The portions of this Exhibit for which confidential treatment has been requested
are marked by brackets ([ ]). In addition,  an asterisk (*) appears in the right
hand margin of each  paragraph in which  confidential  information  is included.

                            MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT
                        PROCUREMENT OF ORION 2 SPACECRAFT

         The following  agreement  ("Agreement") is effective as of December 10,
1996 ("Effective Date") by and between International Private Satellite Partners,
L.P.,  d/b/a Orion  Atlantic,  L.P.,  a Delaware  limited  partnership  with its
principal offices located at 2440 Research Boulevard, Rockville, Maryland 20850,
U.S.A.  ("ORION") and Matra Marconi  Space UK Limited,  a company  organised and
existing under the laws of England and Wales with its  registered  office at The
Grove, Warren Lane, Stanmore,  Middlesex, HA7 4LY, England ("MMS"),  hereinafter
singularly known as "the Party" or collectively as "the Parties."

         WHEREAS,  the Parties entered into an agreement  (known as the "ORION 2
Purchase Contract") dated July 31, 1996 under which ORION agreed to purchase and
MMS agreed to sell, subject to certain conditions, a follow-on spacecraft to the
ORION 1 Spacecraft to provide  coverage over the Atlantic and to be known as the
"Orion 2 Spacecraft";

         WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Orion 2 Purchase Contract;

         WHEREAS, the Parties have reached agreement, as set forth below, on the
basic terms acceptable to both Parties for the amendment to the ORION 2 Purchase
Contract; and

         WHEREAS,  the  Parties  intend to enter  into (a) an  option  agreement
substantially  in the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit 1 pursuant  to which the
Contractor will grant to ORION an option to purchase the ORION 2 Spacecraft upon
the terms and conditions  set forth in such  agreement (the "Option  Agreement")
and (b) the  Restated  Amendment  No.  10 to the  Second  Amended  and  Restated
Purchase Contract,  dated as of 26th September 1991, between ORION and MMS Space
Systems Limited attached hereto as Exhibit 2 ("Amendment No. 10");

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration   of  the  mutual  promises  and
undertakings  contained  herein,  the Parties,  intending  to be legally  bound,
hereby agree as follows:

         1. All terms  used  herein  and not  defined  shall  have the  meanings
attributed to them in the ORION 2 Purchase Contract.

Memorandum of Agreement               -1-

         2.      Fixed Price.

         The Contract Price is comprised of the following elements:

                 ORION 2 Spacecraft                 [              ]
                 Launch Vehicle                     [              ]
                 Launch Services                    [              ]
                 Total Contract Price               [______________]

         Launch  Insurance is not included in the Contract  Price.  The Contract
Price shall remain fixed until and through April 30, 1997.

         3.       Milestone Payments and Termination Liability Amounts.

         Part 1(B) of the ORION 2 Purchase  Contract shall be amended to reflect
the new schedule developed  pursuant to Section 8 hereof and, as revised,  shall
maintain the timing of payments in said Part 1(B).

         4.       Vendor Financing.    The  ORION  2  Purchase Contract shall be
amended to delete all references to vendor financing.

         5.       Delivery Schedule.   Subject  to  the availability of a Launch
Slot,  Delivery  shall occur on or before  28.25 months from the date upon which
MMS receives  Installment No. 2 under the Option Agreement,  provided ORION does
not fail to make any payment under the Option Agreement when due.

         6. Launch Provider and Launch Reservation. MMS shall use all reasonable
commercial  efforts to reserve with Lockheed  Martin a Launch Slot  occurring no
later  than  July 1999 at a  reservation  cost not to exceed  One  Million  U.S.
Dollars ($U.S. 1,000,000), said reservation cost ($800,000 plus $200,000 already
paid) to be paid by ORION no later than  December  31, 1996.  MMS shall  arrange
termination  provisions  with the  selected  launch  provider  such that MMS can
enforce  the  termination  and  repayment  provisions  of the  ORION 2  Purchase
Contract, as amended.

         7.       Access.  Appropriate provisions will be negotiated between the
Parties and included in the Definitive Purchase Agreement.

         8.       Scheduling.   The ORION 2 Spacecraft documents, as detailed in
the  ORION 2  Purchase  Contract,  as  amended,  shall  be  revised  to  reflect
scheduling revisions of Reviews and Tests resulting from the new payment profile
in the Option Agreement.

Memorandum of Agreement                -2-

         9. Repeater Subcontractor.  MMS has advised ORION that NEC presently is
unwilling to proceed on the risk sharing  basis set forth in this  Agreement and
the Option Agreement.  MMS will continue to negotiate with NEC and, if unable to
reach  agreement  by  December  31,  1996,  will  proceed to perform the program
without NEC as repeater subcontractor, unless ORION elects to provide additional
consideration to NEC beyond that set forth in the Option Agreement.

         10.  Negotiation  of  Definitive  Agreements.   The  Parties  agree  to
negotiate diligently and in good faith to amend the ORION 2 Purchase Contract in
accordance  with the terms set forth  herein  and in the Option  Agreement  (the
"Definitive  Purchase  Agreement").  The Parties  intend that such  negotiations
commence promptly upon the Effective Date of this Agreement.

         11.    Term and Termination.  The term of this Agreement shall begin on
the Effective  Date and shall continue until the earlier of (i) the execution of
the Definitive Purchase Agreement, or (ii) April 30, 1997.

         12. Confidentiality. Each Party acknowledges that it may, in the course
of  performing  its  responsibilities  under  this  Agreement,  be exposed to or
acquire information that is proprietary or confidential to the other Party. Each
Party agrees to hold such  information in strict  confidence and not to disclose
such  confidential  information  for  any  purpose  whatsoever  other  than  the
performance of its obligations as contemplated by this Agreement (or as required
by law or regulation)  and to advise each of its employees who may be exposed to
such proprietary and  confidential  information of his or her obligation to keep
such information  confidential.  This obligation of confidentiality will survive
the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

         13. Rights  Cumulative.  All rights,  powers and  privileges  conferred
hereunder upon the Parties,  unless otherwise provided,  shall be cumulative and
shall not be  restricted  to those given by law.  Failure to exercise  any power
given any party hereunder or to insist upon strict compliance by any other party
shall not  constitute a waiver of any party's  right to demand exact  compliance
with the terms hereof.

         14.  General.  This Agreement (and any Exhibits  hereto) sets forth the
entire understanding  between the Parties with respect to its subject matter and
supersedes  all prior and  contemporaneous  agreements and  understandings  with
respect  thereto.  This  Agreement  shall not  constitute,  give  effect  to, or
otherwise imply, a joint venture,  pooling arrangement,  partnership,  agency or
formal business  organisation of any kind. Neither Party shall assign,  delegate
or in any manner  transfer this Agreement  without the prior written  consent of
the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld,  except that
ORION may assign this  Agreement to any party to whom ORION may assign the ORION
2 Purchase  Contract.  No waiver,  delay or  discharge  by a Party will be valid
unless in  writing  and  signed  by an  authorised  representative  of the Party
against which its  enforcement  is sought.  Provisions of this Agreement that by
their express terms or context impose continuing obligations on the Parties will
survive the expiration or  termination  of this  Agreement for any reason.  This
Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance  with the  substantive
laws of the  

Memorandum of Agreement                 -3-

State of Maryland,  exclusive of its choice of law rules.  This Agreement may be
amended only by a written  instrument signed by an authorised  representative of
each Party. This Agreement is limited to the subject matter hereof and shall not
bind,  limit or otherwise  affect  either Party with regard to other  spacecraft
configurations or different orbital locations.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed by their duly authorised representatives, with an Effective Date as set
forth in the introductory paragraph of this Agreement.


By:  Orion Satellite Corporation, its                     
General Partner

/s/W. Neil Bauer                                  /s/Armand Carlier
- -----------------------------------               ------------------------------
(Signature)                                       (Signature)

   W. NEIL BAUER                                     ARMAND CARLIER
- -----------------------------------               ------------------------------
(Name Printed)                                    (Name Printed)

   PRESIDENT & CEO                                   CHAIRMAN AND CEO
- -----------------------------------               ------------------------------
(Title)                                                 (Title)

Memorandum of Agreement               -4-