
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

[X]        Filed by Registrant.
[ ]        Filed by Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:
[X]        Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]        Confidential,  for Use of the  Commission  Only (as permitted by Rule
[ ]        Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]        Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]        Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11(c) or ss.240.14a-12

                          BLACK WARRIOR WIRELINE CORP.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                                 Not Applicable
       (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than Registrant)

Payment  of Filing Fee (check the appropriate box):
[X]      No fee required.
[ ]      $500 per each party to the  controversy  pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule
         14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
         1) Title of each  class of  securities  to which  transaction  applies:
         2)  Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  transaction  applies:
         3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing   fee  is   calculated   and  state  how  it  was   determined):
         4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:  _________________
         5)  Total Fee Paid:  __________________________________________________
[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the Fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
         1)  Amount Previously Paid:  __________________________________________
         2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement Number:  _________________
         3)  Filing Party:  ____________________________________________________
         4)  Date Filed:  ______________________________________________________

                          Black Warrior Wireline Corp.
                             3748 Highway #45 North
                           Columbus, Mississippi 39701

                                  July 21, 1997

         Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Black
Warrior  Wireline  Corp.  (the  "Company")  will be held at the  offices  of the
Company at 3748 Highway #45 North, Columbus,  Mississippi 39701, on Monday, July
21, 1997, at 10:00AM local time, for the following purposes:

         1. To re-elect  four (4)  directors of the Company to hold office until
         the  next  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  in 1998 and  until  their
         successors are elected and qualified;

         2. To consider  and vote on a proposal  to approve the  adoption of the
         1997 Omnibus Incentive Plan;

         3. To consider  and vote on a proposal  to approve the  adoption of the
         1997 Non-Employee Stock Option Plan;

         4. To  consider  and vote on a  proposal  to amend the  Certificate  of
         Incorporation of the Company to reduce the authorized  shares of Common
         Stock, par value $.0005 per share, from 50,000,000 shares to 12,500,000

         5.  To  consider  and  vote  on  a  proposal  to  amend  the  Company's
         Certificate  of  Incorporation  to authorize the Company to issue up to
         2,500,000 shares of Preferred Stock; and

         6. To  transaction  such other business as may properly come before the
         meeting, or any adjournments thereof.

         Information  with  respect  to the  above  is set  forth  in the  Proxy
Statement  which  accompanies  this Notice.  Only  stockholders of record at the
close of business  on May 28, 1997 are  entitled to notice of and to vote at the

         We hope that all of our  Stockholders  who can  conveniently do so will
attend  the  Meeting.  Stockholders  who do not  expect to be able to attend the
Meeting are requested to mark,  date and sign the enclosed Proxy and return same
in the enclosed addressed envelope which requires no postage and is intended for
your convenience.

Dated:  June 30, 1997                             John A. McNiff, Sr., Secretary


Proxy Statement
Annual Meeting of Stockholders

         The  enclosed  Proxy is  solicited  by the Board of  Directors of Black
Warrior  Wireline Corp.  (the  "Company"),  from the holders of shares of Common
Stock,  $.0005 par value, to be voted at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the
"Meeting")  to be held at the offices of the Company at 3748  Highway #45 North,
Columbus, Mississippi 39701, on Monday, July 21, 1997 at 10:00AM local time, and
at any adjournments thereof.

         The only  business  which the Board of Directors  intends to present or
knows that others will present at the Meeting is (i) the re-election of four (4)
Directors  of the  Company  to hold  office  until the next  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders in 1998 and until their successors have been elected and qualified,
(ii) to  consider  and vote on a proposal  to approve  the  adoption of the 1997
Omnibus  Incentive Plan, (iii) to consider and vote on a proposal to approve the
adoption of the 1997  Non-Employee  Stock Option Plan, (iv) to consider and vote
on a proposal to amend the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company to reduce
the  authorized  shares of Common  Stock from  50,000,000  shares to  12,500,000
shares,  and (v) to  consider  and vote on a  proposal  to amend  the  Company's
Certificate of  Incorporation  to authorize the Company to issue up to 2,500,000
shares of Preferred Stock.  Management does not know of any other business to be
brought before the Meeting,  but it is intended that as to any other business, a
vote may be cast  pursuant to the Proxy in  accordance  with the judgment of the
person or persons  acting  thereunder.  Any  Stockholder  giving a Proxy has the
power to  revoke it at any time  before  the  Proxy is voted by  revoking  it in
writing,  by  executing a later dated  Proxy,  or  appearing  at the Meeting and
voting in person.  Any writing  revoking a Proxy  should be addressed to John A.
McNiff, Sr., Secretary, at the address set forth below.

         The  Directors  to be  elected  at the  Meeting  will be  elected  by a
plurality  of the votes cast by the  stockholders  present in person or by proxy
and  entitled to vote.  Each of the other  matters to be  submitted to a vote of
stockholders  will require the affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast
at  the  Meeting  on the  proposal  except  that  the  proposals  to  amend  the
Certificate of Incorporation will require the affirmative vote of the holders of
a  majority  of the  outstanding  shares of  Common  Stock.  With  regard to the
election  of  Directors,  votes may be cast for or withheld  from the  nominees.
Votes  that are  withheld  will have no effect on the  outcome  of the  election
because the Directors will be elected by a plurality of votes cast.

         Abstentions   may  be  specified  on  all  proposals   submitted  to  a
stockholder  vote other than the  election  of  Directors.  Abstentions  will be
counted as  present  for  purposes  of  determining  the  existence  of a quorum
regarding the proposal on which the abstention is noted. However, abstentions on
any of the Company's proposals will have no effect on the outcome of the vote on
such proposal where the outcome  requires the affirmative  vote of a majority of
votes  cast at the  Meeting  and will  have the  effect  of a vote  against  the
proposals to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation.

         Under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, brokers who hold shares
in street name have the  authority to vote on certain  routine  matters on which
they have not received  instructions  from  beneficial  owners.  Brokers holding
shares  of the  Company's  Common  Stock  in  street  name  who  do not  receive
instructions are entitled to vote on the election of Directors. Under applicable
Delaware law, "broker  non-votes" on any such proposal (where a broker submits a
proxy but does not vote a customer's shares on such proposal) will be considered
not  entitled  to vote  on  that  proposal  and  thus  will  not be  counted  in
determining the outcome of such vote. Likewise,  where authority to vote for the
election of  Directors  is withheld  by a  stockholder,  such shares will not be
counted in determining  the outcome of such vote.  Therefore,  broker  non-votes
with  respect to the  election  of  Directors  and  stockholders  who mark their
proxies to withhold  authority  to vote their  shares will have no effect on the
outcome of such proposal,  although broker non-votes and proxies submitted where
the vote for the election of  Directors  is withheld are counted in  determining
the existence of a quorum.

         Only  Stockholders of record as of the close of business on May 28,1997
are  entitled  to  notice  of and to vote  at the  Meeting  or any  adjournments
thereof. On such date, the Company had outstanding voting securities  consisting
of 2,185,216 shares of Common Stock,  $.0005 par value,  each of which shares is
entitled to one vote.

         The Company's  principal  executive  office address is 3748 Highway #45
North Columbus,  Mississippi  39701, and the telephone number is (601) 329-1047.
This  Proxy  Statement  and the  enclosed  Form of Proxy  will be  mailed to the
Company's stockholders on or about June 30, 1997.



         At the  Meeting,  it is  proposed to elect four (4)  Directors  to hold
office until the next Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  in 1998, and until their
respective  successors  are elected and qualified.  It is intended that,  unless
otherwise indicated, the shares of Common Stock represented by proxies solicited
by the Board of  Directors  will be voted for the  election as  Directors of the
four (4) nominees  hereinafter  named. If, for any reason,  any of said nominees
shall become unavailable for election, which is not now anticipated, the proxies
will be voted for the other  nominees and may be voted for a substitute  nominee
designated  by the Board of  Directors.  Each nominee has  indicated  that he is
willing and able to serve as a Director if elected, and, accordingly,  the Board
of  Directors  does not  have in mind any  substitute.  Except  for Mr.  John L.
Thompson, each nominee is presently a Director of the Company.

         The nominees for Director, and their ages, are as follows:

                  Name                                           Age

                  William L. Jenkins                              42
                  John A. McNiff, Sr.                             68
                  Michael Brod                                    51
                  John L. Thompson                                37

         William L. Jenkins has been President,  Chief  Operating  Officer and a
Director of the Company since March 1989. From 1973 until 1980, Mr. Jenkins held
a variety of field  engineering and training  positions with Welex-A Halliburton
Company,  in the South and  Southwest.  From 1980 until March 1989,  Mr. Jenkins
worked with Triad Oil & Gas,  Inc.,  as a  consultant,  providing  services to a
number of oil and gas  companies.  During that time, Mr. Jenkins was involved in
the  organization  of a number  of  drilling  and oil field  service  companies,
including   a   predecessor   of  the   Company,   of   which   he   served   as
Secretary/Treasurer until 1988. Mr. Jenkins has over twenty years' experience in
the oil field service business. Mr. Jenkins is Mr. Thornton's brother-in-law.

         John A.  McNiff,  Sr., a Director and  Secretary  of the Company  since
1991, has served as President and Chief Executive Officer,  and is a Director of
Pangaea  Investment  Consultants,  Ltd.,  a  Bermuda-based  company  engaged  in
providing financial  consulting services and raising capital for emerging United
States,  Canadian


and Mexican  companies,  since its  inception  in 1990.  From 1981 to 1989,  Mr.
McNiff was  chairman  and chief  executive  officer of  Wycombe,  Ltd.,  and its
subsidiaries,  a  broker/dealer  firm, a syndicator and general partner of cable
television  investments  and a  syndicator  and  general  partner of oil and gas
investments.  From 1970 to 1980, Mr. McNiff was a senior partner of the New York
City law firm of Wagner,  McNiff and Dimaio and  therefter  "of  counsel" to the

         Michael Brod was elected a Director of the Company in January 1997. Mr.
Brod is a  former  Allied  member  of the New York  Stock  Exchange  and  former
President of a member firm. He was employed in the corporate finance  department
of  Dickinson  &  Company,  Inc.  from  November  1995 to  February  1997 and is
currently  engaged as a financial  consultant  to  Swartwood & Co., a registered

         John L.  Thompson is a director  and  President  of St.  James  Capital
Corp.,  a  Houston-based  merchant  banking firm.  St. James Capital Corp.  also
serves as the General Partner of St. James Capital  Partners L.P., an investment
limited  partnership  specializing  in  merchant  banking  related  investments.
Additionally,  he is  Chairman  of the  Board  of  Herlin  Industries,  Inc.,  a
publicly-held  holding  company  engaged in energy services and is a Director of
Industrial Holldings,  Inc., a publicly-held  company.  Prior to co-founding St.
James, Mr. Thompson served as a Managing Director of Corporate Finance at Harris
Webb & Garrison,  a regional investment banking firm with a focus on mergers and
acquisitions,  financial restructuring and private placements of debt and equity
issues.  Mr.  Thompson has been nominated for election to the Company's Board of
Directors  pursuant to the terms of a Purchase and Sale Agreement  dated June 5,
1997  between the Company and St.  James  Capital  Partners,  L.P.  See "Certain
Transactions" for a description of the transaction.

Executive Officers

         The current executive officers of the Company are the following:

         Name                              Position

         William L. Jenkins                President and Chief Operating Officer
         Danny Ray Thornton                Vice-President/Operations
         Allen Neel                        Vice-President


         Mr. Jenkins' employment background is described above.

         Danny Ray  Thornton  is a  Vice-President  of the  Company and has been
employed by the Company since March 1989.  From 1982 to March 1989, Mr. Thornton
was the president and a principal stockholder of Black Warrior Mississippi,  the
Company's operational predecessor.  Mr. Thornton has been engaged in the oil and
gas services  industry in various  capacities  since 1978. His principal  duties
with the Company  include  supervising  and  consulting on wireline and workover
operations. Mr. Thornton is Mr. Jenkins' brother-in-law,

         Allen Neel, is a Vice-President of the Company and has been employed by
the Company  since  August  1990.  In 1981,  Mr. Neel  received his BS Degree in
Petroleum  Engineering  from the  University of Alabama.  From 1981 to 1987, Mr.
Neel worked in  engineering  and sales for  Halliburton  Services.  From 1987 to
1989,  he worked as a District  Manager  for Graves Well  Drilling  Co. When the
Company  acquired the assets of Graves in 1990, Mr. Neel assumed a position with
the Company.


Executive Compensation - General

         The  following  table  sets forth  compensation  paid or awarded to the
Chief Executive  Officer of the Company for all services rendered to the Company
in each of the  years  1996,  1995  and  1994.  No  executive  officer  received
compensation exceeding $100,000 in any of those years.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                       Annual Compensation                  Long-Term Compensation
                           --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
        Name and                                             Annual       Securities      Long-Term       All Other
   Principal Position          Year           Salary        Incentive     Underlying      Incentive         Comp.
                                                              Award         Options        Payouts
- -------------------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- --------------

William L. Jenkins,            1996          $95,000           -0-          100,000          -0-         $1,216 (1)
   President                   1995          $63,000           -0-            -0-            -0-             -0-
                               1994          $64,592           -0-            -0-            -0-             -0-

- ----------
(1)  Includes the premiums paid by the Company on a $1,000,000  insurance policy
     on the life of Mr. Jenkins which names his wife as beneficiary and owner of
     the policy.

Option Grants In Year Ended December 31, 1996

         The  following   table  provides   information   with  respect  to  the
above-named  executive  officer  regarding options granted to such person during
the Company's year ended December 31, 1996.

                                                                                 Individual Grants
                    Number of Securities  % of Total Options/
                      Underlying SARs/      SARs Granted to       Exercise or
                    Options Granted (#)       Employees in         Base Price                      Market Price on
       Name                                   Fiscal Year          ($/share)      Expiration Date   Date of Grant
- ------------------- --------------------- --------------------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------

William Jenkins           100,000                 100%               $2.00        Sept. 13, 2006        $2.00


Stock Option Holdings

         The  following  table  provides  information  with respect to the named
executive  officer regarding options held at December 31, 1996 (such officer did
not exercise any option during the most recent fiscal year).

                                   Aggregate Option Exercises in 1996 and Option Values at December 31, 1996
                                Number of Unexercised Options at              Value of Unexercised In-The-Money
                                        December 31, 1996                      Options at December 31, 1996 (1)
                          ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
          Name                 Exercisable           Unexercisable            Exercisable          Unexercdisable
- ------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

William L. Jenkins             100,000 (2)                -0-                  $100,000                  -0-

- ----------
(1)  Based on the  average  bid and  asked  prices on  February  28,  1997.
(2)  Exercisable at $2.00 per share.

         No options were  granted,  exercised  or value  realized in 1996 by the
named executive officer.

                              Employment Agreements

         The Company has entered into an Employment  Agreement,  dated September
18, 1996,  with William L. Jenkins,  to serve as its President,  Chief Executive
Officer  and  a  Director  of  the  Company.  The  Employment  Agreement,  which
terminates  on  September  30,  1999,  provides  for an  annual  base  salary of
$110,000,  adjusted  annually  for  inflation.  Pursuant to the  agreement,  Mr.
Jenkins  was  granted  a  ten-year  option  to  purchase  100,000  shares of the
Company's  common stock at an exercise price of $2.00 per share, the fair market
value of the stock on September  13, 1996,  the date the option was granted.  In
addition,  provided  the  Company's  operating  results  equal or exceed  85% of
certain benchmark operating results agreed to by the Company and Mr. Jenkins, he
will be granted as of the last day of the  fiscal  year to which such  benchmark
operating  results  relate a ten-year  option to purchase an  additional  50,000
shares of Common Stock for each year of the agreement exercisable at the closing
bid price for the Company's  Common Stock on the last business day of such year.
With certain  exceptions,  the agreement  restricts Mr. Jenkins from engaging in
activities in  competition  with the Company  during the term of his  employment
and, in the event Mr. Jenkins  terminates the agreement prior to its termination
date,  for a period of 18


months  thereafter  and also in the  event he  terminates  the  agreement,  from
soliciting  for employment any employee of the Company for a period of two years
after termination.

         The Company has entered into two-year employment agreements terminating
on  January  31,  1998  with  each  of  Danny  Ray   Thornton  and  Allen  Neel,
Vice-Presidents of the Company, pursuant to which they receive base compensation
of $75,000 per year. On each anniversary date of the agreements, the Company and
the employee agree to  renegotiate  the base salary taking into account the rate
of inflation,  overall  profitability and the cash position of the Company,  the
performance and profitability of the areas for which the employee is responsible
and other factors.  The agreements contain restrictions on such persons engaging
in  activities  in  competition  with  the  Company  during  the  term of  their
employment and for a period of two years thereafter. In addition, the agreements
provide for the grant to such employees of options to purchase  10,000 shares of
the Company's Common Stock on each of the first three  anniversary  dates of the
agreements,  provided  such  persons  continue to be  employed  by the  Company,
exercisable  at a price equal to 50% of the mean  between the highest and lowest
price  which the  shares  traded  during the three  months  prior to the date of

Certain Transactions

         The  Company  executed  Reorganization  Agreements  with the holders of
certain debentures of the Company on November 30, 1995 (the "1995 Reorganization
Agreements"),  including  Pangaea  Investment  Consultants,  Ltd.,  Morgan Devin
Everett & Co. Ltd.,  International  Trust  Company of Bermuda Ltd. and Mansfield
Soderberg & Co. Ltd. (the "Shareholder  Group"),  principal  stockholders of the
Company,  pursuant to which such persons agreed to exchange the debentures  held
by them for shares of the Company's Common Stock In accordance with the terms of
the agreements,  through  December 31, 1995, the Shareholder  Group exchanged an
aggregate of $656,250 principal amount of debentures for an aggregate of 299,586
shares of Common  Stock.  Morgan Devin Everett & Co. Ltd.,  International  Trust
Company of Bermuda Ltd. and Mansfield  Soderberg & Co. Ltd. continued to hold at
December 31, 1995 an aggregate of $393,750  principal amount of debentures which
were to be exchanged in the aggregate for an additional 225,414 shares of Common
Stock and two new classes of Common  Stock  Purchase  Warrants.  Pursuant to the
1995  Reorganization  Agreements,  the first  series of  warrants  (the "Class A
Warrants")  were to be  exercisable  at $3.00 per share for a period of four (4)
years and the second  series of  warrants  (the "Class B  Warrants")  were to be
exercisable at prices  increasing in annual  increments over the


first three (3) years after issuance from $3.00 per share to $5.00 per share and
were to expire five (5) years after issuance. On September 20, 1996, the Company
and the  Shareholder  Group, as well as certain other  debtholders,  amended the
terms of the 1995  Reorganization  Agreements to provide for the exchange of the
$393,750 of debentures three members of the Shareholder  Group continued to hold
for an  aggregate  of 225,414  shares of Common  Stock and also so as to provide
that in lieu of the issuance of the Class A warrants to the  Shareholder  Group,
an aggregate of 52,500 shares of Common Stock would be issued to the Shareholder
Group and the exercise  price of the Class B warrants  would be reduced to $2.00
per share throughout the five-year term of such warrants.

         In addition, pursuant to the 1995 Reorganization Agreements, two of the
Company's  current  executive  officers  and a  third  person  who is  currently
employed by the Company (herein such persons are collectively referred to as the
"Employee  Group")  agreed to convert  secured loans to the Company  aggregating
$297,131 into shares of the Company's  Common Stock on the basis of one share of
Common  Stock for each $2 of  indebtedness  exchanged  and sell their  shares in
accordance  with the terms of the  agreement.  The Employee Group (listed below)
exchanged  the  following  amounts of  indebtedness  for the number of shares of
Common Stock set forth:

                                   Amount of                    Number of Shares
Name                              Indebtedness                  of Common Stock
- ----                              ------------                  ----------------
Danny Ray Thornton                $127,342                      63,671

Allen Neel                        $  42,447                     21,223

Reese James                       $127,342                      63,671

         The 1995  Reorganization  Agreements  contained  the  agreement  of the
members of the Employee Group to sell the shares they received  through Monetary
Advancement  International,  Inc. ("MAII") at a price of $2 per share during the
twelve months following the closing under the 1995 Reorganization Agreements. In
addition,  the  Employee  Group  and the  Company  entered  into a  supplemental
agreement  pursuant to which,  among other things,  the Company  guaranteed that
MAII or another purchaser would purchase the shares issued to them at a price of
$2 per share during the twelve  months  following  the  closing.  It was further
agreed in the  supplemental


agreement that if the shares were not purchased within such twelve month period,
the Employee Group would suffer damages which were  stipulated to be $.71942 per
share with maximum  liquidated damages of $100,000.  The Company  collateralized
its guarantee  with a pledge of all its accounts  receivable  with the Company's
liability limited to the first $100,000 of receivables collected.  Subsequently,
the Employee Group delivered  certificates  and stock powers for an aggregate of
148,565  shares  to MAII to be sold in  accordance  with  the  terms of the 1995
Reorganization  Agreements and the  supplemental  agreement.  The Employee Group
received payment from MAII for an aggregate of 26,234 shares and an aggregate of
122,331  shares  were  transferred  by MAII  into  its  name  (and  subsequently
transferred into a street name) without paying for such shares. MAII has refused
to either return or pay for such shares.

         The Employee  Group has advised the Company that but for the  Company's
guarantee and the understanding  that MAII would purchase all their shares at $2
per  share  within  twelve  months  of the  closing  of the 1995  Reorganization
Agreements they would not have agreed to convert their secured indebtedness into
shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock and that  therefore  the Company  should
reimburse  them for the entire amount of their loss or an aggregate of $244,662.
The Company believes that the Employee Group has meritorious claims against MAII
to  recover  either  the shares  not paid for or their  value.  Inasmuch  as the
Employee Group, or the Company on their behalf,  intends to pursue those claims,
the Company has accrued no liability  to the  Employee  Group for any portion of
the claim on its financial statements for the year ended December 31, 1996.

         In October 1994, the Company  entered into an agreement with William L.
Jenkins, President of the Company, to lease 6,500 square feet of office space in
a building  owned by him. The Company  leased  these  premises  from  Mr.Jenkins
through  October 1996 when he sold the building to a  non-affiliated  person who
continues  to lease the space to the  Company at the same  rental.  See "Item 2.
Properties."  Before  its  termination,  the lease with Mr.  Jenkins  called for
monthly  rental  payments of $1,900.  During  1996,  the Company paid rentals of
$19,000 to Mr.  Jenkins  pursuant  to the  lease.  See Notes 4 and 7 of Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

         In March 1995, the Company received a letter from the District Director
of the Internal  Revenue  Service (the "IRS") in which he formally  notified the
Company that the IRS had  preliminarily  calculated  deficiencies of $35,057 and
$541,727 in federal taxes for the years ended December 31, 1989 and December 31,
1990,  respectively.  The adjustments proposed by the IRS included the valuation
of bonus stock compensation


to William L. Jenkins, President of the Company, as well as certain other items.
The Company  agreed to pay whatever  personal tax liability was determined to be
owing by Mr.  Jenkins  related to the bonus stock  resulting from an unfavorable
resolution of the IRS' proposed  adjustment.  In June 1996, the Company  settled
this matter with the IRS on terms  which,  among  other  things,  resulted in an
additional  tax  liability  to Mr.  Jenkins in the amount of $98,524  for taxes,
penalties and interest  related to the bonus stock.  The Company  reimbursed Mr.
Jenkins for this sum on January 23, 1997 and has agreed to further reimburse Mr.
Jenkins for the tax  liability  resulting  from this payment and any further tax
reimbursement payments made to Mr. Jenkins in future years.

         During the year ended  December 31,  1996,  the Company  issued  12,000
shares of Common  Stock,  valued at $15,000 to Pangaea  Investment  Consultants,
Ltd. in reimbursement of expenses.

         Pursuant to an Agreement  for Purchase and Sale dated June 6, 1997 (the
"Agreement")  between the Company and St. James  Capital  Partners,  L.P.  ("St.
James"),  the Company  agreed to issue and sell and St. James agreed to purchase
the  Company's  promissory  notes  aggregating   $5,000,000.   Of  such  amount,
$2,000,000 is represented by the Company's 9%  Convertible  Promissory  Note due
June 6, 2002,  and  $3,000,000 is  represented  by the Company's 10% Bridge Loan
Note due September 4, 1997, subject to extension of the maturity date to October
4, 1997. The $2,000,000 note is convertible  into shares of the Company's Common
Stock at an initial  conversion  price of $2.75 per share,  increasing  one year
after  issuance  to $3.25 per  share  and  further  increasing  two years  after
issuance to $3.75 per share,  subject to  anti-dilution  adjustment  for certain
issuances of  securities by the Company at prices per share of Common Stock less
than the conversion  price then in effect.  Payment of principal and interest on
both of the  notes is  collateralized  by  substantially  all the  assets of the
Company.  The Company is seeking to refinance  the bridge note with the proceeds
of a senior  secured loan not yet obtained.  St. James has agreed to subordinate
the indebtedness  owing to it to up to $4,000,000 of indebtedness of the Company
to a senior lender out of which,  if borrowed  prior to its maturity  date,  the
Bridge Note must be paid, and up to $2,000,000 of working capital financing. St.
James was also issued  warrants to purchase an  aggregate  of 666,000  shares of
Common Stock at an initial  exercise  price of $2.75 per share,  increasing  one
year after  issuance to $3.25 per share and further  increasing  two years after
issuance to $3.75 per share,  subject to  anti-dilution  adjustment  for certain
issuances of  securities by the Company at prices per share of Common Stock less
than the exercise  price then in effect.  The maturity of the Bridge Note can be
extended to October 4, 1997 upon issuance of warrants  containing the same terms
to purchase an additional  20,000 shares of Common Stock. The shares issuable on
conversion of the note and exercise


of the  warrants  have  demand  and  piggy-back  registration  rights  under the
Securities  Act of 1933.  The Company  agreed that one person  designated by St.
James would be nominated for election to the Company's  Board of Directors.  Mr.
Thompson,  a  nominee  for  election  as a  Director  at the  Meeting,  has been
designated by St. James as its nominee pursuant to the Agreement.  The Agreement
grants St. James certain  preferential rights to provide future financing to the
Company,  subject to certain  exceptions.  The notes contain various affirmative
and   negative   covenants,   including  a   prohibition   against  the  Company
consolidating,  merging or entering into a share  exchange with another  person,
with certain  exceptions,  without the consent of St.  James.  Events of default
under the notes  include,  among other events,  a default under either St. James
note; a breach of the Company's covenants,  representations and warranties under
the  Agreement;  subject to certain  exceptions,  any person or group of persons
acquiring  40% or more of the voting power of the Company's  outstanding  shares
who was not the owner  thereof as of June 6, 1997;  a merger of the Company with
another person, its dissolution or liquidation or a sale of all or substantially
all its assets;  and  certain  events of  bankruptcy.  In the event of a default
under either note, St. James could seek to foreclose  against the collateral for
the notes.

         Of the $5,000,000  proceeds from the sale of the notes,  $2,000,000 was
advanced  concurrently  with the  acquisition by the Company of Production  Well
Services, Inc. on June 6, 1997 and $3,000,000 was advanced concurrently with the
acquisition of Petro-Log,  Incorporated  on June 9, 1997. Both of such companies
are engaged in the wireline  and oil and gas service  business  with  Production
Well  Services,   Inc.  serving  the  south   Mississippi  area  and  Petro-Log,
Incorporated  providing  services  in  Wyoming,  Montana  and South  Dakota.  In
addition to providing  the funds to complete  these  acquisitions,  the proceeds
will be used to purchase and improve  equipment,  including the purchase of four
additional wireline trucks, and for working capital.


         On May 5, 1997, the Company's  Board of Directors  adopted,  subject to
stockholder  approval,  the 1997 Omnibus  Incentive  Plan (the "Omnibus  Plan").
Stockholders  are being  asked to approve  the Omnibus  Plan at the  Meeting.  A
general description of the Omnibus Plan is set forth below.



         General Description.  The Omnibus Plan provides for compensatory awards
(each an  "Award")  representing  or  corresponding  to up to 600,000  shares of
Common  Stock of the  Company.  Awards may be granted for no  consideration  and
consist of stock options,  stock awards,  stock  appreciation  rights  ("SARs"),
dividend  equivalents,  other  stock-based  awards  (such as phantom  stock) and
performance  awards consisting of any combination of the foregoing.  The Omnibus
Plan is designed to provide an incentive  to the officers and certain  other key
employees of the Company by making available to them an opportunity to acquire a
proprietary  interest or to increase their proprietary  interest in the Company.
Any  Award  issued  under  the  Omnibus  Plan  which is  forfeited,  expires  or
terminates  prior to vesting or exercise will again be available for Award under
the Omnibus Plan.

         The  Directors  or a  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors
administers  the Omnibus Plan.  The  Directors  or, if  appointed,  Compensation
Committee  has the full power and  authority,  subject to the  provisions of the
Omnibus Plan, to designate participants, grant Awards and determine the terms of
all Awards. The Directors or, if appointed, Compensation Committee has the right
to make  adjustments  with respect to Awards  granted  under the Omnibus Plan in
order  to  prevent  dilution  of  the  rights  of  any  holder.  Members  of the
Compensation Committee,  if appointed,  are not eligible to receive Awards under
the Omnibus Plan.

         Stock Awards.  The Directors or, if appointed,  Compensation  Committee
has the right to grant  Awards of shares of Common  Stock  which are  subject to
such restrictions  (including restrictions on transferability and limitations on
the right to vote or receive  dividends with respect to the  restricted  shares)
and such terms regarding the lapse of  restrictions  as are deemed  appropriate.
Generally,  upon termination of employment for any reason during the restriction
period, restricted shares shall be forfeited to the Company.

         SARs. An Award may consist of SARs.  Upon  exercising a SAR, the holder
will be paid by the  Company an amount in cash equal to the  difference  between
the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock on the date of exercise, and
the fair market  value of the shares of Common Stock on the date of the grant of
the SAR, less applicable withholding of Federal and State taxes. In no event may
(i) an aggregate payment by the Company during any fiscal year upon the exercise
of SARs exceed $250,000  without board approval,  or (ii) a holder of a SAR, who
is also an employee of the Company,  exercise an SAR if the aggregate  amount to
be received as a result of his or her exercise of SARs in the  preceding  twelve
month period exceeds such employee's current base salary.


         Options Issued Under Omnibus Plan.  The terms of specific  options will
be  determined  by the  Directors  or,  if  appointed,  Compensation  Committee.
Generally,  options  will be granted at an exercise  price equal to the lower of
(i) 100% of fair market value of the shares of Common Stock on the date of grant
or (ii) 85% of the fair market  value of the shares of Common  Stock on the date
of  exercise.  Each  option  will be  exercisable  after the  period or  periods
specified in the option agreement, which will generally not exceed 10 years from
the date of grant.  Options may be issued in tandem with SARs ("Tandem Options")
as a performance award.

         Shares of Common  Stock  received  upon  exercise  of  options  are not
transferable  for a period of six months  following  exercise (other than in the
case of death).  In the event the employment of an optionee is terminated during
such period (other than in the case of death or  disability),  the Company shall
have the right to repurchase shares during such six month period in exchange for
the payment of an amount  equal to the exercise  price.  Upon the exercise of an
option,  the option holder shall pay to the Company the exercise  price plus the
amount  of the  required  Federal  and  State  withholding  taxes,  if any.  The
unexercised  portion of any option granted under the Omnibus Plan will generally
be  terminated  (a)  thirty  (30) days  after  the date on which the  optionee's
employment is terminated  for any reason other than (i) Cause (as defined in the
Omnibus  Plan),  (ii)  mental  or  physical  disability,  or  (iii)  death;  (b)
immediately  upon the  termination of the optionee's  employment for Cause;  (c)
three months after the date on which the optionee's  employment is terminated by
reason of retirement or mental or physical disability; or (d)(i) 12 months after
the date on which the optionee's employment is terminated by reason of the death
of the employee, or (ii) three months after the date on which the optionee shall
die if such death  shall  occur  during the  three-month  period  following  the
termination  of the  optionee's  employment by reason of retirement or mental or
physical disability.

         Performance  Awards  Consisting  of Options  and SARs  Issued in Tandem
Under  Omnibus  Plan.  Upon  exercise of a Tandem  Option,  the optionee will be
entitled to a credit  toward the  exercise  price equal to the value of the SARs
issued in tandem with the option exercised,  but not to exceed the amount of the
Federal  income tax deduction  allowed to the Company in respect of such SAR and
not in an amount which would reduce the amount of payment by the optionee  below
the par value of the shares being  purchased.  Upon exercise of a Tandem Option,
the related SAR shall terminate, the value being limited to the credit which can
be applied  only toward the  purchase  price of shares of Common  Stock.  In all
cases, full payment of the net purchase price of the shares must be made in cash
or its equivalent at the time the Tandem Option is exercised,  together with the
amount of the required Federal and State  withholding


taxes,  if any. When a SAR issued as part of a Tandem  Option is exercised,  the
option to which it  relates  will cease to be  exercisable  to the extent of the
number of shares with respect to which the SAR was exercised, and that number of
shares will  thereafter  be available for issuance as an Award under the Omnibus

         Other  Performance  Awards Issued Under the Omnibus  Plan.  The Omnibus
Plan authorizes the Directors or, if appointed, Compensation Committee to grant,
to the extent  permitted  under Rule 16b-3  promulgated  by the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and applicable
law, other Awards that are denominated or payable in, valued by reference to, or
otherwise  based on or  related  to  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the  Company.
Furthermore,  the amount or terms of an Award may be related to the  performance
of the  Company or to such other  criteria  or  measure  of  performance  as the
Directors or, if appointed, Compensation Committee may determine.

         As of May 5, 1997,  subject to shareholder  approval of the adoption of
the Omnibus Plan,  options to purchase an aggregate of 263,750  shares of Common
Stock at an  exercise  price of $2.62  per share had been  granted  to  fourteen
employees  under the Omnibus  Plan.  Included  among such options are options to
purchase  45,000  shares  granted to each of Danny Ray  Thornton and Allen Neel,
both of whom are  executive  officers of the  Company.  The  options  granted to
Messrs. Thornton and Neel are exercisable immediately as to 15,000 shares and as
to an additional  10,000 shares on each April 1 thereafter  commencing  April 1,


         On May 5, 1997, the Company's  Board of Directors  adopted,  subject to
stockholder approval, the 1997 Non-Employee Stock Option Plan (the "Non-Employee
Plan").  Stockholders  are being asked to approve the  Non-Employee  Plan at the
Meeting. A general description of the Non-Employee Plan is set forth below.



         General  Description.  The Non-Employee  Plan provides a means by which
non-employee  directors  of the  Company and  consultants  to the Company can be
given an  opportunity  to purchase  stock in the  Company,  thus  assisting  the
Company to retain the services of  non-employee  directors and  consultants,  to
secure and retain the services of persons  capable of serving in such  positions
and to provide  incentives  for such  persons to exert  maximum  efforts for the
success of the Company.  The stock options granted under the  Non-Employee  Plan
will not be eligible for the tax treatment  accorded  "incentive  stock options"
under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

         The Plan  provides  that a total of  100,000  shares  of the  Company's
Common Stock may be issued  pursuant to options  granted under the  Non-Employee
Plan, subject to certain  adjustments  described below. If options granted under
the Non-Employee  Plan expire or otherwise  terminate without being exercised in
full, the stock not purchased  pursuant to such options again becomes  available
for issuance  pursuant to exercises of options  granted  under the  Non-Employee

         Eligibility  for Grant of  Options.  Options  may be granted  under the
Non-Employee Plan only to non-employee  directors of the Company and consultants
to the Company.

         Grants.  No options  have been  granted  through  May 5, 1997 under the
Non-Employee Plan.

         Terms of Options.  The exercise price for each option granted under the
Non-Employee  Plan will be not less  than the fair  market  value of the  Common
Stock  underlying  the option on the date of grant.  The purchase price of stock
acquired  pursuant to options granted under the  Non-Employee  Plan must be paid
either:  (i) in cash,  (ii) by delivery to the Company of other  Common Stock of
the Company  that has been held for the  requisite  period  necessary to avoid a
charge to the Company's reported earnings and valued at the fair market value on
the date of exercise or (iii) by a combination of such methods of payment.

         Each option granted under the Non-Employee Plan will become exercisable
upon the date of grant,  provided  that as of each  vesting  date and during the
exercise period the option holder remains a director,  employee or consultant to
the Company.  The term of each option granted under the Non-Employee  Plan is 10
years after the date of grant.


         Options  granted  under the  Non-Employee  Plan may not be  transferred
except by will or by the laws of descent and distribution,  and may be exercised
during the  lifetime  of the  person to whom the option is granted  only by such

         Adjustment Provision.  The Non-Employee Plan provides that, if there is
any change in the stock  subject  to the Plan or  subject to any option  granted
under the  Non-Employee  Plan (through  merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,
recapitalization,  stock dividend,  dividend in property other than cash,  stock
split,  liquidating dividend,  combination of shares, exchange of shares, change
in corporate  structure,  or otherwise),  then the Non-Employee Plan and options
outstanding  thereunder will be  appropriately  adjusted as to the class(es) and
the  maximum  number  of  shares  subject  to the  Non-Employee  Plan,  and  the
class(es),  number of  shares  and  price  per  share of stock  subject  to such
outstanding options.

         Effects of Certain  Corporate  Events.  The Non-Employee  Plan provides
that, in the event of a dissolution  or  liquidation  of the Company,  specified
type of merger or other corporate reorganization,  any outstanding options under
the Non-Employee Plan will terminate unless the Board of Directors determines in
its sole discretion  that: (i) another  corporation  will assume such options or
substitute similar options therefor;  or (ii) such options will continue in full
force and effect.

         Administration.  The Non-Employee  Plan is administered by the Board of
Directors of the Company.  The Board has the power to construe and interpret the
Non-Employee  Plan.  The Board of Directors may delegate  administration  of the
Non-Employee Plan to a committee composed of not fewer than three members of the
Board.  The Board may abolish any such  committee at any time and re-vest in the
Board the administration of the Non-Employee Plan.

         Duration, Amendment and Termination. The Board may suspend or terminate
the Non-Employee Plan without  stockholder  approval or ratification at any time
or from time to time.  Unless  sooner  terminated,  the  Non-Employee  Plan will
terminate in April 2007.

         The Board may also amend the Non-Employee Plan at any time or from time
to  time.  However,  no  amendment  will be  effective  unless  approved  by the
stockholders of the Company within twelve months before or after its adoption by
the Board if the amendment would: (i) increase the number of shares reserved for
issuance  under the  Non-Employee  Plan; or (ii) modify the  requirements  as to
eligibility for participation in the Non-Employee  Plan, to the extent that such
modification requires stockholder


approval under Rule 16b-3;  or (iii) modify the  Non-Employee  Plan in any other
way to the extent that such  modification  requires  stockholder  approval under
Rule 16b-3.

         Federal  Income Tax  Information.  Options  granted  under the Plan are
"non-statutory stock options" for federal income tax purposes.  There are no tax
consequences  to the  optionee  or the  Company  by  reason  of the  grant  of a
non-statutory  stock option.  Upon exercise of a non-statutory stock option, the
optionee  normally will recognize taxable ordinary income equal to the excess of
the stock's fair market value on the date of exercise  over the option  exercise
price.  Subject to the requirement of reasonableness and the satisfaction of any
withholding  obligation,  the Company  will be  entitled  to a business  expense
deduction equal to the taxable  ordinary  income realized by the optionee.  Upon
disposition  of the stock,  the optionee  will  recognize a capital gain or loss
equal to the difference between the selling price and the sum of the amount paid
for such stock plus any amount  recognized  as ordinary  income upon exercise of
the option.  Such gain or loss will be long or short term  depending  on whether
the stock was held for more than one year.

         As a result of the promulgation of regulations in 1991 under Section 16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and under Section 83 of the
Code,  shares acquired upon the exercise of a  non-statutory  stock option by an
optionee  subject  to  Section  16(b)  will be deemed to be subject to a risk of
forfeiture  only if the  option is  exercised  within  six months of the date of
grant of the option.  Generally,  if shares are subject to a substantial risk of
forfeiture,  the date on which  ordinary  income is measured and  recognized  is
delayed until the risk of forfeiture lapses, unless, within 30 days of exercise,
the optionee elects otherwise.  Because options granted under the Plan generally
can be  exercised  earlier  than six  months  after  the date of  grant,  shares
acquired  under  the  Plan  could  be  treated  as  being  subject  to a risk of
forfeiture. Although it is unclear, it appears that the Internal Revenue Service
takes the position that shares acquired more than six months after the option is
granted  are not treated as subject to a risk of  forfeiture  even if the shares
cannot be sold immediately, due to a prior "purchase" under Section 16(b).

         The foregoing  discussion is not intended to be a complete  description
of the  federal  income  tax  aspects  of  options  granted  under the Plan.  In
addition, the administrative and judicial  interpretations of the application of
the federal income tax laws are subject to change.  Furthermore,  no information
is given with respect to state or local taxes that may be applicable.



         The Board of Directors of the Company has  recommended  an amendment to
the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Company to  decrease  the number of
authorized  shares of Common Stock,  $.0005 par value, from 50,000,000 shares to
12,500,000 shares. The proposed form of the Certificate of Amendment  respecting
the amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation to reduce the number of shares
of Common Stock authorized is attached hereto as Exhibit A.


         The  amendment  has received the  unanimous  approval of the  Company's
Board of  Directors  and shall be adopted by  shareholders  upon  receiving  the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding stock entitled to vote thereon
at the Meeting.

         The  Company is  currently  authorized  to issue  50,000,000  shares of
common  stock,  of which  2,185,216  shares  were  outstanding  at the  close of
business  on May 28, 1997 and an  additional  approximately  303,750  shares are
currently  reserved for issuance on exercise of outstanding  warrants,  options,
convertible  securities and other  contractual  rights,  an aggregate of 700,000
shares are reserved for issuance  under the terms of the 1997 Omnibus  Incentive
Plan and the 1997  Omnibus  Non-Employee  Plan,  and an  aggregate  of 1,393,272
shares are  reserved for  issuance to St.  James on  conversion  of the note and
exercise of the warrants held by St. James.

Reasons for the Proposed Decrease in Authorized Shares.

         The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a  decrease  in  the  number  of
authorized  shares of the Company's  Common Stock from 50,000,000 to 12,500,000.
The Board of Directors  believes that it is in the best interests of the Company
and its stockholders to decrease the number of authorized shares of Common Stock
available for  issuance,  in the  discretion  of the Board,  so as to reduce the
franchise  tax payable to the State of Delaware  with  respect to the  Company's
authorized  capitalization.  For the year ended  December 31, 1996,  the Company
paid a franchise tax of $24,400 to the State of Delaware. After amendment of the
Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation  to reduce the  authorized  shares such
franchise  tax will be  reduced  to  approximately  $15,300  for the year  ended
December 31, 1997 and approximately $6,200 for the year ended December 31, 1998.


         The reduction in the authorized  shares of Common Stock will not reduce
or otherwise  affect the Company's  presently  outstanding  shares or the shares
reserved for issuance on exercise of outstanding warrants, options,  convertible
securities or other contracted rights.

         The Company does not at present have under  consideration  any plans or
proposals  to issue  any  additional  shares  of  Common  Stock,  except  for an
aggregate of 700,000 shares  reserved under the 1997 Omnibus  Incentive Plan and
the 1997 Omnibus  Non-Employee  Plan.  Management  of the Company  believes that
having  12,500,000  shares of Common Stock authorized should be adequate to meet
the Company's needs to raise additional capital in the foreseeable future.

         Adoption of the Proposal  requires the affirmative  vote of the holders
of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.


         The Board of Directors of the Company has unanimously  recommended that
the stockholders  adopt an amendment to Article Fourth of the Company's Restated
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  authorize  the  Company  to  issue  up to an
aggregate of 2,500,000 shares of Preferred  Stock,  $.01 par value per share. At
present,  the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation does not authorize
the issuance of any shares of Preferred Stock.  Article Fourth as proposed to be
amended by Proposal 5 is attached hereto as Exhibit B.


         Under the amendment to the Restated  Certificate of Incorporation,  the
Board of Directors of the Company will have the authority, by resolution adopted
by the Board, to issue shares of Preferred Stock, in one or more series, without
further  approval of the  stockholders,  and to  establish  the rights and terms
relating to dividends,  conversion,  voting, redemption liquidation preferences,
sinking funds and any other rights,  preferences,  privileges  and  restrictions
applicable  to each such series of  Preferred  Stock.  The issuance of Preferred
Stock,  while  providing  flexibility  in connection  with


possible  financings,  acquisitions and other corporate  purposes,  could, among
other things,  adversely  affect the voting power of the holders of Common Stock
and, under certain circumstances,  be used as a means of discouraging,  delaying
or  preventing a change in control of the Company.  The Company has no shares of
Preferred Stock outstanding and has no present plans to issue any shares.

         The Board of Directors believes that the authorization of the Preferred
Stock is in the best  interests of the Company since it will provide the Company
with greater  flexibility to issue Preferred Stock in connection with financings
and for  other  corporate  purposes,  including  issuances  in  connection  with
possible  acquisitions.  The Company routinely  reviews corporate  opportunities
that would  involve the  possible  issuance  of  Preferred  Stock.  The Board of
Directors  believes that the  authorization  of the Preferred Stock will improve
the ability of the Company to take advantage of these  opportunities as they may
arise from time to time.

         If the  Proposal  is adopted  by the  Company's  stockholders,  it will
become  effective on the date that a certificate of amendment to the Certificate
of  Incorporation is filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware,
the Company's jurisdiction of incorporation.  It is anticipated that such filing
will occur on or about July 23, 1997.

         Adoption of the Proposal  requires the affirmative  vote of the holders
of a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock.



         Set forth below is information concerning the Common Stock ownership of
all persons known by the Company to own beneficially 5% or more of the Company's
Common  Stock,  and the Common Stock  ownership of each Director of the Company,
each  nominee as a Director and all  Directors  and officers of the Company as a
group, as of June 16, 1997.

                                       Number of Shares        Percentage of
      Name and Address (1)(2)               Owned          Outstanding Shares(3)
- ------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

William L. Jenkins                          210,000                    9.6%

John A. McNiff, Sr.                        98,940 (4)                  8.9%
Pangaea Investment Consultants, Ltd.
48 Par-la-ville Road - Suite 213
Hamilton, HM11, Bermuda

Michael Brod                                  -0-                      ---
180 East 88th Street - #8
New York, New York  10128

John L. Thompson                            -0- (8)                    ---
c/o St. James Capital Partners, L.P.
1980 Post Oak Boulevard - Suite 2030
Houston, Texas  77056

Pangaea Investment Consultants, Ltd.      198,940 (6)                  8.9%
48 Par-la-ville Road - Suite 213
Hamilton, HM11, Bermuda

Morgan Devin Everett & Co. Ltd.           179,250 (6)                  8.1%
c/o International Trust Company of
   Bermuda Ltd.
Bermuda Commercial Bank Building
44 Church Street
Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

International Trust Company of            167,812 (6)                  8.4%
   Bermuda Ltd.
Bermuda Commercial Bank Building
44 Church Street
Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

Mansfield Soderberg & Co., Ltd.           127,638 (6)                  7.5%
Bermuda Commercial Bank Building
44 Church Street
Hamilton, HM12, Bermuda

Danny Ray Thornton                            666                       *

Allen Neel                                    -0-                      -0-


                                        Number of Shares       Percentage of
         Name and Address (1)(2)             Owned         Outstanding Shares(3)
- ----------------------------------- -------------------- -----------------------

St. James Capital Partners, L.P.          1,393,272 (4)              38.9%
1980 Post Oak Boulevard - Suite 2030
Houston, Texas  77056

All Directors and Officers as a Group     409,609 (4)(5)             18.4%
   (5 persons including the above)

- ----------
* Less than 1%.

(1)  This tabular information is intended to conform with Rule 13d-3 promulgated
     under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 relating to the determination of
     beneficial ownership of securities. The tabular information gives effect to
     the exercise of warrants or options  exercisable within 60 days of the date
     of this table  owned in each case by the person or group  whose  percentage
     ownership is set forth opposite the  respective  percentage and is based on
     the assumption that no other person or group exercise their option.

(2)  Unless otherwise indicated,  the address for each of the above is c/o Black
     Warrior  Wireline  Corp.,  3748  Highway #45 North,  Columbus,  Mississippi

(3)  The  percentage of outstanding  shares  calculation is based upon 2,185,216
     shares outstanding as of May 28, 1997, except as otherwise noted.

(4)  Includes  159,565  shares of Common Stock and  warrants to purchase  39,375
     shares of common stock held by Pangaea  Investment  Consultants,  Ltd. over
     which Mr.  McNiff may be deemed to share  investment  control.  Mr.  McNiff
     disclaims beneficial ownership of such securities.

(5)  Mr. McNiff is the President of Pangaea Investment Consultants, Ltd.

(6)  Includes 39,375 shares issuable on exercise of warrants at $2.00 per share.

(7)  Includes  727,272 shares  issuable on conversion of a note in the principal
     amount of  $2,000,000  and  666,000  shares  issuable on exercise of common
     stock purchase warrants.

(8)  Excludes the shares  issuable on conversion of the note and exercise of the
     warrants held by St. James Capital Partners, L.P., as to which Mr. Thompson
     disclaims a beneficial ownership.


                              CERTIFYING ACCOUNTANT

         The Board of Directors has selected  Coopers & Lybrand as the Company's
independent auditors for 1997. The Company expects a representative of Coopers &
Lybrand  to be  present  at  the  Meeting  and to be  available  to  respond  to
appropriate questions or make a statement if they desire to do so.


         Any  proposals  which  Stockholders  intend  to  present  for a vote of
Stockholders at the Company's 1998 Annual Meeting,  and which such  Stockholders
desire to have  included  in the  Company's  Proxy  Statement  and Form of Proxy
relating to that  Meeting,  must be sent to the Company's  executive  office and
received by the Company not later than February 4, 1998.


         The  cost of  soliciting  proxies  will be  borne  by the  Company.  In
addition  to  solicitation  by use of the mails,  certain  officers  and regular
employees may solicit proxies personally and by telephone,  and the Company will
request  banks,  brokerage  houses  and  nominees  and  fiduciaries  to  forward
soliciting  material  to their  principals  and will  reimburse  them for  their
reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

         The Company's Annual Report to Stockholders for the year ended December
31,  1996,  including  financial  statements,  is being  mailed to  Stockholders

                                            By Order of the Board of Directors
Dated:  June 30, 1997                       JOHN A. MCNIFF, SR., SECRETARY


                                                                     Exhibit "A"

RESOLVED,  that  Article  Fourth of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of this
corporation be hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

FOURTH.  The total number of shares of Capital Stock which the Corporation shall
have  authority to issue is Twelve  Million Five Hundred  Thousand  (12,500,000)
shares, of a par value of $.0005 per share.

                                                                     Exhibit "B"

RESOLVED,  that  Article  Fourth of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of this
corporation be hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

FOURTH.  The total  number of shares of capital  stock of all classes  which the
Corporation  shall  have  authority  to issue is  Fifteen  Million  (15,000,000)
shares, of which Twelve Million Five Hundred Thousand  (12,500,000) shares, of a
par value of $.0005 per  share,  shall be  designated  "Common  Stock,"  and Two
Million Five Hundred  Thousand  (2,500,000)  shares,  of a par value of $.01 per
share, shall be designated "Preferred Stock."

                                                         APPENDIX: FORM OF PROXY

                          BLACK WARRIOR WIRELINE CORP.
                             3748 Highway #45 North
                           Columbus, Mississippi 39701


         The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  William  L.  Jenkins  and Danny Ray
Thornton,  and each of them,  as  proxies,  each with the power to  appoint  his
substitute,  and hereby  authorizes  them to represent  and vote,  as designated
below,  all the shares of common stock of Black Warrior  Wireline Corp.  held of
record by the  undersigned on May 28, 1997 at the annual meeting of shareholders
to be held on July 21, 1997 or any adjournment thereof.

         1.       Election of Directors

                  [ ]     For all  nominees  listed  below  (except as marked to
                          contrary below)

                  [ ]     Withhold  Authority  to vote for all  nominees  listed


                               William L. Jenkins
                               John A. McNiff, Sr.
                                  Michael Brod
                                John L. Thompson

         2.       In Favor of  [ ]     Against  [ ]     Abstain  [ ]

                  A proposal to approve the  Company's  1997  Omnibus  Incentive

         3.       In Favor of  [ ]     Against  [ ]     Abstain  [ ]

                  A proposal to approve the Company's  1997  Non-Employee  Stock
Option Plan.

                                  Apendix - I

         4.       In Favor of  [ ]     Against  [ ]     Abstain  [ ]

                  A proposal to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation
to Reduce the Number of Authorized Shares of Common Stock.

         5.       In Favor of  [ ]     Against  [ ]     Abstain  [ ]

                  A proposal to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation
to Authorize Issuance of Shares of Preferred Stock.

         6.       In their  discretion,  the Proxies are authorized to vote upon
such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

                                     - II -




Dated:  _______________, 1997             _____________________________________
                                          Title (if required)

                                          Signature (if held jointly)

                                    - III -