THIS AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement")  has been made and entered into as of
the day of  October,  1996,  by and  among  Affinity  Entertainment,  Inc.  (the
"Seller"  or  "Affinity")  and Baron  Banker,  Limited  (the  "Buyer"  or "Baron
Banker"),  each a "Party" and together the  "Parties,"  Barry Kaplan,  Esq., the
"Escrow Agent" and Pendragon Resources, L.L.C. ("Pendragon").


         WHEREAS,  pursuant to the  Offshore  Securities  Deferred  Subscription
Agreement  dated  June 25,  1996  (the  "Subscription  Agreement")  between  the
Parties,  Seller sold to the Buyer four million (4,000,000) shares of the Common
Stock of Seller and (the "Shares") at ten dollars  ($10.00) per share discounted
at four percent (4.0%) upon completion of the offering, payable in United States
dollars for a total consideration of forty million dollars ($40,000,000); and

         WHEREAS, Section 10 of the Subscription Agreement provides in part that
the Subscription Agreement "is subject to the marginability of the entire taking
value of the Shares and not being less than thirteen (13) million dollars"; and

         WHEREAS,  Baron Banker has to date been unable to margin the Shares for
thirteen (13) million dollars or more;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  covenants  contained
herein, the parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

         1.    Upon execution of this Agreement by the Parties, the Escrow Agent
               and Pendragon,  L.L.C.,  the Subscription  Agreement  between the
               Parties shall be deemed immediately terminated.

         2.    Baron Banker shall return the stock certificates representing the
               Shares  to  Affinity  within  three  (3)  business  days  of such

         3.    Within  three  (3)  business  days of the  receipt  of the  stock
               certificates  representing the Shares,  Affinity shall return the
               Promissory  Note dated June 25, 1996 to the Baron  Banker  marked

         4.    Upon receipt of the Promissory  Note by Baron Banker,  the Escrow
               Agreement  dated June 25, 1996 between the Parties and the Escrow
               Agent,  the Limited Power of Attorney  Transaction  Bank Account,
               and the Limited  Power of Attorney  -Transaction  Margin  Account
               shall be deemed immediately terminated and all parties shall be


               immediately   relieved  of  their  duties  under  the  respective

         5.    Upon  receipt  of  the  Promissory  Note  by  Baron  Banker,  the
               Memorandum  of  Agreement   between  the  Parties  and  Pendragon
               Resources,  L.L.C. dated June 26, 1996 shall be deemed terminated
               and  all  funds  held  in  escrow  pursuant  to the  Subscription
               Agreement shall be returned to Pendragon Resources, L.L.C.

         6.    Until such time as the duties and obligations of the Parties, the
               Escrow  Agent and  Pendragon  Resources,  L.L.C.  are  terminated
               pursuant to this Agreement,  the duties and obligations  incurred
               by the Parties,  the Escrow Agent and  Pendragon  shall remain in
               full force and effect.

         7.    This  Agreement  may be executed in  counterparts,  each of which
               shall be deemed an  original,  but all of which shall  constitute
               one and the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
by the parties hereto as of the date first above written.

(SELLER)                                        (BUYER)

By:  /s/ William J. Bosso                       By:   /s/ J.P. Baron
     --------------------                            ---------------------
         William J. Bosso                                 J.P. Baron
         President                                        Chairman
         October 21, 1996                                 October 21, 1996

ESCROW AGENT                                    PENDRAGON RESOURCES, L.L.C.

By:   /s/ Barry Kaplan                          By:    /s/ Donald L. Walker
      ----------------                                 --------------------
         Barry Kaplan, Esq.                                Donald L. Walker
         October 21, 1996                                  President
                                                           October 21, 1996
