[The  portions  of this  Exhibit  for  which  confidential  treatment  has  been
requested are marked by brackets ([ ]). In addition,  an asterisk (*) appears in
the right hand margin of each  paragraph in which  confidential  information  is


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               ORION 2 SPACECRAFT

                                PURCHASE CONTRACT

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS



1. ORION 2 CONTRACT......................................................11

2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT......................................................12

3. SCOPE OF THE WORK.....................................................13

4. NOTICE TO PROCEED; CONDITIONS PRECEDENT...............................14

5. CONTRACT PRICE........................................................14

6. PAYMENT...............................................................16

7. ACCESS TO WORK........................................................22

8. DELIVERABLE ITEMS AND DELIVERY DATES..................................25

9. FINAL ACCEPTANCE......................................................27

10. TRANSFER OF TITLE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK.............................31

DELIVERY LIQUIDATED DAMAGES..............................................32

12. EXTENSIONS FOR EXCUSABLE DELAYS......................................33

13. CORRECTION OF DEFECTS................................................35

INTER-PARTY WAIVER OF LIABILITY..........................................38


16. SUBCONTRACTS.........................................................43



17. INDEMNIFICATION......................................................45

18. INSURANCE............................................................46

19. REPLACEMENT SATELLITE................................................50

20. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE..........................................53

21. REMEDIES FOR DEFAULT.................................................54

22. TERMINATION IN SPECIAL CASES.........................................59

23. PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION...........................................60


25. LICENSE RIGHTS.......................................................63

26. PATENTS, TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS...................................64

27. ORION 2 CONTRACT AMENDMENTS..........................................65

28. GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS...............................................66

29. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CONTRACT......................................66

30. DISPUTE RESOLUTION...................................................67

31. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT..................................................70


33. ASSIGNMENT...........................................................71

34. NOTICES AND DOCUMENTATION............................................72

35. SEVERABILITY AND WAIVER..............................................73





38. SURVIVAL.............................................................75

39. KEY PERSONNEL........................................................75

40. PROGRESS REPORTS.....................................................76

41. LAUNCH VEHICLE AGENCY................................................76

42. GUARANTEE OF CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS..................................78

43. INTEREST.............................................................78




                 PART 1(A) ORION 2 PRICING, TERMS and CONDITIONS

THIS ORION 2 SPACECRAFT  PURCHASE  CONTRACT  (referred to herein as the "ORION 2
Contract")  is  made as of the  31st  day of July  1996,  between  INTERNATIONAL
partnership  with its  principal  offices  located at 2440  Research  Boulevard,
Rockville,   Maryland  20850,  United  States  of  America  (hereinafter  called
"ORION"),  and MATRA MARCONI SPACE UK LIMITED,  a company organized and existing
under the Laws of  England  and Wales with its  registered  office at The Grove,
Warren Lane,  Stanmore,  Middlesex,  HA7 4LY,  ENGLAND  (hereinafter  called the


A.   The primary object of ORION is the carrying on of the business of providing
     a telecommunications system by the use of space satellites.

B.   ORION  anticipates  providing the business referred to in recital A through
     the ORION satellite ("ORIONSAT") system.

C.   The ORION 2 Spacecraft to be constructed  pursuant to this ORION 2 Contract
     is intended to form part of the space segment of the ORIONSAT system.

D.   ORION and the Contractor  have agreed that the Contractor  will perform the
     work as defined below and that ORION will pay for the Work on the terms and
     conditions set out in this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the above premises and the mutual covenants
and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto (hereinafter, the "Parties")
agree as follows:


"Advance Payment"                              means Fifty-Three Million Dollars


"Affiliate"                                    means,   with   respect   to  any
                                               entity,    any    other    entity
                                               Controlling,   Controlled  by  or
                                               under  common  Control  with such

"Aggregate Predicted Transponder Life"         means the sum of   the  Predicted
                                               Transponder   Life  of  each  and
                                               every   Serviceable   Transponder
                                               embodied in the Launched  ORION 2
                                               Spacecraft   and   represents   a
                                               projection of the revenue-earning
                                               capacity of the Launched  ORION 2

"Amendment to the  ORION  2  Contract"         means   a    written    agreement
                                               modifying  the ORION 2  Contract,
                                               which   agreement  is  signed  on
                                               behalf of ORION by its  President
                                               (or another person  designated by
                                               the  President in writing to sign
                                               such  agreement) and on behalf of
                                               the   Contractor   by  both   its
                                               respective  Contracts Manager and
                                               Project   Manager,    and   which
                                               agreement  expressly  states that
                                               it is an  "Amendment to the ORION
                                               2 Contract."

"Business Day"                                 means  any  day  other  than  the
                                               following: a Saturday,  Sunday or
                                               other  day  on  which  banks  are
                                               authorized  to be  closed  in the
                                               State  of  New  York  or  London,

"Calendar Day"                                 means any day.

"Constructive Total Loss"                      means,  with respect to the ORION
                                               2 Spacecraft,  that either of the
                                               following  conditions  (A  or  B)
                                               applies:  (A) (i)  the  Aggregate
                                               Predicted   Transponder  Life  is
                                               less than  _____________________,
                                               or (ii) fewer  than______________
                                               downlink     Transponders     are
                                               Serviceable   Transponders,    or
                                               (iii) fewer than  _______________
                                               downlink     Transponders    with
                                               _______  at  the  12.5-12.75  GHz
                                               frequency  and  _______ at either
                                               of the two  frequency  ranges  of
                                               10.95-11.2  or   11.45-11.7   GHz
                                               frequency     are     Serviceable
                                               Transponders;   or  (B)  (i)  the
                                               ORION  2   Spacecraft   fails  to
                                               arrive at its designated  orbital
                                               location or the Contractor  fails
                                               to    deliver    the     In-Orbit
                                               Acceptance   Report   within  one
                                               hundred and eighty (180) Calendar
                                               Days  after  Launch,  or (ii) the
                                               ORION 2 Spacecraft  is completely
                                               destroyed    or   is    otherwise
                                               rendered incapable of operation.


"Consultant"                                   means   any   third   party   (i)
                                               authorized  by ORION  to  provide
                                               technical and program support and
                                               assistance in connection with the
                                               performance   of  the   ORION   2
                                               Contract,  or  (ii)  which  is  a
                                               representative  of or  consultant
                                               to any Financing Entity.

"Contract Price"                               means the firm fixed price of One
                                               Hundred Ninety-Six Million,  Nine
                                               Hundred      Thousand     Dollars
                                               ($196,900,000)  as  such  may  be
                                               adjusted in  accordance  with the
                                               terms of the ORION 2 Contract.

"Control," "Controlling," or "Controlled"      means  with  regard to any entity
                                               the    legal,    beneficial    or
                                               equitable ownership,  directly or
                                               indirectly, of fifty (50) percent
                                               or more of the capital  stock (or
                                               other ownership interest,  if not
                                               a  corporation)  of  such  entity
                                               ordinarily having voting rights.

"Correction Plan"                              means  a  plan  submitted  by the
                                               Contractor  which details how the
                                               Contractor  shall  correct  (i) a
                                               failure to make adequate progress
                                               towards completion of any Work or
                                               (ii) a default  or  breach  under
                                               the   ORION   2    Contract    in
                                               accordance with Article 21.

"Data and  Documentation"                      means that data and documentation
                                               to be supplied by the  Contractor
                                               to   ORION    pursuant   to   the
                                               requirements    of   Part    2(A)
                                               (Statement   of   Work)   and  as
                                               specified  in Part 2(B)  (ORION 2
                                               Contract            Documentation
                                               Requirements List).

"Defect"                                       means  (i)  with  regard  to  the
                                               ORION   2   Spacecraft   and  all
                                               components thereof, any defect in
                                               design,  material or workmanship,
                                               or    failure   to   perform   in
                                               accordance        with        the
                                               specifications  and  requirements
                                               set  out  or  referred  to in the
                                               ORION 2 Contract and the Data and
                                               Documentation delivered from time
                                               to  time   under   the   ORION  2
                                               Contract   which   ORION  or  its
                                               Consultant   reasonably  believes
                                               may adversely  affect the ORION 2
                                               Spacecraft performance; (ii) with
                                               regard to services,  a failure to
                                               conform   to  a   high   standard
                                               consistent      with     industry
                                               practice;  and (iii) with  regard
                                               to  Data  and  Documentation,   a


                                               failure      to     meet      any
                                               specifications   or  requirements
                                               set   forth   in  the   ORION   2

"Deliverable Item"                             means the ORION 2 Spacecraft  and
                                               Data and  Documentation and other
                                               items so identified in subsequent
                                               amendments   to   the   ORION   2
                                               Contract.   Where   the   context
                                               permits,  as used herein the term
                                               "Deliverable Items" shall include
                                               and  refer  not only to the whole
                                               of the items listed in Article 8,
                                               but  also  every  component  part

"Delivery"                                     shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 8.1.

"Delivery Dates"                               means  those  dates  set forth in
                                               Article 8.1.

"Demand"                                       means,  in the context of Article
                                               21 hereof, a demand by ORION made
                                               of   the   Contractor   for   the
                                               Contractor     to    provide    a
                                               Correction Plan in the event that
                                               the Contractor is failing to make
                                               adequate    progress    in    the
                                               performance   of  the   ORION   2
                                               Contract  or  is  in  default  or

"Dollars"                                      shall mean United States Dollars.

"Effective Date of Contract"                   means the first date set forth in
                                               this ORION 2 Contract.

"Excusable Delay"                              shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 12.

"F1 Contract"                                  means  the  Second   Amended  and
                                               Restated  Purchase  Contract  for
                                               the F1  Spacecraft  between Orion
                                               Atlantic,   L.P.  and  MMS  Space
                                               Systems  Limited  (formerly known
                                               as   British    Aerospace   Space
                                               Systems Limited),  as assignee of
                                               British  Aerospace Public Limited
                                               Company, dated 26 September 1991,
                                               as amended.

"Final Acceptance"                             shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 9.

"Financing Agreements"                         means any and all  documents  and
                                               agreements    evidencing   and/or
                                               securing  monies  provided  on  a
                                               full or partial debt basis by any
                                               Financing Entity to ORION to fund
                                               the  construction and delivery of


                                               ORION   2   Spacecraft   and  the
                                               purchase of Long-Lead Items.

"Financing Entity"                             means any entity  (other than the
                                               Contractor or parties  related to
                                               the Contractor), e.g., commercial
                                               bank,  merchant bank,  investment
                                               bank,      commercial     finance
                                               organization,   corporation,   or
                                               partnership, providing money on a
                                               full or  partial  debt  basis  to
                                               ORION  to fund  the  construction
                                               and   delivery  of  the  ORION  2
                                               Spacecraft    and   purchase   of
                                               Long-Lead Items.

"Initial Incentive Amount"                     means____________________________
                                               ______________   percent  of  the
                                               Total  Amount at Risk,  as may be
                                               adjusted in  accordance  with the
                                               terms of the ORION 2 Contract.

"In-Orbit Acceptance Requirements"             means that document which is Part
                                               3(D) of the ORION 2 Contract.

"In-Orbit Acceptance Test Plan"                means  that  document  which is a
                                               Deliverable  Item under Part 2(B)
                                               (ORION 2  Contract  Documentation
                                               Requirements    List)    and   as
                                               described in Part 3(D)  (In-Orbit
                                               Commissioning and Acceptance Test
                                               Requirements)   of  the  ORION  2

"In-Orbit  Acceptance Test Report" or
 "In-Orbit   Acceptance   Report"              means  that  document  which is a
                                               Deliverable  Item under Part 2(B)
                                               (ORION 2  Contract  Documentation
                                               Requirements    List)    and   as
                                               described     in    Parts    2(A)
                                               (Statement   of  Work)  and  3(D)
                                               (In-Orbit    Commissioning    and
                                               Acceptance Test  Requirements) of
                                               the ORION 2 Contract.

"In-Orbit Performance Warranty"                shall   mean   the   Contractor's
                                               warranty as to the performance of
                                               the ORION 2 Spacecraft  following
                                               Final Acceptance.

"In-Orbit Performance Warranty Period"         shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 15.2.

"Insurers"                                     means  those  entities  providing
                                               Launch Insurance.

"Intentional Ignition"                         means, with respect to the Launch
                                               Vehicle, the point in time during
                                               the   launch    countdown    when


                                               initiation of the gas  generators
                                               igniters   firing   command   and
                                               firing   of  any   of   the   gas
                                               generators igniters occurs.

"Key Personnel"                                shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 39.

"Initial Progress Payment"                     means   the   initial    Progress
                                               Payment of Dollars required to be
                                               paid  under  Part  1(B)  (ORION 2
                                               Payment  Plans  and   Termination
                                               Liability Amounts) of the ORION 2

"Launch"                                       means    Intentional    Ignition,
                                               followed  by (i)  release  of the
                                               Launch  Vehicle from the launcher
                                               hold down restraints for purposes
                                               of    lift-off,    or    (ii)   a
                                               Constructive Total Loss.

"Launch Agreement"                             means the  agreement  between the
                                               Contractor and the Launch Vehicle
                                               Agency to  perform  the Launch of
                                               the ORION 2 Spacecraft.

"Launch Damaged Transponders"                  shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 15.2.2.

"Launch  Date"                                 means the  calendar  date  within
                                               the Launch Slot during  which the
                                               Launch is scheduled to occur.

"Launch Insurance"                             means  insurance which covers the
                                               ORION  2   Spacecraft   from  the
                                               period  beginning at  Intentional
                                               Ignition  and  ending  no  sooner
                                               than  one  hundred  eighty  (180)
                                               Calendar Days following Launch.

"Launch Services"                              shall     mean     the     launch
                                               campaign/transportation,   launch
                                               services,  mission  planning  and
                                               launch/early   operations   phase
                                               services  as  more   particularly
                                               described  in  Section  7 of Part

"Launch Slot"                                  means  the  period  1 March  1999
                                               through  31 March  1999,  as such
                                               period   may   be   adjusted   by
                                               agreement of the Parties,  during
                                               which the Launch is  scheduled to


"Launch  Vehicle"                              means  an  Atlas  IIAS   Standard
                                               launch  vehicle system (with such
                                               customization  as may  be  agreed
                                               separately   between  the  Launch
                                               Vehicle    Agency    and   ORION)
                                               consisting   of  an  Atlas  lower
                                               stage  and  Centaur  upper  stage
                                               connected   by   an    interstage
                                               adapter, the payload fairing, and
                                               the    payload    adapter    with
                                               separation system.

"Launch Vehicle Agency"                        means  Lockheed  Martin  or  such
                                               other    Subcontractor    as   is
                                               selected  to  supply  the  Launch
                                               Vehicle    for   the    ORION   2

"Launched ORION 2 Spacecraft"                  means  the  ORION  2   Spacecraft
                                               after its Launch.

"Long-Lead Items"                              means those satellite  components
                                               purchased   by   the   Contractor
                                               pursuant to Article 19.

"Major Subcontract"                            means a Subcontract which is of a
                                               value exceeding Two Million, Five
                                               Hundred      Thousand     Dollars
                                               ($2,500,000 ) or of importance or
                                               critical in nature to the overall
                                               program (e.g., a Subcontract  for
                                               major    or    critical    units,
                                               subsystems   or  other  items  or

"Maneuver Lifetime"                            shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 3.4.

"Milestone"                                    means  completion of a portion of
                                               the Work with  respect to which a
                                               payment   is   to  be   made   in
                                               accordance   with  the  Milestone
                                               Payment Plan incorporated in Part
                                               1(B)  (ORION 2 Payment  Plans and
                                               Termination Liability Amounts) of
                                               the ORION 2 Contract.

"Milestone Payments"                           means  those  payments  listed as
                                               Milestone  Payments  in Part 1(B)
                                               (ORION  2   Payment   Plans   and
                                               Termination Liability Amounts) of
                                               the ORION 2 Contract.

"Mission Specific Hardware and Software        means those items of hardware and
                                               software  described in Section 10
                                               of Part 2(A)  (Statement of Work)
                                               of the ORION 2 Contract.

"Monthly  Amount"                              means the difference  between the
                                               Total  Amount  at  Risk  and  the
                                               Initial  Incentive  Amount  which


                                               difference  is divided into sixty
                                               (60) equal  monthly  amounts each
                                               having       a      value      of
                                               __________  as may be adjusted in
                                               accordance  with the terms of the
                                               ORION 2 Contract.

 "NPD" or "Notice to Proceed Date"             means the date upon which all the
                                               conditions set forth in Article 4
                                               have been met.

"ORION 2 Spacecraft"                           means   the   satellite   to   be
                                               constructed   and   delivered  to
                                               ORION  as part of the Work and as
                                               identified     in    Part    2(A)
                                               (Statement  of Work) of the ORION
                                               2 Contract.

"Other Users"                                  shall have the  meaning set forth
                                               in Article 14.4.1.

"Partial Loss"                                 shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 9.2.2.

"Predicted Transponder Life"                   means   the   period   of   time,
                                               measured  in years,  over which a
                                               Serviceable  Transponder  can  be
                                               operated,   commencing  from  the
                                               date of Delivery of the  In-Orbit
                                               Acceptance Report, this period of
                                               time being equal to  whichever is
                                               the shortest of:

                                               (i) thirteen (13) years, or

                                               (ii)  the   ORION  2   Spacecraft
                                               predicted     propellant     life
                                               calculated  in  accordance   with
                                               Section 5 of Part 3(D)  (In-Orbit
                                               Commissioning and Acceptance Test
                                               Requirements)   of  the  ORION  2
                                               Contract, or

                                               (iii)  the  period  of time  over
                                               which  there is  predicted  to be
                                               sufficient  solar  array power to
                                               operate     such      Serviceable
                                               Transponder  co-extensively  with
                                               all       other       Serviceable
                                               Transponders,    calculated    in
                                               accordance with Section 5 of Part
                                               3(D) (In-Orbit  Commissioning and
                                               Acceptance Test  Requirements) of
                                               the ORION 2 Contract.


"Primary Transponder"                          means  a  Transponder  where  the
                                               communication     signals     are
                                               received from and  transmitted to
                                               the ground.

"Progress Payments"                            means  those  payments  listed as
                                               Progress  Payments  in Part  1(B)
                                               (ORION  2   Payment   Plans   and
                                               Termination Liability Amounts).

"Replacement Satellite"                        shall have the  meaning  ascribed
                                               to it in Article 19.

"Request for Payment"                          means a request  for  payment  in
                                               the form of Annex A hereto.

"Revenue"                                      means  all  amounts  received  by
                                               ORION   with    respect   to   an
                                               individual  Primary  Transponder,
                                               whether  as a result of its sale,
                                               lease,     license    or    other
                                               disposition,  it being understood
                                               that,  if  said  amounts  are not
                                               received    in   equal    monthly
                                               installments,  the  total  amount
                                               received  or  to be  received  by
                                               ORION shall be deemed received in
                                               equal monthly  installments  over
                                               the  remainder  of the  Predicted
                                               Transponder    Life    of    such

"Satisfactorily Operating Primary   
Transponder"                                   means a Primary Transponder which
                                               is  capable  of  meeting  (i) the
                                               requirements  of Part 3(A) (ORION
                                               2   Spacecraft    Specifications)
                                               regarding   Primary   Transponder
                                               performance  and (ii) the Primary
                                               Transponder   Test   Requirements
                                               defined  in Part  3(D)  (In-Orbit
                                               Commissioning and Acceptance Test

"Senior Executive"                             means    each   of   the   senior
                                               executives  designated  from time
                                               to time in writing,  by ORION and
                                               by the Contractor,  respectively,
                                               to be their  representatives  for
                                               the     purposes    of    dispute
                                               resolution   under  the  ORION  2

"Serviceable Transponder"                      means a Primary Transponder which
                                               meets the  requirements  therefor
                                               as set forth in Section 5 of Part
                                               3(D) (In-Orbit  Commissioning and
                                               Acceptance Test  Requirements) of
                                               the  ORION  2  Contract   and  is
                                               determined,  pursuant  to Section
                                               5.2  thereof,  to be  capable  of
                                               operation in accordance with such
                                               requirements  during  periods  of
                                               eclipse.  In the  event  


                                               that   the   Launched   ORION   2
                                               Spacecraft    has    insufficient
                                               energy  to  operate  thirty  (30)
                                               Serviceable    Transponders    in
                                               eclipse,      those      specific
                                               Transponders,   if   any,   which
                                               failed the  testing  requirements
                                               of Section 5.2 of Part 3(D), will
                                               not   be    counted    twice   in
                                               determining  the total  number of
                                               Transponders    that    are   not
                                               Serviceable Transponders.

"Subcontract"                                  means a  contract  awarded by the
                                               Contractor to a Subcontractor  or
                                               a    contract    awarded   by   a
                                               subcontractor at any tier for the
                                               performance  of any  of the  Work
                                               specified    in   the   ORION   2

"Subcontractor"                                means a person or company awarded
                                               a Subcontract.

"Termination Liability Amounts"                means  the   amounts   listed  as
                                               Termination  Liability Amounts in
                                               Part 1(B) (ORION 2 Payment  Plans
                                               and     Termination     Liability
                                               Amounts) of the ORION 2 Contract.

"Total Amount  at  Risk"                       means  a firm  fixed  sum of Nine
                                               Million,   Nine   Hundred   Fifty
                                               Thousand Dollars ($9,950,000).

"Transponder"                                  means an individual  transmission
                                               channel  of   defined   bandwidth
                                               providing  a path,  inclusive  of
                                               amplification,          frequency
                                               translation     and     frequency
                                               channelization,  from  a  receive
                                               antenna with defined coverage and
                                               polarization    to   a   transmit
                                               antenna    also   with    defined
                                               coverage and polarization.

"Vendor Financing Takeout Payment"             means   the   aggregate    amount
                                               required   to  be   paid  to  the
                                               Contractor and the Launch Vehicle
                                               Agency   in    respect   of   the
                                               Milestone  Payment  Schedule  and
                                               the  Progress  Payment  Schedule,
                                               respectively,   under  Part  1(B)
                                               (ORION  2   Payment   Plans   and
                                               Termination Liability Amounts) of
                                               the ORION 2 Contract  to the date
                                               upon which the  Vendor  Financing
                                               Takeout  Payment is made less the
                                               sum of the Advance  Payment,  the
                                               Initial  Progress Payment and any
                                               other  amount paid by ORION prior
                                               to such  date in  respect  of the
                                               Milestone  Payment  Schedule  


                                               and the Progress Payment Schedule
                                               of Part 1(B).

"Work"                                         means   the  whole  of  the  work
                                               described in Part 2(A) (Statement
                                               of  Work)  and  elsewhere  in the
                                               ORION 2 Contract  and,  where the
                                               context so  permits or  requires,
                                               "Work" includes any part or parts
                                               of the  Work.  The Work  includes
                                               all   elements   and   phases  of
                                               delivering the operational  ORION
                                               2 Spacecraft in-orbit from design
                                               and   manufacture    through   to
                                               Launch,   Launch   Services   and
                                               in-orbit testing,  including, but
                                               not limited to,  provision of all
                                               necessary      equipment      and
                                               documentation   related  thereto,
                                               including Deliverable Items.

Note: The satellites(s) (one or more) referred to herein are variously described
as the "spacecraft" or the "satellite(s)".



The documents listed in this Article, as amended from time to time in accordance
with Article 27 herein, constitute the ORION 2 Contract:

                                                                                           Issue No.

       Part 1(A):     ORION 2 Pricing, Terms and Conditions                                 Issue 1

       Part 1(B):     ORION 2 Payment Plans and Termination Liability Amounts               Issue 1

       Part 2(A):     ORION 2 Statement of Work                                             Issue 3

       Part 3(A):     ORION 2 Spacecraft Specifications                                     Issue 3

       Part 3(D):     ORION 2 In-Orbit Commissioning and Acceptance Test Requirements       Issue 3

       Part 3(C):     ORION 2 Spacecraft On-Ground Test Requirements                        Issue 3

       Part 2(B):     ORION 2 Contract Documentation Requirements List                      Issue 2
       Part 3(B):     ORION 2 Spacecraft Product Assurance Requirements                     Issue 3


       Part 4:        Replacement Satellite Long-Lead Items                                 Issue 3

       Annex A:       ORION 2 Request for Payment and Contractor's Certificates             Issue 1

       Appendix I:    Form of Contractor Certificate                                        Issue 1

       Annex B:       Launch Agreement Inter-Party Waiver of Liability Provision            Issue 1

       Annex C:       Launch Agreement Termination Charges


Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the documents listed in Article
1.1 above shall be deemed to constitute one fully integrated  agreement  between
the Parties.  Should there be any ambiguity,  discrepancy or inconsistency among
any  of the  documents  constituting  the  ORION  2  Contract,  such  ambiguity,
discrepancy  or  inconsistency  shall  be  resolved  according  to the  order of
precedence in which the documents are listed in Article 1.1. Unless specifically
indicated  otherwise herein,  all Article and Paragraph  references in this Part
1(A) shall be deemed to be to Part 1(A).


In the event the  Parties are unable to resolve any  ambiguity,  discrepancy  or
inconsistency  which affects the Work, ORION shall direct the Contractor and the
Contractor shall follow such direction as to the  interpretation  to be followed
in carrying out the Work. If the Contractor disputes ORION's  interpretation and
such  interpretation  results in delay and/or increased cost and/or risks,  such
dispute shall be handled by the procedures set forth in Article 30.


This  ORION 2  Contract  constitutes  the  sole  agreement  as to the Work to be
performed  hereunder  by the  Contractor  and  supersedes  any prior  agreements
relating thereto.  The Parties further agree that this ORION 2 Contract does not
supersede the F1 Contract (including all amendments thereto) and the F1 Contract
shall not be integrated herewith.



The Contractor  shall furnish the Work in accordance  with the provisions of the
documents which constitute the ORION 2 Contract. In the performance of the Work,
the Contractor  shall supply all personnel,  materials and facilities  necessary


ORION  shall  specify  the  final  beam  coverage  for one  (1) of the  transmit
(Tx)/receive(Rx)  coverages no later than NPD and for a second Tx/Rx coverage no
later than three (3) months after NPD.  ORION shall also,  no later than two (2)
months after NPD,  specify the final  transponder  beam  connectivities.  If all
finalized  beam  coverages  are  consistent  with  what is  achievable  with the
proposed antenna aperture sizes meeting the requirements of Part 3(A), price and
delivery  schedule  shall  remain  unchanged.   If  all  finalized   transponder
connectivities are consistent with the proposed switching and filtering hardware
meeting the requirements of Part 3(A), price and delivery  schedule shall remain


Prior to NPD,  the  Contractor  shall  present a thermal  design  approach  with
supporting data and analysis (at the  communications  panel level),  which shall
demonstrate to the reasonable  satisfaction of ORION that the ORION 2 Spacecraft
will be designed in full compliance  with the  requirements of Section 8 of Part
3(A) regarding the thermal control subsystem.


Prior to NPD, the Contractor shall demonstrate that the ORION 2 Spacecraft has a
realistically  calculated  forty (40) kg dry mass  margin  adequate  to meet the
specified  contract  performance   requirements,   including  maneuver  lifetime
("Maneuver Lifetime") as set forth in Section 2.1 of Part 3(A).


The Launch Vehicle Agency is obligated under the Launch Agreement to deliver the
Launch  Vehicle with a contract  level of  performance  of seven  thousand,  six
hundred  (7,600)  pounds of payload  systems mass to a reference  geosynchronous
transfer  orbit.  The Parties  have  discussed  with the Launch  Vehicle  Agency
methods   of   enhancing   the    performance   of   the   Launch   Vehicle   by
using______________________  which will increase the delivery  capability of the
Launch  Vehicle by  approximately  one hundred  seventy  (170) pounds of payload
systems  mass  to  a  reference   geosynchronous  transfer  orbit  (the  "Launch
Enhancements").  The ORION 2  Spacecraft  Maneuver  Lifetime  is based  upon the
availability of the Launch Enhancements.  Notwithstanding any other provision of
this ORION 2  Contract,  if the Launch  Vehicle  Agency does not make the Launch
Enhancements  available,  the Maneuver  Lifetime  shall be reduced to twelve and
seven tenths (12.7) years. In such case,  ORION and the Contractor shall use all


commercially  reasonable  efforts to cause the Maneuver Lifetime to be increased
to thirteen (13) years and the Parties agree to amend such number in the ORION 2
Contract to the extent of such increase.  If the Launch Vehicle Agency  provides
to the Contractor  other Launch Vehicle  improvements  in addition to the Launch
Enhancements,  then seventy percent (70%) of any increased  payload systems mass
achieved due to such Launch Vehicle  improvements shall be allocated to ORION to
increase the Maneuver  Lifetime  and thirty  percent  (30%) of the same shall be
allocated to the Contractor to increase the Contractor's mass margin.


The  Contractor  shall have no obligation to proceed with the Work until (a) the
Contractor receives from ORION a written notice to proceed, the Advance Payment,
and the payment that ORION is required to make to the  Contractor  under Section
5(a) of  Amendment  #10 to the F1  Contract  and (b) the Launch  Vehicle  Agency
receives from ORION the Initial Progress Payment.

If NPD does not occur by 15 November 1996, adjustments,  if any, in the Contract
Price will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.2.

If NPD does not occur by 31 March 1997,  the Parties  agree to negotiate in good
faith concerning a later NPD as well as the price and schedule impact, if any.



For the full,  satisfactory and timely performance of the Work by the Contractor
in accordance  with the provisions of the ORION 2 Contract,  ORION shall pay the
Contractor  the  Contract  Price,  which  includes all taxes  applicable  at NPD
including personal property taxes, imposts and duties wherever the Work is being
carried out but excludes  interest due under Article  6.1.2.  The Contract Price
shall be paid in accordance with Article 6 below.  Except as otherwise expressly
provided  in the ORION 2  Contract,  the  Contract  Price is not  subject to any
escalation,  or to any  adjustment  or  revision  by reason of the  actual  cost
incurred by the Contractor in the performance of the ORION 2 Contract.


The Contract Price shall comprise the following elements,  including any related
training and documentation:

Item                Description                             Amounts $
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.                  ORION 2 Spacecraft

2.                  Launch Vehicle

                    Launch Services

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    CONTRACT PRICE TOTAL                    $196,900,000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.2      Variations  in  Contract  Price When NPD Does Not Occur by 15  November

(a)      In the event that NPD does not occur by 15 November 1996,  then for the
         period from 15 November 1996 to 31 March 1997, the price of the ORION 2
         Spacecraft  and Launch  Services  provided by the  Contractor  shall be
         escalated  on a daily basis at the annual rate  (computed on a 365 days
         basis) of four  percent  (4%),  unless such  failure  results  from the
         Contractor's  failure to perform its obligations  under Articles 3.3 or
         3.4,  in which  case the price of the  ORION 2  Spacecraft  and  Launch
         Services will not be so escalated during such period.

(b)      The price of the Launch Vehicle shall remain fixed until and through 30
         September 1996.

(c)      In the event NPD does not occur on or  before 30  September  1996,  the
         Launch Vehicle price of_______________________ shall be fixed until and
         through 31 December 1996 provided  ORION pays the Launch Vehicle Agency
         an Eight Hundred Thousand Dollar ($800,000)  launch  reservation fee on
         or before 1 October  1996,  which  reservation  fee shall,  at NPD,  be
         applied against the _____________________ Initial Progress Payment.

(d)      If ORION does not pay Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars  ($800,000) to the
         Launch Vehicle Agency on or before 1 October 1996 or NPD does not occur
         on or before 31 December  1996,  the  Contractor  shall  terminate  the
         Launch Agreement  effective 31 December 1996,  unless ORION directs the
         Contractor  in writing to extend such Launch  Agreement and enters into
         an  Amendment  of the  Orion  2  Contract,  satisfactory  in  form


         and substance to the Contractor,  reflecting any change in schedule and
         Contract  Price  that  results  from the  failure of NPD to occur on or
         before 31 December 1996.


6.1.1    Payments

The ORION 2 Contract shall be paid as follows:

(a)      Progress  Payments.  ORION shall make  Progress  Payments to the Launch
         Vehicle Agency in accordance  with the Progress  Payment Plan specified
         in Part 1(B) as adjusted by Articles 5 and/or 27 hereof.  Each Progress
         Payment  shall  be  payable  by the  Contractor  submitting  to ORION a
         Request  for  Payment  accompanied  by a  certificate  in the  form  of
         Appendix I to Annex A hereto.

(b)      Milestone Payments.

         (i)      ORION  shall make  Milestone  Payments  to the  Contractor  in
                  accordance  with the Milestone  Payment Plan specified in Part
                  1(B) as  adjusted  by  Articles 5 and/or 27  hereof.  With the
                  exception  of the  first  Milestone  Payment  for the  ORION 2
                  Spacecraft,  which shall be made  simultaneously with NPD each
                  Milestone   Payment   shall  be  payable  by  the   Contractor
                  submitting  to ORION a Request  for Payment  accompanied  by a
                  certificate  in the  form of  Appendix  I to  Annex  A  hereto
                  together with such  supporting  data as the  Contractor  deems
                  necessary or appropriate. A Milestone shall not be regarded as
                  completed until all of the Work relevant to that Milestone has
                  been  completed and documented in accordance  with  applicable
                  specifications  and procedures and relevant  documentation and
                  training   required  under  the  ORION  2  Contract  for  such
                  Milestone  have  been  provided  to  ORION.  The  Contractor's
                  failure to achieve any  Milestone in the sequence set forth in
                  Part 1(B) shall not limit the Contractor's rights to claim and
                  be paid other Milestone  Payments when the relevant  Milestone
                  is achieved.

         (ii)     Subject to the  provisions  of Article  6.1.1(e),  in no event
                  shall the cumulative Milestone Payments made to the Contractor
                  for the ORION 2 Spacecraft or Launch  Services at any point in
                  time exceed the cumulative  amounts specified up to that point
                  in time for  Milestone  Payments for the ORION 2 Spacecraft or
                  Launch  Services  as  set  forth  in  Part  1(B)  as it may be
                  modified from time to time.

(c)      Launch Reservation Fees.

         (i)      On the date of execution of the Orion 2 Contract,  ORION shall
                  pay  to the  Launch  Vehicle  Agency  the  sum of Two  Hundred
                  Thousand  Dollars  ($200,000) to reserve the Launch Slot until
                  and through 30 September  1996.  If NPD does not occur by such
                  date,  ORION  shall pay to the Launch  Vehicle  Agency,  on or
                  before  1  October  1996,  the sum of Eight  Hundred  Thousand
                  Dollars  ($800,000)  to  


                  reserve the Launch Slot until and through 31 December 1996. At
                  NPD, the  Contractor  shall  credit such Two Hundred  Thousand
                  Dollars  ($200,000)  (and any  other  amount  paid by ORION to
                  reserve a Launch Slot,  including the Eight  Hundred  Thousand
                  Dollars  ($800,000),  if paid)  against the __________________
                  ___________________________  Initial  Progress Payment.

(d)      Delivery  to  ORION.   Each   Request  for  Payment  and   accompanying
         certificate  shall be telefaxed to ORION  followed by airmailed  signed

(e)      Advance Payment and Vendor Financing Takeout Payment.

         (i) On or before NPD,  ORION shall  transfer by wire transfer into bank
accounts   established  by  the  Contractor  and  the  Launch  Vehicle   Agency,
respectively  in the United  States of America,  the  details of which  accounts
shall  be made  known to ORION at  least  two (2)  weeks  prior to NPD,  (A) the
Advance Payment to the Contractor;  and (B) the Initial  Progress  Payment (less
any launch  reservation  fees paid by ORION to the Launch Vehicle Agency) to the
Launch Vehicle Agency.

         (ii) The Advance  Payment  shall be used and  credited  against  future
installments  of the Milestone  Payments  required  under Part 1(B), as and when
such payments become due, and the Contractor agrees to hold in trust the Advance
Payment,  or any portion  thereof,  for the express use and purpose of paying in
full each  Milestone  Payment  required under Part 1(B) as and when such payment
becomes  due  under  the  terms of the ORION 2  Contract  and of  offsetting  or
recouping any Termination Liability Amount that ORION is obligated to pay to the
Contractor  under the ORION 2  Contract.  Within  ten (10) days of any date upon
which  ORION  is  obligated  to pay  any  Termination  Liability  Amount  to the
Contractor,  the Contractor  shall pay to ORION the difference,  if any, between
the Advance Payment and such Termination  Liability Amount.  Notwithstanding any
Milestone  Payments or Progress  Payments  required under Part 1(B), ORION shall
not be obligated to make any Milestone  Payments or Progress  Payments in excess
of the Advance  Payment and the Initial  Progress  Payment until the last day of
the twenty-first (21st) month after NPD.

         (iii)  (A) At least  one week  prior to the last day of the  eighteenth
(18th) month following NPD, ORION shall notify the Contractor in writing whether
ORION will be able to pay the Progress  Payment portion of the Vendor  Financing
Takeout  Payment  on or before  the last day of the  twenty-first  (21st)  month
following NPD in accordance with Article 6.1.1(e)(iii)(C). If ORION notifies the
Contractor  that it will be able to do so, ORION shall supply to the  Contractor
evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Contractor of its ability to do so.

                  (B) In the  event  ORION  does  not pay the  Progress  Payment
portion of the Vendor Financing  Takeout Payment to the Launch Vehicle Agency on
or before the last day of the eighteenth (18th) month after NPD, but does commit
to make such payment on or before the last day of the twenty-first  (21st) month
after NPD, then


                           (x) in the  event  ORION  does  not  pay  the  Vendor
Financing  Takeout  Payment in accordance  with Article  6.1.1(e)(iii)(C)  on or
before the last day of the twenty-first  (21st) month after NPD, ORION shall pay
the Contractor  the amount of Two Million  Dollars  ($2,000,000)  and the Launch
Vehicle Agency any termination  liability  amount the Contractor is obligated to
pay the Launch Vehicle Agency which amount is not to exceed thirty percent (30%)
of the price of the Launch Vehicle less any payments made by either Party to the
Launch Vehicle Agency; and

                           (y)  beginning  with the first day of the  nineteenth
(19th) month after NPD, interest shall accrue only on the difference between the
amounts  required to be paid to the Launch  Vehicle  Agency  under the  Progress
Payment  schedule  set forth in Part  1(B) as of the last day of the  eighteenth
(18th)  month  after NPD and any  payments  made by either  Party to the  Launch
Vehicle  Agency.  Such interest  shall accrue on a daily basis at the prime rate
announced by The Chase Manhattan Bank (National  Association)  from time to time
plus one-half  percent (0.5%) until ORION makes the Progress  Payment portion of
Vendor Financing  Takeout Payment,  said interest  accruing period not to exceed
(3) months; and

                           (z) at least  one  week  prior to the last day of the
eighteenth  (18th) month after NPD,  ORION shall  deliver to the  Contractor  an
unconditional,  irrevocable letter of credit in form and substance  satisfactory
to the  Contractor  from a bank  satisfactory  to the  Contractor  or equivalent
protection satisfactory in form and substance to the Contractor, the face amount
of which shall be sufficient to secure those  payments that ORION is required to
make under Article 6.1.1(e)(iii)(B)(x) and (y) (the "Guarantee").

                  (C)  ORION  agrees to pay,  no later  than the last day of the
twenty-first (21st) month after NPD, the Milestone Payment portion of the Vendor
Financing  Takeout  Payment to the Contractor and the Progress  Payment  portion
(plus interest, if any, required under Article 6.1.1(e)(iii)(B)(y) above) of the
Vendor  Financing  Takeout  Payment  to the  Launch  Vehicle  Agency,  provided,
however,  that ORION shall be required to make any Milestone  Payment portion of
the Vendor  Financing  Takeout  Payment  only to the extent  the  Contractor  is
entitled to Milestone  Payments in excess of the Advance  Payment in  accordance
with the ORION 2 Contract. The Vendor Financing Takeout Payment shall be payable
by the  Contractor  submitting to ORION a Request for Payment  accompanied  by a
certificate in the form of Appendix I to Annex A hereto.

         (iv) If ORION fails to pay, or notify the  Contractor at least one week
prior to the last day of the eighteenth  (18th) month following NPD that it will
be able to pay, the Progress  Payment  portion of the Vendor  Financing  Takeout
Payment on or before the last day of the twenty-first (21st) month following NPD
or if ORION  fails to deliver  to the  Contractor  the  Guarantee  specified  in
Article  6.1.1(e)(iii)(B)(z)  with respect to amounts due to the Launch  Vehicle
Agency,  then the Contractor may


terminate the Launch Agreement.  If ORION fails to deliver to the Contractor the
Guarantee  specified  in  Article  6.1.1(e)(iii)(B)(z)  with  respect to the Two
Million  Dollars  ($2,000,000),  then  either  Party may  terminate  the ORION 2
Contract  upon ten (10) days prior written  notice to the other Party,  provided
ORION fails to deliver  such portion of the  Guarantee  within such ten (10) day
period.  Contractor's  exclusive  remedy for  ORION's  failure  to  deliver  the
Guarantee  specified  in  Article  6.1.1(e)(iii)(B)(z)  with  respect to the Two
Million  Dollars  ($2,000,000)  (subject  to  the  applicable  notice  and  cure
procedure  set forth  above in this  Article  6.1.1(e)(iv))  shall be to sell or
dispose of the ORION 2 Spacecraft,  or any part thereof,  at a public or private
sale for cash,  upon  credit or for  future  delivery  as the  Contractor  deems
appropriate.  If ORION  fails to make the Vendor  Financing  Takeout  Payment in
accordance  with  Article  6.1.1(e)(iii)(C)  on or  prior to the last day of the
twenty-first  (21st)  month after NPD,  either Party may  terminate  the ORION 2
Contract upon written notice to the other Party and, if terminated,  ORION shall
pay any  termination  liability  amount the  Contractor  is obligated to pay the
Launch Vehicle Agency, which amount is not to exceed thirty percent (30%) of the
price of the Launch Vehicle less any payments made to the Launch Vehicle Agency.
Contractor's  exclusive  remedy for ORION's failure to make the Vendor Financing
Takeout Payment shall be to receive payment of Two Million Dollars  ($2,000,000)
and to sell or  dispose of the ORION 2  Spacecraft,  or any part  thereof,  at a
public or private  sale for cash,  upon  credit,  or for future  delivery as the
Contractor  deems  appropriate,  and to draw under the  Guarantee.  No less than
thirty (30) Calendar Days prior to the Contractor's first attempts to sell or to
dispose of the ORION 2  Spacecraft,  and no less than fifteen (15) Calendar Days
prior to any subsequent  attempts by the Contractor to sell or to dispose of the
ORION 2 Spacecraft,  the Contractor shall deliver,  by overnight  courier (which
delivery shall be acknowledged by written  receipt),  written notice of any such
intent to sell or dispose of the ORION 2 Spacecraft.  If ORION fails within such
notice period, as applicable,  to make the Vendor Financing Takeout Payment plus
accrued and unpaid interest due and payable to the Contractor  under the ORION 2
Contract as well as  reasonable  costs,  expenses,  attorneys'  fees,  and costs
incurred by the Contractor for the storage, protection,  removal,  modification,
completion,  sale  and  delivery  of the  ORION  2  Spacecraft  incurred  by the
Contractor in excess of those  contemplated by the Contact Price, the Contractor
may proceed  with such sale or  disposal.  Any  purchaser at any such sale shall
hold the property  sold  absolutely  free from any claim or right on the part of
ORION,  and ORION hereby  waives (to the extent  permitted by law) all rights of
redemption  or stay  that  ORION  now has or may have at any time in the  future
under any rule of law or statute now existing or hereafter enacted. The proceeds
realized  from any such sale shall be  applied  first to the  reasonable  costs,
expenses, attorneys' fees, and costs incurred by the Contractor for the storage,
protection, removal, modification, completion, sale, and delivery of the ORION 2
Spacecraft or any portion thereof, second to accrued and unpaid interest due and
payable to the Contractor under the ORION 2 Contract,  and third to the Contract
Price  (collectively,  the  "Disposal  Costs").  The  Contractor  shall  have no


obligation  to reimburse  any portion of the Advance  Payment to ORION or pay to
ORION any proceeds of the sale or disposal of the ORION 2 Spacecraft  unless the
Contractor sells the ORION 2 Spacecraft (other than to ORION) within thirty (30)
months after NPD, in which case the  Contractor  shall pay to ORION one-half the
difference, if any, between the sale price and the Disposal Costs.

6.1.2    Payments by ORION

Subject to Article  6.1.1(e),  which provides for no interest  payment by either
Party relating to the Advance Payment,  Progress Payments (except as provided in
Article 6.1.1(e)(iii)(B)(y)), or Milestone Payments prior to the last day of the
twenty-first  (21st)  month after NPD,  ORION shall pay each  Milestone  Payment
(other than the first ORION 2 Spacecraft  Milestone  Payment),  Progress Payment
(other than the Initial  Progress Payment and the payments to the Launch Vehicle
Agency pursuant to Article 6.1.1(c)) and the Vendor Financing Takeout Payment in
full  within  thirty  (30)  Calendar  Days after the  delivery  of a Request for
Payment (in accordance  with the procedures set forth in Article 6.1.1) into the
appropriate bank accounts set forth in Article 6.1.3.

Where the thirty (30)  Calendar  Days  allowed for payment  after  delivery of a
Request  for Payment for a  Milestone  or Progress  Payment  causes a payment to
become due on a non-Business Day, such payment shall be due on the next Business

Subject to Article  6.1.1(e),  (a) Contractor  shall be entitled to the interest
earned on any  properly  due but unpaid  amount for each  Calendar Day after the
date any Progress or Milestone  Payment is due; and (b) Contractor shall be paid
any  interest  to which it is  entitled  within  ten (10)  Calendar  Days of the
determination that such interest is due; and (c) interest shall be calculated in
accordance with Article 43.

Any  amounts  payable to the Launch  Vehicle  Agency  shall be paid  directly by

6.1.3    Procedures

Payment  shall be made in  accordance  with  Articles  6.1.1 and 6.1.2  into the
following bank accounts:

In the case of the Contractor:

         Account name:     MATRA MARCONI SPACE UK LIMITED

         Account number:   _________

         Bank name:        Barclays Bank PLC

         Sort code:        __________


         Bank address:     Southern International Banking Centre
                           P.O. Box 44
                           Napier Court
                           Napier Road
                           Kings Meadow
                           Reading RG1 8BW

In the case of ORION:

         Account name:     IPSP Receipt Account

         Account number:   ____________

         Bank name:        The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.

         Sort code:        ____________

         Bank address:     4 Chase MetroTech Center
                           Brooklyn, New York 11245
                           United States of America

In the case of the Launch Vehicle Agency:

         Account name:     Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc.

         Account number:   __________

         Bank name:        Citibank N.A.

         ABA number:       ___________

         Bank address:     One Penn's Way             New Castle, Delaware  

Any  payment  shall be deemed to have been made when  credit  for the  amount is
established in the above bank accounts.  Each Party shall notify the other Party
in writing within ten (10) Calendar Days of a change to the above bank accounts.

6.2      Dispute

In a written  notice (which may be a telefax  followed by an  originally  signed
copy)  received by the  Contractor no later than twenty (20) Business Days after
receipt by ORION of a Request for Payment in connection with a Milestone Payment
or other payment under Article 6.4, ORION may dispute  timely  completion of the
Milestone associated with such Milestone Payment or other payments. In the event
there is such a dispute,  ORION shall  nonetheless pay the Milestone  


Payment in accordance with Article 6.1.2 without  waiving any of its rights.  In
the event it is  determined,  either by  agreement  of the Parties or by dispute
resolution  pursuant to Article 30 hereof,  that the  Milestone  with respect to
which such notice shall have been timely  received  was not  completed as of the
date of the Request for Payment,  ORION shall be entitled to the interest at the
rate specified in Article 43 earned on the disputed amount for each Calendar Day
after the date  such  Milestone  Payment  was paid  until the day the  Milestone
associated therewith is completed.  ORION shall be paid any interest to which it
is  entitled  within  ten (10)  Calendar  Days of the  determination  that  such
interest is due. Interest shall be calculated in accordance with Article 43.

6.3      Other Payments

Except as otherwise  expressly stated herein, all other payments by ORION to the
Contractor  shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article
6.1.3 within  thirty (30)  Calendar  Days after  receipt by ORION of a telefaxed
invoice. This invoice will be followed by an airmailed original and one copy.

6.4      Setoff

In the event  that one Party has not paid the second  Party any amount  which is
due and  payable to the second  Party  under the ORION 2  Contract,  such second
Party shall have the right to set off such amount  against  payments  due to the
first Party, provided any amount in dispute pursuant to Article 6.2 shall not be
considered due and payable while the dispute is being resolved.


If (a) the  Contractor  fails to make the  Spacecraft  available  to the  Launch
Vehicle  Agency  in  sufficient  time for the  Launch to occur on or prior to 31
March 1999 and such  failure is due to any  reason  other than the  Contractor's
failure to perform the Work in accordance with Part 2(A) or other than Excusable
Delay  (but  not  Excusable   Delay  caused  by  ORION's  failure  to  meet  its
responsibilities  under the  Orion 2  Contract  (including  Article  18.5),  its
invalid  exercise of its rights under  Article 13, or its exercise of its rights
under  Article  41),  or (b) the Launch  Agreement  is  terminated  pursuant  to
Articles  5.2(d)  or 41,  then the  Contract  Price  shall be  increased  by any
additional amount required by the Launch Vehicle Agency to perform the Launch.



ORION and the Consultants  shall have reasonable  access (upon reasonable notice
to the Contractor from ORION,  but no less than  forty-eight  (48) hours) to any
premises  of  the  Contractor  or  Major   Subcontractors,   or  other  selected
Subcontractors on an "as needed" basis for short durations,  where Work is being
performed and may observe all of the Work, as well as any associated  facilities
and documentation, during regular business hours, or such other times as 


Work is being performed  under the ORION 2 Contract.  ORION shall justify to the
Contractor why such access to other selected  Subcontractors  is needed but such
access shall not be unreasonably withheld.  ORION and the Consultants shall also
be entitled to attend all  meetings  and  reviews of the  Contractor  and of the
Contractor  with  Subcontractors  related to project  schedule  and  management,
engineering,  design,  manufacturing,  integration  and  testing  and  Launch as
reasonably  necessary  and  with  the  prior  approval  of the  Contractor.  The
Contractor shall provide ORION and the Consultants  reasonable assistance in the
performance of such  inspections.  The Parties agree that  non-escort  permanent
badges to agreed work areas where ORION  activities are being performed shall be
made  available  to all ORION  representatives  subject  to  adequate  notice of
personnel details being provided to the Contractor and security  clearance being


The Contractor  shall provide office space and facilities for the  accommodation
of up to six (6)  representatives  (plus a secretary)  employed by ORION (or its
Consultants) at the Contractor's plants and at environmental test facilities (if
located off site) and shall ensure that such space and  facilities  are provided
at the repeater Subcontractors' plant for up to three (3) representatives and at
other selected Subcontractors' plants on a temporary basis to attend meetings or
witness tests.  Provision for up to four (4) engineers (plus a secretary)  shall
be made at the Launch site facility.  At a minimum, the Contractor shall provide
desks,  chairs,  normal office supplies,  local telephone service (long distance
telephone  usage to be charged to ORION),  car parking  facilities and access to
meeting rooms, copying machines and facsimile  equipment,  and access to and use
of video conferencing  facilities,  if any, at the Contractor's  plants (in this
connection,  Contractor  will  take  reasonable  measures  to  facilitate  video
conferencing  between  Contractor's  plants and ORION's  premises,  provided the
video  conferencing  facilities of both Parties are  fundamentally  compatible).
ORION shall make ORION space segment capacity for video  conferencing  available
without charge.


The  Contractor  shall  require  that  any  Subcontract   contains  a  provision
substantially similar to this Article 7 to ensure ORION's rights under the ORION
2 Contract, except that ORION's access to the Launch Vehicle Agency's facilities
shall be controlled by the Launch Vehicle Agency.


ORION  and  its  Consultants  will  have  reasonable  access  to  any  drawings,
specifications,  standards or process  descriptions  which are  available to the
Contractor and relevant to the ORION 2 Spacecraft and Data and  Documentation to
be Delivered under the ORION 2 Contract. If an electronic mail system is used by
the Contractor to distribute  documentation,  access to ORION representatives is
to be approved by the Contractor.  The Contractor  will make  available,  to the
extent permitted under Article 24, copies of such documentation, at no charge to
ORION,  on the  reasonable  request  of ORION or ORION's  Consultant  where such
documentation   is   


necessary for evaluation of designs,  performance considerations,  assessment of
test plans and test results or for any other purpose  connected with the design,
qualification,  testing,  Launch,  Final  Acceptance or operation of the ORION 2
Spacecraft  components.  The  Contractor  will  allow  ORION or its  Consultants
reasonable  access to all drawings and document indices to facilitate their work
in this  respect.  The  Contractor  shall  establish  data links between its and
ORION's facilities such that ORION has remote electronic access to those project
related  documents  identified  in Part 2(B).  ORION  shall  make space  segment
capacity  required  for  such  remote  access  available  without  charge.   The
Contractor will also provide ORION and its  Consultants  with "real time" access
to all measured data taken at the Contractor's and Subcontractors' facilities on
a non-interference basis. In addition,  ORION shall have access to those project
related  documents  which are of the type to which  ORION had access  during the
implementation of the F1 Contract.


In exercising its rights under the ORION 2 Contract,  ORION and the  Consultants
shall be subject to Governmental security requirements of the Contractor and its
Subcontractors and the Contractor shall use its best efforts to ensure that such
security  requirements do not unduly restrict access or viewing by ORION subject
to adequate notice of ORION personnel  details being provided to the Contractor.
Access  by  ORION  or  any  Consultant  to  Subcontractor  facilities  shall  be
coordinated through the Contractor.


In the event a meeting is  convened  at the  Contractor's  or a  Subcontractor's
plant,  the Contractor shall provide  reasonable  advance notice to ORION (e.g.,
one week for regularly scheduled  meetings) and make the necessary  arrangements
to facilitate the entry of ORION or its Consultants to the meeting place subject
to adequate notice of ORION personnel details being provided to the Contractor.


Subject to Article 27 hereof,  the  inspection,  examination,  agreement  to, or
approval,  waiver or deviation by ORION (other than in  accordance  with Article
27) with regard to any design,  drawing,  specification  or other  documentation
produced  under the ORION 2  Contract  shall not  relieve  the  Contractor  from
fulfilling its contractual  obligations or result in any liability being imposed


ORION shall have the right to participate in and make  recommendations,  but not
to control,  give  directions or assign  actions,  in all review meetings at the
system,  subsystem and critical  component levels, as well as test review board,
manufacturing review board and failure review board meetings.  The Parties agree
to work cooperatively in resolving issues that arise at the various review board


meetings    and,    where   ORION   has   an   objection   to   a    recommended
resolution/implementation,   the  Parties  agree  to  discuss  it  at  a  senior
management  level  (ORION's  Senior Vice  President,  Engineering  and Satellite
Operations and Contractor's  Director of Civil Communications  Satellites) prior
to implementation, but the final decision concerning implementation shall remain
with the Contractor who shall provide ORION with a written  explanation  for its



"Delivery"  shall be deemed to have occurred for each  Deliverable Item upon its
Final  Acceptance  by ORION.  The Parties  acknowledge  that the Delivery of the
ORION 2 Spacecraft is to be in orbit. Subject to this Article and Articles 5, 12
and 27, the Parties agree that the Delivery  Dates for  Deliverable  Items under
the ORION 2 Contract  (depending  on the final  configuration  selected)  are as

Item     Description                                     Delivery Date

1.       Delivery of ORION 2 Spacecraft in Orbit         28.25 months after NPD (provided a Launch
                                                         Slot is available in such timeframe)

2.       Data and Documentation                          As specified in Section 9.2.1 of Part
                                                         1(A), Part 2(A), Part 2(B) and Part 3(D)
3.       Mission Specific Hardware and Software          As specified in Section 10 of Part 2(A)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Parties will negotiate in good faith reasonable  adjustments in the Delivery
Date for the ORION 2  Spacecraft  upon the  addition,  elimination  or technical
complication or  simplification  of other ORION 2 Spacecraft items prior to NPD,
to the extent such additions,  eliminations  and/or  technical  complications or
simplifications are, singly or in the aggregate, material (i.e., more than minor
in effect on cost, schedule and/or performance).

If at NPD there is less than twenty-eight and three quarters (28.75) months from
NPD to the last possible day of the Launch Slot, which day shall be confirmed at
NPD with the Launch  Vehicle  Agency,  then the Parties  agree to work  together
cooperatively  and in good faith to devise a revised delivery  schedule with the
existing  launch  vehicle  provider (or, if necessary,  with a 


different  launch vehicle  provider) such that there is at least a two (2) month
margin in the schedule (which schedule is twenty-six and three quarters  (26.75)
months to Launch) and the Parties  shall enter into an  Amendment of the ORION 2
Contract reflecting any resultant changes in schedule and Contract Price.

If (a) the  Contractor  fails to make the  Spacecraft  available  to the  Launch
Vehicle  Agency  in  sufficient  time for the  Launch to occur on or prior to 31
March  1999  and  such  failure  is due to  Excusable  Delay  or (b) the  Launch
Agreement  is  terminated  pursuant to Articles  5.2(d) or 41, then the Delivery
schedule shall be amended to reflect an in-orbit Delivery Date occurring six (6)
weeks (forty-two (42) Calendar Days) after the actual launch date of the Orion 2

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties recognize and agree that in the event of
a Constructive Total Loss of the ORION 2 Spacecraft, the Delivery Dates provided
in Article 8 hereof shall,  in respect of the ORION 2 Spacecraft and its related
Data and  Documentation  not  already  delivered,  be  extinguished  and have no
further effect.


The Contractor  understands  and agrees that, with respect to the Delivery Dates
for all  Deliverable  Items,  whether  those  items  are set out in the  ORION 2
Contract or in  subsequent  Amendments  to the ORION 2 Contract,  time is of the
essence under the ORION 2 Contract.  Nothing in the foregoing  sentence shall in
any way modify either the specific remedies for default  specified  elsewhere in
the ORION 2 Contract,  including but not limited to Articles 11.2 and 21, or the
specific dispute resolution requirements specified in the ORION 2 Contract.


The Contractor,  if requested to do so by ORION,  agrees to construct and launch
an additional satellite, the Replacement Satellite, in accordance with the terms
set forth in Article 19.


On time schedules to be mutually agreed to in writing, ORION will make available
to the Contractor fully operational  in-orbit test equipment  equivalent to that
used on the F1 Spacecraft as specified in Part 2(A) and facilities (Mt.  Jackson
and Fucino) for use in meeting the  requirements  of Part 3(D).  Contractor will
make  available  (but not deliver)  additional  test  equipment,  as  reasonably
necessary,  for  in-orbit  testing  of the  American  coverage  beam in order to
satisfy the requirements of Part 3(D).



9.1      Data and Documentation


 "Final  Acceptance" (and therefore,  Delivery) of Data and Documentation  shall
occur only when:

(i)      the Contractor has fulfilled the ORION 2 Contract  requirements for the
         Data and Documentation; and

(ii)     the Data and Documentation has been delivered at the place specified in
         the ORION 2 Contract in a condition fully  conforming to the provisions
         of the ORION 2 Contract.

Data and  Documentation,  other  than  Data  and  Documentation  which  requires
approval and acceptance by ORION in accordance with Article 9.1.2 hereof,  shall
be deemed to have achieved Final Acceptance  unless rejected by ORION in writing
within ten (10) Business Days after  receipt of said Data and  Documentation  by

If Data and  Documentation  not  requiring  approval and  acceptance by ORION is
unacceptable,  ORION shall,  within the said ten (10) Business Days,  notify the
Contractor  in  writing  in  which  respects  the  Data  and   Documentation  is
unacceptable.  Any  Data and  Documentation  that is  considered  by ORION to be
unacceptable with respect to which ORION has so notified the Contractor as being
unacceptable,  shall be  deemed  under  the  ORION 2  Contract  not to have been
Delivered unless and until the Defects that resulted in such rejection have been
remedied or  demonstrated  not to exist pursuant to  verification  procedures in
accordance  with the ORION 2 Contract and the Data and  Documentation  is at the
specified  delivery  location in accordance with the ORION 2 Contract  whereupon
ORION shall accept the Data and  Documentation  in writing and Final  Acceptance
shall occur.


Final Acceptance of any Data and  Documentation  requiring  approval by ORION in
accordance  with Part 2(B) shall occur when such  approval  has been  granted by
ORION in writing.  ORION shall  respond under this Article 9.1.2 within ten (10)
Business Days after  receipt of such Data and  Documentation  by ORION;  failing
such response,  the Parties shall be deemed forthwith to be in dispute and their
rights shall be  determined  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Article 30


The provisions of this Article 9.1 shall not apply to the Final  Acceptance of a
Launched  ORION 2 Spacecraft  or to the In-Orbit  Acceptance  Report.  The Final
Acceptance  of the Launched  ORION 2 Spacecraft  and of the In-Orbit  Acceptance
Report essential thereto shall be governed by Article 9.2.


9.2      Launched ORION 2 Spacecraft


Upon arrival at its designated orbital location, the Contractor will perform the
tests and analyses as set forth in Part 3(D) for the Launched ORION 2 Spacecraft
to determine the Aggregate  Predicted  Transponder  Life of the Launched ORION 2

The results of such tests and analyses will be furnished to ORION in an In-Orbit
Acceptance Report prepared by the Contractor for the Launched ORION 2 Spacecraft
in accordance with Part 2(A), Part 2(B) and Part 3(D). Unless the Launched ORION
2 Spacecraft is a Constructive  Total Loss,  Delivery and Final  Acceptance will
take  place  upon  receipt by ORION of the  In-Orbit  Acceptance  Report in full
compliance with Part 2(A), Part 2(B) and Part 3(D).

(a)      In respect of the  Launched  ORION 2  Spacecraft  (if it arrives at its
         designated orbital location):

         (i)      Within 180 days after  Launch of the ORION 2  Spacecraft,  the
                  Contractor  shall  furnish  to ORION the  In-Orbit  Acceptance
                  Report in full  compliance  with Part 2(A), Part 2(B) and Part
                  3(D) in respect of the Launched ORION 2 Spacecraft.

         (ii)     Unless ORION shall respond to such In-Orbit  Acceptance Report
                  within thirty (30) Calendar  Days after  receipt  thereof,  or
                  such other  period of time  acceptable  to both  Parties,  the
                  Report shall be deemed acceptable.

         (iii)    If ORION's  response  under Article  9.2.2(a)(ii)  contains an
                  objection  to such  In-Orbit  Acceptance  Report,  the Parties
                  shall be deemed  forthwith  to be in dispute and their  rights
                  shall be  determined  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
                  Article 30 hereof.

         (iv)     The existence of a dispute  shall not affect Final  Acceptance
                  set forth above;  unless,  under the procedures in Article 30,
                  it is ultimately  determined that the Launched Spacecraft is a
                  Constructive  Total Loss.  If the Launched  ORION 2 Spacecraft
                  fails to arrive at its designated  orbital location in time to
                  complete  in-orbit  testing  and  provision  of  the  In-Orbit
                  Acceptance  Report within 180 Calendar Days after Launch,  the
                  ORION 2 Spacecraft shall be deemed a Constructive Total Loss.

(b)      Without limiting any other Contractor  obligations under this Article 9
         and in order to comply with insurance requirements,  within thirty (30)
         Calendar Days following  receipt of information that one or more of the
         following  circumstances  exist,  the Contractor  shall provide written
         notice of loss to ORION and to all insurers under  applicable  policies
         (provided that the Contractor  shall have no obligation to provide such
         notice to the 


         Launch  Insurance  insurer unless ORION  identifies such insurer to the
         Contractor) specifying in such notice:

         (i)      The basis  for a Partial  Loss or a  Constructive  Total  Loss
                  under Articles 9.2.2 or 9.2.3, respectively; or

         (ii)     The Launched  ORION 2 Spacecraft  shall be  determined to fall
                  within any of the provisions of Article 9.2.3; or

         (iii)    The  Parties  are  deemed  to be in  dispute  under any of the
                  provisions of Article 9.2.(a) or Article 9.2.3.

         Such  notice of loss shall  comply  with the  provisions  of Article 34
         hereof,  and the foregoing  specified  time for the provision of notice
         may be shortened in compliance with the respective requirements of such


         A  Partial  Loss  shall  occur  in  respect  of the  Launched  ORION  2
         Spacecraft, if the In-Orbit Acceptance Report accurately confirms

         (a)      that   the   Aggregate    Predicted    Transponder   Life   is
                  __________________________  ______________  years  or less but
                  (i) is  ______________________  years or  higher,  and (ii) at
                  least  ________________  downlink  Transponders with ______ at
                  the ________ GHz  frequency and _________ at either of the two
                  frequency  ranges of  ___________ or _______ GHz frequency are
                  Serviceable  Transponders,  and  (iii) at least  _____________
                  downlink Transponders are Serviceable  Transponders,  then the
                  ORION  2  Spacecraft   will  be  deemed  to  have   sufficient
                  revenue-earning  capacity to form an economically  viable part
                  of the space  segment of the  ORIONSAT  system.  In such case,
                  ORION must accept the ORION 2 Spacecraft; and/or;

         (b)      that the  ORION 2  Spacecraft  has  fewer  than  _____________
                  downlink Transponders which are Serviceable Transponders.


Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  of  this  Article  9,  if the  ORION  2
Spacecraft is a Constructive  Total Loss pursuant to item B of the definition of
such term,  the  Contractor  shall furnish ORION with written  notice of loss in
respect of the Launched  ORION 2  Spacecraft.  Such notice shall be furnished to
ORION promptly upon the Contractor's concluding from information available to it
that such Constructive  Total Loss has occurred.  In no circumstance  shall such
notice of loss be furnished  to ORION later than 180 Calendar  Days after Launch
of the ORION 2 Spacecraft.


If the  Contractor  fails to provide ORION with the notice of loss in respect of
the Launched  ORION 2 Spacecraft  specified  under this Article 9.2.3 within the
respective times specified herein,  or if ORION rejects the Contractor's  notice
of loss, the Parties shall be deemed forthwith to be in dispute and their rights
shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 hereof.

In all  circumstances  Final  Acceptance  shall be deemed to have  occurred upon
Constructive  Total Loss. In the event of Constructive Total Loss the provisions
of Article 15 shall not apply.


In the  event  of a  dispute  as to the  performance  of the  Launched  ORION  2
Spacecraft,  the Parties agree to have an independent determination of the ORION
2 Spacecraft  technical  status performed by a mutually  acceptable  technically
qualified third party.  The costs incurred in retaining the third party shall be
shared equally  between the Contractor and ORION.  The Parties agree that before
reference to such  mutually-acceptable  technically-qualified  third  party,  an
informal  forum  between   Contractor's  Senior  Executive  and  ORION's  Senior
Executive shall take place to attempt a resolution of said dispute. In the event
that such  efforts to resolve the dispute  have been  unsuccessful,  the Parties
shall proceed under Article 30 hereof. The foregoing  independent  determination
may be used by either Party in any arbitration under Article 30 hereof, but such
determination shall not be binding upon the arbitrators.


In addition,  the following provisions shall be applicable to the implementation
of this Article 9.2:

(a)      Warranty

         The Parties  hereto  warrant and represent  that they will not withhold
         from each other any of the material  information they have or will have
         concerning anomalies,  failures and deviations from the requirements of
         the ORION 2 Contract,  from NPD through Intentional Ignition in respect
         of the ORION 2 Spacecraft.

(b)      Access to Technical Information

         Upon  request of a Party,  the other  Party will  respond or permit the
         first Party to respond to any  insurers in relation to all specific and
         reasonable questions relating to design, test, quality control,  launch
         and orbital information.  In addition, in the event a Party notifies or
         is notified by the other Party of an  occurrence  which may be expected
         to result in a Partial  Loss or  Constructive  Total  Loss  under  this
         Article  9.2,  such other  Party will permit and assist the first Party

         (i)      conduct  review  sessions  with  a  competent   representative
                  selected  by the  insurers  to  discuss  any  continued  issue
                  relating to such occurrence, including information conveyed to
                  either Party; and


         (ii)     use its best  efforts  to secure the  insurers'  access to all
                  information  used in or resulting  from any  investigation  or
                  review of the cause or effects of such occurrence; and

         (iii)    make  available  for  inspection  and copying all  information
                  necessary  to  establish  the  scope  of such  occurrence  and
                  verifying  the  accounting  methods  employed  to compute  any
                  refund payment obligated thereby.


If either  Party at any time after  Launch but prior to Final  Acceptance  has a
reasonable  basis for  concluding  that Final  Acceptance  will not be  achieved
within the time limits  provided for in this Article 9 and the other Party fails
to agree with that conclusion within thirty (30) Calendar Days of notice, either
Party shall have the right to proceed under Article 30.


Notwithstanding  that title to each Deliverable Item remains with the Contractor
until Final Acceptance,  the Contractor shall have no liability under this ORION
2 Contract  for a Partial  Loss or a  Constructive  Total  Loss;  however,  this
Article  9.2.7 shall have no effect on the rights of the Parties  under  Article
11.2 and 15.



Transfer of title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances of any kind, and
risk of loss or damage to each  Deliverable  Item  shall  pass to ORION at Final
Acceptance,  provided, however, risk of loss or damage to the ORION 2 Spacecraft
shall pass to ORION at Intentional Ignition.



In the event of a Constructive Total Loss, title free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances  of any  kind  shall  pass to  ORION.  In such  event,  at  ORION's
direction,  Contractor  shall  surrender  the  ORION 2  Spacecraft  to  insurers
obligated to cover such loss.


ORION  acknowledges that prior to payment of the Milestone portion of the Vendor
Financing Takeout Payment it has no property interest in the work in progress of
the ORION 2  Spacecraft;  ORION does have  rights to  repayment  of the  Advance
Payment to the extent  provided in the ORION 2 Contract  and to the  proceeds of
any sale or disposal of the ORION 2 Spacecraft to the extent provided in Article


11.1  Delivery Incentive

ORION  acknowledges  and  agrees  that the  Delivery  of the ORION 2  Spacecraft
earlier than the Delivery  Dates  determined  under Article 8 may be the sole or
partial cause of financial  gain being  sustained by ORION.  In the event of the
Delivery of the ORION 2 Spacecraft earlier than the applicable  Delivery Date as
it may be adjusted  pursuant to Articles 5, 8, 12, 18.5 and/or 27 hereof,  ORION
agrees  to pay  the  Contractor  within  thirty  (30)  Calendar  Days  of  Final
Acceptance as an incentive the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) per
Calendar Day for each day that Delivery of the ORION 2 Spacecraft occurs earlier
than the Delivery Date for the ORION 2 Spacecraft,  provided, however, that such
payments  may be  delayed  until such time as  payment  is  permitted  under any
Financing Agreement.

11.2  Late Delivery Liquidated Damages

The  Contractor  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  failure  to meet  the  ORION 2
Spacecraft  Delivery  Date  may be the  sole or  partial  cause  of  substantial
financial loss or damage being  sustained by ORION,  due to the cost of carrying
any ORION external financing,  cost of alternative means of providing service to
customers and loss of  continuity of service.  In the event that the Delivery of
the ORION 2 Spacecraft is later than the  applicable  Delivery Date as set forth
in Article  8.1 (and  notwithstanding  Article  9.2) and where such delay is not
subject to an  extension  of time  pursuant  to  Articles  5, 8, 12, 18.5 and/or
Article 27 hereof,  the Contractor agrees to pay to ORION, as liquidated damages
and not as a penalty for each  Calendar Day during the period of such delay from
and  including  the_______________  Calendar Day of lateness up to and including
the ____  __________________  Calendar Day of lateness (the "Liquidated  Damages
Period")         as         follows:         (i)        the        sum        of
_______________________________________________  for each  Calendar  Day in such
Liquidated Damages Period during which the Contractor has not achieved Milestone
13  (lateness to run from  _____________________  after NPD) and (ii) the sum of
____________________  per day for each  other  Calendar  Day in such  Liquidated


Period.  The total amount of liquidated  damages payable by the Contractor shall
not  exceed the sum of Eleven  Million,  Eight  Hundred  Twelve  Thousand,  Five
Hundred Dollars ($11,812,500).

Liquidated damages may not be levied on the ORION 2 Spacecraft after termination
in  accordance  with this ORION 2 Contract or after the ORION 2  Spacecraft  has
been declared a Constructive  Total Loss in accordance  with Article 9 but ORION
shall have the right to collect those  liquidated  damages that have  previously


ORION  shall have the right to offset any  liquidated  damages  owed to it under
this Article against any amounts due the Contractor under the ORION 2 Contract.


Except as provided under the  provisions of Article 21, the  liquidated  damages
provided in this Article shall be ORION's  exclusive remedy for late Delivery of
the ORION 2 Spacecraft and shall be in lieu of all other damages under the ORION
2 Contract,  or at law. This provision in no way limits  ORION's  remedies under
Article 22 for insolvency or bankruptcy of the Contractor.



The Contractor shall be entitled to extensions of time beyond the Delivery Dates
determined under Article 8 only in accordance with the following provisions, and
the provisions of Articles 5, 8, 18.5 and 27 and any other specific provision of
the ORION 2 Contract  providing for extensions of time beyond the Delivery Dates
set forth in Article 8.1.




Any delay in the  performance of the Work caused by an event which is beyond the
reasonable  control of the  Contractor or its  Subcontractors,  such as, but not
limited to, any civil commotion,  invasion,  hostilities,  sabotage, earthquake,
fire, flood,  explosion,  governmental  regulations or controls,  labor strikes,
work  stoppages  or slow  downs (but  excluding  any such  labor  strikes,  work
stoppages or slow downs occurring at the facilities of the Contractor  and/or at
any or all of the  facilities  of the Launch  Vehicle  Agency,  NEC, or COMDEV),
freight  embargoes,  or acts of God, and which delay could not have been avoided
by  the  Contractor  or a  Subcontractor  through  the  exercise  of  reasonable
foresight or reasonable  precautions,  and which cannot be  circumvented  by the
Contractor or a Subcontractor through use of its reasonable efforts to establish
work-around  plans or other  means,  or delay caused by failure by ORION to meet
its responsibilities  (including 


an invalid  exercise of its rights under  Article 13) under the ORION 2 Contract
or exercise by ORION of its rights under  Articles  18.5 or 41 shall  constitute
"Excusable  Delay" if notice thereof is given to ORION,  in writing,  within ten
(10)  Business  Days  after the  Contractor  shall  have  first  learned  of the
occurrence of such an event. Such notice shall include a detailed description of
the portion of the Work known to be affected by such a delay, as well as details
of any  work-around  plans,  alternate  sources  or other  means the  Contractor
expects to utilize to minimize a delay in performance  of the Work.  Notice must
also be given to ORION in writing when the event constituting an Excusable Delay
appears to have ended.  Without prejudice to the foregoing,  any postponement of
the Launch of the ORION 2 Spacecraft  which is  announced by the Launch  Vehicle
Agency  more  than  one (1)  calendar  month  prior  to the  Launch  Date  shall
constitute an event of "Excusable  Delay" within the meaning of this Article 12,
provided that the maximum total amount of such  Excusable  Delay shall be twelve
(12) months.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  any  postponement  of the ORION 2
Spacecraft  scheduled  Delivery Date due to a launch  failure  within sixty (60)
Calendar  Days  prior to the  Launch  Date or a Launch  postponement  due to bad
weather or a launch  vehicle  accident  occurring  proximate  to the Launch Date
shall  constitute  an event of  "Excusable  Delay"  within  the  meaning of this
Article  12 if  notice  thereof  is  given  to  ORION,  in  writing  as  soon as
practicable  but in no event  later  than  seven  (7)  Calendar  Days  after the
Contractor  shall  have  first  learned  of the  occurrence  of such  an  event,
provided,  however,  that the maximum total amount of such Excusable Delay shall
be twelve (12) months.

The  Contractor  shall be entitled to such  extensions of time as are reasonable
for the Excusable Delay. In the event ORION disputes the Excusable Delay,  ORION
must inform the  Contractor  in writing  within ten (10)  Business Days from the
date of receipt of written notice of the event  constituting  an Excusable Delay
and, if the Parties have not resolved the dispute  within the ten (10)  Business
Days of the Contractor's receipt of written notice from ORION, the dispute shall
be resolved pursuant to Article 30. Without  prejudice to the foregoing,  if any
Excusable  Delays other than Excusable  Delays resulting from ORION's failure to
meet its  responsibilities  (including  an invalid  exercise of its rights under
Article 13) under the Orion 2  Contract,  or its  exercise  of its rights  under
Article 41 or resulting from Article 18.5, exist for a cumulative period of time
exceeding  eighteen (18) calendar months, the Contractor agrees to pay to ORION,
as liquidated  damages and not as a penalty,  such reasonable  interest costs as
ORION  actually  incurs  in  relation  to any  debt  financing  of the  ORION  2
Spacecraft  directly as a consequence of such Excusable  Delay. The Contractor's
liability to pay such interest  costs to ORION shall be calculated as, and shall
be limited to, the amount of such interest  costs  incurred by ORION between (i)
the first (1st)  Calendar Day of the  nineteenth  (19th)  calendar month of such
Excusable  Delay and (ii) the last Calendar Day of such  Excusable  Delay or the
date of  termination  of the ORION 2 Contract,  whichever is the earlier.  ORION
shall be required to provide reasonable  evidence to the Contractor of it having
reasonably incurred such interest costs.



Any  extension of time granted  under this Article  shall be  formalized  by the
execution of an Amendment to the ORION 2 Contract wherein  adjustments  shall be
recorded with respect to the new Delivery  Dates for the  Deliverable  Items set
forth in Article 8, the dates set forth in Article 6.1.1(e)(ii), (iii) and (iv),
Article  6.1.2,  and Article 41 and the delivery dates set forth in Article 19.1
and  modifications  made as  appropriate  to the  Advance  Funding  schedule  of
payments set forth in Article 19.2 and the Part 1(B) Milestone Payment Schedule,
and Progress Payment Schedule,  and Termination Liability Amounts Schedule.  The
Contractor  acknowledges  and  understands  that the  occurrence of an Excusable
Delay shall not entitle the  Contractor  to an increase in the  Contract  Price,
unless the  Excusable  Delay is caused  directly by ORION's  failure to meet its
responsibilities  under  the ORION 2  Contract  or by  exercise  by ORION of its
rights under  Article 41 or resulting  from Article  18.5,  in which event there
shall be an equitable adjustment to the Contract Price.



ORION shall notify the  Contractor in writing when it believes any Defect exists
in the ORION 2  Spacecraft,  the  services  or the Data and  Documentation.  The
Contractor  may from time to time advise ORION in writing that it disagrees with
ORION or ORION's  Consultant as to the existence or nature of a Defect.  In such
event,  the  Parties  shall  negotiate  in good faith to  determine  what Defect
exists, if any, and any action required to remedy such Defect.


Without  limiting the obligations of the Contractor or the rights of ORION under
the  provisions  of the  ORION  2  Contract,  prior  to  Launch  of the  ORION 2
Spacecraft  the  Contractor  shall,  at its  expense,  use its best  efforts  to
promptly  correct any Defect related to the ORION 2 Spacecraft which it or ORION
discovers during the course of the Work, and notwithstanding  that a payment may
have been made in respect thereof, and regardless of prior reviews, inspections,
approvals  or  acceptances.  This  provision  is  subject  to the  right  of the
Contractor to have any items  containing a Defect  returned at the  Contractor's
expense  to  the  Contractor's   facility  for  the  Contractor  to  verify  the
non-conformance  and to correct the  Defect.  All  transportation  costs such as
packaging,  shipping and insurance, shall be paid by the Contractor, except that
if it is reasonably determined after investigation that ORION or its Consultants
directly caused the Defects in question, or that the item is in conformance with
applicable specifications and requirements,  ORION will reimburse the Contractor
for the  above-described  costs  and  will  pay all  costs  associated  with the
shipment to and from the  Contractor's  facility.  If the Contractor fails to so
correct such Defects within a reasonable time after  notification from ORION and
after the Parties have followed the provisions of Article 13.1 above  (including
agreement on the existence of such Defect),  ORION may, by separate  contract or
otherwise,  correct  or  replace  such  items or  


services, and, unless it is reasonably determined after investigation that ORION
directly  caused  the  Defect in  question,  or that the item or  service  is in
conformance with applicable specifications or requirements, the Contractor shall
pay to ORION the reasonable cost of such  correction or replacement.  The amount
payable by the Contractor  shall be verified at the  Contractor's  request by an
internationally recognized firm of accountants appointed by the Contractor, such
appointment  to be approved by ORION and such  approval  not to be  unreasonably
withheld  or  delayed.  The  costs  of such  verification  shall  be paid by the
Contractor  and shall be without  prejudice to the right of either Party to seek
arbitration  under  Article  30. The report of such  accountants  may be used by
either  Party in any  arbitration  proceeding  but shall not be binding upon the
arbitrators.  In such event, the Contractor,  if required by ORION, but pursuant
to the  arrangement  set forth in this Article 13.2,  shall  promptly repay such
portion of the Contract Price as is equitable in the  circumstances.  The amount
paid to ORION to correct  such Defect may be offset  against any payments due to
the Contractor by ORION under this ORION 2 Contract.


Without  limiting the obligations of the Contractor or the rights of ORION under
other  provisions  of the  ORION 2  Contract,  if the  data  available  from the
Launched ORION 2 Spacecraft or from other spacecraft of a similar class which is
being  built by the  Contractor  shows  that the ORION 2  Spacecraft  contains a
Defect,  the  Contractor  shall inform ORION of such Defect and shall,  promptly
upon the request of ORION, use its best efforts to take  appropriate  corrective
measures with respect to the Replacement  Satellite,  if any, which has not been
Launched so as to satisfactorily  eliminate from such Replacement Satellite such
Defects. The Contractor shall fulfill the foregoing  obligations at its own cost
and expense,  including all costs arising from charges for shipping,  insurance,
taxes  and  other  matters  associated  with  the  corrective  measures.  If the
Contractor  fails  to  take  such  corrective  measures  with  respect  to  such
Replacement  Satellite  which has not been Launched,  within a reasonable  time,
ORION may have any or all such Defects  corrected  through other means, in which
event the Contractor  shall make such  Replacement  Satellite which has not been
Launched and its component  parts  thereof  available as required and shall pay,
subject to the verification procedures set forth in Article 13.2, all reasonable
costs of such corrective measures.

In the event ORION makes such  corrections,  ORION may offset the amount paid to
have the Defects  corrected  against any  payments due the  Contractor  by ORION
under this ORION 2 Contract.


Without  limiting the obligations of the Contractor or the rights of ORION under
other  provisions of the ORION 2 Contract,  if the data  available  from another
spacecraft  of a  similar  class  that is being  built or has been  launched  by
Contractor shows that the ORION 2 Spacecraft  contains a Defect,  the Contractor
shall inform ORION of such Defect and shall, promptly upon the request of ORION,
use its best efforts  prior to Launch to take  appropriate  corrective  measures
with respect to the ORION 2 Spacecraft so as to  satisfactorily  eliminate  such
Defect from the ORION


2 Spacecraft.  The Contractor shall fulfill the foregoing obligations at its own
cost and  expense,  including  all costs  arising  from  charges  for  shipping,
insurance,  taxes, and other matters associated with the corrective measures. If
the Contractor fails to take such corrective  measures with respect to the ORION
2 Spacecraft  within a reasonable  time after  request from ORION,  ORION may by
separate  contract  or  otherwise,  have  all  such  Defects  corrected  and the
Contractor  shall  pay,  subject  to the  verification  procedures  set forth in
Article 13.2, all reasonable costs of such corrective measures.

In the event ORION makes such  corrections,  ORION may offset the amount paid to
have the Defects  corrected  against any payments due the Contractor  from ORION
under this ORION 2 Contract.


Subject to Article 12, the Contractor  acknowledges and agrees that it shall not
be entitled to payment for any additional costs incurred as a consequence of any
Defect.  In addition to ORION's  rights under  Article 21, if  correction of any
Defect  causes a delay in the  Delivery of the ORION 2  Spacecraft,  despite the
best efforts of the Contractor to correct the Defect,  the provisions of Article
11.2 and Article 12, relating to liquidated damages, shall apply, as appropriate
in addition to the remedies in this Article 13.


After notification of a Defect to the Contractor,  the Parties may jointly elect
in writing,  pursuant to Article 27, not to require correction or replacement of
such  items or  services  or to waive  the  Defects  noted  for the  Replacement
Satellite, if any, which has not been Launched. In such event the Contractor, if
required by ORION but pursuant to the  arrangements  set forth in Article  13.2,
shall  repay  such  portion  of  the  Contract  Price  as is  equitable  in  the


Subject to the  provisions  of any  applicable  law,  the  Contractor  agrees to
enforce any  manufacturer's  warranty given to it in connection with any Work to
be provided under the ORION 2 Contract and the Contractor  shall assign to ORION
warranty protection or pledge to ORION any proceeds therefrom in respect of that
Work and other  items as are given to the  Contractor  by the  manufacturers  or
service providers.


Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of the ORION 2 Contract,  the  Contractor
shall advise ORION  immediately  by telephone  and confirm in writing any event,
circumstance or development which materially  threatens the quality of the ORION
2  Spacecraft  or  component  part  thereof as well as any  services or Data and
Documentation to be provided hereunder or the Delivery Dates established.



For any Defect  which does not  adversely  affect the form,  fit,  useful  life,
reliability or function (i.e.,  operational  performance) of a Transponder,  the
Contractor  and ORION agree to  negotiate a  reasonable  resolution,  subject to
approval by any Financing  Entity,  which may not require  repair of the Defect,
but which may  require  reasonable  compensation  to ORION.  If the  Parties are
unable to reach an agreed  resolution  within  five (5)  Business  Days of ORION
receiving  notice  of the  Defect  from  the  Contractor  ("Notice  Date"),  the
Contractor  shall have the right to elevate  the  negotiations  to  Contractor's
Senior  Executive and to ORION's Senior  Executive.  Any  resolution  reached by
ORION's Senior  Executive and  Contractor's  Senior  Executive may be subject to
approval by the Financing Entities. In the event the Parties are unable to reach
an agreed  resolution or achieve approval of any Financing Entity within fifteen
(15)  Business  Days of the  Notice  Date,  ORION  shall  thereafter  be able to
exercise all of its rights under this Article 13.











All  operations at the launch site pursuant to this Agreement will be subject to
a  no-fault,   no-subrogation   inter-party  waiver  of  liability  under  terms
substantially similar to those set forth in Article 15.2 of the Launch Agreement
attached  hereto  as Annex B.  Prior to  commencement  of Launch  Services,  the
Contractor  will provide ORION with evidence  reasonably  satisfactory  to ORION
that each other entity ("Other  Users")  concurrently  conducting  operations at
such  launch  site,  including  the Launch  Vehicle  Agency,  has agreed to such
inter-party waiver of liability.


If either Party contracts or subcontracts with a third party to provide services
that  necessitate  the  Contractor's or  Subcontractor's  presence on the launch
site,  then such  Party  will also  ensure  that such  third  party  agrees to a
no-fault,  no-subrogation  inter-party  waiver of liability  and  indemnity  for
damages it sustains,  identical to the Parties'  respective  undertakings  under
this Article 14.4 and Annex B.


In the event that either ORION or the  Contractor  fails to obtain the aforesaid
inter-party waiver of liability and indemnity from their respective  contractors
or subcontractors, then such Party shall indemnify and hold the other Party, the
Other  Users  of  launch   services  and  their   respective   contractors   and
subcontractors  harmless from claims brought by such Party's subcontractors with
respect to matters that  otherwise  would have been  covered by the  inter-party
waiver of liability.


Notwithstanding  any other term or  provision  contained in the  Contract,  this
Article  14.4  shall  survive  the  completion  or  termination  of this ORION 2
Contract in any manner whatsoever.


The Parties will take such further  actions as may be required to implement  the
provisions of this Article 14.4,  including the execution of such agreements and
waivers as are  customarily  used with respect to  operations at the launch site
and are consistent with the provisions of this Article 14.4.


15.1     Total Amount at Risk

The Total  Amount at Risk  shall be  placed  at risk by the  Contractor  against
failure  by the  ORION 2  Spacecraft's  Transponders  to meet the  criteria  for
Satisfactorily  Operating  Primary  


Transponders as set forth in Article  15.3.1.  The Total Amount at Risk shall be
adjusted pro rata should the Contract Price be modified  pursuant to Article 5.2
or otherwise modified by an Amendment to the ORION 2 Contract.

15.2     In-Orbit Performance Warranty


The  Contractor  warrants that the ORION 2 Spacecraft  will provide  thirty (30)
Satisfactorily  Operating Primary Transponders at and after its Final Acceptance
pursuant to Article 9 hereof for a period of five (5) years  commencing upon the
date of its Final Acceptance (the "In-Orbit  Performance  Warranty Period").  To
the extent that the ORION 2  Spacecraft  fails to provide said  capability,  the
Contractor  shall pay ORION as damages  liquidated in their amounts and not as a
penalty,  an amount which shall be calculated as specified below up to the Total
Amount at Risk.


Upon Final Acceptance,  as defined in Article 9 hereof, the Total Amount at Risk
shall be earned and retained by the  Contractor  in the manner and to the extent
provided hereunder:

(a)      The Initial  Incentive Amount and the Monthly Amounts shall be adjusted
         pro rata should the Contract Price be modified  pursuant to Article 5.2
         or otherwise modified following the agreement between the Parties of an
         Amendment to the ORION 2 Contract pursuant to Article 27 hereof.

(b)      The  Initial  Incentive  Amount  shall be earned  and  retained  by the
         Contractor if, and only if, at Final Acceptance, the ORION 2 Spacecraft
         has  _________  Satisfactorily  Operating  Primary  Transponders  and a
         propellant  lifetime as calculated  in accordance  with Part 3(D) of at
         least the Maneuver  Lifetime less than one (1) year . Contractor  shall
         not be liable  for  damages  under  this  Article  15.2.2(b)  where its
         failure  to  meet  such  propellant  lifetime  requirement  is due to a
         malfunction  of the Launch  Vehicle  operation  or where its failure to
         meet the thirty (30) Satisfactorily  Operating Transponder  requirement
         is due to the  Launch  environment  exceeding  the  ORION 2  Spacecraft
         on-ground test requirements as specified in Part 3(C).

(c)      The Monthly Amount corresponding and assigned to each calendar month of
         operation  during the  In-Orbit  Performance  Warranty  Period shall be
         earned  and  retained  by the  Contractor  according  to the  number of
         Satisfactorily   Operating  Primary  Transponders  which  the  ORION  2
         Spacecraft has, as provided in Table 15.2 hereof.  Contractor shall not
         be liable for damages under this Article 15.2.2(c) to the extent of the
         number of Transponders  ("Launch-Damaged  Transponders") that, at Final
         Acceptance,  are not Satisfactorily  Operating  Transponders due to the
         Launch  environment  exceeding  the ORION 2 Spacecraft  on-ground  test
         requirements as specified in Part 3(C); in such case,  Table 15.2 shall
         be  adjusted  by  decreasing  the  number of  Satisfactorily  Operating


         Transponders  required to earn each specified proportion of the Monthly
         Amount by the number of Launch-Damaged Transponders.

                                   TABLE 15.2

         Number of Satisfactorily Operating             Proportion of Monthly Amount Earned (%)
                Primary Transponders
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(d)      In the event  that the  Initial  Incentive  Amount  shall not have been
         earned by the Contractor,  as specified in  subparagraph  (b) above, or
         any of the Monthly Amounts are not earned by the Contractor  during the
         relevant time period,  as specified in  subparagraph  (c) above,  those
         amounts (as  appropriate)  shall be repaid by the  Contractor to ORION.
         Payment  shall be due  thirty  (30)  Calendar  Days  after  the date of
         receipt  by the  Contractor  of a  telefaxed  invoice  (which  shall be
         followed by the airmailed original plus one copy) from ORION;  interest
         shall be paid (at the rate  specified in Article 43) on any amounts not
         paid when due.  Invoices  shall be  accompanied  by sufficient  data to
         support  ORION's claim.  ORION may offset any such payments not made by
         the Contractor  against any  outstanding  balance due under the ORION 2
         Contract.  The Contractor  shall be deemed to have accepted the invoice
         ten (10) Business Days after receipt of the invoice unless, within such
         time period,  it notifies ORION of a dispute.  The Contractor shall pay
         any undisputed part of an invoice.

15.3 Satisfactorily Operating Primary Transponder


If a Primary  Transponder  does not satisfy the requirements of a Satisfactorily
Operating Primary Transponder, but ORION nevertheless elects to use such Primary
Transponder for Revenue-earning purposes, then, where the Revenue (or equivalent
consideration)  received  by  ORION  for  such  Primary  Transponder  in any one
calendar monthly period is less than the Monthly Amount 


at Risk for such Primary  Transponder,  the Contractor  shall, in the succeeding
month,  pay the  difference  between  the said  Monthly  Amount at Risk for such
Primary  Transponder  and ORION's  actual monthly  Transponder  Revenue for such
calendar  monthly  period.  In no event  shall any one  monthly  payment  by the
Contractor  under this Article 15.3.1 exceed the Monthly Amount at Risk for such
Primary  Transponder.  In the event that a Primary Transponder is determined not
to be a  Satisfactorily  Operating  Primary  Transponder  but is later  used for
Revenue-earning purposes, ORION agrees to advise the Contractor within seven (7)
Business Days after commencing such use.


For the purposes of this Article,  in determining  whether a Primary Transponder
is a Satisfactorily  Operating Primary  Transponder no account shall be taken of
any period of unavailability:

(a)      attributable  to ORION 2  Spacecraft  maintenance  activities,  station
         keeping  maneuvers,  payload  reconfiguration  for business purposes or
         station change maneuvers; or

(b)      less than one one-hundredth percent (0.01%) outage per month; or

(c)      attributable  to  communications  link fading due to  external  causes,
         including but not limited to weather; or

(d)      arising directly or indirectly as a consequence of any negligent act or
         omission  of  ORION  or  any  of its  agents,  assignees,  Consultants,
         employees, or customers; or

(e)      attributable to earth station sun blinding.



All  measurements,  computations  and analyses,  for the purpose of  determining
whether a Primary Transponder is a Satisfactorily  Operating Primary Transponder
shall be performed by ORION or its  Consultants,  provided  that the  Contractor
may,  at its  expense,  assist  in  determining  the  nature  of  anomalies  and
corrective  measures.  The Contractor  shall for this purpose be given access to
any data collected by ORION.


If ORION desires, following Final Acceptance, to make any changes to the ORION 2
Spacecraft's  in-orbit procedures,  ORION shall notify the Contractor in writing
of same and the  Contractor  shall  have  the  right to  approve  such  proposed
changes. The Contractor shall not unreasonably  withhold such approval and shall
work  with  ORION in good  faith  to  evaluate  the  proposed  changes  within a
reasonable time period.  Notwithstanding  Article 27.3 hereof, if the Contractor
reasonably concludes that in determining whether to approve the proposed changes
to the said in-orbit  procedures it will incur a cost in excess of Five Thousand
Dollars ($5,000), the 


Contractor  shall promptly  inform ORION within fifteen (15) Calendar Days as to
the estimated cost and a reasonable time for  completion.  If ORION requests the
Contractor to make such determination, the Contractor shall immediately commence
work  and  shall  be  entitled  to claim  and  shall  be paid by ORION  all such
reasonable  costs plus a profit of ten  percent  (10%).  In  addition,  if ORION
proceeds with a change in the in-orbit procedures without Contractor's  approval
or the Contractor  reasonably  considers  that a proposed  change after approval
would   adversely   affect  the  ORION  2  Spacecraft's   operational   ability,
characteristics,  lifetime,  propellant, power or station keeping abilities, the
Parties  shall  enter  good  faith  negotiations  to  determine  what  equitable
consideration in lieu of potential or actual lost In-Orbit  Performance Warranty
payments shall be provided to the Contractor.


Therights  and remedies  under this Article are exclusive for the failure of the
ORION 2 Spacecraft  and/or its Primary  Transponders  after Final  Acceptance to
meet the criteria for a  Satisfactorily  Operating  Primary  Transponder  and in
substitution  of any  other  rights  and  remedies  ORION  has under the ORION 2
Contract or otherwise at law as a result of such failure.



The Contractor has  represented  that in the performance of the Work required by
the  ORION  2  Contract,  it  will  be  necessary  for  the  Contractor  or  its
Subcontractors  to enter into the following Major  Subcontracts.  The Contractor
shall select the Major Subcontractors and ORION shall be provided with copies of
the  technical  content  of all Major  Subcontracts  and with a copy of the full
Launch  Agreement  promptly  upon  execution  thereof.   Initially,   the  Major
Subcontractors are as provided below:


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name of Major             Location                     Description of Work
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lockheed Martin           USA                          Launch Vehicle
NEC                       Japan                        KU Band Transponders
COMDEV                    Canada                       Multiplexers, Switching
__________*               __________                   Antennas
Fokker                    Netherlands                  Solar Array
__________*               __________                   Propellant Tank
__________*               __________                   Battery
__________*               __________                   Apogee Kick Motor

*Contractor shall comply
with Article 16.2 in selection
of these Major Subcontractors
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In the event that the Contractor or a  Subcontractor  selects or has a necessity
to terminate any Major  Subcontract  or substitute  Subcontractors  on any Major
Subcontract,  the  Contractor  shall  consult with ORION and discuss any and all
such actions prior to implementation.  Subject to Article 16.3, ORION shall have
no right of prior approval of Contractor's actions.


In the event that the  Contractor  has a necessity to  terminate  or  substitute
Lockheed  Martin,  or NEC or COMDEV,  Limited the Contractor shall first consult
with and obtain the  approval of ORION.  If ORION does not approve  such actions
and the  Contractor  deems such actions to be necessary to meet its  performance
obligations under the ORION 2 Contract, then the Contractor may take such action
without ORION's approval.


In the event that the  Contractor  or a  Subcontractor  which has been awarded a
Major Subcontract has reason to waive, or to agree to, a deviation in any of the
technical  requirements  of any Major  Subcontract  which  will cause a material
impact on the  technical  parameters  of the ORION 2 Spacecraft  as set forth in
Part 3(A),  such  variations  shall be handled in accordance  with Part 3(B) and
shall  require a formal  Amendment to this ORION 2 Contract  pursuant to Article



Nothing in the ORION 2 Contract  shall be construed as creating any  contractual
relationship  between  ORION  and any  Subcontractor.  The  Contractor  is fully
responsible  to ORION for the acts and  omissions of  Subcontractors  and of all
persons  used by the  Contractor  or a  Subcontractor  in  connection  with  the
performance  of  the  Work  under  the  ORION  2  Contract.  Any  failure  by  a
Subcontractor  to meet its obligations to the Contractor  shall not constitute a
basis for Excusable  Delay,  except as provided in Article 12 hereof,  and shall
not relieve the Contractor from meeting any of its obligations under the ORION 2



The  Contractor  shall  indemnify  and  hold  ORION,  its  officers,  employees,
Consultants,  and assignees ("ORION  Associates")  harmless from and against any
and all losses,  damages,  liabilities or demands  (including  reasonable  legal
fees)  arising out of suits or claims  brought by third  parties,  including the
employees and Consultants of ORION, the Contractor,  and its Subcontractors,  on
account of damage to  property  and injury to persons  (including  sickness  and
death),   resulting   from  any  act  or  omission  of  the  Contractor  or  its
Subcontractors  in the  performance of the Work, or an act or omission of ORION,
occurring at any installation of the Contractor or any Subcontractor, and at its
expense  shall  defend  any  suits or other  proceedings  brought  against  said
indemnitees,   on  account  thereof,  and  shall  pay  all  expenses  (including
reasonable  legal fees) and satisfy  all  judgments  which may be incurred by or
rendered  against them, or any of them, in connection  therewith;  provided that
ORION notifies the Contractor  within ten (10) Business Days, in writing,  after
ORION  management has actual notice of any such suit or a written threat of such
suit within twenty (20)  Business Days of such claim and permits the  Contractor
to  answer  the  claim or suit and  defend  the same and  gives  the  Contractor
authority and such  assistance  and  information as is available to ORION or the
defense of such claim or suit,  and  provided  further that ORION does not by an
act  (including  any admission or  acknowledgment  or omission)  prejudice  such
defense.  Any such assistance or information  which is furnished by ORION at the
written  request of the Contractor is to be at the  Contractor's  expense.  With
regard to suits or claims brought by or on behalf of employees or Consultants of
ORION, Contractor's  indemnification  obligations shall be limited to the amount
of  insurance  required  to  be  maintained  by  Contractor  under  Article  18.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in no  event  shall  the  Contractor  have any
indemnification liability regarding any claims or suits of any ORION customers.


ORION shall have a reciprocal  obligation  to indemnify  the  Contractor  to the
extent  described in Article 17.1,  except that such obligation  shall not apply
with  respect  to  claims  for acts or  omissions  of  ORION or its  Consultants
occurring at any installation of the Contractor or any Subcontractor.



If the  Contractor  insures  against any loss or damage which the Contractor may
suffer in respect of which the  Contractor is required to indemnify  ORION or an
ORION  Associate  pursuant to Article  17.1,  it shall be a  condition  that the
Contractor  arrange  for the insurer to waive its right of  subrogation  against
ORION and every ORION  Associate.  ORION shall be entitled to require proof from
time to time that the  Contractor has complied with its  obligations  under this
Article. In the event that the Contractor does not comply with such obligations,
the indemnity referred to in Article 17.1 shall extend to any claim which may be
made by an insurer pursuant to an alleged right of subrogation.


In respect to every  insurance referred to in Article 18, the  Contractor  shall
provide  documentary  evidence (which may be the insurance policies  themselves)
that ORION's insurable interest has been noted by the Contractor's insurers.


Without  prejudice  to ORION's  rights  under  Article 26,  ORION shall hold the
Contractor  harmless  from and  against  any suit or  claims  which may arise in
connection  with the use,  operation,  performance,  nonperformance,  failure or
degradation  of the  ORION 2  Spacecraft  after  Final  Acceptance  or for other
Deliverable  Items after Delivery,  provided that the Contractor  notifies ORION
within ten (10) Business  Days in writing  after it receives  notice of any such
suit or within  twenty (20)  Business  Days of such claim and  permits  ORION to
answer the claim or suit and defend the same and gives ORION  authority and such
assistance and  information as is available to the Contractor for the defense of
such claim or suit, and provided  further that the Contractor does not by an act
(including any admission or acknowledgment or omission)  prejudice such defense.
Any such  assistance or information  which is furnished by the Contractor at the
written request of ORION is to be at ORION's expense. The foregoing shall not be
deemed to release the Contractor from any of its  obligations  under Articles 9,
15 and 26 hereof.


18.1 Insurance of the Work


Before the Contractor commences the Work, the Contractor shall have an insurance
policy  covering the ORION 2 Spacecraft and all component  parts thereof and all
materials  of  whatever  nature  used  or to be  used  in  completing  the  Work
(collectively,  the "Loss  Items")  against all risks,  loss or damage  prior to


Ignition  (including  coverage  against damage or loss caused by earth movement,
flood,  boiler,  turbine and machinery  accidents)  subject to normal "All Risks
Policy" exclusions. ORION and any Financing Entity shall be named as loss payee,
but only in relation to all risks, loss or damage to the Loss Items.  ORION, and
each  Financing  Entity,  if any,  shall be named  insured on any such policy in
relation  to all risks,  loss or damage to the Loss  Items.  The  details of the
insurer and the relevant extracts of the policy shall be submitted to ORION.


All items  shall be insured for a sum not less than their  replacement  value or
their price under the ORION 2 Contract, whichever is the greater. Such insurance
coverage  shall be  maintained by the  Contractor up to the point  ofIntentional
Ignition  of the ORION 2  Spacecraft  ordered by ORION  pursuant  to the ORION 2
Contract and shall provide (1) coverage for removal of debris,  and insuring the
structures,  machines,  equipment,  facilities,  fixtures  and other  properties
constituting a part of the project, (2) transit coverage, including ocean marine
coverage (unless insured by the supplier),  and (3) off-site  coverage  covering
any key equipment,  and (4) off-site coverage covering any property or equipment
not stored on the  construction  sites.  The  deductible  for all such insurance
shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000).


The  insurance of the Work as required by this Article 18,  whether  effected by
the Contractor or ORION,  shall not limit, bar or otherwise affect the liability
and  obligation  of  the  Contractor  to  complete  the  Work  and  Deliver  the
Deliverable  Items in  accordance  with the ORION 2 Contract.  The  Contractor's
insurers  shall  waive all rights of  subrogation  against  ORION save those for
which ORION indemnifies the Contractor pursuant to Article 17.2 hereof.


The  Contractor  agrees to assign to any  Financing  Entity the  proceeds of the
Contractor's  "All Risks Policy" with regard to any damage incurred on the ORION
2  Spacecraft  where such  damage  would  result in an  Excusable  Delay  which,
together with previous  Excusable  Delays  resulting  from damage covered by the
Contractor's  "All Risks Policy," would be greater than one hundred eighty (180)
Calendar Days.

18.2 Public Liability Insurance


Before the Contractor  commences the Work,  the  Contractor  shall have a Public
Liability  Policy of insurance.  The policy shall cover the  Contractor  and all
Subcontractors  employed  from  time  to  time  in  relation  to  the  Work  and
performance  of the ORION 2 Contract for their  respective  rights and interests
and cover their liabilities to third parties.



The  Contractor's  insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation  against ORION
save those for which ORION  indemnifies the Contractor  pursuant to Article 17.2


The Public  Liability  Policy of insurance  shall be for an amount not less than
One Hundred Million Dollars  ($100,000,000) in respect of any one occurrence and
shall be effected with reputable insurers.  The policy shall be maintained until
all  Work  pursuant  to the  ORION  2  Contract,  including  remedial  work,  is
Delivered.  Such insurance shall not contain any exclusion which denies coverage
for third party  injuries to persons or damage to property of others arising out
of preparation of maps,  plans,  designs,  specifications  or the performance of
inspection  services  or  out of  any  other  services  to be  performed  by the
Contractor under the ORION 2 Contract.


ORION and the Financing  Entity, if any, shall be named as named insured on such
Public Liability insurance policy.

18.3 Insurance of Employees


Before  commencing the Work, the Contractor  shall insure against  liability for
death or injury to  persons  employed  by the  Contractor,  including  liability
imposed by statute and at common law.  The  insurance  coverage  shall be for an
amount  in the  greater  of (i) Ten  Million  Dollars  ($10,000,000)  or (ii) as
required by law, and shall be maintained  until all Work pursuant to the ORION 2
Contract,  including  remedial work, is Delivered.  The Contractor  shall ensure
that all Subcontracts contain a similar provision.



The  Contractor's  insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation  against ORION
save those for which ORION  indemnifies the Contractor  pursuant to Article 17.2

18.4     Comprehensive Automobile Liability


Before commencing the Work, the Contractor shall self-insure or Contractor shall
insure against  liability for claims of personal injury (including bodily injury
and death) and property damage covering all owned,  leased,  non-owned and hired
vehicles used at any of the  Contractor's  facilities in the  performance of the
Contractor's  obligations  under the ORION 2 Contract in an insurance amount not
less than Five Million Dollars  ($5,000,000)  per occurrence for combined bodily
injury and property damage.


The  Contractor's  insurers shall waive all rights of subrogation  against ORION
save those for which ORION  indemnifies the Contractor  pursuant to Article 17.2

18.5 Launch Insurance

ORION shall have the  responsibility  to procure  Launch  Insurance.  Failure to
secure a binder for Launch  Insurance  by sixty (60) days before the Launch Date
shall be deemed an Excusable Delay,  which Excusable Delay shall extend from the
sixtieth  (60th) day before the Launch Date until the date such  insurance is so
secured and written verification thereof is provided to the Contractor.

18.6 Inspection and Provisions of Insurance Policies


Before the Contractor  commences the Work, and whenever  requested in writing by
ORION,  the  Contractor  shall produce  evidence that the insurance  required by
Articles  18.1,  18.2,  18.3 and 18.4 has been effected or is being  maintained.
Contractor  shall provide ORION with copies of all required  insurance  policies
and shall provide  ORION with written  notice no later than thirty (30) Calendar
Days before the expiration date of each such policy.


If, after being requested in writing by ORION to do so, the Contractor  fails to
produce  evidence of compliance with the insurance  obligations  within fourteen
(14)  Calendar  Days,  ORION may 


effect and maintain the insurance and pay the premiums. The amount paid shall be
a debt due from  Contractor to ORION and may be offset  against any payments due
the Contractor by ORION.


The Contractor  shall,  as soon as  practicable,  inform ORION in writing of any
occurrence that may give rise to a claim under a policy of insurance required by
Articles  18.1,  18.2,  18.3,  18.4 or 18.5 and shall  keep  ORION  informed  of
subsequent  developments  concerning the claim. The Contractor shall ensure that
Subcontractors  similarly  inform  ORION of any  such  occurrences  through  the
Contractor.  Each Party shall provide to the other Party any  information  which
may reasonably be required to prepare and present an insurance claim.



The  Contractor  agrees  to  provide  an  additional   satellite   ("Replacement
Satellite")  delivered in-orbit no later than twenty-one and one quarter (21.25)
months  after  receipt  of an order  from  ORION  (but in no case  earlier  than
thirty-four  and one quarter  (34.25)  months  after NPD).  Orion may place such
order at any time during the performance of the ORION 2 Contract but in no event
earlier than seven (7) months after receipt by the  Contractor of the applicable
Total  Advance  Funding in Article 19.2 or later than sixty (60)  Calendar  Days
after the ORION 2  Spacecraft  is  determined  to be a  Constructive  Total Loss
(should that event occur).  The in-orbit  delivery dates shall be conditioned on
ORION  having  ordered  and  simultaneously  paid for the  Long-Lead  Items (and
associated work) set forth in Article 19.2 by the dates set forth therein.


The Contractor agrees to deliver the  Replacement  Satellite on the schedule set
forth in  Article  19.1  provided  ORION  makes the  following  Advance  Funding
payments for Long-Lead Items on the schedule set forth below:

Fixed Charge at NPD -- _____________________________________________________

Replacement Satellite                                  Total Advance Funding
Order Period                  Variable Charge       (Fixed and Variable Charges)
- ------------                  ---------------       ----------------------------

ORION 2 NPD + 6  months  
ORION 2 NPD + 12 months  
ORION 2 NPD + 18 months 
ORION 2 NPD + 21 months


The Contractor  shall furnish the  Replacement  Satellite in accordance with the
provisions  of the documents  which  constitute  the ORION 2 Contract,  with the
dates therein adjusted (if necessary) for the later timeframe of the Replacement
Satellite, and with the spacecraft test program revised as follows:

     o  Deletion of Sine  Vibration Test (except Test in the thrust-axis) 
     o  Deletion of EMC Test (however, the ESD Test is to be performed)
     o  Deletion of Separation Shock Test
     o  Rescheduling of adapter fit/fail check to Launch Site
     o  Reduction  of  Thermal  Vacuum  Test to one balance  phase only  
     o  Reduction in  levels/durations from "Protoflight" to "Flight Acceptance"


The firm  fixed  price for the  Replacement  Satellite  ("Replacement  Satellite
Price"), assuming an order had been placed by ORION on or before 1 October 1996,
is as follows:

(a)      In U.S. Dollars --The firm fixed price is  ____________________________
         _________________________________________________________________, or

(b)      The sum of the following currency amounts:

                    D Fl
                    Fr F

After 1 October 1996, upon request of ORION, Contractor shall provide ORION with
a firm fixed price in U.S.  dollars for the  Replacement  Satellite at least ten
(10)  Calendar  Days  prior to the time of order of the  Replacement  Satellite,
which firm 


fixed price shall exceed the firm fixed price set forth in (a) above only to the
extent of currency fluctuations  subsequent to 1 October 1996; in any event, the
price        in        U.S.        dollars        shall        not        exceed
_________________________________  excluding the inflation  adjustment described
in the second succeeding paragraph.

At the  time of order of the  Replacement  Satellite,  ORION  shall  advise  the
Contractor  which  of the  above  pricing  approaches  (U.S.  dollars  or sum of
currencies) it selects.

Where ORION orders the  Replacement  Satellite  afterE1 October 1996, the prices
set forth in this Article 19.4 shall be increased by a monthly  inflation factor
of  one-third  of one percent  (0.33%)  from  October 1996 to the month in which
ORION places the Replacement Satellite Order.

The Replacement  Satellite Price set forth in this Article 19.4 shall be reduced
by the amount of any Advance  Funding  payments made by ORION under Article 19.2

The  Replacement  Satellite  Payment  Plan  and  Termination  Schedule  shall be
negotiated   between  the  Parties  prior  to  ORION  ordering  the  Replacement
Satellite;  the Payment Plan shall match Contractor's actual expenditure profile
so as to avoid prepayments and financing costs.

Selection of the launch vehicle and launch  services  contractor will be made by
ORION  (with  the  concurrence  of  Contractor)  in  sufficient  time to  permit
Replacement  Satellite  delivery on the schedule set forth in Article 19.1.  The
prices  for both such  items  will be  identified  and  agreed as a part of such

ORION shall provide for launch insurance for the Replacement Satellite.

Except as otherwise required by the terms of this Article 19, contract terms for
the Replacement  Satellite will be identical to the ORION 2 Contract,  with risk
elements  (e.g.,  liquidated  damages for late  delivery  and  warranty  payback
incentives) adjusted to the change in price from the ORION 2 Spacecraft so as to
represent the same percentage risk.


Where the Advance Funding for the Replacement  Satellite has been paid by ORION,
but ORION fails to order the Replacement  Satellite by the time required in this
Article  19,  the  option  for the  Replacement  Satellite  shall no  longer  be
effective and  Contractor  shall  deliver to ORION,  within thirty (30) Calendar
Days of the 


expiration  date of the option,  the  Long-Lead  Items set forth in Part 4, said
Long-Lead  items to be mutually agreed to by the Parties no later than 15 August



ORION may, by notice in writing,  and without giving any reason or showing cause
therefor,  at any time prior to Launch of the ORION 2 Spacecraft,  terminate the
ORION 2 Contract  with respect to the Work in its  entirety  and the  Contractor
shall  immediately  cease  Work  accordingly,  and shall  similarly  direct  its


In the event of such termination under this Article, ORION shall be obligated to
pay  (i) to the  Contractor  an  amount  equal  to  the  sum of the  Termination
Liability Amounts for the ORION 2 Spacecraft and Launch Services as specified in
Part  1(B)  corresponding  to the  month in which  termination  occurs  less the
greater of the Advance  Payment or the sum of the  Milestone  Payments  actually
received  by the  Contractor,  provided  that,  where such  amount is a negative
number,  the  Contractor  shall pay such amount  promptly to ORION within twenty
(20) Calendar Days; and (ii) to the Launch Vehicle Agency an amount equal to the
Termination  Liability  Amount for the Launch  Vehicle as specified in Part 1(B)
corresponding to the month in which Termination occurs less any Progress Payment
actually received by the Launch Vehicle Agency.

The Contractor  shall submit an invoice to ORION within sixty (60) Calendar Days
after the termination date which shall specify the amounts due to the Contractor
and the Launch Vehicle Agency from ORION pursuant to this Article 20.1.2 and the
Contractor  and the Launch  Vehicle  Agency  shall  immediately  be  entitled to
payment  by  ORION  of  such  amounts  immediately  thereafter.  Payment  by the
Financing  Entities  of such  amount to the  Contractor  and the Launch  Vehicle
Agency shall relieve ORION from its obligation to make such payments.


The amount  payable by ORION to the  Contractor  pursuant to Article  20.1 shall
constitute  a total  discharge  of ORION's  liabilities  to the  Contractor  for
termination pursuant to this Article 20.


If the ORION 2 Contract  is  terminated  as  provided  in this  Article and full
payment made in accordance with Articles 20.1,  ORION may require the Contractor
to transfer to ORION, in the manner and to the extent  directed by ORION,  title
to and possession of any items comprising all or any part of the Work terminated
(including,  without limitation, all Work-in-progress and all 


inventories), and the Contractor shall, upon the direction and at the expense of
ORION,  protect and preserve property in the possession of the Contractor or its
Subcontractors in which ORION has an interest and shall facilitate access to and
possession  by  ORION  of  items  comprising  all or any  part  of the  Work  so

If ORION so requests or ORION has not taken delivery of property in which it has
an interest  within sixty (60) Calendar Days after  termination,  or such longer
period as is agreed between the Parties, the Contractor shall make a reasonable,
good faith  effort to sell such items and to remit any sales  proceeds to ORION,
less a deduction for costs of disposition reasonably incurred by the Contractor.



(a)      If, at any time prior to Intentional Ignition in respect of the ORION 2
         Spacecraft  (but not  thereafter),  the  Contractor  has failed to make
         adequate  progress  toward the  completion  of the ORION 2  Spacecraft,
         including  where such failure is due to the ORION 2  Spacecraft  or any
         component  being damaged or destroyed  where such damage or destruction
         does not constitute an Excusable Delay,  such that the Contractor,  due
         to causes  related to the ORION 2  Spacecraft,  and  regardless  of the
         status of the Launch  Vehicle (or associated  services  provided by the
         Launch  Vehicle  Agency),  will  not be  able  to  Launch  the  ORION 2
         Spacecraft  by ninety (90)  Calendar  Days after the Delivery  Date (as
         such  date  may have  been  modified  in  accordance  with the  ORION 2
         Contract),  then ORION shall be entitled to deliver to the Contractor a
         Demand for  correction of the failure  within thirty (30) Calendar Days
         after  ORION  learns of such  failure.  Such  Demand  shall  state full
         details of the failure.  Within ten (10) Calendar Days after receipt of
         the Demand,  or such longer time as the Parties  agree,  the Contractor
         shall submit to ORION a Correction Plan for achieving Final  Acceptance
         not later than two hundred and seventy  (270)  Calendar  Days after the
         Delivery Date  provided that no Correction  Plan shall ever result in a
         change to a Delivery Date as specified in Article 8, unless the Parties
         agree in accordance  with Article 27. If the  Correction  Plan does not
         reasonably  correct  or  offset  the  effect  of the  failure  so as to
         demonstrate  that Final  Acceptance  can be achieved not later than two
         hundred and seventy  (270)  Calendar  Days after the ORION 2 Spacecraft
         Delivery Date,  ORION may reject the Correction Plan within thirty (30)
         Calendar Days after receipt,  in which case the Parties shall negotiate
         in good faith to develop a Correction  Plan which will be  satisfactory
         to both Parties.  If ORION does not reject the  Correction  Plan within
         thirty (30) Calendar Days after receipt,  the ORION 2 Contract shall be
         deemed  modified in accordance with the Correction Plan and the failure
         shall be deemed cured so long as Contractor  complies with the terms of
         such Correction Plan.

(b)      If, in addition to the Contractor's  failure to make adequate  progress
         toward completion of the ORION 2 Spacecraft due to the causes set forth
         in (a) above,  the  Contractor  is  


         experiencing  any delays  other  than  Excusable  Delays  such that the
         Contractor  will not be able to Launch the ORION 2 Spacecraft  in order
         to achieve  Final  Acceptance  within three  hundred  sixty-five  (365)
         Calendar  Days after the ORION 2 Spacecraft  Delivery Date (as may have
         been  modified in  accordance  with this ORION 2 Contract),  then ORION
         shall be entitled to deliver to the  Contractor a Demand for correction
         of the failure  within  thirty (30) Calendar Days after ORION learns of
         such  failure.  Such Demand  shall state full  details of the  failure.
         Within ten (10)  Calendar  Days after  receipt of the  Demand,  or such
         longer time as the Parties agree,  the Contractor shall submit to ORION
         a Correction Plan for achieving  Final  Acceptance not later than three
         hundred and sixty-five (365) Calendar Days after the ORION 2 Spacecraft
         Delivery Date  provided that no Correction  Plan shall ever result in a
         change to a Delivery Date as specified in Article 8, unless the Parties
         agree in accordance  with Article 27. If the  Correction  Plan does not
         reasonably  correct  or  offset  the  effect  of the  failure  so as to
         demonstrate  that Final Acceptance can be achieved not later than three
         hundred and sixty-five (365) Calendar Days after the ORION 2 Spacecraft
         Delivery Date,  ORION may reject the Correction Plan within thirty (30)
         Calendar Days after receipt,  in which case the Parties shall negotiate
         in good faith to develop a Correction  Plan which will be  satisfactory
         to both Parties.  If ORION does not reject the  Correction  Plan within
         thirty (30) Calendar Days after receipt,  the ORION 2 Contract shall be
         deemed  modified in accordance with the Correction Plan and the failure
         shall be deemed cured so long as Contractor  complies with the terms of
         such Correction Plan.


In the event  (i) the  Contractor  does not  submit a  Correction  Plan to ORION
within ten (10)  Calendar  Days after  receipt of a Demand,  or (ii) the Parties
cannot develop a Correction Plan which reasonably corrects or offsets the effect
of the failure,  or which otherwise is satisfactory to both Contractor and ORION
within twenty (20) Calendar  Days after the  rejection of the  Correction  Plan,
ORION may, as its sole  remedy,  elect one of the  remedies set forth in Article
21.3 below,  and the Contractor  shall forthwith  notify ORION of completed Work
and all Work-in-progress  relating to the ORION 2 Spacecraft in respect of which
ORION  exercises  its rights  under this  Article.  ORION shall elect one of the
remedies specified in Article 21.3 (i) within forty (40) Calendar Days after the
Contractor's receipt of a Demand, if the Contractor fails to submit a Correction
Plan,  or (ii)  within  thirty (30)  Calendar  Days after the  deadline  for the
Parties' joint development of a satisfactory Correction Plan.

21.3 ORION's remedies as referenced in Article 21.2 are as follows:

(a)      ORION may  terminate  the ORION 2 Contract  with respect to the ORION 2
         Spacecraft  and may cause the ORION 2  Spacecraft  to be  completed  by
         another  party,  and as total  damages (in  addition to any  applicable
         liquidated  damages  for delay  levied  pursuant  to  Article 11 and/or
         Article 12 up to the date of termination) may charge the Contractor for
         any  reasonable  increased  cost  incurred in  connection  therewith in
         excess of the  Contract  Price as set forth in Article 5, as  adjusted;
         provided that the Contractor's liability under 


         this  paragraph  shall not  exceed the  Contract  Price as set forth in
         Article 5, as  adjusted  (without  regard to any  payments  made to the
         Contractor  to the date of  termination).  The  amount  payable  by the
         Contractor shall be verified at the Contractor's request and expense by
         an  internationally  recognized  firm of  accountants  appointed by the
         Contractor for that purpose subject to approval of ORION, such approval
         not to be  unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed.  A demand  for any such
         excess costs must be made within one (1) year after the termination and
         must be paid  within  sixty  (60)  Calendar  Days  of  receipt  of such
         verification.  In the event of election by ORION under this  paragraph,
         the Contractor  shall  complete the Launch Vehicle and Launch  Services
         portion  of the ORION 2  Contract  (as it may need to be  amended  as a
         consequence of ORION's election) and shall be liable for any reasonable
         additional  costs over and above the  Contract  Price for those  Launch
         Vehicle  and Launch  Services so affected as set forth in Article 5, as
         adjusted.  The  Contractor's  right to  verification  shall be  without
         prejudice  to the rights of either  Party under  Article 30. The report
         issued  by the  accountants  may be used by  either  Party  during  any
         arbitration  proceedings,  but the  report  shall not be binding on the
         arbitrator(s).  By notice in  writing  received  by ORION no later than
         sixty (60) Calendar Days after receipt of ORION's  invoice  pursuant to
         this  Article  21.3,  the  Contractor  may  dispute  the amount of said
         invoice. In the event that the Contractor does not so notify ORION that
         it disputes  ORION's  invoice,  the Contractor  shall be deemed to have
         accepted said invoice; or

(b)      ORION  may  terminate  the  ORION 2  Contract,  and in  which  case the
         Contractor shall pay ORION (i) all amounts  previously paid by ORION to
         the Contractor and (ii) applicable  liquidated damages for delay levied
         pursuant to Article 11 and/or Article 12 up to the date of termination.
         Title to the ORION 2  Spacecraft  shall  vest or  remain  vested in the


The remedies  provided in Article 21.3 are exclusive and in substitution for any
other  rights and  remedies  under the ORION 2 Contract or  otherwise  at law or
equity with respect to such defaults.  No termination  rights shall be available
to ORION in respect of the ORION 2 Spacecraft after the same has been Launched.


If the  Contractor  refuses or fails to observe or perform any material  duty or
obligation in the ORION 2 Contract, except those obligations covered in Articles
21.1 through 21.3 and other  obligations of the Contractor for which  particular
remedies are  specified  elsewhere  in the ORION 2 Contract as being  exclusive,
then ORION  shall be  entitled  to deliver to the  Contractor  a Demand  that it
correct the breach  within thirty (30)  Calendar  Days.  Such Demand shall state
fully the details of the breach.  Within ten (10) Calendar Days after receipt of
the  Demand,  or such longer time as the Parties  agree,  the  Contractor  shall
submit  to ORION a formal  Correction  Plan.  If the  Correction  Plan  does not
reasonably correct or offset the effect of the breach in a


timely manner,  ORION may reject the Correction Plan within thirty (30) Calendar
Days after receipt,  in which case the Parties shall  negotiate in good faith to
develop a Correction Plan which will be  satisfactory to both Parties.  If ORION
does not reject the  Correction  Plan  within  thirty (30)  Calendar  Days after
receipt,  the ORION 2 Contract shall be deemed  modified in accordance  with the
Correction  Plan and the  breach  shall be  deemed  cured so long as  Contractor
complies with the terms of such  Correction  Plan.  In the event the  Contractor
fails to submit a  Correction  Plan or the Parties  cannot  develop a Correction
Plan which  reasonably  corrects or offsets the effect of the breach in a timely
manner,  or which  otherwise is satisfactory to both Contractor and ORION within
twenty  (20)  Calendar  Days after the  Demand,  ORION  shall be entitled to any
remedies available at law or equity, subject to Article 14.2 hereof and pursuant
to the provisions of Article 30.

21.6 Contractor's Right to Terminate


(a)      The  Contractor  shall be entitled to terminate the ORION 2 Contract in
         whole or, where severable,  in part, if Contractor gives written notice
         to ORION of the  following  event and  (except as  provided  in Article
         6.1.1(e))  ORION fails to cure such event within  thirty (30)  Calendar
         Days after receiving such written notice: default in the payment of any
         Progress Payment or Milestone  Payment or Termination  Liability Amount
         when the same shall have become due and payable.

(b)      The  Contractor  shall be entitled to terminate the ORION 2 Contract by
         giving written notice to ORION where insurance proceeds are paid to any
         Financing Entity pursuant to Article 18.1.4 (All-Risk  Insurance),  and
         such  proceeds are not paid over to the  Contractor  within thirty (30)
         Calendar Days of receipt by any Financing Entity.

(c)      Except as specified in the ORION 2 Contract,  the Contractor  shall not
         have the right to terminate or suspend the ORION 2 Contract.


In the event of such termination,  the Contractor shall be entitled forthwith to
take any or all of the following actions:

(a)      treat the ORION 2 Contract as  terminated as to any or all of the items
         then   undelivered  or  services   unperformed  and  cease  or  suspend
         manufacture of any of the items to be supplied hereunder;

(b)      withhold  delivery of any of the items to be supplied  hereunder  until
         the  Contractor has received full payment under this Article and retain
         all sums then paid on account thereof;


(c)      cease or suspend  performance  of any of the services to be provided to
         ORION hereunder,  except those services which are specifically intended
         to be  provided  in  connection  with  a  termination  of the  ORION  2
         Contract; and

(d)      take payment of an amount equal to the Termination Liability Amount for
         the ORION 2  Spacecraft  for the  calendar  month  next  following  the
         calendar  month  in  which  the date of  termination  occurs,  less the
         greater of the Advance Payment or the sum of the Milestone and Progress
         Payments actually received by the Contractor, provided that, where such
         amount is a negative  number,  the Contractor  shall refund such amount
         promptly  to  ORION  within  twenty  (20)  Calendar  Days.   Where  the
         Contractor  is owed  money by ORION,  the  Contractor  shall  submit an
         invoice to ORION within sixty (60) Calendar Days after the  termination
         date which shall  specify the amount due to the  Contractor  from ORION
         pursuant to this Article 21.6 and the Contractor  shall  immediately be
         entitled to full payment by ORION  immediately  thereafter.  Payment by
         any  Financing  Entity of such amount to the  Contractor  shall relieve
         ORION from its obligation to make such payment.

         To the  extent  that full  payment  has been made  therefor,  ORION may
         require  the  Contractor  to transfer to ORION in the manner and to the
         extent  directed  by  ORION,  title  to and  possession  of  any  items
         comprising all or any part of the Work terminated  (including,  without
         limitation,   all  Work-in-progress  and  all  inventories),   and  the
         Contractor  shall,  upon  direction  of  ORION,  protect  and  preserve
         property at ORION's  expense in the possession of the Contractor or its
         Subcontractors  in which  ORION has an  interest  and shall  facilitate
         access to and  possession by ORION of items  comprising  all or part of
         the Work terminated. Alternatively, ORION may request the Contractor to
         make a  reasonable,  good faith  effort to sell such items and to remit
         any sales  proceeds to ORION less a deduction for costs of  disposition
         reasonably incurred by the Contractor for such efforts.


In all  instances,  the Party  terminating or claiming other remedies shall take
all  reasonable  steps  available  to it to mitigate any claim which it may have
against the defaulting Party.


Except  in the case of a default  under  Article  21.6.1,  Article  22.1(a)  and
Article  22.3(a),  prior to either Party  exercising  its right to terminate the
ORION 2 Contract  under this  Article,  the Parties  agree that  ORION's  Senior
Executive and the Contractor's  Senior  Executive,  and if mutually  agreed,  an
independent  third party, will meet within fifteen (15) Calendar Days of receipt
of  written  notice of the  dispute  by one  Party to the other  Party to try to
resolve the said  dispute.  If ORION's  Senior  Executive  and the  Contractor's
Senior Executive cannot agree on an appropriate  resolution of the dispute, then
the Parties shall resolve  their  dispute in accordance  with the  provisions of
Article 30.



   Nothing in this Article 21 shall affect ORION's rights to liquidated  damages
under Articles 11 or 12 hereof.


22.1 The Contractor  shall be deemed to be in default under the ORION 2 Contract

(a)      it  is  declared   insolvent  or  bankrupt  by  a  court  of  competent
         jurisdiction,  is  the  subject  of  any  proceedings  related  to  its
         liquidation,  insolvency  or for the  appointment  of a receiver  or an
         administrative  receiver; or makes an assignment for the benefit of its
         creditors or enters into an agreement for the composition, extension or
         readjustment of all or substantially all of its obligations; or

(b)      the  Contractor  has  resorted to  fraudulent  or corrupt  practices in
         connection with its securing or implementing of the ORION 2 Contract.


If the  Contractor  is in  default  pursuant  to  Article  22.1,  then ORION may
terminate  the ORION 2 Contract in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Article


ORION shall be deemed to be in default under the ORION 2 Contract if:

(a)      it  is  declared   insolvent  or  bankrupt  by  a  court  of  competent
         jurisdiction,  is  the  subject  of  any  proceedings  related  to  its
         liquidation,  insolvency  or for the  appointment  of a receiver  or an
         administrative receiver, makes an assignment for the benefit of all its
         creditors or enters into an agreement for the composition, extension or
         readjustment of all or substantially all of its obligations; or

(b)      it has resorted to fraudulent or corrupt  practices in connection  with
         its securing or implementing of the ORION 2 Contract.


If ORION is in  default  pursuant  to  Article  22.3,  then the  Contractor  may
terminate  the ORION 2 Contract in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Article



Neither  the  Contractor,  nor ORION nor any of their  independent  consultants,
officers,  employees,  agents,  contractors,  Subcontractors or assignees, shall
publish any material (including articles,  films, brochures,  advertisements and
photographs),  or authorize  other persons to publish such material,  or deliver
speeches  about the Work without the prior written  approval of the other Party,
which approval shall not be unreasonably  withheld.  This  obligation  shall not
apply  to  ORION's  statement  or  publication  of  any  sort  relating  to  the
performance specifications or Statement of Work, which are intellectual property
of ORION and may be published as ORION so determines. The above obligation shall
also not apply to information which is publicly  available from any Governmental
agencies or which is or otherwise  becomes publicly  available without breach of
this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the  Contractor,  ORION,  and
Subcontractors  may  make  (i) any  filings  that  the  Contractor,  ORION  or a
Subcontractor considers advisable or necessary under applicable securities laws,
including the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended,  the rules  applicable to the National  Market System,  or the
securities  laws  applicable to public  companies in the Republic of France (the
"French  Securities  Laws"), and the Parties shall comply with the provisions of
Article 24.5 with respect thereto, (ii) such other filings as may be required to
be made by any governmental agency or any administrative or judicial body before
which an action affecting the Contractor,  ORION, a Subcontractor,  any of their
Affiliates or the ORION 2 Spacecraft is pending, and (iii) such other filings as
may be required by applicable law.


The application  for approval to publish any material or deliver  speeches about
the Work shall be submitted to the other Party in writing and shall include full
particulars  of any  intended  publication.  Upon  receipt of the other  Party's
agreement in principle to the proposed  publication,  the applicant shall submit
for final  approval by the other Party any  material to be published in the form
and context in which it is intended to be used. The other Party may then approve
or decline to approve publication in whole or in part of the material and at its
discretion may specify a time for publication.



During the  course of  performance  of the ORION 2 Contract  each Party may have
access to or receive information from the other, such as information  concerning
inventions,  techniques,  processes,  devices, discoveries and improvements,  or
regarding administrative,  marketing, financial or manufacturing activities. All
such  information,   including  any  materials  or  documents   containing  such
information,   whether  disclosed  orally  or  otherwise,  shall  be  


considered  proprietary  and  confidential  information of the disclosing  Party
("Proprietary Information").


(a)      For the purpose of this Article 24, "Proprietary Information" shall not
         include any information which the receiving Party can establish to have
         (i) become publicly known without breach of the ORION 2 Contract;  (ii)
         been given to the receiving Party by a third party who is not obligated
         to maintain confidentiality;  (iii) been independently developed by the
         receiving Party without reference to the Proprietary Information of the
         other, as established by documentary  evidence;  or (iv) been developed
         by the  receiving  Party  prior to the date of  receipt  from the other
         Party, as established by documentary evidence.

(b)      The  Contractor  agrees that it will not,  for the period  specified in
         Article  24.3(a),  disclose details of the Work to be provided to ORION
         hereunder,  to the extent that such  disclosure  would reveal  specific
         performance  information  regarding the ORIONSAT system and the ORION 2
         Spacecraft  or any other  information  which  would  materially  affect
         ORION's  commercial  interest  or the  commercial  use of the  ORIONSAT
         System  without the prior  written  consent of ORION which shall not be
         unreasonably  withheld.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Parties
         expressly agree that the Contractor shall have the  unrestricted  right
         at any time to use and to supply to third parties services or equipment
         similar or identical to any Work provided hereunder.

(c)      ORION  agrees  that it will not,  for the period  specified  in Article
         24.3(a),  disclose  Proprietary  Information  of the  Contractor to the
         extent  that  such  disclosure  would  reveal  information  to a direct
         competitor  of  the  Contractor  which  would  materially   affect  the
         commercial  interests  of the  Contractor  without  the  prior  written
         consent of the  Contractor  which shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.
         Contractor  agrees that for  purposes of this  Article 24, in the event
         that  TELESAT  and/or  COMSAT are engaged as  Consultants  to ORION for
         purposes  of the ORION 2  Contract,  they  shall  not be deemed  direct
         competitors to the Contractor.


(a)      Both during and for a period of three (3) years  after the  termination
         or  expiration  of the ORION 2 Contract,  each Party agrees to preserve
         and protect the  confidentiality of the Proprietary  Information of the
         other and all physical  forms  thereof,  whether  disclosed  before the
         ORION 2 Contract is signed or afterward.  Neither Party shall  disclose
         or disseminate Proprietary Information of the other to any third party,
         including employees,  independent consultants, or Subcontractors unless
         such party has (i) a need to know the  Proprietary  Information for the
         purpose of establishing, maintaining, operating, financing or marketing
         the ORIONSAT system, and (ii) has executed an agreement  obligating the
         party to maintain the  confidentiality  of the Proprietary  Information
         and limiting the use of the  Proprietary  Information to  establishing,
         maintaining,  operating,  financing or 


         marketing  the ORIONSAT  system.  Neither  Party shall use  Proprietary
         Information  of the other for its own benefit or for the benefit of any
         third  party,  except  as  specifically  provided  under  the terms and
         conditions of the ORION 2 Contract.

(b)      The  foregoing  shall not  affect any right of ORION in respect of Data
         and  Documentation  provided  for under the ORION 2 Contract  nor shall
         either Party be prevented from using the general know-how and abilities
         gained during the  performance  of the ORION 2 Contract for any purpose


(a)      Either  Party  shall  be  entitled  to  make  copies  of any  documents
         containing  Proprietary  Information  under the  terms  and  conditions
         outlined above.

(b)      ORION shall have the right at any time to remove,  obliterate or ignore
         any   proprietary/confidential   legend   placed   on   any   Data   or
         Documentation,  or  other  information  furnished  under  the  ORION  2
         Contract by the Contractor  where the legend is not in accordance  with
         the  ORION 2  Contract  but only  after  notice to the  Contractor  and
         reasonable opportunity for the Contractor to defend such legend.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor, ORION and Subcontractors may make
(i) any  filings  that the  Contractor,  or ORION or a  Subcontractor  considers
advisable  or  necessary  under  applicable   securities  laws,   including  the
Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended,  the rules applicable to the National Market System,  or the securities
laws  applicable  to public  companies  in the  Republic of France (the  "French
Securities Laws"),  (ii) such other filings as may be required to be made by any
governmental  agency or any  administrative  or judicial  body  before  which an
action  affecting  the  Contractor,   ORION,  a  Subcontractor,   any  of  their
Affiliates, or the ORION 2 Spacecraft is pending and (iii) such other filings as
may be  required  by  applicable  law.  Prior to making any  filings  containing
Proprietary  Information of the other Party,  the disclosing Party shall provide
the other Party reasonable  advance notice of the filing and cooperate with such
other  Party  in  obtaining   confidential   treatment   for  such   Proprietary
Information. In addition, if ORION or the Contractor desires for any information
to be contained within such a filing to be accorded  confidential  treatment and
not  disclosed  to the public,  it shall so indicate to the other Party and such
other Party shall cooperate with the disclosing Party in obtaining  confidential
treatment for such information.




Except  as set  forth  in  Article  25.5,  the  Contractor  grants  to  ORION an
irrevocable, non-exclusive license to use and have used throughout the world any
software, and any invention covered by any patent, now or hereafter owned by the
Contractor,  or for which the  Contractor  has or may acquire the right to grant
such a license,  which software and/or invention is directly incorporated in any
Deliverable  Item or directly  employed in the use of any Deliverable Item under
the ORION 2 Contract. Such license shall:

(a)      be deemed to be fully  paid-up for the purposes of the ORION 2 Contract
         including use,  redesign or  modification  of any items delivered under
         the ORION 2 Contract; and

(b)      be on reasonable terms and conditions for other purposes.

Such license shall be transferable to the Financing Entities and, subject to the
Contractor's  approval,  any other entity,  such approval not to be unreasonably


The Contractor shall, unless otherwise  authorized or directed by ORION, include
in each  Subcontract  hereunder a license  rights clause  pursuant to which each
Subcontractor  will  grant  rights  to ORION to the same  extent  as the  rights
granted by the Contractor in Article 25.1.


This  Article  shall  not be  construed  as  limiting  any  rights  of  ORION or
obligations of the Contractor under the ORION 2 Contract, including specifically
the  right  of  ORION,  without  payment  of  additional   compensation  to  the
Contractor, to use, have used, deliver, lease, sell or otherwise dispose of, any
item or any part thereof, required to be delivered under the ORION 2 Contract.


The Contractor  grants to ORION a non-exclusive  license to use the Contractor's
thermal  propellant  gauging  software  program (the "Software  Program") on the
terms set out hereunder:

(a)      such  license  shall be for the use of ORION and  ORION's  Consultants,
         advisors and agents in support of ORION's internal business and for use
         upon equipment notified in writing to the Contractor.

(b)      ORION  shall  not,   without  the  express  written   approval  of  the
         Contractor,  modify,  enhance,  copy,  download or reverse engineer the
         Software Program;  provided,  however, 


         ORION shall be permitted  to copy the Software  Program for archival or
         disaster recovery purposes.

(c)      ORION shall not assign, transfer, sell, lease, sub-license or otherwise
         deal in the Software Program;  provided,  however, the license shall be
         transferable  to the Financing  Entities with the prior written consent
         of the Contractor,  which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or



The  Contractor,  at its own  expense,  shall  defend  ORION  and its  officers,
employees,  agents,  consultants and  Subcontractors  and assignees  against any
claim or suit based on an  allegation  that the  manufacture  of any item in the
performance  of the  ORION 2  Contract,  or the  use,  lease or sale of any item
delivered or to be delivered  under the ORION 2 Contract,  infringes any letters
patent,  trademarks,  copyrights or other proprietary rights of any third party,
and shall pay any royalties  and other costs  related to the  settlement of such
claim or suit and the costs and damages,  including attorneys' fees, incurred as
the result of any such claim or suit;  provided that (i) ORION promptly notifies
the  Contractor  in writing  within ten (10)  Calendar Days of any such claim or
suit,  (ii)  permits the  Contractor  to answer the claim or suit and defend the
same,  (iii) gives the Contractor  authority and such assistance and information
as is  available  to ORION for the defense of such claim or suit,  and  provided
further  that  ORION  does  not  by  any  act   (including   any   admission  or
acknowledgment  or omission)  prejudice  such  defense.  Any such  assistance or
information which is furnished by ORION at the written request of the Contractor
is to be at the Contractor's expense.


If the manufacture of any item in the performance of the ORION 2 Contract or the
use,  lease or sale of any item  delivered or to be delivered  under the ORION 2
Contract,  is enjoined  as a result of a suit based on a claim of  infringement,
the Contractor shall resolve the matter so that the item is no longer subject to
such   injunction   or   replace   the  item  with  a   functionally-equivalent,
non-infringing item satisfactory to ORION.


ORION neither  represents  nor warrants that the  performance of any Work or the
manufacture,  use, lease or sale of any Deliverable Item will be free from third
party claims of infringement of any patents or other proprietary rights.




Except as otherwise  specifically  provided,  the ORION 2 Contract  shall not be
modified  except by an  Amendment  to the ORION 2 Contract.  No purchase  order,
acknowledgment,  quotation or other similar document issued by either Party with
respect to the  subject  matter of the ORION 2 Contract  shall be deemed to be a
part of the ORION 2 Contract  or to modify the ORION 2 Contract  in any  respect
relating to the Work. No oral agreement or conversation with any officer,  agent
or employee of ORION or the Contractor,  either before or after execution of the
ORION 2  Contract  shall  affect  or  modify  any of the  terms  or  obligations
contained in the ORION 2 Contract.


At any time prior to  completion  and Delivery of all the Work under the ORION 2
Contract,  ORION may, in writing,  vary the Work with respect to the  unlaunched
ORION 2 Spacecraft within the general scope of the ORION 2Contract.  If any such
variation causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or in the time required
for the performance of the ORION 2 Contract,  a change in the  specifications of
any Deliverable Item, or a change in the Aggregate  Predicted  Transponder Life,
the  Parties  shall  negotiate  in good  faith an  equitable  adjustment  to the
Contract Price or any other terms affected by such variation, or to the Delivery
Dates, or the  specifications,  which shall be formalized in an Amendment to the
ORION 2 Contract.  The Contractor shall not implement such variation,  and ORION
shall not be liable for any change in Contract  Price or Delivery Dates pursuant
to such  variation,  until and unless the Parties  have  entered  into a written
Amendment to the ORION 2 Contract.  Should  ORION  decide not to  implement  any
proposed  variation  of the  Work it  will  pay the  Contractor  its  reasonable
preparation costs in evaluating the same.


Atany time prior to  Delivery  of all the Work under the ORION 2  Contract,  the
Contractor  may, in writing,  request a variation of the Work within the general
scope  of the  ORION 2  Contract.  If  ORION  agrees  with  the  request  of the
Contractor  for variation of the Work and such  variation  causes an increase or
decrease in the cost of, or in the time  required  for, the  performance  of the
ORION 2 Contract, or a change in the specifications of any Deliverable Item, the
Parties  shall  negotiate in good faith an equitable  adjustment to the Contract
Price or any other terms affected,  or Delivery  Dates,  or the  specifications,
which  shall  be  formalized  in an  Amendment  to the  ORION  2  Contract.  The
Contractor shall not implement such variation, and ORION shall not be liable for
any change in Contract Price or Delivery Dates pursuant to such variation, until
and unless the Parties have entered into an Amendment to the ORION 2 Contract.



At any time prior to Delivery  of all the Work under the ORION 2  Contract,  the
Contractor  may,  in  writing,  request  to  rearrange  the  Milestone  Payments
contained in Part 1(B) in order to reflect the current program status.  Any such
requested  change shall not become  effective  until and unless the Parties have
entered into an Amendment to the ORION 2 Contract which implements the requested


Notwithstanding  any  other  Article  in  the  ORION  2  Contract,  the  Parties
understand and agree that certain restrictions, including those placed on access
to  Contractor's  and  Subcontractor's   plants  and  the  use,  sale  or  other
disposition of technical data,  and/or Work delivered under the ORION 2 Contract
may be imposed  by any  Government  which has  jurisdiction  over the Work.  The
Parties at all times,  both before and after completion of the ORION 2 Contract,
agree to be and remain bound by any such Government  requirements  pertaining to
the  technical  data or Work and  shall  cooperate  in  obtaining  all  required
consents and approvals.

ORION shall be given an opportunity to comment on any  application to the United
States Government by the Contractor prior to submission of such application. The
Contractor shall in good faith consider any comments made by ORION.



The  Contractor,  by  having  submitting  a tender  to  perform  the Work and by
executing the ORION 2 Contract, shall be deemed:

(a)      to have satisfied itself as to:

         (i)    all the  conditions  and  circumstances  which  may  affect  the
                Contract Price, as defined in Article 5; and

         (ii)   the  feasibility of the Work to be performed in accordance  with
                the terms and conditions of the ORION 2 Contract;

(b)      to warrant that it has the necessary skills, facilities and capacity to
         perform the Work in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of the
         ORION 2 Contract.



The Contractor  acknowledges  that it has fixed the Contract Price  according to
its own view and  assessment of all relevant  matters and no  additional  costs,
except as  otherwise  expressly  provided  for in the ORION 2 Contract,  will be
charged over and above the Contract Price.


By  executing  the ORION 2  Contract,  the  Parties  acknowledge  that they have
thoroughly  examined all parts of the ORION 2 Contract,  and agree that they are
complete,  consistent  and  accurate.  If the  Contractor  decides,  during  the
performance of the Work,  that any portion of the ORION 2 Contract is inaccurate
or  incomplete,  or that there are  inconsistencies,  it shall  notify  ORION in
writing  specifying full particulars and request  resolution  before  proceeding
with the Work in question.  If the Contractor  proceeds before  obtaining such a
resolution,  it does so at its own  risk and  expense,  and  whether  or not the
course  it has  chosen is  satisfactory  to ORION,  it shall be  entitled  to no
increase in the Contract Price or any extension of the Delivery Dates set out in
Article 8. If the Contractor proceeds with the Work before obtaining  resolution
of any inaccuracy,  incomplete  information or  inconsistency  and the course of
action it has pursued is not chosen by ORION,  it shall,  upon request by ORION,
promptly  at its own expense  follow the course of action  directed by ORION and
make all readjustments that may be required.


ORION shall within twenty (20) Calendar Days after written  notification  by the
Contractor  pursuant to Article 29.3 provide a response  and  resolution  of the
issues raised by the Contractor.


TheContractor  covenants  that  it will  cooperate  fully  with,  and  will  use
reasonable  efforts to ensure the full cooperation of, all  Subcontractors  with
ORION in doing all things reasonably necessary to achieve the due performance of
the ORION 2 Contract.



If any dispute arises out of or in connection  with this ORION 2 Contract or the
breach  thereof,  including but not limited to any failure to reach agreement on
price,  schedule  or  performance,  any claim for  breach  of  contract  and any
question regarding its existence, validity or termination, such dispute shall be
finally  settled by  arbitration  in  accordance  with this Article 30. Prior to
commencing  arbitration  with  respect to any  dispute,  either Party shall give
written  notice to the  other of its  position  and  reasons  therefore  and may
recommend  corrective  action.  In the event  that  mutual  agreement  cannot be
reached  within ten (10)  Calendar  Days after  receipt of such 


notice,  or such other period as may be  specified in the ORION 2 Contract,  the
respective  positions  of the  Parties  shall be  forwarded  to  ORION's  Senior
Executive and the Contractor's  Senior Executive,  for discussion and an attempt
shall be made by these  persons to reach mutual  agreement  within a further ten
(10) Calendar Days. To increase the probability of an expeditious  resolution of
the dispute, ORION's Senior Executive and Contractor's Senior Executive may meet
during the ten (10)  Calendar Day period and have each side present its position
and reasoning directly to them at such meeting.


If mutual  agreement is not reached through the above process,  either Party may
refer such dispute for final  determination to an arbitration  tribunal convened
in accordance with the terms of Articles 30.3 and 30.4.


The  arbitration  tribunal  shall  consist  of three  (3)  arbitrators,  one (1)
arbitrator to be appointed by ORION,  one (1)  arbitrator by the  Contractor and
the third arbitrator to be appointed by the former two (2) arbitrators; provided
that if a Party fails to appoint an  arbitrator  within the time  stipulated  in
Article 30.8,  the other Party having  appointed an  arbitrator,  such appointee
shall be the sole arbitrator.


Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  the  arbitration  shall be conducted in
accordance with and subject to the rules of the American Arbitration Association
("AAA"),   including  the  AAA's  Supplementary   Procedures  for  International
Commercial  Arbitration  and shall be held in Washington,  District of Columbia,
USA. The Parties may be represented by persons of their choice.


The applicable law governing this  arbitration  proceeding  shall be exclusively
the United States Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C., Section 1 et seq.


Except as provided in this Article 30.6 with respect to  enforcement of arbitral
awards, neither Party shall be entitled to maintain any action at law or suit in
equity in respect to matters  covered by this Article 30; the exclusive means of
resolving  all such matters shall be the  arbitration  process set forth in this
Article 30. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on the
Parties  hereto,  and,  upon  application  duly  made  to a court  of  competent
jurisdiction by a Party hereto, judgment thereon shall be entered in such court.



Pending a decision  by the  arbitrators  as  referred  to in this  Article,  the
Contractor shall, unless directed otherwise by ORION in writing,  fulfill all of
its obligations  under the ORION 2 Contract,  including,  if and so far as it is
reasonably  practicable,  the  obligation  to take  steps  necessary  during the
arbitration  proceedings  to ensure that the Work will be  Delivered  within the
time stipulated or within such extended time as may be allowed under the ORION 2
Contract,  provided  always ORION shall  continue to make payments  therefore in
accordance with the ORION 2 Contract.


The  following  time  limits  shall be  observed  in respect to any  arbitration
referred to in this Article:

(a)      either  Party may demand  arbitration  in  writing  after the period of
         twenty (20) Calendar  Days referred to in Article 30.1 has expired,  or
         such other time period as may be specified in the ORION 2 Contract;

(b)      each Party shall  appoint its  arbitrator  within  twenty (20) Calendar
         Days of receipt of the AAA acknowledgment of a demand for arbitration;

(c)      the two appointed arbitrators shall appoint a third arbitrator within a
         further  twenty (20) Calendar Days from the time  stipulated in Article
         30.8(b) (unless the two arbitrators agree to an extension not to exceed
         an additional twenty (20) Calendar Days); and

(d)      any  decision by an  arbitrator(s)  referred to in Article 30.2 or 30.3
         shall  be made  within  six (6)  months  from the date on which a Party
         demands arbitration or within such extended period as the arbitrator(s)
         may allow.


The fees and expenses of the arbitrator(s) and AAA administrative fees and costs
shall be borne  equally by the  Parties.  Each Party shall bear the costs of its
own legal representation,  witnesses produced by such Party, document production
and other discovery expenses.


In the case of any  dispute  pursuant  to  Article  9  hereof,  the  arbitration
tribunal  shall  award  prejudgment  interest on any amount  which the  tribunal
determines is owing from one Party to the other,  such interest to be calculated
at an annual rate equal to the Prime Rate then in effect for each  Calendar  Day
from  forty-five  (45) Calendar Days following the date of loss or from the date
of the filing for  arbitration,  whichever is the  earlier,  until the date full
payment is made.


31.1 In General

The Contractor  shall conduct  meetings,  reviews and analyses and shall prepare
and deliver reports and documentation as provided in Part 2(A).

31.2 Approvals and Acceptances

No approval,  acceptance,  waivers or  deviations  prior to Final  Acceptance by
ORION of any  action  or item  under  the ORION 2  Contract  shall  waive any of
ORION's  contractual  rights with regard to Final  Acceptance of any Deliverable

31.3 ORION 2 Contract Monitoring


During the  performance of the ORION 2 Contract,  the Contractor and ORION shall
each designate a person to be its Contract Program  Manager,  whose duties shall
be to  monitor  the  Work  and to act as  liaisons  between  the  Parties.  Such
monitoring by ORION shall not relieve the Contractor from performing the ORION 2
Contract in accordance  with its terms and shall not in any way detract from the
Contractor's position as an independent contractor.


Any Consultant who performs services on behalf of ORION shall have access to the
Work and data and may witness tests in the same manner as ORION,  as provided in
Article 7. ORION's Consultants shall execute non-disclosure  agreements with the
Parties and, as necessary, with Subcontractors.


ORION's  Consultants  shall have no  authority to change any part of the ORION 2
Contract, or to direct the Contractor or to bind ORION. Any changes to the ORION
2  Contract  shall be made only in  accordance  with  Article  27,  but  ORION's
Consultants  may participate in discussions  regarding such changes.  Any action
taken by the Contractor prior to the resolution of any such question shall be at
the Contractor's own risk and expense.


The  Contractor  agrees to  cooperate  with ORION and  endeavor in good faith to
provide  security  interests  in the Work after ORION pays the Vendor  Financing
Takeout  Payment and periodic  financial  reports  concerning  the  Contractor's
financial status, if such are required by any 


Financing  Entity,  and to  negotiate  in good  faith the terms  upon which such
security  interests  are  to be  provided  and  the  content/frequency  of  such
financial reports.



The Contractor shall not, without the prior written approval of ORION and except
on such terms and  conditions  as are  determined  in writing by ORION,  assign,
mortgage,  charge or encumber the ORION 2 Contract or any part  thereof,  any of
its rights, duties, or obligations thereunder, the Work or any monies payable or
to become payable under the ORION 2 Contract,  to any person, except to a parent
or a wholly-owned  direct or indirect  subsidiary company of the Contractor,  or
for the purpose of corporate merger, recapitalization or reconstruction.


The  Parties  recognize  that this  ORION 2  Contract  may be  financed  through
external sources.  The Contractor agrees to work  cooperatively to negotiate and
execute such documents as may be reasonably required to implement such financing
(other than any document  requiring the  subordination  or delay of any payments
required to be paid  hereunder)  and agrees ORION shall have the right to assign
its rights,  duties or  obligations  under the ORION 2 Contract to ORION Network
Systems,  Inc., any ORION subsidiary,  and to any Financing  Entity,  subject to
prior notice to the Contractor.


Provided that the Contractor's rights under the ORION 2 Contract,  including the
ability to perform the Work, in the Contractor's  reasonable  judgment,  are not
and would not be  adversely  affected,  the  Contractor  shall not  withhold its
approval  to any  assignment,  mortgage,  charge  or  encumbrance  of any of the
rights, duties or obligations of ORION under the ORION 2 Contract.


Assignment of this ORION 2 Contract shall not relieve the assigning Party of any
of its  obligations  nor confer upon the  assigning  Party any rights  except as
provided in the ORION 2 Contract.




Any notice or other communication  required or permitted pursuant to the ORION 2
Contract  including  invoices shall be  sufficiently  given if given in writing,
delivered  personally or by pre-paid  registered  air mail,  or by telex,  or by
facsimile to the following address:

In the case of ORION:

         2440 Research Boulevard
         Suite 400
         Rockville, Maryland 20850
         United States of America

         For  the  attention  of  Dr.  Denis  Curtin,   Senior  Vice  President,
         Engineering and Satellite Operations, for technical matters and Richard
         H. Shay,  Vice  President of Corporate  and Legal  Affairs for contract
         matters or such other persons at such address as ORION may from time to
         time direct in writing for specific purposes.

         with a copy to:

         Shaw, Pittman,  Potts & Trowbridge 
         2300 N Street, N.W.  
         Washington,  DC 20037 
         United States of America

         For the  attention  of John F. Dealy for  notices  relating  to matters
         under Articles 6, 9, 15 and 21.

In the case of Contractor:

         Gunnels Wood Road
         Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AS

         For the attention of Mr. B. Kirk,  ORION Project  Manager for technical
         or management matters For the attention of Mr. Arthur Blick, Commercial



A notice  given  either by certified  mail,  or by confirmed  facsimile or telex
followed the same day by the  original  document via  certified  mail,  shall be
deemed to be a notice in writing  for the  purpose  of the ORION 2 Contract  and
shall be deemed to have been given upon receipt by the sender of the answer-back
code of the recipient at the conclusion of the telex or by the actual receipt of
the letter or of the  facsimile  confirmed  by its  answer-back  code,  provided
transmission is completed  during normal business hours on a Business Day in the
place of the addressee and if it is not so completed then upon the  commencement
of normal  business hours on the next Business Day in the place of the addressee
after transmission is completed.


The Contractor  agrees that any communication or notice required or permitted to
be given by ORION to the  Contractor  which is given by the  Program  Manager or
Contracts Manager or has, prior to the execution of the ORION 2 Contract been so
given, shall be deemed to have been given by ORION.


Without  affecting the  provisions  of Article 34.2,  the Parties agree that all
correspondence  on contract  matters  shall,  if sent by confirmed  facsimile or
telex, be followed, as soon as reasonably  practicable after the sending of such
correspondence, by the original document via first-class mail.



In the event any one or more of the  provisions  of the ORION 2 Contract  shall,
for any reason, be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions
of the ORION 2 Contract  shall be unimpaired,  and the invalid or  unenforceable
provision shall be replaced by a mutually acceptable enforceable provision which
comes  closest  to the  intention  of the  Parties  underlying  the  invalid  or
unenforceable provision.


A waiver of any breach of a provision  hereof  shall not be binding  upon either
Party  unless  the  waiver is in writing  and such  waiver  shall not affect the
rights of the Party not in breach with respect to any other or future breach.




The Contractor  shall, at its own expense,  comply with the  requirements of any
laws of any  place  in  which  any  part of the  Work is to be done and with the
lawful  requirements  of  public,  municipal  and other  authorities  in any way
affecting or applicable to any Work.


The Contractor shall at its own expense obtain any permits, licenses,  approvals
or certificates,  including any required for import or export, necessary for the
performance of the Work under the ORION 2 Contract. The Contractor shall, at its
own  expense,  perform  the  Work  in  accordance  with  the  conditions  of any
applicable permits or licenses,  approvals or certificates.  ORION agrees to use
its best  efforts in assisting  the  Contractor  to obtain any of the  documents
referred to above which are issued by a United States authority.


ORION  shall  not be  responsible  in any way for the  consequences,  direct  or
indirect,  of any violation by the  Contractor or its  Subcontractors,  or their
officers,  employees,  agents or  servants  of any law of a country in which the
Work is performed, or of any country whatsoever.



Except as  provided  in  Article  30.5  hereof,  the ORION 2  Contract  shall be
governed  by and  interpreted  in  accordance  with  the  laws of the  State  of
Maryland,  United  States of  America,  without  regard to the  conflict of laws
provisions thereof.


The Contractor appoints Powell,  Goldstein,  Frazer & Murphy,  attention J. Gail
Bancroft, 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20004, United States
of  America  as its agent for  acceptance  of  service  of process in the United
States.  Contractor shall notify ORION promptly in writing of the appointment by
Contractor of a new agent or of a change in the agent's address.



In the ORION 2 Contract unless the context otherwise requires:

i)       words of any gender include any other gender;

ii)      the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

iii)     "person" includes a reference to a partnership, firm, or any other body
         of  persons,   company  or   organization   whether   incorporated   or


Any heading to this ORION 2 Contract  shall not be used in the  construction  or
interpretation of the ORION 2 Contract.


All  communications  between the Parties to the ORION 2 Contract shall be in the
English language.


Any  reference to  liquidation  damages means agreed  liquidated or  ascertained
damages and not a penalty.

38.      SURVIVAL

Any  provision  of the ORION 2 Contract  which can be  reasonably  construed  to
survive the  expiration or  termination  of the ORION 2 Contract for any reason,
including but not limited to the indemnification and confidentiality obligations
set forth herein,  shall survive such  expiration or  termination of the ORION 2



The Contractor will assign properly  qualified and experienced  personnel to the
program  contemplated  under the ORION 2  Contract.  Personnel  assigned  to the
following positions shall be considered "Key Personnel":

a)       The Contractor's Project Manager 
b)       The Contractor's Contracts Manager


c)       The Contractor's PA Manager
d)       The Contractor's Resident Manager at NEC
e)       The Contractor's Engineering Manager
f)       The NEC Project Manager
g)       The Contractor's AIT Manager

ORION shall have the right to approve the Contractor's Project Manager and NEC's
Project  Manager which approval shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or delayed.
Other Key Personnel shall not be assigned to other duties without the Contractor
giving prior written notice to and consulting with ORION.

The  Contractor  shall provide a chart to ORION of the Program Key Personnel and
shall keep such chart current.


Subject to ORION's  right to approve the selection of the  Contractor's  Project
Manager pursuant to Article 39.1, in the event that an employee  included in the
list of Key Personnel  becomes  unavailable for work under the ORION 2 Contract,
the  Contractor  shall  replace  him by a  person  of  substantially  equivalent
qualifications and abilities.



The  Contractor  shall  render such  reports as to the  progress of the Work and
attend such  meetings  with ORION as specified in Part 2(A)  (Statement of Work)
and Part 2(B) (Contract Documentation Requirements List).



41.1.1 The  Contractor  hereby  agrees that ORION shall have the right to direct
the  Contractor  to terminate  the Launch  Agreement at any time,  in which case
ORION shall be liable for the termination  charges  specified in the termination
liability  schedule set forth in Table 21.6 of the Launch Agreement and attached
hereto as Annex C.

41.1.2.  The Contractor  hereby agrees that ORION shall have the right to direct
the Contractor to terminate the Launch Agreement,  in whole or, where severable,
in part and for ORION to receive  directly from the Launch Vehicle Agency a full
refund of all amounts previously paid by ORION (excluding  postponement fees and
retanking  charges) (or where the Launch Vehicle Agency provides such amounts to
the  Contractor,  the  Contractor  shall pay over such  amounts to ORION 


with no right of offset) where there has been more than three hundred sixty-five
(365)  cumulative  Calendar Days of Launch  postponement  by the Launch  Vehicle
Agency. In the event that, as a result of ORION exercising such right,  there is
any delay in the  performance  of the  Work,  such  delay  shall  constitute  an
Excusable  Delay and the  provisions  of Article 12 hereof shall be  applicable.
ORION's  right to direct the  Contractor  to terminate  the Launch  Agreement is
conditional  upon receipt of the Contractor's  written  notification of a Launch
postponement  or upon the  occurrence  of a single or  cumulative  delays by the
Launch Vehicle Agency which exceed three hundred sixty-five (365) Calendar Days.
ORION must direct the Contractor to terminate within sixty (60) Calendar Days of
the  first of the two  events  above or must  waive  its  right  to  direct  the
termination  of that Launch under this  Article  unless  further  delayed by the
Launch Vehicle Agency.


The Launch Vehicle Agency shall provide such insurance as required by the United
States  Department  of  Transportation  for loss or  damage  to  United  States.
Government  property  resulting from  activities to be carried out in connection
with Launches to be provided under the ORION 2 Contract. In consideration of and
conditioned upon a reciprocal waiver by the United States Government, both ORION
and the Contractor agree to waive any claim against the United States Government
or its agencies for any property damage or loss they sustain or for any personal
injury  to,  death of, or any  property  damage or loss  sustained  by their own


The Launch  Vehicle  Agency has executed  agreements  with various United States
Government agencies for use of Government-owned property and facilities relating
to the production of launch vehicles and launch operations at Cape Canaveral Air
Station  (CCAS) in  Florida.  ORION  agrees  that it will comply with the United
States  Government's  laws and  regulations  as they  relate to  ORION-furnished
property and personnel,  and those  agreements  relating  directly to the United
States expendable launch vehicle program. The Contractor will request the Launch
Vehicle  Agency to  furnish  copies of such  agreements  to ORION  upon  ORION's
request.  ORION will  indemnify the  Contractor  for any ORION  violation of the
laws,  regulations  or agreements as specified  herein.  In  furtherance  of the
foregoing,  the Parties shall, before Launch,  execute and deliver the Agreement
for Waiver of Claims and Assumption of Responsibility, the execution of which is
required by the United  States  Department of  Transportation  as a condition of
granting the  Contractor's  license to conduct launch  activities and launch the
ORION 2 Spacecraft.


On or  before  the  last  day  of  the  twenty-first  (21st)  month  after  NPD,
Contractor,  acting  upon the  advice  and  with the  consent  of  ORION,  shall
cooperate in good faith with the Launch Vehicle Agency to finalize the selection
of a Launch Date. The Parties  recognize  that, if the Contractor and the Launch
Vehicle  Agency cannot  mutually  agree upon a Launch Date,  the Launch  Vehicle


Agency may select the Launch  Date,  taking into  account all  available  launch
opportunities and the Contractor's requirements and interests.


The  Contractor  shall  provide an  unconditional  corporate  guarantee by Matra
Marconi Space NV and, if required,  other  entities  acceptable to any Financing
Entity,  in respect of its  obligations  under the ORION 2  Contract,  including
repayment,  if  required,  of the  Advance  Payment or any part  thereof.  Matra
Marconi Spare NV shall certify to ORION in writing on a quarterly  basis that it
has the financial  ability to repay any portion of the Advance  Payment that may
be required under the ORION 2 Contract and it shall promptly advise ORION of any
event or circumstance that may impair such ability.

43.      INTEREST

Except as set forth in Article 6.1.1(e)(iii), any interest due under the ORION 2
Contract shall be calculated in accordance with LIBOR plus three percent (3%).

his hand for and on behalf of and as General  Partner of  International  Private
Satellite  Partners,  L.P.,  on the  25th  day of July  1996,  and the  Managing
Director  of MATRA  MARCONI  SPACE UK LIMITED has hereto set his hand for and on
behalf of MATRA MARCONI SPACE UK LIMITED on the 31st day of July 1996.

  PARTNERS, L.P.                                     UK LIMITED

By: Orion Satellite Corporation, its General

By: _____________________________                   By: ________________________


                                    ANNEX A

                          FORM OF REQUEST FOR PAYMENT
                 (Terms of this Form will be revised to conform
              to the requirements of the ORION 2 Credit Agreement)


2440 Research Boulevard
Suite 400
Rockville, Maryland  20850
United States of America

Attention:  [                                ]

         RE:      Part 1(A) ORION 2 Spacecraft  Purchase  Contract,  dated as of
                  [...] (as amended, supplemented or modified from time to time,
                  the  "ORION  2  Contract"),   between   INTERNATIONAL  PRIVATE
                  SATELLITE PARTNERS, L.P., d/b/a ORION ATLANTIC, L.P. ("ORION")
                  and MATRA MARCONI SPACE UK LIMITED (the "Contractor")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This  Request for  Payment is  delivered  to ORION  pursuant to Article 6 of the
ORION 2 Contract and  constitutes  the  Contractor's  request for payment in the
amount of $ [...] for Milestone  Payment No. ________,  and Progress Payment No.

Very truly yours,




                             Appendix I to Annex A

                         Form of Contractor Certificate
                 (Terms of this Form will be revised to conform
              to the requirements of the ORION 2 Credit Agreement)

Reference:        Milestones Payment No. _____
                  Progress Payment No. _____

                                                    ________________ ____, 19___

         RE:      ORION  2  Spacecraft  Purchase  Contract,  with  International
                  Private Satellite  Partners,  L.P. d/b/a Orion Atlantic,  L.P.
                  (as amended,  supplemented or modified and in effect from time
                  to time the "ORION 2 Contract")

2440 Research Boulevard
Suite 400
Rockville, Maryland  20850
United States of America

Attention:  [                                ]

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This  Certificate  is delivered to you in connection  with the ORION 2 Contract.
Each  capitalized  term used  herein and not  otherwise  defined  shall have the
meaning assigned thereto in the ORION 2 Contract.

We hereby certify, after due inquiry, that, as of the date hereof:

1.       The ORION 2  Contract  is in full  force and  effect  and except as set
         forth in  Schedule  I hereto,  has not been  amended,  supplemented  or
         otherwise modified,  and attached hereto are true, correct and complete
         copies  of all  Amendments  to  the  ORION  2  Contract  or  any  other
         modification  or  amendment  to the  ORION 2  Contract  not  heretofore
         delivered to the Financing Entity.

2.       Except as set forth in Schedule I hereto, we are not aware of any event
         that  has   occurred   or  failed   to  occur   which   occurrence   or
         non-occurrence,  as the case may be,  could  


         reasonably  be  expected to cause the date of Final  Acceptance  of the
         ORION 2 Spacecraft to occur later than the Delivery Date therefor.

3.       Except as set forth in Schedule I hereto,  no event or condition exists
         that  permits or  requires  us to  cancel,  suspend  or  terminate  our
         performance  under the ORION 2 Contract  or that  could  excuse us from
         liability for non-performance thereunder.

4.       Except with respect to amounts that are the subject of a dispute  (such
         amounts and such  disputes  being  described  in  reasonable  detail in
         Schedule II hereto),  all amounts due and owing to us have been paid in
         full  through  the  date  of  the  immediately  preceding  Construction
         Certificate  and are not overdue.  To the extent payment to us has been
         or will be made as  specified  in this  and the  immediately  preceding
         Contractor  Certificates,  there  are  and  will  be no  mechanics'  or
         materialsmen's   liens  except  Permitted  Liens  (as  defined  in  the
         Financing  Agreements)  on the  Project  (as  defined in the  Financing
         Agreements), the Collateral (as defined in the Financing Agreements) or
         on any  other  property  in  respect  of the work  which has or will be
         performed under the ORION 2 Contract.

5.       a.       The amount  contained in the Request for Payment  delivered to
                  you  concurrently  herewith  in  accordance  with the terms of
                  Article  6.1.1(b)  of the ORION 2 Contract  represents  monies
                  owed to us in respect of Milestone Payment No. _____.

         b.       The amount  referred to in paragraph (a) above was computed in
                  accordance with the terms of the ORION 2 Contract.

         c.       The Milestone to which Milestone  Payment No. ____ relates has
                  been completed in accordance with the ORION 2 Contract.*

6.       a.       The  amount  of  the  Request  for  Payment  delivered  to you
                  concurrently  herewith in  accordance  with the  provisions of
                  Article  6.1.1(a)  of the ORION 2 Contract  represents  monies
                  owed to us in respect of Progress Payment No. ____.

         b.       The amount  referred to in paragraph (a) above was computed in
                  accordance with the ORION 2 Contract.*

7.       a.       The amount  referred to in paragraph (a) above was computed in
                  accordance with the ORION 2 Contract.


8.       An amount of $_________ is due to us and  represents  monies owed to us
         in respect of the principal  amounts due and payable on the outstanding

Very truly yours,



*        Include when relevant

                                                                   SCHEDULE I to
                                                           Appendix I to Annex A

List of Exceptions:

Amendments to ORION 2 Spacecraft Purchase Contract:

Exceptions Affecting Final Acceptance Date:

Exceptions Affecting Contractor's Performance:

                                                                  SCHEDULE II to
                                                           Appendix I to Annex A

List of Disputes:


                                     ANNEX B



    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

                                    ANNEX B
                          CONTRACT FOR LAUNCH SERVICES

         This Contract is made and entered into by and between  Lockheed  Martin
Commercial Launch Services,  Inc., a Delaware corporation,  having its principal
place  of  business  at  101  West  Broadway,   San  Diego,   California   92101
("Contractor")  and Matra  Marconi  Space UK Limited,  a company  organized  and
existing under the laws of England and Wales with its  registered  office at the
Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LY, England ("Customer").

                                   ARTICLE 1

Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the following

         Affiliate  means the  directors,  officers,  agents and  employees of a
Party.  This  definition  is for  identification  purposes only and shall not be
interpreted as  creating any privity of contract between Affiliates of one Party
and the other Party or its Affiliates.

         CSLA means the Commercial Space Launch Act, 49 U.S.C.  Sections 70101 -
70119, as amended.

         Contract means this instrument and all exhibits attached hereto, as the
same may be  amended  from time to time in  accordance  with the  terms  hereof,

               Exhibit A - Statement of Work
               Exhibit B - Interface Control Document

         Contract Price means the Launch Service Price as set forth in Article 4
entitled "Contract Price."

         Effective  Date shall have the meaning set forth in Article 32 entitled
"Effective Date."

         Excusable  Delay  shall have the  meaning  set forth in  Paragraph  8.1
entitled "Excusable Delays Defined."


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

         Insured Launch  Activities  means the activities  carried out by either
Party or the  Related  Third  Parties of either  Party or by the  United  States
Government and operations  necessary  therefor or incidental thereto pursuant to
the terms of this Contract and, in the case of Launch  Services  licensed by the
CSLA, the launch license issued by the Office of Commercial Space Transportation
(or any successor  agency  thereto) to Contractor  under the CSLA to conduct the
Launch Services,  including the use of United States Goverment launch facilities
at the launch site used by Contractor and the Launch from the launch site.

         Intentional  Ignition means,  with respect to the Launch  Vehicle,  the
point in time during the launch  countdown when initiation of the gas generators
igniters firing command and firing of any of the gas generators igniters occurs.

         Interface  Control  Document or ICD means that document  referred to in
the Statement of Work attached or to be attached as Exhibit B to this Contract.

         Launch means Intentional Ignition followed by either (i) release of the
Launch  Vehicle from the launcher hold down  restraints  for the purpose of lift
off; or (ii) total loss or destruction of the Satellite or Launch Vehicle.

         Launch Date means the calendar date within the Launch Slot during which
the Launch is scheduled to occur,  as established  in accordance  with Article 6
entitled "Launch Schedule" and as such Launch Date may be adjusted in accordance
with Article 7 entitled "Launch Schedule Adjustments."

         Launch   Opportunity   means  an  adequate  time  period  during  which
Contractor,  in its  reasonable  judgment,  may  provide  a  Launch  Service  to
Customer, taking into account all relevant conditions, including but not limited
to, committments to other customers,  maintenance of appropriate clearance times
between  flights,  hardware  availability  and requirements of the United States
Government for range support.

         Launch  Service  means those  services to be provided by  Contractor to
Customer for a single  Launch as set forth in Exhibit A entitled  "Statement  of

         Launch Slot means a thirty (30) day period  during  which the Launch is
scheduled to occur, as set forth in Article 6 entitled "Launch  Schedule" and as
such Launch Slot may be adjusted in accordance  with Article 7 entitled  "Launch
Schedule Adjustments".


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

         Launch Vehicle means the baseline  launch vehicle system  consisting of
an Atlas lower stage and Centaur upper stage connected by an interstage adapter,
the payload fairing and the payload adapter with separation system, collectively
identified as the Atlas ILAS  Standard with a performance  level as specified in
the Exhibit A Statement of Work.

         NPD means the date upon which all the  conditions  set forth in Article
32 have been met.

         Orion  means  Customer's  customer,   International  Private  Satellite
Partners, L.P.

         Party or Parties means Contractor, Customer or both.

         Related Third Parties means (i) the Parties'  Affiliates and customers;
(ii) the Parties' contractors, subcontractors and suppliers at any tier involved
directly or indirectly in the performance of this Contract, and their directors,
officers agents and employees;  (iii) entities involved with payload  processing
or  other  activities  in  the  payload  processing  facilities,  including  the
contractor providing the payload processing  facilities,  other customers of the
payload processing facilities  contractor,  and all employees and contractors of
those  contractors  and customers;  and (iv) parties having any right,  title or
interest,  whether  through  sale,  lease or service  arrangement  or otherwise,
directly or indirectly, in the Satellite or any transponder,  the Launch Vehicle
or the Launch Service.  This definition is for identification  purposes only and
shall not be interpreted as creating any privity of contract between  Affiliates
of one Party and the other Party or its Affiliates.

         Satellite  means  Customer-provided  Orion F2 satellite and  associated
property to be launched on the Launch Vehicle.

         Statement of Work or SOW means that  document  attached as Exhibit A to
this Contract.

         Termination  Charge  means the charge  calculated  in  accordance  with
Paragraph 21.6 entitled "Termination Charge."

         Third Party means any person or entity other than Contractor, Customer,
their Affiliates and Related Third Parties and the United States  Government and
its agencies, contractors or subcontractors involved in the Launch Services.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

                                   ARTICLE 14
                           TO PROVIDE LAUNCH SERVICES

The Launch  Services  to be provided  under this  Contract  shall be  considered
complete  upon Launch and the  submission  of data  required by the Statement of
Work, Sections 4 and 6.

                                   ARTICLE 15
                        AND ALLOCATION OF CERTAIN RISKS

15.1 No Representations  or Warranties  Contractor has not made nor does it make
any  representation  or warranty,  whether written or oral,  express or implied,
including,  without limitation,  any warranty of design,  operation,  condition,
quality,  suitability  or  merchantability  or  of  fitness  for  use  or  for a
particular  purpose,  absence  of  latent  or  other  defects,  whether  or  not
discoverable,  with regard to the success of the Launch or other  performance of
the Launch  Service  hereunder.  Without  limited or creating  exceptions to the
reciprocal  waiver of liability  set forth in this Article 15, or the  exclusive
remedies  set forth in Article 18, in no event shall  either  Party be liable to
the other and to persons  claiming by or through  such Party under any theory of
tort,  contract,  strict  liability,  negligence  of any type or under any other
legal or equitable  theory for indirect,  special,  incidental or  consequential
damages,  including without limitation,  costs of effecting cover, lost profits,
lost revenues or costs of recovering a payload or the Satellite,  arising out of
or relating to this Contract.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

15.2  Waiver of Liability

      15.2.1  Contractor  and Customer  hereby  agree to a reciprocal  waiver of
      liability  pursuant  to which  each  Party  agrees not to bring a claim in
      arbitration  or  otherwise  or sue the  other  Party,  the  United  States
      Government  or Related  Third  Parties of the other Party for any property
      loss or damage it  sustains  and any  property  loss or  damage,  personal
      injury  or  bodily  injury,  including  death,  sustained  by  any  of its
      Affiliates, arising in any manner in connection with the performance of or
      activities  carried out pursuant to this Contract,  or other activities in
      or around the launch site or Satellite  processing  area, or the operation
      or  performance  of the Launch  Vehicle or the  Satellite.  Such waiver of
      liability  shall  also  extend to any  indirect,  special,  incidental  or
      consequential  damages or other loss of revenue or business injury or loss
      including but not limited to lost profits or costs of recovering a payload
      or the  Satellite  resulting  from any  delay in  Launch,  damages  to the
      Satellite  before,  during  or after  Launch  or from the  failure  of the
      Satellite to reach its planned orbit or operate properly.

      15.2.2 Claims of liability  are waived and released  regardless of whether
      loss,  damage or injury  arises from the acts or  omissions,  negligent or
      otherwise,  of either Party or its Related Third  Parties.  This waiver of
      liability shall extend to all theories of recovery,  including in contract
      for property loss or damage, tort, product liability and strict liability.
      In no event shall this waiver of liability prevent or encumber enforcement
      of the  Parties'  contractual  rights  and  obligations  to each  other as
      specifically provided in this Contract.

      15.2.3 Contractor and Customer shall each extend the waiver and release of
      claims of  liability  as provided in  Paragraphs  15.2.1 and 15.2.2 to its
      Related Third Parties  (other than  employees,  directors and officers) by
      requiring  them to waive and release all claims of liability they may have
      against the other Party,  its Related  Third  Parties,  the United  States
      Government and its  contractors  and  subcontractors  at every tier and to
      agree to be responsible  for any property loss or damage,  personal injury
      or bodily injury, including death, sustained by them arising in any manner
      in connection with the  performance of or activities  carried out pursuant
      to this Contract, or other related activities in or around the launch site
      or Satellite  processing  area,  or the  operation or  performance  of the
      Launch Vehicle or the Satellite.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

      15.2.4 The waiver and release by each Party and its Related  Third Parties
      of claims of  liability  against  the other  Party and the  Related  Third
      Parties of the other Party extends to the successors and assigns,  whether
      by subrogation  or otherwise,  of the Party and its Related Third Parties.
      Each Party shall obtain a waiver of  subrogation  and release of any right
      of recovery against the other Party and its Related Third Parties from any
      insurer  providing  coverage  for the  risks of loss for  which  the Party
      hereby waives claims of liability  against the other Party and its Related
      Third Parties.

      15.2.5 In the event of any  inconsistency  between the  provisions of this
      Paragraph 15.2 and any other  provisions of this Contract,  the provisions
      of this Paragraph 15.2 shall take precedence.

15.3  Indemnification - Property Loss and Damage and Bodily Injury

      15.3.1 To the extent that such  liability  is not covered by an  insurance
      policy of either  Contractor  or Customer,  Contractor  and Customer  each
      agree to defend,  hold  harmless  and  indemnify  the other  Party and its
      Related Third Parties, for any liabilities,  costs and expenses (including
      attorneys'  fees,  costs  and  expenses),  arising  as a result  of claims
      brought by Related Third Parties of the  indemnifying  Party, for property
      loss or  damage,  personal  injury  or  bodily  injury,  including  death,
      sustained  by  such  Related  Third  Parties,  arising  in any  manner  in
      connection  with the  activities  carried out  pursuant to this  Contract,
      other activities in and around the launch site or the Satellite processing
      area,  or the  operation  or  performance  of the  Launch  Vehicle  or the
      Satellite.  Such  indemnification  shall extend to any claim for indirect,
      special,  incidental, or consequential damages or other loss of revenue or
      business  injury  or loss  resulting  from  any loss of or  damage  to the
      Satellite  before or after launch or from the failure of the  Satellite to
      reach its planned orbit or operate properly.

      15.3.2 To the extent that such claims of liability  are not covered by the
      third party  liability  insurance  referred to in Paragraph  16.1 entitled
      "Third  Party  Liability  Insurance,"  or an  insurance  policy  of either
      Contractor  or  Customer  or  eligible  for  payment by the United  States
      Government (as provided in Paragraph 16.2 entitled  "Insurance Required by
      Launch  License"),  Contractor  will defend,  hold  harmless and indemnify
      Customer  and its  Related  Third  Parties for any and all claims of Third
      Parties,  for property loss or damage,  personal  injury or bodily injury,
      including  death,  arising in any manner from the operation or performance
      of the Launch Vehicle.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

      15.3.3 To the extent that such claims of liability  are not covered by the
      third party  liability  insurance  referred to in Paragraph  16.1 entitled
      "Third  Party  Liability  Insurance,"  or an  insurance  policy  of either
      Contractor  or Customer or not paid by the United  States  Government  (as
      provided  in  Paragraph  16.2  entitled   "Insurance  Required  by  Launch
      License,")  Customer will defend,  hold harmless and indemnify  Contractor
      and its Related Third Parties for any and all claims of Third Parties, for
      property  loss or  damage,  personal  injury or bodily  injury,  including
      death,  arising in any manner from the  operation  or  performance  of the
      Satellite  or  from  any  claim  for  indirect,   special,  incidental  or
      consequential  damages or other loss of revenue or business injury or loss
      resulting  from any loss of or  damage  to the  Satellite  before or after
      Launch or from the failure of the  Satellite to reach its planned orbit or
      operate properly.

      15.3.4  Notwithstanding  Paragraphs  15.3.2 and 15.3.3  above,  Contractor
      shall not be obligated to defend,  hold harmless or indemnify Customer for
      any claim brought by a Third Party  against  Customer  resulting  from any
      damage  to or loss of the  Satellite,  whether  sustained  before or after
      Launch and whether due to the operation,  performance,  non-performance or
      failure of the Launch  Vehicle or due to any other causes.  Customer shall
      defend,  hold harmless and indemnify  Contractor for any claims brought by
      Third Parties  against  Contractor for damage to or loss of the Satellite,
      whether  sustained before or after Launch or whether due to the operation,
      performance,  non-performance  or failure of the Launch  Vehicle or due to
      other causes.

      15.3.5 The  indemnification  provided by this  Paragraph 15.3 for property
      loss or damage,  personal injury or bodily injury extends to all damage or
      injury  regardless of whether such loss,  damage or injury arises from the
      acts or omissions, whether negligent or otherwise, of either Party.

      15.3.6   The  right  of  either   Party  or  Related   Third   Parties  to
      indemnification  under this  Article  is not  subject  to  subrogation  or
      assignment and either Party's obligation set forth herein to indemnify the
      other Party or Related Third  Parties  extends only to that Party or those
      Related  Third  Parties  and not to others who may claim  through  them by
      subrogation, assignment or otherwise.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

15.4  Indemnification by United States Government

      15.4.1 The Parties recognize that under the CSLA and subject thereto,  the
      Secretary of  Transportation  shall,  to the extent provided in advance in
      appropriations   acts  or  to  the  extent  there  is  enacted  additional
      legislative  authority  to provide for the payment of claims,  provide for
      the  payment  by  the  United  States   Government  of  successful  claims
      (including  reasonable  expenses of litigation or  settlement)  of a Third
      Party against Contractor or subcontractors, or Customer or its contractors
      or  subcontractors,  resulting from  activities  carried out pursuant to a
      license issued or transferred under the CSLA for death,  bodily injury, or
      loss of or damage to property  resulting from activities carried out under
      the license,  but only to the extent that the aggregate of such successful
      claims arising out of the Launch:    is in excess of the amount of  insurance or  demonstration  of
                  financial  responsibility  required  of  Contractor  under its
                  license issued pursuant to the CSLA; and
      is not in excess of the level that is $1,500,000,000 (plus any
                  additional sums necessary to reflect inflation occurring after
                  January 1, 1989) above the  required  amount of  insurance  or
                  demonstration  of  financial  responsibility  required  by the

      15.4.2  Contractor makes no representation or warranty that any payment of
      claims by the United States  Government will be available  pursuant to the
      CSLA. Contractor's sole obligation is the good faith effort to obtain such
      payment as may be available from the United States Government.

15.5  Indemnification - Intellectual Property Infringement

      15.5.1 Contractor shall defend,  hold harmless and indemnify  Customer and
      its  Related  Third  Parties  for any and all  claims  resulting  from the
      infringement, or claims of infringement, of the patent rights or any other
      intellectual  property  rights  of a Third  Party,  that  may  arise  from
      Contractor's provision of Launch Services.

      15.5.2 Customer shall defend,  hold harmless and indemnify  Contractor and
      its  Related  Third  Parties  for any and all  claims  resulting  from the
      infringement, or claims of infringement, of the patent rights or any other
      intellectual  property  rights of a Third  Party,  that may arise from the
      design, manufacture, launch or operation of Customer's Satellite.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

15.6 Rights and Obligations  The rights and obligations  specified in Paragraphs
15.3 and 15.5 shall be subject to the following conditions:

      15.6.1 The Party seeking  indemnification  shall promptly advise the other
      Party in  writing  of the  filing of any suit,  or of any  written or oral
      claim alleging an  infringement  of any Related Third Party's or any Third
      Party's rights, upon receipt thereof, and shall provide the indemnitor, at
      the  indemnitor's  request  and  expense,  with  copies  of  all  relevant

      15.6.2 The Party seeking  indemnification shall not make any admission nor
      shall it reach a  compromise  or  settlement  without  the  prior  written
      approval of the other  Party,  which  approval  shall not be  unreasonably
      withheld or delayed.

      15.6.3 The Party required to indemnify, defend and hold the other harmless
      shall  assist in and shall have the right to assume,  when not contrary to
      the  governing  rules of  procedure,  the  defense of any claim or suit or
      settlement   thereof,   and  shall  pay  all  reasonable   litigation  and
      administrative costs and expenses,  including attorney's fees, incurred in
      connection with the defense of any such suit,  shall satisfy any judgments
      rendered by a court of  competent  jurisdiction  in such suits,  and shall
      make all settlement payments.

      15.6.4 The indemnitee  may  participate in any defense at its own expense,
      using counsel reasonably acceptable to the indemnitor, provided that there
      is no conflict of interest and that such  participation does not otherwise
      adversely affect the conduct of the proceedings.

15.7 Inconsistency  with Government  Agreement In the event of any inconsistency
between any provision of this Article 15 or Article 16 entitled  "Insurance" and
the Agreement for Waiver of Claims and Assumption of Responsibility  referred to
in Paragraph 13.1, this Article 15 shall take precedence as between the Parties.

15.8 Survival of  Obligations  All  indemnities,  obligations,  liabilities  and
payments provided for in this Article 15 shall survive, and remain in full force
and effect, notwithstanding the expiration or other termination of this Contract
and,  subject to the limitations  set forth in this Article 15,  notwithstanding
any other provision of this Contract to the contrary.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

15.9 Limitation of Liability Except for the obligation to indemnify  provided in
Paragraph 15.3.2,  Contractor's liability to Customer for any claim that has not
been waived or released  pursuant to the terms of this  Article 15 and any claim
to which the  remedies  are not  limited  pursuant  to the terms of  Article  18
entitled  "Remedies and  Limitations on Remedies"  arising out of or relating to
this Contract,  including, without limitation, any claim for termination,  shall
not,  under any  circumstances,  exceed the amount of the Contract Price paid by
Customer as of the date of such claim.

                                   ARTICLE 16

16.1 Third Party Liability  Insurance  Contractor  shall procure and maintain in
effect  insurance for third party liability to provide for the payment of claims
resulting  from  property  loss or  damage or bodily  injury,  including  death,
sustained by Third Parties caused by an occurrence resulting from Insured Launch
Activities. The insurance shall have a limit of U.S. $164,000,000 per occurrence
and in the  aggregate,  or such other  amount as may be  required  by the United
States  Department of  Transportion,  whichever is higher.  Coverage for damage,
loss or injury  sustained by Third  Parties  arising in any manner in connection
with Insured  Launch  Activities  shall attach upon arrival of the  Satellite at
CCAS and will  terminate upon the earlier to occur at the return of all parts of
the Launch Vehicle to Earth or twelve (12) months  following the date of Launch,
unless the Satellite is removed from the Satellite processing area or CCAS other
than by Launch,  in which case,  coverage  shall extend only until such removal.
Such  insurance  shall not cover loss of or damage to the Satellite even if such
claim is brought by any Third Party or Related  Third  Parties.  Such  insurance
also shall not pay claims made by the United  States  Government  for loss of or
damage to United States Government  property in the care, custody and control of
Customer or Contractor.

16.2  Insurance  Required  by  Launch  License  Contractor  shall  provide  such
insurance  as is  required  by the launch  license  issued by the United  States
Department of  Transportation  for loss of or damage to United States Government

16.3 Miscellaneous  Requirements The third party liability  insurance shall name
as  named  insured  Contractor  and  as  additional  insured  Customer  and  the
respective  Related Third Parties of the Parties  identified by each Party,  the
United States  Government and any of its agencies.  Such insurance shall provide
that the  insurers  shall  waive  all  rights of  subrogation  that may arise by
contract  or at law aginst  the named  insured or any  additional  insured.  The
Contractor  shall notify the Customer  when a claim,  arising out of  activities
carried  out as a result  of this  Contract,  has been  filed  against  a policy
maintained by the Contractor in accordance with this Article 16.



                          PAGE 114 OF THIS EXHIBIT 1B)


                          ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                   PART 1(B)

                           ORION 2 PAYMENT PLANS AND
                         TERMINATION LIABILITY AMOUNTS


Signed:                       Date:
On behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

Signed:                       Date:
On behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited

Part 1(B)


Section                        Description                             Page No.
- -------                        -----------                             --------

   1                           Progress Payment                            2
   2                           Milestone Payment Plan                      4
   3                           Termination Liability Amounts               7


                                   SECTION 1
                             PROGRESS PAYMENT PLAN

page 1                             Issue 1                             323347 vl

                             Progress Payment Plan

                                 Launch Vehicle

                               Orion 2 Atlas IIAS

                              [                  ]

                                   SECTION 2

                             MILESTONE PAYMENT PLANS


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

                          CONTRACT FOR LAUNCH SERVICES

      This  Contract is made and entered  into by and  between  Lockheed  Martin
Commercial Launch Services,  Inc., a Delaware corporation,  having its principal
place  of  business  at  101  West  Broadway,   San  Diego,   California   92101
("Contractor")  and Matra  Marconi  Space UK Limited,  a company  organized  and
existing under the laws of England and Wales with its  registered  office at the
Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LY, England ("Customer").

                                   ARTICLE 1

Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the following

      Affiliate means the directors,  officers, agents and employees of a Party.
This definition is for identification purposes only and shall not be interpreted
as  creating  any privity of contract  between  Affiliates  of one Party and the
other Party or its Affiliates.

      CSLA means the  Commercial  Space Launch Act, 49 U.S.C.  Sections  70101 -
70119, as amended.

      Contract means this instrument and all exhibits  attached  hereto,  as the
same may be  amended  from time to time in  accordance  with the  terms  hereof,

                    Exhibit A - Statement of Work
                    Exhibit B - Interface Control Document

      Contract  Price means the Launch  Service  Price as set forth in Article 4
entitled "Contract Price."

      Effective  Date shall have the  meaning  set forth in Article 32  entitled
"Effective Date."

      Excusable Delay shall have the meaning set forth in Paragraph 8.1 entitled
"Excusable Delays Defined."

    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

         Insured Launch  Activities  means the activities  carried out by either
Party or the  Related  Third  Parties of either  Party or by the  United  States
Government and operations  necessary  therefor or incidental thereto pursuant to
the terms of this Contract and, in the case of Launch  Services  licensed by the
CSLA, the launch license issued by the Office of Commercial Space Transportation
(or any successor  agency  thereto) to Contractor  under the CSLA to conduct the
Launch Services,  including the use of United States Goverment launch facilities
at the launch site used by Contractor and the Launch from the launch site.

         Intentional  Ignition means,  with respect to the Launch  Vehicle,  the
point in time during the launch  countdown when initiation of the gas generators
igniters firing command and firing of any of the gas generators igniters occurs.

         Interface  Control  Document or ICD means that document  referred to in
the Statement of Work attached or to be attached as Exhibit B to this Contract.

         Launch means Intentional Ignition followed by either (i) release of the
Launch  Vehicle from the launcher hold down  restraints  for the purpose of lift
off; or (ii) total loss or destruction of the Satellite or Launch Vehicle.

         Launch Date means the calendar date within the Launch Slot during which
the Launch is scheduled to occur,  as established  in accordance  with Article 6
entitled "Launch Schedule" and as such Launch Date may be adjusted in accordance
with Article 7 entitled "Launch Schedule Adjustments."

         Launch   Opportunity   means  an  adequate  time  period  during  which
Contractor,  in its  reasonable  judgment,  may  provide  a  Launch  Service  to
Customer, taking into account all relevant conditions, including but not limited
to, committments to other customers,  maintenance of appropriate clearance times
between  flights,  hardware  availability  and requirements of the United States
Government for range support.

         Launch  Service  means those  services to be provided by  Contractor to
Customer for a single  Launch as set forth in Exhibit A entitled  "Statement  of

         Launch Slot means a thirty (30) day period  during  which the Launch is
scheduled to occur, as set forth in Article 6 entitled "Launch  Schedule" and as
such Launch Slot may be adjusted in accordance  with Article 7 entitled  "Launch
Schedule Adjustments".


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

         Launch Vehicle means the baseline  launch vehicle system  consisting of
an Atlas lower stage and Centaur upper stage connected by an interstage adapter,
the payload fairing and the payload adapter with separation system, collectively
identified as the Atlas ILAS  Standard with a performance  level as specified in
the Exhibit A Statement of Work.

         NPD means the date upon which all the  conditions  set forth in Article
32 have been met.

         Orion  means  Customer's  customer,   International  Private  Satellite
Partners, L.P.

         Party or Parties means Contractor, Customer or both.

         Related Third Parties means (i) the Parties'  Affiliates and customers;
(ii) the Parties' contractors, subcontractors and suppliers at any tier involved
directly or indirectly in the performance of this Contract, and their directors,
officers agents and employees;  (iii) entities involved with payload  processing
or  other  activities  in  the  payload  processing  facilities,  including  the
contractor providing the payload processing  facilities,  other customers of the
payload processing facilities  contractor,  and all employees and contractors of
those  contractors  and customers;  and (iv) parties having any right,  title or
interest,  whether  through  sale,  lease or service  arrangement  or otherwise,
directly or indirectly, in the Satellite or any transponder,  the Launch Vehicle
or the Launch Service.  This definition is for identification  purposes only and
shall not be interpreted as creating any privity of contract between  Affiliates
of one Party and the other Party or its Affiliates.

         Satellite  means  Customer-provided  Orion F2 satellite and  associated
property to be launched on the Launch Vehicle.

         Statement of Work or SOW means that  document  attached as Exhibit A to
this Contract.

         Termination  Charge  means the charge  calculated  in  accordance  with
Paragraph 21.6 entitled "Termination Charge."

         Third Party means any person or entity other than Contractor, Customer,
their Affiliates and Related Third Parties and the United States  Government and
its agencies, contractors or subcontractors involved in the Launch Services.


    Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services, Inc. Proprietary Information

                                   Table 21.6
                         Termination Liability Schedule

Date of Termination                                    Termination Charge
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Effective Date of Contract through 30 September       [---------------------]

1 October 1996 through 31 December 1996 or up to 
NPD, whichever is earlier                                                      *

NPD through last day of NPD+18 months

First day of NPD+19 months, up to Launch


Customer shall pay to Contractor any unpaid  portion of the  Termination  Charge
within  thirty (30) days of  Contractor's  invoice.  Contractor  shall refund to
Customer  any  amount  paid,  without  interest,  under  this  Contract  for the
terminated Launch Service in excess of the Termination Charge within thirty (30)
days of the effective termination date for such Launch Service.

21.7 Effect of Termination If either Party  terminates  this Contract under this
Article 21, both Parties'  obligations  under this Contract with respect to such
Launch Service shall be discharged as of the Contract effective termination date
except that  Customer's  obligation to pay the Termination  Charge  described in
Paragraph 21.6 shall survive the termination of this Contract.

21.8 Effect on Termination  Liability in Event of Launch Schedule  Adjustment 
In the event the  Contractor  postpones the launch  schedule in accordance  with
Article 7 or Article 8, the  Customer's  termination  liability  as set forth in
Table 21.6 above,  shall not  increase  for a period of time equal to the actual
length of the delay.


                          PAGE 114 OF THIS EXHIBIT 1B)

28 June 1996                                                             Issue 3

                           ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                    PART 2(A)

                            ORION 2 STATEMENT OF WORK

                                    Issue: 3
                               Dated: 28 June 1996

   Signed:    Date:
   On behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

   Signed:    Date:
   On behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited

Part 2(A) ORION 2 Statement of Work                                   Page     i


                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   INTRODUCTION..............................................................1

     1.1   Scope  .............................................................1
     1.2   Responsibilities....................................................1

2. EQUIPMENT, DOCUMENTATION, AND SERVICES......................................2

     2.1   Introduction  2
     2.2   Deliverable Equipment...............................................3
           2.2.1  Flight Spacecraft............................................3
           2.2.2  Mission Specific Hardware and Software.......................3
           2.2.3  Optional Networking Transponders.............................3
           2.2.4  Optional Spacecraft Dynamic Simulator........................3
     2.3   Deliverable Documentation...........................................4
     2.4   Services   .........................................................4
           2.4.1  Launch Support Services......................................4
           2.4.2  Launch Services..............................................5
           2.4.3  Reserved.....................................................5
           2.4.4  Mission Support Services.....................................5
           2.4.5  Operations Training..........................................5

3.   PROGRAM MANAGEMENT........................................................6

     3.1   Introduction........................................................6
           3.1.1  Scope........................................................6
           3.1.2  Responsibilities.............................................6
           3.1.3  Program Management Plan......................................7
     3.2   Program Management Interface........................................8
     3.3   Documentation and Data Management...................................8
           3.3.1  General......................................................8
           3.3.2  Documentation Center.........................................9
           3.3.3  Data Management Plan.........................................9
           3.3.4  Documentation Submission Criteria............................9
           3.3.5  Revision and Maintenance of Documentation....................9
           3.3.6  Monthly Documentation Status Report..........................9
     3.4   Meetings   .........................................................9
           3.4.1  Inaugural Meeting............................................9
           3.4.2  Progress Meetings...........................................10
           3.4.3  Senior Management Meetings..................................10
           3.4.4  Quarterly Progress Meetings.................................10
           3.4.5  Subcontractor Progress Meetings and Other Meetings..........10

Part 2(A) ORION 2 Statement of Work                                   Page    ii

28 June 1996                                                             Issue 3

           3.4.6  Agenda Co-ordination Procedure..............................11
           3.4.7  Minutes.....................................................11
     3.5   Reviews    ........................................................11
     3.6   Action Item Control................................................12
     3.7   Management of Contract Changes.....................................12
     3.8   Program Planning and Status Information............................12
           3.8.1  Hardware Matrix ............................................12
           3.8.2  Qualification Status List...................................13
           3.8.3  Critical Items List.........................................13
           3.8.4  Program Schedules ..........................................13
           3.8.5  Program Progress Report.....................................14
           3.8.6  Executive Summary...........................................15
     3.9   Program Monitoring and Notification Requirements...................15
           3.9.1  ORION Representatives.......................................15
           3.9.2  Office Accommodation and Facilities.........................16
           3.9.3  Attendance at Meetings......................................16
           3.9.4  Access to Documentation.....................................16
           3.9.5  ORION Presence During Development, Qualification, and
                  Acceptance Tests............................................16
           3.9.6  Notification Requirements...................................17
           3.9.7  Material Review Board (MRB) and Failure Review
                  Board (FRB).................................................17

4.   DESIGN ACTIVITIES........................................................18

     4.1   General   .........................................................18
     4.2   Design Reviews.....................................................18
     4.3   Design Analyses and Study Reports..................................18
           4.3.1      Analyses at Spacecraft System Level.....................19
     Spacecraft Failure Analysis.............................19
     Dynamic Analysis........................................19
     Antenna Pointing Error Analysis.........................20
     Propellant Budget Analysis..............................21
     Mass Properties Analysis................................21
     Power Budget Analysis...................................21
     Mission Analysis........................................22
     Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Analysis............22
     Environmental Effects Analysis..........................23
    Worst Case Performance Analysis.........................24
    Autonomous Commands Analysis............................24
           4.3.2      Subsystem Level Analyses................................24
     Communications Subsystem Analysis.......................25
     Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TT&C) Subsystem

Part 2(A) ORION 2 Statement of Work                                   Page   iii

28 June 1996                                                             Issue 3

     Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem (AOCS) Analysis....29
     Propulsion Subsystem Analysis...........................30
     Power Subsystem Analysis................................30
     Thermal Subsystem Analysis..............................31
     Structure Analysis......................................32

5.  PRODUCT ASSURANCE.........................................................33

     5.1   Product Assurance Requirements.....................................33
     5.2   Quality Assurance Tasks............................................33
6.   MANUFACTURING, ASSEMBLY, INTEGRATION AND TEST............................35

     6.1   General    ........................................................35
     6.2   Test Plan  ........................................................35
     6.3   Test Procedures, Data, and Reports.................................36
           6.3.1  Unit and Subsystem Test Procedures and Reports..............36
           6.3.2  Spacecraft Test Procedures and Reports......................37
           6.3.3  Test Data...................................................37
           6.3.4  Spacecraft Log Book.........................................38
     6.4   Test Reviews.......................................................38
     6.5   Preshipment Review.................................................39
     6.6   System and Major Subsystems Integration and Test Notification......39
     6.7   Failure  Notification..............................................39
     6.8   Electrical and Mechanical Ground Support Equipment
     6.9   Test Equipment Requirements........................................40
     6.10  Software Requirements..............................................40
     6.11  Delivery of Drawings and Engineering Control Documents
           for Spacecraft Operation and In-Orbit Control......................40
     6.12  Secure Command System and Certification............................41

7.   LAUNCH AND MISSION SUPPORT SERVICES......................................42

     7.1   Scope  ............................................................42
     7.2   Launch Vehicle Compatibility.......................................42
     7.3   Launch Support Services............................................42
           7.3.1  Spacecraft Preparation at the Launch Sites..................43
           7.3.2  Spacecraft Propellant and Pressurant........................43
           7.3.3  Support of Meetings and Reviews.............................43
     7.4   Safety ............................................................43
     7.5   Launch Services....................................................44

Part 2(A) ORION 2 Statement of Work                                   Page    iv

28 June 1996                                                             Issue 3

     7.6   Mission Support....................................................44
           7.6.1  Scope ......................................................44
           7.6.2  Mission Support Activities..................................45
     Preparation and Definition of Mission Support Documents.45
     World-Wide Ground Segment...............................48
     Mission Support Procedures and Sequence of Events.......49
     Spacecraft/ORION SCS Compatibility......................49
     In-Orbit Test Plan and Procedure........................50
     Mission Reviews.........................................50
     Training ...............................................51
   Classroom Training......................................51
   On the Job Training.....................................52
   Course Materials........................................53
     Real-Time Mission Operations............................53
     Post-Mission Review.....................................53
    In-Orbit Testing and Test Report........................54
    Spacecraft Acceptance Review............................54
    Spacecraft Operational Support..........................54

8.   SHIPPING AND  TRANSPORTATION.............................................55

     8.1   Shipping  and Transportation  Plan.................................55
     8.2   Spacecraft Shipment ...............................................55

     9.1   Networking Transponders............................................56
     9.2   Spacecraft Dynamic Simulator Software..............................56

10.  MISSION SPECIFIC HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ..................................57

     10.1  Command Generators.................................................57
     10.2  Propulsion Model...................................................57
     10.3  Propellant Gauging.................................................57
     10.4  Sensor Blinding Prediction Model...................................57

Part 2(A) ORION 2 Statement of Work                                   Page     v


28 June 1996                 CONFIDENTIAL                                Issue 2

                           ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                    PART 2(B)

                                ORION 2 CONTRACT
                           DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS
                                   LIST (CDRL)

                                    Issue: 2
                               Dated: 28 June 1996

   Signed:                            Date:
   On behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

   Signed:                            Date:
   On behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited

Part 2(B) ORION 2 Contractual Documentation Requirements List           Page  i


 28 June 1996                   CONFIDENTIAL                          Issue 3


                           ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                    PART 3(A)


                               Dated: 28 June 1996

Signed:                             Date:
On Behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

Signed:                             Date:
On Behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited

Part 3(A) ORION 2 Spacecraft Specifications                            Page    i

                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................1
      1.1 Scope and Purpose....................................................1
      1.2 Description of the ORION 2 Spacecraft................................1
      1.3 General Requirements.................................................1
2. SPACECRAFT SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS...........................................3
      2.1 Life ................................................................3
               2.1.1 Manoeuver Life............................................3
               2.1.2 Orbital Life..............................................3
      2.2 Launch Configuration.................................................3
      2.3  Spacecraft Reliability and Quality Assurance
      2.5 General Spacecraft Design Considerations.............................6
               2.5.1 Configuration.............................................6
               2.5.2 Maintainability, Interchangeability, and
               2.5.3 Mechanical Design Criteria for Units and
               2.5.4 Thermal Design Criteria for Units and
               2.5.5 Design Criteria for Electronic Units and Onboard
               2.5.6 Use of  Connectors........................................8
               2.5.7 Spacecraft Testing Via the Telemetry System...............8
               2.5.8 Hard-line Connections for Communications and TT&C 
                       Subsystem Testing.......................................8
               2.5.9 Insulation of Conductors..................................8
               2.5.10 Radiation Environment....................................9
               2.5.11 Design Considerations Associated with 
                      Charging Phenomena.......................................9
               2.5.12 Zero-g Testing..........................................11
               2.5.13 Operation Following Storage.............................11
               2.5.14 Launch Windows and Mission Profile
               2.5.15 Telemetry Transmitters Status During Launch.............12
               2.5.16 Helium Pressurant Venting (if applicable)...............12
               2.5.17 Orbit Control Maneuvers.................................12
               2.5.18 Operation in Inclined Orbit.............................12
               2.5.19 Attitude Control Failure Mode Recovery and 
                       Continued Operation....................................12
      2.6 Definition of Coordinate Axes and Attitude Angles...................13
      2.7 Antenna Beam Pointing Accuracy......................................13
      2.8 Minimum Performance and Defect Criteria.............................15

3.0 COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM..................................................16
      3.1 General.............................................................16
               3.1.1    Definitions...........................................16
               3.1.2    Conditions for Specification..........................19
               3.1.3    Primary Transmission Modes............................20
      3.2 Coverage............................................................20
               3.2.1    Coverage Regions......................................20
               3.2.2    Beams.................................................22
      3.3 Polarization........................................................27
               3.3.1    Orthogonality.........................................27
               3.3.2    Receive Beam Isolation................................28
               3.3.3    Transmit Beam Isolation...............................28
      3.4 Capacity............................................................30
      3.5 Frequency Plan......................................................31
      3.6 Communications Subsystem and Antenna Beam
               3.6.1    Communications Subsystem Configuration................33
               3.6.2    Antenna Beam Interconnectivity........................33
      3.7 Input Characteristics...............................................34
               3.7.1    Receive Sensitivity (G/T).............................34
               3.7.2    Gain and Level Control................................37
       Fixed Gain Mode.......................................37
       Automatic Level Control Mode..........................37
               3.7.3    Transponder Gain......................................38
       FG Mode...............................................38
       ALC Mode..............................................38
               3.7.4    Drive Conditions......................................38
       Overdrive Capability..................................38
       Overdrive Damage Limit................................39
       Pulsed Transient Response.............................39
               3.7.5    Receive Rejection.....................................39
               3.7.6    Linearity of the Common Receive Section...............40
               3.7.7    Interference from Command Carrier.....................40
      3.8 Output Characteristics..............................................41
               3.8.1    Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP).............41
               3.8.2    Spurious Outputs......................................45
               3.8.3    Spurious Modulation...................................46
               3.8.4    AM/AM Transfer........................................46
               3.8.5    AM/FM Transfer........................................48
       Continuous Mode.......................................48
       Pulsed Level..........................................48
               3.8.6    Passive Intermodulation...............................48
               3.8.7    Multipaction Requirements.............................48
      3.9 Transfer Characteristics............................................48
               3.9.1    Gain Versus Frequency.................................49

               3.9.2     Gain Slope...........................................51
               3.9.3     Group Delay Versus Frequency.........................51
               3.9.4     Group Delay Slope....................................53
               3.9.5     Group Delay Stability................................53
               3.9.6     Group Delay Ripple...................................53
               3.9.7     Phase Linearity and AM/PM Conversion
               3.9.8     AM/PM TransferCoefficient............................54
               3.9.9     Amplitude Linearity..................................54
               3.9.10    Frequency Stability..................................55
               3.9.11    Out-Of-Band Response.................................55
      3.10 Cessation of Emissions.............................................56
      3.11 Traffic Routing....................................................56
      3.12 Redundancy.........................................................57
      3.13 Power Amplifiers...................................................57
               3.13.1    Linearized TWTAs.....................................57
               3.13.2    TWTA Auto-Restart Capability.........................57
      3.14 TT&C Interface.....................................................58
               3.14.1    Command Requirements.................................58
               3.14.2    Telemetry Requirements...............................58
      4.0 TELEMETRY, TRACKING, AND COMMAND (TT&C).............................64
      4.1 Telemetry...........................................................64
               4.1.1     Functional Requirements..............................64
        Interaction with the Communications
      All Subsystems.......................................66
      Communications Subsystem.............................67
      Telemetry, Tracking and Command Subsystem............67
      Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem.................68
      Propulsion Subsystem.................................69
      Power Subsystem......................................69
      Thermal Subsystem....................................70
      Deployment and Pointing Mechanisms...................70
        Data Channel Dynamic Range...........................71
        Spare Capacity.......................................72
               4.1.2     RF Parameters........................................72
      4.2 Command.............................................................73

               4.2.1     Functional Requirements..............................73
        System Test Considerations...........................74
        Spare Capacity.......................................75
               4.2.2     RF Parameters........................................75
               4.2.3     Baseband Characteristics.............................75
        Error Prevention and  Detection......................76
        Command Security.....................................76
        Command Acceptance Probability.......................77
      4.3 Ranging.............................................................77
               4.3.1     Functional Requirement...............................77
               4.3.2     Performance Requirements.............................78
5. ATTITUDE AND ORBIT CONTROL SUBSYSTEM(AOCS).................................79
      5.1 Functional Description..............................................79
      5.2 Subsystem Performance and Design Requirements.......................79
               5.2.1     Attitude Determination...............................79
        Transfer Orbit.......................................79
        Synchronous Orbit....................................80
               5.2.2     Attitude Control.....................................80
        Parking Orbit (If Applicable)........................80
        Transfer Orbit.......................................80
        Transfer to Geosynchronous Orbit and Initial
        On Orbit Control and Antenna Pointing Mode...........80
               5.2.3     Reacquisition........................................81
               5.2.4     Ground Control.......................................81
        Ground Control Command Capability....................81
               5.2.5     Safe Modes...........................................81
               5.2.6     Special Features.....................................82
        Antenna Pattern Measurement Capability...............82
        Control Bias Capability..............................82
        AOCS Switching.......................................82
        Control Electronics Fault Protection.................82
        Dynamic Stability....................................83
               5.2.7     Subsystem Configuration and Interfaces...............83

        TT&C Interfaces......................................83
        Propulsion Interfaces................................83
6. PROPULSION SUBSYSTEM.......................................................84
      6.1 Functional Description..............................................84
      6.2 Design Requirements.................................................84
      6.3 Redundancy..........................................................86
      6.4 Maneuver Life and Propellant Loading................................87
               6.4.1    General Requirements..................................87
               6.4.2    Propellant Budgeting Methodology......................87
       Actual Hardware Performance Test Data.................87
       Inefficiencies of Operation...........................88
       Inflight Performance..................................88
       Specific Maneuver Requirements........................88
      6.5 TT&C Interfaces.....................................................89
7. POWER SUBSYSTEM............................................................90
      7.1 Functional Description..............................................90
      7.2 General Requirements................................................90
      7.3 Energy Generation...................................................91
               7.3.1    Solar Cells...........................................91
               7.3.2    Power Output..........................................91
               7.3.3    Power Transfer Assembly...............................91
      7.4 Energy Storage......................................................92
               7.4.1    Batteries.............................................92
               7.4.2    Battery Charge Management.............................92
               7.4.3    Cell Failure..........................................93
               7.4.4    Battery Removal and Storage...........................93
      7.5 Power Conditioning and Control......................................93
               7.5.1    Bus Configuration.....................................93
               7.5.2    Failure Modes and Shutdown Sequence...................94
               7.5.3    Bus Undervoltage and Overvoltage......................95
               7.5.4    Interaction Between the Communications and
                         Power Subsystems.....................................95
      7.6 TT&C Interfaces.....................................................95
8. THERMAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM..................................................96
      8.1 Functional Description..............................................96
      8.2 Performance Requirements............................................96
      8.3 Subsystem Design Requirements.......................................97
               8.3.1    Instrumentation.......................................98
               8.3.2    Materials.............................................98

               8.3.3    Venting...............................................98
               8.3.4    Grounding.............................................99
               8.3.5    Multi-Layer Insulating Blanket (MLI)..................99
               8.3.6    Contamination Control.................................99
      8.4 TT&C Interfaces....................................................100
9. STRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM.......................................................101
      9.1 Functional Description.............................................101
      9.2 Performance Requirements...........................................101
      9.3 Design Requirements................................................101
10 MECHANISMS................................................................103
      10.1 Design Requirements...............................................103
      10.2 TT&C Interfaces...................................................104
11. PYROTECHNIC AND ELECTROEXPLOSIVE DEVICES.................................105

Annex A  Radiation Environment Specification, Issue C, 13 October 1995

13 October 1995                                                          Issue C


                                   PART 3(A)
                                    ANNEX A

                             RADIATION ENVIRONMENT

                     'REDLINED' AND AMENDED 10 OCTOBER 1995
                     'REDLINED' AND AMENDED 13 OCTOBER 1995

Part 3(A) Annex A Radiation Environment Specification                   Page   i

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   INTRODUCTION..............................................................1

2.   SYNCHRONOUS ORBIT CONDITIONS..............................................1
         2.1  Electrons........................................................1
         2.2  Protons..........................................................2
         2.3  Alpha Particles..................................................2
         2.4  Cosmic Ray Radiation.............................................3
         2.5  Ultraviolet Radiation............................................4
         2.6  Plasma...........................................................4
         2.7  Micrometeroids...................................................5

3.   TRANSFER ORBIT CONDITIONS.................................................5
         3.1  Transfer Orbit Electron Flux Values..............................5
         3.2  Transfer Orbit Proton Flux Values................................5

Part 3(A) Annex A Radiation Environment Specification                   Page  ii


 28 June 1996                   CONFIDENTIAL                          Issue 3

                           ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                    PART 3(B)

                               ORION 2 SPACECRAFT

                                    Issue: 3
                               Dated: 28 June 1996

   Signed:        Date:
   On behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

   Signed:        Date:
   On behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited 

Part 3(B) ORION 2 Spacecraft Product Assurance Requirements            page    i

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   INTRODUCTION..............................................................1

      1.1     Scope............................................................1
      1.2     Product Assurance Objectives.....................................1

2.   PRODUCT ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................3

      2.1     Product Assurance Plan...........................................3
      2.2     Organization and Management......................................3
      2.3     Reporting........................................................3
      2.4     Non-Conformance..................................................4
      2.5     Contract Change Management.......................................4
               2.5.1   Change Classification...................................4
               2.5.2   Preliminary Change Assessment...........................5
               2.5.3   Change Request (CR).....................................5
               2.5.4   Contract Change Notice (CCN)............................6
               2.5.5   Review and Approval of a Change.........................7
               2.5.6   Change Review Board.....................................7
               2.5.7   Implementation of a Change by the Contractor............8
               2.5.8   Directed Changes........................................8
               2.5.9   Go Ahead Procedure......................................8
               2.5.10  CR/CCN Log..............................................9
               2.5.11  Waivers and Deviations..................................9

3.   REVIEWS AND AUDITS.......................................................11

      3.1     Design Reviews..................................................11
               3.1.1   Review Chairperson and Review Board....................12
               3.1.2   Review Notification....................................12
               3.1.3   Data Packages..........................................12
               3.1.4   Review Procedures......................................12
               3.1.5   Review Summary.........................................13
               3.1.6   Review Completion......................................13
               3.1.7   Subsystem and Unit Design Reviews......................13
      Unit and Subsystem Preliminary Design Reviews..........14
      Unit and Subsystem Critical Design Reviews.............14
      Communications Subsystem Final Design Review...........15
      Unit Qualification Design Review.......................15
               3.1.8   Spacecraft System Design Reviews.......................15
      System Preliminary Design Review.......................16
      System Critical Design Review..........................16
      System Final Design Review.............................16
      3.2     Test Reviews....................................................17

      3.3     Preshipment Review..............................................17
      3.4     Further Reviews and Inspections.................................18
      3.5     Design Review Documentation.....................................19
      3.6     Test Review Documentation.......................................19
      3.7     Program Audits..................................................20
      3.8     ORION Right of Access...........................................20

4.   SUBCONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT....................................21

      4.1     Subcontractor/Supplier Product Assurance Plan...................21
      4.2     Requirements....................................................21
      4.3     Reviews and Controls............................................21

5.   RELIABILITY ASSURANCE....................................................22

      5.1     Reliability Analysis............................................22
      5.2     Parts Derating and Stress Analysis..............................23
      5.3     Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analyses................23
      5.4     Worst-Case Analysis (WCA).......................................24
      5.5     Critical Items Control..........................................25
      5.6     Design Verification Matrix (DVM)................................26
      5.7     Qualification Status List (QSL).................................26

6.   QUALITY ASSURANCE........................................................27

      6.1     Quality Assurance...............................................27
      6.2     Procurement and Fabrication.....................................27
      6.3     Test and Inspection.............................................27
      6.4     Workmanship Standards...........................................28
      6.5     Quality Records and Traceability................................28
      6.6     Non-Conformance Control.........................................28
               6.6.1   Non-Conformance Reporting..............................29
               6.6.2   Non-Conformance/Failure Review and Disposition.........29
               6.6.3   Failure Analysis and Corrective Action.................29

7.   PARTS PROCUREMENT........................................................30

      7.1     Parts Procurement and Control...................................30
      7.2     Organization and Responsibilities...............................30
      7.3     Selection and Application.......................................30
      7.4     Quality Provisions..............................................31
      7.5     Radiation.......................................................32
      7.6     Lot Transfer....................................................32
      7.7     Traceability....................................................32
      7.8     Hybrids, MCMs, Battery Cells, TWTs, and Magnetics...............32

      7.9     Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers..................................33
      7.10     Parts Documentation............................................34

8.   MATERIALS AND PROCESSES..................................................35

      8.1     Materials and Process Control...................................35
      8.2     Organization....................................................35
      8.3     Critical Materials and Processes................................35
      8.4     Materials and Process Selection.................................35
      8.5     Materials and Process Documentation.............................36

9.   SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE...............................................37

      9.1     Software Quality Assurance Plan.................................37
      9.2     Software Development............................................37
      9.3     Configuration Control...........................................37
      9.4     Verification and Acceptance Testing.............................37
      9.5     Non-Conformance Control.........................................38

10.  CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT.................................................39

      10.1     Configuration Management.......................................39
      10.2     Configuration Identification and Control.......................39
      10.3     Change Control.................................................40
      10.4     Configuration Verification.....................................40
      10.5     Configuration Status Accounting and Documentation..............40

11.  SAFETY...................................................................41

      11.1     General........................................................41
      11.2     Hazardous Conditions...........................................41
      11.3     Safety and Hazard Analyses.....................................41

12. Launch Vehicle............................................................42

         12.1  Introduction...................................................42
         12.2  Reporting......................................................42
         12.3  Reviews........................................................42
                  12.3.1  Interface Control Document Review (ICDR)............42

                  12.3.2  Mission Peculiar Design Review (MPDR)...............42
                  12.3.3  Launch Vehicle System Review (LVSR).................42
                  12.3.4  Certificate of Completion Review (COCR).............43
                  12.3.5  Review Summary and Action Items.....................43
         12.4  Launch Readiness Review........................................43

APPENDIX 1  REVIEW ITEM DISCREPANCY FORM......................................44
APPENDIX 2  CHANGE REQUEST FORM...............................................45
APPENDIX 3  CONTRACT CHANGE NOTICE FORM.......................................46
APPENDIX 4  REQUEST FOR DEVIATION/WAIVER FORM.................................47
APPENDIX 5  NON-CONFORMANCE REPORT FORM.......................................48

 28 June 1996                   CONFIDENTIAL                          Issue 3

                           ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                    PART 3(C)

                          ORION 2 SPACECRAFT ON-GROUND
                                TEST REQUIREMENTS

                                    Issue: 3
                               Dated: 28 June 1996

Signed:                   Date:
On behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

Signed:                   Date:
On Behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited

Part 3(c) ORION 2 Spacecraft On-Ground Test Requirement                Page    i

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.   INTRODUCTION..............................................................1

2.   GENERAL COMMENTS..........................................................2

    2.1 TEST PHILOSOPHY........................................................2
    2.2 DEFINITIONS............................................................3
    2.3 TEST REQUIREMENTS......................................................4
      2.3.1 GENERAL............................................................5
      2.3.2 TEST EQUIPMENT AND TEST FACILITY REQUIREMENTS......................6
      2.3.3 ZERO-G TESTING.....................................................6
      2.3.4 ACCEPTANCE TESTS...................................................7
      2.3.5 PROTOFLIGHT TESTS..................................................7
      2.3.6 QUALIFICATION TESTS................................................
    2.4 WITNESSING OF TESTS....................................................8
    2.5 TEST DATA..............................................................9
    2.6 TEST REVIEWS...........................................................9
    2.7 DOCUMENTATION..........................................................9
    2.8 ORGANIZATION...........................................................9

3.   UNIT, SUBSYSTEM AND SPACECRAFT TEST PROGRAM .............................10

    3.1 EQUIPMENT CATEGORIZATION...............................................
    3.2 TEST PROGRAM OVERVIEW.................................................10

4.   PROTOFLIGHT TESTS........................................................25

   4.1 UNIT PROTOFLIGHT TESTS.................................................25
   4.2 SUBSYSTEM PROTOFLIGHT TESTS............................................31
      4.2.1 REPEATER SUBSYSTEM................................................31
      4.2.2 ANTENNA SUBSYSTEM.................................................32
      4.2.3 TELEMETRY, TRACKING, AND COMMAND (TT&C) SUBSYSTEM.................35
      4.2.4 AOCS SUBSYSTEM PROTOFLIGHT DYNAMIC TEST...........................35
      4.2.5 PROPULSION SUBSYSTEM..............................................36
      4.2.6 POWER SUBSYSTEM...................................................36 SOLAR ARRAY.....................................................36 BATTERY ASSEMBLY................................................38
      4.2.7 STRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM PROTOFLIGHT TEST..............................38
                  4.2.8 THERMAL SUBSYSTEM PROTOFLIGHT TEST....................37

   4.3 SPACECRAFT PROTOFLIGHT TEST............................................38
      4.3.1  INTEGRATION TESTS................................................38
      4.3.2  INTEGRATED SYSTEM TEST...........................................38
      4.3.3  ELECTRO MAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) TEST........................40
      4.3.4  RF HEALTH CHECK..................................................40
      4.3.5  ELECTRO STATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) TEST..............................41
      4.3.6  SPACECRAFT ALIGNMENT TEST........................................42
      4.3.7  SINUSOIDAL VIBRATION.............................................42
      4.3.8  POST-SINUSOIDAL VIBRATION FUNCTIONAL TESTS.......................42
      4.3.9  ACOUSTIC VIBRATION TEST..........................................43
      4.3.10 POST-ACOUSTIC VIBRATION FUNCTIONAL TESTS.........................43
      4.3.11 SHOCK AND DEPLOYMENT TESTS.......................................43
      4.3.12 POST-LAUNCH ENVIRONMENT PERFORMANCE TEST.........................44
      4.3.13 THERMAL BALANCE/THERMAL VACUUM TEST..............................44
      4.3.14 FINAL PERFORMANCE TEST...........................................46
      4.3.15 RF RANGE TEST....................................................45
      4.3.16 SPACECRAFT MASS PROPERTIES MEASUREMENTS..........................46

5.   FLIGHT ACCEPTANCE TESTS..................................................54

   5.1 UNIT ACCEPTANCE TESTS..................................................54
         5.1.1 PIM............................................................55
         5.1.2  POWER HANDLING MP AND GP......................................55
   5.2 SUBSYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TESTS.............................................55
      5.2.1 ANTENNA SUBSYSTEM.................................................55
      5.2.2 ATTITUDE AND ORBIT CONTROL SUBSYSTEM (AOCS).......................55
      5.2.3 POWER SUBSYSTEM...................................................55
      5.2.4 STRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TESTS..............................56
      5.2.5 THERMAL SUBSYSTEM.................................................56
      5.2.6 PLATFORM HARNESS..................................................56
   5.3 SPACECRAFT ACCEPTANCE TEST.............................................56

6.   LIFE TESTS...............................................................58

7.   DEVELOPMENT AND QUALIFICATION TEST.......................................59

   7.1 COMMUNICATIONS SUBSYSTEM TESTS.........................................59
      7.1.1 ANTENNA UNIT AND SUBSYSTEM TEST...................................59
      7.1.2 REPEATER UNITS....................................................60

   7.2 STRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM TESTS..............................................60
      7.2.1 STRUCTURE STATIC TEST.............................................60
   7.3 AOCS SUBSYSTEM QUALIFICATION TESTS.....................................60
      7.3.1 AOCS SUBSYSTEM DYNAMIC TESTS......................................60
      7.3.2 LIQUID SLOSH TEST.................................................60
   7.4 PROPULSION SUBSYSTEM QUALIFICATION TESTS...............................61
      7.4.1 GENERAL...........................................................61
      7.4.2 THRUSTERS.........................................................61
      7.4.3 LIQUID APOGEE/PERIGEE ENGINES.....................................62
      7.4.4 PROPELLANT TANK...................................................62
      7.4.5 SUBSYSTEM VERIFICATION TEST.......................................62
   7.5 THERMAL SUBSYSTEM......................................................63
      7.5.1 THERMAL SURFACES..................................................63
      7.5.2 HEAT PIPES........................................................63
   7.6 MECHANISMS.............................................................64

8.   INTERFACE COMPATIBILITY TESTS............................................65

   8.1 GROUND CONTROL SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY....................................65
   8.2 LAUNCH VEHICLE COMPATIBILITY...........................................65

9.   LAUNCH PREPARATION TEST..................................................66

   9.1 GENERAL................................................................66
   9.2 LAUNCH SITE FUNCTIONAL TEST............................................66
   9.3 LAUNCH PREPARATION FUNCTIONAL TESTS....................................67
   9.4 POST-ENCAPSULATION AND LAUNCH PAD TESTS................................68

10.      DESIGN VERIFICATION MATRICES (DVM)...................................69

   10.1 DESIGN VERIFICATION...................................................69

11.      TEST CONFIGURATION MATRICES..........................................87

   11.1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................87

   11.2 REPEATER TEST CONFIGURATIONS..........................................87
                  11.2.1 OVERALL GUIDELINES...................................87
                  11.2.2 SUBSYSTEM LEVEL......................................88
                  11.2.3 SPACECRAFT LEVEL.....................................88
                  11.2.4 RF LINK CALIBRATIONS.................................89
                  11.2.5 PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS...............................89
   11.3 ANTENNA TEST CONFIGURATIONS...........................................90
                  11.3.1 UNIT/SUBSYSTEM LEVEL.................................90
                  11.3.2 SPACECRAFT LEVEL.....................................91

 28 June 1996                   CONFIDENTIAL                          Issue 3

                           ORION SATELLITE CORPORATION

                                    PART 3(D)

                         ORION 2 IN-ORBIT COMMISSIONING

                          ACCEPTANCE TEST REQUIREMENTS

                                    Issue: 3
                               Dated: 28 June 1996

     Signed:                        Date:
     On behalf of ORION Satellite Corporation

     Signed:                        Date:
     On behalf of Matra Marconi Space UK Limited

Part 3(D) ORION 2 In-Orbit Commissioning and Acceptance Test Requirements
                                                                          Page i

28 June 1996                       CONFIDENTIAL                          Issue 3

                                    PART 3(D)

                             IN-ORBIT COMMISSIONING
                          ACCEPTANCE TEST REQUIREMENTS


                                                                        PAGE NO.

     1.  SCOPE.................................................................1

     2.  DEFINITIONS...........................................................1

     3.  INTRODUCTION..........................................................2

     4.  COMMISSIONING.........................................................4

         4.1    Commissioning Activities.......................................4
         4.2    Documentation..................................................5

     5.  ACCEPTANCE TESTING....................................................6

         5.1    Aggregate Predicted Transponder Life...........................6
         5.2    Transponder Acceptance Tests...................................8
         5.3    Determination of other Spacecraft Parameters..................12
         5.4    Documentation.................................................15

     6.  POST ACCEPTANCE TRANSPONDER TESTING..................................18

     ANNEX A    GROUND TEST FACILITY CONCEPT..................................20

     ANNEX B    COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES......................................23

     ANNEX C    TRANSPONDER PERFORMANCE TESTS.................................30

                                     ANNEX A

                          GROUND TEST FACILITY CONCEPT

                                     ANNEX B

                            COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES

                                     ANNEX C

                             TRANSPONDER PERFORMANCE



FROM:     G.  Jansson  
SUBJECT:  ORION 2 Contract - Technical Documentation Rev A 
DATE:     23 July 1996 
     cc:  F. Weber,  D. Curtin,  R. Sorbello,  P. Phung,  D. Shay, S. Lewis,  B.
          Randall,  L. Tang, J. Dealy (The Dealy  Strategy  Group),  J. Sullivan
          (Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please find the attached  sheets which  represent  revisions to the  appropriate
pages of their respective document. The attached is delineated below:

                  Document                                                  Page(s)
                  --------                                                  -------
Part 3(A) ORION 2 Spacecraft Specifications                           ii, iii, iv, v, vi,
                                                                      20, 42

Part 3(B) ORION 2 Spacecraft Product Assurance Requirements           iv, v, 42, 43

Part 3 (D) In-Orbit Commissioning and Acceptance Test Requirements    ii

The above changes have not affected the revision  status of the pages  mentioned
nor the complete document; each remains at Issue 3.

Please insert the attached  pages into your  existing  documents and discard the
previous pages.


FROM:      G.  Jansson  
SUBJECT:   ORION 2 Contract - Technical Documentation Rev B 
DATE:      25 July 1996 
     cc:  F. Weber,  D. Curtin,  R. Sorbello,  P. Phung,  D. Shay, S. Lewis,  B.
          Randall,  L. Tang, J. Dealy (The Dealy  Strategy  Group),  J. Sullivan
          (Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please find the attached  sheet(s) which represent  revisions to the appropriate
page(s) of their respective document. The attached is delineated below:

           Document                                                   Page(s)
           --------                                                   -------

Part 3(B) ORION 2 Spacecraft Product Assurance Requirements            iv

Part 3(A) ORION 2 Spacecraft Specifications                            1

The above change(s) have not affected the revision status of the pages mentioned
nor the complete document; each remains at Issue 3.

Please insert the attached page(s) into your existing  documents and discard the
previous page(s).