This REGISTRATION  RIGHTS AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement") is entered into
as of May 31, 1996,  by and among  SINCLAIR  BROADCAST  GROUP,  INC., a Maryland
corporation (the "Company"),  RIVER CITY BROADCASTING,  L.P., a Delaware limited
partnership  ("River City"),  and such other persons and entities who shall have
executed this  Agreement and whose names appear on the Schedule of  Registration
Rights  Holders  attached  hereto as Exhibit A, as such  Schedule may be amended
from  time to time to  reflect  permitted  additional  Holders  (as  hereinafter


         WHEREAS,  the Company  and River City have  entered  into that  certain
Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of April 10, 1996, as amended and restated as
of May 31,  1996  (the  "Asset  Purchase  Agreement"),  pursuant  to  which,  in
pertinent  part, the parties  thereto agreed that the Company is to purchase all
of River City's right, title and interest in certain of River City's assets;

         WHEREAS,  pursuant to the terms of the Asset Purchase Agreement,  River
City will  receive a portion of the  purchase  price in shares of the  Company's
Series A Exchangeable  Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,  which will be
exchanged for and converted into shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock,
par value $.01 per share (the "Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock"),  which
will be  convertible  into  shares of Class A Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per
share (the "Common Stock");

         WHEREAS,  the Company and Barry Baker  ("Baker") have entered into that
certain  Employment  Agreement  (the  "Employment  Agreement")  and Stock Option
Agreement  (the  "Stock  Option  Agreement"),  each dated as of April 10,  1996,
pursuant to which Baker has been  granted  stock  options to purchase  shares of
Common Stock; and

         WHEREAS,  pursuant to the terms of the Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  the
Employment  Agreement and the Stock Option Agreement,  the Company has agreed to
register the shares of Common Stock received by the Holders (hereinafter defined
pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein).


         NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing  recitals and other
good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:




         1.  "Commission"  means the Securities  and Exchange  Commission or any
other federal agency at the time administering the Securities Act.

         2.  "Exchange  Act"  means  the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
amended,  or any similar  federal  statute and the rules and  regulations of the
Commission thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect from time to time.

         3. "Governmental  Authority" means any nation or government,  any state
or other  political  subdivision  thereof and any court,  panel,  judge,  board,
bureau,  commission,  agency or other  entity,  body or other Person  exercising
executive,  legislative,  judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or
pertaining to government.

         4. "Holders"  shall mean and include River City and any other person or
persons or entity or entities who have executed  this  Agreement and whose names
appear on the Schedule of Registration  Rights Holders  including any transferee
permitted pursuant to Section VII(d) of this Agreement.

         5. "Person"  means an individual or  corporation,  partnership,  trust,
unincorporated  organization,  association  or other  entity  and  includes  any
Governmental Authority.

         6. "Registrable Securities" means,  collectively,  (i) shares of Common
Stock  issuable  upon  conversion of the Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock
issued to River City under the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  (ii) shares of Common
Stock issued or issuable  upon  conversion of any shares of Series B Convertible
Preferred  Stock  that are issued in payment  of the  dividend  preference  with
respect to any of the shares of Series B Convertible  Preferred  Stock described
in the preceding clause (i) (and without regard to whether or not such shares of
Series B  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  are then  held by  River  City),  (iii)
securities  issued or issuable with respect to any of the shares of Common Stock
referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) above, upon any stock split, stock dividend,
recapitalization  or  similar  event,  (iv)  shares  of Common  Stock  issued or
issuable upon exercise of options  granted to Barry Baker  pursuant to the Stock
Option Agreement,  and (v) shares of Common Stock otherwise issuable pursuant to
the terms of the Employment Agreement. Any Registrable Security will cease to be
a Registrable  Security when (i) such Registrable  Security has been transferred
pursuant  to an  effective  registration  statement  under  the  Securities  Act
covering such  Registrable  Security (but not including any transfer exempt from
registration  under the Securities  Act), (ii) such  Registrable  Security is no
longer held of record by River City or any of the Holders or their successors or
assigns,  or (iii) the holder of such  Registrable  Security is then able to use
Rule 144  promulgated  under the Securities Act (or any successor  provision) to
transfer such Registrable  Security without regard to any restrictions  pursuant
to Rule 144(k).

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         7.  "Securities  Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or
any similar  federal  statute and the rules and  regulations  of the  Commission
thereunder, all as the same shall be in effect from time to time.


                             REGISTRATION STATEMENT

         (a) As soon as practicable  following the closing of the Asset Purchase
Agreement,  the Company shall file with the Commission a registration  statement
on Form  S-3 (or  such  other  form as may be  appropriate)  (the  "Registration
Statement"),  with  respect  to the  sale of all of the  Registrable  Securities
issued and  outstanding  at the time of such filing plus such other  Registrable
Securities (that are not issued and outstanding at such time) as may properly be
registered  at such time.  As soon as  practicable  following  the  issuance  of
additional  Registrable  Securities,  the Company  shall cause the  registration
(through  amendment  of an  existing  Registration  Statement  or  filing  of an
additional  Registration  Statement) with respect to such Registrable Securities
not  previously  registered.  The Company shall use its best efforts to have the
Registration Statement declared effective by the Commission under the Securities
Act as soon as reasonably  practicable,  and to keep the Registration  Statement
effective as long as there are Registrable  Securities  issued or issuable.  The
Company  further  agrees to  supplement or make  amendments to the  Registration
Statement  if  required  by the  registration  form used by the  Company for the
Registration  Statement or by the instructions  applicable to such  registration
form or by the Securities Act, and to comply with all other  requirements of the
Securities Act applicable to the Company with respect to the registration of all
Registrable Shares covered by the Registration  Statement and in accordance with
the intended methods of disposition by the Holders.

         (b) The Company  shall have the right to postpone for up to ninety (90)
days the  sales  of any  Registrable  Securities  pursuant  to the  Registration
Statement  if the  Company  reasonably  believes  that  such  sales  will have a
material  adverse  effect on any  proposal  or plan by the Company or any of its
subsidiaries  to engage in any  financing,  acquisition of assets (other than in
the ordinary course of business) or any merger,  consolidation,  tender offer or
other significant transaction; provided that the Company shall have the right to
so postpone such filing or effectiveness  only one (1) time during any period of
twelve (12) consecutive months.


                             REGISTRATION PROCEDURES

         (a) COMPANY  OBLIGATIONS.  Following the closing of the Asset  Purchase
Agreement, the Company will as expeditiously as possible:

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                  (1)  furnish  to  the  Holders,  prior  to the  filing  of the
Registration  Statement (or any  prospectus,  amendment or supplement  thereto),
copies of the  Registration  Statement as proposed to be filed,  which documents
will be subject to the reasonable  review and comments of the Holders (and their
respective attorneys), and the Company will not file any registration statement,
any  prospectus or any amendment or  supplement  thereto (or any such  documents
incorporated  by  reference)  to which the Holders  shall  reasonably  object in
writing;  and  thereafter  furnish to the  Holders  such number of copies of the
Registration  Statement,  each amendment and supplement  thereto  (including any
exhibits  thereto),  the  prospectus  included  in  the  Registration  Statement
(including each  preliminary  prospectus) and such other documents as any Holder
may reasonably  request in writing in order to facilitate the disposition of the
Registrable Securities; provided, however, that the obligation of the Company to
deliver copies of prospectuses  or preliminary  prospectuses to any Holder shall
be subject to the  receipt by the  Company of  reasonable  assurances  from such
Holder  that such  Holder will  comply  with the  applicable  provisions  of the
Securities  Act  and of  such  other  securities  or  blue  sky  laws  as may be
applicable  in  connection  with  any use of such  prospectuses  or  preliminary

                  (2)  use  its  best   efforts  to   register  or  qualify  the
Registrable  Securities  under  such other  securities  or blue sky laws of such
jurisdictions  as a Holder may reasonably  request and do any and all other acts
and things which may be reasonably  necessary to enable the Holder to consummate
the disposition in such jurisdictions of the Registrable  Securities;  provided,
however,  that the Company  will not be required to (i) qualify  generally to do
business in any jurisdiction where it would not otherwise be required to qualify
but  for  this  subsection,   (ii)  subject  itself  to  taxation  in  any  such
jurisdiction,  or (iii)  consent  to  general  service  of  process  in any such

                  (3)  apply,  prior to or  concurrently  with the filing of the
Registration  Statement, to the Nasdaq National Market System for the listing of
the  Registrable  Securities  and use its best  efforts to obtain  approval  for
listing of such stock;

                  (4)  notify  the  Holders  in  writing  at  any  time  when  a
prospectus  relating to the  Registrable  Securities is required to be delivered
under  the  Securities  Act,  of  the  occurrence  of  an  event  requiring  the
preparation  of a  supplement  or  amendment  to such  prospectus  so  that,  as
thereafter  delivered to the  purchasers  of the  Registrable  Securities,  such
prospectus  will not contain an untrue  statement of a material  fact or omit to
state any material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
statements therein not misleading and promptly prepare, file with the Commission
and make available to the Holders any such supplement or amendment;

                  (5) make  available  for  inspection  by the  Holders  and any
attorney,  accountant or other professional retained thereby (collectively,  the
"Inspectors"),  all financial and other records,  pertinent  corporate documents
and  properties  of the  Company  (collectively,  the  "Records")  as  shall  be
reasonably   necessary   to  enable  them  to  exercise   their  due   diligence
responsibility,  and cause the  Company's  officers,  directors and employees to
supply all information reasonably requested by any such Inspectors in connection
with the Registration  Statement.  Records that the Company determines,  in good
faith, to be confidential and which

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it notifies  the  Inspectors  are  confidential  shall not be  disclosed  by the
Inspectors  unless (i) in the judgment of counsel to the Company the  disclosure
of such Records is necessary to avoid or correct a  misstatement  or omission in
the Registration Statement, (ii) the release of such Records is ordered pursuant
to a subpoena or other order from a court of  competent  jurisdiction,  or (iii)
the  information  in such  Records is  generally  available  to the public.  The
Holders agree that information  obtained by them as a result of such inspections
shall be deemed  confidential and shall not be used by them as the basis for any
market  transactions  in the  securities  of the  Company  unless and until such
information is made generally available to the public. The Holders further agree
that they will,  upon  learning  that  disclosure of such Records is sought in a
court of  competent  jurisdiction,  give  notice  to the  Company  and allow the
Company, at its expense,  to undertake  appropriate action to prevent disclosure
of the Records deemed confidential; and

                  (6) obtain a "cold comfort" letter from its independent public
accountants in customary form and covering such matters of the type  customarily
covered by "cold comfort" letters as the Holders or the managing  underwriter of
any underwritten offering of Registrable Securities reasonably request;

                  (7)  obtain  an  opinion  or  opinions  from  its  counsel  in
customary form and reasonably  satisfactory to the Holders and their  respective
legal counsel;

                  (8)  make   generally   available  to  the  Holders   earnings
statements,  which need not be audited,  satisfying  the  provisions  of Section
11(a) of the Securities Act no later than  forty-five  days after the end of the
twelve-month  period  beginning with the first month of the first fiscal quarter
commencing  after  the  effective  date  of the  Registration  Statement,  which
earnings statements shall cover said twelve-month period;

                  (9) promptly  notify each Holder of the issuance or threatened
issuance of any stop order or other order  suspending the  effectiveness  of the
Registration  Statement or preventing or suspending  the use of any  preliminary
prospectus,  prospectus  or prospectus  supplement,  use  reasonable  efforts to
prevent the issuance of any such threatened  stop order or other order,  and, if
any such  order is  issued,  use its best  efforts  to  obtain  the  lifting  or
withdrawal  of such order at the earliest  possible  moment and promptly  notify
each Holder of any such lifting or withdrawal;

                  (10) if  requested by any Holder,  the Company  will  promptly
incorporate  in a  prospectus  supplement  or  post-effective  amendment  to the
Registration Statement such information concerning such Holder and such Holder's
intended  method  of  distribution  as such  Holder  reasonably  requests  to be
included therein (and which is not inappropriate,  in the reasonable judgment of
the Company,  after  consultation  with its outside legal  counsel),  including,
without  limitation,  with  respect  to any  change  in the  intended  method of
distribution,  the amount or kind of  Registrable  Shares being  offered by such
Holder, the offering price for such Registrable Shares or any other terms of the
offering or distribution of the  Registrable  Shares,  and the Company will make
all required filings of such prospectus  supplement or post-effective  amendment
as soon as possible  after being notified of the matters to be  incorporated  in
such prospectus supplement or post-effective amendment;

                  (11) as promptly as practicable  after the filing with the SEC
of  any  document  which  is  incorporated  by  reference  into  a  registration
statement, notify each Holder of such filing and deliver a copy of such document
to each Holder;

                  (12)  cooperate  with the  Holders  to  facilitate  the timely
preparation and delivery of certificates,  not bearing any restrictive  legends,
unless otherwise required by the Holders, representing the Registrable Shares to
be sold under the Registration Statement,  and enable such Registrable Shares to
be in such  denominations  and  registered  in such  names as such  Holders  may

                  (13)  cooperate  with  the  Holders,  their  respective  legal
counsel and any other interested party (including any interested  broker-dealer)
in making any filings or submissions  required to be made, and the furnishing of
all appropriate information in connection therewith, with the NASD;

                  (14) cause its  subsidiaries  to take all action  necessary to
effect the registration of the Registrable Shares contemplated hereby, including
preparing and filing any required financial or other information;

                  (15) make  available to the  transfer  agent for each class or
series of  Registrable  Shares a supply  of  certificates  or other  instruments
evidencing  or  constituting  such  Registrable  Shares which shall be in a form
complying  with  the  requirements  of such  transfer  agent,  promptly  after a
registration thereof; and

                  (16) use its best  efforts to keep each such  registration  or
qualification effective,  including through new filings, amendments or renewals,
during the period the  Registration  Statement is required to be kept  effective
and do any and all other acts or thing  reasonably  necessary  or  advisable  in
connection with such  registration or  qualifications  in all  jurisdictions  in
which qualification or registration is necessary.

         (b)  INFORMATION  FROM HOLDERS.  The Company may require the Holders to
promptly  furnish in writing  to the  Company  such  information  regarding  the
distribution  of  the  Registrable  Securities  as it  may  from  time  to  time
reasonably  request  and such other  information  as may be legally  required in
connection with such registration.

         (c)  SUSPENSION OF SALES.  The Holders agree that,  upon receipt of any
notice from the Company of the  happening of any event of the kind  described in
subsection  III(a)(4) hereof, they will immediately  discontinue  disposition of
Registrable Securities pursuant to the Registration Statement until they receive
copies of the  supplemented  or amended  prospectus  contemplated  by subsection
III(a)(4) hereof,  and, if so directed by the Company,  the Holders will deliver
to the  Company  all  copies,  other than  permanent  file  copies then in their

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of the most recent  prospectus  (including any prospectus  supplement)  covering
such Registrable Securities at the time of receipt of such notice.

         (d) UNDERWRITTEN  OFFERINGS.  To the extent that any Holders (including
River  City)  seeking  to  offer  at  least  1,000,000   shares  of  Registrable
Securities,  whether or not issued,  in the aggregate (as adjusted for any stock
split or reverse stock split) propose to distribute their Registrable Securities
through an underwritten  offering,  the Company shall enter into an underwriting
agreement in customary form with a managing underwriter of nationally recognized
standing  selected for such  underwriting  by the requesting  Holders  holding a
majority of the Registrable  Securities  proposed to be registered and otherwise
approved by the Company,  which approval shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or
delayed;  provided, that the Company shall not be required to enter into such an
agreement or take the other  actions  required by it pursuant to this  paragraph
more  often  than  once  in any six  month  period.  All  Holders  proposing  to
distribute their securities  through such underwriting  shall (together with the
Company)  enter  into an  underwriting  agreement  in  customary  form  with the
managing  underwriter  selected for such  underwriting  pursuant to this Article
III.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Article III, if the managing
underwriter determines that marketing factors require a limitation of the number
of  shares  to  be  underwritten,  the  underwriter  may  exclude  some  or  all
Registrable  Securities from such  registration  and  underwriting.  The Company
shall  so  advise  all  Holders   distributing  their  securities  through  such
underwriting  of any such  limitation,  and the number of shares of  Registrable
Securities  held by Holders  that may be included in the  underwriting  shall be
allocated among the requesting Holders in proportion,  as nearly as practicable,
to the respective amounts of Registrable  Securities  requested to be registered
and held by all such requesting  Holders at the time of filing the  Registration
Statement. If any Holder disapproves of the terms of any such underwriting, such
Holder may elect to withdraw  therefrom by written notice to the Company and the
managing underwriter. In the event of any such underwritten public offering, the
Company shall perform its obligations under the underwriting agreement, in usual
and customary form, with the managing underwriter of such offering including, if
required,  filing a new  registration  statement  or an amendment to an existing
registration  statement.  In connection with any underwritten offering permitted
pursuant to this  Article  III(d),  the Company  shall make its senior  officers
reasonably available to participate in "road show" presentations with respect to
the sale of the securities covered by the Registration  Statement. In connection
with any  underwritten  offering  pursuant to this Article  III(d),  the Company
shall, to the extent requested by the  underwriters for such offering,  agree to
refrain from the issuance or sale in any public offering of any shares of Common
Stock of the  Company  for a period of up to 90 days  following  the date of the
underwriting agreement entered into with respect to such underwritten offering.

         (e) "PIGGY-BACK"  REGISTRATIONS.  (i) If, at any time after the closing
of the Asset Purchase  Agreement,  either the Company or the Holders  propose to
sell any Class A Common Stock in an underwritten  public offering,  then in each
such case the Company or the Holders,  as appropriate,  shall, not later than 15
days prior to the execution of an  underwriting  agreement  with respect to such
offering,  give  written  notice  thereof  to each  Holder  or the  Company,  as
appropriate. Such notice shall specify, at a minimum, the number and class of

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shares or equity  securities so proposed to be sold,  the estimated  date of the
underwriting  agreement,  any proposed means of distribution of the shares,  the
proposed  managing  underwriter or  underwriters of such shares and a good faith
estimate  of the  proposed  maximum  offering  price  thereof.  Upon the written
direction of any Holder or the Company, as appropriate,  given within 10 days of
the receipt by such Holder or the Company,  as appropriate,  of any such written
notice  (which  direction  shall  specify the number of  Registrable  Securities
intended to be disposed of by such Holder or the Company and the intended method
of  distribution  thereof),  the  Company  or the  Holder  shall  include in the
offering  any or all of the  Registrable  Securities  then owned by such  Holder
requesting  such inclusion or the Company (a "Requesting  Shareholder"),  to the
extent  necessary  to  permit  the  sale  or  other  disposition  of the  shares
constituting   such  number  of  Registrable   Securities  as  such   Requesting
Shareholder  shall have so  directed  the  Company,  or the  Company  shall have
directed the Holders, to be so included.  Any Requesting  Shareholder shall have
the right to withdraw such  direction by giving written notice to the Company or
the  Holders,  as  appropriate,  to such effect  within 5 days after giving such

                  (ii) If any managing  underwriter  of an offering shall advise
the Company and the Holders in writing  that the  inclusion  in the  offering of
some  or  all of the  Registrable  Securities  sought  to be  registered  by the
Requesting  Shareholders creates a significant risk that the price per share the
Company (in the case of an offering  initially  proposed by the  Company) or the
Holders (in the case of an offering  initially  proposed  by the  Holders)  will
derive  from such  offering  will be  adversely  affected  or that the number of
shares or securities sought to be offered is too large a number to be reasonably
sold,  then the  Company or the Holder,  as  appropriate,  will  include in such
offering such number of shares or securities as the Company and such Holders are
so advised can be sold in such  offering  without  such an effect (the  "Maximum
Number"),  in the following order of priority:  (i) first, such number of shares
or securities as the Company (in the case of an offering  initially  proposed by
the  Company) or the Holders (in the case of an offering  initially  proposed by
the Holders)  shall have set forth in the notice of its intent to offer and (ii)
second,  if the number of shares or securities to be offered under clause (i) is
less than the Maximum  Number,  such number of  Registrable  Securities  of each
Requesting  Shareholder  pro rata in  proportion  to the  number  of  shares  or
securities sought to be offered by the Requesting Shareholders which, when added
to the number of shares or other equity  securities to be offered by the Company
(in the case of an offering  initially  proposed by the  Company) or the Holders
(in the case of an  offering  initially  proposed  by the  Holders),  equals the
Maximum Number.


                              REGISTRATION EXPENSES

         All fees and  expenses  incident  to the  Company's  performance  of or
compliance with this Agreement shall be borne by the Company, including, without
limitation,  the following fees and expenses:  (a) all SEC, National Association
of Securities Dealers, Inc., stock exchange or other

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registration  and filing fees and listing fees; (b) the fees and expenses of the
Company's compliance with securities or blue sky laws (including reasonable fees
and  disbursements of counsel in connection with blue sky  qualifications of the
Registrable  Securities);  (c) printing expenses; (d) the fees and disbursements
of counsel for the Company and the fees and expenses for  independent  certified
public accountants  (including the expenses of any annual audit,  special audit,
if  necessary,  and  "cold  comfort"  letters  required  by or  incident  to the
performance of any agreement with the underwriters of any underwritten  offering
of  Registrable  Securities)  underwriters  and other  persons  retained  by the
Company in connection  with such  registration;  (e) fees of transfer agents and
registrars;  and (f) messenger and delivery expenses.  In addition,  the Company
shall pay its internal expenses (including, without limitation, all salaries and
expenses of its officers and employees  performing legal or accounting  duties),
the  expense  of any  annual  audit or  quarterly  review,  the  expense  of any
liability insurance obtained by the Company, the expenses of one counsel for all
of the Holders with respect to the initial registration and with respect to each
underwritten  offering  pursuant to Article  III,  and the expenses and fees for
listing or  authorizing  for quotation  the  securities to be registered on each
securities  exchange on which any shares of the Common  Stock are then listed or


                          INDEMNIFICATION; CONTRIBUTION

                  (a)  INDEMNIFICATION  BY THE  COMPANY.  The Company  agrees to
indemnify  and hold harmless  each Holder,  each of such  Holder's  officers and
directors and partners,  and each of such Holder's legal counsel and independent
accountants,  if any, and each person  controlling  any such persons  within the
meaning of Section 15 of the  Securities  Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act,
with  respect  to  which  registration,  qualification  or  compliance  has been
effected  pursuant to this  Agreement,  and each  underwriter,  if any, and each
person who  controls  any  underwriter  within the  meaning of Section 15 of the
Securities  Act or Section 20 of the Exchange  Act, from and against any and all
losses, claims, damages, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable costs of
investigation,   any  legal  and  any  other  expenses  reasonably  incurred  in
connection  with  investigating,  preparing or defending  any such claim,  loss,
damage,  liability or action, and any of the foregoing incurred in settlement of
any litigation, commenced or threatened) arising out of or based upon any untrue
statement  or alleged  untrue  statement  of a material  fact  contained  in the
Registration  Statement or prospectus  contained  therein or in any amendment or
supplement thereto or in any preliminary prospectus,  or arising out of or based
upon any omission or alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required
to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading,
or any violation by the Company of any rule or regulation  promulgated under the
Securities  Act or any state  securities  laws  applicable  to the  Company  and
relating  to  action  or  inaction  by  the  Company  in  connection   with  any
registration,  qualification or compliance  required hereunder or arising out of
or based upon the Company's breach of any representation,  warranty, covenant or
agreement contained in this Agreement; provided, however, that the Company shall
not be  liable  in any  such  case to the  extent  any of such  losses,  claims,
damages,  liabilities  or  expenses  arise out of, or are based  upon,  any such
untrue statement or omission or allegation thereof

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based upon  information  furnished in writing to the Company by such Holder,  as
appropriate, expressly for use therein.

                  (b)  INDEMNIFICATION BY HOLDERS.  Each Holder severally agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless the Company,  its directors and officers and each
person, if any, who controls the Company within the meaning of either Section 15
of the  Securities  Act or Section 20 of the  Exchange Act to the same extent as
the foregoing  indemnity  from the Company set forth above in (a), but only with
respect to  information  furnished in writing by such  Holder,  or on its behalf
expressly for use in the  Registration  Statement or prospectus  relating to the
Registrable  Securities,  any amendment or supplement thereto or any preliminary
prospectus,  under the heading "Selling  Shareholders"  and  "Distribution"  and
provided that the obligation of each Holder to indemnify will be several and not
joint. In case any action or proceeding  shall be brought against the Company or
its directors or officers,  or any such controlling  person, in respect of which
indemnity may be sought against the Holder, the Holder shall have the rights and
duties  given to the  Company,  and the Company or its  directors or officers or
such controlling person shall have the rights and duties given to the Holder, by
the preceding subsection (a) hereof.

                  (c) CONDUCT OF INDEMNIFICATION  PROCEEDINGS.  If any action or
proceeding  (including  any  governmental  investigation)  shall be  brought  or
asserted against any person entitled to indemnification under subsections (a) or
(b) above (an  "Indemnified  Party") in respect of which indemnity may be sought
from any party who has agreed to provide such  indemnification (an "Indemnifying
Party"), the Indemnifying Party shall assume the defense thereof,  including the
employment of counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to such  Indemnified  Party, and
shall assume the payment of all expenses.  Such Indemnified Party shall have the
right to employ  separate  counsel in any such action and to  participate in the
defense  thereof,  but the fees and  expenses  of such  counsel  shall be at the
expense of such Indemnified  Party unless (i) the Indemnifying  Party has agreed
to pay such fees and expenses,  or (ii) such  Indemnified  Party shall have been
advised by counsel  that there is an actual or  potential  material  conflict of
interest on the part of counsel employed by the Indemnifying  Party to represent
such Indemnified  Party (in which case, if such  Indemnified  Party notifies the
Indemnifying  Party in writing that Indemnified  Party elects to employ separate
counsel at the expense of the Indemnifying  Party, the Indemnifying  Party shall
not have the right to assume the defense of such action or  proceeding on behalf
of such Indemnified Party; it being understood,  however,  that the Indemnifying
Party  shall not,  in  connection  with any one cause  action or  proceeding  or
separate but substantially similar or related actions or proceedings in the same
jurisdiction  arising out of the same general  allegations or circumstances,  be
liable for the fees and  expenses of more than one  separate  firm of  attorneys
(together with  appropriate  local counsel) at any time for all such Indemnified
Parties, which firm shall be designated in writing by such Indemnified Parties).
The Indemnifying Party shall not be liable for any settlement of any such action
or  proceeding  or any  threatened  action or  proceeding  effected  without its
written consent,  but if settled with its written consent or if there be a final
judgment of the plaintiff in any such action or  proceedings,  the  Indemnifying
Party shall  indemnify  and hold  harmless  such  Indemnified  Parties  from and
against any loss or  liability  (to the extent  stated  above) by reason of such
settlement or judgment. The

                                      - 9 -

failure  of  any  Indemnified  Party  to  give  prompt  notice  of a  claim  for
indemnification  hereunder  shall  not  relieve  the  Indemnifying  Party of its
obligations  under this  Agreement,  unless such failure is  prejudicial  to the
ability of the Indemnifying  Party to defend the action. No Indemnifying  Party,
in the defense of any such claim or litigation,  shall,  except with the consent
of each  Indemnified  Party,  consent to entry of any judgment or enter into any
settlement which does not include as an unconditional term thereof the giving by
the  claimant  or  plaintiff  to such  Indemnified  Party of a release  from all
liability in respect of such claim or litigation.

                  (d) CONTRIBUTION.  If the indemnification provided for in this
Section 5 is  unavailable to the  Indemnified  Parties in respect of any losses,
claims,  damages,   liabilities  or  judgment  referred  to  herein,  then  such
Indemnifying  Party,  in lieu of  Indemnifying  such  Indemnified  Party,  shall
contribute to the amount paid or payable by such  Indemnified  Party as a result
of such losses,  claims,  damages,  liabilities  and  judgments in the following
manner:  as  between  the  Company  on the one  hand and any  Indemnified  Party
entitled to indemnification  under Section V(b) on the other, in such proportion
as is  appropriate  to reflect the relative fault of the Company on the one hand
and any Indemnified Party entitled to indemnification  under Section V(b) on the
other in  connection  with the  statements or omissions  which  resulted in such
losses, claims, damages, liabilities or judgments, as well as any other relevant
equitable considerations.  The relative fault of the Company on the one hand and
of any Indemnified Party entitled to  indemnification  under Section V(b) on the
other shall be  determined  by  reference  to, among other  things,  whether the
untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or the omission or alleged
omission to state a material fact relates to information supplied by such party,
and  the  party's  relative  intent,   knowledge,   access  to  information  and
opportunity to correct or prevent such  statement or omission.  No person guilty
of fraudulent  misrepresentation  (within the means of  subsection  11(f) of the
Securities  Act) shall be entitled to  contribution  from any person who was not
guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.

                  (e)  SURVIVAL.  The  indemnity  and  contribution   agreements
contained in this Section 5 shall remain  operative and in full force and effect
with  respect  to any  sales of  Registrable  Securities  made  pursuant  to the
Registration Statement regardless of (i) any termination of this Agreement, (ii)
any  investigation  made by or on  behalf of any  Indemnified  Party or by or on
behalf of the  Company,  and (iii) the  consummation  of the sale or  successive
resale of the Registrable Securities.


                                 EXCHANGE RIGHTS

         The  Company  shall give  notice (the  "Trigger  Event  Notice") to the
Holders of a Trigger  Event (as  defined in the  Articles  Supplementary  to the
Charter   of  the   Company   adopted  on  _____   ___,   1996  (the   "Articles
Supplementary"))  within 30 days after the  occurrence  of such Trigger Event in
such form as the Articles  Supplementary require that notice be given to holders
of Series B Preferred Stock. Thereafter, each Holder of shares of Class A Common
Stock issued upon  conversion of such Holder's Series B Preferred Stock prior to
a Trigger Event shall

                                     - 10 -

have the right (the  "Exchange  Right") to exchange such Common Shares back into
the number of shares of Series B Preferred Stock for which such shares of Common
Stock were exchanged.  Each Holder shall exercise the Exchange Right by giving a
notice (an "Exchange Notice") to the Company within 30 days following receipt of
the Trigger  Event  Notice,  accompanied  by  certificates  for the shares to be
exchanged.  Within five business  days after  receipt of an Exchange  Notice and
share  certificates,  the Company  shall issue to the  shareholder  certificates
representing  the  number of shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock for which such
shares of Class A Common Stock represented by the certificates  surrendered were
exchanged,  together with such dividend  payments or accruals as would have been
paid or accrued on such  shares if they had been  outstanding  since the date of
the  Trigger  Event and such  notices as were  delivered  to holders of Series B
Preferred Stock since the Trigger Event.



                  (a) RULES 144 AND 144A.  The Company  covenants that following
the  registration of Registrable  Shares it will file any reports required to be
filed  by it under  the  Securities  Act and the  Exchange  Act so as to  enable
Holders  holding  Registrable  Shares to sell such  Registrable  Shares  without
registration  under the  Securities  Act within the limitation of the exemptions
provided by (i) Rules 144 and 144A under the  Securities  Act, as each such Rule
may be amended from time to time,  or (ii) any similar  rule or rules  hereafter
adopted  by the SEC.  Upon the  request of any such  Holder,  the  Company  will
forthwith  deliver  to such  Holder a written  statement  as to  whether  it has
complied with such requirements.

                  (b)  AMENDMENTS  AND WAIVERS.  The provision of this Agreement
may not be  amended,  modified  or  supplemented,  and  waivers or  consents  to
departures  from the  provisions  hereof may not be given other than as mutually
agreed  upon in  writing by the  Company  and the  Holders of a majority  of the
Registrable Securities.

                  (c) NOTICES. All notices and other communications provided for
or permitted hereunder shall be made in writing by hand delivery,  regular mail,
registered  first-class mail, telex, fax or air courier  guaranteeing  overnight

                  (i)      if to the Company:

                           Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc.
                           2000 W. 41st Street
                           Baltimore, Maryland  21211
                           Fax Number:  (410) 467-5043
                           Attn:  David B. Amy

                            - 11 -

                           with copies to:

                           Thomas & Libowitz, P.A.
                           100 Light Street, Suite 1100
                           Baltimore, Maryland  21202
                           Fax Number:  (410) 752-2046
                           Attn:  Steven A. Thomas, Esq.


                           Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering
                           100 Light Street
                           Baltimore, Maryland  21202
                           Fax Number:  (410) 986-2828
                           Attn: George P. Stamas, Esq. or John B. Watkins, Esq.

                  (ii)     if to River City:

                           River City Broadcasting, L.P.
                           1215 Cole Street
                           St. Louis, Missouri  63106-3897
                           Fax Number:  (314) 259-5709
                           Attn:  Barry Baker

                           with a copy to:

                           Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
                           A Professional Limited Liability Company
                           1205 New Hampshire Avenue
                           Suite 800
                           Washington, D.C.  20036-6802
                           Fax Number:  (202) 776-2222
                           Attn:  John Byrnes


                           Baker & Botts, L.L.P.
                           2001 Ross Avenue
                           Dallas, Texas  75201
                           Fax Number:  (214) 953-6503
                           Attn:  Andrew Baker

                                     - 12 -

                           (iii)    if to the other Holders, to their respective
                                    addresses  and  fax  numbers  listed  on the
                                    signature pages hereto.

                  (d) SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. No Holder may assign any rights or
benefits  under this  Agreement  without prior  written  consent of the Company;
provided,  that  (i)  River  City may  transfer  Registrable  Securities  to its
partners (and the general partner of River City may further transfer Registrable
Securities  to its  stockholders),  (ii) any  Holder  may  transfer  Registrable
Securities to any entity  controlling,  controlled  by, or under common  control
with such Holder, and (iii) any individual may transfer  Registrable  Securities
to any member of his immediate family (i.e., a spouse, child, stepchild,  parent
or sibling), or to his or her heirs, executors or estate pursuant to the laws of
descent and distribution, and any such transferee shall retain the rights of the
transferor  under this Agreement  provided such transferee  executes and becomes
bound by the terms of this Agreement,  and each such  transferee  shall become a
Holder  hereunder.  The Company may not assign any rights or benefits under this
Agreement  without  prior  written  consent of the  Holders of a majority of the
Registrable  Securities.  This  Agreement  shall  inure to the benefit of and be
binding upon the permitted successors and assigns of the Company, River City and
the other Holders.

                  (e)  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in a number
of identical  counterparts and it shall not be necessary for the Company,  River
City and the  Partners to execute each of such  counterparts,  but when each has
executed and delivered one or more of such counterparts, the several parts, when
taken  together,  shall be deemed  to  constitute  one and the same  instrument,
enforceable  against each in accordance  with its terms. In making proof of this
Agreement,  it shall not be  necessary  to produce or account  for more than one
such  counterpart  executed  by the  party  against  whom  enforcement  of  this
Agreement is sought.

                  (f)  HEADINGS.   The  headings  in  this   Agreement  are  for
convenience  of  reference  only and  shall not limit or  otherwise  affect  the
meaning hereof.


                  (h)  SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement is held
to be illegal,  invalid or unenforceable under present or further laws effective
during the term of this Agreement, such provision shall be fully severable; this
Agreement  shall be  construed  and  enforced  as if such  illegal,  invalid  or
unenforceable  provision had never comprised a part of this  Agreement;  and the
remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and
shall not be affected by the illegal,  invalid or unenforceable  provision or by
its severance from this Agreement.

                                     - 13 -

                  (i) ENTIRE  AGREEMENT.  This  Agreement and the Asset Purchase
Agreement  are  intended by the Company and the Holders as final  expression  of
their  agreement  and is intended to be a complete  and  exclusive  statement of
their  agreement and  understanding  in respect of the subject matter  contained
herein.  This  Agreement  supersedes  all prior  agreements  and  understandings
between the Company, and Holders with respect to such subject matter.

                  (j) THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES.  Other than Indemnified Parties
not a party hereto,  this  Agreement is intended for the benefit of the Company,
the  Holders  and their  respective  successors  and  assigns and is not for the
benefit of, nor may any  provision  hereof be enforced  by, any other  person or

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the date first above written.

                                  THE COMPANY:

                                  SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP, INC.

                                  By: /s/ David B. Amy
                                      Name: David B. Amy
                                      Title: Chief Financial Officer

                                  RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.

                                  By:  Better Communications, Inc.,
                                             its General Partner

                                  By: /s/ Robert G. Quicksilver, VI
                                      Name: Robert G. Quicksilver
                                      Title: Vice President

  Signature Lines, Names, Addresses and Fax Numbers of other Holders To Appear
                in Exhibit A, to be amended as provided herein.]

                                     - 14 -

                                    EXHIBIT A

                     Schedule of Registration Rights Holders

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