INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT

                  THIS   AGREEMENT   is  entered  into  as  of  April  10,  1996
("Agreement"),  between Sinclair Broadcast Group,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation
(the "Company"), and Barry Baker ("Indemnitee").

                        Background Statement and Recitals

                  Highly  competent  and  experienced  persons are becoming more
reluctant to serve  corporations as directors or in other capacities unless they
are  provided  with   adequate   protection   through   insurance  and  adequate
indemnification  against  inordinate  risks of claims and actions  against  them
arising out of their service to and activities on behalf of the corporation.

                  The  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the  "Board")  has
determined  that the  inability  to attract  and retain  such  persons  would be
detrimental to the best interests of the Company and its  stockholders  and that
the  Company  should act to assure  such  persons  that there will be  increased
certainty of such protection in the future.

                  The Board has also determined  that it is reasonable,  prudent
and  necessary  for the  Company,  in addition  to  purchasing  and  maintaining
directors'  and  officers'  liability  insurance  (or  otherwise  providing  for
adequate  arrangements of  self-insurance),  contractually to obligate itself to
indemnify such persons to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law so that
they will serve or continue to serve the Company  free from undue  concern  that
they will not be so indemnified.

                  Upon  the  commencement  of  the  Employment  Term  under  the
Employment  Agreement  dated  of  even  date  herewith  among  the  Company  and
Indemnitee (the "Employment  Agreement"),  Indemnitee is willing to serve as (i)
the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Sinclair  Communications,  Inc.
("SCI"), (ii) the Executive Vice President of the Company, (iii) a member of the
Board  of  Directors  of the  Company  and SCI and  (iv)  the  President,  Chief
Executive  Officer and as a member of the Board of  Directors  of such direct or
indirect subsidiaries of SCI as Indemnitee shall from time to time determine and
to take on  additional  service for or on behalf of the Company on the condition
that he be so indemnified.

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  foregoing and the
mutual covenants herein  contained,  and other good and valuable  consideration,
the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby
agree as follows:


                                    ARTICLE I

                               CERTAIN DEFINITIONS

                  As used herein,  the following  words and terms shall have the
following respective meanings:

                  "Change in Control"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed to such
term in the Employment Agreement.

                  "Claim"  means an actual or  threatened  claim or request  for

                  "Corporate  Status" means the status of a person who is or was
a director,  nominee for director,  officer, employee, agent or fiduciary of the
Company or of any other corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee
benefit  plan or other  enterprise  which such  person is or was  serving at the
request of the Company.

                  "Disinterested  Director,"  with  respect  to any  request  by
Indemnitee for indemnification hereunder, means a director of the Company who is
not, at the time of  determination,  a party to the  Proceeding  or subject to a
Claim,  issue or  matter  in  respect  of which  indemnification  is  sought  by

                  "Employment Term" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term
in the Employment Agreement.

                  "Expenses" means all attorneys' fees, retainers,  court costs,
transcript  costs, fees of experts,  witness fees, travel expenses,  duplicating
costs, printing and binding costs, telephone charges,  postage, delivery service
fees and all other  disbursements or expenses of the types customarily  incurred
in connection  with  prosecuting,  defending,  preparing to prosecute or defend,
investigating,  being or  preparing  to be a  witness  in, or  participating  in
(including on appeal), a Proceeding.

                  "MGCL"  means the  Maryland  General  Corporation  Law and any
successor statute thereto as either of them may be amended from time to time.

                  "person"  shall  have the  meaning  ascribed  to such  term in
Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act.

                  "Proceeding"  means  any  threatened,   pending  or  completed
action,   suit,    arbitration,    alternate   dispute   resolution   mechanism,
administrative  hearing  or  any  other  proceeding,  whether  civil,  criminal,
administrative  or investigative and whether or not based upon events occurring,
or actions taken,  before the date hereof (except any of the foregoing initiated
by Indemnitee  pursuant to Article VI or Section 7.8 to enforce his rights under
this Agreement), and any


inquiry or  investigation  that could lead to, and any appeal in or related  to,
any such action, suit,  arbitration,  alternative dispute resolution  mechanism,
hearing or proceeding.

                  "Special Legal Counsel" means a law firm, or a member of a law
firm,   that  is  experienced   in  matters  of  corporation   law  and  neither
contemporaneously  is, nor in the five years  theretofore has been,  retained to
represent (a) the Company or  Indemnitee  in any matter  material to either such
party,  (b) any  other  party  to the  Proceeding  giving  rise  to a claim  for
indemnification  hereunder or (c) the beneficial owner,  directly or indirectly,
of securities  of the Company  representing  20% or more of the combined  voting
power of the Company's then outstanding  voting  securities (other than, in each
such case,  with respect to matters  concerning  the rights of Indemnitee  under
this  Agreement,   or  of  other  indemnitees   under  similar   indemnification
agreements).  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the term "Special Legal Counsel"
shall not include any person who, under the applicable standards of professional
conduct  then  prevailing,  would have a conflict of  interest  in  representing
either the Company or Indemnitee in an action to determine  Indemnitee's  rights
under this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE II

                             SERVICES BY INDEMNITEE

                  Section 2.1 Services.  Upon the commencement of the Employment
Term,  Indemnitee  agrees  to serve as (i) the  President  and  Chief  Executive
Officer of SCI,  (ii) the  Executive  Vice  President  of the  Company,  (iii) a
director of the Company and SCI and (iv) the President,  Chief Executive Officer
and as a director of such direct or indirect  subsidiaries  of SCI as Indemnitee
shall from time to time determine.  In addition,  Indemnitee agrees to serve, as
the Company may request  from time to time,  as a director,  officer,  employee,
agent or fiduciary of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,  trust,
employee  benefit  plan or other  enterprise.  Indemnitee  and the Company  each
acknowledge  that they have entered  into this  Agreement as a means of inducing
Indemnitee to serve the Company in such  capacities.  Indemnitee may at any time
and for any reason resign from such position or positions  (subject to any other
contractual  obligation  or any  obligation  imposed by operation  of law).  The
Company shall have no obligation under this Agreement to continue  Indemnitee in
any such position or positions.

                                   ARTICLE III


                  Section 3.1 General. The Company shall indemnify,  and advance
Expenses to,  Indemnitee to the fullest  extent  permitted by applicable  law in
effect on the date  hereof  and to such  greater  extent as  applicable  law may
thereafter from time to time permit. The rights of Indemnitee provided under the
preceding  sentence shall include,  but shall not be limited to, the right to be
indemnified  and to have  Expenses  advanced in all  Proceedings  to the fullest
extent  permitted by Section 2-418 of the MGCL. The provisions set forth in this
Agreement are


provided in addition to and as a means of furtherance and implementation of, and
not in limitation of, the obligations expressed in this Article III.

                  Section  3.2  Proceedings  Other  Than by or in  Right  of the
Company.  Indemnitee  shall be  entitled  to  indemnification  pursuant  to this
Section 3.2 if, by reason of his Corporate  Status,  he was, is or is threatened
to be made,  a party to any  Proceeding,  other than a  Proceeding  by or in the
right of the Company.  Pursuant to this Section 3.2, the Company shall indemnify
Indemnitee  against Expenses,  judgments,  penalties,  fines and amounts paid in
settlement  (including  all  interest,  assessments  and other  charges  paid or
payable in connection with any such Expenses,  judgments,  penalties,  fines and
amounts paid in settlement)  actually and  reasonably  incurred by him or on his
behalf in connection with such Proceeding or any Claim, issue or matter therein,
unless it is  established  that (a) the act or  omission of the  Indemnitee  was
material to the matter  giving rise to the  Proceeding  and (i) was committed by
the  Indemnitee  in bad faith or (ii) was the  result of active  and  deliberate
dishonesty; or (b) the Indemnitee actually received an improper personal benefit
in money,  property or services;  or (c) in the case of any criminal Proceeding,
the  Indemnitee  had  reasonable  cause to believe  that the act or omission was
unlawful. Nothing in this Section 3.2 shall limit the benefits of Section 3.1 or
any other provision of this Agreement.

                  Section  3.3  Proceedings  by  or in  Right  of  the  Company.
Indemnitee shall be entitled to indemnification pursuant to this Section 3.3 if,
by reason of his  Corporate  Status,  he was, is or is  threatened to be made, a
party to any  Proceeding  brought by or in the right of the Company to procure a
judgment in its favor. Pursuant to this Section 3.3, the Company shall indemnify
Indemnitee  against Expenses  actually and reasonably  incurred by him or on his
behalf in connection with such Proceeding or any Claim, issue or matter therein,
unless it is  established  that (a) the act or  omission of the  Indemnitee  was
material to the matter  giving rise to the  Proceeding  and (i) was committed by
the  Indemnitee  in bad faith or (ii) was the  result of active  and  deliberate
dishonesty; or (b) the Indemnitee actually received an improper personal benefit
in money,  property or services;  or (c) in the case of any criminal Proceeding,
the  Indemnitee  had  reasonable  cause to believe  that the act or omission was
unlawful.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no  indemnification  against  such
Expenses  shall  be made in  respect  of any  Claim,  issue  or  matter  in such
Proceeding as to which  Indemnitee  shall have been adjudged to be liable to the
Company if applicable law prohibits  such  indemnification;  provided,  however,
that, if applicable law so permits,  indemnification against such Expenses shall
nevertheless be made by the Company in such event if and only to the extent that
a court of  competent  jurisdiction  (the  "Court"),  or the court in which such
Proceeding shall have been brought or is pending, shall so determine. Nothing in
this Section 3.3 shall limit the benefits of Section 3.1 or any other  provision
of this Agreement.


                                   ARTICLE IV


                  Section  4.1  Expenses  of a Party  Who Is  Wholly  or  Partly
Successful.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this  Agreement  to the
contrary  (except  as set  forth in  Section  7.2(c)  or  7.6),  and  without  a
requirement  for any  determination  described in Section 5.2, the Company shall
indemnify  Indemnitee  against all Expenses actually and reasonably  incurred by
him or on his behalf in connection  with any Proceeding to which  Indemnitee was
or is a party by reason  of his  Corporate  Status  and in which  Indemnitee  is
successful,  on the merits or otherwise. If Indemnitee is not wholly successful,
on the merits or otherwise, in a Proceeding but is successful,  on the merits or
otherwise,  as to any Claim,  issue or matter in such  Proceeding,  the  Company
shall indemnify Indemnitee against all Expenses actually and reasonably incurred
by him or on his behalf relating to each successfully  resolved Claim,  issue or
matter. For purposes of this Section 4.1 and without limitation, the termination
of a Claim,  issue or matter  in a  Proceeding  by  dismissal,  with or  without
prejudice,  shall be deemed to be a successful result as to such Claim, issue or

                  Section   4.2   Expenses   of   a   Witness   or    Non-Party.
Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Agreement to the contrary,  to the
extent  that  Indemnitee  is, by reason of his  Corporate  Status,  a witness or
otherwise participates in any Proceeding at a time when he is not a party in the
Proceeding,  the Company shall  indemnify him against all Expenses  actually and
reasonably incurred by him or on his behalf in connection therewith.

                  Section 4.3 Advancement of Expenses. The Company shall pay all
reasonable  Expenses  incurred by or on behalf of Indemnitee in connection  with
any Proceeding,  whether brought by or in the right of the Company or otherwise,
in advance of any determination  with respect to entitlement to  indemnification
pursuant  to  Article V within 15 days  after the  receipt  by the  Company of a
written request from Indemnitee requesting such payment or payments from time to
time,  whether  prior to or after final  disposition  of such  Proceeding.  Such
statement or  statements  shall  reasonably  evidence  the Expenses  incurred by
Indemnitee and, if delivered  prior to the final  disposition of the Proceeding,
contain a written  affirmation  of  Indemnitee's  good faith  belief  that he is
entitled to indemnification by the Company hereunder or pursuant to the relevant
provisions of the MGCL.  Indemnitee  hereby  undertakes  and agrees that he will
reimburse  and repay the Company for any Expenses so advanced to the extent that
it shall ultimately be determined (in a final adjudication by a court from which
there is no further right of appeal or in a final adjudication of an arbitration
pursuant  to Section 6.1 if  Indemnitee  elects to seek such  arbitration)  that
Indemnitee  is not  entitled  to be  indemnified  by the  Company  against  such


                                    ARTICLE V

                               TO INDEMNIFICATION

                  Section 5.1 Request by Indemnitee.  To obtain  indemnification
under this Agreement,  Indemnitee shall submit to the Company a written request,
including  therein  or  therewith  such  documentation  and  information  as  is
reasonably  available to  Indemnitee  and is  reasonably  necessary to determine
whether  and to what extent  Indemnitee  is  entitled  to  indemnification.  The
Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of the Company shall,  promptly upon receipt
of such a  request  for  indemnification,  advise  the  members  of the Board in
writing that Indemnitee has requested indemnification.

                  Section 5.2 Determination of Request.  Upon written request by
Indemnitee  for  indemnification  pursuant to Section 5.1, a  determination,  if
required by applicable  law, with respect to  Indemnitee's  entitlement  thereto
shall be made in the specific case as follows:

                           (a) If a Change in Control  shall have  occurred,  by
         Special  Legal  Counsel in a written  opinion  to the Board,  a copy of
         which shall be delivered to Indemnitee  unless Indemnitee shall request
         that such  determination  be made by the  Disinterested  Directors,  in
         which case in the manner  provided for in clause (i) of  paragraph  (b)

                           (b) If a Change in Control  shall not have  occurred,
         (i)  by a  majority  vote  of a  quorum  of  the  Board  consisting  of
         Disinterested  Directors,  or (ii) if such a quorum cannot be obtained,
         by a majority vote of a committee of the Board consisting solely of two
         or more  Disinterested  Directors  who  were  designated  to act in the
         matter by a majority  vote of the full Board,  or (iii) if there are no
         Disinterested  Directors, or if such Disinterested Directors so direct,
         by  Special  Legal  Counsel,  or (iv)  if  Indemnitee  and the  Company
         mutually agree, by the stockholders of the Company; or

                           (c) As provided in Section 5.4(b).

If it is so determined that Indemnitee is entitled to indemnification hereunder,
payment to  Indemnitee  shall be made  within 15 days after such  determination.
Indemnitee shall cooperate with the person or persons making such  determination
with respect to Indemnitee's entitlement to indemnification, including providing
to such person upon reasonable  advance request any documentation or information
that is not  privileged  or  otherwise  protected  from  disclosure  and that is
reasonably   available  to  Indemnitee   and   reasonably   necessary  for  such
determination.   Any  costs  or   expenses   (including   attorneys'   fees  and
disbursements)  incurred  by  Indemnitee  in so  cooperating  with the person or
persons making such determination shall be borne by the Company (irrespective of
the determination as to Indemnitee's  entitlement to  indemnification),  and the
Company shall indemnify and hold harmless Indemnitee therefrom.


                  Section  5.3  Special  Legal  Counsel.  If a Change in Control
shall not have occurred and the determination of entitlement to  indemnification
is to be made by Special  Legal  Counsel,  the Special  Legal  Counsel  shall be
selected  by (a) a  majority  vote  of a  quorum  of  the  Board  consisting  of
Disinterested  Directors,  or (b) if such a  quorum  cannot  be  obtained,  by a
majority  vote of a  committee  of the  Board  consisting  solely of two or more
Disinterested  Directors who were  designated to act in the matter by a majority
vote of the full  Board,  or (c) if the quorum  referred  to in  Section  5.3(a)
cannot be obtained and the  committee  referred to in Section  5.3(b)  cannot be
established, by a majority vote of the Board, and the Company shall give written
notice  to  Indemnitee,  within  ten  days  after  receipt  by  the  Company  of
Indemnitee's request for indemnification, specifying the identity and address of
the  Special  Legal  Counsel  so  selected.  If a Change in  Control  shall have
occurred and the determination of entitlement to  indemnification  is to be made
by Special  Legal  Counsel,  the  Special  Legal  Counsel  shall be  selected by
Indemnitee,  and Indemnitee shall give written notice to the Company, within ten
days after submission of Indemnitee's  request for  indemnification,  specifying
the  identity  and address of the  Special  Legal  Counsel so  selected  (unless
Indemnitee  shall  request  that  such  selection  be made by the  Disinterested
Directors,  in which event the Company shall give written  notice to Indemnitee,
within ten days after  receipt of  Indemnitee's  request  for the  Disinterested
Directors  to make such  selection,  specifying  the identity and address of the
Special  Legal  Counsel  so  selected).  In  either  event,  (i) such  notice to
Indemnitee or the Company, as the case may be, shall be accompanied by a written
affirmation  of the Special  Legal  Counsel so selected  that it  satisfies  the
requirements  of the definition of "Special Legal Counsel" in Article I and that
it agrees to serve in such capacity and (ii)  Indemnitee or the Company,  as the
case may be, may, within seven days after such written notice of selection shall
have been given, deliver to the Company or to Indemnitee,  as the case may be, a
written objection to such selection. Any objection to selection of Special Legal
Counsel pursuant to this Section 5.3 may be asserted only on the ground that the
Special  Legal  Counsel  so  selected  does  not meet  the  requirements  of the
definition of "Special Legal Counsel" in Article I, and the objection  shall set
forth with  particularity  the factual basis of such assertion.  If such written
objection is timely made, the Special Legal Counsel so selected may not serve as
Special  Legal  Counsel  unless  and until the  Court has  determined  that such
objection  is without  merit.  In the event of a timely  written  objection to a
choice of Special  Legal  Counsel,  the party  originally  selecting the Special
Legal  Counsel  shall have seven days to make an alternate  selection of Special
Legal Counsel and to give written  notice of such  selection to the other party,
after  which  time  such  other  party  shall  have  five days to make a written
objection to such alternate  selection.  If, within 30 days after  submission of
Indemnitee's  request for  indemnification  pursuant to Section  5.1, no Special
Legal  Counsel  shall have been selected and not objected to, either the Company
or Indemnitee  may petition the Court for resolution of any objection that shall
have been made by the Company or Indemnitee to the other's  selection of Special
Legal Counsel  and/or for the  appointment  as Special Legal Counsel of a person
selected by the Court or by such other person as the Court shall designate,  and
the person  with  respect to whom an  objection  is so resolved or the person so
appointed  shall act as Special  Legal  Counsel  under  Section 5.2. The Company
shall pay any and all  reasonable  fees and  expenses  incurred by such  Special
Legal Counsel in connection with acting pursuant to Section 5.2, and the Company
shall pay all  reasonable  fees and expenses  incident to the procedures of this
Section 5.3, regardless of the manner in which such Special


Legal  Counsel  was  selected or  appointed.  Upon the due  commencement  of any
judicial  proceeding  or  arbitration  pursuant to Section  6.1,  Special  Legal
Counsel shall be discharged and relieved of any further  responsibility  in such
capacity  (subject to the  applicable  standards  of  professional  conduct then

                  Section 5.4    Presumptions and Effect of Certain Proceedings.

                           (a)  Indemnitee  shall be  presumed to be entitled to
         indemnification  under this Agreement upon  submission of a request for
         indemnification pursuant to Section 5.1, and the Company shall have the
         burden  of  proof  in  overcoming   that   presumption  in  reaching  a
         determination  contrary to that presumption.  Such presumption shall be
         used by Special Legal  Counsel (or other person or persons  determining
         entitlement  to  indemnification)  as a basis  for a  determination  of
         entitlement to indemnification  unless the Company provides information
         sufficient  to  overcome  such  presumption  by  clear  and  convincing

                           (b) If the person or persons  empowered  or  selected
         under this Article V to  determine  whether  Indemnitee  is entitled to
         indemnification  shall  not have  made a  determination  within 60 days
         after   receipt   by  the   Company   of   Indemnitee's   request   for
         indemnification,   the  requisite   determination   of  entitlement  to
         indemnification  shall be deemed to have been made and Indemnitee shall
         be entitled to such indemnification,  absent (i) a knowing misstatement
         by  Indemnitee of a material  fact,  or knowing  omission of a material
         fact   necessary  to  make   Indemnitee's   statement  not   materially
         misleading,    in   connection    with    Indemnitee's    request   for
         indemnification,  or (ii) a prohibition of such  indemnification  under
         applicable  law;  provided,  however,  that such  60-day  period may be
         extended for a reasonable time, not to exceed an additional 30 days, if
         the person  making the  determination  with respect to  entitlement  to
         indemnification  in good faith  requires such  additional  time for the
         obtaining or evaluating of documentation and/or information relating to
         such  determination;  provided further,  that the 60-day limitation set
         forth in this  Section  5.4(b) shall not apply and such period shall be
         extended  as  necessary  (i) if within  30 days  after  receipt  by the
         Company of Indemnitee's  request for indemnification  under Section 5.1
         Indemnitee and the Company have agreed, and the Board has resolved,  to
         submit such  determination  to the stockholders of the Company pursuant
         to  Section  5.2(b)  for their  consideration  at an annual  meeting of
         stockholders  to be held within 90 days after such  agreement  and such
         determination is made thereat, or a special meeting of stockholders for
         the  purpose of making  such  determination  to be held  within 60 days
         after such agreement and such determination is made thereat, or (ii) if
         the  determination of entitlement to  indemnification  is to be made by
         Special Legal Counsel,  in which case the applicable period shall be as
         set forth in clause (c) of Section 6.1.

                           (c)  The  termination  of  any  Proceeding  or of any
         Claim, issue or matter by judgment,  order or settlement  (whether with
         or without court  approval)  shall not by itself  adversely  affect the
         rights of Indemnitee to indemnification or create a presumption


         that the act or omission of the  Indemnitee  was material to the matter
         giving rise to the  Proceeding  and was committed by the  Indemnitee in
         bad faith or was the result of active and deliberate dishonesty or that
         the Indemnitee actually received an improper personal benefit in money,
         property  or services or in the case of any  criminal  Proceeding,  the
         Indemnitee had reasonable cause to believe that the act or omission was
         unlawful.  The termination of any Proceeding or of any Claim,  issue or
         matter by conviction, or a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent or
         an entry of an order of  probation  prior to  judgment,  shall create a
         rebuttable  presumption  that the Indemnitee did not meet the requisite
         standard of conduct set forth in this Section 5.4(c).  Indemnitee shall
         be deemed to have been found  liable in respect of any Claim,  issue or
         matter  only after he shall have been so  adjudged  by the Court  after
         exhaustion of all appeals therefrom.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                         CERTAIN REMEDIES OF INDEMNITEE

                  Section  6.1  Indemnitee   Entitled  to   Adjudication  in  an
Appropriate  Court.  If (a) a  determination  is made pursuant to Article V that
Indemnitee is not entitled to  indemnification  under this Agreement,  (b) there
has been any failure by the Company to make timely payment or advancement of any
amounts  due   hereunder,   or  (c)  the   determination   of   entitlement   to
indemnification  is to be made by Special Legal  Counsel and such  determination
shall not have been made and delivered in a written opinion within 90 days after
the  latest  of (i) such  Special  Legal  Counsel's  being  appointed,  (ii) the
overruling  by the Court of  objections  to such  counsel's  selection  or (iii)
expiration  of all  periods  for the  Company  or  Indemnitee  to object to such
counsel's selection,  Indemnitee shall be entitled to commence an action seeking
an  adjudication  in the Court of his  entitlement  to such  indemnification  or
advancement of Expenses.  Alternatively,  Indemnitee, at his option, may seek an
award in  arbitration  to be  conducted by a single  arbitrator  pursuant to the
commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Indemnitee
shall  commence such action seeking an  adjudication  or an award in arbitration
within 180 days  following the date on which  Indemnitee  first has the right to
commence  such action  pursuant to this Section 6.1, or such right shall expire.
The Company shall not oppose Indemnitee's right to seek any such adjudication or
award in arbitration.

                  Section 6.2 Adverse  Determination  Not to Affect any Judicial
Proceeding.  If a determination  shall have been made pursuant to Article V that
Indemnitee is not entitled to indemnification under this Agreement, any judicial
proceeding  or  arbitration  commenced  pursuant  to this  Article  VI  shall be
conducted in all respects as a de novo trial or arbitration  on the merits,  and
Indemnitee   shall  not  be  prejudiced  by  reason  of  such  initial   adverse
determination.  In any judicial proceeding or arbitration  commenced pursuant to
this Article VI, Indemnitee shall be presumed to be entitled to  indemnification
or  advancement  of Expenses,  as the case may be, under this  Agreement and the
Company shall have the burden of proof in  overcoming  such  presumption  and to
show by clear  and  convincing  evidence  that  Indemnitee  is not  entitled  to
indemnification or advancement of Expenses, as the case may be.


                  Section  6.3  Company  Bound  by  Determination  Favorable  to
Indemnitee in any Judicial  Proceeding or Arbitration.  If a determination shall
have been made or deemed to have been made pursuant to Article V that Indemnitee
is entitled to  indemnification,  the Company shall be irrevocably bound by such
determination in any judicial  proceeding or arbitration  commenced  pursuant to
this Article VI and shall be precluded from  asserting  that such  determination
has not been made or that the procedure by which such  determination was made is
not  valid,  binding  and  enforceable,  in each such case  absent (a) a knowing
misstatement  by  Indemnitee  of a material  fact,  or a knowing  omission  of a
material  fact  necessary  to make a  statement  by  Indemnitee  not  materially
misleading, in connection with Indemnitee's request for indemnification or (b) a
prohibition of such indemnification under applicable law.

                  Section 6.4 Company Bound by the Agreement.  The Company shall
be precluded from asserting in any judicial proceeding or arbitration  commenced
pursuant  to this  Article  VI that  the  procedures  and  presumptions  of this
Agreement are not valid, binding and enforceable and shall stipulate in any such
court  or  before  any such  arbitrator  that  the  Company  is bound by all the
provisions of this Agreement.

                  Section  6.5  Indemnitee  Entitled  to  Expenses  of  Judicial
Proceeding.  If  Indemnitee  seeks a  judicial  adjudication  of or an  award in
arbitration  to enforce his rights under,  or to recover  damages for breach of,
this Agreement,  Indemnitee  shall be entitled to recover from the Company,  and
the Company shall  indemnify  Indemnitee  against,  any and all expenses (of the
types  described  in the  definition  of  Expenses  in Article I)  actually  and
reasonably incurred by him in such judicial adjudication or arbitration but only
if  Indemnitee  prevails  therein.  If it shall be  determined  in such judicial
adjudication or arbitration  that Indemnitee is entitled to receive part but not
all of the  indemnification  or advancement of expenses or other benefit sought,
the  expenses   incurred  by  Indemnitee   in  connection   with  such  judicial
adjudication or arbitration shall be equitably allocated between the Company and
Indemnitee.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if a Change in Control shall have
occurred, Indemnitee shall be entitled to indemnification under this Section 6.5
regardless  of  whether   Indemnitee   ultimately   prevails  in  such  judicial
adjudication or arbitration.

                                   ARTICLE VII


                  Section  7.1  Non-Exclusivity.  The  rights of  Indemnitee  to
receive  indemnification  and advancement of Expenses under this Agreement shall
not be deemed  exclusive of any other rights to which Indemnitee may at any time
be entitled  under  applicable  law, the Charter or Bylaws of the  Company,  any
other  agreement,  a resolution of stockholders or directors,  or otherwise.  No
amendment or alteration of the Charter or Bylaws of the Company or any provision
thereof shall adversely  affect  Indemnitee's  rights  hereunder and such rights
shall be in  addition  to any rights  Indemnitee  may have  under the  Company's
Charter,  Bylaws and the MGCL or otherwise. To the extent that there is a change
in the MGCL or other  applicable  law (whether by statute or judicial  decision)
that allows greater indemnification by


agreement than would be afforded currently under the Company's Charter or Bylaws
and this  Agreement,  it is the intent of the parties hereto that the Indemnitee
shall enjoy by virtue of this Agreement the greater  benefit so afforded by such

                  Section 7.2       Insurance and Subrogation.

                           (a) To the extent the Company  maintains an insurance
         policy  or  policies  providing   liability  insurance  for  directors,
         officers,  employees,  agents or  fiduciaries  of the Company or of any
         other corporation,  partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit
         plan or other  enterprise that such person serves at the request of the
         Company,  Indemnitee  shall be covered by such  policy or  policies  in
         accordance  with  its or  their  terms  to the  maximum  extent  of the
         coverage available for any such director,  officer,  employee, agent or
         fiduciary under such policy or policies.

                           (b) In the event of any payment by the Company  under
         this  Agreement,  the Company shall be subrogated to the extent of such
         payment  to all of the  rights of  recovery  of  Indemnitee,  who shall
         execute all papers  required  and take all action  necessary  to secure
         such rights,  including execution of such documents as are necessary to
         enable the Company to bring suit to enforce such rights.

                           (c)  The  Company  shall  not be  liable  under  this
         Agreement  to make  any  payment  of  amounts  otherwise  indemnifiable
         hereunder if and to the extent that  Indemnitee has otherwise  actually
         received  such  payment  under the  Company's  Charter or Bylaws or any
         insurance policy, contract, agreement or otherwise.

                  Section 7.3 Certain Settlement  Provisions.  The Company shall
have no obligation to indemnify Indemnitee under this Agreement for amounts paid
in  settlement  of a Proceeding  or Claim  without the  Company's  prior written
consent. The Company shall not settle any Proceeding or Claim in any manner that
would impose any fine or other  obligation  on Indemnitee  without  Indemnitee's
prior written  consent.  Neither the Company nor Indemnitee  shall  unreasonably
withhold their consent to any proposed settlement.

                  Section  7.4  Duration  of  Agreement.  This  Agreement  shall
continue for so long as Indemnitee  serves as a director,  nominee for director,
officer,  employee,  agent or fiduciary of the Company or, at the request of the
Company,  as a  director,  nominee for  director,  officer,  employee,  agent or
fiduciary of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,  trust, employee
benefit  plan or other  enterprise,  and  thereafter  shall  survive  until  and
terminate  upon the latest to occur of (a) the expiration of ten years after the
latest date that Indemnitee shall have ceased to serve in any such capacity; (b)
the final termination of all pending  Proceedings in respect of which Indemnitee
is granted rights of indemnification or advancement of Expenses hereunder and of
any proceeding  commenced by Indemnitee pursuant to Article VI relating thereto;
or (c) the  expiration  of all  statutes of  limitation  applicable  to possible
Claims arising out of Indemnitee's Corporate Status.


                  Section 7.5 Notice by Each Party.  Indemnitee  shall  promptly
notify the  Company in writing  upon being  served with any  summons,  citation,
subpoena, complaint, indictment,  information or other document or communication
relating  to any  Proceeding  or Claim for which  Indemnitee  may be entitled to
indemnification or advancement of Expenses hereunder;  provided,  however,  that
any failure of Indemnitee  to so notify the Company  shall not adversely  affect
Indemnitee's  rights under this Agreement except to the extent the Company shall
have been materially  prejudiced as a direct result of such failure. The Company
shall notify promptly Indemnitee in writing as to the pendency of any Proceeding
or Claim that may involve a claim against the  Indemnitee  for which  Indemnitee
may be entitled to indemnification or advancement of Expenses hereunder.

                  Section 7.6 Certain  Persons Not Entitled to  Indemnification.
Notwithstanding   any  other  provision  of  this  Agreement  to  the  contrary,
Indemnitee shall not be entitled to  indemnification  or advancement of Expenses
hereunder with respect to any Proceeding or any Claim,  issue or matter therein,
brought  or made by  Indemnitee  against  the  Company or any  affiliate  of the
Company, except as specifically provided in Article V or Article VI.

                  Section 7.7 Indemnification for Negligence,  Gross Negligence,
etc. Without limiting the generality of any other provision hereunder, it is the
express intent of this Agreement that  Indemnitee be indemnified and Expenses be
advanced  regardless of  Indemnitee's  acts of negligence,  gross  negligence or
intentional  or  willful  misconduct  to the  extent  that  indemnification  and
advancement  of Expenses is allowed  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and
under applicable law.

                  Section 7.8 Enforcement. The Company agrees that its execution
of  this  Agreement  shall  constitute  a  stipulation  by  which  it  shall  be
irrevocably  bound  in any  court  or  arbitration  in  which  a  proceeding  by
Indemnitee for  enforcement of his rights  hereunder  shall have been commenced,
continued or appealed,  that its  obligations  set forth in this  Agreement  are
unique  and  special,  and  that  failure  of the  Company  to  comply  with the
provisions of this Agreement will cause  irreparable and irremediable  injury to
Indemnitee,  for  which a remedy  at law will be  inadequate.  As a  result,  in
addition  to any other  right or  remedy  he may have at law or in  equity  with
respect to breach of this Agreement,  Indemnitee shall be entitled to injunctive
or  mandatory  relief  directing  specific  performance  by the  Company  of its
obligations under this Agreement.

                  Section  7.9  Successors  and  Assigns.  All of the  terms and
provisions of this Agreement  shall be binding upon,  shall inure to the benefit
of and  shall  be  enforceable  by  the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
successors, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives.
The Company shall require and cause any direct or indirect successor (whether by
purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise) to all or substantially all of the
business or assets of the Company,  by written  agreement in form and  substance
reasonably satisfactory to Indemnitee,  expressly to assume and agree to perform
this  Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would
be required to perform if no such succession had taken place.


                  Section 7.10 Amendment.  This Agreement may not be modified or
amended except by a written  instrument  executed by or on behalf of each of the
parties hereto.

                  Section  7.11  Waivers.  The  observance  of any  term of this
Agreement may be waived (either generally or in a particular instance and either
retroactively or  prospectively) by the party entitled to enforce such term only
by a writing  signed by the party  against  which such waiver is to be asserted.
Unless otherwise  expressly  provided herein,  no delay on the part of any party
hereto in exercising any right, power or privilege  hereunder shall operate as a
waiver  thereof,  nor  shall any  waiver on the part of any party  hereto of any
right,  power or  privilege  hereunder  operate as a waiver of any other  right,
power or  privilege  hereunder  nor shall any single or partial  exercise of any
right,  power or  privilege  hereunder  preclude  any other or further  exercise
thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege hereunder.

                  Section  7.12  Entire   Agreement.   This  Agreement  and  the
documents  expressly  referred to herein constitute the entire agreement between
the parties  hereto with respect to the matters  covered  hereby,  and any other
prior or  contemporaneous  oral or written  understandings  or  agreements  with
respect  to  the  matters  covered  hereby  are  expressly  superseded  by  this

                  Section 7.13 Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement
(including any provision within a single section,  paragraph or sentence) or the
application of such provision to any person or circumstance, shall be judicially
declared to be invalid,  unenforceable  or void, such decision will not have the
effect of  invalidating or voiding the remainder of this Agreement or affect the
application  of such provision to other persons or  circumstances,  it being the
intent and agreement of the parties that this Agreement  shall be deemed amended
by modifying  such provision to the extent  necessary to render it valid,  legal
and  enforceable  while  preserving its intent,  or if such  modification is not
possible,  by substituting  therefor another provision that is valid,  legal and
unenforceable  and  that  achieves  the same  objective.  Any  such  finding  of
invalidity  or  unenforceability  shall  not  prevent  the  enforcement  of such
provision  in  any  other  jurisdiction  to  the  maximum  extent  permitted  by
applicable law.

                  Section  7.14  Notices.  All notices and other  communications
hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be deemed given upon (a)  transmitter's
confirmation of a receipt of a facsimile transmission, (b) confirmed delivery of
a standard  overnight courier or when delivered by hand or (c) the expiration of
five business days after the date mailed by certified or registered mail (return
receipt  requested),  postage prepaid, to the parties at the following addresses
(or at such other addresses for a party as shall be specified by like notice):


                  If to the Company, to:

                  Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.
                  2000 West 41st Street
                  Baltimore, Maryland 21211
                  Attention:        Chief Executive Officer
                  Facsimile:        (410) 467-5043

                  with a copy to:

                  Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
                  The USF&G Tower
                  100 Light Street
                  Suite 1100
                  Baltimore, Maryland 21202
                  Attention:        Steven A. Thomas
                  Facsimile:        (410) 752-2046

                  If to Indemnitee, to:

                  Indemnitee, at his address set forth
                  on the personnel records of the

                  with a copy to:

                  Baker & Botts, L.L.P.
                  2001 Ross Avenue
                  Dallas, Texas  75201
                  Attention:  Andrew M. Baker
                  Facsimile:  (214) 953-6503

                  Section 7.15              Certain Construction Rules.

                           (a) The  article and section  headings  contained  in
         this Agreement are for reference  purposes only and shall not affect in
         any way the meaning or  interpretation  of this  Agreement.  As used in
         this  Agreement,  unless  otherwise  provided to the contrary,  (i) all
         references to days shall be deemed references to calendar days and (ii)
         any reference to a "Section" or "Article" shall be deemed to refer to a
         section or article of this Agreement.  The words "hereof," "herein" and
         "hereunder"  and words of similar  import  referring to this  Agreement
         refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular  provision
         of  this  Agreement.   Whenever  the  words  "include,"  "includes"  or
         "including"  are used in this  Agreement,  they  shall be  deemed to be
         followed  by  the  words   "without   limitation."   Unless   otherwise
         specifically provided for herein, the term


         "or" shall not be deemed to be  exclusive.  Whenever  the  context  may
         require,   any  pronoun  used  in  this  Agreement  shall  include  the
         corresponding  masculine,  feminine or neuter  forms,  and the singular
         form of nouns,  pronouns  and verbs  shall  include the plural and vice

                           (b) For  purposes of this  Agreement,  references  to
         "other enterprises" shall include employee benefit plans; references to
         "fines"  shall  include  any excise  taxes  assessed  on a person  with
         respect to any employee  benefit  plan;  references  to "serving at the
         request of the  Company"  shall  include  any  service  as a  director,
         nominee for director,  officer,  employee or agent of the Company which
         imposes  duties on, or involves  services by, such  director,  nominee,
         officer,  employee or agent with respect to an employee  benefit  plan,
         its participants or beneficiaries;  and an action taken or omitted by a
         person with respect to an employee  benefit plan in the  performance of
         his duties for a purpose he  reasonably  believed to be in the interest
         of the participants and beneficiaries of the plan shall be deemed to be
         for a purpose  which is to not  opposed  to the best  interests  of the

                  Section 7.16 Governing  Law. This Agreement  shall be governed
by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Maryland, without
giving effect to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.

                  Section 7.17  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in
two or more  counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original  and
all of  which  together  shall  be  deemed  to be one and the  same  instrument,
notwithstanding  that both parties are not  signatories  to the original or same


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Agreement has been duly executed and
delivered to be effective as of the date first above written.

                             SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.

                             By: /s/ David D. Smith
                                 Name: David D. Smith
                                 Title: Chief Executive Officer


                             /s/ Barry Baker
                             Barry Baker
