Exhibit 10.9


                                   HEP I, L.P.

         This  AGREEMENT OF LIMITED  PARTNERSHIP  is made and entered into as of
July 17, 1995, by and between Hit  Entertainment,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation
(the "General Partner"), and J. Brooke Johnston, Jr., a resident of the State of
Alabama,  as the  organizational  limited partner (the  "Organizational  Limited
Partner),  and those  other  parties  who from time to time may  become  limited
partners  pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement by execution and delivery
of this Agreement or counterparts hereof  (hereinafter  referred to collectively
as the "Limited Partners" and referred to individually as a "Limited Partner").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS,  the General  Partner and the  Original  Limited  Partner have
created  the  Partnership,  and the  parties  hereto  desire to set forth  their
respective  interests in and all rights,  duties and  obligations  in and to the
Partnership, all upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises,  and the  mutual
covenants and promises  hereinafter set forth,  the parties to this Agreement of
Limited Partnership do hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                  DEFINED TERMS

         The  following  defined  terms  used in this  Agreement  shall have the
meanings specified below:

         1.1.  "ACCOUNTANTS" means any firm of certified public accountants that
may be engaged by the General Partner on behalf of the Partnership for any task.

         1.2. "ACT" means the Delaware  Revised Uniform Limited  Partnership Act
(6 DEL. C. 6, 17-101, ET SEQ.), and now in effect and as the same may be amended
from time to time hereafter.

         1.3.   "AFFILIATE"   means  (a)  any  Person   directly  or  indirectly
controlling, controlled by or under common control with, another Person, (b) any
Person owning or controlling 10% or more of the outstanding voting securities of
such other Person,  (c) any officer,  director or partner of such Person, or (d)
if such other Person is an officer,  director or partner,  any company for which
such Person acts in any such capacity.

         1.4.  "AGREEMENT"  means  this  Agreement  of Limited  Partnership,  as
amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.

         1.5.  "AVAILABLE CASH FLOW" means all cash and cash equivalent funds of
the  Partnership on hand at the end of each Year, less (a) provision for payment
of all outstanding and unpaid current cash obligations of the Partnership at the
end of such year  (including  those which are in  dispute),  including,  but not
limited to,  deferred  contingent  payments due to  principal  artists and other
talent  contributing  to the  Project,  and  (b)  provisions  for  reserves  for
reasonably  anticipated  cash  expenses and  contingencies  (which  include debt
service on indebtedness of the  Partnership,  if any, and amounts payable to the
General Partner and Affiliates of the General Partner),  not including,  but not
limited  to,  provisions  for  depreciation,  amortization  and  other  non-cash
expenses;  provided,  however,  that  Sale  Proceeds  shall not be  included  in
Available Cash Flow.

         1.6. "CAPITAL ACCOUNT" means, with respect to any Partner,  the Capital
Account maintained for such Person in accordance with the following provisions:

                    (i) To each Person's Capital Account there shall be credited
         such Person's Capital  Contributions,  such Person's distributive share
         of Net  Income  and any items in the  nature of income or gain that are
         specially  allocated  hereunder to such  Person,  and the amount of any
         Partnership  liabilities assumed by such Person or which are secured by
         any Partnership property distributed to such Person.

                   (ii) To each Person' s Capital Account there shall be debited
         the  amount  of cash  and the  Gross  Asset  Value  of any  Partnership
         property  distributed to such Person  pursuant.to any provision of this
         Agreement,  such Person's  distributive share of Net Loss and any items
         in the nature of expenses or losses that are specially


         allocated  hereunder to such Person,  and the amount of any liabilities
         of such Person  assumed by the  Partnership or which are secured by any
         property contributed by such Person to the Partnership.

                  (iii)  In  the  event  any  interest  in  the  Partnership  is
         transferred  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of this  Agreement,  the
         transferee  shall succeed to the Capital  Account of the  transferor to
         the extent it relates to the transferred interest.

                   (iv) In determining  the amount of any liability for purposes
         of Sections  1.6(i) and (ii) hereof,  there shall be taken into account
         Code Section 752(c) and any other applicable provisions of the Code and

         The foregoing  provisions  and the other  provisions of this  Agreement
relating to the  maintenance  of Capital  Accounts  are  intended to comply with
Regulations Section 1.704-1(b), and shall be interpreted and applied in a manner
consistent  with  such  Regulations.  In the  event the  General  Partner  shall
determine that it is prudent to modify the manner in which the Capital Accounts,
or any debits or  credits  thereto  (including,  without  limitation,  debits or
credits  relating to liabilities  that are secured by contributed or distributed
property or that are assumed by the  Partnership  or the General  Partner),  are
computed in order to comply with such Regulations,  the General Partner may make
such  modification,  provided that it is not likely to have a material effect on
the amounts  distributable  to any Partner  pursuant to Article XIII hereof upon
the dissolution of the Partnership.  The General Partner also shall (i) make any
adjustments  that are necessary or appropriate to maintain  equality between the
Capital Accounts of the Partners and the amount of Partnership capital reflected
on the Partnership's balance sheet, as computed for book purposes, in accordance
with  Regulations  Section  1.704-l(b)(2)(iv)(q),  and (ii) make any appropriate
modifications in the event unanticipated events (for example, the acquisition by
the Partnership of oil or gas  properties)  might otherwise cause this Agreement
not to comply with Regulations Section 1.704-1(b).

         1.7. "CAPITAL  CONTRIBUTION" in respect of any Partner or transferee of
such Partner  means the amount of money and the initial Gross Asset Value of any
property (other than money), tangible or intangible, contributed by such Partner
to the capital of the Partnership.

         1.8.  "CERTIFICATE" means the Certificate of Limited Partnership of the
Partnership filed pursuant to the Act, as amended from time to time.

         1.9.  "CODE" means the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended from
time to time.

         1.10.  "DEPRECIATION"  means,  for each  Year,  an amount  equal to the
depreciation,  amortization,  or other cost recovery  deduction  allowable  with
respect to an asset for such Year,  except  that if the Gross  Asset Value of an
asset  differs  from its adjusted  basis for federal  income tax purposes at the
beginning  of such Year,  Depreciation  shall be an amount  which bears the same
ratio  to  such   beginning   Gross  Asset  Value  as  the  federal  income  tax
depreciation, amortization, or other cost recovery deduction for such Year bears
to such


beginning adjusted tax basis; provided,  however, that if the federal income tax
depreciation,  amortization,  or other cost recovery  deduction for such Year is
zero,  Depreciation  shall be determined  with reference to such beginning Gross
Asset Value using any reasonable method selected by the General Partner.

         1.11. "FINAL  PERCENTAGE"  Interest Change Date means the day following
the earlier to occur of (i) seven years following the date of this Agreement, or
(ii)  the  date as of  which  the  cumulative  amount  of  Available  Cash  Flow
distributed to the Limited Partners by the Partnership  equals 200% of the total
Capital Contributions of the Limited Partners.

         1.12.  "GAIN  FROM  SALE"  means  gain or  loss,  as the  case  may be,
determined m accordance  with the rules of determining  Federal  taxable income,
gain or loss, arising from a transaction giving rise to Sale Proceeds.

         1.13.  "GENERAL  PARTNER" means the parties  designated as the "General
Partner" in the first  paragraph  of this  Agreement,  including  any  successor
general partner or general  partners  substituted  pursuant to the provisions of
this Agreement.

         1.14.  "GENERAL PARTNER'S  PERCENTAGE  INTEREST" means (i) 1% until the
Percentage Interest Change Date, (ii) 50% upon and after the Percentage Interest
Change Date and (iii) 100% upon and after the Final  Percentage  Interest Change

         1.15. "GENERAL  PARTNERSHIP  INTEREST" means the entire interest of the
General Partner in the Partnership,  including the General Partner's  Percentage
Interest  in  capital,   income,   gains,   losses,   deductions,   credits  and
distributions of the Partnership,  the General Partner's right to participate in
the management of the Partnership and all other rights and obligations  accorded
under this Agreement or under the Act.

         1.16. "GROSS ASSET VALUE" means, with respect to any asset, the asset's
adjusted basis for federal income tax purposes, except as follows:

                    (i) The initial  Gross Asset Value of any asset  contributed
         by a Partner to the Partnership shall be the gross fair market value of
         such  asset,  as  determined  by  the  contributing   Partner  and  the

                   (ii) The Gross Asset Values of all  Partnership  assets shall
         be adjusted  to equal their  respective  gross fair market  values,  as
         determined by the General  Partner,  as of the following times: (a) the
         acquisition of an additional  interest in the  Partnership  (other than
         pursuant  to  Section  6.3  hereof) by any new or  existing  Partner in
         exchange  for more  than a de  minimis  Capital  Contribution;  (b) the
         distribution  by the Partnership to a Partner of more than a de minimis
         amount of Partnership  property as consideration for an interest in the
         Partnership;  and (c) the  liquidation  of the  Partnership  within the
         meaning  of  Regulations  Section  1.704-   1(b)(2)(ii)(g);   provided,
         however,  that adjustments  pursuant to clauses (a) and (b) above shall
         be made only if the General Partner reasonably determines that such


         adjustments  are  necessary  or  appropriate  to  reflect the  relative
         economic interests of the Partners in the Partnership;

                  (iii)  The  Gross  Asset  Value  of  any   Partnership   asset
         distributed to any Partner shall be the gross fair market value of such
         asset on the date of distribution; and

                   (iv) The Gross Asset  Values of  Partnership  assets shall be
         increased  (or  decreased) to reflect any  adjustments  to the adjusted
         basis of such assets  pursuant to Code  Section  734(b) or Code Section
         743(b),  but only to the extent  that such  adjustments  are taken into
         account in determining Capital Accounts pursuant to Regulations Section
         1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(m);  provided, however, that Gross Asset Values shall
         not be  adjusted  pursuant to this  Section  1.15(iv) to the extent the
         General  Partner  determines  that an  adjustment  pursuant  to Section
         1.15(ii)  hereof is  necessary  or  appropriate  in  connection  with a
         transaction  that would otherwise  result in an adjustment  pursuant to
         this Section 1.15(iv).

         If the Gross  Asset Value of an asset has been  determined  or adjusted
pursuant to Section 1.15(i),  Section 1.15(ii), or Section 1.15(iv) hereof, such
Gross Asset Value shall  thereafter be adjusted by the  Depreciation  taken into
account with respect to such asset for purposes of computing  Net Income and Net

         1.17.  "LIMITED PARTNERS" means the Persons who are, from time to time,
admitted  to the  Partnership  as Limited  Partners,  and whose  names,  mailing
addresses,  Limited Partnership  Percentage or Capital  Contribution,  number of
Units held by, and social security or taxpayer  identification numbers appear in
Appendix A to this Agreement,  as amended from time to time,  including,  unless
the context otherwise  specifically states, the Organizational  Limited Partner.
Such Persons shall become  Limited  Partners  when a duly executed  Subscription
Agreement,  or such other  instrument  or document  as the  General  Partner may
require, has been accepted by the General Partner,  except as otherwise required
by law.

         1.18. "LIMITED PARTNERS'  PERCENTAGE  INTEREST" means (i) 99% until the
Percentage Interest Change Date, (ii) 50% upon and after the Percentage Interest
Change  Date and (iii) 0% upon and after the Final  Percentage  Interest  Change

         1.19.  "LIMITED  PARTNERSHIP  INTEREST"  means the entire interest of a
Limited  Partner in the Partnership  expressed in Units,  including such Limited
Partner' s interest in the  Limited  Partners'  Percentage  Interest in capital,
income, gains, losses, deductions, credits and distributions of the Partnership.

         1.20. "NET INCOME" and "NET LOSS" means, for each Year, an amount equal
to the  Partnership'  s taxable  income  or loss for such  Year,  determined  in
accordance  with Code  Section  703(a) (for this  purpose,  all items of income,
gain,  loss,  or  deduction  required to be stated  separately  pursuant to Code
Section  703(a)(1)  shall be  included  in  taxable  income or  loss),  with the
following adjustments:


                    (i)  Any  income  of the  Partnership  that is  exempt  from
         federal  income tax and not  otherwise  taken into account in computing
         Net Income and Net Loss pursuant to this Section 1.19 shall be added to
         such taxable income or loss;

                   (ii) Any  expenditures of the  Partnership  described in Code
         Section   705(a)(2)(B)   or  treated  as  Code   Section   705(a)(2)(B)
         expenditures pursuant to Regulations Section 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(i),  and
         not  otherwise  taken into account in computing  Net Income or Net Loss
         pursuant to this Section 1.19,  shall be  subtracted  from such taxable
         income or loss;

                  (iii) In the event the Gross  Asset  Value of any  Partnership
         asset is  adjusted  pursuant to Section  1.15(ii)  or Section  1.15(iv)
         hereof,  the amount of such  adjustment  shall be taken into account as
         gain or loss  from  the  disposition  of such  asset  for  purposes  of
         computing Net Income or Net Loss;

                   (iv)  Gain  or  loss  resulting   from  any   disposition  of
         Partnership  property  with respect to which gain or loss is recognized
         for federal  income tax purposes  shall be computed by reference to the
         Gross Asset Value of the property disposed of, notwithstanding that the
         adjusted tax basis of such property differs from its Gross Asset Value;

                    (v) In lieu of the  depreciation,  amortization,  and  other
         cost recovery  deductions  taken into account in computing such taxable
         income or loss, there shall be taken into account Depreciation for such
         fiscal year or other period,  computed in accordance  with Section 1.10
         hereof; and

                   (vi)  Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of this  Section
         1.19, any items which are specially  allocated  hereunder to any Person
         shall not be taken into account in computing Net Income or Net Loss.

         1.21. "ORGANIZATIONAL LIMITED PARTNER" means any party designated as an
"Organizational Limited Partner" in the first paragraph of this Agreement.

         1.22.  "PARTNERS"  means,  collectively,  the  General  Partner and the
Limited Partners.

         1.23.  "PARTNERSHIP"  means the limited  partnership formed pursuant to
this Agreement by the filing of the Certificate pursuant to the Act.

         1.24.   "PARTNERSHIP   RETURN"  means  the  United  States  Partnership
Information Return of Income of the Partnership.

         1.25.  "PERCENTAGE  INTEREST  CHANGE DATE" means the day  following the
date as of which the cumulative  amount of Net Losses allocated to and Available
Cash  Flow  distributed  to  the  Partners  equals  110%  of the  total  Capital
Contributions of the Partners.


         1.26.  "PERSON"  means (i) a person as that term is  defined in Section
7701(a)(1) of the Code,  namely,  an  individual,  trust,  estate,  partnership,
association,  company or corporation,  and (ii) those persons who are related by
blood or marriage to a person defined in (i), above.

         1.27.  "PROJECT" means the  development,  production,  distribution and
otherwise  effectuating the economic  exploitation of artistic properties in the
form of one or more  motion  pictures,  including,  but not limited to, no fewer
than two full  length  motion  pictures,  and  incorporating  themes  related to
physical fitness, self-defense, action and children.

         1.28.  "REGULATIONS" means the Income Tax Regulations promulgated under
the Code,  as such  regulations  may be  amended  from  time to time  (including
corresponding provisions of succeeding regulations).

         1.29.  "SALE  PROCEEDS"  means all  proceeds  from any sale,  exchange,
foreclosure or abandonment  of all, or  substantially  all, of the assets of the
Partnership,  or any portion of such  proceeds,  or proceeds  from  condemnation
awards or casualty insurance claims,  less applicable expenses and any debt paid
or prepaid with the proceeds of, or in connection with, such transaction,  which
proceeds are not used to acquire  Partnership  assets or in the operation of the
business of the Partnership, exclusive of proceeds accruing in the normal course
of business.

         1.30.  "SECTION"  means the designated  section of this Agreement if no
reference  is  specified;  otherwise  the  designated  section of the  specified
agreement,  statute or regulation or the  comparable  provision of any successor
agreement, statute or regulation.

         1.31.   "SUBSCRIPTION   AGREEMENT"  means  the  agreement  between  the
Partnership  and each  Limited  Partner  pursuant to which the  Limited  Partner
agrees to  subscribe  for one or more  Units  and the  Partnership  accepts  the

         1.32.  "UNIT"  means an  interest  in the  capital  of the  Partnership
contributed  by the  Limited  Partners.  The  authorized  number of Units of the
Partnership is 160.

         1.33.  "YEAR" means the calendar year, except for the initial and final
Year of the  Partnership  which may begin or end on a date other than  January 1
and December 31, respectively.

                                   ARTICLE II

         2.1.  FORMATION.  The parties hereto hereby form a limited  partnership
under and pursuant to the Act. As required by the Act,  the General  Partner and
the Original Limited Partner shall promptly cause the Certificate to be filed on
behalf of the Partnership as required under the Act.


         2.2.  QUALIFICATION.  Promptly  after  the  filing  of the  Certificate
pursuant to the Act as set forth in Section 2.1, the General  Partner shall take
such action as shall be required by law to qualify the  Partnership  to transact
business  as a foreign  limited  partnership  in such  other  places as shall be
necessary to protect the status of the Partnership as a limited partnership, and
as otherwise required by law.

         2.3. NAME. The name of the Partnership is "HEP I, L.P." The business of
the Partnership  may be conducted under any name chosen by the General  Partner,
and the General Partner may, in its sole  discretion  from time to time,  change
the name of the Partnership.

         2.4.  PRINCIPAL  PLACE OF BUSINESS.  The principal place of business of
the Partnership  shall be located at 1990 Westwood  Boulevard,  Third Floor, Los
Angeles,  California  90025,  or at such other place as the General  Partner may
from time to time  designate  by written  notice to the  Limited  Partners.  The
General  Partner may establish such other places of business of the  Partnership
in  addition to the  Partnership's  principal  place of business  when and where
required by the  Partnership's  business  and shall give prompt  written  notice
thereof to the Limited Partners.

PARTNERSHIP  RECORDS. The agent for service of process on the Partnership in the
State of Delaware shall be CT Corporation  System. The address of the registered
agent and the address of the registered  office of the  Partnership in the State
of Delaware is 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801.

                                   ARTICLE III

         The business to be conducted  by the  Partnership  shall be the Project
and to license  ancillary rights to such motion pictures and to carry on any and
all  activities  necessary,   proper,  convenient  or  advisable  in  connection

                                   ARTICLE IV

         The  term of the  Partnership  shall  be from  the  date on  which  the
Certificate was originally  filed in accordance with the Act, and shall continue
until the Final Percentage Interest Change Date, unless sooner terminated by law
or as hereafter provided in this Agreement.


                                    ARTICLE V
                         NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PARTNERS

         5.1. GENERAL PARTNER. Hit Entertainment,  Inc., a Delaware corporation,
is  the  General  Partner,   and  its  principal  places  of  business  is  1200
AmSouth/Harbert Plaza, Birmingham, Alabama 35203.

         5.2.  ORGANIZATIONAL  LIMITED  PARTNER.  J.  Brooke  Johnston,  Jr.,  a
resident of the State of Alabama, is the Organizational  Limited Partner and his
mailing  address  is  1200  AmSouth/Harbert  Plaza,  1901  Sixth  Avenue  North,
Birmingham, Alabama 35203.

         5.3.  LIMITED  PARTNERS.   The  name,  mailing  address,   the  Limited
Partnership  Percentage or Capital Contribution of, the number of Units held by,
and the social  security or  taxpayer  identification  number of,  each  Limited
Partner  of the  Partnership  is set  forth  in  Appendix  A  attached  to  this
Agreement,  as  amended  from  time to time,  which is  incorporated  herein  by
reference  and  made a part  hereof  as  though  set  out in full  herein.  Such
information shall always be kept available to any Partner at the principal place
of business of the Partnership.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                            CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND
                           ADDITIONAL WORKING CAPITAL

has contributed to the capital of the Partnership the sum of $60,000,  which has
an Initial Gross Asset Value of and the General  Partner's  capital account will
be credited in the amount of $50,000.  The General  Partner may make  additional
Capital Contributions from time to time.

Organizational Limited Partner has contributed $100 in cash to the capital ofthe
Partnership upon the formation of the Partnership and shall be a Limited Partner
solely to facilitate the formation of the Partnership.  Such contribution  shall
be returned to him in cash on the day of the  admission  of any other  Person or
Persons as a Limited Partner or Limited  Partners or upon the dissolution of the
Partnership,  whichever first occurs, at which time the  Organizational  Limited
Partner shall cease to be a Limited Partner.

by the parties to this Agreement that at some  indeterminate time in the future,
it will be in the best interest of the  Partnership and its Partners to admit to
the Partnership certain parties as Limited Partners.  In such event, all Capital
Contributions made by such Limited Partners shall be paid to and received by the
Partnership  and each Limited  Partner,  other than the  Organizational  Limited
Partner,  shall contribute money to the capital of the Partnership in the amount
of $100 per Unit subscribed for under a Subscription Agreement.



         (a) Limited  Partners.  Subject to the  provisions  of Section 11.5, no
Limited Partner (other than the  Organizational  Limited Partner) shall have the
right to withdraw or reduce his Capital  Contribution without the consent of the
General  Partner.  No Limited  Partner shall have the right to demand or receive
property other than cash in return for his Capital Contribution,  and, except as
provided in Section  6.2,  no Limited  Partner  (other  than the  Organizational
Limited Partner) shall have priority over any other Limited  Partner,  either as
to the return of his Capital  Contribution  or as to the  allocation  of income,
gains, losses, deductions, credits or as to distributions.

         (b) General Partner.  The General Partner will not withdraw its Capital
Contribution  prior to the  dissolution  and  liquidation of the  Partnership or
sooner  than  the  time  the  Limited  Partners  have  withdrawn  their  Capital
Contributions hereunder, whichever first occurs.

         6.5.  ASSESSMENTS.  Limited Partners will not be subject to assessments
for  contributions  to the capital of the  Partnership  in excess of the Capital
Contribution required by Sections 6.2 and 6.3.

                                   ARTICLE VII
                           EXPENSES OF THE PARTNERSHIP

Partner shall receive no direct  compensation  or fees for acting as the general
partner of the Partnership.

General  Partner may charge the  Partnership  for all direct  costs and expenses
incurred by it in connection with the  Partnership's  business,  including legal
and accounting expenses.

         7.3.  ORGANIZATIONAL  AND OFFERING  EXPENSES.  All expenses incurred in
connection with the formation of the Partnership and obtaining the Partnership's
capital shall be paid by the Partnership.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                         CAPITAL ACCOUNTS; ALLOCATION OF

         8.1.  CAPITAL  ACCOUNTS.  A Capital  Account  shall be  determined  and
maintained  for each  Partner.  No  interest  shall be  payable  on the  Capital
Accounts of the Partners.  The General  Partner shall maintain a minimum balance
in its Capital Account equal to one percent of the total positive balance of all
Capital Accounts maintained for the Partners.


         8.2.  ALLOCATION OF NET INCOME OR NET LOSS.  With respect to each Year,
the General  Partner shall be allocated the percentage of Net Income or Net Loss
for such Year equal to the applicable General Partner's Percentage Interest, and
the Limited Partners shall be allocated the percentage of Net Income or Net Loss
for such Year equal to the applicable Limited Partners' Percentage Interest.


         (a) The General Partner shall make distributions of Available Cash Flow
in cash or  assets  of the  Partnership  in kind at such  times  as the  General
Partner, in its sole discretion, deems such distributions to be advisable and in
the best  interest of the  Partnership  to do so.  Notwithstanding  any contrary
provision  contained  in  this  Agreement,   to  the  extent  any  amount  of  a
distribution  of  Available  Cash Flow would create or increase a deficit in the
capital  account of any Partner,  such amount shall not be  distributed  to such
Partner,  but shall be  distributed  to the other  Partners in proportion to the
amount  of the  distributions  to such  other  Partners  without  regard to this
proviso.  The General Partner shall have the light to withhold any  distribution
of  Available  Cash  Flow  if it  deems  it to be in the  best  interest  of the
Partnership to do so.

         (b) With respect to each Year, distributions of Available Cash Flow for
such Year shall be made to the General Partner in an amount equal to the General
Partner's Percentage Interest of such distribution of Available Cash Flow and to
the Limited  Partners in an amount  equal to the  Limited  Partners'  Percentage
Interest of such distribution of Available Cash Flow;  provided,  however,  that
such  distributions  of Available Cash Flow shall be made to the General Partner
and Limited  Partners taking into account their  respective  varying  percentage
interests which occur with respect to each such Year.

         (c) If assets other than cash are distributed by the  Partnership,  the
capital  accounts of the Partners  shall be adjusted to reflect how much gain or
loss would have been  allocated to the  respective  Partners if the property had
been sold at the value or values  assigned  thereto  for  purposes of making the

The General  Partner shall be allocated an amount of the Gain from Sale equal to
the applicable General Partner's Percentage  Interest,  and the Limited Partners
shall be  allocated  an amount of the Gain  from  Sale  equal to the  applicable
Limited  Partners'   Percentage   Interest.   The  General  Partner  shall  make
distributions  of Sale  Proceeds  as  soon  after  the  receipt  thereof  by the
Partnership as the General Partner deems  practicable,  such distributions to be
made to the Partners in proportion to their respective capital accounts,  taking
into  account the  allocations  of Gain from Sale set forth in this Section 8.4;
provided,  however, that to the extent that any amount of a cash distribution to
any Partner  would  create or increase a deficit in the capital  account of such
Partner,  such amount shall not be  distributed  to such  Partner,  but shall be
distributed  to the other  Partners in proportion to the amounts  distributed to
such other Partners without regard to this provision.


         8.5.   CONSEQUENCES  OF   DISTRIBUTIONS.   Upon  the  determination  to
distribute cash or property other than cash in any manner expressly  provided in
this  Article  VIII,  made in good  faith,  the General  Partner  shall incur no
liability on account of such  distribution,  even though such  distribution  may
have resulted in the Partnership retaining  insufficient funds for the operation
of its business,  which  insufficiency  resulted in loss to the  Partnership  or
necessitated the borrowing of funds by the Partnership.

UNITS  TRANSFERRED  OR  SOLD  BY  THE  PARTNERSHIP.  If one or  more  Units  are
transferred  during  any Year of the  Partnership,  the Net  Income  or Net Loss
attributable  to such Unit or Units for such Year shall be divided and allocated
between the transferor and the transferee based on the time each such party was,
according  to the books and records of the  Partnership,  the owner of record of
the Unit or Units  transferred  during  the Year in which the  transfer  occurs.
Distributions  of  Partnership  assets in respect of Units shall be made only to
persons  who,  according  to the books and records of the  Partnership,  are the
owners of such Units on a date  selected  by the  General  Partner.  The General
Partner and the Partnership shall incur no liability for making distributions in
accordance  with the  provisions  of the preceding  sentence  whether or not the
General  Partner or the  Partnership  has knowledge or notice of any transfer of
ownership of any Unit or Units. For purposes of the foregoing,  in the case of a
transfer of a Unit, and also in the case of a sale of a Unit by the  Partnership
(except for the first time any Person or Persons  other than the  Organizational
Limited  Partner is admitted to the  Partnership as a Limited Partner or Limited
Partners),  a Limited  Partner who becomes a Limited  Partner or who  acquires a
Unit according to the books and records of the Partnership after the 15th day of
a month will be treated as becoming a Limited  Partner or acquiring such Unit on
the first  day of the  following  month,  and a Limited  Partner  who  becomes a
Limited Partner or who acquires a Unit according to the books and records of the
Partnership  during the first 15 days of a month  shall be treated as becoming a
Limited  Partner or acquiring such Units on the first day of such month.  In the
case of a sale of a Unit by the  Partnership  (except  for the  first  time  any
Person or Persons other than the  Organizational  Limited Partner is admitted to
the Partnership as a Limited Partner or Limited  Partners),  the General Partner
shall have the right to  allocate  Net Income and Net Loss to the  purchaser  of
such  Unit  as of  the  date  such  purchaser  fully  executes  and  delivers  a
Subscription Agreement.

         8.7. TAX  ALLOCATIONS:  CODE SECTION  704(C).  In accordance  with Code
Section 704(c) and the Regulations thereunder, income, gain, loss, and deduction
with  respect to any  property  contributed  to the  capital of the  Partnership
shall,  solely for tax purposes,  be allocated  among the Partners so as to take
account of any  variation  between the  adjusted  basis of such  property to the
Partnership  for federal  income tax purposes and its initial  Gross Asset Value
(computed in accordance with Section 1.15).

         In the event the Gross Asset Value of any Partnership asset is adjusted
pursuant to Section 1.15(ii),  subsequent allocations of income, gain, loss, and
deduction with respect to such asset shall take account of any variation between
the adjusted  basis of such asset for federal  income tax purposes and its Gross
Asset Value in the same manner as under Code Section 704(c) and the  Regulations


         Any elections or other decisions  relating to such allocations shall be
made by the General Partner in any manner that  reasonably  reflects the purpose
and intention of this  Agreement.  Allocations  pursuant to this Section 8.7 are
solely for purposes of federal,  state,  and local taxes and shall not affect or
in any way be taken into account in computing,  any Person's  Capital Account or
share of Net Income or Net Loss,  other items or  distributions  pursuant to any
provisions of this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                         RIGHTS, POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS
                             OF THE GENERAL PARTNER

         9.1.  POWERS.  The  management and control of the  Partnership  and its
business and affairs  shall rest  exclusively  with the General  Partner,  which
shall have all the rights and powers which may be possessed by a general partner
pursuant  to the Act,  and such  additional  rights and powers as are  otherwise
conferred by law or are  necessary,  advisable or convenient to the discharge of
its duties under this  Agreement.  The General Partner shall be the "tax matters
partner" within the meaning of the Code.  Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing,  the  General  Partner  may,  at the  cost,  expense  and risk of the

                  (a)  spend  the capital  and net  income of the Partnership in
         the exercise of  any rights or powers  possessed by the General Partner
         hereunder pursuant to a production budget for the Project;

                  (b)  purchase,  hold,  manage,   distribute  and  license  the
         Partnership's  property,  and enter  into  agreements  containing  such
         terms,  provisions  and  conditions  as  the  General  Partner  in  its
         discretion shall approve;

                  (c) purchase  from or through  others  contracts of liability,
         casualty and other insurance and a completion  bond,  which the General
         Partner deems  advisable for the  protection of the  Partnership or for
         any purpose convenient or beneficial to the Partnership;

                  (d)     incur indebtedness in the ordinary course of business;

                  (e)  pledge,  grant  security  interests  in,  hypothecate  or
         otherwise  encumber,  under such terms and  conditions  as the  General
         Partner deems admissible, the assets of the Partnership;

                  (f) sell,  distribute,  license or otherwise dispose of, under
         such terms and  conditions as the General  Partner deems  advisable for
         the  Partnership,  or for any purpose  convenient  or beneficial to the
         Partnership,  any of the assets of the Partnership,  including, without
         limitation, the Project;


                  (g) invest such funds as are  temporarily not required for the
         purposes of the  Partnership's  operations in such  investments  as the
         General Partner, in its sole discretion, shall deem prudent;

                  (h) negotiate  employment contracts with principal artists and
         other talent which may contribute to the Project, including negotiating
         employment contracts providing for profits participation in the Project
         for such principal artists and other talent,  provided,  however,  such
         profits  participation  shall be subordinated to the Limited  Partners'
         right to the return of their  total  Capital  Contribution  pursuant to
         Section 1.24;

                  (i)  delegate  all and any of its  duties  hereunder  and,  in
         furtherance of any delegation,  appoint,  employ,  or contract with any
         person   (including   Affiliates  of  the  General   Partner)  for  the
         transaction  of the  business of the  Partnership,  which  persons may,
         under the  supervision  of the General  Partner,  act as  distributors,
         licensees, consultants, accountants, attorneys, brokers or in any other
         capacity deemed by the General Partner necessary or desirable,  and pay
         appropriate fees to any of such persons.

         9.2. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES. The General Partner may engage in whatever
activities  it  chooses,  whether  or not  the  same  be  competitive  with  the
Partnership, without having or incurring any obligation to offer any interest in
such activities to the Partnership or any party hereto,  and, as a material part
of the  consideration  for  the  General  Partner's  execution  hereof,  for the
admission  of  such  Limited  Partner,   each  Limited  Partner  hereby  waives,
relinquishes  and  renounces  any such  right or  claim  of  participation.  The
Partnership  shall be considered to be an entity and business  wholly  separate,
for all purposes, from the business and affairs of the General Partner, it being
understood that the only obligations undertaken by the General Partner are those
expressly provided in this Agreement and those which are inherent to the role of
a general partner.

         9.3.  DUTIES.   The  General  Partner  shall  manage  and  control  the
Partnership,  its business  and  affairs,  including,  without  limitation,  the
Project,  to the best of its ability and shall use its best efforts to carry out
the business of the Partnership.  The General Partner shall devote itself to the
business  of the  Partnership  to the extent that it, in its  discretion,  deems
necessary for the efficient carrying on thereof The General Partner shall act as
a fiduciary with respect to the  safekeeping  and use of the funds and assets of
the Partnership.

         9.4.  CERTAIN  LIMITATIONS.  Without  obtaining  the consent of Limited
Partners  holding greater than 50% of the issued and outstanding  Units, or such
greater  percentage of the issued and outstanding Units as is required under the
Act, the General Partner shall not:

                    (i)   act in contravention of this Agreement;

                   (ii) except as provided in Article XIII of this Agreement, do
         any act  which  would  make it  impossible  to  carry  on the  ordinary
         business of the Partnership;


                  (iii)   confess a judgment against the Partnership;

                   (iv) possess  Partnership  property,  or assign any rights in
         specific Partnership property, including any assignment for the benefit
         of Partnership creditors, for other than a Partnership purpose;

                    (v) admit  a person  as a  Limited  Partner  other   than as
         provided in this Agreement;

                   (vi)   amend this Agreement;

                  (vii)   dissolve the Partnership;

                 (viii)   sell, pledge or exchange all, or substantially all, of
         the assets of the Partnership; or

                   (ix)   remove a general partner of the Partnership.

         9.5. NET WORTH OF THE GENERAL  PARTNER.  The General Partner shall have
and  maintain  at all  times  during  which  it is the  general  partner  of the
Partnership  a net worth  which is  sufficient  to conduct  the  business of the
Partnership in a prudent manner and to comply with any  requirements of the Code
or the regulations thereunder or interpretations of the Internal Revenue Service
thereof  necessary to avoid the taxation of the  Partnership  as an  association
taxable as a corporation.

         9.6.  INDEMNIFICATION.  Neither  the  General  Partner  nor  any of its
Affiliates,  officers,  directors,  employees  or agents  shall be liable to the
Partnership  or any Limited  Partners  for any action or inaction of the General
Partner in connection with the business or affairs of the  Partnership,  so long
as the person  against whom  liability is asserted acted in good faith on behalf
of the Partnership and in a manner  reasonably  believed by such person to be in
the best interests of the  Partnership,  but only if such course of conduct does
not constitute gross negligence or willful  misconduct.  The General Partner and
its Affiliates,  officers, directors,  employees and agents shall be indemnified
and held harmless by the Partnership for any claim, liability,  damage, loss, or
other expense (including,  without  limitation,  investigating and defending any
claims and lawsuits and settlement  thereof,  and legal and accounting  costs in
connection  therewith)  incurred by them solely by virtue of the  performance by
any of them of the duties of the General  Partner  acting as general  partner in
connection with the Partnership's  business,  so long as such indemnified person
acted in good  faith on behalf  of the  Partnership  and in a manner  reasonably
believed by such person to be in the best interests of the Partnership, but only
if such  course of  conduct  does not  constitute  gross  negligence  or willful
misconduct;  provided  that such  indemnification  or agreement to hold harmless
shall be  recoverable  only out of  assets of the  Partnership  and not from the
Limited Partners.

         9.7. GENERAL PARTNER AS LIMITED  PARTNER.  The General Partner may be a
Limited Partner to the extent that it (a) contributes capital under Section 6.3,
or (b) purchases or


otherwise  acquires  or becomes the  transferee  of all or any part of a Limited
Partnership  Interest.  The General Partner's Capital  Contribution  pursuant to
Section  6.1 shall be made solely in its  capacity as general  partner and shall
not entitle the General Partner to any rights as a Limited Partner.

         9.8. SUCCESSION AS GENERAL PARTNER. The General Partner may at any time
assign its General Partnership  Interest to any subsidiary or other Affiliate of
the General Partner without the consent of the Limited Partners. Any corporation
into  which  the  General  Partner  may  be  merged  or  with  which  it  may be
consolidated,  or any corporation  resulting from any merger or consolidation to
which  the  General  Partner  shall be a party,  shall be the  successor  of the
General Partner  hereunder,  without the execution or filing of any paper or any
further act on the part of any of the  parties  hereto.  In any such event,  the
General Partner shall amend the Certificate within 90 days thereafter.

                                    ARTICLE X
                           STATUS OF LIMITED PARTNERS

         10.1. NO  PARTICIPATION  IN MANAGEMENT.  No Limited  Partner shall take
part in the management of the business of the Partnership, transact any business
for the  Partnership,  have the power to sign for or to bind the  Partnership to
any agreement or document,  or otherwise act as an agent for the Partnership for
any purpose.  Such powers to manage and transact Partnership  business,  to bind
the  Partnership or otherwise to act as the agent of the  Partnership are vested
solely and exclusively in the General Partner.

         10.2.  LIMITED  LIABILITY.  No Limited  Partner shall have any personal
liability  whatsoever,  whether to the  Partnership,  to the  Partners or to the
creditors of the  Partnership,  for the debts of the  Partnership  or any of its
losses beyond the amount committed by him to the capital of the Partnership,  as
set forth in Section 6.2 and 6.3, and his  undistributed  balance in his Capital
Account. Each Unit shall be fully paid and nonassessable, and no Limited Partner
shall have any  personal  liability  whatsoever  to another  Limited  Partner on
account of his Capital Contribution.

                                   ARTICLE XI

         11.1. IN GENERAL. Subject to the rights of first refusal granted to the
General  Partner,  the  Partnership  and the Limited  Partners  below, a Limited
Partner may sell, assign or otherwise  transfer any or all of the Units owned by
him; provided, however, that:

                  (a)  such  Limited  Partner  and his  purchaser,  assignee  or
         transferee execute, acknowledge and deliver to the General Partner such
         instruments of transfer and assignment with respect to such transaction
         as are in form and substance satisfactory to the General Partner; and


                  (b)  such Limited  Partner pays the Partnership a transfer fee
         which is sufficient to pay all reasonable  expenses of the  Partnership
         in connection with such transaction;

provided, further, that such purchaser, assignee, or transferee shall not become
a substituted  Limited  Partner within the meaning of the Act unless the General
Partner  consents in writing to such  person's  becoming a  substituted  Limited
Partner,  which  consent may be given or withheld in the sole  discretion of the
General Partner. Neither the Partnership nor the General Partner shall recognize
or be bound by any sale,  assignment  or transfer of any Unit unless the General
Partner  consents to such sale,  assignment or transfer in writing.  The General
Partner will not consent to any sale,  assignment  or transfer of any Unit or to
the admission of any person as a substituted Limited Partner if, in its opinion,
such consent and substitution  would result in the Partnership being treated for
Federal  income tax purposes as an association  taxable as a corporation,  would
result in a termination  of the  Partnership  within the meaning of the Code, or
would  constitute a violation of any applicable  Federal or state law pertaining
to securities regulation.

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  each Limited  Partner  agrees that at
least 60 days prior to any sale,  assignment or transfer (by operation of law or
otherwise)  of any Unit by it, such Limited  Partner  will give  written  notice
thereof to the General Partner and all Limited  Partners,  including the name of
the proposed purchaser,  assignee or transferee and all of the terms, conditions
and other material  details of such proposed sale,  assignment or transfer.  The
General  Partner  shall have a right of first refusal for its own account for 30
days after  receipt by the General  Partner of such  written  notice in which to
elect to consummate  such sale,  transfer or assignment  itself  pursuant to the
same terms,  conditions  and material  details set forth in such notice.  If the
General Partner does so purchase the Unit, it may resell such Unit, at any time,
on whatever  terms and  conditions it deems  appropriate,  to any Person without
regard to the rights of first refusal set forth herein.  If the General  Partner
fails to consummate the transaction  during such 30-day period,  the Partnership
shall then have 10 days in which to consummate such sale, transfer or assignment
pursuant to such terms,  conditions  and  material  details.  The right of first
refusal in the General Partner provided in this Section 11.1 shall be a right in
each party  designated as the "General  Partner" in the first  paragraph of this
Agreement, or either of them if the other party designated the "General Partner"
fails  to  exercise  its  rights  thereunder,   provided,   however,  that  such
disjunctive  right in each party  designated as the "General  Partner" shall not
expand the time periods  provided for herein with respect to such right of first
refusal,  and further  provided  that such right,  if jointly  exercised  by the
parties  designated  the  "General  Partner",  shall  be  proportionate  to  the
interests in the Partnership of each party designated the "General Partner".  If
the Partnership does so purchase the Unit, it may resell such Unit, at any time,
on whatever  terms and  conditions it deems  appropriate,  to any Person without
regard to the rights of refusal set forth herein.  If the  Partnership  fails to
consummate the transaction  during such 10-day period, the General Partner shall
give written  notice of such failure  within two days of the  expiration  of the
above 40-day period to all the Limited Partners. The Limited Partners shall then
have 20 days from the end of the above 40-day period in which to consummate such
sale,  transfer or assignment  pursuant to such terms,  conditions  and material
details in proportion to the pro rata Limited


Partnership Interests of the Limited Partners participating in such purchase. If
any Limited  Partner does so purchase a Unit or Units,  such Limited Partner may
resell such Unit or Units only in accordance with the provisions of this Section
11.1.  If none of the General  Partner,  the  Partnership  or the other  Limited
Partners  consummate  the  transaction  during such 60-day  period,  the selling
Limited  Partner  shall then have 30 days from the end of such 60-day  period in
which to consummate  such sale,  transfer or assignment  pursuant to such terms,
conditions  and  material  details and to such named  purchaser.  If the Limited
Partner shall not consummate the sale, transfer or assignment during such 30-day
period,  such  Unit  shall  again be  subject  to the  rights  of first  refusal
contained herein.

         11.2. SUBSTITUTED LIMITED PARTNERS. If none of the General Partner, the
Partnership  or the Limited  Partners  exercise  their  rights of first  refusal
provided in Section 11.1 and the General Partner  consents to the admission of a
Person as a substituted  Limited Partner within the meaning of the Act, and such

                  (a) elects to become a substituted Limited Partner by deliver-
         ing a written notice of such election to the General Partner;

                  (b) executes and  acknowledges  such other  instruments as the
         General  Partner  may  deem  necessary  or  admissible  to  effect  the
         admission of such Person as a substituted  Limited Partner,  including,
         without limitation,  the written acceptance and adoption by such Person
         of the provisions of this Agreement; and

                  (c) pays the Partnership a transfer fee which is sufficient to
         pay all reasonable  expenses of the  Partnership in connection with the
         admission of such Person as a substituted  Limited  Partner  within the
         meaning  of  the  Act,  including,  without  limitation,  the  cost  of
         preparing,   printing  and  filing  for  record  an  amendment  to  the
         Certificate in accordance with the Act;

then the  General  Partner  shall take all steps  which,  in the  opinion of the
General Partner,  are reasonably necessary to admit such Person as a substituted
Limited Partner under the Act. Such Person shall thereupon  become a substituted
Limited Partner within the meaning of the Act.

         11.3. PURCHASE OF UNITS BY THE GENERAL PARTNER. The General Partner may
acquire one or more Units owned by, or reserved for, Limited  Partners,  and, if
with  respect to such  additional  Unit or Units the General  Partner  becomes a
Limited Partner within the meaning of the Act, the General  Partner shall,  with
respect  to such Unit or Units,  enjoy all the  rights and be subject to all the
obligations and duties of a Limited Partner.  Any Limited  Partnership  Interest
owned by the General  Partner may be sold,  in whole or in part,  by the General
Partner,  on whatever terms and conditions it deems  appropriate,  to any Person
without regard to the rights of first refusal set forth in Section 11.1.



         (a) If any Limited Partner,  or more than 50% of the members,  partners
or  shareholders  of a  Limited  Partner  which is not an  individual,  shall be
adjudicated a bankrupt or make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors
or take the benefit of any insolvency act, or if a permanent receiver or trustee
in  bankruptcy  be appointed for any such Limited  Partner's  property,  or if a
temporary  receiver be appointed for any Limited Partner and such appointment is
not vacated or set aside within 60 days from the date of such appointment, or in
the case of a Limited  Partner which is not an individual,  such Limited Partner
shall be adjudicated a bankrupt or make a general  assignment for the benefit of
creditors or take the benefit of any insolvency act, or if a permanent  receiver
or trustee in bankruptcy be appointed for any such Limited  Partner's  property,
or if a temporary  receiver be appointed  for any such Limited  Partner and such
appointment  is not  vacated  or set aside  within 60 days from the date of such
appointment,  or in the event of any attempted  transfer or other  devolution of
the interest of any Limited  Partner in the  Partnership  except as specifically
provided herein,  then such Limited Partner shall become a "defaulting  Partner"
(which term as used herein  shall  include any  successor  to or assignee of the
defaulting Partner).

         (b) If any Limited Partner,  or more than 50% of the members,  partners
or shareholders  of a Limited Partner which is not an individual,  shall die, or
in the case of a  Limited  Partner  which  is not an  individual,  such  Limited
Partner shall  dissolve,  then such Limited Partner shall become an "involuntary
defaulting Partner" (which term as used herein shall include any successor to or
assignee of the involuntary defaulting Partner).

         (c) The General Partner, at its election,  may cause the Partnership to
purchase  and,  if  so  elected,  the  defaulting  Partner  or  the  involuntary
defaulting  Partner,  as the case may be,  shall  sell the  Limited  Partnership
Interest of the defaulting Partner or the involuntary defaulting Partner, as the
case may be, in the  Partnership  at the prices and upon the terms  specified in
Section  11.5 at a closing  which shall be held at the  principal  office of the
Partnership  within  120 days  following  the  giving of  written  notice to the
defaulting Partner or involuntary defaulting Partner of the election to purchase
such Partner's Limited Partnership Interest after receiving appropriate releases
and satisfactions.

Partner shall elect to cause the Partnership to purchase the Limited Partnership
Interest of a defaulting  Partner or an involuntary  defaulting Partner pursuant
to Section  11.4,  the  purchase  price  shall  equal the balance of the Capital
Account related to said Limited  Partnership  Interest  reduced by the amount of
any obligation then due the Partnership by the defaulting Partner or involuntary
defaulting  Partner (all  obligations of the  defaulting  Partner or involuntary
defaulting  Partner  shall  become  immediately  due  and  payable   immediately
preceding liquidation of the defaulting Partner's or the involuntary  defaulting
Partner's interest),  and the excess (if any) of such obligations over the value
of  such  Partner's  interest  shall  be  immediately  due  and  payable  to the
Partnership by such Partner.


                  (a) At the closing ofthe  transfer  ofthe Limited  Partnership
         Interest,  the Partnership shall pay in cash to the defaulting  Partner
         or the  involuntary  defaulting  Partner 20% of the purchase price (net
         after  reduction  for  any  obligations  owed  by  the  Partner  to the
         Partnership as above  provided),  and the balance of the purchase price
         shall be evidenced by the Partnership's  nonnegotiable  promissory note
         payable  in  eight  approximately   equal  quarterly   installments  of
         principal,  the first of which  installments  shall be due and  payable
         three  months  after  the  closing,  with the  remainder  being due and
         payable serially each three months thereafter. The unpaid balance shall
         bear  interest  at a rate  equal to the lower of (x) the prime  rate of
         Citibank,  N.A., New York,  New York on the date of closing,  or (y) 9%
         per annum,  payable  quarterly with each installment of principal.  The
         note shall contain  provisions for (i) the  acceleration  of the entire
         unpaid  balance of principal and accrued  interest at the option of the
         holder in the event of default in payment of any  principal or interest
         when due, (ii) the payment of reasonable  attorneys'  fees in the event
         of default, (iii) the prepayment of all or part of the unpaid principal
         (any prepayment being first applied to then accrued interest), and (iv)
         no prepayment  during the taxable year in which the  liquidation of the
         Limited Partnership Interest occurs.

                  (b) All  determinations  and  allocations  required under this
         Section 11.5 shall be made by the  Partnership's  Accountants,  and any
         such  determination  or  allocation  so made  shall be  binding  on all
         parties.  For the purpose of the  computations  required in determining
         the defaulting or involuntary  defaulting Partner's Limited Partnership
         Interest,  the books of the  Partnership  and its  Affiliates  shall be
         accepted as correct.

                  (c) No  payment  other than those  specifically  provided  for
         herein  shall be due or payable  with  respect to the  interest  of the
         defaulting  or  involuntary  defaulting  Partner.  Any  debt due by the
         Partnership  to  the  defaulting  Partner  or  involuntary   defaulting
         Partner, as the case may be, shall be payable according to its terms.

                                   ARTICLE XII

         12.1. NO RESIGNATION OF THE GENERAL  PARTNER.  The General  Partner may
not resign as general partner of the Partnership.

notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 12.1, the General  Partner resigns as
such, its liability as a general  partner shall cease upon the  appointment of a
successor  General Partner  pursuant to Section 12.3, and the Partnership  shall
promptly  take all  steps  reasonably  necessary  under  the Act to  cause  such
cessation of liability, provided, however, that, if no successor General Partner
is appointed  pursuant to Section  12.3,  the General  Partner  shall remain the
General  Partner  of the  Partnership  for  purposes  of the  winding  up of the
Partnership pursuant to Section 13.2. Upon its resignation,  the General Partner
shall not receive its Capital


Contribution,  nor the repayment of any indebtedness of the Partnership owed it,
nor any  undistributed  balance in its capital account nor its share of any Sale
Proceeds as otherwise provided for in Article VIII hereof.

         12.3.  APPOINTMENT  OF SUCCESSOR  GENERAL  PARTNER.  Subject to Section
13.1(i),  at any time during the 90-day  period after any notice of  resignation
given by the General Partner,  the Limited Partners may, by the affirmative vote
of Limited Partners holding 51% of the issued and outstanding Units, voting at a
meeting called in accordance with Article XVI hereof,  elect a successor General
Partner to serve beginning immediately upon the effectiveness of the resignation
of the General Partner.

                                  ARTICLE XIII
                           DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP
                               OF THE PARTNERSHIP

         13.1.  DISSOLUTION OF THE PARTNERSHIP.  The resignation of either party
designated as the General Partner in the first paragraph of this Agreement shall
cause a dissolution of the Partnership  unless (i) the other party designated as
the General Partner in the first paragraph of this Agreement  elects to serve as
the sole  General  Partner and  continue  the  Partnership,  or (ii) a successor
General  Partner is appointed  pursuant to Section 12.3. The  Partnership  shall
also be dissolved  upon (a) the final  judgment by a court  having  jurisdiction
over the General  Partner  adjudicating  either party  designated as the General
Partner in the first  paragraph of this  Agreement  to be  bankrupt,  or (b) the
expiration  of the term of the  Partnership.  In no event shall the death of any
Limited Partner result in dissolution of the Partnership.

         13.2.  WINDING  UP OF THE  PARTNERSHIP.  Upon  the  dissolution  of the
Partnership,  the General  Partner shall take full account of the  Partnership's
assets and  liabilities  and the assets  shall be  liquidated  as promptly as is
consistent with obtaining the fair value thereof The proceeds therefrom,  to the
extent sufficient therefor,  shall be applied and distributed as provided in the
Act; provided, however, that after payment of all Partnership debts, obligations
and  liabilities,  there shall be distributed to each Partner the balance in his
capital account,  and the remaining assets of the Partnership,  if any, shall be
distributed according to the Partners' percentage interest in the Partnership.

the  Partnership  is  "liquidated"  within the  meaning of  Regulations  Section
1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(g),  (a) distributions  shall be made pursuant to this Article
XIII to the Partners  who have  positive  Capital  Accounts in  compliance  with
Regulations  Section  1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(b)(2),  and (b) if any Partner's Capital
Account  has a  deficit  balance  (after  giving  effect  to all  contributions,
distributions,  and allocations for all taxable years, including the year during
which such liquidation occurs),  such Partner shall contribute to the capital of
the Partnership the amount  necessary to restore such deficit balance to zero in
compliance with Regulations Section  1.704-1(b)(2)(ii)(b)(3).  In the discretion
of the General Partner, a pro


rata portion of the  distributions  that would otherwise be made to the Partners
pursuant to Section 13.2 may be:

                  (a) distributed to a trust  established for the benefit of the
         Partners for the purposes of liquidating Partnership assets, collecting
         amounts  owed  to  the  Partnership,   and  paying  any  contingent  or
         unforeseen  liabilities  or  obligations  of the  Partnership or of the
         Partners  arising out of or in  connection  with the  Partnership.  The
         assets of any such trust shall be distributed to the Partners from time
         to time, in the reasonable  discretion of the General  Partner,  in the
         same  proportions  as the  amount  distributed  to  such  trust  by the
         Partnership  would  otherwise  have been  distributed  to the  Partners
         pursuant to this Agreement; or

                  (b)  withheld to provide a reasonable  reserve of  Partnership
         liabilities  (contingent  or otherwise)  and to reflect the  unreaLized
         portion  of  any  installment  obligations  owed  to  the  Partnership,
         provided  that  such  withheld  amounts  shall  be  distributed  to the
         Partners as soon as practicable.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

         14.1. BOOKS OF ACCOUNT.  The Partnership's books and records (including
a current  list of the names  and  addresses  of all  Limited  Partners)  and an
executed copy of this Agreement,  as currently in effect, shall be maintained at
the principal office of the Partnership at 1990 Westwood Boulevard, Third Floor,
Los Angeles, California 90025, and each Partner shall have access thereto at all
reasonable  times. The books and records of the Partnership shall be kept by the
General  Partner  using the income tax basis method of  accounting  consistently
applied,  which shall be the cash  method of  accounting,  if allowed  under the
Code, and shall reflect all  Partnership  transactions  and be  appropriate  and
adequate for the  Partnership's  business.  The General  Partner shall also keep
adequate  Federal  income  tax  records  using  an  appropriate  method  of  tax
accounting,  which shall be the cash method of accounting,  if allowed under the
Code, on a basis  consistently  applied.  Each Limited  Partner hereby agrees to
submit to the General Partner the name,  address and social security or taxpayer
identification  number of a  transferee  of the Limited  Partner and the date of
transfer of the Unit or Units so transferred.

         14.2.  FINANCIAL  REPORTS.  The  Partnership  will  send the  following
reports  to each  Person who was a Partner  during  the  period  covered by such

                  (a) A report  within 90 days after the end of each Year of the
         Partnership containing all information necessary for the preparation of
         the Partner's Federal and state income tax returns;

                  (b) An annual  report within  120 days  after the  end of each
         Year of the Partnership containing (i) a balance sheet as of the end of
         the fiscal year, a statement


         of income and a cash flow  statement  for the year then  ended,  all of
         which,  except  for the  cash  flow  statement,  shall be  prepared  in
         accordance with federal income tax principles, and (ii) a report of the
         activities of the Partnership  during the period covered by the report.
         Such report will set forth  distributions  to the Limited  Partners for
         the period covered thereby, and shall separately identify distributions
         of  Available  Cash Flow,  whether  such be in cash or non-cash  assets
         during  the  period,  amounts  which  had been  held as  reserves,  and
         proceeds  from  disposition  or sublease of assets,  if any. The report
         shall also  include a detailed  statement of any  transaction  with the
         General   Partner  of  the   Partnership   or  its  Affiliates  and  of
         commissions,  compensation  and other benefits paid, or accrued to such
         General  Partner  or its  Affiliates  for the  fiscal  year  completed,
         showing the amount paid or accrued to each  recipient  and the services
         performed; and

         (c) Semi-annual progress reports on the operations of the Partnership.

         14.3.  FISCAL  YEAR.  The fiscal year of the  Partnership  shall be the
Year, as defined in Section 1.32.

         14.4.  BANKING.  All  funds  of  the  partnership  shall  be  initially
deposited in a separate bank account or accounts or in an account or accounts of
a savings and loan  association  as shall be determined by the General  Partner,
but such funds may be invested as provided in Section 9.1(g).

         14.5. TAX ELECTION. Upon the transfer of an interest in the Partnership
or in the event of a distribution of the Partnership's property, the Partnership
may elect, but is not required to elect,  pursuant to Section 754 of the Code to
adjust the basis of the Partnership's property as allowed by Sections 734(b) and
743(b) thereof The General  Partner shall have the sole authority and discretion
to make such an election. There shall be no requirement that the General Partner
make such an election.

         14.6. TAX RETURNS.  The General  Partner  shall,  for each fiscal year,
file  on  behalf  of  the  Partnership  with  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  a
Partnership  Return within the time prescribed by law (including any extensions)
for  such  filing.  The  General  Partner  shall  also  file  on  behalf  of the
Partnership such state and/or local tax returns as may be required by law.

                                   ARTICLE XV
                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

         15.1.  APPOINTMENT  OF  ATTORNEY-IN-FACT.  Each Limited  Partner hereby
makes,  constitutes  and appoints the General  Partner and any officer  thereof,
with   full   power  of   substitution   and   resubstitution,   his  agent  and
attorney-in-fact  to file for record the Certificate as required by the Act, and
to  sign,  execute,  certify,   acknowledge,  and  file  for  record  any  other
instruments  which may be required of the Partnership or of the Limited Partners
by law, including, but not limited to, amendments to or cancellations of the


Certificate and specifically including the amendments to the Agreement admitting
Limited  Partners to the Partnership as Limited  Partners.  Each Limited Partner
authorizes  such   attorney-in-fact  to  take  any  further  action  which  such
attorney-in-fact  shall consider  necessary or advisable in connection  with the
foregoing,  hereby giving such  attorney-in-fact full power and authority to act
to the same extent as if such Limited  Partner were himself  personally  present
and  hereby  ratifying  and  confirming  all that  such  attorney-in-fact  shall
lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.

         15.2. EFFECT OF POWER. The power of attorney pursuant to Section 15.1:

                 (a) is a special power of attorney,  coupled with  an interest,
         is irrevocable, and shall survive the death, insanity, or incapacity of
         the granting Limited Partner;

                  (b) may be exercised by such attorney-in-fact for each Limited
         Partner by listing all of the Limited Partners executing any agreement,
         certificate,  instrument or document with the single  signature of such
         attorney-in-fact as attorney-in-fact for all of them; and

                  (c) shall  survive the delivery of an  assignment by a Limited
         Partner of the whole or a portion of his  interest in the  Partnership,
         except that where the purchaser,  transferee or assignee  thereof is to
         be admitted as a  substituted  Limited  Partner,  the power of attorney
         shall survive the delivery of such  assignment  for the sole purpose of
         enabling such attorney-in-fact to sign, execute, certify,  acknowledge,
         and file any  such  agreement,  certificate,  instrument,  or  document
         necessary to effect such substitution.

                                   ARTICLE XVI
                          MEETINGS AND MEANS OF VOTING

         Meetings of the  Partners may be called by the General  Partner,  or by
Limited  Partners  holding at least 50% of the issued and outstanding  Units for
any matter specified in Section 9.4. The General Partner shall call a meeting of
the  Partners  to be held not later than 60 days  following  the  receipt by the
General  Partner of any notice of adjustments of Partnership  income or expenses
issued  by the  Internal  Revenue  Service  in  connection  with an audit of any
Partnership  Return,  such meeting to  determine  the  appropriate  action to be
taken, including, without limitation, the forum of any litigation contesting the
notice.  The notice of any meeting called under this Article XVI shall state the
nature of the business to be  transacted.  Notice of any such  meeting  shall be
delivered by the General  Partner within ten days of its calling to all Partners
in the manner  prescribed  in Section  17.1,  and such meeting shall be held not
less than 15 days nor more than 60 days after the date of such notice.  Partners
may vote in person or by proxy at any such meeting. Any matters presented to the
Limited  Partners for their vote shall be determined by Limited Partners holding
50% of the issued and outstanding Units or such greater percentage of the issued
and outstanding Units as is required under the Act or this Agreement.  Each Unit
shall be entitled to one vote on all such matters.  Whenever the vote or consent
of Partners


is permitted or required under this Agreement, such vote or consent may be given
at a meeting  of  Partners  or may be given in writing  in  accordance  with the
procedure for obtaining written votes prescribed in Section 17.1.

                                  ARTICLE XVII

         17.1.  NOTICE.  Except  as  otherwise  specifically  provided  in  this
Agreement, any notice, payment, demand or communication required or permitted to
be given by any provision of this Agreement  shall be duly given if delivered in
writing  personally to the person to whom it is directed,  or if sent by mail or
telegraph,  as follows:  if to the General Partner,  at its address set forth in
Section  5.1 or to such other  address as the  General  Partner may from time to
time specify by written notice to the Limited Partners  pursuant to this Section
17.1, and if to a Limited Partner,  at such Limited  Partner's address set forth
in Appendix A hereto,  or to such other address as such Limited Partner may from
time to time  specify by written  notice to the  General  Partner  and all other
Limited Partners  pursuant to this Section 17.1. Any such notice shall be deemed
to be given as of the date so delivered,  if delivered personally,  or as of the
date on which the same was deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid,
addressed and sent as aforesaid.

         17.2. ADDITIONAL BUSINESSES.  The General Partner shall be permitted to
manage or OWD additional businesses even though such businesses may compete with
the business of the Partnership, including, without limitation, the Project.

         17.3.  SECTION CAPTIONS.  Section and other captions  contained in this
Agreement  are  for  reference  purposes  only  and  are in no way  intended  to
describe,  interpret,  define  or limit  the  scope,  extent,  or intent of this
Agreement or any provision hereof

         17.4. SEVERABILITY. Every provision of this Agreement is intended to be
severable.  If any term or provision of this Agreement is illegal or invalid for
any  reason  whatsoever,  such  illegality  or  invalidity  shall not affect the
validity of the remainder of this Agreement.

         17.5.  AMENDMENTS.  Amendments to this Agreement may be proposed by the
General  Partner.  Following such proposal,  the General Partner shall submit to
the Limited  Partners a verbatim  statement  of any proposed  amendment  and may
include in any such submission its recommendation as to the proposed  amendment.
The General  Partner shall seek the written vote of the Limited  Partners on the
proposed  amendment or shall call a meeting of the Partners  pursuant to Article
XVI of this  Agreement  to vote  thereon  and to  transact  any  other  business
permitted by the Act to be transacted by the Limited Partners that they may deem
appropriate.  For purposes of obtaining a written vote, the General  Partner may
require response within a specified time, but not less than 30 days, and failure
to respond in such time shall  constitute  a vote which is  consistent  with the
General  Partner's  recommendation  with  respect  to the  proposal.  A proposed
amendment shall be adopted and effective as an amendment to this Agreement if it
receives the affirmative vote of


Limited Partners holding 50% of the issued and outstanding Units or such greater
percentage of the issued and outstanding Units as is required under the Act.

person  dealing  with the General  Partner  shall be required to  determine  its
authority to make any commitment or  undertaking  on behalf of the  Partnership,
nor to determine  any fact or  circumstance  bearing  upon the  existence of its
authority. In addition, no purchaser of any property of the Partnership shall be
required to determine the sole and exclusive authority of the General Partner to
sign and deliver on behalf of the Partnership any such  installment of transfer,
or to see to the  application  or  distribution  of revenues or proceeds paid or
credited in  connection  therewith,  unless such  purchaser  shall have received
written notice from the Partnership affecting the same.

         17.7. GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of Delaware shall govern the
validity of this Agreement, the construction of its terms and the interpretation
of the rights and duties of the parties hereto.

         17.8. WAIVER OF ACTION FOR PARTITION.  Each Partner  irrevocably waives
during the term of the  Partnership,  and  during the period of its  liquidation
following any  dissolution,  any right to maintain any action for partition with
respect to any of the assets of the Partnership.

         17.9. COUNTERPART  EXECUTION.  This Agreement may be executed in one or
more  counterparts  all of  which  together  shall  constitute  one and the same

         17.10.  PARTIES IN  INTEREST.  Except as provided in Article XI of this
Agreement,  this  Agreement  shall be binding upon the parties  hereto and their
successors,  heirs,  designees,  assigns, legal  representatives,  executors and

         17.11.  CONSTRUCTION  OF PRONOUNS.  The feminine or neuter of the words
"he",  "his" and "him" used herein  shall be  automatically  deemed to have been
substituted for such words where  appropriate to the particular  Limited Partner
or Organizational Limited Partner executing this Agreement.

         17.12.  INTEGRATED  AGREEMENT.  This Agreement  constitutes  the entire
understanding and agreement among the parties hereto with respect to the subject
matter  hereof,  and  there  are no  agreements,  understandings,  restrictions,
representations  or  warranties  among the  parties  other  than those set forth
herein or herein provided for.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have hereto set their hands
as of the day and year first above written.

                                 GENERAL PARTNER

                                  HIT ENTERTAINMENT, INC.

                                  By /s/ Brian Shuster
                                     Brian Shuster
                                     Its President

                                  /s/ J. Brooke Johnston, Jr.
                                  J. Brooke Johnston, Jr.
                                  Organizational Limited Partner
