BY AND BETWEEN

                       KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.,

                                  AS BORROWER,


                         RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.,

                                    AS LENDER

                               AS OF JULY 7, 1995

                                 LOAN AGREEMENT

                  THIS LOAN AGREEMENT (this  "Agreement") is made as of this 7th
day of July,  1995,  by and among  KEYMARKET  OF SOUTH  CAROLINA,  INC., a South
Carolina corporation ("Borrower"),  and RIVER CITY BROADCASTING L.P., a Delaware
limited partnership ("Lender").


                  A.  Borrower has  requested  that Lender make certain loans to
it, and  Lender is  willing  to make such loans on the terms and  subject to the
conditions set forth herein.

                  B.  Borrower  owns and  operates  Radio  Stations  WFBC-AM and
WFBC-FM,  Greenville, South Carolina and WORD-AM,  Spartanburg,  South Carolina,
(individually,  an "Owned  Station"  and  collectively,  the  "Owned  Stations")
pursuant to licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC")
and operates Radio  Stations  WSPA-FM and WSPA-FM,  Spartanburg,  South Carolina
(individually,  an "LMA Station" and collectively, the "LMA Stations"), pursuant
to the LMA. The Owned  Stations  together with the LMA Stations are  hereinafter
collectively referred to as the "Stations" and individually as a "Station."

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and
the  mutual  agreements  and  covenants  contained  herein,  and other  good and
valuable   consideration  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending legally to be bound, hereby agree as

                                    ARTICLE I

                                  Defined Terms

                  1.1  Definitions.  Unless  otherwise stated in this Agreement,
the following this shall have the following meanings:

                  "Affiliate"   of  a  party  means  any  Person,   directly  or
indirectly,  controlling or controlled by such party, or any Person under direct
or indirect common control with such party (as such terms are  interpreted  from
time to time pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended).

                  "Assets" means all of Borrower's  rights title and interest in
and to all of the assets,  properties privileges,  rights, interests and claims,
tangible and intangible,  of every type and  description,  wherever  located and
whether or not  carried on  Borrower's  books and  records,  including  all such
assets that are used or useful in  connection  with the conduct of the  business
and operations of any Owned Station and the  contracts,  rights and other assets
relating to the LMA Stations.

                  "Capital   Expenditures"  means  payments  that  are  made  by
Borrower for the rental, lease, purchase,  construction,  or use of any property
the value or cost of which, under generally

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accepted accounting principles,  consistently applied, should be capitalized and
appear on  Borrower's  balance  sheet in the  category of  property,  plant,  or
equipment, without regard to the manner in which such payments or the instrument
pursuant  to which  they are made are  characterized  by  Borrower  or any other

                  "Closing"   means  the   consummation   of  the   transactions
contemplated  by this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.1

                  "Confer" means Kerby E. Confer.

                  "Contract"  means  all  contracts,  leases,   non-governmental
licenses and other  agreements,  written or oral,  including  any  amendments or
other  modifications  thereto,  of Borrower or to which Borrower is a party that
relate to any of the Assets or the business and operations of any Owned Station.

                  "Default Rate" means a rate of interest equal to the Base Rate
plus two percent (2%) per annum.

                  "Disclosure  Schedule" means that document labeled as such and
referred to in this  Agreement,  which has been  delivered by Borrower to Lender
contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement.

                  "Environmental  conditions means conditions of the environment
including  the ocean,  natural  resources  (including  flora and  fauna),  soil,
surface  water,  ground water,  any present or potential  drinking water supply,
subsurface  strata or the  ambient  air,  relating to or arising out of the use,
handling,  storage, treatment recycling,  generation,  transportation,  dumping,
Release,  or  threatened  Release of  Hazardous  Materials  by any Person.  With
respect to claims by  employees,  Environmental  Conditions  also  includes  the
exposure  of  persons  to  Hazardous  materials  within a work place on the Real

                  "Environmental  Noncompliance"  sooner but is not  limited to:
(1) the  Release or  threatened  Release  of any  Hazardous  Materials  into the
environment,  any storm drain,  sewer, septic system or publicly owned treatment
works, in violation of any effluent or emission limitations,  standards or other
criteria  or  guidelines  established  by  any  federal,  state  or  local  law,
regulation,  rule, ordinance,  plan or order or other Environmental Law; and (2)
any facility operations,  procedures,  designs,  etc., which do not conform with
the requirements of any Environmental Orders and Laws.

                  "Event  of  Default"  means  any of the  events  specified  in
Article VIII hereof.

                  "FCC  Licenses"  means  those  Licenses  issued  by the FCC to
Borrower in connection  with the businesses and operations of any Owned Station,
including those listed in Section 4.5 of the Disclosure schedule.

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                  "Final Order" means an action or order by the FCC (a) that has
not been reversed,  stayed,  enjoined, set aside, annulled or suspended, and (b)
with  respect to which (i) no  requests  have been filed for  administrative  or
judicial review, reconsideration, appeal or stay and the FCC has not initiated a
review of such  action or order on its own action and the  periods  provided  by
statute or FCC  regulations  for filing any such requests and for the FCC to set
aside tho action on its own motion have expired, or (ii) in the event of review,
reconsideration or appeal, the period provided by statute or FCC regulations for
further  review,  reconsideration  or appeal has  expired;  and with  respect to
Renewal,  means,  in addition  to (a) and (b) above,  Renewal of each of the FCC
Licenses for the full license term without any now adverse conditions.

                  "Financial  Statements" (i) the unaudited statements of income
and  expense  and  cash  flow  for  Multimedia   Broadcasting  and  The  Spartan
Radiocasting  Company for the twelve months ended December 31, 1993 and December
31, 1994, and (ii) the unaudited  balance sheets of Multimedia  Broadcasting and
The Spartan Radiocasting Company as of December 31, 1993 and December 31, 1994.

                  "GAAP" means  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  set
forth in the opinions and  pronouncements of the Accounting  Principles Board of
the American  Institute of  Certified  Public  Accountants  and  statements  and
pronouncements  of the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board or in such other
statements by such other entity as may be approved by. a significant  segment of
the accounting  profession,  that are applicable to the  circumstances as of the
date of determination.

                  "Hazardous   Materials"   means   (1)   hazardous   materials,
contaminants,  constituents  hazardous wastes and hazardous  substances as those
terms are defined in the following statutes and their implementing  regulations,
as amended:  the Hazardous  Materials  Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. ss. 1801 et
seq., the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C.  ss. 6901 et seq.,
the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,  Compensation and Liability Act, as
amended by the Superfund  Amendments and Reauthorization Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 9601
et seq.,  the  Clean  Water  Act,  33  U.S.C.  ss.  1251 et seq.,  and the Toxic
Substance  control Act, 15 U.S.C. ss. 2601 sea., (2) petroleum,  including crude
oil and any fractions  thereof,  (3) natural gas, synthetic gas and any mixtures
thereof  (4)  asbestos  and/or  asbestos-containing   materials,  (5)  PCBs,  or
PCB-containing materials or fluids, (6) any substances with respect to which any
federal,  state or local  agency or other  governmental  authority  may  require
either an environmental investigation or environmental remediation,  and (7) any
other  hazardous or noxious  substance,  material,  pollutant or solid or liquid
waste that is regulated by any Environmental Orders and Laws.

                  "Indebtedness"  means  any  Liability  of  Borrower,   whether
direct,  indirect, or contingent (a) for the payment of borrowed money, (b) that
is evidenced by a promissory note, bond, debenture, or similar instrument or (c)
all leases which should be capitalized on the books of the Borrower as lessee in
accordance with GAAP.

                  "Intangibles" means all copyrights,  trademarks,  trade names,
service marks, service names, licenses,  patents,  permits,  jingles,  rights to
software franchises, trade secrets, know-how, processes, righter privileges, and
other similar intangible or intellectual property

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rights and interests  (and any goodwill  associated  with any of the  foregoing)
applied for, issued to or owned by Borrower  (whether or not any registration or
filing has been made with respect  thereto) or under which  Borrower is licensed
or franchised  or in which  Borrower has any interest or which is used or useful
in the business and operations of any owned station,  including  these listed in
Section 4.9 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                  "Keymarket  Closing Date" means the "Closing Date", an defined
in the Keymarket Purchase Agreement.

                  "Keymarket   Purchase  Agreement"  means  the  Asset  Purchase
Agreement  entered  into on March 29,  1995  between  Lender  and the  Keymarket

                  "Keymarket  Sellers" means  Keymarket of New Orleans,  Inc., a
Georgia corporation Keymarket of NEPA, Inc., a Georgia corporation,  Lackazerene
Inc, a Georgia  corporation,  Keymarket of Buffalo,  Inc., a Georgia corporation
Keymarket  of  Nashville,  Inc.,  a Georgia  corporation,  and  Keymarket of Los
Angeles, Inc., a California corporation, and Keymarket Communications, a Georgia
general partnership.

                  "Lender  Debt" means any  obligation of Borrower (a) to pay to
Lender the  principal  of and  interest  on the Note;  (b) to pay,  satisfy,  or
perform any other Liability or obligation to Lender,  whether arising under this
Agreement or otherwise,  whether now existing or hereafter  incurred  matured or
unmatured,  direct or contingent,  joint or several,  including any  extensions,
modifications,  or renewals thereof and  substitutions  therefor,  and including
without  limitation  all costs and  expenses,  including  interest  thereon  and
reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Lender for the protection  preservation,
or  enforcement  of rights and remedies  arising  hereunder or under the Related
Documents;  (c) to repay to Lender all  amounts  advanced at any time by Lender,
including,  without  limitation,  advances for principal or interest payments to
prior secured parties,  mortgagee, or lienors, or for taxes, levies,  insurance,
rents or repairs  to, or  maintenance  or storage  of,  any of the  property  of
Borrower;  (d) to perform any covenant or agreement made with Lender;  or (e) to
take any  other  action  in  respect  of any other  Liability  of any  nature of
Borrower to Lender.

                  "Lender's  Option" means the Option  Agreement  dated the date
hereof among Confer, Borrower and Lender.

                  "Liability"  means (a) any liability or  obligation,  matured,
contingent, or otherwise, that, in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles, consistently applied, should be classified as a liability, including
all tax and other  proper  accruals  whether or not it is  necessary to disclose
such on a balance  sheet;  (b) any obligation  secured by any mortgage,  pledge,
security  agreements  security interest liens or conditional sale or other title
retention  agreement  validly  existing on or applying to any  property or asset
owned,  acquired,  or hold  subject  thereto  by  Borrower,  whether  or not the
obligation  secured thereby has been assumed by Borrower;  (c) any obligation of
any other Person (i) that Borrower has directly or indirectly guaranteed assumed
responsibility  for,  endorsed  (other  than for  collection  or  deposit in the
ordinary course of business),  discounted with recourse, agreed (contingently or
otherwise) to

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purchase or  repurchase  or otherwise  acquire,  or  otherwise  agreed to become
directly or indirectly  liable or responsible  for, or (ii) in  consideration of
which  Borrower has agreed to supply or advance  funds  (whether by way of loan,
stock  purchase,   capital   contribution,   or  otherwise);   (d)  all  Capital
Expenditures that Borrower is required to make by the terms of any lease, rental
agreement,  installment or conditional sale agreement,  or other agreement;  and
(e) all liabilities in respect of unfunded vested benefits under any Plan and in
respect of withdrawal liability incurred under ERISA.

                  "Licenses"   means   all   licenses.    permits,   and   other
authorizations  (including  the FCC  Licenses)  issued  by the FCC or any  other
federal,  state, or local  governmental  authority to Borrower which are used or
useful in the business and  operations  of any Owned  Station,  including  those
listed in Section 4.5 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                  "LMA" means the Time  Brokerage  Agreement  dated as of August
30, 1994, by and between the Spartan  Radiocasting  Company and Borrower and any
contracts or agreements of Borrower relating to the foregoing,  all of which are
listed on Section 4.23 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                  "LMA Owner" means any owner of an LMA Station.

                  "Loan  Obligations"  mean any and all  obligations of Borrower
(a) to pay to Lender the  principal  of and  interest  on the Note;  (b) to pay,
satisfy,  or perform any other Liability or obligation to Lender,  arising under
this  Agreement,  the  Note,  any  Related  Document  or any other  document  or
instrument  executed  in  connection  with  the  Loans,  and  including  without
limitation  all costs and expenses,  including  interest  thereon and reasonable
attorneys'  fees,  incurred  by  Lender  for the  protection,  preservation,  or
enforcement of its rights and remedies  arising  hereunder,  under the Note, any
Related Document or such other  documents;  or (c) to perform any other covenant
or agreement made with Lender  hereunder or under the Note, any Related Document
or such other documents.

                  "Material  Adverse  change" means a material  adverse  change,
effect or development (or any change,  effect or development  that is reasonably
likely to have a material  adverse  effect) on the assets,  business,  operating
condition   (excluding  financial  condition)  or  prospects  of  the  specified

                  "Option" means the Option  Agreement dated August 30, 1994 for
the  purchase of WSPA-AM and WSPA-FM  Spartanburg,  South  Carolina  between The
Spartan Radiocasting Company and Borrower.

                  "Permitted   Lien"   means   any  of  the   following   liens,
encumbrances, or security interests:

                           (a)  liens  for  taxes  or  assessments  and  similar
charges,  that are either (i) not delinquent or (ii) being contested  diligently
and in good faith by appropriate  proceedings,  and as to which Borrower has set
aside adequate reserves on its books;

                                      - 5 -

                           (b)   statutory   liens,   .   such   as   mechanics,
materialman's, warehouseman's, carrier's, landlord's (including those landlord's
liens  deemed to arise by  contract) or other  similar  liens,  incurred in good
faith in the ordinary  course of business,  that are paid in the ordinary course
of  business  or that are bonded in order to remove  such lion of record  within
sixty days after the moneys become due and owing;

                           (c)  liens or  security  interests  arising  under or
pursuant to this Agreement or any Related Document or otherwise  securing Lander
Debt; and

                           (d)  liens  incurred  in  connection  with  equipment
leases entered into by Borrower, which are now existing or incurred hereafter in
the ordinary course of business,  so long as the aggregate  amount of such liens
does not exceed $10,000 at any time.

                  "Person"  means and includes  natural  persons,  corporations,
limited  partnerships,   general  partnerships,  joint  stock  companies,  joint
ventures,  associations companies,  trusts, banks, trust companies, land trusts,
business trusts or other organizations, whether or not local entities (including
the Stations), and governments and agencies and political subdivisions thereof.

                  "Possible Default" means an event,  situation,  or thing that,
with the lap" of any  applicable  grace  period or the giving of notice or both,
would constitute an Event of Default.

                  "Real  Property" means all fee estates and buildings and other
improvements   thereon,   leasehold   interests  and  all  buildings  and  other
improvements thereon, easements, licenses, rights to access, rights-of-way,  and
other real property  interests  used or useful in the business and operations of
any Owned  Station,  including the property  identified and described in Section
4.6 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                  "Related  Document"  means  any  promissory  note,  agreement,
guaranty, assignment, collateral assignment mortgage, security agreement, pledge
agreement,  financing  statement,  or other  agreement,  writing,  document,  or
instrument,  or any amendment or restatement of any of the foregoing,  furnished
to Lender  pursuant to or otherwise in connection  with this Agreement and shall
include, without limitation, the Note.

                  "Release" means any release, spill, emission leaking, pumping,
pouring, injection, escaping, emptying, deposit, disposal, discharge, dispersal,
leaching,  or  migration  into the  indoor or  outdoor  environment  (including,
without  limitation,  the abandonment or disposal of any barrels,  containers or
other closed receptacles containing any Hazardous Materials),  or into or out of
any Real Property and any real property operated or used by Borrower,  including
the movement of any Hazardous  Material  through the air,  soil,  surface water,
groundwater or property.

                  "Renewal" means a grant by the FCC of the 1995 license renewal
application for each of the Stations.

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                  "Restricted   Investment"  means  any  investment,   by  stock
purchase,  capital  contribution,   loan,  advance,  guaranty  of  indebtedness,
assumption of liability,  or otherwise, in any Affiliate, or any other Person if
such  other  Person  becomes an  Affiliate  as a result of such  investment,  of

                  "Restricted  Payment"  means (a) any  payment or  distribution
made,  liability  incurred,  or  other  consideration  given  for the  purchase,
acquisition,  redemption, or retirement of any capital stock of the Borrower, or
as a dividend,  return of capital,  or other payment or distribution of any kind
on any capital stock of the Borrower outstanding at any time, or (b) any payment
in connection with any loan from a stockholder or Affiliate to the Borrower,  or
(c) any payment to purchase,  redeem, acquire or retire, or otherwise in respect
of, any  Indebtedness  or any other  liability  that is  subordinate in right of
payment to, or is pari passu with, the Loans.

                  "Subsidiary" means any corporation, partnership, joint venture
or other  legal  entity (a) of which  Borrower  directly or  indirectly  owns or
controls at the time  outstanding  shares of stock or other  equity or ownership
interests which have in ordinary circumstances (not dependent upon the happening
of a contingency) voting power to elect a majority of the board of directors, or
similar governing body of said corporation,  partnership, joint venture or other
legal  entity or  otherwise  have the legal  right to  control  the  management,
policies and direction of such corporation,  partnership, joint venture or other
legal  entity  or (b) of which  shares  of stock or other  equity  or  ownership
interests of the character described in the foregoing clause (a) are at the time
owned  or  controlled  directly  or  indirectly  by  Borrower  and  one or  more
Subsidiaries  as  defined  in the  foregoing  clause  (a) or by one or more such

                  "Tangible Personal  Property" means all machinery,  equipment,
tools, vehicles,  furniture, office equipment, plant, inventory, goods and wares
of every character  (including  without limitation all video and audio libraries
and archives) and other tangible personal property owned by Borrower,  including
the property  identified and described in Section 4.7 of the Disclosure Schedule
and  all  logs,  customer  lists,  files,  lists  of  advertisers,  vendors  and
suppliers,  computer  and  electronic  data  processing  material  programs  and
programming material,  plans,  diagrams,  blueprints  schematics,  and books and
records  relating to the operation of any Owned Station  (other than those which
are  included  among the  Excluded  Assets),  filings with the FCC, and executed
copies of the Contracts.

                  1.2  List of Other  Definitions.  The  following  is a list of
additional terms used in this Agreement and a reference to the Section hereof in
which such term is defined:

            Terms                                          Section
            -----                                          -------

            Administration                                 Section 4.21
            Advance Loans                                  Section 2.l
            Approved Capital Expenditures                  Section 5.2
            Base Rate                                      Section 2.2 (a)
            CERCLIS                                        Section 4.20(a)
            Closing Date                                   Section 3.1(a)

                                      - 7 -

            Closing Date  Loan                             Section 2.1
            Closing Date  Notice                           Section 2.4
            Code                                           Section 4.12(j)
            Communications Act                             Section 5.6(a)
            Compensation Arrangement                       Section 4.12(j)
            Employee Plan                                  Section 4.12(J)
            Environmental Orders and Laws                  Section 4.20(a)
            Environmental Permits                          Section 4.20(b)
            ERISA                                          Section 4.12(j)
            FCC                                            Recitals
            LMA Stations                                   Recitals
            Loans                                          Section 2.1
            Multi-employer Plan                            Section 4.12(j)
            Note                                           Section 2.4
            Option Loan                                    Section 2.1
            OSHA                                           Section 4.21
            Owned Stations                                 Recitals
            PCBS                                           Section 4.20(c)
            Stations                                       Recitals

                  Any accounting term not specifically defined in this Section 1
shall  have the  meaning  assigned  thereto  by  generally  accepted  accounting
principles not inconsistent with Borrower's present accounting procedures.

                                   ARTICLE II

                           Amount and Terms of Credit

                  2.1 Loans.  (a)  Subject to the terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement,  Lander  shall make (i) a loan of Five Million Five Hundred and Fifty
Thousand  ($5,550,000)  Dollars on the closing  Date (the  "Closing  Date Loan")
subject to  adjustments  an provided  in the  following  paragraph;  (ii) at the
request of Borrower,  but in the  reasonable  discretion  of Lander,  additional
advances not to exceed Five Hundred  Thousand  ($500,000)  for capital and other
operating expenditures  (including Approved Capital Expenditures) related to the
operation of the Stations (the *Advance  Loans");  and (iii) upon the closing in
connection  with the  exercise of the Option with the prior  written  consent of
Lander pursuant to Section 5.14 hereof, a loan in the amount of Five Million one
Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars  ($5,150,000) as the purchase price in connection
with the  exercise  of the  Option,  which  amount  shall be subject to Lender's
approval (the "Option Loan", together with the Closing Date loan and the Advance
Loans, collectively, the "Loans").

                           (b)   If   following   final    resolution   of   the
determination  of the  amount of the  Working  Capital  Balance  or the  Working
Capital  Deficit,  as the case may be, as contemplated by Section 7.1(p),  there
are changes in the amount of such  Working  Capital  Balance or Working  Capital
Deficit from that agreed upon by Buyer and Lender as of the

                                      - 8 -

Closing Date following  receipt of Borrower's  Certificate under Section 7.1(p),
the following shall apply:

                                    (i)  If  the  Working   Capital  Balance  is
                           greater, or the Working Capital Deficit is loss, than
                           tho amounts determined as of the Closing Date, a loan
                           in the amount of such difference shall be made to the

                                    (ii) If the Working Capital Balance is less,
                           or  Working  Capital  Deficit  is  greater,  than the
                           amounts determined as of the Closing Date, a downward
                           adjustment in the $1,000,000 amount payable by Lender
                           at the  consummation  of the asset  purchase or stock
                           purchase (as the case may be) as  contemplated  under
                           the Lender's Option, shall be made in an amount equal
                           to the amount of such difference.

                  2.2      Interest.

                           (a) The Loans shall boar  interest at the  applicable
federal rate, as defined in  ss.1274(d) of the Code,  (the "Base Rate").  If any
installment of principal or interest or any other Loan  Obligations are not paid
when due, all amounts of principal,  interest,  and other Loan Obligations shall
thereafter  bear interest until paid at the Default Rate.  Interest shall accrue
on the outstanding  principal balance of each of the Loans from the date of each
such Loan and compound  annually.  Interest  shall be computed on the basis of a
year  having 360 days and actual  days  elapsed.  Interest on the Loans shall be
paid on the Maturity Date.

                           (b) The rate of  interest  payable  on the Note  from
time to time shall in no event  exceed the  maximum  rate,  if any,  permissible
under  applicable  law.  If the  rate of  interest  payable  on the Note is ever
reduced  an a result  of the  preceding  sentence  and any time  thereafter  the
maximum  rate  permitted  by  applicable  law shall  exceed the rate of interest
provided  for on the  Note,  then the  rate  provided  for on the Note  shall be
increased to the maximum rate  permitted by applicable law for such period as is
required so that the total  amount of interest  received by Lender is that which
would  have been  received  by Lender  but for the  operation  of the  preceding

                  2.3 Maturity.  Unless  Payment is earlier  demanded by Lender,
the Outstanding Principal amount Of the Loans together with all interest accrued
but unpaid thereon, shall be payable on the earlier of (a) July 6, 2000, and (b)
the date on which the asset purchase  agreement or the stock purchase  agreement
contemplated  under the Lender's Option is terminated or consummated and (c) the
date on which the  Lender's  Option  expires and is  terminated  ("the  Maturity

                  2.4 The Note. The Loans shall be evidenced by promissory  note
in  the  principal  amount  of  Eleven  Million  Two  Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($11,200,000)  and payable to Lender,  substantially in the form attached hereto
as Exhibit-A attached hereto (the "Note").

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                  2.5  Payments.   All  payments  or  prepayments  made  or  due
hereunder or under the Note shall be made,  without offset or  counterclaim,  in
immediately  available funds to Lender prior to 12:00 noon, St. Louis,  Missouri
time, on the date when due, at Lender's offices at 1215 Cole Street,  St. Louis,
Missouri  63106,  or at such other  place as Lender may  designate  in  writing.
Whenever any payment to be made under this Agreement is due on a day that is not
a business day, such payment may be made on the next succeeding business day and
such extension of time shall in each case be included in the  computation of the
interest payable on the Note.

                  2.6  Prepayments.  Borrower shall not have the right to prepay
all or any part of the  Loans,  plus  interest  accrued  on the  amount  prepaid
without the prior written consent of Lender.

                                   ARTICLE III

                                   The Closing

                  3.1 Time and Place of Closing. (a) Subject to the satisfaction
or, to the extent permissible by law, waiver by Lender on the date scheduled for
Closing of the closing  conditions  described in Article VII hereof, the parties
hereto shall be obligated to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby at
the Closing of this  Agreement,  which  shall take place at 10:00 a.m.,  eastern
time, on the Keymarket Closing Date (the "Closing Date").

                           (b) The  Closing  shall take place at the  offices of
Dow,  Lohnes &  Albertson,  1235 23rd  Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.  20037;
O'Melveny & Myers,  153 East 53rd Street,  New York, New York 10022;  or at such
other place as shall be mutually agreed to by Lender and-Borrower.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                    Borrower's Representations and Warranties

                  Borrower represents and warrants to Lender as follows:

                  4.1 Organization and Standing.  Borrower is a corporation duly
organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of
South Carolina and is duly qualified to do business in each  jurisdiction  where
the conduct of the business or operations  of the Stations  owned or operated by
Borrower  requires  such  qualification  (which  jurisdictions  are set forth in
Section 4.1 of the Disclosure  Schedule).  Borrower has the requisite  corporate
power and  authority  to own,  lease and  operate  the  Assets,  to carry on the
business of the  Stations  owned or operated by Borrower as now being  conducted
and to execute and deliver this Agreement,  the Note, each Related  Document and
the  documents  contemplated  hereby  and  thereby to which it is a party and to
perform and comply with all terms,  covenants and conditions to be performed and
complied with by Borrower hereunder and thereunder.

                                     - 10 -

                  4.2 Subsidiaries. Borrower does not have any Subsidiary or any
other direct or indirect equity interest (by way of stock ownership, partnership
interest or otherwise) in any entity or person.

                  4.3  Authorization and Binding  Obligation.  Borrower has full
corporate  power and authority to execute,  deliver and perform this  Agreement,
the Note, each Related Document and all documents  contemplated  hereby to which
it is a  party  and to  consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  and
thereby.  The execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement,  the Note,
each Related  Document and all  documents  contemplated  hereby to which it is a
party and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby and thereby
by Borrower have been duly and validly  authorized  by all  necessary  corporate
action on the part of Borrower and no further action or approval of any director
or  shareholder  of  Borrower  or any  lender  to  Borrower  is  required.  This
Agreement,  the Note and each  Related  Document  has  been,  and the  documents
contemplated hereby and thereby to which it is a party will be, duly and validly
executed and delivered by Borrower and  constitutes (or in the case of documents
not yet  executed,  will be) a legal,  valid and binding  agreement  of Borrower
enforceable  against Borrower in accordance with its respective term,  except as
the same may be limited by bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  moratorium
and other  similar laws and related  court  decisions  of general  applicability
relating to or affecting  creditors'  rights generally and by the application of
general principles of equity.

                  4.4      Consents and Approvals; No Violation.

                           (a)  Except  as  set  forth  in  Section  4.4  of the
Disclosure Schedule,  there in no requirement applicable to Borrower to make any
filing with, or to obtain any permit, authorization, consent or approval of, any
governmental or regulatory authority or third party (i) in connection with or to
permit  the  lawful  consummation  by  Borrower  of  the  borrowings  and  other
transactions  contemplated under this Agreement, the Note, any Related Documents
and the other transactions  contemplated hereby and thereby; or (ii) to maintain
the continuing  validity and  effectiveness of (and to prevent any default under
or violation  of) any License,  FCC License or Contract  from and after the date
hereof and after consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                           (b) The execution,  delivery and  performance of this
Agreement, the Note and each other Related Document to which Borrower is a party
(assuming  receipt of any  consents  set forth in Section 4.4 of the  Disclosure
Schedule)  will not (i)  violate,  conflict  with or result in any breach of any
provision  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of  Borrower,  (ii)
violate,  conflict  with or result in a breach or  default  (or give rise to any
right of  termination,  cancellation  or  acceleration)  under any of the terms,
conditions or provisions of any note, bond,  mortgage,  agreement lease or other
instrument  or  obligation  to which  Borrower is a party or by which any of its
assets or the  Assets or the Owned  Stations  may be  bound,  (iii)  violate  or
conflict with any statute,  law, rule,  regulation,  order, writ,  injunction or
decree applicable to Borrower,  or any of its assets or any of the Assets or any
of the Owned Stations, (iv) require the consent of any third party or (v) create
any claim, liability, mortgagor lien, pledge, condition, charge, or

                                     - 11 -

encumbrance of any nature whatsoever upon any of Borrower's property, or capital
stock or other equity capital.

                  4.5 Governmental Authorizations. Section 4.5 of the Disclosure
Schedule  lists the FCC Licenses and all other  Licenses from  governmental  and
regulatory authorities which are required for the lawful conduct of the business
and  operations of each Owned  Station in the manner it is now being  conducted.
such FCC Licenses and other Licenses  constitute all such licenses  necessary to
conduct the business and operations of the Owned Stations an presently conducted
Borrower  is the  authorized  legal  holder  of the FCC  Licenses  and all other
Licenses listed in Section 4.5 of the Disclosure Schedule and designated as hold
by  Borrower,  None of the FCC  licenses  or other  Licenses  in  subject to any
restriction  or condition  which would limit the operation of the owned stations
as  presently  operated.  Borrower  in not a party  to any  agreement  with  any
community  group,  governmental  authority  or  other  third  party  restricting
programming, employment practices or other aspects of the business or operations
of any owned  Station.  Borrower  has  delivered  to Lender  true,  correct  and
complete copies of the Licenses listed in Section 4.5 of the Disclosure Schedule
(including  any and all  amendments and other  modifications  thereto).  The FCC
Licenses and all other Licenses listed in Section 4.5 of the Disclosure Schedule
are valid for the full term set forth in Section 4.5 of the Disclosure Schedule,
are in good standing and are in full force and effect and are not subject to any
liens or  encumbrances  except as set  forth in  Section  4.5 of the  Disclosure
Schedule  Borrower  has not  engaged  in any  activity  which  could  cause  the
revocation  or  suspension  of the FCC  Licenses  or any  such  other  Licenses.
Borrower  has no reason to believe that  anything  has  occurred  since the last
renewal of the FCC Licenses  that would  adversely  affect the  application  for
Renewal or the prospects  for  obtaining  the Renewal in the ordinary  course of
business for full license terms without any adverse new conditions.  Borrower is
not aware of any action  which  would  adversely  affect  the  interference-free
technical  service  area of any owned  station as such service area is presently
authorized by the FCC.

                  4.6 Title to and Condition of Real  Property.  (a) Section 4.6
of the Disclosure Schedule contains a listing of all the Real Property,  and the
Real Property  Constitutes all real property  interests of any nature whatsoever
necessary to conduct the  business or  operations  of the Owned  Stations an now
conducted. Borrower has delivered to Lander true, correct and complete copies of
all  deeds,  by which  Borrower  has  received  an  interest  in any of the Real
Property,  leases,  by which Borrower in the losses or lessor of any of the Real
Property,  title insurance policies, which Borrower has received with respect to
any of the Real  Property,  surveyor which Borrower has received with respect to
any of the  Real  Property,  and  inspection  reports  or other  instruments  or
reports,  which  Borrower has received with respect to any of the Real Property,
(including any and all amendments and other  modifications of such instruments).
All of the Real Property has full practical and insurable legal access to public
roads or streets and has all utilities and services necessary for the proper and
lawful conduct and operation of each of the Owned Stations as now conducted. All
towers, earth receiving dishes and facilities, and other installations equipment
and facilities  utilized in connection  with the Owned  Stations  (including any
related  buildings  and guy  anchors)  are  maintained,  placed  and  located in
accordance  with the  provisions of all  applicable  laws,  rules,  regulations,
deeds, easements,  restrictions, leases, licenses, permits or other arrangements
except to the extent that any failure to

                                     - 12 -

so maintain,  place or locate such equipment does not materially  interfere with
and will not  affect  the  present  or  reasonably  expected  future use of such
equipment  or the Real  Property and are located  entirely on the Real  Property
either owned or leased by Borrower, Borrower has sole, good, valid, indefeasible
and  marketable  fee simple  title,  insurable at standard  rates by a reputable
national  title insurer,  to all of the fee estates  (including the buildings or
improvements  thereon),  listed in Section 4.6 of the  Disclosure  Schedule  and
designated  as  owned by  Borrower,  free and  clear  of all  liens,  mortgages,
pledges, covenants,  options, rights of first refusal, easements,  restrictions,
encroachments,  leases,  charges and other claims and encumbrances of any nature
whatsoever, and without reservation or exclusion of any mineral, timber or other
rights or interests,  except for (i) liens for real estate taxes not yet due and
payable,  (ii)  liens in favor of Bank of  Montreal,  as  agent,  which  will be
removed  prior  to  or  at  the  Closing,  (iii)  easements,  rights-of-way  and
restrictions of record, none of which materially  interferes with or affects the
present or reasonably  expected  future use or value of such property,  and (iv)
any other claims,  encumbrances,  reservations or exclusions which are described
in Part 2 of Section 4.6 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                           (b) With respect to each leasehold  interest included
in the  Real  Property,  Borrower  is  not in  default  thereunder  (nor  to the
knowledge of Borrower is any other party  thereto) and such  leasehold  interest
(i) is valid,  subsisting  and in full force and effect;  (ii) is not subject to
any liens or encumbrances,  except in favor of Bank of Montreal, as agent, which
will be removed prior to or at the Closing or as set forth in Section 4.6 of the
Disclosure  Schedule;  and (iii) so long an Borrower  fulfills  its  obligations
under the lease therefor,  Borrower has enforceable rights to nondisturbance and
peaceful  and  quiet  enjoyment,  and no third  party  holds  any real  property
interests in the leased  promises with the right to foreclose  upon or otherwise
terminate or materially  impair Borrower's  leasehold  interest in such promises
(absent a default by Borrower under the terms of the lease therefor). The rental
not forth in each of the leases listed in Section 4.6 of the Disclosure Schedule
in the  actual  rental  being  paid,  and there are no  separate  agreements  or
understandings  with respect to same.  Borrower  currently has the full right to
exercise  any-renewal  options  contained in any of the leases listed in Section
4.6 of the Disclosure  Schedule,  on the terms and conditions  contained therein
and,  upon due  exercise,  currently  would be entitled to enjoy the use of each
leased  promises  for the  full  term of such  renewal  options.  To the best of
Borrower's  knowledge the leased promises are occupied under a valid and current
occupancy  permit or the like to the extent  required by law; there are no facts
known to Borrower  which would prevent any leased  promises from being  occupied
after the closing in substantially the same manner as before.

                           (c) All Real  Property  (including  the  improvements
thereon)  (i) is in good  condition  and repair in  accordance  with  normal and
customary  industry  practices  (ordinary  wear  and  tear  excepted),  (ii)  is
available for immediate use in the conduct of the business or operations of each
of the owned  Stations,  and (iii)  complies in all material  respects  with all
applicable  building or zoning  codes and the  regulations  of any  governmental
authority having jurisdiction.  There are no condemnation proceedings or eminent
domain proceedings, lawsuits or legal proceedings of any kind pending or, to the
knowledge of Borrower,  threatened,  in connection  with any Real Property.  The
Real  Property  and the  present  us, and  condition  thereof do not violate any
applicable deed restrictions or other covenants, restrictions, agreements,

                                     - 13 -

existing  site  plan  approvals,  or, in any  material  respect,  any  zoning or
subdivision  regulations  or urban  redevelopment  plans  applicable to the Real
Property as modified by any duly issued variances,  and no permits,  licenses or
certificates  pertaining  to the  ownership or  operation of the Real  Property,
other than those which are transferable with the Real Property,  are required by
any  governmental  agency  having  jurisdiction  over the Real Property or their
operation.  All  improvements  made  by or  constructed  for  Borrower  and,  to
Borrower's  knowledge with respect to improvements used by Borrower but not made
by it or  constructed  for  it,  on  the  Real  Property,  were  constructed  in
compliance in all material respects with all applicable Federal,  state or other
statutes,  laws, ordinances,  regulations,  rules, codes, orders or requirements
(including,  but not limited to, any building,  zoning or environmental  laws or
codes)  affecting  such promises.  Section 4.6 of the  Disclosure  Schedule sets
forth a true and complete list of all construction,  architect,  engineering and
other agreements,  if any, relating to uncompleted construction projects entered
into by Borrower in connection  with any Real Property  Borrower has  heretofore
delivered  to Lender  true,  correct and  complete  copies of such  construction

                  4.7 Title to and  Condition  of  Tangible  Personal  Property.
Section  4.7 of the  Disclosure  Schedule  contains  a  listing  of each item of
Tangible  Personal  Property with a value of $2,500 or more. Except with respect
to leased  property or an set forth in Section 4.7 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
Borrower  owns and has  good,  valid  and  indefeasible  title  to the  Tangible
Personal  Property,  free  and  clear  of all  liens,  mortgages,  pledges,  and
encumbrances, except for liens for taxes not yet due and payable, liens in favor
of Bank of Montreal, as agents which will be removed prior to or at the Closing,
and any liens set forth in Section 4.7 of the Disclosure  Schedule and annotated
to indicate that such liens will be removed at or prior to Closing. Borrower has
not  materially  reduced its inventory of usable  supplies and supply parts from
the  quantities  normally  maintained  by Borrower in  accordance  with its past
practices.  Except as set forth in Section 4.7 of the Disclosure  Schedule,  the
Tangible Personal  Property listed in Section 4.7 of the Disclosure  Schedule is
in good operating  condition and repair in accordance  with normal and customary
radio industry  practices for items of comparable age and use, ordinary wear and
tear excepted, and is available for immediate use in the business and operations
of the Owned Stations.

                  4.8      Contracts.

                           (a) Section 4.8(a) of the  Disclosure  Schedule lists
all  Contracts,  except (i)  Contracts  entered into in the  ordinary  course of
business for the sale or sponsorship  of advertising  time on any Owned Station,
for cash substantially at such owned Station's  prevailing rat* in an amount for
each such contract not in excess of Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($50,000) and with
not more than twelve  (12)  months  remaining  in any of their  terms;  and (ii)
Contracts (other than Contracts as specified in clause (i) above for the sale or
sponsorship  of  advertising  time on any owned  Station),  entered  into in the
ordinary course of business and which impose monetary  obligations not in excess
of  Twelve  Thousand  Dollars  ($12,000)  individually,   and  which  impose  no
significant non-monetary obligations on Borrower. Borrower has delivered or made
available to Lender true,  correct and complete copies of all written  Contracts
and memoranda of all oral agreements and understandings listed in Section 4.8(a)
of  the  Disclosure  Schedule  (including  any  and  all  amendments  and  other
modifications to the Contracts). Each of the Contracts is in full

                                     - 14 -

force  and  effect  and  constitutes  the  legal,  valid,  binding  and  legally
enforceable  obligation of Borrower  (and, to the knowledge of Borrower,  of the
other parties thereto),  and Borrower has good, valid and indefeasible  title to
such Contract,  free and clear of any lions or encumbrances  except an set forth
in Section  4.8(a) of the  Disclosure  Schedule.  Except as set forth in Section
4.8(a) of the  Disclosure  Scheduler  there is not,  under any of the  Contracts
designated in Section 4.8(a) of the Disclosure  Schedule,  any existing defaults
event of default or other  event  which,  with or without due notice or lapse of
time or both,  would  constitute  a default  or event of  default on the part of
Borrower or, to the knowledge of Borrower, any other party thereto.

                           (b)  Section  4.8(b)  of  the   Disclosure   Schedule
describes all outstanding commitments or proposals to make capital expenditures,
additions, improvements and projects which are not yet completed (whether or not
yet begun or in  progress),  which have been approved by management of any Owned
Station and which will or are expected to require payments to third parties.

                  4.9 Intangibles.  Section 4.9 of the Disclosure  Schedule is a
list of all the Intangibles.  Borrower has delivered to Lender true, correct and
complete  copies of all documents  establishing  or evidencing the  Intangibles.
Except as disclosed in Section 4.9 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  Borrower owns,
free  and  clear  of all  liens  and  encumbrances,  and  has  good,  valid  and
indefeasible  title to, all the  Intangibles  designated  in Section  4.9 of the
Disclosure  Schedule as being owned by Borrower,  and Borrower is not infringing
upon or otherwise acting adversely to the right or, to the knowledge of Borrower
claimed  right,  of any  person.  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section  4.9 of the
Disclosure Schedule,  Borrower is not obligated pursuant to any contract to make
any payments by way of royalties,  fees or otherwise  with respect to any of the
Intangibles  Borrower has not  received any written  notice of any claim that it
has infringed  upon or is in conflict with any  Intangibles  of any third party,
which claim remains outstanding or unresolved an of the date hereof.

                  4.10 Financial  Statements.  Borrower has heretofore delivered
to Lender true and complete  copies of the Financial  Statements.  Except as set
forth  in  Section  4.10 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  and in the case of those
statements ending before year-end subject to customary year-end  adjustments and
accruals,  the Financial Statements are in accordance with the books and records
of Borrower, have been prepared in accordance with GAAP consistently applied and
present  fairly the financial  condition,  and results of operations of Borrower
for  the  periods  and  as of the  date  set  forth.  Borrower  has no  material
liabilities  (fixed,  accrued,  contingent  or  otherwise)  that  have  not been
disclosed or referred to in the Financial Statements.

                  4.11 Totality of Assets.  The Assets include all of the assets
or rights, including without limitation,  all necessary Real Property,  Tangible
Personal Property, Contracts, Licenses, FCC Licenses and Intangibles,  necessary
for the  continued  operation  of the  Owned  Stations  in the  same  manner  as
currently operated.

                  4.12     Personnel Information; Employee Benefit Plans.

                                     - 15 -

                           (a)  Borrower  has  heretofore  delivered to Lender a
true and complete list of all persons employed at the Owned Stations,  including
a description  of all  compensation  arrangements  affecting  such persons and a
description of the basis for their compensation.

                           (b) All of Borrower's Employee Plans and Compensation
Arrangements  are  listed  and  described  in  Section  4.12  of the  Disclosure
Schedule,  and true,  correct and complete  copies of any such written  Employee
Plans and Compensation  Arrangements (or related  insurance  policies) have been
furnished  to Lender,  along with copies of any  employee  handbooks  or similar
documents  describing such Employee Plans and Compensation  Arrangements,  True,
correct  and  complete   descriptions   of  any  unwritten   Employee  Plans  or
Compensation  Arrangements also are provided in Section.  4.12 of the Disclosure
Schedule.  Except as  disclosed  in  Section  4.12 of the  Disclosure  Schedule,
Borrower  is not a party to and does not have in effect  or to become  effective
after the date of this  Agreement  any  bonus,  cash or  deferred  compensation,
severance,  medical,  health or  hospitalization,  pension,  profit  sharing  or
thrift,  retirement,  stock  option,  employee  stock  ownership,  life or group
insurance, death benefit, welfare, incentive, vacation sick leave, disability or
trust agreement or arrangement.

                           (c) Each Employee Plan and  Compensation  Arrangement
has been administered in compliance with its own term and in material compliance
with the provisions of ERISA, the Code, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act
and any other applicable Federal or state laws.

                           (d)  Borrower  does  not  contribute  to  and  is not
required to contribute to any Multi-employer Plan with respect to its employees,
and neither  Borrower nor any other trade or business  under common control with
Borrower  (within the meaning of Sections  414(b),  (c), (a) or (o) of the Code)
have  incurred or  reasonably  expect to incur any  "withdrawal  liability,"  as
defined under Section 4201 et seq. of ERISA.

                           (e) At all  times  on or prior  to the  closing,  the
Employee   Plans,  to  the  extent  such  Employee  Plans  are  intended  to  be
tax-qualified,  satisfy all coverage and minimum  participation  requirements if
any,  imposed on such  Employee  Plans by the  applicable  terms of the Code and

                           (f)  Borrower  is not aware of the  existence  of any
governmental   audit  or  examination  of  any  Employee  Plan  or  compensation
Arrangement  or of any facts which would lead it to believe  that any such audit
or examination is pending or threatened.  There exists no action,  suit or claim
(other than routine  claims for  benefits)  with respect to any Employee Plan or
Compensation  Arrangement  pending or, to the knowledge of Borrower,  threatened
against any of such plans or arrangements,  and Borrower  possesses no knowledge
of any facts which could give rise to any such action, suit or claim.

                           (g)  Except  as  described  in  Section  4.12  of the
Disclosure  Schedule,  neither  Borrower  nor any other trade or business  under
common control with Borrower (within

                                     - 16 -

the meaning of Sections 414(b),  (c), (m) or (o) of the Code) sponsor,  maintain
or  contribute to any Employee Plan or  Compensation  Arrangement  that provides
retiree  medical or retiree  life  insurance  coverage  to former  employees  of

                           (h)  Except  as  described  in  Section  4.12  of the
Disclosure  Schedule,  with  respect to each  Employee  Plan and,  to the extent
applicable,  each  Compensation  Arrangement:  (i) each  Employee  Plan  that is
intended to be tax-qualified,  and each amendment  thereto,  is the subject of a
favorable determination letter, and no plan amendment that is not the subject of
a favorable determination letter would affect the validity of an Employee Plants
letter;  (ii) no liability to the Pension Benefit Guaranty  corporation has been
or is expected by Borrower or any trade or business  under  common  control with
Borrower (within the meaning of Sections 414(b), (c), (a) or (o) of the Code) to
be incurred;  (iii) no Employee Plan ever has incurred an  "accumulated  funding
deficiency,"  as such term is defined in Section  302(a)(2) of ERISA and Section
412(a) of the Code,  whether or not waived,  and otherwise  always has fully met
the  funding  standards  required  under Title I of ERISA and Section 412 of the
Code; (iv) no "reportable  events" as that term in defined in Section 4043(b)(1)
through (8) of ERISA and, to the  knowledge of Borrower,  Section  4043(b)(9) of
ERISA,  ever has occurred  with respect to any Employee  Plan;  (v) there are no
unfunded  liabilities  with respect to any Employee  Plan,  i.e.,  the actuarial
present  value of all  "benefit  liabilities"  determined  within the meaning of
section 401(a)(2) of the Code) under such Employee Plan,  whether or not vested,
does not exceed the current value of the assets of such Employee  Plan;  (vi) no
prohibited  transaction,  within the  definition  of section 4975 of the Code or
Title 1. Part 4 of ERISA,  has  occurred  which  would  subject  Borrower to any
liability; and (vii) all contributions premiums or payments accrued, in whole or
in parts under each Employee Plan or  Compensation  Arrangement  or with respect
thereto  as of the  Closing  will be  paid by  Borrower  prior  to the  Closing,
including,  but not limited to,  contributions  thereto with respect to the plan
year ending immediately prior to the Closing.

                           (i) Section 4.12 of the Disclosure  Schedule contains
a true,  correct and complete  list of all qualified  beneficiaries,  an defined
under Section 4980B(g)(1) of the Code as of the effective date of this Agreement
(excluding,  however, qualified beneficiaries who are in the election period for
continuation  coverage but who have not yet elected continuation  coverage) with
respect  to  Borrower's  operation  of the owned  Stations,  There  have been no
failures to provide continuation coverage as required by Section 4980B(f) of the

                           (j) For  purposes of this  Agreement,  the  following
terms  shall have the  meaning  indicated:  (i)  "Employee  Plan" shall mean any
pension,  profit-sharing,  deferred compensation,  vacation,  bonus,  incentive,
medical,  vision,  dental,  disability,  life  insurance  or any other  employee
benefit plan as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA to which Borrower or any entity
related to Borrower (under the terms of Section  414(b),  (c), (m) or (o) of the
Code)  contributes or to which Borrower or any entity related to Borrower (under
the terms of Sections 414(b),  (c), (m) or (o) of the Code) sponsors,  maintains
or otherwise is bound; (ii) "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as amended,  any successor thereto and any regulations  promulgated  thereunder;
(iii) "Compensation Arrangement" shall mean any plan or

                                     - 17 -

compensation  arrangement  other  than an  Employee  Plan,  whether  written  or
unwritten which provides to employees, former employees, officers, directors and
shareholders  of Borrower or any entity related to Borrower  (under the terms of
Section 414(b), (c), (m) or (o) of the Code) any compensation or other benefits,
whether deferred or not, in excess of bass salary or wages,  including,  but not
limited  to,  any  bonus  or  incentive  plan,   stock  rights  plan,   deferred
compensation arrangement life insurance, stock purchase plan, severance pay plan
and any other employee fringe benefit plan; (iv) "ERISA" shall mean the Employee
Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as amended,  any successor  thereto and
any regulations  promulgated  thereunder;  and (v) "Multi-employer Plan" means a
plan, as defined in ERISA Section 3(37), to which Borrower or any entity related
to Borrower  (under the terms of Section 414(b) or (c) of the Code)  contributes
or is required to contribute.

                           (k)  Borrower  has  provided  to Lender a copy of all
employment  contacts with Owned Station  employees,  all employee  handbooks and
employment  policies or procedures*  Borrower agrees to provide Lender access to
all personnel records for any and all Owned Station employees.

                  4.13 Labor  Relations.  Except as not forth in Section 4.13 of
the Disclosure  schedule,  Borrower is not a party to any collective  bargaining
agreement.  Borrower is in compliance in all material respects and have complied
in all material  respects with respect to the  operations of the Owned  Stations
with all applicable  laws,  rules and regulations  relating to the employment of
labor including,  without limitation,  those related to wages, hours, collective
bargaining,  occupational  safety,  discrimination,  and the  payment  of social
security and other payroll-related taxes. Except as set forth in Section 4.13 of
the Disclosure  Schedule,  there are no organizing  campaigns,  picketing,  work
stoppages,  work slow-downs,  work to the rule campaigns,  strikes, unfair labor
practice charges, arbitrations,  lawsuits or other labor disputes,  disturbances
or  other  controversies  or  proceedings  pending  or to  Borrower's  knowledge
threatened involving Borrower or the employees of any Owned Station or any labor
union or other  collective  bargaining  unit  claiming to  represent  any of the
employees of any Owned Station or seeking to organize the employees of any Owned

                  4.14  Litigation.  Except as set forth in Section  4.14 of the
Disclosure  Schedule,  there is no litigation or material action,  proceeding or
investigation pending or to Borrower's knowledge threatened against or affecting
Borrower or any owned  Station in any federal,  state or local court,  or before
any arbitrator or administrative  agency  (including,  without  limitation,  any
proceeding  which seeks the forfeiture of, or opposes the renewal of, any of the
FCC  Licenses  or the other  Licenses  listed in Section  4.5 of the  Disclosure
Schedule),  or which seeks to enjoin or  prohibit,  or otherwise  questions  the
validity of, any action taken or to be taken  pursuant to or in connection  with
this  Agreement,  the Note or any Related  Document or which  adversely  affects
Borrower's ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement,  the Note or
any  other  Related  Document.  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  4.14  of the
Disclosure  schedule,  neither  Borrower  nor any Owned  Station  nor any of the
Assets is subject to any Judgment, write, order, injunction,  award or decree by
any court,  arbitrator or governmental  authority,  including any administrative

                                     - 18 -

                  4.15 Reports.  All material  returns,  reports and  statements
currently  required  to be  filed  by  Borrower  with  the  FCC  and  any  other
governmental  agency  relating to the  operations of any Owned Station have been
filed,  and  all  reporting  requirements  of the  FCC  and  other  governmental
authorities having jurisdiction  thereof have been complied with in all material
respects.  All of such reports,  returns and statements are complete and correct
in all  material  respects  as filed.  All  documents  required by the FCC to be
maintained  in  Borrower's  public file (as defined by the rules of the FCC) are
contained therein.

                  4.16 Taxes.  Borrower  has filed,  or caused to be filed,  all
federal,  state  and  local  tax  returns  which  are  required  to be  filed in
connection  with its ownership  interest in and operation of the Owned  Stations
owned by  Borrower,  Except  as set  forth  in  Section  4.16 of the  Disclosure
Schedule,  Borrower  has paid,  or made  provisions  for the payment of, (i) all
taxes  (including  interest  and  penalties)  shown due on such  returns for the
periods  covered  thereby,  except  such  accrued  and  unpaid  taxes  for which
appropriate  accruals are reflected in the Financial Statements and (ii) all tax
deficiencies  (including  interest  and  penalties)  assessed as a result of any
examination  of  tax  returns  of  Borrower  by  federal,  state  or  local  tax
authorities.  Borrower  is not  delinquent  in the  payment  of and there are no
claims pending for the payment of, any tax (including interest and penalties) of
any nature whatsoever that could impose transferee liability upon Lender.

                  4.17 Compliance with Laws. Except as set forth in Section 4.17
of the Disclosure  Schedule,  the operations of each Owned Station have been and
are in compliance  in all material  respects with all FCC Licenses and any other
material Licenses and all applicable laws, regulations and other requirements of
all federal,  state and local governmental  authorities having jurisdiction over
such Owned Station and its operations.

                  4.18  Absence  of  Certain  Changes.  Except  an set  forth in
Section 4.18 of the Disclosure  Schedule,  since  September 30, 1994, (a) to the
date hereof,  no Owned  Station has suffered a Material  Adverse  Change and (b)
each Owned Station has been operated in the ordinary  course and consistent with
past practices and neither Borrower nor the Owned Stations have:

                           (i) incurred  any  obligation  or  liability  (fixed,
accrued,  contingent or otherwise)  except normal trade or business  obligations
and liabilities  incurred in the ordinary  course of business,  none of which is
materially adverse;

                           (ii)  mortgaged,  pledged or  subjected  to any other
lien any of the Assets,  tangible or intangible  otherwise  than in the ordinary
course of business;

                           (iii)   sold,   assigned,   transferred,   leased  or
otherwise  disposed of or agreed to sell,  assigns transfer,  lease or otherwise
dispose  of  any  of the  Assets,  tangible  or  intangible,  except  for a fair
consideration  in the  ordinary  course of  business,  or acquired or leased any
assets or properties  except for a fair  consideration in the ordinary course of

                                     - 19 -

                           (iv) cancelled or compromised  any claim or liability
other than in the ordinary course of business;

                           (v)  except  as  shown on the  Financial  Statements,
waived or  released  any rights of value or  modified  any  material  agreement,
whether or not in the ordinary course of business;

                           (vi)  transferred  or granted  any  rights  under any
lease,  licenses,   agreements,   trademarks,  trade  names,  service  marks  or

                           (vii)   entered   into  or  renewed  any   employment
contracts or  compensation  agreements or made,  agreed to make or announced any
change in employment  policies or procedures,  wages,  compensation  or employee
benefits  for any  Owned  Station  employee,  except  as may be  required  by an
existing  employments  agreement,  as required by law, or as otherwise expressly
provided herein;

                           (viii)  suffered  any  material  casualty  losses  or
damages  (whether  or not any such loss or damage  shall  have been  covered  by

                           (ix) terminated,  discontinued, closed or disposed of
any plant, facility or business operation;

                           (x) revalued any of the Assets  (whether  tangible or
intangible) or changed any of its accounting records or practices or changed its
depreciation or amortization policies or rates;

                           (xi) made, or forgiven,  any loans or advances to any
person, other than for travels customer  entertainment or business promotion not
in excess of $5,000 to any one person; or

                           (xii)  entered  into any  agreement  to do any of the

                  4.19 Transactions with Affiliates. Except for Kerby E. Confer,
Keymarket  Consultants,  Inc. and as disclosed in Section 4.19 of the Disclosure
Scheduler Borrower in not now, a party, directly or indirectly, to any contract,
lease,  arrangement  or transaction  whether for the purchase,  lease or sale of
property,  for the  rendition of services or  otherwise,  with any  Affiliate of
Borrower, or any officer,  director,  employee,  proprietor,  shareholder or any
"associate  of Borrower (as the term  "associate"  is defined in Rule 405 of the
Rules and Regulations promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended).

                  4.20     Environmental Matters.
                           (a)  Borrower  is not in  violation  of,  and  has no
liability or obligation  under,  any  applicable  order,  judgment,  injunction,
award,  decree  or  writ  or  any  applicable  law,  statute,  code,  ordinance,
regulation or other requirement of any government or political

                                     - 20 -

subdivision  thereof,  whether federal,  state, local or foreign, or any agency,
regulatory  authority or  instrumentality  of any such  government  or political
subdivision,  or any court or arbitrator  relating to pollution or protection of
health,  public welfare or the  environment  ("Environmental  Orders and Laws"),
including,  without  limitation,  Environmental  Orders  and  Laws  relating  to
Releases,  or otherwise relating to the manufacture,  processing,  distribution,
use, treatment, storage, disposal, transport or handling of Hazardous Materials.
There are no claims,  actions, suits,  proceedings,  investigations or inquiries
pending or, to the knowledge of Borrower threatened, and there are no judgments,
orders,  writs, or decrees entered against  Borrower or relating to or affecting
any Owned Station by or before any federal, state or other court or governmental
authority or agency  concerning any  Environmental  Orders and Laws. None of the
Owned  Stations or Borrower has received  written  notice from the United states
Environmental  Protection Agency or any other governmental  authority that it is
or  may  be  considered  to  be  a  potentially   responsible  party  under  any
Environmental  Orders  and Laws with  respect  to any site that is listed on the
National Priorities List, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act Information  System  ("CERCLIS") data base or a similar state,
provincial, regional territorial,  municipal, local or foreign law list. None of
the Owned  Stations  or  Borrower  has  received  any  written  notice  from any
governmental  authority of any condition on any property where any Owned Station
or Borrower has caused Hazardous Materials to be disposed of which would require
any  remedial  action  or  removal   action,   as  such  terms  are  defined  in
Environmental Orders and Laws.

                           (b) No lion  has  been  attached  to (or  is,  to the
knowledge  of  Borrower,  threatened  to be  attached  to) any real or  personal
property  owned or leased by Borrower or relating to any Owned Station  pursuant
to any  Environmental  Orders and Laws. There has been no treatment,  storage or
Release of any Hazardous material by any Person on any property owned, operated,
or leased by  Borrower  or,  relating  to any Owned  Station  at any time in any
manner that could reasonably be expected to lead to a material liability.  There
are no  sites,  locations  or  operations  at which  there are  currently  being
undertaken,  or have completed,  any remedial or response action relating to any
Release of any Hazardous Material, as required by Environmental Orders and Laws.
Borrower has obtained,  and is in compliance in all material  respects with, all
permits, licenses, authorizations, registrations and other governmental consents
required by applicable Environmental Orders and Laws ("Environmental  Permits"),
True,  correct  and  complete  copies  of all  Environmental  Permits  have been
provided to Lender.

                           (c)  Except  as  disclosed  in  Section  4.20  of the
Disclosure  Scheduler all of the property owned or leased by Borrower is free of
contamination  from  any  Hazardous  Materials,  and  no  discharge,   spillage,
uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of Hazardous Materials has occurred at,
upon,  under or within any  property  owned or leased by Borrower  or at,  upon,
under or within any contiguous real estate. Any Hazardous  Materials removed for
disposal from the facilities used by Borrower was and is documented, transported
and disposed of in  compliance  in all  material  respects  with all  applicable
Environmental  orders  and Laws.  Except as  described  in  Section  4.20 of the
Disclosure  Schedule,  none of the  property  owned or  leased by  Borrower  now
contains,  or to the  knowledge  of  Borrower,  in the past has  contained,  any
underground  or above ground tanks for the storage of Hazardous  Materials.  Any
underground  storage  tanks  and/or  solid waste  disposal  facilities  owned by
Borrower are used in

                                     - 21 -

compliance in all material  respects with  Environmental  orders and Laws. There
are-no  polychlorinated  biphonyls  ("PCBs") in any facilities (as defined under
Environmental  Orders and Laws) on, about,  under or within such  properties and
there is no friable asbestos at, on, about, under or within such properties.

                  4.21 OSHA  Matters.  Each Owned  Station  and  Borrower  is in
compliance in all material  respects with the  requirements of the  occupational
Safety and Health Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder and any similar
laws or regulations  of any state or local  jurisdiction  ("OSHA").  None of the
Owned  Stations or Borrower  has received  any  citation  from the  occupational
Safety and Health  Administration or any comparable  administration of any state
or local  jurisdiction (an  "Administration")  or any  Administration  inspector
getting  forth any respect in which the  facilities  or operations of such Owned
Station or Borrower are not in compliance  with OSHA, or the  regulations  under
such  act,  which  non-compliance  has not been  corrected  or  remedied  to the
satisfaction  of such  Administration  or  inspector.  Borrower  has  heretofore
furnished  to Lender  copies  of all  citations  heretofore  issued to any Owned
Station or Borrower and relating to any Owned  Station  under OSHA and copies of
all  correspondence  from  and to such  Administration  and  any  Administration
inspectors during the past three years.

                  4.22 Insurance.  Section 4.22 of the Disclosure Schedule lists
all  insurance  policies of Borrower  which relate to the ownership of the Owned
Stations.  All of such policies are in full force and effect and Borrower is not
in default in any material respect thereunder.

                  4.23 LMA and Option.  (a)  Borrower  has  delivered  to Lender
true,  correct and complete copies of the LMA and Option  (including any and all
amendments and other  modifications  thereto).  Each of the LMA and Option is in
full force and effect and  constitutes  the legal,  valid,  binding  and legally
enforceable  obligation of Borrower  (and, to the knowledge of Borrower,  of the
other parties thereto),  and Borrower has good, valid and indefeasible  title to
the INA and Option,  free and clear of any liens or  encumbrances  except as set
forth in section  4.23(a)  of the  Disclosure  Schedule.  Except as set forth in
Section  4.23(a)  of the  Disclosure  Schedule,  there is not,  under the LMA or
Option,  any existing  default,  event of default or other event which,  with or
without due notice or laps of time or both,  would constitute a default or event
of default on the part of Borrower or, to the  knowledge of Borrower,  any other
party thereto.  The Option  constitutes the only option hold by Borrower for the
purchase of any radio station and the LMA  constitutes  the only time  brokerage
agreement  (including  sales and marketing  agreements with respect to any radio
station.  Each  of the INA and  Option  has  been  and is in  compliance  in all
material respects with all licenses, permits, and other authorizations issued by
the FCC or any other federal,  state, or local governmental authority to any LMA
Owner  which  are used or  useful  in the  business  and  operations  of any LMA
Station, and all applicable laws, regulations and other requests of all federal,
state  and  local  governmental  authorities  having  jurisdiction  over the LMA
Station related thereto and its operations; and

                           (b) Each of the  representations set forth in Article
IV hereof with  respect to Borrower and the Owned  Stations are hereby made,  to
the  knowledge  of Borrower  with respect to the LMA owners and the LMA Stations
and are hereby incorporated herein, and each defined tern included therein shall
be deemed modified such that the definitions of each

                                     - 22 -

such term applies to the LMA Owners and the LMA  Stations.  Set forth an Section
4.23 of the  Disclosure  Schedule  is all of the  analogous  information  to the
extent reasonably available to Borrower relating to the LMA Owners, Borrower, as
operator of the INA Stations, and LMA Stations that is set forth in Sections 4.1
through  4.22 of the  Disclosure  Schedules  with  respect to Borrower and Owned

                  4.24 No  Commitment  of Borrower.  No part of any of the Owned
Stations or the Assets is directly  or  indirectly  subject in any manner to any
oral or written commitment or any arrangement for the sale, transfer, assignment
or disposition thereof, in whole or in part.

                           4.25  Defaults.  No  Possible  Default  or  Event  of
Default exists  hereunder or will exist after giving effect to the making of the

                  4.26  Liabilities.  Borrower  has no  Liability of any nature,
whether due or to become due,  absolute,  contingent,  or  otherwise,  including
Liabilities for taxes and any interest or penalties relating thereto, except for
Liabilities  permitted pursuant to Section 6.2 of this Agreement.  Borrower does
not  know,  nor does it have  reason to know,  of any  basis  for the  assertion
against Borrower of any other Liability,

                  4.27 Accounts.  Each material account (as that term is defined
in the  Uniform  Commercial  Code) as shown on  Borrower's  books  and  records,
whether currently  existing or hereafter  arising,  is or will be genuine and in
all  respects  is or will be what it  purports  to be,  subject to a  reasonable
allowance for doubtful accounts consistent with industry practice.  The whole of
the  balance  indicated  as being  unpaid  and owing  with  respect to each such
account on the books of Borrowers in, and shall be, unpaid and owing.

                  4.28 No Other Names. Borrower has not conducted business under
any name other than the name in which it executed this Agreement.

                  4.29  Material  Restrictions.  Borrower  in not a party to any
agreement or other  instrument and is not subject to any other  restriction that
materially and adversely affects its business,  property, assets, operations, or
condition, financial or otherwise.

                  4.30  Stock  of  Borrower.  The  authorized  capital  stock of
Borrower  consists of 100,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share,
1,000 shares of which are issued and  outstanding  and none of which are hold as
treasury  stock.  Confer has good,  valid and marketable  title to all shares of
capital stock of Borrower,  free and clear of all Liens, except Permitted Liens.
All of the shares of capital  stock of  Borrower  are duly  authorized,  validly
issued,  fully-paid,  nonassessable and free of any preemptive rights, duties or
other  governmental  charges  and  have  been  issued  in  compliance  with  all
applicable  state and federal laws concerning the issuance of securities.  There
are no shares of capital stock of Borrower reserved for issuance.

                  4.31 Options,  Warrants,  Rights.  Borrower has no outstanding
securities  convertible  into or  evidencing  the  right to  purchase  shares or
subscribe for any of its capital

                                     - 23 -

stock  nor does it have any  outstanding  or  authorized  subscriptions  options
(including inactive and non-qualified stock options),  warrants,  calls, rights,
commitments or any other  agreements or  arrangements  preemptive or contractual
obligating  it to issue  any  shares  of its  capital  stock  or any  securities
convertible into or evidencing the right to purchase or subscribe for any shares
of such  stock or any  other  similar  arrangements.  There  are no  agreements,
understandings or arrangements with respect to the dividend rights, voting, sale
or transfer of shares of the capital stock of Borrower. There are no irrevocable
proxies  executed by confer and no existing rights of Confer to require Borrower
to register any  securities of Borrower or to  participate  with Borrower in any
registration by Borrower of its securities.

                  4.32 Disclosure.  No representation  or warranty  contained in
this  Agreement,  in the  Disclosure  Schedule or any other Related  Document to
which Borrower is a party,  contains any untrue  statement of a material fact or
omits to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements  herein
or therein,  taken as a whole,  in light of the  circumstances  under which they
were made, not misleading.

                                    ARTICLE V

                              Affirmative Covenants

                  Borrower  agrees  that so long as this  Agreement  remains  in
effect or any of the Loan Obligations  remain unpaid,  Borrower will perform and
observe each of the following  provisions,  unless Lender  expressly  permits in
writing the nonperformance or nonobservance of such provision.

                  5.1  Conduct of  Business  of the  Stations.  Subject to other
provisions of this Agreement,  Borrower will conduct the business and operations
of  each  Station  according  to the  ordinary  and  usual  course  of  business
consistent with past practices.

                  5.2  Maintenance of Assets,  Records and  Inventory.  Borrower
will maintain the Assets or replacements thereof in good operating condition and
repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Borrower will keep adequate records and
books of account,  in which  complete  entries will be made in  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles  consistently  applied,  reflecting all
financial  transactions of Borrower,  Borrower will maintain levels of inventory
and  spare  parts  consistent  with past  practices  and will  continue  to make
operating,  promotional  and marketing  expenditures  in the ordinary  course of
business  consistent  with past  practices.  From and after March 28, 1995,  the
Borrower  shall not be obligated to make capital  expenditures  (other than such
expenditures   necessary  for  the  maintenance  of  the  normal  and  customary
operations  of the  Stations,  which  shall be made in the  ordinary  course  of
business) except if such capital  expenditures are approved by Lender ("Approved
Capital  Expenditures");  provided that any equipment ordered prior to March 28,
1995 in connection with $41,500 of WSPA-AM leasehold  improvements and a $75,000
STL  expenditure  for the WSPA-FM  studio move shall be purchased by Borrower in
accordance with such orders.

                                     - 24 -

                  5.3 Access to  Information.  Borrower will give Lender and its
authorized representatives reasonable access during normal business hours to the
Assets and to the books and records relating thereto,  and will furnish or cause
to be furnished to Lender and their authorized  representatives  all information
relating to the stations,  as Lender may from time to time  reasonably  request;
provided, however, that the rights of Lender under this Section 5.3 shall not be
exercised in any manner that would interfere  unreasonably with the operation of
the Stations.  Borrower will use reasonable efforts to obtain, and to provide to
Lender,  any information  relating to the LMA Stations and LMA Owners (including
such information to be disclosed on Section 4.23 of the Disclosure  Schedule) to
the extent such information is not reasonably  available to Borrower on the date
of such execution of this Agreement.

                  5.4 Financial and Other  Information.  Borrower  will,  unless
Lender shall otherwise consent in writing, furnish to Lender:

                           (a)  Monthly   Financial   Statements.   As  soon  as
available  and in any event  within  thirty  (30)  days  after the close of each
month,  an  unaudited  statement  of income  and  expense of the  Stations,  all
prepared  in  accordance   with   generally   accepted   accounting   principles
consistently  applied and fairly presenting the financial  condition and results
of operations of the Stations as of the dates and for the period indicated;

                           (b) Annual Financial Statements. As soon as available
and in any event  within  ninety  (90) days after the end of each fiscal year of
Borrower,  a balance sheet of the Stations of the end of such fiscal year, and a
statement of income and retained  earnings of the Stations for such fiscal year,
and a statement of change in financial  position of the Stations for such fiscal
year, all in reasonable  detail and stating in  comparative  form the respective
consolidated  figures for the corresponding  date and period in the prior fiscal
year  and  all  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted   accounting
principles  consistently  applied  and as to  the  consolidated  statements  and
certified by the chief financial officer of Borrower or, if requested by Lender,
accompanied by an opinion  thereon  acceptable to Lender by KPMG Peat Marwick or
other independent accounts selected by Borrower and acceptable to Lender.

                           (c)  Accountant's  Reports.   Promptly  upon  receipt
thereof,  copies of any reports  submitted to Borrower by independent  certified
public accountants in connection with examination of the financial statements of
Borrower made by such accountants.

                           (d)  Information  Related  to ERISA.  Borrower  shall
administer  each Employee Plan and  compensation  Arrangement  listed in Section
4.12 of the Disclosure Schedule in compliance with its own terms and in material
compliance  with the provisions of ERISA,  the Code, the Age  Discrimination  in
Employment Act and any other  applicable  Federal or state laws.  Promptly after
the  filing or  receiving  thereof,  copies  of all  reports,  including  annual
reports,  and  notices  which  Borrower  files  with or  receives  from the U.S.
Department of Labor; and as soon as possible and in any event within thirty (30)
days after Borrower knows or has reason to know that any Prohibited  Transaction
(as defined in ERISA) has occurred with respect to any Employee  Plan,  Borrower
will deliver to Lender a certificate of the chief financial officer of

                                     - 25 -

Borrower setting forth details as to such Prohibited  Transaction and the action
Borrower proposes to take with respect thereto.

                           (e)  Accountant's  Certificate  Regarding  Events  of
Default.  Simultaneously  with the delivery of the annual  financial  statements
referred to in Section  5.4(b),  if requested by Lender,  a  certificate  of the
independent  public  accountants who audited such statements to the effect that,
in making the examination necessary for the audit of such statements,  they have
obtained no knowledge of any  condition or event which  constitutes  an Event of
Default  or which,  with the  giving  of notice or lapse of time or both,  would
constitute  an Event of  Default,  or if such  accountants  shall have  obtained
knowledge of any such condition or event,  specify in such certificate each such
condition  or event of which  they have  knowledge  and the  nature  and  status

                           (f) Other  Information.  Borrower  shall  furnish  to
Lender  any and all  other  information  prepared  by  Borrower  concerning  the
condition or operations, financial or otherwise, of the Stations that Lender may
reasonably request.

                  5.5      Notices of Default or Breach.

                           Borrower will give prompt notice to Lender of (i) any
notice to Lender of (i) any notice of, or other  communication  relating to, any
default by Borrower or any LMA Owner under any  instrument or agreement to which
Borrower  is a party or by which  Borrower,  any Station or the Assets are bound
and (ii) any notice or other  communications  from any third party alleging that
the consent of such third party is or may be  required  in  connection  with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  5.6      FCC Matters.

                           (a) Borrower  will operate each Station in conformity
in all material respects with the FCC Licenses,  the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended (the "Communications  Act"), and the rules and regulations of the FCC
and other applicable laws, rules and regulations,  and maintain the FCC Licenses
in full force and effect.  Borrower  shall file in a timely  manner all reports,
replies  and  submissions  required  to be  filed  with  the  FCC or  any  other
governmental agency, department or body in respect of each of the Owned Stations
(including  all FCC  regulatory  fee  filings,  with payment in full of all fees
due); all such documents will be complete and correct in all material respects.

                           (b) On or before August 1, 1995,  Borrower shall file
with the FCC an  application  for  renewal  of the FCC  Licensee  for the  Owned
Stations  with the filing fee  applicable  thereto.  Borrower  shall  thereafter
prosecute such license  renewal  application  with all reasonable  diligence and
otherwise  use  vigorous  efforts to obtain  the  Renewal  as  expeditiously  as
possible and without any adverse new conditions.  If reconsideration,  review or
judicial  review is sought with  respect to the Renewal,  Borrower  shall oppose
such efforts for reconsideration review or judicial review vigorously. Borrowers
shall monitor  actions of the LMA Owners with respect to each of the actions set
forth in this Section 5.6(b) with respect to

                                     - 26 -

the LMA  Stations  and  shall use its  reasonable  efforts  to the  extent it is
permitted by  applicable  agreements  to ensure that the LMA Owners take each of
the actions required of Borrower set forth in this Section 5.6(b).

                           (c)  If  any  provision  of  this  Agreement  or  the
application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be contrary to the rules
and  regulations  of the FCC to any extent,  the remainder of this Agreement and
the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be
affected  thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent  permitted by law
so long as the  economic or legal  substance  of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby is not affected in any manner materially  adverse to any party. Upon such
determination  that any term or other  provision  is  contrary  to the rules and
regulations  of the FCC,  the parties  hereto  shall  negotiate in good faith to
modify  this  Agreement  so as to effect the  original  intent of the parties as
closely as possible  in an  acceptable  manner to the end that the  transactions
contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the greatest extent possible.  Lender shall
not,  directly  or  indirectly,  control,  supervise  or  direct,  or attempt to
control,  supervise or direct,  the operation of the Stations;  such  operation,
including  complete  control and supervision of all of each Station's  programs,
employees and policies,  shall be the sole responsibility of Borrowers.  Nothing
in this  paragraph  shall affect the covenants set forth in Sections 5.1 and 6.1

                  5.7      Maintenance of Insurance.

                           (a) Borrower shall keep all of its material  property
and  material  equipment   continuously   insured  in  amounts  not  less  their
replacement an in a manner so as to avoid the  application  of any  co-insurance
clause,  insuring such properties against such risks,  including fire, lighting,
flood,  vandalism,  malicious  mischief  and  such  perils  as are  at any  time
comprehended within the term "all risk coverages."

                           (b) Borrower shall further maintain in full force and
effect  comprehensive  general accident and public liability  insurance  against
claim for personal  injury,  death, or property damage occurring upon, in, about
or in connection  with the use or operation of any  properties or motor vehicles
owned,  occupied,  controlled,  or used by it, or its  employees  or agents,  or
arising in any other manner out of the business conducted by Borrower.

                           (c) All of the insurance  specified in paragraphs (a)
and (b) above shall be in amounts approved from time to time by Lender and shall
be obtained and maintained by means of policies issued by generally  recognized,
financially sound insurance companies.  The insurance to be provided may consist
of  blanket   policies.   Borrower   shall  deposit  with  Lender  upon  request
certificates  or other  evidence  satisfactory  to  Lender  that  the  insurance
required  hereby had been obtained and is in full force and effect and,  fifteen
days prior to the  expiration  of any such  insurance,  Borrower  shall  furnish
Lender upon request with evidence satisfactory to Lender that such insurance has
been renewed or replaced.  At the request of Lender,  Borrower shall consolidate
all of its insurance Policies with Lender's insurance policies.

                           (d) All proceeds of  insurance  payable in respect of
damage or  destruction  to any of Borrower's  property  shall (1) if no Event of
Default or Possible Default

                                     - 27 -

then exists,  be paid to Borrower to be used solely for repair or replacement of
the  property so damaged or (2) if an Event of Default or Possible  Default then
exists, be applied, in Lenders discretion, against Lender Debt then outstanding,
whether or not then due and payable.

                  5.8 Money Obligations. Borrower shall pay in full when due all
taxes,  assessments,  and governmental charges and levies for which it may be or
become liable or to which any or all of its  properties may be or become subject
and all of its other  obligations  calling for the  payment of money  (except in
each such case only  those so long as and to the  extent  that the same shall be
diligently contested in good faith by appropriate and timely proceedings and for
which  Borrower has  established  adequate  reserves) in accordance  with normal
business practices and with the terms governing the same.

                  5.9 Notice. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender (a) whenever
any  Event  of  Default  or  Possible   Default  may  occur   hereunder  or  any
representation or warranty made in this Agreement or in any Related Document may
for any  reason  cease in any  material  respect  to be true and  complete,  (b)
whenever any action,  suit or  proceeding  is  commenced by or against  Borrower
which,  if successful,  might  materially and adversely  affect  Borrower or its
ability to perform its  obligations  hereunder,  and (c)  whenever  any material
adverse change occurs in the assets or proportion of Borrowers.

                  5.10 Continued Existence;  Compliance with Law. Borrower shall
preserve,  renew,  and keep in full force and effect (i) its  existence and good
standing as a corporation in the jurisdiction of its  incorporation  and qualify
and remain qualified as a foreign corporation in each jurisdiction in which such
qualification  is required and (ii) its material rights,  certificates,  permits
and Licenses,  and Borrower  shall comply in all material  respects with all FCC
Licenses and any other material  Licenses and all applicable laws,  regulations,
and other requirements of all federal, state and local governmental  authorities
having  jurisdiction  over the  Owned  Stations  and their  operations.  Without
limiting the generality of the  foregoing,  Borrower shall maintain and preserve
in full force and effect,  and shall not breach or  violate,  its  Licenses  and
Contracts if such breach or violation  might  materially  and  adversely  affect
Borrower or its ability to perform its obligations hereunder.

                  5.11  Title  to  Property.  All  property,   whether  real  or
personal,  of Borrower shall be held in the name of Borrower or such Subsidiary,
except for such property which is rented or leased.

                  5.12 Conduct of Business.  Borrower will continue to engage in
an efficient and economical manner in a business of the same general type as now
conducted by it.*

                  5.13  Consents.  Borrower will cooperate with Lender to obtain
from any  contracting  party with whom  Borrower  has a contract  or  agreement,
including without limitation,  if requested by Lender, the Contracts, the LMA or
the Option,  a consent to the grant by  Borrower of a security  interest in such
contract or agreement to Lender and Buyer's Lenders.

                                     - 28 -

                  5.14 Option. Borrower will exercise the Option at the earliest
possible date under the terms of the Option;  provided,  however,  that Borrower
will give Lender  written notice prior to exercising the Option and will refrain
from  exercising the Option for so long as Lender objects to the exercise of the
Option by Borrower.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                               Negative Covenants

                  Borrower  agrees  that so long as this  Agreement  remains  in
effect or any of the Loan Obligations remain unpaid, Borrower shall not directly
or  indirectly  take any of the actions set out in this Section 6 nor permit any
of the conditions  set out herein to occur without the prior written  consent of

                  6.1 Conduct of Business of the Stations.  Without limiting the
generality  of Section 5.1 above,  Borrower,  unless  otherwise  consented to in
writing by Lender:

                           (a) will not  enter  into or renew  any  transaction,
contract  or  commitment  (including,   without  limitation,   trade  or  barter
agreements) that involve a value of more than $5,000,  individually,  or $25,000
in the aggregate for Borrower, except for time sales agreements for cash entered
into in the ordinary course of business at such Station's prevailing rates for a
term not to exceed one year;

                           (b) (i) will not sell, assign,  transfer or otherwise
dispose of any Assets,  except in connection  with the acquisition of equivalent
replacement property;  (ii) will not permit a sale, exchange,  transfer or other
disposition  of the stock or partnership  interests (or any portion  thereof) of
Borrower;  and (iii) will not solicit or entertain any discussions  with respect
to the foregoing;

                           (c) will not increase the compensation payable, or to
become  payable,  to any  employee  of any  Station  by  more  than  5% for  any
subsequent  term,  except as required by existing  written  agreements that have
been disclosed to Lender in writing;

                           (d) will not (i)  modify,  amend,  renew,  change  or
terminate in any respect any contract,  including any existing  license,  lease,
contract or other  similar  document  relating to any Station in any manner that
night have the effect of  materially  and  adversely (a) affecting its financial
condition,  (b) affecting the rights of Lender,  or (c)  decreasing the value of
the  collateral  securing the Loans;  or (ii) undertake any borrowing from third
parties of any nature whatsoever relating to any Station;

                           (e) will not  enter  into any  collective  bargaining
agreement covering any employees, through negotiations or otherwise, or make any
commitment or incur any liability to any labor  organization with respect to any
employees; and

                                     - 29 -

                           (f) will not  purchase or enter into any  contract to
purchase (a) the stock of any company;  (b) the assets of any company  purchased
as part of the acquisition of a business except in connection with any permitted
exercise of the Option;  or (c) any other acquisition of assets involving in any
single transaction more than $10,000.

                  6.2 Indebtedness  and  Liabilities.  Borrower shall not incur,
create, assume, or permit to exist any Indebtedness or Liabilities, except:

                           (a)  Indebtedness  arising  hereunder  or  any  other
Indebtedness owed to Lender;

                           (b)  unsecured  trade  accounts   payable  and  other
unsecured  current  Liabilities  incurred  and paid in the  ordinary  course  of

                           (c) liabilities for taxes, assessments,  governmental
charges,  liens,  or similar claims to the extent that payment thereof shall not
be required to be made by the provisions hereof;

                           (d)  any  transfer  of a check  or  other  medium  of
payment for deposit or collection through normal banking channels or any similar
transaction in the normal course of business; and

                           (e)   Liabilities   or   Indebtedness   incurred   in
connection with Permitted Liens.

                  6.3  Guaranties.  Borrower  shall  not  pledge  its  credit or
property in any manner,  or  otherwise  become  responsible,  for the payment or
other performance of the indebtedness,  contract, or other obligation of another
Person and shall not act as a guarantor  (whether of payment or of  collection),
surety,  co-maker,  endorser,  or agree  conditionally  or otherwise to make any
purchase,  loan,  or investment  in order  thereby to enable  another  Person to
prevent or correct a default of any kind, except in connection with endorsements
of negotiable instruments for collection in the ordinary course of business.

                  6.4 Notes, Accounts Receivable, and Claims. Borrower shall not
sell, discount, or otherwise dispose of any note or account receivable,  with or
without recourse, except for collection in the ordinary course of business; fail
to assert timely any claim, cause of action, or contract right that it possesses
against any third party; nor agree to settle or compromise any such claim, cause
of action,  or contract right except for settlements or compromises  made in the
reasonable exercise of business judgment in the ordinary course of business.

                  6.5 Amendment of Governing Documents. Borrower shall not amend
or modify its Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws unless required by law.

                                     - 30 -

                  6.6 Issuance and Sale of Equity  Interest.  Borrower shall not
(a) issue or sell any  capital  stock or other  equity  interest  or  securities
convertible  into or  exercisable  for any of its capital  stock or other equity
interest;  (b) permit the  transfer of any of its capital  stock or other equity
interest;  (c)  make  any  direct  or  indirect  redemption  purchase  or  other
acquisition  of any of its  capital  stock;  (d) issue any shares of its capital
stock or any other  securities,  effect any stock split or otherwise  change its
capitalization  as it exists on the date hereof;  or (e) grant,  confer or award
any options,  warrants,  conversion rights or other rights to acquire any shares
of its capital stock.

                  6.7 Mergers and Consolidations.  Borrower shall not be a party
to any consolidation, merger, recapitalization, or other form of reorganization,
or  transfer  all or  substantially  all  of  its  assets  (as  an  entirety  or
substantially  as  an  entirety  in  one  transaction  or a  series  of  related
transactions) to any Person.

                  6.8 Liens. Borrower shall not (a) acquire any property outside
the ordinary  course of business that is subject to any  inventory  consignment,
lease,  land contract,  or other title  retention  contract  except as otherwise
expressly  permitted  herein, or (b) suffer or permit any of the Assets (whether
now owned or hereafter  acquired) to be or become  encumbered  by any  mortgage,
security interest,  pledge,  financing statement, or lien of any kind or nature,
other than Permitted Liens.

                  6.9 Restricted Payments and Restricted  Investments.  Borrower
shall not make any Restricted Payments or Restricted Investments.

                  6.10  Transactions  with Affiliates.  Borrower shall not enter
into any  transaction  with any Affiliate,  unless such  transaction is on terms
which are no less  favorable than those  reasonably  obtainable by Borrower in a
comparable arms'-length transaction with a Person that is not an Affiliate.

                  6.11  ERISA.  Borrower  shall not  create,  become a party to,
incur any  liability  to or in respect of, or agree or incur any  obligation  to
contribute  to, any Employee  Plan other than  Employee  Plans listed on Section
4.12 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                  6.12 Accounting Matters.  Borrower shall not change its fiscal
year or accounting basis.

                  6.13  Change of Name.  Borrower  shall not change its name nor
use any trade name other than its true corporate name, without the prior written
consent of Lender.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                               Closing Conditions

                  7.1  Conditions  to the  Obligations  of Lander to Effect  the
Transactions  Contemplated Hereby. The obligations of Lander to make the Closing
Date Loan shall be

                                     - 31 -

further  subject  to the  fulfillment  at or  prior to the  Closing  Date of the
following  conditions,  any one or more of which  may be waived  in  writing  by

                           (a) Borrower  shall, in all material  respects,  have
performed  and complied  with all  covenants  and  agreements  contained in this
Agreement  required to be performed or complied  with by Borrower at or prior to
the closing Date, and all of the  representations and warranties of Borrower set
forth in this  Agreement  shall be true,  correct and  complete in all  material
respects as of the Closing Date as though made at and as of such  Closing  Date,
except  for any  representation  or  warranty  that is stated as of a  specified
earlier date, in which case such  representation  and warranty shall be true and
correct in all material  respects as of such date.  Lender shall have received a
certificate to the effect set forth in the preceding  sentence  signed on behalf
of Borrower by an executive  officer  authorized  on behalf of  Borrower,  which
certificate  shall be given by such  officers  after due  inquiry,  but  without
personal liability.

                           (b) Borrower  shall have  executed and  delivered the

                           (c) Borrower  shall have  executed  and  delivered to
Lender  security  agreements  mortgages and other Related  Documents in form and
substance  satisfactory  to Lender pursuant to which Borrower grants to Lender a
duly  perfected  first  priority  lion  on all of the  Assets,  including  real,
personal and mixed property of Borrower,  now owned and hereafter acquired which
Lender has heretofore  requested or may request,  and Borrower shall have caused
Confer to have  executed and  delivered to Lender  pledge  agreements  and other
Related Documents in form and substance satisfactory to Lender pursuant to which
Confer  grants  to Lender a duly  perfected  first  priority  lion on all of the
capital stock of Borrower.

                           (d) Lender and Lender's  lenders  shall have received
opinions  addressed to Lender and its lenders in form and  substance  reasonably
satisfactory to Lender and its lenders.

                           (e) Lender shall have received from Borrower  copies,
certified by an executive  officer of Borrower of resolutions  adopted on behalf
of  Borrower  authorizing  the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of  this
Agreement,  the Note the Related  Documents and all instruments and documents to
be  delivered  in  connection   herewith  and  therewith  and  the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby.

                           (f) Borrower shall have delivered to Lender certified
copies of (a) the  Articles  of  Incorporation  of  Borrower,  certified  by the
Secretary of State of the state of its  incorporation as of the most recent date
practicable; (b) the Bylaws of Borrower, certified by the secretary of Borrower;
and (c) a certificate  of the secretary of Borrower  certifying the names of the
officers of Borrower  authorized to sign this Agreement,  the Note and the other
Related Documents, together with the true signatures of such officers.

                           (g) No  litigation,  action  or  proceeding  shall be
pending or threatened  before any court,  administration  or other  governmental
agency or arbitrator  which (i)  challenges or seeks to restrain or prohibit the
condition of the Transactions contemplated hereby; (ii) seeks

                                     - 32 -

to obtain from Lender or any of its affiliates any material  damages as a result
of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby;  (iii) may result in the revocation,
cancellation,  suspension forfeiture,  modification, or impairment of any of the
FCC  Licenses;  or (iv) is  otherwise  reasonably  likely to result in or have a
Material Adverse Change on any Station or on Lender.

                           (h) Since the date of this Agreement  there shall not
have been any  Material  Adverse  Change in  Borrower;  provided  that a change,
effect or development  shall not be doomed a Material Adverse Change  hereunder,
if such  change,  effect or  development  is  primarily  the  result of  general
economic  conditions  or  matters  affecting  the  radio  broadcasting  industry

                           (i) Lender shall have received the audited statements
of income and expense and cash flows for  Borrower  for the year ended  December
31, 1994 and audited  balance shoots of Borrower for the year ended December 31,

                           (j)  Borrower  shall have  delivered  to Lender  such
other certificates,  opinions,  agreements and documents,  in form and substance
satisfactory to Lender, an Lender reasonably may request.

                           (k)  Borrower  shall  have  delivered  a  certificate
signed on behalf of Borrower by an  executive  officer  authorized  on behalf of
Borrower  setting  forth a schedule  of  insurance  with  respect to each of the
insurance  policies required pursuant to Section 5.7 hereof, and Lender shall be
satisfied  with the nature  and scope of the  insurance  policies  and each such
insurance  policy  shall have  Lender as loss payee for  amounts in excess of an
amount reasonably requested by Lender.

                           (1)  The  Assets  shall  be  free  and  clear  of any
liabilities,  liens,  security  interests or  encumbrances  other than Permitted
Liens and liens created under the Related Documents in favor of Lender.

                           (m)  If  available  following  Borrower's  reasonable
efforts to obtain them,  Borrower  shall deliver an executed  Landlord  Estoppel
Certificate,  substantially  in the form annexed  hereto as Exhibit B-l for each
leased tower, office and studio site of each Owned Station and a Non-Disturbance
Agreement,  substantially  in the form of Exhibit B-2 for the leased  properties
identified with an asterisk in Section 4.6 of the Disclosure Schedule.

                           (n)  Lender  shall  have   received   copies  of  the
information  described in subsections 5.4(a) for the most recent period ended on
or prior to the  closing  Date,  and all such  information  shall be in form and
substance reasonably satisfactory to Lenders.

                           (o)  The  closing   under  the   Keymarket   Purchase
Agreement shall have occurred.

                           (p) At the Closing,  Borrower shall deliver to Lender
a certificate  of an authorized  officer of Borrower  setting forth the "Working
Capital Balance* (as hereinafter

                                     - 33 -

defined) or "Working Capital  Deficit" (as hereinafter  defined) as the case may
be* As used herein, the term "Working Capital Balance" shall mean the amount, if
any,  by which  *Current  Assets"  exceed  "Current  Liabilities",  and the term
"Working  Capital  Deficit"  shall mean the amount,  if any,  by which  "Current
Liabilities"  exceed  "Current  Assets"* As used herein,  (A) the term  "Current
Liabilities"  shall mean the sum,  as of 12:01 a.m. on the  Closing  Date,  with
respect to the Borrower of (i) trade accounts payable, (ii) accrued expenses and
(iii) other current liabilities of the Seller, excluding (x) the current portion
of the indebtedness  under this Loan Agreement or any long-term  indebtedness of
the Seller that is being discharged at the Closing,  and, interest thereon,  (y)
accrued sick pay and accrued  vacation  pay of  employees of Seller,  except for
employees fitting within the categories set forth in Exhibit L to the Keymarket,
Purchase  Agreement and (B) the term "Current  Assets" shall mean the sun, as of
12:01 a.m. on the Closing Date,  with respect to the  Borrower,  of (i) accounts
receivable (net of a bad debt reserve of 5 % of the face amount of such accounts
receivable) and (ii) prepaid  expenses and other current assets of Seller except
(x) prepaid expenses  relating to insurance and other contracts of Seller of the
type not being assumed under the Keymarket Purchase Agreement, (y) inventory and
(z) that portion of prepaid  expenses with respect to which revenue  already has
been received.  For purposes  hereof,  accrued sick pay and accrued vacation pay
shall have the same  meaning as  provided  for such terms in Section  2.6 of the
Keymarket Purchase Agreement. Except as otherwise expressly provided for herein,
Current Assets and Current  Liabilities  shall be determined in accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied. Lender shall have
a period of ninety  (90) days  after  Closing  to  submit  any  changes  to such
certificate.  If the  Borrower  and  Lender do not agree on such  changes to the
certificate,  any dispute will be resolved in accordance with the procedures set
forth in Section 2.6 of the Keymarket Purchase Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                                Events of Default

                  8.1 Payments.  If the principal or any installment of interest
due  under the Note  shall  not be paid in full  when due or if any  other  Loan
Obligations  (other than any installment of principal or interest) due hereunder
shall not be paid in full within ton days of the date when due.

                  8.2  Covenants.  If  Borrower  shall fail or omit to  perform,
observe,  or satisfy any agreement,  covenant,  or other  provision  (other than
those  referred  to in Section  8.1.  hereof)  contained  or referred to in this
Agreement or any Related  Document  and such  failure  shall not have been fully
corrected  within thirty days after: (a) the giving of written notice thereof to
Borrower by Lender that the specified Possible Default is to be remedied; or (b)
Lender  is  notified  of such  Possible  Default  or should  have been  notified
pursuant to Section 5.9 above, whichever is earlier; provided,  however, that if
any such failure does not admit of correction, then such failure shall be deemed
to be an Event of Default an of the date of occurrence of such failure.

                                     - 34 -

                  8.3  Borrower's  Solvency.  If  Borrower  or Confer  shall (a)
discontinue  business, or (b) generally not pay its or his (as applicable) debts
as such debts  become due, or (c) make a general  assignment  for the benefit of
creditors,  or (d) apply for or consent to or acquiesce in the  appointment of a
receiver, a custodian,  a trustee, or liquidator of all or a substantial part of
its or his (as  applicable)  assets,  or (e) be  adjudicated  a  debtor  or have
entered  against it or him (as applicable) an order for relief under Title 11 of
the United  States Code,  as the same may be amended  from time to time,  or (f)
file a voluntary  case in  bankruptcy  or file a petition  or an answer  smoking
reorganization  or an arrangement with creditors or seeking to take advantage of
any other law (whether federal or state) relating to relief of debtors, or admit
(by answer,  by default or  otherwise)  the material  allegations  of a petition
filed  against  it or him  (as  applicable)  in any  bankruptcy  reorganization,
insolvency, or other proceeding (whether federal or state) relating to relief of
debtors,  or (g) suffer or permit to continue  unstayed  and in effect for sixty
consecutive  days  any  judgment,  decree,  or  order,  entered  by a  court  or
governmental  commission  of competent  jurisdiction,  that  assumes  custody or
control of Borrower or Confer (as applicable) approves a petition seeking its or
his (as  applicable)  reorganization  or any other judicial  modification of the
rights  of its  or his  (as  applicable)  creditors,  or  appoints  a  receiver,
custodian,  trustee,  or liquidator for Borrower or Confer (as applicable) or of
all or a substantial  part of its his (as  applicable)  assets,  or (h) take, or
omit to take, any action in order thereby to effect any of the foregoing.

                  8.4   Challenge   to   Enforceability.   If  the  validity  or
enforceability of any provision of this Agreement, the Note or any other Related
Document  shall be  contested  by Borrower or by any  stockholder  or officer of
Borrower,  or by any other  Person who has  executed  any Related  Document,  or
Borrower  or any such  other  Person  shall  deny that it or he has any  further
liability or obligation hereunder or thereunder.

                  8.5 Condemnation. Any courts government or governmental agency
shall condemn,  seize, or otherwise appropriate,  or take custody or control of,
any portion of the property of Borrower, if such condemnation, seizure, or other
appropriation  could have a material adverse effect upon Borrower or its ability
to perform its obligations  under this  Agreement,  the Note or any of the other
Related Documents.

                  8.6 Security  Agreements.  Any security  agreement,  mortgage,
pledge agreement, financing statement or other security document included in the
Related  Documents  shall,  at any time after its execution and delivery and for
any reasons cease (1) to create a valid and perfected  first  priority  security
interest in and to the property purported to be subject to such agreement or (2)
to be in full  force and  effect  or shall be  declared  null and  void,  or the
validity or  enforceability  thereof  shall be contested by the party thereto or
the party  thereto shall deny it has any further  liability or obligation  under
such agreement.

                  8.7 Support Agreement. The Keymarket Purchase Agreement or the
Lender's  Option shall, at any time after its execution and delivery and for any
reason, cease to be in full force and effect or shall be declared null and void,
or the  validity  or  enforceability  thereof  shall be  contested  by the party
thereto  or the  party  thereto  shall  deny it has  any  further  liability  or
obligation under the Keymarket Purchase Agreement or the Lender's Option.

                                     - 35 -

                  8.8 FCC  Licenses.  If any FCC  License  relating to any Owned
Station shall be (i) cancelled, revoked or finally denied renewal for any reason
or (ii)  renewed on terms  which  could  reasonably  be  expected to result in a
Material Adverse Change on any Station or in Borrower.

                  8.9 Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act. Any "prohibited
transaction" (as defined in Section 406 of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Internal
Revenue code) involving any Employee Plan exists with respect to Borrower or any
ERISA  Affiliate and in such event or condition,  together with all other events
or conditions,  if any,  could in the opinion of Lender subject  Borrower to any
tax, penalty, or other liability to or with respect to an Employee Plan which in
the aggregate exceed or may exceed Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000).

                                   ARTICLE IX

                              Remedies Upon Default

                  9.1.  Optional  Defaults.  If any Event of Default (other than
the Event of Default  referred to in Section 8.3 hereof)  occurs,  Lender,  upon
written notice to Borrower, may accelerate the maturity of all Loan Obligations,
whereupon all Loan Obligations shall become  immediately due and payable in full
without any presentment or demand and without any further or other notice of any
kind, all of which are hereby waived by Borrower.

                  9.2 Automatic Default.  If any Event of Default referred to in
Section 8.3 hereof occurs,  all principal of and interest on the Note and all of
Borrower's  other Loan Obligations  shall thereupon  become  immediately due and
payable in full,  all without any  presentment,  demand,  or notice of any kind,
which are hereby waived by Borrower.

                  9.3  Offsets.  If there  shall  occur or  exist  any  Event of
Default or Possible Default referred to in Section 8.3 hereof or if the maturity
of the Note is  accelerated  pursuant to Section 9.1 or 9.2 hereof or otherwise,
Lender shall have the right at any time to set off against,  and to  appropriate
and apply toward the payment of, any and all Lender Debt then owing to Lender by
Borrower, whether or not the same shall then have matured, all indebtedness then
held or owing by Lender to or for the credit or account of Borrower, all without
notice to or demand upon  Borrower  or any other  Person,  all such  notices and
demands being hereby expressly waived by Borrower.

                  9.4  Performance  by Lender.  If at any time Borrower fails or
refuses to pay or perform (i) any  obligation or duty to any Person,  except for
payments  that are the subject of bona fide  disputes in the ordinary  course of
business,  or (ii) any obligation or duty  (including each of the agreements and
covenants by Borrower  hereunder),  Lender may, in its sole  discretion,  pay or
perform the same on behalf of Borrower,  and Borrower  shall  promptly repay all
amounts  so paid,  and all  costs  and  expenses  so  incurred.  This  repayment
obligation shall become a Loan obligation and shall bear interest at the Default

                                     - 36 -

                  9.5 Other Remedies. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default
hereunder,  and during the  continuance  thereof,  Lender may exercise any other
right,  power,  or remedy as may be provided  herein,  in the Note, or an may be
provided at law or in equity, including,  without limitation,  the right to seek
specific  performance  and/or  monetary  damages.  In  recognition of the unique
nature of the Loans made  hereunder  and the damages which Lender will suffer in
the event of a breach by  Borrower,  Borrower  hereby  waives any  defense  that
Lender  has an  adequate  remedy  at law for the  breach  of this  Agreement  by

                                    ARTICLE X

                            Miscellaneous Provisions

                  10.1 Interpretation.  Each right, power or privilege specified
or referred to in this  Agreement  or in any Related  Document is in addition to
any other  rights,  powers,  or  privileges  that Lender may  otherwise  have or
acquire by  operation  of law,  by other  contract  or  otherwise.  No course of
dealing in respect of, nor any  omission or delay in the exercise of, any right,
power, or privilege by Lender shall operate as a waiver  thereof,  nor shall any
single or partial  exercise  thereof  preclude  any  further  or other  exercise
thereof or of any other right,  power or  privileges,  as each right,  powers or
privilege  may be exercised  independently  or  concurrently  with others and as
often and in such order as Lender nay deem expedient.

                  10.2  Expenses  of  Lenders:  Indemnity.  Whether  or not  the
transactions contemplated hereby are consummated,  except as otherwise expressly
provided  herein,  all  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in  connection  with the
negotiation,  preparation and execution of this Agreement, the Related Documents
and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby will be paid by the party  incurring
such costs and expenses.

                  Borrower  agrees to pay the  reasonable  costs  and  expenses,
including the fees and  disbursements  of Lender's  legal  counsel,  incurred by
Lender,  in connection  with (1) the enforcement of this Agreement and the Note;
(2) enforcement of any amendment to or waiver of this Agreement, the Note or the
other Loan  Obligations;  (3) any  proceeding  brought or formal action taken by
Lender to enforce any  provision of this  Agreement,  the Note or the other Loan
Obligations or to enforce or exercise any right,  power, or remedy  hereunder or
thereunder; (4) any action that may be taken or instituted by any Person against
Lender an a result of any of the foregoing;  and (5) the  implementation of this
Agreement  and  the  Related  Documents  including,   without  limitation,   the
reasonable  fees and  expenses of outside  legal and  business  counsel.  To the
extent the Lender's  Option is exercised,  Borrower agrees to pay the reasonable
costs and  expenses,  including  the fees and  disbursements  of Lender's  legal
counsel, incurred by Lender in connection with the negotiation or preparation of
any  amendment  to or  waiver  of this  Agreement,  the Note or the  other  Loan
obligations  which amounts shall be added to the amount of Loans  hereunder.  If
any taxes  shall be  payable,  or ruled to be  payable,  to any State or Federal
authority  with respect to the  execution,  delivery,  and  performance  of this
Agreement,  the Note or any other Loan  Obligation  by reason of any existing or
hereinafter  enacted Federal or State statute,  including without limitation any
documentary stamp tax, Borrower will pay all such

                                     - 37 -

taxes,  including interest and penalties thereon, if any, and will indemnify and
hold harmless Lender against any liability in connection therewith.

                  10.3 Further Assurances.  Borrower take, or cause to be taken,
all actions,  and to do, or cause to be done,  all things  necessary,  proper or
advisable under applicable laws and regulations to consummate and make effective
the Loans by, and security  interests  granted to, Lender  contemplated  by this
Agreement.   From  time  to  time  after  the  Closing  Date,   without  further
consideration, Borrower will, at Lender's expense, execute and deliver, or cause
to be executed and delivered,  such additional security  agreements,  mortgages,
memoranda of lease,  Lender's title insurance  policies,  deeds of trust, pledge
agreements,  assignments, licenses, landlord consents and releases and all other
instruments  or  documents   (including,   without  limitation,   UCC  financing
statements,  fixture filings or similar  documents  required in order to perfect
the liens created by the security documents included in the Related  Documents),
statements,  agreements  and  reports  to Lender as Lender  may  request  and to
evidence,  preserve protect perfect or otherwise  implement or assure the rights
of Lender as  contemplated  herein and in the Related  Documents and to evidence
the representations and warranties of Borrower.

                  10.4  Amendment  and  Modification.   This  Agreement  may  be
amended,  modified or  supplemented  only by written  agreement  of Borrower and
Lender.  No waiver by Lender of any right,  power,  or remedy  under any of such
instruments shall be effective unless given in writing by Lender.

                  10.5  Waiver of  Compliance;  Consents.  Except  as  otherwise
provided in this Agreement, any failure of any of the parties to comply with any
obligation,  representation,  warranty,  covenant, agreement or condition herein
may be waived by the party  entitled to the  benefits  thereof only by a written
instrument signed by the party granting such waiver,  but such waiver or failure
to insist upon strict compliance with such obligation, representation, warranty,
covenant,  agreement or condition  shall not operate as a waiver of, or estoppel
with  respect to, any  subsequent  or other  failure.  Whenever  this  Agreement
requires or permits  consent by or on behalf of any party  hereto,  such consent
shall be given in writing in a manner  consistent  with the  requirements  for a
waiver of compliance as set forth in this Section 10.5.

                  10.6 Notices. All notices and other  communications  hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when  delivered  personally  or by
Federal  Express  or other  comparable  nationally  recognized  courier  service
(receipt requested) or by facsimile transmission telexed or mailed by registered
or certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid, to the parties at
the  following  addresses  (or at such  other  address  for a party  an shall be
specified by like notice;  provided that notices of a change of address shall be
effective only upon receipt thereof):

- ------------

                  Keymarket Communications, Inc.
                  2743 Perimeter Parkway
                  Building 100, Suite 250

                                     - 38 -

                  Augusta, Georgia  30909
                  Attention:  Mr. Donald J. Alt
                  Telephone:        (706) 855-0555
                  Telecopy:         (706) 855-1955

Copies to:
- ----------

                  Joel B. Piassick, Esq.
                  Kilpatrick & Cody
                  1100 Peachtree Street
                  Suits 2800
                  Atlanta, Georgia  30309
                  Telephone:        (404) 815-6527
                  Telecopy:         (404) 815-6555

                  Mr. Richard A. Churchill
                  MC Partners
                  75 State Street
                  Suite 2500
                  Boston, Massachusetts  02109
                  Telephone:        (617) 345-7200
                  Telecopy:         (617) 345-7201

                  Bruce E. Rogoff, Esq.
                  Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
                  One Financial Center
                  Boston, Massachusetts  02111
                  Telephone:        (617) 542-6000
                  Telecopy:         (617) 542-2241

- ----------

                  c/o River City Broadcasting, L.P.
                  1215 Cole Street
                  St. Louis, Missouri  63106
                  Attention:        Mr. Larry D. Marcus
                  Telephone:        (314) 259-5700
                  Telecopy:         (314) 259-5709

                                     - 39 -

Copies to:
- ----------

                  John T, Byrnes, Esq.
                  Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
                  1255 23rd Street, N.W.
                  Suite 500
                  Washington, D.C.  20037
                  Telephone:        (202) 857-2518
                  Telecopy:         (202) 857-2900

                  10.7  Assignment.  This  Agreement  and all of the  provisions
hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and
their  respective   successors  and  permitted   assigns   (including,   without
limitation,  any  subsequent  holders,  if any,  of the Note or any  replacement
Note(s)),  but, except as provided for herein, neither this Agreement nor any of
the rights,  interests or  obligations  hereunder  shall be assigned by Borrower
without the prior written consent of Lender.

The parties agree as follows:

                           (a)  Without  the  consent  of  Borrower,  Lender may
assign its rights and  obligations  under this  Agreement  to any other party or
parties;  and Lender or such  assignee  may assign  Lender's or such  assignee's
rights to indemnification hereunder to its lenders. To the extent this Agreement
is assigned by Lender in accordance with the terms of this Section 10.7,  Lender
will take, or cause to be taken,  all actions,  and do, or cause to be done, all
things  necessary,  proper or advisable under applicable laws and regulations to
consummate and make effective the assignment  contemplated by this Section 10.7.
Furthermore,  to the extent this  Agreement is assigned by Lender in  accordance
with the  terms of this  Section  10.7 to a party  that is not an  Affiliate  of
Lender, upon such assignment Lender shall have no further obligations under this
Agreement and Borrower's  only recourse  under this  Agreement  shall be against
such assignee of Lender.

                           (b)  Except  as  expressly   provided  herein,   this
Agreement is not intended to, and shall not, confer upon any other person except
the parties hereto any rights or remedies hereunder.

                  10.8  Governing  Law.  THIS  AGREEMENT  AND THE NOTE  SHALL BE

                  10.9  Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in one or
more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

                                     - 40 -

                  10.10 Headings.  The article and section headings contained in
this  Agreement  are solely for the  purpose of  reference,  are not part of the
agreement  of the  parties  and  shall  not in any  way  affect  the  meaning-or
interpretation of this Agreement.

                  10.11 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the Exhibits
hereto,  the  Disclosure  Schedule and the documents  delivered  pursuant to the
Agreement, including the Note and the other Related Documents, embody the entire
agreement and understanding of the parties hereto in respect of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.  The Exhibits hereto and the Disclosure Schedule
are an integral part of this Agreement and are incorporated by reference herein.
This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations,  agreements and understandings
between  the  parties  with  respect to the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement  and all  letters  of  intent  and  other  writings  relating  to such
negotiations agreements and understandings.

                  10.12 Severability.  If any provision of this Agreement or the
application   thereof  to  any  person  or  circumstance  shall  be  invalid  or
unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application
of such  provision  to other  persons  or  circumstances  shall not be  affected
thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law so long as
the economic or legal substance of the transactions  contemplated  hereby is not
affected in any manner materially  adverse to any party. Upon such determination
that any term or other provision is invalid or unenforceable, the parties hereto
shall  negotiate  in good  faith to modify  this  Agreement  so as to effect the
original intent of the parties as closely as possible in an acceptable manner to
the end that the transactions  contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the greatest
extent possible.

                  10.13  Press  Releases.  No press  releases  or  other  public
announcements concerning this Agreement or the transactions  contemplated hereby
shall be made by any party hereto without the prior written consent of the other
party unless the first such party is legally compelled to do so.

                  10.14  Publicity.  Neither  Borrower  nor Lender shall make or
issue  or  cause  to be made or  issued,  any  announcement  (written  or  oral)
concerning  this  Agreement  or  the   transactions   contemplated   hereby  for
dissemination  to the  general  public  without  the prior  consent of the other
party. This provision shall not apply,  however,  to any announcement or written
statement  required to be made by law or the regulations of any federal or state
governmental  agency or any stock  exchange,  except that the party  required to
make such  announcement  shall  provide a draft copy  thereof to the other party
hereto,  and consult with such other party  concerning the timing and content of
such announcement, before such announcement is made.

                  10.15  Survival  of  Agreements.  All  covenants,  agreements,
representations,  and  warranties  made herein or in any Related  Document shall
survive any investigation and the Closing Date, and shall continue in full force
and  effect so long as any of the Loan  obligations  remain to be  performed  or

                                     - 41 -

                  10.16  Termination.  This Agreement  shall  terminate when all
Loan Obligations  shall have been paid in full and all other  obligations  under
this  Agreement,  the Note and any other Related  Document shall have been fully

                  10.17 FCC and  License  Compliance.  Notwithstanding  anything
herein or in any of the Related Documents to the contrary,  but without limiting
or  waiving  Borrower's  obligations  hereunder  or  under  any of  the  Related
Documents,  Lender's  remedies  hereunder  and under the Related  Documents  are
subject to  compliance  with the  Communications  Act of 1934,  as amended,  the
Licenses and with all applicable rules,  regulations and policies of the FCC and
any other governmental  authority that has issued a License, and Lender will not
take any action pursuant to this Agreement or any of the Related  Documents that
will  constitute or result in any  assignment of an FCC License or other License
or any change of control of the Station if such  assignment of License or change
of control  would  require  under then  existing law or the terms of any License
(including the written rules and regulations  promulgated by the FCC), the prior
approval of the FCC or any other governmental authority, without first obtaining
such  approval.  This  Agreement,  the Related  Documents  and the  transactions
contemplated hereby and thereby do not and will not constitute,  create, or have
the effect of  constituting  or  creating,  directly  or  indirectly,  actual or
practical  ownership of Borrower by Lender or control,  affirmative or negative,
direct or indirect,  of Borrower by Lender,  over the  management,  or any other
aspect of the  operations  of  Borrower,  which  ownership  and control  remains
exclusively  and at all times in the  stockholders,  officers,  and employees of
Borrower  until  such  time  as  Lender  has  complied  with  such  law,  rules,
regulations and policies.


                                     - 42 -

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Agreement to be signed by their  respective duly  authorized  officers as of the
date first above written.


                                    KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.

                                    By:      /s/Kerby E. Confer
                                             Name:    Kerby E. Confer
                                             Title:   President


                                    RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.

                                    By:      BETTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC,
                                             General Partner

                                    By:      /s/LarryD. Marcus
                                             Name:    Larry D. Marcus
                                             Title:   Vice President

                                     - 43 -

                         EXHIBITS & DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES


EXHIBIT A         -        Promissory Note
EXHIBIT B-l       -        Landlord Estoppel Certificate
EXHIBIT B-2       -        Non-Disturbance Agreement

                              DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES

Section 4.1       -        Organization and Standing
Section 4.4       -        Consents
Section 4.5       -        FCC Licenses and Other Licenses
Section 4.6       -        Real Property
Section 4.7       -        Tangible Personal Property
Section 4.8       -        Contracts
Section 4.9       -        Intangibles
Section 4.10      -        Financial Statements
Section 4.12      -        Personnel Information; Employee Benefit Plan
Section 4.13      -        Labor Relations
Section 4.14      -        Litigation
Section 4.16      -        Taxes
Section 4.17      -        Compliance with Laws
Section 4.18      -        Absence of Certain Changes
Section 4.19      -        Transactions with Affiliates
Section 4.20      -        Environmental Matters
Section 4.22      -        Insurance
Section 4.23      -        LMA and Option

                                     - 44 -

                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$11,200,000                                                         July 7, 1995

                  FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,  the  undersigned,  KEYMARKET  OF  SOUTH
CAROLINA,  Inc, a South Carolina  corporation (the "Maker"),  promises to pay to
the order of RIVER CITY BROADCASTING,  L,P, a Delaware limited  partnership (the
"Payee"),  in  the  manner  and at the  place  provided  in  that  certain  Loan
Agreement,  dated as of July 7,  1995,  between  the Maker and the Payee (as the
same may be further amended,  modified,  restated or extended from time to time,
the "Loan Agreement"), the lesser of (x) the principal sum of Eleven Million Two
Hundred  Thousand Dollars  ($11,200,000)  and (y) the unpaid principal amount of
all  advances  made by Payee to Maker as the  Loans  under  the Loan  Agreement,
together with  interest  accrued  thereon as provided in this Note.  Capitalized
terms used herein  without  definition  shall have the meanings  assigned  those
terms in the Loan Agreement.

                  The unpaid principal  balance of this Note shall bear interest
prior to maturity at the rates  determined in accordance  with the provisions of
the Loan Agreement.

                  This  Note  evidences  indebtedness  of the Maker to the Payee
arising  under the Loan  Agreement,  to which  reference  is  hereby  made for a
statement of the rights of the Payee  (including  the right of the holder hereof
to declare  this Note due prior to its stated  maturity and the other rights and
remedies of the holder  hereof) and the duties and  obligations  of the Maker in
relation  thereto,  but neither  this  reference to the Loan  Agreement  nor any
provision  thereof  shall  affect  or  impair  the  absolute  and  unconditional
obligation  of the Maker to pay the  principal  of or interest on this Note when

                  The  principal  of and all interest on this Note shall be paid
as provided in the Loan Agreement in immediately  available  funds  constituting
lawful  money of the United  States of  America,  not later than 12:00 noon (St.
Louis,  Missouri time) on the day when due, at the Payee's  offices at 1215 Cole
Street,  St.  Louis,  Missouri  63106,  or at such other  place as the Payee may
designate in writing.  Until notified in writing of the transfer of this Note in
accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement, Maker shall be entitled to deem
Payee or such person who has been  identified  by the  transferor  in writing to
Maker as the owner  and  holder of this  Note,  as the owner and  holder of this
Note.  Each of Payee  and any  subsequent  holder of this  Note  agrees,  by its
acceptance hereof, that before disposing of this Note or any part hereof it will
make a notation hereon of all principal  payments  previously made hereunder and
of the date to which interest hereon has been paid; provided,  however, that the
failure to make a notation of any  payment  made on this Note shall not limit or
otherwise  affect the obligation of Maker  hereunder with respect to payments of
principal or interest on this Note.

                                     - 45 -

                  Whenever any payment on this Note shall be stated to be due on
a day  that  is not a  business  day,  such  payment  may be  made  on the  next
succeeding  business  day and  such  extension  of time  shall  in each  case be
included in the computation of interest payable on this Note.

                  This Note is subject to  prepayment as provided in Section 2.6
of the Loan Agreement.

                  To the extent permitted by law, the Maker and each endorser of
this Note, and their respective heirs,  successors,  legal representatives,  and
assigns,  hereby severally waive (i) any and all homestead or exemption laws and
rights,  and  (ii)  presentment  for  payment,   demand,   protest,   notice  of
non-payment,  notice of protest,  and notice of  dishonor of the debt  evidenced
hereby,  together with each and every other notice of any kind  respecting  this
Note and all lack of diligence or delays in collection or enforcement hereof.

                  Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the unpaid balance
of the principal  amount of this Note may become,  or may be declared to be, due
and payable in the manner,  upon the conditions and with the effect  provided in
the Loan Agreement.

                  The terms of this Note are  subject to  amendment  only in the
manner provided in the Loan Agreement.

                  This Note is subject to restrictions on transfer or assignment
as provided in Section 10.7 of the Loan Agreement and as otherwise may be agreed
in writing between Maker and Payee.

                  If at any  time the  indebtedness  evidenced  by this  Note is
collected  through  legal  proceedings  or this  Note is  placed in the hands of
attorneys  for  collection,  the Maker  and each  endorser  of this Note  hereby
jointly and severally agree to pay all costs and expenses (including  reasonable
attorneys' fees) incurred by the holder of this Note in collecting or attempting
to collect  such  indebtedness,  or  otherwise  arising in  connection  with the
enforcement by such holder of any rights or remedies under this Note.


                  No delay or  omission  on the part of the Payee in  exercising
any right  hereunder  shall  operate  as a waiver of such  right or of any other
right of the Payee, nor shall any delay,

                                     - 46 -

omission  or  waiver on any one  occasion  be deemed a bar to or a waiver of the
same or any other right on any future occasion.

                  In case any provision (or any part of any provision) contained
in this Note shall for any reason be held by a court of  competent  jurisdiction
to be  invalid  illegal,  or  unenforceable  in any  respect,  such  invalidity,
illegality  or  unenforceability  shall  not  affect  any  other  provision  (or
remaininq  part of the affected  provision) of this Note, but this Note shall be
construed  as if such  invalid,  illegal  or  unenforceable  provision  (or part
thereof) had never been  contained  herein but only to the extent it is invalid,
illegal or unenforceable.


                  This note  being  pledged  by Payee to its  Lenders  to secure
obligations  under the First Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement (the "Credit
Agreement")  dated as of April 21, 1995 by and among  Payee,  Bank of  Montreal,
Banks Trust Company and the Lenders listed therein (the "Lenders").

                                     - 47 -

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Maker has caused this Note to be executed
and delivered by its duly authorized  officer, as of the day and year and at the
place first above written,

                                     KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC,

                                     By:      __________________________________

                                     - 48 -

                         TRANSACTIONS ON PROMISSORY NOTE

             Amount of          Amount of            Principal
             Loan Made        Principal Paid         Balance           Notation
Date         This Date          This Date             This Date        Made By
- ----         ---------          ---------             ---------        -------

                                     - 49 -

                                   EXHIBIT B-1

                          LANDLORD ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

                  ________________________  ("Landlord')  is  the  owner  of the
property  described  in Exhibit A.  attached  hereto and made a part hereof (the
"Property").  Landlord and ------------------ ("Tenant") are the parties to that
certain lease, described and identified on Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a
part  hereof (the  "Lease"),  pursuant  to which the  Property  as  specifically
described therein (the "Leased  Premises") is leased to Tenant.  Tenant seeks to
assign the Lease to River City  Broadcasting,  L.P.  ("RCB") and pursuant to the
request of RCB's  lenders,  desires to obtain certain  assurances  from Landlord
with  respect  to the  Lease  and the  Leased  Premises.  For good and  valuable
consideration,  the sufficiency of which in hereby  acknowledged,  Landlord does
hereby certify for the benefit of Tenant,  RCB and their senior secured  lenders
an follows:

                  1.  Landlord  hereby  consents  to  the  execution,  delivery,
enforcement  and  recording  of  mortgages  and  collateral  assignments  of and
security  interests in Tenant's  and RCB's  interest in the Lease and the Leased
Promises  and RCB's  property in favor of its lenders.  If the Lease  terminates
prior to its expiration  date, then upon request of such lenders,  Landlord will
enter into a new lease of the Leased  Premises with such lenders'  designee upon
the same terms as are  contained  in the Lease for the  remainder of the term of
the Lease,  provided  such  lenders cure all defaults  then  existing  under the

                  2. The Lease is in full force and effect,  is  unmodified  and
has not been altered in any way.

                  3. To the best of  Landlord's  knowledge,  no  default  exists
under the Lease,  and no event has occurred  which,  with the passage of time or
the giving of notice, or both, would constitute a default thereunder.

                  4. To the best of Landlord's knowledge, Tenant has been and is
in full compliance with all of its obligations under the Lease.

                  5.  Landlord has no notice or  knowledge  that any petition in
bankruptcy  has been filed by or against  Landlord,  or that  Landlord  has been
adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent, or that there has been a petition or answer
filed by or  against  Landlord  seeking  or  acquiescing  in any  reorganization
arrangement,  composition,  readjustment,  liquidation,  dissolution  or similar
relief  under  present  federal,  state or local  law  relating  to  bankruptcy,
insolvency or other relief

                                     - 50 -

for debtors, or that there has been a trustee,  receiver or liquidator appointed
for all or part of Landlord's assets and properties.


Dated: ____________________________          By:      __________________________

                                     - 51 -

                                   EXHIBIT B-2


                  This  NON-DISTURBANCE  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made as
of this ___ day of ____________,  1995, by-and among _____________  (hereinafter
referred to as "Lender", RIVER CITY BROADCASTING,  L.P. (hereinafter referred to
as "Tenant") and  __________________  (hereinafter  collectively  referred to as

                                R E C I T A L S:

                  WHEREAS,  Landlord and  ________________  were parties to that
certain  lease  described  in Exhibit A attached  hereto and made a part  hereof
(hereinafter referred to as the "Lease"),  relating to the premises described in
Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof  (hereinafter
referred to as the "Premises"); and

                  WHEREAS, Landlord has consented to the assignment of the Lease
by  [Keymarket  Entity] to Tenant  pursuant to that  certain  Landlord  estoppel
Certificate dated
        , 1995; and

                  WHEREAS,  Lender has made or has  committed  to make a loan to
Landlord (hereinafter referred to as the "Loan") secured by a mortgage,  deed of
trust or deed to secure debt  (hereinafter  referred to as the "Mortgage") which
contains an assignment of leases and rents from Landlord to Lender  covering the

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  mutual
covenants herein  contained,  the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and
valuable  considerations,  the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of which  are  hereby
acknowledged,  and notwithstanding  anything in the Lease to the contrary, it is
hereby agreed as follows:

                  1.  Lender does hereby  agree with Tenant  that,  in the event
Lender becomes the Owner of the Premises by  foreclosure,  conveyance in lieu of
foreclosure  or  otherwise  so long as Tenant  complies  with and  performs  its
obligations under the Lease, (a) Lender will take no action which will interfere
with or disturb  (i)  possession  or use of the  Premises  by Tenant or Tenant's
assigns,  including  Tenant's  lenders or (ii) the  exercise of any other rights
under the Lease by Tenant or Tenant's  assigns,  including  Tenant's lenders and
(b) the Premises shall be subject to the Lease and Lender shall recognize Tenant
and Tenant's assigns,  including Tenant's lenders, as the tenant of the Premises
for the  remainder  of the term of the  Lease  (including  renewal  options)  in
accordance with the provisions thereof.

                  2.  Tenant does hereby  agree with Lender  that,  in the event
Lender becomes the owner of the Premises by  foreclosure,  conveyance in lieu of
foreclosure or otherwise, then

                                     - 52 -

Tenant shall attorn to and recognize  Lender as the landlord under the Lease for
the remainder of the term thereof (including renewal options),  and Tenant shall
perform and observe its  obligations  thereunder,  subject only to the terms and
conditions of the Lease.

                  3. All notices and other communications  hereunder shall be in
writing  and shall be deemed  given  when  delivered  personally  or by  Federal
Express or other  comparable  nationally  recognized  courier  service  (receipt
requested)  or by facsimile  transmission,  telexed or mailed by  registered  or
certified mail (return receipt  requested),  postage prepaid,  to the parties at
the  following  addresses  (or at such  other  address  for a party  as shall be
specified by like notice;  provided that notices of a change of address shall be
effective only upon receipt thereof):

                           To Lender:     



                           To Tenant:       
                           ----------       River City Broadcasting, L.P.
                                            1215 Cole Street
                                            St. Louis, Missouri 63106
                                            Attention:       Mr. Larry D. Marcus
                                            Telephone:       (314) 259-5700
                                            Telecopy:        (314) 259-5709

                           To Landlord:     





                  4.  This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and  inure to the
benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives,
successors,   successors-in-title  and  assigns.  When  used  herein,  the  term
"landlord"  refers to Landlord and to any  successor to the interest of Landlord
under the Lease.

                                     - 53 -

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  executed  this
Agreement under seal as of the date first above written.


As to Lender, signed                       [__________________________________]
sealed and delivered in
the presence of:

___________________________________        By:      ____________________________
Unofficial Witness                                  Name:

___________________________________                          (BANK SEAL)
Notary Public

Commission Expiration Date:

                  (NOTARIAL SEAL)

                                     - 54 -


As to Tenant, signed                        RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.
sealed and delivered in
the presence of:                            By:      BETTER COMMUNICATIONS,
                                            INC., General Partner

___________________________________         By:      ___________________________
Unofficial Witness                                   Name:

___________________________________                     (CORPORATE SEAL)
Notary Public

Commission Expiration Date:

         (NOTARIAL SEAL)

                                     - 55 -

As to Landlord, signed                      LANDLORD:
sealed and delivered in
the presence of:                            [__________________________________]

___________________________________         By:      ___________________________
Unofficial Witness


___________________________________         Its:___________________________
Notary Public
                                                        [CORPORATE SEAL]
Commission Expiration Date:

         (NOTARIAL SEAL)

                                     - 56 -

                              DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES

                          SCHEDULE 4.1 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                            Organization and Standing

                                                  State             State
Corporation                                       Incorp.           Qualified
- -----------                                       -------           ---------

Keymarket of South Carolina, Inc.                 SC                    --

                                     - 57 -

                          SCHEDULE 4.4 - LOAN AGREEMENT



                                     - 58 -

                          SCHEDULE 4.5 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                             FCC and Other Licences

Keymarket of South Carolina, Inc.

         1.       Radio Station WORD (AM), Spartanburg, South Carolina

                  Renewal of Station License, expires 12/01/96

                  KPM-508           Remote Pickup Base,
                                    expires 12/01/96

                  WLP-258           Aural 1-C Relay,
                                    expires 12/01/96

                  WCP-260           Aural 1-C Relay,
                                    expires 12/01/96

                  WNTA-993          Part 94 TEL

                  WNTB-717          Part 94 TEL

         2.       Radio Station WFBC (FM), Greenville, South Carolina

                  Renewal of Station License, expires 12/01/95

                  KIY-43            Aural Studio Transmitter Link,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  KPK-45[0]         Remote Pickup Mobile System,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  KPL-9[0]6         Remote Pickup Mobile System,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  K[_ _]-962        Remote Pickup Base,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  K[_]-[_ _]23      Remote Pickup Mobile,
                                    expires 12/01/95

         3.       Radio Station W[_ _]C (AM), Greenville, South Carolina

                                     - 59 -

                  Renewal of Station License, expires 12/01/95

                  KA-[_]8696        Remote Pickup Mobile System,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  KA-95342          Remote Pickup Mobile System,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  KFR-360           Remote Pickup Base,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  KIP-335           Remote Pickup Base,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  KPI-955           Remote Pickup Base,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  WHA-866           Aural Studio Transmitter Link,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  WYR-259           Remote Pickup Base,
                                    expires 12/01/95

                  WYR-260           Remote Pickup Base
                                    expires 12/01/95

         4.       Satellite Uplink

                  E910487           Domestic Fixed Satellite,
                                    expires 08/30/2001

                                     - 60 -

                          SCHEDULE 4.6 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                                  Real Property

Keymarket of South Carolina, Inc.
Greenville/Spartanburg, SC

Call Letters:              WFBC (AM/FM)
                           WORD (AM)

         Studio:           All three stations operate from studio at:

                           501 Rutherford Street
                           Greenville, SC  29609
                           Owned by Keymarket of south Carolina, Inc.

                  Tower Sites:

                                    59 North Sixth Street
                                    Greenville, SC  29611
                                    Owned by Keymarket of South Carolina, Inc.

                                    WFBC-FM  505  Hemlock  Trail  Cleveland,  SC
                                    29635 *Leased from Multimedia, Inc.

                                    383 Belcher Road
                                    Inman, SC  29349
                                    Owned by Keymarket of South Carolina, Inc.

Reservations, exceptions and exclusions:

1.       As to 501 Rutherford Street:

         Apparent encroachment of parking spaces off circular drive onto insured
         premises as shown on a plat of survey for  Multimedia,  Inc.  and KSDK,
         Inc., by Piedmont  Surveyors,  dated February 18, 1983, and recorded in
         Plat Book 9-J, page 66, RMC Office.

2.       As to 59 North Sixth Street:

                                     - 61 -

         Title to those  portions  of the  property  within the bounds of Birnie
         Street, Vance Street, and 60-foot street as shown on Plat 000, page 65,
         said RMC Office.

         Lack of record title as to the remaining  Portion of 31,65-acre  tract,
         20 acres,  more or less,  prior to December 29, 1966, being the date of
         recordation of Deed to Southeastern Broadcasting Corporation from Abney
         Mills,  dated  November 16, 1966,  and recorded in Deed book 810,  page
         142, RMC Office for Greenville County,  South Carolina;  also, defects,
         liens, or encumbrances  (including,  among others, possible outstanding
         interests of former  owners,  or those  claiming  under them),  created
         prior to recordation of said deed.

                                     - 62 -

                          SCHEDULE 4.7 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                           Tangible Personal Property

         Copies of the Tangible  Personal  Property list are available from Dow,
Lohnes and Albertson or River City Broadcasting, L.P.

                                     - 63 -

                                 SCHEDULE 4.81/


                        KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.
                              WFCB-AM/FM & WORD-AM

- -------
         CBS      - WFBC/FM
                  - WFBC/AM
                  - WORD/AM
         ABC      -
                  Affiliation AGT

Sports Rights
- -------------
         Furman University Athletic Department Sports Ntwk Agt. 05/08/92

Other Revenue
- -------------
         Carolina Sound, Inc. 01/01/89

National Rep
- ------------
         The KATZ Agency, Inc. -    FM 03/23/70 (Illegible)
                               -    AM 03/23/70 (Illegible)

- ---------
         Broadcast Music, Inc.      -   WFBC/AM02/03/94
                                    -   WFBC/FM
                                    -   WORD/AM

         SESAC Inc.        -   WFBC 04/27/88
                           -   WORD 03/15/91

         American Society  of  Composers,   Authors  and  Publishers  
                           -   WFBC/FM01/01/91  
                           -   WFBC/AM01/01/91  
                           -   WORD/AM01/01/91

- --------
1/       Contracts listed on Schedule 4.6 are incorporated herein by reference.

                                     - 64 -

- ------
         Michael Reagan Show
         Richard Ervasti d/b/a Dick Ervasti Prod

Music Services
- --------------
         Vallie Consulting
         Shane Media

Program Rights
- --------------
         EFM Media Management -   FM 10/25/90
                              -   AM 12/07/93
         Tony Griffin
         Carolina Panthers
         Atlanta Braves
         NPR - Clemson Satellite
         Dow, Jones & Company, Inc. -  Wall Street Journal Report 04/19/94
         SJS Entertainment Promedia, Inc. 06/09/94
         Premiere Radio Networks 02/03/92
                  Gold Comedy Network

- ------------
         Accu-Weather, Inc. 05/21/92
         The Associated Press WFBC-AM/FM/WORD 07/22/93
         Weatherline, Inc. 07/10/90

Technical - Rent
- ----------------
         Tower Lease Agreement Between KSDK, Inc. and Multimedia

Rating Services
- ---------------
         The Arbitron Ratings Company 03/26/91
         Tapscan Incorporated 04/07/93
         Marketing Research Partners, Inc. 01/21/94
         Griffin Radio Research Reports 12/12/92

- ---------------------
         Film House, Inc. 01/21/94
         CUZ - Robert Michaelson

                                     - 65 -

G&A - Rent/Lease
- ----------------
         Alco Capital Resources, Inc. Copier Lease 03/31/93
         AT&T Credit Corporation Voice Mail System 09/14/89
         AT&T Credit Corporation Voice Mail System 01/12/90
         Spartanburg Business
         Advanced Business Systems (copier service) 03/30/93

Computer Services
- -----------------
         Columbine Systems, Inc. AM/FM/WORD 09/30/93
         Columbine Printer Main Agt
         Radio Computing Services, Inc. 07/24/92

Building Services
- -----------------
         Southeastern Alarm (Date Illegible)
                  (Alarm Security Company)
         Jam Productions, Inc. 01/20/94

- ---
         Spartan Radiocasting Company 08/30/94

                                     - 66 -

                          SCHEDULE 4.9 - LOAN AGREEMENT



                                     - 67 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.10 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                              Financial Statements


                                     - 68 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.12 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                  Personnel Information; Employee Benefit Plans

Health and Life Insurance

                                     - 69 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.13 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                                 Labor Relations


                                     - 70 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.14 - LOAN AGREEMENT



                                     - 71 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.16 - LOAN AGREEMENT



                                     - 72 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.17 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                              Compliance with Laws


                                     - 73 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.18 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                           Absence of Certain Changes


                                     - 74 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.19 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                          Transactions with Affiliates


                                     - 75 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.20 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                              Environmental Matters

         PCBs relative to WFBC-AM,  at Tower Site at 501 Rutherford  Road, which
are  presently  being  removed,  the  cost  of  which  is  being  reimbursed  by
Multimedia, Inc.

                                     - 76 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.22 - LOAN AGREEMENT


Employer Reinsurance Corporation - broadcasters liability, errors and omissions

Continental - general liability, workman's compensation, auto, fire and casualty

                                     - 77 -

                         SCHEDULE 4.23 - LOAN AGREEMENT

                                 LMA and Option

                                 Section 4.23(a)


                                 Section 4.23(b)

I.       Spartan Radiocasting Company

         Schedule 4.5:         WSPA-AM, Spartanburg, SC
                               WSPA-FM, Spartanburg, SC

         Schedule 4.8:         See attached 4.23(a)

         Schedule 4.9:         WSPA-AM

                                     - 78 -

                      PROGRAM DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS                       4.23(a)


Contract Name
- -------------
         Broadcast Programming, Inc.  -  Music Service 11/15/94
         MCA Skywatch Traffic, Inc.
         CBS, Inc.05/02/94 (with Spartan Radiocasting Company)
         Jack Taddeo Communications Corp. 03/31/92
         Jeff Davis Productions 05/03/94  -  TFN

         Carried, but not under contract:
                  Surfside Diner Beach show (Sundays 7P - 12M)


Contract Name
- -------------
         Host Communications, Inc. 07/27/94
         Charlotte Hornets 1994 -  '95 (no date)
         South Carolina Network, Inc. 07/22/82
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting Company)
         Clear Channel Radio 05/25/94
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting Company)
         WSB, Inc. 12/10/91
         Mutual Broadcasting System, Inc. 07/20/93
         Jim Hightower Show 03/02/93
         Champion Productions 11/01/93
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting Company)
         The Broadcast Group 02/06/89
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting company)
         CBS Radio Programs 08/24/92
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting company)
         Whitaker Productions 06/02/94
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting Company)
         Dow Jones and Company, Inc. 10/19/92
                  (with Spartan Radiocasting Company)
         MCA Skywatch Traffic, Inc. 12/30/93

Carried, but not under contract:
         Wofford College Football and Basketball
         High School Football Game of  The Week
         Battle of The Brains (8th Grade Quiz Show)
         On The House-SNP Radio Network
         NFL Football (CBS Radio Network)

                                     - 79 -

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                    ARTICLE I
                                  Defined Terms
1.1      Definitions..........................................................1
1.2      List of Other Definitions............................................8

                                   ARTICLE II
                           Amount and Terms of Credit
2.1      Loans................................................................8
2.2      Interest.............................................................9
2.3      Maturity............................................................10
2.4      The Note............................................................10
2.5      Payments............................................................10

                                   ARTICLE III
                                   The Closing
3.1      Time and Place of Closing...........................................10

                                   ARTICLE IV
                    Borrower's Representations and Warranties
4.1      Organization and Standing...........................................11
4.2      Subsidiaries........................................................11
4.3      Authorization and Binding Obligation................................11
4.4      Consents and Approvals; No Violation................................11
4.5      Governmental Authorizations.........................................12
4.6      Title to and Condition of Real Property.............................13
4.7      Title to and Condition of Tangible Personal Property................14
4.8      Contracts...........................................................15
4.9      Intangibles.........................................................15
4.10     Financial Statements................................................16
4.11     Totality of Assets..................................................16
4.12     Personnel Information; Employee Benefit Plans.......................16
4.13     Labor Relations.....................................................18
4.14     Litigation..........................................................19
4.15     Reports.............................................................19
4.16     Taxes...............................................................19
4.17     Compliance with Laws................................................20
4.18     Absence of Certain Changes..........................................20
4.19     Transactions with Affiliates........................................21
4.20     Environmental Matters...............................................21
4.21     OSHA Matters........................................................22
4.22     Insurance...........................................................23
4.23     LMA and Option......................................................23

                                      - i -

4.24     No Commitment of Borrower...........................................23
4.25     Defaults............................................................23
4.26     Liabilities.........................................................24
4.27     Accounts............................................................24
4.28     No Other Names......................................................24
4.29     Material Restrictions...............................................24
4.30     Stock of Borrower...................................................24
4.31     Options, Warrants, Rights...........................................24
4.32     Disclosure..........................................................24

                                    ARTICLE V
                              Affirmative Covenants
5.1      Conduct of Business of the Stations.................................25
5.2      Maintenance of Assets, Records and Inventory........................25
5.3      Access to Information...............................................25
5.4      Financial and Other Information.....................................26
5.5      Notices of Default or Breach........................................27
5.6      FCC Matters.........................................................27
5.7      Maintenance of Insurance............................................28
5.8      Money Obligations...................................................28
5.9      Notice..............................................................29
5.10     Continued Existence; Compliance with Law............................29
5.11     Title to Property...................................................29
5.12     Conduct of Business.................................................29
5.13     Consents............................................................29
5.14     Option..............................................................29

                                   ARTICLE VI
                               Negative Covenants
6.1      Conduct of Business of the Stations.................................30
6.2      Indebtedness  and Liabilities.......................................30
6.3      Guaranties..........................................................31
6.4      Notes, Accounts Receivable, and Claims..............................31
6.5      Amendment of Governing Documents....................................31
6.6      Issuance and Sale of Equity Interest................................31
6.7      Mergers and Consolidations..........................................32
6.8      Liens...............................................................32
6.9      Restricted Payments and Restricted Investments......................32
6.10     Transactions with Affiliates........................................32
6.11     ERISA...............................................................32
6.12     Accounting Matters..................................................32
6.13     Change of Name......................................................32

                                   ARTICLE VII
                               Closing Conditions
7.1      Conditions to the Obligations of Lander to Effect the 

                                     - ii -

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                                Events of Default
8.1      Payments............................................................35
8.2      Covenants...........................................................35
8.3      Borrower's Solvency.................................................35
8.4      Challenge to Enforceability.........................................36
8.5      Condemnation........................................................36
8.6      Security Agreements.................................................36
8.7      Support Agreement...................................................36
8.8      FCC Licenses........................................................36
8.9      Employee Retirement Income Security Act.............................37

                                   ARTICLE IX
                              Remedies Upon Default
9.1.     Optional Defaults...................................................37
9.2      Automatic Default...................................................37
9.3      Offsets.............................................................37
9.4      Performance by Lender...............................................37
9.5      Other Remedies......................................................37

                                    ARTICLE X
                            Miscellaneous Provisions
10.1     Interpretation......................................................38
10.2     Expenses of Lenders: Indemnity......................................38
10.3     Further Assurances..................................................38
10.4     Amendment and Modification..........................................39
10.5     Waiver of Compliance; Consents......................................39
10.6     Notices.............................................................39
10.7     Assignment..........................................................41
10.8     Governing Law.......................................................42
10.9     Counterparts........................................................42
10.10    Headings............................................................42
10.11    Entire Agreement....................................................42
10.12    Severability........................................................42
10.13    Press Releases......................................................42
10.14    Publicity...........................................................42
10.15    Survival of Agreements..............................................43
10.16    Termination.........................................................43
10.17    FCC and License Compliance..........................................43
10.8     WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL................................................43

                         EXHIBITS & DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES

                                     - iii -


Exhibit A         - Promissory Note..........................................46
Exhibit B-1       - Landlord Estoppel Certificate............................51
Exhibit B-2       - Non-disturbance and Attornment Agreement.................53

                              DISCLOSURE SCHEDULES

Schedule 4.1      - Loan Agreement - Organization and Standing...............58
Schedule 4.4      - Loan Agreement - Consents................................59
Schedule 4.5      - Loan Agreement - FCC and Other Licences..................60
Schedule 4.6      - Loan Agreement - Real Property...........................62
Schedule 4.7      - Loan Agreement - Tangible Personal Property..............64
Schedule 4.8      - Contracts................................................65
Schedule 4.9      - Loan Agreement - Intangibles.............................68
Schedule 4.10     - Loan Agreement - Financial Statements....................69

Schedule 4.12     - Loan Agreement - Personnel Information; Employee 
                                     Benefit Plans...........................70
Schedule 4.13     - Loan Agreement - Labor Relations.........................71
Schedule 4.14     - Loan Agreement - Litigation..............................72
Schedule 4.16     - Loan Agreement - Taxes...................................73
Schedule 4.17     - Loan Agreement - Compliance with Laws....................74
Schedule 4.18     - Loan Agreement - Absence of Certain Changes..............75
Schedule 4.19     - Loan Agreement - Transactions with Affiliates............76
Schedule 4.20     - Loan Agreement - Environmental Matters...................77
Schedule 4.22     - Loan Agreement - Insurance...............................78
Schedule 4.23     - Loan Agreement - LMA and Option..........................79

                                     - iv -


                  This First  Amendment to Loan Agreement (the  "Amendment")  is
entered  into as of May 24, 1996 by and  between  KEYMARKET  OF SOUTH  CAROLINA,
INC., a South Carolina  corporation  ("Borrower")  and RIVER CITY  BROADCASTING,
L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("Lender")


                  WHEREAS,  the  Borrower and Lender are parties to that certain
Loan Agreement dated as of July 7, 1995 (the "Loan Agreement"); and

                  WHEREAS,  Borrower  has  requested  that Lender  make  certain
additional  loans to it, and Lender has made, and is willing to make, such loans
on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein;

                  NOW  THEREFORE,   in  consideration  of  the  premises  herein
contained,  and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

l.       Defined Terms.  Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined
         herein  shall have the  meanings  attributed  to such terms in the Loan

2.       Amendments of the Loan Aareement.

         2.1 Section 1.1 is hereby  amended by adding the following  definitions
         thereto in their proper alphabetical order:

                  "Additional  Loan Funding  Date" means the date of the funding
                  of an Additional Loan.

                  "Joint  Sales  Agreements"  means  each  of  the  Joint  Sales
                  Agreement dated as of November 10, 1995 by and among Borrower,
                  WLWZ Operating Company,  Inc., WLWZ License Subsidiary,  Inc.,
                  WLYZ  Operating  Company,  Inc. and WLYZ  License  Subsidiary,
                  Inc., and the Joint Sales Agreement dated April 30, 1996 among
                  Borrower,   Palm   Broadcasting   Company,   L.P.   and   Palm
                  Broadcasting License Partnership.

                  "JSA Stations"  means Radio Stations  WXWX-FM,  Easley,  South
                  Carolina and WXWZ-FM, Greer, South Carolina.

         "Notice of  Borrowing"  means  written or  telegraphic  notice given to
         Lender  specifying the date and the amount of the Additional  Loan that
         Borrower seeks.


2.2 Section 1.2 is hereby  amended by adding the following  additional  terms in
their proper alphabetical order:

         Additional Loans                        Section 2.1
         Confer Loan                             Section 4.33
         Initial Additional Loans                    Section 2.1
         Other Loans                             Section 2.1

2.3      Section 2.1 is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:

         2.1 Loans.  (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this  Agreement,
         Lender  shall make (i) a loan of Five  Million  Five  Hundred and Fifty
         Thousand  ($5,550,000)  Dollars on the Closing Date (the  "Closing Date
         Loan") subject to  adjustments as provided in the following  paragraph;
         (ii) at the request of Borrower,  but in the  reasonable  discretion of
         Lender,  additional  advances  not  to  exceed  Five  Hundred  Thousand
         ($500,000)  for capital  and other  operating  expenditures  (including
         Approved Capital Expenditures) related to the operation of the Stations
         (the "Advance  Loans");  (iii) upon the closing in connection  with the
         exercise  of the  Option  with the  prior  written  consent  of  Lender
         pursuant to Section 5.14  hereof,  a loan in the amount of Five Million
         One Hundred Fifty Thousand  Dollars  ($5,150,000) as the purchase price
         in  connection  with the exercise of the Option,  which amount shall be
         subject to Lender's  approval (the "Option Loan");  (iv) advances to be
         made no more  frequently  than  monthly in an  aggregate  amount not to
         exceed One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000) solely for
         operating  expenditures  related to the  operations of the Stations and
         the JSA Stations  pursuant to the Joint Sales  Agreements  and to repay
         the Confer Loan (the "Additional Loans") subject to satisfaction of the
         conditions set forth in Section 7.2 hereof and notwithstanding anything
         to the contrary set forth  herein,  only to the extent  Lender does not
         deem itself  insecure  hereunder and (v) other loans as may be approved
         by Lender in its sole  discretion in an aggregate  amount not to exceed
         $775,000 (the "Other Loans").

         The  parties   acknowledge   and  agree  that  following  the  advances
         heretofore  made by Lender to Borrower in the amounts of (i) $4,478.46,
         (ii) $9,729.20, (iii) $100,000, (iv) $103,915.46,  (v) $96,000.00, (vi)
         $132,363.84  to  repay  the  Confer  Loan,  (vii)  $33,000.00,   (viii)
         $164,000.00,  (ix)  $30,000.00,  (x) $94,400.00,  (xi) $75,600.00 (xii)
         $40,000.00,  (xiii) $75,000.00 and (xiv) $40,000.00 (collectively,  the
         "Initial  Additional Loans")  constitute  Additional Loans. The Closing
         Date Loan, the Advance Loans,  the Option Loans,  the Additional  Loans
         and the Other  Loans are  hereinafter  collectively  referred to as the

2.4      Section 2.4 is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

                  2.4 The Note.  The Loans shall be  evidenced by an amended and
         restated  promissory note in the principal  amount of Thirteen  Million
         One Hundred Seventy-Five  Thousand Dollars ($13,175,000) and payable to
         Lender,  substantially  in the form  attached as Exhibit A to the First
         Amendment to Loan Agreement  dated as of May 24, 1996 between  Borrower
         and Lender (the "Note").


2.5 Article IV is hereby  amended by adding the  following  provision at the end
thereof, and Borrower hereby represents and warrants to Lenders as follows:

                  4.33 Confer Loan. On December 26, 1995,  Confer made a loan to
         Borrower in the amount of $131,000, bearing interest on the outstanding
         principal  amount at a rate of ten percent (10%) per annum (the "Confer

2.6 Article V is hereby  amended by adding the  following  provision  at the end
thereof,  and Borrower hereby agrees that so long as the Loan  Agreement,  as it
may be amended,  remains in effect or any of the Loan Obligations remain unpaid,
Borrower will perf orm and observe the following provision:

                  5.15 Additional Funding. Prior to taking, or omitting to take,
         any action  that could  effect any of the  matters set forth in Section
         8.3 below, Borrower will notify Lender and seek additional funding from
         Lender,  and to the  extent  Lender  agrees to  provide  such  funding,
         Borrower  will  accept  such  funding  in order to  prevent  any of the
         matters set forth in Section 8.3 from occurring.

2.7  Article  VII is hereby  amended  by  renaming  such  Article  VII  "Closing
Conditions and Additional Loan and Other Loan Funding  Conditions" and by adding
the following provisions at the end thereof:

                  7.2  Conditions  to the  Obligations  of Lender to Effect  the
         Additional Loans Contemplated Hereby. The obligations of Lender to make
         Additional  Loans on each Additional Loan Funding Date shall be further
         subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions, any one or more
         of which may be waived in writing by Lender:

                  At least five (5) days  before the  proposed  Additional  Loan
Funding Date:

                      (a) Lender  shall have  received  no later than 12:00 Noon
                  (St. Louis time) an irrevocable, originally executed Notice of
                  Borrowing signed by a duly authorized officer of Borrower.

                      (b) Lender shall have  received on the date of delivery of
                  the Notice of Borrowing,  a certificate  of a duly  authorized
                  officer of Borrower, with supporting documentation, as to each
                  Additional Loan other than the Initial  Additional  Loans, (i)
                  setting forth an  itemization  of the  operating  expenditures
                  related to the operations of the Stations and the JSA Stations
                  pursuant to the Joint Sales  Agreement for the preceding month
                  and  (ii)  certifying  that  the  proceeds  of  the  preceding
                  Additional Loan were used solely to pay expenses in accordance
                  with the  previous  certificate  delivered  under this Section
                  7.2(b) (i) and Section  2.1(a) (iv) hereof,  such  certificate
                  and  supporting  documentation  to be in  form  and  substance
                  satisfactory to Lender.

                  7.3 Conditions to the Obligation of Lender to Effect the Other
         Loans  Contemplated  Hereby.  The  obligations  of Lender to make Other
         Loans on each Other


         Loan Funding Date shall be further  subject to the  fulfillment  of the
         following conditions, any one or more of which may be waived in writing
         by Lender:

                           (a) At least ten (10) days before the proposed  Other
                      Loan  Funding Date Lender  shall have  received,  no later
                      than 12:00 Noon (St.  Louis time) a certificate  of a duly
                      authorized officer of Borrower setting forth in reasonable
                      detail the purposes of such other loan; and

                           (b) In the event Lender shall have notified  Borrower
                      of its  willingness to make such Other Loan, at least five
                      (5) days  before  the  proposed  Other Loan  Funding  Date
                      Lender  shall have  received  an  irrevocable,  originally
                      executed  Notice of Borrowing  signed by a duly authorized
                      officer of Borrower.

                  2.8  Article  VIII is here  amended  by adding  the  following
         provisions at the end thereof:

                      8.10 Use of Proceeds of Additional  Loans and Other Loans.
                  The proceeds of any  Additional  Loan are used for any purpose
                  other than as specified  in Section  2.1(a) (iv) hereof or the
                  proceeds of any Other Loan are used for any purpose other than
                  approved by Lender as specified in Section 2.1(a) (v) hereof.

                  3.  Conditions-of   Effectiveness  to  this  Amendment.   This
         Amendment  shall  become  effective  on the date on  which  each of the
         following conditions has been fulfilled:

                      (a) This Amendment. The Borrower and the Lender shall have
                  each executed and delivered this Amendment.

                      (b) Amended and Restated  Note.  The  Borrower  shall have
                  executed and delivered to Lender the Note.

                      (c) Certified Resolutions. Lender shall have received from
                  Borrower copies, certified by an executive officer of Borrower
                  of resolutions  adopted on behalf of Borrower  authorizing the
                  execution, delivery and performance of this Amendment, and all
                  instruments  and  documents  to  be  delivered  in  connection
                  herewith and the transactions contemplated hereby.

                      (d)  Evidence of Payment to the MC  Partners.  Release and
                  Certified  Resolutions.   The  Keymarket  Sellers  shall  have
                  provided  evidence of payment of the Release Payment to the MC
                  Partners in connection with, and as defined under, the release
                  executed by the MC Partners in favor of the Borrower,  and the
                  Lender in substantially  the form of Exhibit B attached hereto
                  and Lender shall have  received  (i) an executed  copy of such
                  release and (ii) copies,  certified by an executive officer of
                  each of the MC Partners,  of resolutions  adopted on behalf of
                  such  MC  Partner  authorizing  the  execution,  delivery  and
                  performance of such release.


4.       Amendment  of  Related  Documents:  Affirmation  and  Agreement  of the
         Borrower.  The  Borrower  acknowledges  and  agrees  that each  Related
         Document,  including the security  agreements,  stock pledge agreements
         and mortgages  executed in  connection  with the Loan  Agreement  shall
         continue in full force and effect and all of the obligations thereunder
         shall be valid and enforceable and shall not be impaired or affected by
         the execution or  effectiveness  of this Amendment or the amendment and
         restatement of the Note. The Borrower  represents and warrants that all
         representations  and warranties  contained in the Related Documents are
         true,  correct and complete in all  material  respects on and as of the
         date hereof to the extent as though made on as of the date hereof.  The
         Borrower further  acknowledges  and agrees that the security  interests
         and liens  granted by the Borrower  and Confer to the Bank  pursuant to
         the Related  Documents  shall  secure all  obligations  of the Borrower
         arising under the Loan Agreement,  as amended hereby,  and the Note, as
         amended and restated, and that the Secured Obligations (as that term is
         defined in the  Security  Agreement  executed  by  Borrower  and in the
         Pledge  Agreement  executed by Confer) shall include all obligations of
         Borrower arising under the Loan Agreement,  as amended hereby,  and the
         Note as amended and restated.

5.       Ratification.  Except as specifically amended pursuant hereto, the Loan
         Agreement,  the Note and all other Related  Documents,  shall remain in
         full force and effect and are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.

6.       Reference to Loan Agreement.

                  (a) From and after the Effective  Date,  each reference in the
         Loan Agreement to "this Agreement",  "hereof",  or "hereunder" or words
         of like import, and all references to the Loan Agreement in any and all
         Related   Documents,   agreements,   instruments,   documents,   notes,
         certificates  and other  writings  of every  kind and  nature  shall be
         deemed to mean the Loan Agreement,  as amended by this  Amendment,  and
         each  reference  in the Loan  Agreement  to "the Note" or words of like
         import,  and  all  references  to the  Note  in  any  and  all  Related
         Documents, agreements,  instruments, documents, notes, certificates and
         other  writings  of every kind and  nature  shall be deemed to mean the
         Note, as amended and restated pursuant to this Amendment.

                  (b)  The  execution,   delivery  and   effectiveness  of  this
         Amendment  shall not operate as a waiver of any right,  power or remedy
         of the Lender under the Loan Agreement or any of the Related Documents,
         nor  constitute a waiver of any provision of the Loan  Agreement or any
         of the Related Documents.


8.       Execution in Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in any number
         of   counterparts   and  by  different   parties   hereto  in  separate
         counterparts, each of which when


         so executed  shall be deemed to be an  original  and all of which taken
         together shall constitute one and the same agreement.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have executed this Amendment as of
the date first above written.


                                    KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.

                                    By: /s/ Kerby E. Confer


                                    RIVER CITY BROADCASTING, L.P.

                                    By:     BETTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,
                                            General Partner

                                    By: /s/ Larry D. Marcus


                                                     Exhibit A to Loan Agreement


$13,175,000                                                         May 24, 1996

a South  Carolina  corporation  (the  "Maker"),  promises to pay to the order of
RIVER CITY BROADCASTING,  L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Payee"), in
the manner and at the place provided in that certain Loan Agreement, dated as of
July 7,  1995,  as amended  between  the Maker and the Payee (as the same may be
further  amended,  modified,  restated or extended from time to time,  the "Loan
Agreement"), the lesser of (x) the principal sum of Thirteen Million One Hundred
Seventy-Five  Thousand Dollars ($13,175,000) and (y) the unpaid principal amount
of all  advances  made by Payee to Maker as the Loans under the Loan  Agreement,
together with  interest  accrued  thereon as provided in this Note.  Capitalized
terms used herein  without  definition  shall have the meanings  assigned  those
terms in the Loan Agreement.

         The unpaid principal  balance of this Note shall bear interest prior to
maturity at the rates  determined in accordance  with the provisions of the Loan

         This Note  evidences  indebtedness  of the  Maker to the Payee  arising
under the Loan  Agreement,  to which reference is hereby made for a statement of
the rights of the Payee  (including  the right of the  holder  hereof to declare
this Note due prior to its stated  maturity and the other rights and remedies of
the  holder  hereof)  and the duties and  obligations  of the Maker in  relation
thereto,  but neither this  reference to the Loan  Agreement  nor any  provision
thereof shall affect or impair the absolute and unconditional  obligation of the
Maker to pay the principal of or interest on this Note when due. This Note is an
amendment and  restatement of the Note dated July 7, 1995 made by Maker in favor
of Payee (the "Original Note") and not a replacement,  substitution or repayment
thereof.  The  indebtedness  and  liabilities  of Maker under the Original  Note
remain in full force and effect, as amended, renewed and extended hereby.

         The  principal  of and all  interest  on  this  Note  shall  be paid as
provided in the Loan  Agreement  in  immediately  available  funds  constituting
lawful  money of the United  States of  America,  not later than 12:00 noon (St.
Louis,  Missouri time) on the day when due, at the Payee's  offices at 1215 Cole
Street,  St.  Louis,  Missouri  63106,  or at such other  place as the Payee may
designate in writing.  Until notified in writing of the transfer of this Xote in
accordance with the terms of-the Loan Agreement, Maker shall be entitled to deem
Payee or such person who has been  identified  by the  transferor  in writing to
Maker as the owner  and  holder of this  Note,  as the owner and  holder of this
Note.  Each of Payee  and any  subsequent  holder of this  Note  agrees,  by its
acceptance hereof, that before disposing of this Note or any part hereof it will
make & notation hereon of all principal  payments  previously made hereunder and
of the date to which interest  hereon has been paid;  that the failure to make a
notation of any payment  made on this Note shall not limit or  otherwise  affect
the  obligation  of Maker  hereunder  with  respect to payments of  principal or
interest on this Note.


         Whenever  any  payment  on this Note shall be stated to be due on a day
that is not a business  day,  such  payment  may be made on the next  succeeding
business  day and such  extension  of time shall in each case be included in the
computation of interest payable on this Note.

         This Note is subject to  prepayment  as  provided in Section 2.6 of the
Loan Agreement.

         To the extent  permitted  by law,  the Maker and each  endorser of this
Note,  and  their  respective  heirs,  successors,  legal  representatives,  and
assigns,  hereby severally waive (i) any and all homestead or exemption laws and
rights,  and  (ii)  presentment  for  payment,   demand,   protest,   notice  of
non-payment,  notice of protest,  and notice of  dishonor of the debt  evidenced
hereby,  together with each and every other notice of any kind  respecting  this
Note and all lack of diligence or delays in collection or enforcement hereof.

         Upon the  occurrence of an Event of Default,  the unpaid balance of the
principal  amount of this Note may  become,  or may be  declared  to be, due and
payable in the manner,  upon the conditions and with the effect  provided in the
Loan Agreement.

         The terms of this Note are  subject  to  amendment  only in the  manner
provided in the Loan Agreement.

         This Note is subject to  restrictions  on  transfer  or  assignment  as
provided in Section 10.7 of the Loan Agreement and as otherwise may be agreed in
writing between Maker and Payee.

         If at any time the  indebtedness  evidenced  by this Note is  collected
through legal  proceedings  or this Note is placed in the hands of attorneys for
collection,  the  Maker  and each  endorser  of this  Note  hereby  jointly  and
severally agree to pay all costs and expenses (including  reasonable  attorneys'
fees) incurred by the holder of this Note in collecting or attempting to collect
such  indebtedness,  or otherwise  arising in connection with the enforcement by
such holder of any rights or remedies under this Note.


         No delay or omission on the part of the Payee in  exercising  any right
hereunder  shall  operate as a waiver of such right or of any other right of the
Payee,  nor shall any delay,  omission or waiver on any one occasion be deemed a
bar to or a waiver of the same or any other right on any future occasion.


         In case any provision (or any part of any provision)  contained in this
Note shall for any  reason be held by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to be
invalid,  illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity,  illegality
or  unenforceability  shall not affect any other provision (or remaining part of
the  affected  provision)  of this Note,  but this Note shall be construed as if
such  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  provision (or part thereof) had never
been  contained  herein  but  only  to the  extent  it is  invalid,  illegal  or


         This note being  pledged by Payee to its Lenders to secure  obligations
under the First Amended and Restated Credit  Agreement (the "Credit  Agreement')
dated as of April 21, 1995 by and among  Payee,  Bank of  Montreal,  Banks Trust
Company and the Lenders listed therein (the "Lenders").

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Maker has  caused  this Note to be  executed  and
delivered  by its  duly  authorized  officer,  as of the day and year and at the
place first above written.

                               KEYMARKET OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INC.

