THIS  AGREEMENT  dated the 25th day of February,  1997 (the  "Effective
Date")  between  HUMAN  GENOME  SCIENCES,  INC.,  a  Delaware  corporation  (the
"Corporation") and William A. Haseltine, Ph.D. (the "Employee").


         WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to employ the Employee as its Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer; and

         WHEREAS,  the Employee desires to accept such employment upon the terms
and conditions set forth herein.

         NOW,   THEREFORE,   in   consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and
obligations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

         1.  Employment.  The Corporation  hereby employs the Employee,  and the
Employee hereby accepts continued  employment by the Corporation as the Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation upon the terms and conditions set
forth herein.

         2. Term.  Except as provided  below,  the term of this Agreement  shall
commence "Effective Date" and end on the third anniversary of the Effective Date
of this Agreement (the "Initial  Term").  The Agreement  shall be  automatically
extended for  successive  one year periods,  unless four (4) months prior to the
end of the  applicable  term either party  notifies the other in writing that it
elects  to  terminate  the  Agreement.  The  Initial  Term and any one year term
extensions thereafter are hereinafter referred to as the "Term of Employment."

         3. Duties.  The Employee shall be employed in an executive  capacity as
the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.  The Employee shall
perform  such  duties and  services,  consistent  with his  position,  as may be
assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Directors of the  Corporation.
In  furtherance  of the  foregoing,  the Employee  hereby  agrees to perform the
aforesaid duties and  responsibilities and the other reasonable senior executive
duties and responsibilities assigned to him from time to time. The office of the

         Corporation   to  which   Employee  shall  be  assigned  shall  be  the
Corporation's  present  office in  Rockville,  Maryland or any other  office the
Corporation  may  establish  in its  discretion  within  thirty  (30)  miles  of
Rockville, Maryland.

         The  Corporation  shall  also  recommend  to  the  shareholders  of the
Corporation that Employee be named as a Director of the Corporation and a member
of the Executive Committee during the Term of Employment.

         4.       Time to be Devoted to Employment.

         (a) Except for  reasonable  vacations (to consist of four (4) weeks per
year) and absences due to temporary illness, during the Term of Employment,  the
Employee  shall devote  substantially  his full  business time and energy to the
business of the Corporation.

         (b) During the Term of Employment, the Employee shall not be engaged in
any  other  business   activity  which,  in  the  reasonable   judgment  of  the
Corporation, conflicts with the duties of the Employee hereunder, whether or not
such activity is pursued for gain, profit or other pecuniary advantage.  Subject
to Section 14 hereof,  the  Corporation  agrees that Employee may be a member of
and/or  consultant to Healthcare  Investment  Corporation,  Scientific  Advisory
Board; Goddard College, Vermont; University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute,
Board of Visitors;  National  Museum of American  History,  Board of  Directors;
Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland,  Baltimore,  Board of
Visitors;  AIDS Crisis Trust,  Medical  Adviser;  numerous  editorial boards and
professional  societies,  plus any  others  approved  by the Board of  Directors
(collectively  the  "Permitted   Relationships")  provided  that  the  Permitted
Relationships do not materially interfere with the performance of his duties and
obligations with respect to the Corporation.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  Paragraphs  4(a) and  4(b),  and  subject  to the
obligations of confidentiality  set forth in this Agreement,  the Employee shall
not be prevented from (i) writing and publishing books, treatises,  articles and
other  publications,  or  (ii)  teaching,  lecturing,  conducting  seminars,  or
engaging in similar activities for not-for-profit entities;  provided,  however,
that the  activities  of the  Employee  described  in (i) and (ii)  above do not
materially  interfere with the  performance of his duties and  obligations  with
respect to the Corporation.

         5.       Compensation; Reimbursement.

         (a)  During  the  Term  of  Employment,  the  Corporation  (or  at  the
Corporation's  option,  any  subsidiary or affiliate  thereof)  shall pay to the
Employee an annual base salary ("Base  Salary") of Three Hundred Fifty  Thousand
Dollars ($350,000),  payable in installments as is the policy of the Corporation
with  respect  to  employees  of  the  Corporation  at  substantially  the  same
employment level as the Employee,  but in no event less frequently than once per
month.  Thereafter,  the Base Salary  shall be subject to increase at the option
and in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the Corporation based on
the performance of Employee.

         (b) As of December of each calendar year during the Term of Employment,
Employee  shall be entitled  to an annual  bonus as  determined  by the Board of
Directors of the Corporation based on Employee's performance.

         (c) (i) During the Term of  Employment,  the Employee shall be entitled
to  medical  insurance  coverage  (the  cost  of  which  shall  be  paid  by the
Corporation)  and to such other fringe  benefits as are made available from time
to time to the employees of the Corporation at substantially the same employment
level as the Employee,  including, without limitation, four weeks paid vacation.
In lieu of participation in any corporate  sponsored  medical  insurance plan of
the  Corporation,  and  whether  or not the  Corporation  provides  such a plan,
Employee shall have the right to convert his current medical insurance  coverage
to an  individual  policy  and  to  maintain  such  policy  or  one  essentially
equivalent thereto and to have the Corporation pay the premium therefor (up to a
maximum  annual premium of $7,500) during the Term of Employment it being agreed
and understood that Employee may elect to terminate any such  individual  policy
and  participate  in a corporate  sponsored  medical  insurance plan at any time
during the Term of Employment at the Corporation's expense and without regard to
the premium therefor.
                   (ii)  Upon  the  termination  of  the  Employee's  employment
hereunder pursuant to a Constructive Termination or a Termination Without Cause,
Employee  shall  have the  right to  continue  his  current  individual  medical
insurance policy,  or convert his current corporate  sponsored medical insurance
coverage to an individual policy, and to maintain such policy or one essentially
equivalent thereto and to have the Corporation pay the premium therefor (up to a
maximum annual  premium of $7,500) for a period of twenty-four  months after the
termination of


         (d) The Corporation  shall reimburse  Employee,  in accordance with the
practice  from  time to time for  other  officers  of the  Corporation,  for all
reasonable and necessary traveling expenses,  disbursements and other reasonable
and  necessary  incidental  expenses  incurred  by him for or on  behalf  of the
Corporation in the performance of his duties hereunder upon  presentation by the
Employee to the Corporation of appropriate vouchers.

         (e)  During  the Term of  Employment,  the  Corporation  shall  provide
Employee with a monthly  automobile  allowance  (or an automobile  leased in the
Corporation's  name with the  rental  payment  paid by the  Corporation)  not to
exceed Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($850.00) per month, to cover the cost of
Employee's  purchase or lease of a car. The Corporation shall reimburse Employee
for federal,  state and local income taxes (but not  penalties or interest)  due
and payable to Employee as a result of receipt of said  automobile  allowance or
use of the Corporation's leased automobile hereunder.

         6.       Involuntary Termination.

         (a) If the Employee is incapacitated or disabled by accident,  sickness
or otherwise so as to render him mentally or physically  incapable of performing
the services  required to be performed by him under this  Agreement for a period
of one  hundred  twenty  (120) days (with at least sixty (60) of such days being
consecutive)  during any ten-month period,  the Corporation may, at that time or
within a  reasonable  time  thereafter,  at its option,  with the  approval of a
majority of the Board of Directors of the Corporation,  terminate the employment
of the Employee and the Term of Employment under this Agreement immediately upon
giving him notice to that effect  (such  termination,  as well as a  termination
under   Section  6(b)  hereof,   being   hereinafter   called  an   "Involuntary
Termination").  Until the  Corporation  shall  have  terminated  the  Employee's
employment  hereunder in accordance  with the  foregoing,  the Employee shall be
entitled  to receive  his  compensation,  notwithstanding  any such  physical or
mental disability.

         (b) If the Employee dies during the Term of Employment,  his employment
hereunder and the Term of Employment  shall be deemed to cease as of the date of
his death.

         7.  Termination For Cause.  The Corporation may, with the approval of a
majority of the Board of Directors of the Corporation,  terminate the employment
of the

Employee  hereunder  and the Term of  Employment  at any time during the Term of
Employment for "cause" (such termination being hereinafter called a "Termination
For Cause") by giving the Employee notice of such  termination,  upon the giving
of which such  termination  shall take effect  immediately.  For the purposes of
this Section 7, "cause" shall mean (i) the Employee's  willful  misconduct  with
respect to the  business and affairs of the  Corporation  or any  subsidiary  or
affiliate thereof, which action materially and adversely affects the business or
affairs of the  Corporation  or any  subsidiary or affiliate  thereof,  (ii) the
Employee  fails in any material  respect to observe and perform his  obligations
and duties  hereunder and such failure shall not be cured by the Employee within
thirty  (30) days of written  notice  thereof  from the  Corporation,  (iii) the
commission by the Employee of an act involving embezzlement or fraud against the
Corporation  or commission or conviction of a felony or (iv) the repeated use by
the Employee of alcohol in a manner which impairs his duties or the repeated use
of an illegal substance other than under a physician's prescription.

         8. Constructive Termination.  A "constructive  termination" shall occur
when  Employee  resigns  within six  months of any one or more of the  following
events: (i) any reduction in his level of Base Salary,  (ii) a relocation of his
place of employment  to a location  more than thirty (30) miles from  Rockville,
Maryland,  or (iii)  any  significant  change  in his  responsibilities.  Upon a
Constructive Termination,  Employee shall be entitled to receive, in addition to
the  amounts  payable  pursuant to Section 11 upon a  Constructive  Termination,
severance  pay for a period of  twenty-four  months  at the rate of Base  Salary
prior to any reduction  which caused a Constructive  Termination.  The severance
pay shall be paid in the same installments as salary is paid.

         9. Termination Without Cause.The  Corporation may, with the approval of
a  majority  of the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation,  terminate  the
employment  of the Employee  hereunder  and the Term of  Employment  at any time
during  the Term of  Employment  without  "cause"  upon  thirty  (30) days prior
written notice (such termination being hereinafter called a "Termination Without
Cause"). If the Corporation fails in any material respect to observe and perform
its  obligations  and duties under this  Agreement and such failure shall not be
cured by the Corporation  within thirty (30) days of written notice thereof from
the Employee, the

Employee may terminate the employment of the Employee and the Term of Employment
under this  Agreement  immediately  upon giving the  Corporation  notice to that
effect (such termination  being  hereinafter also called a "Termination  Without
Cause").  Upon a  Termination  Without  Cause,  Employee  shall be  entitled  to
receive,  in  addition  to the  amounts  payable  pursuant  to Section 11 upon a
Termination  Without Cause,  severance pay for a period of twenty-four months at
the  rate of the  Base  Salary.  The  severance  pay  shall  be paid in the same
installments as salary is paid.

         10.  Voluntary  Termination.  Any  termination of the employment of the
Employee hereunder otherwise than as a result of an Involuntary  Termination,  a
Termination  For Cause, a  Constructive  Termination,  or a Termination  Without
Cause shall be deemed to be a "Voluntary  Termination".  A Voluntary Termination
shall be deemed to be effective immediately upon such termination.

         11.      Effect of Termination of Employment.

         (a)  Upon  the  termination  of  the  Employee's  employment  hereunder
pursuant to a Voluntary  Termination,  Involuntary  Termination or a Termination
For Cause,  neither the  Employee nor his  beneficiary  or estate shall have any
further rights or claims against the Corporation  under this Agreement except to
receive vested stock options and stock as set forth in separate contracts and:

               (i) the unpaid portion of the Base Salary provided for in Section
               5.1(a),  computed on a pro rata basis to the date of termination,
               plus any accrued and unpaid bonus with respect to any prior year;

               (ii)  reimbursement for any expenses for which the Employee shall
               not have  theretofore  been  reimbursed  as  provided  in Section

               (iii) payment of all accrued and unused vacation time;

               (iv) any and all vested benefits under  retirement plans or other
               qualified  or   non-qualified   plans  in  which  Employee  is  a
               participant at the time of termination, subject to applicable law
               and such plans; and

               (v) in the event of a termination  other than a  Termination  For
               Cause or a Voluntary  Termination,  a pro rata share of the bonus
               determined pursuant to

               paragraph 5.1(b) for the year of termination.

         (b)  Upon  the  termination  of  the  Employee's  employment  hereunder
pursuant to a Constructive  Termination or a Termination Without Cause,  neither
the Employee  nor his  beneficiary  or estate  shall have any further  rights or
claims  against  the  Corporation  under this  Agreement  except to receive  the
termination  payments  equal to those  provided for in the Section 11(a) hereof,
plus the  amounts set forth in Section 8 or 9, as  appropriate,  plus the vested
stock options and stock as provided in separate contracts.

         12.      General Provisions.

         (a) This  Agreement  and any or all terms  hereof  may not be  changed,
waived,  discharged,  or terminated  orally, but only by way of an instrument in
writing signed by the parties.

         (b) This  Agreement  shall be governed by and  construed in  accordance
with the laws of the State of Maryland,  without  reference to the  conflicts of
laws of the State of Maryland or any other jurisdiction.

         (c) If any  portion of this  Agreement  shall be found to be invalid or
contrary  to public  policy,  the same may be modified or stricken by a court of
competent  jurisdiction,  to the extent  necessary to allow the court to enforce
such  provision in a manner which is as consistent  with the original  intent of
the  provision as possible.  The  striking or  modification  by the court of any
provision shall not have the effect of invalidating the Agreement as a whole.

         (d) This  Agreement  constitutes  the  entire and  exclusive  agreement
between Employee and Corporation  pertaining to the subject matter thereof,  and
supersedes and replaces any and all earlier agreements.

         (e) The  obligations of Sections 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 shall survive
termination of this Agreement.

         13.  Corporation  Rights to Intellectual  Property.  The Employee shall
promptly  disclose,  grant and assign  ownership to the Corporation for its sole
use and benefit any and all inventions, improvements, information and copyrights
(whether patentable or not), which he may develop,  acquire,  conceive or reduce
to practice  while  employed  by the  Corporation  (whether or not during  usual
working  hours),   together  with  all  patent  applications,   letters  patent,

and  reissues  thereof  that  may at any  time be  granted  for or upon any such
invention,  improvement or information;  provided,  however, that Employee shall
own any invention  which Employee can  demonstrate  has no  relationship  to the
business of the Corporation  and which was neither  conceived nor made by use of
any of the time,  facilities  or materials  of the  Corporation.  In  connection

                  (i) The Employee shall without  charge,  but at the expense of
         the  Corporation,  promptly at all times hereafter  execute and deliver
         such applications,  assignments,  descriptions and other instruments as
         may be reasonably necessary or proper in the opinion of the Corporation
         to  vest  title  to  any  such  inventions,   improvements,   technical
         information,  patent  applications,  patents,  copyrights  or  reissues
         thereof in the  Corporation and to enable it to obtain and maintain the
         entire right and title thereto throughout the world; and

                  (ii) The  Employee  shall  render  to the  Corporation  at its
         expense   (including   reimbursement  to  the  Employee  of  reasonable
         out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  by  the  Employee  and a  reasonable
         payment for the Employee's  time involved in case he is not then in its
         employ) all such  assistance  as it may require in the  prosecution  of
         applications for said patents,  copyrights or reissues thereof,  in the
         prosecution or defense of interferences which may be declared involving
         any said  applications,  patents or copyrights and in any litigation in
         which the  Corporation  may be involved  relating to any such  patents,
         inventions, improvements or technical information.

         In the event the Corporation  gives written notice to Employee that the
Corporation elects not to apply for a patent in a jurisdiction for an item above
which is  patentable,  then Employee  may, at his cost and expense,  apply for a
patent therefor on his own name in such jurisdiction.

         14.      Protection of Information.

         (a) Employee hereby  covenants with  Corporation  that,  throughout the
Term of Employment, Employee will serve Corporation's best interests loyally and
diligently.  Throughout the course of employment by Corporation  and thereafter,
Employee will not disclose or provide to any person, firm, corporation or entity
(except as appropriate in connection with his services to the  Corporation)  any
information, materials, fbiologics or animals which are owned by

the  Corporation  or which come into the  possession of the  Corporation  from a
third  party  under  an  obligation  of  confidentiality,   including,   without
limitation,  information relating to trade secrets, business methods,  products,
processes, procedures, development or experimental projects, suppliers, customer
lists  or the  needs  of  customers  or  prospective  customers,  clients,  etc.
(collectively "Confidential Information"), which Confidential Information, comes
into his possession or knowledge during the Term of Employment,  and he will not
use such Confidential Information for his own purposes or for the purpose of any
person, firm, corporation or entity other than the Corporation.

         (b) The  provisions  of Section  14(a) shall not apply to the following
Confidential Information:

                  (i) Confidential  Information  which at the time of disclosure
is already in the public domain;

                  (ii)   Confidential   Information   which  the   Employee  can
demonstrate  by written  evidence was in his possession or known to him prior to
the effective date of initial employment by the Corporation which is not subject
to an obligation of confidentiality to the Corporation;

                  (iii) Confidential Information which subsequently becomes part
of the public domain through no fault of the Employee;

                  (iv)  Confidential  Information  which  becomes  known  to the
Employee through a third party who is under no obligation of  confidentiality to
the Corporation; and

                  (v) Confidential Information which is required to be disclosed
by law or by judicial administrative proceedings.

         15. Non-Compete. Employee agrees that during the Term of Employment and
(a) for a period  of two  years  thereafter  during  which  salary  continuation
payments are made to Employee pursuant to Section 8 or 9, as appropriate or, (b)
for a  period  of  twelve  (12)  months  following  his  Voluntary  Termination,
Involuntary  Termination,  or  Termination  for Cause he shall not  directly  or
indirectly  be  engaged  in or assist  others in  engaging  in any  business  or
activity which is predominantly  involved in research for determining  human and
non-human   animal  and/or  plant  gene  sequences  or  which  is   researching,
developing, making or selling products, processes or services which compete with
any product, process or service which

Corporation is  researching,  developing,  making or selling at the time of such
termination  whether his  involvement  shall be as an owner  (except for passive
ownership of up to five percent (5%) of the  securities of a company),  officer,
director, employee,  consultant,  partner or agent; the parties acknowledge that
Employee may be employed by an educational institution or the Federal Government
or any of its agencies and may engage in any  Permitted  Relationship  following
termination of the Term of Employment.

         16.  Notices.  Notices and other  communications  hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be delivered  personally or sent by air courier or first class
certified or registered  mail,  return  receipt  requested and postage  prepaid,
addressed as follows;

If to the Employee:        William A. Haseltine, Ph.D.
                           3053 P Street, NW
                           Washington, DC  20007

If to the Corporation:     Human Genome Sciences, Inc.
                           9410 Key West Avenue
                           Rockville, Maryland 20850

All notices and other  communications  given to any party  hereto in  accordance
with the provision of this  Agreement  shall be deemed to have been given to the
date of delivery if  personally  delivered;  on the  business day after the date
when sent if sent by air courier;  and on the third  business day after the date
when sent if sent by mail,  in each case  addressed to such party as provided in
this Section or in  accordance  with the latest  unrevoked  direction  from such

         17. Headings.  The section headings contained in this Agreement are for
reference  purposes  only  and  shall  not  affect  in any  way the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

         18.  Assignment.  This  agreement  is  personal  in its  nature and the
parties hereto shall not,  without the consent of the other,  assign or transfer
this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder;  provided,  however, that
the  provisions  hereof  shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon each
successor of the Corporation, whether by merger, consolidation,  transfer of all
or   substantially   all  assets,   or   otherwise   and  the  heirs  and  legal
representatives of the employee.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

         Corporation:                       HUMAN GENOME SCIENCES, INC.

                                            By: /s/ Donald D. Johnston
                                            Title: Chairman, Comp. Committee
                                            By: /s/ Melvin D. Booth
                                            Title: President & COO

         Employee:                          /s/ William A. Haseltine, Ph.D.
                                             William A. Haseltine, Ph.D.