or  instrument  referred to herein or therein,  or against any
other Person under any other  guarantee  of, or security for, any of the Secured

                  3.03 Subrogation.  GDC hereby waives all rights of subrogation
or  contribution,  whether  arising by contract or operation of law  (including,
without  limitation,  any such  right  arising  under  the  Bankruptcy  Code) or
otherwise  by reason of any  payment by it pursuant  to the  provisions  of this
Section 3.

                  Section 4. Further Assurances; Remedies. In furtherance of the
grant of the pledge and security interest  pursuant to Section 3.01 hereof,  GDC
hereby agrees with each Lender and the Agent as follows:

                  4.01  Delivery and Other Perfection.  GDC shall:

                  (a) if any of the above-described shares,  securities,  moneys
         or property  required to be pledged by GDC under clauses (a) and (b) of
         Section 3.01 hereof are received by GDC,  forthwith either (i) transfer
         and deliver to the Agent such shares or  securities  so received by GDC
         (together with the certificates for any such shares and securities duly
         endorsed in blank or  accompanied by undated stock powers duly executed
         in blank), all of which thereafter shall be held by the Agent, pursuant
         to the terms of this Agreement,  as part of the Collateral or (ii) take
         such other action as the Agent shall deem  necessary or  appropriate to
         duly record

                             GDC Security Agreement


         the Lien  created  hereunder  in such  shares,  securities,  moneys  or
         property referred to in said clauses (a) and (b);

                  (b) give, execute,  deliver,  file and/or record any financing
         statement, notice, instrument, document, agreement or other papers that
         may be necessary or desirable (in the judgment of the Agent) to create,
         preserve,  perfect or validate the pledge and security interest granted
         pursuant  hereto or to enable the Agent to  exercise  and  enforce  its
         rights  hereunder  with respect to such pledge and  security  interest,
         including, without limitation,  causing any or all of the Collateral to
         be transferred of record into the name of the Agent or its nominee (and
         the Agent agrees that if any Collateral is transferred into its name or
         the name of its nominee, the Agent will thereafter promptly give to GDC
         copies of any notices and communications received by it with respect to
         the Collateral pledged by GDC hereunder); and

                  (c)  permit  representatives  of the  Agent,  upon  reasonable
         notice,  at any time during normal  business  hours to inspect and make
         abstracts from its books and records pertaining to the Collateral,  and
         permit  representatives  of the Agent to be present  at GDC's  place of
         business  to  receive  copies  of all  communications  and  remittances
         relating  to the  Collateral,  and  forward  copies of any  notices  or
         communications  received by GDC with respect to the Collateral,  all in
         such manner as the Agent may require.

                  4.02 Other Financing  Statements and Liens.  Without the prior
written  consent  of the Agent,  GDC shall not file or suffer to be on file,  or
authorize  or  permit  to be filed or to be on file,  in any  jurisdiction,  any
financing  statement or like  instrument with respect to the Collateral in which
the Agent is not named as the sole secured party for the benefit of the Lenders.

                  4.03  Preservation of Rights.  The Agent shall not be required
to take steps  necessary to preserve any rights  against prior parties to any of
the Collateral.

                  4.04  Special Provisions Relating to Certain Collateral.

                  (a) GDC will cause the Pledged  Interests to constitute at all
times 100% of the  partnership  interests in GDLP then  outstanding,  other than
partnership interests in GDLP held by the Smith Brothers.

                  (b) So long as no Event of Default  shall have occurred and be
continuing,  GDC shall have the right to  exercise  all voting,  consensual  and
other  powers of ownership  pertaining  to the  Collateral  for all purposes not
inconsistent with the terms

                             GDC Security Agreement


of this Agreement,  the Credit Agreement, the Note(s) or any other instrument or
agreement  referred to herein or therein,  provided that GDC agrees that it will
not vote the  Collateral  in any manner that is  inconsistent  with the terms of
this Agreement,  the Credit Agreement,  the Note(s) or any such other instrument
or  agreement;  and the Agent  shall  execute  and deliver to GDC or cause to be
executed and delivered to GDC all such proxies, powers of attorney, dividend and
other orders, and all such instruments,  without recourse, as GDC may reasonably
request for the purpose of enabling  GDC to exercise the rights and powers which
they are entitled to exercise pursuant to this Section 4.04(b).

                  (c) Unless and until an Event of Default has  occurred  and is
continuing,  GDC shall be  entitled  to  receive  and retain  any  dividends  or
distributions on the Collateral paid in cash out of earned surplus or profits.

                  (d) If any Event of Default shall have occurred,  then so long
as such Event of Default  shall  continue,  and  whether or not the Agent or any
Lender  exercises any available right to declare any Secured  Obligation due and
payable or seeks or pursues  any other  relief or remedy  available  to it under
applicable law or under this Agreement, the Credit Agreement, the Note(s) or any
other  agreement  relating to such Secured  Obligation,  all dividends and other
distributions on the Collateral shall be paid directly to the Agent and retained
by it as part of the Collateral, subject to the terms of this Agreement, and, if
the Agent shall so request in writing,  GDC agrees to execute and deliver to the
Agent  appropriate  additional  dividend,  distribution  and  other  orders  and
documents to that end, provided that if such Event of Default is cured, any such
dividend or distribution  theretofore  paid to the Agent shall,  upon request of
GDC (except to the extent theretofore  applied to the Secured  Obligations),  be
returned by the Agent to GDC.

                  4.05 Events of Default, etc. During the period during which an
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing:

                  (a) the Agent shall have all of the rights and  remedies  with
         respect  to  the  Collateral  of a  secured  party  under  the  Uniform
         Commercial  Code  (whether  or  not  said  Code  is in  effect  in  the
         jurisdiction  where the  rights and  remedies  are  asserted)  and such
         additional  rights and  remedies  to which a secured  party is entitled
         under the laws in  effect in any  jurisdiction  where  any  rights  and
         remedies hereunder may be asserted,  including, without limitation, the
         right, to the maximum extent  permitted by law, to exercise all voting,
         consensual  and other powers of ownership  pertaining to the Collateral
         as if the  Agent  were the sole and  absolute  owner  thereof  (and GDC
         agrees to take

                             GDC Security Agreement


         all such action as may be appropriate to give effect to such right);

                  (b) the  Agent in its  discretion  may,  in its name or in the
         name of GDC or otherwise, demand, sue for, collect or receive any money
         or  property  at any time  payable  or  receivable  on account of or in
         exchange for any of the Collateral, but shall be under no obligation to
         do so; and

                  (c) the Agent  may,  upon ten  Business  Days'  prior  written
         notice to GDC of the time and place,  with respect to the Collateral or
         any part thereof which shall then be or shall  thereafter come into the
         possession,  custody or control  of the  Agent,  the  Lenders or any of
         their respective  agents,  sell, lease,  assign or otherwise dispose of
         all or any portion of such  Collateral,  at such place or places as the
         Agent  deems  best,  and for cash or on credit or for  future  delivery
         (without  thereby assuming any credit risk), at public or private sale,
         without demand of performance or notice of intention to effect any such
         disposition  or of the time or place thereof  (except such notice as is
         required  above or by applicable  statute and cannot be waived) and the
         Agent  or any  Lender  or  anyone  else may be the  purchaser,  lessee,
         assignee or recipient of any or all of the Collateral so disposed of at
         any public  sale (or,  to the extent  permitted  by law, at any private
         sale), and thereafter hold the same absolutely,  free from any claim or
         right of whatsoever  kind,  including any right or equity of redemption
         (statutory or otherwise),  of GDC, any such demand, notice and right or
         equity  being  hereby  expressly  waived and  released.  The Agent may,
         without  notice or  publication,  adjourn any public or private sale or
         cause the same to be adjourned from time to time by announcement at the
         time and place  fixed  for the  sale,  and such sale may be made at any
         time or place to which the same may be so adjourned.

The proceeds of each collection,  sale or other  disposition  under this Section
4.05 shall be applied in accordance with Section 4.09 hereof.

                  GDC  recognizes  that,  by  reason  of  certain   prohibitions
contained  in the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  and  applicable  state
securities laws, the Agent may be compelled,  with respect to any sale of all or
any part of the Collateral,  to limit purchasers to those who will agree,  among
other things,  to acquire the Collateral  for their own account,  for investment
and not with a view to the distribution or resale thereof. GDC acknowledges that
any such private sales may be at prices and on terms less favorable to the Agent
than those  obtainable  through a public sale  without such  restrictions,  and,
notwithstanding  such  circumstances,  agree that any such private sale shall be

                             GDC Security Agreement


to have been made in a commercially  reasonable  manner and that the Agent shall
have no obligation to engage in public sales and no obligation to delay the sale
of any  Collateral  for the period of time  necessary  to permit the  respective
issuer thereof to register it for public sale.

                  4.06 No Deficiency.  The Agent hereby agrees and  acknowledges
that if the proceeds of sale,  collection  or other  realization  of or upon the
Collateral  pursuant to Section 4.05 hereof are  insufficient to cover the costs
and  expenses  of such  realization  and  the  payment  in  full of the  Secured
Obligations, GDC shall not remain liable for any deficiency.

                  4.07  Removals,  etc.  Without at least 30 days' prior written
notice to the Agent, GDC shall not (a) maintain any of its books or records with
respect to the Collateral at any office or maintain its chief  executive  office
or its  principal  place of  business  at any place or (b) change its  corporate
name,  or the name  under  which it does  business,  from the name  shown on the
signature pages hereto.

                  4.08 Private  Sale.  The Agent and the Lenders  shall incur no
liability as a result of the sale of the Collateral, or any part thereof, at any
private  sale  pursuant  to Section  4.05  hereof  conducted  in a  commercially
reasonable  manner. GDC hereby waives any claims against the Agent or any Lender
arising  by reason of the fact that the price at which the  Collateral  may have
been sold at such a private  sale was less than the price  which might have been
obtained at a public sale or was less than the  aggregate  amount of the Secured
Obligations,  even if the Agent  accepts the first offer  received  and does not
offer the Collateral to more than one offeree.

                  4.09  Application  of  Proceeds.  Except as  otherwise  herein
expressly  provided  and except as  provided  below in this  Section  4.09,  the
proceeds of any collection,  sale or other realization of all or any part of the
Collateral  pursuant  hereto,  and any other  cash at the time held by the Agent
under this Section 4, shall be applied by the Agent:

                  First,  to the  payment  of the  costs  and  expenses  of such
         collection,   sale   or   other   realization,   including   reasonable
         out-of-pocket costs and expenses of the Agent and the fees and expenses
         of its agents and counsel,  and all expenses incurred and advances made
         by the Agent in connection therewith;

                  Next,  to the  payment  in  full of the  Secured  Obligations,
         equally and ratably in accordance  with the respective  amounts thereof
         then due and owing or as the  Lenders  holding  the same may  otherwise
         agree; and

                             GDC Security Agreement


                  Finally,  to the payment to GDC, or its successors or assigns,
         or as a court of competent jurisdiction may direct, of any surplus then

                  As used in this Section 4, "proceeds" of Collateral shall mean
cash, securities and other property realized in respect of, and distributions in
kind of,  Collateral,  including any thereof received under any  reorganization,
liquidation  or  adjustment of debt of GDC or any issuer of or obligor on any of
the Collateral.

                  4.10  Attorney-in-Fact.  Without limiting any rights or powers
granted by this  Agreement  to the Agent while no Event of Default has  occurred
and is continuing,  upon the occurrence and during the  continuance of any Event
of Default the Agent is hereby  appointed  the  attorney-in-fact  of GDC for the
purpose of carrying out the  provisions  of this Section 4 and taking any action
and executing any instruments which the Agent may deem necessary or advisable to
accomplish  the  purposes  hereof,  which  appointment  as  attorney-in-fact  is
irrevocable and coupled with an interest. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing,  so long as the Agent shall be entitled  under this Section 4 to make
collections  in respect of the  Collateral,  the Agent  shall have the right and
power to receive,  endorse  and collect all checks made  payable to the order of
GDC representing any dividend,  payment, or other distribution in respect of the
Collateral or any part thereof and to give full discharge for the same.

                  4.11 Perfection.  Prior to or concurrently  with the execution
and delivery of this  Agreement,  GDC shall file such  financing  statements and
other documents in such offices as the Agent may request to perfect the security
interests granted by Section 3.01 of this Agreement.

                  4.12 Termination. When all Secured Obligations shall have been
paid in full,  the  Commitments of the Lenders under the Credit  Agreement,  all
Letter  of  Credit  Liabilities  and the  Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements
constituting  Other  Indebtedness  shall have expired or been  terminated,  this
Agreement shall  terminate,  and the Agent shall forthwith cause to be assigned,
transferred and delivered, against receipt but without any recourse, warranty or
representation  whatsoever,  any  remaining  Collateral  and money  received  in
respect  thereof,  to or on the order of GDC.  The Agent shall also  execute and
deliver to GDC upon such  termination  such Uniform  Commercial Code termination
statements and such other documentation as shall be reasonably  requested by GDC
to effect the termination and release of the Liens on the Collateral.

                  4.13 Further  Assurances.  GDC agrees that,  from time to time
upon the written request of the Agent, GDC will execute

                             GDC Security Agreement


and  deliver  such  further  documents  and do such other acts and things as the
Agent may  reasonably  request  in order  fully to effect the  purposes  of this

                  Section 5.  Miscellaneous.
                  5.01 No  Waiver.  No  failure  on the part of the Agent or any
Lender to  exercise,  and no course of dealing  with respect to, and no delay in
exercising,  any  right,  power or remedy  hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver
thereof;  nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Agent or any Lender of
any right,  power or remedy  hereunder  preclude  any other or further  exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies herein
are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.

                  5.02  Notices.  All  notices,  requests,  consents and demands
hereunder  shall be in writing  and  telecopied  or  delivered  to the  intended
recipient  at the  "Address  for  Notices"  specified  beneath  its  name on the
signature  pages hereof (or, in the case of the Agent, on the signature pages of
the Credit  Agreement) or, as to either party, at such other address as shall be
designated  by such party in a notice to the other  party.  Except as  otherwise
provided in this Agreement, all such communications shall be deemed to have been
duly given when  transmitted  by telecopier  or personally  delivered or, in the
case of a mailed  notice,  upon  receipt,  in each case  given or  addressed  as

                  5.03 Expenses. GDC agrees to reimburse each of the Lenders and
the Agent for all  reasonable  costs and  expenses  of the Lenders and the Agent
(including,  without  limitation,  the  reasonable  fees and  expenses  of legal
counsel) in connection  with (a) any Default and any  enforcement  or collection
proceeding resulting  therefrom,  including,  without limitation,  all manner of
participation  in or other  involvement with (i) performance by the Agent of any
obligations of GDC in respect of the  Collateral  that GDC has failed or refused
to perform, (ii) bankruptcy, insolvency,  receivership,  foreclosure, winding up
or liquidation  proceedings,  or any actual or attempted  sale, or any exchange,
enforcement,  collection,  compromise  or  settlement  in  respect of any of the
Collateral, and for the care of the Collateral and defending or asserting rights
and  claims  of the  Agent in  respect  thereof,  by  litigation  or  otherwise,
including  expenses of insurance,  (iii) judicial or regulatory  proceedings and
(iv) workout, restructuring or other negotiations or proceedings (whether or not
the workout,  restructuring or transaction  contemplated thereby is consummated)
and (b) the  enforcement  of this Section 6.03,  and all such costs and expenses
shall be Secured Obligations entitled to the benefits of the collateral security
provided pursuant to Section 3.01 hereof.

                             GDC Security Agreement


                  5.04  Amendments,  Etc.  The  terms of this  Agreement  may be
waived, altered or amended only by an instrument in writing duly executed by GDC
and the Agent (with the consent of the Lenders as specified in Section  11.09 of
the Credit  Agreement).  Any such  amendment or waiver shall be binding upon the
Agent and each Lender, each holder of any of the Secured Obligations and GDC.

                  5.05  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the benefit of the  respective  successors and assigns of GDC,
the  Agent,  the  Lenders  and each  holder  of any of the  Secured  Obligations
(provided,  however,  that GDC shall not assign or transfer its rights hereunder
without the prior written consent of the Agent).

                  5.06  Captions.  The captions and section  headings  appearing
herein are included  solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to
affect the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.

                  5.07  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in any
number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the
same  instrument  and either of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by
signing any such counterpart.

                  5.08 Governing Law; Submission to Jurisdiction. This Agreement
shall be governed by, and construed in accordance  with, the law of the State of
New York.  GDC hereby  submits to the  nonexclusive  jurisdiction  of the United
States District Court for the Southern  District of New York and of any New York
state court  sitting in New York City for the purposes of all legal  proceedings
arising out of or relating to this  Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated
hereby.  GDC irrevocably  waives,  to the fullest extent permitted by applicable
law, any objection  that it may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue
of any such  proceeding  brought  in such a court  and any  claim  that any such
proceeding brought in such a court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.

                  5.09  Waiver  of Jury  Trial.  EACH OF GDC,  THE AGENT AND THE

                  5.10 Agents and Attorneys-in-Fact. The Agent may employ agents
and  attorneys-in-fact  in connection  herewith and shall not be responsible for
the negligence or misconduct of any such agents or attorneys-in-fact selected by
it in good faith.

                             GDC Security Agreement


                  5.11  Severability.  If any  provision  hereof is invalid  and
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
(a) the other  provisions  hereof  shall remain in full force and effect in such
jurisdiction  and  shall be  liberally  construed  in favor of the Agent and the
Lenders in order to carry out the  intentions of the parties hereto as nearly as
may be possible and (b) the  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any  provision
hereof in any jurisdiction  shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of
such provision in any other jurisdiction.

                             GDC Security Agreement


                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Security  Agreement  to be duly  executed  as of the day and  year  first  above

                              GERSTELL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION


                              Address for Notices:

                              Gerstell Development Corporation
                              2000 West 41st Street
                              Baltimore, Maryland 21211

                              Telephone No.: (410) 467-5005

                              Telecopy No.: (410) 467-5043
                              Attention: David Smith

                              THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                               (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),
                                as Agent


                             GDC Security Agreement


                                                                       EXHIBIT F

                   [Form of Founders Subordination Agreement]


dated as of May 31, 1996  between  CAROLYN C.  SMITH,  an  individual  currently
residing at 1343 Ivy Hill Road, Cockeysville,  Maryland 21030 (the "Subordinated
lenders  party to the  "Credit  Agreement"  defined to below (in such  capacity,
together with its successors in such capacity, the "Agent").

                    WHEREAS,  Sinclair  Broadcast Group,  Inc. (the "Borrower"),
certain subsidiaries of the Borrower,  certain lenders and the Agent are parties
to an  Amended  and  Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated  as of May 24,  1994 (as
heretofore  amended,  supplemented  and otherwise  modified and in effect on the
date hereof  before  giving  effect to the  amendment  and  restatement  thereof
contemplated by the Credit  Agreement (as defined below),  the "Existing  Credit
Agreement"),   and  in   connection   therewith   the   Subordinated   Creditor,
individually,  and as  Co-Personal  Representative  for the  Estate of Julian S.
Smith,  Frederick  G. Smith,  as  Co-Personal  Representative  for the Estate of
Julian S. Smith (collectively,  the "Existing Subordinated Creditors"),  and the
Agent have executed and delivered an Amended and Restated Founders Subordination
Agreement  dated as of May 24, 1994 (as  heretofore  amended,  supplemented  and
otherwise  modified and in effect on the date hereof before giving effect to the
amendment and  restatement  contemplated  hereby,  the  "Existing  Subordination
Agreement")  pursuant to which the  Existing  Subordinated  Creditors  agreed to
subordinate  certain  claims  to the prior  payment  of the  Senior  Obligations
referred to therein.

                    WHEREAS,  the Estate of Julian S. Smith has been  closed and
the  promissory  note referred to in the clause (b) of the definition of "Junior
Notes" in Section 1 of this Agreement has been assigned to Carolyn C. Smith.

                    WHEREAS,  concurrently  with the  execution  and delivery of
this Agreement,  the Borrower,  certain subsidiaries of the Borrower and certain
lenders  (collectively,  the "Lenders") and the Agent are entering into a Second
Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and
supplemented and in effect from time to time (including without  limitation,  to
increase  the  amount  of  credit  to  be  extended  thereunder),   the  "Credit
Agreement"),  providing,  subject to the terms and conditions  thereof,  for the
extension and renewal of the Borrower's  indebtedness  under the Existing Credit
Agreement and for additional extensions of credit to the Borrower. In

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 2 -

addition,  the Borrower  may now or hereafter  from time to time be obligated to
various of the Lenders in respect of certain Interest Rate Protection Agreements
(as defined in the Credit  Agreement) (such obligations being herein referred to
as the "Other Indebtedness").

                    To induce said  Lenders to amend and  restate  the  Existing
Credit  Agreement  and to extend credit  thereunder  and to extend credit to the
Borrower  which  would  constitute  Other  Indebtedness,  and for other good and
valuable  consideration,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged,   the   Subordinated   Creditor   has  agreed  that  the  Existing
Subordination  Agreement  shall be hereby  amended and restated in its entirety.
Accordingly,  the parties hereby agree that the Existing Subordination Agreement
shall be amended and restated to read as follows:

                    Section  1.   Definitions.   Terms  defined  in  the  Credit
Agreement are used herein as defined therein. In addition, as used herein:

                    "Junior Notes" shall mean (a) the Term Note dated  September
           30, 1990  payable by the Borrower to Carolyn C. Smith in the original
           face amount of $6,700,000  and (b) the Term Note dated  September 30,
           1990 payable by the Borrower to Julian S. Smith in the original  face
           amount of $7,515,000 (heretofore assigned to Carolyn C. Smith).

                    "Obligors"  shall mean the Borrower and all  Subsidiaries of
           the Borrower.

                    "Senior   Obligations"  shall  mean  the  principal  of  and
           interest  (including  Post-Petition  Interest  (as defined in Section
           2.01(a) hereof)) on the Loans made by the Lenders to, and the Note(s)
           held by each Lender of, the Borrower,  all Reimbursement  Obligations
           and  interest  (including  Post-  Petition  Interest  (as so defined)
           thereon and all other  amounts from time to time owing to the Lenders
           or the Agent by the Borrower under the Credit Agreement and under the
           Notes and all Other Indebtedness and interest thereon.

                    "Subordinated   Claims"   shall   mean   all   indebtedness,
           liabilities,   obligations   and  other  claims,   and  all  security
           interests,  mortgages and other  encumbrances owing or granted to the
           Subordinated  Creditor  by any  Obligor,  whenever  arising,  whether
           direct or contingent, as primary obligor, guarantor or otherwise, and
           howsoever evidenced, including, without limitation, in respect of the
           Junior Notes.

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 3 -

                    "Uniform  Commercial Code" shall mean the Uniform Commercial
           Code as in effect from time to time in the State of New York.

                    Section 2. Subordination.  The Subordinated  Creditor agrees
that all payments of Subordinated  Claims are  subordinated and subject in right
of payment,  to the extent and in the manner  provided in this Section 2, to the
prior  payment  in  full  of the  Senior  Obligations  and  the  termination  or
expiration of the Commitments under the Credit  Agreement,  all Letter of Credit
Liabilities  and the Interest  Rate  Protection  Agreements  constituting  Other

                    2.01  Liquidation, Etc.
                             (a)  Upon any payment or distribution of assets of

any Obligor of any kind or character,  whether in cash,  property or securities,
to creditors upon any dissolution or winding up or total or partial  liquidation
or  reorganization  of any  Obligor,  whether  voluntary  or  involuntary  or in
bankruptcy,   insolvency,   receivership  or  other   proceedings,   all  Senior
Obligations  due or to become due shall first be paid in full in cash before any
payment is made on any Subordinated Claims, and all payments and distribution of
assets of any  Obligor of any kind or  character,  whether in cash,  property or
securities,  by set-off or otherwise,  to which the holders of the  Subordinated
Claims would be entitled except for the provisions hereof, shall be paid by such
Obligor or by any receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, liquidating trustee, agent or
other  person  making  such  payment or  distribution,  or by the holders of the
Subordinated  Claims if received by them,  directly to the holders of the Senior
Obligations (pro rata to each such holder on the basis of the respective  unpaid
amounts of Senior  Obligations held by such holder) or their  representatives to
the extent necessary to pay all Senior Obligations in full in cash, after giving
effect to any concurrent prepayment or distribution to or for the benefit of the
holders of Senior Obligations, before any payment or distribution is made to the
holders of the Subordinated Claims. In furtherance of the foregoing,  but not by
way of  limitation  thereof,  in the event that any  Obligor  shall file or have
filed  against it a petition  under any  chapter  of the  Bankruptcy  Code or be
adjudicated a bankrupt thereunder,  with the result that such Obligor is excused
from the obligation to pay all or any part of the interest  otherwise payable in
respect of the Senior Obligations at the applicable rate set forth in the Credit
Agreement  during the period  subsequent to the  commencement of any proceedings
under  the  Bankruptcy  Code  ("Post-Petition  Interest"),  each  holder  of any
Subordinated  Claims hereby  agrees that all or such part of such  Post-Petition
Interest, as the case may be, shall be payable

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 4 -

out of, and to that extent  diminish  and be at the  expense of,  reorganization
dividends or other distributions in respect of such Subordinated Claims.

                             (b)  In the event that any payment or distribution

not  permitted  by the terms of this  Agreement  of assets of any Obligor of any
kind or character, whether in cash, property or securities, shall be received by
the holders of any  Subordinated  Claims (whether arising out of the exercise by
any such  holder of  set-off,  counterclaim  or  otherwise)  before  all  Senior
Obligations  are paid in full, or provision  made for such payment in accordance
with its  terms,  such  payment or  distribution  shall be held in trust for the
benefit of, and shall  immediately  be paid over or delivered to, the holders of
the Senior Obligations or their  representatives,  as their respective interests
may appear, for application to the payment of all Senior  Obligations  remaining
unpaid  to the  extent  necessary  to pay  all  Senior  Obligations  in  full in
accordance with the terms thereof, after giving effect to any concurrent payment
or distribution to or for the holders of the Senior Obligations.

                             (c) In the event  that any  Obligor  shall  file or
have filed against it a petition under any chapter of the  Bankruptcy  Code, the
Agent may (but shall not be obligated  to), and is hereby  appointed  the lawful
attorney of the Subordinated Creditor to, demand, sue for, collect,  receive and
receipt for payments and distributions in respect of Subordinated Claims in such
proceeding  which are  required to be paid or delivered to the holders of Senior
Obligations as provided herein, and to file and prove all claims therefor and to
execute  and  deliver  all  documents  in  such  proceeding  in the  name of the
Subordinated  Creditors or otherwise in respect of such claims, all as the Agent
may determine to be necessary or  appropriate  to carry out the purposes of this

                    2.02  Default Under Credit Agreement.

                             (a) No payment on any  Subordinated  Claim shall be
made by any Obligor if, at the time of such payment or immediately  after giving
effect thereto, there shall exist a Default under the Credit Agreement.

                             (b) If an Event of Default  shall have occurred and
be continuing, the Agent may, by notice to the Subordinated Creditor,  terminate
all guarantees,  and all security  interests,  mortgages and other encumbrances,
included in the Subordinated Claims, whereupon, without any further action, such
guarantees,  security  interests and other  encumbrances  shall be automatically
terminated  and the  Subordinated  Creditor's  sole  recourse  in respect of the
Subordinated Claims shall be as unsecured

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 5 -

creditors of the primary obligors in respect thereof.  The Agent agrees that any
termination   statements  under  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code  signed  by  the
Subordinated  Creditor  and  received by it  hereunder  shall not be filed by it
except to give effect to this Section 2.02(b) at such time, if any, as the Agent
shall exercise its rights under and in accordance with the preceding sentence.

                             (c) The  Agent  shall  be under  no  obligation  to
furnish to any holder of Subordinated Claims any notice of any Default.

                    2.03 Standstill.  During any period in which a Default shall
have occurred and be continuing,  no portion of the Subordinated Claims shall be
due,  and the date that any such  portion  that  would  otherwise  have been due
during such period shall be  automatically  extended until the date on which all
Defaults shall have been cured. Without limiting the foregoing, the Subordinated
Creditor  shall not,  whether or not a Default then exists,  institute any legal
proceedings or take any  non-judicial  action to collect any of the Subordinated
Claims, including (without limitation), bringing a lawsuit, filing or joining in
a petition  against any Obligor  under the  Bankruptcy  Code or  foreclosing  or
otherwise realizing upon any collateral.

                    2.04 Term;  Payments in  Violation  of this  Agreement.  The
Subordinated  Creditor agrees that no payments or distributions will be received
by or on behalf of any holder of a Subordinated  Claim in violation of the terms
of this Agreement.  Any payment so made or received  (excluding any such payment
received  by  the  Subordinated   Creditor  more  than  six  months  before  the
Subordinated  Creditor  receives  notice of a Default) shall be held in trust by
the  Subordinated  Creditor  for  the  benefit  of  the  Lenders  and  shall  be
immediately  remitted  to the Lenders as a payment or  prepayment  of the Senior
Obligations.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the  foregoing,  the  term
"payment"  shall include any proceeds of the  liquidation  or disposition of any

                    2.05  Appointment  as  Attorney  in Fact.  The  Subordinated
Creditor hereby  authorizes and directs the Agent on behalf of the  Subordinated
Creditor to take such action as may be necessary or  appropriate  to  effectuate
the subordination provided for in this Agreement, including, without limitation,
executing  termination  statements  under the  Uniform  Commercial  Code to give
effect to Section 2.02(b) hereof.

                    2.06  Prepayments.  No  prepayments of  Subordinated  Claims
shall be made or accepted except to the extent  permitted by Section 9.18 of the
Credit Agreement.

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 6 -

                    2.07  Modification;   Amendment;  Waiver.  The  Subordinated
Creditor hereby agrees that no document or instrument evidencing or representing
any Subordinated Claim shall in any way be modified or amended, and no waiver in
connection  with any such  document  shall be given,  without the prior  written
consent of the Agent.

                    2.08   Shared   Collateral.    The   Subordinated   Creditor
acknowledges  that the Obligors have granted and will grant to the Agent for the
benefit of the  Lenders  security  interests  in and  mortgages  on all of their
respective  properties.  Notwithstanding  the time of granting of Liens,  or the
time or filing or  recording of any  financing  statements,  mortgages,  fixture
filings or assignments or other notices under the Uniform Commercial Code or any
other applicable law, the Subordinated Creditor hereby subordinates any Lien the
Subordinated Creditor may have on such properties to such security interests and
mortgages in favor of the Agent and hereby agrees that such  security  interests
and mortgages in favor of the Agent, now or hereafter  created or existing,  are
senior  and  prior  to  all  Liens  in  favor  of  the  Subordinated   Creditor,
irrespective of the time or order of attachment or perfection,  and irrespective
of whether such security interests and mortgages in favor of the Agent have been
filed,  recorded or otherwise  perfected.  The Agent is not a fiduciary or agent
for the  Subordinated  Creditor and shall have no  obligation  whatsoever to the
Subordinated  Creditor  in respect of any  collateral  other than under  Section
9-504(1)(c) of the Uniform Commercial Code, and the Subordinated Creditor hereby
agrees that the Agent may, but shall not be  obligated  to, take or refrain from
taking any action with  respect  thereto  permitted by security  agreements  and
mortgages covering such collateral to which the Agent is a party.

                    2.09  Transfer  of  Subordinated  Claims.  The  Subordinated
Creditor shall not assign or otherwise  transfer any Subordinated  Claim held by
the  Subordinated  Creditor other than by operation of law or to a family member
upon death.

                    Section 3. Representations and Warranties.  The Subordinated
Creditor represents and warrants to the Lenders and the Agent that:

                    3.01 No Breach.  None of the  execution and delivery of this
Agreement,   the  consummation  of  the  transactions   herein  contemplated  or
compliance with the terms and provisions  hereof will conflict with or result in
a breach of, or require any consent under, any applicable law or regulation,  or
any order, writ, injunction or decree of any court or governmental  authority or
agency, or any agreement or instrument to which the

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

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Subordinated  Creditor is a party or by which the Subordinated Creditor is bound
or to which the Subordinated  Creditor is subject, or constitute a default under
any such agreement or instrument.

                    3.02  Action.  This  Agreement  has been  duly  and  validly
executed and  delivered by the  Subordinated  Creditor and the legal,  valid and
binding obligation of the Subordinated Creditor,  enforceable in accordance with
its terms.

                    3.03 Approvals. No authorizations, approvals or consents of,
and no filings or registrations  with, any governmental or regulatory  authority
or agency are  necessary  for the  execution,  delivery  or  performance  by the
Subordinated  Creditor of this  Agreement or for the validity or  enforceability

                    3.04  Ownership of  Subordinated  Claims.  The  Subordinated
Creditor has not transferred any  Subordinated  Claims owing to the Subordinated
Creditor,  except for the  pledge  and  security  interest  in the Junior  Notes
provided  for in the Security  Agreement  dated as of March 27, 1995 between the
Subordinated  Creditor and The Chase Manhattan Bank (National  Association),  as
agent for certain lenders, which pledge and security interest are subject to the
provisions of this Agreement.

                    Section 4. Obligations Unconditional. The obligations of the
Subordinated  Creditor  under this  Agreement  are  absolute  and  unconditional
irrespective of the value, genuineness,  validity,  regularity or enforceability
of the Credit Agreement, the Notes or any other agreement or instrument referred
to herein or  therein,  or any  substitution,  release or  exchange of any other
guarantee of or security for any of the Senior Obligations,  and, to the fullest
extent  permitted by  applicable  law,  irrespective  of any other  circumstance
whatsoever  which might otherwise  constitute a legal or equitable  discharge or
defense of a surety or guarantor, it being the intent of this Section 4 that the
obligations  of the  Subordinated  Creditor  hereunder  shall  be  absolute  and
unconditional  under any and all circumstances.  Without limiting the generality
of the  foregoing,  it is agreed that the  occurrence  of any one or more of the
following shall not affect the liability of the Subordinated  Creditor hereunder
which shall remain absolute and unconditional as described above:

                    (a) at any time or from time to time,  without notice to the
           Subordinated  Creditor, the time for any performance of or compliance
           with any of the Senior Obligations shall be

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 8 -

           extended,  such  performance  or  compliance  shall be  waived or the
           amount of the Senior Obligations shall be increased;

                    (b) any of the acts  mentioned in any of the  provisions  of
           the  Credit  Agreement  or  the  Notes  or  any  other  agreement  or
           instrument referred to herein or therein shall be done or omitted;

                    (c) the maturity of any of the Senior  Obligations  shall be
           accelerated,  or any of the  Senior  Obligations  shall be  modified,
           supplemented or amended in any respect, or any right under the Credit
           Agreement or the Notes or any other agreement or instrument  referred
           to herein or therein shall be waived or any other guarantee of any of
           the Senior  Obligations or any security therefor shall be released or
           exchanged in whole or in part or otherwise dealt with;

                    (d) any lien or  security  interest  granted to, or in favor
           of, the Agent or any Lender or  Lenders  as  security  for any of the
           Senior Obligations shall fail to be perfected;

                    (e) any of the Senior  Obligations shall be determined to be
           void or voidable (including,  without limitation,  for the benefit of
           any creditor of any Obligor) or shall be  subordinated  to the claims
           of any Person  (including,  without  limitation,  any creditor of any

                    (f) the  Borrower  shall be  insolvent on the date hereof or
           shall become insolvent on the date that any Loan is made; or

                    (g) the  execution  and  delivery  of a  Tranche C Term Loan
           Activation  Notice  providing for Tranche C Term Loan  Commitments in
           any amount.

The Subordinated Creditors hereby expressly waive diligence, presentment, demand
of payment, protest and all notices whatsoever,  and any requirement (including,
without limitation, marshalling) that the Agent or any Lender exhaust any right,
power or remedy or proceed against any Obligor under the Credit Agreement or the
Notes or any other  agreement or  instrument  referred to herein or therein,  or
against any other Person under any other  guarantee  of, or security for, any of
the Senior Obligations.

                    Section 5.  Consent and Waiver.  The  Subordinated  Creditor
hereby  consents to the execution,  delivery and  performance by the Obligors of
the Credit Agreement (including,  without limitation Section 9.25 thereof),  the
Notes and the other

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                      - 9 -

agreements  and  instruments  referred to  therein,  and the  borrowings  by the
Borrower  under the  Credit  Agreement,  and hereby  agree that such  execution,
delivery,  performance  and borrowings  shall not be deemed to breach,  conflict
with or otherwise  contravene,  or constitute a default under,  any agreement or
instrument relating to any Subordinated Claim. The Subordinated  Creditor hereby
further waives any right the Subordinated  Creditor may have to require that any
License  Subsidiary  Guarantee or otherwise be or become obligated or liable for
any  Subordinated  Claim and,  without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
hereby  releases  any Lien  they may have on or  after  the date  hereof  on any
Broadcast  License  held by any  License  Subsidiary  or on any rights  that any
License Subsidiary may have under any management agreement.

                    Section 6. Further  Assurances.  The  Subordinated  Creditor
agrees  that,  from time to time upon the  written  request  of the  Agent,  the
Subordinated  Creditor  will execute and deliver such further  documents  and do
such other acts and things as the Agent may reasonably request in order fully to
effect the purposes of this Agreement.

                    Section 7.  Miscellaneous.
                    7.01 No  Waiver.  No failure on the part of the Agent or any
Lender to  exercise,  and no course of dealing  with respect to, and no delay in
exercising,  any  right,  power or remedy  hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver
thereof;  nor shall any single or partial exercise by the Agent or any Lender of
any right,  power or remedy  hereunder  preclude  any other or further  exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies herein
are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by law.

                    7.02 Notices.  All notices,  requests,  consents and demands
hereunder  shall be in writing  and  telecopied  or  delivered  to the  intended
recipient at the "Address  for  Notices"  specified  beneath its (or her, as the
case may be) name on the  signature  pages hereof (or, in the case of the Agent,
on the signature  pages of the Credit  Agreement)  or, as to any party,  at such
other  address  as shall be  designated  by such party in a notice to each other
party.  Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement,  all such communications
shall be deemed to have  been duly  given  when  transmitted  by  telecopier  or
personally  delivered or, in the case of a mailed notice,  upon receipt, in each
case given or addressed as aforesaid.

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 10 -

                    7.03  Amendments,  Etc. The terms of this  Agreement  may be
waived, altered or amended only by an instrument in writing duly executed by the
Subordinated  Creditor  and the  Agent  (with  the  consent  of the  Lenders  as
specified  in Section  11.09 of the Credit  Agreement).  Any such  amendment  or
waiver shall be binding  upon the Agent and each  Lender,  each holder of any of
the Secured Obligations and the Subordinated Creditor.

                    7.04 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding
upon  and  inure  to  the   benefit   of  the   respective   heirs,   executors,
administrators,  successors and assigns of the Subordinated Creditor, the Agent,
the  Lenders  and  each  holder  of any of the  Secured  Obligations  (provided,
however,  that the Subordinated Creditor shall not assign or transfer her rights
hereunder without the prior written consent of the Agent).

                    7.05 Captions.  The captions and section headings  appearing
herein are included  solely for convenience of reference and are not intended to
affect the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement.

                    7.06  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in any
number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the
same  instrument  and any of the parties  hereto may execute  this  Agreement by
signing any such counterpart.

                    7.07  Governing  Law;   Submission  to  Jurisdiction.   This
Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of the
State of New York. The Subordinated  Creditor hereby submits to the nonexclusive
jurisdiction  of the United States  District Court for the Southern  District of
New  York and of any New  York  state  court  sitting  in New York  City for the
purposes of all legal  proceedings  arising out of or relating to this Agreement
or the transactions  contemplated hereby. The Subordinated  Creditor irrevocably
waives,  to the fullest extent  permitted by applicable  law, any objection that
the  Subordinated  Creditor may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue
of any such  proceeding  brought  in such a court  and any  claim  that any such
proceeding brought in such a court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.

                    7.08  Waiver  of  Jury  Trial.   EACH  OF  THE  SUBORDINATED

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 11 -

                    7.09  Agents  and  Attorneys-in-Fact.  The Agent may  employ
agents and attorneys-in-fact in connection herewith and shall not be responsible
for the  negligence  or  misconduct  of any  such  agents  or  attorneys-in-fact
selected by it in good faith.

                    7.10  Severability.  If any provision  hereof is invalid and
unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then, to the fullest extent permitted by law,
(a) the other  provisions  hereof  shall remain in full force and effect in such
jurisdiction  and  shall be  liberally  construed  in favor of the Agent and the
Lenders in order to carry out the  intentions of the parties hereto as nearly as
may be possible and (b) the  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any  provision
hereof in any jurisdiction  shall not affect the validity or  enforceability  of
such provision in any other jurisdiction.

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 12 -

                    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have caused this
Subordination  Agreement to be duly  executed as of the day and year first above

                              CAROLYN C. SMITH

                              Address for Notices:
                              1343 Ivy Hill Road
                              Baltimore, Maryland 21030

                              With a copy to:

                              Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
                              100 Light Street, Suite 1100
                              Baltimore, MD 21202

                              Telephone No.: (410) 752-2468
                              Telecopy No.: (410) 752-2046

                              Attention: Steven A. Thomas

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 13 -

                              THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                                (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION),
                                as Agent

Acknowledged and Agreed:



                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 14 -

Acknowledged and Agreed:

- ---------------------



                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 15 -

Acknowledged and Agreed:

- ---------------------



                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                     - 16 -

STATE OF MARYLAND                    )
                                     )   ss:
COUNTY OF __________                 )

                    On  this  __  day  of  _________,   1996,   before  me,  the
undersigned  officer,  personally  appeared  Carolyn C.  Smith,  known to me (or
satisfactorily  proven) to be the person whose name Carolyn C. Smith  subscribed
to the within  instrument  and  acknowledged  that he executed  the same for the
purposes therein contained.

                    In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.

                                          NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the
                                          State of Maryland.
                                          My Commission expires:

                        Founders Subordination Agreement

                                                                       EXHIBIT G

                   [Form of Asset Use and Operating Agreement]


                    ASSET USE AND OPERATING AGREEMENT dated as of _______,  199_
between_________________, a ____________ corporation (the "License Holder"), and
_________________, a ______________ corporation (the "Operator").

                    WHEREAS,   the  License   Holder  holds  the  licenses  (the
"Licenses")  issued by the  Federal  Communications  Commission  (the  "FCC") to
operate the  [television/radio]  station (the  "Station")  identified on Annex 1

                    WHEREAS, the Operator, the owner of all of the capital stock
of the License  Holder,  owns all of the assets  (not  including  Licenses)  and
facilities (the "Facilities") used or useful in the operation of the Station;

                    WHEREAS,  Sinclair  Broadcast Group,  Inc. (the "Borrower"),
the  Operator,  the License  Holder and  certain  other  subsidiary  guarantors,
certain   lenders  (the  "Lenders")  and  The  Chase  Manhattan  Bank  (National
Association),  as agent for the Lenders (in such capacity, the "Agent"), entered
into a Second  Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated as of May 31, 1996
pursuant to which the Borrower borrowed money from the Lenders to finance, inter
alia, the acquisition of the Facilities and the Licenses;

                    WHEREAS,  the License  Holder and the Operator wish to enter
into this Agreement to ensure that the Operator  manages  Station  operations in
accordance with the  Communications  Act of 1934, as amended,  and the rules and
regulations promulgated by the FCC thereunder;

                    NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises and
covenants  contained  herein  and other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties agree as

                    Section 1. The Operator's Duties.  Subject to the provisions
of Section 2 hereof,  the  Operator  shall  manage  and  direct  the  day-to-day
operations of the Station,  including,  but not limited to, providing  staffing,
determining  the  Station's  programming  schedule,  selling  advertising  time,
operating and  maintaining  the  Facilities,  and assuring  compliance  with FCC
requirements. The Operator shall maintain such facilities and equipment and hire
and  supervise  such  employees  as  are  necessary  to the  fulfillment  of its
responsibilities hereunder. It is

                        Asset Use and Operating Agreement

                                      - 2 -

understood that all expenses and capital costs incurred in operating the Station
shall be paid by the Operator and all advertising  and other receipts  collected
in operating the Station shall be retained by the Operator.  The Operator  shall
not be entitled to any compensation for services rendered hereunder.

                    Section 2. Control By the License Holder. The License Holder
shall have the right at all times and may  exercise  ultimate  control  over the
programming, personnel, operations and policies of the Station, and the Operator
shall operate the Station in compliance  therewith.  The Operator  shall provide
the License  Holder with such books of account,  records and reports,  including
quarterly   programming  schedules  and  reports,  as  the  License  Holder  may
reasonably  request from time to time.  Without  limiting the  foregoing  and to
assure compliance with FCC policies and rules, the License Holder shall have the
right  throughout  the term of this  Agreement  (a) to require  the  Operator to
delete any program if its transmission would be contrary to the public interest,
(b) to require the  Operator to transmit any program if its  transmission  would
serve the public  interest,  and (c) to cause the Operator to relieve any person
of his or her duties at the Station if his or her conduct is  inconsistent  with
the  policies  or  rules  of  the  License  Holder  or the  FCC or is  otherwise
inconsistent  with the public interest.  This paragraph shall be construed so as
to vest in the License  Holder such powers which may be necessary  for discharge
of its  responsibilities  as a licensee under the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, and the policies and the rules promulgated thereunder by the FCC.

                    Section 3.  Compliance  with Law. The Operator  shall at all
times operate the Station in compliance with the  Communications Act of 1934, as
amended,  and all  rules,  regulations  and  policies  of the FCC and any  other
governmental  agency  with  authority  over the  Station,  as such laws,  rules,
regulations and policies are in effect from time to time.

                    Section 4. Modification of Facilities.  The Operator may, at
its  discretion,  modify  the  Station's  Facilities  from time to time,  at its
expense, subject to the License Holder's approval of the modifications. If prior
FCC approval of such  modifications  is required,  the Operator shall prepare an
appropriate  application  for the License  Holder to sign and file with the FCC,
and no such change shall be implemented  prior to the grant of FCC consent.  Any
application  for a license to cover any  construction  permit shall similarly be
prepared by the Operator for signature and filing by the License Holder.

                    Section 5.  FCC Filings.  The  Operator shall cooperate with
the License Holder in furnishing any information which may

                        Asset Use and Operating Agreement

                                      - 3 -

be  requested  by the FCC in  connection  with  the  operation  of the  Station,
including, but not limited to, any technical and/or engineering information. The
Operator shall prepare,  for the License Holder's  signature and filing with the
FCC,  an  appropriate  license  renewal  application  and  such  other  reports,
documents,  and filings as may be  necessary  from time to time to keep in force
and effect an FCC  authorization  for operating the Station.  The License Holder
shall  cooperate  with the Operator in signing and filing such  license  renewal
applications  and other  reports,  documents,  and filings as the Operator shall
from time to time prepare and submit to the License Holder.

                    Section 6. Notices.  All notices hereunder shall be given in
writing by first  class  United  States  mail,  postage  prepaid,  addressed  as
follows, or to such other address as either party may specify from time to time:

                             If to the License Holder:




                             If to the Operator:




                    Section 7. Term. The term of this  Agreement  shall begin on
the date hereof and shall  terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following
events  (unless  earlier  terminated  pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section 8

                    (a) revocation or expiration without renewal of the Licenses
           held by the License Holder to operate the Station; or

                    (b)  mutual  agreement  of the  parties  to  terminate  this

                    Section 8.  Termination.  The License  Holder shall have the
right to terminate  this Agreement by written notice to the Operator at any time
during the term hereof upon the occurrence of any of the following events:

                    (a) any  material  failure by the Operator to perform any of
           its obligations under this Agreement;

                        Asset Use and Operating Agreement

                                      - 4 -

                    (b)  the  insolvency  of  the  Operator,  appointment  of  a
           receiver of the property of the Operator,  or any  assignment for the
           benefit of creditors of the Operator;

                    (c) the filing of a voluntary or involuntary  petition by or
           against the Operator under Bankruptcy laws of the United States; or

                    (d) the foreclosure (other than by the Agent) of any lien or
           security  interest in, or the placement or issuance of any levy, writ
           of  attachment,  writ of  garnishment,  writ of  execution or similar
           process  against,  the  Operator or any  property of the  Operator or
           securities representing an ownership interest in the Operator.

                    Section 9.  Assignment.  The Operator  shall not assign this
Agreement or any of the Operator's rights or obligations under this Agreement or
sell or transfer the Facilities without the prior written consent of the License
Holder,  and any attempted  assignment,  sale or transfer by the Operator not in
compliance with this provision shall, at the License  Holder's  option,  be null
and void;  provided,  however,  that the  Operator  may replace  portions of the
Facilities  from time to time  provided  that such  replacements  do not  impair
Station operations.  Nothing herein shall be interpreted to prevent the Operator
from granting a mortgage on or other security interest in any of the Facilities.
This Agreement  shall bind and inure to the benefit of the permitted  successors
and assigns of the parties.  The parties agree that, in the event of assignment,
transfer of control or sale of the Station to any third party,  the Licenses and
the Facilities  shall,  to the extent required by law (including the regulations
of the FCC),  be assigned  or control  thereof  transferred  to such third party
together,  and not  separately,  after all requisite FCC consents  therefor have
been obtained.

                    Section 10.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed
by and construed in accordance with the law of the State of New York.

                    Section  11.  Construction.  It is the intent of the parties
that  operation of the Station  under this  Agreement  comply with the rules and
regulations  of the  FCC,  and all  provisions  of this  Agreement  shall  be so

                    Section 12. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement
shall  be  declared  void  or  invalid  by  any   governmental   authority  with
jurisdiction  thereof, then the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect without the

                        Asset Use and Operating Agreement

                                      - 5 -

offending  provision,  provided that such remainder  substantially  reflects the
original agreement of the parties.

                    Section 13. Amendments. This Agreement represents the entire
understanding  of the parties  hereto with respect to the subject  matter hereof
and may be amended only by a writing signed by both parties.

                    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement
as of the date first above written.

     [NAME OF LICENSE HOLDER]                        [NAME OF OPERATOR]

     By_________________________                     By_______________________
       Title:                                          Title:

                        Asset Use and Operating Agreement


                                                                       Exhibit H

                         [Form of Consent and Agreement]

                  CONSENT AND AGREEMENT (this "Consent and Agreement")  dated as
of ___________, 1996 by [NAME OF CONSENTING PARTY], a corporation duly organized
and validly  existing under the laws of the State of __________ (the "Consenting

                  Sinclair  Broadcast Group,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation (the
"Company1"),  the subsidiaries of the Company party as Subsidiary  Guarantors to
the  Credit   Agreement   referred  to  below   (collectively   the  "Subsidiary
Guarantors"),   including  without  limitation  _____________,   a  ____________
corporation  (the "Contract  Counterparty"),  the financial  institutions  named
therein (the "Lenders") and The Chase  Manhattan Bank (National  Association) as
agent for the Lenders (in such  capacity,  together with its  successors in such
capacity,   the  "Agent")  are  parties  to  a  Credit  Agreement  dated  as  of
____________,  1996 (as  modified  and  supplemented  and in effect from time to
time, the "Credit  Agreement"),  providing,  subject to the terms and conditions
thereof,  for loans to be made by the Lenders in an aggregate  principal  amount
not exceeding $_______________.

                  The  Company,  the  Subsidiary  Guarantors  and the  Agent are
parties to a Security  Agreement  dated as of __________,  1996 (as modified and
supplemented and in effect from time to time, the "Security Agreement") pursuant
to  which  the  Company  and  each  Subsidiary   Guarantor,   including  without
limitation,  the  Contract  Counterparty,  agreed to pledge and grant a security
interest  in the  Assigned  Agreements  (as defined  below) as security  for the
Secured  Obligations (as defined in the Security  Agreement).  Accordingly,  the
parties hereto agree as follows:

                  Section 1. Definitions.  Each capitalized term used herein and
not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the
Credit  Agreement.  As used in this Consent and  Agreement,  the following  term
shall have the following meaning:

                  "Assigned  Agreements"  shall  mean the  agreements  listed in
         Annex 1 hereto.

                  "Contract  Default"  shall  mean a  default  by  the  Contract
         Counterparty or any other Person in the performance of any
- ------------
1        Will be  defined  as the  "Contract  Counterparty"  in the form of this
         Consent and Agreement relating to Assigned Agreements to which Sinclair
         Broadcast Group, Inc. is a party.

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 2 -

         of its obligations under any Assigned  Agreement,  or the occurrence or
         non-occurrence of any event or condition under the Assigned  Agreements
         which  would  immediately  or with the passage of time or the giving of
         notice, or both (including,  without limitation,  the failure to give a
         notice of extension), enable the Consenting Party to exercise any right
         or remedy under the Assigned Agreements or result in the termination or
         any of the Contract Counterparty's rights under any Assigned Agreement.

                  "Monetary  Default"  shall mean,  with respect to any Station,
         the failure by the  Contract  Counterparty  to pay when due,  after the
         lapse of any applicable  grace period,  any amount owing by it under an
         Assigned  Agreement relating to such Station or to cure after the lapse
         of any applicable  grace period any other Contract  Default that can be
         cured solely by the payment of money.

                  "Station"  shall  mean  a  radio  or  television  broadcasting
         station that is the subject of an Assigned Agreement.

                  Section 2.  Representations  and  Warranties.  The  Consenting
Party hereby  represents  and warrants  that this Consent and Agreement has been
duly executed and delivered by the Consenting  Party and  constitutes the legal,
valid and binding  obligation of the Consenting  Party  enforceable  against the
Consenting  Party in  accordance  with its terms,  except as the  enforceability
thereof  may be  limited by (i)  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  moratorium  and other
similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally and (ii)
the application of equitable principles (whether considered in a court of law or
a proceeding in equity).

                  Section 3.  Consent.

                  Section  3.01.  Consent to  Assignments,  etc. The  Consenting
Party hereby:

                  (a) consents to the assignment by the Contract Counterparty to
         the Agent  pursuant to the  Security  Agreement  of all of the Contract
         Counterparty's  right, title and interest in, to and under the Assigned
         Agreements as collateral security for the Secured Obligations;

                  (b) acknowledges the right of the Agent in the exercise of its
         rights  and  remedies  under the  Security  Agreement  and at the times
         provided  for  therein  to make  all  requests  and  demands,  give all
         notices,  take all actions and exercise any and all rights and remedies
         of the Contract  Counterparty (whether or not the Contract Counterparty

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 3 -

         then been  dissolved,  liquidated  or  wound-up)  under  each  Assigned
         Agreement,  and  agrees  that in such  event,  unless  and  until  such
         Assigned  Agreement  is  terminated  as  permitted  by Section  3.01(f)
         hereof,  the Consenting Party shall continue to perform its obligations
         under, and in respect of, such Assigned  Agreement and the Agent or its
         designee  shall  have the full  right  and  power to  enforce  directly
         against the  Consenting  Party all such  obligations  of the Consenting
         Party under such Assigned Agreement;

                  (c) agrees that if (i) the Agent shall  notify the  Consenting
         Party that the Agent has  elected  to  exercise  its  rights  under the
         Security  Agreement to have itself or its designee  substituted for the
         Contract  Counterparty  with  respect  to the  Contract  Counterparty's
         rights under an Assigned  Agreement relating to any Station (whether or
         not the Contract  Counterparty  has then been dissolved,  liquidated or
         wound-up)  and (ii) no  Monetary  Default  shall have  occurred  and be
         continuing  with  respect  to  such  Station,  then  the  Agent  or its
         designee,  as the case may be,  shall be  substituted  for,  and  shall
         assume and be  directly  liable for the  obligations  of, the  Contract
         Counterparty  under  such  Assigned  Agreement  with  respect  to  such
         Station,  and agrees  that in such  event the  Consenting  Party  shall
         continue  to perform  its  obligations  under,  and in respect of, such
         Assigned  Agreement  with  respect to such Station and the Agent or its
         designee  shall  have the full  right  and  power to  enforce  directly
         against the Consenting  Party all  obligations of the Consenting  Party
         under such Assigned Agreement with respect to such Station;

                  (d)  agrees  that if (i) the Agent  shall  sell or assign  any
         portion of an Assigned  Agreement  relating to any Station  pursuant to
         the  Security   Agreement   (whether  through   judicial   foreclosure,
         deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise) and (ii) no Monetary Default
         shall have occurred and be continuing with respect to such Station, the
         purchaser or assignee of such portion of such Assigned Agreement may be
         substituted for the Contract  Counterparty with respect to such portion
         of such Assigned  Agreement  (whether or not the Contract  Counterparty
         has then been  dissolved,  liquidated or  wound-up),  and assume and be
         directly liable for the obligations of, the Contract Counterparty under
         such Assigned  Agreement,  and agrees that in such event the Consenting
         Party will continue to perform its  obligations  under,  and in respect
         of, such Assigned Agreement.

                  (e) agrees that neither the Agent, nor its designee,  shall be
         subject to any duty or obligation  under the Assigned  Agreements,  nor
         shall the grant of a security

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 4 -

         interest in the Assigned  Agreements by the Company and the  Subsidiary
         Guarantors to the Agent pursuant to the Security  Agreement,  give rise
         to any duty or  obligation  on the part of the Agent to the  Consenting
         Party  unless and until the Agent shall have  notified  the  Consenting
         Party in  writing  that the Agent has  elected to  exercise  its rights
         pursuant  to the  Security  Agreement  to have  itself or its  designee
         substituted for the Contract  Counterparty  under an Assigned Agreement
         relating to a Station,  whereupon  the sole  obligation of the Agent or
         such  designee,  as the case may be,  with  respect  to  claims  of the
         Consenting  Party  against the Contract  Counterparty  arising from the
         Contract  Counterparty's  failure to perform during any period prior to
         the  Agent's or such  designee's  substitution  shall be limited to the
         obligation  to cure any  Monetary  Default  relating  to such  Station,
         provided that neither the Agent nor its designee shall become liable to
         the Consenting  Party solely as a result of foreclosing upon and taking
         temporary title to all or any portion of any Assigned Agreement;

                  (f)  agrees  that,  in the event of a  Contract  Default,  the
         Consenting Party will continue to perform its obligations under, and in
         respect of, the Assigned  Agreements and will not exercise any right or
         remedy  provided for in the Assigned  Agreements,  until it first gives
         prompt  written  notice of such  Contract  Default  to the Agent or its
         designee  and  affords  the Agent or its  designee a period of at least
         ninety  (90) days (or,  unless  such  Contract  Default  is a  Monetary
         Default or such Contract Default has a materially adverse effect on the
         Consenting Party,  such longer period as the Agent reasonably  requests
         so long as the Agent or its designee has  commenced  and is  diligently
         pursuing appropriate action to cure such Contract Default) from receipt
         of such notice to cure such Contract Default.

                  (g)  agrees  that the  Agent or its  designee  shall  have the
         right, but not the obligation, to exercise the rights to cure set forth
         in Section 3.01(f) above; and

                  (h) agrees that, in the event that any Assigned  Agreement (i)
         is  terminated  in whole or in part by reason of the  bankruptcy of the
         Contract  Counterparty  or the  Consenting  Party or by  reason  of the
         rejection by the Contract  Counterparty,  the  Consenting  Party or any
         trustee for the Contract  Counterparty or the Consenting  Party of such
         Assigned  Agreement in connection with any bankruptcy case, or pursuant
         to any order of the FCC, or (ii) becomes or is determined to be void or
         unenforceable  in whole or in part,  the  Consenting  Party will,  upon
         notice from the Agent,

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 5 -

         enter into a new agreement with the Agent or its designee,  which shall
         be for the remaining term under the original Assigned Agreement (or, if
         applicable,  the affected  portion  thereof) and shall contain the same
         terms and conditions as such original Assigned Agreement (excluding any
         requirement to pay  consideration  that has theretofore been paid) with
         such  modifications  and  additional  terms  and  conditions  as may be
         reasonably  necessary  to  reflect  materially  changed   circumstances
         resulting  from,  arising  out  of or  relating  to  the  rejection  or
         termination of the original Assigned  Agreement and the substitution of
         the new  contracting  party  (whereupon  references in this Consent and
         Agreement to such "Assigned Agreement" shall be deemed to refer to such
         new Assigned Agreement).

                  Section  3.02.  Payment of  Assigned  Sums.  After  receipt of
notice from the Agent  instructing it to do so, the  Consenting  Party shall pay
all monies  that are due and  payable  to the  Contract  Counterparty  under the
Assigned  Agreements  directly  to the  Agent  at  account  number  ____________
maintained  by the Agent  with  Chase at the  Principal  Office  in  immediately
available  funds  not later  than  _____ on the date such  monies  are due.  The
Contract  Counterparty  hereby releases and agrees to hold the Consenting  Party
harmless from all liability for making  payments to the Agent in accordance with
the requirements of this Section 3.02.

                  Section 3.03. Reinstatement.  This Consent and Agreement shall
continue to be  effective or be  reinstated,  as the case may be, if at any time
any  amount  received  by the Agent in  respect of the  Secured  Obligations  is
rescinded or must  otherwise be restored or returned by the Agent,  whether as a
result of any  proceedings  in bankruptcy  or  reorganization  or otherwise,  as
though such payments had not been made.

                  Section 3.04. Modifications to Basic Documents. The Consenting
Party agrees that no  modification  or supplement to any of the Basic  Documents
(including,  without  limitation,  any modification or supplement that increases
the amount or extends  the  maturity  of any  credit  extended  under the Credit
Agreement) shall affect its obligations hereunder.

                  Section 3.05. No Subrogation. The Consenting Party agrees that
it shall in no event be,  and hereby  waives  any right that it might  otherwise
have to be,  subrogated  to the rights of the Lenders and the Agent with respect
to the Secured Obligations.

                  Section  3.06.  Waiver  of  Bankruptcy  Code  Protection.  The
Consenting Party intends that its obligations under the

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 6 -

Assigned  Agreements  not be a contract to which  Section  365(c)(1)  or Section
365(c)(2)  or  Section  365(e)(2)  of the  Bankruptcy  Code  applies  in a cause
involving the Contract  Counterparty  as a debtor under the Bankruptcy Code and,
to the extent it may be determined that such Sections are applicable  (except as
provided in the following  sentence),  the Consenting  Party (a) waives,  to the
fullest  extent  permitted by law, its rights  under,  and the benefits of, such
Sections  with  respect to such case,  (b)  consents  to the  assumption  of the
Assigned  Agreements by the trustee in bankruptcy in such case and (c) agrees to
reconfirm the waiver contained in clause (a) above and the consent  contained in
clause  (b)  above to the  trustee  in  bankruptcy  in any such case at any time
requested by the Agent.  The Consenting  Party shall not be bound by clause (a),
(b) or (c) of the preceding  sentence with respect to any Assigned  Contract (or
portion  thereof) under which a Contract  Default exists unless,  as provided by
the Bankruptcy  Code, the trustee in bankruptcy (i) cures, or provides  adequate
assurance  that such trustee will promptly  cure,  such Contract  Default,  (ii)
compensates,  or provides  adequate  assurance  that the trustee  will  promptly
compensate, the Consenting Party for any actual pecuniary loss to the Consenting
Party resulting from such Contract Default and (iii) provides adequate assurance
of future performance under such Assigned Agreement (or portion thereof).

                  Section 3.07. Survival of Contract Counterparty's Obligations.
Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to relieve the Contract Counterparty of
(i) any  liability  to the  Consenting  Party for any  Contract  Default  by the
Contract  Counterparty  that is not cured by the Agent or its designee or by any
purchaser  or  assignee  of any  portion of an  Assigned  Agreement  or (ii) any
liability  to the  Consenting  Party for  damages  arising  out of any  Contract
Default by the Contract Counterparty to the extent that such damages relate to a
period prior to the cure of such  Contract  Default by the Agent or its designee
or by any purchaser or assignee of any portion of an Assigned Agreement.

                  Section 3.08. Obligations and Rights under Assigned Agreements
of  Substitute  for Contract  Counterparty.  Nothing  contained  herein shall be
deemed to limit  the  rights  or  remedies  of the  Consenting  Party  under any
Assigned  Agreement  in  respect  of any  Contract  Default  by the Agent or its
designee or by any purchaser or assignee of any portion of an Assigned Agreement
after  the  Agent,  such  designee  or such  purchaser,  as the  case may be (an
"Assignee"), is substituted for the Contract Counterparty as provided in Section
3.01 hereof in respect of the  portion of such  Assigned  Agreement  under which
such  Contract  Default  occurred.  No  Assignee  shall,  by  virtue of any such
substitution in respect of a portion of an Assigned  Agreement,  acquire greater
rights under such Assigned Agreement with respect to such portion

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 7 -

than a permitted assignee of the Contract  Counterparty would acquire under such
Assigned Agreement with respect to such portion.

                  [Section  3.09.  Subordination.  The  Agent  agrees  that,  as
between the Agent and the Cure Right  Agreement  Agent (as defined  below),  the
rights and  remedies  of the Agent  under this  Agreement  shall be subject  and
subordinate  to the rights and remedies of The Chase  Manhattan  Bank  (National
Association),  as agent (in such capacity,  together with its successors in such
capacity,  the "Cure Right Agreement  Agent") for the lenders to  [Glencairn/the
River  City  Sellers],  under  the  __________________  Agreement  dated  as  of
____________ (the "Cure Right Agreement") between the Cure Right Agreement Agent
and the  Consenting  Party for so long as the Cure Right  Agreement  shall be in
effect.  Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Agent shall not
exercise any right or remedy  hereunder (other than the rights to cure set forth
in Section 3.01(f) hereof,  which rights shall be subject and subordinate to the
rights and remedies of the Cure Right Agreement Agent as aforesaid)  without the
prior written  consent of the Cure Right Agreement Agent for so long as the Cure
Right Agreement shall be in effect.]2

         Section 4.  Miscellaneous.
                  Section  4.01.  _____  Termination.  Subject to  Section  3.03
hereof,  when all  Secured  Obligations  shall  have  been  paid in full and the
Commitments  of the  Lenders  (and the  Letters  of  Credit)  under  the  Credit
Agreement shall have expired or been terminated and the Interest Rate Protection
Agreements  shall have expired or been  terminated,  this Consent and  Agreement
shall  terminate.  The  Agent  shall  notify  the  Consenting  Party  when  such
termination has occurred.  In addition,  subject to Section 3.01(h) hereof, this
Agreement  shall  terminate  with  respect to any  Assigned  Agreement  that has
terminated  in  accordance  with its terms and as permitted  by Section  3.01(f)
hereof and with  respect to any portion of an Assigned  Agreement  that has been
fully and finally performed, including, without limitation, any option under any
Assigned  Agreement  that has been  exercised  and for  which  the  closing  has

                  Section 4.02.  Notices.  All notices and other  communications
hereunder  shall be in writing,  shall be sent by first class mail,  by personal
delivery,  by a nationally  recognized courier service, or by telecopy and shall
be directed

- -----------------------
2        To be  inserted if the  Consenting  Party is  Glencairn  (or any of its
         Subsidiaries) or River City (or any of its Subsidiaries).

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 8 -

to the addresses and telephone numbers listed on the signature page hereto or to
such  other  address  or  addressee  as a party may  designate  by notice  given
pursuant hereto.

                  Section 4.03. Separate Counterparts;  Amendments, Waiver. This
Consent and  Agreement may be executed in separate  counterparts,  each of which
when so executed  and  delivered  shall be an  original,  and all of which taken
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.  Neither this Consent and
Agreement nor any of the terms hereof may be terminated,  amended, supplemented,
waived or modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the Agent and by
any  other  party  against  whom  any  such  amendment,  supplement,  waiver  or
modification  is to be enforced.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing  sentence,  the
Agent may terminate this Consent and Agreement at any time by providing a notice
to the Consenting Party in accordance with Section 4.02.

                  Section 4.04.  Severability  of  Provisions.  Any provision of
this  Consent  and  Agreement  which  is  prohibited  or  unenforceable  in  any
jurisdiction  shall,  as to such  jurisdiction,  be ineffective to the extent of
such  prohibition  or  unenforceability   without   invalidating  the  remaining
provisions  hereof,  and  any  such  prohibition  or   unenforceability  in  any
jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render  unenforceable such provision in any
other jurisdiction.

                  Section  4.05.   Successors  and  Assigns.  This  Consent  and
Agreement  shall be binding upon each of the  Consenting  Party and the Contract
Counterparty,  and on the permitted  successors and assigns of each of them, and
shall inure to the benefit of the Agent (for its own benefit and for the benefit
of the financial  institutions  and other lenders from time to time party to the
Credit Agreement or to any Successor Credit Agreement (as defined below) and its
successors and permitted  assigns;  provided that (i) the Consenting Party shall
not transfer or assign all or any portion of its obligations  under this Consent
and Agreement or the Assigned  Agreements  without the prior written  consent of
the Agent and (ii) the Agent shall not  transfer or assign all or any portion of
its rights or obligations  hereunder except to a successor agent for the Lenders
under the Credit  Agreement or to an agent for the  financial  institutions  and
other lenders from time to time party to any  Successor  Credit  Agreement.  For
purposes of this  Section  4.05,  "Successor  Credit  Agreement"  shall mean any
credit  or loan  agreement  providing  for  loans to be made by a  syndicate  of
lenders that have appointed a commercial bank to act as their agent  thereunder,
where all or a portion of the  proceeds of such loans are used to  refinance  or
refund the  indebtedness  of the Company  under the Credit  Agreement.  From and
after the date any Successor  Credit  Agreement is entered into and the proceeds
of any borrowing thereunder are used to pay all

                              Consent and Agreement

                                      - 9 -

obligations  of  the  Company  under  the  predecessor   Credit  Agreement  then
outstanding  (and the  commitments of the lenders  thereunder to provide further
credit  shall have expired or been  terminated  and either any letters of credit
issued  thereunder  shall  have  expired  or been  terminated  or the  Company's
obligations  with respect to any such letters of credit shall have been released
thereunder and reinstated under such Successor Credit Agreement), such Successor
Credit  Agreement  shall be deemed to be the Credit  Agreement  for all purposes

                  Section  4.06.  Headings  Descriptive.  The  headings  of  the
several sections of this Consent and Agreement are inserted for convenience only
and shall not in any way affect the meaning or construction of any provisions of
this Consent and Agreement.

                  Section  4.07.  Further  Assurances.  Upon the  request of the
Contract Counterparty or the Agent, in connection with the provisions of and the
transactions contemplated by the Assigned Agreements, the Consenting Party shall
execute and deliver such further  instruments  and  agreements  relating to such
provisions  and  transactions  as may  reasonably  be  requested by the Contract
Counterparty  to further  document  and carry out the intent and purpose of such
provisions and transactions.

                  Section  4.08.  GOVERNING  LAW,  SUBMISSION  TO  JURISDICTION,

                  (a) This  Consent  and  Agreement  shall be  governed  by, and
construed  in  accordance  with,  the law of the State of New York.  Each of the
parties hereto hereby  submits to the  nonexclusive  jurisdiction  of the United
States District Court for the Southern  District of New York and of any New York
state court sitting in New York County for the purposes of all legal proceedings
arising out of or relating to this  Consent and  Agreement  or the  transactions
contemplated  hereby.  Each of the parties hereto hereby irrevocably  waives, to
the fullest extent  permitted by law, any objection that it may now or hereafter
have to the laying of the venue of any such  proceeding  brought in such a court
and any claim that any such proceeding  brought in such a court has been brought
in an inconvenient forum.


                  Section 4.09.  Waiver.  No failure on the part of the Agent to
exercise and no delay in  exercising,  and no course of dealing with respect to,
any right, power or privilege under this

                              Consent and Agreement

                                     - 10 -

Agreement  shall  operate as a waiver  thereof,  nor shall any single or partial
exercise of any right,  power or  privilege  under this  Agreement  preclude any
other or further exercise  thereof or the exercise of any other right,  power or
privilege.  The remedies provided herein are cumulative and not exclusive of any
remedies provided by law.

                              Consent and Agreement

                                     - 11 -

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this
Agreement  and Consent to be executed by its duly  authorized  officer as of the
date first above written.

                              [NAME OF CONSENTING PARTY]


                              Address for Notices:


                              Telecopier No.:

                              Telephone No.:

                              THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                               (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION), 
                               as Agent


                              Address for Notices:


                              Telecopier No.:

                              Telephone No.:

                              Consent and Agreement

                                     - 12 -

                              SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.


                              Address for Notices:


                              Telecopier No.:

                              Telephone No.:

                              Consent and Agreement

                                     - 13 -


  as Cure Right Agreement Agent


                              Consent and Agreement


                                                                       EXHIBIT I

                       [Form of Assignment and Acceptance]

                            ASSIGNMENT AND ACCEPTANCE

                    Reference is made to the Second Amended and Restated  Credit
Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996 (as modified and  supplemented  and in effect
from time to time, the "Credit  Agreement"),  between Sinclair  Broadcast Group,
Inc., a Maryland corporation (the "Borrower"),  the Subsidiary  Guarantors party
thereto,  the lenders named  therein,  and The Chase  Manhattan  Bank  (National
Association),  as agent for such lenders.  Terms defined in the Credit Agreement
are used herein as defined therein.

                    ____________________        (the       "Assignor")       and
____________________ (the "Assignee") agree as follows:

                    1. The Assignor hereby  irrevocably sells and assigns to the
Assignee without recourse to the Assignor,  and the Assignee hereby  irrevocably
purchases and assumes from the Assignor without recourse to the Assignor,  as of
the Effective Date as set forth in Schedule 1 hereto (the "Effective  Date"), an
interest  (the  "Assigned  Interest")  in  and  to  the  Assignor's  rights  and
obligations  under the Credit Agreement with respect to those credit  facilities
contained in the Credit  Agreement as are set forth on Schedule 1 (individually,
an "Assigned Facility"; collectively, the "Assigned Facilities"), in a principal
amount and percentage for each Assigned Facility as set forth on Schedule 1.

                    2. The Assignor (i) makes no  representation or warranty and
assumes  no  responsibility  with  respect  to  any  statements,  warranties  or
representations  made in or in connection with the Credit  Agreement,  any other
Basic Document or any other instrument or document  furnished  pursuant thereto,
or the execution, legality, validity, enforceability,  genuineness,  sufficiency
or  value of the  Credit  Agreement,  any  other  Basic  Document  or any  other
instrument or document  furnished  pursuant thereto,  other than that it has not
created any adverse claim upon the interest  being  assigned by it hereunder and
that such  interest is free and clear of any such adverse  claim;  (ii) makes no
representation  or warranty  and assumes no  responsibility  with respect to the
financial  condition  of the  Borrower,  any of its  Subsidiaries  or any  other
obligation  or  the  performance  or  observance  by  the  Borrower,  any of its
Subsidiaries or any other obligor of any of their respective  obligations  under
the Credit  Agreement  or any other Basic  Document or any other  instrument  or
document  furnished  pursuant hereto or thereto;  and (iii) attaches the Note(s)
held by it  evidencing  the  Assigned  Facilities  and  requests  that the Agent
exchange such Note(s) for a new Note or

                            Assignment and Acceptance

                                      - 2 -

Notes  payable to the Assignor (if the Assignor has retained any interest in the
Assigned  Facility)  and a new  Note or Notes  payable  to the  Assignee  in the
respective  amounts  which reflect the  assignment  being made hereby (and after
giving  effect to any other  assignments  which  have  become  effective  on the
Effective Date).

                    3. The  Assignee  (i)  represents  and  warrants  that it is
legally  authorized to enter into this Assignment and Acceptance;  (ii) confirms
that it has received a copy of the Credit Agreement, together with copies of the
financial  statements  referred  to  in  Section  8.02  thereof,  the  financial
statements  delivered  pursuant to Section 9.01 thereof,  if any, and such other
documents and  information  as it has deemed  appropriate to make its own credit
analysis and decision to enter into this Assignment and Acceptance; (iii) agrees
that it will, independently and without reliance upon the Assignor, the Agent or
any other Lender and based on such  documents and  information  as it shall deem
appropriate at the time,  continue to make its own credit decisions in taking or
not taking action under the Credit  Agreement,  the other Basic Documents or any
other instrument or document furnished pursuant hereto or thereto; (iv) appoints
and  authorizes  the Agent to take such  action  as agent on its  behalf  and to
exercise such powers and discretion under the Credit Agreement,  the other Basic
Documents  or any other  instrument  or document  furnished  pursuant  hereto or
thereto as are delegated to the Agent by the terms  thereof,  together with such
powers as are  incidental  thereto;  and (v) agrees that it will be bound by the
provisions of the Credit Agreement and will perform in accordance with its terms
all the obligations  which by the terms of the Credit  Agreement are required to
be performed by it as a Lender.

                    4.   Following   the  execution  of  this   Assignment   and
Acceptance,  it will be  delivered  to the  Agent  for  acceptance  by the Agent
pursuant  to Section  12.06(b) of the Credit  Agreement  and, if the Loans being
assigned hereby are Registered Loans, recording by the Agent pursuant to Section
12.06(g) of the Credit Agreement, effective as of the Effective Date (which date
shall  not,  unless  otherwise  agreed to by the  Agent,  be  earlier  than five
Business  Days after the date of such  acceptance by the Agent and, if the Loans
being assigned  hereby are Registered  Loans,  shall in no event be earlier than
the date the information  contained herein is recorded in the Register  pursuant
to Section 12.06(g) of the Credit Agreement).

                    5. Upon such acceptance and (if applicable) recording,  from
and after the  Effective  Date,  the Agent shall make all payments in respect of
the Assigned Interest (including payments

                            Assignment and Acceptance

                                      - 3 -

of principal,  interest,  fees and other  amounts) to the Assignee  which accrue
subsequent to the Effective Date.

                    6. From and after the Effective Date, (i) the Assignee shall
be a  party  to the  Credit  Agreement  and,  to the  extent  provided  in  this
Assignment  and  Acceptance,  have  the  rights  and  obligations  of  a  Lender
thereunder  and  under  the  other  Basic  Documents  and  shall be bound by the
provisions  thereof and (ii) the Assignor  shall, to the extent provided in this
Assignment  and  Acceptance,  relinquish  its  rights and be  released  from its
obligations  under the Credit  Agreement  except as provided in Section 12.07 of
the Credit Agreement.

                    7. This  Assignment and Acceptance  shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the law of the State of New York.

                    8. This  Assignment  and  Acceptance  may be executed in any
number of counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the
same  instrument and any of the parties  hereto may execute this  Assignment and
Acceptance by signing any such counterpart.

                    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have caused this
Assignment  and  Acceptance to be executed as of the date first above written by
their respective duly authorized officers on Schedule 1 hereto.

                            Assignment and Acceptance


                                  Schedule 1 to
                            Assignment and Acceptance
                   relating to the Second Amended and Restated
                   Credit Agreement dated as of May 31, 1996,
                     between Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.,
                    the Subsidiary Guarantors party thereto
                          the lenders named therein and
                The Chase Manhattan Bank (National Association),
                            as agent for the Lenders
                         (in such capacity, the Agent")

Name of Assignor:

Name of Assignee:

Effective Date of Assignment:

           Credit                    Principal                   Percentage
      Facility Assigned           Amount Assigned                 Assigned
      -----------------           ---------------                 --------

[ASSIGNEE]                                    [ASSIGNOR]

By:___________________________                By:__________________________
   Title:                                        Title:


                                              THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                                                (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION), as


                                              [Consented to:

                                              THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK
                                                (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION), as
                                                Issuing Bank


                            Assignment and Acceptance