"Portions  of  this  Exhibit  have  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential  treatment.  The  omitted  portions,  marked by  [****],  have been
separately filed with the Commission."

         This Agreement,  effective January 19, 1996 (" EFFECTIVE DATE"), by and
between Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. ("PIONEER"), a corporation having an
address at 700 Capital Square, 400 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309 and Human
Genome Science,  Inc., a Delaware  Corporation having offices at 94 1 0 Key West
Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850 ("HGS").

         WHEREAS,  PIONEER, a breeder and producer of proprietary planting seed,
in particular  MAIZE,  desires to have more information about MAIZE nucleic acid
sequences; and

         WHEREAS,  HGS has the  capability  to conduct  research to provide such
information and desires to perform such research for PIONEER, and;

         WHEREAS,  PIONEER and HGS are interested in a research collaboration to
determine nucleic acid sequences of MAIZE.

         NOW THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the mutual promises and other good
and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

                            SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS.

         The terms used in this Agreement have the following meaning:

1.1      "AFFILIATE" means any company or other legal entity other than a party,
         in whatever country organized,  controlling or controlled by PIONEER OR
         HGS.  "Control" means having the power to direct or cause the direction
         of the management and policies, whether through the ownership of voting
         securities, by contract, or otherwise.

1.2      "EST" means expressed sequence tags that are partial cDNA sequences.

1.3      "FIRST  COMMERCIAL SALE" means, in each country,  the first sale of any
         following approval of its sales by the appropriate  governmental agency
         for the

Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

         country in which the sale is to be made, and when governmental approval
         is not required, the first sale in that country.

1.4      "HGS FIELD" [****].

1.5      "HGS  INFORMATION"  means any  information  know-how,  informatics  and
         software  (including the source code  therefor)  owned by HGS and/or to
         which HGS has a transferable  interest in each case during the TRANSFER
         PERIOD  and that is  necessary  for  PIONEER  to  evaluate  MAIZE  ESTs
         provided by HGS.This also  includes any  information,  informatics  and
         software  that is  protected by issued US or foreign  patents  owned by
         HGS.Informatics are further defined in attached Schedule A.

1.6.     "HGS  PATENT  RIGHTS"  means  any US patent  application  owned by HGS,
         including    any    provisional,     division,     continuation,     or
         continuation-in-part  thereof  owned  by HGS or as to  which  HGS has a
         transferable interest, and any foreign patent application or equivalent
         corresponding   thereto  owned  by  HGS  or  as  to  which  HGS  has  a
         transferable  interest,  and  any  Letters  Patents  or the  equivalent
         thereof  issuing  thereon  owned  by  HGS  or as  to  which  HGS  has a
         transferable interest, or reissue,  reexamination or extension thereof,
         insofar  as it  contains  one or more  VALID  CLAIMS to a nucleic  acid
         sequence or to an expression product thereof or to the use of a nucleic
         acid or its expression product.

1.7      "HGS PRODUCT(S)" means any article, composition,  apparatus, substance,
         chemical,  material,  method, process or service that is covered by one
         or more claims of PIONEER PATENT RIGHTS and/or  RESEARCH  PATENT RIGHTS
         and/or  which   incorporates   RESEARCH   TECHNOLOGY   and/or   PIONEER

1.8      "LICENSED TERRITORY" means all countries of the world.


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

1.9      "MAIZE"  means  corn (Zea  mays)  and any  portion  of the corn  plant,
         including cells,

1.10     "MAIZE EST" means an EST obtained from a MAIZE LIBRARY(IES) provided to
         HGS by PIONEER which meets the specifications of Schedule D.

1.11     "MAIZE  LIBRARY(IES)" means a cDNA library produced from MAIZE that has
         the specifications set forth in attached Schedule B.

1.12     "NET  SALES  PRICE"  means  the  total  amount  received  by  HGS,  its
         AFFILIATES or  SUBLICENSEES  from sale of HGS PRODUCT in the HGS FIELD,
         less  transportation  charges and  insurance,  sales taxes,  use taxes,
         excise  taxes,  value added  taxes,  customs  duties or other  imposts,
         normal and customary  quantity and cash discounts,  rebates granted and
         disallowed  reimbursements  and  allowances  and  credit on  account of
         rejection or return of HGS PRODUCT in the HGS FIELD.

         HGS PRODUCT shall be considered "sold" when billed out or invoiced.

1.13     "PIONEER FIELD" [****].

1.14     "PIONEER   TECHNOLOGY"  means  any  process,   use,  article  of
         manufacture,  composition of matter,  information,  data and materials,
         whether  patentable  or not,  which results or is derived from RESEARCH
         TECHNOLOGY  and that is owned by PIONEER or as to which  PIONEER  has a
         transferable interest.

1.15     "PIONEER  PATENT  RIGHT(s)" mean any United States patent  application,
         including    any    provisional,     division,     continuation,     or
         continuation-in-part  thereof,  and any foreign  patent  application or
         equivalent  corresponding  thereto,  and  any  Letters  Patent  or  the
         equivalent  thereof  issuing  thereon,  or reissue,  re-examination  or
         extension thereof, insofar as it contains one or more claims to PIONEER

 1.16    "RESEARCH  PROJECT" means the program of research  agreed to by PIONEER
         and HGS under this Agreement and conducted  according to this Agreement
         and its Schedules.


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

1.17     "RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY"  means MAIZE ESTs, a gene that  includes a MAIZE
         EST, a polypeptide  expressed thereby and a clone that contains a MAIZE
         EST  that  results  from  research  performed  by or on  behalf  of HGS
         pursuant to the RESEARCH PROJECT and any and all information,  data and
         materials   relating  to  the  foregoing  that  results  from  research
         performed by or on behalf of HGS pursuant to the RESEARCH PROJECT.

1.18     "RESEARCH PATENT RIGHT(S)" means any United States patent  application,
         including    any    provisional,     division,     continuation,     or
         continuation-in-part  thereof and any  foreign  patent  application  or
         equivalent   corresponding  thereto  and  any  Letters  Patent  or  the
         equivalent  thereof  issuing  thereon or reissue or extension  thereof,
         insofar as it claims a RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY.

1.19     "SUBLICENSEE"  means any  non-AFFILIATE  third party licensed by HGS to
         make, have made, import, use or sell any HGS PRODUCT.

1.20     "TRANSFER PERIOD" means for a period beginning on the EFFECTIVE DATE
         and ending September 1, 2000.

1.21     "VALID CLAIM" means a claim of an issued US or foreign  patent that has
         not lapsed, become abandoned, or been declared invalid or unenforceable
         by a court of competent  jurisdiction or an administrative  agency from
         which no appeal can be or is taken.

                           SECTION 2 - HGS OBLIGATIONS

2.1      (a)      During the TRANSFER  PERIOD,  HGS will transfer to PIONEER HGS
                  INFORMATION,  in particular  the  informatics  system and will
                  assist PIONEER with the  installation of HGS INFORMATION  into
                  computer  hardware provided by PIONEER and located at PIONEER.
                  PIONEER will purchase all computer hardware located at PIONEER
                  that is needed. The timetable for the initial  installation is
                  given in Schedule C. Until  completion of the RESEARCH PROJECT
                  as set forth in  Schedule E. HGS shall  install  and  maintain
                  [****] a direct, secure link between HGS and


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                  PIONEER  for  the  purpose  of  transferring  and  maintaining
                  RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY.

         (b)      During the TRANSFER  PERIOD,  HGS will provide  PIONEER
                  with all upgrades and  improvements  to HGS  INFORMATION  on a
                  timely basis [****].

         (c)      If, during the TRANSFER PERIOD,  HGS develops a version
                  of the  MACINTOSH(R)  computer-based  user client  software as
                  defined  in  Schedule  A  which  operates  in  the  WINDOWS(R)
                  operating environment, it shall provide such user interface to
                  PIONEER [****].

         (d)      HGS shall provide  training and support to PIONEER with
                  respect  to the  use  of  HGS  INFORMATION,  as  specified  in
                  Schedule C. From time to time during the TRANSFER  PERIOD,  if
                  required  and upon  request  by  PIONEER,  HGS  shall  provide
                  reasonable   additional   training   and  support  to  PIONEER
                  personnel  with  respect  to the use of HGS  INFORMATION.  The
                  location and  frequency of such  training  will be  determined
                  jointly by the PROJECT COMMITTEE.

2.2      HGS shall perform RESEARCH PROJECT according to the workplan  specified
         'in Schedule E. HGS'  performance of RESEARCH  PROJECT under Schedule E
         is subject to Pioneer  providing HGS with a sufficient  number of MAIZE
         LIBRARIES  and at a time which  permits HGS to perform its  obligations

2.3      For a period  beginning on the EFFECTIVE  DATE and ending two (2) years
         from the date on which  HGS  successfully  completes  Phase  III of the
         RESEARCH  PROJECT  as set  forth  in  Schedule  E,  HGS  agrees  not to
         undertake  any  activity  involving  MAIZE to the  benefit of any third
         party, including sequencing of MAIZE, sequence analysis of MAIZE or the
         transfer  of HGS  INFORMATION  for use  with  MAIZE,  except  as HGS is
         licensed hereunder.

2.4      Beginning on the  EFFECTIVE  DATE and ending on June 30, 1997,  PIONEER
         shall have the right,  exercisable  by written notice to HGS, to extend
         RESEARCH PROJECT for one year after the successful  completion of Phase
         III, as set forth in Schedule E, to undertake  additional  work similar
         to that outlined in Schedule E. The


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

         parties  shall attempt to reach  agreement on the terms and  conditions
         thereof within six (6) months of PIONEER's written notification to HGS.

2.5      In the event that PIONEER provides to HGS plant  nucleotide  sequences,
         HGS agrees to[****]  sequences provided by PIONEER to the PIONEER MAIZE
         EST database  maintained at HGS [****].  These added  sequences will be
         identified as PIONEER  CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION and are not subject to
         the license granted to HGS hereunder.

                         SECTION 3 - PIONEER OBLIGATIONS

3.1      PIONEER shall fund RESEARCH PROJECT as follows:

         (a)      PIONEER shall pay to HGS [****] within thirty (30) days of the
                  EFFECTIVE  DATE for the  conduct  of  Phase I of the  RESEARCH
                  PROJECT as set forth in Schedule E.

         (b)      PIONEER  shall  pay to HGS  [****]  once  HGS  INFORMATION  is
                  operating as per Schedule C,  designated "GO LIVE".  "GO LIVE"
                  is defined as the  delivery  to PIONEER of useable  functional
                  capabilities  of HGS INFORMATION as listed in Schedule G. This
                  payment covers all  deliverables  representing HGS INFORMATION
                  to be provided by HGS according to Schedules A, C & G.

         (c)      Within  thirty (30) days of the  completion  of Phase I of the
                  RESEARCH  PROJECT,  as set forth in Schedule E, which includes
                  the  conveyance  to PIONEER of MAIZE  ESTs  discovered  in the
                  RESEARCH PROJECT that meet the  specifications  in Schedule D,
                  but in no case  prior  to  [****],  PIONEER  shall  pay to HGS
                  [****] for the conduct of Phase II of RESEARCH PROJECT, as set
                  forth in Schedule E.

         (d)      Within  thirty (30) days of the  completion of Phase 11 of the
                  RESEARCH  PROJECT,  as set forth in Schedule E which  includes
                  the  conveyance  to PIONEER of MAIZE  ESTs  discovered  in the
                  RESEARCH PROJECT that


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                  meet the specifications in Schedule D, but in no case prior to
                  [****],  PIONEER  shall pay to HGS [****]  for the  conduct of
                  Phase III of RESEARCH PROJECT, as set forth in Schedule E.

         (e)      PIONEER  shall  pay  to  HGS  a  payment  of  [****]  for  the
                  completion of the RESEARCH PROJECT as set forth in Schedule E.
                  Said  payment  shall be made  within  thirty (30) days of said
                  completion but in no case prior to [****].

3.2      The payments in Section 3.1 are non-refundable except as follows:

         (a)      Solely  in the  event of a breach  of this  Agreement  by HGS,
                  PIONEER  shall  be  entitled  to  a  refund  equal  to  [****]
                  multiplied  by a  fraction  the  numerator  of  which  is  the
                  difference  between  [****] and [****]  under  Phase I and the
                  denominator  of which is  [****]  and  further  multiplied  by

         (b)      Solely  in the  event of a breach  of this  Agreement  by HGS,
                  PIONEER  shall  be  entitled  to  a  refund  equal  to  [****]
                  multiplied  by a  fraction  the  numerator  of  which  is  the
                  difference  between  [****] and [****]  under Phase II and the
                  denominator of which is [****].

         (c)      Solely  in the  event of a breach  of this  Agreement  by HGS,
                  PIONEER  shall  be  entitled  to  a  refund  equal  to  [****]
                  multiplied  by a  fraction  the  numerator  of  which  is  the
                  difference  between  [****] and [****] under Phase III and the
                  denominator of which is [****].

3.3      PIONEER agrees to meet all of its  obligations  under Schedule C
         and perform  and to permit HGS to perform  the work  required to enable
         transfer of HGS  INFORMATION to PIONEER and to permit  installation  of
         such HGS  INFORMATION  into computer  hardware  provided by PIONEER and
         located at PIONEER.


Research Collaboration Agreement

                          SECTION 4 - CONFIDENTIALITY.

4.1      During the term of this Agreement,  it is contemplated  that each party
         will disclose to the other  proprietary  and  confidential  technology,
         inventions,  technical  information,  biological materials and the like
         which are owned or  controlled  by the  disclosing  party or which that
         party is obligated to maintain in confidence  and that is designated by
         the disclosing party as confidential ("Confidential Information"). Each
         party agrees to retain the other party's  Confidential  Information  in
         confidence and not to disclose any such  Confidential  Information to a
         third party without the prior written  consent of the disclosing  party
         and to use the  other  party's  Confidential  Information  only for the
         purposes of this Agreement.

4.2      The  obligations  of  confidentiality  will not  apply to  Confidential
         Information that:

         (a)      was known to the  receiving  party or  generally  known to the
                  public prior to its disclosure hereunder; or

         (b)      subsequently  becomes  known to the public by some means other
                  than a breach of this Agreement;

         (c)      is  subsequently  disclosed to the receiving  party by a third
                  party having a lawful right to make such disclosure;

         (d)      is required by law or bona fide legal process to be disclosed,
                  provided that the party required to make the disclosure  takes
                  all reasonable steps to restrict and maintain  confidentiality
                  of such disclosure and provides reasonable notice to the party
                  providing the Confidential Information; or

         (e)      is approved for release by the parties, or

         (f)      is  independently  developed  by the  employees  or  agents of
                  either  party  without  any  knowledge  of  the   Confidential
                  Information provided by the other party.

4.3      Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  information  relating to the RESEARCH


Research Collaboration Agreement

         LIBRARIES,  shall be Confidential  Information and shall not be used or
         disclosed by HGS other than as provided herein.

4.4      HGS shall use MAIZE LIBRARIES only for obtaining MAIZE ESTs for PIONEER
         under  this  Agreement  and HGS shall  not  transfer  MAIZE  LIBRARIES,
         PIONEER TECHNOLOGY or RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY to a third party or use MAIZE
         a third  party.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  HGS  may  use  MAIZE
         licenses granted under Section 6.2.

4.5      PIONEER agrees to use HGS INFORMATION only as licensed under Section 6.
         1.  PIONEER  agrees not to disclose or transfer  HGS  INFORMATION  to a
         third party  provided,  however,  that with the prior  approval of HGS,
         which will not be  unreasonably  withheld,  PIONEER  may permit a third
         party to  remotely  access a database  of  PIONEER  which  operates  in
         accordance with HGS INFORMATION.

                              SECTION 5 - PATENTS.

5.1      (a)      HGS shall promptly assign to PIONEER all of its rights,  title
                  and interest in and to RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY as it is developed
                  and RESEARCH PATENT RIGHTS.  In addition,  HGS shall cooperate
                  with  and  assist  PIONEER  in  obtaining  appropriate  patent
                  protection  and shall execute all documents  required for such

         (b)      HGS agrees  that all HGS  employees  who work on the  RESEARCH
                  PROJECT will be obligated to assign inventions to HGS.

         (c)      As part of the  assignment  of Section  5.1(a),  PIONEER  will
                  grant to HGS a security interest in and to RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY
                  and  RESEARCH  PATENT  RIGHTS  to  secure  PIONEER's   payment
                  obligations  under  Section 3. 1. The security  interest  will
                  include  an   agreement   by  PIONEER  to  reassign   RESEARCH
                  TECHNOLOGY and RESEARCH PATENT RIGHTS to HGS in the event that
                  PIONEER fails to make payments under Section 3.1 when due.


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                        SECTION 6 - GRANTS AND ROYALTIES.

6.1      (a)      HGS grants to PIONEER and  AFFILIATES a [****]  license in the
                  LICENCED  TERRITORY  to use HGS  INFORMATION  to analyze:  (i)
                  RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY and PIONEER  TECHNOLOGY,  and (ii) nucleic
                  acid sequences from plants and plant pests.

                  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary,  it is  expressly
                  understood   that  no  license  is  granted  to  use  the  HGS
                  INFORMATION  with respect to (i) DNA prepared from human cells
                  and/or (ii) a human gene and/or  (iii) a family of human genes
                  or (iv) any  portion of the  foregoing  or (v) any  expression
                  product of the foregoing.

         (b)      HGS grants to PIONEER and  AFFILIATES a [****]  license  under
                  HGS PATENT RIGHTS to make,  have made, use,  import,  sell, or
                  have sold on its behalf, in all fields except non-human animal
                  healthcare  and/or  diagnostics  and/or  the HGS  FIELD in the
                  LICENSED TERRITORY, product(s) which is a nucleic acid that is
                  or  includes  a MAIZE EST  provided  to  PIONEER  by HGS or an
                  expression  product  thereof that  without such license  would
                  infringe a VALID CLAIM of HGS PATENT RIGHTS.

6.2      (a)      PIONEER  grants  to HGS and  AFFILIATES  a  [****]  right  and
                  license  for  the  LICENSED  TERRITORY  under  PIONEER  PATENT
                  RIGHTS,  RESEARCH  PATENT  RIGHTS  owned by  PIONEER,  PIONEER
                  TECHNOLOGY and RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY  owned by PIONEER to make,
                  have made,  use,  import,  sell or have sold on its behalf HGS
                  PRODUCTS in the HGS FIELD,  including  the right to sublicense
                  third parties.

         (b)      For the rights set forth in Section  6.2(a),  HGS shall pay to
                  PIONEER a royalty  to be  negotiated  by the  parties  in good
                  faith,  which  royalty shall not exceed [****] of NET SALES of
                  HGS PRODUCTS in the


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                  HGS FIELD sold by HGS or its  AFFILIATES or [****] the royalty
                  received  by HGS for sale of HGS PRODUCT in HGS FIELD from its

         (c)      To the  extent  HGS  PRODUCT  in the HGS FIELD is covered by a
                  RIGHTS in a country where sold,  such royalty shall be payable
                  for the life of such PIONEER  PATENT  RIGHTS  and/or  RESEARCH
                  PATENT RIGHTS in such country.

         (d)      To the extent an HGS  PRODUCT in the HGS FIELD is not  covered
                  by a VALID  CLAIM of PIONEER  PATENT  RIGHTS  and/or  RESEARCH
                  PATENT RIGHTS in a country  where sold,  such royalty shall be
                  payable for five (5) years from FIRST  COMMERCIAL SALE in such

         (e)      In the event that an HGS  PRODUCT in the HGS FIELD  includes a
                  component(s)   covered   by  royalty   obligations   hereunder
                  ("COVERED    COMPONENT(S)")   and   a   component   which   is
                  diagnostically useable or therapeutically active alone or in a
                  combination    that    does   not    require    the    COVERED
                  COMPONENT("COMBINED,  PRODUCT"),  then NET SALES  shall be the
                  amount that is normally received by HGS or its AFFILIATES from
                  a  sale  of  the  COVERED  COMPONENT(S)  in  an  arm's  length
                  transaction  with an unaffiliated  third party. If the COVERED
                  COMPONENT(S) is not sold separately, then NET SALES upon which
                  a  royalty  is paid  shall be the NET  SALES  of the  COMBINED
                  PRODUCT  multiplied  by a fraction,  the numerator of which is
                  the  cost  for  producing   the  COVERED   COMPONENT  and  the
                  denominator  of which is the cost for  producing  the COMBINED

         (f)      In the event that  royalties  are to be paid by HGS to a party
                  who is not an  AFFILIATE  of HGS for an HGS PRODUCT in the HGS
                  FIELD for which royalties are also due to PIONEER  pursuant to
                  Paragraph  6.2 (such  royalties to such party are  hereinafter
                  "Other  Royalties"),  then the royalties to be paid to PIONEER
                  by HGS pursuant to Paragraph  6.2 shall be reduced by one-half
                  of the amount of such Other  Royalties.  but in no event shall
                  any royalties


Research Collaboration Agreement

"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                  payable   under   Paragraph   6.2  be  reduced  by  more  than

         (g)      Only one royalty shall be due and payable for the manufacture,
                  use and sale of an HGS  PRODUCT in the HGS FIELD  irrespective
                  of the number of patents or claims thereof licensed  hereunder
                  which cover the manufacture,  use and sale of such HGS PRODUCT
                  in the HGS FIELD.

6.3      The term of the licenses described in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 shall be for
         the  pendency  of any issued  patents and  forever  under any  know-how

6.4      HGS shall keep, and shall cause each of its AFFILIATES and SUBLICENSEES
         to keep, full and accurate accounts containing all particulars that may
         be necessary for the purpose of  calculating  all royalties  payable to
         PIONEER.  Such  accounts  shall  be kept at  their  principal  place of
         business and, with all necessary  supporting data shall,  for the three
         (3) years next  following  the end of the  calendar  year to which each
         shall  pertain,  be open for  inspection  by an  independent  certified
         accountant  reasonably  acceptable to HGS upon reasonable notice during
         normal business hours,  at PIONEER's  expense,  for the sole purpose of
         verifying royalty statements or compliance with this Agreement,  but in
         no event more than once in each calendar year. All information and data
         offered  shall be used only for the purpose of verifying  royalties and
         shall  be  treated  as  HGS  Confidential  Information  subject  to the
         obligations of this Agreement.  In the event that such inspection shall
         indicate that in any calendar year that the royalties which should have
         been paid by HGS are at least  [****]  greater  than  those  which were
         actually paid by HGS, then HGS shall pay the cost of such inspection.

6.5      With each semi-annual  payment, HGS shall deliver to PIONEER a full and
         accurate accounting to include at least the following information:

         (a)      Quantity  of each HGS  PRODUCT  in the HGS  FIELD  subject  to
                  royalty sold (by country) by HGS, and its AFFILIATES;

         (b)      Total  receipts for each HGS PRODUCT sold in HGS FIELD subject
                  to royalty (by country);


Research Collaboration Agreement

         (c)      Total royalties payable to PIONEER; and

         (d)      Royalties  received from  SUBLICENSEES for HGS PRODUCT sold in
                  HGS FIELD.

6.6      In  each  year  the   amount  of  royalty   due  shall  be   calculated
         semi-annually as of June 30 and December 31 (each as being the last day
         of an "ACCOUNTING  PERIOD") and shall be paid semi-annually  within the
         following  sixty days,  every such  payment  shall be  supported by the
         accounting  prescribed  in  Paragraph  6.4 and  shall be made in United
         States  dollars.  For the purpose of calculating  royalties  conversion
         from any foreign  currency,  such  conversion  shall be at the Exchange
         Rate published in the Wall Street Journal,  under  "Currency  Trading",
         for the last business day of the applicable ACCOUNTING PERIOD.

6.7      If  the  transfer  of or  the  conversion  into  United  States  Dollar
         Equivalent of any remittance due hereunder is not lawful or possible in
         any country,  such  remittance  shall be made by the deposit thereof in
         the currency of the country to the credit and account of PIONEER or its
         nominee  in any  commercial  bank  or  trust  company  located  in that
         country,  prompt  notice of which  shall be given to  PIONEER.  PIONEER
         shall be advised  in  writing  in  advance by HGS and  provide to HGS a
         nominee, if so desired.

6.8      Any tax  required  to be  withheld by HGS under the laws of any foreign
         country for the account of PIONEER,  shall be promptly  paid by HGS for
         and on behalf of PIONEER to the appropriate governmental authority, and
         HGS shall  furnish  PIONEER with proof of payment of such tax. Any such
         tax actually  paid on PIONEER's  behalf shall be deducted  from royalty
         payments due PIONEER.

                             SECTION 7 - WARRANTIES.

7.1      Each of HGS and PIONEER  warrants and  represents  to the other that it
         has the full right and authority to enter into this Agreement, and that
         it is not aware of any  impediment  which would  inhibit its ability to
         perform the terms and conditions imposed on it by this Agreement.


Research Collaboration Agreement

                           SECTION 8 -INDEMNIFICATION.

8.1      (a)      PIONEER  agrees  to  indemnify  and  hold  harmless  HGS,  its
                  shareholders,  officers,  directors,  employees,  and  agents,
                  against any and all actions,  claims (specifically  including,
                  but not  limited to, any  damages  based on product  liability
                  claims),   suits,  losses,  demands,   judgments,   and  other
                  liabilities  (including  attorney's fees until PIONEER assumes
                  the defense as  described  below)  asserted by third  parties,
                  government and  non-government,  resulting from or arising out
                  of  (i)  any  use  of  RESEARCH   TECHNOLOGY   and/or  PIONEER
                  TECHNOLOGY  by or on behalf  of  PIONEER  or by any  person or
                  entity  (other  than  HGS) who  derives  rights  thereto  from
                  PIONEER, and (ii) any manufacture,  use or sale of any product
                  or  process  which is based on  and/or  incorporates  RESEARCH
                  TECHNOLOGY and/or PIONEER TECHNOLOGY, which product or process
                  is  manufactured,  sold or used by or on behalf of  PIONEER or
                  any person or entity  (other  than HGS) who  obtains or claims
                  rights thereto from PIONEER.

                  If any such claims or actions are made,  HGS shall be defended
                  at PIONEER's  sole expense by counsel  selected by PIONEER and
                  reasonably acceptable to HGS provided that HGS may, at its own
                  expense,  also be  represented by counsel of its own choosing.
                  PIONEER will not settle or compromise  any claims  without the
                  consent  of  HGS,  which  consent  will  not  unreasonably  be
                  withheld.  PIONEER's indemnification hereunder shall not apply
                  to any liability,  damage, loss or expense of an indemnitee to
                  the extent that it is directly  attributable  to the negligent
                  activities or intentional misconduct of such indemnitee.

         (b)      HGS  agrees  to  indemnify  and  hold  harmless  PIONEER,  its
                  shareholders,   officers,  directors,  employees  and  agents,
                  against any and all actions, claims, suits, demands, judgments
                  and other  liabilities  (including  attorney's  fees until HGS
                  assumes  the  defense as  described  below)  asserted by third
                  parties,  government and  non-government or arising out of the
                  manufacture,  use or  sale by HGS of HGS  PRODUCTS  in the HGS


Research Collaboration Agreement

                  If any such  claims  or  actions  are made,  PIONEER  shall be
                  defended at HGS' sole  expense by counsel  selected by HGS and
                  reasonably  acceptable to PIONEER,  provided that PIONEER may,
                  at its own expense,  also be represented by counsel of its own
                  choosing. HGS will not settle or compromise any claims without
                  the consent of PIONEER, which consent will not unreasonably be
                  withheld. HGS indemnification hereunder shall not apply to any
                  liability,  damage,  loss or expense of an  indemnitee  to the
                  extent it is directly attributable to the negligent activities
                  or intentional misconduct of such indemnitee.

         (c)      Each party hereto shall notify the other party promptly of any
                  claim or threatened claim under this Section 8 and shall fully
                  cooperate with all reasonable requests with respect thereto.

                       SECTION 9 - ASSIGNMENT; SUCCESSORS.

9.1               This  Agreement  shall  not be  assignable  by  either  of the
                  parties  without the prior written  consent of the other party
                  (which  consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld),  except
                  that either party may assign this Agreement to an AFFILIATE or
                  to  a  successor   in  interest  or   transferee   of  all  or
                  substantially all of the portion of the business to which this
                  Agreement relates.

9.2               Subject  to  the  limitations  on  assignment   herein,   this
                  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of
                  said  successors  in interest  and assigns of HGS and PIONEER.
                  Any such  successor  or assignee of a party's  interest  shall
                  expressly  assume in writing the  performance of all the terms
                  and conditions of this Agreement to be performed by said party
                  and such  Assignment  shall not relieve the Assignor of any of
                  its obligations under this Agreement.

                       SECTION 10 - TERM AND TERMINATION.

10.1              Termination or Cancellation of Licenses


Research Collaboration Agreement

         (a)      Upon  material  breach  of any  material  provisions  of  this
                  Agreement by either party to this Agreement,  in the event the
                  breach is not cured  within  sixty  (60)  days  after  written
                  notice to the breaching  party by the other party, in addition
                  to any other  remedy it may have,  the other party at its sole
                  option may terminate this Agreement,  provided that such other
                  party is not then in breach of this Agreement.

         (b)      Termination  of  this  Agreement  for  breach  of  any  of its
                  provisions  shall be without  prejudice to any other rights or
                  remedies the non-breaching  party may have hereunder,  whether
                  or not such rights or remedies arise from such breach.

         (c)      Either party may terminate  this  Agreement upon notice to the
                  other party in the event of the filing by the other party of a
                  petition in bankruptcy or for liquidation;  the request for or
                  appointment  of a receiver;  execution upon any portion of the
                  other   party's   business  or  assets;   the  other   party's
                  arrangement  with or assignment  for the benefit of creditors;
                  or the other party's  becoming  unable to meet its obligations
                  as they become due.

10.2     (a)      In the event that this Agreement is terminated by HGS pursuant
                  to  Section  10.1,  then any  portion of the  sixteen  million
                  dollars  which  has not been paid to HGS  under  Section  3.1,
                  including the payment  specified in Section 3.1 (e),  shall be
                  immediately  due and  payable to HGS by PIONEER  and upon full
                  payment  PIONEER  shall  have a fully  paid-up  non-terminable
                  license under Section 6.1,  PIONEER shall retain  ownership of
                  RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY  and RESEARCH  PATENT RIGHTS  assigned to
                  PIONEER  under  Section 5.1, the  security  interest  assigned
                  therein  to  HGS  shall  be  released,   and  the  rights  and
                  obligations  of Sections  6.2 through 6.8 shall remain in full
                  force and effect.

         (b)      In the event  that  PIONEER  fails to make any  payment  under
                  Section  3.1 when  due,  HGS shall  have the right to  provide
                  PIONEER written notice of such failure, and if such payment is
                  not made within  thirty (30) days after such  written  notice,
                  then all  amounts to be paid by  PIONEER  under  Section  3.1,
                  including  the  payment  specified  in Section  3.1(e),  shall
                  become  immediately due and payable to HGS by PIONEER and upon
                  full payment


Research Collaboration Agreement

                  PIONEER  shall  have a fully  paid-up  non-terminable  license
                  under Section 6.1,  PIONEER shall retain ownership of RESEARCH
                  TECHNOLOGY  and  RESEARCH  PATENT  RIGHTS  assigned to PIONEER
                  under Section 5. 1, the security  interest assigned therein to
                  HGS shall be  released,  and the  rights  and  obligations  of
                  Sections  6.2  through  6.8  shall  remain  in full  force and

10.3     In the event that this  Agreement is terminated by PIONEER  pursuant to
         Section 10.1, then:

         (a)      If terminated  prior to payment of eight million dollars under
                  Section  3. 1 (a) and (b),  all  licenses  granted  to PIONEER
                  shall be  terminated,  HGS shall own RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY  and
                  RESEARCH  PATENT  RIGHTS and  PIONEER  shall not use  RESEARCH
                  TECHNOLOGY or HGS INFORMATION.

         (b)      If terminated  subsequent to payment of eight million  dollars
                  under  Section  3.1(a)  and (b),  then  PIONEER  shall  retain
                  ownership of RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY  and RESEARCH  PATENT RIGHTS
                  assigned to PIONEER under Section 5. 1, the security  interest
                  assigned  therein to HGS shall be released,  and PIONEER shall
                  retain its licenses under Section 6. 1.

10.4     Upon  termination of this Agreement by PIONEER under Section 10. 1, the
         licenses granted to HGS under Section 6.2 shall terminate.

10.5     In the event that HGS' license hereunder is terminated,  HGS agrees not
         to use PIONEER  TECHNOLOGY or RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY and HGS shall either
         destroy or return  MAIZE  LIBRARIES,  RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY  and PIONEER

10.6     Upon termination of this Agreement by either party, neither party shall
         be required to perform the  RESEARCH  PROJECT or any  obligation  under
         Section 2, but HGS shall deliver to PIONEER all MAIZE ESTs and RESEARCH
         TECHNOLOGY in its possession and not yet conveyed to PIONEER.


Research Collaboration Agreement

10.7     The  obligations  of Sections 4, 7, 8 and 10 and of  Paragraph 1 1.3 of
         this Agreement  shall survive any  termination of this  Agreement,  the
         licenses  of Section 6 shall  survive  termination  to the extent  such
         licenses  are  non-terminable  under  Sections  10.2 and 10.3,  and the
         provisions  of  Paragraph  5. 1 (a) shall  survive to the  extent  that
         PIONEER  retains  ownership in RESEARCH  TECHNOLOGY and RESEARCH PATENT

10.8     Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, nothing herein shall
         be construed to release either party from any  obligation  that matured
         prior to the date of such termination.

                        SECTION 11 - GENERAL PROVISIONS.

11.1     The  relationship  between  HGS and  PIONEER  is  that  of  independent
         contractors.  HGS  and  PIONEER  are  not  joint  venturers,  partners,
         principal and agent, master and servant, employer or employee, and have
         no  relationship  other than as independent  contracting  parties.  HGS
         shall  have no  power  to  bind  or  obligate  PIONEER  in any  manner.
         Likewise,  PIONEER  shall have no power to bind or obligate  HGS in any

11.2     This  Agreement and its attached  Schedules A - G sets forth the entire
         agreement  and  understanding  between  the  parties as to the  subject
         matter  thereof and  supersedes  all prior  agreements in this respect.
         There shall be no amendments or modifications to this Agreement, except
         by a written document which is signed by both parties.

11.3     This Agreement  shall be construed and enforced in accordance  with the
         laws of the State of Maryland  without  reference  to its choice of law

11.4     The headings in this Agreement  have been inserted for the  convenience
         of  reference  only and are not  intended  to limit  or  expand  on the
         meaning of the language contained in the particular article or section.

11.5     Any delay in  enforcing a party's  rights  under this  Agreement or any
         waiver as to a particular  default or other matter shall not constitute
         a waiver of a party's  right to the  future  enforcement  of its rights
         under this Agreement, excepting only as to an


Research Collaboration Agreement

         expressed  written and signed  waiver as to a  particular  matter for a
         particular period of time.

11.6     No public  announcement  concerning  the  existence of or terms of this
         Agreement shall be made, either directly or indirectly, by any party to
         this  Agreement  without prior  written  notice to the other party and,
         except as may be legally  required,  or as may be required for a public
         offering of securities,  or as may be required for recording  purposes,
         without  first  obtaining the approval of the other party and agreement
         upon the  nature  and text of such  announcement,  which  approval  and
         agreement  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or  delayed.  The party
         desiring to make any such public  announcement  shall  inform the other
         party  of  the  proposed   announcement  or  disclosure  in  reasonably
         sufficient  time prior to public  release,  and shall provide the other
         party with a written copy  thereof,  in order to allow such other party
         to comment upon such announcement or disclosure.

11.7     Notices.  Any  notices  given  pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be in
         writing and shall be deemed to have been given and  delivered  upon the
         earlier of (i) when  received at the address set forth  below,  or (ii)
         three (3) business  days after mailed by certified or  registered  mail
         postage prepaid and properly addressed,  with return receipt requested,
         or (iii) on the day when sent by facsimile as confirmed by certified or
         registered mail.  Notices shall be delivered to the respective  parties
         as indicated:

         To HGS:           Human Genome Sciences, Inc.
                           941 0 Key West Avenue
                           Rockville, NO 20850
                           ATTN: CEO

         Copy to:          Carella, Byrne, Bain, Gilfillan,
                           Cecchi, Stewart & Olstein
                           6 Becker Farm Road
                           Roseland, N.J. 07068
                           Fax no.(201)994-1744
                           ATTN: Elliot M. Olstein, Esq.


Research Collaboration Agreement

                                    700 Capital Square
                                    400 Locust Street
                                    Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2340
                                    ATTN: Legal Department

         Copy to:                   PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                    Research Technology Services
                                    P.O. Box 1004
                                    Johnston, IA   50131-1004
                                    Fax no. (515) 253-2478
                                    ATTN: John Duesing

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date set
forth above.


By: /s/William A. Haseltine              By: /s/Anthony J. Cavalieri
   ----------------------------------        -----------------------------------

   William A. Haseltine                        Anthony J. Cavalieri
   --------------------                        --------------------
   (Printed Name)                              (Printed Name)

   Chairman and Chief Executive Officer        Vice-President-Research
   ------------------------------------        -----------------------
   (Title)                                     (Title)

      1-19-96                                         1-15-96
   -----------------------                     ------------------------
   (Date)                                      (Date)


                                   SCHEDULE A

            Specifications for Informatics System ("HGS INFORMATION")
                          to be installed at Pioneer:

I.          Database and analysis server supplied by PIONEER:
            1. Multi-processor Unix Host (DEC Alpha server or equivalent)

            2. Unix system software
               2.1.      Sybase SQL Server
               2.2.      Sybase Open Client Libraries
               2.3.      Sybase Replication Server
               2.4.      C compiler
               2.5.      TCP/IP networking services
               2.6.      Electronic mail facilities
               2.7.      Backup/recovery equipment and software

II.         Macintosh client machines supplied by PIONEER:

            1. Quadra or PowerMac models
            2. Minimum 8MB of RAM; 16MB recommended
            3. Minimum  14-inch color monitor;  17-inch  recommended for active
            4. MB of available disk space
            5. TCP/IP network connection

III.        Network connectivity supplied by HGS:

            1. Installation  and  maintenance  of  dedicated  circuit  (at least
            2. Encryption equipment
            3. CSU/DSU line terminating equipment
            4. Network router interface


IV.         Macintosh client software supplied by HGS:

            1. IRIS bioinformatics application
            2. HGS BLAST Client
            3. HGS HyperEntrez
            4. Unix command client
            5. PSEM (Protein structure evaluation module)

V.          Server software supplied by HGS:
            1. Components derived from the public domain are indicated; HGS will
               install and  configure  the public  domain  software,  but cannot
               provide a warrany for its performance.
            2. Database schema, stored procedures, triggers:
               a)   Unix command client
               b)   Data management utilities
               c)   BLAST sequence searching software (public domain)
               d)   FASTA sequence searching software (public domain)
               e)   BLOCKS motif searching software (public domain)

VI.         Services provided by HGS:
            1. Setup of PIONEER database schema
            2. Testing of network and system components on PIONEER equipment
            3. Development of on-going data transfer mechanism
            4. Training for end users of the Iris application
            5. Training  for  technical  people  in  system  administration  and
            6. Assistance developing customer analyses and reports
            7. Telephone  and  e-mail  support  for  the  database  and  related
            8. Customization  of sequence  classification  method to adapt it to
               plant DNA


"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                                   SCHEDULE B

                          Maize Library Specifications

         Libraries must be constructed in vectors which contain either the[****]
binding  sites.  The vectors  must be capable of being  propagated  as a [****].
Appropriate vectors include: [****]. Libraries must be [****]. cDNA generated by
[****]  will not  sequence  efficiently.  Therefore,  all [****] will need to be
evaluated on a case-by-case  basis before  sequencing  will  commence.  If these
libraries  are  important  and  Pioneer  elects  to  have  them  sequenced,  the
specifications  for the number of good sequences,  as stated in the body of this
agreement, will have to be adjusted accordingly [****] .

         Libraries  should be generated in [****] and [****]  should be used for

         Other  information  about  each  library  will need to be  provided  by
PIONEER. This includes:

                    * tissue  source  
                    * method  of  construction  
                    * vector  type 
                    * restriction  sites  used in  cloning  
                    * library  complexity  
                    * sample titer
                    * percent of clones containing insert
                    * average insert size
                    * bacterial strain

         All libraries transferred for sequencing will be evaluated initially by
HGS for quality control  purposes.  [****] sequence  reactions will initially be
performed  for each  library  and  successful  reactions  will be  analyzed  for


         In the event HGS determines that any MAIZE library submitted by PIONEER
to HGS hereunder does not meet the  specifications  required for HGS to meet its
obligations under this agreement,  HGS shall immediately notify PIONEER.  In the
event  PIONEER  and HGS do not agree upon  whether any given  library  meets the
required specifications, this matter shall be resolved by the Project Committee.


"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                                   SCHEDULE C

                    Timeline for Delivery of HGS INFORMATION

Month                  Task                       Who            Where
- -----                  ----                       ---            -----

[****]    o    Order Power Macs                   Pioneer        Pioneer
          o    Order System Hardware              Pioneer        Pioneer 
          o    M. Fannon to Pioneer to            HGS            Pioneer
               meet with Pioneer IM Group
          o    Prepare/Send existing sequences    Pioneer        HGS-Pioneer
               to use as test set

[****]    o    Set up Wide area link              HGS            HGS-Pioneer
          o    Set up Mack Network                Pioneer        Pioneer
          o    Configure System machine/Sybase    Pioneer        Pioneer
          o    Obtain a copy of IRIS              Pioneer        HGS-Pioneer
          o    Demo the software to Pioneer user  HGS            Pioneer
               community (and IM) 
          o    Train 2-3 users (2 days)           Pioneer        HGS

[****]    o    3-5 MACS connected to HGS          Pioneer        Pioneer
          o    Set up Blast Server                HGS            Pioneer
          o    Test System                        Pioneer/HGS    Pioneer/HGS
          o    Connect entire Mac Network         Pioneer        Pioneer

[****]    o    GO LIVE*                           Pioneer        Pioneer/HGS
          o    Replacement update of DB           HGS            HGS-Pioneer

[****]    o    Fine tune database replication     HGS/Pioneer    HGS-Pioneer

[****]    o    Have replication update in place   HGS            HGS-Pioneer   


     *   "GO LIVE" is defined as the  delivery to PIONEER of useable  functional
         capabilities of HGS INFORMATION as listed in schedule G.


"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                                   SCHEDULE D

                          Specifications for MAIZE ESTs


         In order to complete successfully the workplan for the RESEARCH PROJECT
         as  specified  in Schedule  E, the MAIZE ESTs shall have the  following

         (a) be a minimum  of [****] in  length,  

         (b) contain  [****] percent  or  less  ambiguities,  and 

         (c) [****] of the total number of MAIZE ESTs generated will be at
             least [****] nucleotides in length.

2.       HGS will classify the ESTs as follows.

         Class 1:          Identical to a known maize gene.

                           The MAIZE EST  sequence  overlaps  with a  nucleotide
                           sequence from the maize subset of Genbank.  

                           [****] is used as the search method.

         Class 2:          Significant match to a maize protein.

                           The MAIZE EST sequence has a significant match with a
                           maize protein sequence from the non-redundant protein

                           [****] is used as the search method.

         Class 3:          Significant  match to any  non-maize  protein  in the
                           non-redundant database.

                           The MAIZE EST sequence has a significant match with a
                           non-maize   protein  sequence  in  the  non-redundant

                           [****] is used as the search method.

         Class 4:          Mitochondria, chloroplast and vector.

                           The  MAIZE  EST   sequence   is   determined   to  be
                           mitochondria,  chloroplast or vector. 

                           [****] search of mitochondrial and vector sequences.


         Class 5:          Unknown.

                           The MAIZE EST  sequence has no  significant  match in
                           the  databases of published  nucleotide  sequences or
                           corresponding protein sequences.

         OVERLAP is  determined  by a segment of at least  [****]  with at least
         [****]  identical  matches.  Ambiguities  are counted as  matches.  The
         [****] search method is used for overlap determination.

         A  SIGNIFICANT  MATCH is determined  by a [****]  probability  value of
         [****] or less.


"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                                   SCHEDULE E

                         Work plan for RESEARCH PROJECT

1.       Beginning upon the receipt of the MAIZE LIBRARIES from PIONEER,
         HGS shall conduct RESEARCH PROJECT as follows:

         Phase I     Research  using  MAIZE  LIBRARIES  provided  by PIONEER for
                     purposes of generating [****] MAIZE ESTs by [****];

         Phase II    Research  using  MAIZE  LIBRARIES  provided  by PIONEER for
                     purposes of  generating  an  additional  [****] MAIZE ESTs,
                     cumulatively [****], by [****];

         Phase III   Research  using  MAIZE  LIBRARIES  provided  by PIONEER for
                     purposes of  generating  an  additional  [****] MAIZE ESTs,
                     cumulatively  [****], by [****],  which shall be considered
                     completion of the RESEARCH PROJECT.

2.       During the course of RESEARCH PROJECT,  PIONEER shall provide HGS with,
         and  approve  for  sequencing,  [****]  for HGS to carry  out  RESEARCH
         PROJECT.  MAIZE  LIBRARIES will be provided  sufficiently in advance so
         that HGS is able to  prepare  them and to  schedule  them for  RESEARCH
         PROJECT to meet HGS' obligations under this Schedule E.

3.       HGS will perform  [****] initial  sequencing  reactions from each MAIZE
         LIBRARY  for  quality  control  within  [****] of their  submission  by
         PIONEER.  The  sequencing  reactions  will be  provided  to PIONEER for
         review. In consultation  with HGS scientists,  PIONEER will then decide
         as to which MAIZE  LIBRARIES  to proceed  sequencing  and the number of
         MAIZE  ESTs to be  provided  from each  MAIZE  LIBRARY  before the next
         review.  HGS shall begin  in-depth  sequencing  in these  certain MAIZE
         LIBRARIES   within   [****]   of   providing    PIONEER   the   initial
         [****]sequencing  reactions,   provided  PIONEER  has  authorized  such
         sequencing reactions.


"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

4.       At certain times during the RESEARCH PROJECT, PIONEER


5.       During the course of RESEARCH  PROJECT,  HGS scientists  shall,  to the
         best of  their  ability,  instruct  and  provide  training  to  PIONEER
         scientists  in preparing  cDNA  libraries to enable  PIONEER to prepare
         MAIZE LIBRARIES that meet the technical  specifications  in Schedule B.
         PIONEER  will send up to [****] to HGS between the  EFFECTIVE  DATE and
         [****],  to prepare cDNA libraries in  conjunction  with HGS scientists
         and to be trained by HGS in their methods of cDNA library  preparation.
         During  the  course  of  RESEARCH  PROJECT,  HGS  scientists  shall  be
         available to consult with PIONEER scientists on strategies to use MAIZE
         ESTs and the HGS INFORMATION to determine/investigate gene function and
         utility,  via  telephone,   E-mail,  fax  or  personal  visits  to  HGS
         facilities, including seminars.

6.       Upon  initiation  of the  RESEARCH  PROJECT  and no later than  [****],
         PIONEER will provide to HGS up to [****] MAIZE LIBRARIES.

7.       Paragraphs  3-6 of this  workplan are prepared to reflect the intention
         of the  parties in the  conduct of the  RESEARCH  PROJECT.  The parties
         understand  that changes in certain aspects of said paragraphs may need
         to be changed based on experience  gained during the RESEARCH  PROJECT.
         The PROJECT  COMMITTEE  shall have  authority to modify the protocol as


                                   SCHEDULE F

                    Specifications for the PROJECT COMMITTEE

     1.  Each of PIONEER and HGS shall  designate two (2) full time employees to
         be members of the PROJECT COMMITTEE (hereinafter "MEMBERS").

     2.  The  PROJECT  COMMITTEE  shall meet at least once every 6 (six)  months
         during the term of this agreement.  The PROJECT  COMMITTEE may elect to
         meet more frequently as required.  Meetings will be held at PIONEER and
         HGS -in alternate succession.

     3.  MEMBERS  shall be  develop  and  finalize  an agenda  for each  PROJECT
         COMMITTEE meeting not later than two (2) weeks prior to each meeting.

     4.  MEMBERS shall be responsible  for keeping minutes of each meeting which
         shall be  circulated  for  comment and review by PIONEER and HGS within
         two (2) weeks of each meeting.  A final draft of each meetings  minutes
         will then be created, agreed upon by both parties and kept on record.

     5.  Each of PIONEER and HGS may propose additional personnel or consultants
         as invited  guests to each  PROJECT  COMMITTEE  meeting and the parties
         shall  mutually  inform and agree on the  participation  of said guests
         prior to said meeting.

     6.  MEMBERS of the PROJECT  COMMITTEE may change over time as the nature of
         the relationship evolves.

     7.  The  MEMBERS of the  PROJECT  COMMITTEE  shall be  responsible  for the
         ongoing  operational  management  and  communication  between  HGS  and
         PIONEER pertaining to the RESEARCH PROJECT.

     8.  The PROJECT COMMITTEE may form subcommittees as required to address and
         resolve issues pertaining to the RESEARCH PROJECT.


"The information  below marked [****] has been omitted pursuant to a request for
confidential treatment. The omitted portions have been separately filed with the

                                   SCHEDULE G

             Definition of requirement to achieve GO LIVE status of
                                 HGS INFORMATION

                          (To be completed by [****]).

This list  identifies the software and services to be provided to PIONEER by HGS
that will enable users of the HGS INFORMATION at PIONEER to evaluate MAIZE ESTs.

The GO LIVE informatics  milestone shall be considered met upon delivery of such
software and services to PIONEER and the Iris software  running  successfully at
PIONEER facilities.

Services to be available to PIONEER users from Macintosh workstations at GO LIVE

         1.   Sign on with user  identification  and  password  authentication  

         2.   Retrieve sequences by identification code, gene name and library

         3.   Export sequences in popular formats for sequence analysis programs

         4.   Retrieve library information and sequencing statistics

         5.   Retrieve sequence assemblies; display assembly alignments

         6.   Customize tabular displays

         7.   Customize user dashboard

         8.   Prepare and save custom queries
         9.   Perform interactive BLAST searches

         10.  Perform Genbank and Medline lookups using the HGS Entrez client

         11.  Perform interactive sequence assemblies

         12.  Perform simple modeling of putative proteins

         13.  Identify library distribution of related sequences

         14.  Perform library expression analyses


In addition to the  establishment of the  above-listed  features and operational
capabilities of the HGS INFORMATION,  HGS will complete an initial user training
session for PIONEER users and will provide the following  additional services to
fulfill the requirements of the GO LIVE milestone:

Services provided to PIONEER Information Management staff:

         1. Install dedicated, encrypted data circuit

         2. Configure and test the database

         3. Develop data transfer mechanism

         4. Customize sequence classification methods for analysis of Maize ESTs

         5. Train technical staff on system administration functions:
                  a.  Configuring Macintosh workstations
                  b.  Setting up new users, modifying user parameters
                  c.  Configuring local BLAST databases
                  d.  Understanding the database schema
                  e.  Understanding how data is processed and interpreted
                  f.  Troubleshooting problems
                  g.  Monitoring the HGS/PIONEER data connection
                  h.  Developing custom queries and reports
