The portions of this Exhibit for which confidential treatment has been requested
are marked by brackets ([ ]). In addition,  an asterisk (*) appears in the right
hand margin of each  paragraph in which  confidential  information  is included.

                                OPTION AGREEMENT
                         PURCHASE OF ORION 2 SPACECRAFT

         This Option  Agreement  ("Agreement") is made this 10th day of December
1996 ("Effective Date") by and between International Private Satellite Partners,
L.P.,  d/b/a Orion  Atlantic,  L.P.,  a Delaware  limited  partnership  with its
principal offices located at 2440 Research Boulevard, Rockville, Maryland 20850,
U.S.A.  ("ORION"),  and Matra Marconi Space UK Limited,  a company organized and
existing under the laws of England and Wales with its  registered  office at The
Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LY, England ("MMS").

         WHEREAS, ORION desires to purchase from MMS, and MMS desires to sell to
ORION, an option to purchase a communications  satellite  ("Orion 2 Spacecraft")
designed,  developed,  built  and  delivered  in orbit on an Atlas  IIAS  launch
vehicle with the configuration,  schedule and technical performance requirements
set forth in the ORION 2 Purchase  Contract signed by the Parties and dated July
31, 1996,  as such contract is to be restated and amended with respect to price,
payment  schedule and other  provisions set forth in the Memorandum of Agreement
signed by the Parties on December 10, 1996; and

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration   of  the  mutual  promises  and
undertakings contained herein, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, agree
as follows:

1. Grant of Option. MMS hereby grants to ORION the option ("Option") to purchase
from MMS the ORION 2 Spacecraft constructed and delivered in accordance with the
terms and  conditions of the ORION 2 Purchase  Contract,  as amended.  As of the
date ORION  exercises  the Option,  the ORION 2 Purchase  Contract,  as amended,
shall be deemed to be fully  effective and to have been in full force and effect
from the Option Purchase Date.

2. Option  Purchase  Date and Period.  For the purposes of this  Agreement,  the
"Option Purchase Date" shall be the date upon which MMS receives Installment No.
2 as detailed in  paragraph 3 hereof,  but in no event later than  February  28,
1997,  and the  "Option  Period"  shall be the period  commencing  on the Option
Purchase Date and expiring on the last day of the 16th month  following the date
upon which MMS receives  Installment  No. 2, but in no event later than June 30,
1998.  MMS agrees to extend the Option  Period  through July 31, 1998,  provided
ORION pays MMS an extension  fee of $2 million on or before June 30, 1998;  and,
provided the Lockheed  Martin price shall be increased by $700,000,  said amount
to be paid on or before June 30,1998.

3.       Consideration for Option.

         (a) In consideration for the Option hereby granted, ORION shall pay MMS
the sum of US$ 49.4  million (the  "Option  Price"),  which sum shall be paid in
Installments as specified in the table below on or before the dates specified in
such table:

Option Agreement                        -1-

 Installment  Payment Date      Total Option        Installment     Installment 
 -----------  ------------      ------------        -----------     ----------- 
    No.                          Installment          Amount           Amount   
    ---                          -----------          ------           ------   
                                    Amount          (Spacecraft)     (Launcher)
                                    ------          ------------     ----------

    1         Dec. 31, 1996    US $ 1.0 Million      [        ]      [        ]
    2         Feb. 28, 1997    US $ 2.0 Million      [        ]      [        ]
    3         Mar. 31, 1997    US $22.0 Million      [        ]      [        ]
    4         June 15, 1997    [              ]      [        ]      [        ]
    5         July 31, 1997    [              ]      [        ]      [        ]
    6         Dec. 31, 1997    [              ]      [        ]      [        ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Total                  US$ 49.4 Million  US$ 40.0 Million  US$ 9.4 Million

*Consists of $200,000  already  paid and $800,000 to be paid to Lockheed  Martin
(Launcher  provider) for a Launch  reservation  (covering the period May 1, 1999
through July 31, 1999).

         (b)      MMS shall provide ORION ten (10) days   written notice of each
payment due hereunder after Installment No.3;

         (c)      The Option Price  shall  not be refundable in whole or in part
under any circumstances, including the bankruptcy or insolvency of ORION;

         (d)  The  parties  have  agreed  that,  in the  event  ORION's  planned
financings  are not  closed and funds  disbursed  by March 31,  1997,  ORION may
extend Installment No.3 until April 30, 1997 by making a partial payment of $2.5
million _________________________________  ______________ on or before March 31,
1997.  Moreover,  to the extent net proceeds  from ORION's  planned  public debt
financings  are greater than _________________  (exclusive of prefunded  amounts
to pay  interest),  ORION  will  accelerate  Installments  No.4  and No.6 of the
Launcher Payments.

4. Manner of Exercise of Option. ORION may exercise the Option by paying to MMS,
on or before the date the  Option  Period  expires,  the sum  ("Option  Exercise
Price") of cumulative Milestone Payments and Progress Payments payable under the
ORION 2 Purchase  Contract  through the  exercise  date,  less the Option  Price
already paid under Section 3(a) above.

5.  Title to Work.  MMS  shall  retain  title to all work in  progress  from the
Effective Date unless and until ORION  exercises the Option.  In the event ORION
exercises the Option in the manner provided by this Agreement,  title to work in
progress shall be governed by the ORION 2 Purchase Contract, as amended.

Option Agreement                       -2-

6.       MMS's Covenant.  MMS covenants to ORION and ORION acknowledges that (a)
upon receipt of Installment No. 2 detailed in Clause 3 hereof, MMS will commence
to perform  the Work (and MMS will  continue  to perform  the Work  through  the
expiration of the Option Period,  provided ORION pays each Installment  detailed
in Clause 3 hereof on the  Payment  Date),  as  defined  in the ORION 2 Purchase
Contract, as though the ORION 2 Purchase Contract were then effective and (b) in
order to perform the Work  according  to the  schedule  set forth in the ORION 2
Purchase Contract,  MMS will be required to expend funds in excess of the Option

7.       Representations.
         (a) MMS  represents,  warrants and covenants  that it has the authority
and  the  right  sufficient  to  grant  the  Option  and to  perform  all of its
obligations  under this Agreement and that MMS's performance of such obligations
will not violate any other agreement to which MMS is a party.

         (b)  ORION  represents  and  warrants  that  (1) it has the  power  and
authority to execute,  deliver, and perform this Option Agreement, (2) it is not
entering into this Agreement with an intent to hinder,  delay, or defraud any of
its creditors,  and (3) the making of the payments required to be made hereunder
will not, at the time such payments are made, cause ORION to be insolvent.

8.  Confidentiality.  Each  Party  acknowledges  that it may,  in the  course of
performing its responsibilities  under this Agreement,  be exposed to or acquire
information  that is proprietary  to or  confidential  to the other Party.  Each
Party agrees to hold such  information in strict  confidence and not to disclose
such  confidential  information  for  any  purpose  whatsoever  other  than  the
performance of its obligations as contemplated by this Agreement (or as required
by law or regulation)  and to advise each of its employees who may be exposed to
such proprietary and  confidential  information of his or her obligation to keep
such information  confidential.  This obligation of confidentiality will survive
the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

9. Failure to Exercise Option or to Make Payments -- Sole and Exclusive  Remedy.
In the event:  (a) ORION fails to exercise the Option in the manner  provided in
this  Agreement on or before the date the Option  Period  expires;  or (b) ORION
fails to make any Installment Payment detailed in Clause 3 hereof (after receipt
of proper  notice as set forth in Clause 3) on or before the dates  specified in
Clause  3;  then,  at its  option,  MMS  may  terminate  this  Option  Agreement
immediately  upon written  notice to ORION and retain all money paid by ORION to
MMS pursuant to this  Agreement and the ownership of all work in progress.  This
is MMS' sole remedy for ORION's failure to make any Option Installment Payments.

10. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement will begin on the Effective
Date and will continue until the earliest to occur of the  following:  (i) ORION
exercises the Option in the manner provided in this Agreement; (ii) the last day
of the Option Period  expires;  (iii) MMS  terminates  this Option  Agreement in
accordance  with  Section 9; and (iv) the date upon which ORION and MMS mutually
agree to terminate this  Agreement.  In addition,  MMS may terminate this Option
Agreement,  if on March 31, 1997 (or April 30,  1997,  if  extended  pursuant to
Section 3(d) hereof),  Restated  Amendment #10 of even date is not in full force
and effect and there is no default thereunder.

Option Agreement                       -3-

11. Notices. Any notice or other communication  required or permitted to be made
or given by either Party  pursuant to this Agreement will be deemed to have been
duly  given:  (i) five (5)  business  days  after the date of mailing if sent by
registered  or  certified  U.S.  mail,  postage  prepaid,  with  return  receipt
requested; (ii) when transmitted if sent by facsimile, confirmed by the specific
addressee,  with a copy  of  such  facsimile  promptly  sent  by  another  means
specified in this section;  or (iii) when  delivered if delivered  personally or
sent by express courier service.  All notices will be sent to the other party at
its address as set forth below or at such other  address as such Party will have
specified in a notice given in accordance with this section:

    In the case of ORION:                      with a copy to:
    Orion Satellite Corporation                Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
    2440 Research Boulevard, Suite 400         2300 N Street, N.W.
    Rockville, MD   20850                      Washington, D.C.   20037
    Tel:     (301) 258-8101                    Tel:     (202) 663-8181
    Fax:     (301) 258-3300                    Fax:     (202) 663-8007
    Attn:    Dr. Denis Curtin, Senior Vice     Attn:    John F. Dealy
    President, Engineering and Satellite
    Operations, for technical matters
    Attn:    Richard Shay, Esquire, Vice
    President of Corporate and Legal 
    Affairs, for contract matters

    In the case of MMS:
    Matra Marconi Space UK Limited 
    Gunnels Wood Road
    Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2AS
    Tel:     + 44 (0) 1438 313456
    Fax:     + 44 (0) 1438 773637
    Attn:    Barrie Kirk, ORION Project 
    Manager, for technical or management
    Attn:    Arthur Blick, Commercial 
    Manager, for commercial matters

12.      Rights Cumulative.     All  rights,  powers  and  privileges  conferred
hereunder upon the Parties,  unless otherwise provided,  shall be cumulative and
shall not be  restricted  to those given by law.  Failure to exercise  any power
given any party hereunder or to insist upon strict compliance by any other party
shall not  constitute a waiver of any party's  right to demand exact  compliance
with the terms hereof.

13.  General.  This  Agreement  (and any Exhibits  hereto) sets forth the entire
understanding  between  the  Parties  with  respect  to its  subject  matter and
supersedes  all prior and

Option Agreement                       -4-

contemporaneous  agreements and  understandings  with respect thereto other than
the MOA and the ORION 2 Purchase Contract. This Agreement may be amended only by
a written instrument signed by an authorised  representative of each Party. This
Agreement  shall not  constitute,  give effect to, or otherwise  imply,  a joint
venture,   pooling   arrangement,   partnership,   agency  or  formal   business
organisation  of any kind.  ORION may assign or transfer  this  Agreement to any
party that (i)  demonstrates to MMS's  reasonable  satisfaction  that it has the
financial  ability to pay the Option Exercise Price and (ii) is within the scope
of any export license requirements  applicable to MMS's performance of the work.
MMS shall not assign,  delegate or in any manner transfer this Agreement without
the prior  written  consent of ORION.  No waiver,  delay or discharge by a Party
will be valid unless in writing and signed by an  authorised  representative  of
the Party against which its enforcement is sought.  Provisions of this Agreement
which by their express terms impose  continuing  obligations on the Parties will
survive the expiration or  termination  of this  Agreement for any reason.  This
Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance  with the  substantive
laws of the State of  Maryland,  exclusive  of its choice of law  rules.  If any
provision of this Agreement is declared invalid or otherwise unenforceable,  the
enforceability of the remaining provisions shall be unimpaired,  and the Parties
shall  replace  the  invalid  or  unenforceable   provision  with  a  valid  and
enforceable  provision  that reflects the original  intentions of the Parties as
nearly as possible in  accordance  with  applicable  law. This  Agreement  shall
benefit the Parties hereto only.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed by their duly authorised representatives, with an Effective Date as set
forth in the introductory paragraph of this Agreement.

          SATELLITE PARTNERS, L.P.                  UK LIMITED
      By: Orion Satellite Corporation,
          its General Partner

      By:  /s/W. Neil Bauer                      By: /s/A. Carlier
          ----------------------------               -------------------------- 
          (Signature)                               (Signature)

              W. NEIL BAUER                             A. CARLIER
          ----------------------------              ---------------------------
          (Name Printed)                            Name Printed)

              PRESIDENT & CEO                           CHAIRMAN AND CEO
          ----------------------------              ---------------------------
          (Title)                                   (Title)

Option Agreement                         -5-