Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement

[ ] Confidential,  for  Use  of  the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule

[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ] Definitive Additional Materials

[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5) Total fee paid:

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount previously paid:

     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3) Filing Party:

     4) Date Filed:

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                       2440 RESEARCH BOULEVARD, SUITE 400
                            ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850

                                 April __, 1997

Dear Stockholder:

         You are  cordially  invited  to  attend  the  1997  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  of Orion Network  Systems,  Inc., to be held on Thursday,  May 22,
1997 at 9:00 a.m.,  local time,  at the Holiday Inn  Gaithersburg,  2 Montgomery
Village Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20879.

         The  matters to be acted upon at the Annual  Meeting,  as well as other
important  information,  are set  forth in the  accompanying  Notice  of  Annual
Meeting and Proxy Statement which you are urged to review carefully.

         Regardless of your plans for attending in person,  it is important that
your shares be represented and voted at the Annual Meeting. Accordingly, you are
requested to complete,  sign,  date,  and return the enclosed  proxy card in the
enclosed  postage  paid  envelope.  Signing this proxy will not prevent you from
voting in person should you be able to attend the meeting,  but will assure that
your vote is counted if, for any reason, you are unable to attend.

         We hope that you can attend the 1997  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.
Your  interest  and support in the affairs of Orion  Network  Systems,  Inc. are


                                                            W. NEIL BAUER
                                                            President and Chief
                                                            Executive Officer
Rockville, Maryland
April __, 1997

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                       2440 RESEARCH BOULEVARD, SUITE 400
                            ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850
                                 (301) 258-8101

                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 1997

         NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the 1997  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
(the "Annual  Meeting") of Orion Network  Systems,  Inc. (the "Company") will be
held on  Thursday,  May 22, 1997 at 9:00 a.m.,  local  time,  at the Holiday Inn
Gaithersburg,  2 Montgomery Village Avenue,  Gaithersburg,  Maryland,  20879, to
consider and act upon the following proposals:

         1.       To elect three (3) directors to the Board of  Directors,  each
                  of whom will serve for a three year period;

         2.       To  approve  the  adoption  of the  Company's  Employee  Stock
                  Purchase Plan;

         3.       To approve the  adoption of the  Company's  1997 Stock  Option

         4.       To approve the restated  certificate of incorporation of Orion
                  Oldco  Services,  Inc.,  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  the

         5.       To approve the adoption of the Stock Option  Agreement,  dated
                  as of July 17,  1996,  by and  between the Company and John G.
                  Puente (a director and Chairman of the Executive  Committee of
                  the Company's  Board of Directors) and certain options granted

         6.       To approve the adoption of the Stock Option  Agreement,  dated
                  as of _______ __, 1997, by and between the Company and Gustave
                  M. Hauser (a director and Chairman of the  Company's  Board of
                  Directors) and certain options granted thereby;

         7.       To ratify the  appointment  by the Board of  Directors  of the
                  firm of  Ernst  & Young  LLP as  independent  auditors  of the
                  Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1997; and

         8.       To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of  business  on April 11,
1997 as the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Annual Meeting. Only holders of Common Stock and Preferred
Stock of record at the close of business on that date will be entitled to notice
of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournments  thereof. A list of the
Company's  stockholders  entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting will be open to
the  examination  of any  stockholder  for any  purposes  germane  to the Annual
Meeting during ordinary  business hours for a period of ten (10) days before the
Annual Meeting at the Company's offices.

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                                            RICHARD H. SHAY

Rockville, Maryland
April __, 1997


                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                       2440 RESEARCH BOULEVARD, SUITE 400
                            ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20850

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                  MAY 22, 1997

        This Proxy Statement ("Proxy Statement") is furnished to stockholders of
Orion Network  Systems,  Inc. (the "Company" or "Orion") in connection  with the
solicitation  by the Board of  Directors of the Company of proxies to be used at
the 1997 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company (the "Annual  Meeting")
and at any  adjournments  thereof.  The Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday,
May 22, 1997 at 9:00 a.m.,  local  time,  at the  Holiday  Inn  Gaithersburg,  2
Montgomery Village Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20879.

        At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will be asked to:

         1.       elect three  directors to the Board of Directors  (Proposal 1,
                  see page __);

         2        approve the adoption of the Company's  Employee Stock Purchase
                  Plan (Proposal 2, see page __);

         3.       approve the adoption of the  Company's  1997 Stock Option Plan
                  (Proposal 3, see page __);

         4.       approve the restated  certificate  of  incorporation  of Orion
                  Oldco  Services,   Inc.  ("Orion   Oldco"),   a  wholly  owned
                  subsidiary of the Company (Proposal 4, see page __);

         5.       approve the adoption of the Stock Option  Agreement,  dated as
                  of July 17, 1996 (the "Puente Stock Option Agreement"), by and
                  between  the  Company  and  John G.  Puente  (a  director  and
                  Chairman of the Executive  Committee of the Company's Board of
                  Directors) and certain options  granted  thereby  (Proposal 5,
                  see page __);

         6.       approve the adoption of the Stock Option  Agreement,  dated as
                  of _______ __, 1997 (the "Hauser Stock Option Agreement"),  by
                  and between the Company and Gustave M. Hauser (a director  and
                  Chairman  of the  Company's  Board of  Directors)  and certain
                  options granted thereby (Proposal 6, see page __);

         7.       ratify the  appointment  by the Board of Directors of the firm
                  of Ernst & Young LLP as  independent  auditors  of the Company
                  for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 1997 (Proposal 7, see
                  page __); and

         8.       to transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

        All proxies in the enclosed form of proxy that are properly executed and
returned to Orion prior to  commencement of voting at the Annual Meeting will be
voted at the Annual  Meeting or any  adjournments  or  postponements  thereof in
accordance with the instructions thereon.  EXECUTED BUT UNMARKED PROXIES WILL BE
management  of the  Company  does not know of any  matters  other than those set
forth  herein  which may come before the Annual  Meeting.  If any other  matters
should  properly  come before the Annual  Meeting,  proxies will be voted in the
discretion of the proxy holders.

        The  approximate  date on which this proxy  statement  and form of proxy
were first sent or given to stockholders is April __, 1997.

         Under the Company's  Amended and Restated  Bylaws,  directors  shall be
elected  by a  plurality  vote of the  outstanding  shares of  Common  Stock and
Preferred  Stock present in person or  represented by proxy and entitled to vote
at the Annual  Meeting,  voting  together as a class,  with each share of Common
Stock  entitled  to one  vote per  share,  and each  share  of  Preferred  Stock
(including  fractional  shares)  entitled  to one vote for each  whole  share of
Common Stock that would be issuable  upon  conversion of such share of Preferred
Stock,  as  described  below under  "Voting  Securities  and  Principal  Holders
Thereof."  Approval of the 1997 Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan,  the 1997 Stock
Option  Plan,  the Puente  Stock  Option  Agreement  and the Hauser Stock Option
Agreement  requires  the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of a majority of the
shares of Common Stock and Preferred  Stock present in person or  represented by
proxy and entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting,  voting  together as a single
class,  with each share of Common Stock entitled to one vote per share, and each
share of Preferred Stock (including  fractional shares) entitled to one vote for
each whole share of Common Stock that would be issuable upon  conversion of such
shares of Preferred  Stock,  as described  below under  "Voting  Securities  and
Principal Holders Thereof."

         Under the applicable Delaware law, amendment of the current certificate
of incorporation of Orion Oldco requires: (a) the affirmative vote of two-thirds
(66.6%) of the holders of shares of Common  Stock and  Preferred  Stock,  voting
together as a single class, with each share of Common Stock entitled to one vote
per share,  and each share of  Preferred  Stock  (including  fractional  shares)
entitled to one vote for each whole share of Common Stock that would be issuable
upon  conversion  of such shares of Preferred  Stock,  as described  below under
"Voting  Securities and Principal  Holders Thereof," (b) the affirmative vote of
the  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of holders of Common  Stock,  (c) the
affirmative  vote of the  holders  of  ninety  percent  (90%)  of the  Series  A
Preferred  Stock,  and (d) the affirmative vote of the holders of ninety percent
(90%) of the Series B Preferred Stock.

         Under applicable Delaware law and the Company's Restated Certificate of
Incorporation and Amended and Restated Bylaws, broker non-votes are not included
as votes  cast,  and  abstentions  are  counted as shares  entitled  to vote for
purposes of  determining  whether a proposal has been  approved by the necessary
number of  votes.  Abstentions  on a  proposal  will  have the  effect of a vote
against such proposal.  According to the Company's  Amended and Restated Bylaws,
unless  otherwise  provided  by  the  Delaware  General  Corporation  Law or the
Company's  Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  any other  matter put to a
stockholder  vote will be decided by the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of a
majority of the shares of Common Stock and Preferred  Stock having voting power,
present in person or represented by proxy.

         A proxy may be  revoked  by any  stockholder  who  attends  the  Annual
Meeting  and gives  notice  of his or her  intention  to vote in person  without
compliance with any other formalities. In addition, any stockholder may revoke a
proxy at any time before it is voted by  executing  and  delivering a subsequent
proxy or by delivering a written notice to the Secretary of the Company, stating
that the proxy is  revoked.  At the Annual  Meeting,  stockholders'  votes cast,
either in person or by proxy,  will be  tabulated  by persons  appointed  by the
Board of Directors to act as inspectors of election.

         The cost of soliciting  proxies in the form  enclosed  herewith will be
borne  entirely by the Company.  In addition to the  solicitation  of proxies by
mails,  proxies may be solicited by officers and directors and regular employees
of Orion, without additional  remuneration,  by personal interviews,  telephone,
telegraph  or  otherwise.  Orion may also  utilize the  services of its transfer
agent,  Fleet  National  Bank, to provide  broker search and proxy  distribution
services at an estimated cost of $2,000.  Copies of solicitation material may be
furnished to brokers, custodians,  nominees and other fiduciaries for forwarding
to  beneficial  owners of shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  and  normal
handling charges may be paid for such forwarding service.






         The  securities  which can be voted at the  Annual  Meeting  consist of
shares of Common Stock and shares of Series A 8% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred
Stock  ("Series  A  Preferred  Stock")  and  Series B 8%  Cumulative  Redeemable
Preferred  Stock  ("Series  B  Preferred  Stock")  and  shares  of  Series  C 6%
Cumulative   Redeemable   Preferred   Stock   ("Series   C   Preferred   Stock")
(collectively,  Series A Preferred Stock,  Series B Preferred Stock and Series C
Preferred Stock shall be referred to herein as "Preferred Stock"). Each share of
Common  Stock  eligible to vote  entitles its holder to one vote on all matters,
each share of Series A Preferred  Stock  eligible to vote entitles its holder to
117 votes on all matters  (the 117 votes per share is the number of votes of the
shares of Common Stock onto which the Preferred Stock is convertible, determined
by dividing the  liquidation  preference of the Series A Preferred Stock ($1,000
per share) by a  conversion  price of $8.50 per share of Common  Stock,  rounded
down to the  nearest  whole  share),  each  share of  Series B  Preferred  Stock
eligible to vote  entitles  its holder to 98 votes on all matters  (the 98 votes
per share is determined by dividing the  liquidation  preference of the Series B
Preferred Stock ($1,000 per share) by a conversion  price of $10.20 per share of
Common  Stock)  and each  share of Series C  Preferred  Stock  eligible  to vote
entitles  its  holder  to 57 votes on all  matters  (the 57 votes  per  share is
determined  by dividing  the  liquidation  preference  of the Series B Preferred
Stock  ($1,000  per share) by a  conversion  price of $17.50 per share of Common

         The close of  business on April 11, 1997 has been fixed by the Board of
Directors  as the record  date for  determination  of  stockholders  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the Annual Meeting. On the record date,  ____________
shares of Common  Stock were  outstanding  and  eligible  to be voted,  ________
shares of Series A Preferred Stock were outstanding and eligible to be voted (an
aggregate of _________  votes),  __________  shares of Series B Preferred  Stock
were  outstanding and eligible to be voted (an aggregate of ___________  votes),
and 123,172 shares of Series C Preferred Stock were  outstanding and eligible to
be voted (an aggregate of 7,020,804 votes) at the Annual Meeting.  The presence,
in person or by proxy, of at least a majority of the stock outstanding,  treated
as a single class, is necessary to constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting.


         The  following  table sets forth certain  information,  as of March 15,
1997,  with respect to the shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock  beneficially
owned by each  director and nominee for  director of the Company,  by each Named
Executive Officer (see "Executive  Compensation -- Summary  Compensation Table")
of the Company and by all directors and executive officers as a group.

                                                                      PERCENT OF                      PERCENT OF
                                                      AMOUNT AND    TOTAL SHARES OF                 TOTAL SHARES OF
                                                       NATURE OF     COMMON STOCK                    COMMON STOCK
                                                      BENEFICIAL      OUTSTANDING                  OUTSTANDING ON A
                                                     OWNERSHIP (1)        (2)                  FULLY DILUTED BASIS (18)
                                                     -------------        ---                  ------------------------

W. Neil Bauer , President and Chief
Executive Officer(3)(4)                                 139,703           1.2                              *

Richard J. Brekka. Director (5)                          20,000           *                                *

David J. Frear. Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer (3)(6)                   63,612           *                                *

Warren B. French, Jr., Director  (7)                     25,623           *                                *

Hans Giner, President, Orion Asia Pacific
Corporation (8)                                           5,000           *                                *


Gustave M. Hauser, Chairman, Director (3)(9)            547,517           4.8                              2.1

Barry Horowitz , Director (10)                           20,000           *                                *

Sidney S. Kahn, Director (3)(11)                        264,840           2.4                              1.0

John G. Puente, Director (3)(12)                        542,181           4.8                              2.1

W. Anthony Rice, Director (13)                           20,000           *                                *

John V. Saeman, Director (3)(14)                      1,489,240          13.2                              5.8

Richard H. Shay, Vice President,
Corporate and Legal Affairs, Secretary  (15)             36,356           *                                *

Denis J. Curtin, Senior Vice President,
Orion Satellite Corporation and General
Manager, Engineering and Satellite
Operations  (16)                                         43,245           *                                *

Robert M. Van Degna, Director (17)                       20,000           *                                *

All directors and executive officers
as a group (14 persons)                               3,237,317          28.7                             12.6

- -------------------
*    Less than 1/%

1)   In accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended (the "Exchange Act"), a person is deemed to be a "beneficial owner"
     of a  security  if he or she has or shares  the power to vote or direct the
     voting of such  security or the power to dispose or direct the  disposition
     of such security.  A person is also deemed to be a beneficial  owner of any
     securities  of  which  that  person  has the  right to  acquire  beneficial
     ownership  within 60 days from April __, 1997.  More than one person may be
     deemed to be a beneficial owner of the same  securities.  All persons shown
     in the table  above  have  sole  voting  and  investment  power,  except as
     otherwise indicated.  This table includes shares of Common Stock subject to
     outstanding  options granted  pursuant to the Company's 1987 Employee Stock
     Option Plan and Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan.

2)   For the purpose of computing the  percentage  ownership of each  beneficial
     owner,  any securities which were not outstanding but which were subject to
     options,  warrants, rights or conversion privileges held by such beneficial
     owner  exercisable  within  60  days  were  deemed  to  be  outstanding  in
     determining  the  percentage  owned by such  person,  but  were not  deemed
     outstanding in determining the percentage owned by any other person.

3)   Does not include  shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of  warrants  which are
     exercisable  only in the event that the Senior  Preferred Stock is redeemed
     by Orion prior to its conversion into Common Stock.

4)   Includes 139,703 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options held by
     Mr. Bauer  exercisable  within 60 days. Does not include 10,220 shares held
     of record, 1,882 shares issuable upon the conversion of 16 shares of Series
     A Preferred  Stock and 522 shares  issuable upon conversion of 5.333 shares
     of Series B  Preferred  Stock  purchased  in June 1995 held by Mr.  Bauer's
     wife. Mr. Bauer disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.

5)   Mr. Brekka disclaims  beneficial ownership of all shares of Orion's capital
     stock which are owned by CIBC Wood Gundy.  Includes  20,000 shares issuable
     upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

6)   Includes  49,752  shares  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  stock  options
     exercisable  within 60 days and 1,176 shares issuable upon conversion of 10
     shares of Series A Preferred  Stock and 326 shares issuable upon conversion
     of 3.333 shares of Series B Preferred Stock.

7)   Does not include 172,520 shares held of record, 29,412 shares issuable upon
     the  conversion  of 250 shares of Series A Preferred  Stock or 8,170 shares
     issuable upon  conversion of 83.334 shares of Series B Preferred Stock held
     by Shenandoah Telecommunications Company, of which Mr. French is the former
     Chairman  and  presently a  consultant.  Mr.  French  disclaims  beneficial
     ownership of these shares. Includes 20,000 shares issuable upon exercise of
     stock options exercisable within 60 days.

8)   Includes  5,000  shares   issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.


9)   Includes 58,823 shares issuable upon the conversion of 500 shares of Series
     A Preferred  Stock and 16,339 shares  issuable  upon  conversion of 166.667
     shares  of  Series B  Preferred  Stock  held by Mr.  Hauser  and his  wife.
     Includes 120,000 shares issuable upon exercise of stock options exercisable
     within 60 days.

10)  Includes  20,000  shares  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  stock  options
     exercisable within 60 days.

11)  Includes 29,411 shares issuable upon the exercise of 250 shares of Series A
     Preferred  Stock and 8,169 shares issuable upon conversion of 83.333 shares
     of Series B Preferred Stock.  Includes 20,000 shares issuable upon exercise
     of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

12)  Includes  58,439  shares held of record and 7,351 shares  issuable upon the
     exercise of options by Mr. Puente's wife.  Includes  321,501 shares held of
     record,  160,438 shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options,  1,411
     shares  issuable  upon the  conversion  of 12 shares of Series A  Preferred
     Stock  and 392  shares  issuable  upon  conversion  of 4 shares of Series B
     Preferred  Stock held by Mr. Puente.  Includes  10,000 shares issuable upon
     exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

13)  Does not include 7,138,096 shares  beneficially  owned by British Aerospace
     Space Systems, Inc. Mr. Rice, a director of Orion and a director of British
     Aerospace  Space Systems,  Inc.,  disclaims  beneficial  ownership of these
     shares.  Includes  20,000  shares  issuable  upon exercise of stock options
     exercisable within 60 days.

14)  The 1,489,240 shares of Common Stock  beneficially  owned by John V. Saeman
     include  58,823 shares  issuable upon  conversion of 500 shares of Series A
     Preferred  Stock,  and 16,339 shares  issuable  upon  conversion of 166.667
     shares of Series B Preferred  Stock. Of the remaining  1,414,078  shares of
     stock  beneficially  owned  by John V.  Saeman,  796,805  are held by J. V.
     Saeman & Co., a general  partnership,  of which Mr. Saeman and his wife are
     the sole partners, 40,196 are held by JCC, Ltd., a limited partnership,  of
     which J. V.  Saeman & Co. is the general  partner,  and 545,523 are held by
     Medallion  Enterprises,  LLC,  a limited  liability  company,  of which Mr.
     Saeman and his wife are the sole members.  Includes  20,000 shares issuable
     upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

15)  Includes 18,895 shares issuable upon exercise of stock options  exercisable
     within 60 days.

16)  Includes  19,446  shares  issuable  upon  the  exercise  of  stock  options
     exercisable  within 60 days, and 705 shares issuable upon the conversion of
     6  shares  of  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  and 196  shares  issuable  upon
     conversion of 2 shares of Series B Preferred Stock.

17)  Excludes  588,234 shares issuable upon conversion of 4,000 shares of Series
     A  Preferred  Stock  held by Fleet and 1,000  shares of Series A  Preferred
     Stock held by Chisholm,  and 130,685  shares  issuable  upon  conversion of
     1,333  shares  of Series B  Preferred  Stock  held by Fleet  and  preferred
     options held by Chisholm which are convertible into 24,509 shares of Common
     Stock.  Such conversion would increase the number of outstanding  shares of
     Common Stock by 743,428 (6.7%).  Mr. Van Degna, a director of Orion, is the
     chairman  and  chief  executive  officer  of each of the  managing  general
     partners  of Fleet  Equity  Partners  VI,  L.P.,  the  chairman  and  chief
     executive  officer of Fleet  Venture  Resources,  Inc. and the chairman and
     chief executive  officer of the corporation  that is the general partner of
     the partnership  that is the general partner of Chisholm  Partners II, L.P.
     Mr. Van Degna  disclaims  beneficial  ownership of these  shares.  Includes
     20,000 shares issuable upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60

18)  The percentage  ownership of each  beneficial  owner  calculated on a fully
     diluted basis assumes conversion or exercise of all derivative  securities,
     including options, warrants, rights or conversion privileges.



         The  following  table sets forth  information  with  respect to persons
known by the  Company as of March 15, 1997 to be the  beneficial  owners of more
than five percent of the outstanding Orion Common Stock.

                                                                  PERCENT OF                 PERCENT OF
                                                 AMOUNT AND    TOTAL SHARES OF            TOTAL SHARES OF
                                                  NATURE OF     COMMON STOCK               COMMON STOCK
                                                 BENEFICIAL      OUTSTANDING             OUTSTANDING ON A
                                                OWNERSHIP (1)        (2)              FULLY DILUTED BASIS (8)
                                                -------------        ---              -----------------------
British Aerospace Space
Systems, Inc. (3)
British Aerospace
Communications, Inc.
British Aerospace
Holdings, Inc.
13873 Park Center Road
Herndon, VA 22071                                7,138,096          40.0                        27.8

MCN Sat US, Inc.
Matra Marconi Space
UK Limited
37, Avenue Louis Breuget B.P.1
78146 Velizy Villacoublay Cedez
France                                           1,626,344          12.7                         6.3

John V. Saeman
J.V. Saeman & Co.(4)(5)
Medallion Enterprises, LLC
Suite 570
3200 Cherry Creek South Drive
Denver, CO 80209                                 1,489,240          13.2                         5.8

Lockheed Martin Commercial
Launch Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 179
MSM DC-1400
Denver, CO 80201-0179                            1,368,340          11.1                         5.3

CIBC Wood Gundy Ventures, Inc. (4)(6)
425 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017                                 977,123           8.1                         3.8

Cumberland Associates
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036                                 815,000           7.3                         3.2

Trans-Atlantic Satellite, Inc.
1211 Avenue of the Americas
41st Floor
New York, NY                                       802,514           6.7                         3.1

Fleet Venture Resources, Inc.(4)(7)
Fleet Equity Partners VI, L.P.
Chisholm Partners II, L.P.
50 Kennedy Plaza


Providence, RI 02903                                    743,428           6.2                              2.9

Kingston Communications
International Limited
Telephone House
Carr Lane
England                                                 640,857           5.4                              2.5

Space Systems/Loral, Inc.
3925 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303                                     588,235           5.3                              2.3

- -----------------

1)   In accordance with Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act, a person is deemed to
     be a "beneficial  owner" of a security if he or she has or shares the power
     to vote or direct  the voting of such  security  or the power to dispose or
     direct the  disposition of such  security.  A person is also deemed to be a
     beneficial  owner of any  securities  of which that person has the right to
     acquire beneficial  ownership within 60 days from March 15, 1997. More than
     one person may be deemed to be a beneficial  owner of the same  securities.
     All persons shown in the table above have sole voting and investment power,
     except as otherwise  indicated.  This table includes shares of Common Stock
     subject to  outstanding  options  granted  pursuant to the  Company's  1987
     Employee Stock Option Plan and Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan.

2)   For the purpose of computing the  percentage  ownership of each  beneficial
     owner,  any securities which were not outstanding but which were subject to
     options,  warrants, rights or conversion privileges held by such beneficial
     owner  exercisable  within  60  days  were  deemed  to  be  outstanding  in
     determining  the  percentage  owned by such  person,  but  were not  deemed
     outstanding in determining the percentage owned by any other person.

3)   Includes  473,183  shares  held of record held by British  Aerospace  Space
     Systems, Inc.

4)   Does not include  shares  issuable  upon  exercise  of  warrants  which are
     exercisable  only in the event that the Senior  Preferred Stock is redeemed
     by the Company prior to its conversion into Common Stock.

5)   The 1,489,240 shares of Common Stock  beneficially  owned by John V. Saeman
     include  58,823 shares  issuable upon  conversion of 500 shares of Series A
     Preferred  Stock,  and 16,339 shares  issuable  upon  conversion of 166.667
     shares of Series B Preferred  Stock. Of the remaining  1,414,078  shares of
     stock  beneficially  owned  by John V.  Saeman,  796,805  are held by J. V.
     Saeman & Co., a general  partnership,  of which Mr. Saeman and his wife are
     the sole partners, 40,196 are held by JCC, Ltd., a limited partnership,  of
     which J. V.  Saeman & Co. is the general  partner,  and 545,523 are held by
     Medallion  Enterprises,  LLC,  a limited  liability  company,  of which Mr.
     Saeman and his wife are the sole members.  Includes  20,000 shares issuable
     upon exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

6)   Includes  764,705 shares issuable upon conversion of 6,500 shares of Series
     A Preferred  Stock and 212,418 shares issuable upon conversion of 2,166.667
     shares of Series B Preferred  Stock held by CIBC,  which  conversion  would
     increase  the  number of  outstanding  shares of  Common  Stock by  977,123

7)   Includes  588,234 shares issuable upon conversion of 4,000 shares of Series
     A  Preferred  Stock  held by the two Fleet  entities  (which  include,  for
     purposes of this footnote,  Fleet Venture Resources,  Inc. and Fleet Equity
     Partners,  VI, L.P.) and 1,000  shares of Series A Preferred  Stock held by
     Chisholm,  and 130,685 shares  issuable upon  conversion of 1,333 shares of
     Series B  Preferred  Stock  held by Fleet  and  preferred  options  held by
     Chisholm  which are  convertible  into 24,509 shares of Common Stock.  Such
     conversion would increase the number of outstanding  shares of Common Stock
     by 743,428 (6.7%).

8)   The percentage  ownership of each  beneficial  owner  calculated on a fully
     diluted basis assumes conversion or exercise of all derivative  securities,
     including options, warrants, rights or conversion privileges.


                            MATTERS TO BE ACTED UPON

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                  (PROPOSAL 1)

         The Board of Directors  recently  approved (in March 1997) an amendment
to the Company's  Amended and Restated Bylaws that reduced the size of the Board
of Directors from eleven members to ten, thereby eliminating a vacancy.  The ten
members of the Company's  Board of Directors are divided into three classes (two
classes consist of three members and one class consists of four members) serving
staggered three-year terms. Under the Company's Amended and Restated Bylaws, the
size of the Company's Board of Directors could be reduced by an affirmative vote
of the Board of Directors and did not require stockholder approval.

         Three directors will be elected at the Annual Meeting, each director to
hold office for a three-year  term  (expiring  2000) (and,  in each case,  until
their  successors are elected and qualified).  The nominees,  Richard J. Brekka,
Warren B. French,  Jr. and W. Anthony  Rice,  currently are serving as directors
and have indicated their  willingness to continue serving if elected.  It is the
intention of the persons  named in the form of proxy  provided by the Company to
vote such proxy for the election of the nominees named below.  The form of proxy
cannot be voted for a greater  number of  persons  than the  number of  nominees
named above.


         All  nominees  are  now  directors  of  the  Company  and  have  served
continuously since their first election. In the event that any nominee should be
unable to accept the  position  of  director,  which is not  anticipated,  it is
intended  that the  persons  named in the proxy  will  vote  such  proxy for the
election of such other  person in the place of such  nominee for the position of
director as the Board of Directors may recommend.

         The  following  table  provides  information  as to the nominees of the
Company for terms ending in 2000, and as to directors whose terms in office will

Nominees                                            Age     Expiration of Term
- --------                                            ---     ------------------
Richard J. Brekka.................................   35             2000

Warren B. French, Jr..............................   73             2000

W. Anthony Rice...................................   44             2000

Directors Continuing in Office
- ------------------------------

Gustave M. Hauser.................................   66             1998

Barry Horowitz....................................   52             1998

John G. Puente....................................   65             1998

John V. Saeman....................................   59             1998

W. Neil Bauer.....................................   50             1999

Sidney S. Kahn....................................   59             1999

Robert M. Van Degna...............................   51             1999

- -------------------



         Richard J. Brekka has been a director  of the Company  since June 1994.
He is a Managing Director of CIBC Wood Gundy Capital  ("CIBC-WG"),  the merchant
banking division of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and is a Director and the
President of CIBC Wood Gundy Ventures, Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary
of Canadian  Imperial Bank of Commerce.  Mr.  Brekka joined  CIBC-WG in February
1992.  Prior to joining  CIBC-WG,  Mr. Brekka was an officer of Chase  Manhattan
Bank's merchant banking group from February 1988 until February 1992.

         Warren B. French,  Jr. has been a director of the Company  since August
1988.  He was  President  and a  director  of  Shenandoah  Telephone  Company of
Edinburg,  Virginia from 1973 to 1988 and President and a director of Shenandoah
Telecommunications  Company, the parent company of Shenandoah Telephone Company,
from 1981 to 1988.  From 1988  through  1995,  he was Chairman and a director of
Shenandoah  Telecommunications  Company.  He is a past  Chairman  of the  United
States  Telephone  Association  and  is a  former  director  of  First  National

         W. Anthony Rice has been a director of the Company  since January 1994.
Mr. Rice is Chief Executive Officer of British  Aerospace Asset Management,  the
business  unit  responsible  for all of the  company's  activities in respect of
commercial  aircraft  leasing  and  financing.  Previously,  he  served as Group
Treasurer of British Aerospace Public Limited Company from 1991 until the end of
1995. British Aerospace is Europe's leading defense and aerospace company.

         W. Neil Bauer has been  President of the Company since March 1993,  and
has been Chief Executive  Officer and a director since September 1993. From 1989
to February  1993, Mr. Bauer was employed by GE American  Communications,  Inc.,
where he served as Senior  Vice  President  and  General  Manager of  Commercial
Operations.  Prior to 1989, Mr. Bauer was Chief Financial Officer of GE American
Communications,  Inc. and later head of  commercial  sales.  He held several key
financial  planning  positions  at GE/RCA  from 1984  through  1986  focused  on
operational  and  business  analysis of diverse  business  units  including  all
communications   units.   From   1974-1983,   he  was  employed  by  RCA  Global
Communications,  an international  record carrier.  During this period,  he held
several  financial and  operational  positions and was responsible for financial
and business planning.

         Sidney S. Kahn has been a director of the Company  since July 1987.  He
is presently a private investor.  From 1977 to December 1989, he was Senior Vice
President of E.F.  Hutton Company,  Inc., a wholly owned  subsidiary of the E.F.
Hutton Group, Inc. He is also a director of Delia's, Inc.

         Robert M. Van Degna has been a director of the Company since June 1994.
He is the  managing  general  partner of Fleet  Equity  Partners.  Mr. Van Degna
joined  Fleet  Financial  Group in 1971 and has held a variety  of  lending  and
management positions until he organized Fleet Equity Partners in 1982 and became
its  managing  general  partner.  Mr. Van Degna also serves as a director of ACC
Corporation and Preferred Networks, Inc.

         Gustave M. Hauser has been  Chairman of the Company  since January 1996
and has been a director of the Company since December  1982.  Since 1983, he has
been Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of Hauser  Communications,  Inc., an
investment  and  operating  firm  specializing  in cable  television  and  other
electronic  communications.  From 1973 to 1983 he served as  Chairman  and Chief
Executive Officer of Warner-Amex  Cable  Communications,  Inc.  (formerly Warner
Cable  Communications,   Inc.),  a  major  multiple  system  operator  of  cable
television systems and originator of satellite  delivered video programming.  He
is a trustee of the Museum of Television  and Radio.  He is a past Vice Chairman
of the National Cable Television  Association,  and from 1970 to 1977 he served,
by  appointment  of the  President  of the United  States,  as a director of the
Overseas Private Investment Corporation.


         Barry Horowitz has been a director of the Company since May 1996. He is
President and Chief Executive Officer of Mitretek  Systems,  Inc. Mitretek works
with federal,  state and local  governments as well as other  non-profit  public
interest  organizations on technology-based  research and development  programs.
Mitretek was  incorporated in December 1995 as a result of a restructuring  with
The MITRE  Corporation.  Principal  capabilities  are related to information and
environmental  system technologies.  In addition,  Dr. Horowitz is President and
Chief  Executive  Officer of  Concept 5  Technologies,  Inc.,  a  subsidiary  of
Mitretek,  which provides  technical  services to commercial  clients,  with its
initial focus on the financial  community.  Prior to the restructuring and since
1969, Dr. Horowitz  served MITRE in several  capacities,  including  Trustee and
President and CEO.

         John G. Puente has been a director  since 1984. Mr. Puente was Chairman
of the Company from April 1987 through  January 1996,  and since July,  1996 has
been  serving as a  consultant  to the  Company and  chairman  of the  Company's
Executive  Committee.  He served as Chief Executive  Officer of the Company from
April 1987 through  September  1993.  He was a director  and, from 1978 to April
1987, served as Senior Vice President, Executive Vice President or Vice Chairman
of M/A-COM, Inc., a diversified telecommunications and manufacturing company. He
was a founder of SouthernNet,  Inc., a fiber optic long distance  communications
company  and one of the two  companies  that  merged to form  Telecom*USA,  Inc.
(which was later  acquired by MCI),  serving as a director of  SouthernNet  from
July 1984 until August 1987, and Chairman of the Board of SouthernNet  from July
1984  until  December  1986.  During  his  tenure  as  Chairman  of the Board of
SouthernNet,  Mr.  Puente  was  instrumental  in the  founding  of the  National
Telecommunications  Network, a national  consortium of long distance fiber optic
communications  companies, and was its first chairman. In 1972, Mr. Puente was a
founder of DCC,  Inc., of which he became  Chairman and CEO. In 1978,  DCC, Inc.
was  acquired  by  Microwave  Associates  to  form  M/A-COM,  Inc.;  DCC,  Inc.,
subsequently  was acquired by Hughes Aircraft  Company and became Hughes Network
Systems,  Inc. Mr. Puente also played a prominent role in the early  development
of the  communications  satellite  industry,  holding  technical  and  executive
positions in COMSAT and American Satellite Corporation.

         John V. Saeman has been a director of the Company since  December 1982.
He is an owner of Medallion  Enterprises LLC, a private  investment firm located
in Denver, Colorado. Mr. Saeman was Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
Daniels & Associates,  Inc. and its related  entities in the  telecommunications
field from 1980 to 1988. He is former director as well as past Chairman of Cable
Satellite  Public Affairs Network (C-Span) as well as a former director and past
Chairman of the National Cable Television Association. Mr. Saeman was a director
of Celerex  Corporation  and is a director of  Nordstrom  National  Credit Bank.
Celerex Corporation filed a petition for reorganization  under Chapter 11 of the
United States Bankruptcy Code in 1995.


         The  Board of  Directors  has  established  a  Committee  on  Auditing,
Corporate  Responsibility  and Ethics (the "Audit  Committee"),  a Committee  on
Human Resources and Compensation (the  "Compensation  Committee"),  an Executive
Committee, a Finance Committee and a Nominating Committee.

         The Audit  Committee  is  comprised  of Messrs.  Van Degna  (chairman),
Hauser and Kahn. The Audit Committee  examines and considers matters relating to
the financial affairs of the Company,  including  reviewing the Company's annual
financial  statements,  the  scope  of the  independent  annual  audit  and  the
independent  auditors' letter to management  concerning the effectiveness of the
Company's  internal  financial and  accounting  controls.  During the year ended
December 31, 1996,  the Audit  Committee  held four  meetings.  Two of the three
members  attended  all four  meetings;  Mr.  Hauser  attended  three of the four


         The Compensation  Committee is comprised of Messrs.  Brekka (chairman),
French and Van Degna. Mr. Saeman attended the meetings prior to his resignation.
Mr.  Saeman  resigned  from the  Compensation  Committee on March 20, 1996.  The
Compensation  Committee  considers  and makes  recommendations  to the Company's
Board of Directors with respect to programs for human resource  development  and
management  organization  and succession,  approves  changes in senior executive
compensation,  considers and makes  recommendations  to the  Company's  Board of
Directors with respect to compensation matters and policies and employee benefit
and incentive  plans and exercises  authority  granted to it to administer  such
plans and  administers  the  Company's  stock option and grants of stock options
under the stock option  plans.  During the year ended  December  31,  1996,  the
Compensation Committee held five meetings. Two of the three members attended all
five meetings; Mr. French attended four of the five meetings.

         The Executive  Committee is comprised of Messrs.  Hauser,  Kahn, Puente
(chairman),  Saeman and Van Degna. The Executive  Committee  provides  strategic
direction with respect to financing, strategic partners, acquisitions and market
focus, subject to approval by the Board of Directors of all significant actions.
The Executive  Committee  was formed in July 1996 and met numerous  times during
the remainder of the year ended December 31, 1996.

         The Finance Committee is comprised of Messrs.  Bauer,  Brekka,  Hauser,
Kahn (chairman),  Puente,  Rice and Saeman. The Finance Committee  considers and
makes  recommendations  to the Board of Directors  with respect to the financial
affairs of the Company,  including  matters  relating to capital  structure  and
requirements,  financial  performance,  dividend  policy,  capital  and  expense
budgets and significant capital commitments.  During the year ended December 31,
1996, the Finance Committee held ten meetings.  Seven of the members attended at
least eight of these meetings; Mr. Rice attended fewer than that number.

         The  Nominating  Committee is comprised of Messrs.  French,  Puente and
Saeman (chairman). The Nominating Committee recommends to the Board of Directors
qualified  candidates  for election as  directors  of the Company and  considers
candidates, if any, recommended by shareholders.  During the year ended December
31, 1996,  the  Nominating  Committee  did not meet.  The  Nominating  Committee
considers nominees for directors recommended by stockholders.  (See "Stockholder
Nominations" below).


         During the year ended  December 31, 1996,  the Board of Directors  held
nine meetings.  Seven of the Directors attended eight or more meetings;  Messrs.
Brekka,  Rice and Van Degna attended fewer than that number.  With the exception
of  Messrs.   Brekka  and  Rice,  no  incumbent  director  attended  fewer  than
seventy-five  percent of the total  number of meetings of the Board of Directors
during the year ended  December 31, 1996,  and, with the exception of Mr. Rice's
attendance at meetings of the Finance Committee,  no incumbent director attended
fewer than seventy-five  percent of the total number of meetings during the year
ended  December  31, 1996 held by all  committees  of the Board of  Directors on
which he served.


         The Company's Amended and Restated Bylaws permit stockholders  eligible
to vote at the Annual Meeting to make nominations for directors but only if such
nominations  are made  pursuant to timely  notice in writing to the Secretary of
the  Company.  To be  timely,  notice  must be  delivered  to,  or mailed to and
received at, the  principal  executive  offices of the Company no later than the
date  designated  for  receipt  of  stockholders'  proposals  in a prior  public
disclosure  made  by the  Company.  If  there  has  been no  such  prior  public
disclosure,  notice  must be  delivered  to, or mailed to and  received 


at, the Company's  principal executive offices not less than 50 nor more than 90
days prior to the Annual Meeting; provided, however, that in the event that less
than 60 days' notice of the date of the Annual Meeting is given to  stockholders
or prior public  disclosure of the Annual  Meeting is made,  notice to be timely
must be  received  not later than the 10th day  following  the day on which such
notice of the date of the Annual  Meeting was mailed or such  public  disclosure
was made.

         A stockholders' notice of nomination must set forth certain information
specified  in Section  2.11 of the  Amended and  Restated  Bylaws of the Company
concerning each person the stockholder proposes to nominate for election and the
nominating  stockholder.  December  22, 1996 was the  deadline  for  stockholder
nominations. No such nomination was received.





         The executive  officers of the Company  serve at the  discretion of the
Board of Directors and are elected by the Board of Directors annually for a term
extending through the election and qualification of their successors.

         The executive officers of the Company,  their ages as of April 11, 1997
and their positions with the Company are set forth below:

Name                                          Age          Position With the Company
- ----                                          ---          -------------------------

W. Neil Bauer..............................   50           President and Chief Executive Officer

David J. Frear.............................   40           Vice    President,    Chief    Financial
                                                           Officer and Treasurer

Richard H. Shay............................   55           Vice  President,   Corporate  and  Legal
                                                           Affairs, and Secretary

Hans C. Giner..............................   57           Vice   President   of  the  Company  and
                                                           President,     Orion    Asia     Pacific

Denis Curtin...............................   57           Senior Vice  President,  Orion Satellite
                                                           Corporation    and   General    Manager,
                                                           Engineering and Satellite Operations

- ----------------------


         Certain information  concerning the Company's executive officers is set
forth below,  except that  information  concerning  Mr. Bauer is set forth above
under the caption "Biographical Information - Directors."

         David J. Frear has been Vice President and Chief  Financial  Officer of
the Company since November 1993 and Treasurer of the Company since January 1994.
From  September  1990 through April 1993, Mr. Frear served as Vice President and
Chief   Financial   Officer   of   Millicom   Incorporated,   an   international
telecommunications  service  company.  From January 1988 to September  1990, Mr.
Frear held  various  positions in the  investment  banking  department  at Bear,
Stearns & Co. Inc. Mr. Frear received his CPA in 1979.

         Hans C. Giner became President of Orion Asia Pacific  Corporation,  the
Company's subsidiary devoted to pursuing  construction and launch of a satellite
covering the Asia  Pacific  region.  Mr.  Giner  served as a  consultant  to the
Company  from October 1995  through  January 1996  relating to similar  matters.
Prior thereto, he held senior positions in the satellite and  telecommunications
industries  for more than 20 years.  Most  recently,  from  April  1994  through
September  1995 he served as President of Stellar One  Corporation,  a high-tech
company   designing,    manufacturing   and   distributing    technologies   for
telecommunications  groups,  particularly telcos and cable television 


companies.  Prior to that, from November 1987 through March 1994, Mr. Giner held
several  positions for, and  ultimately  served as president and CEO of Millisat
Holdings, Inc. a member of the Millicom Group, with worldwide responsibility for
development of media and  telecommunications  properties,  including  broadcast,
cable and wireless television.

         Richard H. Shay has been  Secretary of the Company  since  January 1993
and a Vice President  since April 1992. From July 1981 until September 1985, Mr.
Shay served as Chief Counsel to the National  Telecommunications and Information
Administration  ("NTIA") of the U.S.  Department  of Commerce and then as Deputy
General  Counsel  to the  Department,  where he was  responsible  for the  legal
matters of the Department's  agencies. In his capacity as Chief Counsel to NTIA,
Mr. Shay also served as Acting Director of its Office of  International  Policy,
served on the  official  U.S.  delegation  to the 1982  Nairobi  Plenipotentiary
Conference  of the ITU and was involved in  preparation  for the 1983 ITU Direct
Broadcast Satellite World Administrative Radio Conference.

         Denis J. Curtin is Senior Vice President,  Orion Satellite  Corporation
and General Manager, Engineering and Satellite Operations. He joined the Company
in September  1988 as Vice  President,  Engineering.  He  previously  was Senior
Director of Satellite Engineering of COMSAT's Systems Division. While at COMSAT,
Dr.  Curtin  served for over 21 years in the  systems  engineering,  program and
engineering management of both domestic and international  satellite systems. He
has an MS in Physics,  a Ph.D.  in  Mechanical  Engineering,  and has  published
numerous papers on solar cell and solar array  technology,  is the editor of the
Trends in Satellite  Communications and is a Fellow of the American Institute of
Astronautics and Aeronautics.




         The  following  table  sets  forth a  summary  of  total  compensation,
including  bonuses,  paid to the Chief Executive Officer and the four other most
highly paid executive officers (the "Named Executive  Officers") for services in
all  capacities to the Company and its  subsidiaries  for the fiscal years ended
December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994.

                                                       ANNUAL COMPENSATION                   LONG-TERM COMPENSATION

                                                                                          AWARDS                 PAYOUTS

                                                                    OTHER                       SECURITIES
                                                                   ANNUAL        RESTRICTED     UNDERLYING            ALL OTHER
     NAME AND                                                      COMPEN-          STOCK        OPTIONS/     LTIP     COMPEN-
PRINCIPAL POSITION                  YEAR   SALARY($)   BONUS($)  SATION ($)(1)    AWARD(S)($)     SARS(#)   PAYOUTS   SATION($)
- ------------------                  ----   ---------   --------  -------------    -----------     -------   -------   ---------

W. Neil Bauer.................     1996    278,106     100,000                                    75,000
President and Chief...........     1995    265,000     90,000                                    110,294
Executive Officer.............     1994    250,000     100,000    100,684

David J. Frear,...............     1996    185,996     90,000                                    125,000
Vice President, Treasurer.....     1995    179,005     40,000       4,570                         55,147
and Chief Financial Officer        1994    170,000     51,000      25,715

Douglas H. Newman (2).........     1996    201,206
Vice President of the.........     1995     34,618     14,000                                     50,000
Company, Orion
Corporation...................     1994

Hans C. Giner.................     1996    141,638     35,000                                     25,000
Vice President of the Company.     1995
and President, Orion Asia Pacific
Corporation...................     1994

Denis J. Curtin,..............     1996    155,380     40,000                                     45,000
Senior Vice President of......     1995    151,081     38,000                                     24,705
Orion Satellite Corporation...     1994    133,850     35,700

    (1) Relocation expenses.
    (2) Mr. Newman is no longer employed by the Company.


         The  Company has adopted the Orion  Network  Systems,  Inc.  1987 Stock
Option Plan (the "1987  Employee  Stock Option  Plan").  Under the 1987 Employee
Stock Option Plan, options to purchase up to an aggregate of 1,470,588 shares of
Common Stock are available  for grants to employees of the Company.  The Company
has also adopted a Non-Employee  Director  Stock Option Plan (the  "Non-Employee
Director Stock Option Plan"). Under the Non-Employee Director Stock Option Plan,
options  to  purchase  up to  380,000  shares  have  been  or  will  be  granted
automatically to non-employee directors of the Company. In March 1997, the Board
of Directors  adopted the Company's  1997 Employee  Stock Option Plan (the "1997
Stock Option Plan"). Under the 1997 Stock Option Plan, options to purchase up to
an aggregate of 1,300,000 shares of Common Stock will be available for grants to
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries and to other individuals, 


subject to approval of the 1997 Stock  Option  Plan by the  stockholders  of the
Company.  See Proposal 4,  "Adoption of 1997 Stock Option Plan." No options were
granted  under the 1997 Stock  Option  Plan during the year ended  December  31,
1996.  The following  table sets forth  information  concerning  grants of stock
options to the Named  Executive  Officers  pursuant to the 1987  Employee  Stock
Option Plan during the year ended December 31, 1996.

                                                        INDIVIDUAL GRANTS

                                                                                                           POTENTIAL REALIZED
                                                                                                           VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                                                                                           ANNUAL RATES OF
                                               % OF TOTAL                                                  STOCK PRICE
                             NUMBER OF         OPTIONS                                                     APPRECIATION FOR
                             SECURITIES        GRANTED TO                                                  OPTION TERM
                             UNDERLYING        EMPLOYEES IN        EXERCISE OR
                             OPTIONS           FISCAL YEAR         BASE PRICE PER        EXPIRATION        5%($)     10%($)
NAME                         GRANTED                               SHARE($/SH)(1)        DATE
                             --------------    ----------------    -----------------     -------------   ---------------------
W. Neil Bauer                     75,000             9.7                  10.00            03/12/04(3)      305,250/711,750
David J. Frear                   125,000            16.2                  10.00            03/12/04(3)      508,750/1,186,250
Douglas H. Newman                     --              --                     --                    --                   --
Hans C. Giner                     25,000             3.2                   8.49            01/16/03(2)      86,386/201,425
                                  10,000             1.3                  10.78            11/19/03(2)      43,875/102,302
Denis J. Curtin                    5,000             0.6                  10.78            11/19/03(2)      21,937/51,151
                                  40,000             5.2                  10.00            03/12/04(3)      162,800/379,600

- ---------------
(1)  The option  exercise  price is equal to one hundred  percent  (100%) of the
     fair market value of the Common Stock on the date the option was granted.

(2)  The options  will vest in equal  installments  over a five year period from
     the date of grant.

(3)  The options will vest in equal  installments  over a three year period from
     the date of  grant.  These  options  were  granted  on March 12,  1997,  in
     connection with 1996 incentive compensation.


         The  following  table sets forth the value of all  unexercised  options
held at  year-end  1996 by the  Named  Executive  Officers.  No Named  Executive
Officer exercised any stock options during the fiscal year.

                               NUMBER OF SECURITIES             VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                               UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED           IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS AT
                               OPTIONS AT FY-END                DECEMBER 31, 1996(1)
                               -----------------------------    --------------------------------

- ----                           -----------------------------    --------------------------------
W. Neil Bauer............            97,058/138,235                      312,130/279,780
David J. Frear...........            35,293/60,294                       75,659/86,286
Douglas H. Newman........            10,000/40,000                       32,050/128,200
Hans C. Giner............            0/35,000                            0/130,575
Denis J. Curtin..........            31,284/20,661                       121,404/40,321

- ----------------
(1) Based on a per share price of $12.875 on December 31, 1996.



         Prior to January 1996 (the Company having become publicly traded during
1995),  directors  did not  receive  compensation  for  serving  on the Board of
Directors of its  committees  but were  reimbursed  for their  expenses for each
Board of Directors or its  committee  meeting  attended.  Commencing  in January
1996, directors received annual compensation of $4,000, $1,500 for each Board of
Directors meeting attended, $750 for each committee meeting attended (other than
with  respect to Executive  Committee  meetings  for which no  compensation  was
given) and per annum grants of stock options to purchase 10,000 shares of Common
Stock under the  Non-Employee  Director  Stock Option Plan.  An initial grant of
options to purchase  10,000  shares of Common  Stock under that plan was made to
each  non-employee  director in January  1996 and a further  grant of options to
purchase 10,000 shares of Common Stock was made to each non-employee director in
June 1996. An initial grant of options to purchase 30,000 shares of Common Stock
under that plan was made to Barry  Horowitz,  a director,  upon his  election in
March  1996.  The  option   exercise  price  of  the  options  granted  to  each
non-employee  director in January 1996 and Mr.  Horowitz in March 1996 was equal
to the fair market  value of Common  Stock on the  respective  dates the options
were granted.


         The Company  has not  entered  into any  employment  agreements  or any
termination  of  employment  or change in control  arrangements  with any of its
officers,  except for certain change in control  vesting  provisions in the 1987
Employee Stock Option Plan.

         In his  capacity  as  consultant  to the  Company,  John G.  Puente,  a
director of the Company and Chairman of the Executive Committee,  is compensated
at a rate of $25,000 per month and has been granted non-incentive stock options.
See Proposal 5 below, "Approval of Puente Stock Option Agreement."




         The  Committee on Human  Resources and  Compensation  of the Board (the
"Compensation Committee") is responsible for the oversight and administration of
executive  compensation  and for  administration  of the Company's 1987 Employee
Stock Option Plan, as amended.  Subject to stockholder  approval  sought by this
proxy  statement,  the  Compensation  Committee will also be responsible for the
administration  of the Company's  Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan (the  "Employee
Purchase Plan") and 1997 Stock Option Plan. The Compensation  Committee believes
that the actions of each  executive  officer  have the  potential  to impact the
short-term and long-term  profitability  of the Company and considers the impact
of each  executive  officer's  performance  in designing and  administering  the
executive   compensation   program.  In  making  compensation   decisions,   the
Compensation  Committee has, from time to time, received  information and advice
regarding  the  compensation  practices  of  other  companies  in the  satellite
communications or related industries.


the Company's executive  compensation  program is to: (i) attract,  motivate and
retain key  executives  responsible  for the  success of the Company as a whole;
(ii) increase  shareholder value; (iii) increase the overall  performance of the
Company; and (iv) increase the performance of the individual executive.

         EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION POLICIES. The Compensation Committee's executive
compensation policies are designed to provide competitive levels of compensation
that  integrate   compensation  with  the  Company's  short-term  and  long-term
performance  goals,  reward  above-average   corporate  performance,   recognize
individual initiative and achievements, and assist the Company in attracting and
retaining qualified executives. Target levels of the executive officers' overall
compensation are determined  subjectively and are intended to be consistent with
the Compensation  Committee's  perception of the salaries of similarly  situated
senior  executives  in  the  satellite  communications  or  related  industries.
Particular  factors  which the  Compensation  Committee  believes  important  to
assessing  the  Company's  performance  are growth in revenues and the number of
customer  contracts,  completion  of  financing  or  other  major  transactions,
implementation  of the Company's global satellite  network and, on a longer term
basis, growth in stockholder value measured by stock price.

         The  Company's  executive  compensation  structure is comprised of base
salary, annual cash performance bonuses,  long-term  compensation in the form of
stock option grants, and various benefits,  including medical, pension and stock
purchase plans generally available to all employees of the Company.

         BASE SALARY.  In establishing  appropriate  levels of base salary,  the
Compensation  Committee  considered  the perceived  base salary levels of senior
executives  at other  satellite  communications  or  related  companies  and the
particular  officer's  overall  contributions  to Orion during the past year and
previously. Base salaries for fiscal 1996 generally were intended to be the same
as the perceived  levels of similarly sized companies in the satellite  services
industry.  During fiscal 1996, the President and Chief Executive  Officer's base
salary was $280,000, representing an approximately six percent increase from his
1995 base salary. The Compensation  Committee  considered a number of factors in
approving  this  increase,  including  prior base salary  increases,  the senior
executive's  increased  experience and  responsibility,  his general performance
during  the  prior  year,  the  Company's  increased  size and the  Compensation
Committee's  perception  as to what salary he could  command in other  similarly
sized companies in the satellite  communications or related  industries.  During
fiscal 1996, the Compensation  Committee  approved base salary increases for the
Named Executive Officers,  other than the President and Chief Executive Officer,
of between approximately four and eight percent,  based on the factors described

         ANNUAL  PERFORMANCE  BONUSES.  Since  1994,  a  significant  portion of
compensation for executives has consisted of cash bonuses.  In the early part of
each fiscal year, the Compensation Committee has reviewed with the President and
Chief  Executive   Officer  and  approved,   with  any  modifications  it  deems
appropriate,  the annual  performance  bonus range for each senior executive for
that year.  Generally,  these bonuses have ranged up to approximately 40 percent
of such senior  executive's  base salary.  The actual amount of a bonus grant is
determined subjectively at the end of each fiscal year, based on such factors as
the  perceived  value to the  Company of the  individual's  achievement  and the
amount  of  effort  involved  in  such  achievement,  the  salary  level  of the
individual  and the  performance  of the  Company.  For 1996,  the  Compensation
Committee  granted the President and Chief Executive Officer a performance bonus
of $100,000,  representing 36 percent of his annual base salary (compared to his
potential bonus of 40 percent of his base salary).  The  Compensation  Committee
also awarded bonuses to certain of the Named Executive Officers,  other than the
President and Chief Executive Officer,  totaled approximately 33 percent of such
executives'   annual  base  salary,   as  compared  to  opportunities   totaling
approximately 35 percent.


         STOCK OPTION  GRANTS.  The Company  believes  that stock option  grants
provide meaningful  long-term  incentives because they reward the enhancement of
stockholder  value. The number of stock options granted to each senior executive
is  determined  subjectively,  both at the time such  executive  is hired by the
Company  and  subsequently  for  performance  achievement,  based on a number of
factors, including the individual's anticipated degree of responsibility, salary
level,  performance  milestones  achieved  and  stock  option  awards  by  other
similarly  sized satellite  communications  or related  companies.  Stock option
grants by the Compensation Committee generally are made under the Company's 1987
Employee  Stock Option Plan at the  prevailing  market value and will have value
only if the Company's  stock price  increases.  Grants made by the  Compensation
Committee  generally  vest in equal  annual  amounts  over three to five  years;
executives  must be  employed  by the Company at the time of vesting in order to
exercise the options.

         During  fiscal  1996,  the  Compensation  Committee  did not  grant the
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer any  options to purchase  shares of the
Company's  common  stock.  However,  in March  1997,  the  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  was  granted  options  exercisable  for 75,00  shares of the
Company's Common Stock at an exercise price of $10 per share, in connection with
his fiscal 1996 incentive compensation.  During fiscal 1996, the Company granted
Named Executive Officers,  other than the President and Chief Executive Officer,
options  exercisable  for an aggregate of 40,000 shares of the Company's  common
stock, at an average exercise price of $9.34 per share.  Additionally,  in March
1997, the Company granted such Named Executive Officers options  exercisable for
an aggregate of 165,000  shares of the Company's  Common  Stock,  at an exercise
price  of $10  per  share,  in  connection  with  their  fiscal  1996  incentive
compensation.  Factors  considered  in making such awards  include,  the general
level of such executive's  performance,  salary level, stock and option holdings
and recent noteworthy achievements.

         The  President  and  Chief   Executive   Officer  had  entered  into  a
performance  stock option  agreement  with the Company in 1994 that provided for
the vesting of options upon the successful  completion by the Company of certain
performance  criteria,  including the completion of the Company's initial public
offering of common  stock,  the  successful  launch of the Orion 1 satellite and
meeting certain  financing  levels.  During fiscal 1996, the Board of Directors,
however,  determined that certain of the performance  options previously granted
to the President and Chief  Executive  Officer under the Company's 1987 Employee
Stock Option Plan  satisfied  the  performance  criteria  established  under the
performance  stock option  agreement and that such options were thereby  vested.
The Board of  Directors  made a similar  determination  with  respect to certain
performance options previously granted to the Chief Financial Officer.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             HUMAN RESOURCES AND COMPENSATION
                                             COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                             Richard J. Brekka (Chairman)
                                             Warren B. French, Jr.
                                             Robert M. Van Degna



         The following line graph sets forth comparative  information  regarding
the Company's  cumulative  stockholder  return on its Common Stock over the year
ended December 31, 1996. Total stockholder  return is measured by dividing total
dividends (assuming dividend  reinvestment) plus share price change for a period
by the share price at the  beginning of the  measurement  period.  The Company's
cumulative stockholder return based on an investment of $100 at the beginning of
the year ended December 31, 1996 is compared to the  cumulative  total return of
the  NASDAQ  Market  Index  and an index  comprised  of public  companies  whose
securities  have been trading  publicly  during the year ended December 31, 1996
and which report under the standard  industrial  classification  code 4899 (five
companies excluding Orion) (the "Peer Group Index").

                         COMPARISON OF CUMULATIVE TOTAL
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                [GRAPHIC OMITTED]



         The following is a summary of certain  transactions  and  relationships
among  the  Company  and its  associated  entities,  and  among  the  directors,
executive  officers and stockholders of the Company and its associated  entities
during the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996.

         In July 1996, Matra Marconi Space U.K. Limited ("Matra Marconi Space"),
the  parent  company of MMS Space  Systems,  the prime  contractor  for Orion 1,
entered into the Orion 2 satellite contract with Orion regarding construction of
Orion 2, which  contract was amended in December 1996 and again in January 1997.
Matra  Hachette,  one of the parent  companies of Matra  Marconi  Space,  is the
beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock.

         In January 1997, the Company acquired the outstanding minority interest
in  the  Company's  subsidiary  Orion  Asia  Pacific  Corporation  from  British
Aerospace  Satellite  Investments,   Inc.  ("British  Aerospace  Satellite")  in
exchange for  approximately  86,000 shares of Common Stock).  British  Aerospace
Satellite is an affiliate of British Aerospace  Communications,  Inc.  ("British
Aerospace"), the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock.

         In January 1997, the Company sold $60 million of its convertible junior
subordinated  debentures (the "Debentures") to two investors,  British Aerospace
Holdings,  Inc., an affiliate of British  Aerospace,  and Matra  Marconi  Space.
British  Aerospace  Holdings,  Inc.  purchased $50 million of the Debentures and
Matra Marconi Space  purchased  $10 million of the  Debentures.  Each of British
Aerospace  and Matra  Hachette,  one of the parent  companies  of Matra  Marconi
Space, beneficially own more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock.

         In January 1997, the Company acquired the limited partnership interests
in  International  Satellite  Partners,  L.P, a wholly owned  subsidiary  of the
Company ("Orion  Atlantic"),  and other rights relating  thereto held by British
Aerospace,  COM DEV Satellite  Communications  Limited,  Kingston Communications
International Limited ("Kingston"),  Lockheed Martin Commercial Launch Services,
Inc.,  MCN Sat US,  Inc.,  an affiliate of Matra  Hachette,  and  Trans-Atlantic
Satellite,   Inc.,  an  affiliate  of  Nissho  Iwai  Corp.  (collectively,   the
"Exchanging  Partners").  The Exchanging Partners exchanged their Orion Atlantic
limited  partnership  interests for 123,172  shares of Series C Preferred  Stock
(the  "Exchange").  With  the  exception  of COM  DEV  Satellite  Communications
Limited,  the  Exchanging  Partners each  beneficially  owns more than 5% of the
Company's Common Stock as a result of the Exchange.

         A joint  venture  between  Kingston and British  Aerospace  serves as a
ground operations  representative for the Company in the United Kingdom,  and an
affiliate of Matra Hachette serves as a ground operations representative for the
Company in France.  The Company paid the Kingston  and British  Aerospace  joint
venture and the Matra Hachette affiliate $460,730 and $80,113,  respectively, in
1996 as commissions and fees for sales and ground operations.  Each of Kingston,
British  Aerospace  and Matra  Hachette,  one of the parent  companies  of Matra
Marconi Space, beneficially owns more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock.

         In January 1997, the Company paid $13 million to Matra Marconi Space as
incentive payments under the Orion 1 satellite contract of which $10 million was
used by Matra  Marconi  Space to purchase $10 million of the  Debentures.  Matra
Hachette, one of the parent companies of Matra Marconi Space,  beneficially owns
more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock.

         In January  1997, a wholly owned  subsidiary  of the Company was merged
with and into Orion Oldco, the predecessor of the Company,  as a result of which
Orion Oldco become a wholly owned  subsidiary of the Company (the "Merger").  In
the Merger,  all  stockholders  of Orion Oldco  converted  their shares of Orion
Oldco's common stock and preferred stock into an identical  number of shares the
Company's Common Stock and Preferred Stock.



         Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act), requires the Company's officers and
directors  and other  persons  who own more than ten  percent  of the  Company's
Common Stock to file reports with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  about
their beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock.

         Based  solely on a review of copies of Forms 3, 4 and 5 furnished to it
during the last fiscal year, the Company is aware only of the following  reports
submitted  on an untimely  basis.  A Form 3 for Denis J.  Curtin,  a Senior Vice
President of the Company,  was filed late.  There was a failure to timely file a
Form 4 on behalf of Douglas H. Newman,  a Vice  President  of the Company,  with
respect to one transaction, which was reported on Form 5.


                                  (PROPOSAL 2)


         The  Board  of  Directors  has  approved  (in  September  1996)  and is
proposing for stockholder approval the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. The purpose
of the Employee Purchase Plan is to enable eligible  employees of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries,  through payroll deductions,  to purchase shares of the
Company's Common Stock and thus to encourage stock ownership by employees of the
Company and its  subsidiaries  and to  encourage  the  continued  employment  of
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.

         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of Common  Stock and
Preferred Stock,  present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote
at the Annual  Meeting,  voting  together as a single class,  with each share of
Common Stock entitled to one vote per share,  and each share of Preferred  Stock
(including  fractional  shares)  entitled  to one vote for each  whole  share of
Common Stock that would be issuable  upon  conversion of such share of Preferred
Stock is  required to approve  the  Employee  Purchase  Plan.  Unless  otherwise
indicated,  properly  executed  proxies  will be voted in favor of Proposal 2 to
adopt the Employee Purchase Plan.



         The following summary of the Employee Purchase Plan does not purport to
be complete, and is subject to and qualified in its entirety by reference to the
complete  text of the  Employee  Purchase  Plan,  which is  attached  hereto  as
Appendix A and is incorporated herein by reference.

         Under the Employee  Purchase  Plan,  500,000 shares of Common Stock are
available  for  purchase  by  eligible  employees  of the  Company or any of its
subsidiaries.  The Employee Purchase Plan permits eligible employees to elect to
have a  portion  of  their  pay  deducted  by the  Company  or to make  lump sum
contributions  to purchase  shares of Common Stock of the Company.  In the event
there  is  any  increase  or  decrease  in  Common  Stock  without   receipt  of
consideration  by the Company  (for  instance,  by a  recapitalization  or stock
split),  there  will be a  proportionate  adjustment  to the number and kinds of
shares  that  may  be  purchased  under  the  Employee  Purchase  Plan.  Payroll
deductions and other payments will be accumulated during the period beginning on
the  first day of the  first  payroll  period  established  by the  Compensation
Committee and ending on the last day of the last payroll  period  established by
the Compensation Committee (the "Payroll Deduction Period"). The initial Payroll
Deduction Period established by the Compensation  Committee commenced on October
1,  1996 and will end on June 30,  1997,  and  every  Payroll  Deduction  Period
thereafter  will  be  calendar  quarters  unless  changed  by  the  Compensation

         The Company and its  subsidiaries  will cause to be maintained a record
of amounts  credited to each  participating  employee  who  authorizes a payroll
deduction  under the Employee  Purchase  Plan.  Interest  will accrue on payroll
deductions  on the  balance  of  the  employee's  accounts  during  the  Payroll
Deduction  Period at a fixed or variable rate earned by the Company on the funds
received for this purpose.  Such interest will be credited to the  participating
employee's accounts.

         The  Employee   Purchase  Plan  is  administered  by  the  Compensation
Committee.  The  Compensation  Committee  has the  authority  to  interpret  the
Employee  Purchase  Plan, to prescribe,  amend and rescind rules relating to it,
and to make all other determinations necessary or advisable in administering the
Employee Purchase Plan, all of which determinations will be final and binding.


         Any employee of the Company or its  subsidiaries may participate in the
Employee Purchase Plan, except the following, who are ineligible to participate:
(a) an employee who has been  employed by the Company or a parent or  subsidiary
for less than three months as of the  beginning of a Payroll  Deduction  Period;
(b) an employee whose  customary  employment is for less than five months in any
calendar year; (c) an employee  whose  customary  employment is 20 hours or less
per  week;  and (d) an  employee  who,  after  exercising  his or her  rights to
purchase  stock under the Employee  Purchase  Plan,  would own stock  (including
stock that may be acquired  under any  outstanding  options)  representing  five
percent or more of the total  combined  voting  power of all classes of stock of
the  Company.  An  employee  must be  employed  on the last  day of the  Payroll
Deduction  Period in order to acquire stock under the Employee Stock Plan unless
the  employee  has  retired,  died  or  become  disabled,  or was  involuntarily
terminated other than for cause.

         An eligible  employee may become a participant in the Employee Purchase
Plan by  completing  an election to  participate  in the Employee  Purchase Plan
authorizing  the  Company  to have  deductions  made  from  pay on each  pay day
following   enrollment  in  the  Employee   Purchase  Plan.  The  deductions  or
contributions  will be credited to the employee's  account under the Employee An
employee  may  not  during  any  Payroll  Deduction  Period  change  his  or her
percentage  of payroll  deduction or  contribution  for that  Payroll  Deduction
Period,  nor may an  employee  withdraw  any  contributed  funds  other  than by
terminating  participation  in the Employee Stock Plan (as described  below).  A
participating employee may terminate payroll deductions or contributions for the
remainder of a Payroll Deduction Period.

         Rights to  purchase  shares of Common  Stock will be deemed  granted to
participating  employees as of the first  trading day of each Payroll  Deduction
Period.  The purchase price for each share (the "Purchase Price") will be 85% of
the fair market  value of the Common  Stock on the first or last  trading day of
such  Payroll  Deduction  Period,   whichever  is  lower.   Alternatively,   the
Compensation Committee may establish the Purchase Price; provided,  however, the
Purchase Price per share cannot be less than 85% of the fair market value of the
Common Stock on the first or last trading day of such Payroll Deduction Period.

         No employee  may purchase  Common Stock in any calendar  year under the
Employee Stock Plan and all other "employee stock purchase plans" of the Company
and any  subsidiary  having an aggregate fair market value in excess of $25,000,
determined  as of the first trading date of the Payroll  Deduction  Period as to
shares purchased  during such period.  Common Stock purchased under the Employee
Stock Plan is entitled to full dividend participation.

         As of  the  last  trading  day  of  the  Payroll  Deduction  Period,  a
participating  employee  will be  credited  with the  number of whole  shares of
Common Stock purchased under the Employee Stock Plan during such period.  Common
Stock  purchased under the Employee Stock Plan will be held in the custody of an
agent appointed by the Compensation  Committee (the "Agent"). The Agent may hold
the Common Stock purchased  under the Employee Stock Plan in stock  certificates
in  nominee  names and may  commingle  shares  held in its  custody  in a single
account or stock certificate, without identification as to individual employees.
An employee may, however,  instruct the Agent to have all or part of such shares
reissued in the employee's own name and have the stock certificate  delivered to
the employee.

         A  participating  employee  will be  refunded  all moneys in his or her
account,  and his or her  participation  in the Employee  Purchase  Plan will be
terminated, if: (a) the employee elects to terminate participation by delivering
a written  notice to that effect to the Company;  (b) the employee  ceases to be
employed  by the  Company  or a  participating  subsidiary  except on account of
death, disability or retirement;  (c) the Board elects to terminate the Employee
Purchase  Plan; or (d) the employee  ceases to be eligible to participate in the
Employee  Purchase Plan. An employee who retires,  is laid off, takes a leave of
absence,  dies or suffers a  disability  may  directly or, in the case of death,
through the employee's estate,  withdraw any payroll deductions remaining in the


account,  receive  that number of shares of Common  Stock which may be purchased
with  the  amount  then  credited  to the  employee's  account,  or  make up any
deficiency  resulting from missed payroll  deductions  through an immediate cash
payment. Participation in the Employee Purchase Plan may resume at the beginning
of the next Payroll  Deduction  Period if the employee again becomes eligible to

         No  participating  employee  may assign  his or her rights to  purchase
shares of Common Stock under the Employee Purchase Plan, whether voluntarily, by
operation of law or otherwise.

         The Board of Directors  may, at any time,  amend the Employee  Purchase
Plan  in  any  respect;   provided,   however,  that  without  approval  of  the
stockholders of the Company no amendment shall be made (a) increasing the number
of shares that may be made  available for purchase  under the Employee  Purchase
Plan, (b) change the eligibility  requirements for participating in the Employee
Purchase Plan or (c) impairing the vested rights of participating employees.

         The Board of Directors may terminate the Employee  Purchase Plan at any
time and for any reason or for no reason,  provided that such termination  shall
not  impair  any  rights  of  participants  that  have  vested  at the  time  of
termination.  In any event,  the Employee  Purchase Plan shall  without  further
action of the Board of  Directors,  terminate  at the  earlier  of (i) ten years
after adoption of the Employee  Purchase Plan by the Board of Directors and (ii)
such time as all shares of Common Stock that may be made  available for purchase
under the Employee Purchase Plan have been issued.


         If a participant  acquires  stock under the Plan, no income will result
to such  participant  at the time of  purchase.  The Company  will be allowed no
deduction  as a result to such  purchase,  if certain  conditions  are met.  The
principal  condition  which must be satisfied is that the  participant  does not
dispose  of the stock  within  two years  after the first day of the  applicable
Payroll  Deduction  Period.  If the  employee  disposes  of the  stock  acquired
pursuant the Plan after the statutory  holding  period has expired,  gain on the
sale is capital gain except to the extent the 15% discount in the purchase price
determined at the commencement of the Payroll  Deduction Period. If the employee
disposes of the stock before the expiration of the statutory holding period, the
employee must recognize as ordinary  compensation  income the difference between
the stock's fair market value and the purchase price.

         The employee must include in ordinary (compensation) income at the time
of sale or other taxable  disposition,  or upon the employee's death while still
holding the stock, the lesser of:

         (1)  the 15 percent discount from the fair market value of the stock at
         the beginning of the Payroll Deduction Period; or

         (2) the amount,  if any, by which the stock's  fair market value at the
         time of such disposition or death exceeds the purchase price paid.

         The  basis  of  the  stock  will  be  increased  by the  amount  of the
compensation income recognized.

         If the employee is treated as having  received  ordinary  income from a
disposition  prior to the end of the  statutory  holding  period,  an equivalent
deduction will be allowed to the Company.


                       ADOPTION OF 1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN
                                  (PROPOSAL 3)


         The Board of  Directors  has  approved (in March 1997) and is proposing
for  stockholder  approval the 1997 Stock  Option Plan.  The purpose of the 1997
Stock Option Plan is to enable  eligible  employees of the Company or any of its
subsidiaries and other individuals whose  participation in the 1997 Stock Option
Plan is determined to be in the best interest of the Company by the Compensation
Committee,  to  purchase  shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock  and  thus to
encourage  stock  ownership by  employees  and officers of the Company and other
individuals and to encourage the continued  employment of employees and officers
of the Company.

         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of Common  Stock and
Preferred Stock,  present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote
at the Annual  Meeting,  voting  together as a single class,  with each share of
Common Stock entitled to one vote per share,  and each share of Preferred  Stock
(including  fractional  shares)  entitled  to one vote for each  whole  share of
Common Stock that would be issuable  upon  conversion of such share of Preferred
Stock is  required  to approve  the 1997 Stock  Option  Plan.  Unless  otherwise
indicated,  properly  executed  proxies  will be voted in favor of Proposal 3 to
adopt the 1997 Stock Option Plan.



         The Board of Directors has voted,  subject to  stockholder  approval at
the Annual Meeting, to adopt the 1997 Stock Option Plan and to reserve 1,300,000
shares of Common Stock for issuance under the 1997 Stock Option Plan. The number
of shares  reserved for issuance is subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of
certain events as described below. See "Description of the Plan."

         The Board of Directors of the Company  believes  that stock options are
important to attract and to encourage  the continued  employment  and service of
officers  and other key  employees  by  facilitating  their  purchase of a stock
interest in the Company.  In the judgment of the Board of Directors,  an initial
or increased option will be a valuable  incentive and will serve to the ultimate
benefit of stockholders.

         The following summary of the 1997 Stock Option Plan does not purport to
be complete, and is subject to and qualified in its entirety by reference to the
complete  text of the 1997  Stock  Option  Plan,  which is  attached  hereto  as
Appendix B and is incorporated herein by reference.


         The 1997 Stock  Option Plan  provides for the grant of options that are
intended  to qualify as  "incentive  stock  options"  under  Section  422 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") to full time employees as
well as the grant of  non-qualifying  options to directors  and employees of the
Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates and to other individuals.

         The 1997 Stock Option Plan is administered  by Compensation  Committee.
The Compensation Committee makes all determinations  concerning the employees of
the Company and its  subsidiaries to whom incentive and  non-qualifying  options
will be granted.

         The option exercise price for incentive stock options granted under the
1997 Stock  Option Plan may not be less than the greater of par value or 100% of
the fair market value of the Common 


Stock on the date of grant of the  option  (or 110% in the case of an  incentive
stock  option  granted to an optionee  beneficially  owning more than 10% of the
outstanding  Common  Stock).  The option  exercise  price for  qualifying  stock
options  granted  under  the  1997  Stock  Option  Plan  shall  be  set  by  the
Compensation  Committee.  The maximum  option term is 10 years (or five years in
the case of an incentive stock option granted to an optionee beneficially owning
more than 10% of the outstanding Common Stock).  Options may be exercised at any
time  after  grant,  except  as  otherwise  provided  in the  particular  option
agreement.  Options  covering no more than 433,333  shares may be granted to any
officer or other employee during the term of the Plan.  There is also a $100,000
limit on the  value of  stock  (determined  at the  time of  grant)  covered  by
incentive  stock  options  that first become  exercisable  by an optionee in any
calendar  year.  Options are  transferable  to immediate  family  members of the
optionee  to whom the  option  has been  granted,  a trust  for the  benefit  of
immediate family members of the optionee or a partnership,  all of the interests
in which are owned by immediate family members of the optionee.

         Payment for shares  purchased  under the 1997 Stock  Option Plan may be
made either in cash or, if  permitted by the  particular  option  agreement,  by
exchanging  shares of Common Stock of the Company with a fair market value equal
to the total option exercise price or cash for any  difference.  Options may, if
permitted by the  particular  option  agreement,  be exercised by directing that
certificates for the shares purchased be delivered to a licensed broker as agent
for the optionee,  provided that the broker  tenders to the Company cash or cash
equivalents equal to the option exercise price plus the amount of any taxes that
the Company may be required to withhold in  connection  with the exercise of the

         If an employee's or other individual's  service with the Company or its
subsidiaries  terminates by reason of death or permanent  and total  disability,
his or her options, whether or not then exercisable, may be exercised within one
year after such death or disability unless a later date is otherwise provided in
the  particular  option  agreement (but not later than the date the option would
otherwise  expire).  If the employee's  service  terminates for any reason other
than death or disability,  options held by such optionee  terminate  thirty days
after the date of such termination  unless a later date is otherwise provided in
the  particular  option  agreement (but not later than the date the option would
otherwise expire).

         If the outstanding shares of Common Stock are increased or decreased or
changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares or securities
of  the   Company,   by  reason  of   merger,   consolidation,   reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock  split-up,  combination  of  shares,
exchange  of shares,  stock  dividend or other  distribution  payable in capital
stock,  or  other  increase  or  decrease  in such  shares  without  receipt  of
consideration by the Company,  an appropriate and proportionate  adjustment will
be made in the number and kinds of shares subject to the 1997 Stock Option Plan,
and in the number,  kinds, and per share exercise price of shares subject to the
unexercised  portion  of  options  granted  prior to any such  change.  Any such
adjustment in an outstanding option,  however,  will be made without a change in
the total price  applicable to the unexercised  portion of the option but with a
corresponding adjustment in the per share option price.

         Upon  any  dissolution  or  liquidation  of  the  Company,  or  upon  a
reorganization,  merger  or  consolidation  in  which  the  Company  is not  the
surviving  corporation,  or upon  the  sale of all or  substantially  all of the
assets of the Company to another  corporation,  or upon any transaction approved
by the Board of Directors  which  results in any person or entity  owning 80% or
more of the total combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,
the 1997 Stock Option Plan and the options  issued  thereunder  will  terminate,
unless   provision  is  made  in  connection  with  such   transaction  for  the
continuation  of this Plan  and/or  the  assumption  of the  options  or for the
substitution  for such options of new options  covering the stock of a successor
corporation or a parent or subsidiary thereof,  with appropriate  adjustments as
to the number and kinds of shares and the per share exercise price. In the event
of such termination,  all outstanding options will be exercisable


in  full  during  such  period  immediately  prior  to the  occurrence  of  such
termination as the Board of Directors in its discretion will determine.

         The  Board of  Directors  may  amend the 1997  Stock  Option  Plan with
respect to shares of the Common Stock as to which options have not been granted.

         The Board of  Directors  at any time may  terminate or suspend the 1997
Stock  Option  Plan.  Unless  previously  terminated,  this Plan will  terminate
automatically  on March 12, 2007, the tenth  anniversary of the date of adoption
of this Plan by the Board of Directors. No termination,  suspension or amendment
of this Plan may, without the consent of the optionee to whom an option has been
granted, adversely affect the rights of the holder of the option.


         The grant of an option is not a taxable  event for the  optionee or the
Company.  With  respect to  "incentive  stock  options,"  an  optionee  will not
recognize taxable income upon grant or exercise of an incentive option,  and any
gain realized upon a disposition of shares received  pursuant to the exercise of
an  incentive  option will be taxed as  long-term  capital  gain if the optionee
holds the shares for at least two years after the date of grant and for one year
after the date of exercise.  However, the excess of the fair market value of the
shares  subject  to an  incentive  option on the  exercise  date over the option
exercise price will be included in the optionee's  alternative  minimum  taxable
income in the year of  exercise  (except  that,  if the  optionee  is subject to
certain securities law restrictions, the determination of the amount included in
alternative  minimum  taxable income may be delayed,  unless the optionee elects
within 30 days following  exercise to have income  determined  without regard to
such  restrictions)  for purposes of the  alternative  minimum tax.  This excess
increases  the  optionee's  basis in the shares for purposes of the  alternative
minimum tax but not for  purposes of the regular  income tax. An optionee may be
entitled to a credit  against  regular tax liability in future years for minimum
taxes paid with respect to the exercise of incentive  options (e.g.,  for a year
in which the shares are sold at a gain). The Company and its  subsidiaries  will
not be entitled to any business  expense  deduction with respect to the grant or
exercise of an incentive option, except as discussed below.

         For the  exercise of an incentive  option to qualify for the  foregoing
tax  treatment,  the optionee  generally must be an employee of the Company or a
subsidiary  from the date the  option is  granted  through a date  within  three
months before the date of exercise.  In the case of an optionee who is disabled,
this three-month  period is extended to one year. In the case of an employee who
dies, the three-month period and the holding period for shares received pursuant
to the exercise of the option are waived.

         If all of the  requirements  for  incentive  option  treatment  are met
except for the special  holding period rules set forth above,  the optionee will
recognize the ordinary  income upon the  disposition  of the shares in an amount
equal to the  excess  of the fair  market  value of the  shares  at the time the
option was exercised over the option  exercise price.  However,  if the optionee
was subject to certain  restrictions  under the securities  laws at the time the
option was exercised,  the measurement date may be delayed,  unless the optionee
has made a special  tax  election  within 30 days after the date of  exercise to
have taxable income determined without regard to such restrictions.  The balance
of the  realized  gain,  if any,  will be  long-  or  short-term  capital  gain,
depending  upon whether or not the shares were sold more than one year after the
option was exercised. If the optionee sells the shares prior to the satisfaction
of the holding  period  rules but at a price below the fair market  value of the
shares at the time the option was  exercised  (or other  applicable  measurement
date),  the amount of ordinary  income (and the amount  included in  alternative
minimum  taxable  income,  if the sale occurs during the same year as the option
was exercised)  will be limited to the excess of the amount realized on the sale
over  the  option  exercise  price.  If the 


Company complies with applicable  reporting (if any) and other requirements,  it
will be  allowed  a  business  expense  deduction  to the  extent  the  optionee
recognizes ordinary income.

         If, pursuant to an option agreement, an optionee exercises an incentive
option by  tendering  shares of Common  Stock with a fair market  value equal to
part or all of the option exercise price, the exchange of shares will be treated
as a  nontaxable  exchange  (except that this  treatment  would not apply if the
optionee had acquired the shares being  transferred  pursuant to the exercise of
an  incentive   option  and  had  not  satisfied  the  special   holding  period
requirements  summarized  above).  If the  exercise  is  treated  as a tax  free
exchange,  the  optionee  would have no taxable  income  from the  exchange  and
exercise  (other than minimum  taxable  income as  discussed  above) and the tax
basis of the shares exchanged would be treated as the substituted  basis for the
shares  received.  These  rules  would not  apply if the  optionee  used  shares
received  pursuant to the exercise of an incentive option (or another  statutory
option) as to which the optionee had not satisfied the applicable holding period
requirement.  In  that  case,  the  exchange  would  be  treated  as  a  taxable
disqualifying  disposition  of the  exchanged  shares,  with the result that the
excess of the fair market value of the shares tendered over the optionee's basis
in the shares would be taxable.

         Upon  exercising  a  non-qualifying  (i.e.  non-incentive)  option,  an
optionee will  recognize  ordinary  income in an amount equal to the  difference
between the exercise  price and the fair market value of the Common Stock on the
date  of  exercise   (except  that,  if  the  optionee  is  subject  to  certain
restrictions  imposed  by the  securities  laws,  the  measurement  date  may be
delayed,  unless the optionee makes a special tax election  within 30 days after
exercise to have income determined without regard to the  restrictions).  If the
Company complies with applicable reporting requirements,  it will be entitled to
a business  expense  deduction  in the same amount.  Upon a  subsequent  sale or
exchange of shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of a non-incentive  option,
the optionee will have taxable gain or loss,  measured by the difference between
the  amount  realized  on the  disposition  and  the  tax  basis  of the  shares
(generally,  the amount paid for the shares plus the amount  treated as ordinary
income at the time the option was exercised).

         If, pursuant to an option agreement,  the optionee surrenders shares of
Common Stock in payment of part or all of the exercise price for  non-qualifying
options,  no  gain or  loss  will  be  recognized  with  respect  to the  shares
surrendered  (regardless  of whether  the shares were  acquired  pursuant to the
exercise of an incentive  option) and the optionee  will be treated as receiving
an  equivalent  number of shares  pursuant  to the  exercise  of the option in a
nontaxable exchange.  The basis of the shares surrendered will be treated as the
substituted tax basis for an equivalent number of option shares received and the
new shares  will be treated as having been held for the same  holding  period as
had expired with respect to the  transferred  shares.  However;  the fair market
value of any  shares  received  in  excess of the  number of shares  surrendered
(i.e.,  the  difference  between the  aggregate  option  exercise  price and the
aggregate fair market value of the shares  received  pursuant to the exercise of
the option) will be taxed as ordinary  income.  Under current federal income tax
law, for 1993 and subsequent  years,  the highest tax rate on ordinary income is
39.6% and long-term capital gains are subject to a maximum tax rate of 28%. Gain
on a sale of stock acquired as a consequence of the exercise of an option should
qualify as  long-term  if the stock has been held for more than one year  (after
exercise).  Because of certain provisions in the law relating to the "phase out"
of personal  exemptions  and certain  limitations  on itemized  deductions,  the
federal income tax consequences to a particular taxpayer of receiving additional
amounts  of  ordinary  income  or  capital  gain may be  greater  than  would be
indicated by application of the foregoing tax rates to the additional  amount of
income or gain.


                           ORION OLDCO SERVICES, INC.
                                  (PROPOSAL 4)


         THE TRANSACTIONS.  In January 1997, the Company  consummated the Merger
(as  defined  below) as part of a series  of  transactions  which  significantly
changed the Company.  Those transactions,  which are discussed in more detail in
the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K filed on February 14, 1997, included:

         (i) the acquisition all of the limited partnership  interests which the
Company  did  not  already  own in the  Company's  operating  subsidiary,  Orion
Atlantic,  that  owns the  Orion 1  satellite,  along  with  rights  to  receive
repayment of various advances by Orion Atlantic and various other rights,  in an
exchange  transaction  for  123,172  shares of  Series C  Preferred  Stock  (the

         (ii) the  acquisition by the Company of the only  outstanding  minority
interest in the Company's subsidiary Orion Asia Pacific Corporation from British
Aerospace  Satellite  Investments,  Inc. in exchange (the "OAP Acquisition") for
approximately 86,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock;

         (iii) the merger of a wholly owned  subsidiary  of the  Company,  Orion
Merger  Company,  Inc., into Orion Oldco,  the predecessor of the Company,  as a
result of which Orion Oldco became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company (the

         (iv)  a  $710  million  notes  offering,   with  warrants  representing
approximately  2.6% of the  outstanding  Common  Stock of the Company on a fully
diluted basis (the "Notes offering"); and

         (v) the sale of $60  million  of the  Company's  Debentures  to British
Aerospace Holdings, Inc. and Matra Marconi Space (the "Debenture offering").

         The Exchange  and the OAP  Acquisition  resulted in the Company  owning
100% of Orion Atlantic and its other significant  subsidiaries and, therefore, a
greatly  simplified  corporate  structure.  The  Exchange  also  resulted  in  a
significant increase in the Company's capital stock outstanding.  The Merger was
effected to conduct the  Exchange on a tax-free  basis.  The net proceeds of the
Notes  offering  and  Debenture  offering  were used by the Company to repay the
credit facility it entered into in connection with the construction of the Orion
1 satellite  and pre-fund the first three years of interest  payments on certain
of the Notes, and will be used by the Company for the construction and launch of
two additional satellites, Orion 2 and Orion 3.

         ORION  OLDCO.  As a result of the Merger,  Orion Oldco,  the  Company's
predecessor,  has become a wholly owned  subsidiary of the Company.  Orion Oldco
principally holds the stock of the Company's other subsidiaries, including Orion
Atlantic,  and has (and is expected to have) few other  operations or functions.
As part of the Merger,  Orion Oldco  retained a  certificate  of  incorporation,
bylaws, capital structure and management substantially identical in all material
respects to those of the Company.


         Proposal 4, discussed in more detail below, would amend the certificate
of  incorporation  of Orion  Oldco to  simplify  its  corporate  structure.  The
certificate of  incorporation  of Orion Oldco was designed for a publicly traded
company.  The Company  believes that it is  significantly  more complex than the
certificates of incorporation of most subsidiaries,  and that operation of Orion
Oldco may be 


complicated  as a result.  The  capital  structure  of Orion  Oldco  consists of
millions  of shares of common  stock and two  classes of  preferred  stock.  The
Company  believes that the large amount of authorized  and  outstanding  capital
stock of Orion Oldco will result in substantially  greater  franchise taxes than
if steps are taken to reduce the amount. In addition,  the Company believes that
since Orion Oldco is 100% owned by the Company,  it is not necessary to maintain
a large Board of Directors for Orion Oldco  (presently  10  directors,  plus one
vacancy) or to have staggered three year terms for such directors.

         The  proposed  amendments  (which  take the form of the  adoption  of a
restated certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco) would, among other things,
significantly  simplify Orion Oldco's certificate of incorporation,  reduce both
its authorized and its outstanding  capital stock,  reduce the size of its Board
of Directors  and  eliminate  the three year terms for  directors.  The existing
members of Orion  Oldco's  Board of Directors  have (or prior to approval of the
restated   certificate  of  incorporation  will  have)  submitted   resignations
effective   upon  the  approval  of  the  proposed   restated   certificate   of
incorporation.  The Company  intends to appoint as the new directors  certain of
its executive officers, as the Company (or its predecessor) has done in the case
of its other subsidiaries. The Company believes that this approach will simplify
the  functioning  of Orion  Oldco,  which is  expected to act  principally  as a
holding company for other subsidiaries.


         The Board of  Directors  has  approved (on behalf of the Company as the
sole  stockholder of Orion Oldco) and is proposing for stockholder  approval the
restated  certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco.  Approval of the restated
certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco requires (a) the affirmative vote of
two-thirds (66.6%) of the holders of shares of Common Stock and Preferred Stock,
voting  together as a single class,  with each share of Common Stock entitled to
one vote per share,  and each share of  Preferred  Stock  (including  fractional
shares)  entitled to one vote for each whole share of Common Stock that would be
issuable upon  conversion of such shares of Preferred  Stock, as described above
under "Voting  Securities and Principal  Holders  Thereof," (b) the  affirmative
vote of the majority of the outstanding  shares of holders of Common Stock,  (c)
the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of ninety  percent  (90%) of the Series A
Preferred  Stock,  and (d) the affirmative vote of the holders of ninety percent
(90%) of the Series B Preferred  Stock.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  properly
executed  proxies will be voted (for each of the separate  votes,  to the extent
applicable)  in favor of  Proposal  4 to approve  the  restated  certificate  of
incorporation of Orion Oldco.

         The full text of the proposed restated  certificate of incorporation of
Orion  Oldco  is  attached  to  this  Proxy  Statement  as  Appendix  C,  and is
incorporated  herein  by  reference.  The  description  below  of  the  restated
certificate  of  incorporation  of Orion Oldco is  qualified  in its entirety by
reference to Appendix C.

         If approved,  the restated  certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco
would  become  effective  upon  the  filing  of  the  restated   certificate  of
incorporation  of Orion  Oldco  with  the  Secretary  of  State of the  State of
Delaware, which is expected to be made shortly following stockholder approval.



incorporation of Orion Oldco, as presently in effect,  requires  approval by the
stockholders of the Company of changes to the certificate of incorporation.  For
example,  the stockholder  approval sought by this Proposal 4 is necessitated by
changes to Orion  Oldco's  certificate  of  incorporation  with regard to, among
others, the corporation's  authorized capital,  the composition and structure of
Orion  Oldco's  board  of  directors,   Orion  Oldco's  ability  to  change  its
certificate  of  incorporation  and  voting  requirements 


triggered by certain transactions.  The restated certificate of incorporation of
Orion Oldco  would  remove the need for  Company  stockholder  approval in these
instances by eliminating Article Fourteenth of Orion Oldco's present certificate
of  incorporation  and providing  that Orion Oldco has the right,  in the manner
prescribed by law, to amend,  alter, change or repeal any provision contained in
the certificate of incorporation. The Company believes that since Orion Oldco is
100% owned by the Company  and since Orion Oldco is expected to act  principally
as a holding company for other subsidiaries,  it is not particularly  helpful to
the Company's stockholders to have the right to approve changes to Orion Oldco's
certificate  of  incorporation  and that the  inability  to amend Orion  Oldco's
certificate of  incorporation  without the approval of public  stockholders  may
unnecessarily  complicate  the  functioning  and limit the  flexibility of Orion

         AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. The certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco, as
presently in effect, provides that the authorized capital shall consist of forty
million  shares of Orion Oldco common stock,  par value $.01 per share,  and one
million  shares of  preferred  stock,  par value  $.01 per share.  The  restated
certificate  of  incorporation  of Orion Oldco  would  decrease  the  authorized
capital to 3,000 shares, all of which are to be common stock, par value $.01 per
share. The reduction in Orion Oldco's authorized capital would be accompanied by
a  reclassification  of  outstanding  shares of Orion  Oldco stock that would be
effected upon the filing of the restated  certificate of incorporation  with the
Secretary of the State of Delaware.

         BOARD OF DIRECTORS.  Orion Oldco's  certificate  of  incorporation,  as
presently  in  effect,  provides  that the  Board of  Directors  of Orion  Oldco
(presently  eleven  directors,  including  one  vacancy)  is divided  into three
classes of directors serving staggered  three-year terms. The  classification of
directors has the effect of making it more difficult for  stockholders to change
the composition of the Board of Directors in a relatively  short period of time.
The authorized  number of directors may be changed by resolution of the Board of
Directors of Orion Oldco or by the holders of at least  two-thirds of the voting
power of all outstanding shares, and directors may not be removed without cause.
The  restated  certificate  of  incorporation  of Orion Oldco would  remove this
classification,  provide  for one year terms and allow  directors  to be removed
without  cause.  In  connection  with the  adoption of the Orion Oldco  restated
certificate of incorporation,  the Company expects the number of directors to be
reduced to three.


         SECTION 203 OF DELAWARE  GENERAL  CORPORATION  LAW. The  certificate of
         incorporation  of Orion Oldco,  as presently in effect,  subjects Orion
         Oldco to Section 203 of the Delaware General  Corporation Law ("Section
         203") which contains certain  prohibitions on a corporation engaging in
         business  combinations  with an Interested  Stockholder  (as defined in
         Section 203) for a period of three years  following  the time that such
         stockholder  becomes  an  interested   stockholder.   In  the  restated
         certificate of incorporation,  Orion Oldco is making an election not to
         be subject to Section 203.  See  "Reasons  for  Removing  Anti-Takeover
         Provisions" below.

         FAIR PRICE PROVISION.  Orion Oldco's  certificate of incorporation,  as
         presently in effect,  contains a provision (the "Fair Price Provision")
         that  requires  the  approval  of the  holders of a  majority  of Orion
         Oldco's  voting stock  (other than voting stock held by an  "Interested
         Stockholder")  as a condition to a merger or to certain other  business
         transactions  with,  or  proposed  by, a holder of 20% or more of Orion
         Oldco's  voting stock (an  "Interested  Stockholder"),  except in cases
         where the directors not affiliated with the Interested  Stockholder (or
         directors elected by non-affiliated  directors) approve the transaction
         or certain minimum price criteria and other procedural requirements are
         met. The restated  certificate  of  incorporation  of Orion Oldco would
         remove  the  Fair  Price   Provision.   See   "Reasons   for   Removing
         Anti-Takeover Provisions" below.


         CONTROL  SHARE  ACQUISITION  PROVISION.  Orion Oldco's  certificate  of
         incorporation,  as  presently in effect,  provides  that any person (or
         entity) (the "Acquiring  Stockholder") who acquires or seeks to acquire
         shares  of  capital  stock of the  Company  that  would  increase  such
         person's  voting  power in Orion  Oldco  above any of three  thresholds
         (20%,  33% or 50%)  must  receive  the  approval  of the  holders  of a
         majority  of the  other  shares of Orion  Oldco  before  the  Acquiring
         Stockholder can vote the acquired stock. In addition,  if the Acquiring
         Stockholder  has  acquired  or  is  acquiring  more  than  50%  of  the
         outstanding capital stock, the other stockholders who vote against such
         acquisition  are entitled to dissent and obtain for their shares,  from
         Orion Oldco,  payment  equivalent to the estimated  fair value of their
         shares. The restated  certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco would
         remove these provisions.
         See "Reasons for Removing Anti-Takeover Provisions" below.

         provisions   described   above  in   Orion   Oldco's   certificate   of
         incorporation,  as presently in effect,  are intended to  discourage an
         unsolicited  takeover of Orion  Oldco.  The Company  believes  that the
         foregoing provisions of the certificate of incorporation of Orion Oldco
         and the rationales supporting such provisions are no longer relevant in
         view of the 100%  ownership  of Orion  Oldco by the  Company  and Orion
         Oldco's role as a holding company for the Company's other subsidiaries.
         The  Company   believes  that  these   provisions  may  complicate  the
         operations of Orion Oldco and its  arrangements  with the Company which
         is a greater than 20% stockholder of Orion Oldco.  Elimination of these
         provisions is designed to simplify the corporate  structure and improve
         the administration of Orion Oldco.


                                  (PROPOSAL 5)


         The Board of Directors has approved (in July 1996) and is proposing for
stockholder approval the Puente Stock Option Agreement.  The Puente Stock Option
Agreement was entered into by the Company in connection  with the  establishment
of Company's Executive Committee,  the appointment of John G. Puente as Chairman
of that committee and the retention of Mr. Puente as a consultant to the Company
on matters of strategic  importance to the Company.  The Executive  Committee is
charged with  overseeing,  on behalf of the Board of  Directors,  the  strategic
direction of the  Company's  financing  efforts,  matters  relating to strategic
partners,  alliances  and  acquisitions  and the  overall  market  focus  of the
Company.  The Board of Directors believes that the Executive  Committee has been
very effective since its establishment and believes that Mr. Puente, as Chairman
of that committee,  contributed significantly to its effectiveness.  In addition
to the grant of options under the Puente Stock Option  Agreement,  Mr. Puente is
compensated under a consulting  arrangement at a rate of $25,000 per month until
his status as  Chairman  of the  Executive  Committee  terminates.  The Board of
Directors  of the  Company  believes  that the  options  granted  to Mr.  Puente
pursuant  to the  Puente  Stock  Option  Agreement  are  necessary  to  honor an
agreement  under which Mr.  Puente has been  serving for several  months and are
important  to Mr.  Puente's  continued  participation  in  both  his  consultant
capacity  and as  Chairman  of the  Executive  Committee  and that the  grant of
options is in the best  interests of the  Company.  In the event that the Puente
Stock  Option  Agreement  is not  approved,  the Board of  Directors  intends to
provide to Mr. Puente, in lieu of the stock options granted therein, alternative
(probably cash or phantom stock) compensation of value reasonably  equivalent to
such stock options (as determined by the Board of Directors).

         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of Common  Stock and
Preferred Stock,  present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote
at the Annual  Meeting,  voting  together as a single class,  with each share of
Common Stock entitled to one vote per share,  and each share of Preferred  Stock
(including  fractional  shares)  entitled  to one vote for each  whole  share of
Common Stock that would be issuable  upon  conversion of such share of Preferred
Stock is required to approve the Puente Stock Option Agreement. Unless otherwise
indicated,  properly  executed  proxies  will be voted in favor of Proposal 5 to
adopt the Puente Stock Option Agreement.


                  The  following  summary of the Puente Stock  Option  Agreement
does not purport to be complete, and is subject to and qualified in its entirety
by reference to the complete text of the Puente Stock Option Agreement, which is
attached hereto as Appendix D and is incorporated herein by reference.


         The Puente Stock Option Agreement  provides for the grant to Mr. Puente
of non-incentive  stock options to purchase up to an aggregate of 100,000 shares
of Common  Stock at an exercise  price of $9.83 per share,  which was the market
price of the Common Stock at the time of the grant in July 1996.  Of the options
granted to Mr.  Puente,  50% were vested  initially and the remaining 50% became
vested upon the successful  completion of the Notes offering and the refinancing
of the Company's  obligations under the now-terminated  Credit Agreement,  dated
December  6, 1991,  among  Orion  Atlantic,  the Banks  named  therein and Chase
Manhattan  Bank  (National  Association),   as  Agent  (the  "Terminated  Credit


         Mr.  Puente may  exercise  the options  granted  under the Puente Stock
Option Agreement,  in whole or in part, at any time by delivering written notice
of exercise to the Company;  provided  however,  that no single  exercise is for
less than 100 shares,  unless the number of shares purchased is the total number
at the time  available  for purchase  under the Puente  Stock Option  Agreement.
Payment of the option price for the shares of Common Stock purchased pursuant to
the exercise of the option will be made in cash or in cash equivalent, or shares
of Common  Stock  valued at fair market  value in the same manner as options are
valued under the  Company's  non-employee  director  stock option plan.  Options
granted  to  Mr.  Puente  under  the  Puente  Stock  Option  Agreement  are  not
transferable,  other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution in the
event of Mr.  Puente's  death.  Options  granted to Mr.  Puente under the Puente
Stock Option  Agreement  expire five years after the date of the option grant or
one year after the date of Mr. Puente's death.

         If the outstanding shares of Common Stock are increased or decreased or
changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares or securities
of  the   Company,   by  reason  of   merger,   consolidation,   reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock  split-up,  combination  of  shares,
exchange  of shares,  stock  dividend or other  distribution  payable in capital
stock,  or  other  increase  or  decrease  in such  shares  without  receipt  of
consideration by the Company,  an appropriate and proportionate  adjustment will
be made in the 100,000 of shares  granted  pursuant to the Puente  Stock  Option
Agreement.  Any such adjustment in an outstanding option,  however, will be made
without a change in the exercise price of $9.83 per share.

         Upon any  dissolution or liquidation of the Company,  or upon a merger,
consolidation  or  reorganization  in which  the  Company  is not the  surviving
corporation,  or upon the sale of all or substantially  all of the assets of the
Company to another corporation, or upon any transaction approved by the Board of
Directors  which results in any person or entity owning 80% or more of the total
combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,  the Puente Stock
Option  Agreement  and  the  options  granted  to  Mr.  Puente  thereunder  will
terminate,  unless provision is made in connection with such transaction for the
continuation  of this plan  and/or  the  assumption  of the  options  or for the
substitution  for such options of new options  covering the stock of a successor
corporation or a parent or subsidiary thereof,  with appropriate  adjustments as
to the number and kinds of shares and the per share exercise price. In the event
of such termination,  all outstanding options will be exercisable (but not later
than the  date the  option  would  otherwise  expire)  in full for  thirty  days
immediately  prior  to the  occurrence  of  such  termination  as the  Board  of
Directors in its discretion will determine.


                                  (PROPOSAL 6)


         The Board of  Directors  has approved (in ______ 1997) and is proposing
for  stockholder  approval the Hauser Stock Option  Agreement.  The Hauser Stock
Option  Agreement  was  entered  into by the  Company  in  connection  with  the
successful completion of the Notes offering and the refinancing of the Company's
obligations  under the  Terminated  Credit  Agreement.  The  Board of  Directors
believes that Mr. Hauser, as Chairman of the Company,  contributed significantly
to the successful completion of those transactions and believes that the options
granted  to Mr.  Hauser  pursuant  to the  Hauser  Stock  Option  Agreement  are
necessary to reward Mr. Hauser for his  chairmanship  of the Company during this

         The  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of Common  Stock and
Preferred Stock,  present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote
at the Annual  Meeting,  voting  together as a single class,  with each share of
Common Stock entitled to one vote per share,  and each share of Preferred  Stock
(including  fractional  shares)  entitled  to one vote for each  whole  share of
Common Stock that would be issuable  upon  conversion of such share of Preferred
Stock is required to approve the Hauser Stock Option Agreement. Unless otherwise
indicated,  properly  executed  proxies  will be voted in favor of Proposal 6 to
adopt the Hauser Stock Option Agreement.


                  The  following  summary of the Hauser Stock  Option  Agreement
does not purport to be complete, and is subject to and qualified in its entirety
by reference to the complete text of the Hauser Stock Option Agreement, which is
attached hereto as Appendix E and is incorporated herein by reference.


         The Hauser Stock Option Agreement  provides for the grant to Mr. Hauser
of non-incentive  stock options to purchase up to an aggregate of 100,000 shares
of Common  Stock at an  exercise  price of $10 per  share,  which was the market
price of the Common  Stock at the time of the grant in  _________  1997.  Of the
options granted to Mr.
Hauser, 100% were vested upon their grant.

         Mr.  Hauser may  exercise  the options  granted  under the Hauser Stock
Option Agreement,  in whole or in part, at any time by delivering written notice
of exercise to the Company;  provided  however,  that no single  exercise is for
less than 100 shares,  unless the number of shares purchased is the total number
at the time  available  for purchase  under the Hauser  Stock Option  Agreement.
Payment of the option price for the shares of Common Stock purchased pursuant to
the exercise of the option will be made in cash or in cash equivalent, or shares
of Common  Stock  valued at fair market  value in the same manner as options are
valued under the  Company's  non-employee  director  stock option plan.  Options
granted  to  Mr.  Hauser  under  the  Hauser  Stock  Option  Agreement  are  not
transferable,  other than by will or the laws of descent and distribution in the
event of Mr.  Hauser's  death.  Options  granted to Mr.  Hauser under the Hauser
Stock Option  Agreement  expire five years after the date of the option grant or
one year after the date of Mr. Hauser's death.

         If the outstanding shares of Common Stock are increased or decreased or
changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind of shares or securities
of  the   Company,   by  reason  of   merger,   consolidation,   reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock  split-up,  combination  of  shares,
exchange  of shares,  stock  dividend or other  distribution  payable in capital
stock,  or  other  increase  or  decrease  in such  shares  without  receipt  of
consideration by the Company,  an appropriate


and  proportionate  adjustment  will be made in the  100,000  of shares  granted
pursuant  to the  Hauser  Stock  Option  Agreement.  Any such  adjustment  in an
outstanding option, however, will be made without a change in the exercise price
of $10 per share.

         Upon any  dissolution or liquidation of the Company,  or upon a merger,
consolidation  or  reorganization  in which  the  Company  is not the  surviving
corporation,  or upon the sale of all or substantially  all of the assets of the
Company to another corporation, or upon any transaction approved by the Board of
Directors  which results in any person or entity owning 80% or more of the total
combined  voting power of all classes of stock of the Company,  the Hauser Stock
Option  Agreement  and  the  options  granted  to  Mr.  Hauser  thereunder  will
terminate,  unless provision is made in connection with such transaction for the
continuation  of this plan  and/or  the  assumption  of the  options  or for the
substitution  for such options of new options  covering the stock of a successor
corporation or a parent or subsidiary thereof,  with appropriate  adjustments as
to the number and kinds of shares and the per share exercise price. In the event
of such termination,  all outstanding options will be exercisable (but not later
than the  date the  option  would  otherwise  expire)  in full for  thirty  days
immediately  prior  to the  occurrence  of  such  termination  as the  Board  of
Directors in its discretion will determine.


                                  (PROPOSAL 7)

                  The Board of Directors has appointed Ernst & Young LLP ("E&Y")
as the Company's  independent  auditors for the fiscal year ending  December 31,
1997,   subject  to   ratification   by  stockholders  at  the  Annual  Meeting.
Representatives  of E&Y will be  present at the  Annual  Meeting,  will have the
opportunity  to make a statement  if they so desire,  and will be  available  to
respond to appropriate questions. Unless otherwise indicated,  properly executed
proxies will be voted in favor of ratifying the  appointment of E&Y to audit the
books and accounts of the Company for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 1997.
No  determination  has been made as to what  action the Board  would take if the
stockholders do not ratify the appointment.




         Any proposals by  stockholders  of Orion to be considered for inclusion
in the  Company's  Proxy  Statement  relating  to the  1998  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  must be in writing and received by the Company,  at its  principal
office,  no later than  December 25, 1997.  Nothing in this  paragraph  shall be
deemed to  require  the  Company to  include  in the proxy  statement  and proxy
relating to the 1998 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  any  stockholder  proposal
that does not meet all of the  requirements for such inclusion in effect at that

         Management  of the Company  knows of no other  business  presented  for
action by the stockholders at the Annual Meeting. If, however, any other matters
should  properly come before the Annual Meeting,  the enclosed proxy  authorizes
the  persons  named  therein  to vote the  shares  represented  thereby in their

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              W. NEIL BAUER
                                              President and Chief
                                              Executive Officer

April __, 1997


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                                            ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                                           EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

         The Board of Directors of Orion Network  Systems,  Inc. (the "Company")
has adopted this Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan (the "Plan") to enable  eligible
employees of the Company and its  participating  Affiliates (as defined  below),
through payroll  deductions,  to purchase shares of the Company's  common stock,
par value $0.01 per share (the " Common Stock").  The Plan is for the benefit of
the employees of Orion Network Systems,  Inc. and any participating  Affiliates.
The Plan is  intended  to benefit  the  Company  by  increasing  the  employees'
interest in the Company's growth and success and encouraging employees to remain
in the employ of the Company or its participating Affiliates.  The provisions of
the Plan are set forth below:


         Subject to  adjustment  as provided in Section 26 below,  the aggregate
number of shares of Common  Stock that may be made  available  for  purchase  by
participating employees under the Plan is 400,000. The shares issuable under the
Plan may,  in the  discretion  of the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  (the
"Board"),  be  authorized  but unissued  shares,  treasury  shares or issued and
outstanding shares that are purchased in the open market.


         The  Plan  shall be  administered  under  the  direction  of the  Human
Resources and Compensation  Committee of the Board (the "Committee").  No member
of the Board or the  Committee  shall be liable for any action or  determination
made in good faith with respect to the Plan.


         It is  intended  that  the  Plan  will  meet  the  requirements  for an
"employee stock purchase plan" under Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 (the "Code"),  and it is to be so applied and  interpreted.  Subject to the
express  provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall have authority to interpret
the Plan, to prescribe,  amend and rescind rules relating to it, and to make all
other  determinations  necessary or advisable in administering  the Plan, all of
which determinations will be final and binding upon all persons.


         Any employee of the Company or any of its participating  Affiliates may
participate  in  the  Plan,   except  the  following,   who  are  ineligible  to
participate:  (a) an employee who has been employed by the Company or any of its
participating  Affiliates  for less than three  months as of the  beginning of a
Payroll Deduction Period (as defined in Section 7 below);  (b) an employee whose
customary  employment is for less than five months in any calendar  year; (c) an
employee  whose  customary  employment is 20 hours or less per week;  and (d) an
employee who, after  exercising  his or her rights to purchase  shares under the
Plan,  would own shares of Common Stock  (including  shares that may be acquired
under any outstanding  options)  representing  five percent or more of the total
combined  voting  power  of all  classes  of  stock  of the  Company.  The  term
"participating Affiliate" means any company or other trade or business that is a
subsidiary  of the Company  (determined  in  accordance  with the  principles of
Sections 424(e) and (f) of the Code and the regulations  thereunder).  The Board
may at any time in its sole  discretion,  if it  deems  it  advisable  to do so,
terminate  the  participation  of the  employees of a  particular  participating



         An eligible employee may become a participating employee in the Plan by
completing  an election  to  participate  in the Plan on a form  provided by the
Company and submitting that form to the Payroll  Department of the Company.  The
form will  authorize  payroll  deductions  (as  provided in Section 6 below) and
authorize the purchase of shares of Common Stock for the  employee's  account in
accordance with the terms of the Plan. Enrollment will become effective upon the
first day of the first Payroll Deduction Period.


         At the  time  an  eligible  employee  submits  his or her  election  to
participate  in the Plan (as provided in Section 5 above),  the  employee  shall
elect to have deductions made from his or her pay, on each pay day following his
or her enrollment in the Plan, and for as long as he or she shall participate in
the Plan.  The  deductions  will be  credited  to the  participating  employee's
account under the Plan. An employee may not during any Payroll  Deduction Period
change his or her  percentage of payroll  deduction  for that Payroll  Deduction
Period,  nor may an  employee  withdraw  any  contributed  funds,  other than in
accordance with Sections 15 through 20 below.


         The Company and participating  Affiliates will cause to be maintained a
record of amounts credited to each participating  employee authorizing a payroll
deduction  pursuant to Section 6. Interest will accrue on payroll  deductions on
the balance of the employees'  accounts during the Payroll Deduction Period at a
fixed or  variable  rate earned by the  Company on the funds  received  for this
purpose.  Such  interest  shall  be  credited  to the  participating  employees'


         The Payroll  Deductions  Periods shall be determined by the  Committee.
The initial Payroll  Deduction  Period shall commence on October 1, 1996 and end
on June 30,  1997,  and every  Payroll  Deduction  Period  thereafter,  shall be
calendar quarters until changed by the Committee.


         Rights to  purchase  shares of Common  Stock will be deemed  granted to
participating  employees as of the first  trading day of each Payroll  Deduction
Period.  The purchase price of each share of Common Stock (the "Purchase Price")
shall be the lesser of 85 percent of the fair market  value of the Common  Stock
(i) on the first trading day of the Payroll Deduction Period or (ii) on the last
trading day of such  Payroll  Deduction  Period,  unless the  Purchase  Price is
otherwise  established  by the  Committee;  provided  that in no event shall the
Purchase Price be less than the amount determined  pursuant to subparagraphs (i)
and (ii) above or the par value of the Common  Stock.  For purposes of the Plan,
"fair market value" means the value of each share of Common Stock subject to the
Plan determined as follows:  if on the  determination  date the shares of Common
Stock are listed on an  established  national or regional  stock  exchange,  are
admitted  to  quotation  on  the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers
Automated Quotation System, or are publicly traded on an established  securities
market, the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock shall be the closing
price of the shares of Common  Stock on such  exchange  or in such  market  (the
highest such closing price if there is more than one such exchange or market) on
the trading day immediately  preceding the determination date (or if there is no
such reported closing price, the fair market value shall be the mean between the
highest bid and lowest  asked  prices or between the high and low sale prices on
such  trading  day) or, if no sale of the shares of Common Stock is reported for
such  trading day, on the next  preceding  day on which any sale shall have been
reported.  If the  shares of Common 


Stock are not  listed on such an  exchange,  quoted on such  System or traded on
such a market, fair market value shall be determined by the Board in good faith.


         Unless  a  participating   employee  has  given  prior  written  notice
terminating  such  employee's  participation  in the  Plan,  or  the  employee's
participation  in the Plan has otherwise been terminated as provided in Sections
16  through  20  below,   such  employee  will  be  deemed  to  have   exercised
automatically  his or her right to purchase Common Stock on the last trading day
of the Payroll Deduction Period (except as provided in Section 15 below) for the
number of shares of Common Stock which the  accumulated  funds in the employee's
account  at that  time will  purchase  at the  Purchase  Price,  subject  to the
participation  adjustment  provided  for in  Section  14 below  and  subject  to
adjustment  under Section 26 below.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of the
Plan,  no employee may purchase in any one calendar  year under the Plan and all
other  "employee  stock  purchase  plans" of the Company  and its  participating
Affiliates  shares of Common  Stock  having an  aggregate  fair market  value in
excess of  $25,000,  determined  as of the  first  trading  date of the  Payroll
Deduction Period as to shares  purchased during such period.  Effective upon the
last trading day of the Payroll Deduction Period, a participating  employee will
become a stockholder  with respect to the shares  purchased  during such period,
and will thereupon have all dividend, voting and other ownership rights incident
thereto.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, no shares shall be sold pursuant to the
Plan unless the Plan is approved by the  Company's  stockholders  in  accordance
with Section 25 below.


         As of  the  last  trading  day  of  the  Payroll  Deduction  Period,  a
participating  employee  will be  credited  with the  number of shares of Common
Stock  purchased  for his or her  account  under the Plan  during  such  Payroll
Deduction Period. Shares purchased under the Plan will be held in the custody of
an agent (the "Agent") appointed by the Committee. The Agent may hold the shares
purchased  under  the  Plan in  stock  certificates  in  nominee  names  and may
commingle  shares held in its custody in a single  account or stock  certificate
without identification as to individual participating employees. A participating
employee  may, at any time  following  his or her  purchase of shares  under the
Plan,  by written  notice  instruct the Agent to have all or part of such shares
reissued in the participating employee's own name and have the stock certificate
delivered to the employee.


         To the extent that a participating employee realizes ordinary income in
connection with a sale or other transfer of any shares of Common Stock purchased
under the Plan, the Company may withhold amounts needed to cover such taxes from
any  payments  otherwise  due and owing to the  participating  employee  or from
shares that would otherwise be issued to the participating  employee  hereunder.
Any  participating  employee who sells or otherwise  transfers  shares purchased
under the Plan within two years  after the  beginning  of the Payroll  Deduction
Period in which the shares were  purchased  must within 30 days of such transfer
notify the Payroll Department of the Company in writing of such transfer.


         The  Company  will  cause the Agent to  deliver  to each  participating
employee a statement for each Payroll Deduction Period during which the employee
purchases  Common Stock under the Plan, but no more  frequently  than quarterly,
reflecting the amount of payroll deductions during the Payroll Deduction Period,
the number of shares purchased for the employee's  account,  the price per share
of the shares purchased for the employee's account and the number of shares held
for the employee's account at the end of the Payroll Deduction Period.



         If in any Payroll Deduction Period the number of unsold shares that may
be made  available  for purchase  under the Plan  pursuant to Section 1 above is
insufficient  to  permit  exercise  of  all  rights  deemed   exercised  by  all
participating employees pursuant to Section 9 above, a participation  adjustment
will  be  made,  and the  number  of  shares  purchasable  by all  participating
employees  will be  reduced  proportionately.  Any  funds  then  remaining  in a
participating  employee's  account  after such  exercise will be refunded to the


         (a) A participating  employee may, at any time prior to the last day of
the Payroll  Deduction  Period,  by written  notice to the  Company,  direct the
Company to cease payroll deductions (or, if the payment for shares is being made
through  periodic cash  payments,  notify the Company that such payments will be
terminated), in accordance with the following alternatives:

                  (i) The employee's  option to purchase shall be reduced to the
number  of  shares  which may be  purchased,  as of the last day of the  Payroll
Deduction Period, with the amount then credited to the employee's account; or

                  (ii)  Withdraw  the  amount  in such  employee's  account  and
terminate such employee's option to purchase.

         (b) Any  participating  employee  may  increase or decrease  his or her
payroll deduction or periodic cash payments,  to take effect on the first day of
the next  Payroll  Deduction  Period,  by  delivering  to the Company a new form
regarding election to participate in the Plan under Section 5 above.


         In the event a participating  employee voluntarily leaves the employ of
the Company or a participating  Affiliate,  otherwise than by retirement under a
plan of the  Company  or a  participating  Affiliate,  or is  terminated  by the
Company prior to the last day of the Payroll Deduction Period, the amount in the
employee's  account will be distributed  and the  employee's  option to purchase
will terminate.

17.      RETIREMENT.

         In the event a  participating  employee  who has an option to  purchase
shares leaves the employ of the Company or a participating  Affiliate because of
retirement  under  a plan  of  the  Company  or a  participating  Affiliate  the
participating  employee  may  elect,  within  10  days  after  the  date of such
retirement or termination, one of the following alternatives:

         (a) To make up any deficiency in the employee's  account resulting from
the termination of payroll deductions by an immediate cash payment;

         (b) The employee's option to purchase shall be reduced to the number of
shares  which  may be  purchased,  as of the last day of the  Payroll  Deduction
Period, with the amount then credited to the employee's account; or

         (c) Withdraw the amount in such  employee's  account and terminate such
employee's option to purchase.


         In the  event  the  participating  employee  does not make an  election
within the  aforesaid  10-day  period,  he or she will be deemed to have elected
subsection 17(c) above.


         Payroll deductions for shares for which a participating employee has an
option to purchase may be suspended during any period of absence of the employee
from work due to lay-off,  authorized  leave of absence or disability or, if the
employee so elects, periodic payments for such shares may continue to be made in

         If such employee returns to active service prior to the last day of the
Payroll Deduction Period,  the employee's payroll deductions will be resumed and
if said  employee did not make  periodic  cash  payments  during the  employee's
period of  absence,  the  employee  shall,  by written  notice to the  Company's
Payroll Department within 10 days after the employee's return to active service,
but not later than the last day of the Payroll Deduction Period, elect:

         (a) To make up any deficiency in the employee's  account resulting from
a suspension of payroll deductions by an immediate cash payment;

         (b) Not to make up such deficiency, in which event the number of shares
to be purchased  by the employee  shall be reduced to the number of whole shares
which may be purchased with the amount,  if any, then credited to the employee's
account plus the aggregate amount, if any, of all payroll  deductions to be made
thereafter; or

         (c) Withdraw the amount in the  employee's  account and  terminate  the
employee's option to purchase.

         A  participating  employee on lay-off,  authorized  leave of absence or
disability on the last day of the Payroll Deduction Period shall deliver written
notice to his or her employer on or before the last day of the Payroll Deduction
Period,  electing one of the alternatives provided in the foregoing clauses (a),
(b) and (c) of this  Section 18. If any  employee  fails to deliver such written
notice within 10 days after the  employee's  return to active  service or by the
last day of the Payroll  Deduction  Period,  whichever is earlier,  the employee
shall be deemed to have elected subsection 18(c) above.

         If the period of a participating  employee's lay-off,  authorized leave
of  absence  or  disability  shall  terminate  on or before  the last day of the
Payroll  Deduction  Period,  and the employee shall not resume active employment
with the Company or a  participating  Affiliate,  the employee  shall  receive a
distribution in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 of this Plan.

19.      DEATH.

         In the  event  of the  death  of a  participating  employee  while  the
employee's option to purchase shares is in effect, the legal  representatives of
such employee may, within three months after the employee's  death (but no later
than the last day of the  Payroll  Deduction  Period) by  written  notice to the
Company or participating Affiliate, elect one of the following alternatives:

         (a) To make up any deficiency in the employee's  account resulting from
a suspension of payroll deductions by an immediate cash payment;

         (b) The employee's option to purchase shall be reduced to the number of
shares  which  may be  purchased,  as of the last day of the  Payroll  Deduction
Period, with the amount then credited to the employee's account; or


         (c) Withdraw the amount in such  employee's  account and terminate such
employee's option to purchase.

         In the event the legal representatives of such employee fail to deliver
such  written  notice to the  Company  or  participating  Affiliate  within  the
prescribed  period,  the  election to purchase  shares shall  terminate  and the
amount,  then  credited to the  employee's  account  shall be paid to such legal


         A  participating  employee  will be  refunded  all moneys in his or her
account,  and his or her  participation in the Plan will be terminated if either
(a) the Board elects to terminate  the Plan as provided in Section 25 below,  or
(b) the employee  ceases to be eligible to participate in the Plan under Section
4  above.  As  soon  as  practicable  following  termination  of  an  employee's
participation  in the Plan,  the Company  will  deliver to the  employee a check
representing  the  amount  in the  employee's  account  and a stock  certificate
representing  the number of whole shares held in the  employee's  account.  Once
terminated,  participation  may not be reinstated  for the then current  Payroll
Deduction  Period,  but,  if  otherwise  eligible,  the  employee  may  elect to
participate in any subsequent Payroll Deduction Period.

21.      ASSIGNMENT.

         No  participating  employee  may assign  his or her rights to  purchase
shares of Common Stock under the Plan, whether voluntarily,  by operation of law
or  otherwise.  Any payment of cash or issuance of shares of Common  Stock under
the Plan may be made only to the participating employee (or, in the event of the
employee's death, to the employee's  estate).  Once a stock certificate has been
issued  to the  employee  or for his or her  account,  such  certificate  may be
assigned the same as any other stock certificate.


         All funds  received  or held by the  Company  under  the Plan  shall be
deposited  with  the  Agent  for the  account  of the  participating  employees.
Participating employees' accounts will not be segregated.


         Neither the Plan nor any right to purchase  Common Stock under the Plan
confers upon any employee any right to continued  employment with the Company or
any of its participating Affiliates, nor will an employee's participation in the
Plan  restrict or  interfere  in any way with the right of the Company or any of
its participating Affiliates to terminate the employee's employment at any time.


         The Board may, at any time, amend the Plan in any respect (including an
increase in the percentage  specified in Section 9 above used in calculating the
Purchase Price); provided, however, that without approval of the stockholders of
the  Company  no  amendment  shall be made (a)  increasing  the number of shares
specified in Section 1 above that may be made  available for purchase  under the
Plan  (except as provided in Section 26 below),  (b)  changing  the  eligibility
requirements  for  participating in the Plan, or (c) impairing the vested rights
of participating employees.



         The Plan shall be  effective  as of the date of  adoption by the Board,
which date is set forth below,  subject to approval of the Plan by a majority of
the  votes  present  and  entitled  to  vote  at a  duly  held  meeting  of  the
shareholders  of the  Company at which a quorum  representing  a majority of all
outstanding  voting  stock is present,  either in person or by proxy;  provided,
however,  that upon approval of the Plan by the  shareholders  of the Company as
set forth  above,  all rights to purchase  shares  granted  under the Plan on or
after the effective date shall be fully effective as if the  shareholders of the
Company had approved the Plan on the effective date. If the shareholders fail to
approve the Plan on or before one year after the effective  date, the Plan shall
terminate,  any rights to purchase  shares granted  hereunder  shall be null and
void  and  of  no  effect  and  all  contributed  funds  shall  be  refunded  to
participating  employees.  The Board may  terminate the Plan at any time and for
any reason or for no reason, provided that such termination shall not impair any
rights of  participating  employees that have vested at the time of termination.
In any event, the Plan shall, without further action of the Board, terminate ten
(10) years  after the date of  adoption of the Plan by the Board or, if earlier,
at such time as all  shares  of  Common  Stock  that may be made  available  for
purchase under the Plan pursuant to Section 1 above have been issued.


         (A)      CHANGES IN STOCK.

         If the number of  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock is  increased or
decreased  or the shares of Common  Stock are changed  into or  exchanged  for a
different  number or kind of shares or other securities of the Company by reason
of  any   recapitalization,   reclassification,   stock  split,  reverse  split,
combination of shares, exchange of shares, stock dividend, or other distribution
payable in capital stock,  or other increase or decrease in such shares effected
without receipt of  consideration  by the Company  occurring after the effective
date of the Plan, the number and kinds of shares that may be purchased under the
Plan shall be  adjusted  proportionately  and  accordingly  by the  Company.  In
addition,  the number and kind of shares for which rights are outstanding  shall
be  similarly  adjusted so that the  proportionate  interest of a  participating
employee immediately  following such event shall, to the extent practicable,  be
the same as immediately  prior to such event. Any such adjustment in outstanding
rights shall not change the aggregate  Purchase Price payable by a participating
employee  with  respect to shares  subject to such rights,  but shall  include a
corresponding proportionate adjustment in the Purchase Price per share.


         Subject to  Subsection  (c) of this Section 26, if the Company shall be
the surviving corporation in any reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the
Company with one or more other  corporations,  all outstanding  rights under the
Plan  shall  pertain  to and  apply to the  securities  to which a holder of the
number of shares of Common Stock subject to such rights would have been entitled
immediately  following  such  reorganization,  merger or  consolidation,  with a
corresponding  proportionate  adjustment of the Purchase Price per share so that
the  aggregate  Purchase  Price  thereafter  shall be the same as the  aggregate
Purchase  Price of the shares subject to such rights  immediately  prior to such
reorganization, merger or consolidation.


         Upon any  dissolution or liquidation of the Company,  or upon a merger,
consolidation  or   reorganization  of  the  Company  with  one  or  more  other
corporations  in which the Company is not the


surviving corporation,  or upon a sale of all or substantially all of the assets
of the  Company  to another  corporation,  or upon any  transaction  (including,
without  limitation,  a merger or  reorganization  in which the  Company  is the
surviving  corporation)  approved  by the Board  that  results  in any person or
entity  owning more than 80 percent of the combined  voting power of all classes
of stock of the Company,  the Plan and all rights  outstanding  hereunder  shall
terminate,  except to the extent provision is made in writing in connection with
such  transaction for the  continuation of the Plan and/or the assumption of the
rights  theretofore  granted,  or for the  substitution  for such  rights of new
rights covering the stock of a successor corporation,  or a parent or subsidiary
thereof,  with appropriate  adjustments as to the number and kinds of shares and
exercise prices,  in which event the Plan and rights  theretofore  granted shall
continue in the manner and under the terms so provided. In the event of any such
termination  of the Plan, the Payroll  Deduction  Period shall be deemed to have
ended on the last trading day prior to such termination,  and in accordance with
Section  10 above the rights of each  participating  employee  then  outstanding
shall be deemed to be  automatically  exercised  on such last  trading  day. The
Board  shall  send  written  notice  of an  event  that  will  result  in such a
termination to all participating  employees not later than the time at which the
Company gives notice thereof to its stockholders.

         (D)      ADJUSTMENTS.

         Adjustments under this Section 26 related to stock or securities of the
Company  shall be made by the  Committee,  whose  determination  in that respect
shall be final, binding, and conclusive.


         The grant of a right  pursuant to the Plan shall not affect or limit in
any  way  the   right   or   power   of  the   Company   to  make   adjustments,
reclassifications,  reorganizations  or  changes  of  its  capital  or  business
structure  or to  merge,  consolidate,  dissolve  or  liquidate,  or to  sell or
transfer all or any part of its business or assets.


         The Company's  obligation to issue,  sell and deliver  shares of Common
Stock  pursuant  to the Plan is subject  to such  approval  of any  governmental
authority and any national  securities exchange or other market quotation system
as may be required in  connection  with the  authorization,  issuance or sale of
such shares.


         Any  dividends  paid on shares held by the Company for a  participating
employee's account will be transmitted to the employee. The Company will deliver
to each  participating  employee who purchases  shares of Common Stock under the
Plan, as promptly as practicable by mail or otherwise,  all notices of meetings,
proxy statements,  proxies and other materials distributed by the Company to its
stockholders.  Any shares of Common  Stock  held by the Agent for an  employee's
account will be voted in  accordance  with the  employee's  duly  delivered  and
signed proxy instructions. There will be no charge to participating employees in
connection with such notices, proxies and other materials.

29.      RULE 16B-3.

         Transactions under this Plan are intended to comply with all applicable
conditions  of Rule  16b-3  or any  successor  provision  under  the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  If any provision of the Plan or action by the
Board  fails  to so  comply,  it  shall be  deemed  null and void to the  extent
permitted by law and deemed advisable by the Board.  Moreover,  in the event the
Plan does not  include a provision  required by Rule 16b-3 to be stated  herein,
such  provision  (other than one 


relating to eligibility  requirements,  or the price and amount of awards) shall
be deemed automatically to be incorporated by reference into the Plan.


         The Company will bear all costs of  administering  and carrying out the
Plan;  provided however,  participating  employees shall bear all costs incurred
subsequent to the issuance of stock certificates pursuant to Section 11.

                                     * * *


         This Plan was duly  adopted and  approved by the Board of  Directors of
the Company by resolution at a meeting held on the ____ of September, 1996.

                                                     Richard Shay, Esq.
                                                     Secretary of the Company

         This Plan was duly  approved  by the  stockholders  of the Company at a
meeting of the stockholders held on the ____ of _______________, 1997.

                                                     Richard Shay, Esq.
                                                     Secretary of the Company


                                                                      APPENDIX B

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                             1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                             1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                  ORION  NETWORK  SYSTEMS,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation  (the
"Corporation"),  sets forth  herein the terms of the 1997 Stock Option Plan (the
"Plan") as follows:

1.       PURPOSE

                  The  Plan  is  intended  to  advance  the   interests  of  the
Corporation by providing eligible individuals (as designated pursuant to Section
5 hereof) an  opportunity  to acquire or increase a proprietary  interest in the
Corporation,  which thereby will create a stronger  incentive to expend  maximum
effort for the growth and success of the  Corporation and its  subsidiaries  and
will encourage such eligible individuals to continue to service the Corporation.
Stock options  granted under the Plan will be Incentive Stock Options within the
meaning  of  Section  422  of  the  Code  or  non-incentive   stock  options  as
specifically designated at the time of grant.


                  For purposes of  interpreting  the Plan and related  documents
(including Option Agreements), the following definitions shall apply:

                  2.1  "Affiliate"  means any company or other trade or business
that is controlled by or under common control with the Corporation,  (determined
in accordance  with the  principles of Section 414(b) and 414(c) of the Code and
the  regulations  thereunder) or is an affiliate of the  Corporation  within the
meaning of Rule 405 of Regulation C under the 1933 Act.

                  2.2 "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

                  2.3  "Cause"  means,  unless  otherwise  defined  in an Option
Agreement,  (i) gross  negligence or willful  misconduct in connection  with the
performance of duties;  (ii) conviction of a criminal  offense (other than minor
traffic  offenses);  or (iii)  material  breach  of any term of any  employment,
consulting  or  other  services,   confidentiality,   intellectual  property  or
non-competition  agreements, if any, between Optionee and the Corporation or any
of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates.

                  2.4 "Code" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as now in
effect or as hereafter amended.

                  2.5 "Committee" means the Compensation  Committee of the Board
which  must  consist  of no fewer  than two  members  of the  Board and shall be
appointed by the Board.

                  2.6 "Corporation" means Orion Network Systems, Inc..

                  2.7 "Effective Date" means the date of adoption of the Plan by
the Board.

                  2.8  "Employer"  means Orion  Network  Systems,  Inc. or other
Affiliate which employs the designated recipient of an Option.

                  2.9 "Exchange Act" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
as now in effect or as hereafter amended.


                  2.10  "Fair  Market  Value"  means the value of each  share of
Stock  subject to the Plan as  determined  by the Board or the Committee in good

                  2.11 "Grant  Date" means the later of (i) the date as of which
the Committee  approves the grant and (ii) the date as of which the Optionee and
the Corporation, Subsidiary or Affiliate enter the relationship resulting in the
Optionee being eligible for grants.

                  2.12 "Immediate Family Members" means the spouse, children and
grandchildren of the Optionee.

                  2.13  "Incentive  Stock  Option"  means  an  "incentive  stock
option" within the meaning of section 422 of the Code.

                  2.14  "Option"  means an option to purchase one or more shares
of Stock pursuant to the Plan.

                  2.15 "Option Agreement" means the written agreement evidencing
the grant of an Option hereunder.

                  2.16  "Optionee"  means a person who holds an Option under the

                  2.17 "Option Period" means the period during which Options may
be exercised as defined in Section 11.

                  2.18 "Option Price" means the purchase price for each share of
Stock subject to an Option.

                  2.19 "Plan" means the Orion Network  Systems,  Inc. 1997 Stock
Option Plan.

                  2.20 "1933 Act" means the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as now in
effect or as hereafter amended.

                  2.21 "Service  Relationship"  means the provision of bona fide
services to the  Corporation,  a  Subsidiary  or an  Affiliate  as an  employee,
director, advisor or consultant.

                  2.22 "Stock" mean the shares of common  stock,  par value $.01
per share, of the Corporation.

                  2.23  "Subsidiary"  means any "subsidiary  corporation" of the
Corporation within the meaning of Section 425(f) of the Code.


         3.1.     COMMITTEE

                  The Plan shall be administered  by the Committee  appointed by
the Board, which shall have the full power and authority to take all actions and
to make all determinations required or provided for under the Plan or any Option
granted or Option  Agreement  entered into  hereunder and all such other actions
and  determinations  not inconsistent  with the specific terms and provisions of
the  Plan  deemed  by  the  Committee  to be  necessary  or  appropriate  to the
administration  of the Plan or any Option  granted or Option  Agreement  entered
into  hereunder.  The  interpretation  and 


construction  by the  Committee  of any  provision  of the Plan or of any Option
granted  or  Option  Agreement   entered  into  hereunder  shall  be  final  and

         3.2.     NO LIABILITY

                  No member of the Board or of the Committee shall be liable for
any action or  determination  made,  or any failure to take or make an action or
determination,  in good faith with respect to the Plan or any Option  granted or
Option Agreement entered into hereunder.

4.       STOCK

                  The stock that may be issued pursuant to Options granted under
the Plan shall be Stock,  which shares may be treasury  shares or authorized but
unissued  shares.  The number of shares of Stock that may be issued  pursuant to
Options  granted  under the Plan  shall not  exceed in the  aggregate  1,300,000
shares of Stock,  which number of shares is subject to adjustment as provided in
Section 19 hereof.  If any Option  expires,  terminates or is terminated for any
reason  prior to exercise in full,  the shares of Stock that were subject to the
unexercised portion of such Option shall be available for future Options granted
under the Plan.


                  Options  may be granted  under the Plan to (i) any  officer or
key employee of the Corporation,  any Subsidiary or any Affiliate (including any
such  officer or key  employee  who is also a director of the  Corporation,  any
Subsidiary or any Affiliate) or (ii) any other individual who has, or has had, a
Service  Relationship with the Corporation,  any Subsidiary or any Affiliate and
whose participation in the Plan is determined to be in the best interests of the
Corporation  by the  Committee.  An  individual  may hold more than one  Option,
subject to such restrictions as are provided herein.


         6.1.     EFFECTIVE DATE

                  The Plan shall become  effective as of the date of adoption by
the Board, subject to stockholders' approval of the Plan within one year of such
effective  date by a majority  of the votes  cast at a duly held  meeting of the
stockholders of the Corporation at which a quorum representing a majority of all
outstanding  stock is present,  either in person or by proxy,  and voting on the
matter,  or by written consent in accordance  with applicable  state law and the
Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Corporation;  provided, however,
that upon  approval  of the Plan by the  stockholders  of the  Corporation,  all
Options  granted  under the Plan on or after the  effective  date shall be fully
effective as if the stockholders of the Corporation had approved the Plan on the
effective date. If the stockholders  fail to approve the Plan within one year of
such effective date, any Options granted hereunder shall be null, void and of no

         6.2.     TERM

                  The  Plan  shall  terminate  on the date 10  years  after  the
effective date.



                  Subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, the Committee
may, at any time and from time to time prior to the date of  termination  of the
Plan, grant to such eligible  individuals as the Committee may determine Options
to purchase  such number of shares of Stock on such terms and  conditions as the
Committee  may  determine,  including  any  terms  or  conditions  which  may be
necessary to qualify such Options as Incentive Stock Options.  Without  limiting
the foregoing,  the Committee may at any time, with the consent of the Optionee,
amend the terms of outstanding  Options or issue new Options in exchange for the
surrender  and  cancellation  of  outstanding  Options.  The date on  which  the
Committee approves the grant of an Option (or such later date as is specified by
the Committee) shall be considered the date on which such Option is granted. The
maximum  number of shares of Stock  subject to Options that can be awarded under
the Plan to any person is 433,333 shares.


                  An Option shall  constitute an Incentive  Stock Option only to
the extent that (i) it is  designated  an  Incentive  Stock  Option and (ii) the
aggregate  fair market value  (determined  at the time the Option is granted) of
the Stock with respect to which  Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the
first time by any  Optionee  during any  calendar  year  (under the Plan and all
other plans of the Optionee's employer corporation and its parent and subsidiary
corporations  within the meaning of Section  422(d) of the Code) does not exceed
$100,000. This limitation shall be applied by taking Options into account in the
order in which such Options were granted.


                  All Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall be evidenced by
written  agreements to be executed by the Corporation and the Optionee,  in such
form or  forms  as the  Committee  shall  from  time to time  determine.  Option
Agreements  covering  Options granted from time to time or at the same time need
not  contain  similar  provisions;  provided,  however,  that  all  such  Option
Agreements shall comply with all terms of the Plan.


                  The purchase price of each share of Stock subject to an Option
shall be fixed by the Committee and stated in each Option Agreement. In the case
of an Option that is intended to  constitute  an  Incentive  Stock  Option,  the
Option  Price  shall be not less than the greater of par value or 100 percent of
the fair market value of a share of the Stock  covered by the Option on the date
the Option is granted (as determined in good faith by the Committee);  provided,
however, that in the event the Optionee would otherwise be ineligible to receive
an Incentive Stock Option by reason of the provisions of Sections  422(b)(6) and
424(d) of the Code  (relating to stock  ownership of more than 10 percent),  the
Option  Price of an Option  which is intended to be an  Incentive  Stock  Option
shall be not less  than the  greater  of par  value or 110  percent  of the fair
market  value of a share of the  Stock  covered  by the  Option at the time such
Option is  granted.  In the case of an Option  not  intended  to  constitute  an
Incentive Stock Option, the Option Price shall be not less than the par value of
a share of the Stock covered by the Option on the date the Option is granted.



         11.1.    TERM

                  Each Option  granted  under the Plan shall  terminate  and all
rights to purchase shares thereunder shall cease upon the expiration of 10 years
from the date such  Option is granted,  or on such date prior  thereto as may be
fixed by the  Committee  and stated in the  Option  Agreement  relating  to such
Option;  provided,  however,  that in the event the Optionee would  otherwise be
ineligible to receive an Incentive  Stock Option by reason of the  provisions of
Sections  422(b)(6) and 424(d) of the Code (relating to stock  ownership of more
than 10 percent),  an Option granted to such Optionee which is intended to be an
Incentive Stock Option shall in no event be exercisable  after the expiration of
five years from the date it is granted.

         11.2.    EXERCISE BY OPTIONEE

                  Only the Optionee  receiving  an Option or a transferee  of an
Option  pursuant  to  Section  12 (or,  in the  event  of the  Optionee's  legal
incapacity or incompetency, the Optionee's guardian or legal representative, and
in the case of the Optionee's  death,  the  Optionee's  estate) may exercise the


                  Each Option  granted  under the Plan shall be  exercisable  in
whole or in part at any time and from time to time over a period  commencing  on
or after the date of grant of the  Option  and  ending  upon the  expiration  or
termination of the Option, as the Committee shall determine and set forth in the
Option Agreement  relating to such Option.  Without limitation of the foregoing,
the Committee,  subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan, may in its sole
discretion  provide  that an Option may not be exercised in whole or in part for
any period or periods of time  during  which such Option is  outstanding  as the
Committee shall determine and set forth in the Option Agreement relating to such
Option. Any such limitation on the exercise of an Option contained in any Option
Agreement may be  rescinded,  modified or waived by the  Committee,  in its sole
discretion,  at any time and from  time to time  after the date of grant of such
Option.  Notwithstanding  any other  provisions  of the Plan, no Option shall be
exercisable  in whole or in part prior to the date the Plan is  approved  by the
stockholders of the Corporation as provided in Section 6.1 hereof.

         11.4.    METHOD OF EXERCISE

                  An Option that is  exercisable  hereunder  may be exercised by
delivery  to the  Corporation  on any  business  day,  at its  principal  office
addressed to the  attention  of the  Committee,  of written  notice of exercise,
which  notice  shall  specify the number of shares for which the Option is being
exercised,  and shall be  accompanied  by payment in full of the Option Price of
the shares for which the Option is being exercised.  Payment of the Option Price
for the shares of Stock purchased pursuant to the exercise of an Option shall be
made,  as  determined  by the  Committee  and set forth in the Option  Agreement
pertaining to an Option,  (a) in cash or by certified check payable to the order
of the  Corporation;  (b)  through  the tender to the  Corporation  of shares of
Stock,  which shares shall be valued,  for purposes of determining the extent to
which the Option Price has been paid thereby,  at their Fair Market Value on the
date of exercise;  or (c) by a combination of the methods  described in Sections
11.4(a) and 11.4(b)  hereof;  provided,  however,  that the Committee may in its
discretion impose and set forth in the Option Agreement  pertaining to an Option
such  limitations  or  prohibitions  on the use of shares  of Stock to  exercise
Options as it deems  appropriate.  Payment in full of the Option  Price need not
accompany the written  notice of exercise  provided the notice  directs that the
Stock  certificate  or  certificates  for the  shares  for which  the  Option is
exercised be delivered 


to a  licensed  broker  acceptable  to the  Corporation  as the  agent  for  the
individual  exercising  the Option  and, at the time such Stock  certificate  or
certificates are delivered,  the broker tenders to the Corporation cash (or cash
equivalents  acceptable to the  Corporation)  equal to the Option Price plus the
amount (if any) of federal and/or other taxes which the Corporation  may, in its
judgment, be required to withhold with respect to the exercise of the Option. An
attempt to exercise any Option granted  hereunder  other than as set forth above
shall be invalid and of no force and effect.  Promptly  after the exercise of an
Option  and the  payment  in full of the  Option  Price of the  shares  of Stock
covered thereby,  the individual  exercising the Option shall be entitled to the
issuance of a Stock  certificate or certificates  evidencing  such  individual's
ownership of such shares. A separate Stock certificate or certificates  shall be
issued for any shares  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of an Option which is
an Incentive Stock Option,  which certificate or certificates  shall not include
any shares which were  purchased  pursuant to the exercise of an Option which is
not an Incentive  Stock Option.  An  individual  holding or exercising an Option
shall have none of the rights of a stockholder until the shares of Stock covered
thereby are fully paid and issued to such  individual and, except as provided in
Section 19 hereof, no adjustment shall be made for dividends or other rights for
which the record date is prior to the date of such issuance.


                  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of this Plan or of any
other agreement, contract, or understanding heretofore or hereafter entered into
by the Optionee with the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary,  except an agreement,
contract,  or understanding  hereafter  entered into that expressly  modifies or
excludes   application   of  this   paragraph   (an  "Other   Agreement"),   and
notwithstanding  any formal or informal plan or other arrangement  heretofore or
hereafter  adopted by the Corporation (or any such Subsidiary) for the direct or
indirect provision of compensation to the Optionee  (including groups or classes
of participants or beneficiaries of which the Optionee is a member),  whether or
not such compensation is deferred, is in cash, or is in the form of a benefit to
or  for  the  Optionee  (a  "Benefit   Arrangement"),   if  the  Optionee  is  a
"disqualified individual," as defined in Section 280G(c) of the Code, any Option
held by that  Optionee  and any right to receive  any  payment or other  benefit
under this Plan shall not become  exercisable  or vested (i) to the extent  that
such right to exercise,  vesting,  payment, or benefit,  taking into account all
other rights,  payments, or benefits to or for the Optionee under this Plan, all
Other  Agreements,  and all  Benefit  Arrangements,  would  cause any payment or
benefit to the Optionee  under this Plan to be considered a "parachute  payment"
within  the  meaning  of  Section  280G(b)(2)  of the Code as then in  effect (a
"Parachute  Payment") and (ii) if, as a result of receiving a Parachute Payment,
the aggregate  after-tax  amounts  received by the Optionee from the Corporation
under this Plan, all Other  Agreements,  and all Benefit  Arrangements  would be
less than the  maximum  after-tax  amount  that could be  received  by  Optionee
without  causing  any such  payment  or  benefit to be  considered  a  Parachute
Payment.  In the event that the receipt of any such right to exercise,  vesting,
payment,  or benefit  under this Plan,  in  conjunction  with all other  rights,
payments,  or benefits to or for the Optionee  under any Other  Agreement or any
Benefit Arrangement would cause the Optionee to be considered to have received a
Parachute  Payment under this Plan that would have the effect of decreasing  the
after-tax  amount  received by the  Optionee as  described in clause (ii) of the
preceding  sentence,  then the Optionee shall have the right,  in the Optionee's
sole  discretion,  to designate those rights,  payments,  or benefits under this
Plan, any Other Agreements,  and any Benefit Arrangements that should be reduced
or eliminated so as to avoid having the payment or benefit to the Optionee under
this Plan be deemed to be a Parachute Payment.




                  Except as provided in Section 12.2,  during the lifetime of an
Optionee,   only  the  Optionee  (or,  in  the  event  of  legal  incapacity  or
incompetency,  the Optionee's guardian or legal  representative) may exercise an
Option.  Except as provided in Section  12.2,  no Option shall be  assignable or
transferable  by the  Optionee to whom it is granted,  other than by will or the
laws of descent and distribution.

         12.2.    FAMILY TRANSFERS.

                  Subject to the terms of the applicable  Option  Agreement,  an
Optionee may  transfer all or part of an Option which is not an Incentive  Stock
Option  to (i) any  Immediate  Family  Member,  (ii) a trust or  trusts  for the
exclusive  benefit of any Immediate  Family  Member,  or (iii) a partnership  in
which  Immediate  Family Members are the only partners,  provided that (x) there
may be no consideration for any such transfer,  and (y) subsequent  transfers of
transferred  Options are prohibited except those in accordance with this Section
12.2 or by will or the laws of descent and distribution. Following transfer, any
such Option  shall  continue to be subject to the same terms and  conditions  as
were  applicable  immediately  prior to transfer,  provided that for purposes of
Section 12.2 hereof the term "Optionee" shall be deemed to refer the transferee.
The events of  termination  of the  Service  Relationship  of Sections 13 and 14
hereof  shall  continue to be applied  with  respect to the  original  Optionee,
following  which the Option shall be exercisable  by the transferee  only to the
extent, and for the periods specified in Section 11.3.


                  Upon the termination of employment or other long-term  Service
Relationship of an Optionee with the Corporation,  a Subsidiary or an Affiliate,
other than by reason of the death or "permanent  and total  disability"  (within
the meaning of Section  22(e)(3) of the Code) of such Optionee or for Cause, any
Option  granted  to an  Optionee  pursuant  to the  Plan  shall  continue  to be
exercisable only to the extent that it was exercisable  immediately  before such
termination;  provided,  however,  such Option shall terminate  thirty (30) days
after  the  date  of  such  termination  of  emploment  or  other  such  Service
Relationship,  unless earlier  terminated  pursuant to Section 11.1 hereof,  and
such Optionee  shall have no further right to purchase  shares of Stock pursuant
to such Option;  and  provided  further,  that the  Committee  may  provide,  by
inclusion of appropriate language in any Option Agreement,  that an Optionee may
(subject  to the  general  limitations  on  exercise  set forth in Section  11.3
hereof), in the event of termination of employment or other Service Relationship
(whether  long-term or  short-term)  of the  Optionee  with the  Corporation,  a
Subsidiary or an Affiliate, exercise an Option, in whole or in part, at any time
subsequent to such termination of Service  Relationship and prior to termination
of the Option  pursuant to Section  11.1  hereof,  either  subject to or without
regard to any  installment  limitation on exercise  imposed  pursuant to Section
11.3  hereof,  as the  Committee,  in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  shall
determine  and set  forth  in the  Option  Agreement.  Upon the  termination  of
employment or other Service Relationship of an Optionee with the Corporation,  a
Subsidiary or an Affiliate for Cause, any Option granted to an Optionee pursuant
to the Plan shall  terminate  and such  Optionee  shall have no further right to
purchase shares of Stock pursuant to such Option; and provided however, that the
Committee  may  provide,  by  inclusion  of  appropriate  language in any Option
Agreement,  that an Optionee may (subject to the general limitations on exercise
set forth in Section 11.3 hereof),  in the event of termination of employment or
other Service Relationship of the Optionee with the Corporation, a Subsidiary or
an Affiliate  for Cause,  exercise an Option,  in whole or in part,  at any time
subsequent to such termination of Service  Relationship and prior to termination
of the Option  pursuant to Section  11.1  hereof,  either  subject to or without
regard to any  installment  limitation on exercise  imposed  pursuant to Section
11.3  hereof,  as the  Committee,  in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  shall
determine and set forth in the Option 


Agreement. Whether a leave of absence or leave on military or government service
shall  constitute a termination of employment or other Service  Relationship for
purposes of the Plan shall be determined by the Committee,  which  determination
shall be final and  conclusive.  For  purposes  of the Plan,  including  without
limitation  this  Section 13 and Section  14,  unless  otherwise  provided in an
Option Agreement, a termination of employment or other Service Relationship with
the  Corporation,  a Subsidiary or an Affiliate  shall not be deemed to occur if
the  Optionee  immediately   thereafter  has  an  employment  or  other  Service
Relationship with the Corporation, any other Subsidiary or any other Affiliate.


         14.1.    DEATH

                  If an Optionee dies while in a Service  Relationship  with the
Corporation,  a Subsidiary  or an Affiliate or within the period  following  the
termination of such Service  Relationship during which the Option is exercisable
under  Section 13 or 14.2 hereof,  the  executors,  administrators,  legatees or
distributees  of such  Optionee's  estate  shall have the right  (subject to the
general  limitations on exercise set forth in Section 11.3 hereof),  at any time
within one year after the date of such Optionee's death and prior to termination
of the Option pursuant to Section 11.1 hereof, to exercise, in whole or in part,
any Option held by such Optionee at the date of such Optionee's  death,  whether
or not such Option was exercisable  immediately  prior to such Optionee's death;
provided,  however,  that the Committee may provide by inclusion of  appropriate
language in any Option Agreement that, in the event of the death of an Optionee,
the  executors,  administrators,  legatees or  distributees  of such  Optionee's
estate may exercise an Option  (subject to the general  limitations  on exercise
set forth in Section 11.3 hereof),  in whole or in part, at any time  subsequent
to such  Optionee's  death and prior to  termination  of the Option  pursuant to
Section  11.1 hereof,  either  subject to or without  regard to any  installment
limitation  on  exercise  imposed  pursuant  to  Section  11.3  hereof,  as  the
Committee, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall determine and set forth in
the Option Agreement.

         14.2.    DISABILITY

                  If an  Optionee  terminates  a Service  Relationship  with the
Corporation,  a Subsidiary or an Affiliate by reason of the "permanent and total
disability"  (within  the  meaning  of  Section  22(e)(3)  of the  Code) of such
Optionee,  then such  Optionee  shall  have the right  (subject  to the  general
limitations  on exercise set forth in Section 11.3  hereof),  at any time within
one year after such termination of Service Relationship and prior to termination
of the Option pursuant to Section 11.1 hereof, to exercise, in whole or in part,
any Option  held by such  Optionee  at the date of such  termination  of Service
Relationship,  whether or not such Option was exercisable  immediately  prior to
such termination of Service Relationship;  provided, however, that the Committee
may provide, by inclusion of appropriate language in any Option Agreement,  that
an Optionee  may  (subject to the general  limitations  on exercise set forth in
Section  11.3  hereof),   in  the  event  of  the  termination  of  the  Service
Relationship  of the Optionee with the  Corporation or a Subsidiary by reason of
the "permanent and total disability"  (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of
the Code) of such Optionee, exercise an Option, in whole or in part, at any time
subsequent to such termination of Service  Relationship and prior to termination
of the Option  pursuant to Section  11.1  hereof,  either  subject to or without
regard to any  installment  limitation on exercise  imposed  pursuant to Section
11.3  hereof,  as the  Committee,  in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  shall
determine  and set forth in the Option  Agreement.  Whether a  termination  of a
Service  Relationship  is to be  considered  by reason of  "permanent  and total
disability" for purposes of the Plan shall be determined by the Committee, which
determination shall be final and conclusive.



                  The  proceeds  received  by the  Corporation  from the sale of
Stock pursuant to Options granted under the Plan shall constitute  general funds
of the Corporation.


                  The  Corporation  shall not be  required  to sell or issue any
shares of Stock under any Option if the sale or  issuance  of such shares  would
constitute  a  violation  by the  individual  exercising  the  Option  or by the
Corporation  of any  provisions  of any law or  regulation  of any  governmental
authority,  including,  without limitation, any federal or state securities laws
or  regulations.  If at  any  time  the  Corporation  shall  determine,  in  its
discretion,  that the  listing,  registration  or  qualification  of any  shares
subject to the Option upon any securities exchange or under any state or federal
law, or the consent of any government regulatory body, is necessary or desirable
as a condition  of, or in connection  with,  the issuance or purchase of shares,
the  Option  may not be  exercised  in whole  or in part  unless  such  listing,
registration,  qualification,  consent or approval  shall have been  effected or
obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to the Corporation, and any delay
caused  thereby  shall in no way affect the date of  termination  of the Option.
Specifically in connection with the Securities Act, upon exercise of any Option,
unless a  registration  statement  under the  Securities  Act is in effect  with
respect to the shares of Stock covered by such Option, the Corporation shall not
be required to sell or issue such shares  unless the  Corporation  has  received
evidence  satisfactory  to the  Corporation  that the  Optionee may acquire such
shares pursuant to an exemption from registration  under the Securities Act. Any
determination  in  this  connection  by  the  Corporation  shall  be  final  and
conclusive. The Corporation may, but shall in no event be obligated to, register
any securities  covered hereby  pursuant to the Securities  Act. The Corporation
shall  not be  obligated  to take any  affirmative  action in order to cause the
exercise of an Option or the issuance of shares pursuant  thereto to comply with
any law or regulation of any governmental authority. As to any jurisdiction that
expressly imposes the requirement that an Option shall not be exercisable unless
and until the shares of Stock  covered  by such  Option  are  registered  or are
subject to an available exemption from registration, the exercise of such Option
(under  circumstances  in which the laws of such  jurisdiction  apply)  shall be
deemed   conditioned  upon  the   effectiveness  of  such  registration  or  the
availability of such an exemption.

17.      EXCHANGE ACT: RULE 16B-3

         17.1.    GENERAL

                  The Plan is intended to comply with Rule 16b-3 ("Rule  16b-3")
(and any successor  thereto) under the Exchange Act. Any provision  inconsistent
with Rule 16b-3  shall,  to the extent  permitted  by law and  determined  to be
advisable by the Committee (constituted in accordance with Section 17.2 hereof),
be inoperative and void.


                  The Committee  appointed in accordance with Section 3.1 hereof
shall  consist  of not fewer  than two  members  of the Board each of whom shall
qualify (at the time of  appointment  to the Committee and during all periods of
service on the  Committee)  in all  respects  as a  "non-employee  director"  as
defined in Rule 16b-3.



                  No director,  officer or other  "insider"  of the  Corporation
subject to  Section  16 of the  Exchange  Act shall be  permitted  to sell Stock
(which such  "insider" had received  upon exercise of an Option)  during the six
months immediately following the grant of such Option.


                  The  Board  may,  at any time and  from  time to time,  amend,
suspend or terminate the Plan as to any shares of Stock as to which Options have
not been  granted.  The  Corporation  also may  retain  the  right in an  Option
Agreement to cause a forfeiture of the shares or gain realized by an Optionee on
account of the Optionee taking actions in "competition with the Corporation," as
defined in the applicable Option Agreement. Furthermore, the Corporation may, in
the  Option  Agreement,  retain the right to annul the grant of an Option if the
holder  of such  grant  had a  Service  Relationship  with  the  Corporation,  a
Subsidiary,  or an Affiliate  and is  terminated  "for cause," as defined in the
applicable  Option  Agreement.  Except as permitted under Section 19 hereof,  no
amendment,  suspension or termination of the Plan shall,  without the consent of
the Optionee, alter or impair rights or obligations under any Option theretofore
granted under the Plan.


         19.1.    CHANGES IN STOCK

                  If the number of  outstanding  shares of Stock is increased or
decreased or changed into or exchanged for a different  number or kind of shares
or other  securities  of the  Corporation  by  reason  of any  recapitalization,
reclassification,  stock  split-up,  combination of shares,  exchange of shares,
stock dividend or other distribution payable in capital stock, or other increase
or decrease in such shares  effected  without  receipt of  consideration  by the
Corporation, occurring after the effective date of the Plan, a proportionate and
appropriate  adjustment  shall be made by the Corporation in the number and kind
of shares for which Options are outstanding,  so that the proportionate interest
of  the  Optionee  immediately   following  such  event  shall,  to  the  extent
practicable, be the same as immediately prior to such event. Any such adjustment
in outstanding  Options shall not change the aggregate Option Price payable with
respect to shares subject to the unexercised  portion of the Option  outstanding
but shall include a corresponding  proportionate  adjustment in the Option Price
per share.


                  Subject to Section 19.3 hereof,  if the  Corporation  shall be
the  surviving  entity in any  reorganization,  merger or  consolidation  of the
Corporation  with one or more other  entities,  any Option  theretofore  granted
pursuant  to the Plan shall  pertain to and apply to the  securities  to which a
holder of the number of shares of Stock  subject to such Option  would have been
entitled  immediately  following such  reorganization,  merger or consolidation,
with a corresponding  proportionate  adjustment of the Option Price per share so
that the aggregate  Option Price  thereafter  shall be the same as the aggregate
Option Price of the shares remaining subject to the Option  immediately prior to
such reorganization, merger or consolidation.



                  Upon the  dissolution or liquidation  of the  Corporation,  or
upon a merger,  consolidation or  reorganization  of the Corporation with one or
more other  entities in which the  Corporation is not the surviving  entity,  or
upon a sale of  substantially  all of the assets of the  Corporation  to another
person or entity,  or upon any transaction  (including,  without  limitation,  a
merger or  reorganization  in which the  Corporation  is the  surviving  entity)
approved by the Board that  results in any person or entity  (other than persons
who are holders of stock of the  Corporation at the time the Plan is approved by
the Stockholders  and other than an Affiliate)  owning 80 percent or more of the
combined voting power of all classes of stock of the  Corporation,  the Plan and
all  Options  outstanding  hereunder  shall  terminate,  except  to  the  extent
provision is made in connection with such  transaction  for the  continuation of
the Plan and/or the assumption of the Options  theretofore  granted,  or for the
substitution  for such Options of new options  covering the stock of a successor
entity, or a parent or subsidiary  thereof,  with appropriate  adjustments as to
the number and kinds of shares and exercise prices,  in which event the Plan and
Options  theretofore granted shall continue in the manner and under the terms so
provided.  In the event of any such termination of the Plan, each Optionee shall
have the right  (subject to the  general  limitations  on exercise  set forth in
Section 11.3 hereof and except as otherwise  specifically provided in the Option
Agreement relating to such Option),  immediately prior to the occurrence of such
termination and during such period  occurring  prior to such  termination as the
Committee in its sole  discretion  shall  designate,  to exercise such Option in
whole or in part,  to the extent such Option was  otherwise  exercisable  at the
time such termination occurs, but subject to any additional  provisions that the
Committee  may, in its sole  discretion,  include in any Option  Agreement.  The
Committee  shall  send  written  notice of an event  that will  result in such a
termination  to all Optionees  not later than the time at which the  Corporation
gives notice thereof to its stockholders.

         19.4.    ADJUSTMENTS

                  Adjustments  under  this  Section  19  relating  to  stock  or
securities  of  the   Corporation   shall  be  made  by  the  Committee,   whose
determination  in that  respect  shall be final and  conclusive.  No  fractional
shares of Stock or units of other  securities  shall be issued  pursuant  to any
such adjustment,  and any fractions  resulting from any such adjustment shall be
eliminated in each case by rounding downward to the nearest whole share or unit.


                  The grant of an Option  pursuant  to the Plan shall not affect
or limit in any way the right or power of the  Corporation to make  adjustments,
reclassifications,  reorganizations  or  changes  of  its  capital  or  business
structure  or to  merge,  consolidate,  dissolve  or  liquidate,  or to  sell or
transfer all or any part of its business or assets.


                  The  Corporation  or a Subsidiary may be obligated to withhold
federal and local income taxes and Social  Security  taxes to the extent that an
Optionee  realizes ordinary income in connection with the exercise of an Option.
The Corporation or a Subsidiary may withhold  amounts needed to cover such taxes
from  payments  otherwise  due and owing to an  Optionee,  and upon  demand  the
Optionee  will  promptly  pay to the  Corporation  or a  Subsidiary  having such
obligation  any  additional   amounts  as  may  be  necessary  to  satisfy  such
withholding  tax  obligation.  Such  payment  shall  be  made  in  cash  or cash



                  No  provision  in the Plan or in any Option  granted or Option
Agreement  entered  into  pursuant to the Plan shall be construed to confer upon
any  individual  the  right to  remain in the  employ  of the  Corporation,  any
Subsidiary  or any  Affiliate,  or to  interfere  in any way with the  right and
authority of the Corporation, any Subsidiary or any Affiliate either to increase
or decrease the  compensation of any individual at any time, or to terminate any
employment or other relationship between any individual and the Corporation, any
Subsidiary  or any  Affiliate.  The  obligation  of the  Corporation  to pay any
benefits  pursuant to the Plan shall be interpreted as a contractual  obligation
to pay only  those  amounts  described  herein,  in the  manner  and  under  the
conditions prescribed herein. The Plan shall in no way be interpreted to require
the  Corporation  to transfer any amounts to a third party  trustee or otherwise
hold  any  amounts  in  trust  or  escrow  for  payment  to any  participant  or
beneficiary under the terms of the Plan.


                  Neither  the  adoption of the Plan nor the  submission  of the
Plan to the  stockholders  of the Corporation for approval shall be construed as
creating any limitations upon the right and authority of the Board to adopt such
other incentive compensation  arrangements (which arrangements may be applicable
either  generally  to a class or classes of  individuals  or  specifically  to a
particular  individual or individuals) as the Board in its discretion determines
desirable,   including,  without  limitation,  the  granting  of  stock  options
otherwise than under the Plan.


                  This Plan and all  Options  to be granted  hereunder  shall be
governed by the laws of the State of Delaware  (but not  including the choice of
law rules thereof).

                                      * * *
              Adopted by the Board of Directors on March 12, 1997.


                                                                      APPENDIX C

                           ORION OLDCO SERVICES, INC.

         Orion Oldco Services,  Inc., a corporation organized and existing under
the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the  "Corporation"),  does
hereby certify that:

         1. The present name of the  Corporation is Orion Oldco  Services,  Inc.
The  Corporation  was originally  incorporated  under the name "Orion  Satellite
Corporation,"  and its original  certificate of incorporation was filed with the
Secretary of State of the State of Delaware on October 26, 1982.

         2. This Restated  Certificate of Incorporation  restates and integrates
and further amends the  certificate of  incorporation  of the  Corporation  (the
"Certificate  of  Incorporation"),  and has been duly adopted in accordance with
Sections  242 and 245 of the  General  Corporation  Law of the State of Delaware
(the "DGCL").

         3. The text of the Certificate of  Incorporation is hereby restated and
integrated and further amended to read in its entirety as set forth on Exhibit A
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Corporation has caused this Certificate to be
duly executed and acknowledged in accordance with Section 103 of the DGCL.

                                                ORION OLDCO SERVICES, INC.




                                    EXHIBIT A

                         CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF
                           ORION OLDCO SERVICES, INC.

                                    ARTICLE I

         The name of the corporation is Orion Oldco Services,  Inc. (hereinafter
called the "Corporation").

                                   ARTICLE II

         The address of the registered office of the Corporation in the State of
Delaware  is 1209 Orange  Street,  Wilmington,  County of New  Castle,  Delaware
19801.  The name of the  Corporation's  registered  agent at such address is The
Corporation Trust Company.

                                   ARTICLE III

         The  purpose  of the  Corporation  is to engage in any  lawful  acts or
activities for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware (the "DGCL").

                                   ARTICLE IV

         The total  number of shares of stock which the  Corporation  shall have
authority to issue is three thousand  (3,000).  All such shares are to be common
stock,  par value  $0.01 per  share,  and are to be of one  class  (the  "Common

         Upon the filing  with the  Secretary  of State of the State of Delaware
and the effectiveness under the DGCL of a Certificate to reflect the addition of
this paragraph to Article IV of the  Corporation's  certificate of incorporation
(the "Effective  Time"):  (A) each share of the Corporation's  common stock, par
value $0.01 per share, issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
Time (the "Old Common  Stock")  shall be  reclassified  as and changed  into two
ten-thousandths   (0.0002)  of  one  (1)  validly   issued,   fully  paid,   and
non-assessable  share of Common Stock, without any action by the holder thereof;
(B) each 13,871 shares of the series of the  Corporation's  preferred stock, par
value $0.01 per share (the "Preferred Stock"),  having the designation "Series A
8% Cumulative  Redeemable  Convertible  Preferred  Stock" issued and outstanding
immediately  prior to the Effective Time (the "Series A Preferred  Stock") shall
be  reclassified  as and changed into one (1) validly  issued,  fully paid,  and
non-assessable  share of Common Stock, without any action by the holder thereof;
and  (C)  each  4,298  shares  of the  series  of  Preferred  Stock  having  the
designation  "Series B 8% Cumulative  Redeemable  Convertible  Preferred  Stock"
issued and  outstanding  immediately  prior to the Effective Time (the "Series B
Preferred  Stock")  shall be  reclassified  as and changed  into one (1) validly
issued, fully paid, and non-assessable share of Common Stock, without any action
by the  holder  thereof.  Each  certificate  that  prior to the  Effective  Time
represented  one (1) or more  shares  (or a  fraction  of a share) of Old Common
Stock,  Series A Preferred  Stock, or Series B Preferred Stock shall  thereafter
represent  that number of whole or fractional  shares of Common Stock into which
the shares of Old Common Stock,  Series A Preferred Stock, or Series B Preferred
Stock theretofore  represented by such certificate shall have been reclassified;
provided,   however,   that  each  record  holder  of  a  stock  certificate  or
certificates that prior to the Effective Time represented one (1) or more shares
(or a fraction of a share) of Old Common  Stock,  Series A Preferred  Stock,  or
Series B Preferred  Stock shall receive,  upon surrender of such  certificate or
certificates,  a new certificate or certificates evidencing and representing the
number of whole or fractional shares of Common Stock to which such record holder
shall be entitled pursuant to the foregoing reclassification.


                                    ARTICLE V

         Whenever  a  compromise  or  arrangement   is  proposed   between  this
Corporation  and  its  creditors  or any  class  of  them  and/or  between  this
Corporation  and its  stockholders  or any class of them, any court of equitable
jurisdiction  within the State of Delaware may, on the  application in a summary
way of this  Corporation  or of any  creditor or  stockholder  thereof or on the
application of any receiver or receivers  appointed for this  Corporation  under
the  provisions  of  Section  291 of  Title  8 of the  Delaware  Code  or on the
application of trustees in dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed
for this  Corporation  under the  provisions  of  Section  279 of Title 8 of the
Delaware Code order a meeting of the creditors or class of creditors,  and/or of
the stockholders or class of stockholders of this  Corporation,  as the case may
be, to be summoned in such  manner as the said court  directs.  If a majority in
number  representing  three-fourths  in  value  of the  creditors  or  class  of
creditors,  and/or  of  the  stockholders  or  class  of  stockholders  of  this
Corporation,  as the case may be, agree to any compromise or arrangement  and to
any  reorganization  of this  Corporation as a consequence of such compromise or
arrangement,  the said  compromise or  arrangement  and the said  reorganization
shall,  if sanctioned by the court to which the said  application has been made,
be  binding  on all the  creditors  or class  of  creditors,  and/or  on all the
stockholders or class of stockholders,  of this Corporation, as the case may be,
and also on this Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         The number of directors of the Corporation shall be such number as from
time to time shall be fixed by, or in the manner provided in, the by-laws of the
Corporation. Unless and except to the extent that the by-laws of the Corporation
shall otherwise  require,  the election of directors of the Corporation need not
be by written ballot.

                                   ARTICLE VII

         In  furtherance  and not in limitation  of the powers  conferred by the
laws of the State of  Delaware,  the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation  is
expressly authorized and empowered to adopt, amend and repeal the by-laws of the

                                  ARTICLE VIII

         No director of the  Corporation  shall be liable to the  Corporation or
its  stockholders  for  monetary  damages  for  breach  of  fiduciary  duty as a
director,  provided that nothing  contained in this Article VIII shall eliminate
or limit the liability of a director (i) for any breach of the  director's  duty
of loyalty to the  Corporation or its  stockholders,  (ii) for acts or omissions
not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation
of law, (iii) under Section 174 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, or (iv)
for any  transaction  from  which the  director  derived  an  improper  personal

                                   ARTICLE IX

         The Corporation  hereby  expressly elects not to be governed by Section
203 of the DGCL.

                                    ARTICLE X

         The Corporation  reserves the right at any time, and from time to time,
to amend, alter, change or repeal any provision contained in this Certificate of
Incorporation,  and  other  provisions  authorized  by the laws of the  State of
Delaware  at the time in force may be added or  inserted,  in the  manner now or
hereafter  prescribed  by law; and all rights,  preferences  and  privileges  of
whatsoever  nature conferred upon  stockholders,  directors or any other persons
whomsoever by and pursuant to this  Certificate of  Incorporation in its present
form or as hereafter  amended are granted subject to the rights reserved in this


                                                                      APPENDIX D

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.

            This Stock Option  Agreement (the "Option  Agreement") is made as of
the 17th day of July,  1996,  by and between  ORION  NETWORK  SYSTEMS,  INC.,  a
Delaware corporation (the "Company"), and John G. Puente (the "Optionee").

            WHEREAS,  the Company has determined that it is desirable and in its
best  interests to grant to the Optionee an option to purchase a certain  number
of shares of the Company's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share ("Stock"),  in
consideration of the Optionee's  service to the Company commencing July 17, 1996
as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors,  all according
to the terms and conditions set forth herein;

            NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  foregoing  and  mutual
covenants contained herein, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:

            1.    Grant of  Option.  Subject to the  approval  of the Option (as
defined  below)  by  stockholders  of the  Company  within  one year of the date
hereof,  the Company  hereby  grants to the  Optionee  the right and option (the
"Option")  to  purchase  from the  Company,  on the  terms  and  subject  to the
conditions  hereinafter  set forth,  one hundred  thousand  (100,000)  shares of
Stock.  The date of grant of this Option is July 17, 1996, the date on which the
grant of the Option was approved by the Board of  Directors.  This Option is not
granted  pursuant to the Company's Stock Option Plan and shall not constitute an
incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended.

            2.    Price.  The purchase price (the "Option Price") for the shares
of Stock  subject to the Option  granted by this Option  Agreement  is $9.83 per
share which is deemed to be the fair market value.

            3.    Exercise of Option.

                  A.       Vesting. The Option shall be exercisable in parts and
for the  numbers of shares at such time as the  Option  vests  according  to the
following schedule,  subject to the continued service of Optionee as Chairman of
the Executive Committee or in another executive role as of such date:

                    (i)    Options to purchase 50,000 shares of Stock shall vest
                           and become  exercisable  on January 17, 1997 or prior
                           thereto  as the  Board  of  Directors,  in  its  sole
                           discretion determines;

                    (ii)   Options to  purchase  50,000  shares of Stock and all
                           options not yet vested  under  Clause (i) above shall
                           vest  and  become  exercisable  at  such  date as the
                           Company  successfully  completes one of the following
                           during  Optionee's  tenure as  Chairman or within six
                           (6) months thereafter,  all as reasonably  determined
                           by the Board of Directors:

                           (a)   refinancing  of the Chase  obligations  for the
                                 Orion 1 satellite; or

                           (b)   securing financing for the construction, launch
                                 and  insurance  for  Orion 2 or Orion 3,  other
                                 than  financing   provided  by  the  vendor  or
                                 provider  of  satellite,   launch   vehicle  or
                                 insurance; or


                           (c)   completion  of  a  substantial  acquisition  or
                                 relationship with a strategic partner; and

                    (iii)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  all  Options  shall
                           become  immediately vested upon the sale or merger of
                           the Company during  Optionee's  tenure as Chairman or
                           within six (6) months  thereafter,  all as reasonably
                           determined by the Board of Directors.

                    (iv)   The  determination of the Board of Directors  related
                           to  the  vesting  of  Options   shall  be  final  and

                  B. Time of  Exercise  of Option.  The  Optionee  may  exercise
vested Options (subject to the limitations on exercise set forth in Subsection F
below),  in whole or in part,  at any time and from  time to time,  prior to the
expiration  of five  years  after the date of grant of the  Option,  subject  to
earlier  termination of the Option as provided in Subsection F below;  provided,
however,  that no  single  exercise  of the  Option  shall be for less  than 100
shares,  unless the number of shares  purchased  is the total number at the time
available for purchase under this Option.

                  C. Exercise by Optionee.  During the lifetime of the Optionee,
only the  Optionee  (or,  in the event of the  Optionee's  legal  incapacity  or
incompetency,  the Optionee's guardian or legal representative) may exercise the

                  D. Death.  In the event of the  Optionee's  death prior to the
termination  of  the  Option,   the  personal   representative  or  legatees  or
distributees of the Optionee's  estate, as the case may be, shall have the right
(subject to the  limitations  on exercise  set forth in  Subsection  F below) to
exercise  all or any part of the  Option at any time  within  one year after the
date of the Optionee's death.

                  E. Termination of Option.  The Option shall terminate upon the
earlier of (i) the  expiration of a period of five years after the date of grant
of the Option,  as set forth in Section 1 above, (ii) one year after the date of
the Optionee's death.

                  F. Limitations  on  Exercise  of Option.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing  Subsections of this Section, in no event may the Option be exercised,
in whole or in part,  after five years  following the date upon which the Option
is granted, as set forth in Section 1 above, or after the occurrence of an event
referred to in Section 7 below which results in termination of the Option. In no
event may the Option be exercised for a fractional share.

                  G. Reduction in Number of Shares Subject to Option. The number
of shares of Stock which may be purchased  upon exercise of the Option  pursuant
to this  Section  shall be reduced  by the number of shares of Stock  previously
purchased upon exercise of the Option pursuant to this Section.

            4. Method of Exercise of Option. Subject to the terms and conditions
of this Option  Agreement,  the Option may be  exercised by  delivering  written
notice of exercise to the Company on any business day, at its principal  office,
addressed to the attention of the  Treasurer of the Company,  which notice shall
specify the number of shares for which the Option is being exercised,  and shall
be  accompanied  by payment in full of the Option  Price of the shares for which
the Option is being  exercised.  Payment  of the Option  Price for the shares of
Stock purchased  pursuant to the exercise of the Option shall be made in cash or
in cash  equivalent,  or shares of Stock valued at Fair Market Value in the same
manner as options are valued under the  Company's  non-employee  director  stock
option plan.  Shares of Stock  acquired by the Optionee  through  exercise of an
Option may be  surrendered  in payment of the Option Price;  provided,  however,
that any Stock  surrendered  in payment  must have been (a) held by the Optionee
for more  than six  months at the time of  surrender 


or (b)  acquired  under an Option  granted not less than six months prior to the
time of surrender.  Payment in full of the Exercise Price need not accompany the
written  notice  of  exercise   provided  the  notice  directs  that  the  Stock
certificate or certificates  for the shares for which the Option is exercised be
delivered to a licensed  broker  acceptable  to the Company as the agent for the
individual  exercising  the Option  and, at the time such Stock  certificate  or
certificates  are  delivered,  the broker  tenders to the Company  cash (or cash
equivalents  acceptable  to the  Company)  equal to the Exercise  Price.  If the
person exercising the Option is not the Optionee, such person shall also deliver
with the notice of  exercise  appropriate  proof of his or her right to exercise
the Option.  An attempt to exercise the Option granted  hereunder  other than as
set forth  above shall be invalid  and of no force and  effect.  Promptly  after
exercise of the Option as provided for above,  the Company  shall deliver to the
person  exercising  the Option a certificate or  certificates  for the shares of
Stock being purchased.

            5. Limitations  on  Transfer.  No  Option  is  transferable  by  the
Optionee,  other than by will or the laws of  descent  and  distribution  in the
event of death of the Optionee.

            6. Rights as  Shareholder.  Neither the Optionee  nor any  executor,
administrator, distributee or legatee of the Optionee's estate shall be, or have
any of the rights or privileges  of, a shareholder  of the Company in respect of
any shares of Stock  issuable  hereunder  unless and until such shares have been
fully  paid and  certificates  representing  such  shares  have  been  endorsed,
transferred  and  delivered,  and the name of the Optionee (or of such  personal
representative,  administrator, distributee or legatee of the Optionee's estate)
has been entered as the shareholder of record on the books of the Company.

            7. Effect of Changes in Capitalization.

                  A. Changes in Stock.  If the  outstanding  shares of Stock are
increased or decreased  or changed into or exchanged  for a different  number or
kind  of  shares  or  other   securities   of  the  Company  by  reason  of  any
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock  split-up,  combination  of  shares,
exchange  of shares,  stock  dividend or other  distribution  payable in capital
stock, or other increase or decrease in such shares effected  without receipt of
consideration by the Company  occurring after the date the Option is granted,  a
proportionate  and  appropriate  adjustment  shall be made by the Company in the
number  and kind of shares  subject  to the  Option,  so that the  proportionate
interest of the Optionee  immediately  following such event shall, to the extent
practicable, be the same as immediately prior to such event. Any such adjustment
in the Option  shall not change the total  Option  Price with  respect to shares
subject  to  the  unexercised   portion  of  the  Option  but  shall  include  a
corresponding proportionate adjustment in the Option Price per share.

                  B.  Reorganization  in  Which  the  Company  Is the  Surviving
Corporation.  Subject to Subsection C of this  Section,  if the Company shall be
the surviving corporation in any reorganization,  merger or consolidation of the
Company with one or more other  corporations,  the Option  shall  pertain to and
apply to the  securities  to which a holder  of the  number  of  shares of Stock
subject  to the Option  would  have been  entitled  immediately  following  such
reorganization,  merger or  consolidation,  with a  corresponding  proportionate
adjustment  of the Option  Price per share so that the  aggregate  Option  Price
thereafter  shall  be the  same as the  aggregate  Option  Price  of the  shares
remaining subject to the Option immediately prior to such reorganization, merger
or consolidation.

                  C.  Reorganization  in Which the Company Is Not the  Surviving
Corporation or Sale of Assets or Stock.  Upon the  dissolution or liquidation of
the Company,  or upon a merger,  consolidation or  reorganization of the Company
with one or more other  corporations  in which the Company is not the  surviving
corporation, or upon a sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company to
another corporation,  or upon any transaction (including,  without limitation, a
merger or  reorganization  in which the  Company is the  surviving  corporation)
approved by the Board which results in any person or entity owning 80 percent or
more of the combined  voting  power of all classes of stock of the Company,  the
Option  hereunder  shall  terminate,  except to the extent  provision is 


made in  connection  with  such  transaction  for the  continuation  and/or  the
assumption of the Option,  or for the substitution for the Option of new options
covering the stock of a successor  company,  or a parent or subsidiary  thereof,
with  appropriate  adjustments as to the number and kinds of shares and exercise
prices,  in which  event the Option  shall  continue in the manner and under the
terms so  provided.  In the event of any such  termination  of the  Option,  the
Optionee shall have the right (subject to the  limitations on exercise set forth
in  Subsection  E of  Section 3  above),  for 30 days  immediately  prior to the
occurrence  of such  termination,  to  exercise  the Option in whole or in part,
whether or not the Optionee was  otherwise  entitled to exercise  such Option at
the time such  termination  occurs.  The Company shall send written notice of an
event that will result in such a termination  to the Optionee not later than the
time at which the Company gives notice thereof to its shareholders.

                  D. Adjustments. Adjustments specified in this Section relating
to stock or securities of the Company shall be made by the Board of Directors of
the Company,  whose  determination  in that respect shall be final,  binding and
conclusive.  No fractional shares of Stock or units of other securities shall be
issued  pursuant to any such  adjustment,  and any fractions  resulting from any
such  adjustment  shall be eliminated  in each case by rounding  downward to the
nearest whole share or unit.

            8. General  Restrictions.  The Company shall not be required to sell
or issue any shares of Stock  under the Option if the sale or  issuance  of such
shares would  constitute a violation by the individual  exercising the Option or
by the Company of any  provision of any law or  regulation  of any  governmental
authority,  including without limitation any federal or state securities laws or
regulations. If at any time the Company shall determine, in its discretion, that
the listing,  registration or  qualification of any shares subject to the Option
upon any  securities  exchange or under any state or federal law, or the consent
or approval of any  government  regulatory  body, is necessary or desirable as a
condition of, or in  connection  with,  the issuance or purchase of shares,  the
Option  may  not  be  exercised  in  whole  or  in  part  unless  such  listing,
registration,  qualification,  consent or approval  shall have been  effected or
obtained free of any  conditions  not  acceptable to the Company,  and any delay
caused  thereby  shall in no way affect the date of  termination  of the Option.
Specifically  in connection with the Securities Act of 1933 (as now in effect or
as hereafter  amended),  unless a  registration  statement  under such Act is in
effect with  respect to the shares of Stock  covered by the Option,  the Company
shall not be required to sell or issue such shares unless the Board of Directors
of the Company has received  evidence  satisfactory to it that the holder of the
Option may acquire such shares pursuant to an exemption from registration  under
such Act. Any  determination  in this  connection by the Company shall be final,
binding, and conclusive. The Company may, but shall in no event be obligated to,
register any securities  covered  hereby  pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933
(as now in effect or as hereafter  amended).  The Company shall not be obligated
to take any  affirmative  action in order to cause the exercise of the Option or
the issuance of shares pursuant  thereto to comply with any law or regulation of
any governmental  authority.  As to any jurisdiction  that expressly imposes the
requirement that the Option shall not be exercisable unless and until the shares
of Stock  covered by the Option are  registered  or are subject to an  available
exemption from registration,  the exercise of the Option (under circumstances in
which the laws of such jurisdiction  apply) shall be deemed conditioned upon the
effectiveness of such registration or the availability of such an exemption.

            9.  Withholding  of Taxes.  Although the Optionee is an  independent
contractor, the parties hereto recognize that the Company or a Subsidiary may be
obligated,  under certain  circumstances,  to withhold  federal and local income
taxes  and  Social  Security  taxes to the  extent  that the  Optionee  realizes
ordinary  income in connection  with the exercise of the Option or in connection
with a  disposition  of any shares of Stock  acquired by exercise of the Option.
The Optionee agrees that the Company or a Subsidiary may withhold amounts needed
to cover such taxes from payments  otherwise due and owing to the Optionee,  and
also agrees that upon demand the Optionee  will promptly pay to the Company or a
Subsidiary having such obligation any additional  amounts as may 


be necessary to satisfy such  withholding tax obligation.  Such payment shall be
made in cash or cash equivalent.

            10.  Notification of Disposition.  The Optionee agrees to notify the
Company  in  writing  of any  disposition  of  shares of stock  acquired  by the
Optionee  pursuant to the  exercise of this  Option  within  thirty days of such

            11.  Disclaimer  of Rights.  No provision  in this Option  Agreement
shall be  construed  to confer upon the Optionee the right to be employed by the
Company  or any  Subsidiary,  or to  interfere  in any way  with the  right  and
authority  of the Company or any  subsidiary  either to increase or decrease the
compensation  of the Optionee at any time,  or to terminate  any  employment  or
other relationship between the Optionee and the Company or any Subsidiary.

            12.  Interpretation  of this Option  Agreement.  All  decisions  and
interpretations  made by the  Committee or the Board of Directors of the Company
with regard to any question arising under this Option Agreement shall be binding
and conclusive on the Company and the Optionee and any other person  entitled to
exercise the Option as provided for herein.

            13.  Governing  Law. This Option  Agreement is executed  pursuant to
and shall be governed by the laws of the State of  Delaware  (but not  including
the choice of law rules thereof).

            14. Binding Effect. Subject to all restrictions provided for in this
Option  Agreement and by applicable  law relating to assignment  and transfer of
this Option Agreement and the option provided for herein,  this Option Agreement
shall be binding  upon and inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their
respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.

            15.  Notice.  Any notice  hereunder  by the  Optionee to the Company
shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given if mailed or delivered to the
Company at its principal office, addressed to the attention of the Committee, or
if so mailed or  delivered  to such other  address as the Company may  hereafter
designate by notice to the Optionee.  Any notice hereunder by the Company to the
Optionee  shall be in  writing  and  shall be  deemed  duly  given if  mailed or
delivered  to the  Optionee at the address  specified  below by the Optionee for
such purpose, or if so mailed or delivered to such other address as the Optionee
may hereafter designate by written notice given to the Company.

            16. Entire Agreement.  This Option Agreement  constitutes the entire
agreement and supersedes all prior  understandings  and  agreements,  written or
oral, of the parties hereto with respect to the subject  matter hereof.  Neither
this Option Agreement nor any term hereof may be amended, waived,  discharged or
terminated  except  by a  written  instrument  signed  by the  Company  and  the
Optionee;  provided,  however,  that the  Company  unilaterally  may  waive  any
provision  hereof in writing to the extent that such  waiver does not  adversely
affect the interests of the Optionee  hereunder but no such waiver shall operate
as or be construed to be a subsequent  waiver of the same  provision or a waiver
of any other provision hereof.


            IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto have duly  executed  this
Option  Agreement,  or caused this Option Agreement to be duly executed on their
behalf, as of the day and year first above written.

ATTEST:                                   ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.

_______________________________           By:_______________________________




                                          ADDRESS FOR NOTICE TO OPTIONEE:

                                          Number                   Street

                                          City           State      Zip Code


                                                                      APPENDIX E
                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.
                          HAUSER STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT



                                 REVOCABLE PROXY

                           ORION NETWORK SYSTEMS, INC.


         The  undersigned  stockholder  of  Orion  Network  Systems,  Inc.  (the
"Corporation")  hereby  appoints  W. Neil  Bauer,  David J. Frear and Richard H.
Shay, or any of them, attorneys and proxies of the undersigned,  with full power
of substitution  and with authority in each of them to act in the absence of the
other, to vote and act for the undersigned  stockholder at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  to be held at 9:00  a.m.,  local  time,  on May 22,  1997,  at the
Holiday Inn Gaithersburg, 2 Montgomery Village Avenue,  Gaithersburg,  Maryland,
20879, and at any adjournments thereof, upon the following matters:

PROPOSAL ONE:   Election of three directors for three-year terms ending in 1999:

                           Richard J. Brekka
                           Warren B. French, Jr.
                           W. Anthony Rice

                          |_|   FOR the Nominees listed in the proxy statement

                          |_|   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for the following
                              Nominees: __________________________________

PROPOSAL TWO:     Approval of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

                  [ ]   FOR               [ ]   AGAINST            [ ]   ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL THREE:   Approval of the 1997 Stock Option Plan.

                  [ ]   FOR               [ ]   AGAINST            [ ]   ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL FOUR:    Approval of the restated certificate of incorporation of Orion
                  Oldco Services, Inc.

                  [ ]   FOR               [ ]   AGAINST            [ ]   ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL FIVE:    Approval  of the Puente  Stock  Option  Agreement  and certain
                  options granted thereby.

                  [ ]   FOR               [ ]   AGAINST            [ ]   ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL SIX:     Approval  of the Hauser  Stock  Option  Agreement  and certain
                  options granted thereby.

                  [ ]   FOR               [ ]   AGAINST            [ ]   ABSTAIN

PROPOSAL SEVEN:   Ratification  of the  Appointment  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP as
                  Independent  Public  Accountants  of the  Corporation  for the
                  fiscal year ending December 31, 1997.

                  [ ]   FOR               [ ]   AGAINST            [ ]   ABSTAIN

                          In their  discretion,  on any other  matters  that may
                          properly  come  before  the  Annual  Meeting,  or  any
                          adjournments   thereof,   in   accordance   with   the
                          recommendations   of  a  majority   of  the  Board  of

         This proxy will be voted as  directed by the  undersigned  stockholder.
             (Continued and to be dated and signed on reverse side)

                           (Continued from other side)

         If you  receive  more than one proxy  card,  please sign and return all
cards in the accompanying envelope.


                                         Date:______________, 1997.


                                         (Signature of Stockholder or Authorized

                                          Print name)

                                          Please date and sign  exactly as name
                                          appears   hereon.    Each   executor,
                                          administrator,   trustee,   guardian,
                                          attorney-in-fact  and other fiduciary
                                          should sign and  indicate  his or her
                                          full  title.  In the  case  of  stock
                                          ownership  in the name of two or more
                                          persons, both persons should sign.